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Talent Acquisition Conferences 2015 | Human Resources | Iowa Workforce Development

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THE POWER OF MOBILE FOR RECRUITMENT Barb Osier Breeser February 19, 2015




Barb Osier Breeser February 19, 2015

Our Services

SMS & MMS TextingDIY Texting Platform 84444.comMobile AdvertisingMobile WebsitesGeo TargetingMobile ad buysRich MediaSocial Media AdvertisingResponsive Design

Celebrating 25 Years in Business


Today’s Agenda:

• Status of Social & Mobile Industries today

• How Mobile has changed the way people search for jobs

• The Importance of Mobile Friendly sites

• The Power of Mobile Targeted Advertising

• Types and Uses of Mobile Targeted Advertising for Recruiting

• Types and Uses of Social Mobile Advertising for Recruiting

• Using SMS Text Message Marketing for Recruiting

• Text to Landline – Communicating with Candidates

• Retargeting

• Success Stories

Times have changed…




… including how people look for jobs

Turn traditional awareness into mobile engagement.

Most people have their phone within arm’s reach

24 / 7 / 365

The average person checks his/her smartphone

110 times per day

The average time spent on

Facebook Mobile:

228 minutes/wk (32/day)

Sources: Locket, Inc.; AllThingsD.com

The Big Gap: Mobile Ad Spend vs. Consumption





… yet only 4% of ad budgets

are spent on mobile advertising.


Job Search Data from LinkedIn:

The importance of mobile in the job search


Career page(s): on your website, on Social Media,

and/or a separate landing page


Careers landing page

Facebook Careers Page


How does YOUR company view

the importance of mobile recruiting?

Not “IF” but WHEN candidates are researching careers on a mobile device

1. 94% of recruiters use, or plan to use social

media for recruiting. This number has

increased steadily for the last 6 years.

(Source: Jobvite)

2. Employers who used social media to hire

found a 49% improvement in candidate

quality over candidates sourced only through

traditional recruiting channels. (Source: Jobvite)

3. Millennials are changing the recruiting

industry. An Aberdeen study found that 73%

of 18-34 year olds found their last job

through a social network. (Source: Aberdeen


4. Fully 30% of all Google searches, about

300 million per month, are employment

related. (Source: Unbridled Talent)

Social Media & Recruiting Stats:

1. Learn about the company, the position, the opportunities,

the culture

2. Take the next step – apply for a position

3. Engage: want prompt updates via SMS, email, phone calls

What candidates want and expect today:

1. Make it easy for candidates to search for openings by

function AND location

2. Create mobile friendly job descriptions

3. Offer the option of including a LinkedIn profile in

addition to or in place of a resume

4. Use location based data for more custom tailored

content. Automatically display nearby openings

What employers & recruiters need to do:

Marriott Examples of mobile optimized Career page: jobs.Marriott.com

Apply using mobile deviceLocal area job openings LinkedIn option

How to reach active and passive candidates:The Power of Mobile Targeted Advertising for Recruiting

Mobile advertising on websites and inside apps allows for precision targeting like you’ve never seen before.

The building blocks of campaign design include:


No more wasted spend – only advertise to users within an area

defined by zipcode, radius, or unique polygon.


Only reach the users who meet a target profile of interest,

behavior, level of education, group association…


Spend ad dollars whenever and wherever makes the most sense –

i.e., target nurses working night shift at local critical care facilities.

MOBILE TARGETED ADVERTISINGOptimizing Standard BannersThe most common and usually lowest-CPM ad inventory

is found with standard still image banners. Lower prices

allow a larger number of impressions, but care must be

taken to design creative that rises above the noise.

^ Clear call to action &simulated interactivity.

Use bulk impressions to reinforce brand messaging.^

^ High contrast & clean text.

The Fullscreen Interstitial Video unit is

displayed during a pause in the user cycle

(i.e., app loading; data updates) and can be

either user-initiated or set to autoplay.

Supported on almost all mobile platforms

and devices.

MOBILE TARGETED ADVERTISINGFullscreen Interstitial Video

In the app or web space, expandable rich media ad

components allow a tremendous variety of features

within the ad unit itself.


MOBILE TARGETED ADVERTISINGMobilized Landing Pages& Lead Tracking

The most important part of

successfully executing a mobile ad

campaign is sending interested users

to a mobile-optimized destination.


MOBILE TARGETED ADVERTISINGInstant Backend Access & Follow-Up


The Power of Social Mobile Targeted Advertising for Recruiting: Targeting PEOPLE not PLACES

Traditional mobile ad buying is based on

geography, basic demographics and device – i.e.,

“serve this ad to tablet users 25+ within a 10-mile

radius of Des Moines Iowa.”

Ad targeting on social networks is entirely

different and extremely powerful. Instead of just

casting a net over a strategic geographic area,

these platforms allow you to pinpoint precisely the

users who are most likely to be interested in what

you’re promoting. Where do these networks get

their data? We all volunteer it, every day!


SOCIAL-MOBILE ADVERTISINGFacebook “Lookalike” Modeling

Facebook’s powerful ad platform is designed to

target native ads to the users most likely to

respond. This is done with a combination of

geographic definition and user traits –

demographics, interests, and behaviors.


SOCIAL-MOBILE ADVERTISINGLinkedIn Targeting: Industries, Titles& GroupsBeyond the traditional LinkedIn Job postings, recruiters can

design a brand-building recruitment campaign using native ads

on users’ homepage feeds.

SMS Text Marketing for Recruiting



to 84444

Use different keywords for different groups for ease of communication


SMS Text Marketing for Recruiting

• Alert all job seekers to latest available positions

• Reduce costs of day to day contact with regular clients

• Keep your registered clients database up to date

• Keep mobile staff updated with text messages

• Allow job seekers to reply to messages

...not sure you want to give out your cell phone number?


Text to Landline

Text Anytime

• 1 on 1 Text Chat via SMS• Works on Landlines!• Branding• Do-it-yourself or Concierge services

REVIEW: Information Flow – Social/Mobile Ads


When it comes to job seekers, retargeting can be a great way to keep your company top

of mind and encourage wearied job seekers to begin or to complete a job application.

From a technical standpoint, you place a special retargeting pixel (the single line of code needed to track site visitors) on your careers page and serve recruiting-focused ads to those pages’ visitors.


A recent highlight from our MOBILE recruitment with UNION HOSPITAL …

On Facebook, we are targeting custom audiences of nurses

within a 25mi radius of Union Hospital, as well as nurses working

for competitive health centers in surrounding counties. This is

combined with geotargeted ads across the same footprint,

generating broad awareness.

With over 140,000 total impressions and a reach of 3,550

unique Facebook users, we activated 34 leads in the first 2

weeks of flight. Additionally, we logged more than a dozen new

likes on the Union page and 200 points of engagement (post likes,

comments and shares).


A recent highlight from our MOBILE recruitment with ALDI … 306 hiring events

We've served 41 million impressions to 10.49 million people. 74k

shares, 16k comments, 62k post likes, 12k page likes

Mobile devices account for 82% of click throughs; followed by

Tablets (10%) and Desktop (8%). 38% of users use Samsung

devices; 31% use Apple.

Biggest single day so far was Jan 7- 16,972 users supporting 41

simultaneous hiring events on the calendar.

Our Hiring Event landing pages serve around 6,000 requests per

day with an average load time of only 3.3 seconds!


A recent Highlight from our MOBILE recruitment with OREILLY AUTO DES MOINES

On Facebook, we are targeting custom audiences of potential

drivers within a 50 mi radius of Des Moines & Cedar Rapids, as

well as people with interest in specific trucks, truck driving or truck

driving institutes. This is combined with geotargeted ads across

the same footprint, generating broad awareness.

To date: 1.1 million+ total impressions and a reach of over

30,000 unique Facebook users. We have activated 29 leads in

this initial campaign. Additionally, we logged 106 likes and 46



Define your

Define your

Define your




How many applicants do you expect?

How can you maximize each brand impression?

How will you define success?

What is the area you want to focus on?

What are some aspects of an ideal target?

What are your strongest non-digital channels?

Who exactly are you trying to reach?

How long is the recruitment window?

How many positions are open?

What % of your budget can shift into mobile?






New $$$or

Reallocate existing budget

Let’s connect!

Barb Osier BreeserPurple Gator – an atsMobile companyDigital Mobile Marketing Strategist

TWITTER: @barbosierEMAIL: [email protected]: Facebook.com/atsMobileNOWLINKEDIN: linkedin.com/in/barbosierOFFICE: (515) 850-1162MOBILE: (515) 371-7552
