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T@LENTSNo. 5 Work | Photography | Life | Book | Music | Hair | Beauty
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Work | Photography | Life | Book | Music | Hair | Beauty

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“Everybody has something to share"

Page 3: Talents

T@LENTS No. 5 August 2010

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NO. 5 August

5 From the Editors 6 Hairstyle 22 Life Overseas 40 Photography 75 A Man in the Arena 77 Song of the Month 79 Now Showing @ T@lents 81 Share it 83 References and Photos

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Dear Friends,

Once again, we would like to thank all our

contributors and supporters. We hope to

make T@lents better every issue. Nothing is

impossible if we have the will. God Bless you


T@lents Team

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Hairstyle Interview

With Lex Low


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1.Did you always long to be a hairstylist or do you stumble

upon your talent by chance?

I’ve always love art, fashion and beauty. I pick up hair as I

always believe that hairstyling is a form of art.

2.What is your favorite or most exciting aspect about your job?

I’m happy the most when I carved a smile on my client’s face

and friendship were born.

3.Describe your “classic approach to beauty “. How do you

define beauty?

Classic beauty is like a beautiful old picture .It’s captured in a

moment and that beauty remains forever. I love old black and

white photos. I believe everyone in this world is beautiful. You

can be groomed the best on the outside, but it’s the inside that

makes you a beautiful person.

4.What are the most basic but effective hair care tips that are

really important?

A good scalp shampoo to make sure our scalp is clean. After all,

that’s where our hair came from.

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5. Why do you think u decided to be a hairstylist?

I pick up hairstyling as I always view hair as a form of art. It’s a

platform where I can express art and I carry this skill wherever I

go. And you never stop learning.

6. How did you get your start in the industry?

I begin working as a shampoo boy in a small salon back in klang

during 2003.The salon owner was my mom’s close friend.

7. What inspires you?

I love to “pause” and reflect memories and draw inspiration

from my surroundings. From the people I love, music,

photographs of various countries and street culture.

8. What is your favorite kind of hair to work with?

Basically there’s no “favorite kind of hair” to work with, but if

you’re a nice person that’s very easy to work with.

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9. What is your favorite hair look?

I love hairstyle that stands out through the person’s care free

attitude. Beautifully undone and effortless.

10. What are your favorite hair products?

I love serum and gloss mist because it gives an instant glow to a

dull hair. It’s small and easy to carry for ladies.

11. Which styling tool do you use most often?

My hand and hairdryer.

12. What are some good tips for young people to break in the


At the beginning of a journey as hairdresser, many view it as a

form of art but then to realize it’s also a form of service.

13. What have been your favorite ads to work with?

It has to be working with one of this top celebrity host for one

reality game show. We built a friendship and she’s a very

humble person. Very down to earth.

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14. How do you think that hair relates to personal styles?

Any hairstyle can receive many positive or negative critics. But I

believe when it comes to personal style, any hairstyle u can

carry ….. as long as you’re confident , that’s beautiful…

15. Are there any types of products you would advise people

to stay away from?

If you are young, henna color ( color made of natural herbs ) is

not an option. The colour is so strong that it’ll penetrate into

the chore of our hair and the color is rusty when it fades. The

only way of get rid of it is to bleach it.

16. What is the best way to tame wild curls?

A good quality smoothing serum or crème will do the trick and

no brush please.

17. What are some hairstyling “don't’s”?

Never iron your fringe or bangs. Let it flow naturally.

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18. Would you share some of your future goals, your life

motto, any words of wisdom that get you by in life and

professional career?

Along the way of whatever journey we’re heading in LIFE,

there’ll be unexpected circumstance or situation that may

strike us. We are sometimes weak and we just have to

constantly remind ourselves that we’re human and not

super-human. Sometimes we may fall and get

disappointed even by the people that surround us. But

learn to overturn these unexpected circumstances and

make disappointments into precious experiences. Draw

strength from these past experiences and move on


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Life Overseas


An Interview with Louise Lee

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Why did you choose to study overseas? And why Australia?

The reason that I chose to study overseas is because I want a change in my life and I want to search for the real purpose of my life which is to figure out my question: “what do I want?” Of course, to be a more independent person therefore I’ve chosen to go somewhere far away from home. In fact, UK is always the country in my to-go-list but I chose Australia which is more affordable in currency wise and because of the high recognition of the education here.

Which University are you from? What course are you taking?

I am currently studying in Curtin University of Technology in Western Australia and I am taking Bachelor of Commerce double majors in Accounting and Taxation.

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How's the adjustment period?

I have gone through the most difficult times that I ever had in my life being in a foreign country and meeting strangers everywhere I go. Few months earlier, I was worrying and I started to doubt if it’s the life that I wanted and hoping to live. Because most of the time, i am sweeping over with fear and loneliness. It was a real hard time for me to pass my days here. Anyhow, in return that moment turned out to be a breakthrough to me as I learnt to stand firm on my decision for the choice that I have made and to look forward instead of thinking to go back to the past. And, now I have gone through the tough roads therefore, I am having enjoyable life and everyday is meaningful to me. And last but not least, not to forget my few friends and family members that always stay with me being so supportive and encouraging. I would like to say a million of thanks with my most sincere and heartiest appreciation not to forget a few of my closest friends whom I met here.

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How is it like to study overseas?

I would like to declare that studying overseas wasn’t a fun thing as i always thought! It requires much self-independent and mind maturity to be in a foreign place.

Were you homesick during the first few days?

To be honest, I was too excited to come over and “homesick sickness” has never appeared to be an illness to me.

What is it that you really miss the most in Malaysia?

I miss my family and relatives. Of course the food too! Malaysia is always the heaven to crave for food and, there is one place where I miss very often, my church.

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What are the pros and cons of studying overseas?

I think to identify the pros and cons of studying overseas are very dependable and vary according to each individual.

Pros that I can see to study overseas are:

I have wider view of the world. I meet so many people from different nationality. I also learn many different cultures from friends that come from foreign countries e.g. behaviour, characters, habits and more. It expands my ideas because there is a comparison from what I have experienced in my country and from what I am experiencing now. I also have growth in terms of maturity and of thinking wise.

Cons of studying overseas are:

I have yet to see any negative issues of studying overseas. On my personal view, the cons could be leaving my family.

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How's it interacting with different cultures?

It is important to know one word by heart, anti-racism. Do not judge anyone by skin colour and language differences. That is the perception which I possessed when I get along with people in a multicultural country where everyone comes from different background and cultures. There is a saying: love others and you will be loved.

What do you like most about Australia?

I like the friendly people here as well as the beautiful and attractive scenery.

Are there a lot of Malaysians there?

It’s indefinable. I would say there are many Asians in this country.

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What could you say about those people who are aspiring to study overseas? Would you encourage them?

I see many students came from far land with their initial purpose to study but they ended up did not complete their courses and then, are not allowed to return to the country because they disobeyed certain rules in the immigration. I would say, always make the decision when one is ready. It is essential for one to have self-discipline and mature thinking to make the move to study overseas. Or else, it would be a waste of time and money not achieve anything at the end. Most importantly, study what you want and choose a course which are most interested npt because that’s what your parents want.

Are you planning to work in Australia?

Yes, I am.

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What are the things to consider and any advice for those who are planning to study overseas?

Get yourself ready and be prepared to experience the excitement of life with new chapters.

Please share us your most unforgettable experience in Australia that made you a better person.

The most unforgettable moment that changed me is when the first day I stepped into the university and the very first time I have attended each class. It was so different from the moment when I first entered into university in Malaysia. It is more real to me this time. I am in the first place so prepared and ready for the start-over of new life here. I am experiencing a life of being a student. This was the first time I have ever felt that competition doesn’t exist only in games and corporate world but also in university lives. From that moment onwards, I am initially assigned with the responsibility that I do not want to only pass my exams but I want to score with

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flying colours to keep my ambitions and dreams come true in future.

Besides, I have become a more organized person in planning my future, financial, and time. Hence, I always want to be active and get involved in the university ,therefore I always have to balance my time between tasks and life. All works no play makes Jack a dull boy. Well, I don’t want to be a “dull Louise” in this modern and entertaining world so a balance life style is important.

Thank you.

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“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching,

of loving. What you have caught on camera is

captured forever... it remembers little things,

long after you have forgotten everything.”

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Cass Goh


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Androis Wong


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Chiara Tee


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Helen Tee


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“The Man in the Arena” An excerpt from the



Theodore Roosevelt

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It is not the critic who counts; not the man who

points out how the strong man stumbles, or where

the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the

arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and

blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes

short again and again, because there is no effort

without error and shortcoming; but who does

actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great

enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends

himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in

the end the triumph of high achievement, and who

at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring

greatly, so that his place shall never be with those

cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor


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Song of the Month

If it’s love by Train

While everybody else is getting out of bed

I’m usually getting in it

I’m not in it to win it

And there’s a thousand ways you can skin it

My feet have been on the floor

Flat like an idle singer

Remember winger

I digress

I confess you are the best thing in my life

But I’m afraid when I hear stories

About a husband and wife

There’s no happy endings

No Henry Lee

But you are the greatest thing about me


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If it’s love

And we decide that it’s forever

No one else could do it better

If it’s love

And we’re two birds of a feather

Then the rest is just whenever

And if I’m addicted to loving you

And you’re addicted to my love too

We can be them two birds of a feather

That flocks together

Love, love

Got to have something to keep us together

Love, Love

That’s enough for me

Took a loan on a house I own

Can’t be a queen bee without a bee throne

I wanna buy ya everything

Except cologne

’cause it’s poison

We can travel to Spain where the rain falls

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Now Showing @ T@lents

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It’s about a family and a dog called Marley. Marley's entry into

John and Jenny's life is a whirlwind of disaster. Crashing through

screen doors, destroying carpets, gouging drywall, eating jewelry

are all in a day's work for the pup. Yet through it all, the book

points out the unconditional love Marley has for his family, and

they have for him. Just as his ruinous powers appear endless, his

love and loyalty know no bounds.

The movie is like well written journal, describing the new couple’s

excitement over their first pregnancy, and heartbreak over the

subsequent miscarriage. John overcomes deep-rooted family

concerns, while Jenny copes with serious depression. It’s is

primarily a comical, laugh-a-minute adventure, it is definitely not

without its sober moments. However, the movie’s honest intent

gives Marley & Me the sole it needs to rise above other light-

hearted tales.

It is an excellent movie that can be enjoyed by all sorts of people .

The stories are funny and meaningful, the drama is heart-warming

and sincere, and the dog is a complete mess. In the end, Marley

reminds us all that life should be lived to its fullest, that we should

love people unconditionally, and that shredded upholstery is a

small price to pay for a life-long friend.

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Hi Everyone,

T@lents would love to hear from you. We are dying to know what

drives you, what makes you tick. What's your passion? Everyone

is more than welcome to email us about your story, anything,

about photography,travel, art, books, music, movies, pet,

collection, fashion, hair, beauty, hobby, work and anything under

the sun you may want to share with everyone and inspire them

as much as it inspires you.

Everyone is also welcome to join and send photographs/pictures

of any theme. Send your photographs with your name, country,

camera that you used (any type of camera will do) and the title of

your photography.

You may share it to [email protected] on or before August

30, 2010 for T@lents September Issue.

You may visit our website : www.wix.com/talentscalled/talents

and our facebook account


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