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Tallow&Market& Overview - Fats and Oils · PDF fileGlobal&Tallow&Markets&&& NRA Estimates,...

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Tallow Market Overview American Fats and Oils Associa6on 2014 Annual Mee6ng Kent Swisher Na6onal Renderers Associa6on

Tallow  Market  Overview    American  Fats  and  Oils  Associa6on    

2014  Annual  Mee6ng    Kent  Swisher  Na6onal  Renderers  Associa6on  


•  Produc6on  and  Outlook  -­‐  US  •  Market  Overview  –  US  •  Market  Overview  –  Global  •  Biofuel  Review  •  Outlook  

U.S.  Produc6on      

NRA Estimates, Render Magazine, Market Report, April 2014

U.S.  Consump6on      

NRA Estimates, Render Magazine, Market Report, April 2014

U.S.  Exports      

NRA Estimates, Render Magazine, Market Report, April 2014

Global  Tallow  Markets      

NRA Estimates, Render Magazine, Market Report, April 2014

Global  Tallow  Markets      

NRA Estimates, Render Magazine, Market Report, April 2014

U.S.  Exports  of  Inedible  Tallow      

NRA Estimates, Render Magazine, Market Report, April 2014

U.S.  Exports  of  Yellow  Grease/UCO  

Source: Global Trade Atlas

Market  Review  -­‐  EU  

Source: Global Trade Atlas

Comparison  of  Different  UCO  Verifica6on  Requirements  

RSB  and  Greenergy  Protocol  •  Requires  point  of  origin  

verifica6on  and  audi6ng  •  Allows  a  single  cer6ficate  

for  mul6ple  UCO  collectors  •  No  requirements  for  self-­‐

declara6on  points.  •  Allows  mixing  of  any  UCO  

that  has  had  point  of  origin  mixing  verifica6on  (cer6fica6on  must  be  approved  by  RSB)  

ISCC  •  Requires  point  of  origin  

verifica6on  and  audi6ng  •  Requires  each  company  and  

site  to  maintain  its  own  cer6ficate  

•  Requires  all  collec6on  points  to  sign  a  self-­‐declara6on  form  

•  Does  not  allow  non-­‐ISCC  UCO  to  mix  

EU  Market  Access  Requirements  •  European  biodiesel  producers  require  UCO  carry  

sustainability  cer6fica6on,  and  that  UCO  include  a  point  of  origin  verifica6on  

•  ISCC,  RSB  and  Greenergy  have  all  adopted  point  of  origin  verifica6on  guidelines  

•  RSB  accepts  the  Greenergy  Protocol  guidelines,  and  created  guidelines  based  on  the  Greenergy  Protocol  

•  ISCC  remains  the  strictest  and  most  inflexible  in  their  UCO  verifica6on  requirements  


Matthew Rudolf Business Development & Americas Director

Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials Office: +1 919 533 4886 / Mobile: +1 919 810 2295 Skype: mateo1000 email: [email protected] www.rsb.org

Market  Review  -­‐  China  

Source: Global Trade Atlas

Market  Review  -­‐  Singapore  

NRA Estimates, Render Magazine, Market Report, April 2014

Singapore  –  Renewable  Fuel  Demand      

NRA Estimates, Render Magazine, Market Report, April 2014

Singapore  –  Renewable  Fuel  Demand      

Singapore  –  Renewable  Fuel  Demand      

According to Forbes Magazine, no one customer should exceed 20 percent of a company’s business

Renewable  Fuel  Market      

Market  Overview  Global    South  American  Soybean  Oil  Export  Growth  Limited  by  Growing  Biodiesel  ProducAon  


USDA/FAS Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade; September, 2014

Produc6on/Capacity  of  the  U.S.  Biodiesel/Renewable  Diesel  

Market    •  13  Biofuel  Produc6on  –  1.339  billion  gal  

•  13  Biofuel  Capacity  –      2.1-­‐2.3  billion  gal  –  Industry  opera6ng  at  60%  capacity  

– Renewable  Diesel  • Diamond  Green  -­‐  135  million  gal  


•  Limi6ng  Factors  –  RFS2,  Raw  Materials  

Supply/Demand  U.S.  Biodiesel  Market    

Supply/Demand  U.S.  Biodiesel  Market    

Supply/Demand  U.S.  Biodiesel  Market    

The  Biodiesel/Renewable  Diesel  Industry  is  Global  

Supply/Demand  –  Raw  Materials  

Supply/Demand  –  Raw  Materials  

Supply/Demand  –  Raw  Materials  

NBB  -­‐  Promo6on  

Why  Should  the  Rendering  Industry  Care  About  the  Renewable  Diesel  Industry?  

Excess  Supply  of  Compe6ng  Products  

Excess  Supply  of  Compe6ng  Products  

Excess  Supply  of  Compe6ng  Products  


Corn  Prices  Weakening  

  Nearby corn trading close to $3.00/bu – equals fat value of $0.1875/lb

Palm  Oil  –  Raw  Materials  

•  95%  Correla6on  in  tallow  and  palm  oil  prices  January  2003  –  December  2011  

•  65%  Correla6on  in  tallow  and  palm  oil  prices  January  2012-­‐December  2013  



Why  Should  the  Rendering  Industry  Care  About  the  Renewable  Diesel  Industry?  

2013  Percent  of  Produc6on  Going  to  Biodiesel/Renewable  Diesel    

Declining  Export  Markets  

Declining  Export  Markets  

Threats  –  IMPORTS!  

US  Imports  of  Renewable  Diesel       2009   2010   2011   2012   2013  Singapore   0.0   0.0   0.0   12.2   170.4  Argen6na   1.5   0.0   0.0   0.0   123.0  EU28   0.0   0.0   5.2   18.6   115.8  Indonesia   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   52.4  Canada   5.5   6.9   10.8   17.8   33.0  Korea   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   16.8  Other   0.0   0.0   1.2   9.4   19.6  TOTAL   7.1   6.9   17.2   58.0   530.9  

Million  Gallons                  

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration

Threats  -­‐  Disease  Outbreak  Poten6al  



•  Renderers  can’t  avoid  the  impact  of  the  GLOBAL  renewable  diesel  market  on  rendered  products  

•  Over  2.5  million  metric  tons  (5.5  billion  pounds)  of  rendered  products  are  u6lized  globally  by  the  renewable  diesel  industry  

•  Argen6na,  Malaysia,  Indonesia,  Brazil  are  all  rumored  or  are  planning  to  increase  biodiesel  mandates  


•  U.S.  Rendered  Fat  Exports  –  18%  of  ProducAon  

•  U.S.  Rendered  Fat  Use  in  the  Oleochemical  Industry  –  20%  of  ProducAon    

•  Livestock  feed,  pet  food,  and  carryover  account  for  the  rest  


•  “Now  we  see  domes6c  consump6on  of  biodiesel  is  the  most  significant  factor  if  the  government  is  really  commiked  to  the  program.”  

•  “When  this  program  runs  smoothly,  it  will  turn  Indonesia  into  a  major  CPO  consumer,  thereby  pushing  up  the  global  CPO  price  as  the  supply  on  the  interna6onal  market  reduces.”  – Fadhil  Hasan,  Execu1ve  Director  of  the  Indonesian  Palm  Oil  Associa1on  (Gapki)    

Admin  Makers  

•   Small  ruminant  rule  •  Electronic  export  cer6ficates  •  ALAPRE  –  Cancun  •  NRA  –  Palm  Springs  

