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Tamoxifen, Raloxifene , and Exemestane in the Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer

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Tamoxifen, Raloxifene , and Exemestane in the Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer. By: Erin Hutzell. Background: Breast Cancer. Second leading cause of death due to cancer among women in 2007 1 in 3 women diagnosed with cancer is diagnosed with breast cancer Risk Factors Environmental - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Tamoxifen, Raloxifene, and Exemestane in the Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer By: Erin Hutzell
Page 1: Tamoxifen,  Raloxifene , and  Exemestane  in the Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer

Tamoxifen, Raloxifene, and Exemestane in the

Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer

By: Erin Hutzell

Page 2: Tamoxifen,  Raloxifene , and  Exemestane  in the Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer

Background: Breast CancerSecond leading cause of death due to cancer

among women in 2007 1 in 3 women diagnosed with cancer is

diagnosed with breast cancer Risk Factors


Page 3: Tamoxifen,  Raloxifene , and  Exemestane  in the Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer

Background: Breast CancerInvasive VS. NoninvasiveEstrogen Receptor (ER) positive VS. Estrogen

Receptor negativeMechanism causing breast cancer

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Background: Chemoprevention and DrugsChemoprevention

What is it?Tamoxifen

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM)


ExemestaneAromatase Inhibitor (AI)

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QuestionsHow effective is each drug in preventing

breast cancer?What are the side-effects of each drug

treatment?Which drug is the best possible

chemopreventative measure for breast cancer?

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* Modified from Grese et al 1997

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TamoxifenNSABP P-1 Study by Fisher et al (1998)

Subject Criteria 60 years + 35-59 years with predicted breast cancer risk History of lobular carcinoma in situ or atypical


Control group Tamoxifen group

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Supported By:IBIS-I Study (Cuzick et al 2002)Meta-analysis by Cuzick et al

Not Supported By:Royal Marsden (Powles et al 1998)Italian Tamoxifen Prevention Study

(Veronesi et al 1998)Top: Fisher et al. 1998Bottom: Fisher et al. 2005

* Kramer et al. 2004

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NSABP P-1 (Fisher et al 1998 and 2005) Osteoporotic Fractures: REDUCED Invasive Endometrial Cancer: RISK INCREASED

Supported by IBIS-I (Cuzick et al 2002) and Royal Marsden (Powles et al 1998) Thromboembolic Events: RISK INCREASED

Supported by IBIS-I, Royal Marsden, and Italian Tamoxifen Prevention Study (Veronesi et al 1998)

Conclusion: Tamoxifen is an effective drug but has adverse side-effects

* Kramer et al. 2004

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ExemestaneMammary Prevention.3 (MAP3) Trial by Goss

et al (2011)Subject Criteria

Postmenopausal Women At least one risk factor

Methods Exemestane Placebo

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Conclusion: Exemestane is a more effective chemopreventative than Tamoxifen

Supported by: Intergroup Exemestane Study by Bliss et al (2012)

Exemestane produced better disease-free survival

Drug Regimen Risk ReductionTamoxifen (20 mg daily for

5 years)43%

Exemestane (25 mg daily for 3 years)


Comparison of the risk reductions for Tamoxifen and ExemestaneTable modified from Zhang et al. 2012

* Goss et al 2011

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RegimenEffect on


Adverse EffectsSerious But

Rare Adverse Events

Indicated Population

Exemestane (25 mg daily for 3 years)


Hot flashes, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, insomnia,

joint pain, arthralgia

Not identified Not FDA approved;

postmenopausal women only

Tamoxifen (20 mg daily for 5 years)

Neutral Hot flashes, vaginal discharge, bleeding, altered menses, fluid retention, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, athralgia

Endometrial cancer, thromboembolism, stroke, heart attack, cataracts

FDA-approved for premenopausal and postmenopausal women with a 5 year risk of ≥1.66%

Comparison of the side-effects of Tamoxifen, Raloxifene, and ExemestaneTable modified from Zhang et al. 2012

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ConclusionDrug Risk Reduction Side-EffectsTamoxifen Low (43%) SevereExemestane High (65%) Few/No Severe

Exemestane has the potential to be the best possible chemopreventative measure for breast cancer

Future:Research ExemestaneExplore Medication CombinationsDemographics of Patients

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