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Tanah Keeta Summer Camp Handbook 1996

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Summer Camp Handbook for Boy Scouts of America Camp Tanah Keeta in Jupiter, Florida
.. " ", '," : . .. . "' .. , TROOP 49 SIl/ll/llER CA/IIP HANDBOOK FOR TANAH KEETA

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"Making The Trails For Others To Follow"


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Tanah Keeta Scout Reservation , ,. ~ . .' ~. ": .. :..' :.;" '. .' , 3 ..'~ ... . :


The Camp Lea ... Planning Conf.r1lnCe willbo held at.2:30 P.M. on March 23, 1811. The adult :. · ~ ' ~< .... r inclthescout who will 'serve as the·SelJior .Patr~.Lead.dutingJ~urnme'!'·p~ ~..", ,l,.Ifged

to attend thw meeting~ CAt this tim. the·c ....... , ... ec:tioft wm be fin8li_d,"Fe~~~ ~,*,uling of the first three Troop Activities win be completed arid more detailed Information on the Camp ·program will be ·distributed. The Camp' leaders will halve an opportunity to . ~"", ;any . .,eclat

, ; progr .. or activities. /j. $26.00 de~1t for eac.h Camper must be paid before or at the Conterenea . . ' The Conference sho~1d 'iast .~ppio~te"y .twohours but the staff will beavdable a.:1ong _ they

are needed. The Camp Leaders ..... in~ to bit tM'guest of the Order.;or"" A.,~ for ,_;.nner at 1:00 p.m. and to stay for the evening Campfira and other activities. ' " .::. :' .~ ' .. .'... ..,' .. '

. , ..... '. -..;'.~ . ~.~ ~_ .. JJ. .... ~ ;. .! ... .;.


.. \ On the Monday evening before· the Troop ~ scheduled to come to camp the C~ le~rs mUst .. attend the orientatiOn and Registration Meeting. Partial assignments for TroOP Ac:tiVItie • . wUI be finalized. Camp Leaders win have an opportunity to visit their assigned campsite and the program areas. The meeting will be held in the Dining Hall at 7:30 P.M. The balance of an .... must be paid at this time. Tho Camp Leaders are requested to tum in the Individual Scout Merit Badge Request forms (enclosed) and a completed Health Form for each Scout and Adult.


The pc;rec:y of the Boy Scouts of America requires that at lust two adult leaders, one of whom must be over the age of 21, be in camp at all times. While it is possible to rotate the ladult leaders during the week, it is far better if the .. aders can remain for the entire week. TlIere are . several sourees of adults from which you may draw; Scoutmastor, Assistant Scoutmasters, Troop CommiU .. Members, parents or other responsible adults from the conmunity. If there is a problem I'Kruiting leaders for Camp contact us and perhaps we will be able to a .. ist. If there w no other choice and there are at least 5 scouts, it is possible to send your Troop with only one adult as a part of our Provisional Troop with no additional fees;individLiaI Scouts may register without a troop in the

. Provisional Troop for an additional fee (seeS.l81'III1er Camp Fees'. .


The Provisional Troop is for Scouts: .f' -

",:-- .. , ,

- Whos. troop ia not attendingSilnvner c.np at Tanah K .... ~Who cannot attend with their troop " ;:'(," " , ~Who would like to att.~ additional :,!~8k! .... r ./·'-

' . ,

. . ',: ' /" .-:-~ ' .. ..'. '.,~ -~--- - --..":i.:"~ . ~; : . : -. :

.'.' ",', .. Th. sUmmer ~ staff· provicteS\.two :tr~ and qu~lirted adult leaders who . _pro~. the " ~~~",foI;"'th • . ProV!~nal :Tr~: EverY etrOlt Is made ·~~ :ineet the"Me,ds of the InCr~u" . scoUt in a model troop. setting.· :1)1" .• f j " J. .• " 1. : ' .

- ', . .. '; :.-: ... ··~·;~\ - : ;r:· · ·l · · -;-;...r' !'P""J .-~ ... ...;;.,; .< \''- . ,./:. ' . . . Parents,are 'usured that. ProvisionilL~inpei wUI ree·.". the ..... opportunitles .he would in •

. , 4 _. ' ~ .• ,.~.oTejuiar Troop. Troop;ktivities and programs are planned for:! .... ,IPrcwlslOnal Troop and special attention is olven to the n .. ds of first year campers • . ~ .. is an add"dionai fee (see Camper Fe .. '.

" , .... , !.: I .

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"Making The Trails For Other's To Follow' :';" . 4

':~~\ " ~~~I 't ~ .. :~.~' ~ r' '. '"'~~ .. ~ J. ::. \' :'~ ': " '~ ..r~,~ !~'J;,\ .;~);. :: .. , :':' ~.~(~ :.J~~;' ~~:t;. :)o. ~~~ ·'E~;;.~!·.:~ ~t.n\! ~,;:.~ ·.t'; c .... :.'3 r ':"i:. -.: ~ , .;,. :-t.'; ' ,. .~:-..;: ;- ~ ' •. , .:. ':~'I'_'.:-:" . :; '.~ . . ,:~ 'AII corresponcNilc:e regarding the sUrivner'c.mpRrogr ... at,tanah Keeta SC4;Kft R ... ~ ~ould G""'be directed to the CoUncil Service 'Center; the::,o.mpDfIICe:will open-on June 10, 1996. " . ..... l .. ... ( , :.. ... ~. ~i. ~L !,t:""';~~ t ~ r ~· i ':: \ "':. b ·~/' ;"""", ,,':,-{_· \:;;. ~e::~!J.~i ;, .. ~';~. · )'~,~j~ f r.i ~"!·"·: ~ .I- .!I ~:; ' ~ ;' ~ ~,:, ~ :':.: )" :~i~ ",: f ~ ~· ~}< ".,: :) t f ~.~;"r"'" .: •

. · - ~;<:).COUNCIL· SDVIc:I :CBN'rBR " , ?"'. ' : "\' 'l'ANAB ... ~.'l'A . SCOU'l' ~~M'ION ..

.. ~,.r'; .. 1t' .~~~>s~~.· ~t~r;i.ca : ·. ~· .. , \ : , :' :~ : :'_:.(~a~~':.'~~) -,'~r~' . (or Provisional) _, . _ Gulf. SteaJll Council, . Ina. . .. '.' - ". a/o 'l'anali' 'Keeta-i'''$coUt . &ii'rvation . -

- 833!i' N': Mi11taJ:Y Trail : ~'L ; :-;;-;,; ~ /.' 8501 BOy"'ScOutROad " ,,-., ..•. , ". : '~' . ' S. , Palm Beach Gardens , P133407 " .~;-~,:, · Toquesta,FL33458 .

(407) 694-8585 (407) 746-8749 (Bmergenc:y Contaat)

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>_ /~ ·, ; LOCATION MAP OF,TANAHKEETA SCOUT 'RESERVATION . . . ' " . , . ". -, '" . -'. ," •.... . "

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c..O. f-! E: . CM1P LO X/\II!\ 1 CH~ E . . TANAH KEETA SCOUT RESER~ATION ' t . ... -. .

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MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS ...... ~. ~ ~;.~:;: ,

AU scout.l'~~:.:.:e.derc who attend Can1P must have the correct medica. form completed and signed by '. ' licen~ physician." A copy of the forms are enclosed and aderltional copies may be

obtained ~~~~;g.~~~'·t~Il"=~j.~';~~~: • ; , • # -' :- ,-,~'~:.t. r·, '. ' .. '

Scouts and~du" under age-.co ~must com,.te the Cia •• 1 and 2 sections of the Health Form. The . Cia.~ ·2 sectlqn "'-. .,. ~gned. -bY. physician within the last 31 months. A current medical form

y.,.j:~~~'~._~~~. i. ~ceptable ·-if it i! attache~ to tM' ~ic;l1 form with;!'~ 9~~ 1 section ·. properIY~ome"'~:.bY tM IN!rent\Or.guardlan. A Class 3 .... erlC.1 Form.s reqwrecUdr AC:Iults 40 or \ . over; thia :exammation :mu8t haw been within the laat 12 months • . J'-""!. ,""'.-,. . ~ " '"

, _., . ;'~;~." "'~"~l:, ~~ . ,. ~_.' .. ';": ~ '\ .,/ ;,;. .••. ~.~. , . . ~ t-! ..... ~. ;.-)" : ·l ..... '.~:- \ '.::t .. ..,~! .

• . If you.n. .insure.about the forms or;if you have questions pie ... f;O-.ctus.Prior.to_your arrival at C~P:'_Scouts or .dufts c.nnot partielpat. without th~ -Pr~Per. ~s arid a'ltay'OiMc,¥.:of activity could be lOst wlHIe it is obtained. .. " ,1 ; > ' . . .. ". i"

' -". ~.: ;? : j~;;;;:~ . . .:. ... . THE HEALTH LODGE .. ~. -. '.' ... j '" ~ .,

As required by B.SA .• tand.rds the Health Lodge is staffed by a qualif'ted resident Health Omcer. At an times communication is possible with the Camp Physician and the Jupiter Hospital (Jupiter. Martin County Medical Center). Emergency Medical Services .nd transport to the Hospital are available within minut... '

INSURANCE .~ .. . -, - :-' .... , ~ .' ,

;:~'~\~'~" ~ !~:FAMILY ', NITE ' " EVERY '"'' '

, , " ':;WeDN'ESDAY ··,::·, " ~~"79

. ' .' ....... ,... .. ..-' ';" .,-. ," f. " ; .: •. '

, " ,? ': ::' .• -~ .. ~~ . ~

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. .~. ~ .

.:;. At:6:00' ; P:M.~ ~eaCh' WednesdaYTanah Keeta o.,.ns its gates:to I ': .,' • . . # ' .# • !" • '. ' " .:~ .. ' • ~ ..,:-: . .. ," .;.. '" • , _, ' r ,'".. ~ -, ~ . I

~''-#'the Yfamily:~>and "friends ;"of ·the "campers. i~ ;'!~lt,,;is c:, a if.fun .,packed evening which gives everyone a chance to see what is "going on at Summer Camp. _. :.< ,,~ '; . , '; ,'

:.~".} :'}.. i'· ~~J,. :.o.o .. ' .j"N\ ... · '''u.:;' ': ~~It'- .. r~ fI:"f~h.lfiJ .:!'iil r,:,. ,....rr1t':'·in~ltr~J .... (.t·.fn ';~r.~(_.::~ '~~l.Ltf!· S ~(~(:: {:~r~ t~:.' I"t:; ~ ..,.j-J.to--.!'ij';-1. ThirProgram '~Areas end the iCampsites~;are jlopei\.to;o'ut;gu.s~ts. At 7:30 P.M:ievery()ne:(com'es'~tOgethefat thI1~pbbl ~to~.e~ithe '4iET-N-'4iILl> tXTIAVACiANZA fun Competitions between the troops. The evening closes at Fort Blanchard with a spectacular Campfire and Pageant staged by the Staff and the members of the Order of the Arrow.

All Parents are urged to attend. Their presence is important to their son. For many scouts Family Nlte is the highlight of their week at Tanah Keeta. It is an opportunity to share their excitement with those who care.


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''Making The Trails For Other's To Follow" 12

TROOP ACTIVITY PERIODS • o.;..{'" ~. ." , ~.. . . • ••. • . • •

At the Planning Conference and again at the Orientation and Registration M:eeting each troop is given the opportunity to select their Troop Activities for the aftemoon and evening Activity Periods.

. .~ .

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-, . :: ACnvrrYPERIODS .:~ .

. Period '12:30 p.m . .:... 4:00pm. (M,T,W,TH) . PeriOd 2 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.,(M. T,& TH)

Usteel beloW are the suggested activiti4tS that are regularty av"ilable but we will try to arrange any other activity to meet the needs or inttti~. of .your· trooli ~]'he entire staff is available during the Activity periods. ' . . '.' ' . . - .... , .

.. . ' ,



. CLEAR LAKE SWIM : ., . ~ -






lOXAHATCHEE RUN ALL_DAY (Monday or Tuesday)

MIKE M.ACHEK TRAIL 2:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. (Monday, Tues. or Thursday)

,OUTPOST' 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Monday or Tuesday)

SILENT NIGHT HIKE 9:30 p.m. -11:00 p.m. (Monday, Tues or Thursday)

We offer special Cr.acker Barrel's for your Tl'l)()p of either WATERMELON or ICE CREAM. The cost Is .7& per boy. Justtell us the night and number and we'll do the reat.


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~-.: , Tanah Keeta Scout Reservation·' ,':' , '- 1

, ,- ,

, ::?;~,'" ~:.~;": :; : ~~.;INDIVIDUAL SCOUT 'ACTIVITY, PROGRAMS,\: .', ;' ) C':~f~ , ,: ~ .. , ,,·. t •.. f\o{)!t'A\lfP~~'f\'~ ,Ii., .vt:~, .", \· ".'e r-~'''' ';? ~~~: . f>rt~ '., ~ ":"'im t"'< ... "v, ~" , "l :t~;i;~J. '<if>""; , ...... ~ . . ' , ' '. '

, ~ " " , .. t~ ::' • • , . , '. v ",'·)Jv· ..... - ""<t.~J·c·..., ".r.f!l'., ~ ··"/~7.t~ ~~':. · ·"f.'

. .' ~r~~! oiI~"~~ t~ . ,:. ~ .• :"1. ':l f} \:~.~.f: ?~r"{~[; ~ r ~' ~'''''~ t '''- ",j, . . ~ .. Aquanaut Award (Tanah Keeta) -this Mard ancourages scouts totak. adVantage Of Florida's •... :.8r~ .. -,~u~ ~.sourc~ .. 1tS Iak .. McI;w •• erwaY .. : ,:.~r~ qu~ • . ~~.!~: COfflP\~~1f~~v,~ng

, '~. 3~'~r ~Merit ':INidg .. ,';offered : ,in ,· ttte~uaticS .. ~r~ i'~~; IMI~~.MIy: · ~CHi1P1tt. ~the ;:?i~ij.~I@~~r.~.,~1e Swm~lho .. ·.~o qUalify .willre~eive .• :~fiCat.of::~~ni~~t~)!.y

-pun:Iui ... ·. ·speCl.lpltch for $2.00.".:rh. aw.rd ,may:.a-:nedover .. ver.I.~~ ~".;:: , ," . . ;:",1; ,::,:.;

~::~ .~., .. ': ~ : ,:; ~ : ~::: ~. , . . " " , .~ .. ~ ..... ":' .. ).: : . ,:r . .. . . ' .

~~A):;~:,E.:~~:lA~.~~~~ ;S~tlnSiP",.~~ Sesslon) "~ Proj~ C~O . .P~E 0,. ...... ~N"~d ~~(",*"'l8ting ;.cJivity fc?rSCoUt .... king ·. ,~ater·'ch.l .. nge of their, phYsical.'nd menial abilities. {!. /; 'The~.,..rH· ~hSi~ of group initiative ...... ;topes co.arseand the'ClimblnglRappeUing ~.

' SOme of t"~""''' - inVOlvegtoupch''.nge .. in whiCh 'tOialcooperation .and '.group .11 is necess.ry to solve tiM "Problems .• nCl niett 'the ' physical challenges;" other .: ..... nts .,.. a;test of

" ' ~iiiclividUal:sIdIls and agility. ~ . :r'~;'i;':~'~ .. . ,;, :.,'''' ::,' :-' :, ';';: ','' ' .~ ..... : .... . ': -," -, , ,;;: " ··') ,.,Y; ~ ,." . .,. .-:, ,-,,,,-'.', ;

The Safety of participant. is of par.mOunt irnportIInc:e to theStaff.FOt this re8Orf'the,paltiCipants must meet • few minimum standards. Th.y must 13 years old andh.v. r~hed'the · r.nk of First

,~ Q"~" ·· An, additional consideration is maturity which is vital to safety. 1M responsibility for "~,<ev~"-'i9f1 ,.nd acceptance into theProgr.m lies with the C.OJ'.E Director who'is-~ertitied by the . -N8tiONii Camping School.'" .' . . . '. . ... . ' , . '\ " ~':' .. ' . .

. ~ r -' • . " . t . . ,'" ; -. ~

·Project C.P.P J:. requires a mininun of six hours which are schedu"d in two hour. blocks during , J;~'~th ,the ~irig ' 1nstruc:~1 Period -and the Open Period~l\. the, afterpoo~r;!S~ . ff~~ ~may

,.:'i·'.~"...quk~ 'foI: 'cOmpietiorL c:;1his may be scheduled .a •• group or. ~ivi.cJ~I , .~y b~ Jt':,~lUdes . " pai1icipants"from1akingmore .than. one, Merit ~ge,. :. A c specia~~~~~ncI:).'f~~~: ~~~ is

presented upon successful completIOn of the requirements. . '.' .

. . C~P .R. -(cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) . - This certificatio-:- is required .Jar Several , Merit . Badges arid Programs.., Due to the instru~or and ,equipment .v.ilabilitY the cia .. is offeree. only

C " '~~ce.. ~ch~~~kd~ringt.!'e ~eveni.ng Troop ,ActivitY .~ .(see. s,~ '~~~t;Mdule). 'PI",,, .... . : .11ow for ·thls In scheduhng; -~~ogr_ ~.$ will make .very e~ to resolve., conflict bUt 'prlor :<1;.rrang8menis:fllust .bemade. ;- :, ;':i ~ ~"7C:"~ ' ,> ~" '; jL _; :-;~,~: " ;.; : .. ! . . .. . ~:~,..;o{" ~. ~:'~~~.i-~!:': . ,.~;:~~~'; (': '- ,:-;: :~

"'';,(,: • -<6 :' f ~ oc,. '" '. ''l'~' ? ~--- ~ : ~ .. ,. ~~ ~. ", ~. , .... f..~ '". • .... ' " (! ~ ~ , '. . • ~

,Flrem'n Chit - The purpo .. of the program is to teach .. retyarid basic sldlls necesSary for .' ... , Cooking .ftd .~ei'emon • . c."'Pfif~ ~ ,This ~.~~ ,~~. o,f the. ,,!"'~hi ,progr.m but. is .va,~"~ to .ny

', ~ Scout..,~It-ma:y aIso~_.;SCtledu"d .s .. TrqOl,-Acti!'\tY.~K'~' . ,'. ! ~: ' f'l~ LI.<;"': :r<~~JJfd /~ • ({H~ -. !. n i'h) : . . ' , ...... ..;, ,!J, " . . , , , " , ' .'i'I''<'I .~e~ .. t. ,:t6 '.-' '~!'.1' t ·i.:;" .. ~ '· :>ie$~' l:} rll1 •·· ... ruv.nrt<.~lt . ..... 9ltt.~,

. ,·f:i· -'k"" ~ T . - ' S " ~ ~ -: ' .. .. .. , ~~- -- .,:,. .. " . '~' ~ . to. •

Lifeguard B.S.A. - Other than .'~~~~'.ir~P"ffia~r>cC;ndu&:;aqw.iicS4:'IC:tiVitieS~OnIy if there is • B.S.A or Red Cross certified Ufeguard. This is a demanding and time consuming certification. Scouts who complete the program become .n .xc .... nt resource for their troop in planning .nd conducting SIre, enjoyable aquatics .ctivities for the troop.

Applicants must have previou.1y completed the foRowing Merit Badges: Rowing, Swimming, Ufe .. ving, Canoeing and First Aid. A scout may complete the .. Badges during. Sunmer Camp week and then return .s a Provisional camper to work on the Lifeguard. It is strongly recommended that • scout enrolled in this program take no more than one Merit Badge.

Marksman Award - This Mard r.cognlZes Scouts who .xcel in their skill with the rille or bow. To be eligible he must complete specified requirements which may require .. additional practice at the range. Those who are .uccessful win receive a special patch for that.... Both award. may be earned over .. veral weeks at Swnmer Camp. A Scout must notify the Range Director of hi. interest on Monday.

<; , .-

'. ' ! . ''Making The TraUs For Other's To FolloW'h·; ~·': ·~' · ~!;~ · · " . <·'.i-~ ' ~ "I' }"-:;"'~ ~ ; ; ' ~.' : j~ )4

Mile Sw.li1: li'S.A~ i.A seOtrt'w1iOtinrpasi t.M ~S~li.~r's"~test~n. ~Y{im ,,,.1.. S.veral day of practice and preparation are required prior to the .Ie Swim on Friday. A recognition patch may

. ~ purchased u~ successful completion. ",. '..A ': .. :~'~ .... 'iO ~}~..f~ t~l!-;.'V:;~~ t}~ntt r.~1~·~ :,-,,~,. !::;;'f ~~t·" ~·:Hf.,"·j:":£·t~:; i ", ( \,t, !."-~;Z. " ,~ :,~ .;, . ;. ~ ~ ~h~; ';'- ~ : k t ~ r.' ~ ! ~. -"'~ ·: ~ti. !~ , ~,·· )t.J.t j' r:r. j..l' ?'~ ''':' ' t"'.'·~,NOn~lmmetJand Begrnner-lnstrUctlorr~Qher tha .. "the ·lack of ' opportunity, fear is. .th. i" ', . '~~ij.'rr!~~: t¥~.:~iit)s',iIOt". '4o$Win.~",er!ot·With·tlI •• ssiStinC. ofth. C .... p Leader evfly'kOut { ..... thflPotential to' m..t this teqUfi'.nwriUtY the end 'ofhisweek ,atCamp.Th. Aquatics Staff·has

the skill and the pdencebi.tt additiOn •• timemlist be ."oWed during the Open Period and fro time. ' .

;, O~ Proor.n·~ n.e loeation of th."OutpoSt is on.:,of the .most rustic and beautifut places at . .··: T.~hK .... ~ , Th. ,~ta~ has devot" :much tfti",o je~f9Ping,,~. f~cilitie~~. ~~a~ ~... . area Into .. excelhtrit experience for Campers,;,; Her. ~-vwilJha".. ~, opportunity to see S~ng

:" . skills"·.,sed to creat.' an environmentally friendly model, c;amping .... . A vJsit.to.oiie· of the .wrung ~ , . . Programs at ,the Outpost or an 'overnight will be a" memorable.~nce~, ~ '~. ' : ... ' '., .,' ,

The Outpost Staff is host to programs for incflVidual Scouts and for Tr~ AC:furitie~. In addition ,the' Watachi's and participants in the Wildemess Survival and Camping Merit Badges and the Tanah

t:; ·- Keeta Trek overnight-'at the· Outpost. . ',' ' ,; ," ' . ", , "~' ;l: ,~; , ' , ~c~ .: tIC:-' ' :" ", ' t: . )', It"' ~' ·. · ~ ... t :"" .. . _,r .~\..:. ' '" , .:., ... .. ~, .. ',. , .. ... . _.

ScoUtmaster's Award (camp Leaders) - For aU ad~n C~p Leaders ~t; ;~~to c1Q' lnor~ than follow their Scouts and drink coffee, again, this year there is a challenge. The~., they .. rn for their totem willl .. d to a very special recognition. " ",

,,~',':. : .... ~ ~ . .. .. ~ ... ' .... . ~. . ·I~ ' ;." <·.'~i: : .: .. ~ ~ .: ..•. ~ ' . . . ~:':: . ~ ;. , .. '1, . :"".' ; " , ; .' • . ~"lJ:''\.o:,:

. ~~.' - . Si1(),.I«<~I~rig < B~S.A~.· TiM ' Snorkeling B.SA Aw.d is given ·.for havine. dear:ned . ,the~fety If" ·· t.a·chnklues and tii'e 'tHlslC'skills'of Snorkelino~ ;'Fof.the Florida resident this skill 'c.n.aclda:grqt deal

.- "to'j 'trip t4);~'bUCh C;i .... aliy' of the fantastiC wllterways throughout the-Stat .. . ,:nu.;;prOGfam is available to individual Scouts and as it Troop· Activity: ~ : , 'c .,: ,,,. '. ' :' ~" '· .l .

.. . .



"Makin(t The Trails For Other's To Follow'


The Watachi Program is designed for scouts who have not reached the Rank of First Class. The program provides an opportunity to develop the basic skills necessary to earn Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class.

Depending on the Camp Leader's wishes a scout may earn a Merit Badge THE YOUNG EAGLE

during his free time: there are several Merit Badges that are well suited for new Scouts.


Emphasis is placed on the development of Scouting Spirit and . the purposes, principals and traditions of the Boy Scouts of

America. Time is also devoted to drug and substance abuse education and prevention.

While the scouts enrolled in this program will be allowed to spend much of their time with their troop, they will be involved In 26 hours with the Program plus an overnight campout at the Outpost. The Patrol method is used with scouts being

. assigned to Patrols determined by comparable skill levels and abilities. Each Patrol has a Staff supervisor. Instruction and activities are carried out in a patrol and In a full troop setting. Most scouts can . complete the requirements through First Class during the week.

The Watachl Program Is challenging and educational but the primary goal remains to insure that each scout has a "rewarding and unforgettable week of Scouting experiences.


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TaRah Keeta Scout Reservation, ,1 ~( '.{ , r ,~ ~ t " .• r. \ .......

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: ,' . .. ", ;" f·.: ( ~'\~":? ... ~~: •. t" • ~ • t' .. ~_ , ~. -, • : I. ... " - . !ro" " ,.~.:'~ ,.~ • ~ ;~f · .·.i: : ' ~ ... ).,

-:<.. ~~l" .:,: ~ '. ~".": ~'~" ;: :..·.~~l ·.){:· I ~ : ... : . .... -1(\ .• , .. ; . • • ... _ .' '~{:.(.'~-;_" " . ~/: .... .. ,~ .• , ". .' .

A Progr .... for 1996 and beyond; "a program for older SCoutswho,want ,a challenge. ~'TM '(Tanah K .... Advanced Scouting Program has as its purpose providing advanced skiUs anCi ~xPerMnce •. The exciting aspec:t of the -ASP- Is that the older Scout wHl choose from 14 ditrerent'sesSions ' and Programs ranging from a history ' of Tanah K .... to a 4 day 60 ... AfooUAfIoat trip through Jonathan Dickinson State Park, Trapper Nelson's and the, historic waterways of Palm Beach and Martin ~e.. It is possible to be enrolled in ASP and still .. rn Merit Badges in the regular

-Program. .. "

"~!: : ' ~': , .. , ~ .. ,' "'" . '. . .

This Is an ongoing program 'and the -Sessions- may be taken oVer sewral years. ' When a Scout has sucees.fuDy completed 6 (including one of two required) of the 14 Sessions and Programs he win be recognized with a special Tanah Keeta ASP Emblem. The Sessions are designed to give a broad knowledge of Scouting and ~f our Council Camps. Many of the new skins wiD be valuable to the Scout when he serves '. ·:·Stalf member on the various Distric:t and Council Activities; others

.""; will .pr • .,...e him for a varietY of leaderShip positiofts.'"'His troOp will profit by his knowledge and

~; 't ;,;"~··~~"~~~:~~~~:~.~~~:~'·~. H':'.,~: :-~~:~;,~,'~:;' .. ,,> ":j"~ ; ,,~,;~;~:;' ,~~~~ . ~~ >;~ ~,' ' ,.;J.' ,:>. .: .. ""~( ': ~; . ... ~,.:.. ,', :< .:,,:;,AJpl!C8t!Or1sJor the Tanah :Keeta A~.nce ,ScoUting Proilr~ win be avaiiable.Jhe MarclI .19th

, ,PIiMing'Coriferen9:' Forthose,ScoUts who _gnup ror ASP there will be an orMn,~ori riMeting ori Sunday when they arrtve at Sunvner Camp. :' ,.""" . " . . '/.,; ., .·:~.· :;,.': !': i.;. . ,

.". " . ~ \

;,' . ~ ' .


"Making The Trails For Other's To Follow~J :', \, ''' ' '1'[­

c~1~Sl~~:?:f(:t. :')~. ': ; .:.; :::'~ "" ,:< ' .. -? : ... .. : .. <V(L!~ " .. ." ~ ... ; .~ ,

,. ·'AOVANCED?PIONEERING . ,' ;: . - ~ '.I~., ' • .'.,. :;. •.• , . ~ .. ~{;:~ ~:

( , "';-.: ..:

This will be an exciting session for those.·who like to do a little more than JUSt exist In the wilderness. Lashing and knot skills wiltbe :de,-Veiop,d and used on simple campera .. and large pioneering projects. Both group and indivi4u,~I;P~pjec:ts will give the scout confidence in his ability •

. ', ~ ~'i~~~~-·.~~;.t· ;"tft?~ CA~PFIRE PLANNING

" 5·- , '_ .. ,:>~ .;- - .' :' .. ~ . ' j

There are few troops that do not experiene. __ eamplir." syndrome-too much400 often400 little " ,. ~.paf~~" This session not only exposes the SCout to over 50 new and '"funny" skits but it also

. pr.~eshm 't()be. master at campfire planning. There is lots of practice in voice projection and .' stagingtechn.q~ .. ~· :.' :i;; "" .", .,' , .. ; ' r ' ?c. :. ' ;. • ,. .' :'" f 1. ! ; ,';" .", , . -, '~; .. ' '.:: _

.. ~~.,.~ - - .... . ~ ... ' :; f.('.

'."; '"', '-,:"

t.'" "

... - ,.: . CAMP IMPROVEMENT -",' ~ :<':.~ .. ~ .

(Required to qualify for ASP Award) - A program to provide impr~veinent to the Camp while' giving the scout an opportunity ~ plan, assemble necessary supplies and tools and to carry out a pennanent ,and meaningful project. ··Thls may be an individual or group project under the

: ". .upervi.~ of thtt C.~ ~ang,r~ ~' -':-', .:~- . ;:;: . ' .. '. . ~ . ", .

" ;.' .

' /",-. :: ,'

.' THE COUNSELOR 'IN ·TRAINING .. - ~~. ',,: ~

.' ' .. ' '.~ f , :::( • . ~ .. ',' . " .' , (:

" <. The Sunmer Camp C.I.T. program is a leadership training prog;a~ 'which providesscQUts (1~ vears "':., Or c>adef'ilrId the 'rank of First Class) -with. an opportunity to acquire firsthand knOWledge of the

.. : . requirements of a Swnrner Camp ,Staff nMmber. ~~cl .. s se .. ions he will be instru~ed ;.~ ~~hing and demonstration methods, advanced scoUting' skins and group c:lyru!mics. ·. Durmsfth. 'second week he will rotate through the program ar~as • . Observation skills aftd seH .. valuatiOl1' are an inportant part of this program. ' .

NOTE: Th,.,. a two week pIOfNm with;the c;.I.T •.. ,.tumllIfI holM ove, the weekend. The cost tOT the ptOgIWm ;. $120.00. Th,. IMIirCIudM 'iWO:k:.I. T~ ·SIiJn. ; .. d a NP. The Scout ",.,., lawe lit ,."., two pal,. of oWlo/al Scout .horta, at leat one olua "A If .hlrt, 3 palnl ofoWlcllll.ooM and .ulflclent oamp clothing to catry him through. week.


Tannh Keeta Scout Reservation 19


Scouts can dance and most enjoy it. This Session is designed to t~h the basics of the Native American dance. The instruction wtn include both group and lndividWai danCing, costume building, singing and drumming and a history of local Native American tribes.


This program is a National Troop Leadership program for scouts who have or win assume leadership in their troops. Based on the Patrol Method the scout receives extensive knowledge on troop operations, advanced skHls and leadership in troop positions. The cost and other details are included in this booklet.


This .. ssion will feature instruction and role~ying in t .... development of leaetership skills. It will cover a wide variety of troop related subjects including Increased participation, advancement, the how~o and howoftot~ run . a meeting, duties and responsibilities of Troop Officers, games and Troop activities. Also Included will be information on various District and Council activities.


Participants will stay at the Outpost for five days and four nights. The program will include pioneering projects, local survival foods, shelters, fires, food preparation, tracking and a .. ist the Outpost Staff in camper programs. Most evening meals and other campwide programs will be a part of the regular camp program. Related Merit Badges may be .. rned on an individual buis; anangements for Merit Badges should be made with the OUtpost Director prior to enrolling in the Session.


REQUIRED TO QUAUFY FOR ASP AWARD - The Session wiD teach useful as well as historic information about Tanah Keeta. Scouts wOI have an opportunity to hike the IIIke Machek Trail and explore other aspects of the camp that are seldOm experienced by Scouts or Scouters.


(5th W .. k Only) • This year the Trek wOI be a canoe on one of the major FloriclalGeorgia rivers. this wiD be a 100 mile trip that covers four days and nights. Natural foods wID be supplemented by frMze-driecl meals. Tents and ... n .. os win be the housing. A trained and qualified Staff guide will furnish information on ·survlval· and advanced canoeing skID ..

NOTE: SoouI8 wl# .".,., Ih:Im c.mp on IIondlly momlllll .nd will return FtIdIIy momlnl1. In AddllJon 10 the re .. , _mp ,.. tIIen ", .n 1HIfIItIoM, $70.00 ooet _ til", 1WOfIIMI. The MIdItIoMI fe. ptOVId .. ",. qec'" eqUipment. food Md """l1li. The Soouf mua btIng .. lMckpft#(. ... plng btIg, n04..."m net, two o/Mnga of clothlng/ncludlntl two ,.h· of NCh of 1M following: long ,.ma, Mort ,.m., "'0 .. , low." Md undfllW .. '.

'''Making The Trails For Other's To Follow" 20




Ac:1Ion Archery ArdIery Mertt Badge WIll r.qulrw additional pr'IICUce un.-

-------- . SUpplIee $8.00 - 1------_ .... . ----.-.-.- ---AdVanced canoeing canoeing Merit Badge WRllndude Loxahatchee Run

SUpplIn t1o.oo

Advanced Aoneertng Ploneertng Merit Badge AddIUonal Urne required at Outpost

ca"1lflre PlannIng PartIcIpaUon In campft ... required Book'15.oo

ca.,.., Improvement Approval by Ranger "Required fbi' ASP A~ DIrected by Camp Ranget'

Cou",,/or*Tralnlng Reach 1«Jr Bkthday by Tn," IIIftI Two-2 MeIr S ... ,011 Me aI«KI. 1M FIrat CIaa-If po .... atlMd one C_ $100.00 (fwo ...a) StIIff hilling tfIIeMwrtl-<ompl.t.e lIpp/It:JJllon by l1I1lH-Be tIpPTOVed by c.LT. Director .-

C%trIfMI'd DemonetratIon8 duI1ng __ -

(ScouIIffIi Equ/pt'Mtrt ,.,0.00

C.OP.£. AddIfIoIfllllllftlf teqUltwd

/ndI." DancIng not.: ltd." l..oI'e Illedt.IJIIdtIe mey Camp1h o.rton8ht1on Requited

" .... of",. NatIve 1M compIeted-if nol aIiwIJdy eemed outIII 12 .. 00 (not twqUlntcf AlriedCM) ~,.,o.OO

Junior tMJdeI' . S. J.LT.IIpp/lclJllotl/n camp S n/~ cia ... (Me calMdarln rlJllnlng tAecW HCtIotr; be t'fICOIFIIJ'IMded by ". booItIef

your~ i=.e$13G.OO

·lMItM.,,'P . .. Rtat CItua RM/r

0r.Ifp0et tIutYM/ ...", •• SWVfWI Md c:amptng " a,. Md """". ., outpoet -".", BadgH ,..,.,..."" .... ".,,, . ..",.

· 1'MMICeefII .... ~fbI'ASPA~ CMIp IIItd JIat:IrM T,." hilt.

r __ KMeI ,.,. CMoeItrg £ ••• » .. 6.g Medt Sadp "dav" ~ ano. flip · F.e $2QCl00 (Full CM1'''

''Making The Trails For Other's To Follow" 24

THE MERIT BADGE PROGRAM The val~~.~~~t99;~.t~;; Summer Ca~p experience should not be m'''''f~WlS'~M~~~1,!.',,~)ttl~~~ of ~ent Badges he earns but by the amp~~~~~21).~~~lJ~!?~~ ' ~~~J.1'~~nes and general knowledge he takes home2YVItIJ ti.", 'at:ihe,:.~~tof the week. The goal for 1996 Is to guarantee. tb~~:tbeLri~~J1:~t<.eta Merit Badge program will be fun afit!:~~n ex:c.i,·~~n~f;:9p:RW.~~n~ty to maswr new skills.

, . " ':.,\:'.: ' ·"i,J~i; ·~?r:·'. .':;::7~':~;;;;:: )}::~;~.' , , .. " < ..

Each Scout/ in'ay el1roILJC)t)1n~trUction c;luritlgl the) rnOming . • ..... : . ," .". .;..-~ :-" " '~~' . •. "\f ......... . , _ !.,:: , ~ ~; '" A. M'1: ..... ~i· .: -', .;- .r;,'f\"",," - - ~ ' . ·; · .. t ;- ';? J~ ,\'~ "

sessions In ~~!~! :~!~t,·,~~,~Q·~~'i::~~~{~J.~ ,~$.n.i~th..!!~F\;;~II.:~~~~ •. ~.:~ and a half h9~.r period ' In '~lch · th~~' ~ns~u~t~9nat:~r'~r. WlII.<J»e in full operation; this · perioct;~is ' f9r.iadditionar~~\viO'*t~:9.n ., .. the . badges thatare.;; timeconsucmi"g. ·.~or"req~,'f't~e ~~ev~l,opment

..• -' .". - ," Ji-.. ~. - . 1, _,,, " - "' ~ '. ,_. ~ 'rilt: i;'"'~ ' - " . ····<ft ~ . .;..~ .~ ... ..... . : '.

of complex orltands·9I1s'k~,II~::~·1,~;fI"~,i~ ;1peno;a:t~ars.~\~giv:es the Scout. who i~r~~~vi~g ' diffi~~:~~~~~n '~spportunity for' i,~div~.4bal attention by t~~~~~~f!~'. ;~h~ , p~n~~ ~;~~ay als.o be use~ ;;i~Y the Troops for Inst~~~:~qJ!J: ~Jt~,9P,~*~~l~,~~(~" or Merit Badges :~hat can be presented on~,aTroop basi,~;;;~;~~ff members upon request will be made available to the T~9P for this purpose.

, . ': ;li~!T' (

It is usually pogSible to give eac~ Scout the badges that he has requested but .o~ca~ionally schedule conflicts will occur

/:i". _ . .. ~ .. \ '. . :-(. - - , .. '-.w... "",.. ., - , .

due to equipment ;availability I~~ staffing~: :In ~this booklet you . . . .' - . -. ,," %t_. '-'. -: I tt.~. . . ; ._, '.:;: ' ., ~ ~.:

will find the individual Scoilt Ment Badge"Request form and additional copies may be obtained from the Council Service Center. The forms must be .completed and turned in at the Orientation and Registration Meeting held the · week prior to the troop attending Summer Camp.

Before making Merit Badge selections, it is suggested that your older Scouts review the other programs that are available to them but please note that some of these programs conflict with the regular morning sessions.

. On the next two pages you will find a complete listing of Merit Badges. Following these pages there are tables with detailed information.

fkDah Keeta Scout Reservation · " ., .


e @


~ ... - . '

Iiiii\ '<:!!J





Bird Study




. ' • , • •• ..,... , ~;. •• ~ :.- 0( .. .

• • )t . ,., .... . ' . .


.-~.~~ ..... . .:-

. 11' , ; ;. . " -~.':.~ .. :r; .' po. -. .. .. 1' '' • .

. ,: ", ". r~ r· .,:,. . , '

~ .... - .

It @



/~1' ;/ ;.- . ~~.~.: ! ' . . ~

Citizenship in the Nation

Citizenship in the World

: "$ .,


Emergency Preparedness


Environmental Science

- ' ''4 :..

Finger ;Printi~g

,.>"1': ....... -:: •• , •..• !~ ... r. ....... >.'.:., ,;':~-;".":'. ' .. ... / ,': ~~ --;' ~- c~ .-1'.> ~.'~:

First Aid

V~1'~1: .. ~t~~7r6 ~·- .v. ~r:·. , ;.!. : ~ Fishin'g .

25 ..j :, •

., . . ' ~i.·

,:. " ,'

.-~ "

~ . .. ..

I ,· t:>- '"

.' ~' .:, .. . ::: .... ' .. ' . . i<:-::'."

. .

r ,_ .

.. ; ~ , /'

; : I.

"Making The Trails For Other's To Follow~ c"~' t."I"' · . ;,.' .' ", .. ' ' .






Forestry ~~ ~ ;' "'j)}:"t ~: f;·:\~ .~5 · ( :,

Indian Lore . . ~.

I • • ••

, " ..

Insect Study

Leatherwork .•.... ; ...

',. : '~"-..

. , '


Mammal study ~ .: '~., -'" " . ; , ~ ~ ";':. ~~ ' ,

Metal Work • ~ I , : '" !'.~ " ',"" ; :. ,.

," i ,' ~.

Motor Boating ~.3 j: :t'. ~ ~ ~;"t 1: :;~

Nature f..-;f.'~nQf ;::!V ~. ;:,~~ F1

:?F C;, l'~ f$l~,);f.i . ro; ..... .. It ~~~! "l. .. p;s. tVI

Oceanography 'q r. , "j ,-;>f :'~


..... :: .

.{ .. ~:~!'~ . ti·


'0 '

: , •. ~~ .'.I" ~.

) .... ;. i~ l .~ !;~ .J ~ r. : .


. "

Personal Fitness



. ' 5

. • 'r.. • . :


.' ... ~.


Reptile & AmPhibia;; '> Study

Rifle Shooting



<i~}" ~~ '.:,:;i

Tanah Keeta Scout Reservation 27

Soil & Water

~ ." Conservation

@ Swimming

t) Water Skiing

® Weather

(ij) Wilderness Survival

~ Wood Carving

® WoodWork


.. '

~'" ~ ./ ) .' .


.:.0\ ' ... ;0 ....

..... • .-. ...... ,' •• •• r ~~: ' "'"f ,. ...... r;.. :-: .~ .

,,:", ~.,. i/O.''''~·

.\ i·· .... I.~


", ' ~.~.

. .. . ,i 0)

. t " . .. ~

J. ~ • -." •• ' ..... --:-:.-.~.-: :. • .i:.!,"-::: .. _,:, ..

"Making The Trails For Other's To Follow" 30

.. ';.....,: .- . ~ .. ...

AQUATICS .< . .. . , ,,'.f ,

. ' . . . -(- . .. .. . .


.-. TK Aquanaut A~rd CompIetIt the following: Swim-(Not • Mertt Sedge) lng, Llfeeavlng, B.s.A. and Mile ASPSewion -. SWIm and 3 other Merit Badges

from Ute AquaUc8 AJ.; Patch $2.50

Advanced canoeing canoeing Mer1t Badge (See ASP In AcUvlUes Section) (Not a Mertt Badge) May compete for--"11( Canoe Hall of ASPSewlon Fame."

- - ----canoeing Must be • Swimmer . CIa .. + 1 addIIfonal hour per

day during Open PerIod

team tDSwlm Class + 1 or more hOurs per day during Open Period

lifeguard B.SA Complete: Swlmnlng, LlfeAving CIa .. + 3 additional hours per RDwIng, canoeing. First Aid, day during Open PerIodJfree CPR (May be taken at camp). Ume

lifesaving Swlnmlng Mer1t Badge CIne ... 1 addIIfonal hour per

-. day durtng Open PertodIrTee time; MINt bring proper ctcCft.. Ing per RequIrement tIT

Mile Swim SWImming Merft Badge Prac:tk:e 1 hour minimum per day '-. -CD be KhedUled

MotIcIrboafJng .~;. Mutlt be • Swln."el'-RIeccM~'.nd CIasw + 1 addIIfOnaI hour per .. .. -c,.:o.-

having the Rowing M.-it Badge .. . day durtng .. Open P.-IodIrree ; . :::; ~!4.' . "'~''''''!' :'; -::" ~'/i ilY~ ~~'::\/~':: ... :;~.~t~ ,, !1~: $11J..GCJ.iU~ ~ .. ::'

., '~ ""'-". - ."li • .!;

""' ~ ~~:. l ~i ,,-, ' a.:.1<: 1~diflU:Ji ..our per RowIng Must be • Swimmer day during Open Period

Sman Boat SalOng Must be • Swlmmer-llmltlld to Class + 1 addlUonal hour per ScoutB wICh either canoeing or day during Open Period rowing

Snotf(eI(ng B.8.A. . Muwt be • awtnwner Nat echeduted·~eee during OpenPet1od

SWInmtng (Mertt 88dge) - MUIIC: bring CD Camp the proper CIcChIng for Requlr.nent «15

watl:lHllng Must be • 8w1rnrner CIne + 1 additional hour per day during Open PerfocU free arne 110.00 fuel Charge


Tanah Keeta Scout Reservation -




Bird study Requirement tIIS-Reconmend Re­qulrement .. but not neceeeary

Environmental ScIence Requl,.,.,.m ..

FIah " Wildlife Requirement ~ and any of IJI8



Insect Study


,': -

. ",: ,

Start leaf collec:aon arty­Requirement 1 and any 01 ,.. qulrelnenta a " 7 wfll help

Start lnaec:t colldon: Re­quirement til helpful

Requirement .. (SectIon 8 for - BIrd., .nseca and MoItU8ka OpaoneI8edfon A" 8 for SoIl -and Rocke OpClone)i Requtrsment .. -

.. :. .. ..,--: ..

Re~~_~~~n audy -- - .-


~. -.-------:.:- -- . _ .. -- .. -if -.~

m'_}!i~?~~i~ !. - : -', 7" ~

-:--. "' .. ~ ' . ,..\ .. ..... i~.":..'7fJ~ j




By appolntrnant-may requlnt ....,eral additional hours _ durtng Open Perlocilfr'M time

A minimum 01 CIa. + 5 hounI durtng Open Pertod

Caa. + addlUonal 2 hours durtng Open Period

UmIted availability 01 gear requires tICheduIIng during : :'

both 0pfII Perlod and free amei 1f'i04A have personal equlpmltftt~rtng It wfth you

By appolntrnant

CIaes + :I to 5 additional hounJdurtngOpen Pertod de-pendfng upon coI1edfon

By appointment ~ ~.

. By appointment

By appointment

By appolntmltnt

" .. ,'" ... ~ .-_. -..... ~ ........ -.. ~- .. . ......... .. -. -- ..

-... -.. --. ---r-" ,---."'-11

"Making The Trails For Other's To Follow"··




Ac:Uon. Archery

(Not a 'Mertt Badge'

Rlfte ShoOang

ShoCgun Shocang



, c'

Rnger PrlnUng





An:hefy Merit Badge



Read Merit Badge Book

... "



. '. . ..

an. + 3 additional hours during Open Pertod SUpplies $8.00

(See ASP In AcUvItlee Sec:Uon)

SUpplies $10.00

Clan + 1 additional hour per day durtng Open Period "

ClaM + 1 additional hour per day during Open Period (.36 psI


Scheduled durtng Open Perfodlllfnte Ume ". ' . . "., .>

SUppI'" ".00'

aupp ...... o.oo



T8nah Keeta Scout Reservation·: . i" .'.


. .. . " /

M~RlT .BADGE COMPLETE BEFOSE. · .~ .,.lNSTRUCnONS .. AND O~PROGRAM ENROLLlNG(: ;f;': '·; :t- :' '-0 ~~i ~~r COST " ' .. :; ,

I-CoI--'~-!!4-w--. ----+-----:-... -. '-.';.~." .;..: . ....;, . .:.... -... -... -t, -..;.....~: ~~. ---~.~ .;..:; . ":""" .. :: ... -, +'.~.~~; . ":"-"' :~·::.~1 ;: I-----:.-+~-----.;...~-+-------------. ~" . ...,, ;~., ~..,.-~. ---------------1 ,.; ... , .;:: .: I--EJectrt_~~-=----_+--.· .. ~'·~-· _"._. _____ ._"._:_- ' .... : ._'. __ .. ... ;..;:.·. __ .iie ...... · .. ""-.nd_· ...... KIt_tt_a.._aa_......,..--:o-~ .' .~?;. ::

,; . . -- . .. .,.. ' . . ", : . . .... -. . ~ AequlnMnent.' .:, .. . ~ .. . " . '. , .... ,:. : .. ~. , . ' .. ,':, ; .' .";( , ..• , .. :~ : ';'

I---==---~----+~~-.-----,....;.;---:-"-f~----,--------~ . _ .:. . .'. ; dew ,,'''it1Ii'IInunt a DItIonaI ..:':': c' . '.

. hDUt8dUrtng open PertodII'ree-U... · <

~ _____________________ !_ ... __________ : ',_""_' _. ~_" ~_. _.~_._:~_._Klt_:_~_~_aa ______ ~ . . . ;

Radio '

. . . ' -';~, . . ,. ~ :.' . . ~":' ' {" " '.". . ' . ..




Emergency Pr1IpanIdnne FIrwt Aid Marti: IJ8dge an. + 2 additional hours durtng Open PerIod


PenIonaI FIInew RIquI ....... 1., 1b, I, • an. + 2 additional hours durtng Open PerIod

-C.P.R. *" 1111 ...... far recertIfIcaaon II hourw--one evening • w.ek

SCOUTCRAFT . .' . . . , - ", . ~ ~ .. ~. . ..


c:a,.ng R8qu1 .......... (Camp WHk IMY 8M "'What tD EIrInst' In camp be counIIId) ........ bll'Orlilltlon

Cooking Food c:o.t 18.00

FlNntnChlt CertIIIc:atIon card gIwn

0rIenIINr"4 c:an..- heIpr&II but not NqUlNd

Paul BwIyan WeI all.,.n TCldrt ChIp Pdc:htl.oa


Taart ChIp c:.rtIIIcaCIDn card gtven

Wlldlrnl I. 8urvhtaI ... ...... 1IItnst' In can., ........ lllfor •• .aon eacaon

''Making The Trails For Other's To Follow" (f

NoIi~Mu" RAT""


ClUum!hlp In the CommunItV . Cltfzenehlp'ln the NIltion ,

ClUHnehlp In the World


" "

f! "

,.r .

' .-;'-.-

.... -': ;." ?' .

.. .> • -' .- " ' .- .. ,'. .- "

; "


' "


Mu.t.~ A.quIrwnwnt"" 5 . By.ppOIntm.tt . befoI:w enraIling"-No para .. given . "0 • ;:. ,~ .. !

: ,~

' Mu.t compIeCIa RequIrement" before By eppo!nblient ,enrallIng-fto p8rUa1 given ...

' .. ."

No parUel gtven By eppGintment


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:.- , ''Makin" The Trails For Other's To Follow" ,,, _:, ,, ,.,,:, ~ (l _. , ,



T ANAIj,f~t:,r.4,,:~~;:~':~~: ;,;:~~ :" ,' 8IMMt& CtlMPBtHt.DllLt ,· "',i'

,11, ~ ,,,, ';"h :~,:· " t~6 "'- ;" ,: " " ,i;~'~' ", ,, " ~'-\ .. ; " : :' li; ~.i ~ ~· ;i-t : ·t": ';t ~l ':·: ~ ~: · ~:1r."\1,~· ·_~:.~~~h:~··~j~. f. ~. " ;:-'~ . ·l~ .~

" .... J ......

, or ... ;

7:30 Reveille 8:00 Assembly & Flag Raising 8:16 Breakfast 8:00 1st merit badge session; ends at 8~ " ~; ' +I' ,} 8:66 2nd merit badge session;:.ItdS'at10:4O'l '~' ~' \" " , .. N i'

10:00 ~. meeti~, , _" , , ,\~, ~:,1;.'i'" ,\~ 10:60 3rd merit b!.cIi! ... ~; ~d.S~" '1!:36':' . ~ .. '~'" -' ,., ~, 11:60 AsseInbly 'r'''·' " ,(~ •• ~ , " ' ,: '." ';:>" :tr,~, -JA<' :,, ~~ :. ' : '

• ~I~i. ~." t. ' t'lc' $ 'j""'r.y'J; . ' ·jt1i~p,~ ~~.;'r· .;.~. : .... l'{ t.r\~' .... . '.S .\ ',

. ~;

: .~{:' TaDah Keeta Scout ReservatiQ9,


P.M. 12:00 Lunch 1:00 ,P,.~~-:'af!I .~r"s open for Individual assistance

~.pecial .. ssions tor fteetimlllCtivitiesr :'<- "'* 1:20 Cam'pIOCter-. 'ACtiVity (Clilnbil'lg wan) . " . 2:30 Troop Activity , . , ' .. ' .. ' >. '" '. . . 4:00 Special OUTPOST EXPERIENCE (Ti'oops·m .... sign up)


.: ...... , .

4:20 Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, & '"2 on 2- Basketball competitions begin, .. 4:20 Free swim, T.O.A.P., campwide game •. ~lIar .. s open for treetime(Cageballat

Athletic: Field) .. .. , "'. ' t· ~ . .


5:30 Prepare for,~etreat ., ":. '. . . .' 6:00 Retreat ,,;;¥(;';, ', 6:16 Dinner ' . . 7:15 Camp Q ..... ,(pickuP, QYEST mat..-' at camp office) ::.-:'. 7:30 Troop:J\~,~ : .::i ' ,/l," c:: " .~" .' l' " "" ~' ' ji.. " •

8:30 C.P.R. (in HandiCraft) , - :;, ".:,:" ' . . , .: . 9:30 Carnival In Dining hall (take parfil1the furi)

10:30 Cracker Bamal(ev.ryone) , 11:00 TAPS (GlUI~T HOlJ.RS)

\.: ! "

.~ )~, ., . .... -(." .

.~:. .

''Making The Trails For Other's To Follow" 38

THURSDAY: CRAZYl>" Y -Don' forget to dre .. -up for tM oCc •• ion '

t'· • ~. . . ""~



7:30 Reveille 8:00 Assembly 8:15 Breakfast 8:00 1st merit badge senion; enda at 8:46 8:30 Campleeder's Breakfa .. with Reggie Knight 8:65 2nd merit badge .... ion; end. at 10:40

,', i .

10:&0 3td IMrit badge ..... on; ·ends aI '11:35 -' .. "~' ' ~ .

11:10 Auembly . ': .. :~ ' ::., .. ...:.. . r .; . ,- '

12:OOLUneh (Cr.zy Hat Comp. make yOur wackiest hat) (Afternoon-W.tachl, camping MS, Wlldernes. Surviv.1 MB, ETC. go to Clear

~ .. , Lake fOr -their ovemlghters) ; ... -. ' .. .... ,- ~ ; .. ' 1:00 Prograin : ...... oPen for ,l~ual asslstQce

. " &-.pecial susion. -(or frMtime, activit __ , 1:30 Watac:hi leaves for Overnlghter ' 2:30 Troop Activity '.· , .

. " 3:00 Scouter.a leaves for Owmighter .', -.' 4:20 Fr .. swim & C.mpwide game, other .ctiviti ...

... - "". -&:30 Prepare for Retreat 6:00 Retreat 1:1& Dinner 7:15 Camp Quest (pickup QUEST material at camp office) 7:30 Troop Activity 8:30 C.P.R. (in H.ndicr.ft) 9:00 Movie In Dining hall

10:30 Cracker Ba .... 1 (everyone remaining in main eamp) 11:00 TAPS (QUIET HOURS)



7:30 Reveille 8:00 A ...... bIy & Flag Raising 8:1~ Breakf.st 8:00 1st merit badge .. nion; ends at 8:46 8:65 2nd merit badge .... Ion; ends at 10:40

10:60 3rd merit badge .... ion; end. at 11:35 11:10 Assembly

12:00 Luneh 1:00 Open program ...... (for last minute a .... nee) 1:20 C ........... Activity (Archery Range) 2:30 •• :00 you can go to .ny .rea and do what you want, catchup on MS, swim,

canoe, T.OAP., shotgun, rifle. archery, tie~ .. check-out quartennuter games, frisbee golf, ETC.

2:30 Freetlme .:30 Meet at the flagpoles for the STAFF HUNT &:30 SURVNAL RUN BEGINS-ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH??? I=- VoIleyINIl, Ultimate Frisbee & "'2 on 2" Baskelban Fin.1 competitions 7:00 Dinner: Unga Gunga Bulunga wear Tropical cloChes 8:15 Retum to campsite 8:00 Closing procession (walt for Staff escort) 1:15 CIoAIg campfire 10:11 Cracker ea .... 1 for EVERYONE 11:00 TAPS (QUIET HOURS)

',-:.: .

,'" l'" . •

. ", .

Tanah Keeta ,Scout Reservation


.. ~~r .,~ ',~ : . .. .

7:30 ReveUIe " , .. 8:00 Assembly ., . ,., . ..; "

. . " ;

8:15 Breakfast .:'.'.:.., . 8:00 B .... kdown campsit. (rroop ~ goe • . with,troOp) ,

10:00 Checkout' .. ". ',. .,

~f. ··

, When campsJte and .Iatrine have been cleaned :. ,~.nd .veryon~ i. packed, y~~ Troop Akte ;

': . '

will give his , : : ~stamp ., .ot, .approval· and notify th. ·.parki ng lot . ~t"at .th,. ..troop is r.ady fo r de~rture. .. '"

The Troop Aide will give the the patches and merit badge

q' Check out Is complete.

SeQutmaster infQrmation

. ~ ' .j . •.

i,~ .. . I ~: . ~ .. , . ,~ ... :,' -.~

~ . . ~.;. -: .. '

'~ .

.... '. '. ' ... ,

.'~' .... ~ ~ ... < ; .i:. ~ : ... ~.~ .. N.'.'" ,,v .'

> . .

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..... . '

an of afte r

r·f. ~f~:.'>:·!· ~ \~., ~, .,-; ~:: '~At ~~· ~.,l7.::.:i" :l. ~"~i: .!" r~~:.· h~~r'?,.~~ ~'! ~i~~ ;.:""~~ . ar..:.~ .. i"'-: ~: .;,,~ ,.~: ; ~.~ .. ~ ! i.:· .. ~t!.,;·~ ~;'i {'t! ~~ •. ~.~. '" ~L ;;~tt)tl>- ~'(f ~. \,-·;~h. ,-,to OQ nf~ ;''' ~ (..,,~ vd':'-~·~·. l~~~.itil~~ ·;r,,~~', • ...,..·/ ... hr~:. /t\!t ;- M' ,\f'b'!;" "" . ~ . f'·i , .;;~It;kCi.l.a , 1t.1..A,O.1' , ~,,-MU;;;

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\'H·Hau..')~~ "~,t;'~ uov :~n .~ii;,~:"i('; ~f,i . .. U~ jj\\fPJP.\k (It . '.

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A ''Making The Trails For Other's To Follow'"

:~It~:74 }:W;yhlili. · : 'r~QmmiWdM! : :that.: ·no:~~t~~IJ.!.v'~ , (Je.ts~n~! 'ge/ll~;:"~ ~ .. brought· to SuminerCamp . . Thoughalmoatev.fy. ScoutJ/vu. up'tOta; ~. Oath and Laws of Scouting, on ' rare occasions, thlngs'do"'disappear

and the camp program Is not budgeted to cover such loss. i '_ .;,." ; '

.- '.

. ,_: ,1. ', ~ The Camper ~ .. , ~

A completed 8~S.A. Health fOrm '. A complete C .... ·A·:Uniionn . . · Comfortab18 hiking or running shoes Several pairs of short pants

· DaHy cha~ '9f ~t:Ml~ear and socks -RaIncoat or Poncho ' . .

-. " sneater,,'c,f ~"ir.is . ·Sleepinga.g or Sheet and b"nket Toothbrush/paste

, ~b C)(J~rush . ;,': *FllishlisJl!t./ " :: .'. ~ ,- .. ..

. ~·P.n, penel'and notebook ~, -Canteen or water bottle·

. . .. ~' .

Extra T shirts . . ' . Sw~tru~

.. Ught weight jacke" Pillow Handkerchiefs Pajamas : .

. Towe .. *Backpack ' .... . ,, ~.:

. Soap in container Ste .. mirror

Boy Scout HandbOok "'nsect'Repellei1t .

.. *t~"\.re r.qw.r.d ·" for .~~ Ou~.f; a.mp.:i.ngespe~.:L,aDCJ •• ~ ~ · ~4 .f' ~t C .. ¢. l -t , .. ' ~ . .... - -. " ;~"",- ". ~. :..,. . ",.iI,

.; .. ..... -. . t . ' .' ~ . 'T", ' • ..... ~ . :. ~

~ . . , " !

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:, ',~ : ' " ~, '

', ~ . 7' ~ ~ '. " t -t" '''' ;': , .: ...

'! , . ~} . "!.' . . ......

, '. ; .. ', ~ '" ' ; .a, •.

Optional for the Camper

"; ~ .

l ··

. .


. :"' ,": . ~.:' ; ~:- ~'

, Tanah Keeta Scout Reservation . . :..' \ .... 45

") . ~ ," , ' . .' .

" . . . ' ::~ ,

,Tanah Keeta Scout Reservation has been developed to preserve the vast majority of the 640 acres a. a nature refuge. ' 'n.. riec:usary structure. haw beenclusteM to accomplish this .. a goal.

, 'We are 'proud of this achievement ' and the fac;t that we have incorporated the finest facUlties av~i."b"~at any Scout camp. ' , ;. ' ,,' ", ' "".,

'." . ... . .. . .. .. . .

Adventure - The adventure area includes Project C.O.P.E. with the climbing/rapPelllng wall,the High and Low Courses with'more than 13 elements and more tobe~omplet.fbefor"~~r Camp. n.. training aru is located away from distractions of the main,c:lusterand the cl..,.,ing ar .. is located in the center of camp to ,prevent unauthorized use. ' ' , " ,',' " '~

. . .1 . . , _

Aquatics - Tanah Keeta has three 'excellent aquatic. facilities. Rowing, canQeing and sailing are offered on the Loxahlltchee River. The camp also boast a Junior Olympic swimming JM.)oI ~8nd a beautifUl and scenic natural waterfront at Clear Lake. ' "

.'" ."

Athletic Field ~ Th~ athletic'field and equipment is available for Troop and Patrol lise d~ringthe . Activity Periods and fr .. time. The ar .. includes a chal"nging obstac"'course-a. w"'as an area tor Indian Stickball, softball, volleyball, soccer and horseshoes. There Is alsO a ,half-court fey .1 basketball located neanhe .Tt:ading Post. "";"" , }

"'. ~ . r ~. . • •

Campsites - E~~h~~p~e has running water. toilet facilities and showers. The te. ai.:'.ge. twCHnan wall tents on w~n p~rms with cots. Each site has a "'elter or .dinni~gtly, table, bulletin board and ftagpole. Campsites designed for Patrol method use. " " ,. , ",

.". ' :. . .(lC .J '. if ~

Dining Hall - The dining hall is complete. with a modem institutional ,kitchen. ~~,.~ are served family style with the campers rotating the duties of waiter. The meats are planned and supervised by a c.rtified dietician. The results are .xc .... nt meals served for the 200 camper. and staff. Normally there are elgh~·C:."pers and two rotating staff members assigned to eac~ , table; Adult Leader. ar. seated at their own tables giving them an opportunity for fellowship, exchange of ideas.

Ecoloay/Conservatlon- Ta,na" Keeta has a fully equipped nature lodge complete with a natural zoo, botanlcarspeCtmenS:.nd· i~eather station. The three cabin c.uster Is located In a ;pUC.' natural setting near the wat8rfr6ftl. '," ' ·','t , \');·-'~, '1Ut'.1

" n •. ~:..;: ~;: ..• ~. :--~ i>, ' ~!,.<.,:.;l. ~ '-"~/~ ;~ ;;o::. ;; · , •.. i-t :~~i~:~! p ( .. ~ • .• J ••.. ~.~ r;,. ~~'.:.. :' . ' ...... : ;~- i , . :? "' ~

Field Sports - The Shooting Sports area Includes ranges for rifle, skeet and .n: ... ty;~1t Is designed for safety and training In .he .... of small sport wupons. All w .. pons and equipment are maintained In perfect condition.. ,.... Director is National Camping School trained and a N.R.A. certified Instructor; each ~~.~e"J~;tf.U~~, ~~ ~ b!r~i~~u. Staff ,tnell'lWf''11Ie.ea Is approximately 114 ml .. from the main 'camp-lOCated1u*~st tlMfaalt Campstt~' , , , ', '

Scoutcraft - Th. ~~~tjft hid imd ',demonstration ar.. has been deveiopeCll to;.·"u ill. ::.= =:;i::c.W!" thr::.~dfr!o:.~ =;::c:::.~~~:ict!'==t=~) and the lilt. .... chek TraU. 'w..,~ '.: / .I""I;'! ,'\~;;' ::"tJt :i:'''; :~f. '~i,W !\j W4~i ~1}::".Ii/:

delll.'o( '.fiql','i, <.«(4W.!.t.h~ t>:<t~u,H·"r. ... O ~t ~!fijhf.if~

''Making The Trails For Other's To Follow" 46

"'TK- Trading Post - The Trading Post carries a complete Inventory of .... rit Badge Books and suppl.... In addition you will ftnd a variety of ~Contpwecr~ Including theme T shirts and caps, B.5.A. outdoor equipment, uniform parts and patches. For those who like to snack there is everything from ice crum to undwiches. For safety, Camper accounts may be opened.

... ,

Tanah Keeta Scout Reservatibn . ... f· . 47

' . '" ~ . .. .; , ." '"

: ,,:.

each w •• k of SLDWner Camp begins at 2:00 P.M. on Sunday. Troops and Provisional Campers ar. requ.sted not to arrlv. before this hour because the Staff needs the time to prepare. It should be understood that Registration is complet.d at the Parking Lot Pavilion befor. a troop or camper is allowed to go the campsit.. R'gistration will be done on a first come, first served basis with th. order being assigned when the Camp Lead.r checks in with th. Registration Supervisor.

SUNDAY AFTERNOON CHECK~N PROCEDURE 1. " is recommended that Scouts and Scouters arrive at cwnp in a Cia" "8.- This keeps the

Class -A- shirt a little fr.sher for evening meals during the week. Arrange for all members of your troop to .rrive at approximately the same time. They OKIst remain togeth.r throughout Check-in.

2. All vehicles will p.rk in the main parking lot. The Staff will transport ge.r to the c.,.site. With permission from the Registration Supervisor an equipment trailer may be left in the campsit. provided it meets certain r.quirements.

3. At Check-ln please be prepared to hand-in any additional Health Forms and to pay fees that were not taken c .... of at the Orientation .nd R.gistration Meeting held on the Monday prior your troop's week (see section on camp fees,.

4. After registration is complete the .ssigned Troop Aide wiH accompany the troop to. the Campsite. As soon .s the Scouts are settled in to the campsite, pa ... nts and ather visitors will be asked to r.tum to the parking lot. The scouts and C.,. Lead.rs who wish to use the aquatics facilities during the week will be asked to change into a swim suit or cut~tfs for • swimming t.st at th. pool.

5. The troop will then be taken on a tour of the camp which will include a Medical Re-cheC:k, progrwn areas, dinning hall and pool. Sleeping nets will be issued at the Trading Post.

6. At the conclusion of the tour the troop will retum to the campsit. and dr.ss in Class -A­for the troop pictur. which will be followed by dinner. Th. Troop Aide will remain with th' troop until dinner.


Troops should not miss breakfast to achieve an early departure. Th' Staff -Goodby,- is a nic, w.y to .nd the w.ek. · ... .

SATURDAY MORNING CHECK-oUT PROCEDURE 1. As soon a. breakfast is d'lSIIIissed th, troop should return to the campsite to complete

packing and cleaning the ar... The Troop Aid, will return with the troop to the campsite and assist In .very way possible.

2. Th. Adun c.,. Leader should go to the C.,. 0If'1CI Md pick up the Advanc .... nt Packet. 3. When the Camp Leader returns to the campsit, It Is recOlI.INnelld that he check the

advanc .... nt information with each scout ... is easier to correct .rrors while at C.,.than II to later track down the Information. .. . . .

4. When the camp Lelld.r and the Troop AId, have inspect,d the campsit, and completed the Check~ form, the Troop Aide will make arrangements to transport necessary gear.

, "Making The Trails For Other's To Follo\V'~ , 48 y .~ . .. ..

6. The Camp 'Leader shot.ild, go to the Camp Direc:JOI{'", cabin t9 r~.~ any problems in advancement records. A Staff member who is knowledgeable ' of the'teporting system is available from 8:30 until 10:00 a.m.

6. The Chec:k-out Supervisor will be located at the Pavilion from 9:15 until all troops ~ve departed. When the Camp Leader pre.ents the Chec:k-out form he will _given 'oM'1996 Sa.nuner C."p Patch for each registered Scout and each C~p Leader.

: : ....

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