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Tanla Solutions Limited T: +91-40-40099999 Tanla Technology Center [email protected] Hi-tech city Road, Madhapur, tanla.com Hyderabad, India - 500081 CIN: L72200TG1995PLC021262 Date: April 24, 2020 To, BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai 400 001 Scrip Code: 532790 National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai 400 051 Symbol: TANLA Dear Sir/Madam, Subject: Newspaper publication Please find the attached herewith the newspaper publication for completion of dispatch of the postal ballot notices (in electronic form) on April 23, 2020, published on April 24, 2020 in the following newspapers: 1. Business Standard English 2. Sakshi- Telugu We request you to take the above information on record. Thanking You. Yours faithfully, For Tanla Solutions Limited Seshanuradha Chava VP - Legal & Secretarial ACS-15519
  • Tanla Solutions Limited T: +91-40-40099999

    Tanla Technology Center [email protected] Hi-tech city Road, Madhapur, tanla.com Hyderabad, India - 500081

    CIN: L72200TG1995PLC021262

    Date: April 24, 2020


    BSE Limited

    Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers

    Dalal Street

    Mumbai – 400 001

    Scrip Code: 532790

    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.

    Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G

    Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E)

    Mumbai – 400 051

    Symbol: TANLA

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Subject: Newspaper publication

    Please find the attached herewith the newspaper publication for completion of dispatch of the postal

    ballot notices (in electronic form) on April 23, 2020, published on April 24, 2020 in the following


    1. Business Standard – English 2. Sakshi- Telugu

    We request you to take the above information on record.

    Thanking You.

    Yours faithfully,

    For Tanla Solutions Limited

    Seshanuradha Chava

    VP - Legal & Secretarial


    mailto:[email protected]


    ARUNDHUTI DASGUPTAMumbai, 23 April

    Loop back to just a fewmonthsagoandtheword‘millennial’ would popout of almost every ad strategyand campaign note. Frombeauty products to consumerdurables and food and enter-tainment, marketers were sofocused on bringing the mil-lennialconsumeronboardthatthere was little else that influ-enced their choice of a cam-paign, brand ambassador orsocial media activation. Thatframeworkiswellandtrulybro-ken say senior marketing pro-fessionalsandadvertisersneedtofindthemselvesanewscript.

    Sameer Shukla, West mar-ket leader, SouthAsia, NielsenGlobal Connect says that thereis no country that Indianbrands can model theirresponseon.“It (Consumptionpatterns in India) has jumpedseveral phases on the behav-iourthresholds, it isatstagefiveand the only country that wecan look at is China,” he said.

    The China model does notwork that well because as sev-eral marketers have pointedout, Indian consumers behaveand buy differently from theircounterparts intheneighbour-hood.AccordingtotheNielsenreport, discretionary spendswill drop, health and hygienealong with financial securitywillplayabigrole inconsump-tion decisions, consumers willgetevenmoreconsciousaboutquality and source of produce.

    Priya Lobo, CEO, OrmaxConsumerCompass,oneoftheold marketing and consumerbehaviourresearchagencies inMumbai says that no one isthinking of millennial buyersanymore. She foresees a sharpshift towards the family as aconsumerunit.

    Shukla says that thereseems to be a near unanimous

    understanding that the sharedeconomy—beitsharedmobil-ity, rental furniture, co-livingspaces—will shrink.Howevermany companies are stillworkingout theways inwhichthis will map into the otheroverwhelming consumerbehaviour trends that haveemerged in the lockdown —

    frugality, environment con-sciousness and a desire to bemoremindfulofconsumption.

    The first few months aregoing to be hardest for publicspaces, restaurants,moviethe-atres and travel. The Nielsenreport said that 64 per centintend to spend less on restau-rant and movie theatre visits,

    more than 54 per cent plan todecrease spends on automo-biles. How do brands keep theflame burning in the newworld?Lobobelievesthatmanybrandswillappealtofamilyval-ues and to the women in thehouseholdastrustbuildingwillbeparamount aswill bemind-ful expenditure.

    Brands look to break freefrom the millennial trackAdvertisersneedanewscriptwhentheeconomykicksbackintoanewnormal;family,healthandaffordabilitywilldominatethenarrativesaymarketers

    REFRESHING THE BRANDIntherun-uptothelockdown,marketingwasallaboutappealingtoamillennialaudience;nowthiswillchangeforeversaymarketersandadvertisingwillfocusononeormoreofthefollowingthemes

    Work from home: Showing empathy for thestate of the customerAsian Paints, FBB, Spotify, Jio Digital, Amulamong others are doing so already

    Follow the rules: Indicating solidarity with thegovernment and health agenciesFevicol, Tata Pravesh, Grofers, Nykaa among othershave exhorted people to stay in, Zomato, Swiggy,Uber and others have advertised how they arerespecting the rules

    Motivational messages: Finding an emotionalconnectionLearn something new, help others and look afterone’s mental health are key messages being sentout by brands such as Tata Sky, Decathlon,Amazon India and many others

    Cleanliness and hygiene: Staying topicalVodafone, Lizol, Dettol, Dabur and a largenumber of restaurants and food delivery brandshave taken this route








    Increasedonlineshopping,strainonthesupplychain(Brazil, Iran,Iraq,Japan,Angola)


    onlinefulfillmentis limited,risingpriceconcerns(India,EuropeanUnion,USA,Russia,Italy,UK,Spain)


    Permanentshifts inchannelmix,supplychain,andhygienepractices(China)

    Source: Nielsen

    1 2 3

    4 5 6


    > FROM PAGE 1

    Few takers for TLTRO 2.0Top-rated companies don’t need emer-gencyliquiditysupportanyway,andsotheentirepurposeofhelpingthoseinneedwasdefeated.TheTLTRO2.0wasintroducedonApril 17 in which the RBI put conditionsthat 10 per cent of the money should beused to buy securities issued by microfi-nance institutions (MFIs), 15 per cent forNBFCs with asset size of ~500 crore andbelow, and 25 per cent to buy securities ofNBFCssizedbetween~500croreand~5,000crore.Accordingtoasource, it istheprivatebankswhichstayedawayfrombidding fortheTLTRO2.0.

    “Banks are in risk-off mode. The cur-rent priority is to preserve capital andreduce chances of existing exposuresbecoming default in future. So, there islessappetite for freshexposures,” said thehead of corporate banking and risk at alarge foreign bank.

    “The general wariness and perceivedriskinfundingtoNBFCshavecometoplaymainlyaftertheIL&FScrisis.Hence,aslongas perceived credit risk is higher thanTLTROspread, bankswill not invest,” saidAbizerDiwanji,headoffinancialservicesatEY.ButtherearecriticsofthewholeTLTROexercise too.

    “The TLTRO route was a complicatedway to direct money to NBFCs and MFIs.Already theRBIhasgiven~50,000crore to

    institutionssuchasSidbi,Nabard,andNHBto refinance MFIs, NBFCs. Hence, theyshouldusetherestof theTLTROmoneytosuch all-India financial institutions to notcomplicate matters further,” said HarshShrivastava, CEO of MFIN. Executives intheNBFCindustry,bothbigandsmall,werenotaghast at such lowbids.

    “Banksbidonly for 50per centofRBI’slinetoNBFCsandMFIs.Completeriskaver-sion.RBImustgiveadirectlineandFinMinmust offer to bear first loss for some time.Let’sgetoursmallerbutimportantlendersreadyfortherestartofoureconomy,”tweet-edSanjivBajaj,MD,Bajaj Finserv.

    Although the RBI tried to provide liq-uiditytosmallerNBFCsthroughtheTLTRO2.0, “the issue is smallerNBFCswill find itvery difficult to issue bonds and gettingthem rated is another problem. So, theirdemand is direct term loans from banks,”said Raman Agarwal, co-chairman, FIDC.

    Thechallengeseemstobethatmostofthebanksdonothave thesegmentofcus-tomers to deploy the funds, according toAiswaryaRavi, CFO,KinaraCapital. Also,the 45-day time limit may have madethemuncertainonwhether they can findsuch borrowers and do the due diligenceanddoon-lending.

    “Now, thegovernmentshouldprovideat least 10 per cent first-loss guarantee tobanks.TheRBIhasofferedbanks fundsata lowcost butbanks seemtobeunwilling

    to take the risk of lending to theNBFCs,” said Deo ShankarTripathi,CEOofAadharHousingFinance.

    Such cold-shoulder by banksalso indicatesacredit freeze thatis hard to overcome, unless thegovernment comes out withcredit guarantee schemes forloans given by banks. Since thatisnothappening, and there isnoindication of that too, banks arenotwilling to listen to RBI prod-ding, experts say.

    “This auction was a kind of alitmustestforbanks’riskappetite.This shows that banks areextremely risk-averse due to theuncertain credit environment,”said Soumyajit Niyogi, associatedirector,IndiaRatings&Research.

    Banks continue to park over~7trillionoftheirsurplusliquiditywith theRBI on adaily basis. Yet,they are not ready to extend thethree-month moratorium toNBFC, forcing the para bankingunits tomove to thecourt.

    Banksaretryingtofigurewhatis the approach that theywill usetodeploythefundsavailedunderthe TLTRO 2.0, said KrishnanSitharaman,director,CRISIL.

    Abhijit Lele contributed to the story

    Franklin MF...Market participants fear that the currentsituation can also impact other debtschemes. “Unlike banks, MFs don’t havethesamemanoeuvrabilityontheir liabilityside. Tomorrow, investors can suddenlyturnupandseeklargeredemptionrequests,whichcanimpactdebtschemes,giventhecurrent illiquid environment,” saidDhirendra Kumar, chief executive officerofMFtrackerValueResearch.

    “FranklinTempletonMFhasdeepretailpenetration and some of the funds werepopularamongretirees,giventhepotentialhighyieldgeneration,”he said.

    Investors could have generated high-yieldreturnsbyinvestinginrelatively low-rated papers. But this move, according toexperts,mayimpact thecashflowrequire-mentofsuchinvestors.Accordingtoindus-try participants, the redemption pressurehas continued in April and created painpoints in the~22-trillionMFindustry.

    Meanwhile, MF distributors fearinvestorsmaystarttowithdrawtheirinvest-ments in large quantum from debtschemes, following Franklin Templeton’smove. “The cash flow for investors will beaffected.With thebenefitofhindsight, thesituationcouldhavebeenmanagedbetter,especially the concentrated investmentsmade by Franklin Templeton MF,” saidAmol Joshi, founder of PlanRupeeInvestmentServices.

    Govt on overdrive...Forindustry,theaimwillbetoprovideeas-ier andcheaperaccess tocredit, andcouldalso mean the Centre pumping in moremoneyintothecreditguaranteefundtrustfor small andmediumindustries.

    The measures being finalised couldinclude easier access to credit for MSMEsandfurthercashandfood transfers.Thereis aproposal for anotherhike inpaymentsundertheMahatmaGandhiNationalRuralEmploymentGuarantee Scheme, anddis-bursements under the PM-Kisan schemecouldbe further expedited.

    Theupcomingpackagecouldberough-lysimilarinsizetothe~1.7-trillionstimulusannounced by Sitharaman in late March.That package was around 0.8 per cent ofGDP,much smaller than the ones ofmostotherG-20nations.

    TheUS’stimuluspackagewaspeggedat11percentofGDP,Australia’sat9.7percent,and Brazil’s at 3.5 per cent, according todataportal Statista.

    ChamberslikeAssochamandFiccihavebeenaskingforbigbangpackages,rangingfrom~9 trillion to ~23 trillion.

    Lastweek,thegovernmentallowedeco-nomicand industrial activity to resume inruralareas,whereharvestingforrabicropshasbegun.

    SOLUTION TO #3032 MMeeddiiuumm::


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    > BS SUDOKU # 3033


    Regd. Office: 51-57, Maker Chambers 3, Nariman Point,Mumbai -400021 Tel.:+91-22-40330800 Fax: +91-22-22810606

    Email: [email protected] Website: corp.nazara.comNOTICE OF ADJOURNED EXTRA-ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING

    THROUGH VIDEO CONFERENCEIn compliance with Section 103,108 and other applicable provisions ofthe Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and rules thereafter as amendedfrom time to time and in the light of the General Circular issued by theMinistry of Corporate Affairs bearing no 14/2020 and 17/2020 dated08th April,2020 and 13th April, 2020 respectively (MCA Circular) andnationwide lockdown till 03rd May, 2020 in view of COVID-19, theNOTICE is hereby given that the Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (“EGM”)of the Members of Company which was originally scheduled on Monday,30th March, 2020 and was adjourned, will now be held on Tuesday, 28thApril, 2020 at 11:00 A.M through Video Conference to transact thebusiness as set out in the Notice of EGM dated 02nd March, 2020,which has already been sent by permitted mode as per provisions ofthe Act, to every concerned shareholders individually.The Company had engaged the services of Link Intime India PrivateLimited (LIIPL) to provide the e-voting facility to all the members andthe facility of e-voting will be available during the meeting to thosemembers who have not cast their votes by remote e-voting. Members,who cast their vote by remote e-voting, may attend the EGM throughvideo conferencing but will not be entitled to cast their votes once againon resolutions. Shareholders who have still not registered their emailaddresses can register the same with LIIPL by sending email [email protected]. In case the shareholders have any queriesor issues regarding e-voting can write on aforesaid email. The detailedNotice regarding the adjourned EGM is available on the website of theCompany viz. corp.nazara.com.


    Vikash MittersainPlace: Mumbai Chairman & Managing DirectorDate: 23rd April, 2020 DIN: 00156740


    B-1405, One BKC, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East,

    Mumbai – 400051 Contact: 91-22-66914023

    website: www.carneliancapital.co.in |Mail Id: [email protected].

    FORM NO. URC.2

    Advertisement giving notice about registration under Part I of

    Chapter XXI of the Act

    [Pursuant to section 374(b) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 4(1) of the

    Companies (Authorised to Register) Rules, 2014]

    1. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of sub-section (2) of section 366 of

    the Companies Act, 2013, an application is proposed to be made after fifteen

    days hereof but before the expiry of thir ty days hereinafter to the Registrar at

    Mumbai that Carnelian Asset Advisors LLP, a LLP may be registered under

    Part I of Chapter XXI of the Companies Act 2013, as a company limited by

    shares in the name of “Carnelian Asset Advisors Private Limited”.

    2. The principal objects of the company are as follows:

    a) To Act as a Settler, Sponsor and Investment Manager to the Alternative

    Investment Fund and to engage in such other activities relating to the

    Alternative Investment Fund business as permitted under the applicable laws.

    b) Advising on investment in stocks, shares, securities, debenture, bonds,

    warrants, depository receipt, options, derivative and all kinds of financial

    instruments including proper ty related or other funds and making

    investment in Securitization Company or Reconstruction Company in any


    c) Providing financial and investment advisory services, management and

    facilitation services, conducting analysis, assessment and research related

    to any industry, funds, national and international stock market.

    d) Providing consultancy services to any person whether in India or abroad

    including but not limited to individual, governments, semi-government,

    venture capital funds, private investors, angel investors, trusts, institutional

    investors, banks, companies, bodies corporate whether incorporated or

    not, in India or abroad and to act as mangers, advisors, executors, trustees,

    administrators, attorneys, representative, or nominees and also to carry

    on the business portfolio Management services.

    3. A copy of the draft Memorandum and Articles of Association of the proposed

    company may be inspected at the office at B-1405, One BKC, G Block, Bandra

    Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai – 400051.

    4. Notice is hereby given that any person objecting to this application may

    communicate their objection in writing to the Registrar at Central Registration

    Centre (CRC), Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA), Plot No. 6, 7, 8,

    Sector 5, IMT Manesar, District Gurgaon (Haryana), Pin Code - 122050, within

    twenty one days from the date of publication of this notice, with a copy to the

    LLP/ Proposed Company at its registered office or Mail Id:

    [email protected] of the Company.

    Dated this 24th day of April 2020 Sd/-

    Manoj Bahety

    Designated Partner

    Indiabulls Consumer Finance Limited(formerly IVL Finance Limited)

    CIN: U74899DL1994PLC062407

    Notice is hereby given that branch of Indiabulls Consumer Finance Limited to beshifted/closed as per details hereunder:Old Address New Address1st Floor, Gayatri Complex 104,105,Nr. HDFC ATM UCO Bank SBI BankGred Road, Kabirpor, Navsari - 396445Gujarat

    800/B, 8th Floor, International TradeCenter, Majura Gate Crossing, RingRoad, Surat - 395002 (Gujrat)

    Our customer helpline numbers are 040-61657222 (For Maharashtra, Bengal andSouthern states) and 0124-6165722 (For Rest of India) from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.,alternatively write us on our customer care e-mail id [email protected].

    For Indiabulls Consumer Finance Limited(formerly IVL Finance Limited)

    Sd/Manish Rustagi

    yraterceSynapmoCPlace : NavsariDate : 24.04.2020


    Registered Office: Tanla Technology Centre, Hitec City Road, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500081 .Tel.: +91 040 40099999, Fax: +91 040 2312 2999. E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.tanla.com

    NOTICEMembers are hereby informed that pursuant to Sections 108 and 110 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“Companies Act”),read with the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 (“Management Rules”), each as amendedfrom time to time, and the General Circular Nos. 14/2020 and 17/2020 dated April 8, 2020 and April 13, 2020,respectively, issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India (the “MCA Circulars”), the Company hascompleted dispatch of the postal ballot notices along with explanatory statement (in electronic form) on April 23, 2020to all shareholders whose names appear in the register of members/ list of beneficial owners, as on the close of workinghours on April 17, 2020 (Friday) i.e., cut off date, as received from the National Securities Depository Limited(“NSDL”) and Central Depository Services (India) Limited (“CDSL”) (together referred to as “Depositories") andwho have registered their e-mail addresses in respect of electronic holdings with the depository through the concerneddepository participants and in respect of physical holdings withKFin Technologies Private Limited, the registrar andshare transfer agent of the Company (“KFintech”), for seeking their approval to the proposed buyback of fully paid upequity shares of face value of INR 1/- each of the Company (“Equity Shares”), through postal ballot by way of remote e-voting (“E-voting”).In compliance with Sections 108 and 110 of the Companies Act read with Rules 20 and 22 of the Management Rules,Regulation 44 of the SEBI Listing Regulations and MCA Circulars, the Company is offering facility of E-voting. TheCompany has engaged services of KFintech as its agency for providing E-voting facility to shareholders of theCompany. In compliance with the requirements of the MCA Circulars, hard copy of the postal ballot notice along withpostal ballot forms and pre-paid business envelope have not been sent to the shareholders for this postal ballot andshareholders are requested to carefully read the instructions indicated in postal ballot notice and communicate theirassent (for) or dissent (against) through E-voting only.Voting through electronic means shall commence from 9.00 a.m. onApril 24, 2020 (Friday) and end at 5.00 p.m. onMay 23 2020 (Saturday). Voting by electronic means will not be allowed beyond 5:00 p.m. on May 23, 2020(Saturday). Members are requested to refer to E-voting instructions in the postal ballot notice regarding the processand manner for E-voting. The voting rights of the members for e-voting shall be in proportion to their shareholding in thepaid-up equity share capital as on the said cut-off date.Aperson who is not a member as on the cut-off date should treatthis notice for information purposes only. The Postal Ballot Notice can also be downloaded from the Company’s website(www.tanla.com), website of KFintech (https://evoting.karvy.com), and at the relevant sections of the websites of thestock exchanges on which the Equity Shares of the Company are listed i.e., National Stock Exchange of India Limitedand BSE Limited.The Board of Directors has appointed Ms. Suman Bijarnia, Practicing Company Secretary (CP No. 19013) as theScrutinizer for conducting the e-voting process in a fair and transparent manner.On account of threat posed by COVID-19 and in terms of the MCA Circulars, the Company has sent the postal ballotnotice in electronic form only and hard copy of the postal ballot notice along with postal ballot forms and pre-paidbusiness envelope have not been sent to the members for this postal ballot. Accordingly, the communication of theassent or dissent of the members would take place through the E-voting system. Therefore, those members who havenot yet submitted their e-mail address are requested to get their e-mail addresses registered by following the proceduregiven below:(i) In light of the MCA Circulars, for remote E-voting for this postal ballot, shareholders who have not registered theiremail addresses and in consequence the E-voting notice could not be serviced, may temporarily get their e-mailaddresses submitted with the Company’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent, KFin Technologies Private Limited, byclicking the link: https://karisma.kfintech.com/emailreg. Shareholders may also visit the website of the Company(www.tanla.com) and click on the “Postal ballot-email registration” and follow the submission process as guidedthereafter. Post successful submission of the e-mail address, the shareholder would get soft copy of this Notice and theprocedure for E-voting along with the user-id and the password to enable E-voting for this postal ballot. In case of anyqueries, shareholder may write to [email protected].(ii) It is clarified that for permanent registration of e-mail address, the shareholders are however requested to registertheir email address, in respect of electronic holdings with the depository through the concerned depository participantsand in respect of physical holdings with the Company’s Registrar and Share TransferAgent, KFin Technologies PrivateLimited, Selenium, Tower B, Plot 31 & 32, Gachibowli, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad-500032, India byfollowing due procedure.(iii) Those shareholders who have already registered their e-mail address are requested to keep their e-mail addressesvalidated with their depository participants / the Company’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent, KFin TechnologiesPrivate Limited to enable servicing of notices / documents / annual Reports electronically to their e-mail address.The Scrutinizer will submit the report to the Chairman of the Company or any other person authorized by the Chairmanand the e-voting results will be announced on or beforeMay 25th 2020 (Monday), and will be displayed on the websiteof the Company at www.tanla.com and shall also be informed to National Stock Exchange of India Limited, BSELimited, and the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent. In the event that the national lockdown on account of COVID-19situation is eased off and the Company’s offices are open for business, the Company will also display the results of thepostal ballot at its registered office.For any query or grievance regarding, inter alia, voting by electronic means, please visit Help & FAQ’s section ofKFintech’s e-voting website or contact the Kfintech at Toll free No. 1800 3454 001 or write an e-mail [email protected] or contact Ms. Seshanuradha Chava, Vice President, Legal and Secretarial, Tanla TechnologyCentre, Hitec City Road, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana – 500 081 at +91 040-40099999 or write an e-mail [email protected]: April 23, 2020Place: Hyderabad

    For Tanla Solutions LimitedSd/-, Seshanuradha ChavaVP – Legal & Secretarial

    Printed and Published by Sangita Kheoraon behalf of Business Standard Private

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