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Tantalising Summer recipe ebook

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  • 7/30/2019 Tantalising Summer recipe ebook


  • 7/30/2019 Tantalising Summer recipe ebook


    Introductionfrom the Weigh It Up Team

    Summer is here, and with it comes plenty of opportunities to

    enjoy outdoor activities and healthy, easy meals with your family

    and friends!

    Now that the New Year is well and truly underway, I thought Id drop you a quick note and thank

    you for all the support and pleasure you have provided me and the team here at Weigh It Up. I

    really wanted to thank you all with a gift and have prepared a mini Weigh It Up recipe e-book for

    you to enjoy. (Yes, a small taste of whats to come!)

    When we started this journey last year in October (well for me it started well before then) we set

    ourselves a goal of helping 50,000 Australians learn more about their food consumption, weight

    control and healthy living. In short, we wanted to help people become healthier and happier

    without having to pay. Like too many things in todays world, learning about health should be afree staple, not an expensive privilege. We figured that if we could encourage this many people

    to lose a little weight, we could trim a lot offthe collective waistline of Australia. So far we have

    removed 250,000kg - what an achievement! While the government runs around issuing reports

    about how nothing seems to work, they ignore the will of the people who are getting on with it -

    thats you!

    So, with your support, we will continue on our mission. Next stop, 100,000 Weigh it Up partici-

    pants and 1 million kg. I know we can do it. Decide what you want to achieve for the coming year

    write down your goals and make sure they are achievable, breaking them down into do-able

    chunks. Re-establish healthy habits by following the menu plans and recipes to get back on track.

    In the meantime, we will keep the good news coming, and we will keep doing it free. So long

    as we have enough involvement from the community, we will continue to attract the advertiser

    support we need to keep operating. So keep telling your friends, spread the good news and letskeep this going. Together we really are making a difference and setting the right example for our


    Remember to share this book with your family and friends by printing it out or sending them to

    the website so they share our fantastic, healthy recipes!

    Happy New Year!

    On The Menu

    Breakfast RecipesSummer Berries & Homemade Granola

    ALPS Blend with ChiaSticky Date PancakesHam & Egg Pies

    Hors DOeuruesSmokey BBQ Eggplant DipWonton Wrapped Asparagus & Walnut Stuffed Prunes

    Vegetables, Salads & DressingsUnbelievably Crunchy Roast Potatoes

    Rainbow Tabouleh

    Salad RosolinoBalsamic VinaigretteSalad Combinations

    Main MealsThai BBQ Prawn & Scallop Skewers

    Sticky Chicken With Coconut Spinach Rice

    Chicken Caesar Salad

    Hamburger with Caramelised OnionGinger & Mirin Tofu

    DessertsDate, Walnut & White Chocolate Slice

    Choc Chip Ripple Cake and fresh Berries

    Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 1 Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 2


  • 7/30/2019 Tantalising Summer recipe ebook



    Commercially bought granola

    is normally high in fat & sugar,

    this version is not. Its greatsprinkled over cereal & fruit forbreakfast or yoghurt for a midafternoon snack or topping onhealthy home made muffins.

    Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 3 Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 4

    cup Mixed berries eg blueberries,

    raspberries, blackberries

    2 Strawberries- cut in quarters

    cup Low fat yoghurt

    2 Tbs Granola* (recipe below) or

    ALPS Blend

    1. Place berries in a serving bowl and top

    with yoghurt and granola.

    ALPSBlendwith ChiaSeeds

    Great to sprinkle on porridge, cereal, yoghurt, fruit, low fat ice cream, muffins, slices,salads, stir fries vegetables etc. In fact anything on a plate!

    By adding healthy fat into your diet youll not only remember more but youll also keep hunger

    and some wrinkles at bay a little longer. A word of warning though, its still fat, so be careful andmeasure. Dont substitute with LSA, which is a combination of only three ingredients- ground.

    Its the crunch of the seven nut/seeds that makes this so satisfying.

    3 cups Rolled oats or rolled rye, rice, spelt or


    2 tsp Ground cinnamon

    1 tsp Ground ginger

    1 tsp Ground cardamom300g ALPS Blend (or a mixture of nuts & seeds,

    not LSA)

    cup Fresh orange juice

    Zest One orange

    1 tsp Vanilla extract

    cup No added sugar Apple Sauce

    150g Currants

    150g Cranberries

    1. Preheat oven to 150 C

    2. Combine all ingredients except cranberries and


    3. Spread on two baking trays, spray with oil spray

    and bake for 35-40 minutes, turning granolamixture over and swapping tray positions every

    10 minutes, to prevent burning. The granola

    should be brown and dry.

    4. Allow to cool and add currants & cranberries.

    5. Store in an airtight container 1 Cup Flaked almonds

    1 Cup Pumpkin seeds

    1 Cup Sunflower seeds

    Cup Flax seeds

    Cup Sesame seeds

    Cup Poppy seeds

    cup Chia seeds

    1. Preheat oven to 180 C

    2. Place nuts on a baking tray and cook for 10- 20

    minutes, or until lightly browned tossing half way

    through. Cool .

    3. Combine all ingredients and store in an airtight


    A complete and nourishing breakfast of fresh berries, high in antioxidants; rolled oats with

    slow release carbohydrates for sustained energy throughout the morning and nuts and seedsto provide essential heart healthy unsaturated fats.

    Add Summer Berries


  • 7/30/2019 Tantalising Summer recipe ebook



    DatePancakesServes 4

    This is a great weekend breakfast to linger over when you have a little

    more time. Freeze any extras for a later date, or only make half if you donttrust yourself to get them to the freezer..

    Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 5 Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 6

    Ham &

    EggPiesServes 2

    These are really simple to make and can be made in larger quantities to

    make for all your friends!

    4 Eggs

    40g Ham, sliced

    3 Cherry tomatoes, quartered

    2 tsp Grated parmesan cheese

    2 Sheets filo pastry

    1. Preheat oven to 180 C

    2. Spray 2 holes of a standard muffin tray with oil


    3. Spray a sheet of filo pastry with oil.

    4. Spray with oil and fold in half bringing two long

    sides together, spray again and again bring two

    long sides together.

    5. Zig zag a quarter of the pastry into the bottom

    of the muffin tin, pressing down firmly to form

    the base of the pie and then wrap the rest of the

    pastry around to form the casing of the pie.

    6. Line the pastry with the ham and add 2 eggs, 6tomato quarters and a teaspoon of cheese.

    7. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until set and brown.

    75 g Dates- chopped

    cup Boiling water

    Cup Wholemeal flour

    Cup Plain flour

    1 Tsp Bicarb soda

    1 tsp Ground cinnamon

    tsp Ground ginger

    1 Tbs Golden Syrup

    2 Egg whites

    cup Buttermilk

    cup Skim milk

    4 Tbs Low fat Greek style yoghurt

    1 Banana- sliced

    1 Tbs Golden Syrup

    30g Walnuts- chopped

    1. Place dates and boiling water in a small bowl and

    stand for 10 minutes.

    2. Sift flours, bicarb soda, cinnamon & ginger into a

    large bowl.

    3. Mix together Golden Syrup, egg whites, buttermilk

    & skim milk until just combined. Add wet mix and

    date mixture to flours and mix well.

    4. Heat a small sprayed non stick fry pan over

    medium heat.

    5. Add 1/3 cupfuls of mixture and cook for 2 minutes

    or until bubbles appear, turn and cook other side.

    6. To serve top with yoghurt, banana, walnuts anddrizzle with Golden Syrup.


  • 7/30/2019 Tantalising Summer recipe ebook


    Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 6 Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 7

    Wonton WrappedAsparagus

    These can be made the day before andcooked just prior to serving

    Walnut StuffedProsciutto Prunes

    These can be made the day before andcooked just prior to serving

    8 Large prunes

    8 Walnut halves

    4 Slices of prosciutto- cut in half


    1. Preheat oven to 180 C

    2. Pierce the end of each prune with a knife

    and insert a walnut into each prune.

    3. Wrap each prune in prosciutto and place

    on baking tray

    4. Bake for 20 minutes

    5. Serve warm

    8 Asparagus spears- washed

    2 Tbs Parmesan cheese

    8 Small wonton sheets *

    Salt & pepper

    1. Preheat oven to 180 C

    2. Cut asparagus all the same lengths

    3. Mix parmesan with cracked pepper

    and add a teaspoon of cheese onto a

    wonton sheet.

    4. Wrap wonton paper tightly around theasparagus dipping a finger in water and

    running along closing edge to seal.

    5. Place on baking tray, spray with oil,

    season with salt & pepper and bake for

    20-25 minutes or until golden.

    6. Can be served warm or at room


    Hors DOeurves

    Smokey BBQEggplant Dip

    This is ideal to cook on the BBQ as the char-

    ring of the skin gives it an unusual smokey

    flavour. Also great tossed through warm

    pasta, spread on a pizza base with shredded

    chicken and served with a salad or spread in

    a sandwich or wrap.

    2 Medium eggplants

    1 Bulb of garlic

    1 Small chilli- thinly sliced

    1 Tbs Sweet soy sauce

    1 tsp Sesame oil

    2 tsp Lemon juice

    2 Spring onions, thinly sliced

    1. Heat BBQ to medium2. BBQ whole garlic head for 20 minutes or

    until the garlic is quite soft

    3. Prick eggplant with a fork and BBQ whole,

    turning every 10 minutes, until the skin is

    quite blackened

    4. Remove from heat and set aside until cool

    enough to remove the charred skin.

    5. Mash in a bowl and add remaining


    6. Cut the garlic in half, squeeze half of the

    puree and stir through the dip.

    Our MembersSay...

    Sticky Chicken Recipe

    Sticky chicken is sooooo good!!! My whole

    family loved it .. so much so that my partner is

    excited about having it for lunch tomorrow!! He

    even has to eat it cold cause he cant heat it on

    the job site! AND he said I think KFC is a thing

    of the past - this from a man who had KFC at

    least 3 times a week!

    Thank You Julie!

    Junes Poem

    Julie I just have to rant,

    cos you got me to eat eggplant.

    Next vegetable was artichoke,

    shell never eat it said my folk.

    Theres no way Id touch asparagus,

    but found out its really good for us.

    Thought about hiding in the kennel,

    but sure enough I ate the fennel.

    I am now dancing the tango,

    as I eat my slice of mango.Now I am no longer a binger

    Julie got me to eat my ginger!

    Love June

  • 7/30/2019 Tantalising Summer recipe ebook


    Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 8 Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 9

    BalsamicVinegaretteI put this in a pump spray bottle to spritz the

    salad. It gives a nice even mist and preventsyou from adding too much.

    SaladRosolino Serves 2

    Inspired by a beautiful dinner at my dear

    friend Marys place. You can now buy bal-samic vinegar in a pump spray bottle which

    is great for spritzing your salads with a fine


    50g Rocket

    Baby fennel- thinly sliced

    45g Sugarsnap peas- topped &


    2 Spring onions- thinly sliced

    Avocado- sliced

    Fresh herbs: chives, dill, parsley,

    chive flowers

    1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl andspritz with vinegar

    cup Good quality balsamic vinegar

    2 tbs Dijon mustard

    cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    1 tsp Dried Italian herbs

    1 Small red onion- chopped

    1 clove garlic- cut in 2

    salt & pepper

    1. Place all ingredients in a jar and shakewell

    2. Allow to stand for at least 30 minutes to

    allow the flavours to blend

    3. The onion loses its pungency when

    left in the dressing for a while and

    flavours the dressing

    RainbowTabbouleh Serves 2

    A refreshingly simple, easy to make side dish

    that complements all main dishes! Be sure to

    use fresh herbs!

    To make this very quick, you buy a 300g bag ofprecut coleslaw vegetables or Rainbow Salad from

    the supermarket. This is a combination of gratedcarrot, beetroot and broccoli.

    Crunchy RoastPotatoes Serves 2

    This dish was inspired by one of Nigellas

    minus the goose fat, of course. A word ofwarning should go with this recipe, only

    make whats needed because you cant stop

    eating them!

    2 Medium size potatoes- washed

    2 tbs Semolina

    1. Preheat oven to 220C

    2. Cut unpeeled potatoes into chunks and

    place in a saucepan of cold salted water

    and bring to the boil.

    3. Cook for 4 minutes and drain

    4. Add semolina to saucepan and with lid

    on shake it around to coat the potatoes. It

    doesnt matter if they mash a bit, this adds

    to the crunchiness

    5. Turn on to a baking paper lined tray and

    spray liberally with oil

    6. Bake for 30-40 minutes until golden


    cup Burghul or cracked wheat

    tsp Vegetable stock powder

    cup Boiling water

    150g Each of green & red cabbage- finely


    1 Medium carrot- grated

    1 Stick of celery- cut into 4 cm lengths &

    finely sliced into long strips

    2 Spring onions- thinly sliced

    2 tbs Pumpkin seeds

    2 tbs Chopped fresh parsley

    1 Mint leaves thinly sliced


    1tbs lemon juiceZest Of half a lemon

    2 tsp Extra virgin olive oil

    20 g Dried cranberries-chopped

    tsp Salt1. Place wheat, stock and boiling water in

    a small bowl and cover with cling wrap

    and stand for 10 minutes whilst

    preparing the rest of the salad.

    2. Make dressing by combining all

    ingredients and whisking together

    3. Mix all salad ingredients in a large bowl.

    4. Fluffwheat with a fork and add to salad.

    5. Pour over dressing and serve

    Simple Sides

  • 7/30/2019 Tantalising Summer recipe ebook


    Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 10

    SaladsThere is an endless variety of ingredients to choose from for tasty salad combinations.

    Just add a low fat dressing, some protein and you have a nourishing meal

    LeafIceberg, butter, mignonette, or combinationlettuce, baby spinach, cress or rocket

    TomatoFresh sliced, cherry, roma or drained semidried

    CucumberFresh or pickled OnionSpring, purple or shallot

    HerbsParsley, chives, basil, coriander, thyme or


    NutsALPS Blend or almonds, walnuts, peanuts,

    cashews, pinenuts, pumpkin, sunflower, flax

    & sesame seeds

    GrainsPearl barley, quinoa, brown rice, cracked

    wheat, cous cous

    PulsesLentils, chickpeas, butter, kidney, cannellini


    Roasted VegetablesAsparagus, beans, snow peas, zucchini, broccoli, cauli, capsicum, mushroom, carrot, celery,

    baby squash, bean shoots, sprouts, radish, roast pumpkin, sweet potato

    Simple Sides

    Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 11

  • 7/30/2019 Tantalising Summer recipe ebook


    Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 11 Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 12


    SaladServes 2

    A much healthier version of the classic salad. Its a fantastic meal that can be pulled together

    for a crowd or just a simple weeknight meal. The dressing is my favorite and a healthy version

    of mayonnaise that can be used on any salads or in sandwiches or wraps.

    300g Chicken breast fillets- fat re

    movedMcCormicks Lemon Pepper

    1 Bunch asparagus- woody ends

    snapped off

    30 g Lean ham

    1 slice Whole grain bread- crusts

    removed and ripped into

    small pieces

    Cos lettuce leaves- washed

    2 tsp Grated parmesan cheese

    Cracked pepper


    1 tbs Low fat yoghurt

    1 tbs Low fat cottage cheese

    1/2 tsp White wine vinegar

    1/2 tsp Dijon mustard

    1 tsp Worcestershire Sauce

    1 Pinch of salt

    1 tsp Water

    2 tsp Extra virgin olive oil

    For the dressing:

    1. Blend all ingredients except the oil with a stick blender,

    until smooth.

    2. Whilst still mixing gradually add olive oil until mayo is

    light and fluffy.

    For the chicken:

    1. Preheat oven 10 180 C

    2. Place ham & bread pieces on lined baking paper tray.

    3. Spray bread with oil spray and season with Lemon

    Pepper and bake for 15-20 minutes or until cooked,

    turning ham half way through cooking

    4. Wash asparagus, cut into 3cm lengths and place in a

    bowl and cover with boiling water and cover with cling


    5. Stand for 5 minutes then drain & refresh in cold water.

    6. Cover chicken with plastic wrap and flatten with a mallet

    to even thickness

    7. Spray chicken with oil spray and season with lemon

    pepper and grill on BBQ or grill pan 3-4 minutes each

    side until cooked.

    8. Set aside (if not cooked through then place in oven,

    covered with foil, for 5 minutes)

    9. Toss torn cos lettuce, asparagus & parmesan cheese with

    2 Tbs of dressing

    10. Add sliced chicken, crumble over the ham and bread


    Thai BBQPrawn

    & ScallopSkewersServes 2

    A deliciously simple meal to whip up in no time. Make sure you buy the freshest seafood pos-

    sible from your local market to get the most flavour!

    16 Shelled & de-headed green

    prawns- tail intact16 Scallops

    2tbs Fish sauce

    2tbs Lime juice

    1 Chilli- thinly sliced

    4 Kaffir lime leaves*- thinly sliced

    1 Clove of garlic- finely chopped

    1. Clean seafood.

    2. Thread seafood onto skewers with a prawn wrapped around a scallop and putting four on each skewer.

    (if using wooden skewers soak them for an hour first

    to prevent burning)

    3. Marinate the skewers for half an hour and then BBQ

    over medium heat for a few minutes each side. They will

    both change colour when cooked

    4. Dont over cook or the seafood will dry out.

    5. Serve with salad and rice


    Kaffir lime leaves area available at Asian grocers or in the fruit &

    veg department at the supermarket. They can be frozen for uselater.

    Dinner Time

  • 7/30/2019 Tantalising Summer recipe ebook


    Weight It Up with Julie White. Page Weight It Up with Julie White. Page


    WithSpinachCoconut RiceServes 2

    This chicken dish has proven to be one of the most popular dishes in the WIU program. Its

    quick easy and the whole family will love it. For small children substitute half the amount of

    sweet chilli sauce with tomato sauce.

    cup Sweet chilli sauce

    cup Soy sauce

    cup Crunchy peanut butter

    4 Free range chicken thighs-

    skin & excess fat removed &

    cut in half

    1 tbsp Fresh coriander

    1 cup Brown rice

    400g Tin light coconut milk

    cup Water

    tsp Salt

    100g Thinly sliced mushrooms

    2 handfuls Baby spinach leaves

    1. Preheat oven to 180 C

    2. Combine chilli & soy sauce with peanut butter in a small

    saucepan and heat over medium heat until blended.

    3. Mix chicken & sauce & marinate for as long possible. The

    longer the better. If time permits overnight, otherwise 30

    mins will do

    4. Place on oil sprayed oven tray & bake for 30-40 minutes

    until chicken is brown, sticky & cooked.

    5. Rinse rice well and place in a saucepan with coconut

    milk, water & salt and bring to the boil

    6. Reduce heat & simmer for 5 minutes.

    7. Add mushrooms and continue to cook until almost all

    the liquid has evaporated and holes appear in the

    surface of the rice.

    8. Turn offand remove from heat.

    9. Add spinach, stir and cover with a lid and stand for 10

    minutes. Rice should have a crunchy texture, not mushy

    10. Stir through coriander and serve with chicken.


    CaramelisedOnionsServes 2

    This recipe makes a large quantity of burgers so invite your friends over or freeze the rest for

    another night.

    For the burger mix:

    400g Lean mince

    400g Tin lentils- drained & wellrinsed

    1 Small carrot-grated

    1 Small red onion- grated

    cup Quick cook oats

    1tsp Dried herbs or fresh parsley

    2 Tbs BBQ sauce

    1 Egg- beaten

    Salt & pepper

    For your burger creation:

    1 Red onion thinly sliced &

    sprayed with oil

    2 tsp Balsamic vinegar

    20 g Lean ham1 Egg

    1 Slice low fat cheese

    1 Tomato- sliced

    1 Slice of beetroot

    1 cup Lettuce

    2 Thin hamburger rolls

    1 tbsp BBQ sauce

    To make the burger mixture:

    1. Combine burger ingredients mixing well with hands and

    shape 1/3 Cup of mixture into burger patties.(Freeze remainder burgers either cooked or raw for later


    To make the burgers:

    1. Cook onion over low to medium heat on flat plate of

    BBQ or in a small fry pan. Sprinkle with vinegar when

    onions are almost cooked

    2. Cook burger mixture (above) and ham on preheated

    BBQ over medium heat.

    3. Spray a non stick fry pan with oil and dry fry egg

    4. Toast buns on BBQ and layer with burger, onion, cheese,

    egg, ham, tomato, beetroot, sauce & lettuce to serve

    Dinner Time

  • 7/30/2019 Tantalising Summer recipe ebook


    Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 13 Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 14

    Ginger &

    Mirin TofuServes 2

    The tofu can also be served on a bed of salad with the dipping sauce spooned over as a dress-

    ing, or with Coconut Spinach Rice, or Salad Rosolino or Asian Coleslaw on website www.


    Basic Marinade:

    1 tbs Soy sauce

    1 tbs Mirin

    1 tspn Grated ginger

    1 clove Garlic- crushed

    1 tsp Finely chopped coriander

    2 tsp Honey

    Dipping sauce:

    1 tbs Light soy

    1 Tbs Lemon juice

    1 Red chilli- thinly sliced

    1 Packet of firm tofu, cut into


    1. Combine marinade ingredients and marinate tofu slices

    for at least half an hour.

    2. Heat an oil sprayed non stick fry pan over medium heat.

    3. Cook tofu browning an all sides

    4. Serve with dipping sauce


    Walnut &WhiteChocolateSlice

    This is a delicious treat the whole family can enjoy at any time of day! This is a no added fat or

    sugar vegetarian slice.

    120g Pitted dates- chopped.

    1/2 cup Water.

    1 Large egg.

    1 1/4 cups Quick cook oats.

    1/2 cup Wholemeal flour.

    50g Walnuts- chopped.

    1/2 tsp Ground cinnamon.

    1/2 tsp Baking powder.

    1 Pinch salt.

    100g White chocolate melts

    1. Preheat oven to 180C.

    2. Spray a slice tray with oil.

    3. Blend together 60g of dates and 1/2 cup of water until


    4. Add egg and mix till just blended.

    5. In medium size bowl combine oats, flour, walnuts,

    cinnamon, baking powder, salt and remaining dates.

    6. Add date and egg mixture to dry mix and spread into

    baking tray levelling with a wet knife.

    7. Bake for 15 minutes or until golden.

    8. Cool in pan and then remove.

    9. Melt chocolate according to directions on packet and

    spread over the top of the slice and cut into 12 bars by

    cutting in half lengthways and then half again.

    10. Then cut into 3 across in other direction making 12

    evenly sized bars.

    Dinner Time Sweet Tooth

  • 7/30/2019 Tantalising Summer recipe ebook


    Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 15

    Choc Chip

    Ripple Cake& FreshBerries

    Serves 2

    This is a healthy version of the classic Choc Ripple cake minus the fat. It needs to be made a

    day ahead. It can be made in a log using all the biscuits if entertaining, but I prefer the indi-

    vidual serves for portion control. Remember to eat slowly and savour every mouthful of thisdivine dessert.

    6 Paradise Vive Lites Choc Chip


    cup Low fat Black Swan Greek style


    1 Punnet of berries

    30g Dark chocolate

    1. Place 1 tsp of yoghurt on a plate and add a biscuit.

    2. Cover with yoghurt and add another biscuit, more

    yoghurt and a third biscuit.

    3. Totally cover the biscuit stack in yoghurt and repeat with

    other biscuits and remaining yoghurt.

    4. Cover and refrigerate over night.

    5. To serve, scatter around fresh berries an grate chocolate

    over the top.

    * This is a gelatine set yoghurt so will hold its firmness, other

    wise if using a naturally set yoghurt you will need to drain it for a

    few hours first to remove excess liquid or it will be too runny.

    Sweet Tooth

    Our Members

    Say...Just wanted to pass on my thanks. I am in my 8thweek of this programme, have lost 6.7kg to date, am

    never hungry and have soooo many new recipes to

    add to my repertoire.

    Im loving the breakfasts - I am usually a creature ofhabit and could happily eat weetbix for breakfast every

    day for months but I absolutely love the smoothie, the

    power oats, the eumundi muesli and the breakfast

    trifle. From the comments on the forum Im expecting

    the sticky date pancakes to also be awesome but so

    far havent been game, since I expect Ill gobble the lotdown in one sitting.

    I am only at day one of week 3 and loving the foodI am preparing each day (have never tasted or eaten

    most of the ingredients you have in all your recipes

    before) and my husband is just loving the new dinners.

    Just got to try and get him onto this program for the

    rest of the goodies.

    Thankyou soooo much for the program and the won-derful easy, no fuss recipes that have been e xcellent for

    busy working Mums.

    About This


    This e-book has been produced by the team at

    Weigh It Up and cookdinner.com

    If you have any feedback, wed love to hear about it!

    Send us an email to [email protected]

    All content is Copyright 2010 and should not be

    reproduced without prior permission from Weigh It



    Weigh It Up with Julie White. Page 16
