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TANTEb-BY Js'-J? 1HXIB Baltimore. «fK? F^^WB .Pr2f t£ 1BKM)B · 2017-12-26 ·...

Date post: 20-Jul-2020
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W lvery one who want* to hire help or Ind ¦ situation, b«j or Mil real estate, let or hire Wmm or rooms. And work or worker*, borrow 4r 1and money, or offer or And bargain! of any had, should aae and eonaalt the eeoond and (bird pt(M of Tn Stab. Ther constitute a jiMfaat daily history and directory of the minor Bilfc and activities of thia community, and eaek new advertisement therein aa well wcrtk reading aa any other department of the SOCIAL MATTERS. Fashionable Receptions and Teea.Per¬ sonal Notes. The Senatorial house* will be open to callers In me i n a Mrs. Dolph and her daughter, Mrs. Nixon, Mrs. and the Miases Blackburn, at the Zbbitt: Mrs. Palmer, Miss Voorhees, Mrs. and Miaa Sherman, Mrs. Stockbridge, Mrs. Hoar, Mrs. Morrill anJ Miss Swan, Mrs. and Mi* Evart*. Mrs. J. D. Cameron. Mr*. Hale, Mrs. and Miss Dawes, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Manderson and Mrs. aad Miss Paddock, at the Portland. Others who will receive are Mrs. Quay, Mrs. Baagan, Mrs. Teller, Mrs. Pugh. Mrs. Walthall, MrsTPomeroy, Mrs. J. H. Souli, 1433 M street; Mrs. Monroe, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Jeremiah Wilson, Mrs. and the Misses Huyck, Mrs. Pollok and Mrs. MacAdoo. 1920 I street; Mrs. Saunders Garland, 1509 Corcoran street; Mrs. John Blair Hoge, Mrs. Neil Belt. Mrs. John W. Daniel from 8 to 7, assisted by her mother, Mrs. Murrell, Mrs. Faulkner, Mrs. Claggett, the Misees Duhamel, the Misses Butler, the Misses Blackford and Mias Reed, of Virginia. Mrs. Hearst. Mrs. Stanford, and Mrs. Cock- re11 will not be at home to callers to-morrow. Senator and Mrs. Cockrell gave the Arst of two card receptions last evening, and the event gathered together a large ana brilliant com¬ pany. The drawing-rooms were decked with cut roses and the window recesses and chan- deliers garlanded with ropes of smilax. The Senator and Mrs. Cockrell received their guests in the front drawing-room, the hostess wear¬ ing a handsome dress of stone-gray faille, draped with gray point d' esprit, and trimmed upon the shoulder and caught upon the skirt with sprays of violets. They were assisted in receiving by Mrs. Cookrell s sister and guest, Mrs. John B. Walker, of Booneville, Mo., who wore a trained gown of black faille, body of black velvet, the low edge draped with black laee, and Mrs. Gen. Rochester, who was at¬ tired in green plush made over a petticoat of pale brocade. The supper table was bounti¬ fully apread in the dining-room, and in the center was an oval of scarlet tulips. Salads, oysters, ices, and confectionery and punch were served. Some of those present were Mr. aad Mrs. Jaa. G. Blaine. Senator and Mrs. Pal¬ mer, Jnstice and Mrs. Fuller, Senator and Mrs. Bpooner, Senator and Mrs. Manderson, Senator and Mrs. Ingalls, Judge Drake and Mrs. and Miaa Westcott. lbs. and the Misses Blackburn, Capt. and Mrs. John F. Lodgers, Mrs. Folaom, Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Stetson, of New York, who are guests at the Whit* House; Senator and Mrs. Dolph, Mrs. Senator Daniel, Mr. anJ Mrs. Willard Warner, Secretary and Mrs. Endicott. Mr. En¬ dicott, Secretary and Miss Vilas, the Postmas¬ ter-General aad Mrs. Dickinson. Mrs. Lister, Mrs. and Miss Atchison, Justice and Mrs. Field. Justice and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hallidav, Mrs. Langhorne. Mrs. Crosby, Major and Mrs. Tucker, Secretary and Miss Florence Bavard, Speaker and Mrs" Carlisle, Mr. and Mrs. Llovd ace. Senator Evarts, Senator and Mrs. Mor- Miss Swan. Mr. Jas. Morrill, Dr. and Mrs. Allen. Miss Dorsey, Miss Eastman. Lieut. Du- vall, 8enator and Mrs. Vance. Oen. Greely. Senator and Mrs. Sherman. Miss Mary Sher¬ man, Col. and Mrs. Lamont. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Loring. Mr. and Mrs. Hitt, the Chinese min¬ ister. Dr. low. Minister Roustan. Miss Mary Wileon. Justice Lamar, Gen. Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Hatch, the Mexican minister and Madame Romero. Mr. Stilson Hutchins, and Dr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Hammond. The Mexican minister and Madame Romero gave another of their charming afternoon re¬ ceptions yesterday, at which there was danc¬ ing. Maaame Kouiero was assisted in receiv¬ ing the callers by Mrs. MenocaL In the din- ing-room Mrs. Willard Warner poured tea at on* end of the table and Miss May Lawton at the other, ami Miss Kosecranz at a side table served the Mexican punch. Among the others assisting were Miss Mnry Wilson. Miss Edith Soule. Miss Lucy Cork hill. Miss Alice Riddle, Miss Cullom. Miss Condit Smith. Miss Thomas. Miaa Bacon. Miss Casey, Mrs. Thos. Riggs and Mra. N. L. Blanchard. The hall-room floor was crowded with dancers, and the house bad the aspect of * grand fete all the afternoon. The K street houses were very generally open to callers yesterday. Mrs. Fitzhugh Coyle was assisted by her sister, Mrs. Dunton, of Philadelphia, who is her guest, and who spent her school girl days here, in receiving, and Mrs. Goldsborough presided at the table. Mra. B. De Ford Webb had a largely attended reception, and was assisted by her guest, Miss Alice Webb, of Baltimore, and Miss Belle Hyatt, of this city. The ladies were in toilets of black lace. Judge and Mrs. J. B. Edmonds held the third of their Tuesdav in January receptions, and their handsome drawing-rooms were thronged all the afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Outhwaite and Mra. Cullen Brewster assisted the host and hostess in dispensing the lavish hospitalities of their home. Mrs. Darlington and her three handsome daughters held a pleasant reception in their spacious lamp lit drawing-room yesterday. The Misses Darlington made calls early in the afternoon and later Joined their mother at bome. Miaa Edea had with her Miss Biddle. Miss Bruen, and Mrs. Walsh, and they made a cozy quartette seated about the tea table in the sec¬ ond drawing-room. Mrs. Spinola. at the Arlington, was assisted by Mrs. Van Wyck and her guest. Miss Jeanie Whitford, of New York city. The ladies had a flowing bowl of punch, with which they served cake* and conserves, and the popularity of hostess and assistants was attested bv the brim¬ ming big card basket that with difficuly held the vintage of the afternoon Mis* Aliaan Wilson will give a tea on Monday from 4 to 6 at the residence of her brother, Mr. Thomae Wilson. 1218 Connecticut avenue. Mr. Mumm. first secretary of the German le¬ gation, who has been in Europe all the sum¬ mer. has returned to the city and was making calla yesterday. Mrs. A. B. Mullett, and her sister. Mrs. Elliott, will not be at home to callers Friday of this week, but will keep the day hereafter during the season. Senator and Mrs. Hearst give a large recep¬ tion and ball this evening to introduce Miaa Used, of San Francisco. Senator-elect McMillan, of Michigan, arrived in the city last evening and ia at the Hotel Norman die. Later he will be the guest of Sen¬ ator and Mra. Palmer. The Sui Generis club had a pleasant gather¬ ing at the Conservatory of music, on 12th street. Monday evening. Ibis club ia com¬ posed of young people of the northwest sec¬ tion of the city. It propose* to have a hop one* a month during the season. Miaa Ott, of Wheeling, W. Va.. ia the gueat of Miaa Carrie Morgan. 1941 Q street. The managers of the Hotel Arno inaugurated their handaome new reception room by throw¬ ing it open to callers yesterday, and some of the ladiee of the house were the hostesses. Mra. 8. V. White. Mrs. Dr. Chaa. H. Allen, Mrs. Wm. Claflin, wife of ex-Governor Clamn. of Boston; Mrs. and Mis* Ellis, of New York; Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Dr. Devan, Mrs. McWilliam, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. J. S. Stranahan did the honors of the new apartment. Among the callers were: Dr. Robert T. Davis, Mr. and Mra. A. Pollok, Judge and Mra. A. Leo Knott, Miss Keeuau. Mrs. Geo. F. Hoar, Mrs. P. J. Gor¬ don. Mrs. Miller. Miss Corkhill. Mrs. snd Miss Payson. Kev. Dr. W. H. Milburn, Senator and Mrs. Pugh, Miss Lucy D. Pugh, Mrs. Morrill, Miss Bodengue. Mrs. W. F. Tucker. Senator and Mra. Stockbridge, Mra. D. A. Chambers, Miaa E. P. Patten. Mr. Jno. Macartney. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Seaman. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nelson, Senator and Mrs. Manderson. CoL Blunt, Mr. snd Mrs. Herbert G. Ogden, Mrs. 8. M. Bryan, Mrs. Jno. S. Henderson, Dr. Allen, and tae secretaries of the Core an legation, Joetice and Mrs. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. M. Sweat, Mr. and Mrs. Whiting. Gen. and Mrs. Jno. C. Black, Mr*. Spooner, Miaa Annie Vilas, Mrs. Dolph, and R. P. Nixon. The friends of company C. Washington Light Infantry corpe. were out in force last night at tha second ,Tat home" of the company. The ball-room waa handsomely decorated and danc- kept up until a late hour. The reception committee was composed of Lieut. F. H. Pad¬ gett, Corp. J. H. Krauae. Lieut. C. H. Ourand. Sergt. J. H. CarU, Capt. Edson Phillips, and Privates B. D. Ellis. John J. Shugfrue, 8. McK. Peaks, A. J. Hanfmann. Geo. Y. Thorpe, and E. P. Pumphrey. The dance waa a greet suc- ceaa and it ia expected will be repeated Mra. Chaa. 8. Voorhees held a pleasant recep¬ tion yesterday afternoon. She was assisted by IIFred Seymour snd Mrs. Williams, of Detroit; Miaa Annie Wilson. Miss Mary Wilaon, Mra. Le Breton. Mrs. A. T. Stuart, Mrs. Heber May. The bosteas waa attired in a handaome embroidered gown. Mr. and Mra. Levi P. Morton retained to Hew York yesterday afternoon, although tbey will probably return to their apartment* at ths Norman die again before the 4th of next March. The ladies of Georgetown will five a german thia evening at Linthicum hall to the gentle¬ men member* of the Assembly. THE AMERICAN POTTERS. They Meet Here To-Day, Gleet Officer*, and Take Other Action. The American potter* met in the blue par¬ lor at Willard's at 10 o'clock thia morning and elected the following officer*: President, Thos. Haddock; rice-presidents, Wm. Brant, George W. Oliver and 8. J. 8cott; secretary, Alfred Day, and treasurer, J. H. Goodwin. The re¬ port of Mr. D. F. Haynes, of Baltimore, of the committee on art and design, was read, and the convention passed a resolution appropri¬ ating a snm of money to be used by that committee in the form of rewards to art students in the leading schools throughout the country. The convention adjourned at noon for dinner and met again at 2 o'clock, when a discussion on the means and methods of the pottery business was carried on. There will De a banquet to¬ night, at which one hundred are expected to be present. Thirty-one firms are represented in the convention from Trenton, N. J.; East Liverpool. Ohio; Wheeling, Steubenrille, Ohio, and Baltimore. THE ELEVENTH-CENSUS. Provisions of the Bill Reported to the Senate To-day. Senator Hale, from the committee on the eleventh census, to-day reported the bill to provide for the taking of the eleventh and sub¬ sequent censuses. The bill has been amended in many particulars. One amendment provides that all examinations for appointment and pro¬ motion under this aot shall be in the disoretion and under the direction of the Secre¬ tary of the Interior. The compensation of enumerators is now fixed as follows: "In subdivisions, where the superintendent of census shall deem such allowance sufflcien t, an allowance not exceeding 2 cents for each liv¬ ing inhabitant, 2 cents for each death re¬ ported, 15 cents for each farm, and 20 cents for each establishment of productive industry enumerated and returned, and for each sur¬ viving soldier or widow returned 6 cents mar be given in full compensation for all services.' The schedules of inquiry are to be the same as those in the last census with the addition of a special schedule of inquiry, according to; sucn form as the superintendent of the census may prescribe, which shall contain the names, organisations and length of service of those who served in the army, navy, or marine corps of the United States in the war of the rebellion, and who are survivors at the time of the taking of the census, and the widows of soldiers, sailors or marines. It is also provided that the population schedule shall include an inquiry as to the number of negroes, mulattoes, quad¬ roons and octoroons. Inquiry is also to be made as to the recorded indebtedness of private corporations and indiriduals. The ap¬ propriation for taking the census has been in¬ creased from ?6.000,000 to >6,400,000. MR. WEBB'S NOMINATION. Protest of the Republican Invincible* Against its Confirmation by the Senate. The Republican inrincibles, of this city, hare adopted a statement of their risws concerning the nomination of Mr. Webb to succeed him- self as District Commissioner. Copies of this statement were to-day sent in the form of a pro¬ test to the republican members of the Senate with a brief letter from Dr. E. A. Adams, presi¬ dent of the club, calling attention to the con¬ tents of the paper. Following is the tex t of the statement: Jaxuaby 22,1889. To the Honorable Republican Senatort of the United Stales: The Republican inrincibles of the city of Washington, in regular meeting assembled, do hereby most earnestly and respectfully protest against the confirmation of the nomination of Wm. B. Webb as a Commissioner of the Dis¬ trict of Columbia for a second term, and we place our protest upon the following grounds: First. Because we are satisfied that such nomination is against the will of a large ma- of the people of the District of Colum- Second. Because in defiance of this well- known sentiment the President made the ap- Sointment arbitrarily and in unnecessary haste; enying the people of the District an opportu¬ nity to be heard as to their wishes and upon the merits of the appointment, and declining to consider petitions expressive of the people's will upon the subject. Third. Because as the board is now consti¬ tuted, and will be if Mr. Webb should be con¬ firmed. more than one-half of the District in population, wealth and territory is practically unrepresented thereon.all the members of the present board being residents of a section em¬ braced in the northwestern part of the city, west of 13th street, instead of being distributed as they should be to properlr represent the whole people and all sections of the District of Columbia justly and fairly. And in this con¬ nection we submit that the force of this branch of our protest is well illustrated by the fact that Congress during the existence of the pres¬ ent board, of whicn Mr. Webb is the nominal head, in order to secure a just and proper ap¬ plication of the public moneys to the improve¬ ment of certain streets, or avenues, remote from that portion of the city where the mem¬ bers of the present board reside, has been com¬ pelled to direct and control the same by specific legislation. Fourth. Because we deem the re-appoint¬ ment of Mr. Webb to this important office to be now singularly unfit, when at this time it is well known to the President and all in author¬ ity that he is, in his official capacity, under¬ going an investigation by Congress for gross abuses .if not offenses.connected with the disbursement of the public moneys of the Dis¬ trict of Columbia in the purchase of sites for school-houses therein, and of which transac¬ tions sufficient is already known, whatever may be the result of the congressional investigation, to show that the public interests will be much safer for the next four year* in the hands of some one better adapted to the duties of an executive office. Fifth. Because we regard this action on the part of President Cleveland as an attempt to forestall an appointment which belongs pecu¬ liarly to the incoming republican administra¬ tion, and as at no time during his administra¬ tion of the office he now holds has Mr. Webb developed or demonstrated that he was a re¬ publican or in sympathy with that party to which he was appointed to be a Commissioner, we respectfully submit to a republican Senate the request that instead of sucn an inheritance from a democratic administration, the republi¬ cans of this District may bs farored by the ap¬ pointment of a pronounced republican to suc- cecd Mr. Webb, made by a pronounoed repub¬ lican administration and based upon the will of the people. The Line of Water Street. A DECISION 15 TBS FOUCB COCBT. To-day, in the Police Court, Mr. Charles D. Nicolai, of Nicolai Bros., coal dealers, near the Long bridge, was charged by Assistant Build¬ ing Inspector Holmes with violating the build¬ ing regulations, it being alleged that he erected a frame office within the fire limits without having first obtained a permit so to do. Mr. Nicolai obtained a permit to erect the building south of Water street, beyond the Are limits, and it was claimed by the prosecution that the building was erected north of that street. The defendant claimed that the building was erected south of Water street, in compliance with the permit A map of the city was pro¬ duced. and the judge decided the case against the defendant The property on which the office was built is now in the civil courts for a decision as to the boundary of Water street A fine of 910 or thirty days was imposed. Mr. Johnson, for the defendant noted an appeal in order to have the question of the location of Water street determined. No Cask or Smallpox Washijiotok.. During the pest few days many residents of Southeast Washington have been badly fright¬ ened because of a rumor afloat to the effect that smallpox was preralent in that locality. How the rumor started is not known, but the rumor gained credence among the naval au¬ thorities. and at their reauest Dr. Pool, of the health offioe, was sent by Dr. Townshend to make an investigation. Humor had it that there were cases in Mark's and Lewis' alleys, and the doctor made a house-to-heuse inspec¬ tion, but failed to And even a case of chicken- Ex. He, therefore, reported that the rumor d ao foundation, and that there is aot a single case of the disease in the city. Cohvictbd or Pittt Labczkt..In the Police Court this morning Byron Davis and Frank Johnson, colored, who are under a plea of guilty of housebreaking awaiting sentence in the Criminal Court, were arraigned on seven informations for petty laroeney. They pleaded not guilty, bnt were convicted in each ease and sentence was suspended. They will be called in the Police Court on Saturday for sentence. A memorial protesting against the admis¬ sion of New Mexico into the Union and signed by the leading citizens of Albuqnarqae has been forwarded to Congress. the senate tariff bill. PMMd la Chat Body by a Vote of 82 to 80.Am eadmeata Adopted. The Senate tariff bill baa, to far aa the Senate to concerned, been dtopoeed of, and there to nowhere a happier crowd of legislator* than the Senator* who hare been wreat ling day and night with the great question of tariff, and who hare at laat thrown off the burden which haa weighed them down for eo long. Ye*t*r- <toy WM a bu*y day in the Senate. There were a large nnmber of amendment* offered, and np to the hour of 6 o'clock they were debated. On motion of Mr. Sherman, a proviso, or intebest to amebican rnmnx, waa adopted. It provide* that freah fish caught by American fishermen in the high *ea* or in the open water* between Canada and the United State* *hall not be claaaed a* importa¬ tion*, and ahall not, therefore, be *nbject to the duty of half-a-cent per pound. Mr. Eusti* offered amendment* looking to reduction of duty from 1J{ to 1W cent* per pound on sugar graded between No*. IS and 20, Dutch stand¬ ard, and on all above No. 30 from 2 to IK cents per pound. These amendment* were rejected, and two democrat*.Mr. Colquitt, of Georgia, and Mr. Gibson, of Louisiana. VOTED WITH WITH THE BEPUBLICAX8. Mr. Reagan made an effort to have inserted in the bill a clause providing for the imposition and oollection of a graduated lnoome tax, but he failed. Mr. Stanford waa more fortunate with hi* amendment. It waa an administrative section, and it regulate* tne importation of .pirit* and reduces the internal revenue taxes on grape wine* and brandiea to 0 cents per gal¬ lon. The section to identical with the bill making grape brandy free for the fortification of *weet wine* for exportation, reported by finance committee of the Forty-ninth Con¬ gress and which was passed by the Senate. MB. CALL CUT orr. When 5 o'clock arrived Mr. Call had the floor, and wa* offering amendment* to the proposed rate* of duty on wine*, and quite naturally he desired to *ay something about the amend- menta. He made no speeche*, however, for Senator Ingalls, after a short, sharp contest, insisted upon the carrying out of the unani¬ mous agreement that all debate should ccase at 6 o'clock. Shutting off his oratory did not .top Mr. Call in the mntter of offering amend¬ ments. As soon a* one was knocked down he set up another, and so it went on until the amendment* had all been voted out of sight. A vote upon Mr. Saulsbury's new section, pro¬ viding for the confiscation by the government of all profite of corporations in excess of 10 per cent, defeated the proposition. On one amendment, reducing the duty on hoop-iron MB. PLUMB VOTED WITH THE DEMOCBAT*. Mr. Brown offered several amendment* to in¬ crease the duty on rice, but none of them were accepted. A new rice section increasing the duty was, however, inserted in the bill upon motion of Mr. Aldrich. Mr. Plumb endeavored to secure the impo¬ sition of a 25 per cent ad valorem duty on raw unmanufactured silk, but he was in a minority. He succeeded, though, in getting an adminis¬ trative section adopted which provides for the ESTABLISHMENT OP A CUSTOM* COMMISSION. The commission is to have its headquarters at the Treasury department, and to to consist of five experts, not more than three of them to be of one political party, and the salary of each is to be 97,600 per annum and traveling ex¬ penses. On Mr. Allison's amendment, making an in¬ crease of 20 per cent in the duties on oranges, lemons, and limes, there was almost unanimity, only seven democrats voting against it. THE VOTE PASSING THE BILL. It wa* after 8 o'clock when the bill waa read the third time. Mr. Harrto called for the yea* and nays upon its passage, and President Pro Tempore Ingalls a few minutes later an¬ nounced the result.yeas, 82; nay*. 30, a* fol lows: Yeae.Aldrich, Blair. Bowen, Cameron, Chace, Chandler. Cullom. Davis, Dawes, DolDh. Edmunds, Evarts, Farwell, Frye, Haw- ley, Hiscock, Hoar, Ingalls, Jones (NevA Man- derson, Mitchell, Morrill, Paddock, Palmer, Piatt, Plumb, Quay, Sherman. Spooner, Stock- bridge, Teller, Wilson ('Iowa).32. Nays.Bate, Berry, Blackburn. Brown. But¬ ler. Call, Cockrell. Coke, Colquitt, Daniel, Eustto, Faulkner, George, Gibson, Gorman, Gray, Harris, Jones (Ark.), Morgan, Pasco, Payne, Pugh, Ransom, Reagan. Turpie, Vance, Vest, Voornees, Walthall. Wilson (Md.).30. Absent.Allison, Beck, Blodgett, Hale, Hampton, Hearst, Kenna, McPhervon, Riddle- berger, Sabin, Sautobury, Sawyer, Stanford, Stewart.14. BROUGHT FROM RICHMOND. I One of the Boyi Who Robbed the Gipsy Camp. IOW DETECTIVE BAIT CAME HEAB LORINO THE cuaTODY or the bot ur the capital or vib- oinia.confession or the peisoneb.he has sebvbd tebms in the femtentiabt. Detective Raff went to Richmond Monday night to bring here for trial the colored boy, Ben Thomaa, alia* Jim Jones, charged with complicity in the robbery of 9700 from Tom Stanley at the gipsy camp. The grand jury waa not in *e**ion at the time and the officer took with him a warrant from the Police Court charging the priaoner with the robbery. When the officer arrived in Richmond without a re¬ quisition (the proper paper*) he informed the authorities that he had a United State* war¬ rant. The officer attached so much import¬ ance to the fact that the paper was a "United States warrant" that the prisoner was taken be¬ fore a police Justice and given a partial hear¬ ing. A colored attorney made his appearance as the prisoner's counsel and made A HABD FIGHT FOE HI* CLIENT. Another attorney volunteered his service* and rendered what assistance he conld to the detective. The colored attorney's points were well taken and the justice declined to surrender the prisoner on the warrant. During the de¬ bate counsel became excited and it was thought for a time that they would come to blows. De¬ tective Raff and a Richmond detective took the judge's advice and went before the governor, who was undecided as to what action to take. The attorney-general was sent for and the offi¬ cers and counael were told to return to the state house at 1 o'clock. Detective Raff then went before United States Commissioner Pleas¬ ants and iwore out a warrant charging the prisoner with burglary. The case was heard and the prisoner was turned over to Detective Raff, who was deputized by the marshal to bring him to this city. The prisoner's attor¬ ney returned to the governor and waited for the return of the officer*, but Detective Raff had been given the prisoner and it waa too late to save his client He applied for a writ of habeas corpus, but was unable to get it because the prisoner could not be found. CONFESSION OF THE PBISONEB. When the officer started with the prisoner to return to this city, Thomaa made a full con¬ fection. He said that he and Monroe Trice visited Sanley'* tent while the latter wa* away. Trice watched while he (Ben) took the money from under the carpet. There wa* gold and greenback*. They cnt aero** the country to¬ ward the reservoir and there they divided the paper money. They got on a 7ta street ear ana eame to the city. HOW THE BOT* GOT AWAT FBOM TEX CTTT. Then they got in a brick wagon and crowed the Long bridge on their way to Alexandria. While croMing the bridge tljey divided the gold money. They walked from the brick yara* to Alexandria, where they took the ateamer Leary for Norfolk. When Trice waa arrested on the wharf in Norfolk Ben aav* he went around behind a warehouse and tnrew hi* re¬ volver in the river. That afternoon he took the train for Riehmond. When captui*d 9187 waa taken from him. Thomas waa identified a* being a priaoner who spent three year* in the Richmond penitentiary. This morning he wa* taken to the Police Court and given a hearing. He pleaded not guilty. Judge Miller heard the testimony of Stanley and Detective Raff and held the prisoner in the ram of 9600 for the action of tne grand jury. Joha Waaamaker'* Sucoeaa. Philadelphia Latter to the Chicago Tribune. "When I came to my desk laat Wednesday morning," mid John Wanamaker, the mer¬ chant, "I waa naturally thinking about the Chrtotmaa trade which we had. We did a great deal of Chrtotmaa buaiaee* in this store this year. Daring the tea day* previous to Chrtot¬ maa oar aelee hovered about 9100.000 a day. The grand total for the ten day* falls only a few Joliar* under a million. 'I mend 96,000 a week ia advertising, aad I _ *Li»ta_i » . pay a skillful awn.a former newspaper editor, and a good oae.91.000 a month to do it for me. Intake money by it Advertising to the leverage with which this store haa been raiaed np. I do not see how any large and snoeeesful retail buaiaee* can be done without liberal ad¬ vertising. I advertise in every issue, except 8oaday, of every daily paper ia Philadelphia. Coatiauon* advertising, like continuous work, tbeMwteffMttvT^ WANTED.HELP. YVA N TED.T WO GOOD SKIRT HANDS; ALSO, \Y two apprentice*, at 829 20th at If ja23-et* it^S.onsble rates.) F ILRuRNHAM,HlWft WANTED-A LADY STENOGRAPHER ANE Remington Type-writer; one understanding 1.s< Pitman system. tud owning type-writer, preferred. Address C. F J , Ntar office. It* WANTED-A THOROUGHLY HEALTHY WET Nurse to remain at the house: reference* re¬ quired. Apply 1130 8th it. n.w. It* W- ANTED-AN ACTIVE MAN TO LOOK AFTER the interest* of an old established Life Insuranoa Company in W ashington. One with tact and energy will find that thix field will yield a better pecuniary return than anything else he can engage In without capital. A liberal arrangement will be made with the right man. Address SUPERINTENDENT. Ja23-4t* Box 3005, New York City._ ANTED-WOMEN COOKS, $ 10 TO $40 CH A M- bermaids, Nurses and Laundresses in city or away; Waiters, Drivers or Farm Hands: Colored Men Cooks. SAM'L A. COOMBS, 920 F st. n.w. Ja23-8t*_ WANTED - SMART INTELLIGENT ERRAND Boy: must bring good relerence. Apply WHIT E, HOWARD & CO., 81o 15th st. n.w. It w YV ANTED-AT ONCE TEN LADIES TO SELL 11 the new calyx-eyed needle: no threader uaed; thread them with your eyes shut. 1423H H st., Boom 2. J»23-2t YV ANTED.BOY FIFTEEN TEARS OLD. OF Tt good fsmily. in a grocery store where no liquors are sold; one anxious to learn the business. Atiilress R. K... Star office. Ja23-'-it* lT ANTED-BOY 16 TO 18 YEARS OF AGE. ON E . * who can letter with brush and make himself use¬ ful. Address N. H. 8., Star office. M TANTED-A GRAND ARMY MAN OR WIDOW OF name to handle the history of the Grand Army by Gen. Besth. C. D. ALDERSuN A CO., General Agents, 1010 F St., Room 8. If WANTED-A MAN FOR DINING-ROOM AND 11 parlor work: rood references necessary. Apply at 1731 K St., bet. 12 and 2 and 7 and 0 p.m. Ja23-Jt* VITANTED-FIRST-CLASS COOKS, MAIDS, " Nurses, Waitresses. I^iiindry Woman, Butiers, Drivers, and Woman for Philadelphia; Man and Wife for city. Headquarters for Cuoka and Waiters, at J. B. BURGESS', 030 F st. n.w. J*23-0t^_ WANTED-A NEAT AND TIDY COLORED GIRL to do general housework. Apply 1729 H st. n.w. 11* TANTED-AN EXPERIENCED NURSE, WITH y between 12 and 3, and i Island ave. ja22-3t* WANTED-AN EXPERIE: good references. Apply 1 after 5 o'clock, 1443 Rhode Ii YVANTED-HANDS TO WORK ON LADIES' " cloth work; none but experienced liands need ap¬ ply. Apply at 1143 Conn. ave. Ja23-2t WANTED-A RELIABLE GENTLEMAN FOR A IT Iiosition of trust; situation permanent, with chance lor advancement if satisfactory- References required. Salary for beginning $15 weekly. Apply after 9 a. m. M. J. SM11H, 430 7th st. n.w. lt*_ TANTED-AN INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE MAN r for special work; Inducements to an energetic I well-recommended party Al. Apply to EAST KH- Y A HALDEMAN, 808 F st. n.w. Ja23-3f YV ANTED-AN INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE MAN ll tor sreclal work: inducement* to an energetic and w DAY J WANTED SEVERAL GOOD 8ALE8MEN TO sell groceries, cigar* and tobacco, wooden ware, Ac. Apply to N. F. HINES, wholsale grocer, s.w.cor¬ ner 7 th and K s.w. Ja22-2t WANTII) - A^GOOD GERMAN GIRL TO DO general housework in a small family without children; no washing: good reference* required. In¬ quire at once at 1240 9th st. n.w. Ja22-3t \VANTED-A RELIABLE COLORED MAN ABOUT 11 20 years old; also a good cook, who must stay at night: both bring reference*; call after 3 p.m. 220 New Jersey ave. n.w. Ja21-3t WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS WHITE SERVANT, to cook, wash and iron. References required. 1824 H at. 1*2 l-3f WANTED.LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO ENGAGE in an easy, paying business at home; can work daytime or evening and make 50c. to #2 |>erhour; sure thing; sample and complete instruction* Bent for 10c. Address WORLD SUPPLY CO., Rutland, Vt. Ja21-lm YU'ANTED - EVERYONE, MALE AND FEMALE, n out of employment to secure it speedily through this office: one hundred and twenty-six persons were furnished work in ten days. C1TV INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. 400 La. ave. Jal9-lw* WANTED.EXPKRIENCED AND THOROUGHLY competent practical canvasser wanted to canvas*, employ others, and systematically work Washington for an entirely new book, by one of the best known and most popular Authors in America. A magnifi¬ cently illustrated book at low price, which sells at sight. Excellent terms, exclusive control and a rare oppor¬ tunity for the right man. No novices need apply. State experience and facilities, and send references to "BOOK." P. O. Box 672, New York. Also other large cities still vacant. Jal (S-eo3t WANTED-WE WISH TO EMPLOY A RELi¬ able Man in your city; no experience required: permanent inisition for three years: salary increased each year: light, easy, genteel business, money ad¬ vanced for salary, advertising, Ac. Largest manufac¬ turers in our line; enclose 2-cent stamp No postal*. CENTENNIAL M'F'G CO.,Cincinnati, Ohio. oclO-w&a0m WANTED- MAN TO TAKE THE AGENCY OF OUR safes, size 28x18x18 inches; weight, 500 lbs.; retail price, $35; other sizes in proportion. A rare chanoe and permanent business. These safes njeet a demand never before supplied by other ssfe comiianies, as we are not governed by the safe pool. ALPINE SAFE CO.. Cincinnati. Ohio. seS-sAwpm WANTED.DUNDORE'8 EMPLOYMENT Bu¬ reau, conducted by ladies, men and women, white and colored, for all kind* of doinestio labor, for District and states, with references. 717 M at. n. w. *e29-17w ANTED - LEARNERS FOR PROF. CHRIST- NEB'S New lntern*tional Tailor System of Dress and Garment Cutting with any inch rule and tape measure alone. Patterns snd materials cut and lwsted or made; one fitting required, the system taught by Mine. 8. J. ME88ER. 1303 H st. n.w. n3-3m* WANTED.SITUATIONS^ ANTED.BY TWO SISTERS (WHITE). AGED 17 and 19, to do housework or attend to children. Good reference. Address B. L. PETBIE, 474 V*. are. ».w. It* YXTANTED-A WIDOW WHO HAS AN INFANT to support will pay half her salary monthly to any one securing her clerical work. Address MRS. L 0., Star office. It* WANTED-BOOKKEEPER-LADY DESIRES EN- 2 f$SUjent- Address Miss H., Star office. YV ANTED . SITUATIONS FOB FIB8T-CLA88 11 Bookkeepers, Cooks, Drivers, Maids, Waiters, Nurses, Porters, Waitresses, Hostlers, Pastrycooks, House boy* and others. F. M. BURNHAM, 910 9th st. n.w. l»23-3t* WANTED.KNOWN WHERE TO GET PROFES- ¦ sional and plain Cooks, Laundress, Mslds, Nurses, teres*, vale office i Waiteres*. Coachmen, Butlers. City references. Pri- - I attached-at DICK'S AGENCY, 613 7th n.w. Ja23-6t* WANTED-A LADY. WITH HIGHEST REFER- I v enoe. would like to take charge of one or two children, do plain newing or ^housekeeping. Address Mias MTb., Star office. It* WANTED.BY A SETTLED WHITE WOMAN, A situation in a private family to cook, wash and iron. Best city references, if required. Address M. H. K. Star office. It* WANTED-AT HEADQUARTERS - POSITIONS forCooks, Chambermaid,Waitress, Laundress, and Nuraen. Seamatres*. Men Wsiters. Cooks, Coachmen. Butler*. SAM'L A. COOMBS. 926 F st. n.w. >23-0f TjLrANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED SHOE CLERK lit situation now or by March 15. Address 8. 8.0., Star office. Ja23-2t W~ ANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN (COL- ored), plsce as 6rut-class cook; can give city ref¬ erence if required. 440 H st. n.w , up stairs. It* WANTED BY A RESPECTABLE COLORED girl, a situation as chambermaid or lady's maid; can give best city references. Call or address 1319 12th st n.w. It* W ANTED-BY YOUNG MAN OF EIGHTEEN, stenographer and type-writer. Position.law or or patent attorney's office preferred. Address A. B. Star office. It* w ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED TEACHER OF II English, French, vocal and instrumental music, and elocution desires a position; testimonials given. Address MISS M. ASHLEY, Ruther Glen, Caroline Co., Virginia^ Ja23-2t*_ YVANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE WHITE GIRL, 11 a place as chambermaid in a small family; refer¬ ents if reqmlred. Please call at 228 7th st. n.e. It* YV ASTHD.BY a RESPECTABLE COLORED 11 girl, a situation a* plain cook or chambermaid, can furnish good reference*. Call or address 1021 22d »t. n.t!. It* AK7 ANTED.BY AN EXPERIENCED BAR-TENDER, ll a situation. Address BAR-TENDER, Star office. js22-3t* WANTED-A WHITE GIRL WISHES A SITUA- tion as chambermaid, and willing to do waiting and assist in washing or ironing. Can furnish good reference. Address 1760 M st. n.w. )*2'^2t* WANTED.BY TWO COMPETENT WHITE GIRLS Situations; one as first-class cook and one as house maid; reference given. Box 120 Btar office. Ja22-2t* ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED FEEDER WOULD like to get * permanent place In a printing office. Can give reference*. Address EXPERT, Btar office. Ja22-2f VJ ANTED -BY A SOPRANO SINGER WITH I varied experience, a position; reference fur¬ nished. Call or address Mr. E. G. T., 128 Tennessee ave. n.e. Ja22-2t*_ ANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS FULL charge of first-class drug store (retail), competent and reliable, a position; fair salary expected. Addre** R. L., Star office. Ja22-3t* wANTED-BY A YOUNG LADY-A PLACE AS 11 teamstree* in private family; can do dressmak¬ ing : good home desired; beet references for character, ability, Ac. Address G. ll. F^Star office. Jal5-2W W ANTED.SITUATION BY A FRENCH OOOK 11 (man) in private family, hotel or restaurant. Ad¬ dress F. F., 010 13th st. n.w. Ja21-3t* ANTED.A SITUATION BY A COLORED woman, who is a nrst-clsss cook; beat of referen¬ ces. Apply 1116 Union Court, between 15th and 16th and L snd M »t». n.w. J*21-3f ANTED-BY A YOUNG (LADY, POSITION A8 visiting governess or in private school - 4 years' experience In private school work; specialties, piano and German; beet city and Boston references. Ad¬ dress Miss L A. BARROWS, 1928 16th at. n.w. Jal9-6t* WANTED-HOUSES. YV ANTED-BY A CASH PURCHASER, 8 OR 10- 11 room house: modem in.provemente: northwest; not to sxceed $7,000. Addrsss PURCHASER. 8tw office. )a23-3t* W ANTED-A GOOD HOU8E OF NOT LES8 THAN 11 8rooms, and 20 foot front: in good neighbor¬ hood; for a home, for $7,000 or 9QAQ0. Address P. O. Boa 618. city. )a28-3t* ANTED.FOR A CUSTOMER-TWO HOUSES, n.w.. well rented; Lots not leas than 18 ft. front: -u-a.. ¦.-- * h top A Lot a Lot In n.w^ good ¦ with an YVANTED - FURNISHED BOUSE WITHOUT 11 linen and china, by family of adults, until sbout September next. Addrese, giving location and monthly isnCxOBK. Star office. Ja21-3t* YVANTED-TO PURCHASE TWO OR THREE W Houses worth $2,500 or $3,000 each that will WANTED.ROOMS. AirANTED.A ri KMHHED BOO* IN A COL- ored tint-clan boarding-house, situated on or n*«r Pennsylvania a*s from March 3 to 10. Address, ^¦Uag unu, Ac., H. T. DUDLEY, P. O. Bt>xTolS, \DANTED.BY GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. TWO second itury rooms. furnished. privilege .0* caterer mate term*. Addreaa F O. C , Staroffica. It* WANTED.BY A GENTLEMAN A FUBNISHED " room within thm blocks of 14th and L (ta : southern sxposure. Addrf.. firing price. B atti office. Ja23-2t* WANTED.FURNISHED BOOM. WITH BOARD for wife and child. Moat be atrictly fir«t claaa. Box 112. star office. Ja22-3t* \KTANTED.BY GENTLEMAN IN BUSINKHS- ' i Room and Board. In private family where thste are no other boardera. References exchanged. Address, statin? price, location, Ac O.T. H.. Star office. JSKJ-St* WANTED-A LARGE BOOM WITH PRIVATE family; alao, will pay 910 for rent of window on the line of march of inaug-ural pruceaaion. Aditrews 8. B. C. Star offloa. Ja22-3t* \\TANTED.IMMEDIATELY, BT LADY OP RE- vv finement two ooxy Rooms, untarnished, bright and sunny, with either prirate bath or bath on same floor. Addresa, stating terms, Ac- A. B. K., Star office. Ja22-2f WANTED-ROOM AND BOARD WITH A PB1- vate family where there are but few other board¬ ers by a gentleman, wife, and infant; Capitol HU1 Breferred; will furnish own room, and be permanent suited; state terms. jour Addreas P. O. Box 036. V\TANTEb-BY A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. NO 11 children, two or three unfurnished rooms for light huusekeeplutr. in northwest. Address, staling terms, E H . St»r ofllce. )a22-3t* WANTED-BT TWO ADULTS. TWO CNFUR- nished rooms, with heat and km. for light house- keeplng. Addreas, stating terms, D. E H . Star office Ja2i-8f 7 ANTED.A COUPLE WITHOUT CHILDREN r desires three uufumished rooms, with beat and g»s, for liirht housekeeping. Address, stating terms, PROMPT A SURE, Star oftce. Ja21-3i* WANTED-UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. any part of the city. also furnished Rooms well heated: can rent soon. See us. Ja2-lui* ROOM RENTING AGENCY, 612 9th at. n.e W WANTED.BOARD. WANTED - A YOUNG LADY IN OFFICE DR- ii sires board in prirate family; home comforts; in northwest; state price and location. Address OFFICE, Star office. It* WANTED.LOTS. WANT ED-UN IMPROVED PROPERTY FOR Cus¬ tomers, Di all parts of the city; single lots and large blocks. HERKON 4 RAMEY, la 12-lm 1307 Fat. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED.EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD in the District of Columbia to call at my studio and salesrooms to Inspect and criticise the Five-hand Crayon Pertraits there on exhibition. They do not breathe, they do not speak, yet it would not require a vast stretch of the imagination to think they did. so true to life are they. Price $10 to $50. Weekly or monthly payments if dssired. Satisfaction guar¬ anteed In every Instance. All kinds of frames made to order. A large variety of Easels and Mats on hand. Studio and Sidea rooms, corner Massachusetts avs. and 6th »t. Open until 9 p.m. H. B. SMITH, Ja23-6t* Artist TIT ANTED.8PECI AL NEWS CORRESPONDENTS 11 to represent leading English and American pa- pern; previous experience not absolutely neceasary; most liberal terms for good service. Address, with sump, EUROPEAN-AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIA¬ TION. 7 Upton St., Boston, Mass ., U. 8. A Ja23-2t r_ ANTED-TO BUY ESTABLISHED GROCEBY, v provision, liquor or dining-room business; not to w, ^ exceea four hundred dollars. JAS. BALI^JT.H* 6th st. n.w. ja23-2t* YV ANTED . A LARGE CHAIR. MOUNTED ON 11 wheels, for the use of an Invalid. Address, stating price. JOHN MALLARD. Gov't Priuting Office Ja23-3t WANTED.MRS. HARRISON AND PRESIDENT Harrison; two Cabinet Photos; 15c. *2.75 per 100. MoGILL. Ja23-2t* 304 Henry St., N. T. WANTED.CURTI8 M. SMITH. BUILDEB OF refrigerating machines for hotels. breweries,but- ter dealers, meat and provision stores; alao for mak¬ ing ice-cream 50 per cent cheaper than the coat of ice. Will call ana see parties interested. Address 3337 Prospect St., West W aahington. ja23-6t* Ja22- wANTED.THREE GENTLEMEN TO OCCUPY V i large furnished room; home comforta, board. Ac.; $60 per mouth; good location. Address M. L. 8.. Star office. Ja22-3t* WANTED - GOOD SECOND-HAND JOB AND " newspaper type. Addreas PRINTER, Staroffice. Ja22-3t* w ANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT "THE " Washington Co-operative Loan Co." lend* ALL the money, not a part, but ALL the money necessary to buy a home upon a new plan; better than building associations. Call or send for "Prospectus" to offices 14 and 16, Atlantic Building. Jal2-10t \X7 ANTED.FOB A FEW DAYS ONLY.ANDRE * V LORIN. of Paria, will be pleased to call at resi¬ dences in reference to Cleaning, Restoring, and Re¬ pairing China. Bisque, Olass. and Bnc-a-Brac t nia- ments generally. Superior workmanahlp guaranteed. references from leading American and European houses. French and German spoken. At home until 1 p in. 4!» Dstreet n.w. Jall-lOt* ANTED.LADIES TRY "ORANGE BLOSSOM." a sure cure for female diseases; also Dr. McGlll's "Blood Purifier" cures malaria; 100 doses $1; samples free. Mrs. F. A. BAILEY', sole agent, 317 A st. n.e., Washington. JaO-sAw-lm* VVTANTED.H. BAUM PAYS THE HIGHEST CASES 11 prices for second-hand Furniture. Carpets and Feathers. Entire Households a Specialty. Addreas 21U 7th St. s. w. dl WANTED.HORSES TO KEEP; BOX STALLS- personal attention. Order box at Price's Stable. 311 6th st. n. w. Farm, 7th st. road, eight miles from city. OH. P. CLARK, Bligo, Md.. $10 per mo. d24-lm* W'ANTED-EVEBYBODY SUFFERING FROM 11 Smoky Chimneys to know that I guarantee to cure them or no par required; Range*. Furnaces and Latrobes made to neat or no pay. W. K. DANTE. 1413 17th st. n.w. dia-.'ftn \VANTED-8TEAM CABPET CLEANING AND 11 Renovating Works; Festhers Renovated, Mat¬ tresses Made Over. Furniture Steamed, and Moths De¬ stroyed. F H.YOUNGS, 1402 Pa.av.,Telephone 1008-2. dll-4m WAN TED-TRY OUR BUTTERINE AT 20 CENT8 per pound; warranted not to get strong (like but¬ ter) for a month, or money refunded. Families served at residences regularly in aU parts of the city. Send B'Stal for free sample. Stalls 328. 320 and 330 Center arket (look for the decorated stalls), opposite Gol¬ den 's fish stalls; also stall 145 Northern liberty Mar¬ ket. WM. C. SCRIBNEB. u26-2m* YV ANTED - GENTLEMEN'S GOOD SECOND¬ LY hand Clothing, for which highest cash prices paid, also guns, pistols, watchea, Ac., at 130111th st s.e I Ja4-lm* A. EIZNAR. WANTED.GOOD 8EOOND-HAND CLOTHING. v v guns, revolvers, old gold and silver, for which highest cash prices will De paid. Call LASKEY'8 Loan Office. 201 Penn. ave.. corner 2d St. n. w. my26 ANTED.IT KNOWN THAT FRESH ALDER- ney Butter is churned every morning snd de¬ livered in )4 lb. "Ward" printa, 5(>c. I«r lb. Also Cot¬ tage Cheese and Buttermilk. Sweet Milk 5c. per quart mv8 BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED.WILL PAY CASH FOB RETAIL FEED Store with e stablished trade. Address FEED STORE. Star office. Ja33-*t* STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A GROCEBY. STOCK in first* lass condition. Location excellent. Ap¬ ply to JAS. L BARBOUR A SON. Ja23-3t FIR 8ALE.AT A BARGAIN, OWING TO NECES- Bities, shares in the company owning a valuable invention in universal business use, and now being pushed. Address "CHARLES," Star office. Ja2'-'-3t* FOR SALE-WELL-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, suitable for twoyoung men .11,000 cash if sold i' once. Address G. T. W.t Star office. Ja22-6t* (R8ALE-A 8MALLGROCERY 8TORE DOING a good business, will sell for a sacrifice if taken this week; $60. Apply 320 1st st. a. e. Ja21-3t* TJAYING INVESTMENTS. MONEY 8AFELY AND PROFITABLY INVESTED IN EITHER LARGE OR SMALL SUMS. BEST SECURITY. GOOD INTEREST. NO RISKS. FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS Jal5-10t BANK. P. O. BOX 220. rtOLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. TO RAILWAY CONTRACTORS. The Government of Newfoundland Invites tenders for the construction and operation of a line of Railway in the Colony of about 250 miles in length. lull particu¬ lars and other information as to conditions of pro¬ posed contract can be obtained on implication t > MESSRS. SEWARD. DA COSTA A GUTHRIE. Solicitors. 28 Nsssau st. New York. >14-eo8t A CHANCE NEVEB OFFERED BEFORE. DON'T miss it The Washington Co-operatve Loan Com¬ pany lend AT.T. the money, not 75 or 80 per cent but ALL the money needed to buy a hoirs upon a new plan. Best ever devised. Don't RENT any JOdfTGT. Call or send for "Prospectus," to offices 14 and 16, Atlantic Building. Jal2-10t_ F)B SALE - AN OLD ESTABLISHED DRUG store in northwest; satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address DRUGGIST, Star office. JalO-lm OB BALE-DRUG STORE OK EAST TERMS; small payment down and balance monthly, old sa tablished. HERRON A RAMiY. d28-lm 1307 F at n.w. FOR SALE.LOTS. T70R SALE.60 X 88, CHOICE CORNER LOT, J7 north of Dupont circle, facing Oonn. ave. with out¬ look over Mass.: not a foot of waste ground. GEO. F. GRAHAM, 1503 Penn. ave. Ja23-3t* T»R BALE.A VERY DESIRALE LOT OH KENE- fc-w avenue, near >23-3t 91« F st FOR SALE.8EVERAL VERY DESIRABLE LOTS la University Park, low to an Immediate purchaser. Ja23-3t 1304 F st U.W. \. OB SALE-CORNER LOT, ON PRINCETON ST, r two blocks east of Dr. Hammond's new residence. 50x132. An Investment bargain at 18c, Essy twma. GEO. F. GRAHAM. 1603 Pa. ave. >22-3t* 1>0R SALE.CHEAPEST GROUND IN NOBTH- r west section of the dty. 20,000 sauare feet hsv- ing a frontage of 18ft feet on 8t730-foot alley in raw; "IN FASHION- ¦ BOIV ll.W.f UUSdOl tut V Wt J hOMC8 ! Lots on Conn. 23 It. front mchja* aventre i *^?.3e J°*- luu>.sAu5i F st n.w. jril-W F)B SALE.ONE OF THE MOST DE8IRA corner lots in ColumWa Height.; 100x170; itk. swo; FOR RENT.ROOMS. ft* Hto T>>R 1.ENT-PLKAAANT boom% fibelt it Jr Dished clash aod Drat. Hut fitted up. mlj»« iwilult 1034 0U St a.W ; oufMV L >23 "foR bent-foub unfurnished rtminn- .T rating hooaaa. thlM Boor, with bwl gas. *»««, fbk.kM.ke; pot <20 par mouth la tdWM awta- % for lltM lH«Mkaamr. |S<»«.c. euhan***!. 1258 8th st_a. w. .x-:T7f r«i rkkt - two un furnished rewi I Rooms. ur* hay-window brv k; also fnrulabod tuma Id frame. and office Boom. near f >ur Unee can; troB hMat OAm. DOStttkiki.*. P)R BENT.THREE oi~ET>URB1CB UKFl't nished rooms for Wi.aknut*W; aaooixl story . all conveniences, lltt to 912 par nxotk. !KT E at. ¦i a. )* ^ EUR RENT-TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED Rrdrooms. third story, north and aouth frot.u t-class Board. private ftinilv no children. near 14th at. can and 15th at. herdica. rsf exefcanjed. 1410 Qat. JriB-Sr Fob bebt.fcbkished boomb-ism i «t. nw., charming ratt ol i«rlora, with prim* bath aud dmssinr room. elegant mud sec I naive. It* 1X)B BEBT-TWO SIC ELY FURNISHED FBuNT Kooma, out on aecond and one on third door; southern exposure Alao tabic board 405 O it « w, three doon west of 4th at. Js23-3f IH'OB BENT-IB A PBIVATE FAMILY, HAND some suite of rmnii on eecoud floor, with board In the houar if desired. 1204 Maes. aire, n.w. JttS-Jt*^ 1MB RENT.471 H BT. N. W.-THREE UBFUB -I niahed rooms, sccond floor. southern front, bath on same door, suitable for light housekeeping. heat andgaa Js'-J? :»f 1HXIB RENT.I JACK HON PLACE, OVERLOOEING Lafayette Square. Drawing Room on flrat floor, with three Sleeping Apartmeuta above, booae strictly flrat claaa. >2* at. F^^WB RENT.27 IOWA CIRCLE.SEOONt> STORY, three nioily furnished rooms. B<«rd. if wanted. Also. double parlor*, flrat floor, ooa furnished aa bed- roorn. >21-3t« I 1BKM)B BEBT-TWO LABOE FRONT BOOMS. W1TH ¦ bay window and alcove*; aouth front. houae en- tir-'ly naw. with modern Improvement*. only a ahort distance from Capitol, and oba square from cam and herdica. 314 An. n. e. >21-3t. >K RENT-THBE E H ANDSOMELY-FURMSH ED bed-ruoms. also |<arlor if desired. half Iwnk from Capitol, lu uew houae; referencesexchanged Address Box lOHStsr office. >21-lw«_| IBORKlM t PLEASANT FlVRNI*HH> FRONT room on second floor, private family, 620 6th at. H.w. >lT-ttf |, OR BENT.818 15TH ST. B W., TWO LABOE. . communicating Booma. fumlabed or unfurnished. Table Board. >21 -3t T~ j>OR RENT.1315 massachusetts AVE N.W., one large pleaaant Boom, furnished. to one or two gentlemen, with board if desired. >15-2w* PJB BENT-TWO VEBY DESIRABLE ArABT- ment*. three room* each (en imtei; bath and cloeet The Woodniont Mata. 13th »t. and Iowa Circle. Fineat location In the city; cafe second to none. 1 8-1 w* FOB BENT.BEAUTIFl'L BOOMS.SINGLE OB EB ¦ suite, In private family. furniahed. laive double corner houae; aouth and aaat front; opeu fire-places in avery room; references required. 1101 k n w >4-3w* FOR BENT.1405 H BT. B.W . FURNISHED ¦rooms; single or en auite. private bath. open flraa. table board: reference* exchanged n 14 :tm tXB BENT-BUY A HOMK INSTEAD OF BEN'f"- r lnjr rooms. The a*hin«non Co-Oi«ratlve Ix>an Oomi*Dy lends Dot pari but ALL the money wv- eaaar>' to buy a home, payments equal to reut only. be»t plan offered Call or send for "Proapactus" to officea, 14 and lti Atlantic bnildimr. Jal2-10t 1h*6b^ben i t:i6^th bt. n.w..fubkibhed par lor and chain tier, moat desirable and central loca¬ tionis convenient to all street car linaa Inquire over BISHOruDBL'OSTORE,cor.UthlHit.n« Jall-lm *> IHXIB RENT.933 O 8T. N W., HANDSOMELY furnished Rooms and lanre Parlors with oi«n I flre place and furnace heat. amiable for Senators and Congressmen. dlS-2m _ FOB BENT-TWO BICELY FTBXI8HED FBONT R.>omi, with heat, iraa, bath and atttendance. north and south *xi>o.ure: suitsbie for ouaor two irei.tla- men. At 111.' a at n w. d^s-tof» ,»4 FOR RENT.STORES. V2JVE& pexxa. Avnrca, X ¦wir^orick Warehouse. 3 entire ftiiyn e^hU,10ft.aU.y.$145. M^ M. PabThK _»10-13t 141S F st Kdw.lbn?V^9 P ,8T" OOEJrI"-B 8TOBE AND rooms andatoreaU couvenienoMt $42. Jal0-12t M. M. VaBEEB, 1418Fst ^ 14Tf1 »T.. LARGE NEW ST<>BE n;-rliiv i *bov® 40(1 brtck "table in rear. rent very low to suitable party. A. C. Cl'TTFB. )3j>1In 1423 F st. FOR RENT.OFFICES. "POB BENT.OFFICES.THBEE OFFICE BOOMS. JT simrlsoren suits, st 1407 F st n.w., near the Treasury: will be rented cbf»p to desirable tenant. Jaltf-lw JOHN SHERMAN BOO. 1407 Fat FOR SALE . M1SCELLANE0U S. )R 8ALE FINE OOLD WATCH, APPLETON k M Tracy, 1 Sk.. coat (125. Pawned for <40. will aell ticket for $25. Addrea* JAMES G.. Skr office. 23-2C FIR SALE.ONE COMBINATION SHOW-CASE. 6 feet 2 inche*. Tpntrht *how-<-aae* and one 0-foot case and one 3-foot caae; all metal caaea. Apply 1113 Kinir St., Alexandria, Va. Ja23-3t* F)B 8ALE-CHEAP-ONE_5X8 fairy camera outfit; one 4x5 camera outfit; one 10x12 rondenx- inK lense, Rhuttera. Ac. 132 Marylxnd sve aw.>23-2* FOB SALE-ELEGANT PLL'sH COMBINATION set of parlor furniture; entirely new; NEVAR BEEN E8ED. can be boiurhtat bur hanrain for caah otilj call or address 1625 5th st. n.w. 1a-:3-3t* FOR SALE.AT PBIVATE SALE-A HANDSOME hifh-bred Kentucky Bay Saddlr and Dnvinv Man-, ti years old. 16 hands hnfh, warranted aound, kind and without fault; ha* all Kentucky saddle iraita; a first claaa runner and Jumper; thoroughly broken for dou¬ ble or sinirle drlvimr. and safe for a lady to use. Alao, a Bay Cob-built Horae, 0 veara old. aouud and irentle. beyond question ia airood ouameaa or family ln>rae. A very fine Fallinr-topBu«r)0". and elemuit Falhuc-top Phaeton; a Day-ton Wa«ron, act Dounle Harnesa. act simrle Coupe Harness, set Buyyy Haruex, Blanketa, Bobea. Ac. Are the property of a private tarty re¬ moving from the city. Great tianfaina will be riven to quick cash purchasers. Apply to GBOOM.st own¬ er's stsble, rear 151H K at. n w >23-3t* EOR SALE-A FINE BAY MARE, SIX YEARS old. aound and kind; alao, a Falling-top Family :kaway, suitable for a private family Can be seen at PBICE'K Stablea. >23-3t* 311 6th at n w. FOB 8ALE-SEE OUB STOCK OF 8TIEFF PIANOS, in fancy Mahogany and Burl Caaea, before buying. PFEIFFEB A CONLIFF. >7-lm* 1231 E st. n. «. P)B SALE-THREE (3) BELLOWS and TWO (2) Anvils. Can be seen at >22-2t* 428 New York ave n. w. F)B BALE - fob 9900 CASH . HOC8EHOLT effects of twelve-room boarding bouse, nearly filled, everything new snd clean to continue business. 225 in bouse now; rent reasouaUe. Box 106. Star office. >22-6f IJIOB SALE-A FAIB OF VEBT FINE ~8T BEB- naril" Pu|«. large and handsome, sired b> our prixe dog "Marco;" price $25. 1290 Peniwyh^ia 1TK)B SALE.ON ACCOUNT OF INTENDED RE- - moval from the city, I desire to sell at once all my furniture, carpets, bed-clothing Ac., now located in a fifteen-room house centrally situsted The houae can be lessed for a term of years. Every room which I could spare is occupied by good tenants. A perxon desirous of renting out rooms, or a caterer can buv this outfit, step into my place and make money from the start. Call or address )22-6f 621 E st. n. w. FOB BALE.YOCXQ SORREL MARE LARGE .'Mitip, sound and a good traveler; well suited lor s coupe or four-sest carriage; owaer has no use for her. will sell her very cheap. LKADINGHAM A CO '8 >21-6f Livery Stables. 1327 H st. TCVIB SALE.IMPOBTANT 1 Our Organ stock suri'ssses anything we hare ever before sttempted We have now on hand tbe finest assortment ot Palace and New Kiur. Organs ever shown in Waahington at prv-es thst defy competition. Over 50 styles. <25 to t400 Sold on (.> payments. Organs, slightly used, at your own price. Call and examine our stock. F. G. SMITH, >l»-6t 1225 Pennsylvania ave. F>B SALE.BARGAIN8. In a few deairab.e Square Pianos to make room for new stock. (5 payments. F. G. SMITH, >lU-6t 1225 Pennsylvania aia_ Fob sale.a beautiful bosewood square Piano, in elegant oondition and fine tone: warranted good *. new; just suitable for s small parlor; coeft uew <476; now only <175, in small monthly pay¬ ments handsome cover and stool with it. See it at once il you want a bargain. A Fine New Upright Piano for rent to careful party. rent applied, if desired, to purchase. THE PIANO EXCHANGE, NEW WAREROOMS, >10 913 Pa sea. "foil SALE . ONLY TWO OOCPE-BOCKAWATi J^lef.; one curtain*nd on. >17-2w 123oSS^t! a.w. ^monthly paymsnU. w. F. GAYER, Prop., 466IV . >17 1",^n8^if~:\FIa8T£LA88 SADDLE HORSE ni£2l.ZiU "5.^"^ mare for a Bemlngloo 0-1 BMfaSr»«ri CS|4volaS Jaltt-lip FHL^SrwIAKtLCHAIiCES--01flE cmught reliable make, continuous hinges top and bottom, handsome case, rood tone, and raaranuXl (SS HUGO WOBCH A CO., 025 7th st B w »fSo.*' * Aaaim ,»So£5r pOB SALE.PRICE LIST OF AMERICAN WINES SasSS^. ' -its... .1 14Ul * £ SELiGBOB, 12tk SAl&jrssj-aSirj® _ FOR SALE-HOUSES. IJSjlLVif *r y r* M <>a ^ h»T<I*w. all n««l Itij* hot end ?t&s:»is=T Tf . » >*"«»«' «MT «MM 11 deMred " DAtlD D. MTtiSL M06 Fat aw. F2R *AL?,r..f. SOLLQWIKO dkhirablI H' U*"" wiU hr aold cm null ruti ptYnwiite '.i brick bog*. <1 room* and bath, S3.5O0 R at ,.M 5th «tj 8 itKHUt ud cellar »ln/ K,i|. d«.v WleS. onr 3d and Rata. b. a, . room* and bath iv.soo » daVid I' 8TOKF. M»« r a l». For mu 14TH ST. lttKM AMP HATH, to TT. fwnt, 3 itiirtu ud cfllir l*t fl. -or ran hr naxd M oualuee*, Sid aud ad a* Hate. #7.5oo. * *»od tuvwet T at bat. l»th and 16th. S mom* 3-etorv aud cellar, J"**.' improvement*. worth «TT000. will be at .U1 at *. .MKI. A beautiful oor readence on M it a.*., eouth and eaei luiwi, larr* |arUm; 10 mora. pun only 91 li«)UO. ,, HUUtOK * RAMET, 3 IN? t at. Ii*>K. »m-> TWO-STOBT BRICK BU1LDIN4 onLatreet, M«m, 1 nth and 1 7th n * . .unat.lf VT..*t*rT!f*?,*u',|r or u"- bueineaa. 1 ot i. 35a 1SS. Gl RLE!HBOS.. 131H r etreet >23-1 w plR 8A1X-A BtRGAIN IF CONMl MMATFD I* J ibe next teu day* »r can aril the ten-rouoi Brv* Houa*, Sly O at. in rerfact order, modern Ua> prvvemeuu, lor 43.U50 \ .-ry cheap at *4 <nvo. UWYNN * new man. ,, Atlantic Building. 1 M30 * at n.w. 1>)» RAI.r . Mr What., bet E andL >S* I at n w. bh. «f K? ».- fr°° - - *" .Pr2f * i :^°°1 **' & - «; bh. and & h.'ii«ea t h . »»r ft..V>0 ,E?fVt -v000 BoSsUi at nw_ bh. £ J" VF- n *.*.»» Hr 4 Noo 1-n!u'..lr -J«.0004:wti. 442 t at n w 1.3o H at. n.w, b.h, f h «r 4..00 1.7% u ' 4.000 "415 IVuu. a** B w . lru Mana are n *., bh.Hr 4.htH» niVi cs: iJShm-«.is;-ls?K"V»» « ^ J-V2T -lCooo Rii-aui^ »0l» M at. u w.. b.h. bh . «r 4.UOO l"i' i.»ki ll.00t)|84."i and t«4H Bat u.e , ¥. o * n-w-. bji, <r 4.00A L 5*.00l» Til to :w»*» D at m. 2o.»i H at n.w., b. h , ' f h .rtr H.U00 1n- ,i ....¦. NIKW :»<.._. wh at ae. b k . 4'n w,b .,n- lir igoi :.">« «|»» - «. * Veoo l{iV ^tb W * '* ^«0 iTVikf^w.-,;^00 \.,ooo .o.V.yL-V--. . r -. . .. . . ^ioo 1 la-J *6th at D«.,li 1-,-h mhhi it«. D.t.a ii.hr l virt th,Hr $J*U\ !' poftlon of tb* rnn«^tf mf Jjjfe * or foil U«t cill at oArf f<»r hulUtn «»¦ tb» ltMd 15ilL (jL'i] 1 Huh £ W A(H,AMAS I,Xi1it8^irtET^»BAI<.0,^i? KEMDENVK on ® ®t., t*t. Itith aiitl 1 Wtli. alw>,.»brtrka, Jyy y PW«»n i nee, (U*> .. dutiful r^ideut« .£,of 13th at" drc,e Hu* «* .««.. . >n y itis RFDFEKX A SOX. 14th at. IJ*OR SALE El.FtJANT BRICE HOPkE OF twelve roonia, on l.'lthat n w.; VI .SillH) to allej lour room* dwi., haa tunm. t and la |«|» red tlir..u*li- I^UR BALE. ~ . fcl,'i!kJ.rth *l ? * .»'r cara.10 p e.mveatn/tf 1 4<>0 >. bnoA. Oth a.e., tiet. U and 1, new. m.l 1 )«:.(» «r » I?'l' I? B-®-. bet. O and I, irew, in l ',\V.»0 6r.brl<'k. F n.e.. bet 5th and «th, all nui 'r hnck. .»th n.e. liet E and!', ail uil.nea -J tHK> New ttr brick, liet L and M u.e , on 5th. all m.l. 2.75(1 t>r. preaaed mrk, 5th. liet. L and M u.e % H.'xl Hew tir. bric k, ooruer 5tb a»d F n.e . all au I 3 -j.so ,.7 -T.brtrka, WyUe at n e.,10 |»-r c.InTeatui'tiaiKJ "i S7L 4r b'ka, Htittou Ocurt l w.5.400 JaVl-flt HV>t»KM»tept * W.»7 F at TWO S1"HV BHIi K AM. FKAMK dwellm*. car* |wm. the d.«»r lot 1 7Wi 1 5<t to alley, i?j7.,r l' "J " V- .ud ».»'.«¦ N oflrr over . "-'uaol. W E1LEV MZHE, ^l~3t lam f at. FOR SALF^-. new ft-ROOV BRICE bav wi>- dow hoiiaea near Govt 1-ruitin* e. E at. market. Iiertln-a. Coluuibu and lt Hue oi -tiwt < »ra L, t alley in rear, only *1. -J50 ew> h. * HAMpV.WI 1 Kt. n.w. JaVl-lUt I^OR SAM A MOST DESIKABLE new lO- room brick hou»e ou Penna ave. liet Jlat aud Cud au n w.. itinnMied throuirlioat In hardwood a very baud eon ie proj>erty. permit t.) maie<l .riven ou api'U- catlou at uiy uffice. CHAlXtS W. UAMtV, uti F »tnw- Ja'il-ltM JpOR SALE-ON KHODE ISLAND ave NEAR l.>th. new buck ti biae of twelve rooma. 30 f.m>t Xrout. uark to alley.every tuid+ru t «ii)\*eui**iMf. ror terum. i<eriuiM«ai<>u to maiiect, ai*i4> to VSHI IA- Kl-K ft »i(l l AhKK, iao7H F at. JalH tlt f>OK IS ALL. JT , AN OPPORTT'NlTT. To rloae ont the affaire of a »yudleate. I will aell at »J00 to t.M)0 caah. tuUan.e on loiur time and eaay luontlilj Payment* (a little more than rent), aeveral very hand*, uie 2 and 3 a lor) <gueeu Anne) houaea. 7 to 10 room* thoroiurhly modern, all of different de- ai*rn and tlulahed in natural wood, with ..t-eu fire¬ place*. antique oak mantel*. l<*-ated in prettieet and luoat intpri'viuf i*rt of tne nortlinaat. on two line* cara Iwo-thlrd* of *treet Improvement* iru to tlna aection tin* year. Will lie aold at om-e at trmal bar- traina. in*nRii* handeome i>r>iftu Al*.. in a*me auuars. aotue hue lota, only 05 and 90 feet deep. In block* or aiuirly. at apeculative pricea. W. E. Bt KFOKD. Jaltt-lw 14^2 J; y XW SALFr- J A lanre three-atory and back-buildimr brn », on L betweeu Wtlj and lotli aU . lot "J4 7)4*1?K 1 OU ufr«r « H WARNtR. J*3'" , Hl«FaU n w. FS n.w. >R 8AI.E-AT A SACRIFICE.FOl'B TWO- atorj' and liua iueut Uncka, ou 12th at.. al*>v« Rhode liilaud ave.. mod. impa., w md mantela, larire yard aud woodahed in rear price f.VOOO ea.h. Apply to UREEK 41 CINMNUHAM )al9-lm» 1405 F at F>R 8ALF-:J HANDSOME NEW I'Rl SS-URU K bay-window hounea, Noa. KKH1, ltKth, 1010 Mouth Carolina ave. a.e.. V roouia and bath. all modern coo- venieucea; latroliea, oiien irratea. cabinet, aud alata mantel*; a (rood chance to purrhaae a home at a mod¬ erate price. Apply to CHAM C. MLADh. builder. 101 4th at. n e. JaTJ-aiw «. SALE OR RENT.1744 E ST. NF.AR FAB- ra*rnt Square. Inquire of oauer, JOHN 1) LAK- nf.rTi:«14 E *t > i not I MIR SALE-A HANDSOME NEW BAV WINDOW houae, ten rooma aud laath. witb l^ ila. 11 labllaf tobea and all m.detn convenience*. IMiMb at a. w.; daairal.le and in an eiihaucin* in value ueiyhl«>r- hood. A KtHid opimrtunity to pun ha* a britrlit and < heerful honae at a reaeouable and moderate price, or to make a (food iuveaunent. Inquire ol FRANK T. BR<^)WNING. 410 5th *t. u.w. de^'7- lin 1X>K SALE.NEW W ROOM HOl'SL dN DEI.A- ware avenue n.e.. few minute* walk to capitol: liandwme cabinet mantel* in ever) room complete In ever) apfioiutmeut. deep lot with frame *table cheap .t 4ti,000, 41,500 of it can run for 5 JtMir* at ti per cent. WASHINGTON DANLNHOtA ElCl 115 F *u n.w. JalK-6t J'OR SALI NI I ill -I HARMING LITTIJC home*..ii ea*t *ide .>f I'l.rtner H** ait room*, th. beautifully paired; cryatal chaudelu ra, ftc. j Price 411,750. term* to auit. M ASHlNUTuN DAN- ENHOWER, 1115 Fat. n.w. jais-ot DWUIB-MW is VOI R OPPORTUNITY TO f buy a home and i«\ for It name a* rent 1 he Waah- iiurton Co-Operative Loan Coiupan> advance* NOT PART. BI T ALL the money necenaarv to buy of' bmid a home. no nak . deed riven at once for property; debt canceled in eveut of tb-ath. Send or call lor pruapectua to ofhcea, 14 and 10 KU lantic buildimr. >10 lot For sale-that elegant residence, ion Vennout ave. n.w , with *tat>leatta< h>d. lor tenna and )>ermi*aioii to luaiaa't, apply to Ol RLl.i BRUM., i:U» F street n ». Jall-3m TXIll SALE-TWO #7.000 HOI'SEH FOR *5.000 1 each, a nice realdeuce orimnd inv.wtmeiit, at tiand 5th street n. w., 11 rt«>m« modem improvement In¬ quire of owner, 7lit tith *treet n.w. Ja3-lm* FIR SALI 17«1 MASS AVI N1W is I 1 1 T front uiaiu *tory and triuiudiir* brown atone '.'2 room*, halla, atore-rooma. pautry, - bath-roouia. i»r- fect heatinK aud plumbimr. price ta5,ooo. JOHN SHERMAN ft CO.. 1407 F at. n w. n'J4 -'iu 1>OR SALE.BARGAIN H PER CEN1 INVEST- inent,new 10-r.».m eleirautly-ftniRhed reaidem-a, near Kith at. n w. $.">.KKi Alao. crner lot on loth at., 43&50. OW NER. l.VMJPierce place. d22-2m* LOST AND FOUND. L OST.JAN. 23, ON 6 20 A. M TRAIN FROM Baltimore, Diamond Scarf Pin lOieral reward will be given If returned to 514 Oth at. n.w., W aaiiiurton. or 871 N" Howard »t. Baltimore. It* " reward-lobt-near independent *Z>£dt9 Ice Company'* wharf, on the 22d in.tanL a larife Red Pucketl*>ok, coutaimuir a (100 note and a number of tow btlla. The above reward paid for in¬ formation that will lead to recovery of aame Addraaa McDEVITT'B DeUcUva A«euc-y, B05 Market Mpacw. Ja23-2t* T EFT IN A HERDIC CAB, AT N * P. DEPOT, JLj about ll:4o a m;. January 21. Gold-beaded I mbrella. Finder auiubl) rewarded upon returning to 12Q5 K at. n.w. Ja23Jf Lost.on tth «t, near new tore aveZ an envelope, cootainltut two deeda. Suitable re¬ ward for their return to 1012 16th at. n.w. Ja22-3t* f OST - OK JANUARY IB, A VOX TERR1E1L l^Jtjlack aar and bla< k aide face. Anawera to name oI "Morae;" #5 reward will be paid if retained to MRS. ADAMS, at Portland Flata. >21-lm OST.SATl'RDAY AFTERNOON. NEAR HlTH at. and Pennaylvania ave. n.w., a black aud white Docker ai«niel. anawera to name of Crit: ln.a.rwiil be liberally rewarded by raturninir the aanie to 1725 U it. n.w. Ja21-3t* L PERSONAL. gERBONAL.A gentleman WISHES TO tba acquaintance of a alater of a uewap Me aeud good reference aa to character. r WILL YOCNO LADY. RED BON RET, ON 0TM-ST. ear, tranafemntc to F-at. ear rouw eaet. TuaadaF night, 7 o'clock, addrraa renUeman on nvemaat Cor- neapondetM-e atrictiy ootitldanfaal. Alfdraa* J. RAX- SOLDS, Star oflboa. _ CALL AND EXAMINE IAMHX FULL EVENING Dreaa Suita, ailk or aatin Uned, made to oniar, »ly $30. B WEYFORTH ft HONS. >12-1 m* 217 X Para at.. BalUmon. MA. WM. WILLIAMS. GROW. McELFRESH, AtTH i iH. laad Pnvwta Patacttya Annf. f.romptly attended to and atrictly confidential Ofioa span all uoura. W. WILLIAMS. Milam. W2SI *.« my4-Mn* i'lZ ALYDORA." THE ONLY EVTB0TTTKI JV ration for developinc tba boat. AtWiaa indevelo|<ed forma made idurnp and beautiful all* l aad externally No inatrumeiita Chamrepar* -eptible in a week MML. W ILBUR. Inventor aud ftuta Manufacturer 703 l.ith n w. 431 lai* f lira - SERVICE EEAM1N AT10N~QCEKT10N» JCBTITS OLD STAND II THE ONLY PLACE BOARDING.
Page 1: TANTEb-BY Js'-J? 1HXIB Baltimore. «fK? F^^WB .Pr2f t£ 1BKM)B · 2017-12-26 · Wlveryonewhowant*to hire helporInd ¦situation, b«jorMil real estate, let or hire Wmmorrooms.Andwork

W lvery one who want* to hire help or Ind¦ situation, b«j or Mil real estate, let or hireWmm or rooms. And work or worker*, borrow4r 1and money, or offer or And bargain! of anyhad, should aae and eonaalt the eeoond and(bird pt(M of Tn Stab. Ther constitute a

jiMfaat daily history and directory of the minorBilfc and activities of thia community, andeaek new advertisement therein i« aa wellwcrtk reading aa any other department of the


Fashionable Receptions and Teea.Per¬sonal Notes.

The Senatorial house* will be open to callersIn me i n a Mrs. Dolph and her daughter, Mrs.Nixon, Mrs. and the Miases Blackburn, at theZbbitt: Mrs. Palmer, Miss Voorhees, Mrs. andMiaa Sherman, Mrs. Stockbridge, Mrs. Hoar,Mrs. Morrill anJ Miss Swan, Mrs. and Mi*Evart*. Mrs. J. D. Cameron. Mr*. Hale, Mrs.and Miss Dawes, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Mandersonand Mrs. aad Miss Paddock, at the Portland.Others who will receive are Mrs. Quay, Mrs.Baagan, Mrs. Teller, Mrs. Pugh. Mrs. Walthall,MrsTPomeroy, Mrs. J. H. Souli, 1433 M street;Mrs. Monroe, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. JeremiahWilson, Mrs. and the Misses Huyck, Mrs. Pollokand Mrs. MacAdoo. 1920 I street; Mrs. SaundersGarland, 1509 Corcoran street; Mrs. John BlairHoge, Mrs. Neil Belt. Mrs. John W.Daniel from 8 to 7, assisted by her mother, Mrs.Murrell, Mrs. Faulkner, Mrs. Claggett, theMisees Duhamel, the Misses Butler, the MissesBlackford and Mias Reed, of Virginia.

Mrs. Hearst. Mrs. Stanford, and Mrs. Cock-re11 will not be at home to callers to-morrow.Senator and Mrs. Cockrell gave the Arst of

two card receptions last evening, and the eventgathered together a large ana brilliant com¬pany. The drawing-rooms were decked withcut roses and the window recesses and chan-deliers garlanded with ropes of smilax. TheSenator and Mrs. Cockrell received their guestsin the front drawing-room, the hostess wear¬ing a handsome dress of stone-gray faille,draped with gray point d' esprit, and trimmedupon the shoulder and caught upon the skirtwith sprays of violets. They were assisted inreceiving by Mrs. Cookrell s sister and guest,Mrs. John B. Walker, of Booneville, Mo., whowore a trained gown of black faille, body ofblack velvet, the low edge draped with blacklaee, and Mrs. Gen. Rochester, who was at¬tired in green plush made over a petticoat ofpale brocade. The supper table was bounti¬fully apread in the dining-room, and in thecenter was an oval of scarlet tulips. Salads,oysters, ices, and confectionery and punchwere served. Some of those present were Mr.aad Mrs. Jaa. G. Blaine. Senator and Mrs. Pal¬mer, Jnstice and Mrs. Fuller, Senator and Mrs.Bpooner, Senator and Mrs. Manderson, Senatorand Mrs. Ingalls, Judge Drake and Mrs. andMiaa Westcott. lbs. and the MissesBlackburn, Capt. and Mrs. John F.Lodgers, Mrs. Folaom, Mrs. Ward andMrs. Stetson, of New York, who are guests atthe Whit* House; Senator and Mrs. Dolph,Mrs. Senator Daniel, Mr. anJ Mrs. WillardWarner, Secretary and Mrs. Endicott. Mr. En¬dicott, Secretary and Miss Vilas, the Postmas¬ter-General aad Mrs. Dickinson. Mrs. Lister,Mrs. and Miss Atchison, Justice and Mrs. Field.Justice and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hallidav,Mrs. Langhorne. Mrs. Crosby, Major and Mrs.Tucker, Secretary and Miss Florence Bavard,Speaker and Mrs" Carlisle, Mr. and Mrs. Llovd

ace. Senator Evarts, Senator and Mrs. Mor-Miss Swan. Mr. Jas. Morrill, Dr. and Mrs.

Allen. Miss Dorsey, Miss Eastman. Lieut. Du-vall, 8enator and Mrs. Vance. Oen. Greely.Senator and Mrs. Sherman. Miss Mary Sher¬man, Col. and Mrs. Lamont. Dr. and Mrs. Geo.B. Loring. Mr. and Mrs. Hitt, the Chinese min¬ister. Dr. low. Minister Roustan. Miss MaryWileon. Justice Lamar, Gen. Rochester. Mr.and Mrs. Hatch, the Mexican minister andMadame Romero. Mr. Stilson Hutchins, andDr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Hammond.The Mexican minister and Madame Romero

gave another of their charming afternoon re¬ceptions yesterday, at which there was danc¬ing. Maaame Kouiero was assisted in receiv¬ing the callers by Mrs. MenocaL In the din-ing-room Mrs. Willard Warner poured tea aton* end of the table and Miss May Lawton atthe other, ami Miss Kosecranz at a side tableserved the Mexican punch. Among the othersassisting were Miss Mnry Wilson. Miss EdithSoule. Miss Lucy Cork hill. Miss Alice Riddle,Miss Cullom. Miss Condit Smith. Miss Thomas.Miaa Bacon. Miss Casey, Mrs. Thos. Riggs andMra. N. L. Blanchard. The hall-room floorwas crowded with dancers, and the house badthe aspect of * grand fete all the afternoon.The K street houses were very generally open

to callers yesterday. Mrs. Fitzhugh Coylewas assisted by her sister, Mrs. Dunton, ofPhiladelphia, who is her guest, and who spenther school girl days here, in receiving, andMrs. Goldsborough presided at the table.

Mra. B. De Ford Webb had a largely attendedreception, and was assisted by her guest, MissAlice Webb, of Baltimore, and Miss BelleHyatt, of this city. The ladies were in toiletsof black lace.Judge and Mrs. J. B. Edmonds held the third

of their Tuesdav in January receptions, andtheir handsome drawing-rooms were throngedall the afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Outhwaite andMra. Cullen Brewster assisted the host andhostess in dispensing the lavish hospitalitiesof their home.Mrs. Darlington and her three handsome

daughters held a pleasant reception in theirspacious lamp lit drawing-room yesterday.The Misses Darlington made calls early in theafternoon and later Joined their mother atbome.Miaa Edea had with her Miss Biddle. Miss

Bruen, and Mrs. Walsh, and they made a cozyquartette seated about the tea table in the sec¬ond drawing-room.Mrs. Spinola. at the Arlington, was assisted

by Mrs. Van Wyck and her guest. Miss JeanieWhitford, of New York city. The ladies had aflowing bowl of punch, with which they servedcake* and conserves, and the popularity ofhostess and assistants was attested bv the brim¬ming big card basket that with difficuly heldthe vintage of the afternoonMis* Aliaan Wilson will give a tea on Monday

from 4 to 6 at the residence of her brother, Mr.Thomae Wilson. 1218 Connecticut avenue.Mr. Mumm. first secretary of the German le¬

gation, who has been in Europe all the sum¬mer. has returned to the city and was makingcalla yesterday.

Mrs. A. B. Mullett, and her sister. Mrs. Elliott,will not be at home to callers Friday of thisweek, but will keep the day hereafter duringthe season.Senator and Mrs. Hearst give a large recep¬

tion and ball this evening to introduce MiaaUsed, of San Francisco.Senator-elect McMillan, of Michigan, arrived

in the city last evening and ia at the HotelNormandie. Later he will be the guest of Sen¬ator and Mra. Palmer.The Sui Generis club had a pleasant gather¬

ing at the Conservatory of music, on 12thstreet. Monday evening. Ibis club ia com¬posed of young people of the northwest sec¬tion of the city. It propose* to have a hopone* a month during the season.Miaa Ott, of Wheeling, W. Va.. ia the gueat of

Miaa Carrie Morgan. 1941 Q street.The managers of the Hotel Arno inaugurated

their handaome new reception room by throw¬ing it open to callers yesterday, and some ofthe ladiee of the house were the hostesses.Mra. 8. V. White. Mrs. Dr. Chaa. H. Allen, Mrs.Wm. Claflin, wife of ex-Governor Clamn. ofBoston; Mrs. and Mis* Ellis, of New York; Mrs.Hamilton, Mrs. Dr. Devan, Mrs. McWilliam, ofBrooklyn, and Mrs. J. S. Stranahan did thehonors of the new apartment. Among thecallers were: Dr. Robert T. Davis, Mr. andMra. A. Pollok, Judge and Mra. A. Leo Knott,Miss Keeuau. Mrs. Geo. F. Hoar, Mrs. P. J. Gor¬don. Mrs. Miller. Miss Corkhill. Mrs. snd MissPayson. Kev. Dr. W. H. Milburn, Senator andMrs. Pugh, Miss Lucy D. Pugh, Mrs. Morrill,Miss Bodengue. Mrs. W. F. Tucker. Senatorand Mra. Stockbridge, Mra. D. A. Chambers,Miaa E. P. Patten. Mr. Jno. Macartney. Mr.and Mrs. H. W. Seaman. Mr. and Mrs. Thos.Nelson, Senator and Mrs. Manderson. CoLBlunt, Mr. snd Mrs. Herbert G. Ogden, Mrs. 8.M. Bryan, Mrs. Jno. S. Henderson, Dr. Allen,and tae secretaries of the Corean legation,Joetice and Mrs. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. M.Sweat, Mr. and Mrs. Whiting. Gen. and Mrs.Jno. C. Black, Mr*. Spooner, Miaa Annie Vilas,Mrs. Dolph, and R. P. Nixon.The friends of company C. Washington Light

Infantry corpe. were out in force last night attha second ,Tat home" of the company. Theball-room waa handsomely decorated and danc-

kept up until a late hour. The receptioncommittee was composed of Lieut. F. H. Pad¬gett, Corp. J. H. Krauae. Lieut. C. H. Ourand.Sergt. J. H. CarU, Capt. Edson Phillips, andPrivates B. D. Ellis. John J. Shugfrue, 8. McK.Peaks, A. J. Hanfmann. Geo. Y. Thorpe, andE. P. Pumphrey. The dance waa a greet suc-ceaa and it ia expected will be repeatedMra. Chaa. 8. Voorhees held a pleasant recep¬

tion yesterday afternoon. She was assisted byIIFred Seymour snd Mrs. Williams, ofDetroit; Miaa Annie Wilson. Miss Mary Wilaon,Mra. Le Breton. Mrs. A. T. Stuart, Mrs. HeberMay. The bosteas waa attired in a handaomeembroidered gown.Mr. and Mra. Levi P. Morton retained to

Hew York yesterday afternoon, although tbey

will probably return to their apartment* at thsNormandie again before the 4th of next March.The ladies of Georgetown will five a german

thia evening at Linthicum hall to the gentle¬men member* of the Assembly.

THE AMERICAN POTTERS.They Meet Here To-Day, Gleet Officer*,

and Take Other Action.The American potter* met in the blue par¬

lor at Willard's at 10 o'clock thia morning andelected the following officer*: President, Thos.Haddock; rice-presidents, Wm. Brant, GeorgeW. Oliver and 8. J. 8cott; secretary, AlfredDay, and treasurer, J. H. Goodwin. The re¬port of Mr. D. F. Haynes, of Baltimore, of thecommittee on art and design, was read, andthe convention passed a resolution appropri¬ating a snm of money to be used bythat committee in the form ofrewards to art students in theleading schools throughout the country. Theconvention adjourned at noon for dinner andmet again at 2 o'clock, when a discussion on themeans and methods of the pottery businesswas carried on. There will De a banquet to¬night, at which one hundred are expected tobe present. Thirty-one firms are representedin the convention from Trenton, N. J.; EastLiverpool. Ohio; Wheeling, Steubenrille, Ohio,and Baltimore.

THE ELEVENTH-CENSUS.Provisions of the Bill Reported to the

Senate To-day.Senator Hale, from the committee on the

eleventh census, to-day reported the bill toprovide for the taking of the eleventh and sub¬sequent censuses. The bill has been amendedin many particulars. One amendment providesthat all examinations for appointment and pro¬motion under this aot shall be in the disoretionand under the direction of the Secre¬tary of the Interior. The compensationof enumerators is now fixed as follows:"In subdivisions, where the superintendent ofcensus shall deem such allowance sufflcien t, anallowance not exceeding 2 cents for each liv¬ing inhabitant, 2 cents for each death re¬ported, 15 cents for each farm, and 20 cents foreach establishment of productive industryenumerated and returned, and for each sur¬viving soldier or widow returned 6 cents marbe given in full compensation for all services.'The schedules of inquiry are to be the same

as those in the last census with the addition ofa special schedule of inquiry, according to;sucn form as the superintendent of the censusmay prescribe, which shall contain the names,organisations and length of service of thosewho served in the army, navy, or marine corpsof the United States in the war of the rebellion,and who are survivors at the time of the takingof the census, and the widows of soldiers,sailors or marines. It is also provided that thepopulation schedule shall include an inquiryas to the number of negroes, mulattoes, quad¬roons and octoroons. Inquiry is also to bemade as to the recorded indebtedness ofprivate corporations and indiriduals. The ap¬propriation for taking the census has been in¬creased from ?6.000,000 to >6,400,000.

MR. WEBB'S NOMINATION.Protest of the Republican Invincible*Against its Confirmation by the Senate.The Republican inrincibles, of this city, hare

adopted a statement of their risws concerningthe nomination of Mr. Webb to succeed him-self as District Commissioner. Copies of thisstatement were to-day sent in the form of apro¬test to the republican members of the Senatewith a brief letter from Dr. E. A. Adams, presi¬dent of the club, calling attention to the con¬tents of the paper. Following is the tex t ofthe statement:

Jaxuaby 22,1889.To the Honorable Republican Senatort of the

United Stales:The Republican inrincibles of the city of

Washington, in regular meeting assembled, dohereby most earnestly and respectfully protestagainst the confirmation of the nomination ofWm. B. Webb as a Commissioner of the Dis¬trict of Columbia for a second term, and weplace our protest upon the following grounds:First. Because we are satisfied that suchnomination is against the will of a large ma-

of the people of the District of Colum-

Second. Because in defiance of this well-known sentiment the President made the ap-Sointment arbitrarily and in unnecessary haste;enying the people of the District an opportu¬nity to be heard as to their wishes and upon the

merits of the appointment, and declining toconsider petitions expressive of the people'swill upon the subject.Third. Because as the board is now consti¬

tuted, and will be if Mr. Webb should be con¬firmed. more than one-half of the District inpopulation, wealth and territory is practicallyunrepresented thereon.all the members of thepresent board being residents of a section em¬braced in the northwestern part of the city,west of 13th street, instead of being distributedas they should be to properlr represent thewhole people and all sections of the District ofColumbia justly and fairly. And in this con¬nection we submit that the force of this branchof our protest is well illustrated by the factthat Congress during the existence of the pres¬ent board, of whicn Mr. Webb is the nominalhead, in order to secure a just and proper ap¬plication of the public moneys to the improve¬ment of certain streets, or avenues, remotefrom that portion of the city where the mem¬bers of the present board reside, has been com¬pelled to direct and control the same by specificlegislation.Fourth. Because we deem the re-appoint¬ment of Mr. Webb to this important office to

be now singularly unfit, when at this time it iswell known to the President and all in author¬ity that he is, in his official capacity, under¬going an investigation by Congress for grossabuses .if not offenses.connected with thedisbursement of the public moneys of the Dis¬trict of Columbia in the purchase of sites forschool-houses therein, and of which transac¬tions sufficient is already known, whatever maybe the result of the congressional investigation,to show that the public interests will be muchsafer for the next four year* in the hands ofsome one better adapted to the duties of anexecutive office.

Fifth. Because we regard this action on thepart of President Cleveland as an attempt toforestall an appointment which belongs pecu¬liarly to the incoming republican administra¬tion, and as at no time during his administra¬tion of the office he now holds has Mr. Webbdeveloped or demonstrated that he was a re¬publican or in sympathy with that party towhich he was appointed to be a Commissioner,we respectfully submit to a republican Senatethe request that instead of sucn an inheritancefrom a democratic administration, the republi¬cans of this District may bs farored by the ap¬pointment of a pronounced republican to suc-cecd Mr. Webb, made by a pronounoed repub¬lican administration and based upon the willof the people.

The Line of Water Street.A DECISION 15 TBS FOUCB COCBT.

To-day, in the Police Court, Mr. Charles D.Nicolai, of Nicolai Bros., coal dealers, near theLong bridge, was charged by Assistant Build¬ing Inspector Holmes with violating the build¬ing regulations, it being alleged that he erecteda frame office within the fire limits withouthaving first obtained a permit so to do. Mr.Nicolai obtained a permit to erect the buildingsouth of Water street, beyond the Are limits,and it was claimed by the prosecution that thebuilding was erected north of that street. Thedefendant claimed that the building waserected south of Water street, in compliancewith the permit A map of the city was pro¬duced. and the judge decided the case againstthe defendant The property on which theoffice was built is now in the civil courts for adecision as to the boundary of Water street Afine of 910 or thirty days was imposed. Mr.Johnson, for the defendant noted an appeal inorder to have the question of the location ofWater street determined.No Cask or Smallpox n» Washijiotok..During the pest few days many residents ofSoutheast Washington have been badly fright¬ened because of a rumor afloat to the effectthat smallpox was preralent in that locality.How the rumor started is not known, but the

rumor gained credence among the naval au¬thorities. and at their reauest Dr. Pool, of thehealth offioe, was sent by Dr. Townshend tomake an investigation. Humor had it thatthere were cases in Mark's and Lewis' alleys,and the doctor made a house-to-heuse inspec¬tion, but failed to And even a case of chicken-Ex. He, therefore, reported that the rumord ao foundation, and that there is aot asingle case of the disease in the city.Cohvictbd or Pittt Labczkt..In the PoliceCourt this morning Byron Davis and FrankJohnson, colored, who are under a plea ofguilty of housebreaking awaiting sentence inthe Criminal Court, were arraigned on seveninformations for petty laroeney. They pleadednot guilty, bnt were convicted in each ease and

sentence was suspended. They will be calledin the Police Court on Saturday for sentence.A memorial protesting against the admis¬

sion of New Mexico into the Union and signedby the leading citizens of Albuqnarqae hasbeen forwarded to Congress.

the senate tariff bill.PMMd la Chat Body by a Vote of 82

to 80.Am eadmeata Adopted.The Senate tariff bill baa, to far aa the Senate

to concerned, been dtopoeed of, and there tonowhere a happier crowd of legislator* thanthe Senator* who hare been wreatling day andnight with the great question of tariff, andwho hare at laat thrown off the burden whichhaa weighed them down for eo long. Ye*t*r-<toy WM a bu*y day in the Senate. There werea large nnmber of amendment* offered, and npto the hour of6 o'clock they were debated. Onmotion of Mr. Sherman, a proviso,

or intebest to amebican rnmnx,waa adopted. It provide* that freah fish caughtby American fishermen in the high *ea* or inthe open water* between Canada and theUnited State* *hall not be claaaed a* importa¬tion*, and ahall not, therefore, be *nbject tothe duty of half-a-cent per pound. Mr. Eusti*offered amendment* looking to reduction ofduty from 1J{ to 1W cent* per pound on sugargraded between No*. IS and 20, Dutch stand¬ard, and on all above No. 30 from 2 to IK centsper pound. These amendment* were rejected,and two democrat*.Mr. Colquitt, of Georgia,and Mr. Gibson, of Louisiana.

VOTED WITH WITH THE BEPUBLICAX8.Mr. Reagan made an effort to have inserted inthe bill a clause providing for the impositionand oollection of a graduated lnoome tax, buthe failed. Mr. Stanford waa more fortunatewith hi* amendment. It waa an administrativesection, and it regulate* tne importation of.pirit* and reduces the internal revenue taxeson grape wine* and brandiea to 0 cents per gal¬lon. The section to identical with the billmaking grape brandy free for the fortificationof *weet wine* for exportation, reported byfinance committee of the Forty-ninth Con¬gress and which was passed by the Senate.

MB. CALL CUT orr.When 5 o'clock arrived Mr. Call had the floor,

and wa* offering amendment* to the proposedrate* of duty on wine*, and quite naturally hedesired to *ay something about the amend-menta. He made no speeche*, however, forSenator Ingalls, after a short, sharp contest,insisted upon the carrying out of the unani¬mous agreement that all debate should ccaseat 6 o'clock. Shutting off his oratory did not.top Mr. Call in the mntter of offering amend¬ments. As soon a* one was knocked down heset up another, and so it went on until theamendment* had all been voted out of sight.A vote upon Mr. Saulsbury's new section, pro¬viding for the confiscation by the governmentof all profite of corporations in excess of 10per cent, defeated the proposition. On oneamendment, reducing the duty on hoop-iron

MB. PLUMB VOTED WITH THE DEMOCBAT*.Mr. Brown offered several amendment* to in¬

crease the duty on rice, but none of them wereaccepted. A new rice section increasing theduty was, however, inserted in the bill uponmotion of Mr. Aldrich.Mr. Plumb endeavored to secure the impo¬sition of a 25 per cent ad valorem duty on raw

unmanufactured silk, but he was in a minority.He succeeded, though, in getting an adminis¬trative section adopted which provides for the

ESTABLISHMENT OP A CUSTOM* COMMISSION.The commission is to have its headquarters atthe Treasury department, and to to consist offive experts, not more than three of them tobe of one political party, and the salary of eachis to be 97,600 per annum and traveling ex¬penses.On Mr. Allison's amendment, making an in¬

crease of 20 per cent in the duties on oranges,lemons, and limes, there was almost unanimity,only seven democrats voting against it.THE VOTE PASSING THE BILL.

It wa* after 8 o'clock when the bill waa readthe third time. Mr. Harrto called for the yea*and nays upon its passage, and President ProTempore Ingalls a few minutes later an¬nounced the result.yeas, 82; nay*. 30, a* follows:Yeae.Aldrich, Blair. Bowen, Cameron,

Chace, Chandler. Cullom. Davis, Dawes,DolDh. Edmunds, Evarts, Farwell, Frye, Haw-ley, Hiscock, Hoar, Ingalls, Jones (NevA Man-derson, Mitchell, Morrill, Paddock, Palmer,Piatt, Plumb, Quay, Sherman. Spooner, Stock-bridge, Teller, Wilson ('Iowa).32.Nays.Bate, Berry, Blackburn. Brown. But¬

ler. Call, Cockrell. Coke, Colquitt, Daniel,Eustto, Faulkner, George, Gibson, Gorman,Gray, Harris, Jones (Ark.), Morgan, Pasco,Payne, Pugh, Ransom, Reagan. Turpie, Vance,Vest, Voornees, Walthall. Wilson (Md.).30.Absent.Allison, Beck, Blodgett, Hale,Hampton, Hearst, Kenna, McPhervon, Riddle-berger, Sabin, Sautobury, Sawyer, Stanford,Stewart.14.

BROUGHT FROM RICHMOND.I One of the Boyi Who Robbed the

Gipsy Camp.IOW DETECTIVE BAIT CAME HEAB LORINO THEcuaTODY or the bot ur the capital or vib-oinia.confession or the peisoneb.he hassebvbd tebms in the femtentiabt.

Detective Raff went to Richmond Mondaynight to bring here for trial the colored boy,Ben Thomaa, alia* Jim Jones, charged withcomplicity in the robbery of 9700 from TomStanley at the gipsy camp. The grand jurywaa not in *e**ion at the time and the officertook with him a warrant from the Police Courtcharging the priaoner with the robbery. Whenthe officer arrived in Richmond without a re¬

quisition (the proper paper*) he informed theauthorities that he had a United State* war¬rant. The officer attached so much import¬ance to the fact that the paper was a "UnitedStates warrant" that the prisoner was taken be¬fore a police Justice and given a partial hear¬ing. A colored attorney made his appearanceas the prisoner's counsel and made

A HABD FIGHT FOE HI* CLIENT.Another attorney volunteered his service*

and rendered what assistance he conld to thedetective. The colored attorney's points werewell taken and the justice declined to surrenderthe prisoner on the warrant. During the de¬bate counsel became excited and it was thoughtfor a time that they would come to blows. De¬tective Raff and a Richmond detective took thejudge's advice and went before the governor,who was undecided as to what action to take.The attorney-general was sent for and the offi¬cers and counael were told to return to thestate house at 1 o'clock. Detective Raff thenwent before United States Commissioner Pleas¬ants and iwore out a warrant charging theprisoner with burglary. The case was heardand the prisoner was turned over to DetectiveRaff, who was deputized by the marshal tobring him to this city. The prisoner's attor¬ney returned to the governor and waited forthe return of the officer*, but Detective Raffhad been given the prisoner and it waa too lateto save his client He applied for a writ ofhabeas corpus, but was unable to get it becausethe prisoner could not be found.

CONFESSION OF THE PBISONEB.When the officer started with the prisoner to

return to this city, Thomaa made a full con¬fection. He said that he and Monroe Tricevisited Sanley'* tent while the latter wa* away.Trice watched while he (Ben) took the moneyfrom under the carpet. There wa* gold andgreenback*. They cnt aero** the country to¬ward the reservoir and there they divided thepaper money. They got on a 7ta street earana eame to the city.

HOW THE BOT* GOT AWAT FBOM TEX CTTT.Then they got in a brick wagon and crowed

the Long bridge on their way to Alexandria.While croMing the bridge tljey divided the goldmoney. They walked from the brick yara* toAlexandria, where they took the ateamerLeary for Norfolk. When Trice waa arrestedon the wharf in Norfolk Ben aav* he wentaround behind a warehouse and tnrew hi* re¬volver in the river. That afternoon he tookthe train for Riehmond. When captui*d 9187waa taken from him. Thomas waa identified a*being a priaoner who spent three year* in theRichmond penitentiary. This morning he wa*taken to the Police Court and given a hearing.He pleaded not guilty. Judge Miller heardthe testimony of Stanley and Detective Raffand held the prisoner in the ram of 9600 forthe action of tne grand jury.

Joha Waaamaker'* Sucoeaa.Philadelphia Latter to the Chicago Tribune."When I came to my desk laat Wednesday

morning," mid John Wanamaker, the mer¬chant, "I waa naturally thinking about theChrtotmaa trade which we had. We did a greatdeal of Chrtotmaa buaiaee* in this store thisyear. Daring the tea day* previous to Chrtot¬maa oar aelee hovered about 9100.000 a day.The grand total for the ten day* falls only afew Joliar* under a million.

'Imend 96,000 a week ia advertising, aad I_ *Li»ta_i » .

pay a skillful awn.a former newspaper editor,and a good oae.91.000 a month to do it forme. Intake money by it Advertising to theleverage with which this store haa been raiaednp. I do not see how any large and snoeeesfulretail buaiaee* can be done without liberal ad¬vertising. I advertise in every issue, except8oaday, of every daily paper ia Philadelphia.Coatiauon* advertising, like continuous work,tbeMwteffMttvT^

WANTED.HELP.YVANTED.TWO GOOD SKIRT HANDS; ALSO,\Y two apprentice*, at 829 20th at If


it^S.onsble rates.) F ILRuRNHAM,HlWft

WANTED-A LADY STENOGRAPHER ANERemington Type-writer; one understanding 1.s<Pitman system. tud owning type-writer, preferred.Address C. F J , Ntar office. It*

WANTED-A THOROUGHLY HEALTHY WETNurse to remain at the house: reference* re¬

quired. Apply 1130 8th it. n.w. It*

W-ANTED-AN ACTIVE MAN TO LOOK AFTERthe interest* of an old established Life Insuranoa

Company in W ashington. One with tact and energywill find that thix field will yield a better pecuniaryreturn than anything else he can engage In withoutcapital.A liberal arrangement will be made with the right

man. Address SUPERINTENDENT.Ja23-4t* Box 3005, New York City._ANTED-WOMEN COOKS, $10 TO $40 CHAM-bermaids, Nurses and Laundresses in city or

away; Waiters, Drivers or Farm Hands: Colored MenCooks. SAM'L A. COOMBS, 920 F st. n.w. Ja23-8t*_WANTED - SMART INTELLIGENT ERRAND

Boy: must bring good relerence. Apply WHIT E,HOWARD & CO., 81o 15th st. n.w. It


YV ANTED-AT ONCE TEN LADIES TO SELL11 the new calyx-eyed needle: no threader uaed;thread them with your eyes shut. 1423H H st.,Boom 2. J»23-2tYV ANTED.BOY FIFTEEN TEARS OLD. OFTt good fsmily. in a grocery store where no liquors

are sold; one anxious to learn the business. AtiilressR. K... Star office. Ja23-'-it*


* who can letter with brush and make himself use¬ful. Address N. H. 8., Star office. M

TANTED-A GRAND ARMY MAN OR WIDOW OFname to handle the history of the Grand Army byGen. Besth. C. D. ALDERSuN A CO., General Agents,1010 F St., Room 8. If

WANTED-A MAN FOR DINING-ROOM AND11 parlor work: rood references necessary. Applyat 1731 K St., bet. 12 and 2 and 7 and 0 p.m. Ja23-Jt*VITANTED-FIRST-CLASS COOKS, MAIDS," Nurses, Waitresses. I^iiindry Woman, Butiers,Drivers, and Woman for Philadelphia; Man and Wifefor city. Headquarters for Cuoka and Waiters, at J.B. BURGESS', 030 F st. n.w. J*23-0t^_WANTED-A NEAT AND TIDY COLORED GIRL

to do general housework. Apply 1729 H st.n.w. 11*

TANTED-AN EXPERIENCED NURSE, WITHy between 12 and 3, andi Island ave. ja22-3t*

WANTED-AN EXPERIE:good references. Apply 1

after 5 o'clock, 1443 Rhode Ii

YVANTED-HANDS TO WORK ON LADIES'" cloth work; none but experienced liands need ap¬ply. Apply at 1143 Conn. ave. Ja23-2tWANTED-A RELIABLE GENTLEMAN FOR AIT Iiosition of trust; situation permanent, withchance lor advancement if satisfactory- Referencesrequired. Salary for beginning $15 weekly. Applyafter 9 a. m. M. J. SM11H, 430 7th st. n.w. lt*_

TANTED-AN INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE MANr for special work; Inducements to an energeticI well-recommended party Al. Apply to EAST KH-Y A HALDEMAN, 808 F st. n.w. Ja23-3f

YVANTED-AN INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE MANll tor sreclal work: inducement* to an energeticand wDAY J

WANTED SEVERAL GOOD 8ALE8MEN TOsell groceries, cigar* and tobacco, wooden ware,Ac. Apply to N. F. HINES, wholsale grocer, s.w.cor¬

ner 7th and K s.w. Ja22-2t

WANTII) - A^GOOD GERMAN GIRL TO DOgeneral housework in a small family without

children; no washing: good reference* required. In¬quire at once at 1240 9th st. n.w. Ja22-3t\VANTED-A RELIABLE COLORED MAN ABOUT11 20 years old; also a good cook, who must stay at

night: both bring reference*; call after 3 p.m. 220New Jersey ave. n.w. Ja21-3t

WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS WHITE SERVANT,to cook, wash and iron. References required.1824 Hat. 1*2l-3f

WANTED.LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO ENGAGEin an easy, paying business at home; can work

daytime or evening and make 50c. to #2 |>erhour;sure thing; sample and complete instruction* Bent for10c. Address WORLD SUPPLY CO., Rutland, Vt.Ja21-lm

YU'ANTED - EVERYONE, MALE AND FEMALE,n out of employment to secure it speedily throughthis office: one hundred and twenty-six persons were

furnished work in ten days. C1TV INTELLIGENCEOFFICE. 400 La. ave. Jal9-lw*

WANTED.EXPKRIENCED AND THOROUGHLYcompetent practical canvasser wanted to canvas*,

employ others, and systematically work Washingtonfor an entirely new book, by one of the best knownand most popular Authors in America. A magnifi¬cently illustrated book at low price, which sellsat sight.Excellent terms, exclusive control and a rare oppor¬tunity for the right man. No novices need apply.State experience and facilities, and send references to"BOOK." P. O. Box 672, New York. Also otherlarge cities still vacant. Jal (S-eo3t

WANTED-WE WISH TO EMPLOY A RELi¬able Man in your city; no experience required:

permanent inisition for three years: salary increasedeach year: light, easy, genteel business, money ad¬vanced for salary, advertising, Ac. Largest manufac¬turers in our line; enclose 2-cent stamp No postal*.CENTENNIAL M'F'G CO.,Cincinnati, Ohio.oclO-w&a0m

WANTED- MAN TO TAKE THE AGENCY OFOURsafes, size 28x18x18 inches; weight, 500 lbs.;retail price, $35; other sizes in proportion. A rare

chanoe and permanent business. These safes njeet ademand never before supplied by other ssfe comiianies,as we are not governed by the safe pool. ALPINESAFE CO.. Cincinnati. Ohio. seS-sAwpm

WANTED.DUNDORE'8 EMPLOYMENT Bu¬reau, conducted by ladies, men and women, white

and colored, for all kind* of doinestio labor, for Districtand states, with references. 717 M at. n. w. *e29-17w

ANTED - LEARNERS FOR PROF. CHRIST-NEB'S New lntern*tional Tailor System of Dress

and Garment Cutting with any inch rule and tapemeasure alone. Patterns snd materials cut and lwstedor made; one fitting required, the system taught byMine. 8. J. ME88ER. 1303 H st. n.w. n3-3m*

WANTED.SITUATIONS^ANTED.BY TWO SISTERS (WHITE). AGED17 and 19, to do housework or attend to children.

Good reference. Address B. L. PETBIE, 474 V*.are. ».w. It*YXTANTED-A WIDOW WHO HAS AN INFANT

to support will pay half her salary monthly toany one securing her clerical work. Address MRS. L0., Star office. It*

WANTED-BOOKKEEPER-LADY DESIRES EN-2 f$SUjent- Address Miss H., Star office.

YVANTED . SITUATIONS FOB FIB8T-CLA8811 Bookkeepers, Cooks, Drivers, Maids, Waiters,Nurses, Porters, Waitresses, Hostlers, Pastrycooks,House boy* and others. F. M. BURNHAM, 910 9th

st.n.w. l»23-3t*

WANTED.KNOWN WHERE TO GET PROFES-¦sional and plain Cooks, Laundress, Mslds, Nurses,teres*,

vale office iWaiteres*. Coachmen, Butlers. City references. Pri--

I attached-at DICK'S AGENCY, 613 7th n.w.Ja23-6t*

WANTED-A LADY. WITH HIGHEST REFER-I v enoe. would like to take charge of one or two

children, do plain newing or ^housekeeping. AddressMias MTb., Star office. It*

WANTED.BY A SETTLED WHITE WOMAN, Asituation in a private family to cook, wash and

iron. Best city references, if required. Address M.H. K. Star office. It*

WANTED-AT HEADQUARTERS - POSITIONSforCooks, Chambermaid,Waitress, Laundress, and

Nuraen. Seamatres*. Men Wsiters. Cooks, Coachmen.Butler*. SAM'L A. COOMBS. 926 F st. n.w. >23-0fTjLrANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED SHOE CLERKlit situation now or by March 15. Address 8. 8.0.,Star office. Ja23-2t

W~ANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN (COL-ored), plsce as 6rut-class cook; can give city ref¬

erence if required. 440 H st. n.w , up stairs. It*

WANTED BY A RESPECTABLE COLOREDgirl, a situation as chambermaid or lady's maid;

can give best city references. Call or address 131912th st n.w. It*

WANTED-BY YOUNG MAN OF EIGHTEEN,stenographer and type-writer. Position.law oror patent attorney's office preferred. Address A. B.Star office. It*w ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED TEACHER OFII English, French, vocal and instrumental music,and elocution desires a position; testimonials given.Address MISS M. ASHLEY, Ruther Glen, Caroline

Co., Virginia^ Ja23-2t*_YVANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE WHITE GIRL,11 a place as chambermaid in a small family; refer¬ents if reqmlred. Please call at 228 7th st. n.e. It*YVASTHD.BY a RESPECTABLE COLORED11 girl, a situation a* plain cook or chambermaid,can furnish good reference*. Call or address 102122d »t. n.t!. It*AK7ANTED.BYAN EXPERIENCEDBAR-TENDER,ll a situation. Address BAR-TENDER, Star office.js22-3t*

WANTED-A WHITE GIRL WISHES A SITUA-tion as chambermaid, and willing to do waitingand assist in washing or ironing. Can furnish goodreference. Address 1760M st. n.w. )*2'^2t*

WANTED.BY TWO COMPETENT WHITEGIRLSSituations; one as first-class cook andone as house

maid; reference given. Box 120 Btar office. Ja22-2t*ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED FEEDERWOULDlike to get * permanent place In a printing office.Can give reference*. AddressEXPERT, Btar office.

Ja22-2fVJ ANTED -BY A SOPRANO SINGER WITHI varied experience, a position; reference fur¬nished. Call or address Mr. E. G. T., 128 Tennesseeave.n.e. Ja22-2t*_

ANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS FULLcharge of first-class drug store (retail), competentand reliable, a position; fair salary expected. Addre**R. L., Star office. Ja22-3t*wANTED-BY A YOUNG LADY-A PLACE AS11 teamstree* in private family; can do dressmak¬

ing : good home desired; beet references for character,ability, Ac. Address G. ll. F^Star office. Jal5-2WWANTED.SITUATION BY A FRENCH OOOK11 (man) in private family, hotel or restaurant. Ad¬

dress F. F., 010 13th st. n.w. Ja21-3t*ANTED.A SITUATION BY A COLOREDwoman, who is a nrst-clsss cook; beat of referen¬

ces. Apply 1116 Union Court, between 15th and 16thand L sndM »t». n.w. J*21-3f

ANTED-BY A YOUNG (LADY, POSITION A8visiting governess or in private school - 4 years'experience In private school work; specialties, piano

and German; beet city and Boston references. Ad¬dress Miss L A. BARROWS, 1928 16th at. n.w.Jal9-6t*

WANTED-HOUSES.YVANTED-BY A CASH PURCHASER, 8 OR 10-11 room house: modem in.provemente: northwest;not to sxceed $7,000. Addrsss PURCHASER. 8twoffice. )a23-3t*W ANTED-A GOOD HOU8E OF NOT LES8 THAN11 8rooms, and 20 foot front: in good neighbor¬hood; for a home, for $7,000 or 9QAQ0. Address P.O. Boa 618. city. )a28-3t*

ANTED.FOR A CUSTOMER-TWO HOUSES,n.w.. well rented; Lots not leas than 18 ft. front:-u-a.. ¦.-- * h topA Lota Lot In n.w^ good¦ with an

YVANTED - FURNISHED BOUSE WITHOUT11 linen and china, by family of adults, until sboutSeptember next. Addrese, giving location and monthlyisnCxOBK. Star office. Ja21-3t*YVANTED-TO PURCHASE TWO OR THREEW Houses worth $2,500 or $3,000 each that will

WANTED.ROOMS.AirANTED.A ri KMHHED BOO* IN A COL-ored tint-clan boarding-house, situated on orn*«r Pennsylvania a*s from March 3 to 10. Address,^¦Uag unu, Ac., H. T. DUDLEY, P. O. Bt>xTolS,\DANTED.BY GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. TWOsecond itury rooms. furnished. privilege .0*caterer mate term*. Addreaa F O. C , Staroffica. It*WANTED.BY A GENTLEMAN A FUBNISHED"

room within thm blocks of 14th and L (ta :southern sxposure. Addrf.. firing price. B attioffice. Ja23-2t*WANTED.FURNISHED BOOM. WITH BOARDfor wife and child. Moat be atrictly fir«t claaa.Box 112. star office. Ja22-3t*\KTANTED.BY GENTLEMAN IN BUSINKHS-' i Room and Board. In private family where thsteare no other boardera. References exchanged. Address,statin? price, location, Ac O.T. H.. Star office. JSKJ-St*WANTED-A LARGE BOOM WITH PRIVATE

family; alao, will pay 910 for rent of window onthe line of march of inaug-ural pruceaaion. Aditrews 8.B. C. Star offloa. Ja22-3t*\\TANTED.IMMEDIATELY, BT LADY OP RE-vv finement two ooxy Rooms, untarnished, brightand sunny, with either prirate bath or bath on samefloor. Addresa, stating terms, Ac- A. B. K., Star office.Ja22-2f

WANTED-ROOM AND BOARD WITH A PB1-vate family where there are but few other board¬

ers by a gentleman, wife, and infant; Capitol HU1Breferred; will furnish own room, and be permanentsuited; state terms. jour Addreas P. O. Box 036.V\TANTEb-BY A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. NO11 children, two or three unfurnished rooms forlight huusekeeplutr. in northwest. Address, stalingterms, E H . St»r ofllce. )a22-3t*WANTED-BT TWO ADULTS. TWO CNFUR-nished rooms, with heat and km. for light house-keeplng. Addreas, stating terms, D. E H . Staroffice Ja2i-8f

7 ANTED.A COUPLE WITHOUT CHILDRENr desires three uufumished rooms, with beat andg»s, for liirht housekeeping. Address, stating terms,PROMPT A SURE, Star oftce. Ja21-3i*WANTED-UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHThousekeeping. any part of the city. also furnishedRooms well heated: can rent soon. See us.Ja2-lui* ROOM RENTING AGENCY, 612 9th at. n.e


WANTED.BOARD.WANTED - A YOUNG LADY IN OFFICE DR-ii sires board in prirate family; home comforts; innorthwest; state price and location. Address OFFICE,Star office. It*


tomers, Di all parts of the city; single lots andlarge blocks. HERKON 4 RAMEY,la12-lm 1307 Fat.


in the District of Columbia to call at my studioand salesrooms to Inspect and criticise the Five-handCrayon Pertraits there on exhibition. They do notbreathe, they do not speak, yet it would not require avast stretch of the imagination to think they did. sotrue to life are they. Price $10 to $50. Weekly ormonthly payments if dssired. Satisfaction guar¬anteed In every Instance.All kinds of frames made to order.A large variety of Easels and Mats on hand.Studio and Sidearooms, corner Massachusetts avs.and 6th »t.Open until 9 p.m.

H. B. SMITH,Ja23-6t* ArtistTITANTED.8PECIAL NEWS CORRESPONDENTS11 to represent leading English and American pa-pern; previous experience not absolutely neceasary;most liberal terms for good service. Address, withsump, EUROPEAN-AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIA¬TION. 7 Upton St., Boston, Mass ., U. 8. A Ja23-2t

r_ ANTED-TO BUY ESTABLISHED GROCEBY,v provision, liquor or dining-room business; not tow, ^exceea four hundred dollars. JAS. BALI^JT.H* 6thst.n.w. ja23-2t*YV ANTED . A LARGE CHAIR. MOUNTED ON11 wheels, for the use of an Invalid. Address, statingprice. JOHN MALLARD. Gov't Priuting Office Ja23-3tWANTED.MRS. HARRISON AND PRESIDENTHarrison; two Cabinet Photos; 15c. *2.75 per100. MoGILL.Ja23-2t* 304 Henry St., N. T.

WANTED.CURTI8 M. SMITH. BUILDEB OFrefrigerating machines for hotels. breweries,but-ter dealers, meat and provision stores; alao for mak¬ing ice-cream 50 per cent cheaper than the coat of ice.Will call ana see parties interested. Address 3337Prospect St., West W aahington. ja23-6t*

Ja22-wANTED.THREE GENTLEMEN TO OCCUPYV i large furnished room; home comforta, board. Ac.;$60 per mouth; good location. Address M. L. 8.. Staroffice. Ja22-3t*WANTED - GOOD SECOND-HAND JOB AND"

newspaper type. Addreas PRINTER, Staroffice.Ja22-3t*w ANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT "THE" Washington Co-operative Loan Co." lend* ALLthe money, not a part, but ALL the money necessaryto buy a home upon a new plan; better than buildingassociations. Call or send for "Prospectus" to offices14 and 16, Atlantic Building. Jal2-10t\X7 ANTED.FOB A FEW DAYS ONLY.ANDRE* V LORIN. of Paria, will be pleased to call at resi¬dences in reference to Cleaning, Restoring, and Re¬

pairing China. Bisque, Olass. and Bnc-a-Brac t nia-ments generally. Superior workmanahlp guaranteed.references from leading American and Europeanhouses. French and German spoken. At home until1 p in. 4!» Dstreet n.w. Jall-lOt*

ANTED.LADIES TRY "ORANGE BLOSSOM."a sure cure for female diseases; also Dr. McGlll's"Blood Purifier" cures malaria; 100 doses $1; samplesfree. Mrs. F. A. BAILEY', sole agent, 317 A st. n.e.,Washington. JaO-sAw-lm*

VVTANTED.H. BAUM PAYS THE HIGHEST CASES11 prices for second-hand Furniture. Carpets andFeathers. Entire Households a Specialty. Addreas21U 7th St. s. w. dlWANTED.HORSES TO KEEP; BOX STALLS-personal attention. Order box at Price's Stable.311 6th st. n. w. Farm, 7th st. road, eight miles fromcity. OH. P. CLARK, Bligo, Md.. $10 permo. d24-lm*W'ANTED-EVEBYBODY SUFFERING FROM11 Smoky Chimneys to know that I guarantee to

cure them or no par required; Range*. Furnaces andLatrobes made to neat or no pay. W. K. DANTE.1413 17th st. n.w. dia-.'ftn\VANTED-8TEAM CABPET CLEANING AND11 Renovating Works; Festhers Renovated, Mat¬tresses Made Over. Furniture Steamed, and Moths De¬stroyed. F H.YOUNGS, 1402 Pa.av.,Telephone 1008-2.dll-4m

WANTED-TRY OUR BUTTERINE AT 20 CENT8per pound; warranted not to get strong (like but¬

ter) for a month, or money refunded. Families servedat residences regularly in aU parts of the city. SendB'Stal for free sample. Stalls 328. 320 and 330 Centerarket (look for the decorated stalls), opposite Gol¬den 's fish stalls; also stall 145 Northern liberty Mar¬ket. WM. C. SCRIBNEB. u26-2m*YV ANTED - GENTLEMEN'S GOOD SECOND¬LY hand Clothing, for which highest cash prices paid,also guns, pistols, watchea, Ac., at 130111th st s.e IJa4-lm* A. EIZNAR.WANTED.GOOD 8EOOND-HAND CLOTHING.v v guns, revolvers, old gold and silver, for whichhighest cash prices will De paid. Call LASKEY'8Loan Office. 201 Penn. ave.. corner 2d St. n. w. my26

ANTED.IT KNOWN THAT FRESH ALDER-ney Butter is churned every morning snd de¬livered in )4 lb. "Ward" printa, 5(>c. I«r lb. Also Cot¬

tage Cheese and Buttermilk. Sweet Milk 5c. per quartmv8


Store with e stablished trade. Address FEEDSTORE. Star office. Ja33-*t*

STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A GROCEBY. STOCKin first* lass condition. Location excellent. Ap¬ply to JAS. L BARBOUR A SON. Ja23-3t

FIR 8ALE.AT A BARGAIN, OWING TO NECES-Bities, shares in the company owning a valuable

invention in universal business use, and now beingpushed. Address "CHARLES," Star office. Ja2'-'-3t*

FOR SALE-WELL-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS,suitable for twoyoung men .11,000 cash if sold i'

once. Address G. T. W.t Star office. Ja22-6t*(R8ALE-A 8MALLGROCERY 8TORE DOINGa good business, will sell for a sacrifice if taken


TO RAILWAY CONTRACTORS.The Government of Newfoundland Invites tenders forthe construction and operation of a line of Railway inthe Colony of about 250 miles in length. lull particu¬lars and other information as to conditions of pro¬posed contract can be obtained on implication t >

MESSRS. SEWARD. DA COSTA A GUTHRIE.Solicitors. 28 Nsssau st. New York. >14-eo8t

A CHANCE NEVEB OFFERED BEFORE. DON'Tmiss it The Washington Co-operatve Loan Com¬

pany lend AT.T. the money, not 75 or 80 per cent butALL the money needed to buy a hoirs upon a newplan. Best ever devised. Don't RENT anyJOdfTGT.Callor send for "Prospectus," to offices 14 and 16,Atlantic Building. Jal2-10t_F)B SALE - AN OLD ESTABLISHED DRUG

store in northwest; satisfactory reasons given forselling. Address DRUGGIST, Star office. JalO-lm

OB BALE-DRUG STORE OK EAST TERMS;small payment down and balance monthly, old satablished. HERRON A RAMiY.d28-lm 1307 F at n.w.

FOR SALE.LOTS.T70R SALE.60 X 88, CHOICE CORNER LOT,J7 north of Dupont circle, facing Oonn. ave. with out¬look over Mass.: not a foot of waste ground. GEO. F.GRAHAM, 1503 Penn. ave. Ja23-3t*T»R BALE.A VERY DESIRALE LOT OH KENE-fc-w avenue, near

>23-3t 91« F st

FOR SALE.8EVERAL VERY DESIRABLE LOTSla University Park, low to an Immediate purchaser.

Ja23-3t 1304 F st U.W.

\. OB SALE-CORNER LOT, ON PRINCETON ST,r two blocks east of Dr. Hammond's new residence.50x132. An Investment bargain at 18c, Essy twma.GEO. F. GRAHAM. 1603 Pa. ave. >22-3t*1>0R SALE.CHEAPEST GROUND IN NOBTH-r west section of the dty. 20,000 sauare feet hsv-ing a frontage of 18ft feet on 8t730-foot alley in raw;

"IN FASHION-¦ BOIV ll.W.f UUSdOl tut V Wt J hOMC8 !Lots on Conn. 23 It. front mchja* aventre i*^?.3e J°*- luu>.sAu5i


corner lots in ColumWa Height.; 100x170;itk. swo;


T>>R 1.ENT-PLKAAANT boom% fibelt itJr Dished clash aod Drat. Hut fitted up. mlj»«iwilult 1034 0U St a.W ; oufMV L >23"foR bent-foub unfurnished rtminn-.T rating hooaaa. thlM Boor, with bwl gas. *»««,fbk.kM.ke; pot <20 par mouth la tdWM awta-% for lltM lH«Mkaamr. |S<»«.c. euhan***!.1258 8th st_a. w. .x-:T7fr«i rkkt - two unfurnished rewiI Rooms. ur* hay-window brv k; also fnrulabodtuma Id frame. and office Boom. near f >ur Unee can;

troB hMat OAm. DOStttkiki.*.

P)R BENT.THREE oi~ET>URB1CB UKFl'tnished rooms for Wi.aknut*W; aaooixl story . all

conveniences, lltt to 912 par nxotk. !KT E at. ¦i a.)* ^

EUR RENT-TWO PLEASANT FURNISHEDRrdrooms. third story, north and aouth frot.ut-class Board. private ftinilv no children. near

14th at. can and 15th at. herdica. rsf exefcanjed.1410Qat. JriB-SrFob bebt.fcbkished boomb-ism i «t.

nw., charming ratt ol i«rlora, with prim* bathaud dmssinr room. elegant mud sec I naive. It*

1X)B BEBT-TWO SICELY FURNISHED FBuNTKooma, out on aecond and one on third door;

southern exposure Alao tabic board 405 O it « w,three doon west of 4th at. Js23-3f

IH'OB BENT-IB A PBIVATE FAMILY, HANDsome suite of rmnii on eecoud floor, with board In

the houar if desired. 1204 Maes. aire, n.w. JttS-Jt*^1MB RENT.471 H BT. N. W.-THREE UBFUB-I niahed rooms, sccond floor. southern front, bathon same door, suitable for light housekeeping. heat

andgaa Js'-J? :»f

1HXIB RENT.I JACKHON PLACE, OVERLOOEINGLafayette Square. Drawing Room on flrat floor,

with three Sleeping Apartmeuta above, booae strictlyflrat claaa. >2* at.

F^^WB RENT.27 IOWA CIRCLE.SEOONt> STORY,three nioily furnished rooms. B<«rd. if wanted.

Also. double parlor*, flrat floor, ooa furnished aa bed-roorn. >21-3t« I

1BKM)B BEBT-TWO LABOE FRONT BOOMS. W1TH¦ bay window and alcove*; aouth front. houae en-tir-'ly naw. with modern Improvement*. only a ahortdistance from Capitol, and oba square from cam andherdica. 314 An. n. e. >21-3t.

>K RENT-THBE E HANDSOMELY-FURMSHEDbed-ruoms. also |<arlor if desired. half Iwnk from

Capitol, lu uew houae; referencesexchanged AddressBox lOHStsr office. >21-lw«_|

IBORKlM t PLEASANT FlVRNI*HH> FRONTroom on second floor, private family, 620 6th at.

H.w. >lT-ttf|, OR BENT.818 15TH ST. B W., TWO LABOE.. communicating Booma. fumlabed or unfurnished.Table Board. >21 -3t

T~j>OR RENT.1315 massachusetts AVE N.W.,one large pleaaant Boom, furnished. to one or two

gentlemen, with board if desired. >15-2w*

PJB BENT-TWO VEBY DESIRABLE ArABT-ment*. three room* each (en imtei; bath and

cloeet The Woodniont Mata. 13th »t. and Iowa Circle.Fineat location In the city; cafe second to none. 1 8-1 w*

FOB BENT.BEAUTIFl'L BOOMS.SINGLE OB EB¦ suite, In private family. furniahed. laive doublecorner houae; aouth and aaat front; opeu fire-placesin avery room; references required. 1101 k n w>4-3w*

FOR BENT.1405 H BT. B.W . FURNISHED¦rooms; single or en auite. private bath. open flraa.table board: reference* exchanged n 14 :tmtXB BENT-BUY A HOMK INSTEAD OF BEN'f"-r lnjr rooms. The a*hin«non Co-Oi«ratlveIx>an Oomi*Dy lends Dot pari but ALL the money wv-eaaar>' to buy a home, payments equal to reut only.be»t plan offeredCall or send for "Proapactus" to officea, 14 and ltiAtlantic bnildimr. Jal2-10t

1h*6b^beni t:i6^th bt. n.w..fubkibhed parlor and chain tier, moat desirable and central loca¬

tionis convenient to all street car linaa Inquire overBISHOruDBL'OSTORE,cor.UthlHit.n« Jall-lm *>

IHXIB RENT.933 O 8T. N W., HANDSOMELYfurnished Rooms and lanre Parlors with oi«nI flre place and furnace heat. amiable for Senators and

Congressmen. dlS-2m _

FOB BENT-TWO BICELY FTBXI8HED FBONTR.>omi, with heat, iraa, bath and atttendance. northand south *xi>o.ure: suitsbie for ouaor two irei.tla-

men. At 111.' a at n w. d^s-tof» ,»4

FOR RENT.STORES.V2JVE& pexxa. Avnrca,X ¦wir^orick Warehouse. 3 entire ftiiyne^hU,10ft.aU.y.$145. M^ M. PabThK_»10-13t 141SF st

Kdw.lbn?V^9 P ,8T" OOEJrI"-B 8TOBE ANDrooms andatoreaU couvenienoMt $42.Jal0-12t M. M. VaBEEB, 1418Fst^ 14Tf1 »T.. LARGE NEW ST<>BE

n;-rliiv i *bov® 40(1 brtck "table in rear.rent very low to suitable party. A. C. Cl'TTFB.)3j>1In 1423 F st.

FOR RENT.OFFICES."POB BENT.OFFICES.THBEE OFFICE BOOMS.JT simrlsoren suits, st 1407 F st n.w., near theTreasury: will be rented cbf»p to desirable tenant.Jaltf-lw JOHN SHERMAN BOO. 1407 Fat


M Tracy, 1 Sk.. coat (125. Pawned for <40. will aellticket for $25. Addrea* JAMES G.. Skr office. 23-2C

FIR SALE.ONE COMBINATION SHOW-CASE.6 feet 2 inche*. Tpntrht *how-<-aae* and one 0-footcase and one 3-foot caae; all metal caaea. Apply 1113Kinir St., Alexandria, Va. Ja23-3t*

F)B 8ALE-CHEAP-ONE_5X8 fairy cameraoutfit; one 4x5 camera outfit; one 10x12 rondenx-inK lense, Rhuttera. Ac. 132 Marylxnd sve aw.>23-2*

FOB SALE-ELEGANT PLL'sH COMBINATIONset of parlor furniture; entirely new; NEVARBEEN E8ED. can be boiurhtat bur hanrain for caahotilj call or address 1625 5th st. n.w. 1a-:3-3t*

FOR SALE.AT PBIVATE SALE-A HANDSOMEhifh-bred Kentucky Bay Saddlr and Dnvinv Man-,ti years old. 16hands hnfh, warranted aound, kind andwithout fault; ha* all Kentucky saddle iraita; a firstclaaa runner and Jumper; thoroughly broken for dou¬ble or sinirle drlvimr. and safe for a lady to use. Alao,a Bay Cob-built Horae, 0 veara old. aouud and irentle.beyond question ia airood ouameaa or family ln>rae. Avery fine Fallinr-topBu«r)0". and elemuit Falhuc-topPhaeton; a Day-ton Wa«ron, act Dounle Harnesa. actsimrle Coupe Harness, set Buyyy Haruex, Blanketa,Bobea. Ac. Are the property of a private tarty re¬moving from the city. Great tianfaina will be rivento quick cash purchasers. Apply to GBOOM.st own¬er's stsble, rear 151H K at. n w >23-3t*

EOR SALE-A FINE BAY MARE, SIX YEARSold. aound and kind; alao, a Falling-top Family:kaway, suitable for a private family Can be seenatPBICE'K Stablea.>23-3t* 311 6th at n w.

FOB 8ALE-SEE OUB STOCK OF 8TIEFF PIANOS,in fancy Mahogany and Burl Caaea, before buying.PFEIFFEB A CONLIFF.>7-lm* 1231 E st. n. «.

P)B SALE-THREE (3) BELLOWS and TWO (2)Anvils. Can be seen at>22-2t* 428 New York ave n. w.

F)B BALE - fob 9900 CASH . HOC8EHOLTeffects of twelve-room boarding bouse, nearlyfilled, everything new snd clean to continue business.225 in bouse now; rent reasouaUe. Box 106. Staroffice. >22-6fIJIOB SALE-A FAIB OF VEBT FINE ~8T BEB-naril" Pu|«. large and handsome, sired b> ourprixe dog "Marco;" price $25. 1290 Peniwyh^ia1TK)B SALE.ON ACCOUNT OF INTENDED RE-

- moval from the city, I desire to sell at once all myfurniture, carpets, bed-clothing Ac., now located in afifteen-room house centrally situstedThe houae can be lessed for a term of years.Every room which I could spare is occupied bygoodtenants.A perxon desirous of renting out rooms, or a caterer

can buv this outfit, step intomy place and make moneyfrom the start.Call or address

)22-6f 621 E st. n. w.

FOB BALE.YOCXQ SORREL MARE LARGE.'Mitip, sound and a good traveler; well suited lor scoupe or four-sest carriage; owaer has no use for her.will sell her very cheap.

LKADINGHAM A CO '8>21-6f Livery Stables. 1327 H st.TCVIB SALE.IMPOBTANT1 Our Organ stock suri'ssses anything we hare everbefore sttempted We have now on hand tbe finestassortment ot Palace and New Kiur. Organs ever shownin Waahington at prv-es thst defy competition. Over50 styles. <25 to t400 Sold on (.> payments. Organs,slightly used, at your own price. Call and examine ourstock. F. G. SMITH,>l»-6t 1225 Pennsylvania ave.

F>B SALE.BARGAIN8.In a few deairab.e Square Pianos to make room for

new stock. (5 payments. F. G. SMITH,>lU-6t 1225 Pennsylvania aia_Fob sale.a beautiful bosewood squarePiano, in elegant oondition and fine tone: warranteda« good *. new; just suitable for s small parlor; coeftuew <476; now only <175, in small monthly pay¬ments handsome cover and stool with it. See it atonce il you want a bargain.A Fine New Upright Piano for rent to careful party.rent applied, if desired, to purchase.


>10 913 Pa sea.

"foil SALE . ONLY TWO OOCPE-BOCKAWATiJ^lef.; one curtain*nd on.

>17-2w 123oSS^t! a.w.

^monthly paymsnU. w. F. GAYER, Prop., 466IV. >17

1",^n8^if~:\FIa8T£LA88 SADDLE HORSEni£2l.ZiU "5.^"^ mare for a Bemlngloo0-1 BMfaSr»«ri CS|4volaSJaltt-lip

FHL^SrwIAKtLCHAIiCES--01flE cmughtreliable make, continuous hinges top andbottom, handsome case, rood tone, and raaranuXl (SS

HUGO WOBCH A CO., 025 7th st B w


SasSS^.'-its... .1

14Ul*£ SELiGBOB,12tk



FOR SALE-HOUSES.IJSjlLVif *r y r* M <>a^ h»T<I*w. all n««l Itij* hot end?t&s:»is=TTf . » >*"«»«' «MT «MM 11 deMred" DAtlD D. MTtiSL M06 Fat aw.

F2R *AL?,r..f. SOLLQWIKO dkhirablIH' U*"" wiU hr aold cm null ruti ptYnwiite '.i

brick bog*. <1 room* and bath, S3.5O0 R at ,.M5th «tj 8 itKHUt ud cellar »ln/ K,i|. d«.v WleS.onr 3d and Rata. b.a, . room* and bath iv.soo» daVid I' 8TOKF. M»« ra l».

For mu 14TH ST. lttKM AMP HATH, to TT.fwnt, 3 itiirtu ud cfllir l*t fl. -or ran hr naxdMoualuee*, Sid aud ad a* Hate. #7.5oo. * *»od tuvwet

T at bat. l»th and 16th. S mom* 3-etorv aud cellar,J"**.' improvement*. worth «TT000. will be at .U1 at*. .MKI.A beautiful oor readence on M it a.*., eouth andeaei luiwi, larr* |arUm; 10 mora. pun only91 li«)UO.

,, HUUtOK * RAMET,3 IN? t at.

Ii*>K. »m-> TWO-STOBT BRICK BU1LDIN4onLatreet, M«m, 1 nth and 1 7th n * . .unat.lfVT..*t*rT!f*?,*u',|r or u"- bueineaa. 1 ot i. 35a1SS. Gl RLE!HBOS.. 131H r etreet >23-1 wplR 8A1X-A BtRGAIN IF CONMl MMATFD I*J ibe next teu day* »r can aril the ten-rouoi Brv*Houa*, Sly O at. in rerfact order, modern Ua>prvvemeuu, lor 43.U50 \ .-ry cheap at *4 <nvo.

UWYNN * new man.,, Atlantic Building.1 M30 * at n.w.

1>)» RAI.r .

Mr What., bet E andL >S* I at n w. bh.

«fK? ».- fr°° - -*"

.Pr2f * i:^°°1 **'& - «;t£bh. and & h.'ii«ea t h . »»r ft..V>0,E?fVt -v000 BoSsUi at nw_ bh.£ J" VF- n *.*.»» Hr 4 Noo1-n!u'..lr -J«.0004:wti. 442 t at n w1.3o H at. n.w, b.h, f h «r 4..001.7% u

' 4.000 "415 IVuu. a** B w .lru Mana are n *., bh.Hr 4.htH»niVi cs:iJShm-«.is;-ls?K"V»» « ^J-V2T -lCoooRii-aui^»0l» M at. u w.. b.h. bh . «r 4.UOOl"i' i.»ki ll.00t)|84."i and t«4H Bat u.e ,

¥. o* n-w-. bji, <r 4.00A

L 5*.00l» Til to :w»*» D at m.2o.»i H at n.w., b. h ,' f h .rtr H.U00

1n- ,i ....¦. NIKW :»<.._. wh at ae. b k .

4'nw,b .,n- lirigoi:.">««|»» - «. * Veool{iV ^tb W * '*^«0iTVikf^w.-,;^00 \.,ooo.o.V.yL-V--. .r -. . . . . .^ioo 1 la-J *6th at D«.,li1-,-h mhhi it«. D.t.a ii.hr l virtth,Hr $J*U\

!' poftlon of tb* rnn«^tf o« mfJjjfe * or foil U«t cill at oArf f<»r hulUtn «»¦tb» ltMd 15ilL (jL'i] 1 Huh £ W A(H,AMAS

I,Xi1it8^irtET^»BAI<.0,^i? KEMDENVK on® ®t., t*t. Itith aiitl 1 Wtli. alw>,.»brtrka,Jyy y PW«»n i nee, (U*> .. dutiful r^ideut«.£,of 13th at" drc,e Hu* «* .««.. .>ny itis RFDFEKX A SOX. 14th at.

IJ*OR SALE El.FtJANT BRICE HOPkE OFtwelve roonia, on l.'lthat n w.; VI .SillH) to allejlour room* dwi., haa tunm. t and la |«|» red tlir..u*li-


. fcl,'i!kJ.rth *l ? * .»'r cara.10 p e.mveatn/tf 1 4<>0>. bnoA. Oth a.e., tiet. U and 1, new. m.l 1 )«:.(»

«r » I?'l' I? B-®-. bet. O and I, irew, in l ',\V.»06r.brl<'k. F n.e.. bet 5th and «th, all nui'r hnck. .»th n.e. liet E and!', ail uil.nea -J tHK>New ttr brick, liet L and M u.e , on 5th. all m.l. 2.75(1t>r. preaaed mrk, 5th. liet. L and M u.e % H.'xlHew tir. bric k, ooruer 5tb a»d F n.e . all au I 3 -j.so,.7 -T.brtrka, WyUe at n e.,10 |»-r c.InTeatui'tiaiKJ

"iS7L 4r b'ka, Htittou Ocurt l w.5.400JaVl-flt HV>t»KM»tept * W.»7 F atTWO S1"HV BHIi K AM. FKAMKdwellm*. car* |wm. the d.«»r lot 1 7Wi 1 5<t to alley,i?j7.,r l' "J " V- .ud ».»'.«¦ N oflrr over. "-'uaol. W E1LEV MZHE,^l~3t lam f at.

FOR SALF^-. new ft-ROOV BRICE bav wi>-dow hoiiaea near Govt 1-ruitin* e. E at. market.Iiertln-a. Coluuibu and l» lt Hue oi -tiwt < »ra L, talley in rear, only *1. -J50 ew> h.* HAMpV.WI 1 Kt. n.w. JaVl-lUt

I^OR SAM A MOST DESIKABLE new lO-room brick hou»e ou Penna ave. liet Jlat aud Cudau n w.. itinnMied throuirlioat In hardwood a verybaudeon ie proj>erty. permit t.) maie<l .riven ou api'U-catlou at uiy uffice. CHAlXtS W. UAMtV, uti F»tnw- Ja'il-ltM

JpOR SALE-ON KHODE ISLAND ave NEARl.>th. new buck ti biae of twelve rooma. 30 f.m>tXrout. uark to alley.every tuid+ru t «ii)\*eui**iMf.ror terum. i<eriuiM«ai<>u to maiiect, ai*i4> to VSHI IA-Kl-K ft »i(l l AhKK, iao7H F at. JalH tltf>OK ISALL.JT

,AN OPPORTT'NlTT.To rloae ont the affaire of a »yudleate. I will aell at»J00 to t.M)0 caah. tuUan.e on loiur time and eaayluontlilj Payment* (a little more than rent), aeveral

very hand*, uie 2 and 3 alor) <gueeu Anne) houaea. 7to 10 room* thoroiurhly modern, all of different de-ai*rn and tlulahed in natural wood, with ..t-eu fire¬place*. antique oak mantel*. l<*-ated in prettieet andluoat intpri'viuf i*rt of tne nortlinaat. on two line*cara Iwo-thlrd* of *treet Improvement* iru to tlnaaection tin* year. Will lie aold at om-e at trmal bar-traina. in*nRii* handeome i>r>iftu Al*.. in a*me auuars.aotue hue lota, only 05 and 90 feet deep. In block* oraiuirly. at apeculative pricea.

W. E. Bt KFOKD.Jaltt-lw 14^2J; yXW SALFr-J A lanre three-atory and back-buildimr brn », on Lbetweeu Wtlj and lotli aU . lot "J4 7)4*1?K 1 OU ufr«r

« H WARNtR.J*3'" , Hl«FaU n w.


>R 8AI.E-AT A SACRIFICE.FOl'B TWO-atorj' and liua iueut Uncka, ou 12th at.. al*>v«Rhode liilaud ave.. mod. impa., w md mantela, larireyard aud woodahed in rear price f.VOOO ea.h. Applyto UREEK 41 CINMNUHAM)al9-lm» 1405 F at

F>R 8ALF-:J HANDSOME NEW I'Rl SS-URU Kbay-window hounea, Noa. KKH1, ltKth, 1010 MouthCarolina ave. a.e.. V roouia and bath. all modern coo-venieucea; latroliea, oiien irratea. cabinet, aud alatamantel*; a (rood chance to purrhaae a home at a mod¬erate price. Apply to CHAM C. MLADh. builder. 1014th at.n e. JaTJ-aiw «.

SALE OR RENT.1744 E ST. NF.AR FAB-ra*rnt Square. Inquire of oauer, JOHN 1) LAK-nf.rTi:«14 E *t > i not

IMIR SALE-A HANDSOME NEW BAV WINDOWhouae, ten rooma aud laath. witb l^ ila. 11 labllaftobea and all m.detn convenience*. IMiMb at a.

w.; daairal.le and in an eiihaucin* in value ueiyhl«>r-hood. A KtHid opimrtunity to pun ha* a britrlit and< heerful honae at a reaeouable and moderate price, orto make a (food iuveaunent. Inquire ol FRANK T.BR<^)WNING. 410 5th *t. u.w. de^'7- lin

1X>K SALE.NEW W ROOM HOl'SL dN DEI.A-ware avenue n.e.. few minute* walk to capitol:liandwme cabinet mantel* in ever) room complete In

ever) apfioiutmeut. deep lot with frame *table cheap.t 4ti,000, 41,500 of it can run for 5 JtMir* at ti percent. WASHINGTON DANLNHOtA ElCl 115 F *un.w. JalK-6t

J'OR SALI NI I ill -I HARMING LITTIJChome*..ii ea*t *ide .>f I'l.rtner H** ait room*,th. beautifully paired; cryatal chaudelu ra, ftc. jPrice 411,750. term* to auit. M ASHlNUTuN DAN-

ENHOWER, 1115 Fat. n.w. jais-otDWUIB-MW is VOI R OPPORTUNITY TOf buy a home and i«\ for It name a* rent 1 he Waah-iiurton Co-Operative Loan Coiupan> advance* NOTPART. BI T ALL the money necenaarv to buy of'bmid a home. no nak . deed riven at once for property;debt canceled in eveut of tb-ath.Send or call lor pruapectua to ofhcea, 14 and 10 KU

lantic buildimr. >10 lot

For sale-that elegant residence, ionVennout ave. n.w , with *tat>leatta< h>d. lor tenna

and )>ermi*aioii to luaiaa't, apply to Ol RLl.i BRUM.,i:U» F street n ». Jall-3mTXIll SALE-TWO #7.000 HOI'SEH FOR *5.0001 each, a nice realdeuce orimnd inv.wtmeiit, at tiand5th street n. w., 11 rt«>m« modem improvement In¬quire of owner, 7lit tith *treet n.w. Ja3-lm*

FIR SALI 17«1 MASS AVI N1W is I 1 1 Tfront uiaiu *tory and triuiudiir* brown atone '.'2

room*, halla, atore-rooma. pautry, - bath-roouia. i»r-fect heatinK aud plumbimr. price ta5,ooo. JOHNSHERMAN ft CO.. 1407 F at. n w. n'J4 -'iu

1>OR SALE.BARGAIN H PER CEN1 INVEST-inent,new 10-r.».m eleirautly-ftniRhed reaidem-a,

near Kith at. n w. $.">.KKi Alao. crner lot on lothat., 43&50. OW NER. l.VMJPierce place. d22-2m*


Baltimore, Diamond Scarf Pin lOieral reward willbe given If returned to 514 Oth at. n.w., W aaiiiurton.or 871 N" Howard »t. Baltimore. It*

" reward-lobt-near independent*Z>£dt9 Ice Company'* wharf, on the 22d in.tanL alarife Red Pucketl*>ok, coutaimuir a (100 note and anumber of tow btlla. The above reward paid for in¬formation that will lead to recovery of aame AddraaaMcDEVITT'B DeUcUva A«euc-y, B05 Market Mpacw.Ja23-2t*T EFT IN A HERDIC CAB, AT N * P. DEPOT,JLj about ll:4o a m;. January 21. Gold-beadedI mbrella. Finder auiubl) rewarded upon returningto 12Q5 K at. n.w. Ja23Jf

Lost.on tth «t, near new tore aveZan envelope, cootainltut two deeda. Suitable re¬

ward for their return to 1012 16th at. n.w. Ja22-3t*f OST - OK JANUARY IB, A VOX TERR1E1Ll^Jtjlack aar and bla< k aide face. Anawera to name oI"Morae;" #5 reward will be paid if retained to MRS.ADAMS, at Portland Flata. >21-lm

OST.SATl'RDAY AFTERNOON. NEAR HlTHat. and Pennaylvania ave. n.w., a black aud white

Docker ai«niel. anawera to name of Crit: ln.a.rwiilbe liberally rewarded by raturninir the aanie to 1725 U

it. n.w. Ja21-3t*



tba acquaintance of a alater of a uewapMe aeud good reference aa to character.r

WILL YOCNO LADY. RED BONRET, ON 0TM-ST.ear, tranafemntc to F-at. ear rouw eaet. TuaadaF

night, 7 o'clock, addrraa renUeman on nvemaat Cor-neapondetM-e atrictiy ootitldanfaal. Alfdraa* J. RAX-SOLDS, Star oflboa. 1« _

CALL AND EXAMINE IAMHX FULL EVENINGDreaa Suita, ailk or aatin Uned, made to oniar,

»ly $30. B WEYFORTH ft HONS.>12-1m* 217 X Para at.. BalUmon. MA.

WM. WILLIAMS.GROW. McELFRESH,AtTH i iH.laad Pnvwta Patacttya Annf.

f.romptly attended to and atrictly confidential Ofioaspan all uoura. W. WILLIAMS. Milam. W2SI *.«my4-Mn*i'lZ ALYDORA." THEONLY EVTB0TTTKIJV ration for developinc tba boat. AtWiaaindevelo|<ed forma made idurnp and beautifulall* l aad externally No inatrumeiita Chamrepar*-eptible in a week MML. W ILBUR. Inventor aud ftutaManufacturer 703 l.ith n w. 431 lai*f lira - SERVICE EEAM1NAT10N~QCEKT10N»


