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TAPA LookOut Issue 7

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TAPA Asia Pacific’s Supply Chain Security Conference 2014 Tips on Budget Preparation for Supply Chain and Logistics Se- curity Practitioners [insert this as highlights of the e-magazine on the cover page] Let Logistics Make Business Sense to You in 2015 TAPA TSR & FSR trainings roll out for 2015 1
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TAPA Asia Pacific’s Supply Chain Security Conference 2014

Tips on Budget Preparation for Supply Chain and Logistics Se-curity Practitioners

[insert this as highlights of the e-magazine on the cover page]

Let Logistics Make Business Sense to You in 2015

TAPA TSR & FSR trainings roll out for 2015


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Chairman’s WelcomeBy Tony Lugg

A glimpse on TAPA Asia Pacific’s Supply Chain Security Conference 2014 in Shanghai, China

Let Logistics make Business Sense for you in 2015By Herbert Vongpusanachai

Tips on Budget Preparation for the Supply Chain and Logistics PractitionersBy Sally Li

Industrial Professionals at the Supply Chain Integrity, Logistics and Security Forum 2014By Jagruti Saxena

The FSR/TSR 2014 from a Different PerspectiveBy Nilo S. Pomaloy (TCE, CPP)

TAPA Asia Pacific Recaps Year 2014

TAPA Asia Pacific TSR Certified Companies and FSR Certified Sites

TAPA Asia Pacific Training Schedule 2015

TAPA Asia Pacific welcomes Intertek on board the team of Independent Audit Body












EditorialMunies Pillai, [email protected]

Grace leo, editorial [email protected]

MarketingDerick DinG

[email protected]

Secretariat TeamDerick DinG

[email protected]

TanG [email protected]

conTacT usTAPA Asia Pacific Secretariat Officec/o Global e2c Pte ltdaddress : 25 Bukit Batok crescent, The elitist #04-02, singapore 658065Telephone : (65) 66844687email : [email protected]

If you have any ideas for future reports in the

next issues of TAPA Asia Pacific Lookout, we welcome you to email to:

[email protected]


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CHAIRMAN’S WELCOMEBy Tony LuggBoard of Director, ChairmanTAPA Asia Pacific


Pursuing activities towards the mitigation of threats and challenges and consolidating the modes and nodes of the Supply Chain security is the anticipated mission and task that TAPA Asia Pacific will embrace and set forth in 2015 towards a resilient and fortified security deliverable to its members, industry and fraternity.

2014 was an outstanding year for TAPA Asia Pacific as we developed great traction in exposing our members to the new Fsr and Tsr standards. We saw an extensive leap in the number of members, as well as facilities and entities amongst manufacturers. There was also a significant increase in the number of logistics and shipping providers who embraced TAPA’s certification. Our outreach made many in-roads with law enforcement agencies, which brought about acknowledgment and support to our efforts and initiatives in fighting cargo crimes. 2014 had also seen the cooperation and collaboration between and among the regional TaPa entities worldwide.

STEpping up To ThE bEaT

TAPA Asia Pacific had come a long way since its humble start in 2002. We have been unwavering in our commitments to deliver consistency and meet the demands and expectations of our members. These have given the TAPA Asia Pacific Board the impetus dedication to strive for

excellence niche to the quest within our industry.

Over these years, the Board has witnessed a significant increase in our membership and a rising awareness of our members’ commitment in the mitigation of Supply Chain threats and challenges in the Industry. The Board will not stop but continue to prioritize this commitment to increase our “footprints” with the continuous focus on FSR/TSR trainings and TAPA certifications as our efforts to enhance and consolidate Supply Chain security.

Supply Chain SECuriTy ConfErEnCE 2014 in Shanghai, China

TAPA Asia Pacific saw the success of the TAPA Supply Chain Security Conference in Shanghai China, on 5 December 2014. The event was well-received by TAPA Asia Pacific members garnering an attendance of over 100 security leadership practitioners and key decision makers from the region.

In case you had missed TAPA’s signature Supply Chain Security Conference last year, we have included in details of the event in this issue of lookouT. i think those in attendance would have agreed that the conference had indeed facilitated many good

interactions amongst the elite delegates in attendance.

phukET-our nExT DESTinaTion

nevertheless, we have decided that this year’s Supply Chain Security Conference would be held at the Land of Smiles. You are right, we will be organizing this year’s event in Phuket, Thailand. I look forward to meeting you there for this hydrated platform of networking and converging of knowledge.

TAPA Asia Pacific will be hosting the 15th Supply Chain Security Conference on 9 September 2015. Other than the signature conference, the 3-day event also encompasses a series of workshops and trainings to enrich your experience with us. in the subsequent issues of lookouT, we will share the agenda in details and also introduce you to the speakers who will be joining us.

TAPA Asia Pacific hopes to be in support of the inclusive growth to benefit the sectors in Supply Chain and logistics through the continuous upholding of our global security standards and industrial practices to mitigate the threats and challenges in the vibrant and ever-evolving Supply Chain. Our collaboration with regulatory bodies and cohesive effort with law enforcement agencies will see to heighten vigilance against crimes.

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ShAnghAI, ChInAHear what Experts have to say on How the Robust Supply Chain Security Best Practices will Realize and See to the Return of Investment across the Business

TAPA Asia Pacific saw the invigorating success of the signature Supply Chain Security Conference that was held in Shanghai, China on 5th December, 2014.

This signature event had once again proved its popularity by garnering an attendance of well over 100 security leadership practitioners and key decision makers from Asia Pacific region, particularly from within China.

TAPA Asia Pacific’s objective to see the networking and expounding of great minds among supply chain professionals came to a reality at this conference.


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keeping in line with the global supply chain challenges and threats, befittingly, TAPA Asia Pacific chose the theme “Robust Supply Chain Security Best Practices will realize and see to the Return of Investment across the Business” to be debated and discussed at the shanghai Conference platform.

With the world’s interest on the balancing of profits and the investments in sophisticated security systems to counter the ever-evolving crimes, invitations were sent to various speakers, who are experts in their field of operations to share their experience and expertise on this. These speakers shared their opinions and views as they discuss on the current trends and future developments of the Supply Chain and Logistics Industry.

Any organization may fall victim to such threats and challenges, but what differentiates an efficient organization from its counterparts is the transport and logistic security networks that are in place for mitigation of unforeseen incidents. The organization’s ability to spring back into operation after a disruption is an indication of

its Robust Security network and practices.

Mr. Jason Teo, Vice- chairman of TAPA Asia Pacific, graced the day’s event with an impactful opening address. He welcomed the delegates and spoke about the current trends that encompassed the Robust Security networking of the industry. TAPA hopes to counter cargo crimes with the promotion of TAPA’s worldwide security standard, the sharing of crime intelligence and the launching of practical initiatives against crime in the Supply Chain .

Ms. Sally Li, VP of Finance & Business operation (asia Pacific Region) from Pentax Medical (shanghai) co., ltd shared the outlook of TAPA Asia Pacific in China for 2015 and its achievements in 2014. It had been a meaningful year for TAPA for its inaugural participation in Security China 2014. This exhibition had brought great heights as it supported many positive interactions with commercial companies for the exchange of opinions and branding of TAPA in china. The cooperation with china air Transport association on their cold chain Transportation

standards had once again proven our reputation as a globally recognized association with our expertise in logistics and transport security. Sally’s sharing of statistics and demographics for the year 2015 and the redefinition of supply chain security encouraged a better understanding on the various industries. Handling, packaging and movement were the highlights of transportation as shared by Sally. She continued with the correlation of the experiences of the management personnel and its effect on Supply Chain, financial and risk mitigation approaches.

We were then brought on a journey of differentiating expectations and practicality by Ms. Amy Li, China Regional Security Coordinator in Bosch, also a certified trainer of TAPA. She shared valuable strategies on maximizing Supply Chain Security despite the limited budget and restricted resources within the organizations.

Mr. Nick Chao, Tyco Business Development Manager, kept the ball rolling as he shared his knowledge on effective logistic solutions and their impact on


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business growth. The security management control depends greatly on the target audience, type of interactions, vehicles in operations and the assets involved. His sharing reinforced the idea that investing in technology has a direct correlation with the standard of security as well as a positive ROI in the organization.

Mr. Jason Teo was invited on stage once again to present his expertise in Supply Chain Security enabling and enhancing return of Investment. Mr. Anthony Lee, Chairman of Asia Pacific Advisory council asis international shared his presentation on the investment in Security to Enhance Business Value. He provided a detailed overview of the correlation of cost reduction and customer retention, outlined with the budget process for the better understanding.

next on was Dr. l. k. chu, lecturer from The University of Hong Kong (Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems engi-neering), who introduced

the TaPa’s Fsr standards and regulated regime (rar program). With the main focus on TAPA’s FSR c, Dr. chu brought us through the benchmarking of the standards.

Mr. Munies Pillai, our editor and also representative of ICR 360, spoke about the evolving threats and challenges faced in the Supply chains and the best practices to improve the security in place. He brought us through many past incidents, which had cause a huge impact on the World’s economy resulting in an increased security awareness. He also shared useful information about associations

and organizations that aim to minimize cargo losses and reduce Supply Chain threats with best industrial practices. it’s a “Thin Fine line between Being Prepared or Being Too Late” as quoted from Munies.

With a Question and answer session, the day’s event ended and we are already looking forward to our next meeting in Phuket, Thailand.

TAPA Asia Pacific would like to express our gratitude for the great turn out and your continuous support.


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In face of the ever-changing and evolving world of Logistics, players need great adaptability to stay focused and win this game

LeT LogISTICS mAke BuSIneSS SenSe FoR You In 2015


[1] http://www.inboundlogistics.com/cms/article/how-the-internet-of-things-impacts-supply-chains/

hErbErT VongpuSanaChai

It was as recent as twenty years ago that driver-less vehicles, digital currency and 3D printing were still ideas only seen in science fiction. The rapid pace of technological, social, and economic changes has now made these concepts a reality. Technology evolution has been the architect of change shifting consumer patterns and pushing businesses to adapt to the new world of social networks, mobility, cloud and big data. In fact, technology is so decisive in shaping the global competitive map that companies who cannot adapt will find themselves struggling.

The proliferation of the Internet of Everything is also causing drastic revolutions in logistics. It has already started, and will continue to disrupt the way people think about logistics. A thirty-fold increase in internet-connected physical devices by the year 2020 is projected to “significantly alter how the supply chain operates”[1]. This will allow the industry to enhance solutions by intelligently connecting people, shipments, processes and data via devices

and sensors.international express, as the sprinter in the world of logistics, is expected to be the front runner leading the adaptation.

Free trade agreements and regional cooperation have also opened up the world as one global market by slowly lifting the economic gateways of countries. The launch of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 is an opportunity for regional businesses to leverage for growth. Reduction in cross-border regulations, elimination of tariffs and freer movement of goods are just some of the benefits. However, these conditions may also work against local companies, especially SMEs, if they are too focused on domestic market. These companies may find themselves faced with stiffer competition and a greater need to grow their businesses outside singapore.

With these game-changing trends, what should companies do in 2015 to ride the wave and stay at the top of their game? What role can logistics play?

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senior Vice President & Managing Director DHl express singapore Member DHL Express Asia Pacific Management Board

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logistics – Competitive Edge or Stumbling block

Today, logistics is no longer just an operational matter, but a top business agenda in the boardroom. A company can create its competitive advantages through various ways - by manufacturing products more cheaply, by offering unique products and services, or by responding fast to trends as the first-mover. Believe it or not, logistics can be an enabler of each of these business strategies, provided that it is planned and managed well.

overcome Cross-border hurdles

international trading requires a well-coordinated logistics plan, extensive network, trade expertise and knowledge. Few companies, especially SMEs, will invest time, effort and money to build their own network overseas or have in-house expertise. This undermines their internationalization plans and makes it difficult for them to thrive.

By collaborating with international trade specialists and logistics service partners, companies can tap on these partners’ knowledge and networks to access the target markets. DHL for instance has a global network of 120,000 destinations served in more than

220 countries and territories. in addition to a pervasive presence, multinational logistics service providers usually have an extensive customer base and relationships with chambers of commerce and trade commissions in foreign marketplaces. This network of highly-valued contacts can help companies reach their desired target customers more efficiently and effectively.

Drive Constant innovation

Effective logistics systems are essential in minimizing delivery time and excess inventory, leading to cost reduction in inventory, transportation and material handling. a strong, well-oiled logistics operation allows businesses to be more competitive and ensures greater customer satisfaction, strengthening their brand reputation in the process.

In the face of ever-evolving technology and customer demands, companies, or their 3rd party logistics service providers must continue to focus on improving their logistical capabilities through innovation. new technologies and solutions can help to overcome the five critical challenges in global logistics operation - speed, reliability, trade regulation

expertise, dynamically linked networks and real-time tracking.

have all-time Visibility

A disruption can occur in any industry for many reasons. Production lines halt if parts are not available, shelves remain empty when food is not delivered, clothes racks lay bare should stock not arrive – these are all consequences of a disruption in logistics operation.

Hence, to have full visibility over the logistics chain will help companies to manage the unexpected and stay resilient to operation disruptions. This is where technology plays a part as well. DHl owns best-in-class iT solutions such as DHL Track & Trace and other tools to provide full visibility of cargo movements throughout the supply chain. at DHl service centers in singapore, enhanced video surveillance systems can instantly retrieve images of any individual shipment by simply keying in the unique Piece iD number, driving higher efficiency, transparency and security.

Whatever the size of your business, paying attention to running logistics more effectively and efficiently will eventually pay off in the business sense/cents it brings.

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Sally Li generously shares her expertise in Finance and Business Operations with TAPA Asia Pacific Lookout readers. Hear what she has for us to see and realize to an efficient and effective Budget Preparation.


This is a season for budgeting as people from the different organizations are busy reviewing prior year results and simultaneously budgets for this.

Budget is a word that has comprehensive meanings. some people find budgeting to be an excruciatingly slow and painful process, requiring several months of continuous efforts while others may even encounter complications with the Management and Finance departments during the business review processes.

The questions raised and challenges encountered during the budget meeting are yet another agonizing experience for many.

The following paragraphs will unravel the thoughts of your fellow colleagues in the Finance or Management departments and what you, as a Supply Chain/Logistics security practitioner, can

do to prepare and present your budget proposal in an effective and efficient manner.

1. Separate expenses and investments

Expenses are money spent or cost incurred in an organization’s efforts to generate revenue, representing the cost of doing business. Examples of expenses include hardware costs, labor costs, equipment costs, cargo insurance, warehouse rental, outsource cost and maintenance fees.

Expenses are usually reviewed by:• Expense ratio*• Increased percentage*• Newly added Items

Investments are money committed or property acquired for future incomes. Examples of such include building a new warehouse, purchasing more vehicles or tools, warehouse

Sally liVP, Finance & Business operationPentax Medical (shanghai) co., ltdAsia Pacific Region


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and/or office renovation. However, not all the investments are accounted for the following year. These investments, also know as depreciation, are non-cash expenses that reduce the value of an asset over time. Depreciation will only be regarded as expenses to be included in the expense budget the following year.

Investments are mostly assessed with respect to the • Return of Investment (ROI) • Internal Rate of Return (IRR) • Net Present Value (NPV)

I would strongly suggest that you clearly separate these 2 categories (Expense & Investments) in your budget proposal and justify each requests using different criteria and terminologies.

2. Separate variable costs and fixed costs

Variable costs change directly with revenue and production rate. such examples include

raw material, direct labor, freight and cargo insurance. costs that change indirectly with revenue and production rate are referred to as fixed cost and examples would include warehouse rental and depreciation.

it is important to understand that costs are all variables in the long run.

it is also important to understand and see both variable and fixed costs right from the beginning.

For variable costs, you can simply calculate the costs by using the formula of multiplying the revenue and the cost ratio. using the same concept, you can also link production volume, necessary, labor and other manufacturing expenses together. In contrary, the fixed costs are usually constant over the years with little or no increase.

The readjustments of revenue and production level are

common during the budget cycle due to diversified views from the Sales and Management departments. The separation of variable and fixed costs may ease your process of budget readjustments (simply by updating the columns on the spreadsheet). This distinct separation of costs will also help the Management see and realize the reality of the situation to better manage their expectations on cost reduction.

3. prepare different scenarios The purpose of preparing

different scenarios is to provide visible data for the Management to develop appropriate plans for the future.

There should be at least one “As-is” plan and one “To-be plan” in the scenarios that you had prepared. Of course you can also develop a few more “To-be” plans for the different assumptions you may have.

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The “As-is” plan is based on the business conditions of the current year. In this plan, revenue growth is just flat with market growth and there would be almost no additional investment.

In “To-be” plans, there would be different levels of investment to catch up higher growth rate.

Below are some factors you may want to consider and incorporate in to your plans:• Statutory requirements and

industrial standards (e.g. Facilities that need to be added to meet statutory requirements)

√ The most common example is the computer and printer exclusively used for VAT invoice issuing and printing as per required by tax bureau. such investment on the computer and printer is necessary to meet

statutory requirement. On the other hand, company needs to check if any existing facilities need to be replaced or upgraded to meet the existing certifications (e.g. ISO series certifications, TAPA certifications)

• Cost reduction plan for existing operations.

√ May consider using Six Sigma projects, lean Manufacturing, Just-in-Time inventory management, and Vendor review and selection for existing operations.

• New factors should be considered and necessary justifications should be provided. some examples are as below:

√ Inventory increase along with revenue/production level increase

√ New facility investment (warehouse, vehicle) to meet sales and production target

√ Labor/HC increase to deliver the sales and production, which will result in the increase of HR costs, Travel & entertainment expenses and training costs.

4. benchmark Comparison It is extremely useful to conduct

benchmark comparison against those of ‘‘best in class” companies. This information should also be provided alongside your budget proposal for improvements in the respective areas.

Hope the above tips will help you get through the budget process smoothly. Please get your Budgeting Accountant/Finance Analyst to help you verify the assumptions and calculation results.

*With respect to the previous year

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challenges faced by the Indian pharmaceutical leaders on key issues like cost, compliance and Security.

Various industry experts shared presentations that included but not limited to case studies on the Transported asset Protection association (TaPa), cold chain, Drug Regulatory Framework in india and also pharmaceutical patient safety.

Mr. Herdial Singh, Board of Directors at TAPA Asia Pacific, shared an insightful presentation on “TaPa standards and Activities in the Asia Pacific Region” to encourage a positive change in the perspectives

and provide a solution plan for the many concerns of fellow delegates.

Dr. umit kartoglu, Technologies Dept. of Vaccines & Biologicals, World Health organization (WHO), Chief Guest for the event, spoke on WHo as well as the Time & Temperature sensitive Pharmaceutical Products.

The other participating organizations included, central Drugs standard control organization, u.s. Food and Drug administration (FDa), Rx360, Transport Asset Protection Association (TAPA) Asia Pacific, and global industry experts from within the supply chain facet of the business.

DHl Global Forwarding, sensitech along with cii institute of Logistics jointly hosted the “Supply Chain Integrity, Logistics & Security Forum” on 12th November 2014 in Mumbai, India.

The event featured educational sessions and panel discussions, highlighting contemporary supply chain issues affecting the pharmaceutical industry. The forum surrounded the themes on “Supply Chain Integrity – a perspective to Compliance”, “import / export challenges and Best Practices” and “Risks in the Supply Chain of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry”. Participants were encouraged to collectively address the


A joint initiative by the Industries for the Industry

Mr. Herdial, BOD TAPA Asia Pacific, addressing the forum on TAPA’s standards.

Mr. Ashutosh Dixit, Senior Sales Director, DHL Global Fowarding, India, sharing his expertise at the forum.

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The FSR/TSR 2014 FRom A DIFFeRenT PeRSPeCTIveNilo S. Pomaloy shares his thoughts on the realigned standards and path to “One TAPA”

Managing the audits for certification during the shift to the realigned TaPa standards is no doubt a daunting mission. it would require members of audit committee to stand ready and expedient in providing feasible solutions specifically during transition period until all parties are accustomed into the changes. We remained stringent in imposing the requirements as per its practical mitigating intents whilst in some respect, rendering the exercise of flexibility. When issues of intrinsic non-compliances to the Facility Security Requirements 2014 & Trucking Security Requirements 2014 standards were raised by independent audit Bodies (iaBs)due to built-in constraints such as the facility designs, ingrained legacy practices, technologies and any other compelling reasons, we had to be smart in assessing every situation to provide the most suitable alternatives in order to achieve win-win without diminishing the integrity of standard requirements.

We understand what works for our counterparts in the other two regions (America & EMEA) may

not exactly work for TAPA Asia Pacific. It is about auditing for the global standard practices versus the regional applicable approach where the audit committee is taking active roles in ensuring the quality controls with the IABs. Otherwise, non-approval of audit reports and waiver requests will be advised so that facility operators can deploy alternative and feasible measures for reconsiderations

When the Worldwide change control Board (WccB) envisaged a realization of the “One TAPA” theme, we have some members being optimistic and eager while others are pessimistic and cautious. at a glance, the principle aims to minimize gaps and reduce the possibility of inconsistent interpretation and application of standards with the respective TAPA regional offices.

in recognizing the opportunities for continuous improvements, the WCCB listened and analyzed the global membership survey feedbacks and deliberated what needed to be changed as we move forward. It has been agreed that


nilo S. poMaloy (TCE, Cpp),Working Committee-Board of Directoraudit & WavierTAPA Asia Pacific

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we will embark the implementation of the realigned standards for FSR and TSR by changing the auditing formats, removing outpaced redundancies and replacing the scoring methods among other changes, for improving and ensuring the effective mitigation of emerging Supply Chain risks.

This move bodes well to the majority of TAPA members, synching the Asia Pacific’s Board of Directors (BOD), as well as regional implementation partners.

Prior and after announcement of the effective date (1st July 2014) of the FSR 2014 and TSR 2014, the audit committee managed a number of concerns that required either interim or permanent alternative solutions.

Our anticipation of scenarios on various enquiries such as the timely auditors’ qualification training,the use of new audit formats and appraisal system, bridging the elapsing certificates, waiver requests and other transition related clamors had facilitated our prompt replies.

A series of training workshops and knowledge tests on the new

standards have been held in different Asia Pacific countries. Spearheaded by our ever-energetic Training committee lead Mr. Herdial singh, members and BOD contributed by opening their facilities for training and sparing time-offs from their respective daily office to co-facilitate these sessions that are aimed at accelerating the pace of qualifying IAB auditors on top of equipping the members for their eventual self-assessments. The new standard requirements have been clarified with guidance notes, which were released to participants along with copies of training materials.

We noticed remarkable improvements in compliance of specific facilities a few months into the new standards. However, we foresee exceptions that necessitate considerations on a case basis due to prevailing conditions. Therefore, the wavier requests have to be submitted together with the audit reports for approval.

We have yet to encounter any major barriers and offer of alternative solutions that would conflict these security standards.

But the audit committee is prepared to exercise flexibility as long as the exceptions and alternative solutions are sufficient to mitigate the risks based on current assessments. Therefore, we encourage members to continuously communicate with us to allow us opportunity to clarify and assist your needs to fully understand the underlying reasons behind these requirements and how your facilities and procedures could be in compliance. With the active cooperation of the TAPA Asia Pacific BOD and Country Service Centers, we assure you that the necessary re-alignments and ad-hoc adjustments will be kept minimal.

Despite the challenges and obstacles met along the way, teamwork and focus are our strategies in overcoming these impediments. The rollout for the FSR 2014 and TSR 2014 is making great headway despite its beginning phase.

The “One TAPA” banner files high. We will continuously achieve excellence and set the pace for the Supply Chain security standards and practices with undiminished intensity

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2014 has been a year for TAPA Asia Pacific with many trainings and events rolled out for members. The number of members joining us has been on an increasing trend and we thank you for your support towards our work. TAPA Asia Pacific looks forward in engaging more members at trainings and conferences for year 2015. The LOOKOUT takes this chance to summarize TAPA Asia Pacific’s activities in 2014.

TAPA Asia Pacific has successfully engaged 894 member representatives in 19 countries across the region to actively participate in the events in 2014.

Over 90% Of the participants at these training sessiOns rated the Overall experience as excellent.

8 320561 5012


member representatives

member representatives


Trainings were held in

of the TSR training was held with the attendance of

of the FSR trainings was held with the attendance of


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TAPA Asia Pacific has seen a total of 41 TSR Certification and 14 TTSP Recognition in its region. The below shows the breakdown of Certification and Recognition within countries in the Asia Pacific region:









World continuity congress, singapore

the 12th china international exhibition on public safety and security, Beijing, china

tapa peal river conference, hong Kong

tapa asia Pacific China conference 2014, shanghai, china

pharmaceutical supply chain integrity, logistics, and security seminar, Mumbai, india

3pl summit & chief supply chain Officer Forum, singapore

Bdp centrx supply chain compliance seminar 2014, singapore

tapa asia Pacific Supply chain forum, penang, Malaysia

Tapa had seen the success of many conferences as a supporter or organizer in 2014.

TAPA Asia Pacific had an enriching and empowering 2014 being part of these hydrated platforms. We look forward to more collaborations and partnerships with like-minded companies and regulatory bodies to expose our members to the different facets of the industry. We also look forward to organizing and supporting conferences, forums and exhibitions to facilitate the many interactions amongst the Supply Chain and Logistics practiitioners.







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Through our globally recognized supply chain security standards, has been instrumental in mitigating the challenges faced by logistic providers, warehouse operators and transport companies. TAPA Asia Pacific congratulates the companies below for their achievement of the FSR certification.

New Members from November 2014 to January 2015

Certified Sites from October 2014 to February 2015

S/n organizaTion naME CounTry/rEgion CiTy ClaSS

1 Agility Logistics Sdn Bhd Malaysia Kuala Lumpur FSR 2014 A

2 Asia Airfreight Terminal Company Limited Hong Kong Hong Kong FSR 2014 A3 DB Schenker Australia Altona FSR 2014 A

4 DHL Supply Chain (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. Taipei Distribution Center Taiwan Taipei FSR 2014 A

5 DHL Taiwan Corp. - Taipei gate way Taiwan Taoyuan FSR 2014 B6 Everterminal Co., Ltd. Taiwan Taoyuan FSR 2014 A

7 Kintetsu World Express (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Kuala

Lumpur FSR 2014 A

8 KunshanXinning Logistics Co., Ltd. China Kunshan FSR 2014 C9 Mandai Link Logistics Pte Ltd Singapore Singapore FSR 2014 A

10 MOL Logistics (H.K.) Limited Hong Kong Hong Kong FSR 2014 A11 NNR Global Logistics Japan Osaka FSR 2014 A12 PWD Logistics Limited Hong Kong Hong Kong FSR 2014 B13 S.F. EXPRESS CO., LTD China Shenzhen FSR 2014 A14 Schenker Logistics (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd Malaysia Malacca FSR 2014 A15 Schenker Singapore (Pte) Ltd Singapore Singapore FSR 2014 A16 Suzhou DTW warehouse Co Ltd China Suzhou FSR 2014 A17 TCI Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. China Shanghai FSR 2014 A18 Tianjing YCH Logistics Co. Ltd China Tianjin FSR 2014 C19 U-Freight Logistics (HK) Limited Hong Kong Hong Kong FSR 2014 C20 UTi Worldwide (S) Pte Ltd Singapore Singapore FSR 2014 A

S/n organizaTion naME CounTry

1 Swarovski Management Pte Ltd Singapore2 AOC Limited Hong Kong3 Maxim Intergrated Philippines4 NoiBai Cargo Terminal Service Joint Stock Company (NCTS) Vietnam5 Agility Logistics Vietnam Co. Ltd. Vietnam6 ALS Cargo Terminal Company Limited Vietnam

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*Activities and Schedules can be subjected to changes. Updates will be provided accordingly to the members.


hong kong MAY 12-13 MAY 14-15





fsr tsr

philippinES MAY 14-15 Cebu

jul 16-17

MAR 19-20 Kuala Lumpur

Aug 26-27 Kuala Lumpur

juN 15-16 Penang

ApR 16-17 Shanghai

jul 2-3 Shanghai

MAY 28-29 OCT 1-2

juN 11-12 Beijing

juN 25-26

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Intertek joins TAPA Asia Pacific as an Independent Audit Body (IAB), extending its service to members with the provision audits in accordance to TAPA related standards.

Intertek, a leading quality & safety solutions provider to industries worldwide announced that they have been approved as an Independent Audit Body (IAB) by the Transported asset Protection Association Asia Pacific (TAPA Asia Pacific). Intertek will now be able to perform audits for TAPA Asia Pacific members wishing to acquire TAPA Certification.

The intertek Business assurance team in Asia Pacific will provide TAPA Asia Pacific members with auditing services in accordance with TaPa related standards. The core team is made up of qualified auditors and inspectors trained to support the audit service to ensure the safe and secure in-transit storage and warehousing of TaPa members’ assets; and also

to verify the minimum acceptable standards for security throughout the supply chain and the methods to be used in maintaining those standards.

“We are delighted to be awarded the Independent Audit Body (IAB) status by TAPA Asia Pacific. Working closely with TAPA, Intertek will continuously support clients with an extensive range of safety solutions, helping them to prepare and address security threats in any volatile trading environment” says Calin Moldovean, President of Intertek’s Business Assurance group.

“We value our partnership with audit bodies. Our IABs’ efforts and expertise make it so that the TAPA standard can be further

monitored and improved.” says Tony Lugg, Chairman of TAPA Asia Pacific. “Intertek is a globally recognized certification body. With the assistance of Intertek, TAPA Asia Pacific may now serve more TaPa members on their standard compliance and ensure their transportation is secure.”

TAPA Asia Pacific extends our warmest welcome to intertek in their joining as an Independent Audit Body.

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