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Tapped-In Issue 2

Date post: 08-Apr-2016
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Internal Newsletter for the on tap Franchise.
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Welcome Back I am sure everyone enjoyed the festive season and time with their families, but the year has begun and we’re already two months in. That means we have to hit the ground running, we’re in our prime after all. If you are not aware by now, this year we celebrate our 25th year as leaders in the plumbing industry, and the excitement is almost tangible. We are excitedly preparing to celebrate the auspicious occasion in June and July but that doesn’t exclude us from celebrating through the year – we deserve it right? This edition of Tapped-in is packed with information, announcements, news and maybe a few surprises! It is also our valentine’s day and love your kitchen edition. Across our social media we have run a campaign called love your kitchen, and naturally we celebrated Valentine’s Day with some plumbing love! Issue II: Valentine’s Day. Love your Kitchen. The history of Valentine’s Day is not the overly commercialised scenario as many assume it to be but a romantic yet tragic story. Saint Valentine is a widely recognised 3 rd century saint commemorated 14 Feb associated with courtly love. "He was a Roman Priest at a time when there was an emperor called Claudias who persecuted the church at that particular time. He also had an edict that prohibited the marriage of young people. This was based on the hypothesis that unmarried soldiers fought better than married soldiers because married soldiers might be afraid of what might happen to them or their wives or families if they died. The idea of encouraging them to marry within the Christian church was what Valentine was about. And he secretly married them because of the edict. Valentine was eventually caught, imprisoned and tortured for performing marriage ceremonies against command of Emperor Claudius the second. There are legends surrounding Valentine's actions while in prison. One of the men who was to judge him in line with the Roman law at the time was a man called Asterius, whose daughter was blind. He was supposed to have prayed with and healed the young girl with such astonishing effect that Asterius himself became Christian as a result. In the year 269 AD, Valentine was sentenced to a three part execution of a beating, stoning, and finally decapitation all because of his stand for Christian marriage. The story goes that the last words he wrote were in a note to Asterius' daughter. He inspired today's romantic missives by signing it, "from your Valentine. If you would like to be featured in the next issue of tapped in, feel free to email me: [email protected] From your Valentine #TeamOnTapSA
Page 1: Tapped-In Issue 2

Welcome Back I am sure everyone enjoyed the festive

season and time with their families, but the

year has begun and we’re already two

months in. That means we have to hit the

ground running, we’re in our prime after all.

If you are not aware by now, this year we

celebrate our 25th year as leaders in the

plumbing industry, and the excitement is

almost tangible. We are excitedly

preparing to celebrate the auspicious

occasion in June and July but that doesn’t

exclude us from celebrating through the

year – we deserve it right?

This edition of Tapped-in is packed with

information, announcements, news and

maybe a few surprises! It is also our

valentine’s day and love your kitchen


Across our social media we have run a

campaign called love your kitchen, and

naturally we celebrated Valentine’s Day

with some plumbing love!

Issue II: Valentine’s Day. Love your Kitchen.

The history of Valentine’s Day is not the overly

commercialised scenario as many assume it to be

but a romantic yet tragic story. Saint Valentine is a

widely recognised 3rd century saint commemorated

14 Feb associated with courtly love. "He was a

Roman Priest at a time when there was an emperor

called Claudias who persecuted the church at that

particular time. He also had an edict that prohibited

the marriage of young people. This was based on the

hypothesis that unmarried soldiers fought better than

married soldiers because married soldiers might be

afraid of what might happen to them or their wives

or families if they died. The idea of encouraging them

to marry within the Christian church was what

Valentine was about. And he secretly married them

because of the edict.

Valentine was eventually caught, imprisoned and

tortured for performing marriage ceremonies

against command of Emperor Claudius the second.

There are legends surrounding Valentine's actions

while in prison.

One of the men who was to judge him in line with

the Roman law at the time was a man called

Asterius, whose daughter was blind. He was

supposed to have prayed with and healed the

young girl with such astonishing effect that Asterius

himself became Christian as a result.

In the year 269 AD, Valentine was sentenced

to a three part execution of a beating,

stoning, and finally decapitation all because

of his stand for Christian marriage. The story

goes that the last words he wrote were in a

note to Asterius' daughter. He inspired today's

romantic missives by signing it, "from your


If you would like to be featured in the next

issue of tapped in, feel free to email me:

[email protected]

From your Valentine ♥


Page 2: Tapped-In Issue 2

From the desk of the MD – Johan Van Wyk

Having said this, I am confident that on tap is

poised to take on the challenges of 2015 with

great success and will successfully trade

through this period. This is due to the work we

started in 2013. In 2013 we prepared the ground

for our foundation (back to basics), in 2014 we

set the foundation (Ops Manual, Value Prop &

Marketing Strategy) and 2015 will see us build on

this foundation. The success here in lies, that all

stakeholders must adhere to, embrace and

execute all process and strategies as laid down

in the foundation phase. Failing to do so will

have negative effects on the brand that we

have worked arduously to build.

2015, is going to be a very challenging year for

most South Africans and South African

companies, with Eskom announcing up to stage

3 load shedding, poor service delivery, the

traditional labour unrest of which we have

become so accustomed to that we’ve even

named it “the striking season” (only in SA) and

of course the volatility of our Rand. I believe that

if any of these factors or a combined of them

are left unchecked, that it will set the stage for

a very challenging year, a year that some might

not survive!

Let us remind ourselves of what some of these

foundation elements are:

1) Creation of our value proposition from which all

stakeholders will derive value. Value proposition

statements are internal documents, used as a

blueprint to ensure that all the messages we

communicate, internally and externally, are


a. Determine and define the main categories

available in on tap.

b. Identify main partners in these categories.

c. Rationalise ranges across all categories.

d. Formalise the relationship with our trade


2) Clarify and define a clear marketing strategy.

3) Unclutter and re-launch a new Corporate identity.

4) Bench marks have been set and stores are being

measured against these financials.

5) Change the business language spoken, to being


6) Design new concept stores to include new and

additional categories.

7) We also made a conscious decision to focus and

lead the market we trade in rather than getting

caught up in the politics of our industry.

The On Tap Group saw organic growth and new

investments which deliver new milestones in 2014,

bringing and restoring confidence that the foundation

for continued growth and value-creation has been

broadened, and remains robust as ever. I am confident

to say, that should we continue to collectively build on

this sound foundation, all On Tap stores will successfully

trade out 2015. In 2014 the On Tap Group grew 22.76%

on 2013 and for 2015 year to date the Group is 26.07%

up on 2014. This is a fantastic achievement and

definitely worth celebrating.

Managing Director: Johan Van Wyk

Someone once said that

INSANITY is doing the same

thing over and over again

expecting different results.

Well, truth be told, we are

all guilty of this bad habit to

a certain extend.

“In 2014 the On Tap Group grew 22.76%

on 2013 and for 2015 year to date the

Group is 26.07% up on 2014.”

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The head office is always a hub of activity, with

everyone bustling about trying to meet deadlines.

I managed to sit down with our Financial Manager,

Brigitte Rothman, and get to know her a little better.

Her role at On Tap is a vital one as she oversees the

financial running of On Tap Franchise Holdings, the

Marketing division, Paton trust t/a On Tap

Distributors. She advises the stores on procedures

and processes. Helps by analysing their income

statements and balance sheets and giving advice

where requested. Brigitte, Bri as we affectionately

call her in the office, sports an ever ready smile and

a positive can-do attitude. She is always more than

happy to lend a hand to those in need and steer us

in the right direction should we get distracted.

1. Where did you grow up and

where are you currently based?

Born bred and fed in Welkom,

Free State before moving to

Pietermaritzburg 7 years ago.

Settling here has seen me grow

personally and professionally.

2. What is your role and how long

have you been with On Tap?

I am the financial manager for

On Tap Franchise Holdings and

will celebrate my second work

anniversary on the 28th.

3. How do you feel about working at

on tap?

I love the working environment,

my team and the interesting

and diverse people we meet.

In 2015, on tap celebrates its 25th anniversary. This is a

milestone for any company to reach and it is

something that we all should be very proud to be part

off. I am sure that there are many wonderful stories

that can be told of this great company which

happened over the years. We plan to celebrate this

milestone all year round with our members, staff,

customers and suppliers. Join me in wishing on tap a

happy 25th birthday, with many happy and successful

anniversaries to come.

I would like to leave you with this thought: I was

reading a “white paper” on expected retail trends for

2015 and the author of this document made the

following comment: "the only constant in this world is

change". I thought to myself, wow, how profound is

this statement and what a contradiction. A battle

between words "Constant and Change" just think of

it…………, but when used together, it drives a very

important and powerful message

You can expect 2015 to be very different to 2014 on

many platforms, so prepare for this and put yourself

in the correct space to accept and deal with this

CHANGE! As stated this year is going to be a

challenging year and I really would like to encourage

all our members to buckle down the hatches, trim the

expenses, harvest every sale and focus on growing

your business unit within this wonderful company on


“The only constant

is change…”


Page 4: Tapped-In Issue 2

6. Give us a brief history of your career

prior to joining on tap?

Studied part time for my B-compt

while working at PKF (an auditing and

accounting firm) in Welkom. I then

moved to PMB once I was qualified

and proceeded to work for another

auditing company for six years before

bravely deciding to venture into the

commercial world of finances and

was employed by On Tap. Almost 2

years later to the date, here I am.

7. What has been the biggest highlight of

your career?

Attaining my degree which was no

easy feat as I studied part-time. In the

end it saw me receiving valuable

work experience and a wealth of

knowledge and expertise.

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Life changes at such a rapid pace. I

would like to see the world and be

happy wherever I may be.

9. Where do you see the on tap brand in 5


With the great team that on tap has

at the moment I can only see the

brand growing and expanding,

hopefully we can double/triple our

franchisees in the next five years.

10. What do you feel are the five most

important factors for success in any


Determination, flexibility, drive,

positive attitude, and an open mind

11. Are you active on social media? If so

which platforms?

Mainly facebook, using it for catching

up with friends, seeing what is

happening in people’s lives. I must

admit some people share a lot, not

something I would generally do.

12. What do you do in your spare time?

Hockey, I love hockey. I started playing

for Standard Hockey ladies a year after

I moved to Pietermaritzburg and it

became my home away from home, I

found an amazing bunch of ladies that

have been my support group and my

best friends. I play defender or goalie

when I decide to live on the dangerous


13. What do you value the most in life?

Family and friendships, without them

you have an empty life

14. If you were stranded on an island what

three things would you like to have with

you most?

Love, friends and FOOD!

15. If you could have a super power, what

would it be?

A Genie, not to be able to give people

what they want but to give them

opportunities for them to achieve their

wants and needs for themselves.

4. What is your favourite food?

Pasta, pasta and pizza, I should have

been born Italian

5. Birthday message for On Tap

Here’s wishing an amazing brand a

Happy Happy Birthday, may you all

grow from strength to strength in the

coming years and achieve all that is


“I love hockey!”

“Life changes at such

a rapid pace. I would

like to see the world

and be happy

wherever I may be.”

It’s been great getting to know Brigitte!

Congratulations on your two years at on

tap. We hope to keep you in our employ

for many years to come and that you will

continue to prosper and grow with us.

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Ballito introduces Top Paints

On a rainy Wednesday, 28 January, On Tap Ballito

proudly introduced Top Paints to a few of their most

respected colleagues, suppliers, customers and the

media! Naturally, the staff at head office were more

than happy to make the short car ride down to the coast

to celebrate and commemorate the affair.

The team at Ballito provided delicious finger snacks laid

out for guests to enjoy in an informal relaxed setting

complete live music, the night was set to be spectacular.

The rain did not dampen any spirits or deter anyone from

staying for a sumptuous dinner ranging from Briyani and

salads to a lamb on the spit – who would want to miss

that, right?

The store was left open and guests were encouraged to

venture in and interact with the products on display and

view the new paint display. The evening was filled with

fun with lucky draws being held through the night

with fabulous sponsored prizes from our

respected suppliers. A representative of

Top Paints, Willem Knel, also graced

made an appearance and gave an

introductory speech.

The team got social, and we tweeted out

the event and featured it extensively on

Instagram and facebook!

All in all, a huge success for Ballito and we

wish them everything of the best and

hope that they continue to paint Ballito


From left: Sean Dietz, Craig De Villiers,

Matt Howes and Robbie Howes

From left: Johan Van Wyk, Brigitte

Rothman, Chevaughn Nagiah and Janet


Page 6: Tapped-In Issue 2

Store News

From left: Hendrik v der Merwe (Sales), JP Lohr-

Mietzner (Manager), Cornè Strydom from Hansgrohe,

Bernard Hansen (Sales) and last Jonathan (Rep:


A sales incentive was run last year across Hansgrohe

retailers, each categorised into groups according to

their turnovers to ensure fairness amongst retailers.

On Tap George was registered under Category 3. As

the third winner for this category they received a

cash prize of R5000! Congratulations on tap George

on a fantastic job!

Other On Taps that made their respective targets

are: Pietermaritzburg, East London, Hillcrest, Paarl

and Greenstone; receiving an Amped Zest 3.1 to the

value of R300. I am sure it is coming in handy with the

loadshedding! Congratulations to all our stores.

We’re very proud!!

on tap: George

The team down in Mosselbay has been

quite busy during the last weekend of

January, as they prepared to

participate in the Dias Festival. In spite

of the gloomy weather, it certainly

didn’t rain on the team’s parade. The

parade started at the Main Road of

Mosselbay and continued all around

the point ending at Santos Beach. They

created a colourful lively float that

drew a lot of attention especially with

their live demonstrations. We’re so

proud of the team in Mosselbay!

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On Tap Mosselbay welcomes a new member

in their CC – Nico Marais

Nico was born in in Montagu; Western Cape

and grew up in Hartenbos where he is still

based. He has been with on tap since 2007 as

a manager, and has been recognised for his

unwavering faithfulness to the store by being

made a shareholder, which is extremely good


He is a qualified plumber who once ran his own

plumbing business in Hartenbos. In doing so he

accumulated a wealth of value-add

knowledge. He went on to further his education

resulting in him being offered a management

position at the Foschini Group in George then

moved to the PPF group before settling (for life!)

with the On Tap family in Mosselbay.

When he is not busy at the store, Nico enjoys a

game of badminton, a bit of DIY and

gardening; and listening to music. He values his

family the most in life. Should you ever sit to have

a meal with Nico, pasta should definitely be on

the menu, as it is one of his favourites!!

Nico attributes the following factors keys for

success in any business and career:

- Be honest

- Be diplomatic

- Work Hard

- Have a goal and be driven toward it!

- Always be a team player.

Congratulations on your new venture with the

On Tap Group, we hope that this is just the start

of great things to come out of Mosselbay!

New Staff

Grant Andrews – On Tap George

From left: Ashleigh Wiseman, Jerome Witbooi, Ann

Pedro and Kevin Newman. New in Paarl!

Page 8: Tapped-In Issue 2


A hearty congratulations to these two smiling

faces as they celebrated their TEN YEAR


Beautiful Petrisna and JP!

Baby coming soon!!

Ashleigh Wiseman of On Tap Paarl looks

absolutely radiant and iridescent pictured

here in an oval shaped bathtub. All the

best for your pregnancy!

Celebrating Valentine’s Day in Store!

Ballito Celebrations, all fun and games until

someone falls in the bathtub! Vivienne celebrating her

birthday in the Paarl store!

Page 9: Tapped-In Issue 2


Go Proteas!!

The Cricket World Cup kicked off in fine fashion Down Under and we are

holding thumbs for our brilliant team to bring that beautiful trophy to sunny

South African shores!! Make us proud boys!! #ProteaFire

Watering stand in Jeffreys Bay manned by

the superb and friendly staff and their

family in early January.

Page 10: Tapped-In Issue 2

Financials Classifieds

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) are

the two primary measures of inflation for South Africa. Both indicators

are published on a monthly basis. The Consumer Price Index tracks

the rate of change in the prices of goods and services purchased

by consumers.

Core Inflation Rate as at 20th February 2015:

Core Inflation Rate: 5.78 %

Previous: 5.70%

Highest: 8.34%

Lowest: 2.9 %

Contact us if you would like to see your ads here

too! Move stock fast with Tapped-In Classifieds!!

Page 11: Tapped-In Issue 2

Fun and Games



The flush-and-fill mechanism used in virtually all

modern toilets was created for a hand-washing

device by the Arab (or Kurdish) inventor known

as al-Jazari in 1206 A.D.

