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Tapping into Self Mastery Part One and Two

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Page 2: Tapping into Self Mastery Part One and Two

Tapping into Self Mastery

Copyright 2009 www.thetappingcoach.com 2

Tapping into Self Mastery Hello, this is Gary Williams from www.eftworldmagazine.com and the www.thetappingcoach.com Welcome to tapping into self mastery. It is my intention with this program to give you the necessary tools to first work on yourself and then in time and with the experience that you gain, be able to work successfully and with confidence on others.

Give yourself the freedom to experience this amazing technique and just like me you will be glad you did.

I have interviewed many experienced EFT Masters and experts in the field of EFT tapping and many agree that EFT Tapping is an amazing process and can be much faster than using other conventional methods.

Sometimes EFT tapping is promoted as a one minute wonder, like a magic tapping wand and this can be detrimental and misleading to the public at large. This can put a lot of people off after they find that EFT tapping may in some cases stop working for them and they do not have the necessary experience to work out why.

Yes, you could give this procedure to a 12 year old and they would use EFT tapping mechanically and get some kind of success with certain people, and we do as practitioners get one minute wonders sometimes, but that is only part of a much larger story.

When working with EFT it is the refinements that really are the difference that make the difference and exploring this program will go some way in helping you to develop refinement and artistry in the subject. Once you have studied this material and worked with it, you will discover the true potential of EFT Tapping.

EFT tapping is a technique that can easily be learned and applied by anyone and training will go a long way in helping you to gain a deeper understanding of the basic principles.

EFT Tapping will give you back control of your life and fill you with a new sense of confidence. EFT tapping can be used for building self worth, working with negative thoughts and memories, changing behaviors, dealing with fear and phobias and much more...

Before we show you a little about the history and how the process can work for you lets hear from the creator of the Emotional Freedom Techniques about how he believes it works.

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The Gary Craig Interview GW I’m talking to the founder of EFT Tapping, Gary Craig – Can you explain to us a little about how it evolved? GC EFT is a blend of very well known, very well researched therapeutic ideas such as acupuncture, which has been around for many thousands of years and has been validated in many ways – you just have to go onto Google and put in “acupuncture studies” and you will find lots of studies. The other thing is mind/body medicine and you just have to look at yoga and meditation, where the general idea is that if one can become more peaceful mentally the better one’s health is. This has been validated in many ways – there have been decades of research about all this, and what EFT does is build a bridge and blends the two together, and we have found that as we address people’s issues using the acupuncture meridians we are getting better results, at least in my experience over the past 16 years, than either one of them singly. That’s the essence of it, a blend of acupuncture and mind/body medicine in a way which has created extraordinary results for lots of people, as you well know. GW Right, so we are tapping the same points as in acupuncture? GC Yes, we stimulate the same meridians as in acupuncture except that we don’t use needles, we just use our fingertips. GW There has been research into acupuncture hasn’t there? GC Yes, acupuncture has been VERY well researched, all we are doing is borrowing from each and blending them in a way which is really quite extraordinary. GW If you pull EFT apart, how do you think that it really works? GC I wish I knew every little nuance about EFT, but what I think is happening is that when one has an emotional issue it is because the free flow of the chi (so-called by Chinese acupuncturists - being the energy which flows round the system), has become disrupted and short-circuited - the same as a short circuit in a TV or radio, and by tapping with the fingertips and stimulating these meridians points, we send energy down these meridians, and this disruption or short circuit vanishes, and with it the emotional issue vanishes. Also, as a result of taking care of emotional issues so rapidly we often find that this can take care of physical things as well, disease symptoms start to go away, headaches go away and back pain goes away and so on.

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GW And do you need to believe in EFT for it to work? GC No, it might be helpful but I don’t think you need to believe in it. In fact in my experience, especially in the early years, every one of them was openly sceptical and in fact some of them were just outright hostile and worked flat out to prove that it didn’t work, and how stupid it was and everything else, because we were violating their beliefs big time. And even with that open hostility their headaches went away and they were no longer afraid of traffic or whatever it was that was bothering them! So even with this open hostility we were able to help them. Belief becomes helpful because if people believe in it they are co-operative with you, if they are hostile with you they aren’t going to give you much time, but I don’t think you actually have to believe in it for it to work. GW It is a strange process isn’t it, when you see it being done? GC Well, it’s strange to those who haven’t seen it before and it would be strange to someone whose own knowledge of healing would be the medical route for example, because the medical route doesn’t do anything like this, so if that’s where one is conditioned this is going to look not only unbelievable but stupid, but for someone who comes from the Chinese method of healing, this is easy to understand. For someone who has been conditioned in this way and someone who has been studying recent findings in quantum physics, this would be easy to understand. It only looks silly for people who have been conditioned along other lines. GW We’ve based our beliefs on the Greek model really where we look at ourselves from the outside of the body whereas the Oriental people look at themselves from the inside rather from the outside, if that makes sense. GC I haven’t heard it put quite that way, I don’t know much about the Greeks, but yes we are going from the inside to the outside. GW So what can be achieved which can’t be achieved by other therapies? GC Well in my experience you can apply EFT to every known emotional issue that you can name, every known physical issue that you can name, every known performance issue that you can name. You can apply it to everything - does that mean that we get 100% results for everything and for everyone? No – sometimes we seem to hit a wall and newcomers to this would say “EFT doesn’t work for that issue or EFT doesn’t work for this person”. But I don’t think that this is accurate. When we stub our toe we’re not getting to find the real issue yet. We’re not finding what’s really going on and sometimes these emotional issues are hidden even from the client, and sometimes it takes a lot of detective work to bring them up. I’ve oftentimes run into walls so to speak and I’ve just kept being persistent and kept backing up, and all of sudden “Aha” and now we’re going through a door we’ve never gone through before, and all of a sudden we’re finding issues and we are getting healing where we seemed to have stopped. Generally speaking it’s not that EFT doesn’t work, it’s that we haven’t found the real issue yet. I think that EFT is appropriately applicable to every known emotional, physical or performance issue that you can name.

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GW So is there a danger in presenting it as a one minute wonder? GC I don’t think that danger is the right word, a lot of people are conditioned to wanting to find instant results, the fast food society – they want instant results. We do get that with EFT. We have on many occasions in one, or two or three minutes, a very brief period of time, taken care of emotional issues that have been plaguing people for decades, despite the fact that they have gone through all the conventional therapy that you can imagine. So yes, we get our one minute wonders – headaches will go away and other pains will go away, that happens a lot. While danger not being the right word, this perception that everything is a one minute wonder, that isn’t true, some things are one minute wonders, but other things take patience, they take persistence, they take skill, they take detective work, they take things like that. GW So there’s an art to actually being good at EFT then? GC Yes, but I would expand on that some. We have ten year olds who use what we call our basic recipe – that is the mechanics of tapping and what you say - and ten year olds get results really nicely. But if you get into more sophisticated areas, that’s when the skill of the experienced practitioner is invaluable because they can open doors that each individual client is simply to close to open. GW So where would be a good place to start on the journey to learn how to become good at doing EFT? GC Well first of all download our manual for free from our EFT website. That gives you all the basics and you can start using it from there. But after that we have some very elaborate DVD trainings which take people all the way from beginner’s status clear through mastery. One hundred and forty hours altogether, which details all kinds of approaches and ideas etc., to take people along the road to mastery. There are also a lot of people doing workshops that can expand on what we are doing. There are people who do workshops which condense what we’re doing, so after two or three days of workshops people can have a pretty good idea of what’s going on and can start using it, and some people prefer that. I personally think that people should do both, i.e. the DVD’s because that’s the foundational training in EFT, and then go to workshops as well to get other creative ideas on how to approach things. GW If you are just starting out in EFT, is there an area that you shouldn’t go into? GC Well yes, it’s a common sense area, you wouldn’t want to go where you don’t belong, you wouldn’t for example, if you were brand new at this, go to a psychiatric ward and start telling people you are going to take care of psychosis and schizophrenia and things like that. You wouldn’t go into hospitals and tell people you could instantly cure cancer and things like that. But with experience this technique can be applied to all of those things, I don’t care how severe. Well thanks Gary for sharing all this with us, and in the next issue we will be looking in depth into your new film. GC Thank you Gary

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Part Two In a moment I am going to be talking to Marla Tabaka

“Hello Marla” “Hello Gary” Marla from www.QuickTaps.com will be talking us through how to use the basic tapping technique and also giving us a practical example of how we can use the tapping process. “That’s right, Gary we will be looking at the EFT basic recipe”

But before that let’s take a look at how the tapping process has evolved. If you have taken time out to explore the internet to learn more about this amazing healing process, you may have been left feeling a little confused. There is a wealth of information available and many different ways that you can use the tapping process. Hopefully as you take part and listen to this audio program, it will help you to acquire a greater knowledge of what really works when using the tapping process. Also, why you need to learn it thoroughly, how it all works and how you can have real success with it in the real world. Keep in mind that just like learning how to drive a car or another similar activity, before you can become unconsciously confident and competent with the tapping process or driving a car, you have to learn the basics and make a few mistakes along the way to mastery. History of tapping

To start our journey we are about to discover how tapping has evolved. When you start tapping on the meridian points of your body you are really tapping into an ancient methodology, a process that goes back over 5000 years or more. You may have read about or experienced acupuncture and be aware of its roots in ancient china. We use the same points that are used in acupuncture or acupressure, which is why we sometimes say that the tapping process is a form of acupuncture but without the need for needles.

There are also reports that the use of needles and meridian points may even go back into ancient Egyptian history and as far back as Neolithic man. In modern China tapping is still used for health but it wasn’t until acupuncture and the use of meridian points were introduced to the west that we started to explore and discover how the system could be used to work with the emotions. There have been many pioneers who have helped the tapping process evolve to this point, including Diamond, Gallo and Goodheart. You can explore more about this evolution on the internet or in any good book on the subject.

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More recently at the end of the 1970’s, Psychologist Dr Roger Callaghan made an important discovery that was to change the face of the healing world. Roger Callahan had been researching into many new approaches, including kinesiology and Chinese medicine that worked in a more holistic way with the mind and body. In the field of Energy Psychology, Roger Callahan’s ideas became revolutionary and revolutionising. Roger Callahan created a process called Thought Field Therapy or TFT, a complicated system of tapping that has many different tapping approaches or

algorithms and a form of muscle testing to diagnose the client’s issues or illnesses.

Gary Craig, who is the founder and creator of the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, studied with Dr Roger Callahan and began to realise that if you just tapped on all the points in one go you would be covering all possibilities and would not need to spend the time diagnosing the client with muscle testing, and would not need to create different patterns of tapping either. This made the approach simpler and more available to others. We will be showing you Gary Craig’s adaptation of TFT in a moment or what Gary calls the basic recipe.

First let me share a story of how the discovery of the link between the tapping points and the emotions was made first by Dr Roger Callahan. Dr Roger Callahan was working with a patient called Mary and Mary came to Dr Roger Callahan with a chronic stomach problem. Roger, with his wealth of experience asked Mary to tap on the stomach meridian on the point on the face, just under the eye. To Roger’s amazement, not only had Mary’s nausea and stomach problem disappeared but also her acute phobia of water had also vanished. Mary began to run out of Roger Callahan’s office and towards his outside pool. This panicked Roger as he knew she could not swim. Mary turned and reassured him that she just wanted to sit with her feet in the water and splash water on to her face. It is important to note that Mary did not lose her common sense but had clearly lost her phobia. Later that day Mary was able to go into the sea up to her waist, something that had been impossible before. The phobia has never returned. We give thanks to Roger Callahan and also Gary Craig for making this process available to many millions of people, and The Emotional Freedom Technique would not be around today without the many innovators of the process. We recommend that if you would like a detailed look at how the EFT basic recipe works you can download Gary Craig’s free manual at emofree.com Marla Tabaka from www.QuickTaps.com is now going to walk us through the basic EFT recipe.

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The Basic EFT Recipe Thank you Gary … As you said, today we’re going to explore the EFT basic recipe.

The basic recipe for EFT has four components:

• The Setup • The Sequence • The 9 Gamut Procedure • And The Sequence again

Let’s talk first about what we call the set up - There are 2 areas that can be used for your set up phrase. Many practitioners feel that they are equally as effective. We’ll take a look at both points and you can decide which one feels the most comfortable or effective for you. We’ll begin with the sore spot… Find the U shaped notch at the base of your throat. From the top of that notch go down about 3 inches toward your navel and over 3 inches to the left (or right). You should now be in the upper left (or right) portion of your chest. If you press vigorously in that area (within a 2 inch radius) you will feel a spot that feels tender, we call it the sore spot. Once you find somewhere tender to the touch, you will rub it in a circular motion as you state your setup phrase. Don’t rub too hard, just enough to feel the tenderness. You may find more than one sore spot and it’s a good idea to use different spots if you need to do more than one set up in a session. Now the karate chop point… This point is located on the fleshy side of your hand…the area you would use if you were to karate chop your way through a piece of wood. It’s the spot below your pinkie or little finger on the side of your hand. To use this point, you would take 2 fingers of the opposite hand and apply steady tapping while you are reciting your set up phrase. Ok, we’re ready to move on to the tapping points including the 9-gamut procedure. Gary Craig refers to these 3 steps of the basic recipe as a Ham Sandwich because of the way it’s structured… 2 pieces on the outside and something else in the middle. So here we go – on to the sequence…Let’s begin with the tapping point at the crown point – it’s on the top of the head. Right around where a baby’s soft spot would be. This is one of my favorites. I like to gently tap this point with all four fingers so you don’t miss the exact spot. Tap at a steady pace, but not too hard. You don’t need to count the number of times you tap on each spot, but tap around 6-8 times on each point. Longer if you like.

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The next point is the inner eyebrow point. It’s near the bridge of the nose but over where your eyebrow begins, that’s right – just tap 6-7 times. Now move just outside of the bone on the side of the eye at the end of your eyebrow. That’s the outer eyebrow point. With me so far? Great! Now tap under the eye for the under eye point. We’re following our way around the eye socket – line your tapping up with your pupil right on the bone. Now, under the nose – above the mouth – give that 6 or 7 taps – there you go… Now we move on to the chin point, below the mouth right in that divot above your actual chin. Good. You’re actually tapping through your face and on the gums for these points. Let’s find the collarbone point. Run your fingers down the front of your neck and you will feel the U-shaped indentation at the base of your throat. Now move your fingers down and across about an inch – or two - until you feel the beginning of your collarbone – there you go. I like to use several fingers on this point, just to make sure. Now we’ll move to under the arm. Tap under your arm, about 4 inches down from the armpit. Now there’s another point I’d like to cover and that’s the liver point. It’s a good one to remember but you don’t see many practitioners use it because of its potentially embarrassing location. This point is located about 2 inches below the nipple on the ribs. It’s very easy to for some people to find because it’s often quite tender. Moving on to the finger points,

These points are not always used in a session, but are very useful to know and use on yourself. It is a great method if you are in public and need to tap but may not want to be obvious.

Begin by tapping alongside of the nail of the thumb. Tap on the lower corner of your nail, closest to your knuckle and your body. It is on the corner where the white half-moon shape is located at the nailbed.

Now tap on the same location on the lower inside corner of the pointer or index finger, skip the next finger – it’s not necessary because that meridian is covered on the other points. So now we’re tapping on the ring finger – and the pinkie, and now the karate chop point.

So in review, we have The crown – or the Top of the head Inside eyebrow Outside eyebrow Under the eye Under the nose On the chin Collarbone Under the arm Under the breast – which again is optional

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Here you can add the liver point if you like …for the sake of this recording we will not use that point. Now we’re going to move on to the fingers. Again, we don’t always use the finger points but they are included in the basic recipe. Begin with the side of the thumb, and move through the fingers to the karate chop point. Inside thumb, progressing through the other fingers – to the karate chop point. Those are the basic recipe tapping points. Now let’s go through the 9-gamut procedure.

Ready? Great – first, to locate the gamut point on the back of your hand:

Place 2 fingers between the pinkie knuckle and the ring finger knuckle of the opposite hand. Now move down toward your wrist about a 1/2 inch – and you’re at the gamut point.

While continuously tapping this point, perform the following 9 different actions :

1. Close your eyes for a second or two. 2. Open your eyes. 3. Keeping your head steady eyes only

down hard right toward the ground. 4. Now eyes down hard left, while holding your head steady. 5. Roll your eyes in a clockwise circle. 6. Roll your eyes in an counter-clockwise circle. 7. Hum 2 seconds of a song such as happy birthday or you are my sunshine. 8. Count rapidly from one to five. 9. Hum 2 seconds of the song again.

Make sure you perform these actions in the order given.

Most people select happy birthday as their tune, however any tune which you associate with happy occasions will do.

Ok, Great! Now let’s incorporate all of the pieces of the basic recipe: the set up, the points with our reminder phrase and the 9-gamut - into a mini-tapping session. ‘Today, we’re going to work on breathing – that’s right – sounds simple doesn’t it – because obviously you’re already breathing! Well, 9 times out of 10 we can breathe better – deeper, with greater awareness, really get the breath and the energy moving. Now, it’s important to remember to rate the level of whatever you’re working on – a before and after kind of thing. Typically, we use the SUDS scale of 0 to 10. A SUDS level stands for Subjective Units of Discomfort Scale. I’ve also heard it be referred to as Subjective Units of Distress Scale.

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Sometimes to achieve a SUDS, people best grasp the idea of a visual thermometer or a yard stick. If you think you need that visual, just imagine a measuring tool in your head to rate your emotion, physical sensations, or whatever you are working on at the time. Today we’re working with breath. In a moment, go ahead and take a deep breath and rate it from 0 to 10. 0 being, well, you’re not breathing at all, and 10 being the deepest, most satisfying breath you can imagine. Ok Breathe in….. that’s right, exhale - how’d you rate? Let’s see I am at about a 6 because I’ve been talking so much! Where are you? Did you inhale down into your solar plexus area? Did you release your stress as you exhaled? Write down your SUDS number now. Ok, let’s tap – beginning at your set up point. For today, we’re going to use the karate chop point for our set up statements – repeat that statement 3 times. Here we go… “Even though I have this constricted breathing, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”. “Even though I have this constricted breathing, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”. “Even though I have this constricted breathing, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”. Now let’s begin at the top of the head…while saying our reminder phrase… This constricted breathing The crown – or the Top of the head Inside eyebrow Outside eyebrow Under the eye Under the nose On the chin Collarbone Under the arm Inside thumb, index finger, middle finger, baby finger on to the karate chop point. Now to 9-gamut point….keep tapping that point and

1. Close your eyes for a second or two. 2. Open your eyes. 3. Keeping your head steady, eyes only down hard right toward the ground. 4. Now eyes down hard left, while holding your head steady. 5. Roll your eyes in a clockwise circle. 6. Roll your eyes in an anti-clockwise circle. 7. Hum 2 seconds of a song such as happy birthday or you are my sunshine. 8. Count rapidly from one to five. 9. Hum 2 seconds of the song again.

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Back to the:

The crown – or the Top of the head Inside eyebrow Outside eyebrow Under the eye Under the nose On the chin Collarbone Under the arm

There we go, now take a nice, deep, cleansing breath – that’s right – exhale….ahhhh – how’s that feel?

What is your suds level now?

Rate your breathing from 0-10 – how much of an improvement did you see?

If you really got up there, congratulations!

You’ve just succeeded in using the EFT basic recipe. If you showed little or no improvement – don’t worry. All you have to do is repeat this procedure – and eventually, you will relax!


My thanks to both Gary Craig the founder of the Emotional Freedom Techniques, from www.emofree.com and Marla Tabaka from www.marlatabaka.com

If you would like more details about the Tapping into Self Mastery program, please email: [email protected] or visit the website www.eftworldmagazine for more details.

Disclaimer While Tapping has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it. Please consult qualified health practitioners regarding your use of the tapping process.
