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TAR. - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · Bfit lliitiklntf until Iho cmltcrs had failed...

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-•'-V' TAR. ••4 VOLUME XVII. WASHINGTON, WAPvEEN (JOtnSTTY, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL ^ 1884. NUMBER-5.' PROFESSION A L. "^y.M. A. STUYKKI:, ~.~ Civil nml Criminal Law l'r.util ! oner, j WASHINGTON, H. J. tihlr.it <-<>niimr.l l-y Tol,.|.i.r.i... tcikl. IW» lulom, lb^.-n,l.,n». K.ut.u ..iiil I'-nSl-in .. . -: '• "••.,' "' •'.. ' ' ' '. JSI.l'.Mj", Tons M.*VA>ri)YK"i.r '•' "*. : ."-WllKlll'llKl'MI. Ti.-t.. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, .-•:—fivliell'ii'»>../ N'tAirr in cluit^ffii, ....--., |-llA(!TI'ri0XEB.lS TIIH UX1TKP STATUS COI:ilTS, ..." An.l in nllll./ Uanlt-cf Xf .i j rOSKI'll II. WILSON. Wonderful to Behold .1/11 •/•:/! m/.w, mm. 17'.« .'.'.• irii. >. In iin c i'l"Ani'i'.lnil3v'.iill »llr..li..» h, ll»- 1in-.il- ';! II.,;. Hill, t-II. a. |.lal'i. 1»» I'tw-»• I I- i Tlir liiioli;, Show, ' ;Sli|iiici's. Ktc, Hie. ••llmliis! a lireo .ll.i:.- i«i,IMlir>. -••T!»-r.. l,-..vii.» .1-1111 1III.- ITt'l-rl.-li . f.mmU)- rnhir. I- • :, t.llwl iniilt . 1.::mliir_- nil . ..111,., li.i]. lowers i.. [.ul.li.-1" .-.ill linii'C'oviir KIUK'HKCW Drnjt Klon 1 , oor-j licr on-'ront ,V ManslleM SU, Jlclri- ni 1 !'!*, X. >T, - Transacts all hraiichos of logal business, . : r.mayly ./j Wtlh all the latest improviwnls,') : - prepared to do t\rst-clasn worl;. l'ine Oold nml extra Silver Fillings at reduced prices. Alarge assortment of the best Artificial Teeth that ntoinadc. ; .O. OSMUX," BCROKOX t ; Latest Styles in Spring Goods, li'Viil Mii«-* •'• , Yoiuu; thxni. •• [I'll:,'. Hivjt.ta-t." I * KiVn i. ttlll. ,\ n.\t < iiiuv...;. Man »' Olll (iKU cii.l M'Hi -,.:• FRKSlfUA.SKytn AH branches of the profession rnrefuHy' performed. All work warranted, nnil '• '('heap for rash'. Cofi^es. l hi! Salty, ii |lil I'll' [>- w i l l .,1:... !i mil -I 1 ni'l rv Inu- ni.l IH i'?-"!!")' : nitl lull v l.y Hit- Ui.;< ;irli)i!-' 11:11.1. Dignity of Lowly Work. ll hiibttJiUlhee,ui>enltrl the MH */' M,ry .*"—Sr. MARK, A l.-i-Mtn, l.<ml, Hiom rlsliiaii year*'hi iin*; .N'l.Ul-tMvlicroi rniiM MI iliUncly Irani Ylmt Imiiilittt Im-kn aru1H-*1, liowVcr I yi-urii IWliJutHircplieriMvlierel may work iwirefrr*. lll.M turo tli(n>c i-titk-nt tollliii; year* tn Tim-, : Tln-lr m-n-t kq>l within Thylonely ln-arl, Wlil!,- iliciu wn*t trained hy ilully >klll «f urt Tn linll'l new world fur liiiinaiulrMiiiy. i'l'liy l-*iiltirewu«tli«Xii«. Tuaj.fromllKlii-I^bl Tliliu- cyi- ri-aJ meaning In tlie pa^flii^ tiny. If vtw* <»( lh'tttlj cast Hiuelmv* MI Tliy way. >*liul HIII »u» llmt 'MI ilurUllC.l in 1U llclit ? . O Nii/arni", '>nl 'if liiew toil* Ilit-n; mine Tliiil "IIUII wuv:h>: n*o?r ilcar-a ItrrtWr** ihrj* —IV. A. A. f-ip.'1'oni Spices 157 NOIiTlIAMl'TOX STtil'XT. ' :• KASTOX, 1'A, . Arllfioiiil Selss-prniH-rly utaili! on OHuliriil aiu giving Hie U M fiiUi-f;u-l!im lo llu> uriircr uf any Material In n-e. ami for imvorFd Is PH.* with cfeal '-"-Iv. .j"; T. H0WEE8. 5C IVasiiingtcjV Aye.,' i\\nti:n /••- "•';,! iplvi'loi'P, Wr.rrn: 3T. 1 Ct,0Ul> HOTKl/, | WASiMsuros .vvk., WASin.-iia«:>;,:;.. J. UNt9i;iii*Afr*Si':i> ' Jn Location, Acc.ntnniCMlation and Mr.H3go-| , !• tncnt. Permanent and Transionl j Gucsl3 well entertainer!. ; ; B^ll-TlARDTARLOR Attached, I 0. F. STAATF.S, /V..j.nV/oj-. Qu MARKI'.T S, On 11m Ptto of Uio olil "Wasliiiistoi; | liotel." Tjio liolcl i:>conveniently lfi^nteil ; GLASS and i OEOCKBBT WARE. , ' Full Pet ot' <.W1;«vy, -It pit>«'os ^:!.o(» ' I Toilet (ir Cbniultn- S*L . 2,50" U;iaM'lVaSfts(VDm(ii)c(.'iitHto 2.00 • i (iolii.'ls, iViHii ~r, (•(•ills to S2..10 JILT doz. AMP GOODS liotel." Tjio liolcl i:>conveniently lfi^nteil commoEfora'iou'ic "rawi'iin"VMif.™' iWs Will Sell Gooiis si WiiDiesaiij i ^ ^ " ' 4 * " ' ' j PfiCBSWi ' i!ai! > Presses : j - I iovK'AiiTic OILS, ^ m ^^^^^^m^Mms, ; Kerosene," ~ ' " '•"'' ; ""'" : N'eatsfoot and , Machine Oils I AHPKOTALTY. - , ; l.ill ilo\ lerscan Glass and 'CrMkerj Store, r LOfiJCT, J'ro-]i. r-os A jStylisli Suit DOES WONDERFUL CURES OF KJPWEYDJSEASEg AND >•/ UUci»c», Billoium'*.,-—..—iw, ^w..,.. in, P>UK, or In tl.iuunintutn. KeurnlHla, J • • • • ml nil Foinnl« rtiimpUluW. 'TillA n vmii UURELY cniti: COMST1PAT10M, PILES. * nnd RHEUMATISM, >r r-»«-)ti;r-FREE 1 ACTION cf «» creiiUB : "" " imil fiiactioM, Uicrcby ""•' CLEANSING the BLOOD •oaUdnc liionoranl power to throw off diseaw. THOUSANDS OF CASES or UL<- want forma of thuso tirflblr 1 b quicltty nUcvctl.nntlln Abh PERFECTLY CURED. . i.KjniHiit t<uv, SI)LD HI' intri;r.i>Ts. hlCl£Alills3:r& CoI, U Bii'rUncto«,VU Ail-l|.ini* wont Ills l.r.ulict Of till.- lie <llit ii"t llilnt; Wlirn liu (ml mi Ilii! roller r T l f f i l i l Iff'lt ]iut OH i-lfntr^ i<n liinrf: H.'trinl tu klrL llw n«il illl In. .:- Alhl-.ll lIoLVLI (Ml Itl.Mj.MI .Wlini ll..ll'liy.]n'in1ul I UKSirl- "II l UWIIHIUlUllflltfllll- AIHI UIK-II Ihi-y liftil Ilivlr tiqi-k- ull I" llwl lot.ii-tiill.';! l|.' Villl.." • •- A t'oriunatc Mistalte. "I'i<r vidui-rcreiviil, I prom^e to pn.v In Ilihiut SiiKnK Ike sum i<f:~ - , " Atico li|i rniK'tl nr.«! her f.tcc fiiishfd n h!o Hush thai wonM hnvo touched any one who lovnl hi-i; Imt Inn* younger sister, StiMi. 1 . whs I'tlli'i! in an I'u-ty'i'liair. only f-iiiil,"latiijuidlv: '•What «lisplr.i-=Cii JOII, Alii'i''/" , vnliic n-tfived," l>i*j»:tn Alic ailk drew, an-1 niaitos" Ihein olmnst hcar- nldp." / When, nflcr n most wearisnittu' evening for one, nl lonM, of tho qimrlcttc Ihnt rto ooay ni Jhnj'iifttarrHinil lliftllrp, L Siuim.4 Iind gona lo hia c!ult nr,il tlio two gills lo llirir rmmw, MH. Mini Bfit lliitiklntf until Iho cmltcrs had failed (onsullen(,'low;her nllccHmii mre far from nffrccnljte. • .' ". " I f l have overrated my lutltienco with Alice," die thottglit, "if aimtdiould reFm-o Uohcrt—aho certainly hud a tlefinutfttr to-nigbt—what, will liccomn ot..ii«.?_.'riin neighbors Kay he is n. Imni limn; hut that may be from jealousy from his attention tons. I tiitvo •Et'rivch nil tlicneycaw to tht: girl* » fliiiiit-i! to inal:o a good niarringc; or.d iww, wli* 1 !! Wtc Iioposoonis near-fnlfiltiiiftiil, \<> liftvn llmt ohitd.Ufi defeat my plan! Olt, it !« loo luumulntr! Wns ever u riDor motlier m wreMicd n.i nils trunk must Irtlonjr lo tlio Rontlc- n vrtlh tlm nh'Q PJ»» nn<1 »'>twith- itiling ln*r dciirei'Ion, slio brolio inlo a mi'rry lan^li ns sho tlmiif-ht of hU nst^n* Int whon, hr» KhonM Iind jictliroats, «, ctp.,'1113'03'1 of hii own wclMaiown cnu/ -The tough, however riulcd In pairing Ihousht in regiitd to l.cr own .ircil teamen I. What was hhu to do with- out ull .thorn sensible, useful ni-lldcs slio ind ttlcctcd with auclt care '/."• 'After ull," tiho tliousht, ' Aii'tuindalo Htulion'. ii r.ol n very larfio plaMiind T «ill Hcnd tint brtninul !• )r m m w wfiiily, :u phi; «ont flmv tin- I !'' slic o ly toher ron i-!n.«tifi conrrieiico ami nn easy, luxury* loving imturc: uliili! Aliro with lifr head licttvci'ii lirr into cii l i r li , ^ s wlnV'li fti» si.dii y-vi i\lnmt carry ins H\\a wr'ito ii tc:»r-l)Iis[ciccl k-tttr to h>>r motln'i", tolling licr how »h« had fouiul notos *»f Mr. I'olwrt Sininvi 1 hv mhtnko an i warehiD^' fur u dress—for indoeii i must hnoiv that she Iind imt to h<>iliihonorablo; how flit; was wretched in her iircs'jnl life, with tt.-i uliiiuc nnd nlUu.ipt-t to keep ui> a liidyliLo nppciinir.cn ln'fiiri! c. world of people rich- er lltJti ttieinsclvcs; how hha couMimt many U-iliorl 'Stmms. if he nilavl lier, JIO idio wnnltl goa*,\ay U n s«h"ol friend, nn whosi* help she cimld rely, and try lo gut SKiiU'cmpl'iymeni. Sho would Havc'ovory f jttiiii.!;'shn earned ami s- nd it to Ri>ltort Siitii'aa to pay tlm di-i;rnroful debt. 'And uK'ii»t\. dcir mamma, 1 ' .KIWthe ...•morrow morning to ransack cine i»rt of it for a man ami n luy, while I wjwlf, will search the oilier," After an 'e-../breakfast mid iurrvicw with thescn-anl, to whom she explained licr dilcmiiiu, Allco sot forlfi with itetw- Icrminitiou: 1ml ai IOIU turned Iho corner »f thfj «tro<*t, diesaw the gentleman whom >!»> wa«( seeking enminj< toward liot.: "OIi, tf «he cried, "you'mml Pv? tli» -{.'n- j*tntii I want !" "And you,'' hi- *;\l\. smiling duWu otf •t nnd* inlerriijUiiif: •l^r,'"yon must IIP ,.if lady I want, I hnve rnmfi to thvnw mjsclf nn your mercy, and hojic you have "Oli, iw!" cried Alico, f-)rg«tti:i}f pome- it'oiv all liLT'twiiWcs in tlm pretence ot tlii; liiimpatativc stranger, "tint your nt, did lie not n??il foinc of thon ilcaf ttititliin^V" , "Tlio po.ir chihl is ill to-d.iy, 1 am Hi»r- "l-'ur vatnc reived," l,i-K;ln .Al»-c: i^rHii.in end «f, tin- miilniglit -•fisHf, Cain, inKi'ity, as she lhmv Iho promls. ,.tl(J m u , „„, ,.)Vl, ynu !lC, ir y Ourc |,|M. iry .,..!«' ilium llif nM-rishioncl writhi".. rell.witi(.1V.1 , :r , ov, IlttS IUfiCll '-on to this I » 01 . tiililt 1 ; ".vt'c, that Imvfu'on inaniniii'H ml- ...o [iriuciplo tlirint<;li lifnj and1 nm?t wiy thai slio liaw ilta-overcil inui;iny tmwt in^iiion'*, if not nhvuys crcditaMi 1 , wnys tho lint'- ittt of ^c!iiii'4 the worth of her i money. Am I worth tlio money ' I won-! fata 1 ste-p jfleaso ilo not hornnv uny lore money. I :im wry mn-ry f'»r some hard thoughts I had of you, and already n>i>out the unkind things I said of yon in .-r, nnd I havo left Susie nil tl money. Am I worth the money: I won-1 1 ^ "nImillC ot.;v]lW]l Ml(J Cill| iWv |dcr will ItoLm Hhuius. Ih-nlc I nm^.rll, jmaU ^ ^ , ;1I0K ^ h;ls ^ ^ ^ ^ dcr i . these noil's tlia* iiKiininii l gii fro ttn-> lt"WrlHi WL-U toput on lioiv.iiiiywny? Wln-n ! iti Icarwifis wuitUl it i:»l iiiv - now; barouche, WM\PY IIHIHTI'M crf.'-t, 'the; motto, ' l-'nr valnu received ,'VOh, Hue.!" she ericil.' hitdtlonly, in nn uitpenl- ing voii-o, " how no'ild nianuna Iwrrow money'from- thai, iinti V How 1 hiittMlie few lusuiii-ii ih'al wii liiiv.Vhad lalely, now jltafuii In I lie tre:it- nljiive illnta •ItliootriU, tolyiliu. m ntj-Injiirlo l njiir it-iiiLH r chlliiru . A i iii L-tthur nntl !.i a »-.l, c,,. ulwV"v**Iecl *"«re «r \~i«r chlliiruit durlnj- Inclwtiieiit wntKrii.nl ai-a'liW*. bvtv* tH.f-t.- i!i yonr mi.iicliic cl»f-l. X-'in l»r ]iiii!i|ilt!tl to V. A, I.li\VI> & CO.. S<ilo ITopri.-t-.ir!". V< Cliaii-il -St. " "Sole'Age'aV" for" Porf'Norrls '"Cove'^lant OYSTERS. AH ovstors n evcrv Myl<-. .,...':. Ko Tub.Oj>n-r>. 1V m'neil frpsii froiii itiurlicll. MiLJK V; " Seiiil niiecloHiir.uiiil Mate the si/.u of willu'r worn, niul I wlU-rciurn liy imill ONEof MY " elcgiuit Drnss SlilrU, postosc paid.: I make Hils.libcriil olTufin onlor loinlro- ducc everywhere my **INR WIKSS SIIIUTS. 1 tvliich arc compascA ot the iwst. Wanisniln Muslin, liavc ruiuforced extra henvy tlireo-ply v.:llnen.bosoms; "Krcnch TlacUol tlecvcs ami iln- islied in a inofif ewpcrlor Plylc. .. DcBcrlptlvc circular of ehlrtii and vnliinlile rceent to eacli purclineer. ; J. T. ROBEY, MANUFACTURER. f) Marble andiGranite •tONUMBNTd umUlKAWrONKS luilor find erected, ccmctury iilots eneloi-cd. ; ' .'"anil•'sntIsfnctloii-jfimriintoi:!!•:-•;'; . . • •: •-• .rPlcosc enll . . \<) _uiiil cxnniiiie.my..sloel;. Vcfoiv. .'. ,'• 1 piirchaiilng .'clecwherfi/^perfgnt^^fui;;.^ iUlicil cliiTcrfully lo all persons rm alipllcniii "WaBbinpton M" J SEAL SKIN'SACQUES PftLETOTS AND DOLMS Fur-Lined .Circulars. Krcin jllJi.!.. . ... ' . ... . '. imlitlt' 5r>D p e r y JCAPES, COLLASS & MUFFS, 1 nil tlic newest jmltoir.?.-.! very I'lW.i.rlt-ei. 1 . Robe?, Gloves, Collars &Cups Tho '.L'ailor. . Suite to orsiGf from SIB to 40 Trowssrs ": ^ : 4 1 Q S 0. Overcoats, ;."'•• 2 f To 30 foci fit guaranteed. THE STANDARD. IVfilwtcr-lt IIM 118,000 \V.,I.1H Uilcjit DiiKravlnRK, nml nNov .mrniii.toul Dlctlomiry. 'Tlio liraL lin(:"oi ^o PUIVUC ch Prof. 1- Si-.arp, of Dfawingant! Painting, : Innil Its Brnnclics. >rtL'iUt» lix Crayon j>v Oil 't?n«onnblo nrlccs. For furl Her mullcHluris lrcBfl I SHVII w HniiiiiUtn N 1 Music Instructors. I',- Clark's now mclliod for llonl OnpniFi : Mack's method for Parlor Orpins; umira' -New Primer, for-the:.Parlor "Organ. i f Hind; hi1r'c1oUiBtonkat«3.!W;reH!AV$1.tfh- .;.:''.. Cftlt upon or nddrcsp/ "• • . ^ - T-^,^ : ^£ifc^ M^ Wi^y- >[nniifnfilurcr of lie Alleser.Oi^un. 1 !~T\^fi^iiiiiiKtoii,-r»r. .i*i-~- •""-'"VV'froiii' niv olil placn nf lineliim to 'tlie lin'itye "vV'-^ln the Borongli nf• Wiislitiiglon, ivln-ru 1 si aN0i0 '(1 i -."I 1 in Pinna n 1 nl (.1 nrt KMtHDPlirMPi ;W, ;p.;&.; K. jBTJRIiriTT, 1 ?'..Ac:!ur»'Mry HI-., •ftViir i-owl-Mitfi-*'. - 1 .- WEWAE31C. K- J. "^ii' liiestFiteFaiiiii'BaflSiiiis.'"""' .V:ij'i!K|.ly. • .; . . | - . . . . . |COnKRCliK\VSVjil.\(iO.\ r ALS, 'JMUCp'rH CHKViOXS, »A.I..\A' I^AXOV ClASSlM'JfirtliS,.-.• UMl/l'OX'S F U J M l K A ^ n S , AT. ii!Vi: lilll ACAI.I. AT H-"vc.. [IiMiig bought IliHjarno^ ilcpurlnici ol Uill3 A Son nl"t!ip old iinndpttmni intend mnnalnrlntmi, mil In I u p mi liin all gmdp.i fti" Harness ttobes, SSIauKet^, Whips? Combs, BriisUc?, &c Will bo pKnHca old cnatoniOltT nn 1 to sir nml son,, ill in) PAINTING!!! (illAININ'ii, jMINTNti,.!:- w '[nvimri'il In dulii tin 1 ,'{if IKU'HK ]'AINTIX(f, ;:. HANCfNC. KAI.SO- II tirdn'H-Jenv-ul UHle' •iMimiiiul.tilienlirrii. HepairinR nn 1 oilm^npailj mnlpi 1> done iml nntwl i lion "tuiumlccil mnlpioiii])l ll To Gonsximers of Wood j I wmild sivtu'iwline Mini wntiru iiiW•IJIVICII'- '•' ittt In runiiili moil f.U'Vo iiml l;lm»ln« wmul ,nl < Klnwt imllw. •'..«• lialuli ^o»r nci mptly on orilLr or t fl cents a mtmtl] All win. Vvifli <<• I'm sn] j)Lcasu.l<:nvn tlielr oriluir Eloro. or at. llornlmliiir •: lYoml slicit nl Morris Cit Tl-iACillilts and SCHOOIJi. \\V!,-tTlaiStandanl Aiillioritywiili tlioU. S. Stii.r.-iii^C'.nirl. ItocoiiimenilcdbytiK.-Stulo "'' "A LIBRARY IH ITSELF." ,Thn lutcstcauton, in lliotinnntify of matter It rfintniii?, is Ijcliovcdto bo tlio larijoal vwmno laiMlslictl. ':. i iloOO morn Woril'snnt! nenrly thr mlifr of Iilngravings.In tiny otho lime : Amrri 'r8w"i*>'vi'V-]>i*a«c«tiiHi1rollal>loflcliool- Upi-ti. the \vliolo family.— && Herald. WARMLY INDORSED BYr~:~ LY liigl Cnct. JtiiiKTon, AVm. II. 1'i-oHrott, hl 1 Kltl NDORS autliorlllo IE. \V. .lolm G V .hilni 1J, Klntl 1-II/-G. llallu K. U.Smnrt, i:/rnAlilnit, W m . T . Mit . XV. 1>. llmvcllw, li,-—•• -T. O. Ilutlnnd, G ,Tnin«» T. Vlolds, <!«'o. 1*. Mnriili, ••' Kip P. llntllo. Mitrrln, .. Konip U alone kopt a loadinK li it f i l y up to ip P. llntllo, nK plnoe, nml tho to tliUe."—London Tho Uim!iri<kcil In n ditlomil cut ow st with mnli n<l- ditlomil cut, with utiNI^ONS PATENT REFERENCE INDEX, "Tl nnniPBl imi rwmi>r»t In IMOT: muklnij llmt Ii w b f ii i in lu hi a I urn hf I j curs Q. &C. MEHRIAM& CO.. Pnb're,SprlnRfloltl,Mqg\ em ThaPainilyPanacoaforlS;...—,-^. Cwta. Brviisco, ntiil ihawniiiitlimr B[I1I.V,. , , ,. ij iix—1 know she has always itdinir my seal-kin jicki't. W'her. yon roml I hi.- I Klinll ha'rtit my wsyTo ' Aitltnrndalc statifiiir'Hoii'l'Hi-ito to urge nw to change my mind, for I nut fully ilciciiiiiti'.'d on my Il'finK the Irltr iir'iil Uu-ii stolii In 1 -liy' put H willi c i her room. Ho in roianiiiit nl'licr mt 1 ilr(!=« above Mir means, 'IJijr ti-ars foil slowly npftii tlie./dlondhiif nult 1 !*. • "Oil. wltfil'ft liliml fonl 1 li;tv l«wn._ not U, liavc j snsppcteii tins:" ; i '"(Jnltc true, my 'lour Alict"; ymi are a | foul to lake a t ritte so.«orion=»ly," sftiil tlio. : vniue ofMi-s Siiinii, 1 "If cousin Robert chooses tn Icml :i little of lib stir- ; money to tlin-e cliannin^ liulics whose iiiiist.inco-t mi- .•••iiiiiMvliut .strai'-liton- For slnuiii', riii>i'-'" em'il' Aturo, in* ligiiaiuly. "How ims 'wo to pay il, 1 sliouli! like to know',' " •You tlo. t;i:(uv, my. VLTJ* ilnav Alice; Imt ilo n't tw -w cmi'liiitic — you are, in tiict, almost, violent. 'I'lmtlast man tin- lj'liko Ftainp of tho foct iinitcsiiffip^- quake tli:il wo»M switllnw ii? nil 'iip'io'- gotlier." : -''. • ".Vow yon (UK ulii!(!i. i li, 'Alice. An ...rUin"ake.,?.S'p, l..U.iank_yoii,J( l ay(Mnc_ out ot 1 it, plOiisn—for" I 'have not" ycf worii my newjitush coatnnu 1 . Anyway, post- pone •, it,. unliL.J\fiOr. lh«,..iioxt.il'i'uiJi[!.i?.!k oci-U* 1 '^ " " ,' : " : ". ! ' : ""'~ r lt'th(M!oshi:r.L'wci-u misic, I should semi it.;,wttli-;my.:.«iimii1mn)nlB io cousin lloli- cr!,-its yon c;tll him. tlioiiRh -I couUT nevn'r like out wliy;.liU money, "f fonrsi*. psiid T II.'- . . . "(lice 1nick ,niy brown pliish cost nine ! Alice, yon nro 1 ficrininly' insane. TJioro is , y the ten bell! y na jjn down, my much troulilcil elder sister; and try to smile iip- nt your . ftttnvc hiistiaml for his mnjjna* I .ihnil.y." • . . . : . '.,,. ' !,..„Alice jaqyiHl nwny, followed leianrlyby. •Susnti; iind in UiQ |)leasantly-lif>blG(l littln ireiul tfi,i table wns .. :. Hinl nlrraily sat. at il« • hcud, nnd "cousin .Ilobert," luyii'g down tin)' evening imi'icr, looked iip..np- pi-oviiiRly" nt Alice's tlii; hoiVnlicelcvas sho '•MaticnioisclU', nro brillinnt to- niglit," ho sniil, with rallior an awkward at tempi nt n courtly cow. •"-•'~Alicu'"ooiiU-iiiU:Torcafl" 1 pftliUi-"Pinilr-r-l»it grimly took her sent; nml he.' thoughts were none too'iimiuhlo. ; • ° " "Robert Siinms hns nn air of iiromielor- siiiip," sho thought, '•"However ho .in not (jnito niuBler o'£ the situationu-ycL ^fnm- inji's. sijlojsJj.Y. Jiojiieans. .olllClcil.^^VI i nt nTrcil fuL-iTlio lms. ' Aml'smiir'tPfilh* \\a probably chcweil tobacco hrforo lie wns rich OIIOIIRII IDbuy mieli {rood cigars, us \rellMavwire;^0!Vs' 1 o^l' 1 ' i nl-- 1 »r«l--*P- wanl every body I"' . ^ •Oouain Robert" .rtle liis nmfiins anil rndinirciVAlic( 1 ; ; Snsiiii;-Ui!K.'oiirseil pltiuidly u])on the vnvions topics of the ilny; Mra, llird, with nn onensionnr anxiona glance tor 1'tlcn, Tlio l'.W.T. C«., l'.O. liox UOJ,"KiV Yiirl:.'... -~7:Viir'RiiS''m~WiimuiX\«inly'ni : uS'Sinrc7 1 -^ Cs " SuTa nr'TiiKTii \V ipy CLAHU.OiiiaiSAvn: - wIa.ltwnfHWBtirAve.-i daiigblci", enilenvoied tn .bin lo lio'r gnrsf. Her ^nbl!i>, nnd J litl MUtoilful t ict mult, ouil plaou lpmntls of lloliritSimtns rounl iiB-WAinso,, uit. of,Slh. Avo.~ Initial 'nrSti|l["Rt7N7'Yr"^: r"'^ n n l l I l l ' t ^. » p | l o l tIl tioubles HI Inn Lnuld not imt mmnplu •'Yca,"slio lhoiigbt,-"mn; >d <itrly y y ot licon serinn*ly, d l>y my cvcml v to S:iy, nnd .lira .lias limos of tlit* liind lady'nt tlmsfalion." "Oli, \<\\< I plirtiild like tn j-o ami see in !"..saM,: Aliiv, linpnhlyejy. __ Tlirii. nvt'iitit'imliiy atwi'titiff IlKi-lf, MtuaiMiM: >nl I lipjf yrtin* ii;iriloi:: p^vlinps—-" '• Vuiir offer I ncccpt a^ fr'aukly ns it was i.l.'; lip-.i<!c.H I know already Mint yuti r.ro iilmie in yonr friend'^ lu"»i ; i'. TlnVlmiy ,i!!i wliom I nui stopping U an acqnninl- aticc "F Mrs. l.tnvrpiico; nml Itridifet lias .,..n it'. tliH I'nrly Iiniir, luaila her anil your dilemma » snbj.u-t of gossip Kith my, trii'inl'rt MTViinl. We li.uliii) ililliti'iU'y in tirawmg con'-liiMons as ..to yonr identity. Old Jack In the Well. '•'.. .:• 1'or iKf-aiy yiMM nit oMinin of 'IMIC . country, trliom we will call Jacl: U:iUwiii, ciitl!vatfd tlm snil amltlrnwti IliPn 1 - : frotn a tiuinml f-»r hint'cU and wUeiJto (•* , dlcM. N"i»I biijf rince .lack lofi IIN,' i hotiso in dL'ari:!i of a intwitiK tow. MN ruitto led him tlironi;h an old worn-out :e ot clay land of about sit ncres in ex* - : lent, : Iii tlic rcntra of 'whlcli waja»oll j about lliii'ty fett deep that at wato-titua-- 1 [liadprobalilofnriiMliwl the inmates of it. : ! dilii|iidittci1 lif.nss near by '.vitli water, lit ,... 'in? ilia spot an ill wind drifted .fackV- 1 . \\n\i from liU head and maliciously wafio»l it tnthncil^o of Ilic well and ill it tumbled. Xow Jai'lt lia>l always . practise*t/J'.<u ••• ... na of economy, ami hn iiumr»»TV»^ | set abonl reonvcTinfi \ih Iiat. Ho n n i. Iho well, nnd lintling tt was riry at I lip A , lint torn lie miroikil the W[KI ; which Imlnd ; brought for Iho purpose of capturing the cuw, and lifter fcvrral attempl.i lo ratcb tlic Iiat with a non-0 lifl.uuwlndM In 'Siiva; tini't liy ;;u|ii^ ilunn inli> Iliu iv.ill ' I**ni-~" aelf. To arcotiipllili ihh li^nmln far.l rm,' cndtiniin rops l-i n stum[i bird by ainl, was coon on IiU .way down inlo Iho well. It was a f.wt »f mliitli tlaok w.is IftH obvioni tb:m tlia vender hereof—lliat a ini^hievotu fjllov/, whom we will rail Xcal Willii, wai in ilw old btii1diii£ uud flaw •luck %o down into Urn well, and iim Iiapp3iic«l lint .rn«k'« «'ld blind horeo ffa^ nearby willi :i bell on bin nock. The devil liiiii^clf, or «ome other wickpil xpirit, piit il into Seal's Iiead to havo a. little fiui; Will you tiiudly como :tl onM' 1 .' And I itu' meantime; 1 wilturc In tl:» rest' of ',ot:r property.' ?o be slippwl tip lo thn oMborHf, t:u hni-klcd the strap nml api>roachnl ll.i well with the hell inhUIMIHI, lin«-alinf;-. •lac!; lhniif;hl tl:-i otil Imr'y*.* -M'as ri'ni'n;;. and ?aid tn an uudiblo tone: "Iliin^tlit* ol.l i blind linrsr 1 ; liti'.^ Incnilny lbi;i wuy, r.ntv, ami lienin't jprt'no lnoi-j sans.' Ih.in t<< f.ill in lieroon m>"— \v<\ liall.l" Hal .the! sound nf llift .hell cinif.- closer, and.la.^l; wan rp.ninff til tlio lioltuni ni' tli.V v,vll. "firoat Jcni'aluiii !" unld •lad;; "the nl.l blind fool will be right on top of niu in y. fc minit-wo, It.ill—wo,. b:iw, .Hull!" , Jn-it tlmn .Seal »ot close to the well and liirkcil p a Ittlltj dirt on-Inch's bead. .lack thought I HitII wns iibont to conn 1 , got rlo-i- ' riUll>U |to the "well -uuil legal! to pray: '-Oh, of *,ot:r p r o p e r t v . " . , . " , •• ',,,*, -TW, Ml,»Ute Kiiiani.ii; ,,t ,..«ri,i '•» rf .". Il »™ i««<-y on-u-o, llnll-a pom- -- - I 1'iilhfi- who nit in—wo. Call—inn von..'. Mini. the train and morning siiowud her iho beauties of the liindscape. Nature brongbl il3 iidver fuilin;; balm lo ihn.tnrhuleni yoniiK soul, niid.slifi' wns almost ohocrfii when Intu (lidt eveninji she arrived at her :.s i i nation. * Tliu alation wiw'dimly lijilitcil, nml'tl few lumps tlickcrod will* the wind, Alice. in search for her trunk, .stumbled over i [tieer little bundle sitting on a satchel am Lscared voice conn 1 out oiit'.pf tlm bun lli\8iiyiiiK: . ' .' ' .• ' "Please, \.iii did not hurt ma riiiicb l'npa lelt me litre so long ago, ami I an: it mid ho. if {janc.aivay !" and tlie.ohil began to cry.' ' .'•.'"". ' ' ". '••". Alice lifted the little thinjj and I'oiufort "IJerlip, whore nfo you," ho eallcil. 'Mtcri 1 , j'apa, with n kind,'strange'la- dy. I was so afraid yon bad gono away," "(Iiinoiind lefl my lilllo boy! That is lianlly likely. Thank (he lady, Uerlie, and niadniiip, uccepl i;<y gmtiuiila also for tiii'"yoodiics.«r'"" i was detained by some nfininii tnin.!* liigjja^i 1 . .i.'nn I boot ny senico loymi?" • ••. .' "No, thank you," ivptictl Alioii. '•• . IJut ILH . ihs* gontlornRii , disappeared in the d:irkncsH,r.uml, Alico irndged along, followed by tho boy who bore her trunk, I alio rather regretted linr rcfiisnl of assist- ance, for tlic stranger's fnco had inlercsted '.[... ..-'-. " • •• s ""• Viti , Alice's Rcliool friend, .Cuba ijuWrcuc', had mart-ieil Hrioii'"tifler . loaving Mount Urilyolio Seminary, wbew Ilia tvro givla had 'grown "very 1 " fonii'oi"each other, and ofton written to Alice asking her to come to her, lo . tulmjro; her husbamlj her new house arid lill'.Uio'rtcHghtfl'ora'yonnfj wife," Unfortunately, nt'lho time »f Alice's sud- den 1 departure '"from" hot-, itiolhci', Jfrs. Liiwreiicobinl gone <mn day's visit, to her "no^vi ; QlftirveHr'"SoV r wbbirllie'trQvdor^l^ rived, expecting a hearty, welcome, ahtj found only n dull faced servant lei receive r. l.'itrlton and Ali il hV-^< • 1 .!iwri i Iind • iv;o tier.-idM chatting coia[r<itiibly to^ftiior in hoi- <lriininf(- oin. Slw kissed Alii:?, tvhu introduced «• tn .Mr. (.'trllon, nnd t(>IO tier r.r her UttstoltiVlitilhFni'i; 1 :'• ' '" "Hut. indi'ud,*' Iif'»k*j in Mr. i.'urltr.ii, j iitiliin;,'. ''1 f.ui mi longer jio« in the ttmt'.tc.Mi! a di'viitL-d fittiicr; Uurtic i.-i.niy, pIwwriiul"ii<'tV"^^n?a"Aliw1.asiiir Ucd nil aloii',', my son." 'Mint Iho iihotograph of tlm huly in yrmr trnnl-:? Surely sbo i.s your wile? '' .Sim was ii dearly lovod sister, who ilied a year ago and left her little son to ri'turncil she ' brought him (if air mid with erribly rud, ic en worlds to provcut; atnl, when rltou looked at her with a menu- my =ol(M-aro.. T In me hen: fi»ra c*ha'no . Alice's lawh:i'l, .tlniiti" this cxpbnu- lion grown terribly rud, whieb she wonM Inive gi Mr. Ci ing look sho could Inrdly undersUnd, she turned siidilenly pule ;unl woulil liavu ful- li'ii but tlmt In* hold nut hi; nnn t;i wip- lcrtlmi. •"Tlio poor tlurliiig is overtired!" cried Mrs. r.:iwrL'iice s.vinpalh'.-tiiMlly,. "1 will call -lolni li> help itor.iip tj her room, and Snt'r~brroro'- : --inhn-"«'«!i.Iil »e-iw 'Carlton had kissed"AKcn. iind bo; she would not FOIKI him awny, bi had tovud her for so short :i tiiao oy ri,r__Vo\pilliol( scrvhil.sliowctl lir i , r __o , her lo her room, nnd left her u prey lo the l. mehnchoh nllcctions n girl over ulged in. V jri 1 * Tai Icut o _w£iilj bu ithoine"in llnco dft\s I r»ln;i t hml pnul but Ihroci uts and nT 5 "cinl)ronlorod nd in one 5 uid tlm litih le'r tniuli. Mfthigtbo lid,' insten.1 of her own .familial 1 lii'Iong- inga.4hhoi.-i!jaw.-befui i ftiiior.ji.uigar.ctisc!,jia pile of'snowy shirts, Hijioliing ^np, and sock?,- collars nnd suils of a l.>oy---.- . • Alice filiii-Ri!...while she mechanically lifted( Iho. masculino effects one by ono, until a pile of letters sndjenly reminded lior that slio wns an jintrndoi', and she iins|enedvto put tlio, things, back-with weminnly : 'piociSoT,~"^^ lli^chiM'a coal.s, andthinking l.hiii a php-. lUEriiph dl'.tv lady thnt lay amfiiig tbniri '\wig^oiie'orSiVpreUiwt'slid'hair6v^^^ )iijr* irtUII'R^JJ!eni^iiTri.);« du(^^ r ii~s6ar,4y r.l»VJ u*1 flr,B!IC;1 inIo-hnr.head at.once. : :^s^£r ..,.1.1 think;! nuisL have loved yon from I lie iiril," she said, Pio'iply."! ''litit 1 iiiiist lull you how bud I nm. I liavf. rusi^way from KiaicMii and Uoberl .Siuici*.'' '•liiibiTt Simins," wiad Mr. t.'itrlion; :i tii'i-fcimp who is i\ notorious hind.shark, .md-tryiny thwvery, minute tn ehoat mo otiL of. the very prcllicFl. bit of property is the worM. What cluini' can tic have tpim my A life V '' . . ,;"\\'(j owe him m.oiii'y,' 1 said Alit-i-, with downcast eye?, • •• ."Very well, my (hirliiigj.we will pronipl- .v (my'him.nnd bo married with dmir ci'ii- Efiionccs as soon ns tho law tiHawnJ" ' „,'; ^•Tlm rccrcftut John having nt. last been disoftverod, Mrs. Lawrenet-, on coining to take iim tii-eil guest, to boil, found her resting happily, ngninat Mr.. (Inrllnn's hniiidcr...,-^—I.;..';' . '.• . • '. " A New Kind of WarShip. '""A"siil>VnTu*iiio'botit whidi'oup l .ii,!obo load ,.(i-d^simyAbo!navi(?s!pfJbo.,worldli:ia.becn_ mtuta nt Stockbolnir"It was tried on'the Mahii- Uke ,nml will^hortly bo brought. oveTio Vrnneo. The boat^lias the shape i>f : .a"t-.cigar1:..Eistjvfoiir"Jcet''-loiiRl- J 8ix.fcof wlHe'nndrlins an ougino of Ihirty horso power. It is-said'that itjean benavignted under water, goos at Iho Sliced often nau- 1-ieal miles nu hour nnd tUnlfimr persona can withoul, tiny danger i remain in it for ti.v^lioura^riin •yiindcTis'tlib"" IRVVIHIIIIC. TA." bonf, which ia steered fi'oui tlm top of flu nylinilnr.-wliei-LV.a:.. class ..roof ennbles the | man at tho wheel to seniho RUiTnce of the water nml direcl Iho ro'.icse u\ hi? strange uibmarinr- cngiuo ol' dt'striiRtion^ . _.... -.,; : '•• ' ^Merited 'Praise;. .,',,.- ..''' Tlio niiivfi'snl pruisti Ifi'SlowiM upon Kidiu\v-Wort n^ nn inviOwiblo rniiedy for I'all, jec! wliat'll . . . NO.T I lay. me dnwii ti>" si—Jni 1 , lEail, oiit iir yoinV liven'! {jn?t " then in fi-l! . more! dii'l) back, Hall: Oli, Lorit, if you over intend tn i!o any- tiling for in.'—back, linll, wo, lio !—iliy. riic—jee, Tiall—Oh, I.onl, you . know I wns baptised in Smith's milUcliUn —wo. Hall. !;a!'itc.! murder'.wo--fiircwoll worked. . showed himself at the lop of llift well,.' villi :i big. hoarse laugh which'might tave been hoard two imle-i. 'Hits was moro that Jack could hear iind h5 ptartod up thempo like a. monktiy. "JllasL your picture, I'll give you fits; I'll mukc your in^ worse "an 1 that lv. : ll," Xoal lool; lo his lieeld and ran like ;i ([iiailcr-horse, il the last th.it was sciv;.of him-li«. W.IK liult a mile fr.nn the T..-1I,' vvitii Uv<i big dogfs grabbing; at his ccmt an>l -Tael; i-lns^*- lwhind him. ' . .- '. • . • A Strange Hallucination Curtij. : .Sk'tuliniicliv, u wLnratfil pliilw<i|tlwn-'of the seventeenth century, was for. a loiif.; time the .victim of a.pingulir not ion. Hi- funeii^l lliat he ban, an ei.Tnjoiia \o'j, ol' lqiliio: "\[n\'i is M: p , .\!:i|..'lit 1 .ii)! 1 lii tn- ay'r' 1 ''I'lOtty well, on'.l he whole; but iliW .nrjiil log of mutton i.- 1 getting *iuilo'tin : iG:ir:ili!'.! by its weight'nnd its susr-ll." '\Vli;it !" ThU li'S of hint'ton •;'"'•••"Vrs; can'r yuit ?L ' f> it ii.in«ing thiiiM in front?" Tf the (ni'iut burst into n tniijjh, nr ventur- ed lo dc'tiy lh^ uxisiauce nl'.tliu^Sliiin^c 'noineiiftit. Mitttibi'ancliii v.'o'nld yi~ o r t lto* li oTifivIi i cl i" inding ttlujr loads to lit els, IH -.viirsnlly line ill shlosr lolt-ilm TiiiluV»yH, liyor, and bow. volt nu'riied'.-iV virtue i'iviuiel-its-'cnres;- -•M aiiT' ob'siiuain-i'ciiws -have l»ut.' nn'inirp her I was'one of tho iiretticfit alio Uaii over s e e n . r " . -—••• -.-•« ..^ .:,,-., •-..;.•,. : _ . ,.^,, 1 M. ,...,..,-, , ...J:...rj-J...i.»...— imma^iCR out I tho child at tho stalioQ struck he^ Every oiUoll iiMh e oif^iin;iHair;utc- M«.^^!"I^l-^^^t£™-' p angry. At. lenjrtii'-. nf hi:;, u m:in RiftD.l wifh.i Wuse of ihc hnnierons*, dcloiininrtl Co fnvo liim by sonic menns or other, ('iilliiiic ui'on him one day, he tifil'Otcd io sec ibo cause of-his troublo, anil iiK|iiirod about-'it. Tao imaginary patient, ovci'conic with Rralitnde, ran In umbrmtc his Ih'st bdio.vci, wbo| nteppiny baiikwards ulfered a cry. ''What, have I hurt you, my friend'? 1 ' ''Certainly; you hnve run your-.log of mutton into my eye. Xlvally cannot understand why yoi liaveiibi'inoiVl.o'^l'rid of that / _^ apncnilnijo long since. If you will allow me with a rnaor—un (.peration^pcrforniciV without tho sliEjIitcsl tlaiiROi"—" "My fWend, my friend, youwill have paved life j Oh ! Ah ! Oh ! Tna twinkling an cyii'Vlie'fncnd had-slight!;, tip of hit uo?c,.nnil producing from under' . his eoal-.ii FjitondiiV log of nmlton; irished^it.-'.triiiinplinii.JJj^ix.in.-^Hi'*.^, ...^, Ji.V.cxblainiPil Malelirnfiehe,' "Tlive, 1 breathe U-, My nose ia fror, my head free! Hut—but—il was it raw one ami this one'is cooked I' 1 "Whyj';of'' enn'reo: '•you have been sitting for- an hrinVpftlnno1 'tin; lire•"' From lliis.lima .Malebranobi --^-^"•"'Ar'tesiiin Wells, - •• r-'rhc nntno'.' 1 AV?aian 1 ' ns applied toiloep ivells;'cniiinpj: IVom 1 Arlois '.Ouifjienl 'Arlc* lium), an old nivmnpo. of l ? r!'inccf i 'whci'? nany Ru-h J W(jlJs wi-e snn!;; M a n y "w>lld if iho same .di-sWiptimi havo,. boon IJOITIV tl'nUc!""!^ I numbi'r in deepest i One : ''0^rlh(: in the city of ihia (uinulry ClnirlnMu!S'SvO.,.;i l l^w^r^^^_ .be.smiU to n.dfiitb.iln'invill givo wni'T>*i ilm'iiiiiiHtyrdi^iivajimViiiJlie 1 -iiifmiily •ii wired ;^n.i$ ?; : rL-iiiu",-j-'iiy^uii'i^l.mii - 'M ,,fe i^-i-: mmsm
Page 1: TAR. - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · Bfit lliitiklntf until Iho cmltcrs had failed (onsullen(,'low;her nllccHmii mre far from nffrccnljte. • .' • ". "Ifl have overrated my lutltienco


TAR. ••4



Civil nml Criminal Law l'r.util!oner, jWASHINGTON, H. J.

tihlr.it <-<>niimr.l l-y Tol,.|.i.r.i... tcikl. IW»lulom, lb^.-n,l . ,n». K.ut.u ..iiil I'-nSl-in . .

• . -: '• "••.,' "' •'.. ' ' ' '. JSI.l'.Mj",

T o n s M.*VA>ri)YK"i.r '•' "*.

: ."-WllKlll'llKl'MI. Ti.-t..

Attorney and Counsellor at Law,.-•:—fivliell'ii'»>../ N'tAirr in cluit^ffii, ....--.,


An.l in nllll./ Uanlt-cf Xf .i


Wonderful to Behold .1/11 •/•:/! m / . w , mm. 17'.« .'.'.•

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i'l"Ani'i'.lnil3v'.iill »llr..li..» h, ll»- 1in-.il- ';!II.,;. Hill, t-II. a. |.lal'i. 1»» I ' tw-»• I I-

i Tlir liiioli;, Show,' ;Sli|iiici's. Ktc, Hie.

••llmliis! a lireo.ll.i:.- i«i,IMlir>.-••T!»-r.. l,-..vii.».1-1111 1 III.- ITt'l-rl.-li

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- , . : • FRKSlfUA.SKytnAH branches of the profession rnrefuHy'

performed. All work warranted, nnil'• '('heap for rash'.

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[>- w i l l.,1:... !i



rv Inu-ni.l IH


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l.y Hit- Ui.;<

;irli)i!-' 11:11.1.

Dignity of Lowly Work.

llhiibttJiUlhee,ui>enltrl the MH */'M,ry .*"—Sr. MARK,

A l.-i-Mtn, l.<ml, Hiom rlsliiaii year*'hi iin*;

.N'l.Ul-tMvlicroi rniiM MI iliUncly Irani

Ylmt Imiiilittt Im-kn aru 1H-*1, liowVcr I yi-urii

IWliJutHircplieriMvlierel may work iwirefrr*.

lll.M turo tli(n>c i-titk-nt tollliii; year* tn Tim-,

: Tln-lr m-n-t kq>l within Thy lonely ln-arl,

Wlil!,- iliciu wn*t trained hy ilully >klll «f urt

Tn linll'l new world fur liiiinaiulrMiiiy.

i'l'liy l-*iiltirewu«tli«Xii«. Tuaj.fromllKlii-I^bl

Tliliu- cyi- ri-aJ meaning In tlie pa^flii^ tiny.

If vtw* <»( lh'tttlj cast Hiuelmv* MI Tliy way.

>*liul HIII »u» llmt 'MI ilurUllC.l in 1U llclit ? .

O Nii/arni", '>nl 'if liiew toil* Ilit-n; mine

Tliiil " I I U I I wu v:h>: n*o?r i lcar-a ItrrtWr**

ihrj*—IV. A. A. f-ip.'1'oni


157 NOIiTlIAMl'TOX STtil 'XT.

• ' :• KASTOX, 1'A,. Arllfioiiil Selss-prniH-rly utaili! on OHuliriilaiu giving Hie U M fiiUi-f;u-l!im lo llu> uriircruf any Material In n-e. ami for imvorFd Is PH.*

with cfeal '-"-Iv.

.j"; T. H0WEE8.

5C IVasiiingtcjV Aye.,'

i\\nti:n /••-

" • ' ; , !

iplvi'loi'P, Wr.rrn:

3T.1Ct,0Ul> HOTKl/, |

WASiMsuros .vvk., WASin.-iia«:>;,:;.. J.UNt9 i ; i i i*Afr*Si ' : i> '

Jn Location, Acc.ntnniCMlation and Mr.H3go-|, !• tncnt. Permanent and Transionl j

Gucsl3 well entertainer!. ;

; B^l l -TlARDTARLOR Attached, I0. F. STAATF.S, /V..j.nV/oj-.


On 11m Ptto of Uio olil "Wasliiiistoi; |liotel." Tjio liolcl i:>conveniently lfi^nteil


, ' Full Pet ot' <.W1;«vy, -It pit>«'os ^:!.o(» •' I Toilet (ir Cbniultn- S*L . 2,50"

U;iaM'lVaSfts(VDm(ii)c(. ' i i tHto 2.00 •i (iolii. 'ls, iViHii ~r, (•(•ills to S2..10 JILT doz .

AMP GOODSliotel." Tjio liolcl i:>conveniently lfi^nteil

commoEfora'iou'ic "rawi'iin"VMif.™' iWs Will Sell Gooiis s i WiiDiesaiij i

^ ^ " ' 4 * " ' ' j P f i C B S W i ' i ! a i ! > P r e s s e s :j

- I iovK'AiiTic



; K e r o s e n e , " ~ ' " '•"'' ; "" ' ": N'eatsfoot and, Machine OilsI A HPKOTALTY. - ,;

l.ill ilo \

lerscanGlass and 'CrMkerj Store,

r LOfiJCT, J'ro-]i.

r-os A

jStylisli Suit




>•/ UUci»c», Billoium'*.,-—..—iw, ^w..,..in, P>UK, or In tl.iuunintutn. KeurnlHla, J

• • • • • ml nil Foinnl« rtiimpUluW.'TillA

n vmii UURELY cniti:COMST1PAT10M, PILES. *

nnd RHEUMATISM,>r r-»«-) t i ; r -FREE 1 ACTION cf " » « » creiiUB

:"" " imil f i iactioM, Uicrcby " " • ' • •

CLEANSING the BLOOD•oaUdnc liionoranl power to throw off diseaw.

THOUSANDS OF CASESor UL<- want forma of thuso tirflblr1 b quicltty nUcvctl.nntlln Abh

PERFECTLY CURED.. i.KjniHiit t<uv, SI)LD HI' intri;r.i>Ts.

hlCl£Alills3:r& CoI,UBii'rUncto«,VU

Ail-l|.ini* wont Ills l . r .ul ict

Of till.- lie <llit ii"t llilnt;

Wlirn liu (ml mi Ilii! roller r

T l f f i l i l

Iff'lt ]iut OH i-lfntr^ i<n liinrf:

H. ' t r in l tu klrL llw n«il illl In.

.:- Alhl-.ll lIoLVLI (Ml Itl.Mj.MI

.Wlini ll..ll'liy.]n'in1ul I UK S i r l - "II l


AIHI UIK-II Ihi-y liftil Ilivlr tiqi-k- ull

I" llwl lot.ii-tiill.';!

l|.' Villl.." • •-

A t'oriunatc Mistalte.

"I'i<r vidui-rcreiviil, I prom^e to pn.vIn Ilihiut SiiKnK Ike sum i<f:~ - , " Atico

li|i rniK'tl nr.«! her f.tcc fiiishfd — nh!o Hush thai wonM hnvo touched

any one who lovnl hi-i; Imt Inn* youngersister, StiMi.1. whs I'tlli'i! in an I'u-ty'i'liair.only f-iiiil,"latiijuidlv:

'•What «lisplr.i-=Cii JOII, Alii'i''/" ,vnliic n-tfived," l>i*j»:tn Alic

ailk drew, an-1 niaitos" Ihein olmnst hcar-nldp." /

When, nflcr n most wearisnittu' eveningfor one, nl lonM, of tho qimrlcttc Ihnt

rto ooay ni Jhnj'iifttarrHinil lliftllrp,L Siuim.4 Iind gona lo hia c!ult nr,il

tlio two gills lo llirir rmmw, M H . MiniBfit lliitiklntf until Iho cmltcrs had failed(onsullen(, ' low;her nllccHmii mre farfrom nffrccnljte. • .' • ".

" I f l have overrated my lutltienco withAlice," die thottglit, "if aim tdiould reFm-oUohcrt—aho certainly hud a tlefinutfttrto-nigbt—what, will liccomn ot..ii«.?_.'riinneighbors Kay he is n. Imni limn; hut thatmay be from jealousy from his attentiontons . I tiitvo •Et'rivch nil tlicneycaw to

tht: girl* » fliiiiit-i! to inal:o a goodniarringc; or.d iww, wli*1!! Wtc Iioposoonisnear-fnlfiltiiiftiil, \<> liftvn llmt ohitd.Ufidefeat my plan! Olt, it !« loo luumulntr!Wns ever u riDor motlier m wreMicd n.i

nils trunk must Irtlonjr lo tlio Rontlc-n vrtlh tlm nh'Q P J » » n n < 1 »'>twith-itiling ln*r dciirei'Ion, slio brolio inlo a

mi'rry lan^li ns sho tlmiif-ht of hU nst^n*Int whon, hr» KhonM Iind jictliroats,«, ctp.,'1113'03'1 of hii own wclMaiowncnu/ -The tough, however riulcd Inpairing Ihousht in regiitd to l.cr own

.ircil teamen I. What was hhu to do with-out ull .thorn sensible, useful ni-lldcs slioind ttlcctcd with auclt care '/."•

'After ull," tiho tliousht, ' Aii'tuindaloHtulion'. ii r.ol n very larfio plaMiind T

«ill Hcnd tint brtninul !•

) r m m wwfiiily, :u phi; «ont flmv


I ! ' ' slic oly to her ron

i-!n.«tifi conrrieiico ami nn easy, luxury*

loving imturc: uliili! Aliro with lifr head

licttvci'ii lirr


c i i l i r li , ^s wlnV'li fti» si.dii y-vi i\lnmt carry ins

H\\a wr'ito ii tc:»r-l)Iis[ciccl k-tttr to h>>rmotln'i", tolling licr how »h« had fouiulnotos *»f Mr. I'olwrt Sininvi1 hv mhtnko an

i warehiD^' fur u dress—for indoeiii must hnoiv that she Iind imtto h<> iliihonorablo; how flit; was

wretched in her iircs'jnl life, with tt.-iuliiiuc nnd nlUu.ipt-t to keep ui> a liidyliLonppciinir.cn ln'fiiri! c. world of people rich-er lltJti ttieinsclvcs; how hha couM imtmany U-iliorl 'Stmms. if he nilavl lier, JIOidio wnnltl go a*,\ay U n s«h"ol friend, nnwhosi* help she cimld rely, and try lo gutSKiiU'cmpl'iymeni. Sho would Havc'ovoryf jttiiii.!;'shn earned ami s- nd it to Ri>ltortSiitii'aa to pay tlm di-i;rnroful debt.

'And uK'ii»t\. dcir mamma,1' .KIW the

...•morrow morning to ransack cine i»rt ofit for a man ami n luy, while I wjwlf,will search the oilier,"

After an 'e-../breakfast mid iurrvicwwith thescn-anl, to whom she explainedlicr dilcmiiiu, Allco sot forlfi with itetw-Icrminitiou: 1ml ai IOIU turned Iho corner»f thfj «tro<*t, die saw the gentleman whom>!»> wa«( seeking enminj< toward liot.:

"OIi,tf «he cried, "you'mml Pv? tli» -{.'n-j*tntii I want ! ""And you,'' hi- *;\l\. smiling duWu otf•t nnd* inlerriijUiiif: •l^r,'"yon must IIP

,.if lady I want, I hnve rnmfi to thvnwmjsclf nn your mercy, and hojic you have

"Oli, iw ! " cried Alico, f-)rg«tti:i}f pome-it'oiv all liLT'twiiWcs in tlm pretence ottlii; liiimpatativc stranger, "tint your

nt, did lie not n??il foinc of thon ilcaf

t t i t i t l i in^V" ,"Tlio po.ir chihl is ill to-d.iy, 1 am Hi»r-

"l-'ur vatnc r e i v e d , " l,i-K;ln .Al»-c: i ^ r H i i . i n end «f, tin- miilniglit -•fisHf,Cain, inKi'ity, as she lhmv Iho promls. ,.tl(J m u , „„ , ,.)Vl, y n u ! lC, i r y O u r c | , | M .iry .,..!«' ilium llif nM-rishioncl writhi".. rell.witi(.1V.1 , : r ,ov , I l t t S I U f i C l l ' -on to thisI » 0 1 .

tiililt1; ".vt'c, that Imvfu'on inaniniii'H ml-...o [iriuciplo tlirint<;li lifnj and 1 nm?twiy thai slio liaw ilta-overcil in ui;iny tmwtin^iiion'*, if not nhvuys crcditaMi1, wnystho lint'- ittt of ^c!iiii'4 the worth of her

i money. Am I worth tlio money ' I won-!

fata1 ste-p — jfleaso ilo not hornnv unylore money. I :im wry mn-ry f'»r some

hard thoughts I had of you, and alreadyn>i>out the unkind things I said of yon in

.-r, nnd I havo left Susie nil tlmoney. Am I worth the money: I won-1 1 ^ "nI m i l l C ot.;v]lW]l Ml(J C i l l | i W v

|dcr will I toLm Hhuius. Ih-nlc I n m ^ . r l l , j maU ^ ^ , ; 1 I 0 K ^ h ; l s ^ ^ ^ ^dcr i .these noil's tlia* iiKiininii l g i i fro


lt"WrlHiWL-U to put on

lioiv.iiiiywny? Wln-n ! itiIcarwifis wuitUl it i:»l l«iiiv - now; barouche, WM\PY IIHIHTI'M crf.'-t,

' t he ; motto, ' l-'nr valnu received ,'V Oh,Hue.!" • she ericil.' hitdtlonly, in nn uitpenl-ing voii-o, " how no'ild nianuna Iwrrowmoney'from- thai, iinti V How 1 hiittMliefew lusuiii-ii ih'al wii liiiv.Vhad lalely, now

jltafuii In I lie tre:it-nljiive illnta•ItliootriU,

tolyiliu. mntj-Injiirlo


it-iiiLHr chlliiru

. A


iii L-tthurnntl !.i a»-.l, c , , .

ulwV"v**Iecl *"«re «r \~i«r chlliiruit durlnj- InclwtiieiitwntKri i .nl a i - a ' l iW*. bvtv* tH.f-t.- i!i yonrmi.iicliic cl»f-l. X-'in l»r ]iiii!i|ilt!tl to V. A,I.li\VI> & CO.. S<ilo ITopri.-t-.ir!". V< Cliaii-il -St.

" "Sole'Age'aV" for" Porf'Norrls '"Cove'^lant


AH ovstors

n evcrv Myl<-..,...':. Ko Tub.Oj>n-r>. 1V

m'neil frpsii froiii itiurlicll.


V ;" Seiiil niiecloHiir.uiiil Mate the si/.u of willu'rworn, niul I wlU-rciurn liy imill ONE of MY

" elcgiuit Drnss SlilrU, postosc paid.:I make Hils.libcriil olTufin onlor lo inlro-

ducc everywhere my **INR WIKSS SIIIUTS.1 tvliich arc compascA ot the iwst. WanisnilnMuslin, liavc ruiuforced extra henvy tlireo-ply

v.:llnen.bosoms; "Krcnch TlacUol tlecvcs ami iln-islied in a inofif ewpcrlor Plylc. ..

DcBcrlptlvc circular of ehlrtii and vnliinlilerceent to eacli purclineer.


Marble andiGranite

•tONUMBNTd u m U l K A W r O N K S luilor

find erected, ccmctury iilots eneloi-cd.; ' .'"anil•'sntIsfnctloii-jfimriintoi:!!•:-•;';

. . • •: •-• • .rPlcosc enll . . \<)

_uiiil cxnniiiie.my..sloel;. Vcfoiv. . ' .

,'• 1 piirchaiilng .'clecwherfi/^perfgnt^^fui;;.^

iUlicil cliiTcrfully lo all persons rm alipllcniii

"WaBbinpton M" J


Fur-Lined .Circulars.K r c i n j l l J i . ! . . . . . . ' . ... .'.

imlitlt'5r>D p e r y

JCAPES, COLLASS & MUFFS,1 nil tlic newest jmltoir.?.-.! very I'lW.i.rlt-ei.1.

Robe?, Gloves, Collars & Cups

Tho '.L'ailor. .

Suite to orsiGf from S I B to 40

Trowssrs ": ^ : 4 1 Q S 0.

Overcoats, ;."'•• 2f To 30

foci fit guaranteed.

THE STANDARD.IVfilwtcr-lt IIM 118,000 \V.,I.1H

Uilcjit DiiKravlnRK, nml n Nov.mrniii.toul Dlctlomiry.

'Tlio liraL lin(:"oi o


chProf. 1- Si-.arp,

of Dfawingant! Painting,: In nil Its Brnnclics.

>rtL'iUt» lix C r a y o n j>v Oil't?n«onnblo nrlccs. For furl Her mullcHluris

lrcBflI SH VIIw HniiiiiUtn N 1

Music Instructors.I',- Clark's now mclliod for llonl OnpniFi: Mack's method for Parlor Orpins; umira'-New Primer, for-the:.Parlor "Organ. if Hind;

• hi1r'c1oUiBtonkat«3.!W;reH!AV$1.tfh-.;.:''.. Cftlt upon or nddrcsp/ "• • . ^ - T-^,^




>[nniifnfilurcr of lie Alleser.Oi^un.1

!~T\^f i^i i i i i iKtoi i , - r»r . . i*i-~-

•""-''"VV'froiii' niv olil placn nf lineliim to 'tlie lin'itye"vV'- ln the Borongli nf• Wiislitiiglon, ivln-ru 1 si

aN0i0'(1 i -."I 1 in Pinna n 1 nl (.1 nrt


;W, ;p.;&.; K. jBTJRIiriTT,1 ?'..Ac:!ur»'Mry HI-.,

•ftViir i-owl-Mitfi-*'. -1.- WEWAE31C. K- J . " ^ i i '

liiestFiteFaiiiii'BaflSiiiis.'"""'.V:ij'i!K|.ly. • .; . .

| • • • • • - . . . . .


»A.I..\A' I^AXOV ClASSlM'JfirtliS,.-.•

UMl/l'OX'S F U J M l K A ^ n S , AT.

ii!Vi: lilll A CAI.I. AT

H - " v c . .

[IiMiig bought IliHjarno^ ilcpurlniciol Uill3 A Son nl"t!ip old iinndpttmniintend mnnalnrlntmi, mil In I u p mi liinall gmdp.i fti"

Harness ttobes, SSIauKet ,Whips? Combs, BriisUc?, &c

Will bo pKnHcaold cnatoniOltT

nn 1

to sir nml son,, ill in)




w '[nvimri'il In dul i i tin1

,'{if IKU'HK ]'AINTIX(f,


II tirdn'H-Jenv-ul UHle'


HepairinR nn 1 oilm^npailj mnlpi1> done iml nntwl i lion "tuiumlccil

mnlpioiii])ll l

To Gonsximers of Woodj I wmild sivtu'iwline Mini wntiru iiiW•IJIVICII'-

'•' ittt In runiiili moil f.U'Vo iiml l;lm»ln« wmul ,nl< Klnwt imllw. • ' . . « •

lialuli ^o»r ncimptly on orilLr ort fl cents a mtmtl]

All win. Vvifli <<• I'm sn]j)Lcasu.l<:nvn tlielr oriluirEloro. or at. llornlmliiir •:lYoml slicit nl Morris Cit

Tl-iACillilts and SCHOOIJi.\\V!,-tTlaiStandanl Aiillioritywiili tlioU. S.

Stii.r.-iii^C'.nirl. ItocoiiimenilcdbytiK.-Stulo

"'' "A LIBRARY IH ITSELF.",Thn lutcstcauton, in lliotinnntify of matter It

rfintniii?, is Ijcliovcdto bo tlio larijoal vwmnolaiMlslictl. ':.

i iloOO morn Woril'snnt! nenrly thrmlifr of Iilngravings.In tiny otho

lime: Amrri

'r8w"i*>'vi'V-]>i*a«c«tiiHi1rollal>loflcliool-Upi-ti. the \vliolo family.— && Herald.WARMLY INDORSED BYr~:~LY

liiglCnct. JtiiiKTon,AVm. I I . 1'i-oHrott,h l 1 K l t l


IE. \V..lolm GV.hilni 1J, Klntl

1-II/-G. llalluK. U.Smnrt,i:/rnAlilnit,W m . T . Mit

. XV. 1>. llmvcllw,li,-—•• -T. O. I lut lnnd,

G ,Tnin«» T. Vlolds,<!«'o. 1*. Mnriili, ••'K i p P . l lnt l lo.Mitrrln, .. Konip

U alone kopt a loadinKl i it f i l y up to

ip P . l lntl lo,nK plnoe, nml thoto tliUe."—London

Tho Uim!iri<kcil In nditlomil cut

ow stwith

mnli n<l-ditlomil cut, with utiNI^ONS

PATENT REFERENCE INDEX," T l nnniPBl imi rwmi>r»t In IMOT: muklnij

llmt Ii w b f ii i in lu hi a I urn hf I j curs —Q. &C. MEHRIAM & CO.. Pnb're,SprlnRfloltl,Mqg\


ThaPainilyPanacoaforlS;...—,-^.Cwta. Brviisco, ntiil ihawniiiitlimr B[I1I.V,. , , ,.

ij i ix—1 know she has always itdinirmy seal-kin jicki't. W'her. yon roml

I hi.- I Klinll ha'rtit my wsyTo ' Aitltnrndalcstatifiiir'Hoii'l'Hi-ito to urge nw to changemy mind, for I nut fully ilciciiiiiti'.'d on my

Il'finK the Irltr

iir'iil Uu-ii stolii In1

-liy' put H willi c

i her room. Hoin roianiiiit nl'licr

mt 1

ilr(!=« above Mir means, 'IJijr ti-ars foilslowly npftii tlie./dlondhiif nult1!*. • "Oil.

wltfil'ft liliml fonl 1 li;tv l«wn._ not U, liavcj snsppcteii t i n s : " ;i '"(Jnltc true, my 'lour Alict"; ymi are a| foul to lake a t ritte so .«orion=»ly," sftiil tlio.

: vniue o fMi-s Siiinii,1 "If cousinRobert chooses tn Icml :i little of lib stir-

; money to tlin-e cliannin^ liulics whoseiiiiist.inco-t mi- .•••iiiiiMvliut .strai'-liton-

For slnuiii', riii>i'-'" em'il' Aturo, in*ligiiaiuly. "How ims 'wo to pay il, 1sliouli! like to know',' "

•You tlo. t;i:(uv, my. VLTJ* ilnav Alice;Imt ilo n't tw -w cmi'liiitic — you are, intiict, almost, violent. 'I'lmtlast man tin-

lj'liko Ftainp of tho foct iinitcsiiffip^-

quake tli:il wo»M switllnw ii? nil 'iip'io'-gotlier." : -''. •

".Vow yon (UK ulii!(!i.ili, 'Alice. An...rUin"ake.,?.S'p, l..U.iank_yoii,J(lay(Mnc_out ot1 it, plOiisn—for" I 'have not" ycf woriimy new jitush coatnnu1. Anyway, post-pone •, it,. unliL.J\fiOr. lh«,..iioxt.il'i'uiJi[!.i?.!k

oci-U*1' " " ,':":". ! ':""'~r

lt'th(M!oshi:r.L'wci-u misic, I should semiit.;,wttli-;my.:.«iimii1mn)nlB io cousin lloli-cr!,-its yon c;tll him. tlioiiRh -I couUT nevn'r

like out wliy;.liU money, "f fonrsi*. psiid

T II.'- . . ."(lice 1 nick ,niy brown pliish cost nine !

Alice, yon nro1 ficrininly' insane. TJioro is, ythe ten bell!

yna jjn down, my much

troulilcil elder sister; and try to smile iip-nt your . ftttnvc hiistiaml for his mnjjna*

I .ihnil.y." • . . . : . '.,,. '!,..„Alice jaqyiHl nwny, followed leianrlyby.•Susnti; iind in UiQ |)leasantly-lif>blG(l littln

ireiul tfi,i table wns.. :. Hinl nlrraily sat. at

il« • hcud, nnd "cousin .Ilobert," luyii'gdown tin)' evening imi'icr, looked iip..np-pi-oviiiRly" nt Alice's tlii; hoiVnlicelcvas sho

'•MaticnioisclU', nro brillinnt to-niglit," ho sniil, with rallior an awkwardat tempi nt n courtly cow.•"-•'~Alicu'"ooiiU-iiiU:Torcafl"1pftliUi-"Pinilr-r-l»itgrimly took her sent; nml he.' thoughtswere none too'iimiuhlo. ; • ° "

"Robert Siinms hns nn air of iiromielor-siiiip," sho thought, '•"However ho .in not(jnito niuBler o'£ the situationu-ycL ^fnm-inji's. sijlojsJj.Y. Jiojiieans. .olllClcil.^^VI i n tnTrcil fuL-iTlio lms. ' Aml'smiir'tPfilh* \\aprobably chcweil tobacco hrforo lie wnsrich OIIOIIRII ID buy mieli {rood cigars, us

\rellMavwire;^0!Vs'1o^l'1 ' inl--1»r«l--*P-wanl every body I" ' . ^

•Oouain Robert" .rtle liis nmfiins anilrndinirciVAlic(1;;Snsiiii;-Ui!K.'oiirseil pltiuidlyu])on the vnvions topics of the ilny; Mra,llird, with nn onensionnr anxiona glance

tor 1'tlcn,

Tlio l'.W.T. C«., l'.O. liox UOJ,"KiV Yiirl:.'...


Cs " • SuTa nr'TiiKTii \Vi p y CLAHU.OiiiaiSAvn:- wIa.ltwnfHWBtirAve.-i

daiigblci", enilenvoied tn.bin lo lio'r gnrsf. Her

^nbl!i>, nndJ

litl MU toilful t ict mult, ouil

plaou lpmntls of lloliritSimtns rounl

iiB-WAinso,, uit.of,Slh. Avo.~ Initial


r " ' ^ n n l l I l l ' t ^ . » p | l o l tIl

tioubles HI Inn Lnuld not imt mmnplu

•'Yca,"slio lhoiigbt,-"mn;

>d <itrly

y yot licon serinn*ly, d l>y my

cvcmlv to S:iy, nnd .lira .liaslimos of tlit* liind lady'nt tlmsfalion."

"Oli, \<\\< I plirtiild like tn j-o ami seein !"..saM,: Aliiv, linpnhlyejy. __ Tlirii.nvt'iitit'imliiy atwi'titiff IlKi-lf, MtuaiMiM:>nl I lipjf yrtin* ii;iriloi:: p^vlinps—-"'• Vuiir offer I ncccpt a^ fr'aukly ns it wasi.l.'; lip-.i<!c.H I know already Mint yuti

r.ro iilmie in yonr friend'^ lu"»i;i'. TlnVlmiy,i!!i wliom I nui stopping U an acqnninl-

aticc "F Mrs. l.tnvrpiico; nml Itridifet lias. , . .n it'. tliH I'nrly Iiniir, luaila her anilyour dilemma » snbj.u-t of gossip Kith my,trii'inl'rt MTViinl. We li.uliii) ililliti'iU'y intirawmg con'-liiMons as ..to yonr identity.

Old Jack In the Well . '•'.. .:•

1'or iKf-aiy yiMM nit oM inin of 'IMIC .country, trliom we will call Jacl: U:iUwiii,

ciitl!vatfd tlm snil amltlrnwti IliPn1- :frotn a tiuinml f-»r hint'cU and wUeiJto (•*

, dlcM. N"i»I biijf rince .lack lofi I IN , 'i hotiso in dL'ari:!i of a intwitiK tow. MNruitto led him tlironi;h an old worn-out

:e ot clay land of about sit ncres in ex* -:

lent,: Iii tlic rcntra of 'whlcli wa ja»o l l •j about lliii'ty fett deep that a t wato-titua--1

[liadprobalilofnriiMliwl the inmates of it. :! dilii|iidittci1 lif.nss near by '.vitli water, lit,... 'in? ilia spot an ill wind drifted .fackV-1.\\n\i from liU head and maliciously wafio»lit tnthncil^o of Ilic well and ill it tumbled.Xow Jai'lt lia>l always . practise*t/J'.<u •••... na of economy, ami hn iiumr»»TV» • |set abonl reonvcTinfi \ih Iiat. Ho n n i.Iho well, nnd lintling tt was riry at I lip A

, lint torn lie miroikil the W[KI ; which Imlnd; brought for Iho purpose of capturing thecuw, and lifter fcvrral attempl.i lo ratcbtlic Iiat with a non-0 lifl.uuwlndM In 'Siiva;tini't liy ;;u|ii^ ilunn inli> Iliu iv.ill ' I**ni-~"aelf. To arcotiipllili ihh li^nmln far.l rm,'cndtiniin rops l-i n stum[i b i rd by ainl, •was coon on IiU .way down inlo Iho well.

It was a f.wt »f mliitli tlaok w.is IftHobvioni tb:m tlia vender hereof—lliat aini^hievotu fjllov/, whom we will rail XcalWillii, wai in ilw old btii1diii£ uud flaw•luck %o down into Urn well, and iimIiapp3iic«l l int .rn«k'« «'ld blind horeo ffa^nearby willi :i bell on bin nock. Thedevil liiiii^clf, or «ome other wickpil xpirit,piit il into Seal's Iiead to havo a. little fiui;

Will you tiiudly como :tl onM'1.' And Iitu' meantime; 1 wilturc In tl:» rest'of ',ot:r property.'

—?o be slippwl tip lo thn oM borHf, t:uhni-klcd the strap nml api>roachnl ll.iwell with the hell in hU IMIHI, lin«-alinf;-.•lac!; lhniif;hl tl:-i otil Imr'y*.* -M'as ri'ni'n;;.and ?aid tn an uudiblo tone: "Iliin^tlit* ol.l

i blind linrsr1; liti'. Incnilny lbi;i wuy, r.ntv,ami lienin't jprt'no lnoi-j sans.' Ih.in t<<f.ill in lieroon m>"— \v<\ liall.l" Hal .the!sound nf llift .hell cinif.- closer, and .la.^l;wan rp.ninff til tlio lioltuni ni' tli.V v,vll."firoat Jcni'aluiii !" unld •lad;; " the nl.lblind fool will be right on top of niu in y.fc

minit-wo, It.ill—wo,. b:iw, .Hull!" , Jn-ittlmn .Seal »ot close to the well and liirkcil

p a Ittlltj dirt on -Inch's bead. .lack thoughtI HitII wns iibont to conn1, got rlo-i-

' r i U l l > U | t o the "well -uuil legal! to pray: '-Oh,

of *,ot:r p r o p e r t v . " . , . " , •• ' , , , * ,

-TW, Ml,»Ute Kiiiani.ii; ,,t ,..«ri,i '•»rf.".Il»™ i««<-y on-u-o, llnll-a pom-

- - - I 1'iilhfi- w h o n i t i n — w o . C a l l — i n n v o n . . ' .• Mini.

the train and morning siiowud her ihobeauties of the liindscape. Nature brongblil3 iidver fuilin;; balm lo ihn.tnrhuleniyoniiK soul, niid.slifi' wns almost ohocrfiiwhen Intu (lidt eveninji she arrived at her

:.s i i nation. *Tliu alation wiw'dimly lijilitcil, nml'tl

few lumps tlickcrod will* the wind, Alice.in search for her trunk, .stumbled over i[tieer little bundle sitting on a satchel amL scared voice conn1 out oiit'.pf tlm bunl l i \ 8 i i y i i i K : . ' .' ' .• '

"Please, \.iii did not hurt ma riiiicbl'npa lelt me litre so long ago, ami I an:it mid ho. if {janc.aivay !" and tlie.ohil

began to cry.' ' . ' • . ' " " . ' ' ". '••".

Alice lifted the little thinjj and I'oiufort

"IJerlip, whore nfo you," ho eallcil.'Mtcri1, j'apa, with n kind,'strange'la-

dy. I was so afraid yon bad gono away,""(Iiinoiind lefl my lilllo boy! That is

lianlly likely. Thank (he lady, Uerlie,and niadniiip, uccepl i;<y gmtiuiila also for

tiii'"yoodiics.«r'"" i was detained by somenfininii tnin.!* liigjja^i1. .i.'nn I boo tny senico l o y m i ? " • ••. .'

"No, thank you," ivptictl Alioii. '•• .IJut ILH . ihs* gontlornRii , disappeared in

the d:irkncsH,r.uml, Alico irndged along,followed by tho boy who bore her trunk,

I alio rather regretted linr rcfiisnl of assist-ance, for tlic stranger's fnco had inlercsted' . [ . . . • . . - ' - . • " • •• s ""• Viti ,

Alice's Rcliool friend, .Cuba ijuWrcuc',had mart-ieil Hrioii'"tifler . loaving MountUrilyolio Seminary, wbew Ilia tvro givlahad 'grown "very1" fonii'oi"each other, andofton written to Alice asking her to cometo her, lo . tulmjro; her husbamlj her newhouse arid lill'.Uio'rtcHghtfl'ora'yonnfj wife,"Unfortunately, nt'lho time »f Alice's sud-den1 departure '"from" hot-, itiolhci', Jfrs.Liiwreiicobinl gone <mn day's visit, to her"no^vi;QlftirveHr'"SoVrwbbirllie'trQvdor^l^rived, expecting a hearty, welcome, ahtjfound only n dull faced servant lei receive

r. l.'itrlton and Aliil hV- <• 1 .!iwri

i Iind • iv;o tier.-idM chattingcoia[r<itiibly to^ftiior in hoi- <lriininf(-

oin. Slw kissed Alii:?, tvhu introduced«• tn .Mr. (.'trllon, nnd t(>IO tier r.r her

UttstoltiVlitilhFni'i;1 :'• ' '""Hut. indi'ud,*' Iif'»k*j in Mr. i.'urltr.ii, jiitiliin;,'. ' '1 f.ui mi longer j io« in thettmt'.tc.Mi! a di'viitL-d fittiicr; Uurtic i.-i.niy,pIwwriiul"ii<'tV"^^n?a"Aliw1.asiiirUcd nil aloii',', my son."'Mint Iho iihotograph of tlm huly in

yrmr trnnl-:? Surely sbo i.s your wile? ' '

.Sim was ii dearly lovod sister, whoilied a year ago and left her little son to

ri'turncil she '

brought him(if air mid


erribly rud, icen worlds to provcut; atnl, whenrltou looked at her with a menu-

my =ol(M-aro.. T Inme hen: fi»ra c*ha'no

. Alice's law h:i'l, .tlniiti" this cxpbnu-lion grown terribly rud, whieb she wonMInive giMr. Ci

ing look sho could Inrdly undersUnd, sheturned siidilenly pule ;unl woulil liavu ful-li'ii but tlmt In* hold nut hi ; nnn t;i wip-lcrtlmi.

•"Tlio poor tlurliiig is overtired!" criedMrs. r.:iwrL'iice s.vinpalh'.-tiiMlly,. "1 willcall -lolni li> help itor.iip t j her room, and

Snt'r~brroro'-:--inhn-"«'«!i.Iil »e-iw'Carlton had kissed"AKcn. iind bo;she would not FOIKI him awny, bihad tovud her for so short :i tiiao

oyri,r__Vo\pilliol( scrvhil.sliowctll i r i , r _ _ o ,

her lo her room, nnd left her u prey lo thel. mehnchoh nllcctions n girl over

ulged in. Vjri1* Tai Icut o _w£iilj bu ithoine"in

llnco dft\s I r»ln;i t hml pnul but Ihroci

uts and nT5"cinl)ronlorodnd in one5 uid tlm litih

le'r tniul i . Mfthigtbolid,' insten.1 of her own .familial1 lii'Iong-inga.4hhoi.-i!jaw.-befuiiftiiior.ji.uigar.ctisc!,jiapile of'snowy shirts,Hijioliing ^np, andsock?,- collars nnd suils of a l.>oy---.- . •

Alice filiii-Ri!...while she mechanicallylifted (Iho. masculino effects one by ono,until a pile of letters sndjenly remindedlior that slio wns an jintrndoi', and sheiins|enedvto put tlio, things, back-withweminnly : 'piociSoT,~"^^lli^chiM'a coal.s, and thinking l.hiii a php-.lUEriiph dl'.tv lady thnt lay amfiiig tbniri'\wig^oiie'orSiVpreUiwt'slid'hair6v^^^

)iijr* irtUII'R^JJ!eni^iiTri.);« du(^^rii~s6ar,4y r.l»VJ u*1 flr,B!IC;1 inIo-hnr.head a t . o n c e . : : ^ s ^ £ r

..,.1.1 t h i n k ; ! nuisL have loved yon fromI lie i ir i l ," she said, Pio'iply."! ' ' l i tit 1 iiiiistlull you how bud I nm. I liavf. rusi^wayfrom KiaicMii and Uoberl .Siuici*.''

'•liiibiTt Simins," wiad Mr. t.'itrlion;:i tii'i-fcimp who is i\ notorious hind.shark,.md-tryiny thw very, minute tn ehoat mootiL of. the very prcllicFl. bit of property

is the worM. What cluini' can tic have

tpim my A life V '' . .,;"\\'(j owe him m.oiii'y,'1 said Alit-i-, with

downcast eye?, • • ••."Very well, my (hirliiigj.we will pronipl-

.v (my'him.nnd bo married with dmir ci'ii-Efiionccs as soon ns tho law tiHawnJ" ' „,';^•Tlm rccrcftut John having nt. last beendisoftverod, Mrs. Lawrenet-, on coining totake iim tii-eil guest, to boil, found herresting happily, ngninat Mr.. (Inrllnn's

hniiidcr...,-^—I.;..';' . '.• . • ' . "

A New Kind of W a r S h i p .

'""A"siil>VnTu*iiio'botit whidi'oupl.ii,!obo load,.(i-d^simyAbo!navi(?s!pfJbo.,worldli:ia.becn_mtuta nt Stockbolnir"I t was tried on'theMahii- U k e ,nml will^hortly bo brought.oveTio Vrnneo. The boat^lias the shapei>f:.a"t-.cigar1:..Eistjvfoiir"Jcet''-loiiRl-

J8ix.fcofwlHe'nndrlins an ougino of Ihirty horsopower. I t is-said'that itjean benavigntedunder water, goos a t Iho Sliced often nau-1-ieal miles nu hour nnd tUnlfimr personacan withoul, tiny danger i remain in it forti.v^lioura^riin•yiindcTis'tlib""


bonf, which ia steered fi'oui tlm top of flunylinilnr.-wliei-LV.a:.. class ..roof ennbles the

| man at tho wheel to sen iho RUiTnce of thewater nml direcl Iho ro'.icse u\ hi? strangeuibmarinr- cngiuo ol' dt'striiRtion^ . _.. . .- . , ;

: '•• ' ^Merited 'Praise;. .,',,.- ..'''

Tlio niiivfi'snl pruisti Ifi'SlowiM uponKidiu\v-Wort n^ nn inviOwiblo rniiedy for

I'all, j e c ! wliat'll. . . NO.T I lay. me dnwii ti>"si—Jni1, lEail, oiit iir yoinV liven'! {jn?t "then in fi-l! . more! dii'l) back, Hall:Oli, Lorit, if you over intend tn i!o any-tiling for in.'—back, linll, wo, lio !—iliy.

riic—jee, Tiall—Oh, I.onl, you .know I wns baptised in Smith's milUcliUn—wo. Hall. !;a!'itc.! murder'.wo--fiircwollworked. .

showed himself a t the lop of llift well,.'villi :i big. hoarse laugh which'mighttave been hoard two imle-i. 'Hits wasmoro that Jack could hear iind h5 ptartodup the mpo like a. monktiy. "JllasL yourpicture, I'll give you fits; I'll mukc your

in^ worse "an1 that lv.:ll," Xoal lool;lo his lieeld and ran like ;i ([iiailcr-horse,

il the last th.it was sciv;.of him-li«. W.IKliult a mile fr.nn the T..-1I,' vvitii Uv<i bigdogfs grabbing; at his ccmt an>l -Tael; i-lns *-lwhind him. ' . .- '. • . •

A Strange Hallucination Curtij. :

.Sk'tuliniicliv, u wLnratfil pliilw<i|tlwn-'ofthe seventeenth century, was for. a loiif.;time the .victim of a.pingulir not ion. Hi-funeii^l lliat he ban, an ei.Tnjoiia \o'j, ol'

lqiliio: "\[n\'i is M:p, .\!:i|..'lit1.ii)!1lii tn-ay'r'1 ''I'lOtty well, on'.l he whole; but il iW.nrjiil log of mutton i.-1 getting *iuilo'tin : '«iG:ir:ili!'.! by its weight'nnd its susr-ll."'\Vli;it !" ThU li'S of hint'ton •;'"'•••"Vrs;

can'r yuit ?L'f> it ii.in«ing thiiiM in front?"Tf the (ni'iut burst into n tniijjh, nr ventur-ed lo dc'tiy lh^ uxisiauce nl'.tliu^Sliiin^c

'noineiiftit. Mitttibi'ancliii v.'o'nld

y i ~ o r t lto* li oTifiv Ii i cl i"

inding ttlujr loads to lit

els, IH

-.viirsnlly lineill shlosr

lolt-ilm TiiiluV»yH, liyor, and bow.volt nu'riied'.-iV virtue

i'iviuiel-its-'cnres;--•M aiiT' ob'siiuain-i'ciiws -have

l»ut.' nn'inirp her I was'one of tho iiretticfit alio Uaii over s e e n . r " . — -—••• -.-•« ..^ .:,,-., •-..;.•,. : _ . , . ^ , , 1 M . ,...,..,-, , ...J:...rj-J...i.»...—

imma^iCR out I tho child a t tho stalioQ struck he^ Every o iUol l i i M h e o i f ^ i i n ; i H a i r ; u t c -


pangry. At. lenjrtii'-.

nf hi:;, u

m:in RiftD.l wifh.i Wuse of ihc hnnierons*,dcloiininrtl Co fnvo liim by sonic menns orother, ('iilliiiic ui'on him one day, hetifil'Otcd io sec ibo cause of-his troublo,anil iiK|iiirod about-'it. Tao imaginarypatient, ovci'conic with Rralitnde, ran Inumbrmtc his Ih'st bdio.vci, wbo| nteppinybaiikwards ulfered a cry. ' 'What, haveI hurt you, my friend'?1' ''Certainly;you hnve run your-.log of mutton into myeye. X lvally cannot understand why yoiliaveiibi'inoiVl.o'^l'rid of that / _^apncnilnijo long since. If you will allowme with a rnaor—un (.peration^pcrforniciVwithout tho sliEjIitcsl tlaiiROi"—" "MyfWend, my friend, you will have pavedlife j Oh ! Ah ! Oh ! Tn a twinkling

an cyii'Vlie'fncnd had-slight!;, „tip of hit uo?c,.nnil producing from under' .his eoal-.ii FjitondiiV log of nmlton;

irished^it.-'.triiiinplinii.JJj^ix.in.-^Hi'*.^, ...^,Ji.V.cxblainiPil Malelirnfiehe,' "Tlive, 1

breathe U-, My nose ia fror, my headfree! Hut—but—il was it raw one amithis one'is cooked I'1 "Whyj';of'' enn'reo:'•you have been sitting for- an hrinVpftlnno1'tin; lire•"' From lliis.lima .Malebranobi

--^-^"•"'Ar'tesiiin Wells, - ••

r-'rhc nntno'.'1AV?aian1' ns applied toiloepivells;'cniiinpj: IVom1 Arlois '.Ouifjienl 'Arlc*lium), an old nivmnpo. of l?r!'inccf

i'whci'?nany Ru-hJW(jlJs wi-e snn!;; M a n y "w>lldif iho same .di-sWiptimi havo,. boon IJOITIV


numbi'r indeepest i

• One:''0^rlh(:in the city ofihia (uinulry

C l n i r l n M u ! S ' S v O . , . ; i l l ^ w ^ r ^ ^ ^ _.be.smiU to n.dfiitb.iln'invill givo wni'T >*iilm'iiiiiiHtyrdi^iivajimViiiJlie1 -iiifmiily

•ii wired ; ^ n . i $ ?;: rL-iiiu",-j-'iiy^uii'i^l.mii -

'M ,,fei -i-:


Page 2: TAR. - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · Bfit lliitiklntf until Iho cmltcrs had failed (onsullen(,'low;her nllccHmii mre far from nffrccnljte. • .' • ". "Ifl have overrated my lutltienco

'" r P l i o "Wa cirri nrr+nri Q t o t * j!ni^'"f)J'll'nc''1Srlcclricllglitcoiii|iaiiitiJ, j spnnlo 273, wippiomoniTti act concern'

IMtlartninl I'tiMliticm.

Sl.:0 perYcer.

N', X. .1,, .xi'll. rlt, I

nf ilifc p.tM, Il inljounml xh>c diehi t Friilny at noun. Tin* tiiljniiin-menlivai viiy ijtiiol ami (mlnly, dif-fering in fliis, from llii; itiijiiuniinr-ntof Iho legislature Uh\ y*iv. Duringthe Rcfwlon i»?tl bill*>in tlio Hmw\ not imu'li m< r lt.tlf ofwhich \M'\L cousiilcn'tl. In tit.' SVn-ah 271 hill* \uu- ii.fn.tWrn mulsibdut .10 of tin i:t \u'ic Wl "ii thecfllcntlitr. As h j,'iMier:i1h (lit CJISO,

most of these woiv not of much im-porlunco (**• Ilif* imlilit", Imt ^tincitfthem woic of tlif itlmiwl iuiptiiinnc1,Itllll, htcK'thf .sllJlll ttl'MV'/ SOUK* Ofl i? important. nm-« v

\/jrcml foniiiroof tin)..'puswigo i'»f llio lh>atilty iho ShiiiS TIMMII-

•t)f)0 •jiinr-H riiv.'iiiif

gp , p ponroollnKwitliKaiRi)<I ia miuiro nilqlm; injj brWgci nml tnmplkci, 13 »o0.ror.ijinu|p«[ntor|wratediii tliti Stotc but | Homo 230, lupjilcmi'iit tn luccliaiiinot (loins buslncm herein, lo pay fl lax of IL'n l.itr, 11 10 H,ono*tonili tfene per rent, on tho cnpiinlj JIOU*J 3^1, coiiccrnfii}; tlm 'niloi-1:. Tlici? ntucntiincnln'-wro luiunNlfiftuwcMnrdhi llr*t clnw ciliej, U to 4,imi'i*lycwcmml in by the S;nnli\ ' Honte-lOO, iippropriatiitg $10,000 f»>r

At 10.i. M. Uonso rapt. j the ftnlnrsomant of tlio StutoPrison work- •Tlio Civil nights Henatu Itoohitiuii *l\o\n, 11 to l l . In tlic negative,

w.n i'.\Ha I up by Mr. Armttagp, who soM Apple jjaU1, Hire* millMini IIUIJIII WON HOW in ilie ,Si'iiali\ nml Hnnw.102, (king tin 'sil.ri:1.* "oOtt.vi t t a ^ l u ' W lu'U (Uiu'ftUil Itlllcd. Ii j |ilij:McIiiii, 1 5 l o » . . : {

liml l i r a oMcrlml Hut tin) lVmwnlAdfi l ! ll«w*>4W (Miiil:« <•• t V rt-ciioi cf 1nol'lioliowiii the principle* of llis hilt, J fiveliolik-n l i l t i H . . ,. !nnillic wbhn1. l i j«!nwihnt l l ta t a*serilo:ij •Hmwo 4iM, appropri.il ing tjlO.orm to |n.is uiilrii". Ti-i'rMol'itimi win rmwsl, j t in Monifltonrn Aiylmn, 13 In 1.12 tn .1. i . •', Home mot ot 10 A. u. :' .. :.

Ono bill was introiiiiccil, . ' •} Oi:»i.WjHon oMlioinridi-oial Mil wa*Tlio f.itlotrinj[ liilU itor.-* p.iv;.sl; l r ' ' T i l M A niinili.T of nin.'n<l.n.*iits vna

.'Appro[iriailDir 313,003 t« llw S . M I - I V irt.ik;lnrrwwnjc (lie p iy of vuriom 111[foijtrtnl NWiirfc, 3."t lo ' i , ; V *•'*'" "f l'I[> Jfou+e nwl Semite, The fiifl*

!o2fi", nntlinri/.!ii{; a L'omriiKskn>'<r wi» tmlejvil t j a thtnl rcmling.ot I!ii!rMi| TK.\'Uioi]t lo iitlrni of i-altwad*, tl to i>.

liii'.-wnpnli) i*;>tiiiiiut! IV.M

i i i llu" t.i<c>, , 'I ' iw fi»!lo .*iir< DilUff^w pHtftl : j11 I'WJ .** t!(, t > l.-jfiii^t tlu rmniu;; of '

W'ntiT Corn* pir i i r i!iri ta !»p;'cial tr.iin i o i


rilie BO!*fii«iii was flio cottariliuo <>f the

lic-pnWit 'nn l imjur i ly i>f Hut S o m i t e

. . in refiiM'ij; in »n inh> ji/iiit- uiMiii ; ; ,

; , ; iiinl tlio ,:ijtp:trcn( iintipnfliv lo llie

•••-• Governor,-on ni'fnmil nF wiiii'li t l iry

' ; nilomptptl io Huviivl his jilati^ tiitrs

'*' i-fliiBing jiisti.:o in lie ili-lnyo'l, l in t

•:" Vipwil)" iht- M-SMIOPI Vill |lu>iii;/,n. l'»"l'l

; ' lipgiiming-to oinl, it will troinpiiic f;t-

:, vornMy, wo think, with tiio: f.tgisl:i-

• • liirrs nf niir iifi;;liborhip^ .Sliirr-,

This is fiinii jtviii*;p v/o 'II mlniit, but

,.; J l ' r i fill wo fool justified iti bprttnwitiff.

'CON>I.'II:S*:I: Sn:i«-i;r.N tot; A I'IIKUV.

I t l u M i i n -

r.'l.i!!-.v io a yViul.rater snpplr.l lnn^llfi (S.^JIIH ninotuhiwiits}, v;i!i-liitj; H.I!OJ i>r I;i'ad by »Iicrifl*-», -it to it. -H"'u» l*il,-i»f<ivt'H_!iir f*r Hie review "f<3Ct!L'«lillS-'t'ti| l M « m ' (if

•(•eivcii i: 100-

il tho lnr.il

-.".• D ; i o nt

Tor I'ioni and

inpt r,t court, :if to 11.o ame:iilnpnt.«), mnkis

or Imvi:


onv, :u tu ID.

pv.vr io :.>•!•:ti*|.i^.V

the |ilav.'.-* lit (lormnn ti»>".vs|i;ipor.< hnviti^'Mil-li^o.U i:in'nl:ili)[l Iii riltfvi nf i!i<? *L'rnr.cl.i^, 10 lo0 • •"•'•'•'.'• -.

Umi^lIT, niiii-iitK (Ii- .Moiil.-blr mrcr af-t,.S2to u, . . . , ' • '

S':i:ito 10,'authorizes i-tiiis in ivni'jtnu

•r or rm

a'vi t l r - i l o s .

• : i . l -:

. t . J , . . ! > . f . ( ^K:'i.utt) i&.\ ' p rov ides . t h e niiiiili .r f;f|iiv-l «il hill. IK to If.



vllhin tliU Stale


— I woiity yrifrs :IJ;C

'• ton ,rif S|)i-:ii^'lowii. -Di'tfli1!. i*o

ffftW (in tU'ciUiiiutiiin.'^ ton I'cnts nntl 11,;.

)E-!ott him lo bi'inij ii ]Kic!;:!;,'i' nl ' . in

>PQ -aWJ" (min'-iW- '*\'*\v ' to'

.1 i l i c i i U l i tt-iri. ;'--Mn;,'. l i o k r l '

'iil Lho I'Nfl.nj;.' inul tht^ :»iV:iir

was roi'ffoftcn iiulil l;ist week, when

'iho m'hii wiotu • t'.r.JIr, iruioliiiioou,

iiiclosin,1? livPiilv-Iivr ccnt^ ;iiisl n po-;-

inl Oiii'tl, which IHV siiil \v;is in jmy-

incnL lor one cwit flir.n^' which lie

\U»w. I'.M. prliim r,f Ilv.iiipv

.'.til U2 too.ri>]trt:itiii^ *?lo,t;;nmli of Ifiii Morri'i• M l . .ainj;fi>r tlif iiuv>r|it l.utlivriin I'lmti

tti.1' ll-t,j;i'.<-.'li.».ll.i:i.ii Iii:•.I--1 iii.in.n' liip.'.yltiit^riNl

i ' JrO'

K fur'nivttr,vni(*irt'iiitii>:i!«. III lo (I.

S.iiit.>;iJ, rt-ltitivf tilip*. ::7 to (J, : "lln']-c:ii)i', toi|iiiri.-f'

•|y 'nvni'1'.-i Ui luvo .Howeri iinicmli'il by (!»• KeuntP, ° 'A nvuliition WHS mloptot) lint I when Ihu

Uicj H n i i v .tiljotiriiH it do so to niPi'i. n i nine, : t7!"V!i 'c; : r>n 'I'liursil.iy morning. .

• Til-1 \v\a of I IOIHP: " w.t" siHtnin'1.! !>>'to ai>. •

.i liill w

!, A".' r.f fl«*

:\i Ki|-,i|.|!

turn iwciity yt'.'ii'i iuf'1.' ili( ' , t o lmd 'o j |wHMfy loan

Ijoiug only uijio ct'iil.-.. Ik ' invihcv [•'-t(J

Kt.iteiUie* h:ul juiiie.l iho Dtmknrd j « '

•'" Chuvt'h,. nml h i s : consuiem-i! wouUt ] m " r c

yivo h im no vest until lit- tmil iv-luni- U1*^"

. . I 'd iLwi th full iulei-t-»t'.' , . ! ' !fQ

in nillii'!|Ki!iiih of li»;i

ii?211, authoW/iiii: yiti-.*-* •«•> k.n*nlt'iii]uimrilT in Jititti'i-ctttiunj, l!rJ 1" 0.

ITi'i, jirovMin,!,' 1W t lmsa lcn fa, l t i e , , . . , . I -.«..«<)( Lir.il inij.iiiiiiif,' ih» Trent on

I l ^ l y o f : . ; ••iniiav'tiljoui \ A«.vium(-:ic.to <). •: .-;....: .:_ :• - : : : :•• ; . ; ; •.; -IIS, making iuwn rnJinjini'L's

: iilg.in-t!.c B t t a m r ive- ,i l i t lle !.,!- I V l"" ' »nl»ill«t»n.ling in»uni..|,.w.v o( ml.1 veii'=t'mcnl, 32 to 0.

11 oii-o -Vi'i, giving muiiit'ijiul itttthoriiii'Smul towiiphip committees power lo i'siioliomls Tar llie 'iinymeut of tliflbym? outof.vrator. pipes, i-c , ;tl to 0.

1- At ",-M i*. v. Ki'sntc H17 iiij,' UiiN wiTt> pumcil:

j S.i,.-.!'' 'JTil. 1. »utli>->i'i,:t il,i> AUoriKH'li- i (.;.>•:-. nil to ctnpiu.v ft I'Wiitil anUtiint (op-n, 'p.N.'.l'1»y Mr. Vumifiblnoil in liij tun tl

I v:;,MroiH nml |H'ji[i2ry iiritin?r), I - tn li.ii-; Uju'clti'.l, ivlifius i"inMtiL'h ir«iv«fti- |ij' i . j m L ' i i l s ' l l t o t ) . •• • ••

; House met at 'J \ , v . T l r f.illov

ro'.vj \>'AU wore )msM.M: • • . • . • :

ii[i- j :Scnuto '_' 17, SiHutor Slaiiisliy'H b;ll r

U\o to tlwi wiillj of imiKlinKS 113 (I .

Soiiiitp tiOS, rx t cmt j - t l i c j

si j iuiwsshal l i vpn - t , XI lo \),

Jtfty ycftrs okl was diacovercil'• tlont-

lowKnston, at iibout hooii on Frulnylast. It is mipposeil to b« that of Eil-

l.IIC'iil5Ci:i, of E;oo!ilyu, from -thovcss on envelopes found in his


and from thc.nritui'it of tho loiters,wliicli wero rt-fusula for situations, itis thought he committed suicide.

. It is worth notice timt. thrcu of tlmgp'c&t Kiiglish jtovolisi.s :r.c siuniltiin-

yoiisly cuntvibutiiijx to the Harper

. periodicals: '•.Charles Itaiule; with "A.p-Perilous. the Jinznr;Wilkie.Collins,•with "I Say'-So/1 to

. tho Weekly, and AVilliam .Uliu-k, with""tfuditli Shfikesspenvr ."to i ho M<uia-

•Ut'tiiltO. 1



•.tiOSOAY, l i t l l .

net :u & 1-. M. Tlir

I tol).•Soiintc'Jl^, luiilioriziiitf tln*.ttivUion nf |

iml-i :n tiii«3 onctj in five years, 1!- to 0.Nome 510, tb> ind.K<ulal lull, 37 to 10.1l*|im.;e 54S, f.i proviiiti for n» ox'iibitinnl|iiil.;e 54S, f.i proviiiti for nil ox'iibitmn ! v

..i tliiv.ritattj'i ro-ouRt-s a: tli.; Nt-nr'-Ot-' %loniw Kvjio^fiun, :s7uirt. • '•

11 oiiso *>lt!, tn pmliitilt the m;Vinif«ictnre j •"• 1T'"1;l" •ir""- ^ " - ' ^ ' amoh.ImoiiU, ud for4]i(lj)nlct.ofjminm>r nml..iiniiaiinn..iljiry | t l l G l;." :!11;."?^11^^ *^.. ltri::f>.t .r:'1 j 'VM^^^Mr.

n, «vc.r'4U to H. ."- — —-"•'p

HniKp-1SS, providing .for nn appr^prin-lion f.>r tliu preservaimn of tiic early ivc

i 1-1! NewSenate" IS?,

PV, :i3 lo 0.'to'reimburse Williiitn

VVertz for moneys a-iliraneed to tli 3 si nk-in|jfiiii;l,H! irtfi.

Ami-a 19?, giving po»ver to fix the limefor tmldiog township meotirgs. by votingon tic1 sninr- ballot fi>r tinnship 'oRicf-r?,

I Ions;; -I i'i), Soiiiiii'pri'ttiiig S-2i),(jO0 for



olns? in tix

to 0.

llmisi: Ml . wliuivo tn tliu r*[«iir of] '» v-"' i ir i w i t 1 ' » l ^ ' - i l - " ^ e*tw.ling ''000f>wl.VwtilkRiubor6nRhsy2tn5. (vole affmuir.l* tlijwtcil to Uy Mr. Jen-• Sonaifi 31. rflativo In iho littiioliindnt ofU" '" . '" ' ' & *-'™m] Killnt Miiltt.Ttl in «•«!-

irou$i:'J;VJ,Senjt-> •iiiuM.lsajiiijsuppltiTiii'iit lo mcch.iuinV lion I iw.

~ 8en:itt! auvjiiilmfiiti in. ilon^-IO.1, jiro-vhliii^f.irtlit'Section or tv.v

•.!s wiili a |io[):il.iiion ex'tcfliliiif; "i000 L

. . Senate Joint fljf-olutiou X<>, ;i, ji.,Ui»g. Congress lo protnoiu'Liio pfliuietiey of tlio-Rc'vemioHnrina'ScmcP, was tp.lipn up

and passoil by n vote of •!•! lo 0..... Sir. ArmstrongclVtircil a iTsohilioa thai

tlio Legislature itiijnuvii sine tlio. tin Friday,Ai; April lSt l i .n t iiofii.. On motion

;- Chfipmmi iMvns (nMoilhy n vnff' f n . 2 3 . ' , • • ' - . ' " • .. - -

f .Mr.

Mr. 'Xcit'l t1 oiroreil n concurrent re-, ^solution thai.tJioJ^cisbture meet m joint: • Electing on Wwliiesilny, theIGlti instant,

" "'. noon. Adoptcit h\> a viva r /w voto, •-••


."mci nt 10 A. ^ L-'oiir biiU'""•'•''wie iiilvoducctl. Tim follqwing hills•; . \ V R ' C . 1 ) H H S R ( J : V • • . . . . ••... . . _-. .

Senate 2G9, to Eiippve-3. fiontugious ijis-t>ascs among nuiimli), jmscd, l'j in o.

.-''jiSenate 27J, preserving; tiic lo«nl slntus'of papers whose iifimcs havo been cliangud,

-.;i:l)aE8C(l'-14to7.0. " ,:. ; '" , •' "" .:•-,•-•• Senate If!,'•creating n b'oard of railroail-'-~:i:oflrmt3sioner3, finri/17, vecjuiriog r.iilroiul

changes tbvee days in nilvnnte,'.wci'c. in--....troduccd.l.iy Mr.-.Stninsby.,•; • • . .-.. ;,

>}'-. -ABSombty.271. to. pfevent. cut Ik' nm-i:i.nitig;nt.lnrg(3,,pawe<l;';]2,to.Jyi...,:.:.-.. :-,.'.,:...{.;,.,;.>LAasumbly 250, supplement lo procoetl-

in C4scs-of-.qno wnrranto, p.i=scil,12 _„ - - •„

'JoinI Rcsolutioiriso' LI, ~i\\i-a mim of money for Uio pur-

of ft picture of iMollie Viicher, PJES-

"Assembly 2D7, pnyibgjtlio expanses ofthe com"mjtt.c(jtappointcd_to invtistigato"~~ [ty "fi lian'ces," paEsetl p-ll~ to'-'SP^^*"

'iVLAssembly d'uint Resolution Xo~4|fi1t-iiii=:

,hf« to Stuto war cliums, lost, 5 to lo.' 'Assembly .ri0!J, relative to tbo Oaklftr.d

ictcry Association, inssed, 11 to C,••^y- •,Senal.e 252,^giving "county boirda Uio'Xright to enact'.orrlinances in ,-,i'0lnl-:on tn

P public luialii'i, 15 to 1. ' :

150, -giving electric liglitiiics power to erect wires, lay con-

^""•'ilttita^iiiiler'ground, etc., IS to 0. i. '•;';•.L Assembly 1W, prayiiling for Ibo review

eonviotiflns ;-for!co,nt<?inpt - nf. .court,l o . p ^ ^ - - . ^ >.:^..:^/. -U-fri^'-r •-•"••^vi

b^."Aiir^iiib!,r%.lp,v>-yc-l'Uivii lo Lonliii.\nws''iii i

?r..^iy'i?»J7J'9iP'1""i~':'''-"~'''"''"1'^;'^" ••"••7"""^iZX{-ToTiliKrj!lrt(

; v'oJatiyo.tfi snloa of pnlilin' ' ^Tmls' 15*io 0.:'"" "f." ••~^---' •••: ..-^je

Senaie 31, relative to the attachment oftelfcr.ijih wires, fee, to buildiu.ss, 0.3 to 0.

, Tho ijovernor's veto on ITon.'c 350,relfttivr io assessments for services in d t -i'1?. of tlie liKt class, rolalivo to sowers,was tulffn up ami ?n?tiinoil by a void of

.V:L l?J*'-:.-.-._ • • — ' - -" 1"A~vctb""iiiPSSiigij wWrCL'eiveii from tliel.Snvernnr retornins 'House bill So. 77,'•a furthersiipplomont lo-nn net fintitleil'iii act coiicorniiiK taxes,' approved April:ltti,.131C.''. This liill provides that alllionds .noiy or Iisroafler. ifsiinl. by niiy.comity, cily, town, lownslii}) or other mu-nicipal corporation plull ]ia exempt fromtaxiiimri for Siiilo, c'oiinl}1 or municijialpurposes, wben liotil or owned hynny in -flividuul or corporal ion residing or doingbuaiiiess-within "ilio rannty, uity, town,townsliip or other immicipa! cornnratinnirisning Hnidibontl. . . .:

ITmi*fi 510, tlif: inniibntfil bill of thesession, wa« up and iti-*cii?3Ctl.Some, of iho items weto Btrickeii out. I twss laid over until Wednesday morning.

Mr. N'eishbor oll'trcil a resolution, prc-vidiiiff fora.i/>;e die ndjoarnraonl on Fri-day tho.-lStli.. Tbe resolution wn1' adopt-ed hy p. vote of .T7*io 0. ' .r

• '"' n ' K D S i i n i i A V . . " ••'-• •

.Somite iiiet 'at 1 0 A.M. . Tiio Senateconcurred ir the Tfouso resolution to ad-journ fine die on llic 13th at norm.-

Tlic Mlmviiif,' bills wure'pusHijd:' : '•*•'•- •isi nato Vi-\, supplomciii; to act limiting

tiie tiiin fni1' coiiiiiioiicinH notions ngriinst03signcc!i. lli to 0.- . . . .

Senate'JO, making tho ebmpc-DSHliou ofgi'AH•:I"j11rois• J?3-11'.-r 0iuin,r-1 (jaT-1 t<i-9.-.rrr.

llouso-122, providing for t!ie.^.pnymontof expenses"of,fl spccinl cnmmitteo of HieIIoiiso to iiivoatigrttc .tlio ncwnnts,.ofStiiie'o|]*iebiV,'ll to"2. ", '•"'"'

]I6nso';i2-l, supplcniPiit lo act valWut-

IloUjf! !174, giving tlio pnblioati"u oftlio law,1) lotlio 'German newspaper hav-ing lui'gpslcirculation in sucoml class eil-ios, i.-i tn 0. ( '.' ••

IIOIIBO '155, providing for tlie cmploy-monI, of convicts liy ilia piei*e*prico plan;'13 tO. I!.: . „ ; - ; • - . : : _ ^ ; ^ : • . .} : , , . • , . ; . - . • • , '.VMi

llou?c fl3l, giving iireinon the sumo ad-vantages willt referenco to taxes as mem-

iof i i icd . A. ft., 13 to 0. !-[OHSO -1&5,' Mr.' Lchtbacli's bill pro-

viiiing' for Ibo .appointment of three com-missioners of nppenl in1 cases"of "luxationby ihtTMnyor in first-class citin9,^17_to.Q.:j".- Seira!e"27f}f"sn'p'p!einenl:to practice act

ij'to i"^ -1-''- • ' . . ; : . ; : , ; - : - " " ; •I v-J--I I u use" 4EpV Lo;-oonUuiio"-1 to"'

Senate 277, nnppiement fr»""net concorn-

B j Altviiyr* Does «'!n?n Ymi

t '•'" ' " ; . ' - - - ' . '


•'I'he Largest House in ihis Locality nml ;

ivlierc: Iiargains can always: be foun<l. One

gentleman ihe other day saved his fare

from Washington on a piece of muslin and

realized much more on the other goods

purchased- Another one hought oiu: of our

cheap Carpels and saved ten cents a yard.

Multitudes every:day arc buying their goods

from ten to twenty per cent, cheaper than

they can buy the same goods at home. Our

stock is immense, comprising everything in


Sliinmj? Slurs of tbo.Arena!VVW. NV,. . I,,,-,. Ji:..mlii*4 il... Mn.i t\i

"Dress Groocls.Silks, Kancy Goods, Carpets, &c, &c. .Our

Prices, arc low because ..we .sell for cash and

lose nothing by credit. Orders by telephone

or mail promptly attended to.

328 Northampton St.

FA flit; 11 FSATiiSSS !, . i . •: ; ! ;i. ..1 ii;.. .i..i!,.:-r:^.'. \ . ...:,i.






pU 2;i2, Rivintj1 to tnwnsliip.1; powei I' l l ' J ' 0

The Wevv York Emporium is the LargestRegular Dry Goods Establishment

in Eastern Pennsylvania.The incidental bill, uftor lining shorn of




tigula1 cliums of ..Uie^tockiou Rifio ratige,

i f MIDAIR FLIGHTtivo 1.0 Uomiuis&innor.i of A ppcals in enso;f t i it9 t 0St-imie 82, rtlating^ln appropriatious of

engineering bureniis itrcitioa of tKo secomlc l l l S 9 ,

:; i 7 t O l ;

:- - " - "

: : :- . ,

: • ' • - - . - - - ••-;•,-• ••

Mr Colo, on helialf of tho members,presented'' Speiikcr Stoitey ^ith a linnd-some gold much nri) diain,: for which tlieSpanker relumed thanks. Ur.Fisri prc-psented Sergeant at Arms poiioyan^witli odiamond pin. Mr. Caniinailo" nrcsontodpRending Clerk Nronan with n gold wntch

d ' : 'ITirft us\ial eomuiitUo wiw Appointed to

h Th I i d lwi i lon iho Uovcrnor,bill with Koii' -Thbmeinbers o f t i u p

ut noon,untl the Proa-idenTonjio'SpnnUi, by tlio power vcsiod

h l d l i l S i X i l i ' " dj p , y p

in hlm~deolfited' t lie'l y.St irXiRffislfi'tnro" od-j p n t e d / ? { : 1 2 '

kins, but r* s.'psiirrenee ajrui

IIoa.5S S3S, |icruitt« irin'ii.sliij:\nn\^ in llieir o\v

Heiinti' 'lli, jirovidii-t tlint afu*r ft uoin-pany lins'bwn in the hands of H receirer,

:ihii;<! "u'urs.-^he. ofTu'ors mi»y snlllo withiho ereiiiiors thciiiFi'lves, IIG to 9. I

Seiitite 10H. roliiiive to t lie discharge'of!cluims ngaiust isiint deluors or conaniiLT? !3-JloV. • " i

ISt'imle '270, iuithoriainjf ilm " employ-inont by tin) Attorney Ooiisrat of a elt'ri-1•:w\ ui«iiinnt "i? to '>. • , . .. ]

.lloii.'c '.ir\H, gives'oversyronlcr pnwer in desertion

IIOIHU 2;i2, Riving- fo tlo snst.iin I'm; clopnrimonls, .'Ji'to 0

llousf ? 15, siipi'Ioiiionl to the neilaljlisii it system of'public instruction,- re-fers to ilio-SIilhtua school district, -i'ltu'd.

Ifonso Tit-1, increasing the salary of IhoSliiiR BimrdVif Assessors, •!( toil.


y., clerks, >tc.( was imssed 12 \n It, The

fullowuifr v.-t-vu also passed:House ;VK). pur'iiitiitig tbii riiniiinji of

limited express trains, Ifl lo 'J.Uniise IJfiJI, lfj(;.slnljlis!itOL-lim«':ilscliottl!',

nio-i. • • •-•;'- M S ;House TIKI, prohibiting tlio mtlo ;tnd

manufacture of oleomargarine. VI lo 1.. .House 139, sup. to township nsl-oi Apr.

11,1684,11 t o 0 . : ' •House.M0, JftsL-y City tax bill, 11 lo t.House concurrent resolution, relating

lo tliu )) cserviilion of tlifl mitiinrv rucurdsot tliiiHmtp;.12 to O.-:-.-- ••;-•-- .••-': - -." "--

UoiicurrcDt resolution No. 5, minting toUinininriH'iynent of the pnrt'of Nmv Yorl:tU8nn<Jy Jloblc, 12 lo 0.

A messugo wat lFceived from the Housenniini:iiiRtlic ndoption of a cuncurrcnt

ppointed Mcsai-g. W. H. Miilor,niid YouiiRblobri. .i; At 101 . M. IIOUFO met.

:.:«;S'^ SSfeSSiMiSsS'iiiit.VJiffS/.' i4?r:-«s^Pv

Page 3: TAR. - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · Bfit lliitiklntf until Iho cmltcrs had failed (onsullen(,'low;her nllccHmii mre far from nffrccnljte. • .' • ". "Ifl have overrated my lutltienco

:^S:1VOLUME xvn.


JPItOI>1mSIONA.L.i n p i . A. STUYKKI:, ™

Civil and Criminal Law Practil-'oiier,•'• , ' . . / ; ' . .^WASHINGTON, • N. J.

OflttJt-win-netO«rpn1, Ilitrtu-lltK

T o l i x M'."YAN"i>Y K K T V.T ~ " ~~ 7

WaHlilnuion, N..I..

Attorney and Counsellor at Law,.Solicitor aiid Mutter in (VwiifVi'j/,

. . . . . .wil t IN THK


Au,l iu 'iilt 0<f -Canrt* 0/ jV.

";:TOSKriI llTwILSON\'•"; *" " " ".v ie« i ' i i ey -n l -L . i i - \v t

- Solicitor in Cliacccry, Commissioner- . ' . , - ; . or Deed?..'l)fiii!e'ov(*r Kioff'sNew l>mjf Klorr, tor*

nerofVront A" ManatichlSts., JJclvi-'••'•< ocro,N..T. -'Trniwacts nil branches, of

jol business. "imayly

With all tlic latest improvements, 1 nm._ prepared to do Hrat-chisd work.1 I'tnc

Gold nnd extra Silver Fillings at reducedprices.' A largo assortment of the best

'•'. Artificial Teeth that mo made, /FRESH QAti KYKIty M.1J".

! : AH branches of tho protcstou cnrt'Cully• i«rformcd. All • work warranted, and

cheap for cash'.

WJ: K. HUCKMAX."""""\Y . D 1 3 N T I S T .


Ailllleinl Set* tirqit-rly matte cm OlliiloMare giving tliu lied Kitiffiitlioii itithu wearer

'.•' ut nny inn'trriat in u.-c. nml for lower Pvt Is c-s-1licelallygo. Filling k-t'tli wlili U'nl.l.nc.iwilh great wire. "i>!

j j a K. M. BRESTEY? "*"

siu',i!r;iii»S'i)KN'nKivelviileie, Wfirrrn' County, Xew ilfr?-ry|

rASIHXtlTO.V AVK.,ONttlJItl -_ _

Locution, Accommodation ar.d Mraiage- jincnt. rermanont and TrJti)' '

Guests well entertained.

::.::A NG^BVIIIARDTA'RLPR Attached. I: • ' :- • . . .'.- (7. K STAATKS, I'/.yrirtvr."" I

Dignity of Lowly Work

"/« lift thh the e<tr}wntt.ry the Mir a/}f<mj r—ST. MAUK,

cl»lilau year* I.i<ii divinely li'

HliM urn- \i\t>*K luiiicnt tolling yinrx lo Tine,Tln-Ir nccrrt ki-jit wlihlit Tliy lonely licart,ffliltV Itiou tract trained liy dully fklll of urt

Tl.y Kiilttrawn»thu Sow. TWUHfrom luTlifi-Iiools/Siioos,.'.Slippers

yTlitnc vyo raid ineatilti^ In the iitutxlugtin

ihat him «ari Unit M> ilurkuiea in uo Nimtri'fu-, on) tit (lM.M'|iiilnlliiifi'paii«»Tliiit which we j>rl/<! tno-t ilrar-:i ltrotlicr'

f>n. N, .1. , will !»•

'trt t:iVc \i\nr* in H—Dr. A. A. I.iivcomlt. hiiiu .far Man.

Latest Styles in Spring Goods,ilMl IIlit M-ll lltfltt flT I)"!* limtlt'Vi!i;;u vi.it .-mi IniviliciiMl-wliiT.-.

• • i,,,:;;.^ r.iw. Vmwli Klit Jflior*'^ • ;•

[j "1'r u*('-'lH]'il<'iili-.ii..fl,i.!i!.-v.i;nr. tln'H-I ii>- innilJr :uia NiTvi.ii' ilrl.Hilv.1 fl,,l,rll;.'i:ilT1,l

UwtuniiiiufiiWuli-AlKl »linit1][<y1a<ltti>.<irlad:<:ill I

llrtinckcdli])ti»tliu wnll.ixl, tunk nlf IliC ,-Uut

.J. T.! iS4 IVashlrigton Ave.

I'm* vstlui' rci'civtii, I jir'niii 'o to pnySiii'iiH )Ut> Mini of r."AHi:o

1 Surd's UJI curled ar.d hei face HIIHIIPII — :miserable Hush thai would liavpnny ono who lovi-d her; 1"U lirr youngersister. Siif.iu. who l'»lh>d in au easy »:lmir,on I j

'•Whnl disiilw?ci y.m, Alin'1/" I"I'lir vatiit* received,'' began Alice I

Bjrailf •""»•"i* "« el"1 Ilirmv Ilifl


CURES OF _ , ..MEYpiSEASfig (n


uvms, I:U\VJ:I.NHSfttlbexaiuttlnp.

fiory imtc upon Iho old-fttshinned writingtab!e: "ye?/ that h;i;i I w n innniiiii'i nil-

through i i fo jac i l I mustGLASS andCROOKBRT.'WARB.

psay that she 1IP.B discoverid in many most

if not ahvitys crctHtalilp, wny»

Pull Set 01' Ciockfirv. -11 tik't'O-t $'.i.5Ti. i lct i .rCtoll l ior^t 2.0rlllaas T.-a Sot* from 110 icnls to 2.00liulilrls, I'ruiii ;."i cents to SiSil |ior iloz

! T H , iv,>»i oo cents to;.ir» •' "

On thi- fiWoftlio ..lil-wisliinsloni —<:! — • ' L r i . l V l l U V U J A jHotel." 'l'lio liotnl is conveniently located •undisii irparcil-io ftimWi ll.» W » ' - h a U twill Vo| | fiflRjls Si WIlfllBSa-BT ' • « » • • » - ; "" J - • • • •"• - « " " ' - " 'MII . . " .1 to furaiftli .•-

ationa io llie travollins IS ." ' " ! We Will Sell Goods ai WholePrides Without Prsssnts.

It cloajmts tho B;IIT-II of tho„ ratlwt dovolopoin KI<lu<-y •try Disease*. UUloiisaiiiH.Jaundli'O, Constipn.

ir In nucunintUm. Uourslitla.Kef•tsnnd all FctnaloCainplaliiti.rsouit ftivoy oy mis,


and RHEUMATISM,FUSE ACTION of all tHo cream

• • • - • • • • nnil functions, thcrchy

CLEANSING the BLOOD.wiorlnii ttior.onaul power to throw off dUciae.

THOUSANDS OF CASES.f Iho wont forma of Uiwo tcrrlblr .!l-'«wc.uivu boon quickly collcvcl. nau ID O bhorc UniD

I'llll r, SI. 1.11)1 III nit liltV. MlLll I "

tablc in Ihc venr-' ;

» • » : A,.fl11AJIKIi.. 1 • I I.I. A IX('I' I IK A iVriV !•: A1 i'l'l C'i. V.i

vnii CAS''Kerosenei"' ' " " ""

Neatsfoot and: Machine Oils: A KPHCIALTV. • ' :

'.tttlt-, v.i-.hinf; to lr.iv (;roil:ffrr v\U ilo well

stone Restaurant. The S a v a rPltimonic Troubles

; First-Class Dining Saloon,KTprv')il»G• !>i*«jnna!i1c. and tbc liest lr. t

t t f ^ E A ^ L L H O U R S ; ] : ; ! N. I & CHINA-TEA CO,

E and RESTAURANT. [ - &holesale ami retail. . ramil

Newark Turners.In Sharp, Russia ami Turkey Bindings.


Selo Agent for Port Norris Core Plant

THE STANDARD.IVoliuter-It li.-is 118,000I Suits 10 oriier iram S I B to 4 0 Iio n c m v B S , otil n Now

ItliiKrniHiIcnl lHctliiiuir}'.innilnra in fiov't I'rlntitiK Ulllrcr K:nJ.oiMrc«pleii in lnihllofirhoob.Saloso lo 1 of any other series

USemi rate dollar, nml Mole Ilif *i»,

worn, nml I.wlll-rniirnji.v.iiiiill "NI>r(W SlilrB, ])0iilii2« raid.

aiBSj'MsJv'iSi^'isirffii'Saare eoinnostut • of tho host Watnsuttuha vc reinforced-cstra'liearv-threL'-nly

linen bosoms, IVeucli Pluelmt sleeveji suul liit-Ishcd in u most superior ^tj-lc. • •' ' '

.rirailop.crf-Jlilrts.ttinl.viihialilowont to each piirehafier.';" ""




Tho Intpst cdiiinn, in (licniinntity of mailernuairif, Is Ijtlfcved to lo tlio largest voUii11 hni ilUOO more WnHsftiiri nnivrh* I

f Kngravlnc-j In miv oiliur Aniori

GAPES, COLLARS & MUFFS,'"lii all Hie IIOWOM imiieiii? al'vcryi'iiv i-rit-ui.-

f a m i l y S..S. Herald,V/ARMLY IKDORSEC BY

li high auihoililftrt nc

Marble and ;t Gijanitel=

l 'HKAlJoTON!•'.?)' luetury'plots ciieln

nt; U«pt n leading i>1ncn, anil Urn

l>rijH5-s 11 fairly up (Wate."—/-widenlie Uiin^rftlgcd h noiv niippllctl, nt n KDiaJ! n

• l- ilUloiuileoSl.witlillKNISOS'.S •PATENT REFERENCE INDEX,. jinil cMtiniuc my st

imrehuphig dtcwhun:.cd cheerfully S4. Washington - Aye

:z n : -r7~ iz Ui'i CrMCJtKtflM ft"JO.vinil''r<


T o o c h o r o f D r a w l n g a n t l P a i n t i n g ,. in nil ilft nnmelioi!.L*o i ' t i ' n I t s In C v n y n n **v O i liil'ronsn-.aiile prices. Vnr fun

1 raving bouglit Uio liitrnum rtepiirlinputor nilia i: Sou nl, Iho nlil slimil, wlioiv. 1.inlciul mnnnlarflinni; nml In ]IW]I mi liniulnil fir i<M iii:iiiiii'i-.:ill Utiuts nf. IIOUKK TA!

ilJAi:tiN'*}.,.L>APKi: IIAN'lilNfi, KAI.SO-

lXrS'ft, I:TC. All onit-rti 'Ml-sit . Dills'

hot! Slf'rtv will ru.>clvi> |u'inn].!. atliinttiiii.1

\ V A O K A- i " ) T L ; r s , : "•t

Ilnrness, Robes, ESIaukcts,Whips, ConibSj Bnislies, &c,

RHusic Ins t ruc to r s .

Paltg Wiiiti's All Hojli«g O

tlic fiiio 11 rt of gctth)({ tlm worllt of hermoney, Am 1 worth tlic monoy t I won*ilerwill ItolK-u Simnis lliinlc I am worthtlibso notes i!ii(» iiKiiuniii tia.'i giwn fromtime. !«•',liiiiv : • I H.JIAII.11 htV.v..tlic\ li.inichcn\iuiy\vny? WJtoii I am lWiert.tfhum'sclear wife, wnuli] it not Im well to [tut onmy new I'arom'lie, ismli'i" Holier!'* civ-sl,tin*' iiinlti\ ' Ki'.>,valiU; rci'L'tvnl'V Olit

1(.Siw ! " rlifi <vii'(l,"«i!'-l'to!il>', in sui «i>iicitl-I j i»S von'O, "1:ow uo'ilil niamni:i Ijorrow

money frniii ttt.it nuri V How 1 hate thelew liixuiii-s ttmt wi> li:m; hml l:i(t-!y, n

silk ilrcs-H, nn<l makes them almost bcar-tiblo."

When, nfler n mmt warisonw cvcititiff.for CHIP, at .least, of ilio qunrlcUe MintI loolifil m roAv m ilicy nni Drciiml Um lire,1 toliert SImm.4 liml gono to lti:i ulnli aniltlm two gitltt to tlioir roomH, Mra. Jtirtisfit Uilnliim,' until tho embers ltat] fndctlto n Hhilcii {{low; tier riltcctioni were f.irfrom nRrecnblc. , . . . :_

IT! liavo ovorratod iny iullucuuo withAlice," the thought, "if alio nhould rciiiKCItobcrt—slio certainly hnd a defiant nirto-night—what, will becomo of IH 1 Tlmneighbor* fluy tin in n lmr<1 man;-but' lirntmay bo from jcnloiisy from hU attrnlioiito us, I have striven iill llienc ycaw to

lltr* girli a dmitci': to innlio n goodingc; and now, when (lie hope seems

Incur riilfllliuoiil, to have tli.it rh i tdareilcfent my jilnu! Oh, it is (00 liarrnssing!WOK ever a poor mother HO wrctolied ns11 ' 1 she cnili?il WMiily, M pbo nrnt fllowly to her room.

>|)iii Hit: h!(.v|> nf anlie cmrrlunco and nn <w*y, luxury*

living inttirf; wliil<- ,Mirv y i i b li«r hmdlier lint liamls, wai niatiiring

plans wliicli nljo soon f d nbnul carryingintntwocution.

tcnr-blisicicd Ictttr to hermoLhcr, Icllins tier how sin; hud foundnolos of Mr. Kfibcrt Hininn' hv mhtnko 113

curehiujj fur 11 dress—for imlcctiimisL know HiiU slio Imil nnt

1 bs diahonnrnMo; liow phu was} wrclcttcil In her ' itresunl life, with its

ttitfi nnd rUtotupl-j to Uccp up it ladylikef nppcftrjii'.ctt bffiirr* ft world of people rieli-1 r r than tlifmaelvcs; how she could not

Ilnlicrt Simms if lie nskod her, .10i tiho would go a*>vaj* la a sntinol friond, im

isc licl[i slio ctntltl rely, and try to <j'-li' c'iii]iU')'ineiH. She would imve every

1 htilling alia rurncd and Fund it to Kohrrtininsi to |Miy tlio di^KriiL'crttl.ilcbt."And |ik'a.«\ dptir .rnnmuia,1' wns ihe

f tht: miilnight t'pistln,,. ,. . . . . .ovo you hear your child-ren—wliieh I linow has urged you to Ibis

i'!u;;«i.Y..V.V.f,t Iwrrow nnyI iiui vory sniTj' for some

^ [had of you, and nltvailyrepout the inikind Muiiga 1 said of you inntv s\!\t*(!Y, ami 1 h.ivo left Hiislo all thi;things of mine of which dw can pos-siblyinako «-••.(!—I know she hat always suhnir-i;d my sciiMiin jnckot. Whor. you readlliis I sltnll lir; on my way lo~ Anlinrndalestation. Don't write to urge :iw lo change

I'itnl, for I :un fully <li'ti.'niiiin.'d on tuy

TIiw trunk must Irtlong to tho gentle-man with tlic nico pyc»; nndstandinj; lior (Istandinj; l i r I c p r o s ,merry taiigli'iu.slio tlioiifjlit of Iiin nston*jslnncnl whon lio r.Iionld lind i«lticoat»f

;., iusiwul of liiaown well-knowi

Mm! 1 Jiav(ho nro s<;

dress nliovo unrpoor, nughl tn lit; tislwou'd to

»» unr mcur.K." Ilig tonr.t fellslowly upon llie citVondin# nultw. "Oh,whntV blind fool I li;ivc l.i>en. not ti> hnvesusjiceted t h i s ! "

ik'iir Alice; you aro n

(JlQrbp !10,T-•WtUorti-for.JlTCl: Mack's mcthoil for Parlor Orcimai iimeraNeiV Primer for tho Parlor'Organ. HUM;hair cloth Bltiols at $a.SD; H'ni>ui *1.1ti.. Cnll upon or ntlilniBP, *' \>-,-* v , • •

Mniiufiidm'tT of Ilio Allcs«r.Or^'iii.Wasliinprton, >-..!,M 1 J f ; '

la 'tiie'ltoroi^•I'lrcparcil loil- . . .-' ALLrKlNDfl.01V0ARPET WKAVWG

, ' ut, the old I'i . . .iiftUcc. .

•• • l.2l-'fil-:tm.

Will l>e pleasedold ctiHtoinora.-'•"•Jlopairintr anil biiin^ neally and prompt-ly done and snlisfiir-lioii guayiinteoil. c

''Wosliitiijlon,.y£v:-'i'a. IBS:I.AI' : j T o O o n s n m e r s of Wood ThaPamilyPaiiaeearorEitvns.Scttlila,Cuto. 'BruIscD, iui-1 tha wmiiulrtur iililnvfi,.-....-,t,|H mill vi'iimninis rfiiUii'-j. Appcrlfia

'Piles. E«\vBipalan. T(-tu-r. Salt

" . " — — ; - ' . • - - ; :£:"* -;rr'- AF0d»llPan, 3W 8!h ATT. rear 59tJi Rt. N. T.

n t IoiirKO. . .

-'iiij; Ihc letter, .-In' put ii wild care-ll

I mid lliMitwrim sobs

< ilt-'i-nvorcd llioir.souroc ! .AW. I ,.,!.,,„„.,]„„ i,.(-t i,.n 1,

'tn her mom. liu-tlio rciunimt of her

: d:iwn 0!' tin1 erny

Q , y yfo"l (n t;i!;e u trille so wvioiisly,"lazyItobiTt c

of J1

to loud L

, l llie"If cousin

little fif hin snr-l money tn thrro charming Imiies whosecironnislnnco? «ro HOIIUMVIIHI- Mrai^Iitf1!!-

" F o r shauii1, Su^iu ! '* criml A1W, in*ilignantly. '-How «r*» wi» In j.ny il, 1phoiiltl lik« to tiiiow.. " -.. ,..

'•Vou do know, "'J' very duar Alicojbut ilo n't iii; HU einnlmtit:—you nro, in•fod, ••tilmost viuleiii. 'I'luil lasfiiionfun-lailyliku i-tamji of the fofit. quite silgflcst-cil an euttli'|ii:il;o." ....

'•Oh, if ' there wouM .uiily lie aii wirili*qnokc that wouhl swallow ii? all up lo-gfltlior." . •••

"Xoiv, you iii-n tihiliiirli, Alice. ' Aticiit'llifniiiko ? N'o, I iliatiU you, leave moout of ii, please—for 1 have not yet wornmy new jilnsli costume: Anyway, post-pone it until :tfltT Urn next proininailocnnccrl,1 '

'•lflh(;raslii:nc wi-re iiiiiie, I alionltl si'iiilit with m,v couiiiliinontB tonmisin Uol'*crt, us you c;ill him, thfidj'h 1 crwlil novrrmiiUe *''iil'wliy; tti* niosipy. «f rniuFi1. juiitlfur i t ." * fj • * • '

"(Jii'c lirick niy brown [ilush costume!"A1i-:p, you 1[iro"fiei'taihly"'ii.giirio^""1'l1Jrei'Li"is'the !e:i hell! dot U3 gf> ilowu, my miicli-trmtblcil elder staler; aiul fry to smile up-on your future hushniul for his nm$;nii-niniily.1' . •" "' v:- ; •

Alice movoil nwny, folloivcil h'isurly byHitaan; and in the iilcusanlty-li^litctl little

:pn!!orj^(]iiu»iily^si)roiiil_len..Jablo,,,.\Vfts'fi\yniting them. Mrs. Hinl oiready sat nti!n lieud, anil•-"cotwin-I'olwri,1,1, hiyiry

.down:! the ••.evcniiifj;i1niii?r,..l«olieil.ni>.jip-provingly :it, Alice's flushed cliceWs'is slioentered, " . . .

''Mudcmoiselioi "yo'ii - urn lirilliunt lo-niglit,'1 ho said, witli ratlior nn awkwanla l t c m p t a t a. courtly caw.._:Alicp.eould.nol.force,ii:)>nliie HHiile,butyrimly "i»«ik'-lici'--soal.;-niitl.:!ic.' thnuplitswere uoiic too amiublc . ; " ' "•"• •''_'• •

"ltoberL Simms lms an air of prouiiolof-"ship," shb thouglit, ; '.'However' ho.i.-t nntf[iiilc mufiler of MIR •'situation "yet. -••Muni-inti's siilc-is.by no.iHonns olVoctciVij^yiuitii red fact) lie lms. Anil andi tooth, l loprobably chewed tobacco boforo In* wasrich OIIDURII to buy uitclr gooti cigiirs, uswell us ii wife. "OIi, hew hard IJoi>! Vrf=ward every body 1 "•' . • :\ . ,•••'• •

Jlohc-rl" atn his jnnflinfi umlodinircil Alice;. Susan <liaeourseil plucidlyiiponHhe. viiiious topics of tlio dnyTMra/

ih i

Icr courage rons as J.I111 sped aloiif; inthe train and inoriiing s!i»\vod her tliobcitiilic'3 of the lur,il?cai>e. Niitnrc broughtits'imver failing 'halm lo tlic lurbulentvoiiiig siml, and she wns almost cheerfulwhen litte tlint evening she arrived at herdestination.

Tho station was dimly lighted, u:ul Ihcfow lamps ilickered with the wind, • AHci),in seuri'li fur her trunk, stumUled over nqueer liltle huiidle sitting on a satchel anil

llinl, wilh •ansimi1* glnncojnt her tidest diinglilcr, emlenvovutl jj

ulio liowelf ajrivottliln lo her ucsf. HerIhitlory.was i

o ^l iklicalii and subllo, imd

soared voieng

c on! out. nf ibc bnn-

"IMoa.sc, jrm did nol hurt mo much;I'.ipa loft me here, so Ions •'ago,, ami 1 anatraiii lie U £WQ away!" «ml ilio clvjlibesan to cry . .,-/,.. .

Alice liflcil llie little tiling and comfurt-ed it witli'Foft cooinic words. She kissciihe'Voit fftCpVSniV'Hcbl-the "clii'ul' tenderi;until a {,'cntKmiiiu emno in sie.ireli of it. --'•

• "LWlio, whoro are you," he eillod."Il>iv, papn, with i\ kind, strange la-

dy. 1 W;H w nfi-aid yori'hjid gonn .nway.".'(lono mid left my litllo boy ! That is.liy.likely,: .Than!; 1% lady, IScvtie,

and liiailiii'iio'.TiLTept i.'iy (,'r.ititnila also (orjmir yooilncp.-.• 1 wiis.ilotnincd by someconfusion M my tugpfujri1. "i,'.in I bo,ofnity Menien lo yuu-I"

"Nr»( thank ynii,".n.|)Uca AII««.Dili, ua l l if "ciiilcmaii .diafippenrcdiii

Ihc ilsirkncsi', nnd 'Alien lnid»ed ainnfc',followed liy Iho boy who bore her trunk,jhcTatHcrreKreilcrt her.refu2nl-.0E :.assist-.mt'e, for l!io strftnger's f»ee had intoresloil.ipr. ij1

Alice's school friend, jtiiha. La\vrcnco,liml inarned""KooVriifti.;r'l(1ftViiig-~Slonnt

:i> Seminary, where llu* two jrirlshad grown very fond of each other, amiofton"writleu lo Alico nsking her to come

;to~h"orf~io%"iidmirb'•"byr 1 uiutntiitl, her newhouse ami nil tho delights of n yonni; wil'i1,.UnfoiantHilelr.'al.Uio^lime^Alicu^stiiUden depart lira -from lior moHinv-?iIrs..l.iuvrencQ hud gone on 11 ilny'.s vNit to hernow relnlives, So, when Lhctrovulcrni*.rived, cxpcctiti^ti hcfirly welcome, shrsfound only ,ii,<l"ll fu P<l soryant tr. receiveher.. Ncveitlicloss, Ihc servnet. shmyedher lo her robin," nnil left licr7ii~pri3yT(f the'inoV.t • tiielaiiclioly'' 'fi'Hoel ions' "n"'girl' overliuinlccil in ' ,. !' ;"'

Jfrs. Lawi'tiiit'O Wciiilil; lie :it homo inj Miiwi-.ilnyfl,,. nnriKdt liml said, but tlirooilnys. seomeiLii^'OntHrj.li.Aliw, w!io,_lithisUiiJiebj)' friim crying oiilrighl, sol tottorlT"io;Ciii]ily her trunk. Uifiing ihnlid, instead of her own fauiiliur belong-ings, she Hiiw bi'fort! her. a cigar cVisb,,;apile of snowy shirts,'and 1111 emlvroideredsmokinir cap, and',hi ."lie nn»l the liHlt-Hocks, collars and suils of a Iroy. • " '

0 -si'jivcil"whilc::"Rlu!" liieVKiniitMillyliflc.l-Utft.inasouliiio ctlV-dsono by one,until a pile of let.tors suddenly remindedlieu1 thill film wr..s an intruder, and shehastened to puI tho things, hack willi

manly precision, Irmlcrly smoolhingi dliiliVd emits, aniV>lhin!;ing- that a pho-

o p y c ;sion, BIHV broke into a

snrmente. Tlio laugh, however ended in_ despairing tliongltt in regard to her ownpredicament. What was HUG to do with->ut all thoso Ecntible, useful nrliclcn slioiad Eclecteii with such care ?'

"After nil," slio Uiought, ''AiilmrnJulo.Station 13 not :i very lai'RO plaeo nnd Inil! Kend that lin'luitit InMang maid L-nrly

. ow iuuntliii; to nnisack r.r.C n:.rt ofit for a man nnd alioy, while-1 iny?cir,will Bcareli the other."

AftiT nil early brcakfust mid in prvicwwith thoFfrvatit, lo whom sho explainedicr dilemma, Allen. sot'forth with detor-lermination; but ni f.hc turned the corner»f the street, she saw tho genilcmnn whom>lio was sceliing1 <!Oininjt toward lift.

"Oli," H!IR I'ried, *'you miHt iv Iho ori-l lcnin 'I v.ant! " /, • . : ; -• ..I.1;.,'....'. ': '...

'Ami yfrti," .ho Mill, smiliiiji itrtwn'oir• nml inli'mijtlinj: Icr, "yn» must in*

the Imly I want, I liiivn rom« In throwij'FPlfon your nicrey. »nd hojic you Imve»t been seriously itmonveniouced tty my

inlstnlic.'' ""Oli, no!" cried 'Altec, forfjottiug uomo-

IOW nil hei' •troubles in tlm presence pitlii-j fiompatattvo stran^p, "fittt your

did ho not need jomc of thoi" deal*little tilings?*"

"Tho ponrcliiht i.s ill In-day, I nm sut'-ry to s;iy, and ho I la-, spoken several

lues nF tin' kind lady tit the station.""0!i , litw I sliotild like lo go and see

hinil*'. said Alitv. Ini'mhively. Tlion.Kivi'iitumality a'«ei tinj; Ili-L'lf, sins aililnl:ISul J IIPJJ yom* |i;irdoi:; j^rhnps—"'•Your ofl't'i* f nccppl ai frankly as it was

. adi>; lip?iilr;.-i 1 know already Mint ytmare iilr>:io 111 ymr frii-ud'.H limi-L*. 'I'lii! Imiywith v;!ion) I nut loppiii^ i1. nn anqnniui-.

nf Mrs. l.awrpticp; nnd I'mliftt haiat. ihii onrly hour, madti her and

your dil(*ir.ina ti Kiibj(!('l of jjossip with my,fcrvmit. Wchiid nn dinipullyin

drawing con'-'lusions as lo your identity.Will you kindly tome al onro '; Ami inhi* meantime 1 will :-cc lo the restoration•f tour properly."

This wits but iho liegiiMhij* Of ii.seriesjf'littl-i toiirtcfiicH . I'Xi'iiuiiKcd liotv.-ecnMr. CV.i'lmn and Alice Mini. Umlor va-ioiH pivlii.UH'liu'ti'iii^iiL'hui'^Midictyiaii'd,rhen Mr.", •l.tiwrem:*; returne-l slie wasurpri-i'd In fuiil two ueraods chnUiii^

conifr.ilnlily logethpr iu lier druwinf,"H!ii! kisi-ed Alk-o, ivliu iiitnidueod

IM.1'. lo Mv. Curltoii, iiii'l told hsr of liin-Mohi-s ti(tlo.F..ii. " ••": '

'Itnl. in.U'Pil,"1 bmku in Mr. Curium,Sliin,','. "I iMifiio-loiigL'r pose in ihcr r i . . r . - l f._.l.'_v.m;il:riillmrr|{l;rtW'^ my

.'hew, and not, us .Mi?.s Alico lifts in-piatcd all rilony, my aon."-v»;

"lint Iho. photo^riiph of llu: hi'ly inynnt trunk? Surely slip is your wife?"'

"Sh« win ti dearly loved sister, whoilied a year ago mid left her little son tomy sole cure. I" have brought him withme hen; fur 11 'ehauge of air and s^euo."

Aliw's f.ict! had, dntiiifr this cxplami*tioii'grown.lerriljlyriid, which she won't!have given worlds tn pivvmil; ami, whoaMr. Oirllon lookoil ut her with a tnetui-iiiK look die ctintd Inrdly niiderslaml, flic

NUMBER JS.Old Jack In tlic Well.

turned suddenly piilo and wo:dd Imk>n.but that ho held 011 { \Ci|lirm t:porthur.'. .-;„...., „• ""^a^fj.'™';:-. ~'"-.

"TliD jioor darlitij; is overlirtil'."^trs. l/iwreiii'e syhipath^ticiiiiy,

raloliful tact, maili! cvnv tliii cntnmon-! rnmaiks nf,, Robert Hiiui'iiK rrpni al-j

_ _.l!rillian!.-illAlie1i', . i iLip iUM'Mli i I ^ S B ^ J * a ' _ _i ^ f i i c a w l t l i m T C T f r n o n j i i r i ^ r p T M ^cieverne^.^ •'• : ' ' i " ; : ' ; ' ; ; - " " \: ; ••'• I'L'liL'n ita likcucBa to.tho. thin!, litllo f.ic'o of.

"Yea," slio thought "liianmu c!;cs out the cliildnl tho station struck her, and Itthis inanVJdPdMi-isl-e.deep-n-^cnnty^ld nil flushed inlo her head at. onre. '. • . •


call .)'o!in in help her iip.l'J her rocm, nndslm will jif' inadiiJo.fToJojwrnJ.J}»^:''• .-':

Uiit, hrforo •Inhn cmiM be fomid, Mr.GiirltoR had kissed "Allci!. anil begged flial.she would not =ciul him aw»iy, bi*i::t'.is.? Kehad loved her for so short a limo• ••Ithink T iiui.Ht linv(f-l')VL-d y»iti-fr«inIho first," site snid, fiaiplj*. .''ISiu 1 miisttoll you hfiw ls:ttl 1 am. I have ni!MT.v:iyfrom innmiiia nnd Hobort Simias.'1

'•Kfthort Simm?," crieil Jlr. tjai-lton;" tin* fcainp who is a notorious land slunk,and Iryiny Ihis'very minute U> cheat nmout of l!ic vory proliiest bit of propertyin iho world. What claim enn he Imvc

I upon my'AIiL'C! ? "."\Vootto him iiirtiiey,"sflid*\lliv,'with

lomVcasteye?. .."Very,well, my ilrirlinpi.wci will prompt-

i' |;iiv him nml bo married wilh Hi>nr rnn-eieiices &? soo'n us Iho h\v allows."

Thi! rocrenut.Iolin haviiiR at last b a n.lisiwvorfil, Mrs. Tjflwrcncp. 011 eoinhij,'lotake tho tired Sliest lo lied, found her

resting linppdy' ni;ui st Mr.

A Ne Kind of War Sh.i«. '•

j " ""A'submariiiu'biiat wiiit'irb"iiiT'U.i6iicleadlo dtsiroy tho tiavit'fi of tho world has beennuidu nt'SUitkliolin/1 H was-'irifd on theMalnr Lake ami w i l l ^ r . t l y l i e bronglitover to Trance. Tho boat'lms Iho shapeof; it cigar,--. Eixiy-fotir. Ictit/ioi;^»ix feetAviHc nnd has "nn online of Uiirty horso•lowtr. It is said'that it can be navigated,under w'nlor, goes at Ihc speed often mui-tifiii liiilps mi liciir and ihul foi&porsnnB(sail wilhoul. nny dnngor rcmniu in it, forsix. lioura. iimniiiK...,;. The,.. funiicUshnpfib.cylifiili'i'lii tlm only pint «f Ilio boat which"is visible A "wnidiii^'slair leads In HIPbonl, wliltli is Btoured from tlm top nf tin:ylindoK when1, a glass roof enables Hiean at Iho wlii'ul tiV'soo tlm surfneo of the

water and ilfiwt Iho rnitrso «'F hi* MrnngeinnriiiP riiRir.'J of du.Mnuition.

Merited Praise.

fc-i'S'il' nriiisu lifslovvcil uponKulnciy-Worl m niMnvaluabln rnnoily foriiH'rtispriloraof 'ihft iiiiliioy?, liver, ami bnw.

is well nu'riiOiL:' Its virtues uro uut-mlty liiiown nnd iis r.iiroa" am reportedilUidi's,.- M iUi1v..obsl.iiiatB_caso,sT,hiiye

^ueiunnbeTIo'it'nrtaiM,!^y iinTlieoii given'up. by tlio tloclora nniV'.n, thorough treal-mQDt will uovor fail to. euro: Sold" by* nil<lriiggistfl..-See mlv't. ' - ' .\ i ' l ). • • ..^

l-'or lff«-nty yoai-3 mi old man f.f »>\econntry, whom .ivs will rait .facl: Haldwin,liAHCuliivAtnl tfu> mil ami drawn tlifri1-from a siijijinrc fir hintfGlf otnl trifi?;td& i<fU;ldIc?.s, Sot lon[f since <iack lofthishouse in fiC!>ri;!i of a mu»iii!r cow. UNroute led him through an old,worn-out .piece of clay k i d of about nix ncre-f in ex-tent,, in the L'CKtra of wliich wai a wellabout Uiirty fift deep that at HiiilO limnhad probable rimiHtioil tlic Inmates of adilapidated lionsc near by wilh water. In|ia5?ing tits spot an ill wind drifted .fiick'*'

from hU lii'Etd and maliciously watlctl 'it to the edge of tho well nnd In it tumble.].;Now .Tnolc 'had always practised tliRvirtue of economy, nml ho iminrdintclyset about recovering his hat. Ilo 'ran t<*tho well, and lintling it was dry at tlm ;bottom he unrolled the rops wliich he hadbrought for Ihn purpose of capturing thocow, nnd after scvrnl attemptii lo p.itrhthe hat with a noose he i.rinclndPil to s.iv.!timn by ffoing 'down into the wl l Mm-"self. 'I'o aRcnrnplhh tlih lie mad** far,! niwend ol the rnpe to r. Ktump hnrd Iiy-iii'i'<ti'-wati ?oou on U< way down info lln* well.

It was a foci cf which .Tack was los.«obviotu thii'i tha voader hereof—that aini3cl'i'cvoii3 fellow, whom we will cull XealWillis waa in tho old building and Raw•fack go down intn t!ic well, and it sohnppsncd thai -riuik's old blind lioreo wasnearby with a bell on his ncclf, TI11* •:ilovil himself, or somii other wicko'd^pirir,put it Into N'cal'a head to liavo a Ktltafiin;"—so ho slipped up to tho old horse, 'ini-budded the Mrnp ami upproiwIiM tin*well with the 1ie!I in \m hand, tinff-adin^.'.Jacl; tlinujjhl tho old hor^a was ci>in!i!,';.and mid in aiiatidil-lfilone: "llanfftlin olilblind hnrfi?; lio'ii ficming thin way, muv,ami ho ain't f,rot no inoro sauso than !<•fiill in hero nn nit'—wo,' Itall 1" Hut Un-sound of Ilio .hell Ciimts Plotter, and .la^kwas resting nt Ihclioltom nf Ihft TVP 11."(bent .Tenmleiii r .snid .lack; " the old ••blind fool will ho right on top cf mis hi- uniinit—wo, lt.ill—wo, haw, liall!" ,lii-;tthen-tNcal got close to the well anil kicked-"n litllo dirt ou.lack'3 head. .lack' tlionAhfRail was about lo conn1, got clo'-i' .to llie well nnd be«iii[ lo.prny: '-Oil,Lord, have mercy 011—wo, Hull—a poorsinner—I'm gone now—wo, Rill—OurI'nlher who art in—wo, liall—hojivon.hallowed be 'I'lsy—j'Hs! Unll, JPG I whal'llIdo?~iiamo;" NoiTr'iliiy'niiV'diiwn"\i'i'"••si—jei1. Wall, out of 'yotirs hvcru ! ffirist, ..then in Ml more dirt; back, Hull:Olt, Lord, if you ever intend lo i!i> 'any-thtus fur m;— hwU, Hill, wn, ho '—| liykinjj.lcm C(«;«; jee, liull—Uii, l.^rtl, 3-011 _.,know 1' wart haplisPd in Smith's niill.d:iiji—wo, liiill,•.hiil'uc '. imirdifr! \vct~farowo!!worked.

showeil liimsolf at Iho top of tlm well,•ilh si big, hoarse laugh which might

hnve been heard two miles. This wasmom that. Jack could bear and he slattedup the rope li!;c a monkey. "Jitast -yom*picture,. I'll givo you lit?:, I'll make yourears ring worse an' that IHl." NVul tool;to hia het'lrt mill ran".like ;t f|iinitrr-hor3e, '•timl the lust lli.it vvasseo:: ofhim Iw washalf a mite'from Ibc v.ell, with two bigjogs;'gfiilibitig at his COA! and .T,tol; o\ne~. •-liclilntl him. . . . . . . .

A'Strange Hallucination .Cured.

: •"•.\k'lL'ii'r.iii(Ilitv«-"i:i:|tijriiii!il'(iliiIi>fiii.!ii;i'Vif..r.tlio seventeenih ccntiiry, was !'ur a .loiif-;lime llie victim of a'••singui-U' nritiim."- Mefiinci'^l that !IP liati an eji**rmoii3 Icf! ol1

»ll!MJ1!.VJ.1vl.^M;'V.:;.l.rv.--i!'';.:-Wi''.ofiliTn.iin.;L\;:A fr'e«'l v.vintd Mi.i';e liiind.t v.iih him and .inquire: if!Jmv is Mr. Miiloltranchotn-d'.iy?'1 - 'I 'rRty well, ou'.iho »ho!c;lmt llihliortid tog of mutton is getting qiiile un-licanilile by its :wqi»ht andfils 'mm.'!!."

f .winii: ,;riih i«.'s"7>r1"i1«ii»iiii:?1" -^w.ean'rycii 'Ai?i'»"it ii.inyii*^ Iheru' in front V"If tliu fnonil hiii'.*t into 11 liiuijli.iir ventur-ed to deny llu* i'xMaiicL'"'iif tlio sirnngi!pheiioniei*'oiif~.Miiliibi':i'ii'chi! .v.anlil vtangry. M \vw%\\\ :i_cc.l!iir.5Tn1'. of liiii,man gifle.Lwilh.o.s-euse'.fjf ihc liuinoi'fin:dctcitiiineti In cnr>s Mm by some moans orother, (.'ailing upon him one day, In*iilVuclod In see Ihc Vaiuo of his trouble,anil iiiijiiiiW about" it, The imaginarynaliont, b'vcrcD.m'o with f-mtitiidi1, ran fnembrace hi.s llrst beliovei. who,:stoppingbank wards lilit'rud a cry. "What, haveI hurl, yon, my friend?'' "Certainly;you hnve run yoiir log of niuUon inlo myeye. Livally cannot undoistaiul why..youhave nol friod to got rid of that awl;1

nppcndiigo long Riticc;'"- I[-yoii will "nllowme wilh n IUKOI'—an operation pct-formcilwiUibtuillio, .sliyhfest jlangoi;—''_ "My1 rioiul,-' my^friciiil ,"yotMv ill' 1 iTmnnn cd" inylife ! f)l i! Ah ! Oh ! In a twinkling of.an.eye llte.frieiul had slighlly grnz^d ..Ib'itip'ofhU nnjc', and producing from ur.diM-his t'oat a ?|ili*ndid log of inuttnii; h«ll'iurishi'il- it ' triiimplmnlly. in ..tlio 'air.."'/All,".exclaimed MulySiram-ho,' "I ' l ive;-^•breathe:!-- .Sly. :t:oEO_;is -free, -my liond is!free! ISnt—lint—il w'na IL raw one nnilthis (>::c"in. eoohed !"j"'??\Vhy, 0!'. course;:yon linvt- been silting for nirhm(hi: lire !'' l''rom Ihis . lima Malcbranoli:oiis*''tVT<Ti'if>'lir.-inii'iriiy Ins Irjrnf iiinlliii

• -'Artcsltin WCIIK. - • • • O

... TlKj.munc '-Avli'sian'' as npplijraMiHifciP:.

.wells; COUIPH from Adoi^(an^innt A r l c - 'siinn), an old prnvinco orVrunc;1, -VJUW1.in:i»y^fiiii-)^W£lla.wPl^j).unJc:

nf Uii'*sanip iK'SCriptinn bavo boon liorhi tlits (•'•"•iinivy, nnd llmru pro finite"mnnlii'r in I'lulmHphrsv.^.Oiic'"-.^^ thtv-deepest in this i'i)n!ilr/"iN ?,t the c i ty ; of'Churlpj-ton, H. (J_, 'I'lir-y sim rpquircd/ln \In; sunk;to nilojilh that will givt* wali'r i>rthe; iinuljiy ilewiivd liii.l^iir Hie <|u»ntity':

dmt. fi'r-l lo nvi-r.iwn. thousand ftEvery'.oil.weU in.ibo.oil rpRioiv i^aiV^.-i.^te^^isinn wp.ll. , • ,. !

• • : . : . . ! - - " - : i > - ^ . ^ ^ . . - : . " " » : ^ . * : ; / :

Page 4: TAR. - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · Bfit lliitiklntf until Iho cmltcrs had failed (onsullen(,'low;her nllccHmii mre far from nffrccnljte. • .' • ". "Ifl have overrated my lutltienco

^ J \ v " ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^^^^^ ^ 1

H&VThe Washington Star.

iMItortniiil I'ltlitMirri

SI :0 For Year, Ja Airaace

s", N, .|.t AIM:, -

•Tlib CVlUtli e i«7i liiing

lnii»lll UyplncJiigclcclriclighicompaiiity, J Senate 27.1, KupnloiiienTTo acwoneorion fooling with gas mid lo mo/jiTO mining ing bridges ami turnpikes, Ii) to 0.

incorporated in this f-jiatc but' Houses '2%, supplement In meehiuiiiM >not doing "OIISIQO.'H herein,'to.pay a lax of linn law,H to 8. : \ , !wc-tenth cfene percent, oil tlic capital Hoimo X(t, concerning tlio iipp3Jiilmrnl •lnc-1:. Tlicflo amendments wore unaiii* tifiuw-Hnrfl In first class citic3, H lo 4. Initudy coQCiurcil in by the S;nnl<\ I 1 louse -lOO, appropriating £10,000 for j

At 10 A. M.'Hnnse mot. j Ilic onlrtrnom-Jnt of tho Stato Prison work- jTho Civil Rights Sonata • Uesoliitiunjahops, 11 to;!. In.tlic negative, MM?r«. j

nn ralial up by Mr. Arinilngr, who said Apptugiitc, I [ire? mid YoungMood.

..:.. of iho pafci. Il iiiij'Hirnt'il sine t

;-, last i'ridoy nt uodii. Tlm ndjonni-

••.'•;moit wits veryijnieiaiiil 'unlovly, dif-

fering in this, from tlit? ttiijittininir-iit

of Iho logical ure lust yoar. .During

''.'. the iifKsion 58*1 bills, were iiilroiUtceil

:;, in tlio House, J.ol imirli ovrr liiilf of

; wlilclt wiio troiiSiiiiemi. hi Uto Scu-

!tlo 271 Iiilli* wciti introtiui'Oil tnitlr stbriut ."0 of tlicm were left on tlio

, • onloiulnv. AH h {,'ont-i-ally tin- aim\

,.. iiiost (if lilt-so wtro not of much im-

. ^poMimeu. t<v tho publir, Imf soine of

tliom woi'o of Ilic nimnst importance

: itiul, lttcf:i/>/: shall w siyV sowo of

: tlio importruil niiri* were passed,.Tho

••"grfiftl. frritiiro of tlm w«ion v:n< t!io

paftsagenf (lie lasation I/ills, whfi'o-

•._• by thn Nt.-tii* 't'loasury receivers £100-

000 niosT! rc'voiiHo anil iho lnr.il

*'•-;• Ivonsiirifw .*•sOO.OOO move Oiin nf

lho;inr.\i vcjtrelieiisiblo foiifurc-i of

Ilic fiossjon was Mm cowardice of tho

Itepulilii'im inajnriiy of []a> Bonnie

in rofiifsiiiff in gn inlo joint infplinjj,

•JHUI - Uio . apparent antipathy to iho

Governor, on account of which thfy

,.,,;• nitompted.io Hiwnvl his plans, llms

;",'causing justice fo be dc-layo'l. I'-nt

^^.vi.^wiu.o; llipsfSrtion nil flinni^lt. iVom

licghiniiiff to ond, it will compavp f;i-

'vcivably, wo think, with tin- f.ogisla-

.fiu'ea of our iioi^hliorin^ Stales

This is fanil pviujie v:o '11 admit, lmf

: .ii 'fi nil we fool jiislifiod in IIMIOV

flirK 101; A f'i.ssv.


—Xweuty years JIJJO Jmnra Htitcliiu-

tsort ji{ Spring owii, IJuc-ks irounty,

,'"%Wc ii.ii acciuitintiiiiL'.T ton cents and

n/liiesisil Iiinx to Win:,'u:/obaoi;0 nbiiff fr.issi lln- slow to

iiieli the man v.as. £oin#. iie

rough! tho parfcago and iho sttVaif

was forgotten until hist week, .when

the inmi wroto U> Mr. Hiitoliinsoii,

inclosing twenty-live cunts and a pos-

tal card, which he said was in pay-

ment lov ono cent irhr.ngi.' .which he

ro''oiv>il (iiiil-Iuul. I'siilcil In .!•<•>-

turn iwenty yof.Vi ii.Lro, iho tobacco

boiug 'oiily uino t-ents. He furl her

that hU hill was now in the .S-M.ufo, nml iil might W held ti.cii! and killed. U\liad !>nra nMCrfml thut tin) Democrats didnot lieiuw in tho'pnQi'ipios of ilie hill,mid he ivkhcrt to slww tluil that exertionwas nntni1, Titi* r. nlittim) win piuwii,

• i ' - ! t o . " . . . " , . . • • . • .- . . . '

Ono-lull was* imroiimu'd,;T!II> fullowian bills weiv p.ivi.-d;A|tpropriii(ine $12,000 U> iho H «l.li-iViimn at N*i(w:ir!;, 3.*i to',',.Si-n.'lc 2I'I7, nuthftrizitip a 1'oiiiniis.sii.u^r

of I! lilroad Tu.tution, lo .'i?:-E>t in Ilic tn.<-iiiiitiof-i-itilnuiU.-tl to)). ...,

IIOIIHO '>'.,&, niitliori/.i'.i Iho Wnt^r Com-iilS.:;ior.crn to i-Di.tirmt? inn-'Jlrjnn'iHH, .vt*., jftnd !•*'rrj.itivv to a joint v/.itor supply.

I I . I I K C U O 7S;?natO' nincndtnoiit?), va!i*tilting H;i!«nf land by HIIC rifl**, 11 to <>.

U..yi<>;ir.i;'1pri)vMinz-;for OIL* review of'OCCL'itiii it in viUQi of conviction*'.ami•l^jnt'nts for i1 inli'iniJt dfconrl, lit to I I .llonst* R2I {.StMmto amo:iilm?nt?)t mnlii'n

it nnlawriil to titin>tiii»fi or have nsHgiii'itpay or wagps duo t«» any Ulmrrr nr rm-p'nyc r.r any tor|wratinii. 31 to 0,

llmivant-i, gives tho public.itinn i'f tli":\i f.> (lormaii mnvspapers havinjj Miei^i'.^t cinuihili:)!! In riltM »f th*! ei¥rocdn*>S -li) In ft •.HomO'117, :m:rtiii, iiu> Mimtiriatr WH-

icr nri, Hi to (I.S;':wic ll>. umiiin i/.-B citliv-l.. .'oii^.riii-l

ajv;n? and drains, HI lo I.

Keniuo 2(1.-1, provide!) ilic inmil>»-r nfpaswnjjvKi lo be cirritul on fiiil haats, Ac ,wilhin !liiiStak-T::i: toll.

.llimj-r- I(W; niipropriiitin^ ^tll.Oiill foriinrroving tlic fji-iiiuidi nf Mm Morristownl.-iiiatic A^-lnni. X. to !.

ibvi^'.! 121, pnniiiiii^ for tin* iiuvrpur.t-liiiii iiT Kv;ingp:ii*ul [.uthorau I'hnrchpp,

fixins th iptipiRiins, 15 to 0, ;

ibllH.)-l'J2.1Vh»!ui:; !•. til-! ul«!fiti!l I'f 1freclmldyri 1- tsi t . j

IloiHi! 4ii(#, appropriulin^ SlD.OOi) totli.i Morristoivn A^yhini, 13 tn 1, I

llonso met at 10 A. M. , j(.'<i,'i^itlor;itioa of the incidental hill w.is |

j ' l ' iu i ' t l A nuail»;r of ani.'ndin'iit5 ITPIO |in.uk'inrn-aiiuK Hie p iy of vjrinuj ill jCIT< i>f tlie* Ifun« nml tft'nnfo. T(i« hill -,*W.H iirdcrt'd t i a third routing. : \

Tiio f'jllu.vin^ nil 1.4 \vjri: p u i c d :II iim.M:!, t ) L-ytlizi thj ril;ini'i,j (if

inrl'ir inrj in .tpsuial t r i ini n-\ railro.t.h,

, - C ' l S S j ^ i i S P ' Jiij^Si'^S7--- •••'•

Hitting an nxlr.t ulu;goriding thcr-'on, II to 1.217, .lVpii.lIs till! lilH'lHft

ii, 183.1, wi ' i ir ing BipiwHiK'wiiK.tli-.'loMtl'W ft tir

-' iii-S. making :.P'TT tfin'Sfitto.'


nml i;|,r«a i<i iniks street improwsllm ^oiiernl ^.ipjnsc1, 'M l o l l .

fi.'niiic V2t, limitinj; ill'1 lim.1

nun.'iii1,' ad ion.' in insolvency .o 0;,


'iU. :t.*i to:f.

rt l.'IO, for tins I'.ir.imiii.n r.f Htu.-!;

y n?si(oiittio:ii«, :tl to 0.

rt : i ) . rt'Iiilivi: ]o Mil^w.ilU* in tnwa-

T to , '

n 11.

i<-- I M . «

lldii-c !H)i>, tpipiiive .f>iirt-h=ilf Ilia prop-erty owners to liuvr nowors , coiwtriicted,as niuciiilcd hy tin* tiLMiatc.

!W to it. 1 A rrsi'ltition wai mloptcd tluil when thej creel i'lfi!iri«:| fIon«o adjourns it do so tu meei nt nine

iioi: on Thursday tnorninp.; Tfi;« veto of llotisc 77 w.iv suiiatncil by

.:!'• |in;v-':i tol.1 at'iS (0 3tl.it'Ofili.} Uiioliill was inircidiHi'd, '

! ' TtlL'IHOW. • .-

• of n'i.; AL ~ib) r . y.SiJtmte tnol. 'i'ii-.1 d>llow-

iip=*,. !•" [ i'ifr bills won1! passed:1 .StHiAto l!"0. t.i nutli-*>i-i/,> I!IQ Attorney

(iui;uilmL'tili)T pro-' | t-ii'iieral tu cRipIit.v a clirik'il a c t u a l (op-; r>f fin1 ili>paitmentis, h iovd hy Mr.' Youngblnod in liin IHIUI

..„ . . . . . \ viyoi-iius iiml puppary iivmn'-'r), 12 to ii,. Hi-tiuto J.'iS..ivl;itiii;t io the iasu* of imu-.i . ILmse ltd 1, relating to bmvii'h fffiviim-piirni'v loan bondn ia aniicipasiiin of t.i?;'.'i, j iiiciils, M l» (I. " .'.VI iu I.I. ; llonse met at " " ""' " '"'"•••• :--

: tr. ti.

vitlw far

o pay i

Ac, hy'

n l«.rn)A-

Ohur'cli, tiiiil h is eonseiciii-o would j • . ,I proptialions, .!9 to 0.

hills wore pnsso.1:g y p

utntcil lie had joined iho Dunimrdj' Hcante2Ll, anihori/inircitW in l«.rn)A-i hills wore pnsso.1:C h r h nml lib 'conscience Vouhl '«?'«? «e™P»™n>J!» nntii-hatwii . T .ip. Kcwita MT SeiKitor StaIMl.yS bill rola-

h lk f I I U 33 0tive lo tho walk of IUIII.UIIL'S, 33 0,

of u.lj*inB, _ . ( lulf-acn

:;rT"-"'T:li6-0(;«'.V':buily.vof.;ii"" muw: V' fifty .yoaraoia wus"-discovered' ilont-l • l i l l l l s c •*&*• making.. • iom

ing in"the"Dehware riv't;r it1 little' lio-

lowEnston, at about noon on .Friday

. i.. last. It & supposed to.be Hint of 1\<1-

I - .Senate -02. tmt!iorizin||f .seti ii'«urtii

, y .frou;: the

on envelopes found in his

'The to*al (inioiuif of nmii«

y I n s - n r » y s o n . . • « • ( ! ! ! . o n e ' C d i i t .

mid fi'oni the naturu of Uio letters,

ivbich word refnaats for situations, it

is thought he commit ted suicide.

v:itiil iiolivithsLinding insnfliuknR.v.nf .ad-vert'somenl, 32 to 0.

Hoiiro J33, giving municipal authoritiesHinl Unnishii) committees power io issue

It is worth notice that three of tho

great English novclisUfivo piniultsui-

eously conlribnting to; the lLu'j)er

.periodicals:. ChavlosKsiule.ivith "A j

"Perilous >ecrc-i,'' to ihe Jlavtr;'

. WHliiq CoHhisr with l'l" Say So," to;iii"G ir«%;"ninl'SVilliam.Uliick, with

J u d i t h ShiikepjiofLi'fi." io the Mn<jn-

. zinc. • • ' •

«OSDAV',' .11til.

boi«ls:i"ni* ilie imymout of tlie hiyio? ouiof walei1 pipes, itc , 31 to 0.

•ilonsn *I10,-UI iiniliiliit tlio m.nniruCiiimmil sale.of ,,iin|)iirL!..,;nnil, .imitatiriii jiUiry

'piroilficts*,' n,"» ib 0T" ™.r.-..,.-T,......,.,-,

nnsp-ISS. providing for an opproprin-don fur tlic prcscrvatimi of the carl? n>c-onls ot New Jorsey, H3 to 0,

ctiatb IS?, to reiinburf.o William .3.Wort/, for moneys ailrancetl to ttis tiink-ing fniiil, SI to 0.

Aoii?p-tW, -for holding township uon tin.1 s ino ballot lor

i- to fix the tiitii-gs. liy voting.uiship ofiicf-r?,

Kpair of


IKiiHtJ :Jbt, ivltitivu to til.Iftwjilks in boronpln, Vd io ."»;Sciwic 31, relative to tho attachment of!?rrr.iph wiroa, Sec, to btiihlinKS,.1O to 0.The (jovernor'a vein on House • 330,.1:1 live tnassekBments.for servicoa in cit- j

first class,1-relative• •• V •• • : • • • ' • " ' • > • . •* • !> ' • • . | K>:-• u l ' • UitJ first c l a s s , 1 - r e l a i_iJenalfl mot at.i-,i ' . .M...jriir. 'ft .l ,ill:t .«^mJ.7 . ._ .,;;,.,,,,• ; ; ,-,.l-,,ii

i;,iill,;;,„-.;•"inlroducecir '" j -,.j , ,j - ' ' • • ' --•...

tlousa rncl at.S. .. Senate Joint 1!

. 1* M.

e&oluttonCongress to promote, tlic -«Kovouiio Marino

: anil passed by a \j\lr. Armsi rong

....-the Legislature »(April 18th, at no;

- ....Ohnpmmijt wast

to 23.

Service,•olo of -U

• ofl'iircd I!

jjnuru fii

MI. On

alileil hy

No. ll,

vus In!to 0.

i vcsoluti'iod iconinolimi

'ailiillKof llio

icn nil

a,i IhnlKriihy,

M" Mr.of 21

Sir. Xei ofioreil n cononnvnl re-g. •-. .solution lliaf. Uic.-Lecialaturc mecl in joint

•:-:- ,jj»cetii)g on Wednesday, the ICth iiialanl,'^-~'' nt'iinoii. "• A(iople'it >JV a viva rorr vote,


• TUI:?]> . \T ."

inoL.al JO .•,. j t.Four .bills

' r wore iiiti-otlnccii. ' T l i o following liilis

Hs Ois-Senate 2G9, to c-npr;!, 'rases among ntiinirsU, iifwsed; 12 to 0.

Sena to 271, preserving;, the Ii>gnl s'nlof papers whoso nnmes liavo bien changipasiicd 1-1 to i |

• •'-• Soiifite ltij weal in is ii •!joam"of "-:rai!ru•"-"••; i:ortn'nissionei'3, and ]../..:... clinngi'S three days in nilvun'ce, vtviv. i:t-

" trhilticdil by Mr.' fitninsby.•'Assembly 271,:.to prevent'caMlc run-

•i--riing.:HlarKn,rp!i5Se(lJ 12 to.!!.._. ."r-f?• .. Assembly 250, supplement to proceed-' ings in CJP«S of quo w.irranlo, jmssetl,

, . ,12 , to ,0 . . . . ' '.. ;,.. ' ,, ,.^r . . \r^•-•"-•""Asseirililj''Joint-Resolution'"'^.' ll'i-.-ap1-'-,'-jrt'oprifltinS: n'.su'm- of•mrlnpy for liie"pur-. .iliase fjf a picture of Moliie 1'itcltor, pjFi»-

i i i r i x ^ ' - ^ ^ v ^ — , ; • • - . • -;••,:. .• • •Assembly 207, paying' tlio expanses of

;tluj .committco..appointed to-iiivestigato~ .'. \ ; a " H : i u 2 ; -V- .AsbCinbiy .'Iiiint.EcRolulion N6""4;r

livi: to Stuto wur elniin?, lost, 5 io 13.iinbly 503, relative lo tlio Oaklni'.d

Cemetery Association, pjssed, 11 lo t>. .county bo.ir*l3,.llio

vighl tolnnact oitlinanoes in relntion


, veto mpssr.go was rccciveil from the '•cnmrireturninz JIOIIFC bill Xo, 77,

'•n furlher ssupploiiiuiit loun net • entitled' in act concerning taxes,' approved April•Itii.lSlG." "X\iU Mil "provides lhaLallliomls now or hereafter issued V.y anycouiilv, cily, town, lownsltip or other mit-nicijia! corporation Flial! lis exempt fromtuxiillon fur Sinto, ronnly f>r nmnicip.ilpurpnses, when hohl or owncil i iyanyin-diviiltiiil oi' corporalicm residing or doingbusiness within tho comity, city, town,toiTiiship or other mnnicipa! cornorutiDiiissuing said bond.

• ITiiiiJO .J|0 t the incidental bill of thesession, was inUon up anil di••cussed.Somn oftlie itcma were Rtriuttcn out. I tffnw lni'1 ovor iinti|....W(!dnftS[]ny'ihorning.

Mr. Xeighbor oflereil a resolution prc-vklinft for a .vr;e tlic ailjournracnl on Fri-day the ..18th. The resolution wnt adopt-ed hy a vojo of 37 io <!.

Senate '213,. niiLhoriziitg"the division ofnU :n (iitiei oiii'e in live yc.irs, 112 lo 0;Home 510, tb« incidental bill, 37 to 10.fltiiise 543, tn prjvidrt.for an ox'iibitio

of •(!«! Siato'j -rniiiiftffl at ilw N'on- O^spo^itioi!, Ii7 to 0. , " ' . " . "«n -I")."", HQiiutc amendments, act for

tho einplovmtnt ot pri-miors in tlie State

Housis-t'JO, Senate amendments iippro-prittinjj $20,000 for cxN'iidint; tlio fjt-itt*Prison widN, 85 lo 0.

II.IIRP 5U1.H11OWS t:itu;s t,f Lhc »ei!(indcln<? lo l*is ihr* Fiilitrii's r.f tn'siiiiri^rs atS-10.00 uyonr, 111' tor , .• IFonsu *J:W, SunaU im&iiilW3iiN1_T|-;iili'*

it to medianit's lieu I t S r ^ - ' • jiii!.,-iuliiif!il31.« Hon=a-liX1, pro-1tln>'i?lcf.tifin r.f two freelMidaM .vitli ii p.-ipaliitioncrvit-ndingriOOO.

(vote aftcnvar.l-t ribjwste.d lo by Mr. .len-kiiis, luil ^ riecond ballot r.'!'*nU:«(l in w.\-ciirrcuce aRiiin).

Hotiw fi"S, pi.Tinilf. ir.'A'it.iliiji commii-tops to till vacancies'in iheir own I'O'IICJ,

t o d . _ •; ' • • - • : • •

"'i «ft.i.itrt')••> . .• •!.ln[...ti. . ^ f i"v •-"-„-•j pany !ms been in the hand* (>f u rocoiver

hive yeurft, ilip offiiwH mn.v settle with


Tlie I.nryuHL :I"Iouse in this Locality ami -

where Hargains can always he round. One

gentleman the other day saved his fare

from Washington on a piece of muslin and

realized much more on the other goods

purchased. Another one bought one of our

cheap Carpet;; and saved ten cents a yard.

Multitudes every day are buying-their goods

from ten to twenty per cent, cheaper than

they can Imy the same goods at home. Our

stock is immense, comprising everything in

Dress Groocls,'Silks, Fancy Goods, Carpets, &c, &c. Our

Prices arc low because we sell for cash and

lose nothing'by credit. Orders by telephone

or mail promptly attended to,

328 Korthampcon St.,




1111 ".Seiialo""1in'et';'»t' 10 '.GM^:""ITlie Senater.iilroiw j C 0 I l c n r r e ( | j r thc Ttonso resolnlion to ad-

ourn mil' die on the 18th at nonn.Tho following bills were paFHcd:Hi-imic ]2-l, supplement to act limiting

.lie tini! for •coiiinicn'cmg' nclions .againstissignccf, 1(3 to 0. ..;.„.

'.anies power lo erect wiws,'" diiita nudvT groniitl, etc., 18 to,0.

Assembly Hi'-I, jivdviding Tor tho ivsvtowconvictinni for ,coiitom]it df, court,

n t o o . " ; • -" • : , : • " • • " • ' • • " . '

,.;^_^-Vs?.U:).bJ1V^|i'i3,.rehiU\;_a to^.onlinariCfts.jiil

..;. Assiiiubly "Ul, relative lo pn

nini.l jurors:r 11 OHSO •I'Jii

if 'id, making th"e"i!ompcDsalion of:i;pn_r tliom,Jo3t J toJJ.__.__.._

i l i / i i i t6fe"xpoiisbs"'of'a" Bpecitil "cnininittue nftheHouso to ' invosUgate ' ilie neccmnts of

the croilitors ih'emKMves, % to 9,BennttilOS, ivlativi? to Hie discharge of •'

cliiims against jstinl debtors nr copartner?, •SJ to7 . 1,.Senate l!70, anlhorizing ilnv emphvr-j

mrni by'tins Attorney Oiiiiend of ii cluri*}'al ass i s tan t "'.' t o 'J. . • j

Jl'oiise :i.?IJ, givfs n v f f s e n s ol ' t lw poori;r.MltT jinwor in desertion.cases.'IW to I . ]

lioiiiu 2;tii, fiiviii-j.to. .tnwnahips power!fo sustain fimilopurliiU'iits, .'!! in (I '

l lo ' i sc uirivsupiilcinciit to Uic net to cs-bli3li a system of public instrncti-in, VL»-

fcrs to ihf! Milhura school district, -12 to 8.i ronscM' l , incroaaing lho'H,iIary of tho:iit- Hdurd uf AFsessitrs, -U to ll. - . ...

FTIIJAY. - I'i'lifi incidental bill, ufter being shorn of .

a l l e s t m s in i t in the wr.y of fens for ofll.rers , cli-rbs, &c, was missed 12 \o !1. The.

viv.Yii also iiussed: . ]iU3 . permi t t ing the nuiuiiiy of!

limited oxi iress ' tnuna, HI to 'J. jlltmso IJiiit, tdeslnblisliieiilitnijalschoolf,

l l i o •!. •House rill!, • p roh ib i t ing the .aii leaml ..

inni.nfactnru of oleomargarine. 11! to I . !iloiirie.l'JS, mm. to township nr.rci Apr. t

U V l S a 4 , . l l tC ' 'O- •.•;-• :;::••-.:•-'.*• • - •••!-•' 1 [oiiso*R30;• Jersoy City:lax-bill, 11 to I.

House concurrent resoltUion, rulatinglo ilitj ]) eservnlion of tho military recordsol the State, 12 to 0.. . . . . .

Ooiiciirrenl resolution No, ;"i, rulaliue toUio improvement d[ tlic port of Nuw York"ii t SfiVidy' 11 oiik"," IS '.o p.- ::" ' • "-" •-"-":"

A message was lr-ceivcd frmn the HouseiiimoniichtK tho adoption of a cuncurrcntresolution asking fur the appointment of aGinilL'ii!i!ico.-™U!)mmitte.r.nn-..tho ••^OIISHRibicni'iarnts.toMlic JuuiJeiitflUbill..:_ThoHonse had refund lo concur. Tlm roso-lniiun was adopted and llio 1'resilient up-poiji|cil Messrs. W, .H. Miller, • • - ' - - • -






oh'TAi:«t>:u •tAi


The New York Erhjsqriurn is the LargestRegular Dry Goods Establishment

in-Eastern Pennsylvania.

-....:.:~ ._..fl™.:_

(1 cs 1 .'jKEra.S ts'itI Admiir.toil

,j-S3h.-- "

.THE R"'»S.,,3


Only Ono

5 :Pi les ! ,


t e£Wi1V'iV*'f?T0R'f'Jf^|. e ^ - H ^ T j ^ ^ ' : . ' V •' '•:-.'.;~F:'.'-jl ''jariniiu newspaper havjing hirgpst oircnlnlion in second class^eil*ics, ,U lo I). • '• •.

1 louse -tii,"}, providing for the employ-mfiiil. of coiivicu jiy ilia picce-prico plan," 3 , t o 2. ' '•'"•_• " , , n . ' & • . ' \ -

House S31, giving ilreiiion the Fnmo.ad-aninRCS with i'pferciico"Jlo taxed aa inzm-

beraof the Ii. A. It., IS to 0.

lloiiso -135, Mr.;'Lchlbacli'3 bill pro-viding for iho appointment of thrco com-niaaione'rs of apycul in ensns of laxatioi

.•i^V.Mr.'d o Conference (,om"'. niiitee, pveseh'tcil a.report-_ntntinfi that Uictwo.eominit!<*w Iincl agi'cpd to amend tlm

ppr in flrst-clusa ciliis, 17 to 0.

ft. m nnlgment, topriietico. ac t,

by tho

moi.^.u..-:.- :,-, . ,.• , •- •House 4Sfl, to1 continue tlic a'pnTOpria-

lion for tho piiWioaljon of ihp'..?]'Sll.|y?'i•ig'to'Ti11"'^"'""1''"1""^""1" " ":''-Senate 2"7, Biipplmiicnt.in nct!concern.

igniu clmnw of Uic Slock ton Rifi« rmiRO, \l a t o o . '•'•• ••• • • - , - • ' •' - • - .

Senate amondmonls to Hr;iiso -185, rcla-ivo lo I'uinroiaainner.H nf Appcalsin wises•

of taxation, 39 to 0. -. r. .--; .;-, ;

Sciiaic 8'2, rc'lntnif; to appropriiitioiis of. lyineoring hnrcans in cit ion of iho secondchisa, i!7.to 1. ... . . . . . . . ' '• •• L

Mr Oo!e, on behalf of llio members,prcseutcil SfiQiikcr ytonoy with a hand-somo gold watch on) chain, Tor which theypoflker-reiiirnod thanks, •• Mr, Pish pre-sented Scraeuiit a t Anna Ilouovnn with a(liaraond pin. ' Mr. Onminailo presentedRending Clerk Nronan with n gold watchand cliniiir"' ' " . . • , • ' . ,: .7..1.,, .,.,"

Tlio usual conimiitco was appointed to...a:t,cn=r:liR5:U0TCrncr.^The?Iiij!!aenl9lbill with yeimto. amend men ta, was passed.

Tho mcmbura'of the HOUFJO ropuirod to10 .Si-nato chamber ut noon, .ind tlio Pros-lent of Llio Sfiimls,- by tlio power vc; '

I in hlinj'.dcclnrod Ihn.lfltlih ^gislQinto

; . r — - " - — ™-"ij3







Page 5: TAR. - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · Bfit lliitiklntf until Iho cmltcrs had failed (onsullen(,'low;her nllccHmii mre far from nffrccnljte. • .' • ". "Ifl have overrated my lutltienco

mmsm^^MHSSf ^^^SSfmS^^m^^m^msm^. ^SS'SRr

The Washington'Star.The Nineteenth Century Woni i s r . j Uml 03 S:nalor, JUIIRC Ue.uty Una lo cc-

.Icuiiy Ilia srnt In Ituit ulluil:!1. body. AHr'lun 'Mlcciii-Ta tucruittu IAVC gnno over lor ttin

: Oxford,

—As tlicroi tiro a immijcr of ivtidci:* of

W-tSHLSUTON, N. .!., Al'li. 'Jl, ISSI.


Al Ui< n. L. & \\\!t It. Co.I go 1'iirir rai|» nuo^ciiinr. vcrybiwydMlllngniit pnivi

' - A Rival!,.! of radii | . IM,. ,I J,wn il.o j 1 ' 1 ' 1 . " ° » " ™»'1 '""• '"c s : ! " " " ' " ' " 'tntinw. All Ihwu IhiuMnyi-it ittirl tec, Itmt Ui- inli-mnirion' utelil nt ; : :» . So nrtlcroi.'

.T. It. TtiAT.jimti. Cl-iU.Wil "Illusion, X. .1., Aj-rll It!, itiSI.AlUOl'ilNEI* MKKT1MJ OP TUB CdtNCII..

^. Ilurd,C.hllH*. .lollilsUiil. MiT'tlDll. Sp:(]lL.rCtlliltr'JT lUlilMayor Corni-li.

TIIL- lullunlni; H t i fMt r tu I.li.hn-tmi C'ornUli, .Mnvi.rs ].ntni<crt :Vr.u,

f tUc IWr : •li>.>c[i!i (.'. Tli<iiti|i;>iiii,Om.-taMet .Mm A<l:tui«, (.Vti^ul.lc: .li.-i.!i K.IVtiy. (.'timtiil-MoiKT ct A^ . Survvyor of Mm Illir

.Mayor Ciirufoh tmi.l-; lit.-

; , - • -.. : .X0T1VK.Aur.it I-:. Slti'fer i* the tt>tl/t»ri;.-tt triad

-/theaTMl at Orfont, X .!., nwt n-ib

i store; IIO lias on hmwl a»

AVIII. l.uulaclt.nirl \Vanlc(l-I.inl, ll.i.v A!.

l,c Ilir »!..;.! ! . . i l ; i - l'.!;/l:i II •w»l 0 ' , / r : ; . KiVii- . - . l - . l i . ' i . i •...•!-.!

Mining liwii:r!itir.t-.i | i» ;., .;,,. ,..ir... t ,,i rji-t^auiiii.ilj. uii'l . \ l r . ^< ' i i^" ' i 1 .v li:.l;cry; •lolmny H a• •v- i i-M t o"-ir, , thri: .uml.l . j j

•.T:I utiy. M'.'ssw.'{rtUrl (J.mI;]iT Were

.-Hl. i:i hi-, mt'.'Hit-"l.-ttul lit lltu Win'Hut only h ^

,:. .Tlio Under willer Uv K'ftvlni: rati

'I'hs Mnyur uppi>it:li(l the

—Wlirro nivrlnla.J-

—Uiicni:'. fai l ; itC-li;mn, for Ail P.

, —The lesion fair v. • 11'Virr 2iil lliis year.-.•=;—Tim IXoiiw' Mi»i.»n'

.ilV-ivt), in

itliy nml l.linl. ipO'Oi»cnitioii <>i tim(."nuitiiiHi .I'wmril, t.iiitiiilu.'l ili't nlEiiIr* i>ftill- iminidi'iillty In MICII :i iiiaimrr ili:>t m-en.oiny will ri'i^ii In all <l'-|>:irtiiii-M*. -mil. If

i n n - , HI lli;il 11 lower rate of i ' i \ » wilt I".' ini.I'Oj-ctl tijitm our i'lilft'11*. .

• ' I I n i ii'iiiluleiit Hint I Sic Sl.iuliiisiCuiii*luilliT* Mil riiill/.c llio Import nuci* of l!ii'],-rrfiH-iJivfi-ojitlon*. nml will fultliltilly dl».flmri;i:lliuUuli^tir iliu .-.ii-.ity n-iiu'iitlKTiii::. j .thai while flcvuti'il tn titcli [msii'mus of int-t jiiml lioimr. VH1I sit •tlir-im,-t;i.i-.M:r"!l1--^r.| i;

r.i!.-i!,v.l HUH- ll.tlyi:>ut.lliU:r.tk'lj-.-rir.t.!l:i>^t In•11 (I^r i i lwii t 1 .Moniljlir, i:.in

r.-. nil lit I'd in lli-:» tlivril ' l\:?c\w


si ;ii ourn)

I cf;'.Ultra is


i;iiU.*t«: l'iiw>;<-t«,\ViiiV'nml U-'M; (Mi-lieu*, l.i!iWt.-.uml Kiw; UiilinMioilhusi.in???, l)»*slion^ ami i.'itdiicr; Oriliiiitniv.1,fi.tii1i:cr:iii<1 LillVil.J: Shiv.v*. llnrivit iiniiItc-lionf-; ['ire, W'niitt uti'l I feliotij;.

—Our MiiliiJi'iU frion.li iitltrtl iili.iitlc'Ht mm «>r tlio rntcrtftimii.'riit ^iven lastivv-tk. T U in'i&a! Ro:nuiiltra tins nnli-r.

I t ' tnnlcr i i tu i1

—A new ]iosti'flicc I1113 li-'on estnl>!i>linl. iit Tliiietii'iiii, ITiiiilcr<1oii i'miuly.'

—A linir-boUiUjv win Riven"to tliojm-\,\h of the public scli(i»l 0:1 Arlt-ir HJ.V.

.•~.Tml«rj \*fttiS.vti|;lft riVHitlcil m-vrtlmCourt 011 TiiMilny, CiiW .in«t!rp Hcx'k'y

•" Mnts side. • . " . ' - , • • . " •--The (*ro?3 proceeds of thf l.ulii?5' sttji-

jier nf llio M P.. church |;i«t Tliiimluy'•' I'vonin.z were tsiCST.

— A loilgp nf llio Kni^hl.i & l.adicj ofllie llnldiw Star IIII1* bopii forr.iuil at Kat'k-tiway, Mnrriu county.

—Mr. Horny C. Miller will a*l\ts*i lite'IVoipcrniiCO incoiin,',' iti t!i> rwHn^ fiom

'next riiinilir nttoriinnu.

~ T h o Home MiMioa/lliii'l will M.I .in

ihnppl next y;mtn!iy eveutnij.: —Tlio L-iilics* AM .Society will iwM n

fair iu ••onufciloti uiili thi'lr- nnunal f'.'-li-viil wliich cccms iiliout June UI.

— liorton'.^ ice tivam will bsJ FK'vi'd a t ! |itliu Mi'ificit MiiinV.-* t,(wi:i!ili) in (ho l'rc-lty- M-T• . . . , . . . , , . . .1- , , .c1 . . , .w . i . - - :-„ i !

•--.lolni i ' . l .r teji ing, tKo Milford, l'.i.,.liiiirJrrcr1 vfli svniuacctl t<i ?evcn ycui'Hanil Fix mouiiis nt ham Isiboi1 »• tlio pen-i t C i l t i a l T . . . .' . • • • . . • . •

—Mr. J . T . JfclV the new lilarkmniUi,-.uiil Jliss Annie ^loHon, of this plncu wereimtU'il in the hnly bonds of nutrimoity on

: Tlmi\-.lay last. •.:.:.".."".- . . - ' • '.•'•—At -lho (itmiiitt school .'tiiCL'ting on

Tuesday eveuiaj,- Mr. A. It.ibcock- was

viinia of tin- IIWIJIII-. ton mul i'l BOW. |.wjtM al i:ritltl«lffln\l'" " r " 1 r " l l l «"«*"i""w V"w.-Ami now. -;nii!i-mcii, u< wv :;»tiinc ili.< . v L i v.-jih Hiu.K'Jwy Or-.m (.'a *t1! —-Mill _.MtiCny, trlmni.owry UHIJT^ in

ii- iniitsKill

"f .l-litcpuii u-ii

IVC 1II3V [il

i,f 1 HI- l.oton-li,tt»!jt;ilMT in iiriinmli! iu'r iuti'i-oivi'tiwi, uml wtii-ti tin' new tea1

liumlifil utnl i^lih-lU. ' liiiwii.full' t.'rin nf I'll'.vc V..u LS|>IIVJ.r .^-: i l.nowli'iL-c of liavlii'.' i lbelinr^.l our<-\i-rv duty fiiitlifiilly ami lni|>!irthilty. nmlwltli1 HiPliL-iirl/ !i|>sir»vul o[ i.nr k-IIow ciil-

iruat• ihat d.»l will illrci-t 11ml L-IIIIK' «nir <!.'-IUuT«tl01!«." •" :

.M.ivcil aiitl Mr. that Hit' .Mayor :i|.;>.»liit itiu

The .Mayor ni>iKi!iitnl'!io

t-TAM>iN(i cciM»iTri:!> i'nt: jyl i ,l"li:illi.'C — JiK'-ib T. IpIlU-'Krti. iMIll. . j.Li

L'I'UI'I.'!^. .l.'llll K. Gitil.V. -nrt> Pq i t . - . l coh M.'L-h^li. K. t!tir.|. .1.:.

T. ,1flin>toii;

utul j r l nf sul^r utnl imlnsirioui lt.it,-

l (;iiiiuiir<(1ittt

nj,- fun In- (.'liainoil. \l>nln nlio o t l1 'W'liiul i-iisluii^ii-r. "Unclis Hilly/1

i>nt t". H.tniiil nml lirin^iiiK iiinl Jnewn timli.Wini:- (ri-iinls in thn .I1M»IICC.In ttiu sum'; Ittiiiilintf is ntntipopnlni- tiiil.pi', " l i y n " Walton,jii)-t jiitt you iiji jt imli'uy v.fiLlinj; onllitvury t l ioap. I.cv.vitiff licrc nml l)'jitriiifj n

very busily plien: iin*'"Ainly" mul Wi'-ium,

i | t ;u ig nitily y j j j |cc-iviiifj frnitiht ntiil liiis»n».i nf every (littit'iihHii:'.' A .litllo Tavtiicr, :\zd • licr:' i

: . M . Kit I s i t Stifi'w l:iri;t! ami i

lion thereto. 'Tctu" built a floo aowbarn eottiu time ninwj and iias been mak-ing general improvcincnls tlirouKhoiit. H o[H botinil to lo up willi tha Umci. In uri-ill'iloii to th'i'w iiu-ntloat.il in my rt-purt

week who were Imiliiing lioro oro -T<'1'itman, n very brmnlwctHiifi; n l s " AbryPitt»Jigcr. .Mr. t'clornon h orccliriK n

tocJ l l i t^ in Iludiloy nvpiinc. "Stillicrc'i) tiinn* to follmv,"— K c iiiiii'.'ratiinil Mill Mr. l.ivi l l o^ ' -

l.iml v.ill run hU r.iHiwV1 fiiriu vsicntM byMr. liiior^ii llaiglcy, wit!) mnvpil in I*it.

t»'ci! cimrjf c of a fiirni. J/JVI IS a pcoilfirmer, Iwvinj: had come cxpcriftiiw in the-

r wrtt. .Siii'.Ts-niIti pani.A liitjtt JOKIION c;i:ni:(it:.' .

Tiw. Intititiicrntilf) prtyriils rrct-iv.;.! by<:. I!. itariiiK ami'Mi*s Satliu l.ttkcntt;rcp* liiili liii.iy, nml lliey fi:n*o trouble) t»Ihul ni'Jin to ilhptity tlio 'vtilnjtilo jjifM.(k'orp'Kiysltiiwill hn obllgwl l« OJKJII A(•nii'lit'iy r-lr.t'o if inncti in tiro • i* rnaaivo*!.(Jul tn ' he j.i!.'<! I ?liirtcil to i«tl: Coorrfowart iiiful-innil lh.*t n piuI.M'^ V.-.BIM «r-ri\'(» fur tiiin by ewpro:« nml went ID r e

III- -ttft'l lit.|||C llftpft!. liprill lll(!

nrriviil of tlu tr.vtn nml tfioiv npncnrci'l !<i|tic i;n mnn;tnl (piantily of c il

»AS!MELliLoiM)BtNn.;ii. A. P..« A M. UtntfUturn • nuR.tidK, lKt»D.13r<i ChiKKUrn hi oicli

• Him Hi. MKOIIIC ll-iil. tVuflilnijlotl. Sfcrct.iry,

Tr.«nn Ciurrcn. N., 13. II. A. M.-M.11C<I run-Mnmin « ! T i u t y l t firli monili Mi

r.«nn Ciurrcn. N., 13. II. A. M.M.11C<I run• %M*nmin, «»•! Tiuir.tiy lit firli monili Mi-».u . H i l l W^LMi-iOil, hM.'.Miry, J . B. tub|ILT. Wnniiliiyn.ii, N. J ,j ' i ii . tirii . tOiiiscu,, No.T,M^lurp -ninitil ii<M-ii.l>lliiF.:miiiiiii. Jl.uin'lc mil, tV'tifl.1 K .•itl|ii;:,>Vtii!i fci-ioii. a.r.Moi.ArC»u»,t!<i'fii(v,Ni).().rinVti-,'.'liil>ii<b Itll VVislllL-ilji.Mii-iiHic Hull. Wuplihuton,l.'.tii-), .Vflrlitu^tiiii, S .1.

Wji i i . i r i . tO i i i scu , , No.T, Itnyn] nml KutrctM^lurp -ninitil ii<M-ii.l>lliiF.:fr>l 1'rliUy In <riclimiiiiiii. Jl.uin'lc mil, tV'tiflmiKi'in, Urcotutr,.1 K .•itl|ii;:,>Vtii!i fci-ioii. a . J . . . : ,..:..

Hr.Moi.ArC»u»,t!<i'fii(v,Ni).(). K T.-hlnlritCim-' l I l V V l l I l lliiCll ll ltl l lt.

,n\i>r, U.K.* r u , Ni» Iii,-Jr. 0 . I*. A. M.—Mi-cl-

y .»! t.iy "'(tfillntr I'iivin.n.V Hi l l ,

r.?ri"'"y'J"" •"amii:


:., I!.Ah.

in, Xjifin. . I .


.ICCKTt Coi-tilL, Si). 1ft. O. t.'. A. 31. -MrctlKSPV.-IV HUM]!, 1 TO-HC .MH'litiiitc'rt Kail. 3L-Ctvhtr. win. ll.loar.1..;;-, WMrlili^n.n, K. J.1:1;n |iMMiir<KEAr. Mo W. I.(.'.O. I-1., m.-ii* -J.

lAS-mt.H h,n.B. .v.'. i). I. 0 0 l ' ; ( i i !wi .

Wn^m^'Im^^Vn/i'i'ry"'!-'.''!!. t'.tlSfJtr W.i'il,'|U ; l l> l l . N. - I .

Klnl llmo w n i» llw i^w WfrtW of llio l»U*t.' „ , „....lii-l. Zm>l<.ijk':il Wotuler ,«H Ivnrili,-llr.1 * < ^ ^ t



oil Ihat tr.iin.""

innriiol fir S.H!!J.e


l th:i

tlio |iiir[:ni;A In; wss .-c:it f.n-. U P brriti»'il jit !•» 111.- Iniii^'.-op'.'ii!1-! il, I'.n-J'tViiU'i it '•».

iOfitiiin if;(•*'(; iWi'll lalilp trliitnripyn. jTin*;.'* a mifiahr," p i p «icnrj;?. "I ' l l J,'O i

to tlw

i'S, nil f»l'

Ait'ly." rieorger.innnl(iiiis «f jwri:*

; :ir..l HmVvi. The

'M no iiii'-ititlic utjout it. • Onft wlmlc

lir«[f-*hoinl — 1S1

iLeBoulillierBrotes;/•'••ivi'jii Ih'f>>* Silk*

; . - ' • A S H • • • • ' • •

j DOHHsi i i* in :v( ; (Hni \j Ufimlnay A 1 ttIr St., !


11 tVi'oit^aTi'tlVfliillV'lhr/MiWins^ntif 'oinviWi-JnllN' .:-"";r--;:n*i• ! In K't! t hi* Hlv-Irn»Uiiis. :irtf<:iil'itvi'«l crcaliir*1. :--.".-^;

.- Jilmf In tliucountry nt,itnt.-ji]iiiir(i.iijui.obji i(:l,j.,^i^ t |• ml lint nxi.-i. i'Xiiili:iiriM-i!rcii.:i!iitiit unrsttl[i. it•-•; ,-.*•«:'••; S- . l«;lli;yi'il liVM'j'wiiiTt. 111 f-lltliili' llllH.1 Ihtlf'-'11"1^' H

• H I H ' I I W I H : IHi'Mhii»Hi«nk1l?littoniM«Inlhi'- :":-1-;.rf j

•i — .cf J J M I Chin:!;lir[f*hoinl 1S1 ( i c c s . J ;lip.rr.-ls iitiil liosiia uf Cb inV({ I sm nixi Ml-

ivtrwaro, nf

Uri:i';l i*> 'iht'ir lnnm^ MI Mf.iid.ivaftcr l l s * ' l ' : i ' i l : i1 lli''! r|1-I>1<';*11"11 •" M I N . . " » - *" '. " * . '" ' " • ' , •

v;p will »ivo |ur t i i : i i l i in

V.1 H a m p t o n .

t^iMt'ormvil iit r--;;:i'->l I

Koxv Siic Co2i(|uoi'od Him.-n r *nvi: nt«i ,i itoiTtx ((Khi'crciirtiV

Whlie Elephant!• Tlwir Mini Innriinllon "f I'nrily; uml • •-.•.-•

lOOTrainedElephants:!( * l i i M t l l t o r of'Anuio^

'^Lt Easton, -' ,*Wednesday,'April 30th:• (>" - •—: lirnliirin^ol nil \mlnmtin>l ilr" • '

; lino- K't-u iti Amur!i;;i. nf lh»Sultan's Own Children of tho Dsjcft!.

— M r . A; Hchil l in- Ins ^ i n v l n titu-i-: in t'.iiii'.I'iti. X. .!,, untl lia? pmi'' tli'Tt

ihviipy it. 'lli-ir.Liiiily will Mlv\ l.isr

Grant! Jury .

")!il v.-u!tttii'i* Willies them sli. A !V.v Miull \mui l\w li.-lit'fy hctuvi- t


• •'•,-..•-•- • —ATr. (Jnilor, tho Oxfui'd pliytogrnplKM1,ia goinfj to leave.that place about May 1st

*. •' aiitl loeatn nt Uloamliiild, N. •'. He Paysho will iireservn all negatives so that dn-

- _ ^ _ 1 . . - „.„.-„„ .plicates may.b.v..fliipnlie(l.iit.tuiyji!iie..frm_]i.

1 school truswe forn tiiiin of three

; year?, without opposition. I

" t i-r ioiho Dover 'fii<tcx says there si'ro nnViSFtcon stores in that town, nnd p i s tonyenrs Qgo ihcio was bin one.

„„„ Thf -Wnrnfin1^ An\ili..ry nf Si -P.-Inr'a

4'liurcli aro holding a festival this (Wint-ijcsduy) evening at llio residence of Mr.11. F\ Onrtis, on 1'roml street.

— Usj,t v.*on!;'s Apollo ro]ioital thefli?iMiou of twelve ooniieilmcii 1:1 \V«?ii-iiigton nnd g.ive the liamos of f\ll t!ie can-

i]MatcsriirthntuErir4oii.bjihtii:kcu. '— I!oti. P. T . ii'.imiim mid iron. Il, V,

iJcntly viewed the fonnci'a prowssinn inI'ftch o'iier's oompany from llic Conti-nfntal hold, I'hUaiMiilila, on Mnad.ty.

—The hotel liceiises wem not yraniti'lhy 1 ho Court on Tuesday, lint luid over

. till 'next \\cv\i, us tlu'rt; wtis nnl 11 sttfii-^ cient number cf judges [H'tsftiu Iopmnt

—Mr. J l . M. Hull was'bereaved on Sat-.!.__•. lirday.night hist by lite death of lii^ wife.

who lias been ill for several weeks. Tinsbody wna Inkeu to Norwich, conn., I'ovliurifd.

; "" —We have recently'l)oeiiiiiforine.i;.liy; . .. reliablepiirlie^'^hat Dr. V. M. Cook was

..... .''appointed p^iypir-inn hy thn .Uoar.V-.oftfuahli of Washiiigion township, htit not

.::.•-,..township pbysieian hy tliii comtnitlco. .—'flic Mexican Oil men nro "doing'

lliis l.)orcugli. Tliey :trc giving en-"';• iertatnmcnts;ia IJoatty XfulJ en»:li evening,

nnd have no trnuhlc in getting gooil atidi-encoa, as tholi' show is.a gomi one.-No ad-mission Too was charged tha first evenii

—Tlie;'piazZit of the1 new Killitthtuyhouse a t ihe Delfiwaro Water Ciap will ho

. . nearly six hundred fcatin length unrl six-•-;.-„ fcon feet wide.. '.HIP lmilding will bo

lighted by gns and Eiipplti*d with ivitt'or. and electric cull bolls. . . .

. . — A. new earriftge factory nnd wheel-right shop is being eroded.on tlio southhank .of lite Shftbbecitnj,', opposite to II.W. Allpgcr'a organ faclury, by Mcssi'3.

... II. \Y. nml B" \Vt.

opei'utoil when completed by .Mr. .fames:--•_--liypber?.

! _.™\Ve'arc laippy.to. r.pt.;ca that the suh-spi'iplion liat of the STAR is gradually andftontiiiiially inoveceing'i'"'without oll'ovl on

namea.-'. H proves \'n tis Ihat bur cllorls to!ii,"iin~<V

PDonnraTMiiriit In work with now

[ lor tiio

ili luYcllKUIlK.*ct.ii.tij KIIPH the

:'.<•*' i-'tcupy tlit*

utnl if you ili. j o u wfit s tu t ly , l» iy ' soiii«-liiinjj, ti« liiH.M'i'jk.i* vrry iicul tu.:\ Uf-\y.>Jow \v('t.!iili'?' !.'-«• S'.iiiFot), out- tiit/.niiiSi.Lev.- i* it in:i!i of ^crwl .liiiainwji (iriiiu])!<.n(viul inx'tunnt"(l.i11'-^ h h in iny piitr<t:t» .tn

• ^ t ' l i . i M i l U i r . n . I l . -R. v.viul,irj'.'ffi'lfi;, .b'lsii Ui.li-i', In:,i;f tfwrut l i - [n invnofTu: ! tvc on .1 lillli". (iroji in :u>l 1 .c*

li i.l

will tiril ffcinci't v.illi riiittiii,-

i.trlcl In it we*-!;, Ini! will #i>itg[»l'ipBt" WasIiI»gto:i..'l'i!!J

wt»r!t mi tli« liii-! N iiro^rtf^inJ!. 'H" 1 vJi1--will soon ha up. . . •'

villp, IM.. ln.1 r.c..-q,:.Hl' the ivntorrtle of, i()i), ^ KM> ... miU „, ,._ 1(_ y

Wu.l.miiivii, K..(., f.-r nlii<:li. tli.-y willinTl i i iP : l iv o

n l r ' i»\( (1 in linlf I u" 1* nl. 111 u w u " u •* w*vit w i u i u i u u wi My ^ . » t - ^ ;.

!;iiv;£,;!;3SvSd;',:lIl£''-,S 30 MaslBni SVJamBinlces & Moorsitlil.-i, li M ,,llt,,.l-,r I... »•]!! rnnliuill'v 'ilt~ .'.••••mnraiiW l;y » real AniUair Mmtail

..illy I'y T,liu !>i..;<'l«'i- Il.iu.!rii!t Om; O... l.t Wll.l Ili-iisi*. . l.utl.ll. ttcu nml

' ' ' S\.M IIO.'I-'NIIKHCK!: " ini Atrls, i.iifi

•'•* \>.iB»sMinr.irWiH!iiii<i.-.ii1 E o m a r i H i p p o c ^ y o r u o ,Cut This Out

-Onr i . . -0 | , i - ' ' i ' - - i l ' J i« ; !" l '™ll i» l l i« i . ' i l K ! r . " ' " ' " " ; " " " ; J '•'.-• - ' • l " ' " "

j ^ / W : t ( ; r v ^ > ^ ™ r l . - . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

: - i ' " ' M ' J ' . I , - ,

•• I - — I'rot In

.* io l;:-:ir fif her :-p?tf1y !

(Killl lullf-mlU: .. . ... .

mnnki'v*! ur'iii it'll Untl"h"i-.f nice/.' niiilK'fimrti-il'thlrlytlioii^ititl dollar.STUD ENGLISH RACEi:<mi!iiii']iarl<il nuv<. Criiii-jiniH . . . _ .... _wit; uiiint ei fc«l. hteh; Awurh nml livliiL' w t r n ^(lew frinn ewrywlu-ru. Scats for "AW>- 1*0111'

\Vn-liiiisti-i:i, X. .1. railway trains'. Wnnli miles of tniffl iti FC«'. . . . . . ti,(.^nitul nml ifin-jj'totis liiiturkMl . , \ .

\V:i.|,mi;ivii, K..(., for nlii<:li tli.-y will\..ti I (li/.'-.'ii <ml<l Utivol Ktliri.1 Iliiltlfiii ''ir.Js viinr iiiii-ii' mi In Kciiiiiifiil r-rript.-flJil lii-i-lll- (•>!* *airl[il(>. A-rnH V.'Hlllt

(•. li. Kiti-:si:ii.t eo..

!a,vl! I1-'1'1

./..it'iiv IVJKI utir )i!ty-

l"iii:i?y, M. Ii: , has* n>•<;M,1 |,i,m vi-itin;,' ffi»iuU ut Kltigctmi•I Tr-;:!..i:, X . .1. l l« vi.-ik-d tins ritnto |..-•-•ii mid Asvlimi «>iit'j ;it "!Vi;nU;i. \V

()rt]lnaiicc--J.John K. l/otike.. •Scliunli —.Inlm K. Ct».Lc. ?_v 1Jiii'ot. T. .lnliii!.imi. '-'-'

rutjlk- I'mji.— i:. Uiir.l. li.ilil. Sj.;.luliu K. O-kv . •• Mi-ffiiiiiiwii.- —n.vui. .^iMii^i'uU

i Changcwalsr."

; —I'MvitI Siiiitli went to W'llliiiiusporl on• r.S.uurdny io ivwl; for \.p\\\*Cuilni'f :it tho[rrunw Uaitinc??. • lie forniprly wnrkoil for

i by I'rcil ticfull stutl;.

— Tiieo!) Uitithiirt i

nubli.-h a jrnod paper are n

[IlooTiifiuld. ~" 13 iH i^'ia i aiJci'".^{ny.!in Oxford lio will talto eight tin-l.Tpe

pifttitma for tUt.j''cents. . '—SFr, Win, V. Uurnier, depuly collector

:- -of intorniil i-ovut);uv-wiil'bciitrlh» iulluw-inj; places on the following dates, lo vuenivc rcvenuciAmarican House, TTucl:eltatowji, April 2J lint] 'Sr, WnsHntflon-{of-

. licti'';Sbic!l(J9'rlitiilding)," April 20 nml 28;Warren.Ifoiise, Ik-lvidLTcl' April 2fl;

' ironso," Piiillipsbiupr, Ajiril'ilOnml May 1,

ora iof7"">v 11171CJ1 j ver "if" iNnpcrnnco* Icclu roin the Prftsbyteriiin church on fiundny

inpular Ic'ot'uro' in tho Ynmc. church'•"onMor.tla.y cveiiing. 'Subject: .j"]Ji),YS and

. ..Girls, Nica and.Naughty," or The Ton'('ilium of Life, a prnctiotil lesson fi>f tbi

"j^onng!;"'.Price ol admission to the popir

.:o)ar|pptiiriji'-25icenfsi",. • '• • " • ' - >

l \ . r Jcfifery —Ihu.l, Unwyi-. ''.,.,i;<

.,Tor Sli-vkcr — Juliualoii.— J.„,....„

-^n-Jer SnyJei

. Ai Hi;? Apiu : i

.• olt-tU'd l!.ir.m^li Tici^iuLsimL.ert Sur»:t I'roH'iitfi

i:L't'!»t(.'il I'.v Council..Ti.lm A(!:mi.». CnnstuM-:.

.Iii-fj>li 0. Thompson. C<

of court .in

,MW of prilkamnn ^ ^

ftil willi nssfliiltltic " W - "I Mr. /.•truk-i-Knyder in lho ].ost-ofliee n l ' I l l i t s -

'I'lio ilefi'iidiuil rccr-ivi1;! » voi'ilict of not'

guilty, itii'l ilm «o'iis won1 equally diviifed

goin.y1 l-t btiilil 11

'•"•'••". '• .riivobis Ijonitd to'iui'iiiiivu hiii* ln'itisu.'iirhon ; —'' ' ' l l ! p t { l l ' l 1 1 ' " l ' ' '= Kcctiijn liav« rntti-Mon-'' mer.ccd to plu:it.iheir iioneh .tree?. Tin:

unit Ins'iidtn^ t'io

Tii is i.1? (.»:• Inuiil ;i

irticr, w


put out in


ut (jV)lli'«tor llilir:: woh:tvcit g;ii!i3 uf [<n:>],mi nyster aiew, 11 Hi,'.' IhtvaiKi or any-

thin;; in bti line you may need. '•Urown"

M" fust ap'p'i'oatUiiijj. SIIWOH?. 'I'Dgetlierwith Mm iiiinvo. w.« Imvc in nnr midnt tm«.iiiC35.olliccs of nil kiml.-t; also' ^ninlfor dilfrrau voentionn, butchers, H!ur simps, biiicivsmilh S!IO|IH, etc. Lust buti;ol.-least,Mr. ]v!it<">r,.. wo... h'.ivf. f-'»i

totiH, nad all iloir; bttsitic's.iR, .

- T t e l s of the upper district j1 vciv much

Llcst I3oo!: for iiveryisody!

! with tho app'-titiitncnl of lay jmljie foi* said| t'Oiinty, for by the appointment of Mr.j l.'ullmti all of the jiiiigw are from the lir.-t

J. C. llrr, Cullwtw. |,Mfc..l.-.l!.ium'i-.U'd i.y Conn«-ll. - ^ .ml *». hy llowL-r- mid MoMiun that l l : i l t l l i '1 P

(..lu«l l uM»H Mils (,„• ni-i:(u7. «ml .-hoiiM l.urtWnlindw-

ronrt ul ull.. Tl*y .1^*1 tlimtt il nKht.—Tlitj triul of 0. N . NiKUtin{{alc and

,.,,,„,, j 1{1| S r - | ( o I l l lVt i l l (,c,, triu.l Sullir-t i , a J { i l i c ] i r i r t u t | , l i m [ l h .

Jciipy loonnieU Pp-icu on tliH .sithjcot at

e nnd give your readers some moref .cts conct-uring busy Oxfurd. .

—The titizausiif I'mch Mill uro 'li.i-cu^sinjc liii! sulijcot of n aidewnll: fromthere down loivnrd the if»» works. We.do tint soi' why I1K.'-O mjgoiiniinns shouldnot he rairk'd nnt.'RM Ilioiv is HO lit placefur imv'Cirie'io wiiki'acd in itthcr wordu,it would 1M a great doiil motefor Usn woVftinij men win) rt.-ide ttji tiierr,who after working Inird aJI dny hsive u

( I a ^ ^ , , 1 H t i , a J { i l i c ] i r i r t u t | , l i m [ l h

^ - . i ™ m . « ^ . r . » l VbW ^ 1W|-| U-hof i™ i, thU rtetaU,! if the.w.s. So onluretl.

Li-ci 10!) orders nt hii-Awt*.•n-il. .\.!i.,iinii'il. •.- :-

'.V:i,liiiijrmn, N. J. Ajirll H>,

j tu-^ .~ ' - . r / , .Wv. ,

priniL-J. <',<<n


.(..v,-oather remniii3iis.it was I'TVoon I10 ready to [iliint >

.-'" ' • . i —V. Ciistntr li.M«.iltl all lihi^ncli twos;l-arrl'iiConilcil.-Xp: 10, Jr.;O..lJ.-A. CI1a ln.3 !o bnv nomc 10 iitii^h out hi:* 0^.

A. fiiw of the great featurespaugh's superb nnd iiideset-ihitbiy prand,i:6raei>ua"siiirJ eosily Trtiij sti'tet [(amde'arti: j . , . ,, . o ,

Twenty-fii-o lloynl Cli'plir.nts in line; -10 j . n s ' " ' S ™

boned riiallions; troupe? nf Arnbs and Arab

M.f whiles to return tiwnkr, to l)r. N'oitIbi'I hn address fii von on ita anniversary;[•• r.jc-Mayor Uealty fm- Die HFB of MmMail; anil to \Vurn>i: 1Orcli«lr:i fur Iheir

tiers. ;.— lVtor Marlenis iitiiihed the

inii~Ic Jitrnisheil.

Bind: many wiile-nncn deuaof wild taasis;three great bands; black and 'vhiie Ciimels;the pugt'atit of '-Laila Hookh • dapm-tiDgfrom Delhi," in which is seen ttm "ITantl.somest "Woninn in the United Stales." andnil the wealth of an Knstcni Monarch'sConn; also first perfect ptesentntion oflho pewlwa pngrjint '•Cleopitira, Queen ofE^ypt;1 ' living lion-; lno e intlni street;HCiibc chanucrs; Hons nnd tigeivt perfornuu];cai-niva[_s{;i»nes;jiihilecsiii!;ei>3;iillN'uuoii-

s; dwnrfs, calliopes; droves ofponies; hist01 teal, tmtional, patriol. n;»lmoral tableaux; nnd more vitiiiily, crndeurand splendor ihun ever was seen in anyparade lihyiyiiVru otrcai'iii'/ "r ri-'is- frcb- fiireverybody to look at nnd.ndrair^jind canIn; sitirii <m ihc street :il Kn^toiiT' Wodncs-( ! n y , A p v i ! . ' ! l ) . ": ••--'-• •-•• - ;•-•••" ' • "

last of Hill's store poods, and al^o bisnal estate, on Kalunhiy. April 19th.

. - - . i Thq-hausc and lot was purcliam-d/hy Sim-j , • . ;•;•; : . : R ^ i e a r n l l y ; ; • C;ovM;.Tr« «"•."" 7! p iVl."" - «on" ^f'cs-.1 mlgn Smith, lor about*,

fifteen hundred dollars; that nichidcs themnrtaiujij on il. Kdward Humphrey pur-chased ihc vneiini h>t fuf.ono. hundred andeighty dollars. Ruch brought p. fair price.

—Mr. X. lms toitirncd ft^m his sojournnt ricmiuslou during tho session of thijGrand .fury nml conimeRcedjltis business

i ! o i b o y eBull in his sad bca'iivciiiuul.

" 'A t a"rcfl;uiiU''slateit"niccting~of~\Viti'i'eir.Council Xo. 1(1, .Jr. O. U. A.M., llie !«!•lfnviiij< VDEohuioiiR wore passed :-••• " - •

- Wini i ios a kind nniLomnipotciit-l'iVty..idene'e. a'"Greiiiur Whoidotth nil'tliingswcll,Who giviifh and tnkai-h-iiwuy, hap'seen 111 in 1113 iiiilnilrj ineny to t:iko fromour duorly liuluml lirothor, II. JL Utill,liis (!slC(!tnc(l holpincol,

Jlcnotvrd: Tfiiit lho hoatlfelt B7in])«t!iynnd resnect of this Council individually.

n .acknowledgetlmt iiliehaiipi'iiblo power, wo truly li'ipi)thai much good mny come to him and hi.u,

wisdom and gooduesa ot llin Odd of Love,11 fur-?i!tiiii£!ind unroproixclmhle Creator.

Jiesnhcd: <-T)inl tliesi!, resolutions bospread upon the recordfl:'ol. this Oonneilund that ivcopy b(i_lenO['-,reil lirothor JJnll.

Jifselvcd: Thai, "tht.sn rcfiolniiuns lioptitilislii'din tlio AVtislnngl.on STAR nmlhnific. 'o ; II'; A. llerrick, .

.C.iini. W. H.McKinnny.Knuik Libby.

- AtU'M , A. C\'(.iodfroy, Uutinciloiv

JJitl of Ifcllera iviimiiun^ Hiiclaiineil inthe Wagliinjrtou,cif.-;Ji( post office lor.-tlinweek 6^-litig April Id, laSJ; ^' "

vri&Vf--T. K F i

—HiiorilV Uowcrs feels lio[icfnl, in

view nf recent cvontp, of capturing Bmnll,the tinted lioise thief of \Varren ciumty.It nppdtirs thill n ti'nti named Slitter, liv-pp y .J

ing near virceu'o Dritlge, in the outskirts ! ! i a , , i l l ; l i i That is Iiost.-ti'fter all.of ritiHii^.utrs, had a \-alnihle man ' j • Xotl i ing ofany'importance Ii:i3 hap-sloien a Few nights. sin<;e. Siwiricign at p,m\ j n ihfe vicinity for the IIISL week oronca p)intcd to a goiitoi'l loulua^foilow,11 Fort of n "dude," vho lluMliiy bi-fot*,'had been lhrciij-1: the neighborhood pre-tendiiiu lo buy pigs. Fie WUB well dros-EL'd, wore putont Icatlwr KIIOD-S, put on lotsof airs and boftalcd of havinj; piUia of mon-ey. Shimer and oihors began to muke in-(|uirica conctniinjj tho fullnw, when they

Ittiov: whnrcnf thtiy iiilirmsd lhai llie indi*viiln.il ullniletl lo wa;t iioiic l!ic- ]«.vtlianI'rtnr Small, of,fibrin. ll.iin,.m'fn-.Ktmlnn.This bit of information was cmninunicntedto tho slivriiT ,wl;o »\, oncn liccturie (jtiiie

do his utmost ici ctfvct -lii^ MJWHT: and rn-fnrn.lo.'bimiico vi'lo. s .

nR (t:iii of lho !ny iliuigos rif • .\Vnrren coiin :

ty wiis u lerriiihr siuiek to the mjiisiiive11nrv.es of H ;;ootl innny people. Of Into it•l)i»gnn to look es though somi! cno botidutlie Senator v,\>nl cairy uW Hits prize, bill

tlial, 'coiilii i:<U he ignoi'U'.l, iiiid'ilio (iiiv

ity 1two. nnd therefore ymirlmmblc correspon-ilo'iil has't n groftt (Icitl In wrilc nbo;it. ,,

. Port Coldc'n. ;

—.llr. .1). I1. ri.Xn uy Mr.

1 hiiiK.tu


tiin]jj.r.ullig iuiiviiuhU'.' |t(wi[itin"wi) have

nolhtnfj; fo snj*. Time •"alone . • will U-ll

"menI. Thti tcmpci'imcii pfiuplc <lt)iiotl:iyliny (ilftim io lho appointment lunlh'.-rwords ihijfy do not, fool Hint tbi! Boniilor'spromotion is a victory fen1, cold v.Mier, but,l.hny v.ill endunyor t;j tnuke Iho lw*t of it.At. prcFCiit the stitimtinn in i'vlvidciv wilh

nro without^ licensed ht.tols, pnvp one, thoAtnrji-icun Hoiigfl. This hoU1! inn \\CS\\WMItta"(': miiriiL'ui*[i:i tfttuiiauiu fa iia y ur.i o-iiiiiittinpiifuifition (it the'^V prirtetin ol1 OJriVt*The simatioi! is this; Jnilg-j Itonliy liftsbceii appointed Ijut not commifsioiitd, nndtlierefoi'e can not sit ns n Common Pltnn,Judge, Besides, {.bo ^Governor convoutdtlie. Rntnlo on Tucf-drtj^ in special ppsiion,

, has crecti'jd n \:\v<x,is cuil ho;i

now foiico anil (flherviaa imprnviug his

'•• — f.iis'u-. Suiidiiy•"ufkiriiOLiii- mu- HiiiiilaySchool recjivei] a vis«lt frum. ll<)V. Mr.Mjti!ii«._ We were jjlnrt to sea hiui tor itirstidom that lie can attend itu ncoounl cf

• —Mr. (!. R.Ciinino .cunisoL attend.our-lu.ii- moctiiips on ticronnt 0 bir. hu-iinoss.F,u Uiey.wlll.b.o tiiscoiitiniicil lorn limis. "\

—'I'tio. liiBt party of tho season wna heldon tho ovoninK^j!:tlin J.Sih, at Miss Anniit)v]'!nirs'..'•' Ciiko wns i)fis.j(jd nt. 10 i\ M.

—Mm, C'ollurd-w!io has Ijctm upend ingft fcw.diiys ut.Mis, .T. l.X'IlnnmrrV Ins i;i>.turned home. ••• !'

-Mi?..tlili.iili. 'r lina 1HV?II .^iilinnd toiho'hoiiso by .a hnnvy o<»hK " : '

—Mr .1. Ii. \Vrti>lxlo:i, .!ho Cupiaiu of

wiillow thrniiph mml aail water for ;ior moro. We have- heard sever.1.! ?ptal; (iflH:ir!g.wiHinjrto,iiiipT(>|»n:ito. Ubfiriilly.-lo;"wKril"11iis""ei"iterpnVcr"'ivCiiu* pinpenyholders utoii£ this strynl hoM n meptiatrmid ilenideifm tlia subject .iinr.'.Lui.tli-ly."We fee! convinced that,they will rccvivoliberal contrtlmtiana from everyone !v>-ii!el

itii; in this vicinity.

—Card?, aro out siiiiiriuniiing lite wediling uf Er. tieorge .Searing, son of postmuster Scnnnjf. nnd Misri Siulie Lu!;i;nH,diinghiur'b'f ehief engii.'ee'rr'.Tanic.s Tof this place, on Wednesday of llii.H week.Full particulars in my next.

— Mr. Andy Morris,' who-is -employedus watchman by the 1). I-. .v W. K.U. oiltlioeast end of the tunnel at tins pbi-e,wna £ truck l>y lho "pusher"- wliichover from Washington every raonimg todrill for tho 0 . .1. &..S. Co., one day lastweek, nnd quite Beverely,, injured .abouttho head nml legs, Andy i3 an o!d mannnd it id rather hard on him; but very*luckily be did not lose his life.' He is fasti in proving.

—Tho ladies of tltu M. E. ehnicli gavetlu-iV new pastor, lliv. Jlr .i^mnd recaption rtt din piiraonaso .'onoevening List .weulc. A colhition wasserved, after which all enjoyed Hmuiaolvcsio-tlicir iVtmost.'whbn tlmy nil dispersed,

very miirh. with .

i:ltil) when orgiiniKod .will Ipole wilh any iu ilm Suite. .,

< --riii) .slmil is in iluMimrUvt.:•|'lialiii-ilstH^liito.«lni::

--riT.Tui'iiviirrT-S'iTi. pi i«Vijii'r»"iiif jha -niiViif'Prison, . OiVn was nilmitled'from'CJriwncounty on .Sulnrdny nnd one wflBtlis«hovR-

•''• —Tho nowspapera tiro to bcfcartin tiiofilniihnpfi pjtblio school.-..p. ...'.-....-.L,:...„-.;.',•;

iniaislcr nnO nlao their gortd.liine. ' . :,,'".,"—Soiuo DUO tried tb p:i t ' t ip a joli oaMarl Henderson Inat lvo'uk and thereforereported nroiUid-U)iva.-tliat .lia.w.is aboutto talio unto liimsalf n iiutter hilf (IIR hi-

ing iV widciwer). Of overy bodyyImlicved it, and cotisi-qiiently theof the report was 'huving sonic,, fun wit linade".MartyrIJiit"liu''aiulion2:3"ii,i lo:.uyin'al'ho tins no intention nf j;oti injj Pplimliilull, iiud'is I'odily'nt miy timo .uv'meottho instigator of Una ntuUm-inl for Iliaptirpnao of cjntrudkting Uui suvy, in haKaya1-}to can imintitin onongh gnod cmi-inoii HPiiRQ tn control1 his riivn Itnsi;ics3,'and fiiiijifo'sifi- tintL il wnuM hiok muchholler for every one tlso tn'dfi likewise.:-.•;~-yorl)nj1 nnd IJuilie, two of the yottnj;non who nere lodged iu jail for l-ralin™

lln)"Mori-vTou''«if hinl. your, will ravive Dnnosoveroly tit (hw yhico, were turnedllifi iiniionnl ^inne ni-ain in thispluc oiii-iiti bntl liul woi'k.lln

iioitnced out f;f daiigor.—A. vcry'plwsmit pudy g-ilhoriHl'nt

Ihc. residiiice df Jfr.' und M M . ThomiiHn.dryinplij'"tin lust l;*iday ewnhig unitguvtt him :t'sur|.i-;sv-. Of uaiiwo Tom w.d-CDiucd-tbi'iu and giivt! up: iu ilium for tho;

disfioiirstd hy COLI'OS'H orthwira, L'neloilill, you wmil lo ioolro^.'whon"":y.ra"T.rnpnsliins thcfyoiing •Itulirh•iirotind. Only »

iiiisttSie, though.—Mr, Polor Oook :a\iiinproving the

lonlts of-.hiB.rcstilonRn by nialtinp.an addi-

trail H^nr.i.iy ui.^ht. Tlicy yullml lilo- sum;iiiy cowboys.

—Our t'jw-i lias I tent sii-uel; wish n.re-form club.•— Siiyduiii nnd I'lttr.ey have :m oxcol-

thV-m a. ciill. • • . •

A- tin- liofft wilt efCiK'linii:.- 1:1". hi'ni.1 " A <:.u:n. ' t

—Tin: fiimily of John H llasMn, d.vcas-je-1, wisli tn csprcc." .t!u:ir gniiitside,.!!)frit'nd.i for iheir kind amistnnce in tinit; of


—Our post (dike in soniev.';:.it like that}dc-lit'a'.L'd iio:i of aricicnl story. You put

your linger on it mid it U n't there, \V

ii, .SSft™ °™\..,.,- SireetPaeeant! 5 Bands of Musljct"^-hlW!'(n,i?i twn m di,'litu:]i >Hili.iH fruin JIKII w"<l« «'!"•» •IL'"* "f Suvaiiu .Mou3lcr3. . . S.

A It.w llniiiviu.l IVui'li Tm->f«r..-lih'i i i t m i u( tl'.t'ill.Mitnt IMYU*: '.\I.Milnti:!v LAnOVJ:"' ' •- ":••'.»• I.iislu-I-1.( Wl.illt) Btiir |M(tjitu'.s. :wr-i.n THAN IIAltNl'.M'rt or nay nml nil tlio of?.f>r—;-^t

MwiiU.' "c'l'ilWrui'i iiiuii'r.. 'lJ'y«iri;1251c«uli.C\l.... Kxim irn!n« ! l.r-W n\tw to uuil from town tn , > 'V n-(jtln!(ireiitlM(i'0[mii"liSliow. Don't fnr-cl Vi

Wanted.l suw(»rli. u rcimiiu


Soli: I'roprlctOi

*S Mew Church St.I Hamptoiv&'RflcKinhey'

\ V l - ! i t . i i i i i o r m t i n ; i n i l i l i c l l i a t t i i c y " "

" ; . . . . . ' I I . - I V U i w r » r c i t t l i c l r ^ r o c c r r . . . • . . . ; , . ' .

•Imsing it up. I t isjust the livdicat tiling in town. WheiT'i;i.iiuz'.!!i iviuita'his nuiil, he Ptar tsont to

hit at up the ittit [>co|>'e are,' weary uml would like to have tin

jK!j|;y tliiuj,' settle down some where. Athist !uwouui<i it was fnnmlnttliestr.ro of PriCCS..'JVrritiM-ry .': t.'o.

—Joiinslon Compton pulled up a, par-

G a r m e n t s m a d e t o o r d e r i n j (..it seu'for ^I -ini-k Uin:wnmlfnmiiK>t(Jau. | ••- J

;i lirst-clasr, style and 'a per tcc t j -x\wnn\ wiiii ^out euro. The i^-t.

euammeeci. ;^Moc!ei-;ae|TEAS & C O F F E E S ;fit

.<yni]i.-". Fwdijn ami DDIIWMticrr i i l t i in 'aliutKhinnu.;.-Ahfiiv^ on

ridii full line nf i'(ii-.iv.'il goods,- iioiir. fii ibl f l i

nnd SL'ciuvd four tout eight: inches of it.JIovv ir.ttcb. icbru: of. it; remain'*1 in tboground wii dn .not knoV.' ['.ifonnatioiifrum .China is avrniu'd to !:now ivhcthpr itwent Ihroug'ii. . ^ : . ^ V /

—Mr.>. Muttic O.ninnn, formerly Mm lieXKoit, duiigliter nf Win. Nixon, n fiinnerrwidi'nt of this pltieo, died nt her home at.linicijon oil Wednesday last, of (fonaump-t inn. . . t lc r fnncrafHook »litco".il t!i-i' M.Fj, i:hnre!i in our viilntfo on rtiintlay uftor-iioou. '

—A union toinpemncc incoliiiij was heldin llie. M. K.rhurch oti Suntiiiy cveniny.The address Wiis delivered by 11. M. l l tu-

• theiry

tlcr3on. Suvernl psrsunstinmci t o i h e pledge.

'•Wintor fttill.'lingui-i' iu the lap ofSpriiiir." , toi'iuud on Tuesday niont'


—Mr. Sylvo-stcr (iroff will move into hisnow house on Broad street on Thursday,l ie Ims pm-chafcd tho lot ndjoinitiff tliia-proporty in tlio renr and now owns a strip

to II u ^ street.

Items of Interest.

Tlio mibscrilicL- wisliiiig to ilisposo ofLoren'.ii-I.'ark, hereby o!ll:rait-nfc:p_rivittoHitle"' Tho situation of thia park is wellknown'to people horoahouts, untl wouldmake a Jlno siic for.u ru-sidcuco. .Splcudti!view ol •Wnshini'Um nnd Aldspniiolctnigyalloyii.v-,.. ,-." • ... -.^.., . . . . •• _•

d o toOiiptiiin Dills'" mi Hronrf sircel togot (.info's good chilled plown; they amllio best.; . . . . .

1'arr.um says>(ti sliowmaii mnsln't liaveuiiy politics.!!,".It-.might prcjtidici; UicjiiiL1",l i c i i y a i n s t l i w s l i o n * , • ••' • •• • " ; . - ;•

' rr^ 'or a good'-'i'lean slisive {{0 to' S.tmJlswsi iii'i-gev's, jnsv ln!lo;v tho pci3t ofilci1.

j'Cj-yJ large At>(<k nf Clurnian' importediiccorilt'Oiis anil viulina will lie stilt! at enfttat French'.-* jewelry store. ..-:..'V-:.,, . „:

,In ;K-(!isi;ii]:i..—liy tlic Uttv. Franlc K. Mil-

iSnSHrHriMt^li^W^'YuhiV.'Mr.'Snlm^Mot/, mul Mii-a [.UUIMI C. tllsdu'i; bulli <if

ViTiiiis-McJIntTim:.—Oii Hie UUli Ins!., sittin; M. K. |!Sii-!,'.)!iH!;o, hy Ittn', \V. TimiMiii,Wltllinii V. Wiiiors mill Illlwtii II. McMitr-

CN.—April 14,iliniftlitcr of Mr. iiiul Mrs. Wm.-.'KIn.H«U Jl.ycaw. ; . •

K.UIHIIV.—Ainll 0, ut .lull

'. MnV.v,'' l l l

10 PerCent. Net GuaranteedOn iinprm-wl I'«I*EUM. worth m » r c |

(Smit 4l»cal>3t! tho umonni of tlio

loans iiiul •iiu-ronsin™ in yaluo. 1 it—

terpsl paid oveiy si.1: inonllisiivSTcw

parties showing vnluc iitnl vcriiicd by

my own agent.In form at ion in defiii!1. given cheer-

fully-1 to anyone contempt siting in-

..J:SVH...EASTOM,-. . '. • Si'gntiaior o( Fiirni Loans. '


Tho.Ho 10" per cent, are uotjmrp.rtss-

ccl iii nbaolute security by anyoffoi-ed nt 7 oi1 y pci- cent, and are

simply that, much••£ite«<«ir »*c»

ittvn lo the loanpr.

:Removal:Pool-r& Hance wish1 !to.'say

to their friends and public ingeneral that ; while the newbank.'Js^bcing built they willremove their meat market to

. R:.

i v^u ry for fimilly u-.v...A\*aBIaili

>w us at our new .-t.inO.'

Always Ploassil to

npfoti&lNo, 131 Washington Avc.

The Warren County Drug'

Store lias just been purchased .._/-1

by'E. B .Webb. It-NwiH

tu re, as in the past, worthy of

the patronage of all who noed-j

either Drugs or.

Paints or Oils, Brushes or Col-

ors, Books or Pictures, articles.;

of necessity or of luxury.

I'liaiikfulfor the cordial "stip-"

port thus far giveii/its c

ance is iiop.ed for.

Lunger, oiv Belyidere avenue,}where they wiil keep .aJL.thebest "radcr, of meat that can


•Mfr?£"•:s&;~:. mm

Page 6: TAR. - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · Bfit lliitiklntf until Iho cmltcrs had failed (onsullen(,'low;her nllccHmii mre far from nffrccnljte. • .' • ". "Ifl have overrated my lutltienco


(from our Hcgulwr C'urrc*Toiu1c[it.|.WASIKWWOK, P . C., A m . M, litil .

The question of a revival of'tlio rightof cuflingo In tlin Difitrictof Columbia liiwhern much ngltcttrt] of Into. It lma beenclaimed in MiDir if .tlin tnrwimml il.nt•llio clicorjwly element lint ivic<l fo "m.ii:uihlogs liotrl" r.;i e'rcjlr.ti ilsyrf Ini'bccu.'HinitiniPil—r.MK*i'Ctl "itirnngli •tin* rotin-iry.nm" l l iaiaWltprroiinscliui Ims ln!;ntiIts pinup, flu cwry ncttision/liofti'-vpr,ffim'i il^riilitniir'fiiii cliitiitv In •"•• nii.vvoting, I lie icr.nU linn M:nw:i lli.it ilk-iinmo rosily r-k-nr-nl remains lure sinl isror.il/ (n mmo M H12 fr.ml mi ilic i;li;;Iil.>slt'liirnjhi^oinriil. Tin' 1tc:ui!irs of siiliragi'

Ion whoii I ho "ITH'PII come e

rt fraiicliho" v;nsox-iijR «#o in Uu»

of iWojjiifcsfrt ('IiiVsifp*. ' IV ' cnnvcr.titiiiv.'a*i matkcil liy si ilir.Ri'ai'ffnl MTHC r,r

, I'linl'r.-.ioii uml lint, JISIO a ii<»!.<yct;i:nii-foi- suJTrdfjc l>y a IWHUTOIH mrftt. 'flivn1

a 1*0 (aiifii.'i'causes' for ihi* Mate of iliifi».i

~ mv,Vr rt'ir: v.'on(!r:fr:t rcivilTrrrvTrr1 rr!V:iiHV tom, ilaiv iini. fif-t'pji{ rtiii-.ssjliiii ":n\Whiii»tn!i, l>nf miisl liol.! if ili'i'irri'Ivi'itiiji cilivi'tis in the Stall' tn wtiiili l!:cy r-ivaivrcililcil.. Anolhor r:mw for tl;c piv-piHiiltTimcn of'ilii' vnlinj; rmiglct i.-; tlirliM't tlml Hie it;lUr: of,population ,,t h tcj'raPrt Mint fjws to miiNiug tin1 new Wu.'li-

"cv.ltjin-, — Mi-iciililiit npil Htivjiy v.v.it;-vr?f i<lt;.l.I>:iU,'ir,v'<iIi<].-it |n»i"ijili» ul' wvaiijinltd !• Hiirc. — pcdpl.y"win't rfun'c liiiviohlto.v in tinlet Itirir v.intun juirstiil* n[i(u<:ly, ;>.irl;, IH-HIIII. W •••u-h\ <•iijo.vin.-Mii.

ieptiiiff Mi]ircir.acy with tlin "I-H/.P;-" vot-t'i'.s. ThN ]irinuir,v ch'ciiiin has pr.l rath-

• <T a quid us upon Hie movomi'iii i'or pnim-Ittl [;ullYnt;p. in Washington, ami il m MII'Uto preilicl that lin> cliinim- at tint t W s o fCongvcs Un\ tlie right ol' clirtivi'IV.ui-chi*o will iiiit..',!,. tvsiiimVi [nr ymr.i- tii:ii>.

Josoiih Modillof tlicClia-ii.^o Ttihwt,on« of llio, most ili-stiiijtuithcd nii'.ors itithe W W , IIDR Wen i" .~Vnshin«lui: nil '.lie

lrrcli, and lib visit has1 tuvn the iracT of

^ . in i l |»ri^ii1cnll.i! aspirants Mr. Modpolitical coi'CPr li"R lw*en wrv wvcul

^ and rocogni/.ing awnnnlability t-i im one,. , ' iic tMa nt liberty.Io .chaugo l:is miail am]j shift lii«. political anchoraKO vliPirwr 1.ni likes. lint hi* gnod nature K prownliijtl,V antl ho h nhvays ready in "Iiis3 nml mn!;c

\ up" with n political opponent, At o.".n\ J j j n n IIP was nn nrtli-ni lulniiivr nf t'lt'tirml

Grant, and they \wru (jre.it"chums, butfor the lust -four or tivo years (!ioir rela-tions ~M7C-,l)0?n ottipnvi.i-c. For ycarjI .ogan anil ilcilil! were nt sword".-! •jiainls,I"at wl'cn Logan Lwt ilia /iitc'-Oo'u,!,wliich liail kei i his organ fur yearf:, hi'iiiailc IIJI 'wilii Mcilill, ami they have Eincobeen fi'iilo iiuimato. In 1SUS Meilil! wtp*fortedOrant lor iilic7,,l>rcsii'eary;' iuJ.-iT,'he'ftbmiiloiieJ liiin iti.il ».':iil. over to ihi>liberals in .sii|ipnrt vi Cirwrlty; mm inIfiTll ho foitglit Itlaiiii.' with llw greatestliittrrncss. llo started out in I his cjim-

igii siiying- a licarty.siipnorl tn Litjan,

oil thut 1*0 ciiiM r.PYorb.TnjtliinfT but 3

Xn matlci how penjilc nro ilii'posril tol;irt; whciicviM- any noiso in ninrlo, llicytjpvcr foni|i|:ifn n'-'fuit tli" riip!{f*t ni;p.d» l>ythe dinner lioll.

- A IwrkttVriliU !l<MV:pil|K'l' llftjVi'd ItsuY<iditr isnic lln-ro ilnya ticiMiii.1, it i* wiitl."pr.r prinler liad n very pninful lifit «uthe i'rtcl; f-f hi.riicd:."*. ..,

A IVciuli dnuuntist iimliCJi (litt d! 1.;.iirartcrs in a rirctnt [ilny divlaro (liat

IK* ii "Iif'IiIii'K i!p tin* tiviiviOH of dc^pii"!1

with Ihfhrncca of fiap?."

'I'ho IMilor v.Ti.to, "'I'IIK 'I-IIUUVIK U\xi

•o.*!i, Uirmgli t-opiuti?, were iii»l Kiiliiciciitto mpt-t tin? n-jints '>( tint tiiillnuii," nml

t* (Mmpc-iiitdr fret it iip'^iiilkiiion."

An lr;r,!i «nii!c ti;!d a Umbi. »ho -.visit-1Oil tur.ii vcu-ini why I'tlm wnr, alivay-* of ithe ft'iiiininoj-oDitcr, llial ••Ma.vlu.il m *

(•aii'.ft flic niwnys liail lin1 last won!.1 .

Alieuttlitiinti Pmi'i rail n \vry IHIRCriiii^, fiiin.ny ir.:ui a prrvm'-iriilto'. If

jv.ii ;i!i> wry sure, lift is n prcvarii'sildr,bin- aiiulh'T innii tn• lirrak iln1 i>-w-> i»hint.

An <~.[<l laily wim asU.d l.i-r n|iii.i»nMr*. Smitli. lirr ni-xt-ilnoi- lu-ijflil^r.

WInvtwiiriiiK isverv ilr,\ j<t Iwp iruniiini!?—A wutoli npriii!,'.

Tim Mississippi river H very luw, icannot lunc i h Uc-1.

fop WJH trying in IKTOHIC llio

h i i l k

Spring Without Blossoms.

n of a fiyg

ioilui>lc party. 11 wit ivnwrk-ll i

tli,-i«»N!i: i i M n - i ) CHy, mlrp , -Tin; li-'>tiH'>iil:l!

(•niliirLil f>.r iiitBj I C J W , il.- 1* my t>r^ll'»r Ii>IJIV anil I kv.vve Hi" ni-i- i v i l . Hi* I- imw | i - i -f , ( | ! v f f i c l t i ' n i l i l - . t l l r l i l iU-.nn.l • iit-ivr tmilllin>.'\ lit.', ttftitMi'iiltiiH c . P A B K K f t ' S T O W

•Well." s! VJICAU 111 nf

anylwiij, Nil I f.v! v< r.v" WIIT.V fur .Mr.

itti.". ' ;; •; . - ; - ' ; T :..

1!.' ttl,ni:i ;:M'.»t uk-i) h: fi.ll.l i.* liW-lltin iii.i piictnttimi. tiinl il ho limn1;m ti'i-

f I'oi-lcnipl llsan wliru iiipn la-iiil i<uthe niiiis HI snrrcit ^ , v.liii-Ii i::ni

tif jiii-ty vciK*i:ili* nu JiM thiiti If il;t>y stitul.

•Ah: it wiWiijjalo," saiil Mr;, 'llnnw-

liiim, "it »liwlc i>nr Iiim-H l»y Uiu #!*«-

tfiV, itiii! I toulil IKII lii-lp'nmtiiiiirins U»

•:.!lf, on I Liyinvukf, llwwor.lt Mftlw

clil pang, you l:n!j-.v, my i!r:ir. 'CVa^o nuh

IAI'I: is i . iniro IIH'K nut JCM — \I-T trwn1O(i I.ATC TO Ml :Mi .

IIi.i:!r[«i-r llmlhoitiu'd "Home nf Sivca O.i*tik'» " irill red)] ;1to(t*l]iot vtiti whlc!) powrC'li!

I'.irtlicor, win liml VHH UIJIMU/ !ni)itl«oii'lid Mm

".MyllffUu.ini', nn-t •odrcivt


! • / * lllltlliaKly Inpirl, nsnllj f-ill nri1.'' ? lh'> '^l^*n Tif n Ni".v JTnj;-

I.II.II itntntDHJir. . •:. • : • •

k-ltir In Mf'/ft. Iii 'i:,.\ .'. i:..,, .Mr. 1>. II

Tlta* nf rcfiiilitcimi, S. J., < iy . "1 l-nvo *nfit:rf4

nl tin1 I'niU'b nul iliiitli'-i. nccnri|i.iiitcil ii.v

Kn-:il fntii. I muntil n l k t nt lh>i hamh »f r/ thl-<liii:<> Kf tvtry n h o l r.iul n 'r . t . vtiyi'Mrnl nmli'liinc-Ucruncilynmlcf t!ic run. I l.are nl l.irt

i:i.l i:t PAI lKKI t 'S TOKlCn(ii»i|.!t[.'»iie.

'inc,l'it,n ul.il m.H,!.^ c

i-ri'ilttVil my Kitllrmiy nrit fftiuM

UfC v . il;y vtf l iu f f llto nl.(ivi! m.iii',1 WIUJ. in

it-cinl nml (imlvt'iuil, U-uvd mil i-r 'Jiu nixivu •>ul (.'oiirt, I l.xi-u It-vii'd ii]>(iii,nuil tfill (\jirifL1

rtiti*, ill I'till c veti'IiiL'i'iiTL'KSn.W, if.W ('.Hi, tWI.

tjct-vf. i) Ibrt liiiriMfif l i n m l .*. n'riiu-W, In ihi>• tii.xJXiil I t i u W I X I l - O l t l l C t T E I , In H10 fw

^ J l l b l l l l ^UwJi:rA!! ill'"


. l l iub>lri'ftnltt1 l r \

hli. (,( .•Hui.«f!<-M.i fXc iv l r

CM, n'l'strt'ti rlini

. \rivaHi ib

nnuli M U U T ; i l in.ee t-y LM !lt,.- ^.uili l<niy-i hjliti t ^ r i o i i i«>, iwi'iily ihrii! rh:l!f.-i nml l ivtutv-

i i,ti.i.r!i-itt!*m:.UIi••••I,, l imj i in in Win<>!.i ,l.-n-;>- Ififriy ii

ir l.r. ifUii'Hi tlility-mt

I l L

W Lcxj \kes

! [ . : lt j 1 ii11 •.; i , ; i .1; 1 :•;.!:., !ir.I tl:;ny-tt%'» h:i!:«!it n til.n-::-nU- : ! | . Hi/ J I- .1 IMII'l'r 111 II," Jlllil.lt UlNI-l'V

• ' • i t * ' i i | ' ! ' l l t l ' r


Uiu rcliiil IMIJI.- May 1. tun! ii:i


and !V!AL.«.R!A.

«K'rKIKEJH^H!3; :1E£vxcitloii <>r Imtly ,„• ...hiil. Ilimliilioii(,f fonil, Irrllnl.illit--nt (tinjirr, | ,mvnji1"-"'t A I'-rMiu; .,r tuivli.t,' i n c h e d .1HOtiei l l lHr,l.nH £ - h l t l l 1 Ih

j I I . i . S irn i i h . • ]iTi. T I K I: iu l ) i t ( i t i i tu-lUilu<T->iiii<l->!fiti i -n i - I I i . ii'iniii- ri'inovhiL!:ill imiiuHli.', tlir'.MLTli lhr..n tin .-.t •• . i -uv-cn^rr* .)f Ih,. k y s l i i n . " |nihliicliiK iiinic-l l l^soutnl ([[^•siloii, nxu l ' t r MfxiK.n cii'iir•kliiiinilftvlHiK-oiwIxxty. T 1 I T ' M ' I I . I . McniitB tin ntuiNi'it or sri<i|ii:r'nui'Ititfrftruwill) ilnlly «(irk nml m v n biTfrul


i.llllH ill Illll'.,l l ;

nn CNamiurr nt a remit selmul pxliil»iii«>ii.'•Thi- clii-.'f iiso "f hrcml," imstwcrwl theinvhin, jipp.irenliy :w!in)isli.'<! :i! tin' si:n-I'li.-lly f.fttp iin|ilii-y, "ii i«?I'ii\iil lint Jrr

'I'hoiv H an liisiimaii '(•niplnyt-il its upt i t t r on a taihniy wlm Imigs nl" liaviitga 'v;tttt:li that ko?iis yarri'ci limo. Hi1. w:.s j ^]lipjir.l to rcjuiiti.-, ujtoii pulling i>nt hisjv.niclr, "If Ihc sun ain't over that hill inn iiiir.«t»j nml nlinlfhflwilMio lu te"

A jixtioy met bis oM college tutor at aliui-tu filr, ana csclaimeti, "What. brings:

you lure among tho.so hish-br^l cattlo VOc you lliink yon c m ilMiniriii'i'.i n hortcfniui an A^.'i " "My Imy," ivpliiul tho{;ttor, "I i'oon pi'i-i-'i'ivcd yon nmmip Ihoschtirs^s." •, :

"Vnur KntAiJoi-t' U'iluim: woiulorfulwork ami 1 have entire I'mifulenoe in it .11 is enrins inc.1"'— I 'r.' V. - < i. - \\*linctn*"k,-

( r t . i i . 11.,< t.U.i.


Twenty TSiousand lol lars5 WorthSOLD AT-A SACeiFSCE:

BEFORE MAY I. ;Till- U w, lp;inkni|iL nr »-!n;pirlV ^i].- Moi-k In i l w h v you IM, lint n* w,; i;r. mil,' nf lliu l.n-hic?.'

»'<• M-II ,,nr fl«K-k i.r ]U,M* unil S l i u o . Till , i, a i-iiam-t- M-1<IHM> •ni^tril In l.nv•.'-M.-1 -•>«.,'- f.ir litlli: niimi-y, nml ll will jiay .vui I" l.ny timv

Game Early While tiis Assnrtnisiit lasis.'ant! Gel tlis" Big Bargains.

TUP. IIII.I .T.I-IIOI ImUng Im.l !i lutift 'vsfn-

IKII tu'iliv L'liilfrmkiiiK ln^l t iw, "ml "ewliiK

tlin iirvii ..f nn fmlcrliilicr in iltl^ vicinity;

liavu njicnni nn ivInljlUliiiitnl lit I'OUT i lCIl-

It.VV, nml tn1:v lliK mi'lltMt nf Infnrmlni; lluir

frlfiid* :ui'[ Dm |t»l>lli> Hint they nrf imw i»w

paml Io tin l.'ti(Ii-rtnkJiii;1ii ihu mo.-t ni'tin.vcd

"ljpl(! n i i i la t very low roti!.*. Wit liuyu inir-

L-iisTw'tl II haiiil^.Mii.' liewvi' nml iirti\litcil mir-

nil H

u'l <,f nn

il n |


JIM BAKRELSAISTD CASES.N K W ' . I P . R S l ' V r.Afl Al. ' i ' i :>Vr H;u ' ' K L A K I I

M A C r r i X K R V OlfiW.WV111.,--[ . .a iito.i.nri' In Inltnilitflin,' to HIM ir.Hii our v.ttl-.li^ ^Jililr- ..I M i .d i , riiitl r>ll-ci•iv Oil-.. .'rii.'-> i-.i.>,t-. mi- mumifnriur.'il ,.v n « n t imr «..f>». i'nii-.-.|i |»iitlv wi>:>fvi> ttn-n tli-'l-^r".fiiiiri>-r-"i>n('lt'ii|.crvl-|i>ii.ntiiIi:iMr(inti;ol!iL-i!i tn mvw imrf.Tt H.iil«ric!lnti, »j***i» l-i ijiintify.-ni..1

t1i'!il"i'i1.'i'''11r1T,-^"< Vi't'.Vvfs.i.r." I'l'iV'lii.'jVFi-'iiVill'ii-i.<it:l;;\i-:.i:., ,.:.!. ..Tit,. . , ! . ; !',::..;:,„ ( J . . , . ! . .

.!W.Wh!li!i:.i'lijliSuC(Htll. .S|win-' W. Vctiriv/ l-i.iion M'I-II • It. HcnilllL'li'.Uir

Oil. ' I.'. lluailll^U IHI, Dart! '.Mr (fil, -fl-jmnrir-. *fj°.


i r l c a t l itl l . i i t iri

l l

* E*.r.

6 li\';4.li.;3 gJlfBU-

^i'''-1''1' s 'i;.' ! l'!^^'"'' [' "'"^^/.^VV'J.tTt. ».: .VM'-JI-'.

- • " • • * ' ~ ! ^ r M ( H ^ I H t ) l i U

. n?!oECinrtcy.- |.tii>ii.' unit iti-.v

l ie HI . li",i t f l i ' . l l ; l l M CL!-!.'Y7.R tv l i m n * .C I!' '!!- .

l t M

>tiiipili—.t.i'in.l!''<N", I sr imii i ' i i i i ,Itilel: t'liM-ii o n ,

"ii'v.lSS,USTB" 'oax T A.isrks.'I)!! 1I0.MK I.TlillT OIL.

-ur Oiisai-e Guaranteed STRICTLY PUREM 0BLCO.

o*-1 T i t . u i J , \ v i , . : ; M ; . V i t . :<,j

Washington :Ave, l i l i i s i i f l i l l !


T\w 'Uu'gwii iu;« of iVliiliiic.i'.y <uui Fan-

cy (joods. ;;»;! fit tlio- ipv.'««i'. 'pr ims in


r Ilin |ir'iinji! :III<I ml!.-furl"

i.'imw. ViViiH'.t. IVl'iiylurA ^inVl'iitcnl

ijirovfil If.- Cn*kct fi.r (.H-i-rviiiK 111' 'ii'i'l

tlM'tiM air. .

Any Mylf "f i-f.Illii or c;i^i*t tsui IK; fiimMi-

liort imlliv. IV.r nil itMimcrs ••villiin !.*>

l-'liMUT-. iih.! Mixi^iirnvtili'il Ifili-Mri'tl.

niii.nt i.y 'jviciiinttiu »iiii ]i<:iv:>:<Ti>t

I. lln-aihvii.v, SV»/lilii!,'t(in, Port COMI-II.

Very Ui-rii.'i-tfHlly.

Simon P. Thomson,.:'«•. . • . • t ' i v l r h i U i

dchn\7.Porkor,".*, . . : . I'lV'l'iUlfl

•phftntloiphin &_Hopt!ing fi. H.-N'oti-.l-ri'^oV C.Miivnl l»iv.

ill NT

rli'"'i i'1

!».:>i A.

.HI: T A I S U


:w vo:M — r*x

. » , - . . ; ' . ,St.—CV.lllirsitrli.

.'''M.'-'I•V Minn

. '



f.:.;r.c. .

."!.""" iA


l l i i i 'MII'in i ml

ni'riin-':i, ilk-Fi

HK^awl IN


! It'll Hri.lse

nl lll-h I!:

• • • : ! .


• lirai


rlJ^oiiirh.il Sir



i M n


I.Sir.Si,—yiiiiiif<:ilii»at!ioiacrv|ll« for KIIII;'.>II; nt It-Hi ml llnnk rur'i'rfinon, nml I'lUluilcli.lil.t. .

•I a; 1'. M.-i.'iinncclInr, m Illtli ltrl:t«r for IIIL-IIillltL-; l!r:»ndi nt Sinicrvlllu l tr Fli'minuiOH "

1. M; l!r:»l Ili:<l I r o K r,Tr;l ,! l ir ,

KH nnr ttip'ul for l.on ' liMiI'.M f. J l . - t t n r .T.:.O I', it _W«V.

J i l ' S U.\ V S ;".:::} A.M.—sit,w.Kijiit nil •t.-itliT l 7 J J i L

I t jA . . .K i i r .Hi l i i t l iC l i iHi l i . . v i .

"li:: i,\,"M.—t\-r scranini'i.'fti-::.ir I*, .it.—Tor Mit i'.ii (.buith. A-;.:l.*.l'.«.-l'ornci*nl..a.,Vf.- 11 I'. M.-l 'i.r Al-(iitr!i L'lmiJ;, ,',••.

i.OccaiHirove. ,'

ai-:—"Wlic'iv i,i llio norlh [lnli'V " l i .

ili-.n'l liiimv.'1 ' -Don' t laiow: A p.1 ymi •

not ii.-liaiiidl llml you ilnu'i know v.herej

t!m imrili pn i iv i s? ' 1 "\V!iy, fir. ir Kii-j

Jtilui I'Viisikliii siinl Dr. Iv'iino JIII.I t 'npt . I

imom, giving l.ngun's iVion.lrt a Til o r ! I ^ l ' w l " c ' " l l ' i l l ' . t } } ^ il.-!i»w Mionhl 1 L

,• i^it-.i r,,


' ; ! ; • ! ; ; •

1 «i;-'if.; ill,./..','{'!'!!


li'^i'ij'i!-U»!:liin.»v..i".| \t\

i.. !•

• ' . " ' : '

I'I l i


".'tl 'r ' '

"iiii"Ut-M-m l -


"iif'l"'-'••'' i'*'i-'

In' 'l!u> 'l.T'.Vii\ry i:v» (.'in-

j 9).-) A M.; 1 <)!!, ; :J>, i 0.1, I ;M.-. ftl I ' .J! , 'J iuiuli iy*.


i.St'S, •-•111, .".01,

P l n « m h ? B ! u n ^ I."'. I. in.

T k t . A1;."!. '

T i V t . t w i l r r f i s i i i . lln.'i. I :si. 4 "'i..111;. r.:ii [i. m.

Kll(,iii tli,-1..-I! T.!->, ».;MI ii

flitlaiiu'il, 5U.-1. 7 t:». 9.W.:,:ri]i. m . sm. ihu. - , ir,, u.1.1



. r . i i . lj ' , \-f!(VT.j fl.>n'.' IV-"-

• .i/'K:"TV'i)iirn;'?,*f:!'iJi.:.;rtiiii;••Y-'"



I Hfcl/. IS£0, Hi WHS S S M , S, D

tliP result of tlift "|>ersoii:il magiiet;:-;:i".ihont whicli fft much has s:iiil. Me*ilill.hail not been ai ilio Artitiytoa IJofottwenty-four hr.ups before 'T)lnitiS i':i!Ii'ilupon him. It w.is an iinusuul tliiu™ for.ihn" os-Sccretary-fo do,. but il WHS UMIv. ithout effect. Mcilill tliaoil nt ilie Mar-

Cy •'mansion,"blame's ivsiilcnco/tho nt-xlday, anil EJUCO then !io iiisil Ulnino II.IVKbeen much togolhe:-, -atlviaiiis ami con*uniting 'iibi">:it Mr. Hliiine'* I wok, ivr-

p s . ; ; • • •• .

CoiisiJerable agiltitiou lia-i hec-n ci'.i;iilately.to the anbjeut of JFr. .Blrtiim'.i ppen-inary-iiCCumu!at:of,R. .. Ifo was \\\<v\h&ileast a fjliartei' of a inillioti iloilars when

- he cnici'Gtl Congress in l^l!;!;' nml he lmsliocn ongagcu i:i many good rntorpn.sessince Hint time. He boiijrlil proihiciivecoal lanils ncav Pillsbnrg. hesides otlic-rgooil propwly, to invest his money in, mulins judgement lifts ravoly been at fault in

adit1, rliemiwtisin, A'c, v.tion you can trita "1'omc-roy'ri Tclinlinc I'ornnseil I'lus.tcr" for '!'• cents?1 Sold at th'f WarrenCounty Dmy Htuiv.

Aliitlfiboy was bnricl in .HeriJin n,?.!:.-.-., the other iiay'nm] bdiiml IIIP liearfoin tlie funrrtil jiriwessimi V;H1!;IH] lii^. pnnywith i1.1: paddle ilrapctl with crape,Sirangers even It inked with moistonotl eyesupon tlie liUle. fullow's pot, upon which!he ls:v; been ortc;C.xcr...to rale ihron«li th^ >?trents'bill a iittlfi whih1 ago.

; l--n1 filll

I'll).u i -I l i l i

f . !".In -Av . .f i


H'l'. A l l

AND IN KACTliVluiV'J'lll^fi

-i.' A ,','nn-! s'.n.-l; id' Mvrl.icTMp Tnh-s-s, J in every iK'piirtnitnt. lies! ti




l ll f MmncljjlciKnitoicr

Siil|Vj|i".rre«iliill.ilr>-tf»ii(tii,ml ft-rllut;, lrn>KHlnr (nilw.

flrUru&AT ,„!,'!,!. |.,l,imi l l l l l r i - n i l M

yellow, liftt ntfii(tii,Mlt!eil

. 1«a r

,im,1||U.iini.Klihiiiif.llnMii-ifrilBtt' «f ltI*

F V Q iirlm<liirltnrllsht.to»lilip»lc.ia>i,urmtfj.-iliii!liig.tifiirliiir<lowti •

ii<. trvi'lcn*. ill-lira. l-i urin»w, nn»nln»«».'|i,rlJI>M or»«, 'tarSt riMr*. Iliirit. DlNi'imf* »T -

H Eft H I , init.t«.NV<Mi>.«<i>ic.iniik>r»'i •'*Ue,'lf\itj (AtMt ii-\->; i-aC cMTiittti *!l r.filf-111.

HEADACHE,J,"»,'.,' [Jffi B'l'JrjSSiSM r ' i i i x I* i'H'i",| l.r wnvrr flnll. I t l i c i n i i n -

»lll,lll. i'llltlK l r rh"!d!ll IT t:.> IIWII.U -W1VAVHK'** I'llT-I.S, l:j e-iiil* -«hn.rftnywtin i i s u , maliini a i*tniiiniit «ur->. .S.-W l>j mail M, .S', TOIIW IJH ••' -1' I'I'I*: » l« .«i . il.fn. (Ii. | - ' '""-»•>•„!.) .tiiirK... i n t . r t i V A V N i : . v rt<i:.',

Z-litl^Hti!)!:! *» K»Ul-j lin^i'i* :

""""•• .l- • • ' " • • ' T K B s i « i , " K . . t . ; j n ! y » ; i v . . i r - 1 J

lilt (illllH Jll'.l UD —ii'i-.iV- • I hevo li-cii -rcariy (i«nl.l«il • for veil -•itli 'lrlltriti Ui-i Ilwii; !.f-iiJir:ti.le(l with 1l:in-

,!.»*• COM'lFhllA r.ir lUotlnlr.i.l .tnlin S. Anlc.wkl, Hm wi-tllfMown .1rii3J!« i.r thMdly.nnil,

ir. •mil

fcimwti ll.K.i-i. U-ik i J 'I l.nil n . r H in nit y i t l j

M-H.-I nirllirr, Mi-i Iw-i HH'PII / IT u|.!";i-»nt llUtt-n In l!iu innrk.,-1. . '

'rm-y«nr.> alMII'i-arC!) II( tli.) l.l.in.lJ-'httiltncv, So'irSKiiimti. (.'iii-tlji:iHN i v m i r tk i la i : l i e <i<'ii>'ii! llMnlSty

•ri IILi: riiiifk1, CliiMifii rry for It lifter laltlnccr:?,). KvcryJirriy ldt!i il Crn:-!i or cul.l ?tiasil'ly It. fil.-L-:,):..•ii..oi!l,f.

• ?3aai55 Cth AT:., KewYer!:.


^Hv,' JfoiwmO H'whiimti Cll.xiwc.l.

iltenniKl litlnr-i' of nn | . .

F!'i'l.i]i'iVi*in'h.-l:i(iii«ii%l'^'!i'l'lV' "li'jiHiry/lmt!: jiriv--• ' lutf A* chlii i* wrfl-juiii.

tllR Ulr='J -t:

il..,.....,.,,.,,,.,, ,..

v. iili p

nit' [

' \.il


ill' f i

u'nl f .


v 11:.!;-

Hiu*SUt>iiuty--Cluas Eye .

-'.rho ti<]niro," says tho aiitlU'i" nf "Tliirno.=inr Hc!niiilinastor,"11."ivorc oiiieye .iiitl n wigj. Tin* fjlnss eye wns con-siantly:i,iip])injj out of focus, and the wig

aronml Milewiie on liis h'enil wlieu-p-vor he lulJroEseil tlio people iif (lie l'liitCreek .Uistrict." Sad fiucctndc Parker ' s

I Always Pleased l a Shew Gaoiis.j i5^Je^=i;Tri)^ t :}:^;;^, !^v-^*S::l 'Jii ju!y it

' />.'-»';.•. fiiTI'At:!; .sf'.f7N

Call and Kx:nnimWill!... I..-!.UVSf. (Moll.l l l i . f i l . ".".

i r » , C i u n o ; i r i i t T ,.[,. (i |^P

.(/ !•.*.-,'• /J/ mcj.-iil'i iiiiii lit'iilili. licratu-ii ii!i*as.n,iil ami

' ' '" ' • ' • jljLMiflifitl. (.':it:l!o»ut! s«-iil fri'(! on :![ip!i-

| cr.tl.ih. VV.ir opeiia Sepwmlier ;..I • _ . . . . • • • . • •

Dilllir! I'itlrisntr^Ai/.-iil. j 777i7^S~

: l E I O T l I R E S Q U £ .',:r WASmqjJTON. .ilities, ;in.l :JyspC[i>in caused by sl.nrcliy food . Glu-

ton Giipuaaitoties euro Con«ipntlon and Piles. Bisurotio rODil relieves Bright's ami otheriliscasesofthe Kidney* ami Illadder. Extract Glutan BndBarley, \Ue most potent Iniililer-up in Consuoioiioii;ni>l iitrvDu-i, I'tifi'ciilod conilitioas. i ac t lo Wflfors •

stitutc, ilci-lares that nur Wholu Wheat Flour kabout twite as i-aliiaWe ns tli J l-'niiklin Mills Hour "and that our Gluton U the hsst made in liurope orAiutiiiOii";lidnjf aKtH'tidMtmnrt'ilianiwieeasvalii-"1.'";il>leas:in.iriii-e sold under tlieiiamcof'Gtmwi'Mw'"'Fjirwdl & Rliines of liochestar. X. V...Psi:;?hlocsni:;q,i f.w iu;iihtii|>iic.-in!=;-:-:-

HEALTH FOOD CO.,74 Fourth Avc, New York. "

aioat St., BCEton . (,„ ,\K',\ St., PMla.-".

Fn:;:i!y -:i'.l Patent New Process flour, Fee:!, f fal end Grain.


OF TiiS FiNsy


MA.;RB:LE .-••YATI-I.5 . E'l. I . V S S . !»!•<>.>..

preserves iiml promotes theMich matters. Then the rental nf his newgrowth .oniic-rjatura!::!iair\ '•It:-also

iiatnrnl color to hair whichiivpnite to Mr. l.ettoi;'-tho Cliicngo mil-failed or •hccoiiio gray. (%in, elrgitnl,lionciire, wnsn bi,t or economy not Iwrosi

Washington, N. j .Lent is over. The heart oE Hie gronl There is probably no saililer PCCHC thasocial life of .the Ca])itnl is freeil from t!io eil when the summer honnlers,rhligiouH restraint unil bocins 't sifter prafriiig in glowiijj; terms t!it! dc

illi ita wonted eaerpy. Holy wcci; titiil Slot:!; ever FIIOWIII'lie Utefit Xovrl l i t s in nil tlin (litluront

at. ii small r.<lv.i!ic.\nn t!io

li^litl'iillj- Ircsli ilnvnr of their gnnlun s, ^

•sow very strictly obsc-iveil, nmi WSpecialty

tftL'cu hicxahaniin at I'm1 Yftlttv,".'M..'i. CliKVIiMNti. UHAtf. ritliVfcl.lKi:. Slup-IV

t . ihoiv hold, comn sud.lcnly. lijion.tlioton society devoted itself tn jicnaticograyer, So inucli EO that it sposned the Ibe tin wins which liave contained tlio:«imore quiet filter the lialf-gay lcnlen week; vogelablca "fresh from thognrden1' uiir- Clicck uiul

O3L CLOTHS (nll'vviiiiiis).oliitct-.v TJoods an.] l.;i!:R CJnrtaiiw ii

r]ni!c?3 visiioiy.

- SHEPPAHD KH4PP & CO.-si.vni.w!:..1. isiiis'i.: .:; si;iv viim; n n .

ing lim losl Uvelvemontli.cborcan whirl, but juat cnongli dinner par-ties, imisictilos nnil tens, for real enjov-mont. " '

yne's Pills—Comforting to the Sick. -Vii11'io. jii^l twelve years wiih.loliiifilou A- Sou,

ibnsili1&d IES,. HEATER"S:TrfirFU'H WA

Thoi!£aiii!:i die from ouglecl to properlytreat Impure Blood,'"Coos'imntiniii

siu, Maluriii, Apoplexy, Liver, Kidney•itcliing lJi!es--Symptoms and Cure.

j\:Iai(bc and Gi'nniThe Bj'mjitnins are moisture, like ,«or- f luai-L I)isen.si!R, Dropsy, nml llheiimiitism...intense itching, inci-cnscd by Jim to ttie debilitalfd, bni-doticl v.-itli Rttc

sierioiis picliiicsa,;wb uniisciontiouply Repairs and Grates and Briclts for, nil Kinds of Stoves <vid Heaters.a t night, socms r s j r 'Vlu - ivorLTI SWAYXK'S I^LUS," wliich con- TOMRSTCNHK AND 'I'Alil.li'Ffi. TIM ROOFIM©';'*& gcrfiwling in and about" llio' rectum: I ho ain nwdicinnl.properties possessed by noprivntopaitsflre Komov.-hnt nltcctod. I o'.l.or rfcincdy..-.Hont l.\v umil for 25 cenls,

LEO Hr^sjcr^2iisMnciGj^i.tivc' tli o 'A call. NL'XI iliirtr In W ATI'S* IH.I1 KT' \N' | ) , \V, \SILI .NIV1'( . IN' . it!.)" !ilii 1—*1 y

nllowed.to 'continue .ver,T.."Seriona:-rcsul;omay follow. "SWAYKK'fci OINTMENT'is a pleasant, sure cure. Also for Teller,Itch, Salt TtliGiun, ScnUTIiend, Krj.HipeluHBarbers' Itch, Blotches, all; scaly, mists

* 31RSWAYNMASON, Pliil.i-, Pa. Sold bjf ItniggiHl

Mmlum C, drosbimiker, tut :;'u'onblu with' her. .worl;-sii')a; • .TlfdSkiii'Discasof),' • Sent by irni Artistically anil Promptly Executedoilier dny ono of thorn came in her io pay:

3 boxes, €1.25, (in stoinpaj. Address,Madame, 1 fefir..l..nhullji6l. ho aijlu io1 - . ^ SON1, Philadelphia

•.vorl; iiiufih Jongcr. 1 think I ntti goinblind/' ""Why', how is llml? You scu

_ i?.O.ntly,.wnsii country gunlncr, and, lilic to gel."[dons pretty \vi;]j with your wovlc." B2ST^PACILIT1BS Si MACE1NEEY13onl.lv Building, nrat ,!.mr to tlic ]Kiat ollicn. Ilomn'a larpc >....! ni:i.i:iinl

' i iany oUioMiouniry.lads, ho hud..it s^veut- ; but I can tin lougnr ECC any... mcnl

ew u'cii iniuiiirnctnn'iMiy l liibniicil ,1. M. I l i u i i i t * llulho Uii;, N V.. nmlhpri;tV"".'Orie"iiigli't SiinOy' tp!d Jior.thai.Jm yuro i)rt)l:onil''(!\i l)y goo-l j!ul;.fos to In: Illfs hosl. in tlio worUl. Como HIM] w e pvun if youmni'l j'!»y. X ( > | : \ y ! ilooni forull . Hi'Kt livunils ,ii',:i(4.".r:% ulwuyn nti Iiani!.

rjP ro o rietdfrr

derstood, nnd the next diiyspondcO "ditto." Sandy was not very hidica were nerved willi veiy InrRC hut thi ymi.\v!lLllinLKiilistiiiit!iilJn?|.niii!i'iils,i:.

Bogus Stops n: 5 Coma Enurc wtint Uiat'iiiCiUit.lmt ho thought hopieces of meat. "HOY." nico!" llic':'girlexclaimed, "my si^hi htia' tonic hack, t


et duo l.t> n low nml I mini re stale ni llt'u'rwinui'lly rutnlillsiiriloihiH tti'i il^-wiiyuj loat vorkhfl said: ^'l''at!icr can you

^ncwlmt 'ditto' in ? '' "Ou, ny, San-can now RCO licltor tlinn over.'1

ihni. Mlfwll.?" "Wliv,licd his father. "Uae yo. sco llml'?" "Yea." "Ami dao yojfiG that

11., "I,-can'.wo the pintoHHKrT's'CO.,cir tlio SCIENTIFICAMCnic.ix, emu'

BK.WSlS;.'l?if?ffi Vi',K?-SS'!iSS:ir . trtc. Hnn.l Hook IIIIOIIL

Eavorite Semedyifher ano, Hint it's juat ilio same ? Wool,tliat'sditto, "(irftcioui cnidncs1)!" o\- In tliphriKNriru! AMiatiCAN, llio tiirKWt.iioat.iiiiii

iiiiwrt. wldi!lyt!iiviilMt;<(t-iicloiiliOi)|i,i]icri fiUilnymirW(!t!kl>;. .Splcmllit cnitrnvliMts unil Inloresilnk- In.
