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Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...

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  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Presentation Overview


    - Overview of paper

    - Methodology- Results- Implications


    - Response to Article

    - Criticisms of theArticle- Controversies in the

    Climate Debate

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  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Climate Blogs

    - Each blog can attract >700,000 views per


    - Can be used for supporters or deniers to seek

    each other out and affirm each others beliefs

    - Enable anybody to share their beliefs and

    opinions on global warmingno scientific

    background needed

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  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...



    Conspiracist ideation: the attempt to explain a

    significant political or social event as a secret

    plot by powerful individuals or organizations

    Free-market economy: A market economy is an

    economy in which decisions regarding

    investment, production and distribution are

    based on supply and demand, and prices ofgoods and services are determined in a free

    price system

    Free-market ideology: Seeing scientific findings

    with regulatory impacts as threatening

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Question Examples

    - Free Market Ideology: The preservation of thefree market system is more important than

    localized environmental concerns

    - Climate Science: I believe that burning fossilfuels increases atmospheric temperature to

    some measurable degree

    - Other problems are solved: The problem ofchlorouorocarbons (CFCs) is no longer aserious threat to the ozone layer.

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Question Examples

    - Conspiracist Ideation: The assassination ofMartin Luther King Jr. was the result of an

    organized conspiracy by U.S. government

    agencies such as the CIA and FBI.

    - Other Sciences: Smoking causes lung cancer- Scientific Consensus: Out of 100 climate

    scientists how many do you think believe thathuman CO2 emissions cause climate change.

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    1) People were more likely to accept sciencewhen

    they perceived scientific consensus.

    2) Conspiracist ideation positively correlated with

    rejection of climate science

    3) Free-market Ideologywas an even bigger

    predictor of climate science rejection than

    conspiracist ideation.

    4) Perception that other environmental problems

    were solved predicted rejection of climate science,

    and was linked to free market ideology

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  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Why is climate science perceived differently

    to other sciences?

    1)Climate science is highly politicised2)Large amount of debate about global warming in the

    media and online

    3)The importance of fossil fuels for our currenteconomy and the fact that climate science may

    threaten our use of them

    4)Potentially suggest the need for implementation of

    taxes and increasing gas or electricity bills

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    Conspiracist Thinking

    Lewandowsky finds that conspiracist thinking is a

    personality characteristic, and that believing

    one conspiracy increases the likelihood to

    believe other conspiracies, such as:

    - There is no link between HIV and AIDS

    - There is no link between smoking and negative

    health effects

    - NASA faked the moon landing

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    How can this studies findings

    benefit us?

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  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    - Denial of human contributions to climate change isdisplayed in politics and the media, therefore:

    - Conspiracies about climate science are more likely tospread

    - Reduces the appearance of a scientific consensus- Makes people less likely to actively prevent global

    warming, as seen following vaccination conspiracies

    Consequences of Climate Conspiracies

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Consequences of Climate Conspiracies

    - Evidence has found that mere exposure toconspiracies can influence peoples beliefs even

    if they are trying to disprove these conspiracies.

    - Researchers succussfully induced people tobelieve a fictituous conspiracy that a particularsoft drink raises dopamine levels (Swami et al.


    - Vested interest groups and political figures maytherefore induce people to believe climate

    science conspiracies

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  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    IPCC Confidence Terminology

    Taken from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report

    Confidence Terminology Degree of confidence inbeing correct

    Very high confidence At least __ out of 10 chance

    High confidence About __ out of 10 chance

    Medium confidence About __ out of 10 chance

    Low confidence About __ out of 10 chance

    Very low confidence Less than __ out of 10 chance

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    Likelihood of the


    Virtually certain > __% probability

    Extremely likely > __% probability

    Very likely > __% probability

    Likely > __% probability

    More likely than not > __% probability

    About as likely as not __% to __% probability

    Unlikely < __% probability

    Very unlikely < __% probability

    Extremely unlikely < __% probability

    Exceptionally unlikely < __% probability

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Taken from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report

    Confidence Terminology Degree of confidence inbeing correct

    Very high confidence At least 9 out of 10 chance

    High confidence About 8 out of 10 chance

    Medium confidence About 5 out of 10 chance

    Low confidence About 2 out of 10 chance

    Very low confidence Less than 1 out of 10 chance

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    Likelihood of the


    Virtually certain > 99% probability

    Extremely likely > 95% probability

    Very likely > 90% probability

    Likely > 66% probability

    More likely than not > 50% probability

    About as likely as not 33 to 66% probability

    Unlikely < 33% probability

    Very unlikely < 10% probability

    Extremely unlikely < 5% probability

    Exceptionally unlikely < 1% probability

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    'Main players' in the Global Warming


    Sceptics: may prompt the revision of a scientific

    claim on the basis of evidenceand reasoned


    Rejectors of climate science: dismiss wellestablished scientific results for reasons not

    scientifically grounded.

    Alarmists: Express concern regarding globalwarming beyondwhat is suggested by

    scientific evidence.

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  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Opinions on the article?

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Problems with the article?

    * sampling

    * extreme views (alarmist or deniers)

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Responses to the article....

    "ignorant fools who spitefully attempt to smear realists

    with Holocaust denial tendencies with his under-

    handed use of the term 'denier'. This article should be

    removed, it is a disgrace"http://www.telegraph.co.uk/

    "Its a bit like comprehensively losing a football match 7-

    nil, but to only include in your retelling of the game

    one successful tackle. And thats being generous to


  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Responses to the article, contd..

    "We might reasonably be allowed to speculatewhat the reasons for the paper not making it to

    print were. One reason may be that it was, as

    has been widely observed, utter BS"http://www.climate-resistance.org/2013/02/blognitive-dissonance.html

    "He commits the freshman mistake of only

    seeking evidence for his beliefs, and for none

    that would contradict him (and of which there isplenty)"

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    views on climate change, bloggers'


    Unfortunately, the evidence Apollo landed on the Moon issimpler to mentally process than the evidence that

    climate change is 1) real, 2) a problem, and 3) human-

    caused.http://www.telegraph.co.uk"..segments of the public remain

    unconvinced by the scientific evidence"Obviously then

    the scientific evidence is unconvincing.


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    bloggers responses cont'd

    Some just accept whatever is spoon fed to them

    and some question. That the author uses the

    term "conspiracy theories" suggests to me that

    he was never objective and this wholeendeavor is just a hit piece and not real


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    "Not to mention the climate scientists who would

    lose ALL of their funding if they didn't have

    AGW to panic people, or that the biggest AGW

    groups are heavily funded by... oil companies.Oops"

    wtf?? this can't possibly be right!?!



  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Controversy surrounding the paper

    1. the skeptic blogs were never contacted

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    * 8 pro-science blogs posted the Q'aire, N=1147

    Lewandowskys researchers emailed five popular

    skeptic blogs, but none of those approached

    posted the link to the questionnaire.

    Did Lewandowsky actually fabricat the claim he

    had emailed five sceptic blogs?Anthony Watts

    (blog editor, meteorologist),Jo Nova(sciencewriter, blogger, author)and others smelt a


  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    L's response...

    So now theres a conspiracy theory going around that I

    didnt contact them. Its a perfect, perfect illustration of

    conspiratorial thinking. Its illustrative of exactly the

    process I was analysing. People jump to conclusions on

    the basis of no evidence. I would love to be able torelease those emails if given permission, because it

    means four more people will have egg on their faces.

    Im anxiously waiting the permission to release this

    crucial information because it helps to identify peoplewho engage in conspiratorial thinking rather than just

    searching their inboxes.

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    Controversy surrounding the paper

    2. The Condon-Lewandowsky debate

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    Condon-Lewandowsky debate

    "...climate deniers believe that temperature

    records have been illegitimately adjusted to

    exaggerate warming" (e.g., Condon, 2009) (p5)

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    Condon's response

    "The accusations by Dr. Lewandowsky were allowed by theeditorial review of the Journal of Psychology yet claimsthat Im a climate change denier and that I believetemperatures were illegitimately adjusted are clearly


    I wrote first to Lewandowsky regarding the error and

    received an automated reply:Note that although I endeavour to keep all email

    correspondence private and confidential, this does notapply to messages that are of an abusive nature.

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    "this is astonishing, even comical, as it showsa

    tendency to receive large numbers of

    abusive messages....It challenges the

    imagination to understand why you shouldhave participated in writing the paper...it will

    surely generate more of the abusive messages

    which you don't enjoy...I'm confident that, if

    you stop abusing others, they will stopabusing you"

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...



    They make a promise.....

    the complete data are available on request.

    "An idea is coming to me... No, I'm being coy. I've

    asked Stephan for the data".

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    you decide.......

    Global Temperature Records Above

    the LawPosted by Jeff Condonon November 29, 2009

    As a young man doing research, the first thing we learned was to record our raw data in detail. Resultsmust be reproducible from scratch or you are not doing science. Requests by people to see thisdata are always granted to a reasonable degree because reproducibility is key. The reason that

    people are so interested in global temperatures is that the large positive adjustments tothe records provide most of the signal in the GISS global temperature record. In the case of thecase of the more popular, higher slope CRU record, we dont know whatadjustments were madeto these records.


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    Controversy surrounding the paper

    3. "believers" conspiring to make deniers look

    like "whack jobs"

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  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Is there any problems with their


  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    What did the p's think of the Q'aire?

    "I would have thought that inviting Deltoid readers to

    participate in a questionnaire of this sort is likely

    to produce statistically skewed results since it

    likely to encounter a preponderance of respondents

    who are pro-science rather than skeptical of


    "I needed a dont know choice rather than beingforced to say probably one way or the other who

    was involved in assassinating who".

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    "At first, I thought the survey was bogussome of the

    questioned seem rather ill-posed. And why no 5-point

    Likert scale? The whole online survey format is also

    methodologically suspect".

    "Not very well-written.

    What on earth is that question about Coca-Cola all

    about? I dont even care enough to Google it".

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    "I disliked the word believe. I dont believe in CO2

    trapping IR causing AGW. I trust the science

    experts, their differing voices speaking in unison,

    their research, and their evidence. Belief doesnt

    come in to it".

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    "The survey is very poorly written. It has a number of

    what we call double barreled questions in which

    there are two propositions asserted; you might

    agree with one but not for the reason proposed, or

    agree with one half but completely reject the other.One cannot answer these items without being

    misleading about what one really thinks".

    "Im too busy to take this survey, what with reds

    under the beds and sightings of Elvis to follow up...

    Is this Lewandowsky person even real?"

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  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    "I guess theyre trying to use those surveyquestions to identify the nuts haha"

    "Yeah, those conspiracy theory questions werepretty funny, but does anyone think thathardcore deniers are going to be fooled by such a

    transparent attempt to paint them asparanoids?"

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Their article about deniers believing in conspiracytheories was met by a conspiracy theory. AsLewandowsky and colleagues came across

    responses they started collecting relevant blogposts & used them to write another article:

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Recursive fury: conspiracist ideation in

    the blogosphere in response to researchon conspiracist ideation

    survey responses "scammed"

    -can't be ruled out, esp. since on the internet; its


  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    sceptic blogs not contaced

    on September 10, 2012 L. revealed the names of

    the sceptic bloggers. This hypothesis was then

    abandoned, however, a new one emerged:

    that it was obvious that most (or all) of the scepticblogs would refuse to post it, since it was

    posted by an alarmist hence distorted to try &

    harm sceptics.

    this shows unreflexive counterfactual thinking(non-existent, counterfactual state of the world, even

    though knowledge about the true state of the world was

    demonstrably available at the time)

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    sceptic blogs contacted after a

    delay- sceptic blogs contacted 1 wk after believers

    blogs posted Q'aire

    - doesn't impact the study because they didn't

    post them anyway

    this shows suspicious thinking & attribution of

    nefarious (wicked; criminal) thinking

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    different versions of the survey

    -sceptic blogs received different versions to

    scientific blogs

    -Q orders were merely counterbalanced

    -this theory lasted 1 day

    this shows a belief that something must be

    wrong, reflexive counterfactual thinking, &

    nefarious intent of the researchers

    duplicate responses from same IP

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    duplicate responses from same IP

    number retained

    Those with same IP address were deleted;

    however, bloggers took it to mean that if there

    was slight variation it would be retained;

    This is false

    -the theory lasted 2 days

    this shows considerable suspicion

    blocking access to authors'

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    blocking access to authors


    2 authors were inaccessible for 9 hrs.

    Blogger: blocking his IP address, which turned

    into a consipiracy of blocking & unblocking to

    show being paranoid

    this theory lasted 1 day

    assigning intentionality to random events,

    conspiracy theorist as a victim

    beyond recursion: global activism &

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    beyond recursion: global activism &

    government censorship

    - UWA a base for global climate activismoperation

    - Ringleader for conspirational activities

    - Gov. funded L. & colleagues to run TheConversation

    - This shows widening scope of conspiracy

    - L. has received over $2 mil worth of ARCfunding to support his efforts to equate climate

    change scepticism with mental disorder

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  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    The IPCC concluded in 2001 that there is strong

    evidence to believe that climate change in the

    last 50 years is attributable to human activities;this is also the view of a large body of domain

    experts (Antilla, 2005)

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    If anthropogenic global warming is

    happening, why so many deniers???

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  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Climate deniers

    Glenn Beck(producer, radio host, author,

    conservative) says global warming is the

    greatest scam in history.

    He gives air-time to Christopher Monckton

    (journalist, conservative political speaker) to

    attack the work of climate scientists asfraudulent

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    "Note the close correlation between CO2 concentration

    and temperature: but it was temperature that changed





    U "chasing ice"

    Is being a climate scientist

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Is being a climate scientist


    Climate scientists have been known to receive

    death threatseg:

    Will Steffen (ANU),

    Andy Pitman (UNSW)

    David Karoly (Melbourne University)


    xOlCN10 funny video

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Marc Morano

    Fox regular Marc Morano, (founder of anti-

    science blog ClimateDepot.com) said climate

    scientists deserve to be publicly flogged



  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    How many watch fox news?

    Fox news has been the most watched news

    channel in the country for ten years and

    according to Public Policy Polling, is the most

    trusted television news sourcein the country

    -January 2012, average of 1,942,000viewershttp://press.foxnews.com/2012/01/fox-news-channel-marks-decade-as-the-


  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Pew Research Center for People & thePresscited a sharp decline over the pastyear in the percentage of Americans who

    say there is solid evidence that globaltemperatures are rising.http://people-press.org/report/556/global-warming

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Marc Morano

    When Morano singles out a climate scientist for

    attack on his website he includes their email

    addressestelling people to get in touch.

    Which they do, with death threats.

    Dr Kevin Trenberth(head of analysis at the

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    National Center for Atmospheric Research,


    19 pages of extremely foul, nasty, [and] abusive

    emails in the four months after the Climategate

    storm broke in November 2009.


    Another prominent climate scientist had a dead

    animal dumped on his doorstep and as a result

    now employs bodyguards.

    Another has contemplated suicide

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Paul Ehrlich(Stanford University, ecologist):

    Everyone is scared shitless, but they dont know

    what to do. The bullying and threats intensify

    after anti-climate science rants from the media.http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v464/n7286/full/464141a.html

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Michael Mann(physicist, climatologist, author)

    also received hate mail:

    "the emails come in bursts, and do seem to be

    timed with high-profile attack pieces on talk

    radio and other fringe media outlets such asRupert Murdochs Fox News

    They have been told to "go gargle razor blades"

    and described as "Nazi climate murderers"


  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    deniers in Congress have used their offices to

    send intimidating letters threatening dire

    consequences to scientists working on climate



  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Although Tony Abbott does not directly attack

    scientists he has signalled to climate deniers

    that he is one of themhttp://theconversation.edu.au/climate-scientists-the-target-in-culture-war-1692

    Monckton (journalist) believes that climate science is a

    communist plot, promoted by the Hitler youth.

    He denounced Australias climate scientists as cheats,

    frauds and communist dupes on ABC.

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    The Australian

    While claiming to accept the science and the

    need for carbon-reducing policies, the

    Australian has conducted a long campaign of

    undermining, ridiculing and misrepresentingclimate science, including giving regular

    space to conspiracy theories.



    An analysis of The Australians coverage ofli h l h l i bi

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    climate change reveals overwhelming biastowards denialists

    180 articles dedicated to action against climate

    change versus 700 articles (4:1)

    many columns written by non-experts such as


    of the scientists, majority were deniers, minority

    were those published in climate science


    How many people read "the

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    y p p


    The Weekend Australian: 895,000

    the weekday edition: 436,000

    (December 2008 figures)



    The murdoch paradox: bias in

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...



    climate reporting



    Research has found more than 80% of stories on

    climate change from selected US News Corpoutlets are misleadingand the problemseems to extend to Australia

    In the real world, scientists accepting the climateconsensus view outnumber denialists by more than 99 toone. In the Alice in Wonderland world of [The]Australian,their contributions were outnumbered 10 toone.

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Polls in Australia show that despite the steady

    accumulation of scientific evidence, Australians with

    conservative politics views are now much more likely

    to reject the science.

    Like those whose opinions they valueshock jocks and

    television demagoguesclimate deniers are

    disproportionately older, white, male and conservative

    those who feel their cultural identity most

    threatened by the implications of climate change.

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    information that does not fit one's worldview is nowdiscounted or rejected.

    "In science there's a whole lot of facts and basic informationon the nature of climate change, but it's being treated as



    Free-market ideology and environmental

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Free-market ideology and environmental

    degradation. The case of belief in global

    climate change (Heath & Gifford, 2006)

    600 questionnaires delivered to random houses in a

    Canadian city. 185 were returned completed. Agesranged from 18-88 yrs old. 73% of respondents had a

    university or a college degree.

    factors influencing belief in climate

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    - greater levels of ecocentrism & perceived

    knowledge about climate change, and

    decreased levels of apathy led to greater

    belief in climate change

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    greater apathy led to belief that climate change

    is not caused by humans

    less apathy & more perceived knowledge led to

    consequences perceived as more negative

    environmental apathy had the strongest negative

    correlation (>free market ideology) with

    causes & consequences & the intention to act

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  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    ego-environmentalism, but not income, predicted

    support for policies reducing greenhouse

    emissions despite being costly to the


    climate of scepticism: US newspaper

    f th i f li t h

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    coverage of the science of climate change(Antilla, 2005)

    Studied 255 US newspapers to assess media

    coverage on climate change

    The newspapers mostly used climate sceptics

    that had ties with fossil fuel industries to

    address the issue

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    so why are so many politicians hard-line


    Many politicians receive funding from large

    corporations that profit from large amounts of

    fossil fuel consumption (eg Exxon Mobil)

    (Antilla, 2005)Food for thought..

  • 8/12/2019 Tara & Tanya Climate Presentation NASA Faked the Moon Landing...


    Thank you for listening!
