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Target audience research results

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Questionnaire Results Target Audience Research
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Questionnaire ResultsTarget Audience Research

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Question One

From my 24 respondents, 10 were male and 14 were female. This means it’s pretty equal, so my answers won’t be as bias as they would be if all male or all female answered the questionnaire.

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Question Two

My results show that most of the people who took my survey, 17-20 answered the survey. This is good because this was the age range that I wanted to make my trailer etc. for. Obviously getting other age ranges’ opinions is good, but having the majority of results from my desired age range is better.

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Question Three

This is a good definite answer. This means to me that my target audience does enjoy watching movies, so I know I’m looking at the right age range.

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Question Four

From this question, I’ve found that age ranges like different types of movie genres. But the one that comes out on top with 7 is Horror, so I know I’m looking at doing the right movie genre.

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Question Five

Since this question has a 50/50 answer, everyone’s mixed whether they watch them or not, so even if I made one, at least one of my target audience will see it.

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Question Six

This shows to me that people do take notice of the movie posters, so I need to make sure that my movie poster is eye catching, so that more people will be talking about my movie and means my target audience will know about it.

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Question Seven

From the three types of poster I made as answers, an old fashioned poster, a modern day poster and an alternative poster. 75% said modern day, so that might mean that my target audience likes modern day posters so that’s the style I’ll make so it’ll get my target audience seeing my movie more.

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Classroom Survey

I made another survey but with some new questions and sent it round the classroom for peer feedback.

I thought this would be important because the age I’m trying to attract are 17/18 year olds, so my peers are the perfect opportunity.

These were the results:

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Question OneWhat is your gender?

From a class of 11 students, there’s 9 females and 2 males.

This could mean that the results may be a bit biased but I’ve still got information from friends on the internet so it’s fine.

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Question TwoWhat is your age?

All of the students are either 17 or 18 and that’s the audience that I’m targeting for, hence why I did a classroom survey.

Question Three Do you enjoy watching movies?

All 11 students said they enjoyed watching movies so that means I’m aiming for the right age range if they all like watching movies.

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Question FourWhat is your favourite movie genre?

9 out of 11 students prefer Horror as their chosen favourite genre, which means that I’ve chosen the right genre to make and it is the right decision on making a Horror trailer and poster because my target audience prefer that genre.

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Question FiveWhat do you like most about this genre?

‘The shocks’

‘Getting shocks and being scared’

‘They hook me and keep me guessing’

‘The thrill’

‘The shock factor’

‘It’s never boring’


These are the responses the students who chose Horror.

From looking at these, I have found that my movie trailer needs to be full of shock and suspense, to keep my target audience interested and also I need to make sure that the trailer is full of jump scares so again it keeps the audience interested.

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Question SixDo you watch movie trailers?

Out of the 11, 7 said Yes to the question.

This shows to me that I need to make the best movie trailer that I can get it because the majority of my target audience watch movie trailers, so I need to make it good so they're more persuaded to go see the movie.

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Question Seven What do you think makes a good/successful

movie trailer?

'Something different'

'Something different and grabs my attention'

'Something that doesn't give too much away'

'Intrigues that audience without giving too much away'

'Doesn't give too much away and is fast paced'

'Short, snappy one that leaves you wondering what will happen next'

'Eye-catching, different and unusual'

These are the responses from the students who picked Horror as their favourite genre.

From doing this, I have learnt that mymovie trailer needs to be quick paced, so that my audience doesn't lose interest in the trailer. It also can't have many 'spoilers' in the trailer because then it's pointless seeing the movie because you've seen the best bits in the trailer. Lastly, I need to try and make my trailer different and as original as I can from other Horror trailers so that it again, keeps my target audience interested and also sort of makes my horror movie better than other Horror movies they've already seen.

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Question Eight Do you look at movie posters?

7 out of 11 said yes they do look at movie posters.

This shows to me that the movie poster is just as important as the trailer because people do see them too and it'll be again another way to persuadethem to see the movie; so my movie poster has to be the best it can be so it'll attract my target audience to go see the movie.

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Question NineThe importance of some features on a movie poster

From looking at my results and making the modal importance of the different features, it shows to me that all of the features are relatively important.

The main image has come out the most important with the majority saying 10. This shows to me that I need to be very careful and take extra care when making my main image because it seems like it's the thing people are most persuaded by when looking at the poster. So I need something that's going to be interesting and eye-catching so it attracts my audiences' attention.

Apart from the main image scoring the highest, all of the features have scored quite high so this means that I'm going to have to be very precise and take extra care when making my poster and make sure it's as perfect as Ican get it to be, taking into consideration all these featuresso that it attracts my target audience as much as possible and it's visually appealing.

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Question Ten Which type of movie poster do you like the best?

From collecting these results, it shows that 7 out of 11 likes the modern day movie poster the best.

From looking at this, I have learnt that my target audience prefer the technologically advanced, digital movie posters that have a lot of colours and images, text etc. instead of the old painted like poster and the quirky, simple alternative posters. This kind of makes it easier for my to do my movie poster because it'll all be computer based and I have the technological skills to produce a movie to the best of my ability to try and attract my target audience to look at the movie poster and go see the movie.
