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Task 1

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Advert analysis
Page 1: Task 1

Advert analysis

Page 2: Task 1

The Snowman (IRN BRU) :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yZOab5gl-4This advert is effective around Christmas time as it is a play off from a Christmas film ‘the snowman’ and features the same song/tune as from the film but the lyrics have been changed slightly to fit in with the theme of the advert and drink. The lyrics tell a story. This advertisement will benefit the younger audience more than the adult one. This is because it has a more child-like tone to it due to being based around a children’s film and it being a cartoon. In the video the story line is the boy refusing to share his drink with the snowman and then ends with the snowman stealing the IRN-BRU and the boy falling. This is a very immature and childish thing to do and young people will often snatch things from each other if it is something they want. However, it can also be a good advertising technique as it may be implying that the drink is so good that you have to share it with your friends and everyone can benefit from the taste and enjoy it. The opposite of this may be that the drink is so good you want it all to yourself to drink and you don’t want to have to share it or let anyone have any. The song “walking in the air” is a very calm and soothing song, this could be setting the tone of the advert and saying the drink is calming and relaxing. It could also be doing the opposite and saying the drink will give you so much energy and make you feel like you’re actually ‘walking in the air’ or flying.

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This advertisement concentrates specifically on the diet version of IRN- BRU. It used basically images of giraffes to portray its message successfully. The giraffes are identical, if not exactly the same. The only difference within them is that one says “sugar free”.

This is to show that there is no difference within the normal IRN BRU and the diet one other than one of them contains no sugar. It gets across successfully that you wont be able to identify any differences within the drinks. They will look and taste the same. Using the words “spot the difference” implies there is a difference to be found even though there isn't. The colour scheme of silver on the can could be representing the soothing-ness and calming-ness of the drink as silver is often seen as being a calm, reflective colour. The blue used in the colour scheme stands out from the can and makes it easy to see from a distance. Blue is also a calming and relaxing colour, this could be saying that the drink is calming and relaxing for if you are having a bad or stressful day and need something to help you stay calm and composed.

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(IRN BRU 32) :-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhHP3hP_0PgThis advert is specifically for IRN BRU 32. this is the energy drink Barr produce. You can clearly depict from the video clip/advertisement that it is an energy drink. The advert is full of energy and action and excitement. The start is a man who looks tired and ready to fall asleep. This is effective because it shows how you can go from that state to being wide awake after the drink and how it wakes you up, giving you energy. The energy levels are expressed through an overly excitable cuckoo which bursts through a book case and starts shouting immediately about the greatness of the drink. The person portraying the cuckoo wears a blue costume to tie in with the company colour scheme and make everything tie together and work as a unit. Towards the end of the advertisement, placing the can on a spring is effective because ties in with the cuckoo which is also on a spring. Another reason is works well is because it almost bounces onto the spring and is thrust at the viewer ensuring they can see it clearly and will know what its packaging looks like.

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This advertisement features a play on words to grab the viewers attention. The copy for this campaign can be taken 2 different ways. It goes along side the image of a newly laid chick but also holds the connotation of “being laid” which is having sex.This is an effective technique because it adds humor to the advert and gives it a fun feel tone. It makes light heart and makes the advert less serious and formal. The colour scheme of the advert is the same colour scheme used on the IRN BRU packaging and this ties them together and creates consistency. It also creates brand recognition and makes it easy to identify even if you didn’t know it was for IRN BRU and hadn’t read it. The orange used for the background could be representing the flavour of the drink being orange. Orange also represents curiosity and creativity. This makes it an effective use of colour for the drink because it could be trying to make the reader think that having this drink will make you more creative. It is also a bright and vibrant, fun colour which links in nicely with the message/copy in the advert as that is a joke and jokes are often seen as being fun. The image of the chick visually portrays the other meaning of being laid as chicks literally are laid from eggs. This makes the campaign look more innocent and less demeaning. The use of black and white in the image adds a sense of innocence and simplicity to the campaign. This could be trying to say that the drink is innocent and has no hidden ‘secrets’ and that it is a simple drink with no drastic side effects and all the ingredients are simple and recognisable.

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At first glance of the can, the first thing you can immediately identify is the basic colour scheme of blue and orange that runs through the whole of the IRN BRU brand. Using the same shade of blue for the can and orange for the text creates professionalism and helps keep everything flowing together and working together. Using the same colour scheme also benefits because it creates brand recognition and helps the buyer to identify the brand from a distance away and also know what drink is being sold simply by the colours and nothing else. The orange and blue are also contrasting and conflicting colours which work against each other to make the other one stand out. The orange can easily be read off the blue as they are opposite colours and do not blend together, making everything for the viewer and buyer to read easily. The large ‘32’ stands out easily from the can because it is a large font size and is also pushes forward from the can due to the white explosion behind it making it pop away and separate from the blue background. The font is a basic sans-serif style which makes it easy for the viewer to read and interpret due to its simplicity and basic-ness rather than being a decorative font with all the various flicks and curls it may have. The slogan on the can stands out and is easy to read as it is white and this stands out from the can easily and doesn’t blend in. “great tasting stimulation” is effective as a a whole because by telling the buyer is tastes good it will make them believe it and want to try it and drink it. Using the word ‘stimulation’ is effective because it informs the buyer that it will give them energy and make them awake and ready, stimulating them and making them feel ready and full of energy and life.

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Relentless :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEKy38428IUThis advertisement is for the energy drink ‘relentless’. The advert/video clip appears to be targeted more towards younger people such as teenagers and young adults rather than small children or older adults. You can justify this because of the music style in it and the band featured in it is one which is more likely to be popular and widely known within the younger generation. This is effective and may make sales rise due to people taking inspiration from their role models and wanting to try the drink because they have seen their favourite band or singer drinking the drink. The advertisement shows a small story of how the lead singer/song writer of the band goes from sitting in a museum with no ideas to writing the song and performing it at a concert and makes it seem as though the drink is what gave him the energy and creativity in his thoughts to think up the lyrics. The voice over in the advert uses the line “inspiration is finding something beautiful” which goes along with the story line being used because the campaign makes it look like the drink is the singers inspiration so this is effective as it could be saying the drink could bring you inspiration too and help you make something wonderful of your life or may just inspire you in small ways and give you the energy to finish a piece of work. “No half measures” is the drinks slogan/punch line which is stamped on every can of the drink. It is like a silent promise to the buyer that the can is full to the top and not only half filled. It could also be saying that there is no half measures in its effect and that it lives up to expectation and is effective in providing energy and inspiration.

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When looking at this poster, the first thing you see is the image of the bull holding 2 cans of the drink in the centre of the page. This puts it directly in the viewers line of vision and makes it stand out so that they can see it immediately and recognise what the campaign is for. Using a cartoon image of a bull benefits the campaign and is effective as the drink is called red bull and a bull would create brand recognition. The headline at the top of the page saying “watch it fly off our shelves” links in with the red bull slogan of “it gives you wings” as wings are often used to fly. Placing the headline at the top of the page makes it stand out and easy to see and read. The headline is in all capital letters and bold to make it easy to see and read, ensuring it stands out from a distance. Using the sans serif style font makes it look professional and easy to read. The image of the cow looks child-like and looks as though a young child has designed it due to the simplicity of the design and basicness, having no small details or extra parts to it. Featuring both the normal drink and diet version in the same advert is effective because it shows that there is no differences between the drinks and they will have the same effect and equally give you high amounts of energy and will ‘give you wings’. Flying off the shelves is effective in getting high amounts of sales because it implies that it is popular and people ill buy it quickly making it go from the shelves. This will persuade people to buy the drink as they will think it must be really good if it constantly leaves shop shelves immediately. Buyers will believe it works well in providing high energy levels and also tastes good. Using the words “Red Bull’s the number 1 energy drink” will also cause people to consider trying it because it makes the drink seem like it is the best and most effective and also must sell better than any other drink to become number one.

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When you look at this campaign poster, the first thing you can immediately see is the rugby player who fills up most of the page. This gives the poster a masculine appeal and is target towards more men than women. Rugby is aesthetically a typically male related sport and this will get the men's attention towards the campaign because they will recognise the sport and also the rugby player featured in the image. The ruby player appears full of energy and active.

This is effective to use for the advertisement because it is implying that the drink has given the player his energy and is keeping him going through the whole game. He does not appear to be getting tired which shows that the drink does work. This is going to influence people to buy the drink because they will believe that if it can keep him going through a full contact rugby game where the players are constantly draining their bodies of energy and running around then it will work on a typical every day person and keep them going through their day time activities and they won’t become tired. The copy involves the buyer and talks directly to them. Using the word “you” makes the reader think they are part of something. It will also make then feel like the drink is specifically aimed at them and will work for them as they are being told it will. This will make people go out and purchase the drink as they will believe it is going to work successfully.

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When looking at this poster, the first thing that your eye catches is the image filling up the entire page. The photograph of Jessica Ennis adds a feminine feel to toe tone of the advert and makes it appeal to women more than men. This is because women will look up to her and wish they had a body like hers. It will also be effective because it will make people think that if the drink can keep her going through everything she does then it will give them the energy they need as well. The font style used on this advertisement may also be viewed as being feminine because it is sleek and tidy giving it a neat and polished look. The copy itself is fairly simple and feminine as it does not use an impressive sports vocabulary pr talk about building muscles and masses of energy. It simply talks about ‘fitness hydration’ and ‘calorie free’. Using ‘calorie free’ will appeal to a feminine audience because it more typically women who watch what they eat and calorie count compared to guys who more typically try protein shakes when looking into sports and building muscle. The point of this advert is to advertise the sugar free/diet version of the drink. This is more typically a feminine product in a lot of drinks as more females drink the diet versions than males. You can easily justify the campaign being feminine because of the photograph and font style used. In the photograph, Jessica Ennis appears to be sweating and this is also mentioned within the copy that you will sweat out through your fitness regime but no sugar will be taken in.

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The design used for the Monster Energy packaging is typically masculine and more male orientated than female. The ‘M’ looks like its been carved by claws and has a typical monster feel about it. Using the colour green and the shade of green makes it look like slime and something ‘monsterish’ as green is often associated with Frankenstein/zombies when considered in this sense. These types of things are more boy style and interests of males than females. The black can helps to make the writing stand out as it contrasts with the green and white, giving them a solid background to pull apart from. The font style used for word ‘monster’ is more male style as it looks slightly edgy and not so sleek and tidy. It looks like the style typically adopted in graffiti rather than professional and sleek. The brand slogan “unleash the beast” implies that once you have a drink of monster you will turn into a beast/monster due to high energy levels. This links back to the name of the drink and also the slime green colour which could link in with the hulk who is green and turns into a beast.
