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Task 3

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Understanding the principal methods and techniques used in marketing and public relationships Marketing: Why is it important in marketing to understanding your clients and their requirements? It is important because if you don’t match your customers requirements you won’t have an audience, you need to make sure that you make your product o fit your audience as much as you can, this helps with advertising as the customers might start helping to promote your product because it is so ideal for them. Knowing what your customers require also helps to create a marketing relationship. Why is understanding the market you are working in important? What techniques and tools could be used to help someone understand their market? It is very important because it helps to create competition between you and other companies similar; if you understand our market better it will help you win over the others within the competition. If you have an audience it helps to place your product within the market because if not then you will struggle to get anywhere with what you are selling. What is a SWOT analysis? Why are they are they a useful tool? SWOT analysis is analysis of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your product/business. It is important because you need to know the different areas of your business and product as it helps in the overall sales, because you need to know what you need to make better and you need to know what to point out about your product because if you have something amazing about it, if you promote that it will help the sales. You also need to look at your threats you need to see what you are up against and what you can do to make yours better to overrule the your threats. What is audience profiling? What sort of information might be included in an audience profile? Audience profiling is looking at who your audience are, and everything about them. This can help you to make your product better and to help when it comes to advertising so you can make it fit towards them. It includes looking at every detail about your audience such as their age, location, life-style, income band, property value and lifestyle choices. You then need to look at how you audience are interacting with your product such as how often they purchase, how much and when they purchase. Then finally you need to look at the way your clients currently perceive your products ad services, for an example whether you’re providing a necessity, a luxury or a default
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Understanding the principal methods and techniques used in marketing and public relationships

Marketing:Why is it important in marketing to understanding your clients and their requirements?It is important because if you don’t match your customers requirements you won’t have an audience, you need to make sure that you make your product o fit your audience as much as you can, this helps with advertising as the customers might start helping to promote your product because it is so ideal for them. Knowing what your customers require also helps to create a marketing relationship.

Why is understanding the market you are working in important? What techniques and tools could be used to help someone understand their market?

It is very important because it helps to create competition between you and other companies similar; if you understand our market better it will help you win over the others within the competition. If you have an audience it helps to place your product within the market because if not then you will struggle to get anywhere with what you are selling.

What is a SWOT analysis? Why are they are they a useful tool?SWOT analysis is analysis of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your product/business. It is important because you need to know the different areas of your business and product as it helps in the overall sales, because you need to know what you need to make better and you need to know what to point out about your product because if you have something amazing about it, if you promote that it will help the sales. You also need to look at your threats you need to see what you are up against and what you can do to make yours better to overrule the your threats.

What is audience profiling? What sort of information might be included in an audience profile?Audience profiling is looking at who your audience are, and everything about them. This can help you to make your product better and to help when it comes to advertising so you can make it fit towards them. It includes looking at every detail about your audience such as their age, location, life-style, income band, property value and lifestyle choices. You then need to look at how you audience are interacting with your product such as how often they purchase, how much and when they purchase. Then finally you need to look at the way your clients currently perceive your products ad services, for an example whether you’re providing a necessity, a luxury or a default option.

Select a magazine and find their audience profile:

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Explain in detail the 4 different elements of the marketing mix.One of the elements of the marketing mix is price; you need to make sure that you look in detail at the

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price. You need to look at your threats and their prices to see if you can make yours more a reasonable price so people are more likely to buy yours over theirs. You also need to make sure that you don’t set it too low so that you are not making a profit, because if not then your business is a waste of time and won’t get anywhere.Another element of the marketing mix is place; you need to look at the place you are selling your product, if you are selling it in a busy area of a city you are going to sell more because more people will see it than if you were down a small quite street where no one goes. If you sell your product within another shop you then need to think about where about I that shop you sell it because you need to research into the best areas to sell your product for example if it is for a child you place it lower on a shelf but if its for an adult you’d place it higher.Another element of the marketing mix is promotion; promotion is so important to a product or business. You need to make sure that you are getting as many people as you can aware of what you are selling, you can ever get the opposite of your audience to notice it because even though they may not buy it they can still help with promotion by suggesting it to others.And the final element of the marketing mix is product; you need to look at your product and see what you can do to make it better, and you also need to make sure that it looks good because no one is going o buy something that doesn’t look well made or professional. You need to make it look attractive to attract your audience.

Select a publication, product or audience and explain the range of marketing materials that they use.

Redbull; Redbull use mostly video to market their product, because you see it mostly on the TV and they also blend a small amount of interactive within the TV advert because they show that he product ‘gives you wings’ which then makes people go buy it because the think that it will ‘give you wings’ so it makes you want to be like what it is in the advert. This is the same as advertising; they show an end result making people want to be just like that such as having lots of energy. Redbull also use a lot f sponsor, they sponsor almost all sporting events so when you will see bike racing or something similar on the TV you will see the banners promoting Redbull. You will also see the people on the programme drinking the drink making people want to drink it because the people on the TV are.

Provide your own definition of advertising.Advertising is something you do to get your product or business out to people. If you don’t advertise no one will know bout what you are selling therefore you won’t have any customers and if you don’t have customers you won’t sell any products and then you won’t gain any profit. Advertising is so important you need to promote your product because without it your business won’t work. Advertising can be an advert on the TV, a poster, a billboard, a magazine advert or a radio advert. They come in all different types because you can advertise everywhere. The more advertisement you have the better your product will do and the more people will buy it and the more profit you will make, then once you make a profit you will be able to continue you product on longer. you will then also gain an audience helping you adapt you product to make it better.

What is the purpose of sponsorship? Support your answer with detailed examples.Sponsorship is another way of advertising. The purpose of it is to get your product know by more people, when a company sponsors another company your product is then advertised during that tv show or event. For example Redbull is advertised on posters around a race track which will be shown on the TV and people watching will see the posters. You will also see people at a sporting event wearing clothes that have the Redbull advert on them, and they could drive race cars with the advert on too.

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Another example is on coronation street just before the show starts and just before it ends, you will see the company that is sponsored, and as the show is on everyday with the same advert people watching will then start to remember it and it will then be stuck into their head.

What is the purpose of endorsements? Explain a range of different types of endorsements and use examples.

The purpose of endorsement is to put across a positive image of your product, you want people to think your product is good and if people are promoting the product as been very good then more and more people will buy it helping our your business. One way of endorsement is using celebrities. If a celebrity that everyone knows about is using a specific product or wearing a specific brand it can make those looking up to that celebrity want to buy or wear those brands because they idolize that person and want to be just like them. For an example Justin Bieber is a very popular celebrity and lot of people look u to him and want to be just like him, and he promotes the company called Proactiv this is a skin product to make your face clearer. He promotes it saying that it works for him and if you want your skin like his then you should go buy it which is what everyone will go and do.

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Another way of endorsement is for people who are expertise within an area of work, for example a dentist. If a dentist promotes a tooth paste saying that it helps your dental help and makes them white, then people will go and buy it because they think that it will help because someone who knows everything about teeth is telling you to buy it.

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Then the final way of endorsement is to use regular people within the adverts. This works because the people watching will think that they are just like them and it works for them so it will work youMe. A lot of people watching TV adverts that include celebrities may think that they could be lying and just saying it works because they are doing their job within the advert, so if they see regular people within the advert they might think they are more genuine.

Why could holding an event be a good marketing strategy? What are some of the opportunities and threats of holding an event?

Holding an event to market your product is a good thing because it is a way of bringing together a lot of people who will all see your products that are available to them. You can do this in different ways for example apple make a big event when they open up a new store, this allows people to see their products potentially making them buy something. Another example is college have events such as open evenings where they show the different work that have been done over the year, this is a good way of showing people that would like the come to college in the future what they could end up doing. Not all events are good, for example LG have an event where they put free vouchers inside

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helium balloons but because people wanted these prises so much they can with bb guns and knives to try get them before anyone else did, this ended with 20 people getting injured, so when creating an even you need to be careful about health and safety.

What is merchandising? Use detailed examples to help explain.Merchandise is a product that promotes something such as bands of a singer or a celebrity. It is a way of promoting them but at the same is isn’t right in your face, for example t-shirts, people wear t-shirts with a band on because they like them but people may see them and want to buy it there fore more and more people will help to sell the brand. A lot of films and TV shows have a wide range of products with their logos and characters on them. Merchandise used one product to sell another. Merchandise isn’t just t-shirts, it can be anything from a cup, to clippers, to a bed cover, to a toy. An example is the film despicable me, they have a wide rand of different types of merchandise.

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Public Relations:What is the purpose of a press release? What sort of things should a good press release contain?The purpose of a press release is to make people aware of something, for example if there was a new film being release there would be a press release letting people know that it is been released and what all about. A good press release would contain the most important information such as what they are writing about, when it is going to be realised and why people should be interested. It should also include newsworthy, beneficial or provocative material. It also needs to have the basics information such as, who, what, where when and how.

What is the purpose of an electronic media pack? What sort of things should a good electronic media pack contain?

The purpose of an electronic media pack is

What is the purpose of a PR briefing? Why should you create one? Explain some of the areas a brief should cover.

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What is the purpose of a press conference? Why might you hold one? Use specific examples to help you with your response.

The purpose of a press conference is to share information that may be important, and you need putting out there in the magazines and newspapers because you want more people to know. You may hold one so you can get your even publicized so more people know about the even t and turn up. An example of this is one direction held a press conference to announce that they were doing a huge stadium tour. They told everyone before hand that they were having a press conference which immediately made people more interested with what they could possible say, therefor when the conference came more people were watching waiting for the information, and when the announcement came out everyone knew about it helping to sell tickets overall.

Why could hand-outs be useful when managing a PR event? They are useful because you can include important information that you want everyone to know, and you just had them out for free and people will read them and know more about the event. It is also useful because you attract more of an audience making your event much bigger.

What are some of the advantages of holding an interview instead of a press conference? Advantages of holding an interview is it is more personal and one on one, you get asked more important questions that relate to what you are doing, where as in a conference the questions could be anything.

Why do people set up film and picture opportunities? Use examples to help our response. People set up film and picture opportunities because the pictures will be put somewhere such as on websites, magazines or newspapers, and this will help to get more people aware of the event. You can also have back dross of the pictures and you could get sponsors to be on the backdrop helping to gain you more of a profit. For an example at6 a red carpet even they have sponsors on the backdrop and they have an area of the people to stand and an area for the photographers to stand.

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Why are contacts and networking important in marketing and PR? What kinds of contacts could be useful? Provide details of a PR contact from at least one organisation.
