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Task 4

Date post: 01-Nov-2014
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Task 4 Brandon Parker
Page 1: Task 4

Task 4

Brandon Parker

Page 2: Task 4






Music Talent



Science YourselfTheory




Discovery form new places using their remedy's




Collaborate this into the back of another image using Photoshop

Show a time-lapse of a place showing time using the same place but a different time and merge (Photoshop)

Blurry back ground but include the main feature, could be a form of architecture that’s clear and the rest out of focus

Use a fast shutter speed to show something dissolvingIn water or a liquid

I could show the happiness in which cures for people bring. Could use children in Africa and how were discovering ways to help or could use old age.

The happiness coming from becoming successful into the world of fame.

Could show progression of moods throughout the day – Half face of every emotion. Or progression from a baby to old.

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Page 4: Task 4

The main style behind this photo is to show reflection. Your eyes are immediately drawn to each of the strong bright coloured lights. Most city imagery is boring but this shows a difference to most other cities as the use reflecting panels to show off the variety of colours featured a comparison between somewhere like this and York would show York to be dull although more of a historic city.

The style of this photograph is to show the different seasons through each year. Taking the exact photo at each different season allows you to collage together this sort of image. Making sure you have the tree exactly centre and taking from the same spot each time is very important in order to succeed.

This photograph was taken with burst mode (shooting the same photo repeatedly in a matter of seconds) and then layering the photos on top of each other to get the final image to look like this. The placement of the sun makes the rider looking like a silhouette on the picture.

This long exposure was done with this specific view in mind by choosing this location to shoot from allowed them to see each of the different curves to the bottom of the canyon. Also with it being in such a dark area the lights traveling along the road brightens it up and the illumination and the bottom gives the image a sense of direction from following the light trails.

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Idea Generation• (Time Lapse) - The first idea I have for creating my own image is to take a photograph of

myself at different intervals at different stages of the day. After doing so add each layer on top of each other and have one image at the back and fade them all into the back so that each emotion is caught through each picture and will see a variety and tell the difference between moods during a standard day.

• (Photo Mosaic) - A different idea is to have as many photos of me from as a young child to now and then make a collage of all the images so that I could then make a big picture of me now out of all the small ones. For this though I might have to use a website that makes it for you in order to have all the different shadows and colours on your face just right.

• (Burst Photography) – For this I would take a repeated amount of photos from the same spot in order to get the same picture and so I could catch the reaction to happen as I want to make a chemical reaction of some sort and catch things that happen even that the human eye cant see.

• (Reflection) – I want to take a photograph from within York looking over the river on a night to have the reflection of the bright lights from the city centre, wanting to use other forms of experimental photography such as blur as it can ad to the effect of the overall image. Having still water would make this image looking even better if that’s what's in focus so that the back ground is slightly blurred.

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Proposal – To Now (Not using)• For my final Photograph that I take I want to be using a selection of old

photos of me from growing up to a final picture of me showing the development of me. Starting from a baby having pictures of my face slowly building up to present day with I would have as the last layer on top of them all. For this I would just be using pictures that would already of been taken and so would need to edit them in order for them to be referred to as experimental photography. I would scan in a variety of different imagery but all with my face straight at the camera in order for me to have my face in age order to show the differences at different intervals of my life. The theme for this part was to look at discovery and to me this style of imagery although might not be completely be photography can be seen as experimental as I am showing change with myself which I see as self discovery because over the years each and every person must do this and will find out who they are. In order to create this I would need the use of computers around college in order to edit these with the use of Photoshop.

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- Shimmering Nights• For this photograph that I want to take I was to use a variety of

different types of experimental photography, I want to use reflection from a river but to get a good reflection I need for it to be perfectly still to make it look as close as possible to a mirrored affect but then have all this centered to have the edges all blurred so would have to focus it all myself in order to get the right affect using a DSLR and so will take the photograph I intend to take. Using a variety of different techniques will show off what experimental photography can do to an image and how it changes from if you were just going to take a picture normally. Ill need the use of a tripod in order to keep the camera steady and will also be relying on the weather a lot in order to get the shot I want with the stars bouncing of the river to. Once I have the correct photograph that I feel is right I would then look at editing the image but keeping the original just incase that editing doesn’t make the image look any better.

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New Proposal• The theme I am choosing to do for experimental photography is ‘Discovering

Paradise’, The idea behind this is to create a picture using something that is made from something that’s real and make it what’s to good to be true. Could be the view using differently techniques used a lot within this type of photography. Taking the right photographs is varied a lot on the weather as that what I need to have right in order to achieve what I want without having to edit anywhere near as much as what I should if I didn't have stars out, because having the reflection of starry night is key in order for the getting the right amount of blur and the best reflection possible and so will need for the water to be still at possible so that its clear and not blurred the centred part of the image. But then I might use different times of the day to show off a form of ‘paradise’ as it can show different sorts of beauty off. Although I could incorporate different pictures together as this isn’t going to be showing reality it’ll be showing something that only people would or could imagine. All the photographs that I take will be still shots but I have the use of a camera that’s easily accessible to me in order to get the photographs I need and then could possibly piece ones together to get what pictures I want.
