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Task 5 Program Evaluation Rubric

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  • 8/11/2019 Task 5 Program Evaluation Rubric


    MemorandumTo: Brett Warren: Screven County Elementary School Principal

    CC: Agnes Brown: Screven County Elementary School Media Specialist

    From: Lynn Doyle: Georgia Southern University Student-Add-on Certification for Media Specialist

    Date: September 29, 2014

    Re: GA DOE 2013 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric

    On September 19, 2014, the Screven County Elementary School Media Special and I conducted an evaluation of the media centerusing the GA DOE 2013 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric. Below you will find the results. I included a key to representthe ranking of each section as basic, proficient or exemplary. A brief summary is included at the bottom of each page for each categorylisted on that page. I have also included in the summary a possible action steps to address an area identified as basic , as well asselecting one area that is rated as proficient and suggested a plan to move this area to exemplary.

    The following key will be used to rate each category


  • 8/11/2019 Task 5 Program Evaluation Rubric


    I have concluded that the overall level of proficiency in category 1-#s 1-6:Student Achievement Instruction would fall in the proficient range for SCES. The MS meetswith the grade levels to discuss their grades need for the upcoming year and makes sure that if materials/resources are need ed that she includes them in her budget.She looks at the grade levels curriculum maps as well to help her make decisions on what she can do to help support the classroom teacher. In the area of #3: the MS

  • 8/11/2019 Task 5 Program Evaluation Rubric


    is no longer involved in the active teaching role. SCES is too large for the MS to really be able to go into the classrooms and provide assistance in instruction orextension of the classroom instruction. Our system technology coach is basically responsible for providing this type of support to the classroom teacher. I believe that#5 in Category 1 could move into the exemplary if our system would invest in employing a full-time MS AND technology coach. This would allow 2 very knowledgeableresources in the area of information literacy to collaborate and would allow them to meet ALL needs that should be provided on the information literacy standards.

  • 8/11/2019 Task 5 Program Evaluation Rubric


    SCES does have a FULL-TIME MS that is only responsible for the SCES media center. It also has a full-time parapro. However, this STILL truly is not enough help tosupport our large school. With the number of students that visit the library & the daily number of books checked-out & checked-in, MORE help is needed!

  • 8/11/2019 Task 5 Program Evaluation Rubric


    The library has flexible schedule as far as students visiting the library at any time during school hours: 7:30-2:15. The SCES library is not available before or after schoolhours. The MS is available most of the day, but her time is VERY limited as far as being able to serve teachers. MOST of her time is being used for checking out/inmaterials. The 2 computer labs in the library have a fixed schedule. Teachers have an opportunity to sign up for an availab le time slot to use the schools programs,but those that do not sign up are assigned a time that they can visit the labs. The library is a fairly nice size, but could REALLY use a facelift in order to meet the 21 st century learner needs. I think it would be great if we at least had an opportunity for parents to visit the library once a month before school and afterschool. It couldbe on a given day once a month for a morning & afternoon time for parents to visit, check out books & even take an AR test with their child.

  • 8/11/2019 Task 5 Program Evaluation Rubric


    SCES library is equipped with 2 computer labs that teachers have a fixed schedule for visiting and having their students work on programs like MobyMax, Star Testing,or Thinkgate assessments. SCES uses the web-based library management system Book Systems Atriuum. The MS really likes the program and has shown me severalfeatures of the program and I was able to check out/in books, catalog & print labels.

  • 8/11/2019 Task 5 Program Evaluation Rubric


    I am MOST frustrated with our schools usage OR rather LACK of usage of Galileo! Our teachers are not trained on this wonder ful resource! We are sentan email 4 times a year with the new password, but thats IT! This resource is not used in our school s ystem at all. We have a MS at each school, a

    system technology coach, and 2 instructional coaches and NO ONE trains our teachers and students on how to use this tool. I have actually used it somewith my students and plan to have a PD session so that teachers are aware of all of the tools available to them and the students.

  • 8/11/2019 Task 5 Program Evaluation Rubric


    Our school system has what seems to be much administrative support. We have the system technology director, 2 system technology support specialists, a technologycoach & a MS at all 3 schools. There is also a technology committee at all 3 schools, & an AR committee at SCES. These committees meet once a month. There is alsoa system technology committee that meets quarterly. There are school web sites at each school as well as a district site. I believe that administration should be moreinvolved in what is happening in the media center. All of the responsibility rests on the shoulders of the MS. Its great t hat administration puts so much trust in theMS, but Im sure she would like more input.

  • 8/11/2019 Task 5 Program Evaluation Rubric


    Each MS at the 3 schools are responsible for their own budget & spending with Admin input at each school. This summer the MS ordered a birthday book for EVERYchild in the school to have a book for their birthday. The kids have enjoyed receiving their birthday book!

  • 8/11/2019 Task 5 Program Evaluation Rubric


    The MS is no longer involved in the active teaching role. SCES is too large for the MS to really be able to go into the cl assrooms and provide assistance in instructionor extension of the classroom instruction. Our system technology coach is basically responsible for providing this type of support to the classroom teacher. Our schoolneeds a full-time MS AND technology coach in order to meet ALL needs that should be provided on the information literacy standards. MANY of the lessons I havelearned about the role of the MS and how actively involved the MS shoul d be is not happening at SCES! If we had a full-time MS & technology coach, then I believethey could give the teachers more support in the information literacy standards.
