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Task Planning User’s Guide JOBSCOPE ®
Page 1: Task Planning - Jobscope

Task Planning User’s Guide JOBSCOPE ®

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JOBSCOPE Task Planning Copyright, Jobscope, LLC, 1996 - 2011 JOBSCOPE® Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Jobscope LLC makes no warranty of any kind regarding this material, and shall not be held liable for errors contained herein or for damages resulting from the use and performance of this material. The information in this document is protected by copyright. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of Jobscope LLC.

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Table of Contents

Task Planning ................................................................................................................................................ 3

Setting Up for Task Planning ......................................................................................................................... 4

Table Entries ............................................................................................................................................. 5

Department Codes (Table 0009) ........................................................................................................... 5

Standard Job Cost Categories (Table 2005) .......................................................................................... 6

Labor Cost Categories (Table 2006) ...................................................................................................... 7

Task Labor Collection Accounts (Table 4001) ....................................................................................... 9

Employee Levels (Table 4003) ............................................................................................................ 10

Costing Labor Transactions ..................................................................................................................... 11

Labor Subledger .................................................................................................................................. 11

Burden Charges ................................................................................................................................... 12

Employee Master .................................................................................................................................... 13

Using the Task Planning Module ................................................................................................................. 14

Task Planning Mode .................................................................................................................................... 14

Task Planning/Reporting ......................................................................................................................... 14

Charging to a Previously Entered Task ................................................................................................ 15

Entering A New Task ........................................................................................................................... 16

View Entries ........................................................................................................................................ 17

Inquiry ................................................................................................................................................. 18

Print Plans ............................................................................................................................................... 19

Project Planning ...................................................................................................................................... 20

Shift Project Task Dates .......................................................................................................................... 23

Delete Completed Tasks ......................................................................................................................... 24

Copy Project Tasks .................................................................................................................................. 25

Labor Collection Mode ................................................................................................................................ 26

Releases ...................................................................................................................................................... 27

Engineering Releases in Design Data Management............................................................................ 28

Engineering Releases in Job Management and Control ..................................................................... 28

Getting Started ........................................................................................................................................ 29

Configuration Settings ........................................................................................................................ 30

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Table Entries for Releases Mode ........................................................................................................ 30

Status Values ....................................................................................................................................... 31

Releases Browse ..................................................................................................................................... 32

Releases Main Tree View ........................................................................................................................ 34

Engineering Release Header ................................................................................................................... 35

Engineering Release Lines ....................................................................................................................... 37

Engineering Release Documents ............................................................................................................ 41

Releases Main Tree View Buttons .......................................................................................................... 42

Integrating Task Planning With Engineering Release Lines .................................................................... 44

How They Look In Job Management and Control ............................................................................... 49

Engineering Release Line Dependencies ................................................................................................ 49

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Task Planning

Task Planning is designed for the reporting of labor for salaried employees that you would like to charge

to jobs or general ledger accounts. The most common types of salaried labor that you might want to

charge to jobs or accounts are engineering and project management. You can charge this salaried labor

in the labor collection module. The only difference is that in the labor collection module you will have to

enter a work center (unless the charge is to a work order operation), whereas in Task Planning you


Task Planning has two other capabilities that you may find useful, Tasks and Integration with

Engineering Releases.

For shop type work, the work order system with it’s structure of work orders with operations fits very

well. However, for engineers, the work to be done can probably be defined better by a listing of the

individual tasks to be done. An example might be the preparation of a drawing, or the design

calculations for a hydraulic system. In the Task Planning system, these are called Tasks, and, once the

task is entered, the employee can enter time against the task. When the task is entered, the estimated

time to do the task can also be entered, as well as the job or release to which the task is to be charged.

When the employee reports time against the task, he or she can also enter an estimate of the time

required to finish the task. This provides a running estimate of the time required to complete the task.

In Task Planning, there are two different types of tasks, project tasks and individual tasks. Project tasks

do not have a specific person linked to them. An individual task must have a specific person linked to it.

Individual tasks may be linked to project tasks, and more than one individual task may be linked to a

single project task. Labor must be reported at the individual task level.

A project task is a broader scope of work, such as doing all the general arrangement drawings for a job.

This might be broken down into individual tasks by drawing. The Engineering Releases module allows

you to define the incremental releases of engineering work on a job. So an Engineering Release is an

even broader scope of work than a project task. All the work on an Engineering Release is considered to

have the same timing, meaning that all the work is expected to be completed and released at the same

time. An Engineering Release may be made up of different types of work, but they have the same

timing. An Engineering Release consists of the header for the release, which describes the general

nature of the work being released, and Engineering Release Lines, which is a description of each type of

work on the release.

The other capability mentioned above is Integration with Engineering Releases. With this option on, the

Project Task record will have a one-to-one relationship to an Engineering Release Lines record. Also

note that the Project Task has user defined field and user text capability. This will be accessed from the

Engineering Release Lines screen so that it can be maintained from the Project Task screen or from

Engineering Release Lines.

This user guide is generally divided into two section, Task Planning and Releases. In the Task Planning

section, the use of Task Planning without Engineering Releases is described. In the Releases section, the

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Engineering Releases functionality and it’s integration with Task Planning is covered. The Releases

section is the same as the section of the same name in the Parts and Change Control User Guide.

Setting Up for Task Planning

Go to System Utilities, System Configuration, Shop Floor Control, and Production. There is a Task

Planning section at the bottom of the screen. The first setting, Allow Task Reporting Without Tasks,

should be checked. The other setting, Integrate With Engineering Release Lines, should be checked if

you want to use the Engineering Releases functionality and integrate it with Task Planning.

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Table Entries

Department Codes (Table 0009)

The burden account for Task Planning transactions comes from here. The employee is associated with a

department in the Employee Master.

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Standard Job Cost Categories (Table 2005)

Table 2005 (Standard Categories) contains the standard cost categories that are automatically assigned

to every new job. When you first add a job and access the Job Budgets screen, you will see that the

categories in table 2005 are automatically displayed. You can then define the sales estimate and current

estimate for each of these categories. Through the Job Budgets screen, you may add or delete

categories for the specific job as necessary.

Entries in table 2005 look like this.

All categories in table 2005 must exist in either table 2006 (Labor Categories) or table 3001 (Material


There is a special function for selecting standard job cost categories that you may want to consider. It

allows you to have different sets of standard categories depending upon the type of job. See the section

“Default Cost Categories” in the Job Accounting User Guide for more information.

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Labor Cost Categories (Table 2006)

Table 2006 (Labor Categories) contains all categories that are charged by the collection of labor. Each

entry consists of the following.

An hours category to which the hours are charged

A description of the category

A type charge that tells whether the category pertains to hourly or salaried labor. Type charges

are as follows.

o Hours worked by hourly labor: type charge LH

o Hours worked by salaried labor: type charge EH

A cost category to which the dollar amount of labor is charged

A burden cost category to which burden dollars for the labor are charged

A burden credit account: If you use the Burden Overhead Adjustments function to charge

burden to selected jobs, this account is credited for the charge (the labor WIP accounts for the

specified jobs are debited).

A burden percentage value: If you use the Burden Overhead Adjustments function, the labor

dollars for selected transactions charged to the hours category are multiplied by this

percentage. The resulting amount is then charged to selected jobs as additional burden. Refer to

the “Burden Overhead Adjustments” section in the Job Accounting User Guide for additional


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A sample entry in this table might appear as follows.

The LH type charge pertains to the hours category, LABOR HRS. Because the category LABOR COST is in

the cost category field, it is automatically assigned a type charge of LC (labor cost). If the hours category

has a type charge of EH, then its associated cost category is assigned a type charge of EC

(engineering/salaried labor cost).

Using the above example, when you collect labor for an employee or work center and you charge the

labor to the LABOR HRS category, the dollars associated with the labor are automatically charged to

LABOR COST. If a burden rate is defined for the employee or work center, the burden dollars are

charged to LABOR BRDN. (If you do not define a burden category, burden dollars are charged to the cost

category. For example, if LABOR BDN does not exist, burden dollars are charged to LABOR COST.)

If the LABOR HRS category is entered in table 2005 so that it is a standard job cost category, the LABOR

COST and LABOR BDN categories are automatically created for the job based on the information in table


If you use Burden Overhead Adjustments, the Burden amount calculated for this category will be based

on a percentage of 8% and will be credited to account 2120-8982. For example, if you selected

transactions for the category that totaled $200.00, then $16 would be credited to 2120-8982.

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Task Labor Collection Accounts (Table 4001)

The general ledger accounts that you may want to charge to must be set up in Table 4001.

The Type field is for defining the type of charge that it is. The values that you can use are as follows:

Type Code Description

H Holiday

I Sick Pay

J Jury

O Personal Time

P Primary

S Secondary

U Unreported

V Vacation

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Employee Levels (Table 4003)

The hourly rate for hourly employees is in the Employee Master. Salaried employees (Pay Type = S)

work differently. Each salaried employee has a Level Code in the Employee Master, and this Level Code

refers to entries in table 4003.

The Level Rate is the rate that will be charged, and Burden Rate is the burden rate that will be charged.

If the Burden Rate Is Percentage box is not checked, then the Burden Rate is in dollars per hour. If the

box is checked then Burden Rate is a percentage and is multiplied by the Level Rate to get the hourly

rate to charge for burden.

Payroll Number and Payroll Acceptance Code are fields that may be used if you want Jobscope to create

an extract program for your payroll system.

Do not delete Level Code 99. It must be there for hourly employees.

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Costing Labor Transactions

Labor Subledger

Every time you enter a labor transaction in Task Planning, the system writes a record in the Labor

subledger. This subledger record is a record in the database table PPHRTRX. This table is referred to as

the Hourly Transaction File. The dollar amounts in the record are as follows.

Labor Dollars – Unlike labor collection for hourly employees, the system assumes that this

amount is not the amount due the employee. For standard rate costing, this amount is based

on the Hourly Rate value in the Employee Master. For actual rate costing, this amount is based

on the Level Rate in Table 4003 for the Employee Level in the Employee Master.

Burden Dollars – The amount that will be job charged and posted to the designated burden

account for the employee’s department. This account comes from table 0009. The burden rate

is defined for the employee’s level code in Table 4003. The credit account is the burden account

defined from Table 0009 and the debit account is the WIP account for the job in Table 0012.

The system does not charge burden for labor transactions to a general ledger account.

Rate Variance Dollars – The difference between the rate for the level code in Table 4003 and the

rate used to cost the job. If the cost type for the job uses a standard rate rather than actual

rate, then the rate at which the job is costed may be different from the employee’s rate in Table

4003. For additional information on rate variance, refer to the “Variance Entries” section in this


Efficiency Variance – For Task Planning transactions, this will always be zero.

The Category value in the labor subledget will be the Category from the Employee Master.

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Burden Charges

When a labor transaction is entered in the Task Planning module, the system gets the category for the

direct side of the transaction from the Employee Master.

For the burden (overhead or indirect) side of the transaction, the system gets the burden category

corresponding to the respective LH or EH category in table 2006. If you do not want burden charged to

a separate category, leave the burden category blank in table 2006. This will charge both burden and

direct labor costs to the same category (from the work center master).

The system gets the burden rate from the level code in Table 4003. If the Burden Rate is Percent box is

not checked, then the value in the Burden field is a dollars per hour value. If the Burden Rate is Percent

box is checked, then the value in the Burden field is a percentage, which the system multiplies times the

value in the Standard field, resulting in a dollar per hour value.

Burden amounts are charged to the job and posted to Work in Process. The Labor subledger does not

include a credit account for burden. The subledger only stores one debit and one credit account. When

batches are automatically created for posting to the general ledger, the burden account for the

associated work center is used as the burden credit account. A subledger record involving burden will

therefore create four postings to the general ledger (two to the labor WIP account, one to the accrued

payroll account (from the Employee Master) and one to the burden credit account in the Table 4003.

Additional burden amounts can be charged to jobs through the Burden Overhead Adjustments option in

Job Accounting. This is described in more detail in the Job Accounting User Guide.

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Employee Master

Employees are set up in the Employee Master in the Resources module. You can read more about the

Employee Master in the Resources User Guide. The information here is the minimum you need to get

started with task planning.

The required fields are labeled in Bold. The Level is a Level Code from table 4003. If the employee is

hourly, use Level 99. Salaried employees should use another level code. The Hourly Rate is the

employee’s payroll rate, and will be used in the task planning calculations.

The Account Number is the accrued payroll account. The Idle Account is used by the Datacap system,

and you won’t need it if you are not using Datacap.

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Using the Task Planning Module

Task Planning Mode

The Task Planning module has two modes of operation, Task Planning and Labor Collection. In Task

Planning mode, the toolbar at the top has six selections.

Task Planning/Reporting

In this screen, you can create a task and charge to it all in the same transaction, or you can access a

previously entered task and report labor against it. One important thing to note here is that, if you plan

to use project tasks, you can only link individual tasks to project tasks when the individual task if first

entered, so be sure to get your project tasks in first.

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Charging to a Previously Entered Task

When you enter an employee number and tab, the grid at the bottom of the screen lists all tasks for that

employee, sorted by task number. You will need to either know the task number (they are sorted by

task number) or recognize it from the description. Double click on a previously entered task in the grid

to bring it to the screen for a new labor entry. Enter the hours you are reporting in the Hours Worked

field. Update the Hours Remaining field to the number of hours you estimate are remaining on the task

and click on OK or Apply.

You can use the Delete Completed Task selection on the toolbar to delete completed tasks so that they

will not display in the grid. Deleting a task will not delete the labor transaction records nor the costing,

just the task itself. You can also manually delete a task as you complete it. Just make the final labor

entry and click on Apply. That will charge the job or account. Then, double click on the task in the grid

to bring it to the screen, and click on the Delete Task icon at the top of the screen.

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Entering A New Task

Start by entering the Employee Number. You can also browse for the employee by clicking on the

browse button beside the Employee Number. The system will assign the next task number for the


In the Description field, enter a description of the task. On the line with Release-WO and Account, you

tell the system where you want the time charged. You can charge to a Release, or a Release/Work

Order, or an Account. You can browse for the release and work order. The accounts that are valid for

task planning will display in the dropdown (from Table 4001). If you are charging to a Release or

Release/Work Order, you may not select an account. The system will get the debit account for the

transaction from the Labor WIP entry in Table 0012. The credit account will be the Account Number

(accrued payroll) in the Employee Master.

If the job is a C/SCSC job, then you must enter a valid Cost Account (16 characters). If the job is not a

C/SCSC job, you can enter any value in the Cost Account field.

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If the task is to be linked to a Project Task, enter the Project Task, or leave it blank.

Date Expected is the date that you expect the task to be complete. Date Complete is the date the task is

actually complete.

Hours Estimated is the total number of hours estimated to perform the task.

Hours Worked is the number of hours to be reported as having been worked. If you are entering a new

task, but do not have hours to report, then leave it at zero.

Hours Remaining is your estimate of how many hours are now remaining to complete the task.

The Category will default from the Employee Master.

The Control Hours field will maintain a running total of the hours entered for the employee in the

current session.

View Entries

The View Entries button ( ) will display the screen below. These are the entries you have

made during the current session.

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You can use the Inquiry button( ) to look at labor transactions previously entered. This

Inquiry does not list Tasks, but rather labor entries against the tasks and all other labor entries,

regardless of the source. When you click on it, the Inquiry screen displays.

Enter the selection criteria for the transactions you want to see and click on Find. A screen will display

the selected transactions.

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Print Plans

Print Plans is a good way to find out a task number when you are ready to report but don’t remember

the task number. You can print a range of task numbers, or check All Non-Completed Tasks, and get a


This is what it looks like.

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Project Planning

First of all, if you have Integrate with Engineering Release Lines checked in System Configuration, you

can’t enter Project Tasks from this screen. If you try to do it, you will get this message when you try to

enter a task.

If you have Integrate with Engineering Release Lines unchecked, the entry of the project task will look

like this. Hours Estimated and Remaining represent the total of all the individual tasks that you will link

to this project task. The system doesn’t total the individual tasks, since this is a higher level estimate.

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When you are entering a new Project Task, give it a number. Normally, you would number them 001,

002, etc. Enter a Description, and select a Date Expected that is the date that you expect the project

task to be complete. Optionally, you can define a Predecessor task, which is another project task on the

same release which must be completed prior to starting this one. This does not affect system

processing, but is for your information.

With the project task entered, you can then enter individual tasks and link them to the project task.

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This is what a project task might look like when you have several entered for a release. The Totals for

Release column shows the totals of Hours Estimated, Hours Worked, and Hours Remaining for the entire


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Shift Project Task Dates

You can work with Date Expected, Date Complete, and Hours Remaining on the Project Planning screen,

but you might find it more convenient to do it on the Shift Project Dates screen. When you enter or

browse for the Release, and tab out of the field, the project tasks for the release display in the grid.

Double click on one and it’s data will display so that you can work with it.

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Delete Completed Tasks

You can delete tasks individually on the Task Planning/Reporting screen, or, you can use the Delete

Completed Tasks selection to delete all individual tasks completed on or before a selected date. This

will delete the task, but the labor charged to the task and it’s associated job cost will remain.

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Copy Project Tasks

You may have the situation in which the Project Tasks are always the same for a certain type of job. As

an example, the job we have been working with, A116124, always has three project tasks, as you can

see in the Shift Project Tasks Dates screen several pages back. The individual tasks may be different

because some design details are different, but the higher level project tasks are always the same. If this

is the case, you can use the Copy Project Tasks selection to copy these project tasks to a new job or


You probably will want to leave Date Complete blank. If you do put a date in the field, it will be copied

to the Date Complete field for all the copied tasks, indicating that they are complete. If you leave it

blank, as shown here, the Date Expected dates on the project tasks on the From Release will be copied

to the new project tasks, and the Date Complete on the copied tasks will be blank.

After copying, you can use the Shift Project Task Dates selection to update the Date Expected values,

and the hours.

This does not copy any individual tasks.

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Labor Collection Mode

Labor Collection Mode allows you to charge salaried labor to jobs (releases) or accounts without

individual tasks. You can designate a project task if you want to, or, you can simple charge the job or

account. In the example below, we have charged to a project task.

As you enter transactions, they list in the grid below. This shows you what you have entered, but you

cannot recall one and change it. If you make a mistake, like entered 80 hours instead of 8 hours, simply

enter a new transaction with -72 hours.

The Week Ending date will default to the current date.

The Employee Hours is the total hours entered for the employee during the session. The Control Hours

is the total hours for all employees entered during the session.

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In Jobscope, the term “Releases” can have two different meanings, engineering releases or production

releases. An engineering release is a body of engineering work that is released from engineering when it

is ready. A production release is a body of production work that needs to be produced together, usually

so that all the work on a production release can be shipped at the same time. You can work with

production releases in the Job Management and Control module.

In this section, we are talking about engineering releases. The fundamental idea about engineering

releases is that they formalize the process of defining what engineering work needs to be done, and

where it stands in the overall process. The system allows you to formally define each piece of

engineering work (an engineering release line) as Released, Sent to Manufacturing Engineering (ME), ME

Complete, Sent to Production Planning and Control (PPC), and PPC Complete. You can also have the

system copy an engineering release line directly into a production release line.

Engineering releases are made up of three things, the release header, the release lines , and release

documents. For each release, there is only one header, and it provides a general description of the

work, and identifies the job number for which the work is being done. There may be one or many

engineering release lines. The engineering release lines describe the actual work that is to be done. The

release documents are documents, usually drawings and specifications, or a list of the drawings and

specifications, associated with the release.

The purpose of Releases mode of Parts and Change Control is to help you to formally manage the

engineering process. Let’s consider some examples of how you might use it. Your business probably

falls into one of the following categories, or some combination of the three.

You design everything that you sell from the ground up

You have standard designs, but every order requires a complete engineering review to

determine that the standard is suitable for the customer order, and you frequently do some

design changes for the customer order

Everything you sell is standard, and your engineering effort goes into design of the standard


For the case in which you design everything that you sell from the ground up, you would create one or

more releases for each customer order, and the release lines would be the final and sub assemblies that

you need to fulfill the order. You might look at it another way, and say that each release line would be a

drawing or set of drawings that is required. You also might make the assemblies as release lines, and

the drawings too. These releases would be tied to the customer job.

If you have some standard designs, but engineering review and redesign is common, then you might

create a engineering release for the standard items that do not need additional work, and then approve

the release, which tells manufacturing which items they can proceed with immediately. The items that

need design work might go on a separate engineering release. As in the first case, these releases would

be tied to the customer job.

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In the case of all standard products, you would probably want to open a job to collect the costs for the

design work, and the engineering releases would be tied to that job.

You don’t have to use engineering releases in order to make the rest of Jobscope work. It exists to help

you manage the engineering and engineering release processes.

Another thing you might want to consider when thinking about managing the engineering effort is Task

Planning. Task Planning in Jobscope provides a way of managing engineering assignments and work

loads, and for salaried employees to charge their time to jobs or general ledger accounts. Task Planning

is described in detail in the manual for the Task Planning module. Task Planning may be integrated with

engineering releases. This is described in the “Integrating Task Planning with Engineering Release Lines”

section of this manual.

Engineering Releases in Design Data Management

The same functionality described in this section is available in a separate module called Design Data

Management. Design Data Management also has the Drawings mode. You may want to have people

who only need to get to Engineering Releases and Drawings data use Design Data Management instead.

The functionality is the same except where the Releases mode of Parts and Change Control has a button

at the top of the main view to “Move to PPC”, a similar button in Design Data Management is “Move to


Engineering Releases in Job Management and Control

The Job Management and Control module has an Engineering Releases mode, and it does the same

things plus some other functions. It can display an exploded view of an assembly, it can create a job line

item from an Engineering Release Line, and it can display MRP information for the parts on an assembly.

In addition, the “Release Check Off” button on that main view can mark all the Release Lines on the

Release as Released. Finally, Engineering Releases mode in Job Management and Control has some

limited work order creation capability.

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Getting Started

The first thing you need to do in getting started with the engineering Releases mode is decide if you

want to use it or not. It takes some effort to maintain, but it can provide a single place where the status

of the engineering effort can be available for all to see. If your engineering process control is not formal

enough to make the Engineering Change Notice (ECN) mode important, then you probably don’t need

engineering releases either. If you do plan to use the ECN mode, then you may also want the single

point control provided by the Engineering Releases functionality.

Once you decide to use Engineering Releases, then you need to decide if you also want to use Task

Planning, and if you want to integrate Task Planning with Engineering Release Lines. If you consider

your engineering time as overhead, and you don’t want to charge it to jobs, then you won’t need Task

Planning. If you want to charge engineering time to jobs, then you will probably want to use Task

Planning. If you plan to use Task Planning and Engineering Releases, then it makes sense to integrate

the two.

You will need to think through how you will number your engineering releases, and how you will keep

track of the next number. The system does not automatically number engineering releases. A simple

scheme of numbering them from 00001 consecutively, or perhaps with a prefix consisting of the year

and then a consecutive number, such as 201100001 may be adequate. If you try to get too fancy, it may

get confusing.

As you will see as you read further, you can do the same functionality in Design Data Management, and

you can do the same functionality plus some other things in Job Management and Control. You need to

decide which of these modules each user will use. Don’t turn them loose to use one module one day,

and another module the next to do the same thing. This will lead to errors. For the users that you trust

with a broad range of capabilities, use Job Management and Control. If you want a user limited a little

bit, have he or she use one of the others.

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Configuration Settings

In System Utilities, under System Configuration, then Shop Floor Control and Production, you will see the Production screen. The “Integrate with Engineering Release Lines” box will turn that functionality on. If you turn it on, you will probably also want to turn the companion function, “Allow Task Reporting Without Tasks” on also.

This is the only configuration setting you need for Engineering Releases. Table Entries for Releases Mode

There are no table entries required for Engineering Releases.

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Status Values

The Engineering Release header screen has a place for a single character Status. It could be 1, 2, 3, etc., or A, B, C, etc. You may not have a use for this, but if you do, you should establish these values up front. As an example, you might use the following:

A – Release created, no work started

B – Work started, no lines released

C – Some but not all lines released

D – All lines released, design engineering complete

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Releases Browse

If you click on Open on the toolbar, the Engineering Release browse screen displays.

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Here you can browse for an existing engineering release. In this example, the year is a prefix in the

Release Number format, so entering 2015% in the Release Number field will select all Releases for 2015.

The status value of A has also been used as a filter for the selection. Highlight the release in the Search

Results box and click on OK or simply double click on it.

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Releases Main Tree View

The main tree view shows the Engineering Release header and the Engineering Release Lines, in this

case three lines. You can highlight a line and double click on Engineering Release Lines in the collection

to display that line. To display documents, double click on Engineering Release Documents.

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Engineering Release Header

To open an Engineering Release header, click on Engineering Releases in the collection.

This is the Engineering Releases header screen.

To create a new Release, the following required fields need to be populated:

Note: All required fields are marked in bold.

Release Number – A combination of numbers and letters up to 25 characters. The automatic

assignment of numbers by entering NEW is not provided for Engineering Releases. You need to

develop a numbering scheme.

Job Number – Here you need to enter a valid job number. The ( ) beside the field will

allow you to browse for it.

All other fields are not required but provide extensive information about the Release:

Opened By – the system will fill in the user id of the user that created the Release

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Description – You can enter a description of the work on the release. In this case, one release is

being used for the standard items on the job (to tell manufacturing that they are ready to go

without engineering changes) and another is used for the special engineering work

Date Opened – The system will write the date the Release was entered, but you can change it

Approved – This would most likely refer to some sort of approval within design engineering, but

it could be whatever you like

Date Approved - The system will write the date the Approved box was checked, but you can

change it

Released – This means the work is released from engineering

Date Released - The system will write the date the Released box was checked, but you can

change it

Comment – You can enter whatever you like here

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Engineering Release Lines

You can double click on Engineering Release Lines in the collection to open the Engineering Release

Lines screen. The screen below is how it looks with the integration with Task Planning turned off (you

can see it turned on later in this document).

To create a new Release Line, the following required fields need to be populated:

Note: All required fields are marked in bold.

Line Number – This is a simple number that determines the order in which the lines appear on

the main display. The system will number them for you

Location Code – The dropdown will display a selection from table 0010

All other fields are not required but provide extensive information about the Release Line:

Description – This is for information that you want to communicate. In this case, the Release

Line is saying that the standard unit is okay for production on this job.

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Part Number – In this case, we are saying that this part number is ready to go. If this Release

Line was for design work, a drawing might be used instead

Part Revision – The system will write the current revision, but you can change it

Drawing Number – You can select a drawing using the ( ) beside the drawing number field

Drawing Revision – The system will write the current revision, but you can change it

Released – This button indicates that the release line has been released from the engineering


Released Date – The system will write the current date, but you can change it

Released By – The system will write the user id of the person who released the line

Purchased Item – You can designate that this item is to be purchased

Exported To Job – The Engineering Releases mode in Job Management and Control has the

capability to export an Engineering Release Line to a Job Line Item. When it does that, it will

check this box on.

Quantity – You can enter a quantity value, or leave it blank

MS Project Id – If you have Microsoft project files stored in SQL Server, you can link them with

this field and the following

MS Task Id – See above

Sent to ME – This means that the line has been sent to Manufacturing Engineering for the

addition of routings and other manufacturing data. The date field beside it will default to the

current date, but you can change it

ME Complete – Check this when Manufacturing Engineering has completed it’s work

Sent to Production Planning and Control (PPC) – This indicates that the line has been forwarded

to PPC to be exported to a line item on the job

PPC Complete – PPC has finished with it

Comments – You may use this as you like

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The Grid View button ( ) at the top will display a grid view of all the lines on the release as

shown below.

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The Used On button ( ) at the top allows you to define used on relationships between

engineering release lines if you are using the integration with Task Planning function. The screen looks

like this.

The Engineering Releases Line Dependencies mode in Job Management and Control will display these


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Engineering Release Documents

The Engineering Release Documents function in the collection allows you to link electronic documents to

Engineering Release Lines. Highlight the line on the main display and double click on Engineering

Release Documents.

The system will write the Release and Release Line. You must use the ( ) button to browse to the

document and save. The other button will display the document.

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Releases Main Tree View Buttons

A number of buttons appear at the top of the Releases Main Tree View, as shown below.


Clicking on this button displays the Engineering Releases header screen where you can enter a new

release. This is described in the Engineering Releases Header section


Clicking on this button displays the Releases Browse. This is described in the Releases Browse section

Send To PPC

If you highlight an Engineering Release Line and click here, this screen will display. If you click on Yes,

the system will check ME Complete and Sent to PPC both on with the current date.

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This is the legend.

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Integrating Task Planning With Engineering Release Lines

In Task Planning, there are two different types of tasks, project tasks and individual tasks. Project tasks

do not have a specific person linked to them. An individual task must have a specific person linked to it.

Individual tasks may be linked to project tasks, and more than one individual task may be linked to a

single project task. Labor may be reported at the individual task level, or at the project task level.

What this functionality does is create a Project Task every time you create an Engineering Release Line,

so that you can use the Task Planning system to charge salaried labor to the Project Task/Engineering

Release Line.

This is the Project Task screen. Note that we have a Date expected, Date complete, Description, Hours

Estimated, and Hours Remaining fields. All these may be maintained from the Engineering Release Lines


With this option on, the Project Task record will have a one-to-one relationship to an Engineering

Release Lines record (unless some project tasks have been directly entered here). Also note that the

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Project Task has user defined field and user text capability. This will be accessed from the Engineering

Release Lines screen so that it can be maintained from here or from Engineering Release Lines.

This is the Task Planning screen. This allows an individual to charge labor to a project task without an

individual task (this is an option in System Configuration). User’s will charge their labor here if there is

no individual task, or on the Task Planning/Reporting screen if there is an individual task (see next page).

In this case, employee 008 is charging to Project Task 001 on job A116299.

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This is the same screen except here we are adding an “Individual Task”. Whereas a project task might

have a number of employees working on it, an individual task has a specific employee defined. Note

the Project Task field, which allows this task to be linked to a project task. Labor may be reported here

by entering hours in the Hours Worked field. The estimate values here do not roll up to the project task.

The project task estimates are maintained directly on the Engineering Release Lines screen.

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This is the Shift Project Dates screen. Dates may be changed here, or on the Engineering Release Lines


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This is the Engineering Release Lines screen with the integration turned on. The estimate and remaining

hours, description, date expected, and date complete values in the Project Task record will be displayed

and maintained here. The actual hours will be displayed here. If this integration functionality is being

used (turned on in Startup), then entry of a record here will create a Project Task record and the Line

Number and Project Task number fields will serve to link them. Hours Estimated and Date Expected

fields will be added here as mandatory fields, and the data will be written to the Project Task.

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Notice that with the integration turned off, the Engineering Release Lines screen only has the following

icons for New and Delete.

With the integration turned on, they look like this.

The UDF and User Text icons provided here will update the Project Planning UDF and User Text.

How They Look In Job Management and Control

This is the Engineering Releases mode of Job Management and Control. You can see the engineering

release lines, with the project and individual tasks associated with them.

Engineering Release Line Dependencies

You can establish “Used On” relationships between Engineering Release Lines. This is discussed in the

Job Management and Control manual.

August 25, 2015
