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Taste of Afidence May 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 Taste of Afidence May 2012




    Managed IT Servicest

    WorkForce Augmentationt

    Executive Advisory Services

    The following resources are either currently employed byAfidence or vetted by Afidence. There are no professional

    placements costs with any Afidence candidates, as we are aconsult ing/ support company, not a placement agency.

    Names are withheld to protect current employment status andsome bios are examples ONLY in order to give the reader a taste

    of the Afidence expertise on staff.

    May 2012

    Proprietary and Confidential

    516 W. Main St sMason, Ohio 45040www.Afidence.com

    [email protected]

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  • 7/31/2019 Taste of Afidence May 2012



    2010-2011 Afidence, Inc. t Proprietary & Confidential t All Rights Reserved t No Reproduction or Redistribution Without Written Permission

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    TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss

    ..NNEETT AApppplliiccaatt iioonn DDeevveellooppeerrBBuussiinneessss AAnnaallyysstt//SSooffttwwaarree DDeevveellooppeerrDDeesskkttoopp EEnnggiinneeeerrIInnffrraasstt rruuccttuurree CCoonnssuullttaanntt && TTeeaamm LLeeaaddeerr ((SSeenniioorr))IInnsstt rruuccttoorr//MMiiccrroossoofftt CCoonnssuullttaanntt MMiiccrroossoofftt CCoonnssuullttaanntt PPrroojjeecctt MMaannaaggeerr//PPrrooggrraamm MMaannaaggeerrSShhaarreePPooiinntt AArrcchhiitteecctt ((SSeenniioorr))SSyysstteemmss AAnnaallyysstt ((SSeenniioorr))SSyysstteemmss EEnnggiinneeeerrSSeenniioorr SSyysstteemmss IInntteeggrraattoorr

  • 7/31/2019 Taste of Afidence May 2012



    2010-2011 Afidence, Inc. t Proprietary & Confidential t All Rights Reserved t No Reproduction or Redistribution Without Written Permission

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    ..NNEETT AApppplliiccaatt iioonn DDeevveellooppeerrRETURN to Table of Contents

    this Consultant has over 10 years of experience consulting for top fortune 500 companies and delivering customsolut ions to fulfill customer needs and requirements. This Consultant has expertise in web, desktop and serverapplication development along with strong experience in both network administration and server operations.

    Case StudyA financial institution had presented an ongoing problem with file transfer transactions failing to process,costing business segments a nominal amount of revenue in late charges. This Consultant conceived, designedand implemented an enterprise file transfer solution that consisted of clustered IIS/FTP services and webapplication. This solution provided the business segments file transfer redundancy and the ability to FTP onDemand. FTP on Demand is a custom web based application that provides business segment owners toexecute file transfer t ransactions at a click of a button. This solution helped save the institution t ime andmoney.

    Areas of Specialization .Net Application Design and Development Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008/2005 SQL Server 2008/2005/2003 Microsoft IIS Administration and Support Microsoft ISA Proxy Administration and Support Web Methods Administration and Support Enterprise File Transfer Administration and Support Web Application Profiling Windows 200x Server Family IIS 7.0/6.0, Windows 7.0/Vista/XP/9x C#.NET, VB.Net, ASP.Net, HTML, COM+, VB, VBScript , JavaScript , DHTML, Perl, WSH, ADO.NET, XML, XSL, LDAP Web

    Integration, Classic ASP, WMI

    Visual Source Safe, Collabnet Subversion, Visual Basic, Load Runner 7.5/7.8Education & Training 1997 Associates Degree in Computer Programming 1983 Sound Engineering Certif ication ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management (2005) Microsoft Cert if ied Systems Engineer (MCSE) (1998)Client Talk . . . Thank you for a job well done. Your professionalism, dedication and commitment to quality are second to


    . . . It has been exciting and a pleasure to work along-side you and your team.

  • 7/31/2019 Taste of Afidence May 2012



    2010-2011 Afidence, Inc. t Proprietary & Confidential t All Rights Reserved t No Reproduction or Redistribution Without Written Permission

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    BBuussiinneessss AAnnaallyysstt//SSooffttwwaarree DDeevveellooppeerrRETURN to Table of Contents

    this Consultant possesses a teaching communication style undergirded by an analytical approach to systems, processes

    and deliverables. An extensive background spanning the software development life cycle and recent EMR certification

    fortifies this Consultants already robust areas of specialization. He has been recognized numerous times for effectivecommunication skills in the area of training, even gaining recognition for reducing training times needed for new

    technical personnel. Whether in a group, independent, inter-departmental or with contractors, he has earned the reputation

    of being flexible and on-time/on-budget.

    Case StudyThe client was required to replace their system for requesting and reporting test results on fuel samples. Anoffshore contractor had put together a SharePoint-like request workflow that was failing in many ways,resulting in severely degrading the testing process. This Consultant conducted an interviewprocess/assessment with the team involved with the testing. After gathering, analyzing the data, andpresenting it to the team, the recommendations were accepted. Implementation included analyzing existingworkflow, redesigned digit ized workflow and added new features to allow the fuel tests to be properlyrequested, performed and completed. This resulted in reducing fuel waste and lowering safety violations onthe test site while increasing the quality of test results with process improvements that put in place due to theConsultant recommendations.

    Areas of SpecializationIBM MVS 370 Assembler Roscoe PascalSupportCentral EasyTreve PL/1COBOL Sun HP UNIXC, C++ Oracle PL/SQL FORTRANWebSphere JSPs Visual Age Java

    SupportCentral Microsoft Off ice Suite

    Education & Training HIT Certification, Cincinnati State Technical College, 2011 B.S. in Finance, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio Sinclair Community College, Dayton, Ohio

    -Java Environment Development Init iative Program (New Industry Program developed with LexisNexis)

    Client Talk . . . Thanks very much for digging into this. I think it 's going to make a lot of users very happy. . . . Thanks to this Consultant's outstanding effort we were able to send the model in time to meet the client's


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    2010-2011 Afidence, Inc. t Proprietary & Confidential t All Rights Reserved t No Reproduction or Redistribution Without Written Permission

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    DDeesskkttoopp EEnnggiinneeeerrRETURN to Table of ContentsDesktop Engineer expert possessing over a decade of experience with workstations in a

    domain environment; including 15 years of experience with MS Windows, XP, Vista, and 7.Considered a Windows OS Client Expert using developing languages such as PHP/ HTML/Java.This Consultants troubleshooting and diagnostics abilities with MS Office, Shared Printers,and a personal favorit e, Ant ivirus/ Spyware, are superior in his field. In addit ion, springboarding off of t hese skills is a very good working knowledge of Network Administ rat ion. At rainer at heart , he is also known as someone who gets along with everyone and is a realasset to any team.

    Case StudiesImplemented a web based SSL encrypt ed fi le reposit ory for a client. Due to t he need in theengineering f ield to send very large files that email cannot accommodate, many users set-upcumbersome FTP servers. Instead, this Consultant enabled data to be sent via an encrypt ed channeland offered an easy to use web interface. Not only did the client save valuable time in this fix, butthey were very happy with the workaround.

    Reduced IT Budget. Consult ant was able to reduce down to only the hardware and the cost of 1consult ant t hrough researching and implementing open source soft ware. To date, t he server is st illin use today for email and websit e host ing. Currently they are have logged 3 years of upt ime wit hno reboot or failure. The money saved allowed the client t o expand int o new terri tories.

    Due to spyware expert ise, eliminated 99% of all malware issues at client site by implementing aFort iGATE securit y solut ion.

    Areas of Specialization Hardware

    I386 & 64bit pc platforms (current ly learning SUN4M plat form) Programming Languages

    Bash script ing, PHP, Java PC Software

    Linux, Solaris, all Windows plat forms, Open Off ice and MS Off ice, Dreamweaver, Photoshop,putt y et al.

    Education & Training

    In progress Subsequent B.S., information Technology, Franklin University 2005 B.S., Digital Communications, Web Development Specialization, Franklin University 2001 A.A.S., Computer Information Systems, Networking Specialization, Ivy Tech Community CollegeClient Talk. . . is getting us out of hot water all the time.. . . work ethic and delivery are outstanding.. . . is something special.

  • 7/31/2019 Taste of Afidence May 2012



    2010-2011 Afidence, Inc. t Proprietary & Confidential t All Rights Reserved t No Reproduction or Redistribution Without Written Permission

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    IInnffrraasstt rruuccttuurree CCoonnssuullttaanntt && TTeeaamm LLeeaaddeerr ((SSeenniioorr))RETURN to Table of ContentsThis Senior Infrastructure Consultant is a high-energy, self-directed team player that has amassed over 14years of experience as an IT professional. This Consultants exceptional leadership and communications skillsare unparalleled when coupled with their broad range of experience in areas that include: TechnologyExpert ise, People Management, Relationship Building, and Project Management. A key to their success hasbeen their customer-driven style of solving business problems by taking a consultative/process-drivenapproach.

    Areas of Specialization IT Operations Manager / Project Manager Cisco Routing, Switching, Wireless and Firewall Windows Servers 2003, 2008R2 Windows Desktop (XP, Vista, 7) Microsoft Exchange 2003, 2007 and 2010 Cisco Call Manager and Unity Software Integration Symantec Endpoint Security Symantec Backup Exec VMware, VSphere 4.1 ESXi, VCenter ServerEducation & Training Bachelor of ScienceClient Talk . . . is a standout technology leader and clutch-player. . . . is truly the workhorse of the account. . . . brings exceptional insight to any account.

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    2010-2011 Afidence, Inc. t Proprietary & Confidential t All Rights Reserved t No Reproduction or Redistribution Without Written Permission

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    IInnsstt rruuccttoorr//MMiiccrroossoofftt CCoonnssuullttaanntt RETURN to Table of Contents

    IT Director and Instructor for K-12 organizations. This Consultants extensive experiencereaches a variety of IT areas including teaching, project management, networking and server

    management, customer service and support, strategic planning, help desk, IT problem solvingand technical writing.

    Case Studies 1 to 1 planning experience This consultant is experienced in strategizing and preparing for a 1 to 1

    program. Lead a school through infrastructure preparation, financial considerations, staff readiness androllout preparation for a new 1 to 1 program. Broad range of research and understanding of the manydecisions involved for a successful program.

    Experienced in managing IT purchases through E-Rate and Ohio Auxiliary funding and in maintaining CIPAcompliance.

    In one year was able to save the school district $12,000 through printing contract negotiations.

    Areas of Specialization SmartBoard implementation. Troubleshooting and training to ensure individual teacher comfort and success with new technology. Implementing classroom technology to support Differentiated Instruction. All Microsoft Off ice products, Windows Server 2008r2, M86 filtering software .I believe that the individual classroom teachers must have total confidence that the technology will work, thatthey will know how to use it, and that it will be of value to the students classroom experience. The teacher ison the front line. The technology is only a tool. The IT department must ensure that the technology is usefuland reliable, and that teachers have adequate training or the teachers will not be successful with it. Thebottom line is always the successful education of the student and that is best served by ensuring teachersuccess.

    Education & Training B.S. Systems Analysis (1981) Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Certified in Production and Inventory ManagementClient Talk. . . always working behind the scenes to make teachers successful.. . . a servants heart.. . . the kids think you are a rock star! They love computer class.

  • 7/31/2019 Taste of Afidence May 2012



    2010-2011 Afidence, Inc. t Proprietary & Confidential t All Rights Reserved t No Reproduction or Redistribution Without Written Permission

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    MMiiccrroossoofftt CCoonnssuullttaanntt RETURN to Table of Contentsthis Consultant has 14 years solid experience, the last 4 with both desktop standardization and end-user support. He hasbeen involved in a wide range of Windows desktop standardization efforts (Windows XP and 7), and has providedexpert ise with Active Directory, Symantec Backup Exec products, Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010 as well as Cisco

    IP telephony systems. He also has experience with server side support, maintaining hardware and operating systems ina Windows environment.

    Areas of Specialization Microsoft areas include Windows XP/7 administration, Server 2003/2008 administration, SharePoint administration

    and LiteTouch deployment tools.

    Apple mobile products such as iPhone and iPad Symantec Backup Exec and End Point Protection Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/ 2010 Microsoft Server 2003 and 2008 R2 Dell server and client hardware Acronis Backup and Recovery Microsoft DNS and DHCP Services SmartTech interactive Smart Board Cisco AnyConnect VPN Cisco Call Manager ooVoo video chat and conferencing Xerox WorkCentre, Secure Access and ColorQubeEducation & Training Associate of Applied Science, Network Administration, 2006 (Cincinnati State Technical and Community College)Client Talk . . . Works hards! Always a kind word, exemplifies a yes I can att itude and is always on the go!! . . . I just want to say publicly to those that care. I have been very pleased with the professionalism,

    support, and yes, even had a little fun in an otherwise painful circumstance, with Afidence [specifically thisConsultant.

  • 7/31/2019 Taste of Afidence May 2012



    2010-2011 Afidence, Inc. t Proprietary & Confidential t All Rights Reserved t No Reproduction or Redistribution Without Written Permission

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    PPrroojjeecctt MMaannaaggeerr//PPrrooggrraamm MMaannaaggeerrRETURN to Table of ContentsOutstanding project management skills coupled with a financial and government industries background makethis Consultant a great resource for any client. This Consultant excels in project management skills to manage

    end-to-end intranet and client/server application development using defined project methodologies. Alsoexceptional in managing business requirements, identifying solution alternatives, establishing anddocumenting system specifications, estimating resource and budget requirements, creating detailed projectplans, managing client relationships, coordinating project resources and activities, facilitating issuesresolution, communicating status, all the while providing vital assistance with user interface design andprocess reengineering.

    Areas of Specialization Project & Program Management:

    Package ImplementationSystems IntegrationCustom DevelopmentTestingBusiness AnalysisLeading and Mentoring TeamsProposal Generation

    Industry Consult ing Experience:InsuranceEnergy & UtilitiesBankingRetailManufacturingGovernment Services

    Process Management:

    Microsoft Suite of Products, including SharePoint, Excel, Word,Visio, Access

    Project Planning:Microsoft Office Project Server

    Configurat ion Management:IBM Rational Requisite ProIBM Rational ClearQuestIBM Rational ClearCase

    Methodologies:IBMs World-Wide Project Management Methodology (WWPMM)Rational Unified Process (RUP)

    Security Clearance:Top Secret SCI

    Education & Training MBA w/ Concentration in Finance Bachelor of Science in Business w/Concentration in Management, (SRU) Associates in Accounting and Computer Science, Miami University Oxford, (MU) Project Management Professional- Classes Lean Six Sigma- Green BeltCase Study and Client Talk

    . . . was assigned the management of a high risk project within our integrated products software deliverygroup and quickly worked with the team and client to identify and mitigate critical path items. Whilemaintaining delivery milestones, client relations, and billing milestones, she was able to identify alternativedevelopment and integration paths across the effort which reduced delivery timeline by over 40%. She alsodeveloped a great rapport with our clients effectively managing their expectations while containing projectscope. Through this Consultants efforts future opportunities were identified, scoped and scheduled to furtherenhance the clients solution. I welcome the opportunity to work with this Consultant in the future .

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    2010-2011 Afidence, Inc. t Proprietary & Confidential t All Rights Reserved t No Reproduction or Redistribution Without Written Permission

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    SShhaarreePPooiinntt AArrcchhiitteecctt ((SSeenniioorr))RETURN to Table of ContentsAccruing over 18 years of experience in the IT field, this highly experienced SharePoint Lead has leveraged hisknowledge and experience in the industry to bring a wide variety of solutions to very specific customer needs.His expertise has enabled him to help align business needs with technical solutions for a variety of industriesincluding manufacturing, public utility and service organizations.

    Areas of Specialization SharePoint 2003/2007/2010 Implementation and Architecture Design Technology Standardization Business Standards (SOX, BS17799, DRP/BCP, ITIL) Security Practices Open Source Solutions Virtualization Technology IT Support Organization Planning and Development Process Development, Automation & Documentation Third Party Workflow with SharePoint Integration Software Qualification Testing Vendor ManagementEducation & Training Bachelor of Science in Industry & TechnologyClient Talk . . . Phase 2 is going great. This Consultant = Rock Star! . . . The videos you made for us, WOW, I think you missed your calling, they were awesome . . . enthusiasm is unparalleled as is his willingness to help others. . . . works tirelessly to make his sphere of technical responsibilities as exciting and cutting edge as much

    as possible.

    . . . is a highly motivated and creative person, but also brings a strong sense of discipline and strong workethic to any client project he works on. He will bring solid, quality expertise to your company, andcomplements his work with thorough documentation that you can have as an ongoing reference to workperformed on your system.

  • 7/31/2019 Taste of Afidence May 2012



    2010-2011 Afidence, Inc. t Proprietary & Confidential t All Rights Reserved t No Reproduction or Redistribution Without Written Permission

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    SSyysstteemm AAnnaallyysstt ((SSeenniioorr))RETURN to Table of Contents

    Highly skilled and accomplished Information Technologies Professional with over 12 years experience delivering superiorresults in numerous roles, including Project Management, Global Help Desk Support, Systems Analysis, and Operations

    Management. Self-motivated and innovative with over 15 years experience in supervisory roles, exhibiting exceptionaldedication, loyalty, and customer focus. Excellent interpersonal skills, proven leadership abilities, outstandingtechnology capabilities, and broad experience developing and managing highly successful relationships with vendors,business partners, and clients while achieving the highest level of customer satisfaction.

    Areas of Specialization Hardware: Dell\ Compaq\Toshiba\IBM desktops, laptops, and workstations; Palm / Apple PDAs. Software: MS Office 97, 2000, XP, 2003, & 2007, Quicken , Lotus Notes , Sametime, GRIC, Carbon Copy, Netmeeting,

    Norton Antivirus QuickBooks, Lotus 123, HP Service Desk software, Zope, Plone , Marimba Application Packager,KATS, Perspective, Cisco Unity, Cisco Call Manager, Cisco Responder

    Programming Languages: VB Scripting, C++, Python, DOS

    Operating Systems: DOS; Microsoft Windows 9x, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Vista ,Windows 7, Linux, and Mac OS Networking: LAN, WAN, VPN, TCP/IP, and WiFi (wireless).Education & Training 6/1997 Southern State Community College US-Ohio-Wilmington

    Associates of Applied Business: Computer Programming MajorSumma Cum LaudePhi Theta KappaAll-Ohio Academic 3rd Team Award

    12/2003 TechSkills Training US-Ohio-Blue AshCertification Windows 2000 MCP and MCSA

    11/2000 Miami-Jacobs College US-Ohio-DaytonCertification A+ Network +

    Client Talk . . . incredibly patient and calm under pressure. . . . seasoned leader, who sets the positive tone for the team.

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    2010-2011 Afidence, Inc. t Proprietary & Confidential t All Rights Reserved t No Reproduction or Redistribution Without Written Permission

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    SSyysstteemmss EEnnggiinneeeerrRETURN to Table of ContentsA seasoned IT professional with eight years of experience in system, application and user support utilizing productsfrom Microsoft, Sun, Symantec and many other vendors and open standards (TCP/IP, DNS, SMTP, etc.). ThisConsultant is a proactive, disciplined, and determined resource who has excelled in both the public and privatesectors.

    Areas of Specialization Operating Systems

    WINDOWS (2000,2003,2008)UNIX (Fedora/CentOS/Debian/Solaris)

    DatabasesMS SQL SERVER 2000/2008



    Former active TS/SCI clearance with a Counter Intelligence polygraph

    Education & Training United States Army (4 yrs) French R2/L2+ Advance Individual Training as a Cryptologic Linguist and Analyst Completed Airborne School Completed Advanced Radio Training Completed Jump Master School CompletedClient Talk/ Commendations Bronze Star Medal with Valor Combat Action Badge Army Commendation Medal Iraq Campaign Medal Airborne Qualified Jumpmaster Qualified

  • 7/31/2019 Taste of Afidence May 2012



    2010-2011 Afidence, Inc. t Proprietary & Confidential t All Rights Reserved t No Reproduction or Redistribution Without Written Permission

    SSeenniioorr SSyysstteemmss IInntteeggrraattoorrRETURN to Table of ContentsDue to the broad understanding of the enterprise environment, management regularly relied on thisConsultant to resolve problem situations with an appropriate sense of urgency and with resourceful

    creativity. Working directly with IT associates, Support Desk Associates, and End Users, using excellentcommunication skills has enabled this Consultant to become highly respected among all types ofprofessional relationships. In addition to these personable and professional skills, this Consultant alsopossesses a posit ive att itude, professional demeanor and commitment that are well documented belowin case studies and client talk.

    Case Studies / Client Talk Managed over 2000 laptops used by full time Field Associates as well as Home Off ice based Associates and Contractors.

    [This Consultant] maintains a high level of respect f rom the users he supports. His professionalism, knowledge of the

    products, and ability to relate to folks in their terms makes him successful.

    Developed custom software applications to support IT including:Software and Hardware Tracking - Asset Allocation - Point of Sale - Software Distribut ion - PC Image Deployment EncryptionManagement Patch Management VPN Management Data Transfer (AS400) User Monitoring Remote ConnectionManagement Inventory Management Password Change Management Email Archive Management

    [This Consultant] is very creative. He has developed many applications and support tools Managed the laptop encryption environment, McAfee Endpoint Encryption

    [This Consultant] delivered results to many projects while maintaining a high level of service to our existing environments.

    Managed the laptop Image Creation and Replication environment that allowed us to deploy up to 100 systems a day [This Consultant] is very organized and does a good job of defining objectives, ensuring that assignments are worked in a

    timely manner and taking responsibil ity to get project goals accomplished.

    Managed the PC Remote Connection Environment including: Wired, Wireless, Air Card, Phone Line, iPass, VPN [This Consultant] possesses solid troubleshooting and analyt ical skills. He can look at any problem presented to him and

    logically break it down into it s basic components.

    Wrote procedures used to support the end user environment including:Desktop Support - Break/Fix - Best Practices - Sox related - HIPAA related - Security related - Theft and Loss.

    [This Consultant] has strong documentation skills and uses these to communicate project status and updates clearly. He

    does a good job of outlining processes and creating workf low instructions for team members to follow.

    Areas of Specialization Over 20 years IT experience Manage 2000 Mobile Computer Users Strong Software Application Development Visual Basic, VB Script, Visual Studio MS Access, SQL, MS Office 2010 Cisco VPN, Cit rix, Novell, Zen

    Email Administration, Fax Administration Public Speaking Management Experience Technical Documentation and User Training Team and Project Leader Expert link between end users and


    Education & TrainingBachelor of Science, THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, Columbus, OH
