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Tates Creek Christian Church monthly Current for August 2015

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Tates Creek Current August 2015 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Matthew 6:6-8
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Tates Creek Current

August 2015

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you

pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Matthew 6:6-8

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Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 [email protected]

Visit Onlinewww.tatescreek.orgfacebook.com/tatescreekcc

Worship Sunday Traditional - 8:30 am Blended - 9:50 am The Vine - 11:10 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:50, 11:10 am Evening - 6:30 pm

Staff Tommy Simpson Kim Beckwith Don Seevers Mike Allen Brad Haggard Matt Lee Lesley Tipton David Eversole Billy Bishop Conor Doyle

Office Staff Kim Jones Jenni Gregg Rhoda Rolfes Vicki Wesley


Feature Article 10-11 “If We Aren’t Praying Boldly for Our Kids, Who Is?”

In Every Issue 3-9 Minister Articles 12 Prayer Ministry 12 Guided Prayer Topics 13 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 14 Intern Article16-19 Devotional thoughts each week 22 June Statistics 23 New Members 24 Calendar

Ministry News 15 Missions Moment

Events 20-21 August Events

MissionTates Creek Christian Church exists to win

people to Christ (evangelism), build up believersin faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement),

to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).

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One of my favorite things to do in ministry is a teaching call where I share from the Bible how a person becomes a Christian. One of the greatest joys in life is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ! On a Tuesday afternoon in June, I had two teaching calls back to back. One was with a lady who thought that in order to be a member of this church, she had to be baptized again. As we were making our way through the Scriptures in the teaching call, she came to the realization that she did not need to be baptized again. She knew in her heart she became a Christian when she was baptized earlier in her life. When she left from the teaching call, she possessed a greater confidence in the salvation that Jesus provided for her. She was really smiling! That teaching call was followed by another teaching call with a twenty-year old young man by the name of Jake. Jake had been raised in a different kind of religion. He had been sprinkled when he was a baby. He knew about Jesus,

but he did not know anything about grace. As we made our way through the teaching call, many light bulbs were going off as he grasped the meaning of the Gospel of Jesus. At the conclusion of the call, I asked Jake where he thought he was with regard to a decision to become a Christian. He said that he was ready to be baptized into Christ. Then, I asked him when he would be ready to do that. I also suggested that we could do it right now, or we could wait until Sunday.

He said that he wanted to be baptized right then. Since Jake was a childhood friend of our Preaching Intern, Conor, I suggested that Conor baptize him. He said that he would really like that. So, Conor, Jake, and I went to the baptistry for Jake’s baptism. After that, we went out and celebrated by eating at Ramsey’s. In light of our present sermon series on prayer, I share these stories for the purpose of asking you all to pray. Ask our Lord to provide many more opportunities for teaching calls to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I make this request of you in the confidence of I John 5:14-15 which says, “And this is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked of Him” (NASB). We know with full confidence it is God’s will that people be saved. So, with confidence in this request, please ask our Heavenly Father to provide many more teaching calls. With confidence in the Gospel of Jesus Christ! ~Tommy [email protected]

Tidbits from Tommy

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Senior Adults Our topic this month is effective prayer. Now when I think of this I can’t help but share my favorite illustration on the topic. That is: A mother told her young son to head up to get ready for bed. She told him to brush his teeth, put on his pajamas, say his prayers, and get in bed, then she would be up to tuck him in and

kiss him good night. The boy dutifully did as his mother said, but when his mother found him in bed she also found a rope tied to his bed post. “What’s the rope for?” she asked her son. He said, “Tonight when I said my prayers I asked God for a pony.” Brothers and sisters that is a prayer said in faith. He prepared for God to answer his prayer. I wonder how many of us pray that kind of prayer? I hate to admit my spiritual shortcomings but a fews weeks ago I failed miserably at that kind of prayer. I have been trying to pour some concrete for a sidewalk at my house for nearly a month now, but the rain keeps interfering and keeps my workplace a mud hole. This past Monday, in anticipation of my day off the next day, I prayed that it would not rain so that I could get this job done. I was tired and discouraged at all the rain keeping me in a mess, so I prayed for no rain on my day off. Well, the next morning the first thing I did was consult the weather report and sure enough it was calling for rain. I checked it hourly through the morning and it just kept calling for rain, so I decided not to pour the concrete lest it get rained on. Well it did rain. It rained on the north side of town, the east side of town, the west side of town, but it did not rain on the south side of town where I live until well into the evening. I could have poured the concrete and it would have had plenty of time to cure before evening when I could have safely let it get rained on. Here’s the problem. I prayed but then I consulted the weather. If I had prayed the type of prayer that little boy prayed I would not have consulted the weather I would have just gotten to work believing it was not going to rain on my project. I would have gotten the job done. I’m afraid that’s most often the prayer we pray. We pray, but then check the weather, not really believing God would honor our prayer. I learned a great lesson that week, that is to pray the kind of prayer that brings a rope along with it. That is the basis of effective prayer, a prayer said in faith.

Humbled by the Lord once again,

~Bro. Kim [email protected]

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The Lord’s Prayer or the Model Prayer...that is the Question!

Quite often, we hear someone speak of the Lord’s prayer when they are actually thinking of the Model prayer that Jesus taught us in Matthew 6:9-13. Some versions also include the additional words “for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen.” Similar words to these are found in I Chronicles 29:11. I am sure many of you grew up in a church family that recited the “Lord’s Prayer” every Sunday as a part of the worship order. I am not sure what has caused this common reference to these words as the Lord’s Prayer. I know that many of us enjoy the musical version of this prayer through the music of Albert Hay Malotte, as it is a favorite song at weddings and special worship occasions. But, if we are honest, we would realize that many of us said these words over and over again for years without really thinking about their true impact in our lives. These verses, like many others in the Bible, are prayers where we should be speaking directly to God as we pray them. I guess that I have always thought of the Model Prayer as a beginning point in our adult prayer life just as “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord

my soul to keep…” is to children. The powerful prayer of Jesus (or the Lord’s Prayer) is found in John 17. This entire chapter is an earnest prayer from Jesus to His Father! In these words Jesus prays for Himself as He prays to honor God through the work God sent Him to do on earth. Then He prays

for His disciples, the ones selected by the Father and given to Jesus for the work He had to do. He prays for their protection in the work they have yet to complete. Then He prays for all who believe and those who will come to believe, that they will be united with Him in mission and in bringing honor to God through their lives. Yes, this is truly the Lord’s Prayer...that we may all bring glory to the Father through our lives and that the world will see us as being united with the Father, the Son, and other believers. Seeing all of us as ONE will bring true honor and glory to the Father. This is effective prayer; praying for the Father’s will and unity in all things. Let us focus on sincerity in our own prayers and not be caught up in using familiar phrases we have heard others use. Effective prayer should focus on what God wants and what others need, not our own wish list!

~ Don [email protected] 5

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Don’s Dynamics

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“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective” (James 5:16b NIV)

I don’t know about you, but I have always wanted to feel like my prayers were powerful and effective. I think I have had the misconception that in order for my prayers to be powerful and

effective, I must pray longer, more often, or without ceasing. I do believe that we as Christians should be in constant conversation with God throughout each day, but I’m not sure that is what makes our prayers effective. What James says in the scripture noted above, is that powerful and effective prayer requires righteousness. This has always bothered me a bit. I know I am not righteous. The book of Romans tells us that not even one person is righteous (except for Jesus). Does that mean that we have no hope for our prayers to be powerful and effective? Of course not, lets explore why! To understand how our prayers can become powerful and effective, we must first understand what could be impeding the power and effectiveness in our prayer. I think a common impediment to our prayer is that we ask with selfish desires or wrong motives. “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives” (James 4:3a NIV) This is something that is pretty well understood and most of us can recognize in our own prayers. There is another impediment to our prayers as well though, unconfessed sin. For me personally, this is often something I don’t think about when I pray. God can have nothing to do with sin, so how can he ever have anything to do with us? Well, through the blood of Jesus, our sin has been blotted out. If we do not confess our sins, we are in some way pretending that our sin isn’t sin at all. Essentially, by not confessing our sin, we are claiming to have no sin. The apostle John speaks to this in 1 John 1:8-10 “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives.” In the middle of verses 8 and 10, which both speak to what we proclaim with our unconfessed sin, is the answer to how we become cleansed of our unrighteousness. We must confess our sins and he will purify us from all unrighteousness. Therefore, allowing our prayers to be powerful and effective. Start your prayers by confessing every sin to God, so that He will hear you and

your prayers may be powerful and effective!

In His Service, ~Mike [email protected]

College Ministry

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Student MinistryConfession

An issue that comes up frequently with youth is that they don’t feel confident praying to God for anything and everything. “How do I know that He will hear me?” “What does it feel like when God listens to your prayer?” “I’ve never had God answer a prayer of mine, so what should I do?” In thinking through those questions, there is one key element that students experience at camp and on retreats which opens up the power of prayer, confession.

In James 5:16 we are encouraged to pray because “the prayer at work of a righteous person accomplishes much.” (16b), but there is a stipulation to

the verse. The key to being “righteous” is to “Confess your sins to one another and pray for each other so you may be healed.” (16a) For James, prayer simply wasn’t as effective if it didn’t come from someone who had confessed their sins and repented.

This is a huge part of the camp and retreat experience for students. They are pulled away

from all of their normal distractions and forced to examine their lives in light of the teaching. If there is a time in a young person’s life where they are most likely to open up about their lives and find support, it is at camp or a retreat.

So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise, then, that the prayers offered up during these times are the prayers that have the most effect in the lives of our students. Hearts are renewed, minds are transformed, and students are called into ministry. It’s difficult to think of a more powerful time of prayer than on these retreats where the group is praying for each other.

Since most of us don’t have regular retreat experiences anymore, we must find ways to make confession to each other part of our regular spiritual habit. Then we can find the true power of effective prayer.

Let’s lift Him up together! ~ Brad [email protected]

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This summer in Uptown we have been studying the superheroes of the Bible. For example, Moses was humble, Noah was obedient, Abraham was faithful, and Deborah was a leader. After we hear the story, we talk about ways to put this special superpower to work in our lives. One of my favorite Bible superheroes isn’t often

read about in children’s Bibles, but he made a huge impact. I remember his story being told briefly as a child, but when I first went into ministry full time, I did an in-depth study into his story. His story included courage and standing against the enemy. His story is about someone who gave up the comforts of his life to show love to an entire nation that had lost their focus on God. His accomplishment was something the entire people of Jerusalem had not been able to accomplish for nearly 100 years, yet his project was finished in less than 2 months. His name was Nehemiah and his superpower was prayer. In Nehemiah 1:4 it says, “When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.” Following this verse is an incredible prayer asking for God’s forgiveness for his people back home and God’s provision to change their lives. It was after this prayer that Nehemiah had the courage to ask the king for permission to return to Jerusalem, share his plan with the leaders, and rally a nation to rebuild their walls in 52 days! When I look at Nehemiah’s prayer, I see a few things that are evident. Nehemiah’s prayer was a prayer of brokenness and humility. He knew that God was the only one who could do something about the situation, but in order to have God on his side, Nehemiah needed to set things straight with God. The second thing was a bold request and a trust that God would provide. When I started using these elements in my prayer life, I saw a dramatic change in the effectiveness. When I don’t have humility, brokenness, bold requests, trust, and a dependence on God’s Word, there is a noticeable difference. A few weeks ago I was reminded of effective prayers again when we experienced God doing something incredible for the children in Liberia. For the past 6 years there has been a ban on adoptions for healthy children. When Oretha, our orphanage director was in Lexington, it was clear to her that this ban would continue at least the next 2 years. We prayed boldly for God to lift the moratorium. The result of these prayers came on June 30, 2015, when the Liberian president surprisingly lifted the ban for all children. We continue to pray that God will raise up sponsors to connect with these amazing children. I am excited to see how God responds to these prayers and ask you to join in

praying with us for these precious children.

~ Matt [email protected]

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Childrens Ministry

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Preschool MinistryCritterland News

We all want our prayers to be “effective”, right? To have our prayers answered, and in the way that we want them? We look so much at the “results” of our prayers, we sometimes become selfish in our desires and pray with the incorrect intentions. “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures” James 4:3. We also need to make sure that we are praying in a way that lines up with God’s will. “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, he hears us” 1 John 5:14. Praying with God’s will in mind is essentially praying while knowing what He would want, and we can find God’s will in Scripture. In keeping with what I wrote about last month, we should pray continually. In Luke 18:1, we are told to pray with persistence and “not give up.” We should also make sure that when we present our requests to God, we pray with faith (James 1:5-6). It is the strength of our faith, not the length of our prayers, that pleases Him. After all, God knows what our needs are even before we ask (Matthew 6:8).

~ Lesley [email protected]

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I wish I could confidently say that I’ve got this mom thing all figured out. I’ve been working on this amazingly thrilling job of raising kids for close to 17 years. And while I love my kids to pieces, I can’t say I’ve mastered motherhood. I’ve done a lot wrong as a mom. Haven’t we all? But, one

thing I know I’ve done right is praying boldly for them. Recently, I mentioned 3 things I pray over my kids everyday:* I pray they grow up to be some of the most godly people in their sphere of influence.* I pray that they would be caught when they make wrong choices.* I pray that God would save them from the wrong friends and save them for the right friends. And that goes for their future spouses as well. These are great prayers to pray over your kids. I need simple and these are simple. But, they are also powerfully effective and I’ve seen God answer them time and again. Especially the getting caught part- have mercy. I will keep praying these prayers, however, there is something I’ve been working on changing up just a bit. I’m not changing what I pray but rather, how I pray. I want to pray more boldly over my kids. And by boldly I mean with more confidence and authority. James 1:5-7 reminds us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.” As a mom, I want to be single-minded on the reality that if God entrusted these kids to me, I am the exact mom they need. And as the rightful holder of that position, I will believe not only in God but I will also believe that I have what it takes to raise these kids right. As long as I ask for God to help

me each day, I can be the mom I need to be. So, besides praying the above prayers for my kids and also whispering “Help me Jesus, help me Jesus, help me Jesus”

If We Aren’t Praying Boldlyfor Our Kids, Who Is?

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If We Aren’t Praying . . . continuedabout 100 times a day, I am praying these prayers for myself as a mom…Lord, help me to:* be ruled by truth not fear.* not build the stability of my identity on the fragility of my kid’s choices.* walk in humble confidence that you, Lord, will give me everything I need to be the mom these kids need. Hush Satan’s accusations and condemnations so my prayers will never be hindered. Sweet sisters, being a mom is not for the faint at heart. Be encouraged that God led you to read this today to remind you, you are a good mom! You are the exact person He picked to be the mom of your kids. Now, walk in that sweet encouragement and awesome responsibility!

~ Lysa TerKeurst

Lysa TerKeurst is the New York Times best-selling author of The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave. She is president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and writes from her sticky kitchen table in North Carolina where she lives with her husband, Art, five kids, three dogs, and a mouse that refuses to leave her kitchen. Connect with her atwww.LysaTerKeurst.com.

Another One of God’s Blessings… Praise God the mortgage on the missions house has been “paid.” The

house was purchased in July 2012 for $239,000 using funds from the missions reserve account, gifts from the congregation, and a mortgage for $150,000. The house was completely

furnished through donations from the TCCC family. Through continued generous gifts and some funds from the missions reserve account the total remaining on the note was paid this year-- June 2015. Of course the missions reserve account which is maintained for emergencies that might arise with our missionary families needs to be replenished. This will be done as funds become available. Currently the house is rented to a missionary family of six who are home on furlough with Southland Christian Church. The family ministers in Mozambique where they have served since 2006. We are blessed to be a blessing to others.

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Power of Prayer I’ll start off by asking you this simple question, what has prayer done for you? I cannot answer this question for you, but I can for me. I know there have been times in my life when I had no control over what was taking place, but because I came to be saved I started to believe that through God all things were possible. This is where the power of prayer has brought me through some very difficult times. There have been a lot of times that I have asked Jesus to help me because I knew or felt that I was not able to handle what was taking place in my life at the time. The most trying time in my life was my divorce. I found myself alone and lost in life. I was depressed and frightened. I remember praying and asking Jesus to help me and send me a Godly woman I could love and who would love me in return. It took God only one month after my divorce to answer my prayers. He provided me with not only a Godly woman, but also a great new family. Now, this was not the first time God had answered my prayers but it was the greatest one. I have prayed for many things in my life. Everything from better health for friends and family, to protection from the enemy while at war. While not all of my prayers were answered, I have come to accept the fact that God has a reason for everything. “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if

you have faith.” Matthew 21:22

~ Kenneth Melton

PrayerDaily Guided Prayer Topics

August1 People struggling with sin2 Mark 11:243 Tyler & Katie Selby4 BlueGrass Christian Camp 5 Tommy and his message6 Lighthouse Ministries7 Members in nursing homes8 Those seeking employment9 Matthew 7:710 Travis & Emily Weeks 11 We Care Store12 Missionary families13 Teachers at local schools14 24 hour caregivers15 Our walk with Christ 16 Matthew 21:2217 Refuge for women18 Party in the Park outreach19 Sunday School leaders 20 Government leaders21 Students in the new school year22 Unsaved HS and MS students23 John 14:13-1424 Judy Fish with CMF25 Hands & Feet Ministry 26 Worship Leaders 27 Eastern State hospital staff and patients28 All TCCC families29 Parents with unsaved children30 James 5:14-1631 Steve & Doretha Limiero

The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently.

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Communion Serving Schedule August 2Elders: Kent Mason, Larry BuggDeacons: Craig Martin, Keith WertzAshland Terrace: David StraubHome Comm: Ed Hall, Russell Brown Sat Comm Prep: Brian/Sontina HogstonPrep after 1st Srv: Chris/Debbie DennisonClean-up after 1st Srv: Chris HinesPrep after 2nd Srv: David/Joanne ShumanClean-up after 2nd Srv: Chris HinesPrayer Room: Mary Robey, Kevin HickeyUshers: D.Ison, S.Stack, B.Burke, C.Wilson August 9Elders: Nick Wallen, Kent MasonDeacons: Lucas Moore, Stuart KearnsAshland Terrace: Russell BrownHome Comm: David Straub, Bill Johnson, Greg WheelerSat Comm Prep: Kathy HicksPrep after 1st Srv: Russell/Lora BrownClean-up after 1st Srv: Mary RobeyPrep after 2nd Srv: Teresa PendletonClean-up after 2nd Srv: Robert McCrayPrayer Room: Nathan Young, Laura MullinsUshers: D.Pettry, J.White, L.Miller, D.Feltner

August 16Elders: Stan Stack, Nick WallenDeacons: Russell Brown, Jonathan CliftonAshland Terrace: Harold ButlerHome Comm: Cory Wilson, Steve Mullins, Jonathan CliftonSat Comm Prep: David/Paula RankinPrep after 1st Srv: Marvis/Pam WhiteClean-up after 1st Srv: Shannon/Jenni GreggPrep after 2nd Srv: Marvis/Pam WhiteClean-up after 2nd Srv: Randall YoungPrayer Room: Jerry/Jo Brooking, Beth KesslerUshers: D.Moore, D.Pettry, D.Smith, S.Kearns August 23Elders: Danny Branham, Stan StackDeacons: Bill Johnson, Steve MullinsAshland Terrace: Ed HallHome Comm: Stuart Kearns, Keith Wertz, Greg KastenSat Comm Prep: Kathy HicksPrep after 1st Srv: Craig/Jenny FowlerClean-up 1st Srv: Ray/Christi AlbensiPrep after 2nd Srv: Craig/Jenny FowlerClean-up 2nd Srv: John CombsPrayer Room: Mary Adkins, Gina RunyonUshers:B.Johnson, D.Pettry, B.Burke, J.MartinAugust 30Elders: George Heaton, Danny BranhamDeacons: David Straub, Cory WilsonAshland Terrace: Steven ClemHome Comm: Henry Evans, Bill Burke, Ken BanksSat Comm Prep: Mark/Gayle FieldsPrep after 1st Srv: Dale/Curlie KistlerClean-up 1st Srv: Fred/Emma GoodePrep after 2nd Srv: Dale/Curlie KistlerClean-up 2nd Srv: Fred/Emma GoodePrayer Room: Caroline Lewis, Kevin HickeyUshers: D.Moore, B.Poor, D.Smith, S.Kearns

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Moving Mountains In Matthew 17, Jesus was approached by a father whose son was possessed by a demon. This demon would cause the boy to have seizures or fall in fires and water. This father begged for

Jesus to have mercy on his son and to drive out this demon. And Jesus, of course, drove out the demon. However, the disciples had already tried to cast out the demon but failed. They asked Jesus why they couldn’t cast out the demon and He answered them, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

This past year I took a Greek exegesis class, which was my fourth and final semester of Greek. (Thank the Lord.) We had to translate this verse, Matthew 17:20, and I will never forget what my professor said in the discussion. He said something along the lines of, “we all know that a mountain won’t literally move if we pray even with a little bit of faith.” I stopped at that point and pondered over what he just said. Please understand that the professor was looking at it from an exegetical perspective. Jesus was giving an example, imagery, etc., to the disciples to illustrate faith. Jesus wasn’t necessarily being literal in moving a mountain. But, think about it! I think my professor, without even knowing it, had missed the whole point Jesus was trying to make. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” Matthew 18:3. I don’t think a child would doubt Jesus when He said that mountains would move if they had faith, would they? In times of today, as my professor did, we too miss Jesus’ point. Maybe we too are like the disciples. When is the last time you prayed and God moved a mountain? Maybe that mountain is a person who hasn’t been moved by Jesus yet?

~ Conor Doyle [email protected]

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 14

Conor Doyle - Preaching Intern

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The Fehls on Furlough Every time we’ve come ‘home’ on furlough, we’ve been tired. But really, it’s more than being tired. It’s the feeling that you don’t have the energy to deal with even one more problem. Plus, something is missing. That “something” is a reservoir of rest and energy. In September when we came home we were deep tired, and we had unanswered questions: “Where is the money going to come from for the Addis Ababa church and office that need to be built upon our return to Ethiopia?” “Where is Addison going to college?” “Will I enjoy teaching the spring semester at Cincinnati Christian University?” “Will we ever feel rested?” But then, after a busy fall travel schedule and a successful financial appeal for our construction needs (we raised $70,000!), we hunkered down at CCU and fell into a rhythm that allowed us to rest. We homeschooled the kids, I taught twice a week at CCU, Addison decided to study Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, the kids got involved in the youth group, and Jen and I got to go bowling. Then one morning in March, I realized I wasn’t tired any more. God had answered our prayers for refreshment. He had brought new life and energy back to our imaginations. He had renewed us and restored us. After we take Addison to college in August, we’ll head back to Ethiopia for our fifth term. Our plans are to get busy orienting the Haley family (new to our team) and getting construction going on the Addis Ababa church and offices. Jen will refocus on homeschooling Mallory and Ethan while Darby attends the Bingham Mission School. And surely, problems that we can’t foresee or imagine right now will arise to challenge us. But fresh from furlough, with a refilled reservoir of energy and faith, we’ll get through whatever comes. Please praise God with us because He is Good and Gracious! Thank you for your continuing support of our family.

~ Adrian for all the Fehls

Missions Moment

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Devotional Thought Week 1THE MODEL PRAYER ~ Matthew 6:9-13

When I began my journey with the Lord (a long while back), I heard many sermons and Sunday school lessons that were good but overwhelming. As a new Christian, reflecting on what was being taught and what I read in scripture during my own quiet times, my thoughts were, “No way. How could

I possibly do all this. This is overwhelming, complicated, and I am a leaky vessel!”

I read, prayed, pondered, and struggled with God’s word and what He expected of me. In His Word I learned that what matters most is the heart. What does that mean? Well, after much prayer, pondering and so forth, I believe that Christianity is, in a nutshell, your attitude and motives toward God, His Word, and His people. The Sermon on the Mount is a good example.

In the 1970’s I had the privilege of being a youth sponsor. The young people had an acronym that they used a lot at the time, K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, stupid). I found that helpful in that when I listened to future presentations of God’s Word and when I was in need of God’s direction, my thought would be, “keep it simple”. What is my attitude, what are my motives concerning the topic?

When the disciples asked the Lord to teach them to pray, His instructions seemed to reflect that. Keep it simple and real.

The Model Prayer (The Lord’s Prayer) reflects that. May I paraphrase please?

Heavenly Father may your holy name be honored in all I say and do. May your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven.

Give me each day the spiritual and physical food needed. Forgive me for the sins I have committed against you and help me to

forgive others who have wronged me. Keep me from temptation and save be from evil.

~ Judy Clark Former Prayer Team Member

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17Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

Devotional Thought Week 2FERVENT PRAYER ~ I Samuel 1

As far back as I can remember, I knew how to put my hands together and bow my head in prayer. I was first taught that simple prayer, “God is Great, God is Good…”. I can still remember the peacefulness I felt in my heart as I spoke those words. I didn’t understand what that feeling was, but I liked it, and it made me feel safe. I know now that it was the peace and Spirit of Jesus Christ in my heart. Even as a child, my simple prayers were heard. As I grew older, I found that I was learning to reach out to God in a more desperate and fervent way: pleading for miracles and healing, for direction in my life, and for the salvation of all of my loved ones.

I have come to understand that my prayer life each day brings a different prayer time with the Lord. Sometimes, I feel the need to be still and meditate with the Lord while letting his Spirit lead me. I sometimes feel the need to come to my knees and cry out to the Lord in desperation. Most days, I feel the need to be in a “constant prayer” with the Lord. Talking to

Jesus throughout the day: in the car, at work, while doing chores around the house or even when I am still. I just let the Lord speak to me.Ruth Graham once talked about the need to be in “constant prayer” with the Lord. She said as mothers and housewives, we are so busy

throughout the day that we generally pray ‘on the hoof ’. We want to do as Paul said “pray without ceasing”. However, we can’t possibly spend our days on our knees. We wouldn’t get anything done! So, we stay in prayer constantly throughout the day. This is what my prayer life has become – a daily conversation with Jesus.

We still whisper that simple prayer at our house, “God is Great, God is Good…”, and I know that God hears that prayer. I also know He hears our more urgent and desperate pleas as well. Each day we are faced with more and more challenges as Christians and only through prayer can we find comfort and peace knowing that God is still in control. ~ Laura Mullins Prayer Team Member

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JESUS’ PRAYER ~ John 17 In John 17, Jesus’ longest recorded prayer in the Bible, we see that Jesus had a very special relationship with our God, His Father. In these last few minutes of his time alone with his disciples, Jesus prayed for those that followed him to be blessed and to continue the work after he was gone.

This powerful “red lettered” prayer by Jesus shows us once again that Jesus was directly sent to this earth by God to fulfill his Father’s work. Jesus’ time on this earth was not an accidental adventure, but planned work assigned to Jesus. He was sent to be a living example of love for the initial disciples and also for us. We can continue to mirror his example of love daily within us and also externally through us by sharing it with the world. Jesus understood that his life was just the beginning of his Father’s work and that it needed to continue after he had returned to glory.

Jesus repeatedly prays that the work He began on this earth continue through the disciples that remain. We need to remember that he was praying for us. He prays that we stay protected and be brought to complete unity. As verse 23 says, “Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me”. We may long for heaven as Jesus did, but there is work remaining to do on this earth so others may know of our Father.

Let us also remember that Jesus concluded by praying that we may have the same strong bond of love as he had with his Father. “I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” John 17:26

We can approach this world knowing that Jesus is God’s son and that he was sent to this world to fulfill his Father’s plan. While on this earth Jesus shared love and the hope of eternal life. And yes, God does love us and we need to share it with OTHERS. ~ Larry Bugg Elder Prayer Team Member

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18

Devotional thought Week 3

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SURRENDERED PRAYER ~ Matthew 26:36-46 Throughout our lives, we as Christians will most certainly face difficulties and hardships. However, none of us will ever have to bear the sins of the world. But, Jesus has shown us how to strengthen our lives through prayer.

In Matthew 26:36-46, we find Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane where he went to pray before his pending crucifixion. Jesus was in deep anguish as he prayed, “If possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” Matthew 26:39 Luke’s account states, “He prayed earnestly; and His sweat was as if it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” Luke 22:44 He knew He was about to die for our sins. The cup of suffering is not taken away from him, so he drinks it in full, obedient to the point of death. In doing so, he teaches us willingness to follow the Father’s

plan even if it does not align with our own. In our prayers, we should ask God for what we want, but we should also fully embrace his will for our lives, trusting him without reservation.

In the remaining months of my husband’s life, this was my daily prayer. After 50 wonderful years of marriage, I wanted to keep him with me for a little longer. However, his health was failing so quickly and numerous doctors could not help him. So instead of praying for his health to improve, I began my prayers for God’s will to be done in his life. And so when he passed very quickly on May 31, 2014, I knew the Lord’s will had been accomplished. This is not what I wanted, but I had to accept God’s will.

Like Jesus, let us learn not to follow the desires of our own heart. Rather, let us trust in God’s will. At the end of Jesus’ time in the Garden, He arose and told his disciples to follow Him. He knew the will of the Father was at hand. Jesus entered the Garden in a state of suffering, but left strengthened with His resolve. Prayer was the answer!

~ Mona Vannatter Prayer Team Member

19Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

Devotional thought Week 4

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Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road

Party in the Park / Backpacks

Blood Drive

Sermon DVD’s available


Backpacks for Julius Marks ElementaryThis year we are hoping to fill 225 backpacks with school supplies for JME. Each backpack will cost $10.If you or your Sunday school class would like to contribute a monetary donation to this project, please contact the Servants for Christ class or Matt Lee for

information. We will be packing these backpacks on Wednesday, August 5, at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us for this fun time of service and fellowship.

Friday, August 14, 2015 ~ 6:30 pmLansdowne - Merrick Park

(next to Julius Marks Elementary)Join us as we host a “Party in the Park” for the Lansdowne-Merrick Park neighborhood. For more information or to volunteer, contact Matt Lee at 266-1621 or [email protected].

DVD’s of the Sunday morning sermon are now available. If you prefer to watch the sermon on DVD instead of just listening

on a CD, please contact the church office and a copy will be made for you.

Blood Drive for the American Red Cross

Monday, August 31 ~ 2-7 pm TCCC Fellowship Hall

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21Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

SHOPPING AT KROGER CAN NOW BENEFIT TCCC! Tates Creek is approved to participate in Kroger’s Community Rewards Program. Through this program, Kroger distributes funds back into the community. To help Tates Creek receive a larger portion of these funds, just sign up with your Kroger Card and identify Tates Creek Christian Church as the charity you would like to support with your purchases. In the 6 months we have been in the program, we have received more than $500 with just 30 families enrolled. For those already enrolled, Kroger requires that you re-enroll during August each year, re-selecting your charity. If you have not yet enrolled, simply visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com and click on SIGN UP TODAY. This will lead you through the process of creating an online Kroger Rewards account. Once this is set up, you can edit your ‘Kroger Community Rewards’ information to input your Kroger Plus card number and then name Tates Creek Christian Church (NPO #28849) as the organization you would like to support. Once this is complete, you are supporting TCCC with each Kroger purchase you make – as long as you swipe your Kroger Plus card at checkout! (If you do not already have a Kroger Plus card, you may obtain one at the customer service desk at any Kroger store.) If you already have a Kroger Plus card, we will be ready to help you enroll or renew your community rewards inAugust.

Bluegrass Christian Men’s Fellowship

August 10, 2015Catalyst Christian Church

Meal ~ 5:45 pm, Program ~ 6:45 pm

Van will leave TCCC at 5:00 pm

Senior Adult EventsAdult Bible Study

Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am

Better With Age Club Thursday, August 20 ~ 10:30 am

Bring side dishes, salad, or dessert to share.

Program by Scott CollinsBetter With Age Club Day Trip

Thursday, August 27 Derby Dinner Playhouse

Page 22: Tates Creek Christian Church monthly Current for August 2015

Sunday School Average Attendance

June 2015YouthInfants 7Walkers 72 - 5 Year Old 12 Elementary 54Middle & High School 48

AdultAlpha/Omega 5Christians in Action 24Crusaders 50Early Bird 8:30 am 4Faith 16Fellowship of Believers 11FOCUS 16Generations of Faith 26Good News 27Grace & Truth 72Grass Roots 19Heaven Bound 11In The Word 20Open Bible 56Psalm 34:3 3Reach 15Seekers 9Servants for Christ 22Upper Room 11Willing Workers 32

Ashland Terrace 6Miscellaneous 6Officers 2

Total 579

June Worship Attendance & Giving

Total General Fund 7th 745 $36,656.14th 748 $24,670.21st 725 $26,567.28th 711 $22,375.

IndebtednessMortgage Balance, June 30 $909,313.

Monthly Payment (July 1) $32,888. Principal $10,348. Interest $2,539. Add’l Principal $20,000.

To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at www.tatescreek.org and click on “Giving”.

% of Dollars Given Online22%

General Fund Report2015 Budgeted Need per week $31,440.2015 Average per week $29,624.

June Total Income $110,268.June Total Expenses $96,479.Moved to Savings $10,129.Net Excess $3,660.

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 22

Funds Totals for June

Deacons’ Fund $1,959.“What If...” $41,412.Victory for Life $684.

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23Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org

New Members

Jake AdkinsBaptized June 16

John & Nancy Presko

Transfer June 28

Ethan RayBaptized July 5

Eric Presley Transfer June 14

& Ethan PresleyBaptized June 14

Sarah WillsBaptized June 11

Angela WillsBaptized July 1

Chelsea StagerTransfer July 1

Elizabeth BrownBaptized July 1

Pictures not available

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Calendar ~ August 2015

1 & 15 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102

2 Monthly Ministry meetings

3 Elders’ Meeting, 6 pm, 200D

5 Backpack Pack Night, 6:30 pm, FH

6 Mary Circle, 11 am6 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm

8 Rachel Circle, 10:30 am

9 Generations of Faith potluck, 12:30 pm, FH

10 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Catalyst CC10 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 10 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, 107

11 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm

14 Party in the Park, 6:30 pm, Lansdowne-Merrick Park14 Willing Workers Ice Cream Social 7 pm, FH

15 FOCUS Class potluck, 12 pm, FH

16 Women’s Ministry, 4 pm, 200AB

20 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH

27 BWAC Day Trip, 9 am, Derby Dinner Playhouse

31 Blood Drive for American Red Cross, 2-7 pm, FH

Weekly ActivitiesSunday Evening:Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WCAdult Small Groups, various times and locations

Tuesday Evening:Victory for Life, 6:00 pm, FH

Wednesday:Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200ABWorship Team, 6:00 pm, WC






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