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Tathra's Judgement 29.10.05 - 108 Kb

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  • 8/22/2019 Tathra's Judgement 29.10.05 - 108 Kb


    If this were an episode of "Angel," it would be the one whereLorne holds the eight ball upside down and asks "HasCordy been a bad girl?" To which the response from theeight ball: "Definately."

    Replace Cordy with Tathra and you aren't far off from thediscussion Team Angel would have had, beforeconfronting Cordy:

    t "well then i'm half way jedi" he said with a slight

    smirk "i dinnae like kickin someones arse til they needtheir bloody arse kicked.. tho' my definition o' needin an'arse kicked tis upsetin' me family er tryin tae hurtsomeone... never do like doin 't "

    Jedi_Master_Sage rises from the lake, his robe of naturally

    water resistant silk-fibres drying as it touches the air.with his dark robe worn loosely around him, he headstowards the palace terrace

    Talera well your defination may need to be modified a bit.Or rather your means of dealing with it." she chucklessoftly.

    t trips sage over as he comes out the lake, and pops acup on tals head)

    t "tis why Islish would be th' wors' place tae git jedi

    from... yeer do wrong by us... tis our righ' tae kick yeerbutt... also tis how one survives in th' burbs... " heshrugged softly "we're a rough lot... nae wonder webloody killin each other over >

    t stupid tings... tho, in a way, tis kinda gud t'nigh'happened... woke me up fer i fell intae th' blind fray,throwin away all i fought fer... outta pain..."

    Jedi_Master_Sage grabs a herbal tea in a biodegradabletake away cup and gets two coffees in a disposable trayand carries all three back to the lakeshore where he

    passed by Tal and Boto "Good evening" Talera looks up seeing Sage and smiles gently. Her hand

    is gently rubbing her son Amatae's back as he sleeps inthe carrier that is strapped to her front. He sucks on hismiddle fingers as he dreams. " Hello Sage. Have a seatif you like."

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    t glnaced up to Sage, and offered a slight smile "hey..."

    Jedi_Master_Sage nods and sits down near them, holding atray out "I thought you might like some ooban, if not, my

    aiwha will have it" t :glanced^) Talera holds up her hand gently" thank you for the thought

    but I don't like coffee. " it was true she much preferredtea.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Paul? t : er nae tankye, kenna stand th' stuff Jedi_Master_Sage nods "no matter" he sounds a shirll

    whistle sound, which results in his aiwha's heademerging from the lake surface, as he TK-floats both

    cups toward's creature's mouth and tips both coffees in,the aiwha likes coffee

    Talera chuckles at the spectacle. " that poor creature. "she grins.

    Jedi_Master_Sage summons both cups back and placesthem in the tray "Ooban has been adding Peequod'svitamin supplements to their mixture, the aiwha'smetabolism is such that it soaks up the properties ofcaffiene and uses it in the same way we metabolise

    vitamin C" t winced at the shrill whistle he had sensative ears"bloody hell, well 't ken have all th' ooban on naboothen"

    Talera shakes her head. Sage could spout the benefits allhe liked but she doubted very much the animal neededOoban. It wasnt natural for them. Changing the subjectshe asked" how are you Sage?" She was not sure how tobroach the subject she wished to speak

    Talera to him about. She surmised it would be a sensativeone at best.

    t had fallen quiet, listening, and also thinking aboutthings... tonight had been a serious life lesson, he had tolearn from it, incase he ever came across something likeit again, he didn't want to mess up again, Tally was right,with his ability, he had>

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    Jedi_Master_Sage pauses before answering ".. vulnerable" Talera looks at Sage carefully . She surmised he referred

    to the struggles he has internally about this Bernieperson. She wished so much she could help him. She

    wanted to be a good friend to him . " do you wish to talkabout it?" Jedi_Master_Sage : If you wish to hear of it. Talera : Of course...I would be happy to listen. t had no idea what was going on... he hadn't seen

    Bernie to hear the gossip, but then, it also wasn'tunusual for him to be a little out the loop... though, hedid ask "yeer wan' me tae go? so yeer ken talk?"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I've recieved and given trust. Its anunsettling feeling.

    Jedi_Master_Sage shakes his head "its alright, I believe youknow this person"

    Talera : trust is important. What unsettles you is that you havegiven this person leverage over you in some way?

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I'm not sure, it may be that but more so,that she was so willing to show me the same trust.

    t raised an eyebrow listening... and wondered, butdidn't ask "I were sayin tae tally befer... when yeer beenhidin who ye are fer a while, tis hard tae open up.. tis th'

    same sharin trus'" Talera shakes her head slightly" I don't know why that isso odd. You are mightily trustworthy" It made her smilebecause he didnt see that others placed trust in himreadily every day. She had trusted him with her mind afew months ago.

    Talera nods in agreement with Pauls words. Jedi_Master_Sage : Only to those who think they know and

    understand me. Bernie does not even presume such and stilltrusts.

    t "Bernie? wow... I were righ'..." he said with a softsmirk "Bernie trus's her heart... sumtimes tae a fault...always has... always will"

    Talera : you really think that? Sage I dont presume to know orunderstand you. In fact you have rarely let me in except of late.

    Yet I trust you. And sometimes people can just trust without

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    Jedi_Master_Sage : I don't, but thats changing. Change canbe peturbing..

    t nae joke... " he said softly...

    Talera chuckles at both men. One on either side of her andboth resistant to change. She felt like the butter in abrick sandwich. " it isnt only perturbing though..is it?"she hopes he has some positives to report. Lest she hithim with his half of the brick

    Talera sandwich. Jedi_Master_Sage : I haven't allowed such feelings to grow

    in decades, long before either of you were born.. I hadforgotton the chaos within the harmony

    t everytime someone tells him long before you were

    born... he remembers, really just how young he was, hedidn't feel it sometimes, and other times, he did actmuch younger

    Talera that sounded at least like the beginning of apositive." so what makes you feel so vulnerable? Whatdo you feel vulnerable to?"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I had come to believe that such thingsexisted in a world I had exiled myself from. Now I have re-entered to find it has not changed but I have. I'm like a

    stranger to my own feelings. t was still listening, kinda understanding, even a littlebit more after tonight... and seeing why emotions couldsuck a lot for a force user... but, what he didn'tunderstand is why a jedi master was so worried about itall... or why he had held them back>

    t couldn't he control the emotions better? Talera : I can see how that might make you feel off kilter. Jedi_Master_Sage : She's so different and yet we share so

    much in common.. paradoxes at every turn

    Jedi_Master_Sage : lake shore aka my front yard] Talera : its the old adage opposites attract. Believe me I know that

    first hand

    Talera she chuckles softly, It was more than true. Jedi_Master_Sage : Wouldn't my true opposite be a

    seductive dark jedi who comes from a desert world?

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    t yeer a git..." he said simply to sage and shook hishead... "'onestly..."

    Elie walks up on sage, Talera and boto and hearing thelast comment she ads "I'd say I know the opposites

    attract first hand as well" She smiled to all Jedi_Master_Sage nods to Elianne "Welcome" Jedi_Master_Sage : What is a "git"? Talera : Hello Elianne and Sage he means you are being too literal Elie chuckles, "Hello all" t smiled softly to Elianne as she arrived "ello" and he

    smirked as Tally explained "aye... much tae literal... asper bloody usual... an' tae analytical... does 't matterwhy yeer like her, jus' tha' ye do? love an' attractiondinnae have set rules"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I live by set rules, that is what makesthis so difficult

    alexander_starraider heads to the sparing ring to practice Elie : "Love isn't locgial, it can be downright

    dangerous, and in my opinion it is the most difficultemotion to control, at least for me

    t realised, he was the only non jedi here... and he laidon his back in the sand again listening...

    Jedi_Master_Sage : And a jedi does not walk into danger

    when it is not needed. Talera : Love isnt dangerous. What is dangerous is losing control of

    our emotions. You can love and be in control of yourself.

    Talera shakes her head. She wasnt going to get into someinvolved debate about the merits of love. If someonewanted to think it dangerous. So be it.

    Elie : of course...I wasn't saying it was in everycase...only that it could be

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Not without exceptional strength. And

    all emotions and their effect, are amplified in measureaccording to their connection to the force, in a way, beingstronger in the force makes one more vulnerable to it unlessextreme care is taken

    t rubbed his forehead... "well yeer wanna knaesumting I found, I may nae be a Jedi... bu' love, true love,tis th' mos' pure an' beautiful ting ever... tis

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    unconditional, non judgemental... fergiven... i'd ratherhave 't in me life... " he sat up, and >

    Talera : Sage I disagree that it takes exceptional strength. It takes adecision. It takes understanding and knowledge about yourself and

    your limits. It takes acceptance that things are going to happenthat are uncomfortable. Painful. And you have to know in

    Talera : your heart that you will not in the end let it change who youwant to be.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Hearts Talera : ..... t went to get to his feet.... "than nae... " the discussion

    was giving his already full mind too much to thinkabout...

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I have two.. actually, we consider ourliver in the same context of that saying.. Gaian poetry isunique in that way

    Talera again with the literal,...." she chuckles softly. t "hes a git.. i tell ye" he remained nearby, still half

    listening, just pacing some too much energy, trying tothink on too much... gah... and he decided to try calminga little, letting his mind settle that way... so even if hedidn't understand fully >

    t he could kinda listen...

    Elie smirked.. she always knew there was somethingodd about Sage. I'm going to disagree with you thoughTalera. Love can sometimes change a person for thebetter. I think it did me. All my life I'd only thought aboutmyself and my own problems. Love taught >

    Elie me to care about others" t "wha' gits me..." he said softly, still pacing.. "tis how

    many jedi ken take love an' make 't a really complicatedting... I dinnae git 't... i mean fer a guy like me... whoain't got lil tae none understandin' o' th' force, fine, 'tken be dangerous, >

    Talera I didnt say if couldnt change you for the betterElianne. In fact all I said was that one should not let itchange who they WANT to be. " she emphasised whatshe had actually said.

    t th' need tae protect em... bu'... when yeer knight's

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    an' masters dinnae yeer knae how tae keep under checka lil better? so why worry on 't? snap 't up... live... an' 'fth' day th' tings go bad happens...then yeer deal wit' th'emotions.."

    Elie smiled at Boto and his simple wisdom. "It didchange who I wanted to be and I think that was good" Jedi_Master_Sage : Its not that simple Paul, dealing with

    emotions is easier when they are not so augmented in theirintensity

    t looked to Sage, his jaw setting a little, then to Tally...half tempted to say something, and he just shook hishead "fine.. I ain't a jedi, so I dinnae knae a bloody ting"he shrugged... and kept pacing

    t than to Tally, as if searching for an answer^)

    Talera rubs Amatae's back as she lets the others talk. Shewasnt going to make any points here tonight. She would

    just listen. She frowned at Pauls reaction. Sage wasntbeing condescending. Merely pointing out his thoughts.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I didn't say that, I will admit I do notknow how this works from your viewpoint but as a jedi, itsnot as simple as simply facing the pains that come. I'm notactually afraid of being hurt, I'm used to it.

    t heard sage then sighed and shook his head, closing

    his eyes, searching for the heartbeats... just listening forthem... he was getting bugged again... the entireconversation about emotions... it was hard, he only knewfrom his perspective... and well, >8Elie has left the conversation.

    t from his perspective.. it would be easier for trainedjedi to cope with emotions... and harder for them to wigout...8Elie has joined the conversation.8Elie is away.

    t : wb) t heard sage then sighed and shook his head, closing

    his eyes, searching for the heartbeats... just listening forthem... he was getting bugged again... the entireconversation about emotions... it was hard, he only knewfrom his perspective... and well, >

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    t from his perspective.. it would be easier for trainedjedi to cope with emotions... and harder for them to wigout...

    Elie : ty))

    t : repost for eli)alexander_starraider : wb sexy ))armenZta Wb ))

    Elie : ty ty)) Elie smiled as she focused on Talera's child. There was

    a bond of love that controlling the emotions that wentwith being a parent would be difficult.

    alexander_starraider licks boto then runs away giggling)) t : thats wrong)) Elie you are scaring me alex))

    alexander_starraider knows boto enjoyed it relly)) Jedi_Master_Sage : On the other side of things, I am

    actually... liking what has begun.alexander_starraider practises with his light saber in the

    sparing grounds t : as much as i enjoy sticking a fist in your face) t : not^) Talera looks out at the water enjoying the peaceful feel

    she received from it as she kissed the top of Amatae's

    sleeping head. She readjusted the carrier so it didnt digso much into her hip bone and she pulled her robesaround him to ward off the morning chill

    Talera Amatae could still be seen but his body waswrapped in his mothers warm robes. He continued tosuch his two middle fingers with gusto as she slept.

    t sighed softly and rolled his neck, clearing his mind...this was getting rediculous... but this time, the breathingexercise did help him...it was just a rough patch... he told

    himself, it'd be fine... he then smiled softly to Sageswords "well tha's > t sumting better tae hear" Jedi_Master_Sage : Paul, what can you tell me about


    Elie : "indeed" there was hope for sage afer Jedi_Master_Sage knew much already, but wanted to see

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    another's perspective Elie darn enter key)) Elie "indeed" there was hope for sage after all .She

    continued to focus on the sleeping child now lost in her

    own thoughts.8Elie has left the conversation. t : she's more emotional then she lets on, has a heart o' gold...

    would be th' first tae help in a tragedy... shes had her problems... an'

    a lot o' broken relationships... bu' always looks forward... dreams out

    loud... lives loud, like theres nae taemorra

    t : oh, an she has wings an' red hair Talera grins at that but still remains silent. Jedi_Master_Sage : Lives loud? t : she does wha' she wan's.. when she wan's tae... she'll kick life

    in th' nads, 'f life kicks her in th' leg... Jedi_Master_Sage : I take it she's not one to back down

    from a threat then t Bernie? back down... ? her hair tis nae dyed sage, she

    tis a real read head... yeer knae wha' they say bout redheads" he glanced to tally, wondering what reactionshe'd give

    Talera blinks at that. She can feel her face color but shekeeps her face passive . She wondered if she really

    came across like that. t she didn't really come across like that... Tally was thecalmest red head he knew... "tis always one acceptiontae th' rule tho..." he said softly, for Tally's benifit..."same as jedi tae... tis always..." he shook his head, hehad promised himself he >

    t wasnt going to get bitter about Tathra's serious...issue..

    Jedi_Master_Sage : What do you mean? What do they sayof red haired women other than their resemblance to fire?

    t they ken have a temper... " his smirk seemed to havefaded... and he rubbed his temples, it seemed right noweverything diverted back to that.. maybe the force wastrying to something, or he just felt that way because hefelt bad for beating on Tathra...

    Talera smiles at Pauls qualification. She did used to have

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    a temper. And she lived lustily and for every moment. Itwas tiresome and lonely at times. She was glad to havecontrolled that aspect of her personality.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Jaraes, Siren and Tathra all had red

    hair, well Tathra did until her hair went white. I imagine theyall contained something of a temper t he seemed to look a little pissed off when he heard

    Tathras name... ok more than a little "nae wonderTathra's bloody hair went white... stress o' tryin tae

    pretend shes sumtin..." he trailed off and ran his toungeover his teeth... thinking 'heartbeats'

    Talera loosk over at Sage at the mention of Tathra. Againshe felt trepidation at bring up the sensative subject.She herself still couldnt quite believe what had

    happened. For the moment she remianed quiet about it.She wondered if Paul would broach the

    Talera subject. Talera closes her eyes at Pauls comment and rubbed her

    forhead. Yea this was going to be tricky.alexander_starraider head tot he terrace and sits with is

    feet up on a table smoling a death stick8alexander_starraider has returned.

    t he had trusted Tathra... she had betrayed his trust...

    thus, he was not a happy camper Jedi_Master_Sage : Did I say something wrong? Talera : no Sage...its just something happened tonight.... Jedi_Master_Sage : Not to Jaraes or Siren.. Tathra? t clenched his jaw a little at Tathra's name... before

    focusing on his heartbeats again letting his breaths slow,and his anger disapate a little... he was really going tolearn to do this much better... he was doing it a lottonight

    Talera nods gently. She looked to Paul and saw that hewas using her techniques to calm himself and thoughtshe had better begin. For Sages sake." I got a commfrom her tonight saying Paul was in trouble. When I gothere she fled with a parting comment about

    Talera how she would leave him to me and she had failed."She pauses a moment to collect her thoughts so she

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    gives the most accurate information she can. ThoughPaul would have to give first hand accounts.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I don't understand.. failed in what? Talera : I wasnt sure at first either and I arrived to see Paul extremly

    upset. And Paul began to tell me what happened. Aparrently hewas upset and she picked up on it. He asked her to let him be and

    he could feel his anger rising at her persistance to let her

    8alexander_starraider has left the conversation. Talera help him. She encouraged him to let his anger out

    and use it on her. She invited him to attack her andwhen he wouldnt she used an illusion....." she leaves ehrwords hanging as they sounded even worse that theyhad in her mind.

    t an illusion o' one o' them tha' had tortured me, an'

    hurt me Dinay... " he said softly, having actually foundsome calm "she told me tae let me anger go... intaeher... i were so pissed, i did, even when she begged ferme tae stop... i were ready tae>

    t kill..." he frowned, it was terrible... his actions hadbeen so wrong, but she had fed his anger and pain untilit was a rage that blinded him

    Jedi_Master_Sage frowns "That is madness, I know ofnothing that would prompt such a use of the darkside

    from her" t : she said twas tae help me...8Krayus_Korianis has joined the conversation.8Krayus_Korianis is away.8armenZta has left the conversation.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Krayus]Krayus_Korianis : sup Sage, haven't seen you around

    for a long time))8armenZta has joined the conversation.8armenZta is away.

    Talera : I know Sage. I was just as shocked. But she fled so fast Icould not question her. And it was clear that Paul was very upset. I

    believe him.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : She is misguided, for you to channelyour anger into her only causes her to be tainted with yourstruggle with the darkside, one that you are meant to bear

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    yourself Jedi_Master_Sage : It only feeds darkness within her which

    is impossible unless.. no.. not again.. t frowned softly rubbing one of his scarred wrists...

    falling silent... and he swallowed softly... he felt terriblefor this, when the illusion had dropped and he saw it washer... he had stumbled back, in shock and fear at whathe had done "nae again?" he>

    t asked softly Talera : It is a very serious breach of the Jedi path Paul. She was

    once a darksider.

    t so.. ye tink she mebbe again? I mean.. t'would be th'only reason" he sat down, feeling flat suddenly... whenhe did go home, he was just going to find Dinay and

    steal a hug from her, this was a lot to take in... he ofcourse would tell her too...

    Jedi_Master_Sage : When her body was poisoned and allthat made her enosian died, I thought she was fully human..she may be enduring the Sarem Kray or a human version ofit. Her actions do not seem motivated by malice butconfusion

    Talera : we cant truly know what motivates a dark act like that. Itmay seem innocent on the surface but no dark act is truly innocent.

    8alexander_starraider has joined the conversation.Krayus_Korianis : im gonna leave for now... im gonnacheck up on that trailer for BFII))

    t "confusion???" he asked astounded at that... "shecoulda sent me on a bloody path..." he paused andreminded himself... 'heartbeats' he would keepreminding himself this, until it became second nature8Krayus_Korianis has left the conversation.

    Jedi_Master_Sage :You said she failed.. maybe serecognised her "method" was wrong and felt shame whenthe realisation came upon her?

    Talera shakes her head. " and if she had used this methodon a padawan? Would you be so eager to defend heractions? " she was through with searching for possiblereasons for her behavior. This was the last straw. Shehad proven in her mind that she was a

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    Jedi_Master_Sage : I'm not defending her actions, I'm tryingto make sense of it. Of course she has done a terrible thing.

    Talera threat to the order. And even if Sage wouldnt seeit. She could. This was a dark act no matter how he

    might like to search for an explanation. To lead abudding fore user astray to horribly there was littlesense to be had.

    Talera : I wasnt finished with my post) t looked to Sage "dinnae soun' tha' way sounds like

    yeer gunna sit here an' defend her actions... why, cozshes a jedi?" he stood... that pissed him off too... Leonhad knowingly drawn him into engaging her... knowinghe was angry... he had told her he was>

    t angry... "I gotta go Tally, I'm sorry er knae ammount

    o' heartbeats tis gunna calm me down..." t : nae^) Talera get some rest Paul...." what else could she say? It

    had to be frusterating. Paul had trusted Leon and shehad abused that trust. She had nearly led him down a

    path to darkness in one act. Jedi_Master_Sage sighs deeply "Talera, we both know what

    she once was, disciplinary action cannot be avoided, butthere may be time to prevent her become Leongatha

    once again. With all she knows.. Do you know where shewas heading?" Talera : I have no idea. And you cannot prevent someone from

    falling. Only they can prevent that. Sage you know this .

    t nodded to Tally, but didn't even spare Sage a glance,too hurt right now... Tathra and Sage were supposed tobe friends, Tathra had just about sent him to turning intoa bloody darkie, and Sage was, in Pauls mind, defendingher because she was a jedi... >

    t what was he.. a piece of bantha dung... he had noidea before coming here about the force, Tathra knew hehad little idea in the force, and still enocouraged him...he really could have killed her... he could slightly seenow, why his people were so down>

    t on the force... he tried though, as he moved off, tocalm himself, he did not want to go home to Dinay in a

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    savage mood, especially not after tonight. He wanted togo home, tell her what was going on, and seek the calm,and peace he knew her love to >

    Jedi_Master_Sage "Yes, but if she will listen, she can be

    helped.. Talera, I always hoped this would never comebut I knew what it would mean if it did. If she doesrevert.. she will not come back. Most likely she will die"

    t bring... he didn't want to dump more on her... but healso knew... she would want him to tell her..

    t I do learn) Talera : Sage in the end this is her path and her decision. You cannot

    prevent what she insists on becoming. We have to think about what

    this means not just to her but to everyone.

    t : k brb/afk)

    Jedi_Master_Sage : k k] t : by the way sage, you aren't my friend anymore) Jedi_Master_Sage : I can do for her what I hope you would

    do for me if it were I heading down the same slope Jedi_Master_Sage : [eat me] t : ok, lemme get the beer batter) t : anyway brb) Talera : I do not begrudge you trying to help her. However I think

    there has to come a time when we say a person should know better.

    Not for common sense but for the teaching they have been soreadily given. And at some point we have to revisit wether they are

    Talera : truly on the path or in name only. Jedi_Master_Sage : I agree, but I must at least hope for the

    possibility that she is being influenced by something otherthan folly or malice.

    t : back)armenZta Wb ))

    Jedi_Master_Sage : If it she is indeed acting withoutexternal pressure of immense magnitude, then I will do asyou say.

    t : ty)alexander_starraider : wb ))

    Talera : your looking for justification of a dark act Sage. That isdangerous. One must ask themselves if this person should have

    been taught at all. She has immense wisdom and teachers at her

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    disposal but she cannot see merit in anothers wisdom. You have


    t made his way home, having taken a while to do so,so he could calm himself... and had succeded mostly, no

    he was just feeling flat and drawn... he summerized Sagecouldn't help being a git... at least Talera believed him,at least one of his best friends>

    Talera : this over and over. To reson with a person like this, to getthem to not only listen but retain what you have said is next to

    impossible. How then would their excuse be valid? For how

    would we ever know if it was true or merely in the mind of the

    Talera : person? t did not cast him aside because he wasn't a jedi... he

    could deal with Sage doing so... it wasn't like Paul wasn't

    used to being abandoned at the drop of a hat... hemoved around the house, searching for Dinay, beforemaking his way up to the top level...>

    t and moved for his bedroom... he needed a showeranyway, then he might either lay down curling up to her,if she was still in bed, if not he would play his guitar, thatwas always soothing too

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I accept and understand all you say. Ionly ask that you let me at least ensure that she has not

    somehow been poisoned in mind. There is no ignorance,there is knowledge. Let us know with certainty why she hasdone this and then cast our judgement.

    Talera sighs softly" there is not need to quote the code asif I were some struggling padawan. " She had thoughttheir friendship had transcended that. That point wherehe condescends to her as his lesser or his pupil. Itdisappointed her. " I am not all

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I didn't say it for your benefit, I said itfor mine.

    Talera together unsure that you are too close to her. Thisis something the council should discuss and ensureindependantly as a collective wether or not her mind hasbeen poisoned by anyone but herself"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I agree, which will mean someone willhave to find her and bring the truth from her. She is too

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    dangerous to be left alone. t moved into the bedroom and threw his shirt off,

    letting it land on the floor, he really didn't feel likekeeping the room tidy, his pants followed, and soon he

    had slipped ito the shower, turning the water on as hotas he could take it, and he sighed and> Jedi_Master_Sage : I just want so much to believe that she

    can be saved. t leant back against the wall, closing his eyes... making

    sure he remained in that calm, if not somewhat...pained.. state. The anger, the rage Tathra's actions hadpulled him into, so scarily blinding, he wanted to avoidit... for all costs. If that >

    Talera I know you do Sage. I know..." she admired his

    belief but she felt it was misguided. She felt he was ondangerous ground being so close to Leon to have

    perspective. She knew if it were anyone else he wouldbe the first to say the actions constituted

    Talera darkness and needed to be dealt with swiftly andseverely. She was not a mere struggling padawan. That

    phase was over. She was a Jedi Knigt and therefor heldto a higher standard. This was very very serious.

    t meant having to listen to his heartbeats, each day,

    everyday until he could do it without having to think tohard... he would... Jedi_Master_Sage : Talera.. do you know if she has learned

    of my relationship with Bernie?8Algren Dalrynn has joined the conversation.8Algren Dalrynn is away.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : algren]Algren Dalrynn : Master Sage.))

    t he slid down the shower wall, so he was sitting in thebottom, his eyes closed and head tipped back againstthe wall... this was a real mess... he felt terrible forleaving Talera to talk to Sage, but kneew, it was best heremove himself from that >

    Talera : I am sure you are aware that I have limited contact with her.I would not know. She did not learn about it from me.

    Talera : algren)

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    Algren Dalrynn :Talera.)) Jedi_Master_Sage : I only mention it because.. Tathra once

    loved me. I'm considering all possibilities for now.. I hadthought she may have not handled that issue as well as she

    pretended t situation, where he could have become angry all overagain... then stay, and flip out.. he hoped sheunderstood... he didn't give a damn what Sage thoughtthough. He laced his fingers through his hair, settlingthem behind his head... just letting the >

    t water and his slow controlled breaths wash away thebad feelings... the ones that would lead him back to thatslight and scary touch of rage he had felt earlier

    t Algren)

    Talera : It is possible but if that is the case....what she felt could nothave been true love. If a person loves you truly they wish your own

    happiness above their own. It is selfless.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I told her something along that line too,maybe she has been building towards this for some timeand I didn't see it.. maybe I didn't want to see it.

    Talera : Maybe it wasnt yours to see. Sage you run a large risk here.You tend to internalize other peoples failings as your own. If it as

    we fear with Leon. This is not your failing but hers. You cannot

    own her decisions.8t has left the conversation.8t has joined the conversation.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : wb] t after that lil brain fart from my puter i may go dark

    and DESTORY IT)8t is away.

    t : ty) Talera : wb) t : i got beer batter sage, you ready to be fried? and ty tally) Jedi_Master_Sage : Maybe now it is more apparent why I

    have such concerns about my relationship with Bernie.. butyou're right. I can't. But I won't abandon her until I know thatshe has not been tampered with. I will ensure I keep an openmind but be mindful of all facts

    Jedi_Master_Sage : and I will accept whatever the truth is

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    Talera : I could go for some fish and chips)armenZta Wb Boto ))

    t after sometime in the shower... he slipped out,wrapping a towel around his waist... he paused for a

    moment, looking in the mirror, and studied the odd scarson his chest... though, rather than get pissed aboutthem... he shook his head... he couldn't >

    Talera nods. " I hope you are not disappointed but you willhave to accept that on this , in the end, we may disagreeon what that truth is." She didnt want to see that. Sheliked Sage and respected him. She hpwever often feltthat it was not returned.

    Talera it had taken her time to come to the realization thatit didnt matter what anyone thought of her path. Only

    what she thought. This was a lesson learned over tenyears ago .8Algren Dalrynn has left the conversation.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I feel you may be right.. t change it. He brushed his fingers over one, so much

    bad had come from that... but so had some good... like,knowing he had to be around more... for his family, alsohe had lived, what didn't kill you, made you stronger... ithadn't killed him, as >

    Talera : I hope we agree in the end but I cannot see how this can bejustified or overlooked. Jedi_Master_Sage : It won't. There will be both investigation

    and a reckoning. Talera nods at that." I know." she would be part of that

    investigation. She felt she owed it to Paul. t neither had tonight... both taught him some valuable

    lessons... he just had to remember them... he droppedhis fingers from the scars... then moved into thebedroom, and he sat on the edge of the bed, running hishands through his wet hair... he felt >8armenZta has left the conversation.8inay_MaRilee has joined the conversation.

    t wrong, so very wrong for his actions, he hatedviolence, and yet he had allowed someone.. encouragehim to lash out... to slip to a place he never wanted to

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    go. He knew he wasn't entirely at fault... but still, knewbetter than to have let himself sink >

    Jedi_Master_Sage sighs "I have to find Aurlee, herapprentice"

    t Dinay ~snuggles~) Talera : You think her padawan will have insight? Or you intend towarn her?

    inay_MaRilee : boto) t to that level... to just... act out of anger and fear...

    inay_MaRilee was in bed much like the other day. Todayhowever she wore a ring on a special finger. The roomwas lit by the budding dawn.8armenZta has joined the conversation.8armenZta is away.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I intend to find out both. Talera : I think it prudent that the council suspend the padawan

    relationship. For Aurlees safety.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : That is certain. Aurlee is a former darkjedi who Tathra helped walk away from the darkside

    Talera : oh yes there is not doubt the relationship needs to besevered. At least until everything regarding her is decided.

    t turned slightly to look at the angel that was asleep inthe bed... he had promised her, he would never leave

    again... and from what he could gather, he may have notleft physically if tathra had suceeded, but mentally... helaid back on the bed and >

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Agreed, we should inform Aurlee assoon as we can and bring this matter of apprenticeshipbefore the council.

    t rolled over to wrap his arm around her waist... kissingher shoulder softly

    Talera : among other things.inay_MaRilee murmurs in her sleep softly as he kisses

    her warm skin. She presses back against him andsnakes her arm out to meet his.

    Jedi_Master_Sage :Yes.inay_MaRilee sighs softly" how sad." no matter how you

    slived it the situation was sad. And she couldnt helpfeeling it a waste as well. She briefly wondered ig Leon

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    was in fact dark again if her family would be in dangeragain.

    Talera sighs softly" how sad." no matter how you slived itthe situation was sad. And she couldnt help feeling it a

    waste as well. She briefly wondered ig Leon was in factdark again if her family would be in danger again.alexander_starraider tips dinay into her cup))

    t smiled softly at her murmur, and kissed her again, hereally did hate to wake her, but he needed to talk to her,he wouldn't wake her otherwise... "Dinay, me love?" hewhispered softly, he was calm, that was true, but still feltconfused and betrayed>8inay_MaRilee is away.

    t slightly, and he had promised he would talk to her...

    inay_MaRilee opens her eyes lazily." hmm? Paul..wereye out all night again?" She was beginning to wonderabout that.

    Jedi_Master_Sage is silent for a brief pause before herealises "if Leongatha returns, she might go after mygrandchildren.. or Jaraes or even Bernie"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Talera.. your family may also become atarget

    Talera nods slightly" I know. " she began to think about

    something Sil showed her in the old Jedi annals. Aboutthe council severing a force user from the force for thegood of all. " I know Sage. It has long been her familysdesire to harm my family."

    t "nae" he said softly "nae all nigh'.. some o' 'tthough... " he wouldn't lie to her... "i couldn't sleep, so Ikinda wandered th' house fer a lil... then, I went fer awalk... tae th' lake, jus' tae try an' settle me head... calmme toughts... "

    inay_MaRilee nods slightly" did 't help ? " She thoughthe may be holding something back. A knot formed inher stomach at the idea.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : She is connected to the Misico family, anoble family of the Alderaan system

    t "knae...." he said quietly, nestling into her "well, 'tmighta... 'f I hadn't run intae... " he paused a moment,

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    finding that calm again, which came easier when he waswith her... "a woman I knae called Tathra, who'ssupposed tae be a jedi"

    Talera : I know that too...though I know less of that relationship .

    What are your thoughts? Jedi_Master_Sage : Now I have to be sure I keep myfeelings for Bernie, secret from the public

    inay_MaRilee frowns slightly there was tension in hisvoice" what do ye mean?"

    Talera : at least for now that is probably wise.8Elie has joined the conversation.8Elie is away.

    armenZta Wb))alexander_starraider higgles eli ))

    Jedi_Master_Sage : wb eli] Jedi_Master_Sage : Its time we informed the rest of the

    council t frowend softly "I were standin on th' lake an' she

    approached me.. saw th' scars on me wrist... an' alsotold me she felt some, troubles in me... I told her i werefine... I were tryin tae calm meself how tally taught metae... she kept pushin, so I told>

    Elie higgles?))

    Elie : ty)) t her wha' had happened, how i got th' scars, how theyhad hurt ye.. told her, aye, i were angry bout 't... sheasked me tae use he fer..." he furrowed hos brow "a

    punchin bag... I said knae, i kenna do tha' I won't do tha'then she made herself look like >

    alexander_starraider : yeah its like huggles but sexyer)) t one o' them IEA bastards... I flipped Dinay" there was

    deep regret in his voice... "i started beatin on her, iweren't gunna stop, I were gunna kill her... then th'image faded, an' i were so los' in anger... it were scary, icouldn't see straight... >

    Talera : I agree... Jedi_Master_Sage : I think Elianne might still be awake. Elie ish...er...inthe medbay...working on the dna tests

    from the samples from Kass

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    t Tally had tae come down, calm me... Tathra lef'... bu'Tally told me, twas wrong o' her, wit' me force ability, taedo tha... twas temptin me tae th' dark.. tae be... evil...tae..." he trailed off, and studied her face... worry written

    across it, that > Talera nods slightly" she keeps odd hours like most of us" t she'd be upset with him... "I dinnae like 't Dinay... "

    he said softly "she were sposed tae be a friend" Jedi_Master_Sage : Desaray may as well, shall we call them

    both? Talera : I think that would be wise. t wondered how his typist knew that was coming)

    inay_MaRilee shifts to look at him. He was a pacifist.He however just told her he had almost killed some Jedi

    when they prompted him to hurt them. She was soconfused that she just looked at him. None of it madesense. Paul use violence?

    Jedi_Master_Sage takes out his commlink and first callsElianne -vc- Elianne, if you are not busy, we need to talk"he says as he makes his way to the praxeum8 has joined the conversation.8t has made a Participant.8 is away.

    Elie was hunched over with one eye to the microscopeas she attempted to isolate the blood cells in the fluidshe had taken from Kass. She moved the slide slowly andcarefully. "come on you lil bugger" she whispered.Grimiced and straightened up reacing across

    Elie the counter for her comm link. ~VC~ I'm in themedbay Master Sage...where are you?"

    t he cast his eyes away from her.. and went to snuggleinto her, needing her touch, needing to feel, he wasalright... safe... "I dinnae wan' tae do 't Dinay, bu' shetold me tae give tae me anger... I los' 't... I couldn't seeright from lef' er righ' >

    t from wrong" Jedi_Master_Sage -vc- heading to the council chambers

    now Talera watches Sage walk off without her and she frowns

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    slightly. Now she wasnt sure where he was going orwether she should follow, She rubbed Amataes back anddebated wether to follow. She moved to her kneesgently so as not to disturb her son. Regardless

    Talera she wasnt going to remain on the beach alonganyway.8Elie has left the conversation.

    was at home, trying to chase a rowdy childto bed, who had decided dawn was the best time to getup and wake the house "Antonia Rose Domont" shecalled in her native tounge... somehow her voice still soft"this is no time for games... everyone is asleep"

    inay_MaRilee She said tae get mad? tae hurt her? whywould she say tha?" it didnt make sense. she didnt know

    thing one about Jedi except what Paul had told her. "didnt ye say the Jedi were good people?"8Elie has joined the conversation.

    Elie : ~vc~ All right be there in a few minutes Jedi_Master_Sage stops and remembers Talera's passenger

    "Do you need some help there or shall we conduct thisvia holo-comm link conference?

    Elie sighed. "Oh well...not like you are goinganywhere" she mused. She cleaned up and stored the

    samples before exchanging her lab coat for her robesand heading to the council chambers. Talera looks up seeing Sage had stopped for her." No Im

    fine I am just trying not to wake him." She snugs herarms under his rump as she carries him within thecarrier and moves beside Sage. " are you thinkingcouncil chambers?"

    Jedi_Master_Sage :Yes, if anyone else is awake, they canjoin us

    Talera nods slightly" alright. I will out out a general commfor all Council members."

    Elie sighed. "Oh well...not like you are goinganywhere" she mused. She cleaned up and stored thesamples before exchanging her lab coat for her robesand heading to the council chambers.

    Jedi_Master_Sage nods and continues towards the

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    praxeum Talera settles into her chair and waits for the other

    councillors to arrive. Elie arrives outside the council chambers and waits for

    the others...whoever that may be other than Sage t "aye, they supposed tae be th' gud guys... " henodded softly, keeping his arms around her "she wantedme tae hurt her tis wrong fer a jedi tae do tha'... tis onlysumting a sith er dark jedi does... 't ain't me Dinay, yeknae tha'.. i wouldn't hurt a fly

    t " Jedi_Master_Sage takes his chair and sits down and sends

    a call to Dee -vc- Desaray, this is Sage, if you have thetime please come to the council chambers

    Elie moves into the council chambers after Sage andtakes her seat nodding to sage & Talera.

    vc~onz my way Zage~ she replied softly,and sent a look to her daughter, which she understoodwell, before Dee left home and with her long legs was atthe prax and council chambers in no time... she noddedto each there, and frowned gently "I haz a >

    feeling ziz iz not... zocial" Elie "Sadly I didn't have time to pick up the chips and

    dip" she joked Jedi_Master_Sage : Thats alright, we should wait a momentto see if anyone else comes8Elie has returned.8Elie is away.

    Elie nodded. "Has anyone else answered their comm?" gave eli a soft smile, and settled back into

    her seat "everyone iz being commed?" she asked gently,okay this was not just a simple matter

    Jedi_Master_Sage : whoever is awakeJedi_Master_Sage ~ a general summons for all council

    members to report to the council chambers is sent out ~ Lendorian moves down the halls, fastening his white

    councillors robe about himself as he steps into thecouncil chambers, bowing his head to those there,"Councillors", said greetingly to those already there,

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    moving to his seatElie waits patiently wondering what is up...seemspretty important.

    nodded gently to Lendo as he entered...

    Talera is there in her chair, She smiles at Dee and Eliannethough it is clear something troubles her. She rubsAmataes back gently as he sleeps in his carrier. He nolonger sucks his two middle fingers. Instead his littlebow shaped mouth is open slightly

    nowflake Lendo has the ever present and oh so cutebaby lendo with him, who was wide awake lookingaround his new surroundings*

    Elie nods to Lendo and smiles at the sight of the babyonce more

    Talera as he snores softly. She cradles his form in hissnugli carrier. She smiles at Lendo." lendorian hello."

    : wb)8inay_MaRilee has left the conversation.

    alexander_starraider : wb )) Lendorian did not have a baby...activated his setter

    droid))Elie : lmao))nowflake : you are not an active father! look...talera

    brought hers...)) her aquamarine eyes settled on tally, andshe tipped her head softly... to call five of them togetherat this hour... it had to be something rather large, butshe did not speculate, she waited to hear

    Lendorian Talera doesnt have allt he same beliefs either,so blah to you))

    nowflake : will just go back to bed so blah to you ))8armenZta has left the conversation.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Welcome all, you have all beensummoned because of a grave matter at hand. One of ourown, Tathra, has assaulted the mind of a man named Paulwho some may know better as Boto

    Talera : I dont think I want to know what that means)Elie is ignoring Lendo's domestic problems))

    Talera steeples her hands on Amataes back as Sage

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    speaks. Her face is calm but grave. Lendorian sits back in his chair, staying silent for the

    time being, but listening...apparently her isolation wasnot so successful

    8mperorThunderraft has joined the conversation.8mperorThunderraft is away.Elie : I thought she had gone into isolation? She is still

    on Naboo then? Jedi_Master_Sage : She attempted to coerce this man into

    allowing her to essentially, siphon his anger into her. In theprocess, she awakened focal points of anger within him, byuse of deceptive illusions that added to his rage which wasconsiderable.

    Talera : Tathra created an illusion tonight in incite Paul to attackher. To let his anger out on her. Some of you may not know thatPaul is a budding force user. His understanding of the force is

    remedial at best. However as you know Tathras is extensive.

    KssdB lays in David's bedroom, asleep,screaming at the top of her lungs tossing and turningunable to wake up from the nightmare

    raised an eyebrow at that, Boto was thatsinger guy, she had met in passing, and she frowneddeeply hearing both Sage and Tally... "she had him

    attack her? is she aware of his force abilities?" Talera : nods at Sages account. " Paul as you can imagine feelsbetrayed by Leon as he trusted her to guide him in that moment.

    But it should also be known that he had refused her attempts . He

    told her no and that he didnt wish her help in the matter. She

    Talera : persisted and then to achieve her goal she created anillusion of a person that harmed his family and he did indulge in

    his anger at that point.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : We don't know what has possessed her todo this, her action seems to be more of madness thanmalice.

    alexander_starraider pokes sage back into his cup)) Jedi_Master_Sage : I have considered the bleak possibility

    that this is simply a matter of mental illness, somepsychiatric condition or even the result of some poisoningattack against her mind, causing her to lose the ability to

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    discern reason8Jedi_Master_Sage has returned.8Jedi_Master_Sage is away.

    : either or Sage, a Jedi should have greater control

    of their actions, she is a knight, not a padawan... when i lost my mind,to a madness created by instincts i thought i did not have, I still

    succumbed to the darkness...

    Elie "What could she hope to gain by such a thing?Why would any Jedi ever encourage anger?" she was

    preplexed by this revelation Jedi_Master_Sage : Talera and I have considered the

    implications involved if this is a sign that Leongatha isreturning.

    Talera : that is the problem. We all must face the possability thatEither we have been misled all this while or that she is as Sage saysreverting to the darkside. This behavior as you know is not that of

    a Jedi.

    : on the whole, as of late her actions have been farfrom Jedi like

    Elie shook her head. "Do you think her expulsion fromthe council may have been more than she could acceptand this has pushed her back to the darkside?"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Perhaps her actions of late were the tip of

    an iceberg, in any event, especially after what she has doneto Paul, there must be both investigation and a reckoning. Jedi_Master_Sage : That may have been part of it, she was

    also rejected by one she professed to love, she also lost anarm in a battle not too long ago, I don't know much of thebattle except that she actually helped save two of the jedithat were nearly killed there

    Talera : personally I think that She was struggling long before hertime on the council. I think this could be a manifestation of the

    inevitable . You all know of her bitterness and anger . And Sage

    each and everyone of us have suffered loss. That is no excuse

    Talera : A Jedi Knight must be held to a higher standard. Thisbehavior is so obviously against everything we stand for.

    mperorThunderraft stands in the door way, observingkass...he calls upon the force to awaken her...

    KssdB as david touches her with the force

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    she wakes up with jump, sitting up, beads of sweatglistening on her forehead....she was tremblingstill...again

    "I agree with Talera.. loss, is unfortunately

    a part of our lives... she has been struggling forsometime... her actions are well.. clearly... wrong" shetipped her head looking to Sage and Talera "what ofPaul?" she asked softly "is he alright... or >

    : should we be concerned that he may slip again... wedo not wish to possible enimies out this one event... the posibility

    Tathra is... well, Leongatha again is severe enough...

    mperorThunderraft "A nightmare?", he asks, knowing itto be so...but something was off...something darker...anew presense in the room

    : two^)KssdBorgi nods a bit, almost in tears as she

    wraps the blankets around her tighter "I...david...comehere" she says softly

    Lendorian : It sometimes stand to reason that in peoplelike Tathra, the only thing that does indeed change *is*the name. Now her intentions, whatever they may havebeen, were done wrongfully..awakening anger is a tool ofthose in the darkside of the force

    mperorThunderraft he stretches forth his senses, andthey were seemingly drawn around Kassandra, "Howlong have you been?"

    KssdBorgi frowns slightly..."About....5months..." she says softly. Curling up

    Elie : nodded. "Her actions are more than unjedi like.They are dangerous. Paul is already wary of the forceand its use by others as well as his own potential. Thisaction on her part shows she is totally unfit no matter if

    it is her fault or not. We can not Elie nodded. "Her actions are more than unjedi like.They are dangerous. Paul is already wary of the forceand its use by others as well as his own potential. Thisaction on her part shows she is totally unfit no matter ifit is her fault or not. We can not

    Elie allow this to continue"

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    mperorThunderraft : and how long have you known?KssdBorgi takes a deep breath "A while" she

    says softly, she didn't know how to tell him Jedi_Master_Sage : The worst case scenario is clearly

    Tathra becoming Leongatha once again. We must beprepared for if that should happen as she has past hateswith my family, Talera's family and others8-Zyv- has joined the conversation.8-Zyv- is away.

    mperorThunderraft stands there, observing her, "Isee...and when were you to tell me?"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : zyva]-Zyv- Sage)KssdBorgi : when I saw you next...

    8-Zyv- has left the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : And there is Aurlee, a student she took

    to be her padawan Jedi_Master_Sage : done]

    8Elie has returned.8Elie is away.8Elie has returned.8Elie is away.

    stay away from the revolving door Eli)

    Talera nods" I agree will all that has been said and ElianneI agree totally. This goes far beyond what is best forLeon. We must first take into account the will of theforce as well as the well being of the order. Leon hasmuch contact with not just her

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    "he is wary of his own force use?" shequestioned, not understanding the situation around theman, then fell silent a few moments "Tathra's actions are

    yes, I agree, beyond acceptable... she needs to be held

    accountable for them too... and no longer >KssdBorgi : darkie babies have come from jediparents before ))

    Elie : ah k)) mperorThunderraft : But said jedi are not under

    suspision, Kassandra...you were a fool for getting the jediinvolved

    KssdBorgi looks at him, curling up under theblankets..."go away david" she says softly

    Elie begins to think she should turn off her comm link

    and not make house calls)) defended... her actions fall way beyond

    acceptable for any Jedi, including padawans... " she lether eyes fall on Talera "I do hope you can assist him... asfor Tathra's padawan, Aurlee... is anyone aware whereshe is to be found? To keep her under >

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I believe she has an apartment nearTathra's home

    Tathra's guidance is not a very good idea at

    all..." Elie Lendo's turn...)) slaps sage with a wet tram ticket "i wasnt

    done fish lips.. now shh and stay in line")8Darth_Seer has joined the conversation.

    Lendorian : if we can not trust her with her currentpadawan, then we can not trust her as a Knight...simplefact8Elie has made Elie a Participant.8Darth_Seer is away.

    mperorThunderraft his eyes narrow upon her, steppingtoward her side, "If I am discovered by your ignorantdoings, there will be no rest"

    KssdBorgi was crying under the pile of blankets"i don't have any rest"

    Elie nodded in agreement to Lendorian. "But the

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    question is what to do beyond that. If we expell her werun the risk that she will fall back to darkness withoutguidance. In fact I see that as a certainty if....if she hasnot already. And are were certain that

    Elie that she was not dark all along? So to continue toharbor a darksider amoung us is a danger as well. This isindeed a dilema"

    mperorThunderraft :You have seen nothing if youractions prove to be taxing on my behalf

    Jedi_Master_Sage : There is no ignorance, there isknowledge, investigation is clearly called for, but with strongacceptance of the possibility that she may have alreadyfallen, it is better to be prepared for the worst case scenarioespecially if it is most likely

    Darth_Seer sits at the command seat of his ship, theBasilisk, hidden from electronic sensors, it patrols theborders of Coruscant, he strokes the empower gauntletas it sits on the arm rest, in an almost affectionatemanner "my precious.." he darkly coos

    Talera : investigation is necessary but it should be cautioned that wecannot become mired in debate over this matter. Investigate yes

    but complicate it we should not.

    KssdBorgi this child was going to kill her, she

    could feel it "I probably don't have long anyways David" mperorThunderraft laughs, "You are as dramatic as youare foolish...this child being mine will not kill you, it will

    just bring you great suffering"KssdBorgi puts her head into the pillows "it

    doesn't feel that way" she says :yes, do investigate it... but also be aware, if she had

    indeed fallen again... she will defend her own actions in any manner

    possible, to remain within the Jedi ranks... it is not unheard of, and

    from my own experiance can say... she will try and hide

    Lendorian : I say we send an inqusitive letter to herasking for an explnation not just of these actions, but theactions of speaking against the order and thecouncil...her words could lead us to our decision

    Darth_Seer slips the gauntlet upon his wrist and entersinto a deep meditation trance, its intensity and

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    magnitude defies mortal comprehension, as his masteryover the darkside eclipses that of even the overseers..he sees the force not as an energy field alone>

    Elie : I would prefer a face to face interview. It is much

    more difficult to hide one's true intent that way. Or wecould ask her to open her mind to one of themasters...You have the greatest raport with her Sage...

    Darth_Seer but as a universal fabric that can bemanipulated.. like a tapestry... delving far deeper intothe darkside than he had thought possible, he poursupon the force that surrounds coruscant, strengtheningthe veil that clouds the minds of those who would >

    Darth_Seer attempt to discern the disturbance that nowbroils.. but as with every time he does this, he allows theobscuring curtain to gradually lessen, allowing the moreseasoned of jedi a glimpse of which lies behind theimperial border.. not to reveal his >

    Darth_Seer associate for what he is, nor to even implyhim, but as a lure... to set in motion that which isintended to bring the jedi like moths to a flame

    Jedi_Master_Sage : She may be expecting that in fact shemay be counting on it.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : In having the greatest rapport with her

    as you put it, I am also the most vulnerable to being swayedby compassion. I will not allow her to exploit that. However,if I can do so with the assistance of another.. it can be done

    Talera nods gently" I was thinking that as well. Here is myidea. Send her a letter from the council informing her ofour wish to speak with her. But let nothing of why wewish to speak to her be breathed. We handle it withutmost care and confidence. Only

    Talera when she is before us do we level the allegations

    and inquire of her behavior. " "i think until the investigation is complete,she should be at least suspended from the order..." shethen shook her head when it came to the mind searching"Tathra was a telepathic being, she would know how bestto hide darkness if mentally probed, it >

    is easy to do... " there she was speaking

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    from experiance... "what of the character of Paul, Talera,you appear to know him best... would there be reason hewould lie about this?" she did doubt it, based on Tathra's

    previous actions... but, it was best >

    check, she then nodded to tally's words"that sounds like a good idea... to lie infront of one iseasy, infront of many... much more difficult..."

    and wouldn't you ALL have loved me if ihad done that with the accent?)

    Lendorian I agree with Dee on the matter we must takesome form of action while we are investigating...if this iseven slightly as bad as it seems, we do not want it goingunchecked as we investigate. But nor do we want to

    pass harsh punishment on a matter >>

    Lendorian :

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    mperorThunderraft :You will survive...however painful itmay seem

    Lendorian you broke my pointys!!!! I was suppossed tobe the pointy one! You ruiiiined it!))

    : ahem. anyway post away Eli) Darth_Seer takes the empower gauntlet off resting it onthe arm rest, his head swoons as his entire being focusessuch gargantuan portions of the darkside in socorrupting a manner.. the effect on him is alwayseuphoric, every time he operates in this way, hiding >

    Darth_Seer portions of the doom that comes Elie : I agree with Talera if we can prevent her from

    knowing why she is summoned all the better. But if shecan sheild her darkness due to her telepathic ability thenwhat will her words prove. At least a mind probe wouldmake her have to make a deliberate >

    Elie : attempt to decieve us and if she is controlled byany other we might discern that.8Elie has returned.8Elie is away.

    KssdBorgi just lays there shaking still under thecovers "i hate you" she says softly, she hated that he gother like this.

    Elie posts and proceeds to then beat all of you with awet spagetti noodle for taking advantage of mymoofies...I can't help being connection challanged))

    Jedi_Master_Sage : She has no telepathic ability, she lost itlong ago when she was poisoned by an unknown compoundthat killed the symbiotic functions of her telepathic cortex. Ihave even detected the absense of a functioning telepathicsystem within her

    nowflake slowly opens the door to her hotel room,

    peering inside before stepping in, taking off of her whiterobes, hanging them near the door as she makes herway in her sparklies towards the kitchen

    Jedi_Master_Sage : One thing she cannot hide is thedarkside itself8Elie has made Elie a Participant.

    Talera : I believe Paul and I find no reason not to believe he is telling

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    the truth. I also agree that some immediate action is necessary. I

    suggest we sever her padawan relationship for the time being. Until

    the investigation is complete. And she cannot plead

    Talera : ignorance in this. As a Jedi Knight it is understood that aKnight knows the difference between right and wrong. For me it is

    clear that confusion cannot be blamed. So whatever the

    investigation reveals....we should be mindfull of that fact.

    Talera : done) nodded softly, silence wrapping around her

    now, as she summerised all this in her mind "I agreeTalera" she said said softly after sometime "even if a jedifeels they are coming unstable mentally, they shouldhave at least had the foresight to seek help>

    mperorThunderraft : I know you do...but let usnot

    forget, you played a wonderful part in this also maybe I am slightly tainted by my ownpast.. but, we cannot deny... I was dark, and hid well forsometime, only did we know, when I came forward...insanity... should not call for leniancy... I did not expectit, nor should she"8Elie has left the conversation.

    : why does she always moof on her turn... ) Jedi_Master_Sage : its not her turn, its lendo's]

    : ill start using the accent! come baaaaaaaaaack...and ahh, well near her turn) Darth_Seer : [actually, its my turn. I say make me head of the

    council and you guys have a break, no really, I can handleit]]

    I say FOAD) Lendorian : we are dealing with someone, I believe, that

    truly thinks her actions are right...which is far moredangerous. But suspending padawan/master relations forthe time beings may be wise

    Elie "I agree to the suspension and stick w/ myrecommendation for a mind probe when she is calledbefore us. And ...when this matter is concluded... I ahaveanother matter I wish to inform the council of." she saidwith a grim nod

    Ivory : didnt she hand her padawan over to the oerder

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    already? Elie : frecking ...,duma, frelling...ect)

    8Elie has made Elie a Participant.8Elie has returned.

    8Elie is away.8Ivory has made Ivory a Participant. Jedi_Master_Sage : If so, than that matter is already

    resolved, we can check that soon. It is settled then, we willsend a letter of query to Tathra, without alerting her to ourconcerns. I believe Talera and Desaray would be best atwording such a letter. Based on her >

    Jedi_Master_Sage : response to this letter, I will see if shewill consent to allowing her mind to be probed but only withthe support and supervision of another jedi

    Jedi_Master_Sage : If there is nothing else anyone wishesto add, we can consider this meeting adjourned

    Talera : I believe she may have. But she should be put on restrictionfrom interacting with any padawans including her own. the letter

    to her should be simple saying only that the council wishes a


    nodded softly listening to this, but addedno more...

    Lendorian sits back in his chair, "This decision should

    suffice for the time of invesitgation"Elie "I agree with the action on Tathra. However I haveanother matter of importance I wish to inform the councilof when this is concluded" she looked grim

    Ivory master sage...with all due respect, i dont think youshould be the one doing a mind probe on her...the factthat you know her best, is speaking for it, but alsostrongely agaisnt it, like it would speak against me doinga mindprobe on sil" she speaks calm and with the wellknown friendlyness

    Jedi_Master_Sage : As we have already discussed, I alonehold the strongest rapport with Tathra and while she maywell have anticipated for such a measure, I will have thesupervision of another councilor to ensure I am notmanipulated. My friendship with Tathra, frayed as>

    Jedi_Master_Sage : it currently is, is not the same as the

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    force bond you shared with Epsilon, that seems to havecarried on to Silhouette. I share your concerns, but I ampossibly the only one who can do this and attain a degree ofaccuracy. Don't worry, I'll be kept inline

    Jedi_Master_Sage :Now, I believe Elianne has something

    she wishes to share? Talera frowns slightly" I disagree with the notion that you

    are the only one who can do this but I have no problemswith Sage performing the probe when the time comes.With the precautions of course. Who will you want toassist you?

    I could... " she offered softly "I amtelepathic naturally... should there prove to be a problemSage occurs.. I might be able to assist"

    Jedi_Master_Sage nods "I was just thinking that" Lendorian wwaits silently for ELianne to speak

    Elie "Very well if that matter is settled then I will go onto another. The other day i was called to the room ofKassandra Borgia , the chancellors intended to attendher for complications of a pregnancy. In so doing I tooksamples of blood and fluid which >

    Elie can be dna tested. Now that in an of it self seemsof little import but what else makes this curious is that

    her condition is not normal. Something is very wrong.When I put hands upon her I found that the child withinher is a malovelent presence. It

    Elie poisons her and nearly made me ill to be incontact with it. I know that normally a child not yet bornhas no such force allignamnet. " she paused. "But I haveno doubt this one is of the darkside already."8urdeth has joined the conversation.

    urdeth : imma puke...))Elie ok...i was gonna say hi but....))urdeth : .. srry? lol i hate feet and my sister is watching a

    speacial on feet)) Jedi_Master_Sage : It is possible for a child to harbour a

    dark presence, caused by a darkside spirit either possessingor somehow imprinting an essence of itself upon the child

    Talera just listens

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    Lendorian : bah, I g2g...which is probably for the best,since I be the dark one will bbl. Cya all))

    is silent... she has nothing to offer...Elie : later))

    8Lendorian has left the conversation.8mperorThunderraft has left the conversation.Elie : I understand that this is not conclusive proof of

    anything but yet it is a piece of the puzzle and cause forcaution

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I agree, but for now, its onlycircumstantial. There is a precedent for this, a woman whovisited the tomb of Livia claimed something similarhappened to her unborn baby. Did this woman do somethingsimilar? Perhaps she had been met with a powerful darksi

    Jedi_Master_Sage : darksider whose presence has..infected her? or has she come into contact with a darksideartifact?

    Talera : im gonna go. save the RP for me)Elie : not me...I'm a moofer))

    8Talera has left the conversation. sighs... not even a goodbye)Elie shook her head. "i don't know. She would not even

    identify the chancellor as the father, but she made it

    clear that she wished him to think it so" : sage, wanna get the rest? i cant stay...)

    Jedi_Master_Sage : sure, slacker ]Elie : later dee)) : bite me butt head, its my annivesary... i need some

    sleep if i plan on going out )

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Its possible she simply wants hissupport but has lied about who the real father is

    : later eli)

    8t has left the conversation.8 has left the conversation.Elie : That is why I tk the samples. To prove the

    paternityElie : took

    Jedi_Master_Sage : what does it prove so far?Elie i have the dna code. the curious thing is that i can

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    not find ant record of the chancellors dna. There seem tobe none in the records.

    Elie : i have the dna code. the curious thing is that ican not find ant record of the chancellors dna. There

    seem to be none in the records. Jedi_Master_Sage : He may have a private physician andfears being cloned.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : We will have to work with what wehave, for now, we can only offer to help with cleansing of thechild's spirit, with the parent's consent

    Elie : nodded. "or he may not want it to be known thathe is force sensitive. There are many possibilities. As Isaid it is only a piece of the puzzle. If it fits I do not yetknow. I only wished to inform the council of thesituation. The is no ignorance.

    Elie nodded. "or he may not want it to be known thathe is force sensitive. There are many possibilities. As Isaid it is only a piece of the puzzle. If it fits I do not yetknow. I only wished to inform the council of the situation.The is no ignorance.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Do you have reason to suspect that heis force sensitive?

    Elie : no but it would be ne reason one might not wishto have dna on record

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Or he may be like me and simply notget injured often enough to have a record. Also, his medicalhistory is technically confidential by law.. but there are otherways of getting his DNA

    Elie : yes...there are Jedi_Master_Sage stands "well have to continue this later, I

    have to take this call, thank you for your report Elianne"he farewells as his comm goes off "as for getting his

    DNA, I can only 'suggest' you stay within the law but toalso be creative"Elie chuckled... "of course"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Remember, its not theft if he leaves itlying around and refuses to claim it...
