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Taverna workflow management system (2010 11-30 Bath Workflow Tools) PPTX

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Presentation of Taverna from UKOLN DevSci "Workflow Tools" event in Bath, 2010-11-30 PDF version: http://www.slideshare.net/soilandreyes/taverna-workflow-management-system-2010-1130-bath-workflow-tools http://taverna.org.uk/ http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/events/devcsi/workflow_tools/programme/index.html http://devcsi.ukoln.ac.uk/
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TAVERNA WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Stian Soiland-Reyes myGrid, School of Computer Science University of Manchester, UK UKOLN DevSci: Workflow Tools Bath, 2010-11-30 http://taverna.org.uk/
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Stian Soiland-ReyesmyGrid, School of Computer Science

University of Manchester, UK

UKOLN DevSci: Workflow ToolsBath, 2010-11-30


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What is myGrid? An e-Science Collaboration Since 2001 Not a grid! Numerous partners involved:

University of ManchesterUniversity of SouthamptonUniversity of OxfordEMBL-EBI

Provides sustainable and production quality softwareSupported by OMII-UK, EPSRC and BBSRC

Mixture of developers, bioinformaticians and researchersSoftware | Services | Content | Skills | Community

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Motivation Challenge:

BioinformaticsLarge amounts of dataMany open questionsNumerous freely

available public datasets and analysis tools

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Huge amounts of data

100+ Genes

QTL regions


1000+ Genes

Next Gen Sequencing

10,000+ Genes

How do I look at all the genes systematically?

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Manual approach Search using public web sites and databases

PubmedUniprotEBI BioMart

Copy and paste to web tools for analysisNCBI BlastEBI InterPro

Further processing locallyRPerlPython

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Manual: disadvantages• Scale of analysis task overwhelms researchers – lots

of data• User bias and premature filtering of datasets –

cherry picking• Hypothesis-Driven approach to data analysis• Constant changes in data - problems with re-analysis

of data• Implicit methodologies (hyper-linking through web

pages)• Error proliferation from any of the listed issues –

notably human error

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Web services and workflows Web services

Technology and standards for exposing code and data resources that can be programmatically consumed by a remote third party

Description on how to interact with the service, parameters, documentation

WorkflowsGeneral technique for describing and executing a

processDescribe what you want to do running which


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Taverna workflows A set of (local and remote) services

to analyze or manage data Nested workflows are also services Data-links connects services

i.e. output from service A is input to service B and C

Describes the desired dataflow instead of process coordination

Automatic iterations Can customize list handling and

control links

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What types of services? Public/private/secured WSDL/SOAP web services RESTful web services Spreadsheet import Command line tools (local/ssh) Inline scripts (Beanshell, R) Java APIs Customizations:

BioMart, BioMoby / SADISoaplabGrid services (Globus, EGEE gLite, caGrid)… your tool (Plugin tutorial on wiki)

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Which services? Taverna is general, can connect to standard

web services for any domain Bioinformatics:

From professional third-party organisations providing robust & open data/analysis services

..to under-the-desk web services for one particular purpose, ran by PhD students

http://biocatalogue.org/ - 1730 services from 130 providers – crowd sourced and quality monitored

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Taverna workbench

Graphical desktop tool No server installation

required Drag-and-drop services

into diagram Connect services, run,

reconnect, rerun Integrates diverse set

of tools

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Sharing workflows

myExperiment.org allows users to share, find, download and rate workflows

“Facebook for the scientist” 3000 members, 1100 workflows

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Extensible UI and engine Plugins can provide new “perspectives”

i.e.: BioCatalogue, myExperiment Provide service-specific customization

BioMart interface replicates web site Adding new functionality

Looping, branching, dynamic service resolutionNew service typesDesign helpers, “Find matching service”

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Taverna 3 “Next-gen” Under development for 2011

Interactive, component-centric and data-centric workflow design

Pre-packaged workflow componentsSearching for workflow components from

BioCatalogue and myExperimentNew myGrid workflow components library

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Taverna command line Executes from a

Windows/Linux/OSX shells

Takes a predefined workflow with files as inputs and outputs

Quick way to “productionize” a workflow

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Taverna Server REST/SOAP interface to

execute workflows Client libraries for Ruby and Java Two demonstration web interfaces

RubyJava Portlets

FutureDetailed execution support and controlSecurity delegation

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Taverna portlet Example portlet

implementation Executes workflows

using Taverna Server

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Ruby web interface Example customized

web interface Uses Ruby gemt2-server

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Taverna on the cloud Use-case:

SNP analysis and annotation ofgenome sequenced frombreeds of cows in Africa – why are some of them resistent to X?

Amazon EC2 with Taverna Server and local services

Custom (built-in-a-week) Ruby on Rails web interface

Runs through 31 chromosomes in 6.5 hours using 10 instances - $26

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Open source, open development

Taverna suite of tools are all open source and free to use

Large user community, active mailing lists Lead developers: myGrid in Manchester Contributors from across the world PAL programme myGrid provides training, tutorials and


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More information http://www.mygrid.org.uk/



