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Taxation Policy Reforms

Date post: 03-Apr-2018
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  • 7/28/2019 Taxation Policy Reforms


  • 7/28/2019 Taxation Policy Reforms


    The taxation policy that existed inIndia between 1950&1990 had anumber of defects which defeatedmany objectives of taxation policy.In the opinion of TRC (Tax reformCommittee)Indias tax system has

    grown over time to becomeinefficient, difficult to administers.Some of the defects are :

  • 7/28/2019 Taxation Policy Reforms


    Very high tax rates-Central tax rates in India were

    much higher compared to the average tax rates incomparable countries.Tax system of cascading nature- It means taxespiling on taxes and tax on tax so that the actual taxburden borne by the society is much higher thanone calculated on the basis of tax rates. Administratively complex tax system- complexeven to be understood by administer. Anomalies in individual taxes- Apart frompointing out the defects in the tax system TRCpointed out the anomalies in the individual taxes

  • 7/28/2019 Taxation Policy Reforms



    It has serious anomalies and inequities. ANOMALIES- It provides tax shelters to the members of

    parliament, Central Govt Ministers, a section of Government officials and top executives of PrivateFirm by living their perks tax free.

    INIQUITOUS : It descriminates between diffferent

    categories of Tax Payers.

  • 7/28/2019 Taxation Policy Reforms


    IMPORT DUTIES According to TRC it had the following anomalies:1. The average rate of Import duties was much higher

    than international standards.2. Tarriffs were widely disperrsed and complex.3. Import Tariffs had a multiple rate system

  • 7/28/2019 Taxation Policy Reforms


    EXCISE DUTIESThe largest contributor to the central revenue and the

    following defects:

    1. It is of cascading nature as it makes the samecommodities taxable at different stages of production

    2. Excise Duty fell also on capital goods like machinery

    tools etc.3. The excise concession for small and tiny sector

    encouraging manipulation of firms size for thepurpose of tax evasion

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  • 7/28/2019 Taxation Policy Reforms


    PERSONAL INCOME TAXIn this, rates structure has been reduced

    from about 6 slab rates in 1980 to 3 slabrates: 10%, 20% and 30%.

    Personal Income tax exemption limit israised almost in every budget on thebasis of inflation rate for differentcategories of Income Tax payers.

  • 7/28/2019 Taxation Policy Reforms


    COMPANY INCOME TAXIt has been reduced to 40% fordomestic and 45% for foreigncompanies.

  • 7/28/2019 Taxation Policy Reforms


    EXCISE DUTIES ON MODVATThe number of classifications of commodities under tax laws has been

    reduced.The procedure of Excise calculation hasbeen simplified.

    The process to replace excise duties withMODVAT is underway.

  • 7/28/2019 Taxation Policy Reforms


    IMPORT DUTIESThe duty rates have been slashed across theboard so that the weighted average effective

    rates comes down from 85% to 45% andthen to 25% in 2006 2007 budget.
