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Taylor & Francis Online COUNTER Release 5 Guide...2 Navigating to the Release 5 reports To access...

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1 Taylor & Francis Online COUNTER Release 5 Guide Contents Navigating to the Release 5 reports........................................................................................................ 2 How to run the reports ........................................................................................................................... 4 Report Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 6 Report Details ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Title Master Report (TR) ..................................................................................................................... 7 Journal Requests (excluding OA_Gold) (TR_J1) .................................................................................. 9 Journal Access Denied (TR_J2) .......................................................................................................... 10 Journal Usage by Access Type (TR_J3) .............................................................................................. 11 Journal Requests by YOP (Excluding OA_Gold) (TR_J4) .................................................................... 12 Platform Master Report (PR) ............................................................................................................ 13 Platform Usage (PR_P1) .................................................................................................................... 15 Database Master Report (DR) ........................................................................................................... 16 Database Search and Item Usage (DR_D1) ....................................................................................... 18 Database Access Denied (DR_D2) ..................................................................................................... 19 Item Master Report (IR) .................................................................................................................... 20 Journal Article Requests (IR_A1) ....................................................................................................... 22 For more details on COUNTER specific reporting, please visit: https://www.projectcounter.org/code-of-practice-five-sections/abstract/


Taylor & Francis Online COUNTER Release 5 Guide

Contents Navigating to the Release 5 reports........................................................................................................ 2

How to run the reports ........................................................................................................................... 4

Report Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 6

Report Details ......................................................................................................................................... 7

Title Master Report (TR) ..................................................................................................................... 7

Journal Requests (excluding OA_Gold) (TR_J1) .................................................................................. 9

Journal Access Denied (TR_J2) .......................................................................................................... 10

Journal Usage by Access Type (TR_J3) .............................................................................................. 11

Journal Requests by YOP (Excluding OA_Gold) (TR_J4) .................................................................... 12

Platform Master Report (PR) ............................................................................................................ 13

Platform Usage (PR_P1) .................................................................................................................... 15

Database Master Report (DR) ........................................................................................................... 16

Database Search and Item Usage (DR_D1) ....................................................................................... 18

Database Access Denied (DR_D2) ..................................................................................................... 19

Item Master Report (IR) .................................................................................................................... 20

Journal Article Requests (IR_A1) ....................................................................................................... 22

For more details on COUNTER specific reporting, please visit:



Navigating to the Release 5 reports

To access the Release 5 reports log into Taylor & Francis Online (https://tandfonline.com) and

navigate to Account Settings

On the left-hand panel under Institutional Account select Usage Reports

Select the COUNTER 5 tab at the top of the page and select COUNTER 5 Reports on Atypon Insights


This will open a new window directing you to the Atypon Insights site:


How to run the reports Please see the descriptions below which explain each reporting element.

Identity: will be pre-populated with your account.

Format: we recommend selecting TSV, however there is an option of JSON.

Report Period: click into the dropdown to select a report period. You can pick the pre-populated

options or use the date selector for custom options:

Please note that Release 5 data for Taylor & Francis Online only goes back to November 2018 and

only full month data can be selected.

Report: Release 5 introduces a significant change in reporting, where as well as static predefined

reports by COUNTER, there is also a new concept of Master reports, which allow you to filter and

configure the data to create customized views of usage. There are 4 main groupings of available

reports to choose from:

Title Reports - summarises activity related to content at the title level

• Title Master Report (TR)

• Journal Requests (excluding OA_Gold) (TR_J1)

• Journal Access Denied (TR_J2)


• Journal Usage by Access Type (TR_J3)

• Journal Requests by YOP (Excluding OA_Gold) (TR_J4)

Platform Reports – summarises activity at the platform level

• Platform Master Report (PR)

• Platform Usage (PR_P1)

Database Reports - summarises activity related to a given database

• Database Master Report (DR)

• Database Search and Item Usage (DR_D1)

• Database Access Denied (DR_D2)

Item Reports - summarises activity at the article level

• Item Master Report (IR)

• Journal Article Requests (IR_A1)

Please note that the book reports TR_B1, TR_B2 and TR_B3 although available in the dropdown will

not populate with data as this only shows data for Taylor & Francis Online.

Please see the Report Details section for report specific information.

Generate: this downloads the report immediately.

Schedule: this is ideal for reports you want to run regularly. You can choose the report title, select

the report frequency and enter the email address you want to send the report to:

If you need to amend scheduled reports, click on the menu icon in the top right-hand corner and

select Schedules, from here you can select the pencil icon to edit the schedule or the bin icon to

delete it.


Email: you can use this option to send the report via email to yourself or others as a one off:

Report Parameters Release 5 has a consistent set of report parameters at the top of exports to help you identify details

about the report you have run. This comes in handy particularly for Master reports:

• Report Name: the standard Release 5 name of the report

• Report_ID: the standard Release 5 ID of the report

• Release: for Release 5 reports this should be equal to 5

• Institution_Name: the institution you are running the data for

• Institution_ID: if the institution has an ID with Taylor & Francis it will display here

• Metric_Types: the metric types selected (auto-populated with standard views)

• Report_Filters: the filters applied to the data (auto-populated with standard views)

• Report_Attributes: the additional columns selected to include in the report

• Exceptions: will populate if any issues have been encountered

• Reporting_Period: will show the months the report has run for

• Created: date the report was generated

• Created_By: this will show Taylor & Francis


Report Details

Title Master Report (TR) A customizable report detailing activity at the title level. When you select this report in Atypon Insights the following dropdown options appear:

Use these dropdowns to

filter the data.

Use this dropdown to choose

which additional columns

you would like to include.

Metric Type: The following are available:

Total_Item_Investigations; Total_Item_Requests;

Unique_Item_Investigations; Unique_Item_Requests;


Note: Unique_Title metrics and Limit_Exceeded won’t

populate data for Taylor & Francis Online.

Year of Publication (YOP): Leave this blank to display all

results or enter a specific year or a date range in the format

YYYY-YYYY. You can also use 0001 for unknown or 9999 for

articles in press.

Access Type: The following are available:

• OA_Gold – Open Access content either in open

journals or open select articles.

• Controlled – content that isn’t open access, i.e.

behind a paywall, made free by marketing.

To see the report by month

select Month, otherwise

select Totals.

Select Journal

Select Regular


Report output example

As this is a Master report the report output will vary depending on the metrics, filters and columns you have selected.


Journal Requests (excluding OA_Gold) (TR_J1) ‘Total_Item_Requests’ and ‘Unique_Item_Requests’ summarized at the journal level and excludes Gold Open Access content. This report is most

comparable to the Release 4 Journal Report 1.

Report output example

Total_Item_Requests: Counts all article full-content views across all formats like HTML and PDF. For Taylor & Francis Online this is equivalent to the current

Release 4 usage count.

Unique_Item_Requests: Counts unique article full-content views in a given session regardless of format. If a user views an article PDF and HTML in the

same session this would only count as 1. This is the metric COUNTER want librarians to evaluate against.


Journal Access Denied (TR_J2) ‘Limit_Exceeded’ and ‘No_License’ summarized at the journal level. This report is most comparable to the Release 4 Journal Report 2.

Report output example

Limit_Exceeded: Number of times access to an article was denied because the licensed simultaneous-user limit for the user’s institution was exceeded. We

don’t currently have this as part of our access model on Taylor & Francis Online.

No_License: Number of times access was denied because the user’s institution did not have a license to the content. Please note that you may find a slight

discrepancy between denial figures in Release 4 compared to Release 5, this is mainly due to a switch in time zone where Release 5 uses UTC, but Release 4

uses PST.


Journal Usage by Access Type (TR_J3) ‘Unique_Item_Investigations’, ‘Total_Item_Investigations’, ‘Unique_Item_Requests’ and ‘Total_Item_Requests’ by access type summarized at the journal


Report output example

Total_Item_Requests: Counts all article full-content views across all formats like HTML and PDF. This is equivalent to the current Release 4 usage count.

Unique_Item_Requests: Counts unique article full-content views in a given session regardless of format. If a user views an article PDF and HTML in the

same session this would only count as 1. This is the metric COUNTER want librarians to evaluate against.

Total_Item_Investigations: Counts total number of times information related to an article viewed (including all article full-content views).

Unique_Item_Investigations: Counts unique article investigations and requests in a user-session.


Journal Requests by YOP (Excluding OA_Gold) (TR_J4) ‘Total_Item_Requests’ and ‘Unique_Item_Requests’ by year of publication summarized at the journal level and excludes Gold Open Access content. This

report is most comparable to the Release 4 Journal Report 5.

Report output example

Total_Item_Requests: Counts all article full-content views across all formats like HTML and PDF. This is equivalent to the current Release 4 usage count.


Unique_Item_Requests: Counts unique article full-content views in a given session regardless of format. If a user views an article PDF and HTML in the

same session this would only count as 1. This is the metric COUNTER want librarians to evaluate against.

YOP: Year of Publication. 0001 is for unknown and 9999 is for articles in press.

Platform Master Report (PR) A customizable report summarising activity at the platform level. When you select this report in Atypon Insights the following dropdown options appear:

Use these dropdowns to

filter the data.

Use this dropdown to

choose which additional

columns you would like to


Metric Type: The following are available:






Note: Unique_Title metrics won’t populate

data for Taylor & Francis Online.

To see the report by

month select Month,

otherwise select Totals.

Select Regular


Report output example

As this is a Master report the report output will vary depending on the metrics, filters and columns you have selected.

Total_Item_Requests: Counts all article full-content views across all formats like HTML and PDF. This is equivalent to the current Release 4 usage count.

Unique_Item_Requests: Counts unique article full-content views in a given session regardless of format. If a user views an article PDF and HTML in the

same session this would only count as 1. This is the metric COUNTER want librarians to evaluate against.

Total_Item_Investigations: Counts total number of times information related to an article viewed (including all article full-content views).

Unique_Item_Investigations: Counts unique article investigations and requests in a user-session.

Searches_Platform: Searches conducted by users and captured at the platform level.


Platform Usage (PR_P1) Platform-level usage summarized by ‘Searches_Platform’, ‘Total_Item_Requests’ and ‘Unique_Item_Requests’.

Report output example

Total_Item_Requests: Counts all article full-content views across all formats like HTML and PDF. This is equivalent to the current Release 4 usage count.

Unique_Item_Requests: Counts unique article full-content views in a given session regardless of format. If a user views an article PDF and HTML in the

same session this would only count as 1. This is the metric COUNTER want librarians to evaluate against.

Searches_Platform: Searches conducted by users and captured at the platform level.


Database Master Report (DR) A customizable report summarising activity by database. When you select this report in Atypon Insights the following dropdown options appear:

Use these dropdowns to

filter the data.

Use this dropdown to

choose which additional

columns you would like to


Metric Type: The following are available:

Searches_Automated; Searches_Federated;

Searches_Regular; Total_Item_Investigations;

Total_Item_Requests; Unique_Item_Investigations;

Unique_Item_Requests; No_License

Note: Unique_Title metrics and Limit_Exceeded

won’t populate data for Taylor & Francis Online.

To see the report by

month select Month,

otherwise select Totals.

Select Regular


Report output example

As this is a Master report the report output will vary depending on the metrics, filters and columns you have selected.

Searches_Regular: Number of searches conducted against a user-selected database.

Searches_Automated: Number of searches conducted against multiple databases without user selection.

Searches_Federated: Searches conducted by a federated search engine where the Search activity is conducted remotely via client-server technology.


Database Search and Item Usage (DR_D1) Reports on key Searches, Investigations and Requests metrics needed to evaluate a database.

Report output example

Searches_Regular: Number of searches conducted against a user-selected database.

Searches_Automated: Number of searches conducted against multiple databases without user selection.

Searches_Federated: Searches conducted by a federated search engine where the Search activity is conducted remotely via client-server technology.


Database Access Denied (DR_D2) Reports on Access Denied activity for databases where users were denied access because their institution did not have a license for the database.

Report output example

No_License: Number of times access was denied because the user’s institution did not have a license to the content.


Item Master Report (IR) A customizable report summarising activity by article. When you select this report in Atypon Insights the following dropdown options appear:

Use these dropdowns to

filter the data.

Use this dropdown to choose

which additional columns

you would like to include.

Metric Type: The following are available: –

Total_Item_Investigations; Total_Item_Requests;

Unique_Item_Investigations; Unique_Item_Requests

Year of Publication (YOP): Leave this blank to display all

results or enter a specific year or a date range in the format

YYYY-YYYY. You can also use 0001 for unknown or 9999 for

articles in press.

Access Type: The following are available:

• OA_Gold – Open Access content either in open

journals or open select articles.

• Controlled – content that isn’t open access, i.e.

behind a paywall, made free by marketing.

To see the report by month

select Month, otherwise

select Totals.

Select Article

Select Regular


Report output example

As this is a Master report the report output will vary depending on the metrics, filters and columns you have selected.

Total_Item_Requests: Counts all article full-content views across all formats like HTML and PDF. This is equivalent to the current Release 4 usage count.

Unique_Item_Requests: Counts unique article full-content views in a given session regardless of format. If a user views an article PDF and HTML in the

same session this would only count as 1. This is the metric COUNTER want librarians to evaluate against.

Total_Item_Investigations: Counts total number of times information related to an article viewed (including all article full-content views).

Unique_Item_Investigations: Counts unique article investigations and requests in a user-session.


Journal Article Requests (IR_A1) Reports on total journal article requests at the article level.

Report output example

Total_Item_Requests: Counts all article full-content views across all formats like HTML and PDF. This is equivalent to the current Release 4 usage count.
