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Chapter 12 Institutional Corrections For Juveniles
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Chapter 12

Institutional Corrections

For Juveniles

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Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter OutlineI. Juvenile Placement II. The Population in Institutional

CorrectionsA. Public Versus Private Facilities

1. State Variables

III. Institutional Facilities for Juveniles

A. Detention B. Short-Term Secure Facilities

1. Boot Camps 2. Youth Ranches and Camps 3. State Institutions and Schools

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Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter Outline - Continued

IV. Programming in Institutional Corrections

A. Correctional TreatmentB. Correctional EducationC. Correctional Industry and Vocational

TrainingD. Specialized Treatment and ProgramsE. Programs for Serious and Repeat Juvenile


V. Institutional Life for JuvenilesA. Facility Life

VI. Working in Institutional Corrections

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Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Trends In Institutional Corrections

Institutional placements 1988: 104,800.

Institutional placements 1999: 163,200.

Trends reveal that residential facilities are handing more juveniles overall and more violent and drug offenders.

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Commitment and

Detention Rates By


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Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Institutional Facilities For Juveniles

Institutional facilities for juveniles serve two classifications of youths:

1. Detained juveniles awaiting a detention or adjudication hearing

2. Committed juveniles placed by a juvenile court or other juvenile justice administrative body.

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Comparison Of Placement By Length Of Stay

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Drug And Personal Offenses Involving Detention

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Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Virginia’s CR Minor Reception And Diagnostic Center

Standard assessment includes: Preliminary assessment and cottage assignment

Medical evaluation Behavioral observations and management

Educational/vocational evaluation Psychological and related evaluations

Social/casework evaluation Drug abuse screening and evaluation

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Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Manatee County Boot camp First day is designed to shock the juvenile offender into compliance.

The day begins when hand and leg cuffs are placed on the youths and they are transported from the local detention center to the Manatee County jail.

Greeted by drill instructors who require the students to use Sir and Ma’am in all of their communications.

They can then begin the process of changing the view of themselves and the world.

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Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

California Youth Authority Mission

Mission is to protect the public from criminal activity by: providing education, training, and treatment services for youthful offenders committed by the courts;

assisting local justice agencies with their efforts to control crime and delinquency; and

encouraging the development of state and local programs to prevent crime and delinquency.

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Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Four Primary Goals in Corrections

Rehabilitation – methods of treatment and counseling used to reform juvenile offenders so that they will return to society in a constructive rather than a destructive way.

Deterrence – arranging conditions in the law and corrections so that juveniles are aware of the risks and consequences involved in committing crimes.

Incapacitation – taking a juvenile out of the community so that they are prevented from committing crimes.

Retribution – punishing and paying juveniles back for the harm they caused society.
