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2 Bflm-`n-tjIw Unkw_¿ 2014 December 2014 Athmabhishekam tbip- {In - kv Xp- hn - \m¬ hos≠- Sp- °- s∏-´Xpw, e`n® ]m]-tam-N-\-Ønepw ]cn-ip- ≤m-flm-hnepw A`n-am\w sIm≈p-Ibpw sNøp∂ bYm¿∞ ssZh-a-°-fpsS kaq-l- amWv k`. ]nim-Np-°ƒs°m temI-{]-Im-c- ap≈ BNm-cm-\p-jvTm-\-߃t°m, kz¥w PV- tam- l- ߃t°m, kq∏¿- CutKm˛ CutKm- Iƒt°m Cu ssZh-a-°-fpsS ]Z-hnsb XI¿°p-hm≥ Hcn-°epw Ign-bp-I-bn-√. ImcWw Ch-cpsS BWn-°√v {InkvXp-h-gn- bp≈ hos≠-Sp∏pw, aqe-°√v Ir]-bm-ep≈ hniz- mkw- sIm≠v (F- s^.2:8) Cg- tN¿sØ SpØ ssZh-h-N-\- ]-cn-⁄m-\-hp-am-Wv. ]s£, c≠m-aXv ]d™Xv ssZh- h-N-\- ]-cn-⁄m-\-Øn¬ aØm.13-˛mw A≤ym- b-Øn¬ (36-˛43) ]d-™n-cn-°p-∂-Xp-t]mse, kmØm≥ tKmX-ºn-\n-S-bn¬ If hnX-bv°p- tºmƒ Ah c≠pw H∂n®p hf¿∂p-h-cp- tºmƒ, GXm- Wv If- sb∂Xv Xncn- ®- dn- bmsX hcpw, A`n-tj-I-]-cn-⁄m-\hpw kvt\l- Øns‚ km£y-]-cn-⁄m-\-hp-w C√m-Ø- h¿°v. tKmXºv kXy-hn-izm-kn-I-fm-Wv, If I]- S- hn- izm- kn- I- fm- Wv. If- sb∂ I]- S- hn- izmkn ssZh- h- N- \-hy-h-ÿsb ewLn-°pw; tKmXºv F∂ kXy-hn-izmkn ssZh-h-N-\ -hy-h-ÿsb h≈n- ]p≈n sX‰msX ]men- °p- Ibpw sNøpw. 1. k`m-ip-{iq-j-I-∑m¿ A∏.-{]-hr-Øn-Iƒ 6˛mw A≤ym-b- Øn¬ 4˛mw hmIy-Øn¬ Rßtfm {]m¿∞- \-bnepw hN-\-ip-{iq-j-bnepw D‰n-cn-°pwF∂p-≈-Xn-\m¬ As∏m-kvX-e-∑mcpw {]hm- N-I-∑mcpw CS-b-∑mcpw Hs° a‰v Imcy- ߃°mbn _≤-s∏-Sm-Xn-cn-°pI Xs∂ thWw. As√-¶n¬ hN-\-hy-hÿ sX‰pw. F√m ip{iq- j- I- ∑mcpw {]tXy- In®v ]≈n - °- - ‰n - bw- K- ߃, kmº- Øn - I- Im- cy- ߃ ssIImcyw sNøp- - h¿, I¿Xr- ta- i- bv s°m- cp- °p-∂-h¿, {]m¿∞\m {Kq∏w-K-߃, Bcm- [\mKm\- ip- {iq- j°v t\XrXzw sImSp- °p- - h¿, amkn- Im- ˛- t\m- ´okv apX- em- bh hnX- cWw sNøp- - h¿, t\cn´pw t^mWn- eq- sSbpw Adn- bn∏p sImSp-°p-∂-h¿ apX-em-b-h-sc√mw Bflmhpw ⁄m\hpw \nd™v \√ km£y-ap-≈-h¿(A-∏.6:3) Bbn-cn-°-Ww. Bflmhpw ⁄m\hpw \nd™v \√ km£y- ap-≈-h¿ F∂v kzbw ]d™v ]c-Øp-∂-h- c√, I¿Ømhpw ssZh- P- \hpw Aßs\ Icp- X-s∏-SØ-°-hÆw hn\-bm-\zn-Xcpw, ssZh-h- N\hyhÿ ]men- °p- - hcpw Bbn- cn- °- Ww. ]mtÃgvkpw {]kw-K-Icpw 1 XntamØn 3˛mw A≤ym-b-Ønepw XotØmkv 1˛mw A≤ym- b- Ønepw (6- ˛9) {][m- \-ip-{iq-j-I¿ F∂v Icp-X-s∏-Sp-∂-h-cpsS ssZh-h-N-\-a-\p-k-cn-®p≈ hyh-ÿIƒ ]Tn- ∏n-°-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p. A≤y-£≥: 1. \nc-]-hm-Zy-\m-bn-cn-°-Ww. 2. GI-`m-cy-bpsS `¿Øm-hm-bn-cn-°-Ww. 3. \n¿Ω-Z-\m-bn-cn-°Ww. 4. PntX- {µn- b- \m- bn- cn- °- Ww. 5. kpio-e-\m-bn-cn-°-Ww. 6. AXn-Yn-{]n-b-\m-bn-cn-°-Ww. 7. D]-tZ-in-∏m≥ ka¿∞-\m-bn-cn-°-Ww. 8. aZy-{]n-b\pw X√p-Im-c-\p-am-bn-cn-°-cp-Xv. 9. im¥\pw Ie-ln°m-Ø-h\pw Bbn-cn-°- Ww. 10. {Zhym- {K- l- an- √m- Ø- h- \m- bn- cn- °- Ww. 11. kz¥-Ip-Spw-_sØ \∂mbn `cn-°p-∂- h\pw a°sf ]q¿Æ- Ku- c- h- tØmsS A\p- k- c-W-Øn¬ ]men-°p-∂-h\pw Bbn-cn-°-Ww. 12. L\- im- en- I- fm- bn- cn- °- Ww. 13. Ccp- hm- °p- Imcpw Zp¿√m- `- tam- ln - Ifpw Bbn - cn-°-cp-Xv. 14. ]t∞ym-]-tZ-i-Øm¬ {]t_m-[n-∏n-°p-∂- h\pw hntcm- [n - Iƒ°v t_m[w hcp- Øp- hm\pw i‡- \m- tI- - Xn\v D]- tZ- i- {]- Im- c- ap≈ hnizm- ky- h- N\w apdp- sI- ∏n- Sn- °p- - h\pw BtI- Ww (Xo- tØm.1:6˛9). As∏mkv X- e- {]- hrØn 20- ˛mw A≤ym- b-Øn¬ 27 apX-ep≈ Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Iƒ ip{iq- j- I- ∑m¿ a\-  n - cpØn ]Tn - - - Xm- Wv . ssZh-Øns‚ Btem-N\ H´pw ad-®p-h-bv°- cp-Xv. \nß-sf-Ø-s∂bpw, Xm≥ kz¥-c-‡- Øm¬ kºm-Zn-®n-cn-°p∂ ssZh-Øns‚ k`sb tabv∏m≥, ]cn-ip-≤m-flmhv \nßsf A≤y- £- cm- °n- h- ® B´n≥Iq´w apgp- h- s\bpw kq£n-®p-sImƒhn≥. As∏m-kvX-e-\m-I-s´, ]mÃ- dm- Is´ {]hm- N- I- ip- {iq- jsbm hnSp- ip{iq-jsbm F¥v sNøp-∂-h-cpam-Is´, F∂n¬ ]cn - ip- ≤m- flm- hp- s≠∂pw, \nß- tfmSv kwkm-cn-°p-∂Xv ]cn-ip-≤m-flm-hm-sW∂pw, Hcn- bv°epw BtcmSpw ]d- b- cp- Xv.- AXv Uw`m- Wv. AXv Adn-bp-∂Xv ssZhw am{X-am-Wv, IqSmsX a‰p-≈-h-cpsS A\p-`-h-am-Wv. hr≤-∑mcpw bu∆-\°mcpw XotØmkv 2˛mw A≤ymbw 1.]tYym- ]- tZ- i- Øn\v tN¿∂Xv am{Xw {]kv Xm- hn-°p-I. 2.\n¿Ω-Z¿ Bbn-cn-°-Ww. 3.Kuc-h-{]-Ir-Xnbpw kpt_m-[-ap-≈hcpw Bbn- cn- °- Ww. 4.hnizm-k-Ønepw kvt\l-Ønepw kln- jv Wp- X- bnepw Btcm- Ky- ap- - h- cm- bn- cn- °- Ww. 5.]hn-{X-tbm-Kycpw GjWn ]dbm-Ø-hcpw el-cn-°-Sn-s∏-Sm-Øhcpw Bbn-cn-°-Ww. bph- Xn- XotØm- kv.2:4,5 ssZh- h- N\w Zpjn- °- s∏- Sm- Xn- cn- - ≠-Xn\v bu∆-\-°m-c-Øn-Isf `¿Xr-{]n-bcpw ]p{X- {]n- b- amcpw kpt_m[hpw ]mXn{hXy- hp- ap- - hcpw ho´p- Imcyw t\m°p- - hcpw Zb- bp- ≈-hcpw `¿Øm-°-∑m¿°v Iogvs∏-Sp-∂-hcpw Bbn-cn-°m≥ ioen-∏nt°-≠-Xn\v \∑ D]- tZ- in- °p- - h- cm- bn- cn- °- Ww. bphm- °- ∑m¿ XotØm-kv. 2:7,8 bu∆- \- °m¿ kpt_m- [- ap- - h- cm- bn- cn-°Ww. hntcm[n \sΩ-s°m≠v Hcp Xn∑bpw ]d- hm≥ hI- bn- √msX e÷n- - - Xn\v kI- e- Ønepw \ns∂- Øs∂ k¬{]- h¿- Øn°v amXrIbm°n - °m- Wn - °. D]- tZ- i- Øn¬ \n¿Ω-e-Xbpw Kuc-hhpw Bt£-]n-®p-Iq- SmØ ]∞y-h-N-\hpw D≈-h≥ Bb-ncn-°. k`-bnse hyXykvX ip{iq-j-I¿ hN-\-hy-h-ÿ-b-\p-k-cn®√msX ip{iq-j°v t\XrXzw sImSp-Øm¬ Ah-c-dn-bmsX kmØm≥ Ah- cpsS ]m]- ß- fn- eq- sSbpw Adn- hn-√m-bva-bn-eq-sSbpw Ah-cn¬ Ibdn hy‡n- I-tfbpw IpSpw-_-ß-tfbpw k`-tbbpw XI¿°p - I- Xs∂ sNøpw. Aßs\ kmØm≥ sNøp-sa∂v \Ω-fmcpw Adn-bp-I-bpan-√. XI¿∂p Ign-™n´v Adn-™n´pw Imcy-an-√. Iu¨kn- enwKv Zm\- ßsf D]- tbm- Kn- °p- - h- cm- Is´, ImWp- ∂Xpw tIƒ°p- ∂Xpw F√mw a‰p-≈-h-tcmSv ]d-bp-∂-h-cm-I-cp-Xv. ssZh-h-N- \-hy-hÿ A\p-k-cn®v am{Xw Ahsb ]d- bmw. Ir]m-h-c-ßsf Hcn-°epw Hgn-hm-°-cp- Xv. Ah \¬Ip- ∂Xv ]cn- ip- ≤m- flmhp Xs∂. hyJym-\n-°p-∂Xv hN-\-hy-hÿ A\p-k-cn- ®m- bn- cn- °- W- sa∂v am{Xw.
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2 Bflm-`n-tjIw Unkw_¿ 2014 December 2014 Athmabhishekam

tbip-In-kvXp-hn-\m¬ hos≠-Sp-°-

s∏-´Xpw, e`n® ]m]-tam-N-\-Ønepw ]cn-ip-

≤m-flm-hnepw A`n-am\w sIm≈p-Ibpw

sNøp∂ bYm¿∞ ssZh-a-°-fpsS kaq-l-

amWv k`. ]nim-Np-°ƒs°m temI-]-Im-c-

ap≈ BNm-cm-\p-jvTm-\-߃t°m, kz¥w

PV-tam-l-߃t°m, kq∏¿-CutKm˛ CutKm-

Iƒt°m Cu ssZh-a-°-fpsS ]Z-hnsb

XI¿°p-hm≥ Hcn-°epw Ign-bp-I-bn-√.

ImcWw Ch-cpsS BWn-°√v InkvXp-h-gn-

bp≈ hos≠-Sp∏pw, aqe-°√v Ir]-bm-ep≈

hniz-mkw-sIm≠v (F-s^.2:8) Cg-tN¿sØ

SpØ ssZh-h-N-\- ]-cn-⁄m-\-hp-am-Wv.

]s£, c≠m-aXv ]d™Xv ssZh-

h-N-\- ]-cn-⁄m-\-Øn¬ aØm.13- mw A≤ym-

b-Øn¬ (36-˛43) ]d-™n-cn-°p-∂-Xp-t]mse,

kmØm≥ tKmX-ºn-\n-S-bn¬ If hnX-bv°p-

tºmƒ Ah c≠pw H∂n®p hf¿∂p-h-cp-

tºmƒ, GXm-Wvv If-sb∂Xvv Xncn-®-dn-bmsX

hcpw, A`n-tj-I-]-cn-⁄m-\hpw kvt\l-

Øns‚ km£y-]-cn-⁄m-\-hp-w C√m-Ø-

h¿°v. tKmXºv kXy-hn-izm-kn-I-fm-Wv,

If I]-S-hn-izm-kn-I-fm-Wv.

If-sb∂ I]-S-hn-izmkn ssZh-h-N-

\-hy-h-ÿsb ewLn-°pw; tKmXºv F∂

kXy-hn-izmkn ssZh-h-N-\ -hy-h-ÿsb

h≈n-]p≈n sX‰msX ]men-°p-Ibpw sNøpw.

1. k`m-ip-iq-j-I-∑m¿

A∏.-]-hr-Øn-Iƒ 6˛mw A≤ym-b-

Øn¬ 4˛mw hmIy-Øn¬ “Rßtfm ]m¿∞-

\-bnepw hN-\-ip-iq-j-bnepw D‰n-cn-°pw”F∂p-≈-Xn-\m¬ As∏m-kvX-e-∑mcpw ]hm-

N-I-∑mcpw CS-b-∑mcpw Hs° a‰v Imcy-

߃°mbn _≤-s∏-Sm-Xn-cn-°pI Xs∂

thWw. As√-¶n¬ hN-\-hy-hÿ sX‰pw.

F√m ipiq-j-I-∑mcpw ]tXy-In®v

]≈n-°-Ω-‰n-bw-K-߃, kmº-Øn-I-Im-cy-߃

ssIImcyw sNøp-∂-h¿, I¿Xr-ta-i-bvs°m-cp-

°p-∂-h¿, ]m¿∞\m Kq∏w-K-߃, Bcm-

[\mKm\-ip-iq-j°v t\XrXzw sImSp-°p-∂-

h¿, amkn-Im- -t\m- okv apX-em-bh hnX-cWw

sNøp-∂-h¿, t\cn´pw t^mWn-eq-sSbpw Adn-

bn∏p sImSp-°p-∂-h¿ apX-em-b-h-sc√mw

“Bflmhpw ⁄m\hpw \nd™v \√

km£y-ap-≈-h¿” (A-∏.6:3) Bbn-cn-°-Ww.

Bflmhpw ⁄m\hpw \nd™v \√ km£y-

ap-≈-h¿ F∂v kzbw ]d™v ]c-Øp-∂-h-

c√, I¿Ømhpw ssZh-P-\hpw Aßs\ Icp-

X-s∏-SØ-°-hÆw hn\-bm-\zn-Xcpw, ssZh-h-

N\hyhÿ ]men-°p-∂-hcpw Bbn-cn-°-Ww.

]mtÃgvkpw ]kw-K-Icpw

1 XntamØn 3˛mw A≤ym-b-Ønepw

XotØmkv 1˛mw A≤ym-b-Ønepw (6- 9) ][m-

\-ip-iq-j-I¿ F∂v Icp-X-s∏-Sp-∂-h-cpsS

ssZh-h-N-\-a-\p-k-cn-®p≈ hyh-ÿIƒ ]Tn-

∏n-°-s∏- n-cn-°p-∂p. A≤y-£≥:

1. \nc-]-hm-Zy-\m-bn-cn-°-Ww.

2. GI- m-cy-bpsS ¿Øm-hm-bn-cn-°-Ww.

3. \n¿Ω-Z-\m-bn-cn-°Ww.

4. PntX-µn-b-\m-bn-cn-°-Ww.

5. kpio-e-\m-bn-cn-°-Ww.

6. AXn-Yn-]n-b-\m-bn-cn-°-Ww.

7. D]-tZ-in-∏m≥ ka¿∞-\m-bn-cn-°-Ww.

8. aZy-]n-b\pw X√p-Im-c-\p-am-bn-cn-°-cp-Xv.

9. im¥\pw Ie-ln°m-Ø-h\pw Bbn-cn-°-


10. Zhym-K-l-an-√m-Ø-h-\m-bn-cn-°-Ww.

11. kz¥-Ip-Spw-_sØ \∂mbn `cn-°p-∂-

h\pw a°sf ]q¿Æ-Ku-c-h-tØmsS A\p-k-

c-W-Øn¬ ]men-°p-∂-h\pw Bbn-cn-°-Ww.

12. L\-im-en-I-fm-bn-cn-°-Ww.

13. Ccp-hm-°p-Imcpw Zp¿√m- -tam-ln-Ifpw Bbn-


14. ]t∞ym-]-tZ-i-Øm¬ ]t_m-[n-∏n-°p-∂-

h\pw hntcm-[n-Iƒ°v t_m[w hcp-Øp-hm\pw

i‡-\m-tI-≠-Xn\v D]-tZ-i-]-Im-c-ap≈ hnizm-

ky-h-N\w apdp-sI-∏n-Sn-°p-∂-h\pw BtI-Ww


As∏mkvX-e-]-hrØn 20- mw A≤ym-

b-Øn¬ 27 apX-ep≈ Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Iƒ

ipiq-j-I-∑m¿ a\- n-cpØn ]Tn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.

ssZh-Øns‚ Btem-N\ H´pw ad-®p-h-bv°-

cp-Xv. \nß-sf-Ø-s∂bpw, Xm≥ kz¥-c-‡-

Øm¬ kºm-Zn-®n-cn-°p∂ ssZh-Øns‚

k`sb tabv∏m≥, ]cn-ip-≤m-flmhv \nßsf

A≤y-£-cm-°n-h-® B´n≥Iq´w apgp-h-s\bpw

kq£n-®p-sImƒhn≥. As∏m-kvX-e-\m-I-s´,

]mÃ-dm-Is´ ]hm-N-I-ip-iq-jsbm hnSp-X¬

ipiq-jsbm F¥v sNøp-∂-h-cpam-Is´,

F∂n¬ ]cn-ip-≤m-flm-hp-s≠∂pw, \nß-tfmSv

kwkm-cn-°p-∂Xv ]cn-ip-≤m-flm-hm-sW∂pw,

Hcn-bv°epw BtcmSpw ]d-b-cp-Xv.- AXv Uw`m-

Wv. AXv Adn-bp-∂Xv ssZhw amX-am-Wv,

IqSmsX a‰p-≈-h-cpsS A\p- -h-am-Wv.

hr≤-∑mcpw bu∆-\°mcpw

XotØmkv 2˛mw A≤ymbw

1.]tYym-]-tZ-i-Øn\v tN¿∂Xv amXw ]kvXm-


2.\n¿Ω-Z¿ Bbn-cn-°-Ww.

3.Kuc-h-]-Ir-Xnbpw kpt_m-[-ap-≈hcpw


4.hnizm-k-Ønepw kvt\l-Ønepw kln-

jvWp-X-bnepw Btcm-Ky-ap-≈-h-cm-bn-cn-°-Ww.

5.]hn-X-tbm-Kycpw GjWn ]dbm-Ø-hcpw

el-cn-°-Sn-s∏-Sm-Øhcpw Bbn-cn-°-Ww.



ssZh-h-N\w Zpjn-°-s∏-Sm-Xn-cn-t°-

≠-Xn\v bu∆-\-°m-c-Øn-Isf ¿Xr-]n-bcpw

]pX-]n-b-amcpw kpt_m[hpw ]mXnhXy-hp-

ap-≈-hcpw ho´p-Imcyw t\m°p-∂-hcpw Zb-bp-

≈-hcpw ¿Øm-°-∑m¿°v Iogvs∏-Sp-∂-hcpw

Bbn-cn-°m≥ ioen-∏nt°-≠-Xn\v \∑ D]-



XotØm-kv. 2:7,8

bu∆-\-°m¿ kpt_m-[-ap-≈-h-cm-bn-

cn -°Ww. hntcm[n \sΩ-s°m≠v Hcp

Xn∑bpw ]d-hm≥ hI-bn-√msX e÷n-t°-≠-

Xn\v kI-e-Ønepw \ns∂-Øs∂ k¬]-h¿-

Øn°v amXrIbm°n-°m-Wn-°. D]-tZ-i-Øn¬

\n¿Ω-e-Xbpw Kuc-hhpw Bt£-]n-®p-Iq-

SmØ ]∞y-h-N-\hpw D≈-h≥ Bb-ncn-°.

k`-bnse hyXykvX ipiq-j-I¿

hN-\-hy-h-ÿ-b-\p-k-cn®√msX ipiq-j°v

t\XrXzw sImSp-Øm¬ Ah-c-dn -bmsX

kmØm≥ Ah-cpsS ]m]-ß-fn-eq-sSbpw Adn-

hn-√m-bva-bn-eq-sSbpw Ah-cn¬ Ibdn hy‡n-

I-tfbpw IpSpw-_-ß-tfbpw k`-tbbpw

XI¿°p-I-Xs∂ sNøpw. Aßs\ kmØm≥

sNøp-sa∂v \Ω-fmcpw Adn-bp-I-bpan-√.

XI¿∂p Ign-™n´v Adn-™n´pw Imcy-an-√.

Iu¨kn-enwKv Zm\-ßsf D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂-h-

cm-Is´, ImWp-∂Xpw tIƒ°p-∂Xpw F√mw

a‰p-≈-h-tcmSv ]d-bp-∂-h-cm-I-cp-Xv. ssZh-h-N-

\-hy-hÿ A\p-k-cn®v amXw Ahsb ]d-

bmw. Ir]m-h-c-ßsf Hcn-°epw Hgn-hm-°-cp-

Xv. Ah \¬Ip-∂Xv ]cn-ip-≤m-flmhp Xs∂.

hyJym-\n-°p-∂Xv hN-\-hy-hÿ A\p-k-cn-

®m-bn-cn-°-W-sa∂v amXw.

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No^v FUn‰¿:tZhkym ap√°ckm¿FUn‰¿: ]m:tSman®≥ h´∏mdbn¬k¿°ptej≥ amt\P¿:]m: tPmbn®≥FUnt‰mdnb¬ t_m¿Uv:]m: A-_mlw , ]m: tPm¿÷v]m:tkmP≥, ]m: tbip-Zmkv]m: amXyp, ]m: tPmWnB¿´nÃv : tPmk v ^m≥knkvUn.‰n.]n : kvt\l tPmbn®≥

Cw•ojv ]cn- mj: tUm.kwKoX

kv‰n¬kv: c©nØv ]≈n®¬teHu´ v & Unssk≥ Potam≥

GsX-¶nepw Hcp t\mh-en-

Ãn-s‚sbm \mS-I-Ir-Øn-s‚sbm `mh-

\m-krjvSnb√ thZ-]p-kvX-Iw. AXp

ssZhw FgpXn-®-Xm-Wv. ]cn-ip-≤m-flm-

hmWv AXns‚ HmY¿. aØmbn

a¿t°mkv XpSßnb ]pXn-b-\n -ba

Fgp-Øp-Im-tc-s°m≠pw tami ZmhoZv

XpS-ßnb ]g-b-\n-ba Fgp-Øp-Im-tc-

s°m≠pw ssZhw Fgp -Xn® H‰

_pt° temI -Øn -ep -≈p ; AXp

ss__n-fm-Wv. Cu Ime-L-´-Øn¬

ss__nƒ hn⁄m-\w C√m-Ø-h¿

Adns™m Adn-bm-sXsbm kXy-hn-

izm -k-Øn¬ \n∂pw AI-∂-I∂p

s]mbvs°m-≠n-cn -°p -∂p. InkvXp -

h ns‚ Bf-Xz -sØbpw ssZh -

XzsØbpw Hcp ]s£ IqSp-X¬ ]cn-

Nn -X-sa-¶nepw ss__nƒ hn⁄m-

\obw F∂ imJbn¬ th≠X

\n¿Æbw ]m]n-°m-Ø-h¿ ]e-t∏mgpw

sX‰n -t∏m -Ip -I -bmWv sNøp -∂-X v .

ImØ-enIv N¿®v Xs∂bpw ]pWy-hm-

∑m¿°pw ]pWy-h-Xn-Iƒ°pw ac-Wm-

\-¥-c-ap≈ Hcp Db¿Ø-s∏-Sent\°p-

dn®v ]d-bp-∂Xv Snhn Nm\-en-eqsSbpw

a‰pw \Ωƒ I≠p -sIm -≠n -

cn°pIbmWs√m. - Aßs\ Ah¿

sNøp-∂Xp Xs∂bpw hN-\-]-cn-⁄m-

\-Øns‚ Ipd-hm-Wv. acn-®p-t]m-b-h-

tcm-S√ Ft∂°pw Pohn-°p-∂-h-t\m-

SmWv \mw ]m¿∞n -t°-≠-X v .

]utemkv ]d-™Xv hnip-≤-tcmSv

]m¿∞n-°m-\√; hnip-≤¿°p-th≠n

]m¿∞n-°m-\m-Wv. tbip-InkvXp

Pohn-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xp-sIm-≠mWv tbip-

In-kvXp-hn-t\mSv \Ωƒ ]m¿∞n-°p-

∂-Xv. tbip-InkvXp Ime-l-c-W-s∏´p-

t]mb tIh-e-amb Hcm-i-bsam Hcp

_nw_tam A√; Ahn-Sp∂v Dbn¿sØ-

gp-t∂‰, C∂pw Pohn-°p∂ ssZh-am-

Wv. AXp-sIm-≠mWv tbip -hns‚

\maw hnfn®v \Ωƒ ]m¿∞-n-°p-∂-Xv.

tbip Pohn-°p∂p F∂-Xns‚ sXfn-

hmWv ]m¿∞n-°ptºmƒ ]e-hn[

tcmKn-Iƒ kpJ-s∏-Sp∂-Xpw `qX-߃

hn´p-t]m-Ip-∂-Xp-sam-s°. Cu Pohn-

°p∂ ssZh-amb tbip-hn\v btlm-

h-sb∂pw ]cn-ip-≤m-flm-sh∂pw t]cp-

≠v. XoXz-amWv ssZhw. Cu Xotb-

I-ssZhw Fgp-Xn® thZ-]p-kvX-I-Øn-

eq-sS-bmWv N¿®v AYhm k` F¥m-

sW∂v ]Tn-t°-≠-Xv. B thZ-]p-kvX-

I-Øn-eq-sS-bmWv ]cn-ip-≤m-flm-hns‚

]h¿Ø-\-߃ F¥m-sW∂pw tcmK-

im¥n, `qX-im-¥n-h-c-߃ F¥msW-

∂psam -s° a\ - n -em - t°-≠-X v .

kv\m\w, I¿Xr-tai, ipiq-j-I-cpsS

Izmfn-‰okv \n-e-\n¿Øp-∂Xv Fß-s\-

bm-Wv, CsX√mw \Ωƒ a\- n-em-°p-

∂Xv thZ-]p-kvX-IØn-eq-sS-bm-Wv.

ss__n-fnse hfsc it≤-b-

amb CS-b-te-J-\-ß-fn -sem-∂mWv

XntamØn 1 Dw 2 Dw ]pkvX-I-߃.

AXn¬ 2 Xntam.3:16, 17-˛¬ “F√m Xncp-

sh-gpØpw ssZh-izm-ko-b-amIbm¬

ssZh-Øns‚ a\p-jy≥ kI-e-k¬]-

hr-Øn-Iƒ°pw hI ]m]n®v XnI-™-

h-\m-tI-≠-Xn\v D]-tZ-i-Øn\pw imk-

\-Øn\pw KpWo-I-c-W-Øn\pw \oXn-

bnse A`ym-k-Øn\pw ]tbm-P-\-ap-

Bible is not any fictionalcreation of any Novelist or dramatist.It is written by God. Holy Spirit is itsauthor. There is only one book made tobe written by God, using the NewTestament writers like Mathew andMark and writing the Old Testamentusing writers like Moses and David. Thatis the Bible. Now days in this periodpeople who do not have the knowledgeof Bible knowingly or unknowingly theyare getting farther away from the truefaith. Even though knowledgeable aboutChrist as a person and as a God, theirlack of knowledge in the branch of theBible leads them astray and they go thewrong way. We are already seeing thatCatholic Church is speaking about thesaints and the resurrection after thedeath through the media channels. Theyare doing so because of the lack ofknowledge about gospel. We aresupposed to pray to the one who livesforever and not to the ones who aredead. Paul did not ask us to pray to theSaints; but to pray for the saints. Wepray to Jesus Christ because JesusChrist is alive. Jesus Christ is not timebarred or expired idea or an idol. He isa resurrected God who is still alive. Thatis why we call upon his name and prayto him. The sick getting healed and thedemons leave when we pray are all

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≈-Xm-Ip∂p” F∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-

∂p. AXm-bXv hn. -th-Z -]p -kvXIw,

ssZh-Øns‚ k¬]hr-Øn-bpsS e-

am-bn \Ωsf Adn-bn-°p-hm\p≈ th-

Z -amWv ssZh-Øns‚ a\p-jy-\mb

]tXmtkm ]utemskm Hs° Fgp-

Xn-b-Xv F∂v a\- n-em-°mw. as‰m∂v

ssZh -izm -ko -b -amWv ss__nƒ

F∂XmWv. sss__nƒ ]cn-ip-≤m-

flm-hn-eqsS AYhm ssZh-ØneqsS

h∂ ssZh- K -Ÿam -Wv . hnizm -k -

Øns‚ am\-Z-WvU-ambn Xncp-sh-gp-

Øp-I-sf-bmWv I¿Ømhv \ΩpsS

ssIøn¬ G¬]n -®n -c n -°p∂Xv .

F¥mWv hnizm -k -Øns‚ am\ -

ZWvUw? t]meo-kns‚ am\-ZWvUw

\nbaw D]-tbm-Kn -°p∂p F∂Xpw

ssI°qen hmßm-Xn-cn-°p∂p F∂-Xp-

am -Wv . ssI°qen hmßns°m≠v

\nbaw D]-tbm-Kn-®m¬ \nbaw sX‰n-

t∏m-Ipw. F√m-‰n\pw am\-Z-WvU-ap-≠v.

\K-c-k-`-°v s]mXp-P-\sØ Fß-s\-

bmWv \bn -°p -∂Xv F∂-Xnepw

SmIvkv ]ncn-°p∂ Imcy-Ønepw \K-c-

k-` -bpsS hml-\-߃ HmSn -°p∂

Imcy-Ønepsa√m-w Hcp am\-Z-WvU-

ap-≠v. am\-ZWvUw F∂ hm°ns‚

A¿∞w Af-hp-tIm¬ F∂mW-s√m.

ssZh-izm-ko-b-amb Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-I-

fm-Ip∂ ss__n-fns\ hniz-kn-°pI

F∂-XmWv hnizm -k-Øns‚ am\-

ZWvUw. AXn -se-gp -Xn -bn -cn -°p∂

Imcy-ß-sf√mw ssZhm-flmhv Fgp-Xn-

®-XmWv F∂v \Ωƒ Xo¿®-bm-bn´pw

a\- n-em-°-Ww.

hnizm -k -Øns‚ am\ -Z -

WvUamb ss__n-fns\ ]g-b-\n-baw

F∂pw ]pXn-b-\n-b-a-sa∂pw c≠mbn

Xncn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. InkvXp-hn\vv- apºp≈

Ime-L-´-Ønse ssZho-I-\n-b-a-ßsf

]g-b-\n-b-a-sa∂pw InkvXp-hn\v tij-

ap≈ Ime-L-´Ønse ]pXnb Imcy-

ß -tf -°qS n tN¿Øp -sIm -≠p≈

kXyhN-\-ßsf ]pXn-b-\n-b-a-sa∂pw

hnfn-°p-∂p. c≠v Imcy-߃ ]tXy-

In® v ]d -™p. H∂m -a - tØXv

ss__nƒ ssZh-izmko-b-am-sW∂

Imcyw. c≠m-a-tØXv ssIkvX-h-hn-

izm-k-Øns‚ am\-ZWvUw ]pWy-hm-

∑mscm Ip¿_m-\sbm _nw_-ßtfm

H∂p-a√, ]ns∂sbm hnip≤ th-Z-]p-

k vX -I -k -Xy -ß -fmWv F∂Xpw .

aØm.21 :42 - ˛¬ \ΩpsS I¿Ømhv

Cßs\ ]d-bp-I-bmWv “\n߃ Xncp-

sh-gp-Øp-Iƒ Hcn-°epw hmbn-®n-´n -

√tbm”? tbip Xs∂bpw ]g-b-\n-b-a-

Ønse Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Iƒ hmbn-t°-

≠-X -√sbm F∂v tNmZn -°p -∂p .

At∏mƒ Xncp -sh-gp -Øp -Iƒ°p≈

]mam -Wy -sa -¥mWv? CXp -t]mse

Xs∂ a¿t°m.12:11-˛¬ C]-Im-c-ap≈

“Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Iƒ \n߃ hmbn-®n-´n-

√tbm”? 2 Xntam.3:14-˛¬ Ch-sb√mw

Xncp-sh-gp-ØpIfm-sW∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-

°p-∂p. 2 Xntam.3:16-˛¬ F√m Xncp-

sh-gp-Øp-Ifpw ssZh-izmko-b-amWv

F∂pw Fgp -Xn -b n -c n -°p -∂p . 2

]tXm.3:16-˛¬ hfsc hy‡-X-tbm-Sp-

IqSn tijw Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Isfbpw

\Ωƒ t\m°-W-sa∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-

∂p. ssIkvX-h-hn -izm -k-Øns‚

F√m-sa-√mw AYhm am\-ZWvUw Xncp-

sh-gp -Øp-I-fm -Wv. Xncp -sh-gp -Øp-

Iƒ°-\p-k-cn-®mWv Hcp k` apt∂m-

´p-t]m-tI-≠-sX∂v Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Iƒ

D≤-cn-®p-sIm≠v \nß-tfmSv ]d-bp-I-bm-

bn-cp-∂p. ImØ-enIv N¿t®m s]¥-

t°mkvXv N¿t®m BIs´ Hm¿Ø-

tUmIvkv Pm°-ss_‰v N¿®pItfm,

skan -s]-¥-t°mkvXv N¿®pItfm

BIs´, GsXmcp InkvXob k`bpw

Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Iƒ A\p-k-cn®v AXn-

proof that Jesus is alive. This living GodJesus has other names called Jehovahand Holy Spirit. God is trinity. It isthrough the Bible made to be writtenby this trinity that we should learn whatChurch is. It is through this Bible weshould understand, what are the doingsof Holy Spirit, healing the sick, drivingthe demons away etc. Baptism, Lord’sSupper (communion) maintaining thequalities of the worship leaders, weunderstand all this through the HolyBible.

A very important point toconsider in Bible is in Timothy1 and 2.In 2Thimothy 3:16-17 it is written “ AllScripture is given by inspiration of God,and is profitable for doctrine, forreproof, for correction, for instructionin righteousness, that the man of Godmay be complete, thoroughly equippedfor every good work.” That is the HolyBible the scripture is the result of thegood doing of God and Bible let us toknow this through the men of God likePeter or Paul. Another thing is that Bibleis by inspiration of God. Bible camefrom God via Holy Spirit. Christ hasgiven to us the scripture which is astandard of faith. What is this standardof faith? The standard of police is thatthey use the law and they do not takebribe. Taking the bribe and using the lawwill break the law. Everything hasstandards. The municipality has astandard as to how to lead the publicand collecting taxes, and to run vehiclesetc. The word standard means a scale.The standard of faith is that to believethe God’s scripture which is the Bible.We should certainly understand thateverything written in it is inspired by

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God’s Spirit.The standard of faith the Bible

is divided into two parts called as OldTestament and New Testament. TheGod’s law which existed in the periodbefore Christ is called as Old Testament,the true words which are inclusive ofcertain new things after the period ofChrist is called as New Testament. Twothings were specially mentioned. Thatis the Bible is by inspiration of God.The second is the standard of faith inChristianity is not saints, or communionor Idols but it is the truth of the HolyBible. Our Christ says in Mathew 21:42like this “ Jesus said to them, ”Haveyou never read in the Scriptures?” Jesushimself asks were we not supposed toread the scriptures of the OldTestament. Then what is the value ofScripture? In the same way Mark 12:11says “Have you not even read thisScripture”. 2 Timothy 3:14 you haveknown the Holy Scriptures. In 2 Timothy3:16 it is written All Scripture is givenby inspiration of God.2 Peter 3:16 saysas also in all his epistles, speaking inthem of these things, in which are somethings hard to understand, whichuntaught and unstable people twist totheir own destruction, as they do alsothe rest of the Scriptures. All thestandard of faith of Christianity is thescriptures. On the basis of scriptures Iwas telling that a church has to moveforward as per the scriptures. Be itCatholic church or a Pentecost churchor a orthodox Jacobite church or a semiPentecost church whichever Christiansect of church if do not follow or beingtaught by the worship leaders as per thescripture, the God’s people as we arecalled, each of our spiritual growthbecomes very very minimal, resultingin becoming in becoming extinct andwhen it come the word of the cross weslip thus many resulting in retreatingfrom the faith. Worship leaders or thosewho ever lead it, or works behind it, ifthey are not properly reading or teaching

se- ip-i-qj-I-∑m¿ ]Tn®v, ]Tn-∏n-®n-

s√-¶n¬ ssZh-P\w F∂p ]d-bp∂

\Ω-tfm-tcm-cp-ØcptSbpw Bflo-b-h-

f¿® hfsc hfsc sNdp-Xm-Ip-Ibpw

H´p -a n -√m -sX -bm -Ip -Ibpw sNbvX v

I q i n s ‚ h N - \ - Ø n s ‚

kmck¿∆kzØn-te°v hcp-tºmƒ

CS¿®-bp-≠m-Ip-Ibpw ]ecpw ]n∑m-‰-

Øn-em -Ip -Ibpw sNøpw. ipiq -j-

Itcm AXn\v t\XrXzw sImSp-°p-∂-

h -tcm AXns‚ ]n∂m -ºp -dØv

]h¿Øn-°p-∂-h-tcm Bcp-am -Is´

t\sc-sNms∆ Xncp -sh-gp -Øp -Isf

hmbn®pw ]Tn®pw ]Tn-∏n®pw 52 Rm-b-

dm-g-N-Isfm 365 Znh-k-ßtfm hnizm-

k--Øn-s‚ am\-Z-WvU-amb Xncp-sh-gp-

Øp-I-fpsS ]T-\-Øns‚ ]n∂m-ºp-d-

Øm-bm¬ Ah-cpsS B≤ym-fln -I-

Xbpw ]n∂m-ºp-d-Øm-Ipw. Ah¿°v

]ns∂ ]nSn®p \n¬°m-\m-In-√.

aq∂m-asØ Bi-b-Øn-te°v

hcmw. AXm-bXv Zm\n.9:2˛¬ ss__n-

f n s \ ‘ ] p k v X - I - ß ƒ ’ F ∂ p w

k¶o.40:7˛¬ ‘]pkvX-I-Np-cpƒ’ F∂pw

Zm\n.10:21-˛¬ ‘kXy-KŸw’ F∂pw

hnfn -®n -cn -°p-∂p. AXp-sIm-≠mWv

\ΩpsS ssIøn-ep≈ ss__n-fn¬

kXy-th-Z-]p-kvXIw F∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-

cn-°p-∂-Xv. Gi. 34:16-˛¬ ‘btlm-h-

bpsS ]pkvXIw’ F∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-

°p-∂p. Ft^.6:17-˛¬ ssZh-h-N-\-am-

Ip∂ ‘hmƒ’ F∂pw tdma.3 :2˛¬

‘ssZh-Øns‚ Acp-f-∏m-Sp-Iƒ’ F∂pw

tdma.1:1˛¬ ‘hnip-≤-tcJ’ F∂pw Fgp-

Xn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Cßs\ Gsg´v Xncp-

h-N-\-߃ Chn-sS-sb-gp-Xn-bXv F¥n-

\m-sW∂v tNmZn-®m¬ ]pkvX-I-Np-cpƒ

F∂pw ssZh-h-N\w F∂p-sams°

ss__n-fn-t\-°p-dn®v ]d-™n-´p≠v F-

∂Xv \Ω-tfm¿°m≥th-≠n -bm -Wv.

As∏m-kvX-e-\mb ]utemkv IqsS-

°qsS Xncp-sh-gp -Øp-Iƒ F∂mWv

ss__n -f ns\ hnfn -°p -∂ -X v .

aØm.21:42 -˛epw, a¿t°m.14:49 -˛epw,

tbml.5:39-˛epw tbip-InkvXp ]g-b-

\n-b-a-]p-kvX-I-ßsf Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-I-

sf∂v Xs∂ hnfn-®n-´p-≠v.

Ipsd h¿j-߃°p -apºv

ao≥ ]nSn-°m≥ t]mIp-∂-h¿ F©n≥

LSn∏n-°mØ shdpw h≈-Øn-emWv

henb Xpg-bp-ambn s]mbvs°m-≠n-cp-

∂-Xv. ]e-t∏mgpw IS-ense Iq‰≥ Xnc-

am-e-Iƒ AØcw h≈-sØbpw h≈-

Øn¬ bmX sNøp-∂-h-scbpw \in-

∏n -®n -´p -≠v. F∂m¬ C∂v balm

F©n≥ LSn-∏n® h≈tam t_ms´m

D≠v. AXn¬ bmX sNøp-tºmƒ h≥

Im‰n-s\bpw AXn-Po-hn-°m≥ ]‰pw.

Cu F©n≥ LSn-∏-n® h≈-Øn¬

t]mIp-∂-h¿°v Hcp kpc£nXXzw

Ds≠∂v ]d-bp-∂-Xp-t]mse \q‰n-bn-cp-

]-Ø-t©mfw sIm√-ß-fmbn s]¥-

t°m-kvXv \ho-I-cWw ]q t]mse

tIc-f-a-Æn¬ hncn-™n-´v. AXn¬ Xncp-

sh-gp-Øp-I-fn¬ ]ho-Wy-ap-≈-h¿°v

\ne -\n¬°m≥ km[n -°p -∂p -≠v .

balm F©n≥ LSn-∏n® t_m´n¬

bmX sNøp∂ ao≥ ]nSp-Ø-°m¿°v

Ipd®v kpc-£n-XXzw IqSp-X-ep-s≠∂v

]d-™-Xp-t]mse Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Isf

\√-hÆw B[n-Im-cn -I-ambn Kln-

°m≥ ]‰p-∂-h¿s°√mw Pohn-X-Øn¬

\nXy-X-tbmSv _‘-ap≈ kuJy-ap-≠v,

kam-[m-\-ap-≠v. kz¿§-Øn¬ t]mIp-

∂ -Xn -\p≈ _p≤n -a p´ v Ah¿°v

ItaW ItaW Ipd™v hcpw .

tcmKhpw Zp:Jhpw im]-hp -sa√mw

amdpw. CXp-t]mse ss__nƒh-N-

\ßsf Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-I-fmbn I≠pw

tI´pw C∂ ]pkvXI-Øn¬ C∂-bn-S-

Øp≈-Xns‚ A¿∞w C∂-XmWv

Fs∂ms° ]d-™p-sImSpØvv Xncp-

sh-gp -Øp-Isf kmam-\y-ambn ]Tn -

°p∂h¿°pw ]Tn -∏n -°p-∂-h¿°pw

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B≤ym-fln-I-X-bn¬ hf¿®bp-≠m-Ipw.

ipiq-j-I-∑m¿ t]mepw Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-

I-fn¬ Ah-Km-l-amb Adnhv Cs√-

¶n¬ hn´p-t]m-Ipw. amdn-t]m-tI≠n

hcpw. hnizmkn-Iƒ Ime-N-I-Øns‚

Id-°-Øn¬ ]n∑m-‰-Øn-em-bn-t∏m-Ipw.

Zb-hmbn \n߃ Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-I-fn¬

sU]vXv D≈-h-cm-Im≥ th≠n ]cn-ip-

≤m-flm-hn -t\mSv ]m¿∞n-°p-Ibpw

kXy-h-N-\-hym-Jym\w Bhp-∂n-S-Øp-

\n-s∂√mw tIƒ°p-Ibpw hmbn-°p-

Ibpw sNbvXm-s´.

C\n \mem-asØ t]mbn-‚n-

te°v IS -°mw. AD 2014 Xocm≥

t]mIp-∂p. AXn-\p-ap-ºp≈ Ime-L´w

BC BW-s√m. BC 1492 apX-emWv

the scriptures in 52 Sundays or 365 days,if they are out of range in the scripturewhich is the standard of faith then theirspirituality will also lag behind. Thenthey will not be able to with stand.

Let us proceed to the thirdmeaning. That is Daniel 9:2 calls theBible ‘Books’ and in Psalm 40:7 calls itscroll of the book, in Daniel 10:21 it issaid as the scripture of truth. That iswhy the Bible in our hand is called asTrue Bible. In Isaiah 34:16 it is written‘the book of the Lord’. Ephesians 6:17says the word of the God as the sword,Romans 3:2 says ‘oracle of God’. Thenagain Romans 1:1 says ‘HolyScriptures’. If you are asking why thisseven to eight references fromscriptures are given then it is to remindyou all that the Bible is also called asscroll of the book, God’s word etc.Apostle Paul often called Bible as HolyScriptures. Jesus Christ has called theOld Testaments as Holy Scriptures inMathew 21:42, Mark 14:49, John 5:39.

Long time ago when fisher menused to go fishing they used to go inboats without engine with big oars.Many a times the high waves of seahave destroyed the boats and those whotravel in it. But today there are boatswith Yamaha engines attached to it.When you travel in it you can survivestrong winds. As you have security intravelling in an engine attached boat, sothe redefined Pentecost bloomed likeda flower in the soil of Kerala for thepast one twenty five years. Those whoexpertise in scriptures manages to stayput on. As the fisher men who travelsin boats fitted with Yamaha engines hasmore security, so does those who areable to deeply understand the scriptureshas eternal related cure and peace. Thehardship of going to heaven willgradually come down. Sickness,depression and curses will fade away.In this way those who are commonly

Rß-fpsS hnhmlw Ign™v 2 h¿j-

am-bn- Ip™p-ß-fn-√msX hnj-an-°p-I-

bm-bncp∂p. Aß-s\-bn-cns° ]md-»m-

e-bn¬ _lp.-tZ-h-kym-km-dns‚ ipiq-

j-\-S-°p-∂p-s≠∂v Adn-™p. `mcy

AhnsS t]mIp-Ibpw kXy-kp-hn-tijw

tIƒ°p-hm≥ CS-bm-Ip-Ibpw sNbvXp.

IqSmsX km¿ R߃°p-th≠n

]m¿∞n-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. ]m¿∞-

\bv°p tijw km¿ ]d-™p 6 amk-

Øn-\p -≈n¬ K¿`n -Wn -bm -Ip -sa∂v.

I¿Øm-hns‚ Ir]-bm¬ H∂c amk-

amb-t∏m-tg°pw K¿`nWnbmIp-Ibpw

sNbvXp. Ct∏mƒ 7 amkw K¿`n-Wn-bm-

Wv. ]khw t\csØ \S-°m≥ km[y-

X-bp-s≠∂v tUmIvS¿ ]d-™p. AXn-

\p -th -≠nbpw km¿ ]m¿∞n -®p.

I¿Ømhp X∂ Ip™ns\ I¿Ømhp

kwc-£n-°p-sa∂v R߃ ZrV-ambn

hniz-kn-°p-∂p. DZ-c-^ew Ah≥

Xcp∂ ]Xn -^-ehpw Xs∂


Zn]p sPbnwkv

Ph: 9895868417

Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Iƒ cNn-°-s∏-´-Xv. AXv

AD 100 F∂ Ime-am-b-t∏mtgbv°pw

]q¿Æ-ambn cNn-°-s∏-´p. BC 1492-˛\pw

AD 100-˛\pw at≤y D≈ 1600 h¿j-

߃sIm -≠mWv ]g -b -a n -b -a - ]p -

Xnb\nba KŸßsf√mw cNn-°-s∏-

´-Xv. hnti-jn®pw ]g-b-\n-b-a-w 1000

h¿jw sIm≠mWv ]q¿Øn-bm-b-Xv.

InkvXp sIm√-s∏-´Xpw Dbn¿sØ-gp-

t∂-‰Xpw AD 30-˛-em-sW∂v Icp-Xs∏-

Sp∂p. AD 30-˛\v tijw As∏m-kvX-e-

∑m¿ Ipd-®p-\mƒIqSn Pohn-®n-cp-∂p.

As∏m-kvX-e-∑m-cn¬ Nne¿ IqSn-bmWv

]pXn -b -\n -baw Fgp -Xn -b -X v .AXp -

sIm≠v ]pXn-b-\n-b-aw- F-gp-X-s∏-´Xv

AD 50-˛\pw 100-˛\pw CS-bv°m-sW∂v

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studying and teaching the bible versesas scriptures mentioning where theverse from will grow up spiritually. Evenworship leaders those who do not havedeeper knowledge will wither away.They will move away. Believers duringthe course of time will withdraw fromthe faith. So all of you please pray tothe Holy Spirit to deepen you in thescriptures and hear and read the trueinterpretation of the true gospel.

Now let us enter into the fourthpoint. AD 2014 is about to end. Theprevious period is BC. It is from BC1492 the scriptures were written. Thatwas completed in AD 100. Between BC1492 and AD 100 all the NewTestament and Old Testament bookswere written in those 1600 years.Especially it took 1000 years to finishthe Old Testament. It is thought thatChrist was born and killed in AD 30.Apostles lived for a few more years thanAD 30. Some of the apostles joinedtogether and wrote New Testament. Sothe New Testament is supposedlywritten in between AD 50 - AD100.During this period 27 books of the NewTestament was written. After BC 1492all the Old Testament books werewritten in 1000 years. This is anapproximate knowledge of writing ofthe Bible. We say this based on theknowledge of the Bible scholars andcertain information. The 39 books OldTestament and the 27 books in NewTestament in the Bible are written byforty writers as per the command ofGod under the influence of Holy Spirit.All the writers varied. David is a King.Solomon also is a king. If David andSolomon were kings who wrote the OldTestament, then Daniel and Nehemiahwere highly influenced political officerslike now a day’s IAS officers. Ezra wasa priest of those days. Moses was avery wise and extra ordinary person inMizoram Egypt. Deeply knowledgeablein testaments Apostle Paul wrote New

Icp-Xmw. Cu Ime-L-´-Øn¬ ]pXn-b-

\n-b-a-Ønse 27 ]pkvX-I-ß-sf-gp-Xn.

BC 1 492 - ˛\ v tijw 1000 h¿j-

߃sIm≠v ]g -b -\n -b -a - K -Ÿ-ß-

sf√mw Fgp-Xn. CXv ss__n-fns‚

cN\m ImesØ Ipdn®p≈ Hcp GI-

tZi Adn-hm-Wv. ss__nƒ ]WvUn-

X-∑mcpsS \nK-a-\-ßfpw Nne inem

tcJ-Ifpsams° h®p -sIm -≠p≈

IW-°p-Iq-´-en-emWv \Ω-fnXv ]d-bp-

∂-Xv. ]g-b-\n-b-a-Ønse 39 ]p-kvX-I-

ßfpw ]pXn-b-\n-b-a-Ønse 27 ]pkvX-

I-ßfpw GI-tZiw \mev]Xv Fgp-Øp-

Im¿ ssZh-Øns‚ Iev]-\-b-\p-k-cn®v

]cn -ip -≤m -flm -hns‚ \ntbmKw

]m]n®v Fgp-Xn-b-Xm-Wv. Cu Fgp-Øp-

Im-sc√mw hn`n-∂-cm-bn-cp-∂p. ZmhoZv

Hcp cmPm-hm-Wv. itetam\pw cmPm-hm-

Wv. ]g-b-\n-baw Fgp-Xnb ZmhoZpw

ie-tam\pw cmPm-hm-sW-¶n-¬ Zm\n-

tbepw s\l-aymhpw IAS DtZym-K-ÿ-

∑m-sc-t∏mse c-W-X-¥-⁄-∑m-cm-bn-

cp-∂p. A∂sØIm-esØ Hcp ]ptcm-

ln-X-\m-bn -cp∂p Fkm. ankbow

F∂ CuPn-]v‰nse kIe ⁄m\hpw

A`ykn® AXp-ey-\mb hy‡n-bm-bn-

cp∂p tami. \ymb-]-am -W-Øn-¬

Atß-b‰w Ah-Kmlw t\Snb ]pXn-

b -\n -b -a - Fgp -Øp-Im -c -\mbn -cp∂p

]utemkv As∏m-kvX-e≥. Cßs\

ssZh-Øns‚ ssIønse D]-I-c-W-

ßfmb 40- Hmfw Fgp-Øp-I-m¿ IqSn-

bmWv thZ-]p-kvXI cN\ \S-Øn-b-


C\n 5˛ -masØ `mK-tØ°v

IS-°mw. sl_m-b-`m-j-bnepw Ko°p-

`m-j-bn-ep-amWv ]g-b-\n-b-a- ]p-Xn-b-\n-

b-a-K-Ÿ-߃ cNn°s∏-´-Xv. ]g-b-\n-

b-a-Øn¬ Ipd-®p-Im-cy-ßfpw ]pXn-b-

\n -b -a -Øn¬ Ipd -®p -Im -cy -ßfpw

InkvXp-tb-ip-hns‚ kwkm-c-`m-j-

bmb Acm-ay-`m-j-bn¬ Fgp-X-s∏-´n-´p-

≠ v . a q∂ v ][m -\ -`m -j -I -fmWv

ss__n-fn¬ D]-tbm -Kn -®n -´p -≈Xv

F∂v ]d-bp-I-bm-bn -cp -∂p. AXn¬

sl_m-b-ss_-_n-fns\, AXns‚

hyXykvX cq]-ßsf Fse-bm-k¿

F∂ ]ptcm-ln-Xs‚ \n¿t±-i-]-Imcw

70 ]WvUn-X-∑m¿ tN¿∂v Ae-Ivkm-

WvUn-b-bn¬ h®v F_m-b-`m-j-bn¬

\n∂v Ko°p-`m-j-bn-te°v ]pkvX-I-cq-

]-Øn¬ ]cn-`mj sNbvXXv sk]v‰p-

h-Pn‚ v F∂ t]cn-emWv Adn-b-s∏-Sp-

∂-Xv. AXns\ tXmdm F∂v hnfn°pw.

Dev]-Øn, ]pd-∏m-Sv, tehym, kwJym-,

Bh¿Ø\]p-kvX-Iw F∂p XpSßnb

]g-b-\n-b-a- \ym-b-]-amW]pkvX-I-ß-

sf tXmdm F∂mWv hnfn-°p-∂-Xv.

]n∂o-Sp≈ eØo-\n-te°p ]cn-`m-j-

s∏-Sp -Ønb ]pkvX-IsØ hnfn-°p-

∂Xv hƒtK‰v (Vulgate) F∂m-Wv.

]≠sØ ]gb NpcpfpI-fn¬ tXmdm,

sk]vv‰phPn‚,v hƒtK‰v F∂n-ßs\

At\Iw t]cp -I -f n¬ Adn -b -s∏ -

Sp∂psh∂v Hcp GI-tZi Adn-hn\v

th≠n ]d-s™t∂bp≈p.

C\n 6˛m-asØ `mK-Øn-te°v

IS-°mw. ssZh-Øn\v \Ω-tfmSv ]d-

bm -\p -≈Xv ]Ir -Xn -b n -e qsSbpw

\ΩpsS a\:km£nbneq-sSbpw khn-

ti-j-amb shfn-]m-Sn-eqsSbpw shfn-

s∏Sp-Øp-∂p. AXp IqSmsX kphn-ti-

j-ß-fn-eqsSbpw shfn-s∏-SpØn Xcp-

∂p. Cßs\ ssZhw kphn-ti-j-ß-fn-

eqsS shfn-s∏-Sp-Øn-X-cp-∂Xv t\cn´p

Xcp∂ shfn-]m-Sm-Wv. ]Ir-Xn-bn-eqsS

Xcp-∂Xv ]IrXn F∂ am≤ya--Øn-eq-

sS-bpw a\:km£n-bn-eqsS Xcp-∂Xv

a\:km£n F∂ am≤y-a-Øn-eq -sS-

bpam -Wv. F∂m¬ ssZhw t\cn´ v

A_m-l-tØmSv kwkm-cn-®n-´p-≠v.

(Dev].18). temØn-t\mSv kwkm-cn-®n-

´p-≠v (D-ev].19). ]hm-N-I-∑m-cn-eqsS

ssZhw kkm-cn-®n-´p-≠v. AXv hnhn[

]pkvX-I-ß-fn¬ \ap°v ImWp-hm≥

km[n-°pw. DZm-l-c-W-am-bn Bh.34-

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˛¬ 10 , 1 1 , 1 2 Xncp -sh -g p -Øp -Iƒ

“F∂m¬ ankbow tZiØv ^d-thm-

t\mSpw Ahs‚ kIe rXy-∑m-tcmSpw

Ahs‚ k¿∆ tZi -tØmSpw

sNbvhm≥ btlmh tamisb \ntbm-

Kn-®-b-® kIe A¤p-X-ßfpw `pP-

ho-cyhpw F√m bnk-tbepw Im¨sI

tami ]h¿Øn® b-¶c Imcy-ß-sfm-

s°bpw hnNm-cn-®m¬ btlmh A`n-

ap -J -ambn Adn™ tami-tb-t∏m -

semcp ]hm-N-I≥ bnk-tben¬

]ns∂ D≠m-bn -´n -√”. Cu hmIy -

Øns‚ A¿∞w tami-tbmSv t\cn´v

ssZhw kwkm-cn-®n-cp-∂p F∂m-Wv.

C\n Zm\n-tb-en-t\mSv kz]v\-Øn-eqsS

ssZhw kwkm-cn -®Xv tIƒ°-s≠.

Zm\n . 7 : 1 ˛ “_mt_¬ cmPm -hmb

t_¬i- -cns‚ H∂mw B≠n¬ Zm\n-

tb¬ Hcp kz]v\w I≠p. Ah\v InS-

°-bn¬ h®v Z¿i-\-߃ D≠mbn.

Ah≥ kz]v\w Fgp-Xn. Imcy-Øns‚

kmcw hnh-cn -®p”. kz]v\-Øn-eqsS

ssZhw Ah\p shfn-]mSp-Iƒ sIm-Sp-

Øp. Z¿i-\-ß-fn-eqsSbpw ssZho-I-sh-

f n - ] m - S p - I - f p - ≠ v . G i . 1 : 1 ˛ ¬ ,

sbsl.1 : 1 ˛¬, sbsl. 8 : 3˛¬,

sbsl.11:24-˛¬ Chn-sS-sb√mw Z¿i-\-

ß-fn -eqsS ssZhw shfn -]m -Sp -Iƒ

sImSp-Ø-Xn-t\-°p-dn®v \Ωƒ a\- n-

em -°p -∂p. Giømhv , bnc -aym -h v ,

sbl-kvt°¬, XpSßnb At\-I¿°v

Z¿i-\-ß-fn-eqsS ssZhw Xs‚ shfn-

]m-Sp -Iƒ sImSp-Øn-cp -∂p. AXp-

t]mse apƒ∏-S¿∏ns‚ \Sp°v Xo

IØp-∂p. ]s£ Ce-sbm∂pw Icn-

bp-∂n-√. ]pd.3-˛¬ ssZho-I-km-∂n[yw

A¤p-X-ß-fn -eqsS ImWn -°p -∂p.

InkvXp-hn-eqsS, InkvXp-hns‚ P\-

\-Øn-eqsS ssZhw shfn-]m-Sp -Iƒ

\¬In. tami-bn -eqsS, kz]v\-Øn-

eqsS, A¤p-X-ß-fn-eq-sSbpw Z¿i-\-

ß-fneq-sSbpw ZqX-∑m¿ apJm-¥chpw

ssZhw shfn -]m-SpI-ƒ \¬Ip-∂p.

kz]v\-ß-fn-eqsSbpw tcmK-ku-Jy-ß-

fn-eq-sSbpw _‘-\-߃ Agn-®p-I-f-

™p -sIm≠pw ssZhw \Ω-tfmS v

kwkm - c n -° p w .h y mJy m -\ n -°m≥

hømØ \nc-h[n kw`-h-ß-fn-eqsSbpw

ssZhw kwkm-cn -°pw.F¥n -\mWv

ss__nƒ F∂v \mw ]Tn-°p-I-bm-Wv.

ssZh-Øn\v \Ω-tfmSv ]eXpw shfn-

s∏-Sp-Øn-Ø-c-Ww. Dev.1:26 A\p-k-

cn®v \mw ssZh-Øns‚ kmZr -iy -

Ønepw Omb-bnepw krjvSn-°-s∏-´-h-

cm-Wv. ssZhØns‚ Ombbpw ssZh-

Øns‚ kmZr -iyhpw \ap°p -s≠-

¶nepw \mw ]m]n-I-fm-Wv. ]Øv Imcy-

߃ sNbvXm¬ ]eXpw sX‰n-t∏m-Ip-

∂p . \qdp Imcy߃ ]d -™m¬

]eXpw sX‰n-t∏m-Ip-∂p. ssZh-Øns‚

kmZr-iy-Øn-em-sW-¶nepw Ft∏mgpw

AhnSpsØ kvt\l-Øns‚ \nd-hn--√m-

Ø-Xp-sIm≠v, Ir]-bpsS Iogn-e-√m-

Ø-Xp-sIm≠v \ap°v sX‰p-Iƒ kw`-

hn-°p-∂p. ]m]-Øn-s‚bpw ]nim-Nn-

t‚bpw temI-Øn-s‚bpw PV-Øn-

t‚bpw _p≤n-bp-tSbpw F√m-a-WvU-

e-ß-fnepw \ap°v Adn-hp-tI-Sp-Iƒ

D≠m-Ip-∂p. ]Tn-°p∂ hN-\-߬ ad-

∂p-t]m-Ip-∂p. ]co-£-bn¬ tXm‰m¬

FX-th-W-sa-¶nepw Fgp-Xmw. hN-\-

Øn¬ tXm‰m¬ tXm‰Xv Xs∂. hN-

\-Øn¬ tXm¬°m-Xn -cn -°m≥ hN-

\amb tbiphnt\mSv \ap°v ]m¿∞n-


C\n 7˛ -asØ Bibw ]d-

bmw. Rm≥ ]m]n -bmb a\p -jy≥.

]s£ Rm≥ ssZh-Øns‚ Ir]-bn-

emWv hniz-kn-°p-∂-Xv. Hcp e£w

]m]-ap-s≠-¶nepw Fs‚ ssZh-tØmSv

AI-a-gn™v A\p-X-]n®v am\-km-¥-

c-Øns‚ kz`mhw ImgvN-h-®p-sIm≠v

I¿Øm-sh- F∂v hnfn-®m¬ kIe

]m]hpw Hcp sk°‚p-sIm≠v ambn®p

If-bp∂ Hcp Hdn-Pn-\¬ ssZh-sØ-

bmWv \mw ssZhsa F∂p hnfn-°p-

Testament. Thus 40 such people whowas instrumental in the hands of Godwrote Holy Bible.

Now we will go to the fifth part.The Old Testament and the NewTestament were written in Hebrew andGreek. Certain things in Old Testamentand New Testament are written inArmenian language which Jesus spoke.I was trying to say that three importantlanguages were used in Bible. In thatHebrew Bible in its different form wasasked to be translated into Greeklanguage by a priest called Eleazar, andas per as his asking 70 scholars togethertranslated it in Alexander and wasknown in the name of Septuagint. It isalso called as Torah. Genesis,Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, andDeuteronomy of the Old Testamentare called as Torah. The otherproceeding books which weretranslated to Latin were as a bookcalled as Vulgate. This informationwas shared with you about the oldscrolls contained Torah, Septuagintand Vulgate were for yourinformation.

Now let’s enter the 6th part. WhateverGod wants to say to us, he reveals itthrough the nature, our conscienceand particular revelations. Not onlythat, he reveals it through the gospeltoo. This way what is being revealedthrough Gospel by God is revelation.What is given through nature is giventhrough a medium called nature andwhat is given through conscience isthrough the medium of conscience.But God has directly talked toAbraham (Genesis 18). Talked toLoath (Genesis 19). God has spokenthrough the prophets. We can see thatin different books of the Bible. Forexample Deuteronomy 34:10-12verses says “But since then there hasnot arisen in Israel a prophet like Moses,whom the LORD knew face to face, in

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all the signs and wonders whichthe LORD sent him to do in the land ofEgypt, before Pharaoh, before all hisservants, and in all his land, and by allthat mighty power and all the greatterror which Moses performed in thesight of all Israel.” This verse meansthat God has directly spoken to Moses.Now don’t you want to hear what Godsaid to Daniel? Daniel 7:1 “In the firstyear of Belshazzar king of Babylon,Daniel had a dream and visions of hishead while on his bed. Then he wrotedown the dream, telling the main facts.God gave him revelation throughdreams. There are God’s revelationsthrough visions. Isaiah 1:1, Ezekiel 1:1,Ezekiel 8:3, Ezekiel 11:24 all says aboutrevelation through dreams. Isaiah,Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc were givenrevelation by God, through visions. I thesame way there is fire among the thornbush. But no leaves are burnt. Exodus3 speaks about the presence of Godthrough miracles. Through Christ,through the birth of Christ God gaverevelations. Through Moses, throughdreams, through miracles, the visions,all these are the medium through Godgive revelation. Through dreams,healing sick, bondage breaking all theseare medium in which God speaks. Godwill speak a lot of things to us whichwe may not be able to interpret. Weare learning for what is Bible? Godwants to reveal many things to us. Asper Genesis 1:26, we are created in theimage and likeness of God. Even thoughwe have the image and likeness of Godwe are sinners. When we do ten thingsmany go wrong. When we tell hundredthings many of them are blunders. Eventhough we are in the image of God,because we are not covered in his lovealways and because we are not undergrace we make mistakes. In all areasof sins, Satan, world, flesh, mind wehave problems. We forget the verseswe read. If we fail in an exam, we canwrite how many ever time we want. If

∂-X v . B ssZhw tbip -hm -W v .

\nßfpw tbip-hns\ ssZh-sa∂p hnfn-

®m¬ B \nanjw ]m]-tam-N-\w e`n-

°p-Ibm-Wv. P∑\m ]m]nbpw \nXy-a-

c-W-Øn\v hn[n-°-s∏-´-h-\p-amWv a\p-

jy≥ Ah≥ acn®v \c-I-Øn¬ t]mIp-

∂-Xn\p ]Icw Ahs‚ ]m]sØ

FSpØp \o°p-hm≥ Ign-hp-≈-hs‚

Ign-hn-t\mSv tNcWw. Aßs\ \mw

tNcp-I-bm-sW-¶n¬ \ap°v Xo¿®-bm-

bn´pw ]m]sØ am‰p-hm≥ km[n-°pw.

ssZhm-flm-hns‚ klm-b-ap-s≠-¶nte

kXy-hm -\mb ssZh-Øns‚ ASp -

tØ°v hcm≥ ]‰p . tdma.3 :4 - ˛¬

ssZhw kXy-hm-\mWv F∂v FgpXn-

bn-cn-°p-∂p. 2 Xntam.3:16-˛¬ ssZh-h-

N -\w - k -Xy -am -sW∂pw ssZh -

izmkobam-sW∂pw Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-

∂p. tbml.17:17 -˛¬ \ns‚ hN\w

kXy-amWv F∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-∂p.

ssZhw kXy-am-Wv. \Ω-fnsem kXy-

߃ Ipd-hm-Wv. Pohn-X-Ønepw Nn¥-

bnepw kwkm-c-Øn-ep-sams° Ak-

Xy-am-bn-cn°pw. Iqin-°-s∏´ kXy-hm-

\mb ssZhsØ ]cn-N-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xn-eq-

sS-bmWv \ap°v kXyw a\-kn-em-hp-


alm-fl-Pn-bpsS Fs‚ kXym-

t\z-jW ]co-£-Iƒ F∂ ]pkvXIw

hmbn®p hmbn®p hcp -tºm -gmWv

C∂sØ ImesØ Bfp -Iƒ°v

BcmWv alm-flPn F∂v a\-kn-em-hp-

I-bp -≈p. C¥y-bpsS kzmX-¥y-e-

_v[tbmS v _‘-s∏´v alm-flPn,

k¿Zm¿ h√-`mbv ]t´¬, ]WvUn‰v P-

h-l¿em¬ s\lp apX-em-b-h¿ B

Ime-L-´-Øn¬ `mc-X-Øn-\p-th≠n

HØncn IjvS-s∏-´p F∂p ]d-™-Xp-

sIm≠v IqSp -X¬ Imcy-߃ Adn-

bm≥ ]‰n√. F∂m¬ Cu _p°v hmbn-

°p -∂ -tXmSp -IqS n alm -fl-Pnsb

\∂mbn Adn -bmw . P -h -l¿em¬

s\lphns‚ Discovery of India hmbn-

°p-tºmƒ Iptd-°qSn Adn-bmw. CXp-

t]mse btlm-h-tb-°p-dn®,v ssZh-]p-

X-t\-°p-dn®,v ]cn-ip-≤m-flm-hn-t\-°p-

dn®v \√-hÆw Kln-°-W-sa-¶n¬

ssZhm -flmhp Xs∂ Fgp -Xn®

]kvXpX _p°v (Bible)\Ωƒ hmbn-

°-Ww, CXmWv 7˛masØ t]mbn‚ v.

]g-b-\n-b-a-Øn¬ btlm-h- C-]-Imcw

Acp-fn-s®-øp∂p F∂p ]e-h´w ]d-

™n-cn-°p-∂p. \lpw ]hm-N-I≥ 1:12-

˛epw l§m-bn.1:2˛epw bnc.1:11 -˛epw

Gi.1:2˛epw btlmh Acp-fn-s®-øp∂p

Fs∂-gp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. ]pXnb \nb-

a-Øn-te°v h∂mepw tbip AYhm

]cn-ip-≤m-flmhv ]d-bp∂p F∂v Fgp-

Xn -b n -c n -°p -∂p . 1 sImdn . 2 : 1 3 - ˛¬

Bflmhv D]-tZ -in -°p∂ hN-\-ß-

fmepw F∂v ImWp-∂p. 1 sImdn.14:37-

˛¬ I¿Øm-hns‚ Iev]-\-sb∂pw

km£m¬ BIp-∂-Xp-t]mse ssZh-h-

N-\-hp-am-bn´v F∂v 1 sX .2:13-˛epw

Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Ct∏mƒ CXv Fgp-

XnbXv, btlmh F∂ tbip-InkvXp

F∂ ]cn-ip-≤m-flmhv F∂ Xo-tb-I-

ssZ-h-amWv Cu ss__n-fns\ Fgp-

Xn-bXv F∂Xv a\- n-em-°p-I-bm-sW-

¶n¬, hnip-≤-∑m-cn¬ Nnesc acn-®-h-

cn¬\n∂pw Fgp-t∂¬∏n-°p∂ coXn-

sbms° C√m-Ø-Xm-sW∂v Xncn-®-

dn™v Bflo-b-t\-Xm-°fpw kXy-Øn-

te°v hcp-am-bn-cp-∂p.

C\n 8˛-masØ t]mbn‚n-te°v

IS-°mw. ss__n-fns‚ ]q¿Æ- sF-

Iy -tØ-∏ -‰n∏d -bmw. ]g -b -\n -baw

sl_m-b-`m-j-bn¬; _m°n ]pXn-b-

\n -baw Ko°p-`m -j-bn¬; c≠nepw

Iptds» Acamb `mj-bpw. Bbncw

h¿jw-sIm≠v ]g-b-\n-baw FgpXn,

100 h¿jw sIm≠v ]pXn-b-\n-b-ahpw

Fgp -Xn -sb-¶n¬ CXn¬ DS -\ofw

A¤p-X-I-c -amb sFIyw ImWmw.

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we fail in gospel, it is a failure. Let uspray to the gospel Jesus so that wedon’t fail in Gospel.

Now I will say 7th point. I am asinner. But I believe in the grace of god.Even if I have over one lakh sins, if Iconfess and repent to my lord from thedepth of my heart, and cry out to him,then our sins will be forgiven in a secondthat is the kind of original God we arecalling out as God. That God is Jesus.Even if you call out Jesus as God thenthat minute you will get redemption ofsins. Human beings are born sinners andare destined to die forever, and insteadof him dying and going to Hell, he shouldjoin with the one who can take his sinsaway. If we are joining like this thenwe can surely change the sinfulness. Ifonly we have the help of the God’s spirit,we can come closer to God. Romans3:4 say God is true. In 2 Timothy 3:16 itis written All Scripture is given byinspiration of God. John 17:17 says‘Your word is truth’. God is truth; Truthin us is very minimal. There is only nontruth in our life, thoughts and speech.Only through getting introduced to thecrucified true God we get to know thetruth. Only when you keep on readingMahatma Gandhi’s ‘My Experimentwith the Truth’ only then the presentgeneration will know who MahatmaGandhi is. When it is told that men likeMahatmaji, Sardar Vallabhai Patel,Pandit Jawarhlal Nehru fought fiercelyin relation to independence for Bharat,nothing much cannot be achieved. Butby reading this one can get to knowMahatmaji very well. When Discoveryof India is read then more is known.The same way if we need to know moreabout Jehovah, Son of God, and the HolySpirit then we have to read thementioned Bible which was made to bewritten by the God’s Spirit, and this isthe 7th point. In Old Testament it iswritten in many places that Lord hasspoken. Nahum 1:12, Haggai 1:2,

AXm -bXv BIm -i -sØbpw `qa n -

sbbpw D≠m -°nb A∂p apX¬

C∂p hsc-bp≈ c£m-IcN-cnXw ka-

K-ambn thZ-]p-kvX-I-Øn¬ I¿Æm-

I¿Æn -bmbn Fgp -Xn -bn -c n -°p -∂p.

CsXmcp GI-K-Ÿ-am-Wv. 66 ]pkvX-

I -a p - s≠-¶nepw CX v Htc -sbmcp

]pkvX-I-am-Wv. AXns‚ D]-tZ-i-]-c-

amb ho£Whpw c£-sb-°p-dn-®p≈

ho£-Whpw hfsc Ir -Xy -am -Wv.

AXnse D] -tZ -i -ß-sf√mw Htc

]pkvX -I -Øn -ep -≈Xv Xs∂ ]e

] p k v X - I - ß - f n e p w I m W m w .

]pXnb\nb-a -Ønepw ]g -b -\n -b -a -

Ø n e p w I n k v X p h g n - b p - ≈

c£sb°pdn-®mWv ka-K-ambn ]Xn-

]m-Zn-°p-∂-Xv. hyXykvX qJ-WvU-ß-

fn¬ hyXykvX Ime-Øv hy-XykvX

kz`m-h-ap≈ hyXykvX ]mWvU-nXy-

ap≈ hy‡n-I-fmWv ss__nƒ Fgp-

Xn-b-sX-¶nepw tSm´¬ AXns‚ ImgvN-

∏mSv InkvXp hgn-bp≈ km¿∆-XnI

c£-bm-Wv. ]e¿ ]e ÿeØv sh®vv

Fgp-Xn-b-sX√mw, At\ym-\yw- A-h¿

I≠n-´n√, tI´n-´n√ F∂n´p t]mepw

ss__n -f nse 66 _p°p -I -f nse

F√m-°m-cyßfpw IrXy-amb Htc

D≈-S-°-am-bn -cp -∂p. ssZh-tØ-°p-

dn®pw a\p-jy-t\-°p-dn®pw temI-hy-h-

ÿ-tb -°p -d n®pw ]m] -sØbpw

AXns‚ in£-tb-bpwIp-dn®pw F√mw

Htc Xc-Øn-emWv AhnsS Fgp-Xn-bn-


C\n 9˛m -asØ t]mbn -

‚ nte°v IS-°mw. \n߃ tI´n-´p -

≠mIpw A] -am -Z nXzw Fs∂mcp

hm°v. sX‰p-]-‰mbvI F∂mWv B

hm°ns‚ A¿∞w. ItØm-en-°-cm-b

-B-fp-I-sf√mw Ah-cpsS Bflo-b-t\-

Xm-hn\v A]-am-ZnXzw Ds≠∂v ]d-bp-

∂p. At±-l-Øn\v sX‰p ]‰n√ F∂v.

temIØv F´v Ipcn-ip-bp-≤-߃°v

Fs‚-t]cv tPm_n B‚-Wn. Rm≥

CSp°n Pn√-bn¬ sXmSp-]p-gbv-°-SpØv

Xma-kn-°p-∂p. IELTS Fgp-Xp-hm≥ hf-

sc -]bmk-am-sW∂v F√m-hcpw ]d-bp-

am-bn-cp-∂p. F¶nepw I¿Øm-hn¬ Bi-

bn-®mWv ]co-£-sb-gp-Xm≥ Xocp-am-\n-

®-Xv. ]co£ hfsc _p≤nap´m-bn-tØm-

∂n. AXn-\p-tijw Rm≥ tZh-kym-km-

dns‚ ]m¿∞-\-bn¬ ]s¶-Sp-°p-Ibpw

km¿ F\n-°p-th≠n ]m¿∞n-°p-

tºmƒ CXv hfsc _p≤n-ap-´m-bn-´m-

Ws√m tXm∂p-∂Xv F∂p ]d-bp-Ibpw

F∂mepw \ap°v ]m¿∞n°mw F∂p

]d-bp-Ibpw sNbvXp. ]m¿∞-\-bv°p-

tijw Dt±-in-°p-∂-Xnepw IqSnb

kvtIm¿ t\Sm≥ ]‰p-sa∂v ]d-bpIbpw

sNbvXp. aq∂p saUyq-fn¬ 6˛Dw 1˛¬

6.5-˛Dw kvtIm¿ BWv ]Xo-£n-®n-cp-∂-

Xv. F∂m¬ dnk¬´v h∂t∏mƒ 6,6,6,8.5

In´n. Fs‚ Po-hn-X-Øn¬ I¿Ømhv

F\n-°mbn sNbvX henb A¤p-X-Øn-

\mbn Hcm -bncw \µn ]d -bp -∂p.

]m¿∞n® kmdn\pw \µn ]d-bp-∂p.

tPm_n B‚Wn, Ph: 9447232642

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Jeremiah1:11, Isaiah 1:2 in all theseplaces it is written the Lord has spoken.Even if you come to the NewTestament it is said Jesus said so orHoly Spirit said so. In 1Corint 12:13 itsays, but which the Holy Spirit teaches.1 Corint 14:37 says If anyone thinkshimself to be a prophet or spiritual, lethim acknowledge that the things whichI write to you are the commandmentsof the Lord, 1 Thess 2:13 says “as it isin truth, the word of God. Now this iswritten to state that Jehovah who is theJesus Christ who is Holy Spirit and thusthe trinity who wrote this Bible, and ifwe understand this, the spiritual leaderswould have realized that the idea thatsome of the Holy ones will beresurrected is not true and would havecome to the truth.

Now let us come to the 8th

point. I will say about the whole unitedform of the Bible. Old Testament inHebrew language; the rest of NewTestament in Greek language; both hasArmenian language mixed into it, It tookthousand years to complete the OldTestament, even though the NewTestament was written in 100 years, youwill see miraculous unity throughout.That is from the time the sky and earthwere created it is written all about tilltoday about the salvation history equallywritten in detailed form. It is one book.Even though it consists of 66, its still isone book. The observational advice ofthis book and the observation about thesalvation is up-to-date. The advices inthat book can be seen in other books. Itis about the salvation through Christ iswhat Old Testament and NewTestament reflects. Even thoughdifferent parts of the world, in differentera or period, different scholars wrotethis bible but the total its view is thesalvation through Jesus Christ. Many inmany places wrote it, they have neverseen each other, never heard each other,but still all the 66 books in Bible had the

Bflo-bhpw `uXo -Ihpw Bb

t\XrXzw sImSpØXv BcmWv?

bp≤w \S -ØpI F∂Xp Xs∂

A_≤as√. ]ns∂ Fß-s\-bmWv

A]-am-Zn-Xzw -D≈ Bƒ, sX‰v ]‰mØ

Bƒ F∂v Cß-s\-bp-≈-htc°p-dn®v

]d-bp-∂-Xv. hnip≤ thZ-]p-kvX-I-

Øn¬ ]d-™n-cn -°p-∂-X-\p -k-cn®v

Htc Hcp Ip¿∫m\ (bmKw) amX-sa-

bp≈p. InkvXp-tb-ip-hns‚ Iqinse

bmKw. AXm-bn-cp∂p G‰hpw Ah-km-

\sØ ]q¿Æ-bm-Kw. B bm-K-Øns‚

]tbm-P\w temIm-h-km\w hscbpw

\ne-\n¬°p-∂-Xp -sIm≠v as‰mcp

bmKw Bh-iy -an√ F∂v thZ -]p -

kvXIw `wKy-¥-tcW ]Tn-∏n-®n-´p-≠v.

sl_m.10:1˛14 hsc-bp≈ Xncp-sh-gp-

Øp-I-fn¬ Iqinse bmKw F∂ GI-

bm -K -a -√msX as‰mcp Ip¿∫m\

AYhm bmK-an√ F∂v ]Tn-∏n-®n-cn-°p-

∂p. Aß-s\ -bn -c ns° Znh -tk\

Ip¿∫m\ sNm√p-∂-Xp-sIm≠v B Hcp

ipiqjbv°v A]-am-Zn-Xzw-C√ F∂v

ImWmw. At∏mƒ A]-am-ZnXzw F∂

H∂v a\p-jy¿°p≠v F∂p ]d-bp-∂Xv

sX‰m-Wv. F∂m¬ hnip≤ thZ-]p-

kvXIw A]-am-Zn-Xz-ap-≈-Xm-Wv, A_-

≤ -c -ln -X -am -W v . ss__n -f n¬

bmsXmcp sX‰p-an-√. ss__nƒ apgp-

h\pw icn-bm-Wv. BZm-ans‚ hogvN-

bpsS Ncn-X-]-cX Hs° kXy-am-Wv.

BZm-ans\ ssZhw krjvSn-®-Xm-Wv.

D≠m-Is´ F∂p ]d-™psIm≠mWv

ssZhw temIsØ krjvSn-®-Xv. _lp-

am-\w ImWn-°m≥th≠n kam-cm-[y≥

F∂ hm°v \mw temIm-Nm-cy-∑m¿°v

tN¿°m≥ ]mSn-√. Hcmƒt° Bcm-[-

\-bv°v A¿-l-X-bp-≈p. ssZh-Øn\p-

am-Xw. De v] -Øn -]p -k vX -I -Øns‚

BZy-sams° ImWp∂Xv hniz-kn-°-

≠. Hcp `b-¶c hnkvt^m-S\w BIm-

i -Øn -ep -≠m -b -t∏mƒ D≠m-b -Hcp

sNdnb ÿe-amWv `qan F∂pw, `qan-

bpsS krjvSn-I¿Ω-Øn¬ Hcp am¥n-

I-h-Sn-sbm∂pw ssZh-Øns‚ Iøn¬

C√m-bn-cp∂p F∂p-sams° _lp-am-

\-s∏´ am¿]m∏m ]d-™-Xmbn Nne

Nm\-ep-I-fnepw, ]X-ß-fn-ep-sams°

ImWm≥ Ign-™p. thZ-]p -kvXIw

A\p -k-cn®v CØcw ]cm -a¿i-ß-

sfms° hnUvVn-Ø-c-ß-fm-Wv.

“BZn-bn¬ hN-\-ap-≠m-bn-

cp∂p”; hN\w ssZh-tØm-Sp-Iq-Sn-bm-

bn-cp-∂p, hN\w ssZh-am-bn-cp∂p F∂v

]pXnb \nbaw tbml.1:1˛3-˛epw, 1

tbml.1-˛epw DZvtLm-jn-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xv

IqSmsX Dev]Øn ]pkvX-I-Ønse

BZy Nm]v‰¿ apgp-h\pw hN-\-a-b®v

ssZhw temIsØ krjvSn®Xnt\-°p-

dn-®m-Wv. BZm-ans‚ hogvN-bpsS Ncn-

X -] -cX D≈Xv Xs∂-bm -W v .

ss__nƒ A_-≤ -c -ln -X -am -W v .

tbm\m-]-hm-N-Is‚ A\p-`h߃

icn°pw D≈Xv Xs∂-bm -W v .

]©KŸnIfpsS tamssi -I -

I¿XrXzw \ntj-[n-°-≠. AXv D≈Xp

Xs∂-bm-Wv. Gi-øm-, Genbm apX-

emb ]hm-N-I∑mcpsSsbms° ipiq-

j-Iƒ D≈Xv Xs∂-bm-Wv. A_-≤-c-

ln-X-am--Wv thZ-]p-kvXIw F∂p ]d-

bp -I -bm -Wv . kºq¿Æ A_-≤-cm -

lnXyw (Absolute Innerrancy) thZ-]p-

kvX-I-Øns‚ khn-ti-j-X-bm-Wv.

At\Iw ss__nƒ ]T -\ -Øn\ v

t\XrXzw sImSp-Ø- Nne-sc-¶nepw

AXvAX icn-sbm-∂p-a√ Fs∂ms°

]dbmdps≠-¶nepw B ]d -bp -∂ -

sXm∂pw A√ icn. hnip≤ thZ-]p-

kvXIw kºq¿Æ-ambn icn -bmWv

F∂-XmWv Rm\p-b¿Øn-∏n-Sn-°p∂

9˛masØ Bi-b-Øns‚ ^Ãv ]m¿´v.

AXns‚ sk°‚ v ]m¿´ v

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same exact content. Everything in thatis written in the same way about thingslike God, Men, World affairs, sins andits punishment etc.

Now let’s get into the 9th part.You must have heard about a wordcalled infallibility. That word means thequality of never making an error.Catholics say that their spiritual leaderis infallible. He will never make an error.Who was the one who lead worldly andreligiously, the eight cross wars? Isn’tfighting a war blunder? Then how theyare said to be, infallible or the ones whonever makes a mistake? According tothe Holy Bible there is only one sacrifice.The sacrifice of Christ on cross. Thatwas the one last complete sacrifice. Asthe use of this sacrifice will last till theend of the world there is no other needof another sacrifice, the bible teachesthis very beautifully. Hebrew 10:1-14teaches us that there is no othersacrifice than the sacrifice on the cross.Thus daily reciting Qurubana is notinfallibility. So it is wrong to say that menhave infallibility. But Holy Bible isinfallible, and sans blunder. There is nomistake in Bible. Full Bible is right. Thehistorical fall of Adam is true. Godcreated Adam. God created the worldby the word Let there be. Just to payrespect we should never use the wordall worshipper to the human beings.Only one person is worthy of worship.God alone is.

Do not believe in the initialparts of Genesis. I happened to seecertain media channels, news papersetc, that honorable Pope told thefollowing facts, that when a big banghappened in the sky a small palaceformed called earth, and during thecreation time he did not have a magicwand in his hand. As per the Bible suchremarks are foolishness. “In thebeginning was the Word, and the Wordwas with God, and the Word was God.”

AXv ‘Imt\m-\n-I-am-Wv’F∂-Xm-Wv.

Im\≥ F∂ hm°ns‚ A¿∞w am\-Z-

WvU-sa-∂m-Wv. Imt\m-\n-I-sa∂p ]d-

™m¬ BZn-a-k-`-bnse ssIkvX-h-,

eo-tUgvkv ssZhm-flm-hn-\m¬ cNn-°-

s∏ -´ -sX∂pw InkvXp -hns‚ c£-

sIm≠v \Ωsf s]mXn-bm≥ th≠n D]-

tbm-Kn-°-s∏-´-sX∂pw AwKo-I-cn-®p-h-®

]pkvX-I-ß-sf-bmWv Imt\m-\n -Iw -

F∂v ]d-bp-∂Xv. ss__n-fnse Hmtcm

]pkvX-I-Øns‚bpw Imt\m-\n -IX

As√-¶n¬ B[n-Im-cn-IX ]utemkv

XpS -ßnb As∏m -k vX -e -∑m¿ ]d -

™ph®n --´p -≠v . IqSmsX Hcn -P -t\ -

t∏mse, AØ-\m-ko-kn-t\-t∏mse k`-

bpsS Bcw-`-Im-eØ,v am¿]m-∏m-am-cp-sS-

sbms° `cWw XpS-ßp-∂-Xn\v sXm´p-

ap-ºp≈ 1,2 \q‰m-≠p-Ifnse k`m-]n-Xm-

°-∑mcpw Cu Imt\m-\n-I-K-Ÿ-ßsf

AwKo-I-cn-®n-cp-∂p. am¿]m-∏m-am-cp-sS-

sbms° `cWw XpS-ßp-∂Xv AD

313˛\v tij-am-Wv. Hcp alm-cm-Pm-

hns‚ anem≥ hnfw-_-c-tØm-Sp-Iq-Sn-

bmWv, k`m-t\-Xm-°-∑m-cpsS A[n-

Im -c -߃ -A -c -°n - ´ p - d -∏ n -® -X v .

]pd.24:7˛¬ btlmh Iev]n-®-sXm-

s°bpw R߃ A\p-k-cn®p \S-

°pw F∂p ]d-™p-sIm≠p Ck-

tb¬ P\hpw AXm-bXv Imt\m-\n-I-

amb ]pkvX -I -Øns‚ kXysØ

R߃ A\p -k -c n -°pw F∂v

]Xn⁄ sNbvXn-´p-≠v. Imt\m-\n-I-

X-sb-°p-dn-®mWv 1 sImdn. 14:37-˛¬

]d-bp-∂-Xv. “Xm≥ ]hm-N-I-s\s∂m

Bflo-b-s\s∂m Hcp-Ø\v tXm∂p-

∂p-sh-¶n¬ Rm≥ \n߃°v Fgp-Xp-

∂Xv I¿Øm-hns‚ Iev]-\-bmIp∂p

F∂v Ah≥ Adn-™p-sIm-≈-s´”.]g-b-\n-ba Imt\m-\n¬ 39

]pkvX-I-ß-fmWv D≈-Xv. AXn¬

H∂p t]mepw Iq´p-Isbm Ipd-bv°p-

Isbm sNbvXn -´n -√. ]pXnb\nba

Fs‚ t]cv cm[m-Ir-jvW≥.

Rm≥ sXmSp-]p-g-bv°-SpØv shß-√q¿

F∂ ÿeØv Xma-k°m-c-\m-Wv. Fs‚

Pohn-X-Øn¬ I¿Ømhv X∂ henb

A\p-K-l-sØ-°p-dn®v Rm≥ \nß-tfmSv

]¶p-h--b°m≥ BK-ln-°p-∂p. F\n°v

Hcp Znhkw aq°n¬ IqSn c‡w hcn-

Ibpw tlmkv]n-‰-en¬ t]mIp-Ibpw

sNbvXp. AhnsS sN∂-t∏m-ƒ _n.]n

IqSnb-Xm-sW∂pw Bip-]-Xn-bn¬

AUvan -‰m -IWsa∂pw ]d -™p.

AhnsS ]Øv Znhkw InS-s∂-¶nepw

bmsXmcp Ipd-hp-an-√m-bn-cp-∂p. ]n∂oSv

kmdns‚ ]m¿∞-\m-ip-iq-j-bn¬

]s¶-Sp-°p-Ibpw km¿ ]m¿∞n-®-Xn-

s‚bpw ^e-ambn tcmKw kpJ-s∏-Sp-

Ibpw sNbvXp. A\p-K-ln® I¿Øm-

hns\ Rm≥ kvXpXn-°p-∂p. ]m¿∞n®

kmdnt\mSv \µn ]d-bp-∂p. C\nbpw

kmdns\ I¿Ømhv Ahn-SpsØ kXy-

h-N\w At\-I-tcmSv ]¶p-h-bv°p-hm≥

A\p-Klw sImSp-°s´ F∂v ]m¿∞n-


]n.-B¿. cm[m-Ir-jvW≥.

Ph: 9446744033

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Says New Testament John 1:1-3, 1John1not only this but the first chapter ofGenesis all are about sending word andcreation of the world. The historical fallof Adam has happened. Bible isinerrant. The experience of Jonah hastruly happened. Do not shun away thedoings of Moses. It has been done. Theservices of Isaiah, Elijah and prophetslike them are all true. I was trying toconvey that Holy Bible is inerrant.Absolute Inerrancy is the specialty ofBible. Many of those who have leadedthe study of Bible might not agree tothis fully, but that is not right. The firstpart of the 9th point is the uplifted factthat the Holy Bible is absolutely right.The second part is that it is canonical.The word Canon means scale. Canonmeans the books written in the earlychurches by the Christian leaders ledby the spirit of God, and it is consideredas the salvation of Christ which en gulfsus and the books which is recognizedand used is called Canon. Apostles likePaul have told about canon or theauthority of each book of Bible. Alsolike Orijin, or Athnasis in the beginningof the church, much before the rulingof Pope somewhere in 1, 2 centuries,the church fathers too accepted theseCanonical books. It’s only after AD 313that pope’s reign begins. The churchhead’s rights were made limited, with aKing’s Milan. In exodus 24: it is writtenthat we will do anything what Jehovahcommands and they took a pledge.What is written in 1 Corinthians 14:37about Canonical is that “If anyone thinkshimself to be a prophet or spiritual, lethim acknowledge that the things whichI write to you are the commandmentsof the Lord.” The Old TestamentCanonical has 39 books. Not one hasbeen or subtracted from it. The NewTestament has 27 books. The books ofOld Testament would have been writtenunder the supervision and leadership ofthose day’s teachers or Rabbis inHebrew. With the prophecy of Malachi,

Imt\m-\n¬ 27 ]pkvX-I-ß-fmWv

D≈Xv. -A-∂-sØ-°m-esØ Kpcp-°-

∑m-cpsSbpw, d∫n-am-cp-sSbpw ho£-W-

Ønepw t\XrXz-Ønepw ]g-b-\n-b-a-

Ønse ]pkvX-I-߃ F_m-b-`m-j-

bn¬ Fgp-X-s∏-´n-cn-°-Ww. aem-Jn-]-

h-N-\tØmSpIqSn Ck-tb-ens‚ ]h-

N\w \n∂p t]mbncp∂p. ]n∂oSv

tbml-∂m≥ kv\m]-I≥ cwK-Øp-h-cp-

∂-Xp-hsc 400 h¿jw ssZhw Xs‚

P\-tØmSv kwkm-cn-®n-√. Cu Ime-

L-´-Øn\pap≥]-v FgpX-s∏-´-Xm-bn-cn-

°Ww Imt\m-\n-I-K-Ÿ-߃. CXv-

]Tn-∏n-°p-I F∂Xv H-cn-°epw Zp¿_-

e-amb ssZh-cm-Py-Øns‚ Ah-Xc-

Ww-sIm≠v \nd™Xmbn-cn -°-cp-Xv.

InkvXp-hn-t\-°p-dn®v ]d-™pw ]Tn-

∏n®pw apt∂m-´p- h-cp-∂-Xm-bn-cn-°-Ww

]g-b-\n -b-a -Im-t\m-\n -I-K-Ÿ-߃.

]pXn -b -\n -ba Imt\m -\nIw F∂

hm°p-sIm≠v Dt±-in-°p-∂Xv InkvXp-

hn¬ kºq¿Æ-amb As∏m-kvX-en-I-

en-JnXßfpw a‰p-am-Wv.

F∂m¬ 66-˛-\p-]-Icw ]g-b-\n-

b -a -w ImØ-enIv ss__n -fn¬,73

]pkvX -I -ß-fp -≠ v . AXn¬ Nne

]pkvX-I-߃ As∏m-In^m F∂

enÃn¬s]-´-Xm-Wv. ad-®p -hbv -°pI

F∂ A¿∞-ap≈ Hcp Ko°p -hm -

°ns‚ [mXp -hmWv As∏m-In^m

F∂p ]d-bp-∂-Xv. DZm-l-c-W-Øn\v

a°-_m-b¿ 1˛Dw 2˛Dw ]pkvXI-߃,

tXm_n-Øns‚ ]pkvXIw CsX√mw

ad-bv°-s∏´ Ah-ÿbn-ep-≈-Xm-b-Xp-

sIm≠v kXy-th-Z -]p -kvX-I-Øn¬

tN¿Øn´n-√. As∏m-In-^m-bpsS Fgp-

Øp-Im-scbpw As∏m-In-^m-K-Ÿ-ß-

sfbpw ssZh-P-\hpw BZn-a-k-`m-]n-Xm-

°-∑mcpw AwKo-I-cn-°p-∂n-√. ImcWw

AØcw ]pkvX-Iß-fn¬ A_≤ D]-

tZ-i-ß-fp-≈-Xp-sIm-≠v. ItØm-en°m

k` am X -amWv Cu KŸ-ßsf

ss__n-fn -t\mS v tN¿Øn-´p -≈-Xv .

F ¥ p - s I m - ≠ m W v I - t Ø m -

en°mss__n -f nse a°-_m -b¿,

tXm_n-Xv, ]`m-j-I≥ F∂o ]pkvX-

I-߃ AwKo-I-cn-°m-Ø-sX∂v tNmZn-

®m¬ 2 a°-_m-b-cpsS ]pkvX-I-Øn¬

bqZmkv, arX-∑msc Ah-cpsS ]m]-ß-

fn¬ \n∂v ap‡-cm-°p-∂-Xn-\p-th≠n

kw`m-h\ ]ncn-s®-SpØ Imcyw -F-gp-

Xn-bn-´p-≠v. CXv Hcp Fgp-Øm-Wv.

Xncp-sh-gp-Ø-√. B FgpØv ChnsS

hmbn-°mw. 2 a°-_.12:43-˛48 hsc-

bp≈ hmIy-߃. AhnsS acn-®-h¿°v

]m]-tam -N\w e`n -°m≥ Ah¿°p-

th≠n ]m]-]-cn-lm-c-I¿Ωw sNø-W-

sa∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-cn -°p-∂p. amX-a√

hnip -≤-∑m¿°p -th-≠n -bp≈ a≤y-

ÿX, acn -® -h¿°p -th -≠n -bp≈

]m¿∞-\, ip≤o-I-c-W-ÿ-ew- F-∂n-

ß-s\-bp≈ sX‰m-b D]-tZ-i-ßfpw

Aß-s\-bp≈ ]e-Im-cy-ßfpw Cu


≠mWv kXy-th-Z-]p-kvX-I-Øn¬ Ah


11-˛m-asØ t]mbn‚n-te°v IS-

°mw. shfn.19:13-˛¬ Ah\v “ssZh-h-

N\w F∂v t]¿ ]d-bp∂p” F∂v

tbip-hn-t\-°p-dn®v ]d-bp-∂p. tbip-

hns\ sImSp-°pI F∂p ]d-bp-∂Xpw,

ssZh-h-N\w ]d-bpI F∂p ]d-bp-

∂Xpw H∂m-sW-∂mWv ss__nƒ

]Tn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv. tbip-hns‚ hmbn¬

\n∂v hogp∂ hm°v Hcp ]mgmb hm°-

√. ]g-b-\n-b-a-Ønse Gi-øm-hv, bnc-

aym-hv, sbsl-kvt°¬, Zm\n-tb¬

apX-emb ]hm-N-I-∑m-tc-s°m≠v ]d-

bn-∏n® hm°p-Iƒ, B hm°v ssZhw

Xs∂-bm-Wv. AXmWv shf-n.19:13-˛¬

]d-™-Xv. tbml.1:1˛epw ]d-bp-∂p˛

BZn-bn¬ hN-\-ap-≠m-bn-cp∂p; hN\w

ssZh-tØm-Sp-Iq-sS-bm-bn-cp∂p; hN\w

ssZh-am-bn-cp∂p. Cu hmIy-Øns‚

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A¿∞w, hN-\hpw ssZhhpw H∂m-

sW-∂m-Wv. a\pjys‚ hmbn¬ \n∂v

]pd-s∏-Sp∂ hm°p-Iƒ, DZm-l-c-W-

Øn\v Rm≥ ]d-bp -I-bm-Wv C¥y

Fs‚ cmPy-am-Wv; F√m C¥ym-°mcpw

Fs‚ ktlm-Z-co-k-tlm-Z-c-∑m-cm-Wv.

CsXm∂pw ssZh-h-N-\-a-√. Rms\mcp

km[m-cW a\p-jy-\m-Wv. CsXms°

a\p-jys‚ hN-\-am-Wv. ss__n-fn-ep-

≈-sXm-∂pw a\p -jys‚ hN-\-a -√.

AXp apgp-h≥ ssZh-Øns‚ hN-\-am-

Wv. AXv ssZhw Xs∂-bm-Wv. CtX-

∏‰n tbml.1:14-˛¬ ]d-bp-∂p˛ “hN\w

PV-am-bn-Øo¿∂p. Ir]bpw kXyhpw

\nd -™-h-\mbn \Ωp -sS -bn -S -bn¬

]m¿Øp. R߃ Ahs‚ tXP v

]nXm-hn¬ \n∂v GI-Pm-X-s‚ tXP-

m - b n - I - ≠ p ” . A X m - b X v

sl_m. 1 : 1 ˛epw sbl.1 : 1 4 - ˛epw

tbml.1:18-˛epw Htc Bi-b-am-Wp-≈-

Xv. tbml.1:18-˛¬ “ssZhsØ Bcpw

Hcp \mfpw I≠n-´n√ F∂pw ]nXm-

hns‚ aSn-bn-en-cn-°p∂ GI-Pm-X-\mb

]pX≥ Ahs\ shfn-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-

°p∂p” F∂pw D≠v. sl_m.1:1,2˛¬

Cu A¥yIm-eØv ]pX≥ apJm-¥-

cw -F√mw shfn-s∏-Sp-Øn-sb-∂p-ap-≠v.

Cu Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Iƒ h®p-sIm≠v

InkvXphpw hN-\hpw H∂m-sW∂v

ImWmw. \ns‚ hN\w kXy-am-Ip-∂p

(tbml.17:17). Rm≥ Xs∂ kXy-am-

Ip∂p (tbml.14:6). F¥mWv Cu hN-

\-Øns‚ A¿∞w. Xncp -sh-gpØpw

InkvXphpw H∂m-sW-∂m-Wv. \ns‚

Iev]-\-I-sfm-s°bpw kXy-am-Ip∂p

(k¶o.119:151). Ir]bpw kXyhpw \nd-

™-h-\mWv InkvXp (tbml.1:14).

Ft^.6:15-˛¬ kam-[m-\-Øns‚ kphn-

ti-j-sa∂p ]d-bp -∂p. Gi.9:6˛¬

InkvXp-hns\ kam-[m-\-]`p F∂v

]d-bp-∂p. A¿∞w H∂p Xs∂. Xncp-

sh-gp-Øp-Ifpw InkvXphpw H∂m-Wv.

Xncp -sh -g p -Øp -Isf th≠ F∂v

Bsc-¶nepw ]d-™m¬ InkvXp-hns\

th≠ F∂m-W¿∞w.

AD 1229˛ ¬ B-sc-¶nepw thZ-

]p-kvX-I-Ønse hN-\-߃ hmbn-°-

cpXv F∂v hne-°nsb¶n¬ AXns‚

the prophecies of Israel had stopped.After that for 400 years till John theBaptist came into being God did not talkto his people. Probably it is during thisperiod the canonical books. When thisis being taught it should not bedescription of a weak kingdom of God.Coming forward by Teaching andsaying about Christ should be the OldTestament canonical books. By theword New Testament we actually meanChrist’s absolute apostolic writings. Butin catholic bible instead of 66 books inthe Old Testament there are 73 books.Some of the books in that belongs tothe list of Apocrypha. Apocrypha”comes from the Greek word, whichmeans “things that are hidden, secret.For example the 1&2 books ofMaccabees, the book of Tobit, becauseall these are in a state of hidden state itis not involved in Bible. The early churchfathers and the God’s people do notaccept the apocrypha writers,apocrypha books, because such bookcontains wrong decisions. Only Catholicchurches has joined these books in theirBible. Why these catholic bible’s bookslike Maccabees, Tobit is not acceptedand the reason why is that in the bookof 2nd Maccabees it is written aboutJudas collecting funds for theforgiveness and the redemption of sinsof those who are dead. This is just awriting and not scripture. Now let usread that writing here. 2 Maccabees 12: 43-48 He also took up a collection,man by man, to the amount of twothousand drachmas of silver, and sent itto Jerusalem to provide for a sinoffering. In doing this he acted very welland honorably, taking account of theresurrection. For if he was notexpecting that those who had fallenwould rise again, it would have beensuperfluous and foolish to pray for thedead. . But if he was looking to thesplendid reward that is laid up for thosewho fall asleep in godliness, it was aholy and pious thought. Therefore he

Rm≥ tkXp-]m¿∆-Xn. sNss∂-bn-

emWv Xma-kn-°p-∂-Xv. C∂pw Pohn-

°p∂ k¿∆ i‡-\mb ssZhw

Ct∏mgpw \Ωp-sS-bn-S-bn-ep-s≠∂pw

Ah≥ \sΩ Icp-Xp-∂p-sh∂pw F\n°v

IqSp-X¬ t_m[y-am-bXv Fs‚ Pohn-X-

Øn¬ F\n°v Hcp ]Xn-k‘n h∂-

t∏m-gmWv. F\n°v \yptam-Wnb ]nSn-

s]´v AXns‚ sskUv-C-^IvSvkv amdp-

∂n -√m-bn -cp -∂p. `b-¶c £oWhpw

Xf¿®-bp-sam-s°-bm-bn-cp-∂p. F∂m¬

_lp.-tZ-h-kym- ap√-°-c-km¿ sNss∂-

bn¬ h∂-t∏mƒ km¿ F\n-°p-th≠n

]m¿∞n-°p-Ibpw \ypta-mWnb aqe-

ap≈ Fs‚ F√m Akz-ÿ-X-Ifpw

amdp-Ibpw sNbvXp. Aßs\ Fs‚

I¿Ømhmb ssZhw Ft∏mgpw F‚-Iq-

sS-bp-s≠∂ hnizm-k-Øm¬ Rm≥

Ahn-SpsØ kXy-k-`-bmb sNss∂-bn-

ep≈ Bflm-`n-tjIw N¿®v Hm^v Ct‰-

Wn‰n k`tbmSv tN¿∂v ssZhsØ


tkXp ]m¿∆-Xn, Ph: 9840836556

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tijw 21 mw t]Pn¬

A¿∞w InkvXp-hns\ hne°n F∂m-

Wv. thZ-]p-kvX-IsØ hne-°n-bXv

A∂sØ C∂-sk‚ v III˛ma≥

am¿]m∏mbmbn-cp-∂p. thZ-]p-kvXIw

km[m-c -W-°m¿ hmbn -°≠. AXv

A®-∑m¿ Hs° hmbn -®m¬ aXn

Fs∂ms° ]d™v A¬ta-\n-bn¬

\n∂v am‰n. tIc-fsØ kw_-‘n®v ]d-

™m¬ Xr»q-cn-\-SpØv Nme-°p-Sn-bn¬v

ItØm -en°m [ym\ -a -µ n -c - amb

Unssh-\n¬ ]\-b v°-e -® -t‚bpw

\mbv°mw-]-d-ºn-e-®-t‚bpw Hs° Hcp

[ym\m-¥-co£w h∂-t∏m-gmWv ae-bm-

f-Øn¬ Hcp-am-Xncn sIm≈m-hp∂ thZ-

]p-kvXIw ItØm-en-°-cp-sS-bn-S-bn¬

sImSp -Ø-Xv . kXy-th-Z -]p -kvXIw

AXn -\p -a p - tº-bp -≠v . B hne°v

Xo¿∂Xp -sIms≠m∂p -a√. Fß-

s\sbm cl-ky-a -mbn ss__nƒ

]n‚ v sNbvXv Ah¿ hnhn[ ÿm]-\-

ß-fn-eqsS sImSp-°p-I-bmWv sNbvX-

Xv. ]s£ It\m-\n-I-a-√mØ a°-_m-

b-cpsSbpw tXm_n-Øn-t‚bpw Hs°

]pkvX -I -߃ Nne ss__n -fn¬

Ct∏mgpw \ne \n¬°p-∂Xv Hcp Adn-

hn√m -bva -bm -Wv. F√m Adn -hn -√m -

bvabpw ]m]hpw F√m-h-tcmSpw ]tXy-

In®v ItØm-en-°-mk`tbmSpw ssZhw


eq°.5:1˛¬ “]pcp-jmcw ssZh-h-

N\w tIƒt°-≠-Xn\v Ahs\ Xn°n-

Øn-c°ns°m≠n-cp-∂p”. shfn.19:13-˛¬

“Ah\v ssZh -h -N\w F∂v

t]¿”.F¥m-Wn-Xns‚ A¿∞w? Xncp-

sh-gp -Øp-Ifpw InkvXphpw H∂m-

sW∂mWv. C\n Xncp -sh-gp -Øp-I-

fnepw InkvXp-hnepw Hcp t]mse

ImWp∂ kam-\-^-e-ß-tf-°p-dn®v ]d-

bmw. 1 ]tXm.1:23-˛¬ “ssZh-h-N-\-

Øm¬ Xs∂ \n߃ ho≠pw P\n-®n-

cn-°p-∂p” F∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. 1

tbml.5:18-˛¬ “\mw ssZh-Øn¬ \n∂v

P\n-®n-cn-°p-∂p-sh∂v ]dbp-∂p”. Hcn-

SØv Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-I-fn¬ \n∂pw P\n-

®n -cn -°p∂p F∂pw thsdm-cn -SØv

InkvXp-hn¬ \n∂pw P\n-®n-cn-°p∂p

F∂pw ]d-bp-∂p. Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Ifpw

InkvXphpw H∂m-sW∂v ChnsS

ho≠pw sXfn-bp-I-bm-Wv. k¶o.119:50-

˛¬ “\ns‚ hN\w Fs∂ Pohn-∏n®n-

c n -°p -∂p” F∂pw tbml.5:21 - ˛¬

“]pX\pw Xm≥ C—n-°p-∂-hsc Pohn-

∏n-°p-∂p” F∂pw Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-∂p.

C]-Imcw Nn¥n-°p-tºmƒ Xncp-sh-gp-

Øp-Ifpw InkvXphpw c≠√ H∂m-Wv.

Ink vXp -h ns\ ss__n -f n¬

kvXobpsS k¥Xn F∂v hnfn-®Xv

Dev].3 : 15 - ˛epw Kem.4 :4˛ -ep -am -Wv .

CsXmcp ]Z-hn-bm-Wv. hnhn[ \ne-I-

fn¬ InkvXp-hns‚ ]Zhn h¿Æn-°-

s∏-Sp-∂p-≠v. InkvXp-hn\v s]k-lm-

Ip-™m-sS∂ v hnfn-®n-cn-°p∂ ]Zhn 1

sImdn.5:7˛epw ]pd.12:7,8-˛epw \¬I-

s∏´n-cn-°p-∂p. alm-]p-tcm-ln-Xs\∂v

t e h y . 8 - ˛ ¬ ] d - b p - ∂ p .

sl_m.7:26,27,28-˛epw InkvXp-hns\

alm-]p-tcm-ln-X-s\∂ v hn--fn°p-∂p.

InkvXp-hmWv C∂sØ alm-]p-tcm-

ln-X≥. ]gb\nb-a-Im-eØv thsdbpw

]ptc-mln-X-∑m-cp-≠m-bn-cp -∂p. Ah-

sc√mw acn-®p-t]m-bncn°p∂p. C∂v Hcp

alm-]p-tcm-ln-Xt\ D≈p. AXv acn-®n´v

Dbn¿Øh\pw C\n Hcn-°epw acn-°-

bn-√m-Ø-h-\p-am-b \ΩpsS I¿Øm-

hmb tbip Xs∂. bmt°m-_n¬

\n∂v Hcp \£Xw Bbpw kwJy.20:11-

˛epw 1 sImdn.10:4˛epw InkvXp-hns\

ASn-°-s∏´ ]md--bmbpw NnXo -I-

cn®ncn°p∂p. ho≠pw ho≠pw Xncp-sh-

gp-Øp-I-fn¬ InkvXp-hn-t\-°p-dn-®p≈

]Xn-]mZyw bYm¿∞-Øn¬ \sΩ

InkvXp-hn-te°v \bn-°pIbm-Wv.

C\n 12 -˛m -asØ t]mbn‚ n -

te°v IS-°mw. Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-I-sf H´-

made atonement for the dead that theymight be delivered from their sin. Theabove verses and many more wrongadvices are the reason why thisapocrypha books are not included in theHoly Bible.

Now let’s enter the 11th point.In Rev 19:13 Jesus is called as ‘Hisname is called The Word of God.’ Thebible teaches us that giving Jesus andtelling the gospel of God is the same.The words falling out of Jesus is not awaste word. The words in the OldTestament which were made to be saidby prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah,Ezekiel, Daniel, those words are Godhimself. That is what is being told in Rev19:13. John 1:1 says in the beginningwas the Word, and the Word was withGod, and the Word was God. Thisverses means that the word and Godare the same. The word which comesout of a man’s mouth for example Indiais my country; All Indians are mybrothers and sisters etc these are all notGod’s words. I am an ordinary man. Allthese are mans word. The words in theBible are not man’s words. That is fullof God’s words. That is God himself.John 1:14 says about this “And the Wordbecame flesh and dwelt among us, andwe beheld His glory, the glory as of theonly begotten of the Father, full of graceand truth.” That is Hebrew 1:1, Ezekiel,1:14, John 1:18 all has the same concept.In John 1:18 it says “No one has seenGod at any time. The only begottenSon, who is in the bosom of the Father,He has declared Him.” Hebrew 1:1-2God, who at various times and in variousways spoke in time past to the fathersby the prophets, has in these last daysspoken to us by His Son, whom He hasappointed heir of all things, throughwhom also He made the worlds. Withthese scriptures we can see that Christand word is one. Your word is truth (John17:17) I am the way, the truth, and thelife (John 14:6). What is the meaning of

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Bflm-`n-tjIw amknI X]m¬ hgn e`n°p-hm≥ C¥y-bv°-IØvHcp h¿j-tØbv°v 300 cq]. BPoh-\m¥w 3000 cq]. C¥y°v ]pdØvHcp h¿j-tØbv°v 3000 cq]. ]n≥tImUpw t^m¨ \ºdpw klnXw]q¿Æ-amb ta¬hn-emkw Ab-bv°m≥ ]tXyIw i≤n-°p-I. amknI]pXp-°m≥ ]Ww Ab-°p-∂-h¿ AU- n-t\m-sSm∏w c-Pnkv‰¿ \º¿tN¿°p-a-t√m.Bflm-`n-tjIw amkn-I-bpsS hmb\°m-sc∂ \ne-bn¬\nß-fpsS hne-tb-dnb A-`n-]m-b-ßfpw \n¿t±-i-ßfpw Rßsf FgpXnAdn-bn-°pI.

t\I ]Xo-I-ßfmbn ss__n-fn-¬

tcJ-s∏-Sp -Øn-bn -cn -°p-∂p. hnf-°n-

t\mSpw ]Im-i-Øn-t\mSpw Xncp-sh-gp-

Øns\ D] -a n -® n - c n -°p∂p

k¶o.119:105˛¬ “\ns‚ hN\w Fs‚

Imen\v Zo]hpw Fs‚ ]mXbv°v

]Im-i-hp-am-Ip-∂p” F∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-

cn-°p-∂p. “aqSp-]Sw \oßnb apJØv

I¿Øm-hns‚ tXP ns\ IÆmSn

t]mse ]Xn-_nw -_n∏n°p∂p” (2

sImdn.3:18). “Rm≥ \nß-tfmSv kwkm-

cn® hN\w \nanØw \nß-fn-t∏mƒ

ip≤n -bp -≈-h-cm -Wv” (tbml.15:3).

AXm-bXv Iøpw Imepw Igp-Im-≥v

th≠n ]g-b-\n-ba ImeØv sXm´n-

bn¬ sh≈w h®n-cp-∂p. CXp t]mse

Hcp Ipfw AYhm sXm´n t]mse-

bmWv \nß-tfmSv kwkm-cn® hN-\w.

AXv \nßsf ip≤n -bm -°p -∂p .

AhnsS sXm´n-tbmSv AYhm \Zn-tbmSv

kmays∏SpØn-bn -cn -°p-∂p. “Rm≥

Ahs‚ Iev]\ hn´v ]n∑mdnbn´n-√.

Ahs‚ hmbnse hN\-ßsf Fs‚

Blm-c -tØ-°mƒ kq£n-®n -cn -°p -

∂p” (Cutøm.23:12). btlm-h-bpsS

hmbnse hN-\-ßsf ChnsS `£-

W-tØmSv D]-an-®n-cn-°p-∂p. eq°.15:17-

˛¬ “Rmt\m hni-∏p-sIm≠v \in-®p-

t]m-Ip-∂p”. Cutøm-_ns‚ km£y-

tØmSv _‘-s∏-Sp-Øn- hni-∏p-sIm-

s≠∂vv Dt±-in-°p-∂-Xv hN-\-cm-ln-Xy-

sØ-bm-Wv. 1 sImdn.3:2˛¬ “ktlm-Z-

c-∑msc \nß-tfmSv F\n°v Bflo-b-

∑mtcm-sS-∂t]m-se-b√ PVn-I-∑m-

tcmSv F∂ t]mse, InkvXp-hn¬

inip°-fm -bhtcmSv F∂ t]mse-

bsX kwkm-cn -∏m≥ Ign-™p-≈p.

`£-W-a√ ]mesX Ct∏mgpw

\n߃°v th≠-X v . `£n -∏m≥

\n߃°v Ign-hn-√m-bn-cp-∂p. Ct∏mgpw

Ign-hm-bn-´n√; C∂pw \n߃ PVn-I-

∑m-c-t√m”. ChnsS ]men-t\mSv kmZr-

iy-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. I´n-bp≈ Hcp

Blm-c-tØmSv kmay-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p-

∂p. Bh.8:3˛epw aØm.4:4˛epw CXv

ImWmw. “Ah≥ \ns∂ XmgvØp-

Ibpw \ns∂ hni-∏n-°p-Ibpw a\p-

jy≥ A∏w-sIm≠p amX-a√ btlm-

h-bpsS hmbn¬ \n∂v ]pd-s∏-Sp∂

kIe hN\w sIm≠pw Pohn-°p∂p

F∂v \ns∂ Kln -∏n -t°-≠-Xn\v

\obpw \ns‚ ]nXm-°-∑mcpw Adn-™n-

´n-√mØ a∂ sIm≠v \ns∂ t]mjn-

∏n -°p -Ibpw sNbvXp” (Bh.8:3) .

IqSmsX tX≥, X¶w apX -em -b -

hsbs°m -≠p -sams° ssZh -h -N -

\sØ ]Xo-Im-fl-I-ambn NnXoI-cn-

®n-´p-≠v. bnc.23:29-˛¬ “Fs‚ hN\w

Xot]msebpw ]mdsb XI¿°p∂

Np‰n -I -t]m -sebpw A√tbm F∂v

btlm-h-bpsS Acp-f-∏m-Sv”. ChnsS

this word? The scripture and Christ isthe same. All Yourcommandments are truth (Psalms119:151). Christ is full of grace and truth(John 1:14). The gospel of peace(Ephesians 6:15). Isaiah 9:6 calls himPrince of Peace. The meaning is thesame. Scripture and Christ are thesame. If somebody says that they donot want the scripture that means theydo not want Christ. If anybody inAD1229 for bided from reading biblethat means he for bided Christ. It wasInnocent the 3rd Pope who for bided toread the bible. Let not ordinary man readthe Bible. Only the church priest needsto read it saying this he removed it fromAlmena. As far Kerala was consideredwas considered if we see, in Chalakudynear Thrissur in the catholic meditationcentre called Divine only when anatmosphere of Panakkal Achan andNayakkan Parambil Achan came, analmost good Bible in Malayalam cameamongst Catholics. The Holy Bibleexists much before that. Not becausethat forbidding stopped. They somehowprinted it secretly and distributed throughothers. But it is their ignorance that somestill has Maccabees, Tobit which is noncanon. Let God forgive all ignoranceand sins especially of the Catholicchurch.

Luke 5:1 “So it was, as themultitude pressed about Him to hear theword of God”. Rev 19:13 says “Hisname is called The Word of God.” Whatis the meaning of this? It means that

t]Pv 15¬ \n∂pw XpS¿®...

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Np‰n-I-tbmSpw XotbmSpw D]-an-®n-cn-°p-

∂p. ssZh-h-N\w A·n-bm-sW∂v

k¶o.39:3˛¬ Fgp-Xn -bn -cn -°p-∂p.

bnc.20:9˛epw “Rm≥ C\n Ahs\

Hm¿°p-I-bn√, Ahs‚ \ma-Øn¬

kwkm-cn -°-bn√ Fs∂ms° ]d -

™mtem AXv Fs‚ Aÿn-I-fn¬

AS-°-s∏-´n´v Xo I-Øp-tºmsebncn-

°p-∂p” F∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. 1

]tXm.1:23-˛¬ ssZh-h-N-\-sØ hnØn-

t\mSv D]-an -®n -cn -°p∂p. “sISp∂

_oP-Øm-e√ sISm-Ø-Xn-\m¬ Poh-

\p -≈Xpw \ne -\n¬°p∂-Xp -amb

ssZhhN-\-Øm-esX \n߃ ho≠pw

P\n-®n -cn -°p-∂Xv”. Gi.32:20 -˛epw

“sh≈-Øn-\-cn -I-sØ√mw hnX-°p-

Ibpw Imf-sbbpw Igp-X-sbbpw Agn-

®p-hn-Sp -∂-hsc \n߃°p `mKyw”.“cmhnse hnØv hnX-°p-I” (k`m-

].11:6). C\n ag-tbmSpw a™n-t\mSpw

Hs° ssZh-h-N-\sØ D]-an-®n-cn-°p-

∂p. “ag-sbbpw a™-ns\bpw Ipdn®v

]d-bp-∂Xv t\m°mw. Gi.55:10,11-˛¬

agbpw lnahpw BIm-i-Øp-\n∂v

s]øp-Ibpw Ahn-tS°v aS-ßmsX hnX-

∏m≥ hnØpw Xn∑m≥ Blm-chpw

Christ and word is the same. Let’s seecertain references where we find Christand words cross checks. 1 Peter 1:23says “having been born again throughthe word of God” and in another placewhere it says 1 John 5:18 says “he whohas been born of God”. In one place itis told born of the word of God, and inanother born of God. It is again provedthat Christ and word is one. Psalm119:50 “For Your word has given melife.” John 5:21 “The Father raises thedead and gives life to them” so it iswritten. When in this way we think, thescriptures and the Christ is not two butone. Christ is called as ‘born of women’in Genesis 3:15, Galatians 4:4. This is atitle. Many titles of Christ have beenexplained. In 1 Corinthians 5:7 &Exodus12:7, 8 He is called as Christ,our Passover. Levites 8, Hebrew: 7:26-28 calls him High Priest. Christ istoday’s high priest. During the OldTestament times there were otherpriests. All of them are dead. Today onlyone high priest is there. That is our lordJesus, who resurrected after death, whowill never die again. Christ is picturedas a star from Jacob, and as a beatenrock in Numbers 20:11, 1 Corinthians10:4. Again and again in the scripturesthe reflection of Christ in truth leads usto Christ.

Now let us go to the 12th point.Scriptures are shown in many reflectionsin Bible. Scriptures are compared to thelamp and light. In Psalm 119:105 it saysYour word is a lamp to my feet and alight to my path. “But we all, withunveiled face, beholding as in a mirrorthe glory of the Lord” says (2Corinthians 3:18). “You are alreadyclean because of the word which I havespoken to you.” (John 15:3). That is inOld Testament time they used to keepa tub full of water to wash the handsand feet. The same way the word whichwas spoken is like this tub or pond. Thatcleanses you. There it is compared totub or a river. “

Fs‚ t]cv tSmw F∂m-Wv.

tIm´bw Pn√-bn¬ ]mem-°-SpØv ]pen-

b-∂q¿ F∂ ÿeØv Xma-kn-°p-∂p.

Rm≥ InkvXp-hns\ Adn-™n´v aq∂p-

h¿jsa Bbn-´p-≈p. Rm≥ InkvXp-

hns\ Adn-bp-∂-Xn-\p-ap-ºp≈ Pohn-

Xhpw Adn-™-Xn-\p-ti-j-ap≈ Pohn-

Xhpw Xmc-X-ay-s∏-Sp -Øp-tºm-gmWv

InkvXp-hns\ Adn-™-Xn-\p-ti-j-ap≈

Pohn-X-Øns‚ Bkzm-ZyX F\n°p a\-

kn-em-b-Xv. Rm\m-sW-¶n¬ Hcp tPmen-

A-t\z -jn®p \S-°p -I-bm -bn -cp -∂p.

F∂m¬ tZh-kym-km-dns‚ Iq´mbva-

bn¬ ]s¶-Sp-°p-Ibpw km¿ F\n-°p-th-

≠n -]m¿∞n-°p-Ibw sNbvXp. F\n°p

\√ iº-f-ap≈ Hcp tPmen In´p-sa∂p

]d™p. AXp-t]mse Xs∂ F\n°

\√ tPmen e`n-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp.

Rm≥ F√m Rmb-dm-gvN-Ifnepw Bcm-

[-\-bn¬ ]s¶-Sp-°p-am-bn-cp-∂p. F∂m¬

tPmen-bpsS ]tXy-I- km-l-N-cyw -

sIm≠v F\n°v ]m¿∞-\°v ]s¶-Sp-

°p-hm≥ km[n°m-sX-bm-bn. Aßs\

Fs‚ Pohn-X-Øn¬ Akz-ÿ-X-Iƒ

Bcw-`n -°p-hm≥ XpS-ßn. Aßs\

Rm≥ ho≠pw kmdns‚-b -Sp -°¬

]m¿∞-\-°mbn t]mIp-Ibpw km¿

F\n-°p-th≠n ]m¿∞n-°p-Ibpw \√

tPmen In´p-sa∂v ]d-bp-Ibpw sNbvXp.

Ct∏mƒ Fs‚ Pohn-X-Øn¬ hfsc

kam-[m-\-a\p-`-hn -°p-∂p. C∂sØ

Ime-L-´-Øn¬ Z¿i-\-]-h-N-\-h-c-ß-fp-

]-tbm-Kn®v At\I a°sf I¿Øm-hn-

te°v ASp-∏n-°p∂ tZh-kym-km-dn-

s\bpw Iq´p-Im-tcbpw I¿Ømhn¬

C\nbpw FSp-Øp-]-tbm-Kn-°-s´-sb∂v

]m¿∞n-°p-∂p. Fs∂ CX-amXw Icp-

Xp∂ I¿Øm-hns‚ Icp -X¬

Hm¿Øm¬ Fßs\ Rm≥ ]mSm-Xn-cn-

°pw........... -F-\n-°mbv Icp-Xp-∂-h≥

............-`m-c-߃ hln-°p-∂-h≥ ..........-

Fs∂ ssIhn-Sm-Ø-h≥ ...........-tb-ip-

sh≥ IqsS-bp-≠v.

tSmw ASbv-°m-∏md, Ph: 9846373325

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\¬I-Ø-°-hÆw qansb \\®p e-

h -Øm°n hnf -bn -°p -∂Xpt]mse

Fs‚ hmbn¬ \n∂p ]pd-s∏-Sp∂

Fs‚ hN\w Bbn -cn -°pw. AXv

shdpsX Fs‚ ASp -° -te°v

aSßnhcmsX F\n°v CjvS-ap-≈Xv

\nh¿Øn -°p -Ibpw Rm≥ Ab®

Imcyw km[n-∏n-°p-Ibpw sNøpw”.Xncp -sh-gp -Øp-Iƒ tIƒ∏n-

°p∂ thZn-bmWv k` F∂p ]d-bp-

∂-Xv.AXv Um≥knwKvsa-tØUnep≈

Hcp BNmc-a-√. \n߃ Nne-tcmsSm

t\cns´m a\:km£n-bnsem ]d-bm-dn-

s√ \n߃ t]mIp∂ ]≈n-bn¬ `b-

¶c Bcm -[ -\ -bm -sW-∂v . ]m´pw

XtºdSnbpw _l-fhpw ImWp-tºm-

gs√ \n߃ ]dbm-dp-≈-Xv, \n߃°v

Bcm-[-\-bmWv th≠-sX∂v. Bcm-[-

\-sb∂p ]d-bp-∂Xv ]m´p ]mSp-∂sXm

Ipsd H® h°p-∂sXm BsW∂ Hcp

sX‰mb s]¥-t°mkvXv ssien-bp-≠v.

B ssien-bn¬ Adn-bmsX IpSp-ßn-

°n-S-°p-∂-hsc \n߃°p sX‰p ]‰n.

Bcm-[-\-sb-¥m-sW-∂-dn -bmsam ?

\ns‚ Pohn-X-Øn¬ hni-p≤n˛ssk-

IvknI Pohn-Xw, `uXn-I-Po-hn -Xw,

kmº-Øn-I-Po-hnXw, Bflo-b-Po-hn-

Xw, a°-tfmsSmØp≈ PohnXw Chn-

sS-sb√mw \ns‚ ssZh-h-N-\-a-\p-k-

cn®v amXw ]h¿Øn-°p∂ A¥-co-

£-sØ-bmWv Bcm -[ -\ -sb∂v

ss__nƒ ]Tn-∏n-°p-∂Xv. km£y-

sa∂p ]d-™m¬ Pohn-X-Øn¬ £an-

°p-∂h\pw kln-°p-∂-h-\p-amsW∂v

ImWn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Iƒ

Fs‚ A¥-cw-K-Øn¬ Ccn-°p-∂Xv


Xncp -sh -g p -Øp -Iƒ Xs∂-

bmIp∂ InkvXp-hns\ kzPo-hn-X-

Øn¬ ]I-¿-Øp∂ CSw˛ B CSw

hoSm-sW-¶n¬ hosSmcp k`-bm-Wv. B

CSw ico-c-am-sW-¶n¬v ico-c-samcp

k`-bm-Wv. InkvXp-hns\ ]Xn-\n -

[m\w sNøp∂ Iq´m-bvaXzw Hcp lmfn-

em-sW-¶nepw Hcp ]≈n-°-I-Øm-sW-

¶nepw Hcp ]p¬ta-´n -em-sW-¶nepw

InkvXp-hns\ Bcv project sNøp-

∂pshm AØ-c-am-fp-I-fpsS Hcp Iq´m-

bva-bmWv k` F∂p ]d-bp-∂-Xv. CXv

s]s´∂v a\- n -em -In -√. CsXmcp

a¿Ωm-Wv. \nKq-V-am-bXpw ad-™n-cn-

°p-∂-Xp-amb Imcy-ß-sf-bmWv a¿Ωw

F∂ hm°p-sIm≠v hnh-£n-°p-∂-Xv.

sImtfm. 1:26-˛¬ “AXp ]q¿∆-Im-e-

߃°pw Xe-ap -d -Iƒ°pw ad™p

InS∂ a¿Ωw F¶nepw Ct∏mƒ

Ahs‚ hnip-≤-∑m¿°v shfn-s∏-Sp-

Øn-bn-cn-°p∂p” F∂v FgpXnbn-cn-°p-

∂p . Cu hN\w A\p -k -c n® v

InkvXp \ΩpsS D≈n¬ hkn-°p∂p

F∂Xpw k`-sb-°p-dn-®p≈ B[n-Im-

cn-I-Xbpw InkvXp Xs∂ Xs‚ hnip-

≤-∑m¿°v shfn-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p-I-bm-

Wv. AXv ]q¿∆-Im-eØpw Xe-ap -d -

Iƒ°pw ad -™p -In -S -∂n -c p -∂Xpw

BWv F∂pw Cu hN-\-Øn¬ ]Tn-∏n-

°p-∂p. ]g-b-\n-b-a-Im-eØv ZmhoZpw

Geo-bmhpw Geo-ibpw Hs° D≠m-

bn-cp-∂p. ]s£ A∂v k` F∂p ]d-

bp-∂Xv ad-™p-In-S∂ kw`-h-am-Wv.

ssZh-cmPyw GXv ImeØpw ad-™vIn-

S-°p∂ a¿Ω-am-Wv. aØm.13:3˛50 hsc

hmIy-ß-fn-eqsS D]-a-I-fmbn ssZh-cm-

PysØ, ad-™p-In-S-°p∂ B a¿vΩ-

Øn¬ \n∂v shfnbnte°v sIm≠p-h-

cnI-bmWv. tdma.16:24-˛26 Xncpsh-gp-

Øp-I-fn¬ “]q¿∆ Ime-ß-fn¬ ad-

™n -c p -∂n´ v Ct∏mƒ shfn -s∏´p

h∂Xpw \nXy-ssZ-h-Øns‚ \ntbm-K-

]Im-cw kIe PmXn-Iƒ°pw hnizm-

k-Øns‚ A\p-kc-WØn-\mbn ]mh-

N-I-∑m-cpsS Fgp-Øp-I-fm¬ Adn-bn-®n-

cn°p-∂-Xp-amb a¿Ω-Øns‚ sh-fn-]m-

Sn\v A\p-k-c-W-ambp≈ Fs‚ kphn-

ti-j-Øn\pw tbip-In-kvXp-hn-t\-°p-

dn-®p≈ ]kw-K-Øn-\p-sam-Ø-hÆw

\nßsf ÿnc-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ Ign-bp∂

GI-⁄m-\n-bmb ssZh-Øn\v tbip-

InkvXp apJm-¥cw F∂-t∂°pw al-

Xz-ap -≠mI-s´”. tdmam.16˛¬ hfsc

I have not departed from thecommandment of His lips; I havetreasured the words of His mouth

more than my necessary food. (Job23:12.)The word from the Jehovah iscompared to food here. Luke 15:17 itsays “I perish with hunger!” Whenrelated to Job when hunger is mentionedit meant lack of words consumed. 1Corinthians 3:2 says “And I, brethren,could not speak to you as tospiritual people but as to carnal, as tobabes in Christ. I fed you with milk andnot with solid food; for until now youwere not able to receive it, and evennow you are still not able;” Here it iscompared to milk. It is compared to solidfood. You can see this in Deuteronomy8:3 and Mathew 4:4 “So He humbledyou, allowed you to hunger, and fed youwith manna which you did not know nordid your fathers know, that He mightmake you know that man shall not liveby bread alone; but man lives byevery word that proceeds from themouth of the LORD. (Deut 8:3). Not onlythis, God’s word has been comparedwith honey gold etc. Jeremiah 23:29“Is not My word like a fire?” saysthe LORD, And like ahammer that breaks the rock inpieces?” Here it is compared to fire andhammer. In psalm 39: it is written God’swords are like fire. Jeremiah 20:9 “ThenI said, “I will not make mention of Him,nor speak anymore in His name.”But His word was in my heart like aburning fire shut up in my bones;” In 1Peter 1:23 God’s word has beencompared with seed. “Having been bornagain, not of corruptible seed butincorruptible, through the word of Godwhich lives and abides forever.”Isaiah

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32:20 “Blessed are you who sow besideall waters, who send out freely the feetof the ox and the donkey. “In themorning sow your seed,” (Eccles 11:6)Now God’s words are compared to rainand snow. Lets see where it is told.Isaiah 55:10-11 “For as the rain comesdown, and the snow from heaven, Anddo not return there, But water the earth,And make it bring forth and bud, That itmay give seed to the sower And breadto the eater, So shall My word be thatgoes forth from My mouth; It shall notreturn to Me void, But it shallaccomplish what I please, And it shallprosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

The platform to hear scripturesis the church. That is not a dancingmethod culture. Haven’t you straight orin conscious tell some that the churchyou are going seems to have goodworship. Don’t you say that when yousee them and hear their loud music withall the drums hitting and everything.There is a wrong Pentecost style wherethey think worship is making noises orsinging loudly and all. If you are one ofthose are entangled with this style, thenyou are mistaken. Do you know whatworship is? The Bible teaches us thatour life should be holy- our spiritual life,our earthly life, our financial life, our lifewith the children all this should beaccording to the will of God and that iscalled worship. Testimony is shown bythe person who bears and forgives. Toshow that the scripture is in my heartand mind. Scripture is the thing whichis coping Christ in our life. If that placeis your house then your house is achurch. If you are projecting Christ andhe if he is being projected by afellowship even if it is in a hall, in achurch or even if it is in a hay stackwhoever projects Christ that fellowshipis called a church. This not easy tounderstand. It’s a mystery. It is a hiddenand secretive mystery and that is whatis meant here. Collo 1:26 “ The mystery

Fs‚ t]cv eoem-Ω. ¿Øm-hns‚ t]cv

tPm¨k¨. Rm≥ tIm´bw Pn√-bn¬

\ogq¿ F∂ ÿeØv Xma-kn-°p-∂p.

Rß-fpsS hnhmlw 2004-˛-emWv \S-∂-

Xv. R߃°v Ip™p-ß-fn-√m-sX-bn-cn-

°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. F∂m¬ c≠v h¿j-

߃°p tijw Rm≥ K¿`n-Wn-bm-bn.

R߃°p henb kt¥m-j-am-bn.

F∂m¬ \n¿`m-Ky-sa∂p ]d-bs´ 6˛m-w

amkw ]j¿ IqSn B Ip™ns\

R߃°p e`n-®n-√. R߃ ]Xo-£-

tbm-sS-bn-cp-∂p. ]ns‰-h-¿jhpw Rm≥

K¿`n-Wn-bm-bn. AXpw c≠-c-am-k-am-b-

t∏m-tg°pw At_m¿j-\m-bn-t∏m-bn.

R߃ am\-kn-I-ambn hfsc XI¿∂p

t]mbn. ho≠pw R߃ ImØn-cp-∂p.

ho≠pw Hcp Ip™n-s\-IqSn DZ-c-Øn¬

e`n-®p. B Ip™v Btcm-Ky-tØm-sS-

P\n-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. R߃°p-

≠mb kt¥mjw h¿Æ-\m-Xo-X-am-bn-

cp-∂p. F∂m¬ B kt¥mjw A[n-

I\mƒ \o≠p-\n-∂n-√. shdpw c≠p

Znhkw Ign-™-t∏mƒ B Ip™v acn-

®pt]m-bn. R߃°v Xmßm-\m-Ip-∂-

Xnepw A∏p-d-am-bn-cp-∂p AXv. ho≠pw

Rm≥ K¿`n-Wn-bm-bn. Aßs\bn-cn-°p-

tºm-gmWv 2011-˛¬ _lp.-tZ-h-kym-km¿

Xe-tbm-e-∏-d-ºn¬ Hcp ao‰nw-Kn-\mbn

h∂--Xv. Fs‚ `¿Ømhv B ao‰nw-Kn¬

]s¶-Sp-°p-Ibpw km¿ ]m¿∞n-°p-

Ibpw sNbvXp. C]m-h-iyw H∂pw t]Sn-

t°-≠-Xn√ F∂v ]d-bp-Ibpw sNbvXp.

hmKvZm -\ -ß-fn¬ hniz -kvX -\mb

I¿Ømhv Rß-sf -A-\p - K -ln -®p.

Btcm-Ky-ap≈ Hcp Ip™ns\ In´n.

Ct∏mƒ aq∂c hb- p-≠v. aIs‚ t]cv

Pn≥kv. R߃ Bflm-`n-tjIw Iq´m-

bva-bn¬ apS-ßmsX ]s¶-Sp-°p-∂p.

R߃°v ssZhw X∂ A\p-K-lsØ

a‰p -≈-h-tcmSv ]¶p-h®v kt¥m-j-

tØmsS ssZhsØ kvXpXn®v Pohn-°p-

∂p. ]m¿∞n® kmdns\bpw Soaw-K-ß-

tfbpw \µn-tbmsS Hm¿°p-∂p. C\nbpw

Bflm-`n-tjIw Iq´m-bvasb I¿Ømhv

Ir]-Ifpw hc -ßfpw Zm\-ßfpw

sImSpØv hf¿Ø-s -sb∂v ]m¿∞n-°p-


eoem-Ω.- \ogq¿

Ph: 9747856703

24 Bflm-`n-tjIw Unkw_¿ 2014 December 2014 Athmabhishekam

hy‡-am-bn-´mWv N¿®v F∂m¬ F¥m-

sW∂v ]d-™n-cn-°p-∂-Xv.

k` ad-™n-cn-°p∂ Hcp a∂-

bm-Wv. CXv cl-ky-ßsf ]pdØv

sIm≠p hcp -∂-Xm -Wv . ImWmsX

]Tn® Ipd®v ]m´p-Ifpw Ip®n-∏pUn

t]msebp≈ Um≥kpIfpw Ipsd

DuXn-ho-gvØepw Hs° \S-Øp∂ Hcp

tIµ-amWv k`-sb∂v Bsc-¶nepw

sX‰n-≤-cn-®n-´p-s≠-¶n¬ Zb-hmbn B

sX‰v Xncp-Ø-Ww. k` I¿Øm-hns\

ImWp∂, tIƒ°p∂, Adn -bp∂,

A\p-`-hn-°p∂ ÿe-am-Wv. I¿Øm-

hns‚ k`sb anÃdn Hm^v Z ssIÃv

t_mUn F∂mWv hnfn-°p-∂-Xv. k`

F∂p ]d-bp -∂Xv saXm-∑m¿°pw

sshZn -I¿°pw ]g -b -co -Xn -bn -sem

]pXnb coXn-bnsem D≈ Ip¿_m\

\S-Øm≥th≠n henb Hcp sI´nSw

]WnXv h®v AX-\p-k-cn®v cq]-ß-fpw

-a‰pw Fgp-∂-≈n-®p-h-®p-sIm≠v \S-

Øp∂ GsX-¶nepw Hcp Iem-]-cn-]m-

Sn-b-√. InkvXp-hns‚ Xncp-sh-gp-∂-≈-

Øns‚ `qan-bm-Wv k` F∂p ]d-bp-

∂-Xv. CXv InkvXp-hns‚ aW-hm-´n-bm-


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Ft^.5:22-˛32 hsc hmIy-ß-

fn¬ k` InkvXphns‚ aW-hm-´n -

bmWv F∂p ]d-bp-∂p. Ft^.3-:1˛-11

hsc hmIy-ß-fn¬ CXv IkvX-p-hns‚

GI-i-co-c-amWv F∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-

∂p. k` InkvXp-hns‚ ico-c-am-Wv.

Cu Ir]m -bp -K -Øn¬ \ΩpsS

I¿Ømhv hkn-°p-∂Xv \ΩpsS IqsS-

bm-Wv. AsXmcp ]≈n-°-IsØm ac-

Ønsem A√. AXv Fs‚

I¿Ømsh F∂v H® hbv°p-∂n-SØv

A√. AXv bYm¿∞-Øn¬ As∏m-

kvX-e-∑mcpw ]hm-N-I-∑mcpw CS-b-

∑mcpw ip - iq -j-I-∑mcpw Hcp -an®p

\n∂p -sIm≠v Db¿Øn -∏n -S n -°p∂

Bflo-b-hn -ip -≤o-I-c -W-ap≈ Hcp

tIµ-Øn¬ \n∂pw I¿Ømhv \ap°p

Xcp∂ Pohn-X-hn-ip-≤n-bpsS tIZm-c-

amb ÿe-amb k`bnemWv. k`sb

\bn-°p-hm≥ hnip-≤-Po-hnXw \bn®v

temI-Øn¬ ]e-bn-SØpw k©-cn®v

Xncp-sh-gpØpIƒ ]Tn-∏n®v A¤p-X-

ßfneq-sSbpw AS-bm-f-ß-fn-eq-sSbpw

ssZh-cm-PysØ Bhn-jv°-cn°p∂

As∏m-kvX-e-∑m-cp -≠m-bn -cn -°Ww.

k`-bn¬ C∂-se-I-fnse Zp:Jß-

sfbpw C∂p-I-fnse Pohn-X-ß-sfbpw

\msf-I-fnse thZ-\-I-sfbpw G¸n-

®p-sIm-SpØv InkvXp-hns\ hN-\-]-

Imcw ]tLm-jn-°p∂ ]hm-N-I-∑m-

cp-≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww. ]g-b-\n-b-a-Øn¬

Giømhpw sbl-kvt°epw F¥p

]d™p? ]pXn-b-\n-b-a-Øn¬ tdmam-

te-J\Ønepw shfn-]mSv ]pkvX-I-

Ønepw CXc ]pkvX -I -ß-fnepw

F¥p ]Tn -∏n -°p∂p? \nKq -V-amb

Imcy-߃ ssZhm-flm-hn-eqsS shfn-

s∏-SpØn ]d-™p ]Tn-∏n-°p-∂ \√

H∂m-¥cw ]hmN-I-∑m-cp-≠m-bn-cn-°-

Ww. Hcp ]pg Hgp-Ip-∂Xp I≠p. ]pg-

bn¬ Hcp amIn apßn-t∏m-bn. apX-emb

hymP-Z¿i-\-߃sIm≠v \S-°msX

which has been hidden from ages andfrom generations, but now has beenrevealed to His saints. According to thisverse Christ lives in us and his state ofbeing authoritative is revealed to the holyones. This word teaches us that werehidden to the previous generation. InOld Testament period there were David,Elijah, and Elisha. But that time churchfactor was hidden. Using Mathew 13:3-50 the verses is using comparisons andexamples to bring it from the mystery.In the same way the real church is amystery. Romans 16:24-26 says Nowto Him who is able to establish youaccording to my gospel and thepreaching of Jesus Christ, according tothe revelation of the mystery kept secretsince the world began but now mademanifest, and by the propheticScriptures made known to all nations,according to the commandment of theeverlasting God, for obedience to thefait. Romans 16 clearly state what ischurch. Church is a hidden. This bringsabout the secret out. By hearting somesongs, dances like Kuchipidi, lot ofblowing people down, if it is a centrewhich all these things are done and ifyou think this is church, then pleasechange your understanding which iswrong. The church is a place where wesee, hear, knows, feels Christ. Lord’schurch is called as mystery of the Christbody. Church is not a place where allthe bishops, or church priests to conductthe communion(qurubana )in old methodor new method, building a very hugebuilding and raising up statuesaccordingly, this not a place to doentertainment. Christ’s holy coming inearth is called Church. This is Christ’sbride.

Ephes 5:22-32 says Church isChrist’s bride. Ephes 3:1-11 says it isone body in Christ. Church is Christ’sbody. In this grace era Christ dwellsamong us. It is not in a church or a tree.That is not in a place where Oh my Lordis shouted. That is in fact where

Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-Iƒ tamibpw ZmhoZpw

k¶o¿Ø-I\pw ]Tn -∏ n -® -sX√mw

AXns‚ Bg-ß-fn-te°v Cdßns®∂v

Btem-N-\m-arX-ambsX√mw I≠p-

]nSn®v ssZh-P-\-Øn\v hnf-ºn-s°m-Sp-

°p-Ibpw ]cn-ip-≤m-flmhv shfn-s∏-Sp-

Øp∂ Z¿i-\-ßfneq-sSbpw ]h-N-\-

ßfneq-sSbpw am\-km-¥-c-Øns‚

]q¿Æ-Xbntebv°p a\p -jy -sc

sIm≠p-t]m-Ip-Ibpw sNøp∂ ]hm-

N-I-∑mcpw k`-bn-ep-≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww.

k`bv°v AeIpw ]nSnbpw

thZ-]p-kvXIw A\p-k-cn-®p-≠v. k`-

bn¬ As∏m-kvXeXzap≈-hcpw ]hm-

N-I-Xz-ap -≈-hcpw D≠m-bn-cn -°-Ww.

]mkv‰dns‚ ][m-\- tPmen ssZh-h-

N\w So®v sNøp-Ibpw ]o®v sNøp-

Ibpw BWv. ssZh-Øns‚ hN\w

]Tn-∏n -°-Ww. AXv a\- n-em-Ip∂

hn[-Øn¬ A≤ym-]-I¿ Ip´n-Iƒ°v

F∂ t]mse So®nwKv \S-Ø-Ww.

I¨sh≥j≥ F∂ t]mse ]o®nwKv

\S-Ø-Ww. CsX√mwsIm≠v ssZh-P-

\sØ Bflo-b-X-bpsS DØpw-Kirw-


AUvan-\n-kvtS-‰ohv seh-em-

Wv c≠m-a-tØ-Xv. CXv BZy-tØXp

t]mse Xs∂ ][m-\-s∏-´-Xm-Wv. Hcp

k`-bn¬ \qdp-t]scm AºXv t]scm

]Øv t]scm hcp-∂p-s≠-¶n¬ Ah-

cpsS kmº-Øn-I-Im-cy-߃, k`-bpsS

hmSI, k`bn¬ Chm©enÃp-I-fm-

cmWv? t]ms^-‰p-I-fm-cmWv? Ah-¿

Bscm -s°-bmsW∂v I≠p-]nSn®v

Ahsc A¿ln-°p∂ kvt\ltØm-Sp-

IqSn ]m¿∞n®v As∏m-kvX-es‚ D]-

tZiw, ]hm-N-Is‚ shfn-]m-Sp -Iƒ

kzoI-cn®v ssZh-P-\sØ AUvan-\n-

kvtS-‰ohv seh-en¬ Hcmƒ°v \bn-

°m≥ ]‰-Ww.

aq∂m-asØ At±-l-Øns‚

tPmen, InkvXp As∏m-kvX-e∑msc

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Ab® t]mse Xs‚ ipiq-j-bn¬

hf¿∂p hcp∂ ]pcp -j-∑m -scbpw

kvXoI-sfbpw Ab-bv°pI F∂

tPmen-bm-Wv. hoSp hoSm-¥cw \mSp

\mSm -¥cw ip iq -j -Isc hN\w

sImSp -Ø-b -°-Ww. Bfl-a -WvU -

esØ Db¿Øn-∏n-Sn®v, temIw apgp-

h≥ kphn-ti-j-sa-Øn-°m≥ th≠n

P\sØ Hcp°n Hcp°n hn´p-sIm≠n-

cn-°p-∂-XmWv B ]mÃ-dns‚ aq∂m-

asØ tPmen.

\mem-asØ tPmen Abm-fpsS

B≤ym-fln-IX H´pw \jvS-s∏-SmØ

hn[-Øn¬ ssZhP\-Øn\v B≤ym-fln-

I-in-ipXzw hf¿Øn hf¿ØnsbSp-°-

Ww. B≤ym-fln-I-in-ip-°-fmbhsc

Xf-cmX Xmßn-\-S-Ø-Ww. \√ `Z-

amb IpSpw-_-Po-hnXw \bn®p ImWn-

®p -sIm -S p -° -Ww. Xs‚ CWbpw

XpWbpamb `¿Ømhv AYhm `mcy

X∂n¬ \n∂pw ssZhw Ir]-bm¬ P\n-

∏n® Ht∂m ct≠m FX-sb-¶n-ep-am-

Is´ a°ƒ Ahsc ssZh-h -N -\ -

Øns‚ Bg -ß-f n - te°v sIm≠p

t]mbn hnip≤ B≤ym-fln--I-X-bn¬

Ahsc kaq -l -Øns‚ apºn¬

Db¿Øn-∏n-Sn-°Ww. Aßs\ Z-amb

IpSpw-_-Po-hnXhpw Z-amb hy‡n-Xz-

Po -hnXhpw \bn -®p -sIm≠v, hN-\-

Øns‚ AIw-s]m-cp-fp-Iƒ shfn-s∏-Sp-

ØØ° So®nwKv \S -Øn -s°m≠v

]hm-N-I-Xztam tcmK-im-¥n-h-c-tam

`qX-im-¥n-h-c-tam Fs¥-¶nepw Ds≠-

¶n¬ Xs‚ P\-Øn\v th≠n ssZh-

\m-a-a-l-Xz-Øn-\m-bn´v D]tbmKn-®p-

sIm≠v hn\-b-tØm-Sp-IqSn ipiqj

sNøpI F∂XmWv Hcp CS-bs‚,

]mÃ-dpsS ipiq-j.

]mÃ-dns‚ apI-fn¬ ssZh-h-

N\w A\p-k-cn®v ]hm-N-I-\p-≠m-bn-

cn-°-Ww. ]mÃ-dn\v Xs∂bpw ]hm-

N-I-ip-iqj sNømw. ]mÃ-dn\v apI-

Apostles, prophets, shepherds, pastor’sstand together to uplift the spiritualholiness centre from where our Lordgives us the clean life and this centre ischurch. There should be apostles tolead, who leads holy life, travellingaround the world, teaching thescriptures, doing miracle and wondersand through all this manifesting thekingdom of God. Submitting churches’yesterday’s problems, today’s lives,tomorrow’s pain doing propagandaabout Christ as per gospel and thereshould be prophets like that. What didIsaiah and Ezekiel tell in the OldTestament? What does New Testamentteach in Romans, book of revelationsand other books? There should beexcellent prophets to teach mysteriousor hidden things which is revealed bythe Holy Spirit. Saw a river flowing. Afrog died in the river. Instead of givingsuch fake prophecies, give God’s peoplescripture which was people like Moses,David and psalms, going into the depthand fetch it out for God’s people throughHoly Spirit influenced visions, dreamswhich brings people to the fulfillmentof repent, and that is how every prophetshould be in a church.

Church has some things tofollow according to Bible. A churchshould have apostolic and propheticalpeople. A pastor’s job is mainly to teachand preach God’s word to people. God’sword has to be taught. That should betaught in a way how a teacher teachesa student. Should preach like in aconvention. With all this lift God’s peoplein spirituality. Second is administrativelevel. This is also as important as thefirst one. How many ever people comein a church be it hundred or fifty or ten,collecting their financial information, therent of the church building, who are theevangelists of the church, who are theprophets? Finding out who are they,giving the love and prayer they deserve,apostolic advice, receiving revelation ofa prophet with all these an administrative

fn¬ ]hm-N-Is\ IqSmsX As∏m-

kvX-e-\p-≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww. ]mÿ ]hm-

N -I -\mbn Ign -™m¬ Abm-fpsS

CSb-Xz-tØ-°mƒ hepXv ]hm-N-I-Xz-

am -b -Xp -sIm≠v Abmsf k`-Iƒ

]hm-N-I- ZuXy-\n¿∆-l-W-Øn-\mbn

th¿Xn-cn-°pw. Hcp ]mÃsdm, ]hm-N-

Is\m temI-Øn¬ Np‰n k©-cn®v

]e-bn-SØpw k`-Iƒ ÿm]n®v ssZh-

cm-PysØ hf¿Øp-∂ ipiq-j-bn¬

PmK-XbmhpI-bm-sW-¶n¬ Abmsf

As∏m-kvX-e-\mbn AwKo-I-cn-°-Ww.

Aßs\ As∏m-kvX-e-Xzhpw ]hm-N-

I-Xzhpw D≈ k` GXm-sW∂v At\z-

jn-°-Ww. ]hm-N-I-Xz-ap-≈hcpw CS-

b -∑mcpw Chm -©-en -Ãp -Ifpw

Iu¨kn-tegvkpw IqSn-t®¿∂-XmWv

Hcp k`-bpsS B≤ym-flnI LS-\.

C\n G‰hpw henb Imcyw

]d-bmw. Ft^.4:15,16. “InkvXp F∂

Xe-tbmfw kI-e-Ønepw hf-cp-hm≥

CS-bm-Ipw. icocw apgp-h≥ bp‡-ambn

tN¿∂pw GIo-`-hn®pw Hmtcm AwK-

Øn-s‚bpw AXXp hym]m-c-Øn-s\m-

Ø-hÆw DXhn e`n-∏m-\p≈ GXp

k‘n-bmepw kvt\l-Øn-ep≈ h¿≤-

\-bv°mbn Ah-\n¬ \n∂v hf¿®

]m]n-°p-∂p”. k`-sb-°p-dn-®p-ff hN-

\-am-Wn-Xv. k`-bn¬ kvt\l-Øns‚

Dujva -f -X-bn¬ kXy-Øns‚ ]cn -

⁄m-\-Øn¬ DW¿∂v i‡n-s∏-Sp-∂-

hcp≠mbn-cn-°-W-sa∂v ]d-bp-I-bm-

Wv. tbml.15:5˛¬ Xe-bmb InkvXp-

hn-t\-°q-SmsX \ap°v H∂pw sNøm≥

Ign-bp-I-bn√ F∂v ]d-™n-cn-°p-∂p.

k`-bpsS XebmWv v InkvXp. DS-

emWv Iq´m -b va . CXmWv k`sb

kw_-‘n-®p≈ B[n-Im-cn-I-amb ]T-

\w. aØm.1 : 21˛¬ “Ah≥ Xs‚

P\sØ Ah-cpsS ]m]-ß-fn¬ \n∂v

c£n -∏m -\n -c n -°p -∂-Xp -sIm≠v \o

Ah\v tbip F∂v t]cn-SWw” F∂v

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Fgp-Xn -bn -cn -°p∂p. k`-bpsS inc-

mb InkvXp aØm.1:21 A\p-k-cn®v

\ΩpsS kz¥w c£-I -\m -W v .

sl_m.2 : 1 0 - ˛¬ “kI-eØn\pw

em°pw kI-e-Øn\pw Imc-W-`q-X-\p-

am-b-h≥ At\Iw ]pX-∑msc tXP-

kn-tebv°p \S-Øp-tºmƒ Ah-cpsS

c£m-\m-b-Is\ IjvSm-\p-`-h-ß-fn¬

XnI™h-\m -°p -∂Xv bp‡-

ambncn∂p” F∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-∂p.

A∏.4:12-˛¬ “\mw c£n-°-s∏-Sp-hm≥

BIm-i-Øn≥ Iogn¬ a\p-jy-cpsS

CS-bn¬ \¬I-s∏´ thsd Hcp \ma-

hp-an-√”F∂pw hmbn-°p-∂p. InkvXp-

hm-Ip∂ Xebpw Iq´m-bva-Xz-Øn¬

ssZh-cm-PysØ kvt\ln-°p∂ P\-

am-Ip∂ DSepw P\sØ ipiq-jn-

°p∂ As∏m-kvX-e≥, ]hm-N-I≥,

CS-b≥, Chm-©-en-Ãv, Iu¨kn-e¿

Cß-s\-bmWv InkvXp-hns‚ ico-c-am-

Ip∂ k` ]Wn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv.

tbip F∂ c£-I-s\-bmWv k`-

bn¬ N¿® sNtø-≠-Xv. ]g-b-\n-b-a-

Ønse tami-sb-°p-dn®v N¿® sNtø-

≠-∂-√. c£-Is\ N¿® sNtø≠

ka-b -a - Xbpw AXp sNø-Wsa -

∂mWv.tehym.17:11 -˛¬ “c‡-as√m

Poh≥ aqe-ambn ]mb-›nØ-w B-

Ip-∂Xv ”F∂p-≠v. c£I-s\-°p-dn®v

]d-bp-tºmƒ Cu InkvXp-hns‚ c‡-

tØ-°p -d n® v ]Xn -]m -Z n -°Ww.

sl_m.9:18˛¬ \mw Cßs\ ImWp-

∂p. “AXp-sIm≠v BZy-\n -b-ahpw

c‡w- IqSmsX ]Xn-jvTn-®-X-√”. BZy

\nbaw tehy.17-˛¬ ]d-bp∂ I∂p-Im-

en-I-fpsS c‡-am-bn--cp-∂p. F∂m¬

tbip-hns‚ c‡-amWv G‰-hp-sam-Sp-

hn¬ \sΩ c£-bn-te°v sIm≠ph∂-

sX∂v sl_m.9:19 -˛21 hscbpw 1

tbml.1-˛¬ 7,8,9 hmIy-ß-fnepw ]d-

bp-∂p. InkvXp-hns‚ c‡-s®m-cn-®n-

emWv Ahn-sS-sb√mw h¿Æn-®n-cn-°p-

level person should lead. The third dutyof him is that just as Christ sendsapostles, he should send those in hischurch be it man or woman who isgrowing in the Lord. These peopleshould be sending to different nationsand houses. Lifting the spiritual platformand reaching out to the world with thegospel, and it is the pastor’s third job toprepare the God’s people for this. Thefourth job is that without his spiritualitycoming down he should bring the God’speople in infant spirituality. He shouldsupport those infant spirituals. Heshould lead a model and concrete familylife. Along with his partner or companionwho is either the wife or the husband,and their god given one or two or howmany ever children, they also should belead into the depth of the holy spirituallevel and make them stand in front andbe lifted up. Thus leading a very securefamily life and a secure personal life,teaching the scripture explaining themeaning and the substance of it, if theyhave prophecy gift or healing gift, ordriving away demons gift let them useit for his people glorifying God’s namelet him be humble and let him do theservice, this is the shepherds or a pastorsservice. There should be a prophetabove the pastor. Pastor himself alsocan do a prophetical service. Abovepastor there should also be a apostlealong with the prophet. When pastorbecomes a prophet more than hisleading quality like a shepherd comesprophecy so he will be separated forchurch prophetical duties. A pastor or aprophet who travel around creatingchurches and does the service ofgrowing the kingdom of God then heshould be considered as an Apostle.Thus search for a church whereapostolic and prophetical church. Achurch consists of prophets, shepherds,evangelists and councilors.

‘Now I will tell you a very great thing.Ephes 4:15-16 “but, speaking the truth

∂-Xv. B c‡-sNm-cn-®n-se√mw ssZh-

Øn\pw a\p-jy¿°pw at≤y kam-

[m\w sIm≠p-h-cm≥ th≠n InkvXp-

hn-\m¬ amX-amWv \nd-thd-s∏´Xv.

tbip -h ns‚ c‡-amWv kIe

Zp;Jhpw tcmKhpw kIe _‘-\hpw

Agn-°p-∂-sX∂v ]d-bp -tºmƒ B

c‡-Øns‚ \ng -en -t\-°p -dn®mWv

tehym ]pkvXIw 17:11-˛¬ ]d-bp-∂Xvv.

AsX k`-bn¬ N¿® sNtø-s∏tS-

≠Xv tbip-hm-Wv. Ah≥ \ng-ens‚

s]mcp-fm-Wv. Ah≥ c£-I-\m-Wv.

Ahs‚ \maw D∂-X-am-Wv. Ahs‚

c‡w D∂-X-am-Wv. Ahs‚ ]p\-cp-

∞m\w D∂-X-am-Wv. Ah≥ bYm¿∞-

Øn¬ CS-b-\m-Wv. sl_m.13:20-˛¬

BSp-I-fpsS henb CS-b-s\∂v tbip-

hns\ hnfn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. BSp-I-fpsS

henb CS -b -\mb tbip -hns\

s]mss¢≥ sNø-p-tºmƒ Ah-s\∂

henb CS-b≥ \ΩpsS apºn¬ hcn-I-

bm-Wv. 1 tbml.2:1˛¬ “Hcp-Ø≥ ]m]w

sNbvXp-sh-¶ntem, \oXn-am-\mb tbip-

InkvXp F∂ Imcy-ÿ≥ \ap°v

]nXm-hns‚ ASp-°¬ D≠v”.\Ω-sfms° Adn™pw Adn-

bm-sXbpw sX‰n -te°pw Ip‰-ß-fn -

te°pw hcptºmƒ ssZh-Øns‚

apºn¬ \ap-s°mcp Imcy-ÿ-\p-≠v.

Cu Imcy-ÿ≥ InkvXp-tb-ip-hm-Wv.

Ah≥ k¿∆m-[n-Im-chpap-≈-h-\m-Wv.

F_m. 13 - ˛¬ 20 - ˛mw hmIy -Øn¬

bYm¿∞ CS-b≥ I¿Øm-hm-Wv F∂v

Fgp -Xn -bn -cn -°p -∂p. I¿Øm-hmWv

\ΩpsS tcmKhpw ]m]hpw tamNn-°p-

∂-Xv. Ft^.5:23-˛¬ Ah≥ k`sb

`cn -°p∂p -sh∂v ImWm≥ ]‰pw .

tbip-InkvXp Bcm-sW∂v tNmZn-

®m¬ k`sb `cn-°p-∂-h-\mWv F∂p

Xs∂bmWv adp -]-Sn. Ah≥ Xs‚

k`sb D]-tZ-in-°p-Ibpw \nb-¥n-°p-

Ibpw sNøp -∂p. tbml.10 :27 - ˛¬

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“BSp-Iƒ Fs‚ i_vZw tIƒ°p-

Ibpw Ah Fs∂ A\p-K-an-°p-Ibpw

sNøp-∂p”. Rß-sfms° B CS-bs‚

Aw_m-k- nU-¿amcm -Wv . bYm¿∞

]mÿ Ah-\m -W v . Ink vXp

tijvTaqe-°√pw k`-bpsS ASn-ÿm-

\hp-am-Wv. Aß-s\-bp≈ k` Ne-\m-

fl I a m b H c m ≤ y m fl n I -

kwkvIrXnsb hf¿Øn-sb-Sp-°p-∂-


52 Rmb-dm -g vN -bmWv Hcp

sIm√ -Øn¬ imc -i -c n -bp -≈ -X v .

bYm¿∞ N¿®v F√m Rmb-dm-gvNbpw

h∂v ]Xnhp ]m´pIƒ ]mSn ]Xn-hp-

t]mse Ipsd Imcy-߃ sNbvXp-

sIm≠v t]mIp∂ ioesØ A\p-

h¿Øn°p∂ Hcp ]Xnhp ssì

BI-cp-Xv. k` Ne-\m-fl-I-am-Wv. “Cu

]md-ta¬ Rm≥ Fs‚ k`sb ]Wn-

bpw. ]mXm-f-tKm-]p-c-߃ AXns\

Pbn-°p-I-bn√” (a-Øm.16:18) F∂

hN-\hpw I¿Ømhp Xs∂bpw ssZhw

PV-ambn Ah-X-cn-®Xpsa√mw Ne-\m-

fl-I-amWv. I¿Ømhp 40 Znhkw

hscbpw ]nXm-hns\ Bcm-[n®v Xs‚

am\p -jn -I -Xsb AXn -Po -hn -°-m≥

th≠ i‡n kw`cn®p. I¿Ømhp

Xs∂bpw aØm.3˛epw eq°.3-˛epw ]d-

bp-∂-Xp-t]mse kv\m\w FSp-Øp; Ic-

bv°p Ibdn-b-t∏mƒ Ch≥ -Fs‚

]nb-]p - X -\m -Wv. Ch-\n¬ Rm≥

]km-Zn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. Chs\ tIƒ°-

W-sa∂v ]nXmhv hnfn®p ]d-bp-Ibpw

]cn-ip-≤m-flmhv ]mhns‚ cq]-Øn¬

C d - ß n - h - c n - I b p w s N b v X p .

I¿Ømhns‚ PohnXw Xs∂bpw Ne-

\m -fl-I -am -Wv . Ah≥ tcmKnIsf

I≠t∏mƒ kpJ-s∏-Sp-Øn. ]nim-Np-

°sf I≠-t∏mƒ hN-\-a-b®v HmSn-®p.

Cßs\ I¿Ømhv sNbvX-Xp-t]mse

Hcp Ne-\m-fl-I-Xz-amWv Fhn-sSbpw

\Ωƒ ImtW≠-Xv.

in love, may grow up in all things intoHim who is the head Christ from whomthe whole body, joined and knit togetherby what every joint supplies, accordingto the effective working by which everypart does its share, causes growth ofthe body for the edifying of itself in love.”It is a word for the church. In churchwe should have people who are warmin love knowledgeable in truth andawakened and of strength. In John 15:5I am the vine, you are the branches. Hewho abides in Me, and I in him, bearsmuch fruit; for without Me you can donothing. It is told without Christ we cando nothing. Christ is the head of thechurch. The body is the fellowship. Thisis the authoritative study as church isconcerned. In Mathew 1:21 it is written“And she will bring forth a Son, and youshall call His name JESUS, for He willsave His people from their sins.”Christthe head of the church as in Mathew1:21 is our savior. Hebrew 2:10" For itwas fitting for Him, for whom are allthings and by whom are all things, inbringing many sons to glory, to makethe captain of their salvation perfectthrough sufferings.” In Acts 4:12 weread “Nor is there salvation in any other,for there is no other name under heavengiven among men by which we mustbe saved.” Christ being the head, wethe people who are a fellowship wholoves kingdom of God who is the body,the apostle who serves the people,Apostle, Prophet, Shepherd, Evangelist,Counselor this is how church the bodyof Christ is built.

It is Jesus the savior which isto be discussed in Church. It is notthat Moses of Old Testament shouldnot be discussed. When the time fordiscussing savior is there he should

be discussed. In Levict 17:11 “ For thelife of the flesh is in the blood, and Ihave given it to you upon the altar tomake atonement for your souls; forit is the blood that makes atonementfor the soul.” In Hebr 9:18 “Thereforenot even the first covenant wasdedicated without blood.” The fistlaw told in Leviticus 17 was cattle’sblood. But it is Jesus blood whichbrought us into salvation as told inHebrew 9:19-21, 1 John 1 7,8,9. Allthese places it is the Christ’s bloodshed which is described. All theseblood sheds happened for bringingpeace between God and people onlyby Christ. When it is told that it is Jesusblood which undid all the sickness,sadness, all the bondages then it isthe shadow of that blood which istalked about in Levicitus 17:11Yes it isJesus who should be discussed inchurch. He is the substance of theshadow. He is savior. His name is themost high. His blood is high. Hisresurrection is high. He is the actualshepherd. In Hebrew 13:20 greatShepherd of the sheep. When weproclaim the great shepherd of thesheep he comes in front of us as ashepherd. 1 John 2:1 and if anyonesins, we have an Advocate with theFather, Jesus Christ the righteous.Whenever we fall into sins and wrongdoings knowingly and unknowingly,we have a mediator for us. Thatmediator is Jesus Christ. He is the totalauthority. In Hebrew 13:20 it is writtenthe real shepherd is Christ. It is Christwho releases our diseases and sins.Ephesians 5:23 it is seen that Christ isthe head of the church. For thequestion who is Christ then theanswer is he is the head of Church.He advices and controls the church.John 10:27 “ My sheep hear My voice,and I know them, and they followMe.” We all are that shepherdsambassadors. The real pastor is he.Christ is the main corner stone and

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the foundation stone of the church.That kind of church should bedynamically growing up a spiritualculture. There are 52 Sundays in a yearon average. The real church shouldnot follow the same routine of comingand singing some songs and doingcertain other activities monotonousstyle. Church is dynamic . “On this rockI will build my church, and the gatesof Hades shall not prevail against it.(Mathew 16:18). This verse and Christhimself came in flesh all are inspiring.Lord prayed for 440 days by praisingthe father to overcome his humanside and to get the strength. Lordhimself as per Mathew 3 and Luke 3took baptism, When He had beenbaptized, Jesus came up immediatelyfrom the water; and behold, theheavens were opened to Him, andHe saw the Spirit of God descendinglike a dove and alighting uponHim. And suddenly a voice came fromheaven, saying, “This is my belovedSon, in whom I am well pleased. Thefather was asking us to hear him, andthe Holy Spirit came upon him in theform of dove. Christ’s life itself isinspiring. He met the sick and curedthem. When he saw devils he sendsword and made them run. So this howwe should do like Christ. In Acts 2:42-47 “And they continued steadfastly inthe apostles’ doctrine andfellowship, in the breaking of bread,and in prayers. Then fear came uponevery soul, and many wonders andsigns were done through theapostles. Now all who believed weretogether, and had all things incommon, and sold their possessionsand goods, and divided them amongall, as anyone had need. So continuing

As∏m.2 :42 - ˛47 - ˛¬ “Ah¿

As∏m-kvX-e-∑m-cpsS D]-tZ-i-߃

tI´pw Iq´mbva BN-cn®pw A∏w \pdp-

°nbpw ]m¿∞\ Ign®pw t]m∂p.

F√m-h¿°pw `b-am-bn. As∏m-kvX-e-

∑m-cm¬ -G-dnb A¤p-X-ßfpw AS-bm-

f-ßfpw \S-∂p. hniz-kn-®-h¿ F√m-

hcpw Hcp -a n -® n - c p -∂p . kI-ehpw

s]mXphI F∂v FÆp-Ibpw P∑-`q-

an-Ifpw hkvXp-°fpw hn‰v Ah-\-h\v

Bh-iy-ap-≈-Xp-t]mse F√m-h¿°pw

]¶n-Sp-Ibpw Hcp a\-s∏´v Zn\w-]Xn

ssZhm -e -b -Øn¬ IqSn hcn -Ibpw

ho´n¬ A∏w \pdp°ns°m≠v D√m-

khpw lrZ-b-]-c-am¿∞-Xbpw ]q≠v

`£Ww Ign -°pIbpw ssZhsØ

kvXpXn -°p -Ibpw kIe P\ -

Øns‚bpw Ir] A\p-`-hn-°p-Ibpw

sNbvXp. I¿Ømhv c£n-°-s∏-Sp-∂-

hsc Zn\w-]Xn k`-tbmSv tN¿Øp-

sIm-≠p-an-cp-∂p”.k` Pohm -fl-I-Xz -ap -≈-Xm -

sW∂pw Ne -\m -fl -I -Xz -a p -≈ -Xm -

sW∂pw \Ωƒ a\- n-em-°p-I-bmWv.

As∏m-kvX-e-∑m-cn¬ Gdnb ]¶pw

A ¤ p - X - ß f p w A S - b m - f - ß f p w

]h¿Øn-®p. CXv Fgp-Xn-b-Xv ASn-

ÿm-\-]-c-ambn ssZh-h-N-\-Øns‚

knw_epIƒ-sIm≠v Ne-\m-fl-I--Xz-ap-

≈-Xm-Wv k` F∂v Dd-∏n-°m-\mWv.

I¿Ømhv k` ÿm]n-®Xv adn-bm-Ω-


temI-Øn-te-sX-¶nepw Hcp- -ip-iq-j-

Is‚tbm k`-bm-°m-\-√. I¿Øm-

hns‚ k`-bm-°m-\m-Wv. FX henb

ip-iq-I-cm-sW-¶nepw Ah-scms° a\-

p-s≠-¶n¬ Hcp Aw_m-kn-U¿ F∂

\ne-bn¬ k`-sb- ip-iq-jn-t®m-Ww.

AX-√msX I¿Øm-hns‚ apºn -¬

Bcpw hºp ]d-bp-Itbm A]-am-

ZnXzw Ifn°pItbm sNø-cp-Xv. \

AD˛30 se ]¥-t°mkvX v

daily with one accord in the temple,and breaking bread from house tohouse, they ate their food withgladness and simplicity ofheart, praising God and having favorwith all the people. And the Lordadded to the church daily those whowere being saved.”

We understand that church isdynamic . Most of the apostles didmiracles and signs. These were writtenbasically in God’s words symbols toconfirm that church is dynamic . Lorddid not create church to make that asMary’s or Evupravassiyamma’s churchor for that matter anybody else’s church.But to make it as Lord’s church.However good the worship leader orthe pastor is, but they should alwaysremember that they are justambassadors. Nobody should say anyun necessary or infallible in front of thelord. In AD 30 during a day of Pentecostduring a prayer meeting the new churchin Jerusalem was born. When the Dayof Pentecost had fully come, they wereall with one accord in one place. Andsuddenly there came a sound fromheaven, as of a rushing mighty wind,and it filled the whole house where theywere sitting. Then there appeared tothem divided tongues, as of fire,and one sat upon each of them. Andthey were all filled with the Holy Spiritand began to speak with other tongues,as the Spirit gave them utterance. Thenthose who gladly received his wordwere baptized; and that day about threethousand souls were added tothem.(Acts 2:41). This was not asprinkling baptism or a child baptism. Itwas fully emerging baptism, this is veryclear if you read the bible. In Acts 2:42it says And they continued steadfastlyin the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship,in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.When the new churchesrepresentatives approaches you tellingthat he wants to start a church in your

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\mfn¬ Hcp ]m¿∞\m IqSn-h-c-hn¬

h®mWv sbcq-i-te-an¬ k` P∑-sa-Sp-

Ø-Xv. Hcp amfn-I-ap-dn-bn¬ ImØn-cp-

∂-h-cpsS ta¬ Bflm-hn-dßn h∂p.

F√m-hcpw A\y-`m-j-Ifpw Z¿i-\-

ßfpw Ir]-Ifpw sIm≠v \nd-™Xv

Hcp \mS-Io-b-amb ]Xy-£-X-b-√m-bn-

cp-∂p. \q‰m-≠p-Iƒ°p-apsº ssZh-

Øns‚ at\m-l-c-amb kvt\l-Øns‚

hnip≤]≤-Xn-bn¬ Xfn-cn´X\p-k-cn®v

BZysØ Znhkw Xs∂ ]tXm -

kns‚ ]kwKw tI´ Ah¿ Bflmhp

]m]n-®n´v aqhm-bn-c-Øn¬ ]cw t]¿

hnizm -k -k v\m\w FSp -Øp

(As∏m.2:41). CXv sXfn-°¬ kv\m\-

tam ssN¬Uv _m]v‰n-ktam A-√. apgp-

I¬ kv\m\w Xs∂sb∂v thZ-]p-

k vXIw ]Tn -®m -¬ a\ - n -emIpw .

As∏m.2:42-˛¬ Ah¿ As∏m-kvX-e-∑m-

cpsS D]-tZiw tI´pw Ip´mbva BN-

cn®pw A∏w \pdp-°nbpw ]m¿∞\

Ign-®p-w t]m-∂p. \ho\-k-`Ifnse- Zq-

X -∑m¿ \nß-fpsS ho´ n¬ h∂v

Rms\mcp k` \S -Øp -∂p≠v ,

Atßm´p h∂ms´ F∂p ]d-bp-tºmƒ

\n߃ tNmZn-°Ww BcmWv \nß-

fpsS As∏m-kvX-e≥ ? As∏m-kvX-e-

∑mcpw ]hm-N-I-∑mcpw CS-b-∑mcpw

\bn-°p∂ k`-sbbm-Wv F\n-°p-th-

≠Xv F∂v N¶q-‰-tØm-Sp -IqSn ]d-

bm≥ km[n-®p-sIm≠v kXy-Øns‚

]mX-bn¬ k©-cn-®m-s´. As∏m.2:47-

˛¬ “I¿Ømhv c£n-°-s∏-Sp-∂-hsc

Zn\w-]Xn k`-tbmSv tN¿Øp-sIm-≠n-

cp -∂p”. kv\m\-sa-Sp -tØm C√tbm

F∂-√, c£n-°∏SpI F∂-Xns‚

A¿∞w InkvXp-hns\ lrZ-b-Øn¬

hN-\ - ] -Imcw kzoIcn°p -hm\pw

[ym\n-°p-hm\pw Hcp-°-ap-≈-hcmIpI

F∂m-Wv. sbcq-i-te-anse IqSn-h-chpw

]cn -ip -≤m -flm -hns‚ i‡n -bn¬

XpSßn Aßs\-Xs∂ XpS-cp-Ibpw

house, and invites you, then you shouldask him who is your apostle? Tell boldlyyou need a church which is lead byapostle, prophets, shepherds and thentravel in the path of truth. Act 2:47 Andthey continued steadfastly in theapostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in thebreaking of bread, and in prayers. So itis not whether you took baptism or notbut be saved is its means. That is acceptChrist in heart, as per the word, andprepare to meditate. Coming togetherof Jerusalem, to begin with the strengthof Holy Spirit and continue to do so. Iwas telling that is how the first churchwas.

Church’s worship as per in NewTestament’s three script of 1 and 2 ofTimothy books it should be in order toit. The worship of a church should notbased on any Bible College, SeniorPastors, church priests, Bishop’s likings.In Timothy 2:1 it is said But as for you,speak the things which are proper forsound doctrine. In 2 Timothy 1:13-14“ Hold fast the pattern of sound wordswhich you have heard from me, in faithand love which are in Christ Jesus. Thatgood thing which was committed to you,keep by the Holy Spirit who dwells inus”. Given words should betransgressing. At no cost should it be toseparate the fellow ship. 2 Timothy 2:1-2 says You therefore, my son, be strongin the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Andthe things that you have heard from meamong many witnesses, commit theseto faithful men who will be able to teachothers also. I sometimes fail to findfaithful people. It happens in everychurch. About the ruling of the churchBible says this in 2 Timothy 2:15 “ Bediligent to present yourself approved toGod, a worker who does not need to beashamed, rightly dividing the word oftruth.” When the word ashamed is usedit is to say that we should not shamehim. 2 Timothy 2:24-26 “And a servantof the Lord must not quarrel but begentle to all, able to teach, patient, in

sNbvXp. BZn-a-k` Aß-s\-bm-bn-

cp∂p F∂v ]d-bp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p.

k`-bpsS ipiqj ]pXn-b-\n-

b-a-Ønse aq∂p teJ-\-߃v 1˛Dw

2˛Dw Xntam-Ønbpw XotØm-kn-s‚

]pkvX-Ihpw \njv°¿jn-®n´p≈ Ia-

] -Im -c -am -bn -c n -°Ww. k` -bpsS

ipiqj GsX-¶nepw ss__nƒ

tImtf-Pns‚ CjvS-a-\p-k-cnt®m ko\n-

b¿ ]mÃ-dn -s‚tbm, A®-s‚tbm,

_nj-∏n-s‚tbm CjvS-a-\p-k-cnt®m A-

√ \S-t°-≠-Xv . CSb-te-J-\-ß-

fnemWv \√-Xp-t]mse ]tYym-]-tZ-

isØ I¿Ømhv ]Tn-∏n-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv.

XotØm.2:1˛¬ “\otbm ]tYym-]-tZ-i-

Øn\v tNcp-∂Xv ]kvXm-hn-°p-I”. 2Xnsam.1:13,14 hmIy-ß-fn¬ “Ft∂mSp

tI´ ]Yy-h-N\w \o InkvXp-tb-ip-

hn -ep≈ hnizm -kØnepw kvt\l-

Ønepw amXr-I-bm-bn-s°mƒI. B

\√ D]-\n[n \Ωn¬ hkn-°p∂ ]cn-

ip-≤m-flm-hn\m¬ kq£n®psImƒI”.sImSp-°p∂ hN\w ]Yy-h-N-

\-am-bn-cn -°-Ww. bmsXmcp Imc-W-

himepw Iq´mbvasb XI¿°p-∂-Xm-

bn-cn-°-cp-Xv. 2 Xnsam.2:1,2˛¬ “Fs‚

aIs\ InkvXp-tb-ip-hn-ep-≈ Ir]-

bm¬ i‡n-s∏-Sp-I. \o ]e-km-£n-I-

fpsS apºmsI Ft∂mSp tI´-sX√mw

a‰p-≈-hsc D]-tZ-in-∏m≥ ka¿∞-cmb

hnizkvX a\p-jysc c-ta¬∏n-°p-I”.Rms\ms° ]e-t∏mgpw hnizkvX

a\p-jy-sc- Is≠-Øp-∂-Xn¬ tXm‰p-

t]m-Ip∂p. ]e k`-I-fnepw CXv kw`-

hn -°p-∂p. k`m- `-c -W-tØ-°p-dn®v

ssZhw ]d-bp-∂-Xm-Wn-Xv. 2 Xnsam.2:15-

˛¬ “kXy-h-N-\sØ bYm¿∞-ambn

]kw-Kn-®p-sIm≠v e÷n-∏m≥ kwK-

Xn-bn-√mØ the-°m-c-\mbn ssZh-

Øn\p sIm≈m-hp-∂-h-\mbn \nev]m≥

ian -°” ! ! e÷n -°pIF∂p]d -

™m¬kz¿§tØtbm ssZhsØtbm

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humility correcting those who are inopposition, if God perhaps will grantthem repentance, so that they may knowthe truth, and that they may come totheir senses and escape the snare of thedevil, having been taken captive by himto do his will.” In 2 Timothy 3:14-17says “But you must continue in thethings which you have learned and beenassured of, knowing from whom youhave learned them, and that fromchildhood you have known the HolyScriptures, which are able to make youwise for salvation through faith whichis in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is givenby inspiration of God, and is profitablefor doctrine, for reproof, for correction,for instruction in righteousness, that theman of God may be complete,thoroughly equipped for every goodwork.”. Now 2 Timothy 4:1-2 says “Icharge you therefore before God andthe Lord Jesus Christ, who will judgethe living and the dead at His appearingand His kingdom: Preach the word! Beready in season and out of season.Convince, rebuke, exhort, with alllongsuffering and teaching.” Me whois in front of you, if you are a spiritualleader then Apostle is given permissionto advice with long patience. He givespermission to rebuke when one does amistake. He gives permission toreprimand. There are so many worshipleaders with me. I have to rebuke thoseI am supposed to according to the rightsgiven by Christ in grace. I have toreprimand those I am supposed to.Those who go astray with reasons likepolygamy, or extorting others money,such people has to be rebuked andreprimanded many times. Those whounderstand scripture will understand the

e÷n∏n -° -c p -sX -∂m -W v . 2

Xnsam .2 :24˛26 - ˛¬ “I¿Øm-hns‚

Zmk≥ iWvT-Iq-SmsX F√m-h-tcmSpw

im¥\pw D]-tZ-in-∏m≥ ka¿∞\pw

tZmjw kln-°p-∂-h\pw BbsX

Ccn-t°-≠-Xv. hntcm-[n-Iƒ°v ssZhw

kXy-Øn‚ ]cn-⁄m-\-Øn-\mbn am\-

km-¥cw \¬Iptam F∂pw ]nim-Nn-

\m¬ ]nSn-s]´v IpSp-ßn-b-h-cm-Ip-I-

bm¬ Ah¿ kpt_m[w ]m]n®v

Ahs‚ sIWn-bn¬ \n∂v Hgn™v

ssZthjvSw sNøptam F∂pwh®v

Ahsc kuay-X-tbmsS ]Tn-∏n-t°-

≠Xpw BIp-∂p”. 2 Xnsam.3:14˛17-˛¬

“\osbm C∂h-tcmS v ]Tn®p

Ft∂m¿°p-Ibpw InkvXp-tb-ip-hn-

¶ep≈ hnizm -k -Øm¬ \ns∂

£abv°p ⁄m\n-bm-°p-hm≥ aXn-

bmb Xncp -sh-gp -Øp-Isf _meyw

apX¬ Adn -bp -Ibpw sNøp -∂-Xp -

sIm≠v \o ]Tn®pw \n›bw

]m]n®pw Ccn-°p-∂-Xn¬ \ne-\n¬°p-

I. F√m Xncp-sh-gpØpw ssZh-izm-ko-

b-am-I-bm¬ ssZh-Øns‚ a\p-jy≥

kI-e- k¬]-h-¿Øn-Iƒ°pw hI

]m]n®v XnI-™-h-\m-tI-≠-Xn\v D]-

tZ-i-Øn\pw imk-\-Øn\pw KpWo-I-

c -W-Øn\pw \oXn -bpsS A`ym -k--

Øn\pw ]tbm-P-\-ap-≈-Xm-Ip∂p”. 2

Xnsam.4:1,2˛¬ “Rm≥ ssZh-tØbpw,

Pohn-Iƒ°pw acn-®-h¿°pw \ymb-hn-

kvXmcw \SØphm-\p≈ InkvXp-tb-

ip -h n - t\bpw km£o -I -c n® v h® v

Ahs‚ ]Xy -£-Xbpw cmPyhpw

sNm√n kXyw sNbvXv I¬∏n-°p-∂X,v

\o hN\w ]kw-Kn -°p -I. ka-b -

Ønepw Ak-a -b -Ønepw Hcp -ßn -

\n¬°p-I. kIe Zo¿L-£-a-tbmSpw

D]-tZ-i-tØmSpw IqSn imkn-°p-I.

X¿÷\w sNøpI; ]t_m-[n-∏n-°”.\nß-fpsS apºn -en -cn -°p∂

F\n°pw \nß-sfmcp Bflo-b-t\-Xm-

hm-sW-¶n-¬ \n߃°pw Zo¿L-£-a-

tbmsS D]-tZ-in-°m≥ As∏m-kvX-e≥

Ah-Imiw Xcp -∂p. Pohn -X-Øn¬

sX‰p-tºmƒ imkn-°m≥ Ah-Imiw

Xcp -∂p. X¿÷\w sNøm≥ Ah-

Imiw Xcp-∂p. Fs‚ -IqsS FXtbm

ipiq-j-I-∑m-cp-≠v.F\n°v I¿Ømhp

X∂n-cn -°p∂ Bflob Ir]-bnse

A\p-h-Zn -°-s∏´ AhIm-i-ap-]-tbm-

Kn®vv Rm≥ imkn-t°-≠-hsc imkn-

° -Ww; X¿÷\w sNtø -≠-hsc

X¿÷\w sNø-Ww. _lp-`m-cymXzw

F∂ coXn-bn¬ t]mIp-∂-hcpw I≠-

hs‚ ]WsØ e£yw h®p-sIm≠v

t]mIp-∂-hcpw Cß-s\-sbms° Pohn-

°p∂ FX-t] -cmWv ]e -t∏mgpw

i m k n - ° ∏ S p - I b p w X ¿ ÷ \ w

sNøs∏Sp-Ibpw sNøp-∂Xv. Xncp-sh-

gpØv a\- n-em-b-h¿°v CXn-s‚-sbm-

s° A¿∞-X-e-߃ a\- n-em-Ipw.

A√m-Ø-h¿°v CsXm-´p- a-\-kn-em-Ip-


k` I¿Øm-hn-t‚-Xm-Wv. k`-

bnse ipiq-j-I≥ Xo¿®-bm-bn´pw

\√ coXn-bn¬ in£Ww e`n-®-bm-fm-

bn-cn°Ww. 1 Xnsam.1:20-˛¬]utemkv

] d ™ p “ l y p a - \ - t b m - k p w

AeIsk¥-cpw Cu Iq´-Øn¬ D≈-

h-cm-Ip-∂p. Ah¿ ZqjWw ]d-bm-Xn-

cn-°m≥ ]Tn-t°-≠-Xn\v Rm≥ Ahsc

kmØms\ Gev]n-®n-cn-°p-∂p”. AXm-

bXv IqsS-°qsS ZqjWw ]d-bp-am-bn-

c p -∂ lypa -\ -tbm -kns\bpw

AeIsk¥-scbpw ]utemkv k`-

bn¬ \n∂pw ]pd-Øm°n F∂m-Wn-hn-

sS-sb-gp-Xn-bn-cn-°-p-∂-Xv. Hcp hy‡n

sX‰mb D]-tZiw ]Tn-∏n-°p-tºmƒ,

sX‰mbn IpSpw-_-Po-hnXw \bn-°p-

tºmƒ, sX‰mbn Iq´mbva \S-Øp-

tºmƒ Ahsc imkn-°p-∂-Xn-t\-°p-

dn®pw ChnsS ]d-bp-∂p. 2 Xntam.2:17,18-

˛¬ lypa-s\-tbm-kv, ^nte-tØmkv

F∂n-h-cpsS \mi-I-c-amb ]Tn-∏n-°-en-

t\ -°p -d n® v Cßs\ kwkm -c n -®p

As∏m-kvX-e≥. “B hI-°m¿°v

A`‡n A[nIw apXn¿∂p-hcpw; Ah-

cpsS hm°v A¿_p-[-hym-[n-t]mse

Xn∂psIm≠-n -cn -°pw. lypa-s\-tbm-

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meaning of this. Other people will notunderstand anything. Church belongs toGod. The leader of the church has tobe trained very well. 1 Timothy 1:20 “ ofwhom are Hymenaeus and Alexander,whom I delivered to Satan that they maylearn not to blaspheme.” That isHymenaeus and Alexander often usedto blasphemy and so Paul send them outof the church. When an individualteaches wrong things, and lead a wrongfamily life, has wrong companionshipthe they should be rebuked. 2 Timothy2:17-18 “And their message will spreadlike cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetusare of these sorts, who have strayedconcerning the truth, saying that theresurrection is already past; and theyoverthrow the faith of some.” This canhappen in church’s spiritual life any timeanywhere. Atheist will appear inchurch. All this is given in 2 Timothy2:17-18, 1 Timothy 1:20 has. Those whohandle the word, family, finance badlywill as per God’s word at the end dayslike the tarn they will grow together tillharvest. But during the harvest the tarnswill be separated and bind in bundles toburn down. (Mathew 13:24-30). Did usee the situation when those whoworship in spirit and truth when theytake along those who are nonunderstanding and they don’t try tolearn? How does the Holy Spirit leadthe church? In Titus 1:5 appoint elders,that you should set in order the thingsthat are lacking, and appoint elders inevery city as I commanded you. 1 Peter5:1-5 “The elders who are among you Iexhort, I who am a fellow elder and awitness of the sufferings of Christ, andalso a partaker of the glory that will berevealed: Shepherd the flock of Godwhich is among you, serving asoverseers, not by compulsion butwillingly, not for dishonest gain buteagerly; nor as being lords over thoseentrusted to you, but being examples tothe flock; and when the Chief Shepherd

32 Bflm-`n-tjIw Unkw_¿ 2014 December 2014 Athmabhishekam

kpw ^nte-tØmkpw Ah-cpsS Iq´-

Øn-ep-≈-h-cm-Ip-∂p. Ah¿ kXyw

hn´p sX‰n ]p\-cp-∞-m\w Ign™p

F∂p ]d™v Nne-cp-sS- hn-izmkw

adn®p If-bp-∂p”. Cßs\ k`m-flI

Pohn-XØn¬ Ft∏mgpw Fhn-sSbpw

kw`-hn°mw. \mkvXn-I-∑m¿ k`-bn¬

]Xy£-s∏ -S pw . CsX -√mw 2

Xnsam.2:17,18-˛-ep-≠v. 1 Xnsam.1:20-˛-ep-

≠v. sX‰mbn hN-\-sØbpw, IpSpw-_-

sØbpw, kº-Øn-s\bpw ssIImcyw

sNøp -∂-h-sc -sb√mw ssZh-h-N-\ -

Øns‚ hyhÿ A\p -k -c n® v ,

sImbvØp Imew hsc Ifbpw IqsS

hf -cpw . F∂m¬ sImbvØm -Ip -

tºmsgm If-Iƒ th¿Xn-cn®v Np´p-I-

fbpw (aØm.13:24-˛30). Bflmhnepw

kXy-Ønepw D≈ Bcm-[-\-bpsS

alXzw a\-kn-em-bh¿ a\-kn-em-Im-

Ø-hsc sIm≠p \S∂p hf¿Øp-

tºmƒ Ah¿ ]Tn-°m-Xn-cp-∂m¬ Ah-

km\w kw`-hn°p∂- cwK-߃ \n߃


k` Fß-s\-bmWv ]cn-ip-≤m-

flmhv sIm≠pt]mIp-∂-sX∂v ]d-bmw.

XotØmkv 1:5˛¬ k`bn¬ aq∏-∑msc

B°n h®n-cn -°p-∂p. Rm≥ Xs∂

]e k`-I-fnepw aq∏-∑msc B[n-Im-

cn-I-ambn B°n h®n-cn-°p-∂p. Aß-

s\- th-W-sa∂v I¿Ømhv ]Tn-∏n-®n-cn-

°p-∂p. 1 ]tXm.5:1˛5˛¬ “\nß-fn-ep≈

aq∏-∑msc Hcp Iq´p-aq-∏\pw InkvXp-

hns‚ IjvSm-\p-`-h-Øn\p km£nbpw

shfn-s∏-Sm-\p≈ tXmP- n\p Iq´m-fn-

bp-amb Rm≥ ]t_m-[n-∏n-°p-∂Xv:

\nß-fpsS hnNm-c-W-bn-ep≈ ssZh-

Øns‚ B´n≥Iq -´sØ tabn -®p -

sImƒhn≥. \n¿_-‘-Øm-e-√, ssZh-

Øn\p lnXamw hÆw a\:]q¿∆-

ambpw Zpcm-K-l-tØm-sS-b-√, Dt∑-j-

tØm -sSbpw CS -h -I -I -fp -sS -ta¬

I¿ØrXzw \S -Øp -∂-h -cm -bn -´ -√,

B´n≥Iq -´ -Øn\p amXr -I -I -fm -bn -

Øo¿∂-Xp -sIm≠pw A≤y -£X

sNbvhn≥. F∂m¬ CS-b-ti-jvT≥

]Xy-£-\m-Ip-tºmƒ \n߃ tXP-

ns‚ hmSmØ IncoSw ]m]n-°pw.

A∆Æw Cf-b-h-sc, aq∏-∑m¿°p Iog-

S-ßp-hn≥. F√m-hcpw XΩn¬ XΩn¬

Iog-Sßn Xmgva [cn®p sImƒhn≥.

ssZhw \nK -fn -I -tfmS v FXn¿Øp

\n¬°p-∂p”. InkvXp -hns‚ Iogn -

ep≈ CS-b-∑m-cmbn `cn--°p∂ aq∏-

∑m¿°mWv k`-bn¬ B[n-Im-cn-I-ambn

G‰hpw Db¿∂ ]Z-hn-bp-≈-sX∂v ]d-

bp-∂p. aq∏-∑mcpw ipiq-j-Icpw Hs°-

IqS n ssZh -cm -PysØ hf¿Øn

Db¿Øphm≥ ssZhw A\p-h-Zn-®p-sIm-

Sp-Øn-´p≈ Bflo-b-t\-Xr-Xz-Øns‚

tbmKy-X-Iƒ D]-tbm-Kn -®p -sIm≠v

]h¿Øn°p -∂n√ F¶n¬ hcm≥

t]mIp-∂Xv hnizmkXym-Kn -I-fmbn

At\Iw Bfp-Iƒ A[:]Xn-®p-t]m-

Ipw F∂Xm-Wv.

aØm.24 :4˛5 hmIy -ßfn¬

hnizm-k-Xym-Kn-Isf Dt±-in-®p-sIm≠v

\ΩpsS I¿Ømhv ]d -bp -∂Xv

tIƒ°mw. “Rm≥ InkvXp -sh∂v

]d™v At\-I¿ Fs‚ t]sc-SpØv

h∂v ]e -tcbpw sX‰n -°pw” .

Fs‚IqsSbpw \ns‚ -Iq -sSbpw

InkvXp-hp≠v F∂p ]d-™p-sIm≠v

]ecpw h∂v \nßtfbpw Fs∂bpw

sX‰n°pw F∂Xv aØm.24:5˛-ep-≠v.

]ptcm-ln-X-∑m-cm-Is´ Chm-©-en-ÃpI-

fm-Is´ As∏m-kvX-e-∑m-cm-Is´ ]hm-

N-I-∑m-cm-Is´ Rm≥ InkvXp Ah≥

InkvXp F∂v ]d™v ]e-tcbpw

sX‰n°pw. a¿t°m.13-:22-˛¬ “I≈-In-

kvXp°fpw I≈ ]hm-N-I-∑mcpw Fgp-

t∂‰v (Fgp-t∂‰v F∂v ]d-™m¬

Iq´m-bva-bn-\n∂v hf-cpI F∂m-Wv.

]ecpw hf¿® ]m]n-°p∂p F∂v

\Ωƒ ]d-bm-dn-s√.) Ign-bp-sa-¶n¬

hrX-∑m-scbpw sX‰n-∏m\mbn A¤p-X-

ßfpw AS-bm-f -ßfpw ImWn-°pw.

\nßtfm kq£n-®p-sImƒhn≥. Rm≥

F√mw \nß-tfmSv ap≥Iq´n∏d-™p-h-

t√m”. ]Whpw `£-Whpw a\- ns\

N©-en-∏n-°p∂ taml\ hmKvZm-\-ß-

fp-ap -≠m-Ipw. F¥v thW-sa-¶nepw

Xcpw. 2 sX .2:3˛¬ “Bcpw GXp

hnt[-\bpw \nßsf NXn -°-cp -X v ;

BZyta hnizm-k-XymKw kw`-hn-°p-

Ibpw \mitbmKy\pw A[-¿Ω-aq¿Øn-

bp-am-b-h≥ shfn-s∏-Sp-Ibpw thWw”.hen-tbm-cp-Iq´w Xs∂ CØcw -tam-l-

\hm-KvZm\ßfn¬ BIr-jvS-cmbn -

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hnizmkw XyPn-°psa∂v hN\w sXfn-

hmbn ]d-bp-∂p. 2 ]tXm.3:4 “]nXm°-

∑m¿ \nZsIm≠ tijw kI-ehpw

krjvSn-bpsS Bcw-`-Øn¬ Ccp-∂-Xp-

t]mse Xs∂ Ccn -°p∂p F∂p

]d™p kz¥-tam-l--ßsf A\p-k-

cn®p \S-°p∂ ]cn-lm-kn-Iƒ ]cn-lm-

k-tØmsS A¥y-Im-eØv hcp-sa∂v

hnti-jm¬ Adn-™p-sImƒhn≥”. 1tbml.2˛¬ 18,- 19 “Ip™p-ßsf, CXv

A ¥ y - \ m - g n - I - b m - I p ∂ p ;

FXn¿InkvXp hcp-∂p-sh∂v \n߃

tI´n -´p -≠-s√m. Ct∏mƒ At\Iw

FXn¿In-kvXp-°ƒ Fgp-t∂-‰n-cn°-

bm¬ A¥y-\m-gn -I-bm-Ip∂p F∂v

\ap-°-dn-bmw. Ah¿ \ΩpsS CS-bn¬

\n∂p ]pd-s∏-´p-sh-¶nepw \ap-°p-≈-

h¿ Bbn-cp-∂n√; Ah¿ \ap-°p-≈-h-

cm -bn -cp -∂p -sh-¶n¬ \tΩm-Sp -IqsS

]m¿°p-am-bn-cp-∂p. F∂m¬ F√m-hcpw

\ap-°p-≈-h-c√ F∂p ]kn-≤-am-tI-

≠-X-s√m” F∂p-≠v. 1 Xnsam.4:1˛¬

“F∂m¬ `mhn-Im-eØv Nne¿ hymPm-

flm-°-sfbpw `qX-ß-fpsS D]-tZ-i-ß-

sfbpw Bi-bn®v t`mjv°v ]d-bp-∂-

h-cpsS I]-S-Øm¬ hnizmkw XyPn-

°p-sa∂v Bflmhp sXfn-hmbn ]d-bp-

∂p”. `mhn-Im-eØv P\sØ hio-I-

cn®v \in-∏n-°m≥ th≠n \S-°p∂

hnizm-k-Xym-Kn-Iƒ HØn-cn-bp-≠m-Ip-

sa∂v, AsX kmØms‚ D]-tZ-i-߃

ssIs°m-≈p-∂-h-cp-s≠∂v ]d-bp-∂p.

2 tbml.7˛11- hmIy-ßfn¬ As∏m-

kvX-e-\mb tbml-∂m≥ Zpcp-]-tZ-i-

°m-tc -°p -dn®v Cßs\ ]d-bp -∂p.

“tbipIn-kvXp-hns\ PV-Øn¬ h∂-

h-s\∂v kzoI-cn-°mØ h©-I-cn¬

]ecpw temI-Øn-te°v ]pd-s∏-´n-cn-°p-

∂ p h s √ m . h © - I \ p w

FXn¿InkvXphpw Cß-s\-bp-≈-h-\m-

Ip-∂p. Rß-fpsS ]b-Xv\-^ew If-

bmsX ]q¿Æ-]-Xn-^ew ]m]n-t°-≠-

Xn\p kq£n-®p-sImƒhn≥. Hcp-Ø≥

Cu D]-tZ-iw-sIm-≠-√msX \nß-fpsS

ASp -°¬ h∂p -sh -¶n¬ Ahs\

ho´n¬ ssIs°m-≈-cp -Xv. Ah-∂p

Ipiew ]d-bpIbpw AcpXv ”. ]nb-

∏-´ -hsc Zpcp -]-tZ -i-°m-cp -≠m-Ipw.

GsXmcp k`-bnepw sX‰n-t∏m-Ip-∂-h-

cp -≠m -Ipw. \sΩ-Øs∂ tim[\


appears, you will receive the crown ofglory that does not fade away. Likewiseyou younger people, submit yourselvesto your elders. Yes, all of you besubmissive to one another, and beclothed with humility, for “God resiststhe proud, but gives grace to thehumble.” The shepherds who are underChrist the ruling elders have the highestrank in church. The elders and theworship leaders together joined to bringup the kingdom of God, by thepermission given by God, if they are notperforming as per the qualification ofSpiritual leader, then the falling awaypeople to come will decline. Mathew24:4-5 says about such falling awaypeople “And Jesus answered and saidto them: ”Take heed that no onedeceives you. For many will come inMy name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ andwill deceive many. Be it priests,evangelists, apostles, prophets, will sayI am the Christ, He is the Christ, andwill try to deceive many. Mark 13:22“ For false Christ’s and false prophetswill rise and show signs and wonders todeceive, if possible, even the elect.”(Here rise means rising from thefellowship. Don’t we say they haverisen up). Some might even show some

signs and wonders to deceive. But you

be wary. I have already told you things.

There will be many things to tempt your

mind like money, food or other things.

They will give anything. 2 Thess 2:3

“Let no one deceive you by any means;

for that Day will not come unless the

falling away comes first, and the man

of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,”

A large crowd itself will fall for suchtemptation and will fall away accordingto the word. 2 Peter 3:4 says “ Whereis the promise of His coming? For sincethe fathers fell asleep, all things continueas they were from the beginning ofcreation.” Such people who are aftertheir own desires making mockery willbe there in the end days, know it. In1John 2:18-19 “ Little children, it is thelast hour; and as you have heard thatthe[a]Antichrist is coming, even nowmany antichrists have come, by whichwe know that it is the last hour. Theywent out from us, but they were not ofus; for if they had been of us, they wouldhave continued with us; but they wentout that they might be made manifest,that none of them were of us.” 1Timothy 4:1 says “Now the Spiritexpressly says that in latter times somewill depart from the faith, giving heedto deceiving spirits and doctrines ofdemons,” They are speaking about thefuture where to deceive the people andthe falling away will be more and theSatan. 2 John 7:11 says about deceiverslike this “For many deceivers have goneout into the world who do not confessJesus Christ as coming in the flesh. Thisis a deceiver and an antichrist. Look toyourselves, that we do not lose thosethings we worked for, but that we mayreceive a full reward. If anyone comesto you and does not bring this doctrine,do not receive him into your house norgreet him; for he who greets him sharesin his evil deeds. Dear ones deceiverswill be there. Any church will havepeople who go wrong way. Let usexamine ourselves.

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1. Place of Publication : Kamballur

2. Periodicity of the Publication : Monthly

3. Printer’s Name : Devasia MullakkaraWhether Citizen of India : Indian(If foreigner,State Country of origin) : NAAddress : Kamballur P.O.,

Cherupuzha 670511

4. Publisher’s Name : Devasia MullakkaraWhether Citizen of India : Indian(If foreigner,State Country of origin) : NAAddress : Kamballur P.O.,

Cherupuzha 670511

5. Editor’s Name : Devasia MullakkaraWhether Citizen of India : Indian(If foreigner,State Country of origin) : NAAddress : Kamballur P.O.,

Cherupuzha 670511

I Devasia Mullakkara hereby declare that the particularsgiven above are true to the best of my knowledge andbelief.

Sd/Devasia Mullakkara


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alm hnkvt^m-S\ kn≤m¥w bmYm¿∞yw; bmYm-ÿn-Xn-Isc X≈n am¿]m∏m

hØn°m≥: ItØm-en°m k -bnse bmYm-ÿn-Xn-I-cpsS hmZ-߃ X≈n ^m≥kokv ]m∏m ho≠pw cwK-Øv. ]cn-Wm-a-

kn-≤m-¥hpw alm hnkvt^m-S-\hpw kXyam-sW∂v ^m≥kokv ]m∏m. am¥n-I-hSn Iøn-ep≈ am¥n-I-\√ ssZh-sa∂pw

am¿]m∏m ]d-™p. ]]-t©m¬∏-Øn-tb-°p-dn-®p≈ ItØm-en°m k -bpsS ]c-º-cm-KX \ne-]m-Sp-Isf X≈p-∂-XmWv

am¿]m-∏m-bpsS hm°p-Iƒ. s]m¥n- n-°¬ A°m-Zan Hm v kb≥kn¬ kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p am¿]m-∏m. alm-hn-kvt^m-

S-\hpw ]cn-Wm-ahpw kXy-am-sW-∂m-bn-cp∂p am¿]m-∏m-bpsS \ne-]m-Sv. c≠p imkvXob kXy-ßfpw kXy-am-sW∂v AwKo-

I-cn® ]m∏m Ch kjvSm-hns‚ \ne-\n¬∏ns\ tNmZyw sNøp-∂-X-s√∂pw hni-Zo-I-cn-®p. ssZh-Øns‚ Iøn¬ am¥n-I-h-Sn-

bn-√. ]Ir-Xn-bnse ]cn-Wm-ahpw krjvSn-tb-°p-dn-®p≈ [mc-Wbpw ]c-kv]c hncp-≤-a-√.

IS-∏mSv: sh_v sUkv°v.

34 Bflm-`n-tjIw Unkw_¿ 2014 December 2014 Athmabhishekam

sshZn-I≥ ]≈n-ta-S-bn¬ Xqßn acn® \ne-bn¬

tdmw: 13 hb- p-Im-cnsb ssewKn-I-]o-V-\-Øn\v Cc-bm-°n-sb∂v Btcm-]-W-Øn\v hnt[-b-\mb sshZn-I≥ ]≈n-

ta-S-bn¬ Xqßn-a-cn® \ne-bn¬ Is≠-Øn. C‰-en-bnse km‚m-Iqkv cq]-X-bnse sshZn-I-\mWv Poh-s\m-Sp-°n-b-Xv.Ipd®p h¿j-߃°p-ap-ºmWv sshZn-I-s\-Xnsc ssewKn-Im-tcm-

]-W-ap-b¿∂-Xv. c≠p Znh-k-߃°p apºv _nj∏v Kymw]utem

sI]m¬Unbv°p apºn¬ A®≥ Ip‰w G‰p ]d-™n-cp-∂p. Xm≥

sNbvXp-t]mb sX‰n\v ssZh-tØmSpw ItØm-en-°m-k-aq-l-

tØmSpw ]oV-\-Øn\v Cc-bmb s]¨Ip-´n-tbmSpw £a bmNn-

®p-sIm≠v Hcp IØv Xø-dm-°p-I-bm-sW∂pw c≠p Znh-k-Øn-

\p-≈n¬ AXv \¬Im-sa∂pw A®≥ _nj-∏n-t\mSv ]d-™p-.

Kpcp-X-c-amb Btcm-]-W-߃ t\cn-Sp∂ sshZn-

I¿s°-Xnsc t]m∏v t\csØ At\z-jWw Bcw-`n-®n-cp-∂p.

ssewKnI Ip‰--Ir-Xy-ß-f-S°w \nc-h[n Inan-\¬ Ip‰-߃

sNbvXn-´p-≈-h¿ ItØm-en°m k`-bn¬ sshZn-I-cmbn tkh-\-

a-\p-jvTn-°p-∂p-s≠∂ Btcm-]Ww i‡-am-b-Xns\ XpS¿∂m-

bn-cp∂p t]m∏v At\z-j-W-am-cw-`n-®-Xv.

source:malayalee vision

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F√m Xn¶-fm-gvN-I-fnepw : s]cp-ºm-hq¿hym]m-c- -h≥ HmUn-t‰m-dn-bw 10 am to1 pm ph: 9947142748

F√m Xn¶-fm-gvN-I-fnepw : aqhm-‰p-]pg]me-∏pdw _n¬UnwKv 2 pm to 5.30 pm ph: 9747900499

P\p-hcn 4 Fd-Wm-Ipfw Ph: 9388487301, 9745971555, 994721739810 am -5 pm.

P\p-hcn 9˛11 sNss∂ Ph: 09916315981 10 am -5 pm.P\p-hcn 18 tImgn-t°mSv hym]m-c- -h≥ Ipcp-ip-]-≈n°v kao-]w. _m¶v tdmUv 10 am -5 pm. Ph: 9961854203s^_qhcn 2 apX¬ 12 hsc IÆq¿, ]pfntßmw Xmakn®p sIm≠q≈ [ym\hpw (hm¿jnIBtLmjw)

aWn-tbmÀUdpIÄ Ab-¡p-t¼mÄ XpI SÌn\v, NÀ¨n\v, HmÄtUPv tlman\v F¶Xv thÀXn-cn¨v Fgp-Xm³ i²n-¡-W-sa. AU-Ên t^m¬ \¼À IqSn Dd- p-h-cp- p-¶Xv D]-Im-c-]-Z-am-bn-cn¡pw.

NB: NEFT hgn XpI Ab¨ hnhcw Xmsg sImSp-¯n-cn-¡p¶ Cþ-sa-bn-entem hnem-k- ntem t^m¬ \¼-dntem Adn-bn-¡patÃm. [email protected]

tZhkym apÃ-¡c,ssNX\y tkmjy kÀÆokv skmskän,P.B No:1, sNdp-]pg (]n.-H), ]pfn-t§mw, I®qÀ (Pn-Ã), tIc-fw. ]n³tImUv: 670 511. t^m. 04985-þ213999

Bflm-`n-tjIw Unkw_¿ 2014 December 2014 Athmabhishekam 35

InkvXp-hns‚ A]-tab [\tØ-∏‰n ]kw-Kn-°p-hm\pw, ssZh-Øn¬ A\m-Zn-Imew apXse ad-™p-In-

S∂ a¿Ω-amb bYm¿∞- k`sb shfn-s∏-Sp-Øm\pw hcw In´nb ]utem-k-s∏m-kvX-es\t∏mse (F-t^.3:8,9,10)

Ir] In´n-bh¿ ChnsS At\-I¿ D≠v. InkvXp-tbip Xs∂, aqe-°-√m-bn-cn-s°, \nßsf As∏m-kvX-e≥amcpw

]hm-N-I≥amcpw F∂ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn-t∑¬ ]Wn-Xn-cn-°p-∂p (Ft^.2:20) F∂v hN\w ]d-bp-∂-Xp-t]m-sebpw

ssZhw AS-bm-f-ß-fmepw A¤p-X-ß-fmepw hnhn[ hocy-]-hr-Øn-I-fmepw (tcmKn-Isf kpJ-s∏-Sp-Ønbpw `qX-

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Printed, Edited and Published by Sri. Devasia Mullakara, On behalf of Athmabhishekam.Printed at Geethanjali Prints Kozhikode and Published from Kamballur, Cherupuzha (via) Pin - 670 511, Kasaragod (Dt).

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