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Tbe People's Credit Co., -...

Date post: 18-Jul-2020
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*F%J GUY PABISK NEWS- '-•)» % J f -a t -f q- J Cor'the feifflti^Qtt of aa eJawiM;ft#«kSefl*t»oo of " cathedral] acheo! gradbate*, paraaisi to*#ag>j geation of Be*. J. f, Kieruto. SrW made Sunday, whet* one hondredend twenty gradaete* $rlei end tirgfttH >*«C fiie following;oSBeere were; elected; ;_„-,.- T -~.^..--:'-•_.- ----- ;--,; Pwiideot^ohn T U'Brfeft- ?>ee Pw#irfe R t^-iirM 4»wft» Byrik*r» ,. ;, ; ;., -iterifarj*~}£m Alice Morjpoy. Arrangement* were made for en entertainment, to be .jgirqan *i<Jt(6e- drelhell the .reelpglfcerJBw«9^.jto>iH?' eucceoied by » reception the foliow- rag week" _ .. • The f«o^t%t of Thomaa •£*?**< aeugfci, who died Sanday night et hie bome* c JJo. 3§I Smfijfcstreet, aged IS yejari£- Wok pla*^ f oe*d*y ffi&roing • I 9 ; i o o^elobk from the hou*e, end et 10:80 o^lockfrem the Oithedral. Mr. Kav^attgb w*f bo£n inWe;*v lord eoarjjty, Jg0.ti&iL r .*&& ceejeto thi* country irFflJift, ~ He bid beer* a resident ef BLo0ti?dC«f for neat)y forty yew*,; *»& wee well k»p*» end reapeoted^ He w#* * man of rare mental endowmeftt*, ttroog, feitb fa l, capable arid kindly* Bealde a trife he ieave* two none, one ©fl whom leBev. D W. l£a*an*ttgh, of Lyona, end one daughter, v•-..,' * The funeral of Patrick McfJormae wa* held,.Mood:*? raorolag (torn hie life t&mfim$t '"JTo. 5 0 Jooea ,afcreet at 8-SO, at&d .*,£ 9 o'clock fi-om toe C»- thed ral. - ; b ' ' .ST. nifty's. '"' Tho funeral of Joaeph A. Oberst, who died Saturday at -the family residence, No- 88 Gotnfori »treet„ wee held Tue&day morping »t 8:30 ; o'clock, and it. |0 o'eloefc h»flfi Sit, ^Mary/a Church.'* ^ °' __ , _ w The faoerai ef Miff.' Oatberi&e L>wry 1 Darin w»* hoM.from the f»?n» *lj s#aideoc0,.Six 39 M*r*b*l etreet, ftt 9;30 o'ol»?% :lt»ad*y mori>ing,| 4pd «t 10 o'clock /run* St, Mtfy'e dbarobi 'Jlie cbarcb WMI filledio'its . olojo*t; Q4p»ciij wttli frieude iiwJ telative»of tbe1f*iDfly. Solenitt re* ^qfetobi^b «*«* w»* eelebrftted by Be** J- £. S^wntn tt»i«i?d by B<sy. ^=>#etix 0*H*otat», ofOIHWfi^ Springs, ftU dc»con, *od Be*. Thot« ibfftckey oftbfpcity, •iib-deftce«^ Tbe ebafr re'mlered iroprp«$ff e &t$l& ftppropfi^ »te to the p»Mf. Tbobe»rert were? Umr*: JSiward HeSfeeney, % B> DoaipiSey,!) J. ilotttiuao, ^»»*.foo k WiUt»a) Gr»g«n;-and '.WilHftta 0 ^ftce»i ''•-•;,''•. .. Tbe fqrj^r*!. of George StibetiA tiei- hold Monday iuornii»g from bie J»te neeideDoe, JJo. 81 W^ld etreet, At, -8:30, ftfld^tS o'pTocfc" fromftl, Jo- eeph?« OboTch, , r « WiHi»»a oT. !|Kwan»sd^ ( xA %U *mvk mtwit, •lipped-w* "ibe J >S JJ p*f Ktamt .Mm&xy' uigbt' «utf : ^H fere*|'% fit* ttgbi ^ VTk» cil$ •mbnliittc^ *«M»««wmo*^d and tool bin* to St Matj>^ h W |iit*L H« i* r«po««rl fo be re»ti 0 g mwhmU$¥ tbl IToonjl Wi«ne»»* Cbrittlw AMpci*t«Q», ttr^fb tb« Mwtac«ft w lie ittftiniiten^^t «f the *.p^« tote.*** ..till % fnt«« a #oi«rti% edition Mfttofc. i^lli - innBper of tbe i»orld» *** tbe gw?«t ftttr*etb»;#t.«be T: H © ^nt-htelie eibibit»0jx at ; ?it«btt«bt btll Tb«». **y tfeiilojr, "Itt tt» pftj^of tbe projfr«m ^ ilid sometbir^tbat w>*» MCV4w doneift tt!hr-«ity M M » . Ht weak OTar tfa^taur'ti * bfeiglit o f $ fee> »nd «oe %0Arfer ^f-»* !o«b. ClerkjHleyObr iNUr ttHr* Ber^Kda, .. Oierk. Tio»«*. ^•He^lle^et--^ Weeftf^ig able to %e out. m will be graatwJ-.* abort let?* of ».b«en«» He i« plaaojug •* trip | fr Berjpjqdf li* bop^eof reonperftMog %i» *treugtb *o4 r*g«|bipg bia hejkhn^ »bi«t b«re been iqapaire^ bj ocloae »t»efr tionto Me datiee So tb^ B«,^ettttte Board. *tte fa|ltmriji4f pr^nm will be res^Wid 1 M C^Jh^iatAaUSt F«rkk'* oi K a« ler «»w benefit »t Use «rpti»».-.: f rROGR AM. J'Ait-r i.i! I 4 "Vile MircV-M.mior.atfttiBlMte.Sw.tt Mews, r.CCUUa. U u Joa*«. ». OilW*, Ji KcKoe. C CWWs. p •: Mi»* O^JiaafWia accomp*at»«r. '-—• S^-'A -tt^fVi»et»*" ...... Mwtrr tdw.rd K«tc. $«>*W«ri% : :«!,.»*«. frcM.-BawSela. .. ~~-- " r; Hr,f, J Ry.a. o. .. MtM Marie Leaaoa. 1. "B«rltttfeSbww««*. w S«|waoaS»le« 6* * «P«fc» H a e t " . . . , ..... ,, ..... Otf«tb*cl> »«*«*, Ti>o«*. J. MayU«i,'F. S.,Ssas4a^- &, VW» j a t g - ^ U Soa»etiii«*..Si*«iiWi' - ^J«»Oretcfc*a,|lcGaBa|liw, ' i, ©wt-i.-G* tbat w* two weta nujin*" :. a .. .—Allee Jfunr SJmJth. Mi>* M»ry g. jGroff »»d Mr.Ea^twr S»ck«t, r*--Sofe~«£i}« «»ari0i.**,^,..,, f^Mscel LOCAL WOJES. Miss ••'J^pVte' litoBrfdd, of $0« Odart etreOt,. ba^retqfcrfnca fxojEri3Jew .Turk- ' '••••..-•. " J Ht, and Mrs. William D»ly t of iOO ^nlverthy >vc|r«o, are wjof«. in|f over t&d "tfdFeo* of a ypoog daughter, H- B. Urwreoce, instraotor ro phy* #ic» trad eteptrioity ,«rt tiie anker' j$ni$i grf* •katme foeijdfty ,/?rgbt at the meeting of the Academy of Sciettoe *t Ao^ertoo jbiJl apoa "Ro* eotog«pby, w > Mr, li*wj*oee ifbjft. itr»terl bf* lectwe wltli yletee •AjTexv perimeDts, J>x, J, tt,ti<& |f^ve n tUnaer^ * t t b e <Jeoe«(ee V*Uey oiob S»tai > day to Fr. Lewi* fiatcb; be*tlb «ffltSerof- JLJb»- nyj Qwdwlo ^roro^ikni'fl. A, Be«*es, of «1*ie cotamWiod In lo- tttoy» Dr. fc, H, Wolcott, pteeldeatof J the Siftie HoRj6op«tbio society, and Bt< Aomwl'pi tboBdsobeefOi* S t a t e | botpi^ftl. . ; , /,,• ••-.• Wbfle P*triek Lmn4era w*»drir- ing d«*a Sfc St. F»W mreei^aodey. J9t*» h«#ie j&eeki^ frightetie^ near River street and r»tt,swfty the cotter **#"orettnrned r throwing taad^f* on*, and beoieing; M* faae^ ~ITe wW taken to the 0ity bo»pilw7 w b e w i r w a e le«rned *bat hie Injn- rfet wow not seriooe. _, •phe firet trial of Br. Cyrus Bd*m's new care for coneoooption was made in this city Stedrny by 0r, frederiok Remington, who -.give iujectione of tbe aseptalio and jwdoform epriy to iwo pitieft ts.,, f be p*tieni« ebooW Jbegin to Show iaiproveniettt within a few woel*j «nd oasea are on icecord where * isonaplete wxe ha« b'oen ef- fected withineix week*. laoob Oerlia^f, of Gerling Bros t I t iiforth Water Wre^t, elipped on tbaetepabf bis bouse, 276 Brown itreet> "Doesday evening antf : fell, apraining hie ankle. ..' 0. field, *f. A. Creelman and "J. E MaheF* delegatwi lr> the oon mention of Master Plamber« in Kew Yor^bftve retaraed hone and ia« ttoatioe tbftt the OOM^BIIOB woaldf bebeW lathi-city. ; Oe«tb» ai^,Fwawali, i ; Daniel B 0«»tlifb«» die.! at noon Satorday, a t the family w idence, I Oakland itreet, aged S5 yeej-a Thi djt(pe»ted w * | iferr* Ha Rocbeater *tid{ w*« edac»led j» tb« No. 34 Po^lio ichQoi; St Marj'* parochial rchoo!, and tb* -Frse Ac*d* einy. After i t * » i 6 f »<?hpQl be e ^ tored tbe ei»|iioy,^f jBU»a»ger^4fc Barry audi remaiued ther(Hfor«e?e*al yeart, after wbicb Jbe w«ii employe* by H. 0. } Upbeo. la %b* wjnte* of 1895 he waaaeked with inflammation of the jtiia^a wWok de?*lepe4 int» «. ho*?y hemorrbage and hia life *»a ijelpaiied of. Hi* *if<mk .-oowtttB; tioD, however, enabled bim to oJNit* cornd the dieease »pd nfter • few weeki' cooflnfetneni to the koo«e i>e wa,» oat ftgatn, apyaf^otly ^ei well ae^yer-* - a ~ •' ,; • -^ Ho the» aerracl oathe eti^of^lie #o.&fc ri SUp*e«# fojf *eter#l woatbf, hot trace* of; ibe wiote'^ illfteti fttiil-'orked jit bis *pUw «ad fce ir»a forced to give, op active work, jffit malady toofe deweleped Into eonaampWoo »cd ««cfe Cbrletmii lie W been «onfine41© hi* home. *ffii jllncaa hM been borne with cfciaiiao fottHrjde % and be * M ready to gc<> Jwbeft tbe° aqruraou* to Jea^re thl» world catoe. <^^hf&5|r,h0nt hi« ha% IlKBoee %e>, mvet coottplainetj, »nd *1- ways had a cheery »mile for tbo*e who *«et)dea to hita. Mr. O'Callaghan wae * charter ro^mrjor ^ f Tecomeseb tribe, I 0* B H^ and bed been lt»0hfefj>f record* ijBtli forced W reJiaqqletTtbe poei% ttoo "beoeoso M bia ; Hlaeia «btab ( forbade bis leeviog tbe bouae. He wae also k qernljer of t b o Ci#eJ«Jrjd LegtOOj »od w*8 its coTteqtot up to ary l»fc He r .wi»a „,an ,jiotfure merobfer «jf tbe dalhojje M£ C. O r »rfc», %. -T'rish wialc^^'Stnor, .Stnor,** ft«K* . _ —the docto* of AkaWtarai. Wck«!»i Mlat M*rrt« €&gm*€^ Meeam. 3wk«W' '-'; ' ' \ - - ; - awl.RyaB. • Nwe^TWa-TPrift repwaant* tn« «c«ne when Carta* «»*er* to tk* fr*« Wrrw «t the doctor«nd Ine*. whom they «m>poaad they h*d accidenttlljr dro*a«4. If * In not recognized at fiat, eoaaaqawuly retelred witb ttrror; but thh»f» cltar ap ia «aw4e oper* f*»fcfcro, and kahfiataa pr»*»ik : tbsend, 0 ^•'iMnkeia #wm«»«»»<.*..... «..D*Kov*a , GtntJ«weao< thft Cathedral ehob. j. Itecitatioa • Mr* Tb»»*» K* Crow*. % W*ltj—'»H«ir'»tti»o«aottooad»of*lM ?«tl|*y»»i*ajt. iJiria*! Cnorut,. »,,,*,,»,« ...<,. >Ca«w8 »«****».,. MotijBy Found Now-awUye doa 1 * saoast to niaeh You hav« to work **rv hwrdiW tlM littlt you earn, sod wage* are ao small, if you want to « j o y t h e oomforti* of life you have to buy what you n#ed on e«By time |»y. ments. Then why not havath* b«st? The beet can be louod «t Tbe People's Credit Co., "1mm oi STATIC m, %&VE YOUR JBYEa Cboir of St, Patrick's Catkadral and , PoifAyatoiaai, G-SJI Mit* Miaoie F« O'LautWia, actotapaakt*; , _. ° R»g«a« Hften, llkwaaar. _ - ! At ifasmttt Acadewv. '" - . The monthly ActtJewk Howra were at a»oal conf«mTd on tee firM Friday. Th« fo3Jo*ingjprogran)iae alto waa f t w a for; MawjiL Thefttttiicala»»bera w*re well J rendered, wail* martoed profideecy in Elocutiua waa altowe hv Ms* Stall* ke ' Powers, WmC'VSQ'K***, MiMf l~Baeeti «nd Miw Grace flynn. 0 '" « o ROGHAMilE* '" , March ACAWCHIC JWKOM. 0 '" 0 ° 0 '\ Hya>n ti St* foiepii ^eelUtioB—Addrttt re theJ"|«f,r«» *. .Har, SteJJaM- JNWr*. ' ' Honor* tyj. *• Piano Solo—Poluontw!,. , , . Leybock KathermeH. O'Neill. ttecltMiofl—King and Slave, B.C. Poanelly Cecilia V. O'Kint. Ponora Claw of 'y7. Piano Solo—St, Jottpfe'a Pr*jrar,..^.Hoht Grace E, PMaafhev. RedUtiOtt—**8erenlee*..... C. Ctoaaelly Lorett* Salrr, Honors eiaisof '<£. fimm Solo— M 5onr of tin* SwaUew" Bokw MaryF. 4?rancf. Reciutlcn***"Wghi <w-^Ue*<SMa» , » Bar" GtaceB. Ttfan. * Honor* Claatof %. , ( ?i«neSolo«»-M*«irta Impreaspio.. .Bohaa JUHtii*pCt> Weddi|*a, Honor|fg Cpmnaerc al Oat*. Mandolin D a e r t . . , . « , » ...... , ...... #tliaei Darey and M. Malane. Hon^n i» |*«*lc €!»$?, 0 . " . -ehoras—Stabat Mater,». ».***S. , • „ Rknkla I mJU»w Ifc***. to *• tn**4 dkk. We Geaiaaie* SelJrfaetkML Syaw EmawteMl Fraa ferfileww. Soaeiel Lanaa* Graeaa t»ftt th* %* Ocalitte Prcecriptlow POM. F.-E.SF0ONER;- WHUFACTOHftf OfTWAi, *«HOWTai»»., ~ •>)JWWma,w,l; T AT WAR! »*• AfewgeodtaSflfekft at Of tht Corawr priee. Iil/a*k«t>e^«4-rs. wfa iioSilk Wakliaow*».•*, 9y WHMeffwRi ' M i t t ttfViPStTVu ' TrkaaaedHaaa wc«k **, | » aaefce, I»OW|I. Paa^fj. O en*n's Clothing Mta'aOvwoeata t 6 . Ilea 1 * Sett*, t c. £ tTeVJu/ Bay'eCkwhkafet eaa hiW; Eaileat Paweeata ea eattk. > Cwa« irith the crowd. VavrenrfftkfiwdL -- *" «. o-» Hogan Bro8 0 -*• -Vv, -- Ovtf 236 B. OQaio »t.| »«WitofckkHh*' U i pered cjeaoiow *»d poliahlBg <4o<lt pleUdwar^ gie*« end wf^L_w^flHlftwiW*TF •haw^ew^ftT^ ^^^PT^ W^^W^^^^F "W*T^WffP z^W T^*e* ^'•'^P^w / '^'T^^W* Bt^wB^, Hftyajr aoiU UM basfe 1* k»tW •—rtw o f * X | C e I S O . -v ,'"._j* » '-.;'•.•'*. **V ,*'- : ==r '' " '. ''. "•. -"••"-»J-'' i fciiniiiiiiWf'i ,>^tf^l;? 1^ *M*r»aflipK|*s; iH^»^ai L |^«af^|b- i| «»iM| fc w*^*. A*^ |SW^Rtji'3s || t'% ,r 5t.!i M&P8 Bo* «•!«*•« owvtlirMltoii th* • j|jH>^«ll^j^pali>fci>»r-^A<'^*> f^if^jrf|dl* > * '-#i>iiftl»lr..,i,]lfe.- ^ ' , l^"^ 1 **?*, S t-? It •*»**»« 1 ,l^fW^-'*' »^«5^&S«^^ti y 4 J&> ':>•-#. fl '$**: mi Where Co Y«mT*ke YC»r tfc*b? Morifan A Darro.fi» r*r«^y wltk S«tk Onta'a •«•, and;» lifelong end de*o*e4 member t S1i Pw 5^ ls< »»fflM'i', of St. Maifj'a chorcb; . „ „. J f.°v X **« l " Ete *« M*t» »i. ? New Sevevct yeere ago .he kitmi Bfr*nifeh I S t 0» M« B. A., ftttd fand flece beoR 40 active member *f the order. "''','' H<Mr$ri¥?ived bs» birfttht*, Jobl O f O*Wagh»», we.lwbifcer; jfotitf h O'Catllaghap, end fl*e aistera, Mfase* £*te mi K»nn?e 0*0*1l»gh*», Mr*. W^* 1\ Conaori end Mr*. Wiilurd A. ^argkle, of Booheafer, and Mr*. tbo«*f H, ©Onoveb, Albkny. Tbe Cleveland Legion held a *pec#*t; Oieeting Saturday weaiofa and adopted teaolatiooe jo. m&mbis ©? ; tbeic decoaeed kx-cc?lleetor, 'ieeoco- «ebtrihej H"'.0.• &. M, took eiinU»t action Monday tiight, tb0 fnaeraf tooki)i*c** at Si *. m, Tuesday;' frorii the boaee, *»d 'mi 9.S0e. «** from St. Mary', cbnrcb. thear^ w«e * large attendance of friend*; *nd tel*Kve* e . .Jjkje aolemn high :mai»« of H-qaiets w«* fife> ebxetedby Bev. JF. P*St*w*r\M. R.» of StJM*»y^JJk«r^, Tbe choir of flhe oboroh **«* *#ecMng moaic The florel deooratioa* included e plHbw w i l h the inwartotioiii "Brotho*." from the Ofer*l*nd I^gletj} a lyr#/ frorAiobr* O*tte,han 0 Hea-roan Bow- *rd »nd Vttmk Mriirpbyi a pillow, with the inscription "Qhkf at Record*" from TecUinseh.tribe I. O- B. M4 0*H« Wliei frqin Mr*. |>hiUp |8tr*ob; cttt fiowe*« from M*» asd Mr*. 3:6. %&&•: - •• *Tbe bearers were Bdwted JLoogh' ney, Jeremiah 0 . MerjA*tt, *eereti»ry of Branch ISS 0. M B . A } Jamea Nogeot, HerhUMi Howard, Jfoh» W, W»H*haii and Frunk X Jfofphy. Tbe intermettt w«* *t Holy Sej* hicbre oeraeteiy. co£<kff|U<J«pmiinige»| the beet 0 lfi^ dfju'eer ifl tow». FIw? me*l tiokete for f l . Meal* o» Ami*rieM or Koro* peen plan Board by tbe weelr. Ucotgt V. Mejew baa tb* '*W4lte Car.** George V. Meyer* ha* bought aod renovated t^e •• White (Jet " on Bi- clienge piece. By dicpoaitfoa tad treifting Mr. Mfere i* a gentleoten noted for bia conrteay end hie knowledge of conducting a fim^eleee rendrt for gentlemen. He wee for e »o«bber of year* salesman fer the B,«h«ter Browiug cotapany^ Is which capacity he made many Friend*, all of whom eud tbe publiO gefterAliy he will cordially welcome tohfi1 own plece^' ' Mr. Meyer* ba* eqnipped bi* ree- taorant with pore wine*, liquor* aod oigira, and bi* aim i* to treat hie uoaitoffieri *o w«ll that they will : coi»e*f*i|j, •-= z/ • -'• 0.-.:>- Ill, UtittrfSM!M SittOjfthin. Hotel*; Ktaunraets, Catacaraaad fa*> ttkt* Sapplkd. Ordao caueri **«* delivered. 373 E. Maio St. BodtMtm t K. V, r ._ ^Cnheaa."' If yon buy yoar baked good* from th«e tamoQ* bakery, yon will twver be diRbppointed, ea all g o o d e are- fresh every dey. ' Iky eome. Store only a step from tbe four corner*, 80 State etreet O«e.K0*«n. ~~~~ A««i»*r.scaik«. K*^*H.Sa^rt * f \ Geo. Engert & Ga. Pr4ncipat Offlco and Yard. Takp1iea*e|f 306 Exchange Street. t <r "• ! ^ ^ ^f^<#! fire Hi Annul Vrtifir Ci. if In Tirk With&aachStoraat I S O « T A T B »TBWBT. ,. Household > Specfarilas --- Oat eeay ^f^tmMg tfrngtumtrnt* CtoSi, Sawma Ita^, CwtSuteTcH Ihv taip^m 6k-^to>blt ^rera. W*l wavpev o waapwei amwwa^n> v * «• '• mil urn \^\\\\ \Wi\inm^mmm***tmmM^mtmtmAmt Op««eAtt4a*t. HAtCfca.»*rW**. tewpe^aafe* » *.?**j Summer Beat J* Winter Afoath*. J FOR SALE.^Screri] pkcea wil If yoo mee plenty of t6« wlebraN '*«* *P»'S » « a«*» of %d. it ted Lehigh coal, don't yon want some soft eo*l for yoargre^r Both areaold b y J. M. Eeddingtoe, »« Weet Main atreet. A poatel eard 'ttelff' MtfWeJMh %nlM L w»jawe 9,^^^^^^^ *&mmwm^ ; Some of J. W. fctaeer'* Frfee*. ; Bobber* boots b^Iaw coat, all first qoelityj irien** $3 00 and | 4 0 0 patent leather oongreaa and lace for fl-50 eod |l'»i; t 1 9'a < o 4 V tl kdkV turn end weft *boe» frosa 90o| to U S ; Oifordu worthf I OOto $?.06, for iiiet Ho $ mi Wcj baby ahoe* *>t K IA ' tn" * ' ""' ~ yW<awas|ee3wvs*ipa^j"t* Mein street. beaae, M* «««Jriab* orGarnua Catholic * * * # Oooan*«ki*i>^i««i, # a FSAHK W. PAvn*. Pmpv Ctftthft, Covpn, Uvtry I Betnftifl, Ofiee a»4 Sta6<e*: :^W^ -IS *•*>' ^•„^b|»i ?*n •**« * A %j(»2I^4 » 4 , ^*^« I &^^^^*S '•i43^!is.}^irt i 'iS»'*i<-- vV»* ' .V' ^ *- »* E ^^^^t^^^^u^i ^* ; ^i^- 1^ •* ^ "«^*V< *M A»Wa*e«taWtt*f ^* V T^ •*)*«• j 1 mil r^iu iiiiKiiiiin—«#«wi»m WiS' *•*•: fir .-% t*3! 3 o . » Cortiaad Straw. MMMttW ^MMB^^P'WP"'^*W*^BW ^^* ^ •ST, P*/fj^
Page 1: Tbe People's Credit Co., - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1893-october-1896-september... · *F%J GUY PABISK NEWS-'-•)» %• J f -a t -f q-J Cor'the feifflti^Qtt




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Cor'the feifflti^Qtt of aa eJawiM;ft#«kSefl*t»oo of " cathedral] acheo! gradbate*, paraais i to*#ag>j geation o f Be*. J. f, Kieruto. S r W made Sunday, whet* one hondredend twenty gradaete* $rlei end tirgfttH >*«C f i i e following;oSBeere were; elected; ;_„-,.-T-~.^..--:'-•_.- ----- ; - - , ;

P w i i d e o t ^ o h n T U'Brfeft-

?>ee Pw#irfeRt^-iirM 4»wft» Byrik*r» • ,. ;, ;

;., -iterifarj*~}£m Alice Morjpoy. Arrangement* were made for en

entertainment, t o be .jgirqan *i<Jt(6e-drelhell the .reelpglfcerJBw«9 .jto>iH?' eucceoied by » reception the foliow-rag week" _ .. •

The f«o^t%t of Thomaa •£*?**< aeugfci, who died Sanday night e t hie bome*cJJo. 3§I Smfijfcstreet, aged I S yejari£- Wok pla*^ f oe*d*y ffi&roing • I 9 ; i o o^elobk from the hou*e, end et 10:80 o^lockfrem the Oithedral.

Mr. K a v ^ a t t g b w*f bo£n inWe;*v lord eoarjjty, Jg0.ti&iLr.*&& c e e j e t o thi* country irFflJift, ~ He bid beer* a resident ef BLo0ti?dC«f for neat)y forty y e w * , ; *»& w e e well k » p * » end reapeoted^ He w#* * man o f rare mental endowmeftt*, ttroog, feitb fa l, capable arid kindly* Bealde a trife he i eave* two none, one ©fl whom leBev. D W. l£a*an*ttgh, of Lyona, end one daughter, v•-..,'

* The funeral of Patrick McfJormae w a * held,.Mood:*? raorolag (torn hie l i f e t&mfim$t '"JTo. 5 0 Jooea ,afcreet at 8-SO, at&d .*,£ 9 o'clock fi-om toe C»-thed ral.

- ;b' ' .ST. nifty's. '"' Tho funeral of Joaeph A. Oberst,

who died Saturday at - t h e family residence, No- 88 Gotnfori »treet„ wee held Tue&day morping » t 8:30

; o'clock, and i t . | 0 o'eloefc h»flfi Sit, ^Mary/a Church.'* ^ °' __ , _

w The faoerai e f Miff.' Oatberi&e L>wry1 Darin w»* hoM.from the f»?n» * l j s#aideoc0,.Six 39 M*r*b*l etreet, ftt 9;30 o'ol»?% :lt»ad*y mori>ing,| 4pd « t 10 o'clock /run* St, Mtfy'e dbarobi 'Jlie cbarcb WMI filledio'its

. olojo*t; Q4p»ciij wttli frieude iiwJ te lat ive»of tbe1f*iDfly. Solenitt re* ^qfetobi^b «*«* w»* eelebrftted by Be** J- £. S ^ w n t n tt»i«i?d by B<sy.

^=>#etix 0*H*otat», ofOIHWfi^ Springs, ftU dc»con, *od Be*. Thot« ibfftckey oftbfpcity, •iib-deftce«^ Tbe ebafr re'mlered iroprp«$ff e &t$l& ftppropfi^ »te t o the p»Mf. Tbobe»rert were? Umr*: JSiward HeSfeeney, % B> DoaipiSey,!) J. i lott t iuao, ^»»*.fook

WiUt»a) Gr»g«n;-and '.WilHftta 0 ^ftce»i ' ' • - • ; , ' ' • .

.. Tbe fqrj^r*!. of George StibetiA tiei-hold Monday iuornii»g from bie J»te neeideDoe, JJo. 81 W^ld etreet, At, -8:30, ftfld^tS o'pTocfc" fromftl , Jo-eeph?« OboTch, , r «

WiHi»»a oT. !|Kwan»sd^( xA %U *mvk mtwit, • l ipped-w* "ibe J>SJJ p*fKtamt .Mm&xy' uigbt' «utf: H fere*|'% fit* ttgbi ^ VTk» cil$ •mbnliittc^ *«M»««wmo*^d and tool bin* to S t Matj>^ hW|iit*L H« i* r«po««rl fo b e re»ti0g mwhmU$¥

t b l IToonjl Wi«ne»»* Cbritt lw AMpci*t«Q», ttr^fb tb« Mwtac«ft w l i e ittftiniiten^^t « f the *.p^« tote.*** . . t i l l %fnt«« a #oi«rti% edition Mfttofc. i^ll i -

innBper of tbe i»orld» * * * tbe gw?«t ftttr*etb»;#t.«be T : H © ^nt-htelie eibibit»0jx at;?it«btt«bt btll T b « » . **y tfeiilojr, "Itt tt» pftj^of tbe projfr«m ^ i l id sometbir^tbat w>*» MCV4w doneift tt!hr-«ity M M » . H t weak OTar tfa^taur'ti * bfeiglit o f $ fee> »nd «oe %0Arfer ^f-»* !o«b.

ClerkjHleyObr iNUr ttHr* Ber^Kda,

.. Oierk. Tio»«*. ^ • H e ^ l l e ^ e t - - ^

Weeftf^ig able to %e out. m will be graatwJ-.* abort l e t ? * of ».b«en«» He i« plaaojug•* trip | f r Berjpjqdf li* bop^eof reonperftMog %i» *treugtb *o4 r*g«|bipg bia hejkhn^ » b i « t b«re been iqapaire^ bj ocloae »t»efr t ionto Me datiee So tb^ B«,^ettttte Board.

*tte fa|ltmriji4f pr^nm will be res^Wid1

M C^Jh^iatAaUSt F«rkk'* oiKa« ler «»w benefit »t Use «rpti»».-.:

f rROGR AM. J'Ait-r i . i !

I 4 "Vile MircV-M.mior.atfttiBlMte.Sw.tt Mews, r .CCUUa. UuJoa*«. » . OilW*,

Ji KcKoe. C CWWs. p •: Mi»* O^JiaafWia accomp*at»«r. '-—•

S^-'A -tt^fVi»et»*"...... Mwtrr tdw.rd K«tc.

$«>*W«ri%::«!,.»*«. frcM.-BawSela. .. ~~-- "r;Hr,f, J Ry.a. o. ..

MtM Marie Leaaoa. 1. "B«rltttfeSbww««*.wS«|waoaS»le«

6* * «P«fc» H a e t " . . . , . . . . . , , . . . . . Otf«tb*cl> »«*«*, Ti>o«*. J. MayU«i,'F. S.,Ssas4a^-&, VW» j a t g - ^ U Soa»etiii«*..Si*«iiWi'

- ^J«»Oretcfc*a,|lcGaBa|liw, '

i, ©wt-i.-G* tbat w* two weta nujin*" :.a . . .—Allee Jfunr SJmJth. Mi>* M»ry g. jGroff »»d Mr.Ea^twr S»ck«t,

r*--Sofe~«£i}« «»ari0i.**,^,. . , , f^Mscel


Miss ••'J^pVte' litoBrfdd, o f $0« Odart etreOt,. ba^retqfcrfnca fxojEri3Jew . T u r k - ' • ' • • • • . . - • . "J

Ht , and Mrs. William D»ly t of iOO ^nlverthy >vc|r«o, are wjof«. in|f over t&d "tfdFeo* of a ypoog daughter,

H- B. Urwreoce, instraotor ro phy* #ic» trad eteptrioity ,«rt tiie anker '

j$ni$i grf* •katme foeijdfty ,/?rgbt at the meeting of the Academy of Sciettoe * t Ao^ertoo jbiJl apoa "Ro* e o t o g « p b y , w

> Mr, li*wj*oee ifbjft. itr»terl bf* l e c t w e wltli yletee •AjTexv

perimeDts, J>x, J, tt,ti<& |f^ve n tUnaer^ * t tbe

<Jeoe«(ee V*Uey oiob S»tai>day t o Fr. Lewi* fiatcb; be*tlb «ffltSerof- JLJb»-nyj Q w d w l o ^ r o r o ^ i k n i ' f l . A, Be«*es , of «1*ie cotamWiod In lo-tttoy» Dr. fc, H, Wolcott, pteeldeatof J the Siftie HoRj6op«tbio society, and Bt< Aomwl'pi tboBdsobeefOi* S t a t e | botpi^ftl. • . ;, / , , • ••-.•

Wbfle P*triek Lmn4era w*»drir-ing d « * a Sfc St. F»W mreei^aodey .

J9t*» h«#ie j&eeki^ frightetie^ near River street and r»tt , swfty t h e cotter **#"orettnrned r throwing taad^f* on*, and beoieing; M* faae^

~ITe w W taken to the 0 i t y bo»pilw7 w b e w i r w a e le«rned *bat hie Injn-rfet w o w not seriooe. _,

•phe firet trial o f Br. Cyrus Bd*m's new care for coneoooption was made i n this city Stedrny by 0r, frederiok Remington, who - .give iujectione of tbe aseptal io and jwdoform epr iy to iwo pitieft ts.,, f be p*tieni« ebooW Jbegin to Show iaiproveniettt within a few woel*j «nd oasea are on icecord where * isonaplete wxe ha« b'oen ef­fected withineix week*.

l a o o b Oerlia^f, of Gerling Bros t

I t iiforth Water Wre^t, elipped on • tbaetepabf bis bouse, 276 Brown itreet> "Doesday evening antf: fell, apraining hie ankle. ..'

W« 0 . field, *f. A. Creelman and "J. E MaheF* delegatwi lr> the oon

mention of Master Plamber« in Kew Yor^bftve retaraed h o n e and ia« ttoatioe tbftt the OOM^BIIOB woaldf bebeW l a t h i - c i t y .

; Oe«tb» ai^,Fwawali,i;

Daniel B 0 « » t l i f b « » die.! at noon Satorday, a t the family w idence, I Oakland itreet, aged S5 yeej-a Thi djt(pe»ted w * | iferr* Ha Rocbeater *tid{ w*« edac»led j» t b « No. 34 Po^lio ichQoi; St Marj'* parochial rchoo!, and t b * -Frse Ac*d* einy. After i t * » i 6 f »<?hpQl be e ^ tored tbe ei»|iioy,^f jBU»a»ger^4fc Barry audi remaiued ther(Hfor«e?e*al yeart, after wbicb Jbe w«ii employe* by H. 0.} Upbeo. l a %b* wjnte* of 1895 he waaaeked with inflammation of the jtiia^a wWok de?*lepe4 int» «. ho*?y hemorrbage and hia l i f e * » a ijelpaiied of. Hi* *if<mk .-oowtttB; tioD, however, enabled bim t o oJNit* cornd the dieease »pd nfter • few weeki' cooflnfetneni to the koo«e i>e wa,» oat ftgatn, apyaf^otly ^ei well ae^yer-* - a~ •' ,; • -

Ho the» aerracl o a t h e e t i ^ o f ^ l i e #o.&fcriSUp*e«# fojf *eter#l woatbf, hot trace* of; ibe wiote'^ illfteti fttiil-'orked jit bis *pUw «ad fce ir»a forced to give, op active work, jffit malady toofe deweleped Into eonaampWoo »cd ««cfe Cbrletmii lie W been «onfine41© hi* home. *ffii jllncaa hM been borne with cfciaiiao fottHrjde% and be * M ready to gc<>

Jwbeft tbe° aqruraou* to Jea^re thl» world catoe. <^^hf&5|r,h0nt hi« ha% IlKBoee %e>, mvet coottplainetj, »nd *1-ways had a cheery »mile for tbo*e who *«et)dea to hita.

Mr. O'Callaghan wae * charter ro^mrjor f Tecomeseb tribe, I 0* B H^ and bed been lt»0hfefj>f record* ijBtli forced W reJiaqqletTtbe poei% ttoo "beoeoso M bia ; Hlaeia «btab (

forbade bis leeviog tbe bouae. H e wae also k qernljer of tbo Ci#eJ«Jrjd LegtOOj »od w*8 i t s coTteqtot up t o

ary l»fc H e r.wi»a „,an ,jiotfure merobfer «jf tbe dalhojje

M£ C. Or»rfc», %. -T'rish wialc^^'Stnor, .Stnor,** ft«K* . _

—the docto* of AkaWtarai. Wck«!»i Mlat M*rrt« €&gm*€^ Meeam. 3wk«W'

'-'; ' ' \ - -;- awl.RyaB. • Nwe^TWa-TPrift repwaant* tn« «c«ne

when Carta* «»*er* to tk* fr*« Wrrw «t the doctor«nd Ine*. whom they «m>poaad they h*d accidenttlljr dro*a«4. If * In not recognized at fiat, eoaaaqawuly retelred witb ttrror; but thh»f» cltar ap ia «aw4e oper* f*»fcfcro, and kahfiataa pr»*»ik :l» tbsend, 0

^•'iMnkeia #wm«»«»»<.*.....«..D*Kov*a , GtntJ«weao< thft Cathedral ehob.

j . Itecitatioa • Mr* Tb»»*» K* Crow*.

% W*ltj—'»H«ir'»tti»o«aottooad»of*lM

?«tl|*y»»i*ajt. iJiria*! Cnorut,. », , ,*, ,»,« ...<,. >Ca«w 8

»«****»., .

MotijBy Found Now-awUye doa 1* s a o a s t t o niaeh Y o u hav« t o work **rv hwrdiW tlM l i t t l t y o u earn, s o d wage* are a o small, if you want to « j o y the oomforti* of life y o u have t o buy what y o u n#ed o n e«By t ime | » y . ments . Then w h y not h a v a t h * b«st? The beet can be l o u o d « t

Tbe People's Credit Co., "1mm oi STATIC m,


Cboir of St, Patrick's Catkadral and , PoifAyatoiaai, G-SJI

Mit* Miaoie F« O'LautWia, actotapaakt*; , _. ° R»g«a« Hften, llkwaaar. _ - !

At ifasmttt Acadewv. '" - . The monthly ActtJewk Howra were at

a»oal conf«mTd on tee firM Friday. Th« fo3Jo*ingjprogran)iae alto waa ftwa for; MawjiL The fttttiical a»»bera w*re well J rendered, wail* martoed profideecy in Elocutiua waa altowe hv Ms* Stall* ke ' Powers, WmC'VSQ'K***, MiMf l~Baeeti «nd Miw Grace flynn. 0 '" « o ROGHAMilE* '"

, March ACAWCHIC JWKOM.0'"0 ° 0 '\ Hya>n ti St* foiepii

^eelUtioB—Addrttt re theJ"|«f,r«» *. .Har, SteJJaM- JNWr*. ' '

Honor* tyj. *• Piano Solo—Poluontw!,. , , . Leybock

KathermeH. O'Neill. ttecltMiofl—King and Slave, B.C. Poanelly

Cecilia V. O'Kint. Ponora Claw of 'y7. Piano Solo—St, Jottpfe'a Pr*jrar,..^.Hoht

Grace E, PMaafhev. RedUtiOtt—**8erenlee*..... E« C. Ctoaaelly

Lorett* Salrr, Honors eiaisof '<£. fimm Solo— M5onr of tin* SwaUew" Bokw

MaryF. 4?rancf. Reciutlcn***"Wghi <w- Ue*<SMa»,» Bar"

GtaceB. Ttfan. * Honor* Claatof % . , (

?i«neSolo«»-M*«irta Impreaspio.. .Bohaa JUHtii*pCt> Weddi|*a,

Honor|fg Cpmnaerc al Oat*. Mandolin D a e r t . . , . « , » . . . . . . , . . . . . .

#tliaei T» Darey and M. Malane. Hon^n i» |*«*lc €!»$?, 0 . " . -ehoras—Stabat Mater,». ».***S. ,•„ Rknkla I

mJU»w Ifc***. to *• tn**4 dkk. We Geaiaaie* SelJrfaetkML

Syaw EmawteMl Fraa ferfileww. Soaeiel Lanaa* Graeaa t»f t t th* % *

Ocalitte Prcecriptlow POM.


*«HOWTai»»., ~ •>)JWWma,w, l ; T

AT WAR! » * •

AfewgeodtaSflfekft at Of tht Corawr priee.

I i l /a*k«t>e^«4-rs.

w f a iioSilk Wakliaow*».•*, 9y WHMeffwRi ' M i t t ttfViPStTVu ' TrkaaaedHaaa wc«k **, | » aaefce,

I»OW|I. P a a ^ f j . O en*n's Clothing

Mta'aOvwoeata t6 .

Ilea1* Sett*, t c. £ tTeVJu/ Bay'eCkwhkafet eaa hiW; Eaileat Paweeata ea eattk. > Cwa« irith the crowd. VavrenrfftkfiwdL -- *" «. • o -»

Hogan Bro80 -*• - V v , --

Ovtf 236 B. OQaio »t.|

»«WitofckkHh*' U i pered cjeaoiow *»d poliahlBg <4o<lt pleUdwar^ gie*« end wf^L_w^flHlftwiW*TF •haw^ew^ftT^ ^^^PT^ W^^W^^^^F " W * T ^ W f f P

z^W T ^ * e * ^ ' • ' ^ P ^ w / ' ^ ' T ^ ^ W * Bt^wB^,

Hftyajr aoiU U M basfe 1* k»tW •—rtw of * X | C e I S O . -v ,'"._j* » '-.;'•.•'*. **V ,*'-:

= = r ' ' " ' . ''. "•. -"••"-»J-'' i fciiniiiiiiWf'i



*M*r»aflipK|*s; iH^»^ai L |^«af^|b- i |«»iM| f cw*^*.

A* |SW^Rtji'3s | |t'% , r5t.!i


Bo* «•!«*•« owvtlirMltoii th*

• j|jH>^«ll^j^pali>fci>»r-^A<'^*>


> * '-#i>iiftl»lr..,i,]lfe.-

^ ' • ,

l^"^1**?*, S t-?

It •*»**»« 1

, l ^ f W ^ - ' * '


y 4 J&> ':>•-#. f l

'$**: mi

Where Co Y«mT*ke YC»r tfc*b?

Morifan A Darro.fi»

r*r«^y wltk S«tk Onta'a •«•,

and;» lifelong end de*o*e4 member t S 1 i P w 5 ^ l s < » » f f l M ' i ' , of St. Maifj'a chorcb; . „ „. J f.°vX**« l " Ete*« M*t» »i. ? N e w

Sevevct yeere ago .he kitmi Bfr*nifeh I S t 0» M« B. A. , ftttd fand f lece beoR 40 a c t i v e member *f the order. " ' ' ' , ' '

H<Mr$ri¥?ived bs» birfttht*, J o b l OfO*Wagh»», we.lwbifcer; jfotitf h O'Catllaghap, end fl*e aistera, Mfase* £ * t e mi K»nn?e 0*0*1l»gh*», Mr*. W * 1 \ Conaori end Mr*. Wiilurd A . ^argkle, of Booheafer, and Mr*. t b o « * f H , ©Onoveb, Albkny. Tbe Cleveland Legion held a *pec#*t; Oieeting Saturday weaiofa and adopted teaolatiooe jo. m&mbis ©?;

tbeic decoaeed kx-cc?lleetor, 'ieeoco-«ebtrihej H"'.0.• &. M, took eiinU»t action Monday t i ight,

t b 0 fnaeraf tooki)i*c** at Si *. m, Tuesday;' frorii the boaee, *»d 'mi 9 .S0e . «** from S t . Mary', cbnrcb. thear^ w«e * large attendance o f friend*; *nd tel*Kve*e. .Jjkje aolemn high :mai»« o f H-qaiets w « * fife> ebxetedby Bev. JF. P*St*w*r \M. R.» of StJM*»y^JJk«r^, T b e choir o f flhe oboroh **«* *#ecMng moaic The florel deooratioa* included e plHbw wi lh the inwartotioiii "Brotho*." from the Ofer*l*nd I^gletj} a lyr#/ frorAiobr* O*tte,han0 Hea-roan Bow-*rd »nd Vttmk Mriirpbyi a pil low, with the inscription "Qhkf at Record*" from TecUinseh.tribe I. O-B. M4 0*H« Wliei frqin Mr*. |>hiUp

|8 tr*ob; cttt fiowe*« from M*» a s d Mr*. 3:6. %&&•: - ••

*Tbe bearers were Bdwted JLoogh' ney, Jeremiah 0 . MerjA*tt, *eereti»ry of Branch ISS 0. M B . A } Jamea Nogeot, HerhUMi Howard, Jfoh» W , W»H*haii and Frunk X Jfofphy.

Tbe intermettt w«* *t Holy Sej* hicbre oeraeteiy.

co£<kff|U<J«pmiinige»| the beet 0 l f i ^ dfju'eer ifl tow». FIw? me*l tiokete for f l . Meal* o» Ami*rieM or Koro* peen plan Board by tbe weelr.

Ucotgt V. Mejew baa tb* '*W4lte Car.**

George V. Meyer* ha* bought aod renovated t^e •• White (Jet" on B i -clienge piece. By dicpoaitfoa tad treifting Mr. Mfere i* a gentleoten noted for bia conrteay end hie knowledge of conducting a fim^eleee rendrt for gentlemen. He wee for e »o«bber of year* salesman fer the B,«h«ter Browiug cotapany^ I s which capacity he made many Friend*, all of whom eud tbe publiO gefterAliy he wil l cordial ly welcome tohfi1 own plece^' ' Mr. Meyer* ba* eqnipped bi* ree-

taorant with pore wine*, liquor* aod oigira, and bi* aim i* to treat hie uoaitoffieri *o w«ll that they will : coi»e*f*i | j , •-=z/ • -'• 0.-.:>-

Ill, Uti ttrfSM! M SittOjfthin.

Hotel*; Ktaunraets, Catacaraaad fa*> ttkt* Sapplkd. Ordao caueri **«* delivered.

373 E. Maio St. BodtMtmt K. V,

r._ ^Cnheaa."' If yon buy yoar baked good* from

th«e tamoQ* bakery, yon will twver be diRbppointed, ea all goode are-fresh every dey. ' Iky eome. Store only a s t ep from tbe four corner*, 80 State e treet

O«e.K0*«n. ~~~~ A««i»*r.scaik«. K*^*H.Sa^rt

* f

\ Geo. Engert & Ga.

Pr4ncipat Offlco and Yard. Takp1iea*e|f

306 Exchange Street.

t <r "• !

^ ^ ^f^<#! fire

Hi Annul Vrtifir Ci. if I n Tirk With&aachStoraat

I S O « T A T B » T B W B T . ,.

Household > Specfarilas --- • Oat eeay ^f^tmMg tfrngtumtrnt*

CtoSi, Sawma Ita^, CwtSuteTcH Ihv taip^m 6 k - ^ t o > b l t ^ r e r a . W * l wavpev o waapwei amwwa^n> v * «•

'• mil urn \^\\\\ \Wi\inm^mmm***tmmM^mtmtmAmt

Op««eAtt4a*t. HAtCfca.»*rW**. tewpe^aafe* » *.?**j

Summer Beat J* Winter Afoath*. J FOR SALE.^Screri] pkcea wil If yoo mee plenty of t 6 « wlebraN '*«* * P » ' S » « a«*» of %d. it

ted Lehigh coal, don't yon want some soft eo*l for y o a r g r e ^ r Both areaold b y J. M. Eeddingtoe, » « Weet Main atreet. A poatel eard 'ttelff' MtfWeJMh %nlML w»jawe 9,^^^^^^^ *&mmwm^

; Some of J. W. fctaeer'* Frfee*. ;

Bobber* boots b^Iaw coat, all first qoelityj irien** $3 00 and | 4 0 0 patent leather oongreaa and lace for f l-50 eod | l ' » i ; t 1 9'a <o4V t l

k d k V turn end weft *boe» frosa 9 0 o | to U S ; Oifordu worthf I OOto $?.06, for iiiet Ho$ mi W c j baby ahoe* *>t K IA ' tn" * ' ""' ~ yW<awas|ee3wvs*ipa^j"t*

Mein street.

beaae, M*

«««Jriab* orGarnua Catholic * * * # Oooan*«ki*i>^i««i,


a FSAHK W. PAvn*. Pmpv

Ctftthft, Covpn, Uvtry I Betnftifl, Ofiee a»4 Sta6<e*:


-IS * • *> '

^ • „ ^ b | » i

?*n •**« * A % j(»2I^4 »

4 , ^*^«

I &^^^^*S



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A»Wa*e«taWtt*f ^*VT^

•*)*«• j

1 mil r iiu iiiiKiiiiin—«#«wi»m

WiS' *•*•:

fir .-%

t *3 !

3o.» Cortiaad Straw. MMMttW

^ M M B ^ ^ P ' W P " ' ^ * W * ^ B W ^ ^ * ^

• S T , P*/fj^
