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TBRC Tranche 3 Collection


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CANON, CANONICAL WORKS, AND MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS W27919 LCCN 83-907127 number of volumes: 1 a mdo rwa rgya'i bka' 'gyur gyi dkar chag (bde bar gsegs pa'i gsung rab gans can gyi skad du 'gyur ro cog gi phyi mo par du bskrun pa'i dkar chag mdo rgyud chos kyi sgo brgya cig car 'byed pa'i lde mig) main author: bstan pa'i nyi ma (paN chen 04 bstan pa'i nyi ma) b. 1782 d. 1853 publication information: dharamsala: library of tibetan works & archives, 1983 subject classification: bka' 'gyur (rwa rgya); dkar chag Notice of contents and historical background of the Ragya Monastery blocks of the Tibetan Kangyur; no set of this 19th century redaction survives. W23702 LCCN none number of volumes: 226 bstan 'gyur (gser gyi lag bris ma) subject classification: canonical publication information: 18th century manuscript 18th century manuscript Tanjur. The Tanjur comprises Tibetan translations of commentaries and supporting texts to the Kanjur. These were originally written in Sanskrit and translated into Tibetan W23190 LCCN 77-902297 number of volumes: 1 sgom rim thog mtha' bar gsum (the five bhavanakrama of kamalasila and vimalamitra : a collection of texts on the nature and practice of buddhist contemplative realisation) main author: kamalasila b. 7th cent. publication information: gangtok: gonpo tseten, 1977 subject classification: sgom rim thog mtha' bar gsum (khrid) Five treatises on meditation and the Madhyamika approach by Kamalasila and Vimalamitra W23203 LCCN 83-907117 number of volumes: 1 dkyil chog rdo rje phreng ba dang rdzogs pa'i rnal 'byor gyi 'phreng ba (the vajravali and nispannayogavali in tibetan : a reproduction of the mandala texts of abhayakaragupta in their tibetan tranalation from ancient manuscripts from hemis monastery in ladakh ; with manikasrijnana's topical outline to the vajravali) main author: a bha yA kA ra gupta b. 11th cent. publication information: darjeeling: kargyud sungrab nyamso khang, 1983 subject classification: dkyil chog W24051 LCCN none number of volumes: 41 dpal chen kI la ya'i chos skor phyogs bsgrigs publication information: [khreng tu'u]: si khron zhing chen mi rigs zhib 'jug su'o, bod kyi shes rig zhib 'jug khang, 2002 subject classification: vajrakila (general) Collection of rituals connected with Vajrakila, both Kama and Terma as well as Nyingma and Sakya


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NYINGMA TRADITION W25983 LCCN none number of volumes: 120 bka' ma shin tu rgyas pa (kaH thog) editor: 'jam dbyangs b. 20th cent. publication information: [chengdu: kaH thog mkhan po 'jam dbyangs, 1999] collection of nyingma traditions and texts transmitted in an unbroken lineage (bka' ma) subject classification: bka' ma; rnying ma pa The largest collection of Nyingma Kama teachings which have descended in an unbroken lineage from teacher to student W27868 LCCN 84-900518 number of volumes: 1 dpal ye shes kyi mgon po phyag bzhi pa'i chos skor gter ston: nyi ma 'od zer, mnga' bdag nyang ral (nyang ral nyi ma 'od zer) b. 1136 d. 1204 publication information: darjeeling: lama dawa and chopal lama, 1984 subject classification: mgon po Teachings on the practice of the Four-Armed Mahakala of the Nyingma tradition W22246 LCCN 85-902300 number of volumes: 2 bka' brgyad bde gshegs 'dus pa'i sgrub skor (bka' brgyad bde gsegs 'dus pa'i sgrub skor : a collection of texts from the famed revelations of mna'-bdag nan-ral ni-ma-'od-zer as used in the famed sgrub chen in dpal-yul and affiliates) main author: nyi ma 'od zer, mnga' bdag nyang ral (nyang ral nyi ma 'od zer) b. 1136 d. 1204 publication information: bylakuppe: pema norbu rinpoche, 1985 subject classification: bka' brgyad bde gshegs 'dus pa (nyang ral nyi ma 'od zer); chos spyod; dpal yul dgon pa rnam rgyal byang chub gling [monastery] Rituals of the Kagye Desheg Dupa revelations of Ngadag Nyangral Nyima Ozer, arranged for convenient liturgical practice by the monks of the Peyul Monastery Scanned with the generous support of Master Tam Shek-Wing of the Vajrayana Buddhist Association. W21952 LCCN 85-902140 number of volumes: 2 bka' brgyad gsang ba yongs rdzogs yi sgrub skor (bka' brgyad gsan ba yongs rdzogs kyi sgrub skor : a collection of texts from the famed revelations of gu-ru chos-kyi-dban-phyug as used in the great sgrub-chen in dpal-yul and affiliates) main author: gu ru chos kyi dbang phyug b. 1212 d. 1270 publication information: byllakuppe: pema norbu rinpoche, 1985 subject classification: bka' brgyad gsang ba yongs rdzogs; sgrub skor Collected liturgical presentation of the teachings of the Kagye Sangwa Yongdzog of Guru Chokyi Wangchug as performed in the Peyu monasteries in Kham


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W27610 LCCN 78-903286 number of volumes: 1 grub mtha' so so'i bzhed tshul gzhung gsal bar ston pa chos 'byung grub mtha' chen po bstan pa'i sgron me (grub mtha' so so'i bzed tshul gzun gsal bar ston pa chos 'byung grub mtha' chen po bstan pa'i sgron me) main author: shes rab 'od (rog shes rab 'od) b. 1166 d. 1244 publication information: nemo, ladakh: tshul-khrims-'jam-dbyangs, 1977 subject classification: rnying ma pa ; grub mtha' Study of the various philosophical positions to appear in India and Tibet by a master of the Rog lineage of Nyingma W27869 LCCN 84-900298 number of volumes: 1 mkha' 'gro snying thig gi chos skor (mkha' 'gro snin thig gi chos skor) gter ston: padma las 'brel rtsal b. 1248 publication information: gangtok, sikkim: lama dawa & sherab gyaltsen, 1984 subject classification: rdzogs chen; rnying ma pa Texts from one of the Nyingtig Yazhi; reproduced from an ancient but perhaps incomplete and disordered manuscript from the library of Lama Nyima of Langtang W18311 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol gter ston: karma gling pa b. 14th cent. publication information: [new delhi : konchok lhadrepa, 1994] subject classification: gter ma; rnying ma pa Teachings of the visions of the intermediate state of the Nyingmapa tradition revealed by Karma Lingpa W23454 LCCN 75-903780 number of volumes: 3 zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol gyi chos skor (zi khro dgons pa ran grol gyi chos skor : a collection of zi khro texts) gter ston: karma gling pa b. 14th cent. publication information: delhi: sherab lama [1975]-1976 subject classification: gter ma; zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol (karma gling pa) Collected revelations connected with the propitiation of the wrathful and quiescent deities; revealed by the great Terchen Karma Lingpa; edited by Gyarawa Namka' Chokyi Gyatso. This collection includes the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Reproduced from an exquisite and complete manuscript from the library of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche. Scanned with the generous support of Master Tam Shek-Wing of the Vajrayana Buddhist Association


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W21956 LCCN 85-902179 number of volumes: 2 bla ma dgongs 'dus kyi sgrub skor (bla ma dgons 'dus kyi sgrub skor : the two volume liturgical arrangement of the revelations of the great gter-chen sangs-rgyas-glin-pa, 1340-1396, according to the practices of the dpal-yul monastery and its affiliates) gter ston: sangs rgyas gling pa b. 1340 d. 1396 publication information: bylakuppe: pema norbu rinpoche, 1984-1985 subject classification: dpal yul dgon pa rnam rgyal byang chub gling [monastery]; sgrub skor Liturgical presentation of the teachings of the Lama Gongdu revelations of Sangye Lingpa (1340-1396) as followed in Peyu and its affiliates throughout Kham W23449 LCCN 81-900488 number of volumes: 1 rig 'dzin gdung sgrub kyi chos skor (rig 'dzin gdun sgrub kyi chos skor : a cycle of practice focussing upon the inner form of the guru from the byan gter revelations of rig-'dzin rgod-kyi-ldem-'phru-can) gter ston: rgod kyi ldem 'phru can b. 1337 d. 1409 publication information: gangtok, sikkim: bari longsal lama, 1981 subject classification: bla ma rig 'dzin gdung sgrub (byang gter); gter ma; rnying ma pa Rituals of the Jangter tradition of the Nyingma W23453 LCCN 81-900786 number of volumes: 4 thugs sgrub drag po rtsal gyi chos skor (a cycle of practice focussing upon the esoteric form of the guru from the byan-gter revelations of rig-'dzin rgod-kyi-ldem-'phru-can) gter ston: rgod kyi ldem 'phru can b. 1337 d. 1409 publication information: gangtok, sikkim: bari longsal lama, 1980 subject classification: gter ma; thugs sgrub drag po rtsal (byang gter) Ritual practices of the Jangter tradition of the Nyingma W27870 LCCN 84-901069 number of volumes: 1 byang gter thugs sgrub kyi skor (byan gter thugs sgrub kyi skor) gter ston: rgod kyi ldem 'phru can b. 1337 d. 1409 publication information: darjeeling: lama dawa and chopal lama 1984 subject classification: byang gter; thugs sgrub drag po rtsal (byang gter) Small collection of teachings concerning the Jangter regarding the thugdrub W19508 LCCN 79-906946 number of volumes: 3 yang ti nag po gser gyi 'bru gcig pa'i chos skor (rdzogs pa chen po yang ti nag po gser gyi 'bru gcig pa) main author: dung mtsho ras pa phyi ma b. 15th cent. publication information: dalhousie: damchoe sangpo, 1979 subject classification: rdzogs chen; rnying ma pa Rediscovered cycle of Dzogchen teachings by a 15th century Nyingma master Dungtso Repa


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W19554 LCCN 72-908332 number of volumes: 1 yang ti nag po gser gyi 'bru gcig pa'i chos skor (yan ti nag po gser gyi 'bru gcig pa'i chos skor : a collection of nyingmapa dzogchen teachings) main author: dung mtsho ras pa phyi ma b. 15th cent. publication information: nemo, leh, ladakh: s.w. tashigangpa, 1972 subject classification: rdzogs chen ; rnying ma pa Rediscovered Dzogchen teachings by a 15th century Nyingma master Dungtso Repa W12624 LCCN 72-908484 number of volumes: 1 rang grol skor gsum dang kun byed rgyal po'i don khrid (rang grol skor gsum and byang chub kyi sems kun byed rgyal po'i don khrid rin chen gru bo : sources for the understanding of rdzogs-chen meditation) main author: dri med 'od zer (klong chen rab 'byams pa dri med 'od zer) b. 1308 d. 1364 publication information: gangtok: sonam t. kazi, 1969 subject classification: rdzogs chen Teachings on the Nyingma approach to Dzogchen by Longchen Rabjampa Drime Ozer W23347 LCCN 84-901670 number of volumes: 1 gter chen rdo rje glin pa'i rnam thar dang zhal gdams bcas (gter chen rdo rje glin pa'i rnam thar dan zal gdams bcas : the brief biography of gter-chen rdo rje-glin-pa (1346-1405) ... with a selection of the subject'a instructions on buddhist practice) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 main author: chos dbyings rang grol (nyan ston chos dbyings rang grol) b. 14th cent. publication information: thimphu: druk sherig press 1984 subject classification: bslab bya; rdo rje gling pa (b.1346 d.1405); rnam thar Biography and collected instructions of the famed Terton Dorje Lingpa W23208 LCCN 85-901260 number of volumes: 1 ma rgyud klong gsal nyi ma (ma rgyud klon gsal ni ma : a cycle of rediscovered teachings of the rdzogs-chen tradition) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu: druk sherig press, 1984 subject classification: rdzogs chen; rnying ma pa Dzogchen tantra from the mother class from the revelations of Dorje Lingpa. Scanning funded through a grant from Master Tam Shek-Wing (Vajrayana Buddhist Association). W23209 LCCN 85-900509 number of volumes: 1 zhi khro lta ba klong yangs kyi cho ga 'khor ba dong sprugs (zi khro lta ba klon yans kyi cho ga 'khor ba don sprugs : a litrugical presentation arranged for the convenient practice of the zi khro lta ba klong yans revelations of rdo-rje-glin-pa) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu: druk sherig press, 1984 subject classification: rnying ma pa; zhi khro Liturgical text focussing upon the practice of the host of quiescent and wrathful deities; from the revelations of Dorje Lingpa


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W23210 LCCN 85-901469 number of volumes: 1 gcod skor gter chen rdo rje gling pa'i gter chos (gcod skor : the collected texts concerned with the practice of gcod) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu: druk sherig press, 1984 subject classification: gcod Cycle of Cho practice from the revelations of Dorje Lingpa W23211 LCCN 85-902386 number of volumes: 3 pha rgyud lta ba klong yangs (pha rgyud lta ba klon yans : a cycle of rediscovered teachings of the rdzogs-chen tradition) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu: druk sherig press 1984 subject classification: rdzogs chen; rnying ma pa Dzogchen teachings revealed by the revealer of Nyingma teachings, Dorje Lingpa (1346-1405). Scanning funded through a grant from Master Tam Shek-Wing (Vajrayana Buddhist Association). W23212 LCCN 85-902601 number of volumes: 1 thugs rje chen po ngan song kun skyobs (thugs rje chen po nan son kun skyobs : a cycle of buddhist practice focussing upon avalokitesvara) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu: druk sherig press, 1984 subject classification: rnying ma pa; thugs rje chen po ngan song kun skyobs (rdo rje gling pa) Cycle of practice focussing upon a form of Avalokitesvara; from the revelations of Dorje Lingpa W23348 LCCN 85-901461 number of volumes: 1 mgon po ma ning nag po'i chos skor (dpal ye ses kyi mgon po ma nin nag po'i chos skor : a cycle of practice focussing upon mahakala in his hermaphroditic form) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu: druk sherig press 1984 subject classification: gter ma; mgon po ma ning Cycle of practice focussing upon Mahakala in his hermaphroditic form; from the revelations of Dorje Lingpa


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W23349 LCCN 85-901457 number of volumes: 1 rdo rje gling pa'i yab kyi rnam thar dang rdor gling slob ma'i gsung (materials connected with the early history of the rdo-rje-glin-pa tradition : comprising biographical material on the lifes of rdo-rje-glin-pa and his father, bsod-nams-'od-zer, and khrid material to the practice) main author: bya btang sngon po b. 14th cent. publication information: thimphu: druk shesrig press, 1984 subject classification: bsod nams 'od zer (b.14th cent.); rdo rje gling pa (b.1346 d.1405) Materials on the early history of the Dorje Lingpa teachings including instructional materials W23350 LCCN 85-902611 number of volumes: 1 bla ma drag po rtsal (bla ma drag po rtsal : a cycle of buddhist practice focussing upon the idealized guru in his wrathful aspect) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu: druk shesrig press, 1984 subject classification: gu ru drag po Revelations of a Nyingma terton Dorje Lingpa focussing upon the idealized guru in a wrathful manifestation W23351 LCCN 85-902611 number of volumes: 1 rgyal ba'i sras mchog thugs rje chen po'i rnam sprul rdo rje gling pa'i gsung sgros re zhig (rgyal ba'i sras mchog thugs rje chen po'i rnam sprul rdo rje glin pa'i gsun sgros re zig : the collected songs of esoteric spiritual realization of rdo-rje-glin-pa) main author: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu: druk shesrig press 1984 subject classification: mgur Songs of spiritual realization of a Nyingma adept, Dorje Lingpa W23368 LCCN 84-901261 number of volumes: 1 rdo rje gling pa'i brgyud pa'i 'don cha (skyabs 'gro dan rdor glin brgyud 'debs phral dgos sna tshogs sogs : a collection of miscellaneous liturgical texts used by followers of the rdo-rje-glin-pa tradition in bhutan) publication information: thimphu: druk shesrig press, 1984 subject classification: rdo rje gling pa (b.1346 d.1405) Nyingma liturgical collection for the practice of the revelations of Dorje Lingpa (1346-1405); these teachings are followed in the establishments of the Dorje Lingpa tradition throughout Tibet and Bhutan. Scanned by Khedrup Gyatso under a cooperative project with the Bon Foundation of America and Menri Monastery


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W23369 LCCN 84-901308 number of volumes: 3 bla ma zhi ba bka' 'dus kyi chos skor (bla ma zi ba bka' 'dus kyi chos skor : a cycle of practice focussing upon the guru in the quiescent form) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 subject classification: gu ru zhi ba bka' 'dus (rdo rje gling pa) publication information: thimphu: druk sherig press, 1984 Nyingma cycle for the practice of the guru in his quiescent form; comprises revelations of Dorje Lingpa (1346-1405). W23371 LCCN 85-902603 number of volumes: 1 rdo rje sems dpa'i chos skor (rdo rje sems dpa'i chos skor : teachings relating to a practice focussing upon vajrasattva) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu: druk sherig press, 1985 subject classification: rdo rje sems dpa' These Vajrasattva practices were from the revelations of the visionary Dorje Lingpa, who revealed both Buddhist and Bon teachings. W23372 LCCN 85-902756 number of volumes: 1 nyams len gnad bsdus gsal ba'i sgron me sogs man ngag gi skor (nams len gnad bsdus gsal ba'i sgron me sogs man nag gi skor : a collection of instructions on various aspects of buddhist practice) main author: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu, bhutan: druk sherig press, 1984 subject classification: nyams len Instruction on practice by Dorje Lingpa, a terton who followed both Buddhist and Bon traditions. W23373 LCCN 85-904405 number of volumes: 1 ngo mtshar yid bzhin nor bu'i phreng ba (no mtshar yid bzin nor bu'i phren ba : a collection of instructions on buddhist practice and realization according to the teachings of rdo-rje-glin-pa) main author: bya btang sngon po b. 14th cent. publication information: thimphu: druk shesrig press, 1985 subject classification: bslab bya; nyams len Collected writings of a teacher of the Dorje Lingpa tradition. Scanned through the sponsorship of Master Tam Shek-Wing (Vajrayana Buddhist Association) W23374 LCCN 85-902614 number of volumes: 1 hum skor snying thig (hum skor snin thig : a cycle of rdzogs-chen practice) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu: druk shesrig press, 1985 subject classification: gter gzhung; rdzogs chen Dzogchen teachings revealed by Dorje Lingpa, who taught both Buddhist and Bon traditions. Scanned through the sponsorship of Master Tam Shek-Wing (Vajrayana Buddhist Association)


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W27871 LCCN 84-901302 number of volumes: 2 bla ma bka' brgyad yongs 'dus kyi chos skor (bla ma bka' brgyad yons 'dus kyi chos skor) gter ston: padma dbang rgyal (mnga' ris paN chen padma dbang rgyal) b. 1487 d. 1542 publication information: thimphu, bhutan: druk sherig press 1984 subject classification: bka' brgyad yongs 'dus; byang gter Two volumes of the Jangter teachings; revealed by Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal W23610 LCCN 2001-362406 number of volumes: 1 sdom pa gsum rnam par nges pa'i mchan 'grel rig pa 'dzin pa'i 'jug ngogs main author: padma dbang rgyal (mnga' ris paN chen padma dbang rgyal) b. 1487 d. 1542 publication information: new delhi: shechen publications, 2000 subject classification: sdom gsum; sdom gsum rnam nges Annotated commentary on the Domsum Namge, treatise on the three disciplines of Buddhist practice; root text is by Ngari Panchen Padma Namgyal (1487-1542); annotations by Kenpo Yonten Gyatso W23199 LCCN 86-900308 number of volumes: 1 bla ma bka' brgyad yongs 'dus chos skor (bla ma bka' brgyad yons 'dus chos skor : a selection of rediscovered texts (gter chos)) gter ston: padma dbang rgyal (mnga' ris paN chen padma dbang rgyal) b. 1487 d. 1542 publication information: sonada: rangrik and konchhog lhadripa 1985 subject classification: gter ma; rnying ma pa Rare terma teachings concerned with the Lama Kagye of Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal (1497-1542), reproduced from a rare manuscript from the library of Tulku Tsewang. W27602 LCCN 84-900516 number of volumes: 1 rdo rje phag mo'i zab khrid kyi chos skor gter ston: bstan gnyis gling pa b. 1480 d. 1535 publication information: gangtok, sikkim: lama dawa and sherab gyaltsen, 1984 subject classification: gter ma; rdo rje phag mo (bstan gnyis gling pa); rnying ma pa Terma teachings on a special form of Vajrayogini revealed by Tenyi Lingpa W23574 LCCN 85-902139 number of volumes: 1 yang tig ye shes mthong grol gyi chos skor (yan tig ye ses mthon grol gyi chos skor : a cycle of rdzogs chen practice of the rnin-ma-pa tradition) gter ston: bstan gnyis gling pa b. 1480 d. 1535 publication information: darjeeling, w.b.: konchhog lhadripa [1984] subject classification: rdzogs chen; rnying ma pa Cycle of Dzogchen practice of the Nyingma tradition; revealed by Tenyi Lingpa


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W23647 LCCN 79-903483 number of volumes: 1 dkon mchog spyi 'dus (bka' rdzogs pa chen po yan zab dkon mchog spyi 'dus kyi skor : a cycle of buddhist practice centered upon the idealized guru in the nirmanakaya form) gter ston: 'ja' tshon snying po b. 1585 d. 1656 subject classification: dkon mchog spyi 'dus ('ja' tshon snying po); gter ma publication information: tezu, arunachal pradesh: ngawang sonam, 1979 A cycle of Buddhist practice from the revelations of Jatson Nyingpo (1585-1646). This volume has been scanned through the patronage of Virginia Quin. The Konchog Chindu is dedicated to the memory and merit of her father Eddie Quin and of all sentient creatures W23645 LCCN 79-903466 number of volumes: 1 rta phag yid bzhin nor bu (rta phag yid bzin nor bu : the complete cycle of hayagriva and vajravarahai revelations) gter ston: 'ja' tshon snying po b. 1585 d. 1656 publication information: tezu, arunachal pradesh: ngawang sonam, 1979 subject classification: gter ma; rta phag yid bzhin nor bu ('ja' tshon snying po) Cycle of Buddhist practice for Hayagriva and Vajravarahi in union from the revelations of Jatson Nyingpo W23646 LCCN 79-903500 number of volumes: 1 thugs rje chen po ngan song rang grol (jo bo thugs rje chen po 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs nan son ran grol : the complete cycle of avalokitesvara revelations of kon-po bu-chu lha-khan) gter ston: 'ja' tshon snying po b. 1585 d. 1656 publication information: tezu, arunachal pradesh: ngawang sonam, 1979 subject classification: gter ma; thugs chen ngan song rang grol A cycle of Buddhist practice focussing upon Avalokitesvara from the revelations of Jatson Nyingpo (1585-1646). This volume has been scanned through the patronage of Virginia Quin. The Thugje Chenpo Ngensong Rangdrol has been digitized for the merit of all sentient creatures W23220 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 sdom gsum bstan pa'i snying po (snga 'gyur bstan pa 'dzin pa'i skyes bu rnams kyi bslab bya sdom gsum bstan pa'i snying po) main author: nam mkha' 'jigs med (lha btsun nam mkha' 'jigs med) b. 1597 d. 1650 publication information: delhi: konchhog lhadrepa, 1999 subject classification: 'grel pa; sdom gsum rnam nges Treatise on the three vows or disciplines by Lhatsun Namka Jigme; LC holds previous editions


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W13781 LCCN 83-902978 number of volumes: 1 lta sgom spyod gsum 'bras bu dang bcas pa'i ngo sprod (lta sgom spyod gsum 'bras bu dan bcas pa'i no sprod lag bcans gser gyi yan zun snin gi thig le dban rtags ral pa'i glegs bam) main author: nam mkha' 'jigs med (lha btsun nam mkha' 'jigs med) b. 1597 d. 1650 publication information: delhi ; gangtok, sikkim: bla-ma zla-ba and sherab gyaltsen, 1983 subject classification: lta sgom spyod Reproduction of a rare Sikkimese manuscript explaining the concepts of the correct view, the correct approach in the meditation path, correct conduct, and the ultimate fruits; a work by a famed terton W27916 LCCN 81-901047 number of volumes: 1 rdo rje brag gi bskang gso sogs (bskan gso and other rituals of rdo-rje-brag and its affiliates including brag-thog monastery of ladakh) main author: padma 'phrin las (rdo rje brag rig 'dzin 02 padma 'phrin las) b. 1641 d. 1717 publication information: gangtok: bari longsal lama, 1980 subject classification: bskang gso; chos spyod; rdo rje brag e wam lcog sgar [monastery]; rnying ma pa Regular rituals for the propitiation of the various protective deities connected with Dorje Drag and its affiliates throughout Tibet W27915 LCCN 81-900792 number of volumes: 1 thub bstan rdo rje brag e wam lcog sgar ba'i 'dus sde rnams kyi chos spyod rab gsal publication information: gangtok, sikkim: bari longsal lama, 1979 subject classification: chos spyod; rdo rje brag e wam lcog sgar [monastery]; rnying ma pa Regular rituals for performance at Dorje Drag and the other monasteries connected with the Jangter tradition W21897 LCCN 85-902217 number of volumes: 1 gsung thor bu / zil gnon dbang rgyal rdo rje (collected writings of zil-gnon-dban-rgyal-rdo-rje : a collection of texts by an exponent of the rnin-ma-pa tradition from the sino-nepalese borderland) main author: zil gnon dbang rgyal rdo rje (yol mo sprul sku 04 zil gnon dbang rgyal rdo rje) b. 1647 publication information: darjeeling: konchhog lhadripa, 1985 subject classification: gsung 'bum; rnying ma pa Collection of miscellaneous writings of a Nyingma master W18 LCCN 77-903285 number of volumes: 2 sgrub thabs 'dod 'jo 'bum bzang main author: 'gyur med rdo rje (gter bdag gling pa 'gyur med rdo rje) b. 1646 d. 1714 publication information: gangtok, sikkim: sherab gyaltsen 1977 subject classification: rnying ma pa; sgrub thabs Collection of Nyingma sadhana practice texts compiled by Terdag Lingpa Gyurme Dorje and his brother Minling Lochen Dharmashri


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W9558 LCCN 76-900955 number of volumes: 4 gter chos / dri med gling pa (the collected rediscovered teachings (gter chos) of gter-ston dri-med-glin-pa.) main author: dri med gling pa b. 1700 d. 1775 publication information: thimphu: kunsang topgey, 1976 subject classification: gter ma; rnying ma pa Collected terma of an 18th century terton who was active in Bhutan; this apparently sole surviving collection of his revelations has been reproduced from the library of Kurto Kabab Choling Monastery in eastern Bhutan W23202 LCCN 75-900795 number of volumes: 2 gsung 'bum / padma chos 'phel (1974) (collected works (gsun 'bum) of padma-chos-'phel) main author: padma chos 'phel publication information: tezu: tibetan nyingmapa monastery, 1974 subject classification: gsung 'bum; rnying ma pa Pema Chopel was a great meditation master of the Nyingma tradition living in the southern Tibetan borderlands. His collected works are chiefly practical instructions for meditators. Some of them are quite earthy W23196 LCCN 79-905806 number of volumes: 2 gsung 'bum / padma chos 'phel (1979) (more collected writings of padma-chos-'phel) main author: padma chos 'phel publication information: tezu: ngawang sonam, 1979 subject classification: rnying ma pa A second collection of instructions on Buddhist practice by Pema Chophel, a Nyingmapa master of the southern border lands. See 0595-0596 below for the first collection of the author's pronouncements W23187 LCCN 74-000027 number of volumes: 2 padma gsang thig (padma gsan thig : rnin-ma-pa teachings from the rediscoveries of ri-bo-che rje-drun byams-pa-'byun-gnas) gter ston: byams pa 'byung gnas (ri bo che rje drung byams pa 'byung gnas) b. 19th cent. publication information: tezu: tibetan nyingmapa monastery, 1973 subject classification: gter ma; rnying ma pa Pema Chophel was a great meditation master of the Nyingmapa tradition living in the southern Tibetan borderlands W21954 LCCN 85-903104 number of volumes: 3 dpal yul lugs yi gsol ka rgyas pa publication information: bylakuppe: pema norbu rimpoche, 1985 subject classification: dpal yul dgon pa rnam rgyal byang chub gling [monastery]; gsol mchod; rnying ma pa Collected rituals for the regular propitiation of the deities, protective and local, of the Peyu Monastery and its affiliates


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W23626 LCCN 85-900510 number of volumes: 1 klong chen snying thig gi dbyangs yig dpal yul lugs (musical notations (dbyans yig) to the various rituals of the klon chen snin thig cycle of visions revealed by 'jigs-med-glin-pa) main author: thub bstan chos kyi glang po (pad nor 02 thub bstan chos kyi glang po) b. 19th cent. publication information: mysore, karnataka: pad-nor rin-po-che, 1984 subject classification: dbyangs yig; klong chen snying thig Musical notations to the various rituals of the Longchen Nyingtig cycle according to the liturgy of Peyu Monastery W21955 LCCN 75-902755 number of volumes: 3 rdzogs chen bskang gso'i chos skor (rdzogs chen bskan gso'i chos skor : collected rites used at rdzogs-chen monastery and its affiliates) publication information: darjeeling: 'gyur med grags pa,1975 subject classification: bskang gso; rdzogs chen dgon [monastery] Collectged rituals for the Dzogchen Monasery in eastern Tibet and its affiliates W27300 LCCN 85-902141 number of volumes: 9 gsung 'bum / 'jigs med gling pa (sde dge) (the collected works of 'jigs-med-glin-pa ran-byun-rdo-rje mkhyen-brtse'i-'od-zer) main author: 'jigs med gling pa mkhyen brtse 'od zer, b. 1729/1730 d. 1798 publication information: gangtok, sikkim: pema thinley for dodrupchen rinpoche, 1985 subject classification: gsung 'bum; rnying ma pa Collected writings and terma scanned from a print of the Derge Gonchen blocks; this “edition” predates the Adzom Drugpa Chogar redaction in 14 volumes, already distributed by TBRC. W23624 LCCN 85-903216 number of volumes: 1 klong chen snying thig gi bla ma rig 'dzin 'dus pa'i gdang rol nyung ngu blo gsal mgul rgyan gtor ma'i dpe'u ris bcas dang pad gling gi dbyangs yig gter ston: 'jigs med gling pa mkhyen brtse 'od zer b. 1729/1730 d. 1798 gter ston: padma gling pa b. 1450 d. 1521 publication information: thimphu, bhutan: pema kunkhyab, 1985 subject classification: dbyangs yig; dpe'u ris; gtor ma; klong chen snying thig Chanting and musical notations for the lama rigdzin dupa practice from the Longchen nyingthig cycle of visions of Jigme Lingpa; with illustrations of the torma cakes and chanting notations for rituals of Pema Lingpa


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W21855 LCCN 72-908333 number of volumes: 2 zab chos bdun pa sbas yul sgo 'byed (zab chos bdun pa sbas yul sgo 'byed yid bzin 'od 'phro'i sgrub skor las tshogs dan bcas pa : a collection of rare nyingmapa teachings) gter ston: rdo rje thogs med (brag gsum gter ston rdo rje thogs med) b. 1746 d. 1796/1797 publication information: delhi: ngawang sonam, 1972 subject classification: gter ma; rnying ma pa; sbas yul Dorje Togme (1746-1796/7) was a famed Nyingma visionary from Kongpo, who is one of the terton responsible for opening the borderland of Pemako to Buddhist teachings. This cycle, called the Zabcho Dunpa Beyu Goche, comes from the Pemako area. W23893 LCCN none number of volumes: 14 gsung 'bum / tshogs drug rang grol (zhabs dkar tshogs drug rang grol gyi bka' 'bum : the collected works of zhabs dkar tshogs drug rang grol (1781-1851)) main author: tshogs drug rang grol (zhabs dkar ba tshogs drug rang grol) b. 1781 d. 1851 subject classification: gsung 'bum; rnying ma pa publication information: new delhi : 2003 Collected works of a 19th century master from Amdo W20867 LCCN 74-928769 number of volumes: 1 lam rim ye shes snying po'i 'grel pa ye shes snang ba rab tu rgyas pa main author: 'jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas (kong sprul yon tan rgya mtsho) b. 1813 d. 1899 publication information: new delhi: b. jamyang norbu, 1972 subject classification: lam rim ye shes snying po Commentary on the Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, a synthetic treatment of esoteric Buddhist practice revealed by Choggyur Lingpa W23219 LCCN 70-922275 number of volumes: 1 lam rim ye shes snang ba'i brjed byang (an introduction to the principles and practices of esoteric buddhism being the text of..., a sub commentary on 'jam-mgon kong-sprul's ye shes snang ba, itself a commentary on the gter ma lam rim ye shes snying po) main author: padma 'phrin las snying po b. 19th cent. publication information: leh: s.w. tashigangpa 1971 subject classification: brjed byang; lam rim ye shes snying po'i 'grel pa ye shes snang ba rab tu rgyas pa; rdzogs chen A subcommentary on Jamgon Kongtrul Lotro Taye's (1813-1899), exegesis of the Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo from the revelations of Choggyur Lingpa W27867 LCCN 85-905295 number of volumes: 1 lce btsun snying thig gi chos skor gter ston: mkhyen brtse'i dbang po ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po) b. 1820 d. 1892 publication information: darjeeling, west bengal: taklung tsetrul pema wangyal, [1985?] subject classification: rdzogs chen; rnying ma pa Collection of Dzogchen teachings revealed by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo


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W27887 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 lce btsun snying thig gi chos skor gter ston: mkhyen brtse'i dbang po ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po) b. 1820 d. 1892 publication information: delhi: shechen publications, 2004 subject classification: rdzogs chen; rnying ma pa W28732 LCCN none number of volumes: 21 sprul pa'i gter chen bdud 'joms gling pa'i zab gter gsang ba'i chos sde gter ston: bdud 'joms gling pa, b. 1835 d. 1904 publication information: thimphu, bhutan : lama kuenzang wangdue, 2004 subject classification: gter ma; rnying ma pa Wuchen input of the collected works of the famed Nyingma revealer of hidden teachings, Dudjom Lingpa; TBRC has included on a previous tranche a reproduction of a manuscript in cursive (wume) script W23156 LCCN 84-903604 number of volumes: 3 gsung 'bum / padma bde chen rgyal po (the collected works (gsun 'bum) of etarAja alias bde ba'i rgyal po) editor: tshe dbang rdo rje b. 20th cent. main author: e ta rA dza b. 1873 d. 1933 publication information: delhi: damchoe sangpo, 1984-1985 subject classification: gsung 'bum; rnying ma pa Etaraja or Dewai Gyalpo (1873-1933) was an adept who followed the Dudjom Lingpa teachings of the Nyingma and was responsible for spreading them in the nomadic areas of the western borderlands. Many are the legends told of this phenomenally realized practitioner of Cho W15663 LCCN 83-904396 number of volumes: 1 tshul khrims yang dag par ldan pa'i mdo'i tshig don legs par bshad pa chos kyi gaNDi'i sgra dbyangs (tshul khrims yan dag par ldan pa'i mdo'i tshig don legs par bsad pa chos kyi gaNDi'i sgra dbyangs : a detailed commentary on the silasamyuktasutra) main author: thub bstan chos kyi grags pa b. 19th cent. publication information: gangtok: sherab gyaltsen lama, 1983 subject classification: silasamyuktasutra Commentary on a canonical work by a 19th century Nyingma-Rime master


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W19664 LCCN 83-054015 number of volumes: 1 gnam chos rdzogs chen sangs rgyas lag 'chang gi sngon 'gro'i khrid yig bde chen lam bzang (gnam chos rdzogs chen sans rgyas lag 'chan snon 'gro'i khrid yig bde chen lam bzan : an explanation of the snon 'gro practice of the gnam chos teachings) main author: 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje (a 'dzom 'brug pa 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje) b. 1842 d. 1924 publication information: leh: t. sonam tashigangpa, 1974 subject classification: gnam chos (sprul sku mi 'gyur rdo rje); khrid yig; sngon 'gro, thun mong Introduction to the practice of the treasured Dzogchen teachings of the Namcho rediscoveries of Trulku Mingyur Dorje (1645-1667); the author of this triyig was the great Adzom Drugpa (1842-1924) W19668 LCCN 76-902416 number of volumes: 1 klong chen snying thig gi sngon 'gro'i khrid yig (klon chen snin thig gi snon 'gro'i khrid yig thar lam gsal byed sgron me) main author: 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje (a 'dzom 'brug pa 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje) b. 1842 d. 1924 publication information: manali: damchoe monlam 1976 subject classification: khrid yig; klong chen snying thig; rdzogs chen Introduction to the practice of the Longchen Nyingtig by Adzom Drugpa Drodul Pawo Dorje (1842-1924); reprint of an impression from the Adzom blocks W23230 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 klong chen snying thig gi sngon 'gro'i zin bris lhag bsam rab dkar blo dman yid kyi mun sel (rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying tig gi sngon 'gro'i zin bris lhag bsam rab dkar blo dman yid kyi mun sel) main author: phrin las chos 'phel b. 19th cent. subject classification: rdzogs chen; sngon 'gro'i khrid yig kun bzang bla ma'i zhal lung publication information: [s. l. : s.n., 199-?] Notes by Trinlay Chophel of lectures by his master Jigme Palgyi Sengge’s lectures on the preliminary practice to the Longchen Nyingtig teachings W19463 LCCN 85-900399 number of volumes: 1 don rnam par nges pa shes rab ral gri'i 'grel pa (don rnam par nes pa ses rab ral gri'i 'grel pa thub bstan yons su rdzogs pa'i rnam bsad) main author: lhag bsam bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (dpal spungs mkhan po lhag bsam bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan) b. 19th cent. publication information: bylakuppe: pema norbu rinpoche, 1984 subject classification: 'grel pa; don rnam par nges pa shes rab ral gri Commentary on an important work of Mipham Gyatso


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W23224 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 chos 'dul rin po che'i gleng gzhi bsdus pa blo gsal gzhon nu'i mgul rgyan main author: kun dga' dpal ldan (mkhan po kun dpal) b. 19th cent, subject classification: 'dul ba publication information: :[s.l. : s.n., 199?] On the practice of the vinaya for novice monks according to the Sarvastivada tradition. Written by Kenpo Kunzang Chodrag W23222 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 dge tshul gyi tshig le'ur byas pa'i mchan 'grel nor bu'i phreng ba (gzhi thams cad yod par smra ba'i dge tshul gyi tshig le'ur byas pa'i mchan 'grel nor bu'i phreng ba) editor: kun bzang chos grags b. 19/20th cent. main author: mi pham rgya mtsho ('ju mi pham rnam rgyal rgya mtsho) b. 1846 d. 1912 publication information: [bylakuppe]: snga 'gyur mtho slob mdo sngags rig pa'i 'byung gnas gling 1999 subject classification: 'dul ba; mchan 'grel Annotations to the vinaya karikas for novice monks according to the Sarvastivada tradition. Annotated by Kenpo Kunzang Chodrag W23221 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 sdom pa gsum rnam par nges pa'i mchan 'grel rig pa 'dzin pa'i 'jug ngogs (rang bzhin rdzogs pa chen po'i lam gyi cha lag sdom pa gsum rnam par nges pa zhes bya ba'i bstan bcos) main author: padma dbang rgyal (mnga' ris paN chen padma dbang rgyal) b. 1487 d. 1542 publication information: [bylakuppe]: snga 'gyur mtho slob mdo sngags rig pa'i 'byung gnas 1996 subject classification: sdom gsum rnam nges Basic Nyingmapa treatise on the three vows or disciplines in the approach to Buddhist realization, i.e. those of the vinaya, the bodhisattva and the tantrika. Written by Ngari Panchen Padma Wangyal. Includes annotations by Kenpo Yongga. W23229 LCCN 96-905104 number of volumes: 1 kun bzang bla ma'i zhal lung gi zin bris (rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying thig gi sngon 'gro'i khrid yig kun bzang bla ma'i zhal lung gi zin bris) main author: ngag dbang dpal bzang (kaH thog mkhan po ngag dbang dpal bzang) b. 1879 d. 1941 publication information: delhi: dkon mchog lha bris,1996 subject classification: rdzogs chen; sngon 'gro'i khrid yig kun bzang bla ma'i zhal lung Exegetic remarks by Khenpo Ngagga (1879-1941 ) to the famed introduction to the Longchen Nyingtig practice by Dza Patrul, the Kunzang Lamai Shalung or The Words of My Perfect Teacher. Includes two works for the retreatant by Chatral Rinpoche.


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W21825 LCCN 84-905063 number of volumes: 6 gsung 'bum / thub bstan chos kyi glang po (the collected works (gsun 'bum) of the second pad-nor rin-po-che of dpal-yul thub-bstan-chos-kyi-glan-po 'jam-dpal-grub-pa'i-blo-gros) main author: thub bstan chos kyi glang po (pad nor 02 thub bstan chos kyi glang po) b. 19th cent. publication information: bylakuppe: nyingmapa monastery 1983-1985 subject classification: gsung 'bum; rnying ma pa Complete writings of the Second Penor Rinpoche Tubten Chokyi Langpo Jampal Drupai Lodro (19th century). Reproduced from a rare set of manuscripts from Peyu Monastery. Scanned with the generous support of Ms. Christine Tomlinson of Austin TX. W23233 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi 'bru 'grel mkhas grub dam pa'i zhal rgyun theg chen lam bzang ('phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi 'bru 'grel mkhas grub dam pa'i zhal rgyun theg chen lam bzang) main author: 'gyur med rdo rje (a 'dzom rgyal sras) b. 1895 subject classification: bhadracaryapranidhana publication information: [a 'dzom chos sgar : s.n., 2000?] Word by word commentary to the Bhadracaryapranidhana prayer; written by one of the sons of Adzom Drugpa W23231 LCCN 85-903870 number of volumes: 1 skong bshags kyi tshig 'grel nyung bsdus (klon chen snin thig gi skon bsags rdo rje'i thol glu'i tshig 'grel nin bsdus : a syllable by syllable exegesis of the skon bsags confessional text from the klon chen snin thig cycle of revelations of kun-mkhyen 'jigs-med-glin-pa) main author: padma kun bzang rang grol (rmugs sangs sprul sku padma kun bzang rang grol) b. 1916 d. 1984 publication information: sonada: konchhog lhadrepa 1984 subject classification: klong chen snying thig gi skong bshags rdo rje'i thol glu; skong chog Word by word commentary to the confessional text of the Longchen Nyingtig cycle of practice; written by a student of Adzom Gyalse Gyurme Dorje, Pema Kunzang Rangdrol, alias Rango Chogtrul Tubten Shedrup Gyatso. W3904 LCCN 78-900433 number of volumes: 1 theg pa dgu'i tshogs bshad mdor bsdus (snga 'gyur theg pa dgu'i tshogs bshad mdor bsdus nor bu'i tam bu ra sogs) main author: padma rnam rgyal (zhe chen rgyal tshab 04 padma rnam rgyal) b. 1871 d. 1926 publication information: dehra dun: d.g. khochhen tulku, 1977 subject classification: theg pa rim pa dgu Discussion of the nine-fold classification of the Nyingma approach to Buddhist realization


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W27888 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 bskyed rim spyi'i rnam bzhag (two instructions on the development stage practice of the mantrayana tradition) main author: padma rnam rgyal (zhe chen rgyal tshab 04 padma rnam rgyal) b. 1871 d. 1926 publication information: new delhi: shechen publications 2004 subject classification: bskyed rim Work on the production stage in Tibetan Buddhist meditation; includes a newly found work by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche W23613 LCCN 97913821 number of volumes: 1 yid bzhin mdzod kyi 'grel chung sogs main author: padma rnam rgyal (zhe chen rgyal tshab 04 padma rnam rgyal) b. 1871 d. 1926 publication information: new delhi: shechen publications, [19-?] subject classification: bstan rgyas smon lam; rnying ma pa; yid bzhin mdzod Commentaries on the prayer for the spread of the Nyingma tradition and on the Yizhin Rinpoche Dzod, one of the seven philosophical treasures of the Nyingma tradition by Longchenpa Drime Ozer; written by Zhechen Gyaltsab Pema Namgyal W23607 LCCN 2001-362404 number of volumes: 2 zhe chen lugs srol cho ga'i lag len skor (ze chen lugs srol cho ga'i lag len skor) publication information: new delhi: shechen publications 2001 subject classification: cho ga; sgrub chen; zhe chen bstan gnyis dar rgyas gling [monastery] Rituals of the Shechen Monastery W23602 LCCN 98-909667 number of volumes: 1 dpal rgyal ba zhe chen pa'i lugs kyi dbyangs yig (dpal rgyal ba she chen pa'i lugs kyi dbyangs yig : a collection of chanting and instrumental notations for the various rites performed at shechen monastery) publication information: kathmandu: shechen publications, 1998 subject classification: dbyangs yig; zhe chen bstan gnyis dar rgyas gling [monastery] Chanting and musical notations for the chants and instrumental accompaninent to the rituals performed at Shechen Monastery and its affiliates W21810 LCCN 85-904374 number of volumes: 17 las rab gling pa'i gter chos (the collected visionary revelations and textual rediscoveries (gter chos) of las-rab-glin-pa alias nag-bla bsod-rgyal (1856-1926)) main author: las rab gling pa b. 1856 d. 1926 publication information: bylakuppe: pema norbu rinpoche 1985- subject classification: gter ma; rnying ma pa Revelations of a major Nyingma terton Lerab Lingpa or Trulku Sogyal (1856-1926) of Nyagrong


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W23204 LCCN 85-902622 number of volumes: 1 nyes ltung bshags skor (bka' gsan zab chos mkha' khyab ran grol las skad cig gcig gis rdzogs sans rgyas pa'i myur lam sans rgyas kyi mtshan brjod nes ltung drun nas 'byin pa : a formula for the purification of spiritual defects with other confessional texts) gter ston: padma bdud 'dul (nyag bla padma bdud 'dul) b. 1816 d. 1872 publication information: darjeeling: chopal lama, 1985 subject classification: ltung bshags Collection of confessional texts. W20319 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / rdzogs chen mkhan po padma badzra main author: padma badzra (rdzogs chen mkhan rabs 08 padma badzra) b. 1867 d. 1934 publication information: [rdzogs chen dgon : s.n., 199-?] subject classification: gsung 'bum; rnying ma pa Writings of a prominent master of the Dzogchen Monastery of the Nyingma tradition W21957 LCCN 85-902381 number of volumes: 4 gsung 'bum / thub bstan bshad sgrub rgya mtsho (the collected works of rag-mgo mchog-sprul thub-bstan-bsad-sgrub-rgya-mtsho, 1890-1973) main author: thub bstan bshad sgrub rgya mtsho (rag mgo mchog sprul thub bstan bshad sgrub rgya mtsho) b. 1879 d. 1961 publication information: bylakuppe: nyingmapa monastery, 1985 subject classification: gsung 'bum; rnying ma pa Collected writings of a Nyingma master of the Peyu tradition. Scanned with the generous support of Ms. Christine Tomlinson of Austin, TX W27903 LCCN none number of volumes: 16 rgyal dbang padma'i rgyal tshab o rgyan phrin las gling pa'i zab gter nor bu'i phreng ba main author: dpa' bo chos dbyings rdo rje (a paM gter ston dpa' bo chos dbyings rdo rje) b. 1895 d. 1945 publication information: [mgo log : ta re lha mo?, 2000?] subject classification: gter ma Collected terma of a famous terton from the Golog lands and the father of Tare Lhamo W22917 LCCN 79-905000 number of volumes: 1 padma'i gsang thig dgongs 'dus (padma'i gsan thig dgons 'dus or rtsa gsum gsan thig dgons 'dus : a cycle of rnin-ma-pa practice leading up to rdzogs-chen realization) gter ston: sangs rgyas dbang 'dus (rwa sgreng gter ston sangs rgyas dbang 'dus) b. 19th cent. publication information: paro: lama ngodrub and sherab demy, 1979 subject classification: gter gzhung; rdzogs chen Visionary revelations of the state terton of the Reting Regent


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W23565 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / dkar brgyud bstan 'dzin nor bu (the collected works of dkar-brgyud bstan-'dzin-nor-bu, a recent lama of brag-dkar rta-so) main author: dkar brgyud bstan 'dzin nor bu (brag dkar ba dkar brgyud bstan 'dzin nor bu) b. 1899 d. 1959 publication information: leh, ladakh: d.l. tashigangpa 1996 subject classification: gsung 'bum; rnying ma pa Collected writings of a Nyingma lama from western Tibet, Dragkar Kargyu Tenzin Norbu; reproduced from a manuscript collection from Samagaon W27873 LCCN 85-902189 number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / 'jam dpal bzang po (the collected works of tshe-rin bla-ma 'jam-dpal-bzan-po of rmug-san) main author: 'jam dpal bzang po (tshe ring bla ma 'jam dpal bzang po) b. 1900/1901 publication information: bylakuppe, mysore, india: pema norbu rinpoche 1984 subject classification: gsung 'bum; rnying ma pa Writings of a recent lama of the Peyu tradition of the Nyingma W23604 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 sku gsum dgongs 'dus 'don cha (sku gsum dgongs 'dus 'don cha : liturgical texts from the sku gsum dgongs 'dus cycle) gter ston: 'gro 'dul pad rgyal gling pa b. 1924 d. 1988 publication information: new delhi: trulku kuenga rinpoche, 2002 subject classification: 'don thabs; rnying ma pa Liturgical presentations of the practices of the Nyingma tradition as revealed by Drodul Padgye Lingpa W29031 LCCN none number of volumes: 8 gter chos / 'gro 'dul gar dbang gling pa main author: 'gro 'dul gar dbang gling pa (ja bzi a myes 'gro 'dul gar dbang gling pa) b. 1901 d. 1975 publication information: [kaH thog : mkhan po 'jam dbyangs, 2000] subject classification: gter ma; rnying ma pa Revelations with biography of a modern terton W23616 LCCN 82-900976 number of volumes: 1 yon tan mdzod kyi mchan 'grel main author: klong chen ye shes rdo rje (bka' 'gyur rin po che klong chen ye shes rdo rje) b. 1897/1898 d. 1975 publication information: paro: taklung tsetrul rinpoche pema wangyal, 1982 subject classification: mchan 'grel; rdzogs chen ; yon tan mdzod (rtsa ba) A detailed commentary by Kangyur Rinpoche on Jigme Lingpa's Yonten Dzo; this is the manuscript in the author's handwriting


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W27918 LCCN 95-910608 number of volumes: 1 yon tan mdzod kyi mchan 'grel main author: klong chen ye shes rdo rje (bka' 'gyur rin po che klong chen ye shes rdo rje) b. 1897/1898 d. 1975 publication information: delhi: shechen publications 1991 subject classification: mchan 'grel; rdzogs chen; rnying ma pa; yon tan mdzod rtsa ba Annotations to Jigme Lingpa's verse work called the Yonten Dzo W23225 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 rtags rigs kyi rnam gzhag main author: thub bstan brtson 'grus (rdzogs chen mkhan po thub bstan brtson 'grus) b. 1920 d. 1979 publication information: [byllakuppe]: snga 'gyur mtho slob rig pa'i 'byung gnas gling 1999 subject classification: rtags rigs Principles of logic by a recent Nyingma scholar W27736 LCCN none number of volumes: 12 gsung 'bum / tA re lha mo dang nam sprul 'jigs med phun tshogs main author: tA re lha mo (mkha' 'gro tA re lha mo) b. 1938 d. 2003 publication information: [mgo log : s.n., 200-?] subject classification: gsung 'bum; gter ma ; rnying ma pa ; ge sar (sgrung) Collected revelations and writings of a female visionary; includes some of the visionary writings of her consort, Namtrul Jigme Puntso, on Gesar W23572 LCCN 80-904075 number of volumes: 1 bir gzhis ka nas khrid skor sogs (rare rnin-ma-pa texts from bir : including writings of the se-ra mkha'-'gro bde-ba'i-rdo-rje and the a tsa ra snags yig) publication information: bir, distt. kangra, h.p.: pema gyaltsen 1979 subject classification: rdzogs chen; rnying ma pa Rare Nyingma texts W23558 LCCN 93-908445 number of volumes: 1 ye brdzu gnyan po'i chos skor (khams gru gu lha brag ye brdzu gnan po'i chos skor) publication information: dharamsala, india: library of tibetan works & archives, 1988 subject classification: gru gu [traditional place name]; ye brdzu gnyan po Rituals for the propitiation of the Yedzu Nyenpo local deity of Drugu in Kham


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SAKYA TRADITION W23635 LCCN 99-956350 number of volumes: 4 sa skya pa'i mkhas pa rnams kyi gsung skor (sa-skya-pa'i mkhas pa rnams kyi gsun skor) publication information: rajpur,dist. dehra dun, u.p.: sakya college 1999 subject classification: sa skya pa Collection of works by famous Sakya scholars of the past W23367 LCCN 85-903331 number of volumes: 1 sa chen kun dga' snying po gsung thor bu (a selection of writings on the anuttara yoga tantra) main author: kun dga' snying po (sa chen kun dga' snying po) b. 1092 d. 1158 publication information: dehradun: sakya centre, 1985 subject classification: bla med rgyud Collection of writings of the first patriarch of the Sakya tradition; scanned from a reproduction of a rare manuscript W14060 LCCN 76-900088 number of volumes: 1 dbu ma rtsa ba shes rab kyi 'grel pa 'thad pa'i rgyan (dbu ma rtsa ba ses rab kyi 'grel pa 'thad pa'i rgyan : a 12th century tibetan commentary on nagarjuna's mulamadhyamakakarika) main author: byang chub brtson 'grus (rma bya byang chub brtson 'grus) d. 1185 publication information: rumtek: dharma chakra center, 1975 subject classification: dbu ma; mulamadhyamakakarika Commentary on the Mulamadhyamika Karikas by a very early master of the Sakya-Kadam traditions W23630 LCCN 99-956349 number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / bsod nams rgyal mtshan main author: bsod nams rgyal mtshan (bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan) b. 1312 d. 1375 publication information: rajpur, u.p.: sakya college, 1999 subject classification: gsung 'bum; sa skya pa Collected writings of a hierarch of the Sakya tradition; v. 11, the only volume so far published, is concerned with pramana or logic W23215 LCCN 81-900797 number of volumes: 1 kyai rdo rje'i 'grel chen nyi ma'i 'od zer (rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal kyai rdo rje'i rgya cher 'grel pa ni ma'i 'od zer : a detailed commentary on the hevajra tantra from the viewpoint of the sa-skya-pa) main author: bsod nams rgyal mtshan (bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan) b. 1312 d. 1375 publication information: new delhi: jamyang samten, 1980 subject classification: 'grel pa; kye'i rdo rje zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po; sa skya pa Commentary on the Hevajra Tantra by the Sakyapa master, Lama Dampa Sonam Gyaltsen.


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W453 LCCN 83-902987 number of volumes: 1 bshes springs rnam bshad (bshes pa'i springs yig gi 'grel pa don gsal) main author: gzhon nu blo gros (red mda' ba gzhon nu blo gros) b. 1349 d. 1412 publication information: thimphu, bhutan : mani dorji, 1981 subject classification: rnam bshad; suhrllekha Commentary by Sakya scholar on Nagarjuna's Letter to a friend, a work on Madhyamika philosophy W23629 LCCN 99-950869 number of volumes: 2 gsung 'bum / gzhon nu blo gros (red mda' ba gzon nu blo gros kyi gsun skor) main author: gzhon nu blo gros (red mda' ba gzhon nu blo gros) b. 1349 d. 1412 publication information: kathmandu: sa-skya rgyal yons gsun rab slob gner khan, 1999 subject classification: gsung 'bum; sa skya pa Writings of an important Sakya master, the teacher of many early Gelug masters W8473 LCCN 94-904547 number of volumes: 2 mngon rtogs rgyan gyi rnam bshad tshig don rab gsal (rong-ston on the prajnaparamita philosophy of the abhisamayalamkara : his sub-commentary on haribhadra's sphutartha) main author: shes bya kun rig (rong ston shes bya kun rig) b. 1367 d. 1449 publication information: new delhi: pal-lden sakya'i-sung-rab book publishers, 1989 subject classification: abhisamayalankara; phar phyin; rnam bshad Commentary on the Abhisamayalankara and Prajnaparamita philosophy by Rongton Sheja Kunrig (1367-1449), a master of the Nalendra subscect of the Sakya tradition W23637 LCCN 99-955502 number of volumes: 2 gsung skor / shes bya kun rig main author: shes bya kun rig (rong ston shes bya kun rig) b. 1367 d. 1449 subject classification: sa skya pa publication information: kathmandu: sa-skya rgyal-yons gsun rab slob gner khan, 1999 Collection of works of a Sakya master and the founder of Penpo Nalendra Monastery W27917 LCCN 80-901142 number of volumes: 1 mkhas pa rnams 'jug pa'i sgo yi rnam par bshad pa rig gnas 'phrul gyi me long (mkhas pa rnams 'jug pa'i sgo'i rnam par bsad pa rig gnas gsal byed) main author: bsod nams lhun grub (glo bo mkhan chen bsod nams lhun grub) b. 1456 d. 1532 publication information: new delhi: ngawang topgye, 1979 subject classification: 'grel pa; mkhas pa 'jug pa'i sgo; nang bstan; sa skya pa Commentary on Sakya Pandita's masterpiece outlining the principles of Tibetan scholastic learning


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W23659 LCCN 85-903752 number of volumes: 1 mkhas pa rnams 'jug pa'i sgo yi rnam par bshad pa rig gnas 'phrul gyi me long (an exegesis of sa-skya pandi-ta's mkhas pa la 'jug pa'i sgo on the fundamentals of indo-tibetan scholasticism) main author: bsod nams lhun grub (glo bo mkhan chen bsod nams lhun grub) b. 1456 d. 1532 publication information: manduwala, dehra dun, u.p.: pal ewam chodan ngorpa center, 1985 subject classification: mkhas pa 'jug pa'i sgo; nang bstan Commentary on Sakya Pandita's compendium of classic scholastic knowledge by Lowo Kenchen Sonam Lhundrub (1456-1532) W10237 LCCN 77-907217 number of volumes: 1 kye rdo rje'i mngon par rtogs pa 'bring du bya ba (dpal kye rdo rje'i mngon par rtogs pa 'bring du bya ba yan lag drug pa'i mdzes rgyan) main author: dkon mchog lhun grub (ngor mkhan chen 10 dkon mchog lhun grub) b. 1497 d. 1557 publication information: delhi: t. g. dhongthog, 1977 subject classification: kye rdo rje; mngon rtogs Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrub (1497-1557) was a master of the Ngorpa subsect of the Sakya. This is a presentation of the middle-length visualization of the Hevajra practice W23636 LCCN 99-950862 number of volumes: 4 gsung skor / klu sgrub rgya mtsho (collected works of mang-thos-klu-sgrub-rgya-mtsho) main author: klu sgrub rgya mtsho (mang thos klu sgrub rgya mtsho) b. 1523 d. 1596 publication information: [kathmandu]: saskya rgyal yons gsun rab slob gner khan, 1999 subject classification: sa skya pa Collected writings of a 16th century Sakyapa master W23223 LCCN 95-900727 number of volumes: 1 bsdus gzhung rig pa mi zad pa'i gter mdzod 'do 'jo'i ba mo main author: chos rnam rgyal (rta nag mkhan po chos rnam rgyal) b. 16th cent. publication information: new delhi: ngawang topgyal, 1992 subject classification: bsdus grwa ; logic Tibetan logic. Treatise by a 16th century abbot of Tanag, Tubten Cho Namgyal. W10305 LCCN 99-950881 number of volumes: 6 gsung 'bum / ngag dbang chos grags (the collection works of mkyen-chen ngag-dwang chos-grags.) main author: ngag dbang chos grags (sa skya yongs 'dzin ngag dbang chos grags) b. 1572 d. 1641 publication information: darjeeling, w.b.: sakya choepheling monastery, 2000 subject classification: gsung 'bum; sa skya pa Collected works of a master of the Sakya tradition, Ngagwang Chodrag (1572-1641) , the master of Jamgon Amye Shab


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W23170 LCCN 80-905387 number of volumes: 1 kyai rdo rje'i phyi nang gi bskyed rim gyi rnam par bshad pa dge legs nor bu'i phreng ba gsang sngags mdzes rgyan (dpal kyai rdo rje'i phyi nan gi bskyed rim gyi rnam par bsad pa dge legs nor bu'i phren ba gsan snags mdzes rgyan : a detailed explanation of the utpattikrama or visualization of the hevajra tantra) main author: ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams ('jam mgon a myes zhabs ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams) b. 1597 d. 1659 publication information: bir, h.p.: d. tsondu senghe 1979 subject classification: bskyed rim; kye rdo rje; rnam bshad Explanations of the generation stage in the practice of the outer and inner mandalas of the Hevajra Tantra by Jamgon Amye Zhab (1597-1659). W10315 LCCN 85-903446 number of volumes: 1 gsang 'dus sgrub thabs kyi rnam bshad (gsang ba 'dus pa'i sgrub thabs kyi rnam bshad nges don phrin las rgya mtsho'i 'byung gnas) main author: ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams ('jam mgon a myes zhabs ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams) b. 1597 d. 1659 publication information: dehradun, u.p.: sakya centre, 1985 subject classification: gsang 'dus; rnam bshad Survey of the rituals connected with the Guhyasamaja Tantra in the Sakya tradition; written by the great Jamgon Amye Shab (1597-1659). Funding for the scanning provided by the Infinity Foundation. W22133 LCCN 78-900722 number of volumes: 2 gsan yig / ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar (dpal sa-skya-pa chen-po sngags-'chan nag-dban-kun-dga'-theg-chen-dpal-'bar-'phrin-las-bsam-'phel-dban-gi-rgyal-po'i thob yig rin chen nor bu'i phren ba) main author: ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar (sa skya khri chen 42 ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar) b. 1945 publication information: new delhi: t.g. dhongthog, 1977 subject classification: sa skya pa; thob yig Record of teachings received by the current head of the Sakya tradition


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KADAM AND GELUG TRADITIONS W23227 LCCN 80-900329 number of volumes: 1 grub pa'i mtha' rnam par bshad pa'i mdzod (grub pa'i mtha' rnam par bsad pa'i mdzod : an introduction to the comparative siddhanta of the spiritual traditions of india, buddhist and non-buddhist) main author: sangs rgyas 'bum (dbus pa blo gsal) b. 13th cent. publication information: thimphu: kunzang tobgyel and mani dorji, 1979 subject classification: grub mtha' Treatment of comparative philosophic positions by the reknowned Narthang scholar Upa Losal W12094 LCCN 790-901888 number of volumes: 1 mngon pa mdzod gsal byed legs par bshad pa'i rgya mtsho (chos mnon pa gsal byed legs par bsad pa'i rgya mtsho : a concise exposition of the abhidharmakosa of acarya vasubandhu) main author: blo bzang grags pa (snar thang mkhan chen 12 blo bzang grags pa) b. 1299 d. 1375 publication information: sarnath: sakya students' union, 1996 subject classification: 'grel pa; abhidharmakosakarika Concise commentary on the verses of the Abhidharmakosa verses by an abbot of the Kadampa monastery of Narthang W29191 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 rje'i gsung bka' rgya ma main author: blo bzang grags pa'i dpal (tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa) b. 1357 d. 1419 publication information: [bkra shis lhun po : bkra shis lhun grub chos grwa, 19-?] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collection of the esoteric works of Tsongkhapa, often omitted from his collected works; Gehlek Rinpoche's edition is included on tranche two of the tbrc digital library W29194 LCCN none number of volumes: 8 gsung 'bum / rgyal tshab rje (bkra shis lhun po par rnying) main author: dar ma rin chen (khri 02 dar ma rin chen) b. 1364 d. 1432 publication information: [bkra shis lhun po : bkra shis lhun grub chos grwa, 2000?] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Exemplar of the Old Tashilhunpo redaction of the collected writings of Gyaltsab Je, one of the two chief disciples of Tsongkapa; the old Tashilhunpo redaction is reputed to be the most reliable; Gehlek Rinpoche previously published a portion of this edition along with the full version of Je Rinpoche


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W29195 LCCN none number of volumes: 10 gsung 'bum / mkhas grub rje (bkra shis lhun po par rnying) main author: dge legs dpal bzang (khri 03 dge legs dpal bzang) b. 1385 d. 1438 publication information: [bkra shis lhun po : bkra shis lhun grub chos grwa, 2000?] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Exemplar of the Old Tashilhunpo redaction of the collected writings of Gyaltsab Je, one of the two chief disciples of Tsongkapa; the old Tashilhunpo redaction is reputed to be the most reliable; Gehlek Rinpoche previously published a portion of this edition along with the full reprint of the works of Je Rinpoche W636 LCCN none number of volumes: 2 lam rim chen mo mchan bzhi sbrags ma (mnyam med rje btsun tsong kha pa chen pos mdzad pa'i byang chub lam rim chen mo'i dka' ba'i gnad rnams mchan bu bzhi'i sgo nas legs par bshad pa theg chen lam gyi gsal sgron) main author: blo bzang grags pa'i dpal (tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa) b. 1357 d. 1419 publication information: [lha sa : zhol par khang gsar pa, 2000?] subject classification: lam rim chen mo ; mchan 'grel Annotations by four Gelug masters to the Lam rim chen mo of Tsongkhapa; scanned from a 20th century set of blocks from the New Shol Printery in Lhasa W12837 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 kun rig rnam bshad (bcom ldan 'das thams cad rig pa'i rnam bshad) main author: grags pa rgyal mtshan ('dul 'dzin grags pa rgyal mtshan) b. 1374 d. 1434/1436 subject classification: kun rig; rnam bshad publication information: [lha sa: zhol par khang, 2000?] survey of the practices associated with the sarvadurgatiparisodhana tantra; a work by one of the most important students of tsongkapa W26074 LCCN 78-907320 number of volumes: 1 'dul ba me tog phreng brgyud kyi sa bcad dang tshig le'ur byad pa'i de'i 'grel pa legs bshad rgya mtsho editor: padma la (slob dpon padma la) main author: shes rab sengge (rgyud smad shes rab sengge) b. 1383 d. 1445 publication information: thim-phu: kunsang topgyel and mani dorji 1979 subject classification: 'dul ba; 'dul ba me tog phreng rgyud Commentary on a work on Buddhist monastic discipline by an early master of the Gyume tradition


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W23216 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 thog mar blo sbyong chos kyi sgo 'byed (byang chub lam gyi rim pa la blo sbyong ba la thog mar blo sbyong chos kyi sgo 'byed) main author: blo gros rgyal mtshan (rgya ma spyan snga ba blo gros rgyal mtshan) b. 1402 d. 1472 publication information: scanned from a 19th century manuscript subject classification: bka' gdams pa; blo sbyong Basic lojong or mental purification teaching of the Gelug tradition; the work of Chenga Lotro Gyaltsen (1402-1472); includes annotations by an unnamed Mongolian writer W23884 LCCN 79-902664 number of volumes: 1 legs bshad snying po'i dka' 'grel bstan pa'i sgron me main author: dpal 'byor lhun grub (gnyal ston dpal 'byor lhun grub) b. 1427 d. 1514 publication information: delhi: rong tha mchog sprul rnam pa gnyis 1979 subject classification: bden gnyis Commentary on Tsongkapa's famous Legshe Nyingpo W23477 LCCN 73-905480 number of volumes: 2 gsung 'bum / sangs rgyas ye shes (the collected works (gsun-'bum) of mkhas-grub sans-rgyas-ye-ses) main author: sangs rgyas ye shes (mkhas grub sangs rgyas ye shes) b. 1525 d. 1590/1591 publication information: new delhi: don 'grub rdo rje,1973-1976 subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected writings of a Gelug master of the Tashi Lhunpo tradition. W9683 LCCN none number of volumes: 4 gsung 'bum / skal ldan rgya mtsho main author: skal ldan rgya mtsho (rong po grub chen 01 skal ldan rgya mtsho) b. 1607 d. 1677 publication information: [reb kong : rong po dgon chen, 199-] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected works of a Gelug contemplative master from Amdo; the scans here have been made from blockprints from Rongpo Gonchen. W9748 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 mgur 'bum / skal ldan rgya mtsho (chos phung brgyad khri bzhi stong gi yang snying gdams pa rnams glu dbyangs su mdzad pa gsung mgur chen mo) main author: skal ldan rgya mtsho (rong po grub chen 01 skal ldan rgya mtsho) b. 1607 d. 1677 publication information: [reb gong: rong po dgon chen,.199-] subject classification: dge lugs pa; mgur 'bum Collected songs of a Gelug contemplative master from Amdo; the scans here have been made from blockprints from Rongpo Gonchen


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W21992 LCCN 72-908270 number of volumes: 1 gsang ba'i rnam thar rgya can ma (gsan ba'i rnam thar rgya can ma : a record of the visionary experiences of the fifth dalai lama nag -dban-blo-bzan-rgya-mtsho) main author: ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho (dalai lama 05 ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho) b. 1617 d. 1682 publication information: leh: s.w. tashigangpa, 1972 subject classification: dag snang; ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho (dalai lama 05 ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho) (b.1617 d.1682) The secret life and esoteric visionary teachings of the 5th Dalai Lama Ngagwang Lobzang Gyatso (1617-1682). The manuscript reproduced here comes from Ladakh W28897 LCCN none number of volumes: 2 gsung 'bum / blo bzang bstan pa rab rgyas main author: blo bzang bstan pa rab rgyas (brag dkar sngags rams pa blo bzang bstan pa rab rgyas) b. 17th cent. publication information: [rong bo: rong bo dgon chen, [199?] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Writings of a 17th century Gelug master from Rebgong in Qinghai Province W28833 LCCN none number of volumes: 7 gsung 'bum / rol pa'i rdo rje main author: rol pa'i rdo rje (lcang skya 03 rol pa'i rdo rje) b. 1717 d. 1786 publication information: [pe cin : krung go bod brgyud mtho rim nang bstan slob gling nang bstan zhib 'jug khang, 1995] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected writings of a great Gelug scholar and master of the 18th century W87 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / ngag dbang blo bzang main author: ngag dbang blo bzang (klong rdol bla ma ngag dbang blo bzang) b. 1719 d. 1794 publication information: [khreng tu'u : s.n., 199-] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected works of an 18th century Gelug polymath; the works chiefly comprise lists of terms essential for all of the fields of scholastic studies W2122 LCCN none number of volumes: 12 gsung 'bum / dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po (bla brang par ma] main author: dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po ('jam dbyangs bzhad pa 02 dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po) b. 1728 d. 1791 publication information: [bla brang bkra shis 'khyil,: bla brang dgon pa, 1999] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected works of an important scholar of the Drepung Gomang tradition and the second of the Jamyang Shepa incarnation lineage of Labrang Tashi Kyil; the Library of Congress and TBRC hold the New Delhi reprint of this edition with LCCN 70-923316


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W1986 LCCN none number of volumes: 2 gsung 'bum / dbyangs can dga' ba'i blo gros main author: dbyangs can dga' ba'i blo gros (a kyA yongs 'dzin dbyangs can dga' ba'i blo gros) b. 1740 d. 1827 publication information: [sku 'bum : sku 'bum par khang, 199-] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected works of a famed Gelug master from Amdo, Akya Yongdzin Yangchen Drubpai Dorje (1740-1827); printed from the set of blocks preserved at Kumbum Jampaling in Qinghai Province W29009 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / ngag dbang bstan dar (mkhas pa'i dbang po a lag sha bstan dar lha rams pa'i gsung 'bum) main author: ngag dbang bstan dar (a lag sha bstan dar) b. 1759 d. 1831 publication information: [zi ling : sku 'bum byams pa gling, 199?] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected works of an eminent scholar from the Alagsha area in Inner Mongolia W23549 LCCN 77-905329 number of volumes: 3 byang chub lam rim gyi sgo nas rang sems dge sbyor la 'jug pa'i man ngag rin chen snying po (byan chub lam rim gyi sgo nas ran sems dge sbyor la 'jug pa'i man nag rin chen snin po : practical instructions and parables illustrating the various approaches to buddhist life through the practice of the lam rim precepts) main author: byams pa kun khyab (skyu ra yongs 'dzin byams pa kun khyab) publication information: new delhi: mongolian lama gurudeva, 1977 subject classification: lam rim Parables illustrating the Lamrim Chenmo teachings; by a Mongol writer Jampa Kunkyab W2534 LCCN 85-905304 number of volumes: 1 mi tra brgya rtsa'i dkyil 'khor gyi mngon rtogs blo gsal mgul rgyan main author: skal bzang thub bstan 'jigs med rgya mtsho ('on rgyal sras 05 skal bzang thub bstan 'jigs med rgya mtsho) b. 1743 d. 1811 publication information: delhi: nagwang topgyal, 1985 subject classification: dkyil chog; mi tra brgya rtsa; mngon rtogs Visualization for the deities of the mandalas of the Mitra Gyatsa collection; written by a Gelug master from Central Tibet W23879 LCCN 76-901743 number of volumes: 7 gsung 'bum / blo bzang bstan 'dzin (the collected works (gsun 'bum) of gu-ge yons-'dzin blo-bzan-bstan-'dzin alias gdon-drug-grub-pa'i-rdo-rje) main author: blo bzang bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho (gu ge yongs 'dzin blo bzang bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho) b. 1748 d. 1813 publication information: new delhi: chophel legdan, 1976 subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected works of a Gelug polymath connected with the Tashilhunpo tradition


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W22185 LCCN none number of volumes: 11 gsung 'bum / dkon mchog bstan pa'i sgron me (bla brang par ma) main author: dkon mchog bstan pa'i sgron me (gung thang 03 dkon mchog bstan pa'i sgron me) b. 1762 d. 1823 publication information: [bla brang bkra shis 'khyil : bla brang dgon pa, 199-] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected writings of a famed master of the Labrang Tashi Kyil Monastery in Amdo; TBRC has released on a previous hard tranche of the digital library the Lhasa New Sho redaction of the collected works W16912 LCCN 72-908334 number of volumes: 5 gsung 'bum / ngag dbang mkhas grub (the collected works of nag-dban-mkhas-grub, kyai-rdor mkhan-po of urga) main author: ngag dbang mkhas grub (khu re chos rje ngag dbang mkhas grub) b. 1779 d. 1838 publication information: leh: s.w. tashigangpa, 1972-1974 subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum; sog yul [country] Among the great Mongol teachers of the Gelugpa tradition stands Ngagwang Khedrup (1779-1838), the abbot of the Hevajra Practice College of Urga (now Ulan Bator). The original five volumes were from a set of prints from the Urga blocks. W23719 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 lam rim bdud rtsi snying po (byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i gdams pa zab mo rnams tshigs su bcad pa'i sgo nas nyams su len tshul dam chos bdud rtsi'i snying po) main author: ye shes brtson 'grus (kong po phag mgo bla ma ye shes brtson 'grus) b. 1761 d. 1816 publication information: [s.l. : s.n., 2002] subject classification: bka' gdams pa; lam rim Presentation of the principles of the Lamrim according to the Gelug tradition for convenient practice; the work of Kongpo Paggo Lama Yeshe Tsondru (1761-1861). Print copy generously provided for scanning by Dr. Martijn van Beek of Aarhus University, Moesgaard, Denmark W22204 LCCN none number of volumes: 6 gsung 'bum / 'jam dbyangs thub bstan nyi ma main author: 'jam dbyangs thub bstan nyi ma (sde khri 03 'jam dbyangs thub bstan nyi ma) b. 1779 d. 1862 subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum publication information: [bla brang, bla brang bkra shis 'khyil, 1999?] Collected works of the 3rd Detri, a master connected with the Labrang Tashi Khyil tradition


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W17169 LCCN 73-907765 number of volumes: 1 'jigs byed kyi bskyed rdzogs kyi rnam gzhag (dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed chen po'i bskyed rdzogs kyi lam zab mo'i rim pa gnyis kyi rnam gzhag sku gsum nor bu'i bang mdzod) main author: blo bzang lhun grub (go shrI chos rje) b. 1781 d. 1859 publication information: leh : s.w. tashigangpa, 1973 subject classification: 'jigs byed; bskyed rim; dge lugs pa; rdzogs rim Detailed explanation of the utpattikrama and sampannakrama to the practice of Vajrabhairava. Important text by the 19th century Gelugpa master Lobzang Lhundrub W21557 LCCN 79-901824 number of volumes: 3 padma dbang chen rta mgrin yang gsang khros pa'i chos skor (padma dban chen rta mgrin yan gsan khros pa'i chos skor : collected liturgico-contemplative teachings focussing upon hayagriva) main author: dam tshig rdo rje grags pa dpal (brag ri dam tshig rdo rje) b. 1781 d. 1855 publication information: delhi: chophel legdan,1979-1980 subject classification: rta mgrin yang gsang khros pa Three volume corpus of the Gelug tradition for the practice of the guhyasadhana of Hayagriva, the very special system of Sera Monastery. Compiled by the Khalka Mongol teacher Damtsig Dorje W20503 LCCN 72-905033 number of volumes: 2 gsung 'bum / mkhyen rab bstan pa chos 'phel (collected works (gsun 'bum) of sgo-man mkhan-chen mkhyen-rab-bstan-pa-chos-'phel) main author: mkhyen rab bstan pa chos 'phel (sgo mang bstan pa chos 'phel) b. 1840 d. 1907/1908 publication information: new delhi: d. gyaltsan & k. legshay, 1972 subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected works of a 19th century Gelug scholar W22380 LCCN 79-905283 number of volumes: 3 dmigs brtse ma'i be'u bum editor: mkhyen rab bstan pa chos 'phel (sgo mang bstan pa chos 'phel) b. 1840 d. 1907/1908 publication information: new delhi: ngawang gelek demo, 1976 subject classification: bla ma'i rnal 'byor; blo bzang grags pa'i dpal (tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa) (b.1357 d.1419); dmigs brtse ma Collected teachings of the Gelug tradition on the guruyoga of the fusion of Tsongkhapa and Manjusri


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W22203 LCCN none number of volumes: 5 gsung 'bum / skal bzang thub bstan dbang phyug main author: skal bzang thub bstan dbang phyug ('jam dbyangs bzhad pa 04 skal bzang thub bstan dbang phyug) b. 1856 d. 1916 publication information: [bla brang : bla brang bkra shis 'khyil dgon pa, 1999?] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected works of the 4th Jamyang Zhepa of Labrang Tashi Khyil W23744 LCCN 77-923961 number of volumes: 3 dkyil 'khor lag len (the creation of mandalas : tibetan texts detailing the techniques for laying out and executing tantric buddhist psychocosmograms) main author: blo bzang dam chos rgya mtsho (rong tha chung tshang) b. 1865 d. 1917 publication information: new delhi: [s.n.], 1971-1973 subject classification: dkyil 'khor Illustrations of the stages in the creation of the Guhyasamaja, Vajrabhairava, and Cakrasamvara mandalas; also includes a classification of the typologies of the mandala; written by Ronta Lozang Damcho Gyatso (1865-1917) Scanned through the patronage of Tsultrim Allione; scanned from the three volumes in 1 edition W22250 LCCN none number of volumes: 6 gsung 'bum / 'jigs med 'phrin las rgya mtsho main author: 'jigs med 'phrin las rgya mtsho (bla kho 'jigs med 'phrin las rgya mtsho) b. 1866 d. 1948 publication information: [a mdo : chos dpal zhing bkra shis chos 'khor gling, 199-] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected works of an important Gelug teacher of Labrang Tashi Kyil and the Drepung Gomang tradition; this collection includes a number of biographical works W29192 LCCN none number of volumes: 3 gsung 'bum / tshe ring rdo rje (commentary on 'jam dbyangs bzhad pa's annotated explanation of the ... abhisamaya-alamkara-nama-prajnaparamitopadeshashastra) main author: tshe ring rdo rje (a ri khe tshe ring rdo rje) b. 1870 d. 1949 publication information: mundgod, distt. north kanara: drepung gomang library, 1997 subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Gigantic commentary on the Abhisamayalankara by a Mongolian scholar of the Gomang tradition of Drepung W25273 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / 'jam dbyangs blo gros (mdo smad dga' ldan bstan pa'i srog shing bya bral grub pa'i dpa' bo brag g.yab 'o 'bom rtogs ldan 'jam dbyangs blo gros dpal bzang po'i gsung 'bum) main author: 'jam dbyangs blo gros (brag g.yab rtogs ldan 'jam dbyangs blo gros) b. 1888 d. 1941 publication information: [dkar mdzes?: s.n, 2000?] subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected writings of a 20th century Gelug master from Kham


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W23228 LCCN 96-901884 number of volumes: 1 rim lnga'i mtha' dpyod gsang don kunda bzhad pa legs bshad rgyu skar bdag po (rim nga'i mtha' dpyod gsan don kun da bzad pa legs bshad rgyu skar bdag po : exhaustive explanation of the five spiritual levels) main author: blo bzang phun tshogs (ser shul dge bshes blo bzang phun tshogs) b. 19th cent.? publication information: new delhi: n. topgyal 1995 subject classification: gsang 'dus rim lnga (khrid) Treatment of the Pancakrama Completion Stage of the Guhyasamaja by Sershul Geshe Lobzang Puntso W23688 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 nA ro mkha' spyod (rje btsun rdo rje rnal 'byor ma nA ro mkha' spyod dbang mo'i sgrub thabs bsnyen sgrub sbyin sreg sogs) publication information: [s.l. : s.n, 200?] subject classification: dge lugs pa; rdo rje rnal 'byor ma Ritual corpus for the practice of Vajrayogini according to the traditions followed by the Gelug tradition W23864 LCCN none number of volumes: 3 gsung 'bum / blo bzang 'phrin las lhun grub main author: phrin las lhun grub chos kyi rgyal mtshan (paN chen 07 phrin las lhun grub chos kyi rgyal mtshan) b. 1938 d. 1989 subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum publication information: [bkra shis lhun po, bkra shis lhun po'i gzhung, 199-?] Collected writings of the previous Panchen Lama; only three volumes have been published. W14376 LCCN 98-917348 number of volumes: 6 gsung 'bum / blo bzang dpal ldan bstan 'dzin yar rgyas (collected works of kyabje zemey rimpoche : journal of teachings received and assorted lecture notes) main author: blo bzang dpal ldan bstan 'dzin yar rgyas (dze smad) b. 1927 d. 1996 publication information: mundgod, karnataka state: zemey labrang, gaden shartse monastic college, 1997 subject classification: dge lugs pa; gsung 'bum Collected writings of an important Gelug scholastic


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MARPA KAGYU TRADITION W23652 LCCN 79-901832 number of volumes: 1 nA ro chos drug 'brug pa'i lugs (na ro chos drug texts of the 'brug-pa dkar-brgyud-pa traditions : a collection of rare texts on the six doctrines of naropa) publication information: thimphu: kunsang topgay, 1978 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; nA ro chos drug Texts on the Six Doctrines of Naropa as practiced by the Drugpa Kargyu W21962 LCCN 72-905821 number of volumes: 1 bka' brgyud mgur mtsho (mchog gi dngos grub mngon du byed pa'i myur lam bka' brgyud bla ma rnams kyi rdo rje'i mgur dbyangs ye shes char 'bebs rang grol lhun grub bde chen rab 'bar nges don rgya mtsho'i snying po) publication information: rum btegs: karma chos sgar, 1972 subject classification: mgur Collected songs of spirtual yearning by various masters of the Kagyu tradition. Scanned with the generous support of Peter Van Deurzen of Namse Bangdzo Bookstore. W21963 LCCN 93-911044 number of volumes: 1 bka' brgyud rin po che'i mgur mtsho ye shes byin 'bebs (the collected songs of esoteric spiritual realisation (mgur) of the bka'-brgyud pa school in general and the 'bri-gun bka'-brgyud pa school in particular) editor: 'phrin las lhun grub ('bri gung che tshang 07 'phrin las lhun grub) b. 1946 publication information: dehradun: drikung kargyu institute, 1991 subject classification: 'bri gung bka' brgyud pa; mgur Songs of mystical realization of the Drigung Kagyud tradition W22712 LCCN 78-906160 number of volumes: 1 mnyam med dwags po'i chos bzhi'i rtsa 'grel sogs (mnam med dwags po'i chos bzir grags pa'i gzun gi 'grel pa sning po gsal ba'i rgyan : a detailed study on sgam-po-pa's chos bzi presentation of fundamental buddhist practice) main author: byang chub dngos grub (la yag pa byang chub dngos grub) b. 12th cent. subject classification: dwags po chos bzhi publication information: bir, h.p.: d. tsondru senghe 1978 Layagpa Jangchub Ngodrub (12th century) is the author of this highly regarded presentation of the four teachings (chos bzhi) of Gampopa W23651 LCCN 80-904356 number of volumes: 2 gsung thor bu / dus gsum mkhyen pa (selected writings of the first zwa-nag karma-pa dus-gsum-mkhyen-pa) main author: dus gsum mkhyen pa (karma pa 01 dus gsum mkhyen pa) b. 1110 d. 1193 publication information: gangtok: dzongsar chhentse labrang, 1980 subject classification: gsung thor bu; karma bka' brgyud pa Collection of rare writings by the 1st Black Hat Karmapa Dusum Kyenpa


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W23655 LCCN 81-905103 number of volumes: 2 zhang bla ma'i bka' rgya ma'i skor (the highly esoteric experiential writings (bka' rgya ma) of bla-ma zan g'yu-drag-pa brtson-'grus-grags-pa) main author: brtson 'grus grags pa (zhang 'gro ba'i mgon po) b. 1123 d. 1193 publication information: thimphu, bhutan: drug shesrig press, 1911 subject classification: gsung thor bu; tshal pa bka' brgyud pa Esoteric teachings recorded by the students of Lama Shang on the basis of his teachings W23188 LCCN 73-901857 number of volumes: 1 stag lung bka' brgyud kyi kyai rdor sgrub skor (kyai rdo rje'i sgrub thabs rgyal ba rgya mtsho dri med nor bu'i mdzod) publication information: tezu: tibetan nyingmapa monastery, 1973 subject classification: kye'i rdo rje zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po; las tshogs; stag lung bka' brgyud pa The teachings of the Taglung Kagyu, one of the eight minor lineages of the tradition, date back to Taglung Tangpa Chenpo (1142-1209/10), a direct disciple of Pagmo Drupa. The teachings of the Taglung Kagyu flourished at Taglung and at Riwoche in Kham. This volume contains the rituals and teachings connected with the special practices of the Hevajra Tantra W23440 LCCN 2002-293598 number of volumes: 5 gsung 'bum / grags pa dbang phyug (smad 'brug bstan pa'i mnga' bdag rgyal ba lo ras pa grags pa dbang phyug gi gsung 'bum rin po che) publication information: kathmandu: khenpo s. tenzin, 2002 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; gsung 'bum Collected writings of a master of the Lower transmission lineage of the Drugpa Kargyu lineage, Lorepa Dragpa Wangchuk W23661 LCCN 81-901041 number of volumes: 5 gsung 'bum / mgon po rdo rje (the collected works of rgod-tshan-pa mgon-po-rdo-rje, the founder of the upper tradition (stod) of the 'brug-pa dkar-brgyud-pa) main author: mgon po rdo rje (rgod tshang pa mgon po rdo rje) b. 1189 d. 1258 publication information: thimphu, bhutan: tango monastic community, 1981 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; gsung 'bum Collected writings of Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje (1189-1258), a contemplative master of the Upper Branch of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition; reproduced from a Bhutanese manuscript collection from Tango Monastery W23654 LCCN 82-902180 number of volumes: 3 gsung 'bum / rgyal mtshan dpal (collected writing[s] (gsun 'bum) of rgyal-ba yan-dgon-pa rgyal-mtshan-dpal) main author: rgyal mtshan dpal (yang dgon pa rgyal mtshan dpal) b. 1213 d. 1258 publication information: tango, thimphu, bhutan: tango monastic community, 1984 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; gsung 'bum Collected writings of Yanggonpa Gyaltsen Pal (1213-1258), a master of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition.


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W19471 LCCN 81-905042 number of volumes: 1 nyams mgur (songs of esoteric realization of rtogs-ldan ses-pa-ran-grol) main author: shes pa rang grol (rtogs ldan) b. 14th cent. publication information: thimphu : drug sherig press, 1981 subject classification: mgur ; 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa ; rnying ma pa Songs of esoteric experience of a Bhutanese yogi of the Drugpa Kagyu order W21495 LCCN 85-903222 number of volumes: 1 mon ban dpal ldan bzang po bdag gi thob yig thos pa rgya mtsho main author: dpal ldan bzang po (gnyos ston dpal ldan bzang po) b. 1447 d. 1507 publication information: thimphu: dorji namgyal 1985 subject classification: rnying ma pa; thob yig Record of teachings received by a Bhutanese lama Monban Palden Zangpo (1447-1507) W21993 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 gsung thor bu / kun dga' rin chen (miscellaneous writings (bka' 'bum thor bu) of 'bri-gun chos-rje kun-dga'-rin-chen) main author: kun dga' rin chen ('bri gung gdan rabs 17 kun dga' rin chen) b. 1475 d. 1527 publication information: leh: s.w. tashigangpa, 1972 subject classification: 'bri gung bka' brgyud pa; gsung thor bu One of the greatest Drigung Kagyu teachers was Kunga Rinchen (1475-1527), a collection of whose works appear in this small volume. The full collection of his works has yet to appear and we are forced to work with this Ladakhi manuscript to understand his thinking as the last of the pure Drigung masters. Later teachers were heavily influenced by Nyingma thought. W23158 LCCN 75-905229 number of volumes: 4 dgongs pa yang zab gyi gter chos skor (dam chos dgons pa yan zab kyi chos skor : a collection of the more important rediscoveries of the famed gter-ston gnam-lcags-me-'bar ('bri-gun-pa rin chen phun tshogs)) gter ston: rin chen phun tshogs chos kyi rgyal po ('bri gung gdan rabs 18 rin chen phun tshogs) b. 1509 d. 1557 publication information: bir, h.p.: d. tsondu senghe, 1975-1980 subject classification: 'bri gung bka' brgyud pa; gter gzhung; rnying ma pa Many of the masters of the ancient Kargyu traditions were favored with revelations and textual discoveries. The Drigung Kargyu hierarch, Rinchen Puntso (1509-1557), was the earliest terton of this tradition. His four volume Damcho Gongpa Yangzab contains the essential teachings of his approach to the fusion of Nyingma and Kargyu practice


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W21553 LCCN 83-904361 number of volumes: 1 gtor bzlog bya mgo ma'i las 'grigs bstan bsrungs mtshon cha (gtor bzlog bya mgo ma'i las 'grigs bstan bsruns mtshon cha : the 'bri-gun-pa liturgy for the gtor bzlog devoted to the four armed mahakala) main author: rin chen phun tshogs chos kyi rgyal po ('bri gung gdan rabs 18 rin chen phun tshogs) b. 1509 d. 1557 publication information: bir, h.p.: d. tsondu senghe, 1983 subject classification: gtor bzlog; mgon po phyag bzhi pa ('bri gung lugs) Explanation of the performance of the rituals connected with the casting of the torma in propitiation of a special Drigung Kargyudpa form of Mahakala. Set down by Drigung Rigdzin Rinchen Puntso (1509-1557) W23660 LCCN 78-903925 number of volumes: 4 sku gsum ngo sprod kyi rnam par bshad pa mdo rgyud bstan pa mtha' dag gi e wam phyag rgya (sku gsum no sprod kyi rnam par bsad pa mdo rgyud bstan pa mtha' dag gi e wam phyag rgya : a detailed exegesis of the sku gsum no sprod instruction of karma-paksi) main author: mi bskyod rdo rje (karma pa 08 mi bskyod rdo rje) b. 1507 d. 1554 publication information: gangtok: gonpo tseten 1978 subject classification: karma bka' brgyud pa; sku gsum ngo sprod (khrid) Detailed exegesis of a specialized teaching by Karma Pakshi of the Karma Kagyu tradition focussing upon the three bodies; written by the 8th Karmapa Mikyo Dorje (1507-1554); reproduced from a rare set of manuscripts now preserved at Rumtek Monastery in Sikkim W23656 LCCN 78-903931 number of volumes: 1 rdo rje'i mgur dang zhal gdams tshigs bcad kyi skor (songs of esoteric spiritual realization and various verse instructions of the eighth zwa-nag karma-pa mi-bskyod-rdo-rje) main author: mi bskyod rdo rje (karma pa 08 mi bskyod rdo rje) b. 1507 d. 1554 publication information: gangtok: gonpo tseten, 1978 subject classification: bslab bya; karma bka' brgyud pa; mgur Songs of experience and collected teachings of the 8th Karmapa Mikyo Dorje (1507-1554) W23657 LCCN 85-904977 number of volumes: 1 kun rig gi cho ga nag 'gros su bkod pa rnam grol sgo chen (kun rig gi cho ga nag 'gros su bkod pa rnam grol sgo chen : extended version of the funeral ritual used in the kam-tshan bka'-brgyud-pa tradition) main author: mi bskyod rdo rje (karma pa 08 mi bskyod rdo rje) b. 1507 d. 1554 publication information: q village, kollegal distt, mysore: rta-rna bla-ma, 1985 subject classification: gnas lung; karma bka' brgyud pa; kun rig Rituals connected with the practice of the Sarvadurgatiparisodhana tantra used in funeral rites; arranged for liturgical recitation by the 8th Karmapa Mikyo Dorje (1507-1554)


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W21141 LCCN 82-902170 number of volumes: 2 mkha' 'gro snyan brgyud kyi yig rnying (mkha' 'gro snan brgyud kyi yig rnin : the ancient cycle of practice focussing upon the cakrasamvara tantra according to an oral transmission focussing upon the cakrasamvara tantra received from vajravarahi by ras-chun rdo-rje-grags) main author: padma dkar po ('brug chen 04 padma dkar po) b. 1527 d. 1592 publication information: darjeeling, w.b.: kargyud sungrab nyamso khang, 1982 subject classification: ; 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa Ancient teachings of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition for the practice of the oral transmission of the Rechung Nyengyu; compiled by Padma Karpo (1527-1592) but not included in the gsung 'bum W23438 LCCN 2002-314063 number of volumes: 1 kun mkhyen pad dkar gyi bla sgrub ye shes mchog ster subject classification: bla ma'i rnal 'byor publication information: kathmandu: gam po pa library, 2002 Gurusadhana practice focussing upon the Fourth Gyalwang Drugpa Padma Karpo (1527-1592) W10746 LCCN 77-902358 number of volumes: 1 kye'i rdor 'grel pa legs bshad nyi ma'i 'od zer (dpal kye'i rdo rje zhes bya ba'i rgyal po'i 'grel pa legs bshad nyi ma'i 'od zer) main author: bkra shis rnam rgyal (dwags po paN chen bkra shis rnam rgyal) b. 1512/1513 d. 1587 publication information: delhi: delhi karmapae chodhey, 1977 subject classification: 'grel pa; kye'i rdo rje zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po Commentary on the Hevajratantra by a master of the Dagpo Kagyu tradition, Dagpo Panchen Trashi Namgyal (1512/1513-1587). This is one of the master's three "light beams" W23179 LCCN 93-910724 number of volumes: 1 phyag rgya chen po'i khrid yig chen mo gnyug ma'i de nyid gsal ba (phyag rgya chen po'i khrid yig chen mo gnug ma'i de nid gsal ba : an introductory manual for the practice of the mahamudra precepts) main author: bkra shis rnam rgyal (dwags po paN chen bkra shis rnam rgyal) b. 1512/1513 d. 1587 publication information: bir, h.p.: d. tsondu senghe 1992 subject classification: khrid yig; phyag chen Profound Mahamudra meditation manual by the Kagyu master Dagpo Tashi Namgyal (1512/3-1587). The author is better know for his profound treatment of the Mahamudra in his Chagchen Dawai Ozer, or Moonbeams of the Mahamudra


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W23172 LCCN 85-903695 number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / dkon mchog rin chen (collected writings of the 'bri-gun-pa hierarch dkon-mchog-rin-chen) main author: dkon mchog rin chen ('bri gung che tshang 01 dkon mchog rin chen) b. 1590 d. 1654 publication information: bir, h.p.: bir tibetan society 1985 subject classification: 'bri gung bka' brgyud pa; gsung 'bum Collected works of the First Drigung Chetsang Rinpoche W8682 LCCN 85-902820 number of volumes: 1 gsan yig skor (gsan yig skor : record of teachings, initiations, and instructions received by the fourth rje mkhan-po of bhutan, dam-chos pad-dkar (1636-1708)) main author: dam chos pad dkar (rje mkhan po of bhutan 04 pad dkar lhun grub) b. 1639 d. 1708 publication information: thimphu, bhutan: national library of bhutan, 1985 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; thob yig Record of teachings received by a Bhutanese prelate W23259 LCCN 72-914960 number of volumes: 1 ri chos mtshams kyi zhal gdams main author: karma chags med (gnas mdo karma chags med) b. 1613 d. 1678 publication information: brag dkar dgon pa: brag dkar dgon pa, 1970 subject classification: ri chos Another famous retreatant manual written by the Kamtsang Kagyupa master Karma Chame or Raga-asya. Contains a brief biography of the author W22933 LCCN number of volumes: 49 gsung 'bum / karma chags med (mkhas grub karma chags med rin po che'i gsung 'bum) main author: karma chags med (gnas mdo karma chags med) b. 1613 d. 1678 publication information: [khreng tu'u]: [si khron zhing chen mi rigs zhib 'jug su'o bod kyi rig gnas zhib 'jug khang] [1999?] subject classification: gsung 'bum; karma bka' brgyud pa; rnying ma pa Collected writings of a savant of the Karmapa and Nyingma traditions W23186 LCCN 82-906213 number of volumes: 1 rje btsun khyab bdag chen po rang rig ras chen gyi gsung mgur dang zhal gdams 'chi med bdud rtsi'i rlabs 'phreng (rje btsun khyab bdag chen po ran-rig-ras-chen gyi gsun mgur dan zal gdams 'chi med bdud rtsi'i rlabs 'phren) main author: rang rig ras chen (rang rig ras pa kun dga' blo gros) b. 1619 d. 1683 publication information: leh: d.w. tashigang, 1982 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; bslab bya; mgur Songs of spiritual realization and instructions on contemplative practice by Rangrig Rechen, a master of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition


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W8684 LCCN 76-900255 number of volumes: 8 gsung 'bum / shAkya rin chen (the collected works (gsun 'bum) of sakya-rin-chen, the ninth rje mkhan-po of bhutan) main author: shAkya rin chen (rje mkhan po of bhutan 9 shAkya rin chen) b. 1710 d. 1759 publication information: thimphu: kunzang topgey, 1976 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; gsung 'bum Collected works of a high Bhutanese prelate and occupant of the seat of Je Kenpo; this collection includes many biographical works W23568 LCCN none number of volumes: 2 phyag rgya chen po lhan cig skyes sbyor gyi sngon 'gro'i khrid yig (phyag rgya chen po lhan cig skyes sbyor gyi snon 'gro'i khrid yig : an introduction to the snon 'gro practice of the mahamudra precepts of the 'brug-pa dkar-brgyud-pa tradition) main author: kun dga' bstan 'dzin (khams sprul 03 kun dga' bstan 'dzin) b. 1680 d. 1728 publication information: tashijong, taragarh, kangra: khampagar library and publication 1990 subject classification: khrid yig; phyag chen lhan cig skyes sbyor (khrid); sngon 'gro, thun mong Introduction to the preliminaries to the practice of the Mahamudra by the Drugpa Kargyu master, the Third Kamtrul Kunga Tendzin W21552 LCCN 83-906552 number of volumes: 1 pad dkar rgya mtsho'i nyams mgur gyi rtogs pa brjod pa'i gtam bcad lhug spel ma'i do shal ces bya ba ri khrod pa'i mdzes rgyan du 'os pa (the collected instructions and miscellaneous teachings of the chos-rje of spa-gro pad-dkar-rgya-mtsho) main author: pad dkar rgya mtsho (spa gro chos rje pad dkar rgya mtsho) publication information: gangtok: dzongsar chhentse labrang, 1983 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; mgur 'bum; pad dkar rgya mtsho (spa gro chos rje pad dkar rgya mtsho) Collected instructions and miscellaneous teachings of a Bhutanese teacher W8773 LCCN 82-902714 number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / shes rab rgyal mtshan (the collected works of rje ses rab rgyal mtshan, 25th rje mkhan-po of bhutan) main author: shes rab rgyal mtshan (rje mkhan po of bhutan 25 shes rab rgyal mtshan) b. 1772 d. 1848 publication information: thimphu, bhutan: tango monastic community, 1982 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; gsung 'bum Collected writings of a high Bhutanese prelate and occupant of the seat of Je Kenpo


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W22249 LCCN 99-937514 number of volumes: 1 gsung thor bu / dkon mchog bstan pa (materials for use in inducing the practice of the phyag chen lnga ldan according to the tradition of the 'bri-gun bka'-brgyud-pa school) main author: dkon mchog bstan pa (no no dkon mchog bstan pa) b. 1781 d. 1862 publication information: bir: d. tsondu senghe (yorey tsang), 1999 subject classification: 'bri gung bka' brgyud pa; gsung thor bu; phyag chen lnga ldan (khrid) Practice manual for the realization of the profound Mahamudra teachings by the Ladakhi Drigung Kagyu master, Nono Konchog Tenpa W23173 LCCN 85-905294 number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / dkon mchog don grub chos dbang (the collected works (gsun 'bum) of nin-rdzon khri-pa dkon-mchog-don-grub-chos-dban) main author: dkon mchog don grub chos dbang (nyin rdzong khri pa dkon mchog don grub chos dbang) publication information: bir, h.p.: bir tibetan society, 1985 subject classification: 'bri gung bka' brgyud pa; gsung 'bum Collected writings, chiefly on spiritual practice, by a Drigung Kagyu master, Nyindzong Tripa Konchog Dondrub Chowang. W10982 LCCN 75-906393 number of volumes: 3 gsung 'bum / karma nges don bstan rgyas (the collected works of sman-sdon mtshams-pa rin-po-che karma-nes-don-bstan-rgyas) main author: karma nges don bstan rgyas (sman sdong mtshams pa karma nges don bstan rgyas) b. 19th cent. publication information: bir, h.p.: tsondu senghe, 1975-1976 subject classification: gsung 'bum; karma bka' brgyud pa Collected writings of a 19th century master of the Karma Kagyu tradition, Mendong Tsampa Karma Ngedon Tengye; this collection includes brief biographies of the successive Gyalwang Karmapa and commentaries on the major prayers of the tradition W23563 LCCN 98-905515 number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / shAkya shrI (grub-dban sakya-sri-dznya-na'i gsun 'bum) main author: shAkya shrI (rtogs ldan shAkya shrI) b. 1853 d. 1919 publication information: kathmandu: khenpo shedup tenzin and lama thinley namgyal, 1998 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; gsung 'bum Collected writings of a master of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition, Togden Shakyashri


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W23163 LCCN 95-906417 number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / karma sgrub brgyud 'phrin las rab rgyas (collected writings of the vii ripa karma-bag-yod karma-sgrub-brgyud-'phrin-las-rab-rgyas...) editor: karma rab 'byams chos dbyings dri med snying po (ri pa gsal byed 05 karma rab 'byams chos dbyings dri med snying po) b. 1907 d. 1991 editor: mdo sngags bstan pa'i nyi ma bshad sgrub phrin las mthar phyin (ri pa a leb rtogs ldan 2 mdo sngags bstan pa'i nyi ma bshad sgrub 'phrin las mthar phyin) b. 1921 d. 1973 main author: karma sgrub brgyud 'phrin las rab rgyas (ri pa bag yod 07 karma sgrub brgyud 'phrin las rab rgyas) b. 1876 d. 1942 publication information: kollegal: ripa bag-yod rinpoche, 1974 subject classification: gsung 'bum; karma bka' brgyud pa The 7th Ripa Bayo Tulku Karma Dubgyu Trinle Rabgye (1876-1942) was a great traveler as well as lama interested in painting what he saw. He belonged to the Karma Kagyu tradition and was known for his acute instincts of observation. The illustrated manuscript reproduced here belongs to the present Ripa Bayo. W21816 LCCN 84-900512 number of volumes: 2 mgur 'bum / tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho (man nag mgur ma'i ban mdzod dpal ldan bla ma'i zal lun bde chen chos sku'i mdzub tshugs rin chen thar pa'i them skas) main author: tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho (ge bcags rtogs ldan tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho) b. 19th cent. publication information: bir, h.p.: tulku pema lodoe, 1984 subject classification: mgur ; rnying ma pa Songs of realization of a Kargyu-Nyingma master from Nangchen; said to have been a reembodiment of Tsangpa Gyare W23171 LCCN 85-905297 number of volumes: 1 gsung 'bum / dkon mchog thub bstan bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (the collected works (gsun 'bum thor bu) of la-dwags rtogs-ldan rin-po-che dkon-mchog-thub-bstan-bstan-pa'i-rgyal-mtshan) main author: dkon mchog thub bstan bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (la dwags rtogs ldan 08 dkon mchog thub bstan bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan) b. 20th cent. publication information: bir, h.p.: bir tibetan society, 1985 subject classification: 'bri gung bka' brgyud pa; gsung 'bum Collected works of the present Togden Rinpoche of Ladakh, a great master of Drigung Kagyu practice. W23446 LCCN 2002-299883 number of volumes: 12 skyabs rje 'dzi sgar mchog sprul yid bzhin nor bu mchog gi zab gsang rdo rje'i gsung dri ma med pa rnams phyogs gcig tu bsdebs pa main author: 'jam dbyangs nyi ma ('dzi sgar mkhan po 'jam dbyangs nyi ma) b. 20th cent. publication information: kathmandu : khenpo shedup tenzin & lama thinley amgyal, 2002 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; gsung 'bum Collected writings of the successive embodiments of the Dzigar Chogtrul, important Drugpa Kargyu lineage of Kham


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W22195 LCCN 85-903751 number of volumes: 1 'dzi sgar mchog sprul gyi thob yig (dpal 'brug pa'i ring lugs las gtso bor byon pa'i smin grol rgyab brten gyi skor ji ltar thob tshul nor bu'i do shal) main author: 'dzi sgar 09 'jigs med mi pham bstan pa'i nyi gzhon phrin las kun khyab dpal bzang po'i sde ('dzi sgar 09 'jigs med mi pham bstan pa'i nyi gzhon phrin las kun khyab dpal bzang po'i sde) b. 1961 subject classification: 'dzi sgar 09 'jigs med mi pham bstan pa'i nyi gzhon phrin las kun publication information: rewalsar: zigar drukpa kargyud institute 1985 khyab dpal bzang po'i sde (b.1961); thob yig Record of teachings received with the transmission lineages W23448 LCCN 2002-293599 number of volumes: 1 'dzi bkra shis thub bstan chos 'khor gling gi zhal 'don phyogs bsgrigs dgos 'dod kun 'byung editor: 'jam dbyangs nyi ma ('dzi sgar mkhan po 'jam dbyangs nyi ma) b. 20th cent. publication information: [s.n.]: [s.n.] [2002] subject classification: 'dzi sgar chos sgar [monastery]; chos spyod Collection of practice texts used in the Drugpa Kargyu tradition in Dzigar and its affiliates W23437 LCCN 2002-314066 number of volumes: 1 zhal 'don phyogs bsdebs bde nas bde bar bgrod pa'i them skas publication information: darjeeling: kargyud sungrab nyamso khang [2001?] subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; chos spyod Collection of practice texts followed at the major monasteries of the Northern Drugpa Kargyu tradition W23641 LCCN 86-900141 number of volumes: 1 nA ro chos drug gi khrid skor (nA ro chos drug gi khrid skor : a collection of texts for the practice of the six precepts of nAropa according to the method transmitted by masters of the kam-tshan bka'-brgyud-pa tradition) publication information: delhi: karlo, 1985 subject classification: khrid yig; nA ro chos drug Teachings on the Six Practices of Naropa; transmitted by Kenpo Karma Ratna, a 19th century scholar of the Karma Kagyu tradition W19223 LCCN 85-903745 number of volumes: 6 dpal 'brug pa'i lugs kyi dbang chog 'dod rgu'i bang mdzod (initiation texts (dban dpe) of the bhutanese tradition of the 'brug-pa dkar-brgyud-pa) editor: bstan 'dzin don kun sgrub pa'i sde (rje mkhan po of bhutan 68 bstan 'dzin don kun sgrub pa'i sde) b. 20th cent. main author: shAkya rin chen (rje mkhan po of bhutan 9 shAkya rin chen) b. 1710 d. 1759 publication information: rewalsar, distt. mandi, h.p.: zigar drukpa kargyud institute 1985 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; dbang chog Structured collection of initiation texts of the Drugpa Kagyu tradition


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W23214 LCCN 78-903273 number of volumes: 1 kyai rdor rgyud kyi tshig don rnam bshad (rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal brtag pa gnis pa'i tshig don rnam par bsad pa man nag gi mdzod : a detailed commentary on the hevajra tantra according to the rnog tradition of exegesis followed by the 'brug-pa dkar-brgyud-pa) main author: dge 'dun rin chen (rje mkhan po of bhutan 69 dge 'dun rin chen) b. 1926 d. 1997 publication information: thimphu: rta mgo monastic community, 1978 subject classification: 'grel pa; kye'i rdo rje zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po; rngog bka' brgyud pa Commentary on the Hevajra Tantra by Geshe Chaphu Gendun Rinchen, Je Khenpo of Bhutan, drawing upon the exegesis of the Ngok tradition W23658 LCCN 85-902382 number of volumes: 2 khams sgar dkyil chog gsar ma'i dbyangs yig (khams pa sgar ram 'og min dpal phun tshogs chos 'khor glin zes yons grags smad 'brug chos sde chen po ma lag dan bcas pa'i rin lugs gsar rnin dkyil chog rgya mtsho'i phyag bzes kyi nan gses dbyans kyi yi ge'i skor) publication information: palampur, dist kangra, h.p.: tibetan craft community, 1985 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; dbyangs yig; khams pa sgar [monastery] Chanting and musical notations for the rituals of the Khampa Gar monasteries of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition W23683 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 dpal ldan 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa'i gzhi lam 'bras gsum gyi rnam gzhag mdor bsdus (A Brief Exposition of Basis, Path and Fruit in accordance with the Drukpa Kargyud Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism) main author: mi pham bshad sgrub chos kyi nyin byed ('brug pa thugs sras) b. 1916 d. 1983 publication information: darjeeling, india: kargyud sungrab nyamso khang, 2002 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; las 'bras Treatise on the relationship between the base, the path and the fruit; by Drugpa Thugse Mipam Shedrub Chokyi Nyinje (1916-1983)


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HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY W12828 LCCN 76-901310 number of volumes: 2 chos 'byung rin po che'i gter mdzod bstan pa gsal bar byed pa'i nyi 'od (chos 'byun rin po che'i gter mdzod bstan pa gsal bar byed pa'i ni 'od) publication information: gangtok: dodrup sangyey lama, 1976 subject classification: chos 'byung This history the dharma has been attributed to Longchenpa (1308-1364), certainly incorrectly. Reproduced from a unique manuscript from the library of the late Kangyur Rinpoche. W23375 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 byang gter chos skor rnams kyi spyi chings rin chen 'phreng ba main author: padma dbang chen (se grub chen padma dbang chen) subject classification: byang gter publication information: manuscript This survey of the history and textual organization of the Jangter or Northern Revelations was put together by a master of the Se lineage, Padma Wangchen W15964 LCCN 72-904791 number of volumes: 2 bka' gdams chos 'byung gsal ba'i sgron me (bka' gdams kyi rnam par thar pa bka' gdams chos 'byun gsal ba'i sgron me : a detailed account of the spread of the kadampa sect in tibet) main author: kun dga' rgyal mtshan (rtses thang las chen kun dga' rgyal mtshan) b. 1432 d. 1506 publication information: new delhi: b. jamyang norbu, 1972 subject classification: bka' gdams pa; chos 'byung History of the Kadampa sect, old and new, in Tibet. Scanned with the support of Geshe Thubten Jinpa of the Institute of Tibetan Classics W21140 LCCN 82-902319 number of volumes: 1 bde mchog spyi bshad theg mchog bdud rtsi'i dga' ston ye shes chen po'i sman mchog (bcom ldan 'das dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i spyi bsad theg mchog bdud rtsi'i dga' ston ye ses chen po'i sman mchog : a detailed explanation of the cakrasamvara and its history according to the snan brgyud transmission) main author: sna tshogs rang grol (rgod tshang pa sna tshogs rang grol) b. 1494 d. 1570 publication information: bir, distt. kangra: d. tsondru sengge, 1982 subject classification: bde mchog rgyud; spyi bshad History and exegesis of the Cakrasamvara by Gotsangpa Natsog Rangdrol (1494-1570) according to the Nyengyu transmission


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W22146 LCCN 81-902088 number of volumes: 1 sangs rgyas bstan pa'i chos 'byung dris lan nor bu'i bang mdzod (sans rgyas bstan pa'i chos 'byun dris lan nor bu'i phren ba : a study of the historical and doctrinal development of buddhism in india and tibet) main author: mkhyen rab rgya mtsho (g.yag sde 'dul 'dzin mkhyen rab rgya mtsho) b. 16th cent. publication information: gangtok: dzongsar chhentse labrang, 1981 subject classification: chos 'byung Yagde Duldzin Kyenrab Gyatso belongs to the 16th century. He wrote this study of the history of Buddhism in Tibet in response to polemical questions by the 8th Karmapa Mikyo Dorje (1507-1554) raised against the Nyingma traditions. (Later the Karmapa responded to his own questions, showing how easy it was to defend the Nyingma tradition against Sarmapa opponents.) This text seems to have been written shortly before the Karmapa's death. This manuscript reproduced in India is carefully edited from a manuscript belonging to the late Burmiok Athing Rai Bahadur T.D. Densapa. W22433 LCCN 85-905290 number of volumes: 1 bde mchog chos 'byung (dpal sa skya pa'i yab chos kyi nying khu 'khor lo sdom pa'i dam pa'i chos byung) main author: ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams ('jam mgon a myes zhabs ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams) b. 1597 d. 1659 publication information: dehradun, u.p.: sakya center, 1985 subject classification: bde mchog; historical works, general; sa skya pa History of the Cakrasamvara teachings of the Sakya tradition; written by the scholar prince, Jamgon Amyezhab Ngagwang Kunga Sonam (1597-1659). Scanned through the support of the Infinity Foundation. W10314 LCCN 85-903446 number of volumes: 1 gsang 'dus chos 'byung (dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i chos kyi byung tshul gsal bar bshad pa gsang 'dus chos kun gsal ba'i nyin byed) main author: ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams ('jam mgon a myes zhabs ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams) b. 1597 d. 1659 publication information: dehradun, u.p.: sakya centre, 1985 subject classification: chos 'byung; gsang 'dus History of the Guhyasamaja Tantra practices in India and Tibet; written by the Sakya master, Jamgon Amye Shab Ngagwang Kunga Sonam (1597-1659). Scanned through the patronage of the Infinity Foundation


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W10316 LCCN 85-903690 number of volumes: 1 gshed skor gyi chos 'byung (dpal gshed rje'i gshed skor gyi dam pa'i chos 'byung ba'i tshul legs par bshad pa 'jam dbyangs chos kun gsal ba'i nyin byed) main author: ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams ('jam mgon a myes zhabs ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams) b. 1597 d. 1659 publication information: dehradun: sakya centre, 1985 subject classification: 'jigs byed; chos 'byung; historical works, general History of the Yamantaka tantra and practices in India and Tibet; the work of the Sakya master Jamgon Amye Shab (1597-1659). Funding for the scanning provided by the Infinity Foundation W10311 LCCN 79-902886 number of volumes: 2 mgon po'i chos 'byung (dpal rdo rje nag po chen po'i zab mo'i chos skor rnams byun ba'i tshul legs par bsad pa bstan srun chos kun gsal ba'i nin byed) main author: ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams ('jam mgon a myes zhabs ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams) b. 1597 d. 1659 publication information: new delhi: t. g. dhongthog, 1979 subject classification: history; mgon po; sa skya pa Detailed historical account of the Mahakala traditions in India and Tibet by the Sakya master Jamgon Amye Shab W23161 LCCN 85-900404 number of volumes: 1 lha thog dpon gyi gdung rabs deb ther legs bshad chos srid sgo brgya byed pa'i lde'u mig (rgyal rigs shing sA la chen po lta bu lha thog dpon gyi gdung rabs deb ther legs par bshad pa chos srid sgo brgya 'byed pa'i lde'u mig) main author: 'gyur med rnam rgyal (a gro sgra rams pa 'gyur med rnam rgyal) b. 19th cent. publication information: dharamsala, h.p.: library of tibetan works & archives, 1984 subject classification: gdung rabs; lha thog [traditional place name] History of the Lhatog principality in Nangchen. W20531 LCCN 76-900181 number of volumes: 1 hor chos 'byung (dharmatala's annals of buddhism) main author: dharma tA la b. 19th cent. publication information: new delhi: sharada rani, 1975 subject classification: historical works, general; mongolia History of Buddhism in Mongolia W6004 LCCN 76-900482 number of volumes: 3 mdo smad chos 'byung (the ocean annals of amdo = yul-mdo-smad-kyi ljons-su thub-bstan rin-po-che ji-ltar dar-bahi tshul gsal-bar brjod-pa deb-ther rgya-mtsho) main author: dkon mchog bstan pa rab rgyas (brag dgon zhabs drung dkon mchog bstan pa rab rgyas) b. 1801 d. 1866 publication information: new delhi: sharada rani 1975-1977 subject classification: chos 'byung History of Buddhist monasteries in Amdo; reproduction of a print from the Amdo blocks


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W23682 LCCN 96-901885 number of volumes: 2 rdzogs chen chos 'byung (rang bzhin rdzogs pa chen po'i chos 'byung rig 'dzin brgyud pa'i rnam thar ngo mtshar nor bu bai DUrya'i phreng ba) main author: 'jam dbyangs rdo rje (smyo shul mkhan po) b. 1931 d. 1999 publication information: kathmandu : samye memorial institute, [1996?] subject classification: chos 'byung; rnam thar; rnying ma pa History of the Dzogchen tradition of the Nyingma; written by the late Nyoshu Kenpo Jamyang Dorje (1931-1999) W28810 LCCN 2003-322538 number of volumes: 2 chos sde chen po dpal ldan 'bras spungs bkra shis sgo mang grwa tshang gi chos 'byung dung g.yas su 'khyil ba'i sgra dbyangs main author: bstan pa bstan 'dzin (dge bshes bstan pa bstan 'dzin) b. 20th cent. publication information: mundgod, distt. north kanara, karnataka: dpal ldan 'bras spungs bkra shis sgo mang dpe mdzod khang, 2003 subject classification: chos 'byung; sgo mang grwa tshang ('bras spungs) [college (grwa tshang)] History of the Gomang College of the great Gelug monastery of Drepung


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BIOGRAPHY AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY W8869 LCCN 82-902714 number of volumes: 1 bka' thang yid kyi mun sel (slob dpon sangs rgyas gnyis pa padma 'byung gnas kyi rnam par thar pa yid kyi mun sel) main author: blo gros rgyal mtshan (sog bzlog pa blo gros rgyal mtshan) b. 1552 d. 1624 publication information: thimphu, bhutan: tango monastic community, 1982 subject classification: padma 'byung gnas (slob dpon) (b.8th cent.); rnam thar Biography of the Guru Padmasambhava; written by the Nyingma master Sogdogpa Lotro Gyaltsen W23207 LCCN 85-901471 number of volumes: 1 padma 'byung gnas kyi bka' thang (o rgyan pad ma 'byun gnas kyi skyes rabs lo tsha'i 'gyur byan rnam thar rgyas par bkod pa : a recounting of the life of the guru padmasambhava) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu: druk sherig press, 1984 subject classification: padma 'byung gnas (slob dpon) (b.8th cent.); rnam thar Hagiography of Padmasambhava; from the rediscoveries of Dorje Lingpa (1346-1405) W21555 LCCN 78-906166 number of volumes: 2 bka' thang mun sel sgron me (o rgyan padma 'byung gnas kyi 'khrungs rabs sangs rgyas bstan pa'i chos 'byung mun sel sgron me) subject classification: padma 'byung gnas; rnam thar; zla ba rgyal mtshan (b.1499 d.1587) publication information: sumra, h.p.: urgyan dorji, 1978 gter ston: padma gling pa b. 1450 d. 1521 Hagiography of the Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava; revealed by Terchen Padma Lingpa; includes a biography of Thuse Dawa Gyaltsen W23213 LCCN 85-901873 number of volumes: 1 bai ro'i 'dra 'bag chen mo (le'u 39) (lo tsha chen po bhai ro tsa na'i rnam thar 'dra 'bag chen mo : a version of the biography of vairocana, the locchava of pa-gor, in 39 chapters (le'u)) gter ston: rdo rje gling pa b. 1346 d. 1405 publication information: thimphu: druk sherig press, 1984 subject classification: bai ro tsa na (b.8th cent.); rnam thar Hagiography of the great master Vairocana of Pagor; revealed by Terchen Dorje Lingpa (1346-1405). Scanning made possible through a grant from Master Tam Shek-wing (Vajrayana Buddhism Association).


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W21145 LCCN 84-900297 number of volumes: 1 bde mchog snyan brgyud kyi rnam thar skor (bde mchog snan brgyud biographies) publication information: darjeeling: kargyud sungrab nyamso khang 1983 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa ; rnam thar Biographies of masters in the transmission of the Demchog Kandro Nyengyu teachings of the Marpa Kagyu tradition; reproduced from a rare manuscript from Tagna Monastery in Ladakh W23181 LCCN 72-904180 number of volumes: 1 bka' brgyud yid bzhin nor bu yi 'phreng ba (bka' brgyud yid bzin nor bu yi 'phren ba : a precious rosary of lives of eminent masters of the 'bri-gun-pa dkar-brgyud-pa tradition) main author: rin chen dpal publication information: leh: s.w. tashigangpa, 1972 subject classification: 'bri gung bka' brgyud pa; rnam thar; smar pa bka' brgyud pa This sertreng or "golden rosary of lives" recounts the stories of the great masters transmitting the methods of practice of the Drigung and Martsang Kagyu lineages of Tibet. W23344 LCCN 83-900550 number of volumes: 1 gso sbyong rang gis len pa'i cho ga'i rnam bshad dpag bsam gyi dga' tshal (gso sbyon ran gis len pa'i cho ga'i rnam bsad dpag bsam gyi dga' tshal : a study of the gso sbyon practice) main author: 'od dpag rdo rje subject classification: bla ma brgyud pa'i rnam thar; gso sbyong; thugs rje chen po bcu gcig zhal publication information: delhi: damchoe sangpo, 1982 Brief biographies of practitioners of the Eleven Faced Form of Avalokitesvara with a detailed explanation of the posadha; written by Opag Dorje W23380 LCCN 85-903749 number of volumes: 1 mnga' bdag bla ma'i rnam thar (the biographies of the early masters in the transmission lineage of the bka' brgyad bde gsegs 'dus pa teachings revealed by mna'-bdag myan-ral ni-ma-'od-zer) publication information: rewalsar: zigar drukpa kargyud institute, 1985 subject classification: nyi ma 'od zer, mnga' bdag nyang ral (nyang ral nyi ma 'od zer) (b.1136 d.1204); rnam thar; rnying ma pa The Ngadagpa lineage or the Nyingma originated with Nyang Nyima Ozer (1136-1204). This collection is preserved at a Ngadagpa monastery in Sikkim W22142 LCCN 85-902426 number of volumes: 1 spyil dkar ba'i rnam thar (the autobiography and instructions of the stod 'brug-pa dkar-brgyud-pa master, chos-rje dpyil-dkar-ba (1228-1300) main author: spyil dkar ba b. 1228 d. 1300 publication information: thimphu: national library of bhutan, 1985 subject classification: rnam thar; spyil dkar ba (b.1228 d.1300) Biography of a master of the Upper Drugpa Kargyu tradition from Bhutan


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W23436 LCCN 73-904146 number of volumes: 1 dkar brgyud gser 'phreng (dkar brgyud gser 'phren : a thirteenth century collection of verse hagiographies of the succession of eminent masters of the 'brug pa dkar-brgyud-pa tradition) main author: bde chen rdo rje (rgyal thang pa bde chen rdo rje) publication information: palampur, h.p.: sungrab nyamso gyunphel parkhang, tibetan craft community 1973 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; rnam thar Collected biographies of teachers from the Drugpa Kargyu tradition; the author Gyaltangpa Dechen Dorje probably belongs to the 13th century W27603 LCCN 86-900146 number of volumes: 1 sprul sku rig 'dzin rgod ldem 'phru can gyi rnam thar gsal byed nyi ma'i 'od zer main author: nyi ma bzang po publication information: paro, bhutan: lama ngodrup and sherab drimey, 1985 subject classification: rgod kyi ldem 'phru can (b.1337 d.1409); rnam thar Brief biography of the master who originated the Jangter tradition of the Nyingma W27866 LCCN 83-903665 number of volumes: 1 byang gter lugs kyi rnam thar dang mang 'ongs lung bstan (collected biographies and prophecies of the byan gter tradition) publication information: gangtok, sikkim: sherab gyaltsen and lama dawa, 1983 subject classification: byang gter; ma 'ongs lung bstan; rnam thar Biographies and prophecies of lamas in the transmission lineage of the Jangter W18649 LCCN none number of volumes: 1 gzhon nu blo gros kyi rnam thar (rje btsun thams cad mkhyen pa ku mA ra ma ti'i rnam thar ngo mtshar rmad byung) main author: sangs rgyas rtse mo (mnga' ris pa sangs rgyas rtse mo) b. 14th cent. publication information: rare manuscript subject classification: rnam thar ; sa skya pa ; dge lugs pa Biography of a prominent scholastic, Rendawa Zhonnu Lodro (1349-1412), a teacher of Tsongkapa and Khedrup Je


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W23174 LCCN 80-900328 number of volumes: 1 shar kaH thog pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i rnam par thar pa dri med yid bzhin nor bu'i phreng ba (sar kaH thog pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzan po'i rnam par thar pa dri med yid bzin nor bu'i phren ba : the autobiography of the rnin-ma-pa master, kaH-thog-pa bsod-nams-rgyal-mtshan) main author: bsod nams rgyal mtshan (kaH thog pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan) b. 1466 d. 1540 publication information: gangtok: dzongsar jamyang khyentsey labrang, 1979 subject classification: bsod nams rgyal mtshan (b.1466 d.1540); rnam thar; rnying ma pa Katog Sonam Gyaltsen was a teacher of the Katog tradition of the Nyingma and was active in Sikkim and Bhutan in the 17th century. The text here is a biographical account, from an original manuscript preserved in the Burmiok library. Sonam Gyaltsen was the most important exponent of the Katog tradition, one of the three major Nyingma traditions (the other two of which are the Lhatsunpa and Ngadagpa) involved in the founding of the Sikkimese state W14364 LCCN 82-902708 number of volumes: 2 kun dga' grol mchog gi rnam thar yal 'dab bcu gnyis (the autobiographies of jo-nan kun-dga'-grol-mchog and his previous embodiments) main author: kun dga' grol mchog (jo nang rje btsun kun dga' grol mchog) b. 1507 d. 1565/1566 publication information: new delhi: tibet house, 1982 subject classification: rnam thar Biography of a Jonang master from the Nepal-Tibetan borderlands and his previous embodiments W22191 LCCN 79-903045 number of volumes: 1 'gro 'dul las 'phro gling pa'i rnam thar (rig 'dzin chen po gter bton las 'phro glin pa'i dus gsum gyi skye brgyud dan rnam par thar pa che lon tsam brjod pa : a detailed account of the former existences and autbiography of...) editor: 'od gsal rgya mtsho b. 16th cent. main author: 'gro 'dul las 'phro gling pa b. 16th cent. publication information: gangtok: gonpo tsetan, 1979 subject classification: 'gro 'dul las 'phro gling pa (b.16th cent.); rnam thar Autobiography of a visionary and revealer of concealed teachings of the Nyingma tradition W22120 LCCN 85-902183 number of volumes: 1 chos skyabs dpal bzang gi rnam thar (chos skyabs dpal bzan gi rnam thar) main author: chos skyabs dpal bzang b. 1536 d. 1635 subject classification: chos skyabs dpal bzang (b.1536 d.1635); rnam thar publication information: dalhousie: damchoe sangpo, 1985 Autobiography of a master from Dolpo in northern Nepal


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W22202 LCCN 86-900151 number of volumes: 1 mdo khams pa karma bstan 'phel rnam thar (dpal ldan bla ma dam pa karma bstan 'phel gyi rnam par thar pa grub pa'i rol rtsed : the autobiography of the first khams-sprul karma-bstan-'phel) main author: karma bstan 'phel (khams sprul 01 karma bstan 'phel) b. 1569 d. 1637 publication information: tashi jong, paprola: tibetan craft community, 1985 subject classification: karma bstan 'phel (b.1569 d.1637); rnam thar Autobiography of the first of the Khamtrul lineage, a master of the Drugpa Kargyu lineage W27927 LCCN 82-902940 number of volumes: 1 bsod nams rgya mtsho'i rnam thar dngos grub rgya mtsho'i shing rta (rje btsun thams cad mkhyen pa bsod nams rgya mtsho'i rnam thar dngos grub rgya mtsho'i shing rta) main author: ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho (dalai lama 05 ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho) b. 1617 d. 1682 publication information: dolanji, p.o. ochghat, distt. solan, h.p.: tashi dorjee 1982 subject classification: bsod nams rgya mtsho (dalai lama 03 bsod nams rgya mtsho) (b.1543 d.1588); dge lugs pa; rnam thar Biographies of the Third and Fourth Dalai Lamas by the Great Fifth W23429 LCCN number of volumes: 1 dpal 'brug pa rin po che rgyal dbang thams cad mkhyen pa dpag bsam dbang po thub bstan yongs 'du'i dpal gyi sde'i rnam par thar pa skal bzang kun tu dga' ba'i zlos gar (dpag bsam dbang po'i rnam thar) main author: dpal rgyas dbang po (dus zhabs pa dpal rgyas dbang po) b. 16th/17th cent. publication information: rdo rje gling: 'brug sgar dpe mdzod khang 2001 subject classification: dpag bsam dbang po ('brug chen 05 dpag bsam dbang po) (b.1593 d.1641); rnam thar Biography of a master of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition, the Sixth Drugchen Pagsam Wangpo (1593-1641; written by the professional biographer Palgye Wangpo W8683 LCCN 85-902812 number of volumes: 1 dam chos pad dkar gyi rnam thar (mtshuns med dpal ldan bla ma dam pa dam chos padma dkar po'i sde'i rnam par thar pa yon tan nor bu'i 'od kyi dkyil khor : a biography of the fourth rje mkhan-po of bhutan, dam-chos-pad-dkar (1639-1708)) main author: kun dga' rgyal mtshan ('brug rgyal sras sprul sku 2 kun dga' rgyal mtshan) b. 1689 d. 1713 publication information: thimphu, bhutan: national library of bhutan, 1985 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; dam chos pad dkar (b.1639 d.1708); rnam thar Biography of a high Bhutanese prelate


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W22136 LCCN 83-903664 number of volumes: 1 lho brag gro bo lung grub thob blo bzang lha mchog rin po che'i rnam thar (the autobiography of the rnin-ma-pa master blo-bzan-lha-mchog) main author: blo bzang lha mchog (gro bo lung grub thob blo bzang lha mchog) b. 1672? d. 1747 publication information: paro: sherab drimay, 1983 subject classification: blo bzang lha mchog (b.1672? d.1747); rnam thar Autobiography of Nyingma master W22182 LCCN 85-900930 number of volumes: 1 mi pham ngag dbang snyan grags dpal bzang po'i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar rgya mtsho'i zlos gar (rje btsun rdo rje 'chang dngos mi pham ngag dbang snyan grags dpal bzang po'i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar rgya mtsho'i zlos gar) main author: mi pham phun tshogs shes rab (stag rtse sku skye mi pham phun tshogs shes rab) publication information: darjeeling: kargyud sungrab nyamso khang, 1984 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; rnam thar; snyan grags dpal bzang (b.1617 d.1688?) Biography of a hierarch of the Drugpa Kargyu tradition, the Second Dingpoche Chogdra (1677-1688?); written by Tagtse Kukye Mipam Puntso Sherab W23162 LCCN 78-908885 number of volumes: 1 ye shes dngos grub zhabs kyi rtogs brjod baiDUrya'i mchod sdong ngo mtshar 'od brgya'i 'byung gnas (dpal ldan bla ma dam pa grub pa'i dban phyug rdo rje 'chan chen po ye ses dngos grub zabs kyi rtogs brjod baid urya'i mchod sdon no mtshar 'od brgya'i 'byun gnas : the biography of kom-'phran chos-rje ye-shes-dnos-grub) main author: phyogs las rnam rgyal (zhabs drung gsung sprul 01 phyogs las rnam rgyal) b. 1708 d. 1736 publication information: thimphu: kunzang topgey, 1978 subject classification: rnam thar; ye shes dngos grub (b.17th cent.) The biography of Komtrang Choje Yeshe Ngodrub (1641-1727) was written by his disciple the Second Sungtrul Zhabdrung Choley Namgyal (1708-1736). This is an extraordinarily beautiful manuscript from Bhutan. W22245 LCCN 75-900626 number of volumes: 2 'khrul zhig ngag dbang tshe ring gi rnam thar dang gsung skor (the life and works of 'khrul-zig nag-dban-tshe-rin) main author: ngag dbang tshe ring ('khrul zhig ngag dbang tshe ring) b. 1717 d. 1794 publication information: delhi: topden tshering, 1989 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; gsung 'bum; ngag dbang tshe ring (b.1717 d.1794); rnam thar life and teaching of a buddhist teacher from zangskar


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W22183 LCCN 86-900145 number of volumes: 1 kun dga' chos legs bla ma karma dang grub dbang ngag dbang tshe ring gi rnam thar (lamas of zans-dkar : a collection of manuscript material about the lives of kun-dga'-chos-legs, bla-ma karma, and grub-dban nag-dban-tshe-rin) publication information: gemur, distt. lahul: tobden tsering, 1985 subject classification: kar ma, bla ma ; kun dga' chos legs (b.18th cent.); ngag dbang tshe ring (b.1717 d.1794); rnam thar Biographies of three lamas of Zangskar including the famous Ngagwang Tsering (1717-1794) W23387 LCCN 84-902693 number of volumes: 1 shAkya bstan 'dzin gyi rnam thar (dpal ldan 'brug pa rin po che nag dban 'jam dbyans sakya bstan 'dzin gyi rnam par thar pa legs byas rgya mtsho'i sprin gyi sgra dbyans) main author: karma dpal 'bar b. 18th cent. publication information: thimphu: national library of bhutan, 1984 subject classification: rnam thar; shAkya bstan 'dzin (zhabs drung gsung sprul 2) (b.1736 d.1780) Biography of the Second Zhabdrung Sungtrul of Bhutan Shakya Tendzin (1736-1780); written by Karma Palbar W22115 LCCN 82-906212 number of volumes: 1 yol sprul bstan 'dzin nor bu'i skyes rab (collected writings of yol-mo sprul-sku bstan-'dzin-nor-bu) main author: bstan 'dzin nor bu (yol mo sprul sku 03 bstan 'dzin nor bu) b. 1589 d. 1644 publication information: delhi: dawa lama. 1982 subject classification: gsung thor bu; rnying ma pa Account of the predecessors in the incarnation lineage of Yolmo Tulku Tendzin Norbu, Nyingma teachers of the Changter tradition. W22125 LCCN 84-901678 number of volumes: 1 hor chos rje sku 'phreng gong ma rnams kyi rnam thar mdor bsdus 'dzam bu'i gser gyi snye ma (hor chos rje sku 'phren gong ma rnams kyi rnam thar mdor bsdus 'dzam bu'i gser gyi sne ma) main author: dbyangs can snyems pa'i lang tsho (hor chos rje 03 dbyangs can snyems pa'i lang tsho) b. 1797? publication information: delhi: tibet house, 1983 subject classification: hor khog [traditional place name]; ngag dbang phun tshogs (hor chos rje 01 ngag dbang phun tshogs) (b.1668 d.1746); rnam thar; skal bzang mthu stobs dpal 'bar (b.1747 d.1796) Biographies of the first two hierarchs of a lineage of Gelug masters ruling over the Horkhog monasteries in the Kardze region


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W23154 LCCN 85-902819 number of volumes: 1 'jigs med grags pa'i rnam thar (the biography of the third zabs-drun thugs-sprul of bhutan, 'jigs-med-grags-pa phyi-ma (1791-1830)) main author: byang chub nor bu b. 19th cent. publication information: thimphu, bhutan: national library of bhutan, 1985 subject classification: 'brug pa dkar brgyud pa; 'jigs med grags pa 2 (b.1791 d.1830); rnam thar Biography of the 3th Zhabdrung Thugtrul of Bhutan, Jigme Dragpa the Second (17911830); this work was written by his student Jangchub Norbu. W23561 LCCN 84-900212 number of volumes: 1 'phrin las rgya mtsho'i gsung rnam (the autobiography and collected instructions of the sikkimese lama rig-'dzin 'phrin-las-rgya-mtsho) main author: 'phrin las rgya mtsho (rig 'dzin 'phrin las rgya mtsho) publication information: gangtok: pema wangchen, 1983 subject classification: 'bras ljongs [principality (rgyal khab)]; 'phrin las rgya mtsho ; bslab bya; rnam thar Autobiography and collected instructions of a Sikkimese lama of the Nyingma tradition W22982 LCCN 82-906208 number of volumes: 1 gzungs 'bul gyi rim pa lag len klags chog tu bkod pa bai DUrya'i yang zhun (gzuns 'bul gyi rim pa lag len klags chog tu bkod pa baidurya'i yan zun : a treatise on the consecration of blessing bestowing images) main author: tshe dbang 'chi med mgon po (mdo chen pa tshe dbang 'chi med mgon po) b. 1755 d. 1807 publication information: delhi: dawa lama,1982 subject classification: gzungs 'bul; karma 'phrin las bdud 'joms (b.1726 d.1789); rnam thar Biography of the Tibetan master Trinle Dudjom by Dochenpa Tsewang Chime Gonpo together with the subject's treatise on the consecration of images. W23609 LCCN 2001-362403 number of volumes: 1 zhe chen dbon sprul 'gyur med mthu stobs rnam rgyal gyi rnam thar (mkhas shing dngos grub brnyes pa'i slob dpon 'jam dbyangs dgyes pa'i blo gros mtsho skyes bshad pa'i sgra dbyangs kyi rtogs brjod mdor bsdus skal bzang mgul rgyan : the biography of shechen ontrul thutob namgyal (zhe-chen dbon-sprul 'gyur-med-mthu-stobs..) main author: rdo rje rab brtan b. 19th cent. publication information: new delhi: shechen publications 2000 subject classification: 'gyur med mthu stobs rnam rgyal (zhe chen lo tsA ba mthu stobs) (b.1787); rnam thar Biography of a master of the Nyingma tradition of the Zhechen lineage, Zhechen Ontrul Gyurme Tutob Namgyal (b. 1787)


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W23559 LCCN 85-903289 number of volumes: 1 'jigs med 'phrin las 'od zer gyi rnam thar (rdo grub chen 'jigs med phrin las 'od zer gyi 'khruns rabs rnam thar : the brief biography of the first rdo grub-chen 'jigs-med-phrin-las-'od-zer (1742-1821) and his successors in the rdo grub-chen lineages of incarnations) main author: thub bstan phrin las bzang po (rdo grub 04 thub bstan phrin las bzang po) b. 1927 publication information: tadong, gangtok, sikkim: pema thinley for dodrupchen rinpoche 1985 subject classification: 'jigs med 'phrin las 'od zer (rdo grub chen 01 'jigs med 'phrin las 'od zer) (b.1745 d.1821); rnam thar Biographies of Do Drubchen Jigme Trinley Ozer and successors in the Do Drubchen line of Nyingma masters; written by the present Do Drubchen W22140 LCCN 86-900302 number of volumes: 1 kun dga' bstan 'dzin skyes rabs rnam thar sku thog gsum pa (biographies of the predecessors in the khams-sprul incarnation lineage from the great yogis of india through the fourth khams-sprul bstan-'dzin-chos-kyi-ni-ma) main author: sgrub brgyud nyi ma (khams sprul 05 sgrub brgyud nyi ma) b. 1781 d. 1847 publication information: tashi jong: tibetan craft community, 1985 subject classification: khams pa sgar [monastery]; khams sprul (khams pa sgar); rnam thar Biographies of the successive incarnations of the Khamtrul lineage of the Drugpa Kagyu tradition W22143 LCCN 85-900508 number of volumes: 1 sku bzhi'i dbang phyug 'jam pa'i dbyangs pad dkar bstan 'dzin gyi rtogs brjod cha tsam brjod pa skal bzang 'dod 'jo'i khri shing (the biography of pad-dkar-bstan-'dzin or pad-dkar-chos-kyi-bstan-'dzin) main author: yon tan rgya mtsho (rje mkhan po of bhutan 26 yon tan rgya mtsho) b. 1780 d. 1840 publication information: thimphu: national library of bhutan 1984 subject classification: pad dkar bstan 'dzin (b.1750 d.1798); rnam thar Biography of an 18th century Bhutanese master W22200 LCCN 85-905309 number of volumes: 1 bstan pa'i nyi ma'i rnam thar (the biography of the sixth khams-sprul bstan-pa'i-ni-ma) main author: byams me lha mchog b. 19th cent. publication information: tashi jong, paprola: tibetan craft community, 1985 subject classification: bstan pa'i nyi ma (b.1849 d.1907); rnam thar Biography of a Drugpa Kagyu master from eastern Tibet


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W22126 LCCN 85-902961 number of volumes: 1 rgya nag rtogs ldan byang chub 'phags dbang gi rnam thar (rgya nag rtogs ldan byan chub 'phags dban gi rnam thar dad gsum chu 'phel ba'i zla gzon) main author: ngag dbang blo gros rgya mtsho (rgya nag rtogs ldan 02 ngag dbang blo gros rgya mtsho) publication information: new delhi: s. khedup, 1985 subject classification: byang chub 'phags dbang ; rnam thar Biography of a meditative master from the Jyekundo area of Kham and the construction activities in which he was involved W27921 LCCN 93-910730 number of volumes: 1 'jig rten dbang phyug dpal karma pa chen po bco lnga pa'i gsung gi gsang ba bsam gyis mi khyab pa las ngo mtshar spar du bzhugs pa'i glegs bam rnams kyi dkar chag chos tshul rnam par 'byed pa'i zla snang main author: mkhyen brtse 'od zer (kar sras kong sprul mkhyen brtse 'od zer) b. 1904 d. 1953/1954 publication information: delhi, india: konchhog lhadrepa, 1993 subject classification: dkar chag; gsung 'bum / mkha' khyab rdo rje; karma bka' brgyud pa; mkha' khyab rdo rje (karma pa 15 mkha' khyab rdo rje) (b.1870/1871 d.1921/1922); rnam thar Bio-bibliography on the life and writings of the 15th Karmapa Kakyab Dorje; written by his son Karse Kongtrul W23185 LCCN 98-906261 number of volumes: 1 tre hor khang gsar skyabs mgon blo bzang tshul khrims bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i rnam thar dad pa'i padmo bzhad pa'i nyin byed (the biography of the first tre hor khang gsar skyabs mgon blo bzang tshul khrims bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (1838-1897)) main author: byams pa chos grags (khri 90 byams pa chos grags) b. 1876 d. 1947 publication information: dharamsala: library of tibetan works and archives, 1996 subject classification: blo bzang tshul khrims bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (tre hor khang gsar blo bzang tshul khrims bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan) (b.1838 d.1897); dkar chag; rnam thar; sde mgon khang [monastery] Biography of a prominent master of the Gelug tradition W23912 LCCN 81-905209 number of volumes: 2 pha bong kha pa'i rnam thar (rigs dan dkyil 'khor rgya mtsho'i khyab bdag he ru kah dpal nur smrig gar rol skyab gcig pha bon kha pa bde chen snin po dpal bzan po'i rnam par thar pa don ldan tshans pa'i dbyans snan : the detailed biography of rje pha-bon-kha-pa byams-pa-bstan-'dzin..) main author: blo bzang rdo rje (ldan ma blo bzang rdo rje) b. 20th cent. publication information: new delhi: ngawang sopa 1981 subject classification: bde chen snying po (pha bong kha pa bde chen snying po) (b.1878 d.1941); rnam thar


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W22175 LCCN 85-900533 number of volumes: 1 grub dbang padma lung rtogs rgya mtsho mchog gi rnam thar byang chub lam bstan main author: tshe dbang rdo rje (sprul sku tshe dbang rdo rje) b. 20th cent. publication information: dalhousie: damchoe sangpo, 1984 subject classification: padma lung rtogs rgya mtsho (b.1891 d.1964); rnam thar Biography of a Nyingma teacher from the Nepal borderlands W22184 LCCN 94-903272 number of volumes: 1 kun dga' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan gyi rnam thar (the biography of sde-gzhung a-'jam sprul-sku 'jam-dbyangs-kun-dga'-bstan-pa'i-rgyal-mtshan) main author: 'phrin las chos 'phel (skye rgu mkhan po 'phrin las chos 'phel) b. 20th cent. publication information: new delhi: nagwang tupgyal 1993 subject classification: kun dga' rgyal mtshan (sde gzhung a 'jam rin po che) (b.1885 d.1952); rnam thar; sa skya pa Biography of Dezhung Ajam Kunga Tenpai Gyaltsen by his disciple, the abbot of Jekundo Monastery, Trinle Chophel. W19461 LCCN 85-903291 number of volumes: 1 rdo rje 'chan 'jam dbyans chos kyi blo gros la gsan rnam gyi sgo nas gsol ba 'debs pa byin rlabs myur 'jug : versified petition recalling the esoteric experiences of rdzon-gsar mkhyen-brtse 'jam-dbyans-chos-kyi-blo-gros (1896-1959) (rdo rje 'chang 'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros la gsang rnam gyi sgo nas gsol ba 'debs pa byin rlabs myur 'jug) main author: kun dga' dbang phyug (rdzong gsar mkhan po) b. 1921/1923 publication information: gangtok, sikkim: dzongsar khyentse labrang, palace monastery,1985 subject classification: 'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros (rdzong sar mkhyen brtse 'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros) (b.1893 d.1959); gsol 'debs; rnam thar Profound esoteric experiences of Dzongsar Kyentse Jamyang Chokyi Lodro W22379 LCCN 93-908443 number of volumes: 1 'jam mgon rgyal ba'i rgyal tshab yongs 'dzin gling sprul rdo rje 'chang thub bstan lung rtogs rnam rgyal 'phrin las dpal bzang po'i zhal snga nas kyi thun mong ba'i mdzad pa rnam thar mdo tsam brjod pa nor bu'i do shal main author: bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho (dalai lama 14 bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho) b. 1935 publication information: dharamsala: tibetan cultural printing press, 1989 subject classification: gling rin po che thub bstan lung rtogs bstan 'dzin 'phrin las (thub bstan lung rtogs bstan 'dzin 'phrin las) (b.1903 d.1983); rnam thar Biography of the senior tutor of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama


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POLEMIC AND PROPHECY W23954 LCCN 81-901052 number of volumes: 1 sngags log sun 'byin gyi skor (snags log sun 'byin gyi skor) publication information: thim-phu: kunsang tobgyel and mani dorji, 1979 subject classification: brgal lan Collection of polemical works against followers of the Nyingma tradition W23994 LCCN 71-906322 number of volumes: 1 rgya yul du blang dor lung bstan gnam yig phebs pa (rgya yul du blan dor lun bstan gnam yig phebs pa bod skad du bsgyur ba) publication information: spetup: [s.n.] 1969 subject classification: bslab bya; ma 'ongs lung bstan Prophecy urging moral reform translated from Chinese into Tibetan LAW W8234 LCCN 79-903887 number of volumes: 1 blang dor gsal bar ston pa'i dwangs shel me long (blan dor gsal bar ston pa'i dran thig dwans sel me long : a treatise on the sixteen fundamental principles of tibetan administrative law...) main author: sangs rgyas rgya mtsho (sde srid sangs rgyas rgya mtsho) b. 1653 d. 1705 publication information: dolanji, h.p.: sonam drakpa 1979 subject classification: law Codification of the administrative law of Tibet; appended are a number of important works on Tibetan grammar and lexicography LITERARY ARTS W23195 LCCN 77-902364 number of volumes: 1 mngon brjod kyi bstan bcos tshig gi gter zhes bya ba'i 'grel pa rgya cher don gsal ba (mnon brjod kyi bstan bcos tshig gi gter zes bya ba'i 'grel pa rgya cher don gsal ba : a detailed commentary on sa-skya pandi-ta's tshig gi gter, a tibetan abhidhana work based upon the famed amarakosa of amarasimha) main author: blo gros brtan pa (snye thang lo tsA ba blo gros brtan pa) publication information: gangtok: gonpo tseten, 1977 subject classification: mngon brjod; tshig gi gter Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen (1182-1251) was a scholar saint of the Sakya tradition. Among his masterful treatises, comparable to the works of the Indian masters was his work on synonyms called the “Treasury of Words.” The manuscript presented here comprises a commentary on the work by Nyethang Lotsava Lotro Tenpa.


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W20487 LCCN unk82-901568 number of volumes: 1 kavya texts from bhutan publication information: thimphu, bhutan: kunzang topgey, 1976 subject classification: snyan ngag Collection of texts exemplifying Tibetan poetics and poetry from Bhutan W23560 LCCN 83-902101 number of volumes: 1 snyan ngag me long gi rgya cher 'grel pa mi 'jigs pa seng ge'i rgyud kyi nga ro'i dbyangs (snan ngag me lon gi rgya cher 'grel pa mi 'jigs pa sen ge'i rgyud kyi na ro'i dbyans : a detailed commentary on all three chapters of the indian poet dandin's kavyadarsa) main author: ngag dbang 'jigs med grags pa b. 1482/1542 d. 1595? publication information: bir, h.p.: d. tsondu senghe 1983 subject classification: kavyadarsa (tanjur); snyan ngag Commentary on all three chapters of the Kavyadarsa of Dandin, treatise on poetics; written by a ruler of Rinpung Ngagwang Jigdrag W27476 LCCN 75-903252 number of volumes: 1 rgya bod hor sog gi mchog dman bar pa rnams la 'phrin yig snyan ngag tu bkod pa rab snyan rgyud mang main author: ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho (dalai lama 05 ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho) b. 1617 d. 1682 publication information: thimphu: kunsang topgay, 1975 subject classification: chab shog Collection of ornate letters by the 5th Dalai Lama POPULAR LITERATURE: 'DAS LOG, GE SAR, ETC. W26078 LCCN 79-906507 number of volumes: 31 ge sar (the epic of gesar) editor: padma la (slob dpon padma la) publication information: thimphu: kunsang tobgyel, 1979-1984 subject classification: ge sar (sgrung) Collection of transcriptions of episodes of the Gesar epic from a rare Bhutanese collection W23191 LCCN 78-900961 number of volumes: 1 'das log gsum gyi lo rgyus (three 'das-log stories : three accounts of visions of after death by bla-ma byams-pa-bde-legs, khams-pa a-krun, and glin-bza' chos-skyid) publication information: delhi: don-'grub-rdo-rje, 1977 subject classification: 'das log; byams pa bde legs ('das log) ; gling bza' chos skyid ('das log) ; khams pa a krung ('das log) Accounts of return from death experiences


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W27604 LCCN 85-904406 number of volumes: 1 'das log 'dan ma sengge'i ming mtha' bcom ldan mkha' spyod mkhas grub chos sku drung chen 'das smyon grub thob bya ba'i dmyal snang rang grol gzigs pa'i dmyal ba'i dkar chag nyung bsdus gsal ba'i me long main author: sangs rgyas sengge ('dan ma sangs rgyas sengge) subject classification: 'das log publication information: rewalsar, distt. mandi, h.p, india: dzigar drukpa kargyud institute, [1985?] W22131 LCCN 77-902749 number of volumes: 1 'das log byang chub sengge (spyan ras gzigs kyi sprul pa 'das log byan chub sen ge'i dmyal snan sar ba las dge sdig gi san dbye dan gshin rje chos kyi rgyal po'i 'phrin yig rgyas pa) main author: byang chub sengge ('das log) publication information: thimphu: kunsang topgay,1976 subject classification: 'das log Account of a return from death W23192 LCCN 74-901396 number of volumes: 1 karma dbang 'dzin dang gling bza' chos skid kyi 'das log rnam thar (two visionary accounts of returns from death : the rnam thar of karma-dban-'dzin and of glin-bza' chos-skyid) publication information: delhi: patshang lama sonam gyaltsen, 1974 subject classification: 'das log; gling bza' chos skyid ('das log) ; karma dbang 'dzin ('das log) Account of the "return from death experiences" of Karma Wangdzin and Lingza Chokyi. W23193 LCCN 77-900728 number of volumes: 1 ro dngos grub can gyi sgrung mkhas pa dang skye bo rnams kyi rna ba'i bcud len phun tshogs bde gter (ro dnos grub can gyi sgrun mkhas pa dan skye bo rnams kyi rna ba'i bcud len phun tshogs bde gter : a manuscript collection of twenty-four tibetan vetala stories) publication information: delhi: ngawang sopa, 1976 subject classification: ro sgrung Story of the Animated Corpse (Vetalapancavimsati), rendering of an ancient Indian tale W23194 LCCN 75-904275 number of volumes: 1 ro dngos grub can gyi sgrung (ro dnos grub can gyi sgrun : a manuscript collection of thirgy-seven tibetan vetala stories) publication information: bir, h.p.: kandro, 1975 subject classification: ro sgrung Story of the Animated Corpse (Vetalapancavimsati), rendering of an ancient Indian tale.


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ARTS AND CRAFTS W19213 LCCN 76-900256 number of volumes: 1 dpyad don gsal ba'i sgron me ('jig rten lugs kyi bstan bcos las dpyad don gsal ba'i sgron me) publication information: thim-phu: kun bzan stobs rgyal, 1975 subject classification: dpyad don On the criteria for the appraisal of precious objects and works of art MEDICINE W22259 LCCN 82-903299 number of volumes: 1 g.yu thog snying thig skor (g'yu thog snin thig gi yig cha : the collected basic texts and ritual works of the medical teachings orally passed from g'yu-thog yon-tan-mgon-po) editor: mkha' spyod dgyes pa'i rdo rje (khams smyon dharma sengge) b. 19th cent. main author: yon tan mgon po (g.yu thog gsar ma) b. 1126 d. 1202 publication information: leh, ladakh : d.l. tashigang, 1981 subject classification: sman Collected rituals of a cycle of medical practice deriving from Yutog Yontan Gonpo ASTRONOMY AND ASTROLOGY W23180 LCCN 85-903449 number of volumes: 1 rtsis kyi bstan bcos nya rgyas zla ba'i dkyil 'khor blo gsar kunda'i 'dod 'jo (rtsis kyi bstan bcos na rgyas zla ba'i dkyil 'khor blo gsar kunda'i 'dod 'jo : a detailed introduction to tibetan astrological and calendrical calculations) main author: bstan 'dzin chos kyi rgyal mtshan ('bri gung chung tshang 04 bstan 'dzi chos kyi rgyal mtshan) b. 17th/18th cent. publication information: bir, h.p.: bir tibetan society, 1985 subject classification: rtsis Methods for the calculation of the calendar and horary astrology by the Drigung Kagyu master, Tendzin Chokyi Gyaltsen (18th century). W21527 LCCN 77-900840 number of volumes: 1 rtsis gzhi'i man ngag rigs ldan snying gi thig le (bstan bcos bai dur dkar po dan nin byed snan ba'i dgons don gsal bar ston pa rtsis gzi'i man nag rigs ldan snin gi thig le) main author: mkhyen rab nor bu (rtsed thang mkhyen rab nor bu) b. 1883 d. 1962 publication information: leh: o-rgyan-rnam-rgyal, 1976 subject classification: bai Duurya dkar po; rtsis; rtsis kyi man ngag nyin mor byed pa'i snang ba Treatise on the essentials of official astrology of the Tibetan state; based on the works of Desi Sangye Gyatso and Minling Lochen Dharmashri

