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TCHOUKBALL · 2020. 10. 6. · Tchoukball. Introduction –Show example of Tchoukball game on the...

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  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Rules of Tchoukball:

    Tchoukball is an indoor team sport developed in the 1970s by Swiss biologist Hermann Brandt (Primary schools can play indoor, on playground or field).

    The sport is usually played on an indoor court measuring 27 metres by 16 metres. At each end there is a 'frame' (a device similar to a trampoline off which the ball bounces) which measures one square metre and a semicircular D-shaped forbidden zone measuring three metres in radius. Each team can score on both ends on the field. In order to score a point, the ball must be thrown by an attacking player, hit the frame and bounce outside the 'D' without being caught by the defending team. Physical contact is prohibited, and defenders may not attempt to intercept the attacking team's passes. Players may take three steps with the ball, hold the ball for a maximum of three seconds, and teams may not pass the ball more than three times before shooting at the frame.

    Overall LO - To develop practical skills in order to participate, compete and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Lesson LO Warm up Acquire and Develop skills Select and Apply skills

    Cool Down (With plenary and

    evaluation) 1 LO – To begin

    to understand the rules of Tchoukball.

    Introduction –Show example of Tchoukball game on the IWB - We will play a maximum of 5 a side to encourage maximum participation. Hot Potato Mark out an area. Half the class are round the outside of the area performing pulse raising movements (High knees, heel flicks, star jumps). Half the class stand in the middle of the area with half having a ball. Players with the ball attempt to pass ball to players without a ball. Upon teacher’s whistle children stop, players without a ball get a point. Swap children on the outside. Repeat but children can only take a maximum of 3 steps before passing to another player. Progression – pupils must pass quickly to classmates who are available – emphasise the importance of accuracy of passing and handling in Tchoukball. Time – 10 mins

    Bounce twice to score! Set up 2 15x15y courts with a line of cones across the centre (If space set up 3 courts). Split class into 6 teams. Each team stands in one half of a court. Play with 1 large bouncy ball to begin. Teams attempt to bounce the ball in the oppositions half – if it bounces more than once they win a point for their team (You can have a stack of cones where children can then keep score by winning a cone). When serving the ball must be thrown up and down and not ‘Bulleted’ across the court. After the serve pupils must perform 3 passes before ‘Shooting.’ Shots can only be done from the chest (Chest push). Progressions: Pupils must keep on the move to confuse opponents. Use a smaller bouncy ball. Play a different team. Discussions: Pupils discuss tactics – Where each player could move, how did you score more points - bounce it lower! Disguise bounces, look a different way – use creativity. Ask teams what was the other team’s tactics? E.g. ‘They gave it to Steve as he is the best’ / They bounced it lower / They disguised their passes etc. Pupil’s then can add a different rule to the game. Time – 15 mins

    Tchoukball (See rules above) Play 5 v 5. Teams 1 and 2 play tchoukball. Teacher to referee. Team 3 – Sit by side keeping score (Teacher to shout out when a team scores). Team 4 – Sit by side and time keep with a stopwatch each (4 minutes per game). Team 5 and 6 - peer asses (Give pupils skills to observe e.g. how many catches did a team do, which player did you like and why). Play for 4 minutes then rotate teams and roles. Time – 20 mins

    Share the knowledge Pupils travel gently around the area performing cool down movements. When they get to a classmate they tell them a rule of Tchoukball / what they did well during the lesson / what they want to improve on for next lesson. Time – 5 mins


  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    1.Warm up – Hot potato 2. Acquire and Development of skills – Bounce twice to score

    3. Select and Apply skills – Tchoukball matches 4. Cool down – Share the knowledge

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    Lesson LO Warm up Acquire and Develop skills Select and Apply skills

    Cool Down (With plenary and evaluation)

    2 To work as an effective team To know when and where to attack.

    Show pupils tchoukball game on IWB to recep rules from previous lesson. Tag knee Pupils split into pairs. They face each other, bend their knees, be on the balls of their feet and attempt to tag the outside of each other’s knees. First to 3 points wins. Repeat. For safety children must keep their eyes forward and reach with their arms and not move their head forwards preventing head clashes. Question why these activities would be good for tchoukball (E.g. Speed, balance, concentration, decision making). Dynamic stretches – Question which joints we use for an invasion game like tchoukball and then demonstrate a dynamic stretch for that body part. Parts should include ankles, calves, knees, quadriceps, hamstrings, groins, hips, gluts, back, wrists, arms, shoulders, neck.

    Time – 5 mins

    Circuits (Balance, strength, co-ordination / Rebound net challenge) Split class into 6 teams of 5 and put in bibs. Set up the two activities below. 3 teams perform activity 1 and 3 teams perform activity 2.

    1. Balance, strength, co-ordination Set up 5 lines of the following challenges and pupils get into 3’s and line up at the start of a line: -2 hurdles to jump over -4 spots to run over (Quick feet) -A spot to jump in all directions on (Front, back, left and right) -A cone – pupils go in press up position over the cone, put the cone on their back with one hand and take off with the other whilst staying in press up position. -A bean bag to throw, clap 3 times then catch before walking back to the start. The next player then has their turn. Idea – Partners can time them to encourage speed. Teacher or child demonstrate the activity with a high quality performance.

    2. Rebound net challenge Place 3 rebound nets 3 yards away from each other facing the same way. Each team lines up in front of each net. All teams start at the same time. They throw a ball at the rebound net, catch and then pass to the person behind and run to the back. The second person repeats. 1 point for each successful catch. First team to 10 points wins. Progression – Throw the ball, move to the side and the player behind catches it. Rotate activities after 10 minutes.

    Time – 20 mins

    Tchoukball As like last week split class into 6 teams of equal ability See lesson 1 for teams’ roles. Key points from last week - Encourage attacking of both rebound nets and recap non-contact / no interceptions. If pupil’s see a rebound net with less defenders around it attack it. Defence must understand it’s job is to defend by catching the ball AFTER it is thrown at the rebounder. Swap roles every 4 minutes. Time – 20 mins

    Choose the child. Choose 4 children with a fact about each child (E.g. favourite colour/animal/food/ what successful move or skill they did in tchoukball etc). The class travel slowly in-between the 4 chosen children performing various dynamic stretches. The teacher calls out a fact and the class stand next to the child they think the fact is about. 1 point if they get it right. Question why we cool down and its importance. Question pupils about rules of the game. Ask how they can improve. Practice on playground at breaks. Evaluate / peer assess / self asses throughout. Show 2 children doing it well at end. What 2 things did they do well? What 1 aspect do they want to develop? Time – 5 mins

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    1.Warm up – Tag knee 2. Acquire and Development of skills – Balance, strength co-ordination x 3 Rebound net challenge

    Bean bag



    4 spots in a line

    2 hurdles

    3. Select and Apply skills – Tchoukball matches 4. Cool down – Choose the child

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    Lesson LO Warm up Acquire and Develop skills Select and Apply skills Cool Down (With plenary and evaluation)

    3 LO – To catch from various angles LO – To be an effective team member. LO – To shoot with accuracy

    Treasure hunt

    Split class into 6 teams of similar ability and give bibs. Spread out up to 100 cones in the centre of the hall. Place 6 red cones around the edge of the hall and 15 yellow cones. Half the players from each team stand by a red cone and the other half stand by their own yellow cone. Players by the yellow cone perform heart raising movements (Star jumps, high knees, heel flicks) for 1 minute. Players by the red cones take turns to run up to gain a cone and bring back to their team. After 1 minute the team with the most cones wins. Swap over and repeat. Children perform dynamic stretches to prepare themselves for activity. Time – 10 mins

    React races / Co-ordination catch 3 teams perform activity 1 and 3 teams perform activity 2. Swap over after 10 minutes.

    1. React races 3 Teams of 5 (same teams from warm up) line up by their own team’s cone one side of the hall and one player (Server) goes and stands 10 yards away by a cone with a ball. The teacher is the timer. Players take turns to run up to the server who passes the ball to them and they pass back. They then run back and tag the next player who repeats. Teams win 1 point for every successful catch and see how points they win after 1 minute. Swap roles and repeat aiming to get the best score. Progression – Server throws ball to players chest / left hand / right hand / throw high / throw low – this will challenge catchers reactions (Tip – Server calls out where they are throwing e.g. ‘High’ ‘Left’ ‘Right’ etc). Differentiation – Size of ball and distance from server.

    2. Co-ordination catch

    3 teams of 5 stand in their own circle with a ball each (1 player can have a stopwatch and be timer). They work together for 1 minute to throw their ball at the same time to the player to their right and if everyone catches it they get a point. Progression – Change direction / Throw across circle to other player. Key factors – Getting into a rhythm (E.g. 1,2,3 throw, 1,2,3 throw…) / Good stance (Legs apart) / Appropriate underarm throw (Just above head height to give partner time to catch – make the ball go up and down in a rainbow direction / Use peripheral vision (Stand side on so you can see the player to the left and right) / Work as a team – If one ‘Cog’ in the machine isn’t performing it will not work – concentration is key – it may take time to get the right rhythm. Swap roles every minute and see what your best score can be.

    Time – 15 mins

    Tchoukball See previous lessons but reinforce specific rules – Same set up as last week – 2 teams playing, 2 teams peer assessing, 1 team timekeeper, 1 team scorekeeping. -Don’t think of guarding a player but think where will the player shoot from? Then get into position to catch it. Accuracy is key – If they miss the rebound net the other team win a point so concentrate when shooting and aim for the centre of the rebound net. Teams get together to discuss tactics in order to succeed.

    Time – 20 mins

    Choose the corner Choose 1 pupil to stand in the centre of the hall with a bib wrapped around their eyes (Blindfold). The class slowly travel around the area and must be at a corner of the hall by the time the centre pupil gets to ‘0’ (Counting down from 5). They then point to a corner – whoever is in that corner is out and sits in the middle. Keep playing until there is a winner. Discuss todays lesson – what were the key points learnt? What did they do well?

    Time – 5 mins

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    1.Warm up – Treasure hunt (2 - 3 players by red cones taking turns running to middle to gather cones (Treasure) / 1 player by each yellow cone doing star jumps

    2. Acquire and Development of skills – React races Co-ordination catch x 3 groups

    Everyone throws their ball at the same time Timekeeper

    3. Select and Apply skills – Tchoukball matches 4. Cool down – Choose the corner

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    Lesson LO Warm up Acquire and Develop skills Select and Apply skills Cool Down (With plenary and evaluation)

    4 LO – To discuss tactics to achieve success.

    Pass and move Split class into 6 teams. Mark the area into equal sixths. Each team stands in their own sixth with 2 balls per group (Size of ball dependant on ability). Inform pupil’s you will be looking at the 3 C’s today – Confidence, Creativity, Cooperation On teacher’s command children jog in their small area avoiding collisions. Teacher awards 1 point for the team which remained on the move without touching other players in their team. Progression – Children travel different ways (Skipping, sidestepping, hop scotch etc) Progression – Children travel but have to pass a ball to a team mate every 3 steps. Recap importance of accuracy (1 ball per team). Progression – 1st team to 20 passes wins a point – If they drop the ball they start again. Progression – How many passes can they team do while the teacher speaks to the captains (See below) Time – 10 mins

    Tchoukball challenges Send over 1 captain from each team to teacher while remaining players continue passing game from warm up. Teacher explains the next game to the captains and hands each captain a challenge card (Each card has 2 challenges on for children to choose from – Each card has different challenges – See challenge cards on next pages to print off and laminate). Captains then go back to their team and explain that they have to choose a challenge and then have 2 minutes to complete it. Captains read out the challenges and group decide which challenge to do. Captain has final say if there is a dispute. Once complete they have to write their best score on the back of the challenge card with a whiteboard pen (E.g. Blue team = 15 points). Time – 15 mins

    Tchoukball bingo Set up the tchoukball area as in previous lessons. The 2 teams playing look at a bingo card which has 9 challenges on (See on next pages after tchoukball challenges) Inform them that if they complete the most challenges during the game they win a bonus point. Give team 3 and 4 a bingo card each to mark off when they see a challenge being completed. (Cards can be laminated). Team 1 and 2 playing Team 3 with bingo cards watching team 1 (Cross off when they have completed a challenge) Team 4 with bingo cards watching team 2 (Cross off when they have completed a challenge) Team 5 timekeeping Team 6 scorekeeping Swap roles every 4 minutes. The team which completed the most challenges won a bonus point. Time – 20 mins

    Simon says Teacher to play Simon says encouraging cool down movements around the area. E.g. Simon says skip slowly round the area etc Ask pupil’s what they did well today and what they enjoyed about the lessons. Get in a group and discuss the names of the games, the 3’s C’s and words used. Self assess – With thumbs – If they have touched the ball more in this lesson thumbs up, the same as usual thumbs to the side, not as much thumbs down. What did they enjoy today?

    Time – 10 mins

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    1.Warm up – Pass and move 2. Acquire and Development of skills – Tchoukball challenges

    3. Select and Apply skills – Tchoukball matches (With bingo cards) 4. Cool down – Simon says

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Tchoukball Challenge Cards – Teams choose 1 challenge below. Captain has final say if there is a dispute. COLOURED CARDS = YEAR 5 AND 6 CHALLENGES / WHITE CARDS = YEAR 3 AND 4 CHALLENGES

    You will need:

    1 ball between 2 or 3.

    Perform as many

    passes in 1 minute

    with a partner or in

    3’s as possible from 3

    giant steps away.

    You will need:

    1 ball and a rebound net.

    Line up by a rebound net 2

    steps away.

    Throw the ball against the

    rebound net, move out the

    way, the person behind

    catches the ball.

    You get 1 point for every

    successful catch.

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Year 5 and 6 Tchoukball Challenge Cards – Teams choose 1 challenge below. Captain has final say if there is a dispute.

    You will need: 1 ball

    Line up one behind the other.

    Pass the ball over your head to

    the next player. When it gets

    to the end of the line roll the

    ball through everybody’s legs

    until it reaches the front.

    Repeat with a different player

    at the back.

    1 point is scored every time

    the ball is rolled back through

    everybody’s legs.

    You will need:

    1 ball each.

    Line up by a rebound net 2

    steps away.

    The first player throws

    their ball against the

    rebound net and catches it

    with one hand. Go to the

    back after your turn.

    You get 1 point for every

    successful catch.

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Year 5 and 6 Tchoukball Challenge Cards – Teams choose 1 challenge below. Captain has final say if there is a dispute.

    You will need:

    One ball between 2 or 3.

    Take turns to see how many

    ways can you flick the ball

    up from the floor into your

    hands using your feet.

    You gain 1 point for every

    different ‘Flick up.’

    You will need:

    One ball between 2 or 3.

    Take turns to see how many

    ways you can balance a ball

    on a part of your body. The

    ball must balance for 10

    seconds to win a point.

    You gain 1 point for every

    successful ‘Balance.’

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Year 5 and 6 Tchoukball Challenge Cards – Teams choose 1 challenge below. Captain has final say if there is a dispute.

    You will need:

    1 ball between 2 or 3.

    Stand back to back with a

    partner. Perform side to

    side twists passing the ball

    to each other. When you

    have done 20 twists

    perform 10 bounce passes.

    You score 1 point when you

    complete the last bounce.

    You will need:

    1 ball each.

    Stand in a circle.

    At the same time pass your

    ball to the person on your


    1 point is scored is every

    member of the team

    catches the ball.

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Year 5 and 6 Tchoukball Challenge Cards – Teams choose 1 challenge below. Captain has final say if there is a dispute.

    You will need: 1 ball.

    Stand in a circle at least 3

    steps apart from the person

    next to you.

    Pass a ball to a team mate and

    run to stand next to them.

    The person with the ball then

    passes to someone else and

    runs to stand next to them.

    You score 1 point for every

    successful catch and run.

    You will need: 1 ball.

    Stand in a circle with one player in

    the middle.

    The ball starts with a player on the


    Pass the ball to the middle player

    who then passes to the next outside

    player and so on.

    When every player has passed the

    ball to the middle player swap the

    player in the middle.

    1 point is scored every time you get

    to swap the player in the middle.

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Year 5 and 6 Tchoukball Challenge Cards – Teams choose 1 challenge below. Captain has final say if there is a dispute.

    You will need: 1 ball.

    Choose 1 player to be a


    Players pass the ball to each


    If you get 5 successful passes

    you win a point.

    If the defender touches the

    ball start again.

    Swap defenders when they

    have scored 2 points.

    You will need:

    1 ball between 2 or 3.

    Take turns to bounce the

    ball 20 times using one hand.

    You score 1 point every time

    a player gets to 20 bounces.

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans YEAR 3 AND 4 CHALLENGES Tchoukball Challenge Cards – Teams choose 1 challenge below. Captain has final say if there is a dispute.

    You will need:

    1 ball between 2 or 3.

    Pass a ball to your

    partner until the

    teacher says stop.

    1 point for every

    successful catch.

    You will need:

    1 ball each and a rebound


    Line up and take turns

    throwing the ball against

    the rebound net.

    1 point for every successful


  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Year 3 and 4 Tchoukball Challenge Cards – Teams choose 1 challenge below. Captain has final say if there is a dispute.

    You will need: 1 ball

    Stand in a line.

    Pass the ball over your head

    to the player behind you.

    The last player in the line

    rolls the ball to the front.

    1 point is scored every time

    the ball is rolled back.

    You will need:

    1 ball each.

    Bounce the ball as many

    times as you can until the

    teacher says stop.

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Year 3 and 4 Tchoukball Challenge Cards – Teams choose 1 challenge below. Captain has final say if there is a dispute.

    You will need:

    1 ball each.

    How many ways can you

    flick the ball up from the

    floor into your hands using

    your feet?

    You gain 1 point for every

    different ‘Flick up.’

    You will need:

    One ball between 2 or 3.

    Take turns to see how many

    ways you can balance a ball

    on a part of your body. The

    ball must balance for 5

    seconds to win a point.

    You gain 1 point for every

    successful ‘Balance.’

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Year 3 and 4 Tchoukball Challenge Cards – Teams choose 1 challenge below. Captain has final say if there is a dispute.

    You will need:

    1 ball between 2 or 3.

    Bounce pass to your

    partner until the teacher

    says stop.

    You score 1 point for

    every bounce pass.

    You will need: 1 ball.

    Stand in a circle.

    Pass the ball around the

    circle while one player runs

    around the outside 3 times.

    How many passes can you do

    before the runner finishes?

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Year 3 and 4 Tchoukball Challenge Cards – Teams choose 1 challenge below. Captain has final say if there is a dispute.

    You will need: 1 ball.

    Stand in a circle.

    Pass a ball to a team mate

    and then run to stand next

    to them.

    You score 1 point for every

    successful catch and run.

    You will need: 1 ball.

    Stand in a circle with one player in

    the middle.

    Take turns passing to middle player.

    When every player has passed the

    ball to the middle player swap the

    player in the middle.

    1 point for every catch.

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Year 3 and 4 Tchoukball Challenge Cards – Teams choose 1 challenge below. Captain has final say if there is a dispute.

    You will need: 1 ball.

    Choose 1 player to be a defender.

    Pass and keep the ball away from

    the defender.

    If the defender touches the ball

    they win a point.

    Swap defenders when they win 2


    You will need: 1 ball each

    Bounce the ball using one


    How many bounces can you

    do until the teacher says


  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Tchoukball bingo – Cross off a square once task has been completed

    Score a point off a rebound net

    Perform 3 passes before shooting

    Switch the play from one side to

    another and score a point

    Score after a one – two pass

    All players on the team score a point

    Pass the ball quickly to score a point

    (Players hold the ball for less than 1 second)

    Use creativity to create a goal

    scoring chance

    Perform a ‘Fake’ pass to fool the

    other team

    All players on the team catch a ball when defending

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    Lesson LO Warm up Acquire and Develop skills Select and Apply skills Cool Down (With plenary and evaluation)

    5 LO – To choose the most effective pass in Tchoukball.

    Premier skills Split group into 6 teams with bibs. 3 teams have a ball and 3 do not. Players travel into spaces passing the ball to as many classmates as possible using tchoukball rules. Mark out gates (2 cones 1 yard apart) for pupils to run through to encourage movement into space. Teacher to work through key factors encouraging players to verbalise their actions (See below). How many gates can players go through in 1 minute? Key teaching points – (Play at speed) Player calls: “Running in” “My eyes are up” “Passing left/right” Progression – Add 3 defenders – Encourage movement into space using fake passes to fool defenders. Swop defenders every minute. Dynamic stretches – question what body parts will be used for tchoukball and perform dynamic stretches for these body parts – a dynamic stretch should put the body through the range of movement it will experience during the game. Body parts should include ankles, calves, knees, quadriceps, hamstrings, groins, gluts, hips, back, arms, wrists, shoulders, neck. Time – 10 mins

    Bounce twice to score! (Recap from lesson 1) Set up 2 15x15y courts with a line of cones across the centre (If space set up 3 courts). Split class into 6 teams. Each team stands in one half of a court. Play with 1 large bouncy ball to begin. Teams attempt to bounce the ball in the oppositions half – if it bounces more than once they win a point for their team (You can have a stack of cones where children can then keep score by winning a cone). When serving the ball must be thrown up and down and not ‘Bulleted’ across the court. After the serve pupils must perform 3 passes before ‘Shooting.’ Shots can only be done from the chest (Chest push). Progressions: Pupils must keep on the move to confuse opponents. Use a smaller bouncy ball. Play a different team. Discussions: Pupils discuss tactics – Where each player could move, how did you score more points - bounce it lower! Disguise bounces, look a different way – use creativity. Ask teams what was the other team’s tactics? E.g. ‘They gave it to Steve as he is the best’ / They bounced it lower / They disguised their passes etc. Pupil’s then can add a different rule to the game. Teacher assessment – Have pupil’s developed skills from lesson 1? (Passing / Speed / Tactics / Accuracy) Time – 15 mins

    Tchoukball Set up the tchoukball area. See lesson 1 for rules and teams’ roles. Team 1 and 2 playing Team 3 and 4 assessing Team 5 timekeeping Team 6 scorekeeping -Don’t think of guarding a player but think where will the player shoot from? Then I need to get into position to catch it. Teams get together to discuss tactics in order to succeed – who is the most effective player to pass to? (The one who is by a rebound net with fewer defenders around). Swap roles every 4 minutes. Time – 20 mins

    Shadows Pupils get with a partner (1 leader, shadow). Leader travels around the area performing jogs, skips, sidesteps to cool down. The shadow follows and copies the leader’s movements. If teacher calls ‘Swap’ pupils swap roles. Time – 5 mins

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    1.Warm up – Premier skills 2. Acquire and Development of skills – Bounce twice to score

    3. Select and Apply skills – Tchoukball matches 4. Cool down – Shadows

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    Lesson LO Warm up Acquire and Develop skills Select and Apply skills Cool Down (With plenary and evaluation)

    6 LO – To be an effective team member.

    Movement and handling Pupils have 5 points each. They travel around in all directions they might move in during Tchoukball. If they touch anyone they lose a point. Handling Half the pupils stand around the edge of the area with a ball. Half the class stand in the centre of the hall without a ball (Mark out a circle for children to stand in). On teacher’s command, pupils in the centre run to an outer player to receive a pass, they pass back and return to the centre and run to another outer player. Recap passing key factors. Progression – 1st player to visit 10 outer players put their hand up (Winner gets 10 points). Split class into 6 equal teams for the tournament.

    Time – 5 mins

    Tchoukball tournament 6 teams should be differentiated by ability from previous lessons (So similar ability players play against each other). Each team has an international name (E.g. England, Spain etc) Write the teams on a whiteboard scoreboard, after each game write down the points won: Win = 3 points Draw = 2 points Loss = 1 points Bonus point = Incorporating all players in your team / high quality play / encouragement. 2 teams playing, 2 teams peer assessing and give bonus point after the game, 1 team timekeeper, 1 team scorekeeping. Teams get together to discuss tactics in order to succeed. -Discuss where to go when your teammate is shooting – encourage accurate passing and speed of passing. Swap roles. Mini presentation for winning team (Trophy and performance cards for winning team?). Idea – Mix teams ability and all teams play each other once.

    Time – 45 mins

    Lines Children travel around the area in their teams in a line with a 2 yard safety gap between each player. Whatever movement the leader is doing the other team mates copy. When teacher calls swap the leader goes to the back. Idea – Celebration – Children travel waving and clapping at the imaginary crowd. Discuss tchoukball and if children have enjoyed the game. If so create a club at school / lunchtime club at school to encourage others to participate. Time – 5 mins

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    1.Warm up – Movement Handling 2. Acquire and Development of skills – Tchoukball tournament

    3. Select and Apply skills – Tchoukball tournament 4. Cool down – Lines

    See Select and Apply skills – Tchoukball tournament

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans Key questions Why do we warm up? What body parts will we need for Tchoukball? Where can we find a pulse? What is a pulse? What is the job of the heart? Why is exercise important? How do you hold and throw a Tchoukball? How do we catch and throw? Can you use either hand? How would you keep a ball away from a defender? Why is special awareness important? Why is accuracy important? Can you demonstrate your passing and catching skills to a partner? How can we improve our own performance? Why do we cool down? What Tchoukball rules do you now know? Did you follow the rules? How will you improve your performance by next week? What did you enjoy today? What did you do well today? What do you want to improve on?

    Assessment opportunities Peer and self-assess throughout (Relate to LO when appropriate). Teacher asses throughout – can record class to watch back. Demonstrate good performance throughout. Have a list of the class on an assessment sheet (This has all areas of skills required for Tchoukball (E.g. Passing, catching, movement, shooting, attacking, defending, creativity teamwork, understanding of rules etc). Mark for each area over the lessons whether they are working towards () expectations for that particular skill. Lessons should be planned in relation to children’s performance including SEN differentiation and G and T challenge. Question pupils throughout.

    STEP differentiation (SPACE, TASK, EQUIPMENT, PEOPLE) Space – Larger or smaller area to pass. More or less players in a certain area. Task – Pass and receive with either hand. Pass in front, behind, above or to the side to make players react. Harder or easier way to win points. Targets further away or closer / Larger or smaller. Equipment – Larger or smaller balls, larger or smaller rebound net. People – More or less defenders/attackers, Children to self-assess each other in relation to LO.

    Safety aspects

    Ensure playing area is marked out and clear of hazards. Ensure equipment is safe to use. No chewing gum. Children’s hair tied back, laces done up, jewellery removed. Inhalers available and labelled. Children’s medical conditions known to teacher. TA used appropriately. Weather appropriate. First aid kit available. Non-contact sport. Children perform skill based activities. Children having enough room to participate. Rebound nets safe. All equipment safe, correct size and age appropriate.

    Curriculum Throw and catch with control and accuracy. Choose appropriate tactics to cause problems for the opposition. Follow the rules of the game and play fairly. Maintain possession of a ball. Pass to team mates at appropriate times. Lead others and act as a respectful team member. Work alone, or with team mates in order to gain points or possession. Field, defend and attack tactically by anticipating the direction of play. Choose the most appropriate tactics for a game. Uphold the spirit of fair play and respect in all competitive situations. Lead others when called upon and act as a good role model within a team.

    Resources Tchoukballs (Size 2-3 bouncy balls). Tchoukball diagram. IWB Rebound nets x 6 Hoops Cones Bibs Spots Laminated Tchoukball challenge cards Laminated Tchoukball bingo cards Whiteboard Whiteboard pens

  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    Example links to show children a Tchoukball match




  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans

    Additional information

    Basic Rules


    • The court size that is generally used is 27 m × 16 m. However, there are variations to this such as in beach tchoukball where a court size of 21 m × 12 m is used.

    • One rebound frame is placed at each end of the field of play • In front of each frame, a D shaped semi-circle measuring 3 m in radius must be drawn; it defines the limits of the 'forbidden zone' • The lines of the zones are considered part of the zone itself, e.g. the line marking the semicircle forbidden zone is considered part of the forbidden

    zone, while the line around the entire court is considered a part of the court


    Depending on the category of players (Men/Women/U18/U15/u12), different sizes of balls are used ranging from a circumference of 54 cm to 60 cm and weighs between 325 grams to 475 grams.


    Two teams of 7 players each (men or women) compete to score points with the team with the most points at the end winning the game. When a team gains a point, control of the ball is transferred to the other team.

    • In tchoukball either team can score at either end of the court. • A point is scored when the ball rebounds after hitting either of the 2 frames and touches the ground outside the forbidden zone, any part of the

    defending player's body below the knees or touches the defending player while he is still in the forbidden zone • A point is given to the non-attacking team when the attacking team shoots and misses the frame, or the ball rebounds outside the playing area (either

    out of the court or in the forbidden zone). • If a shot is caught by the defending team, the defending team can proceed to attack immediately


  • Dan Partridge PE Planning Tchoukball Year 3 to 6 – Indoor, playground or field plans



    Each team comprises the following positions (Primary Schools have 5 players to encourage maximum participation):

    • 2 Right Wings • 2 Left Wings • 2 Forward Pivots (FP) • 1 Centre Pivot (CP)

    Each side of the court comprises a left shooter (Left Wing), right shooter (Right Wing) and an inner (FP), while the centre pivot usually stays near the middle of the court. The shooters are generally in charge of shooting although in some cases the inner can also take the shot. The inners are in charge of coordinating the first line defence while the centre pivot takes charge of the second line defence. However other formations include not using a centre pivot, the team would bypass the centre and throw full length court passes directly to the shooters/inners. This gives an extra first line defender or a dedicated second line defender.

    Playing the game

    • The player can take 3 steps and is not allowed to bounce the ball on the ground between these steps. • The attacking team cannot make more than 3 passes before shooting • When a pass is dropped or not completed (i.e. the ball touches the ground), the other team gets possession • The defending team cannot hamper the attacking one, and is a fully non-contact sport. • Touching the ball with one’s feet or legs below the knee is forbidden

    • The player with the ball is only allowed to hold the ball for 3 seconds or less

