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TCL Tutorial

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Introduction to TCL scripting language
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What is TCL? Tool Command Language An interpreted programming language Created by John Ousterhout. Intended to be embedded with application. But used in rapid prototyping, scripting, GUI, testing of SW. • Platform-independent All operations are commands, including language structures. Everything can be dynamically redefined and overridden. All data types can be manipulated as strings. Need little experience with programming – Easy Programs are short, efficient
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What is TCL?

• Tool Command Language • An interpreted programming language

• Created by John Ousterhout. • Intended to be embedded with application. • But used in rapid prototyping, scripting, GUI, testing of SW.

• Platform-independent• All operations are commands, including language

structures.• Everything can be dynamically redefined and overridden. • All data types can be manipulated as strings. • Need little experience with programming

– Easy– Programs are short, efficient

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Let’s Code

• Hello world– puts "Hello, world!“

• How to run program?– Tclsh – interactive mode– Tclsh prog.tcl– Double click .tcl file

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Constants• In Tcl, all free constants are strings

– abc is the same as “abc”– “5” is the same as 5

• <, >, == ,<= and >= compare numerically– If any of the arguments are non-numbers, errors are

thrown• Strings can also be compared literally:

– string compare string1 string2

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• A Tcl variable is a C-style name, which satisfies the regular expression:– {[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*}

• Examples:– iterator– loopInit– _ErrorCount76

• Non-examples:– 78Cool– ~notAVariable

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Variables (cont..)

• “set” command– Usage: set <varname> <value>

• Example:– set a 5– puts $a (puts = putString – exactly like C’s)

– Will print out 5

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How TCL works

• Handling Commands– Argument Processing

• Grouping– White spaces– “” vs {}

• Substitution– Variable substitution $varName– Command substitution [aCommand arg1 arg2 …]

– Command Execution

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Example 1

command1 abc 123 xyz 456

command2 {abc 123} xyz 456

command3 abc “123 $xyz” 456

command4 abc 123 [anotherCommand xyz 456]

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Example 2

proc PrintList {aList} {

foreach anItem $aList {

puts $anItem



set ITEM1 item1

Set ITEM2A item2a

PrintList “item0 $ITEM1 {$ITEM2A item2b}”

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TCL vs Other shells

• Grouping precedes substitution in TCL only

csh> setenv GARGS “-i word file.txt”

csh> grep $GARGS

tclsh% set ARGS {ab aabb m}

tclsh% regexp $ARGS

wrong # args: should be "regexp ?switches? exp string ?matchVar? ?subMatchVar subMatchVar ...?"

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Basic operations

• print to screen (puts)– puts –nonewline "Hello, world!"– puts "!!"

• assignment (set)– set income 32000– puts "income is $income"

• mathematical expressions (expr)– set a 10.0– expr $a + 5 – expr int($a/3)

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Some useful commands

• unset: destroy a variable– unset num

• info: check whether the named variable has been defined– if {![info exists num]} {

set num 0}incr num

• Comments• # : single-line comments, similar to "//" in C• ;# : in-line comments, just like "//" in C

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User Input

• Command line –– argc – no of command line arguments– argv0 – program name– argv – list of command line arguments

• User input –– set userName [gets stdin]– gets stdin inlinevar

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• Unary (- + ~ !) : – Unary minus, unary plus, bit-wise NOT, logical NOT

• + - * / % : – Add, Subtract, Multiply, divide, remainder

• ** : – Exponentiation

• << >> : – Left and right (bit) shift

• Comparison operators– Numbers : < > <= >= – String : eq ne in ni (string compare str1 str2)

• Bitwise (& | ^ ~):– Bitwise and, or, exclusive or, not

• Logical (&& || !):– Logical and, or, not

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Control structures (1)• if then else set income 32000 if {$income > 30000} {

puts "$income -- high"

} elseif {$income > 20000} {

puts "$income -- middle"

} else {

puts "$income -- low"


• while loops set i 0 while {$i < 100} {

puts "I am at count $i"

incr i


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Control structures (2)• for loops for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} { puts "I am at count $i and going up"


for {set i 100} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {

puts "I am at count $i and going down"


• foreach loops set lstColors {red orange yellow green blue purple} foreach c $lstColors {

puts $c


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Control structures (3)• foreach loops (con't)

set lstColors {red orange yellow green blue purple} foreach {a b c} $lstColors { puts "$c--$b--$a" }

set lstFoods {apple orange banana lime berry grape} foreach f $lstFoods c $lstColors { puts "a $f is usually $c" }

foreach {a b} $lstFoods c $lstColors { puts "$a & $b are foods. $c is a color." }

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Procedures• procedure calls (embedded commands)

set b [expr $a + 5]

puts "The value of b is $b"

• create your own procedure (called by value only)proc foo {a b c} {

return [expr $a * $b - $c]


puts [expr [foo 2 3 4] + 5]

proc bar { } {

puts "I'm in the bar procedure"



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Procedures (default value)

• Optional Parameters are very easy to set up in Tcl• By Example:

proc Add { number {by 1} } {return [expr $number+$by]


• The variable by takes on a default of 1 unless specified otherwise in the function callAdd 1 ;# Will return 2Add 1 2 ;# Will return 3Add 1 –1 ;# Will return 0

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Variable scope• local and global variablesset a 5set b 6set c 7proc var_scope { } { global a set a 3 set b 2 set ::c 1}var_scopeputs "The value for a b c is: $a $b $c"

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Procedures (variable args)

• Variable length arguments supported by args keyword which can be placed at the end of argument listproc sum args {

set s 0foreach i $args {

incr s $i}return $s


– sum 1 2 3 4 5

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• Many ways to create a list set myList [list a b c]

set myList "a b c"

set myList {a b c}

set lst [split "item 1.item 2.item 3" "."] • Retrieving an element within a list: lindex• lindex is 0-based, just like C

set b [lindex $a 3]

set b [lindex $a end]

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List operations• llength : Return the length of a list

– llength [list 1 2 3] will be 3– llength [list] will be 0

• concat : Concatenate two lists– set b [concat [list 1 2 3 4] [list 5 6 7]]– b will be { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 }

• lappend : Append value at the end of list – By Name– set a [list 1 2 3]– lappend a 4– Now a will be { 1 2 3 4 }– Note: lappend takes a list Name, not a list

• linsert list index arg1 ?arg2 ... argn? – Returns a new list with the new list elements inserted just before the index th element of

listName (set b [linsert $a 3 "1 2 3"] )

• lreplace list first last ?arg1 ... argn? – Returns a new list with N elements of listName replaced by the args (set b [lreplace $b 3 5 "AA"

"BB"] )

• lset varName index newValue – The lset command can be used to set elements of a list directly, instead of using lreplace

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List operations

• lsearch list pattern – Searches list for an entry that matches pattern, and returns the index for the first

match, or a -1 if there is no match. By default, lsearch uses "glob" patterns for matching.

• lsort list – Sorts list and returns a new list in the sorted order.

• lrange list first last – Returns a list composed of the first through last entries in the list.

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String subcommands (1)

• string match (uses glob patterns)– # Matches string match f* foo – # Matches string match f?? foo – # Doesn't match string match f foo

• string length string – Returns the length of string.

• string index string index – Returns the indexth character from string.

• string range string first last – Returns a string composed of the characters from first to last.

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String subcommands (2)• string compare string1 string2

– Compares string1 to string2 and returns: – -1 ..... If string1 is less than string2 – 0 ........ If string1 is equal to string2 – 1 ........ If string1 is greater than string2

• string first string1 string2 – Returns the index of the character in string1 that starts the first match to string2,

or -1 if there is no match. (set first [string first "/" $path]; returns index of first / in $path )

• string last string1 string2 – Returns the index of the character in string1 that starts the last match to string2, or -1 if

there is no match.

• string wordend string index – Returns the index of the character just after the last one in the word which contains the

index'th character of string. A word is any contiguous set of letters, numbers or underscore characters, or a single other character.

• string wordstart string index – Returns the index of the character just before the first one in the word which contains the

index'th character of string.

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String subcommands (3)• string tolower string

– Returns string with all the letters converted from upper to lower case. • string toupper string

– Returns string with all the letters converted from lower to upper case. • string trim string ?trimChars?

– Returns string with all occurrences of trimChars removed from both ends. By default trimChars are whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines). Note that the characters are not treated as a "block" of characters - in other words, string trim "davidw" dw would return the string avi and not davi.

• string trimleft string ?trimChars? – Returns string with all occurrences of trimChars removed from the left. By default

trimChars are whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines) • string trimright string ?trimChars?

– Returns string with all occurrences of trimChars removed from the right. By default trimChars are whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines)

• format formatString ?arg1 arg2 ... argN? – (printf in C) set price4 [format "%-20s %10.2f per Lb." Steak 3.59997]

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Array operationsAssociative arrays (string as index)set color(rose) redset color(sky) blueset color(medal) goldputs [array exists color]

(tests if an array with the name "color" exists)puts [array names color] (returns a list of the keys)foreach item [array names color] { puts "$item is $color($item)"} (iterating through array)set lstColor [array get color] (convert array to list)array set color $lstColor (convert list to array)

• array size arrayName – Returns the number of elements in array arrayName

• array unset arrayName ?pattern? – Unsets all of the elements in the array. If

pattern exists, only the elements that match pattern are unset.

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File Handling• The simplest methods to access a file are via gets and puts. • Sometimes more efficient to use the read command to load an entire file,

and then parse the file into lines with the split command. • open fileName ?access?

– access can be r, r+, w, w+, a, a+

set fRead [open source.txt r]set fWrite [open target.txt w]while {![eof $fRead]} { set strLine [gets $fRead] ;#or gets $fRead strLine regsub –nocase –all "fan" $strLine "kristy" strLine puts $fWrite $strLine}close $fReadclose $fWrite

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File Handling (cont..)• read ?-nonewline? fileID

– Reads all the remaining bytes from fileID, and returns that string. If -nonewline is set, then the last character will be discarded if it is a newline. Any existing end of file condition is cleared before the read command is executed.

• read fileID numBytes – Reads up to numBytes from fileID, and returns the input as a Tcl string.

• seek fileID offset ?origin? – Change the current position within the file referenced by fileID. Origin can be

start, current, end• tell fileID

– Returns the position of the access pointer in fileID as a decimal string.

• Count the no of line in file• # gets with two arguments returns the length of the line, • # -1 if the end of the file is found

• while { [gets $infile line] >= 0 } { incr number } close $infile

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• TCL Guide

• www.ActiveState.com
