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Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking...

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English Language Teaching Unit Study 1 Module DUG 2017 Study Introduction Materials Tapescript Audio – clips from http://www.prepareforsuccess.org.uk/differences_in_university _study.html - a useful site for students to browse Notes The core items here are o Getting Ss to start thinking about their own previous learning and how they think learning at a British university might be different including the idea of personal development (which is an integrated part of many courses) o Negotiating in an academic context o Reflecting on oral performance Recommended timing – 30 mins for discussion and listening to get into general topic – 60 mins for role play section (activities 4-9) –The success of the role plays lies in giving Ss plenty of preparation and rehearsal time through activity 4 (discussing the issues) and activities 5 and 6 – you can support the Ss during these stages by feeding in language and correcting errors (language including pron) - Ensure you leave time for feedback and reflections. Module links Ss practised verifying their predictions and knowledge in Integrate Listening PDP is mentioned in next lesson Study Reading Sentences from the text are used in Study Language Context from role play is used in Study Writing Don’t forget… All Ss will need to leave with a copy of both sides of the 65 Teacher 1
Page 1: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 1

Module DUG 2017 Study IntroductionMaterials


Audio – clips from http://www.prepareforsuccess.org.uk/differences_in_university_study.html - a useful site for students to browse

Notes The core items here are

o Getting Ss to start thinking about their own previous learning and how they think learning at a British university might be different including the idea of personal development (which is an integrated part of many courses)

o Negotiating in an academic context

o Reflecting on oral performance

Recommended timing – 30 mins for discussion and listening to get into general topic – 60 mins for role play section (activities 4-9) –The success of the role plays lies in giving Ss plenty of preparation and rehearsal time through activity 4 (discussing the issues) and activities 5 and 6 – you can support the Ss during these stages by feeding in language and correcting errors (language including pron) - Ensure you leave time for feedback and reflections.

Module links Ss practised verifying their predictions and knowledge in Integrate Listening

PDP is mentioned in next lesson Study Reading

Sentences from the text are used in Study Language

Context from role play is used in Study Writing

Don’t forget… All Ss will need to leave with a copy of both sides of the role play for Study Writing

SS hand in writing 1 today


Teacher 1

Page 2: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 1

STUDY - Introduction

More practice of verifying predictions and previous knowledge Practise small group discussionPractise negotiating in pairsPractise reflecting on oral performance


1. In small groups discuss the following questions.

A. How has your learning been done up to now? Which of the following ways? What other ways?

a) by thinking and discussing ideas in groups

b) by listening to your teacher

c) by finding information independently

What do you think is the best way to learn?

B. How do you think most of the teaching is done on UK university courses?

a) Lectures

b) Seminars

c) Both

How different is this to the teaching you have experienced in your own country?

C. What kind of relationship do students and lecturers have in your country?

a) Formal

b) Informal

c) It depends

How different do you think this will be at a UK university?

D. How has your student work been assessed up to now?

a. By examinations


user, 24/06/14,
Recommended timing – 30 mins for discussion and listening to get into general topic – 60 mins for role play – this should give enough time for prep/role play/reflection and feedback
rlw24, 24/06/14,
How you are assessed and graded at university in Britain will depend on the kind of course you are following.Examinations are still widely used but final grades on many courses will also depend on the assessment of your work throughout the course. This will include submitted course assignments, which will be written in many cases but oral presentations, for example, may also be assessed and graded. Portfolios of course work and projects may count too, and you may even be assessed on how active a part you have taken in seminar discussions on your course.
rlw24, 24/06/14,
Some international students say that tutors at British universities are less distant in the classroom than those in their home country. This may be because the way of teaching in British universities often involves whole group discussion, and a more informal style is used to encourage students to take part in the discussion and not be afraid of offering their own views.
rlw24, 24/06/14,
In the UK, the precise balance of lectures, seminars and tutorials etc. is likely to depend very much on the type of course that you are doing. Some courses may rely heavily on lectures as a means of communicating information. Others may use seminars much more, particularly because they allow scope for discussion and critical thinking about the subject.
rlw24, 24/06/14,
On many university courses in the UK, discussion in seminars and study groups is seen as playing an important role in the learning process. The aim is to encourage students to develop their critical thinking skills as well as to learn by dealing with some challenging issues in their own subject area.
Scaramuzza, Glynis, 21/06/16,
Final question in A –D are to encourage critical engagement.
user, 24/06/14,
This is what Ss should be doing when they go to lectures.
Page 3: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 1

b. By coursework

c. By both

What type of assessment do you prefer, and why?

You are going to listen to some short video clips of other international

students and British university tutors talking about some of the

differences there can be for students studying in the UK.


2. Which five of the following do you think they will mention?

a. Taking notes in lectures

b. Participating in seminars

c. Writing in a logical way

d. Differences in teaching methods

e. Managing your time

f. Working with others on projects

g. Using a wide range of sources for writing

h. Using your own words in assessed tasks


3. Watch the clips. Were you right?http://www.prepareforsuccess.org.uk/differences_in_university_study.html

Role play preparation

You are going to do a role play called “Asking for time off”.

4. Before you start, discuss the following with your group.

What will you do if you don’t understand what your tutor says?

What will you do if your tutor doesn’t understand what you say?


sg361, 24/06/14,
Check ss know what this is.
rlw24, 24/06/14,
Tutor 3
rlw24, 24/06/14,
Tutor 2
rlw24, 24/06/14,
Student 2
rlw24, 24/06/14,
Student 2
rlw24, 24/06/14,
Student 1 and tutor 1
Page 4: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

Role A

English Language Teaching Unit Study 1

Useful language: confirming and clarifying understanding

Confirming understanding as a listener So what you’re saying is … If I understand you correctly, you’re saying

Clarifying meaning as a speaker Perhaps I didn’t explain very well. Let me put it another way. No, sorry, that’s not really what I meant

Requesting repetition Sorry, could you say that again please? I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.

Asking for more information I don’t understand what you mean when you say … Could you be a little more specific?

5. Your teacher will give you a scenario card which explains your side of the situation.

1. Discuss this scenario card in your group and decide what you are going to say to the tutor. 2. Practise using the useful language in your group.

Scenario: Asking for absence

Role A: Student

You need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason

for requesting absence is that your aunt, who lives in your home country, has not been well and you

have just heard that she is going to have an operation next week. The doctors have said that it is

serious and that there are a number of risks with the surgery. You are very fond of your aunt and

you want to be near her at this difficult time.

Look at your timetable for next week:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Seminar Essay deadline: hard copy

Aerobics class

It is possible to rearrange your seminar time if you speak to the department office

You can submit your essay electronically from your own country

Discuss with your partner:

What is the best way to ask for absence from the course?

What can you say if the tutor is unwilling to let you have the time off?

Adapted from ©Anderson, K, J Maclean & T Lynch (2004) Study Speaking Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Role play

3. Now in pairs, act out the conversation.


user, 01/07/12,
Could get some pairs to act out in front of the class?
sg361, 24/06/14,
Pair student/tutor
Scaramuzza, Glynis, 21/06/16,
Put ss in pairs. Get them to think about how long they will be absent for/what they will miss that is important/how to resolve the problem. This is practice for and authentic task.
user, 01/07/12,
Monitor that Ss are using this correctly/accurately
user, 01/07/12,
Ask concept questions while monitoring the groups’ preparation
user, 24/06/14,
Put ss into small groups of tutors/students and give them Role worksheets.
sg361, 24/06/14,
Ask ss to read this and check vocab understanding.
Page 5: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 1

Role play reflection

4. Join with another pair. Discuss these questions

a. Did you get what you wanted?

b. Were there any breakdowns in communication?

c. Was there anything that you wanted to say and couldn’t because of language?

5. Thinking about your personal development


Next time I do a pair speaking activity I’m going to focus on...

user, 24/06/14,
Next week Ss will be doing tutorials and will be asked to consider their PDP – Personal Development Plan.
user, 01/07/12,
Follow up with plenary discussion on these questions and feedback on language during the role plays
Page 6: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

Role BEnglish Language Teaching Unit Study 1

Discuss this scenario card in your group and decide what you are going to say to the student. 1. Practise using the useful language in your group.

Scenario: Asking for absence

Role B: Tutor

An international student on one of the courses you teach has booked an appointment to come and

see you to talk about being absent from the course. You received an email from them last week but

it was not clear how long they would be absent for, because of language problems in the message.

Department guidelines on absence:

No student can be absent without a medical certificate.

If a student is absent for more than two weeks you will require a formal email explaining

the mitigating circumstances.

You are aware that this student will have an important seminar next week and will need to submit

an essay the week after.

What will you say to the student if they ask you for leave of absence?

In what circumstances will you agree?

What reasons will you give for not extending the deadline of the essay?

Adapted from ©Anderson, K, J Maclean & T Lynch (2004) Study Speaking Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Role play

2. Now in pairs, act out the conversation.

Role play reflection

3. Join with another pair. Discuss these questions

a. Did you get what you wanted?

b. Were there any breakdowns in communication?

c. Was there anything that you wanted to say and couldn’t because of language?

4. Thinking about your personal development


Next time I do a pair speaking activity I’m going to focus on...

user, 02/07/12,
Next week Ss will be doing tutorials and will be asked to consider their PDP – personal development plan)
user, 02/07/12,
Follow up with plenary discussion on these questions and feedback on language during the role plays
user, 02/07/12,
Could get some pairs to act out in front of the class?
sg361, 24/06/14,
Put ss into pairs of a student and a tutor.
user, 02/07/12,
Monitor that Ss are using this correctly/accurately
user, 02/07/12,
Ask concept questions while monitoring the groups’ preparation
Page 7: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 1


Page 8: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 2

Module DUG 2017 Study Reading

Materials ABC paragraph cut ups

Cut ups for paragraph organisation

Text (1 page for each student – fold before class): Section from BAMS (Bachelor of Arts in Management Studies) Programme handbook – authentic UoL text is supposed to be motivating – especially for any management students

Notes The core items here are

o Developing the skill of note taking from written texts as a step towards summarising/paraphrasing – tasks 6 and 7

Ss are also given more practice of predictions and verifying of predictions and reacting to a text

Ss should find the content useful – you could devote more time to discussion of the ideas if Ss complete the activities

If extra time - ordering paragraph exercise

Module links Ss have looked at verifying predictions for listening in Study Intro and Integrate Listening

Ss look at techniques for note taking from listening in next class Study Listening

Sentences from the text are used in Study Language

Ss will look at time management strategies in Spend Reading

Don’t forget…Click here to enter text.


Teacher 2

Page 9: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 2

STUDY - ReadingPractise note taking from a written textPractise predicting and verifying predictionsPractise reacting critically to a text

1. Discuss with your partner.

What is this? Do you have one for your degree course? What is inside it?

2. You are going to read a section from the BAMS handbook called Study Skills. Read the introduction.

3. What’s the purpose of this section of the handbook?

4. The subheading of the next section of the text is called ‘Managing your study time’

In your group discuss: What does that mean to you? What do you think the text is going to say?

5. Read the text to see if it includes your ideas.


Teacher 2

UK university qualifications

Which are undergraduate courses? What do these abbreviations mean? Which are you doing?


MSc PhD BEng

rlw24, 02/07/12,
Give time limit 1 – 2 mins
rlw24, 02/07/12,
Give Ss a couple of mins to read and discuss with partner before open class
rlw24, 02/07/12,
Make sure text is folded so Ss only look at intro
rlw24, 02/07/12,
This abbreviation is used throughout the dept literature
gs222, 22/06/15,
Open the pdf copy from the lesson materials folder. Show the ss what the handbook contains.
rlw24, 02/07/12,
Task 4
Page 10: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 2

6. Answer the following questions in pairs.

a. As a BAMS student you take four modules in semester 1, how many hours of independent

study should you do in total?

b. What is a PDP?

c. What “personal and specific objectives” do you think would be useful for you?

d. What is your attitude to planning?

e. What is the connection between management and organising your study time?

7. You are going to take some notes from this text . For each paragraph

a. think about what the main idea is

b. then highlight the key words

c. write your key words on another piece of paper

d. put the text away

e. talk with your partner about the words you chose and what you thought was interesting or useful about the text.

8. Your teacher will give you another short section from the text with some questions to help guide you to the main idea.

a. Take notes for your section. b. Use your notes to explain to your new

partner the main idea of your section.

9. Put the sentences in order to re-create the first paragraph.

What tells you the correct order?



Useful language for reporting ideas

This section

says that …

focuses on …

suggests that …

talks about …

rlw24, 02/07/12,
General to specific and linkersCut ups (4sentences)
rlw24, 02/07/12,
Individually and then compare
rlw24, 02/07/12,
Do one or more paragraphs as a class
Scaramuzza, Glynis, 21/06/16,
Students had PDP session in week 1
rlw24, 02/07/12,
These questions should encourage Ss to think about the text and how it relates to them rather than just comprehension They can make notes if they like but thought process is more important
Page 11: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 2

Student A

What does this section suggest you do? Why? How?

Preparing to read and studyWhen you are faced with any programme-related task or reading, it is helpful to first spend a couple of minutes making notes on what you currently know about the topic or think about the question. This will help you focus on your own ideas and experience. It will also remind you of previous relevant aspects of the programme. It will prepare you to respond critically to what you read and to relate whatever you learn to current knowledge and practice.

Brainstorming is sometimes a useful way to start these notes and to make sure that you generate a wide range of points. By ‘brainstorming’, we mean the rapid gathering of ideas that seem relevant to a particular topic or problem within a brief time limit and without judgement. You can then reflect on each idea, develop and analyse the material as a whole and make connections. Brainstorming is a technique you can use on your own as well as in groups.

Student A

What does this section suggest you do? Why? How?

Preparing to read and studyWhen you are faced with any programme-related task or reading, it is helpful to first spend a couple of minutes making notes on what you currently know about the topic or think about the question. This will help you focus on your own ideas and experience. It will also remind you of previous relevant aspects of the programme. It will prepare you to respond critically to what you read and to relate whatever you learn to current knowledge and practice.

Brainstorming is sometimes a useful way to start these notes and to make sure that you generate a wide range of points. By ‘brainstorming’, we mean the rapid gathering of ideas that seem relevant to a particular topic or problem within a brief time limit and without judgement. You can then reflect on each idea, develop and analyse the material as a whole and make connections. Brainstorming is a technique you can use on your own as well as in groups.


Page 12: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 2

Student B

What are the three reading styles? Why should you use different reading styles?

Effective readingThere are various styles of reading which are appropriate for different purposes. For studying in depth, learning and remembering, you should not start at the beginning and finish at the end of a text. First, look briefly at the whole text to see what is there. Look at headings and tables. Read introductory paragraphs, any summaries and the concluding section. This helps you to develop a general understanding of what is in the text. Then, if you decide the text is relevant to your purpose, skim each section to increase your understanding. Finally, read the text in detail to find the specific information that you need. Using these reading strategies will help you to increase your reading speed and save time.

Student B

What are the three reading styles? Why should you use different reading styles?

Effective readingThere are various styles of reading which are appropriate for different purposes. For studying in depth, learning and remembering, you should not start at the beginning and finish at the end of a text. First, look briefly at the whole text to see what is there. Look at headings and tables. Read introductory paragraphs, any summaries and the concluding section. This helps you to develop a general understanding of what is in the text. Then, if you decide the text is relevant to your purpose, skim each section to increase your understanding. Finally, read the text in detail to find the specific information that you need. Using these reading strategies will help you to increase your reading speed and save time.


gs222, 22/06/15,
links to lecture in Week 4 when ss will find out more about academic reading
Page 13: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 2

Student C

What does it suggest you do? How? What’s the outcome?

Evaluation of ideas, activities and learning

Managers (and people in general) seem to find it easier to focus on weaknesses and negative points when they are evaluating propositions, people and projects. However, 'evaluation' should cover strengths and positive points too. Thus to counteract this negative tendency, when evaluating, you should try to identify and explain the positives, negatives and interesting points relating to the topic. Although you may only spend a minute on each focus initially, this will help you to think of key ideas before you consider them in more depth. Interestingly, you might find that, in some cases, the same idea may be thought of as a plus, a minus or interesting depending on how you look at it. At this stage, that does not matter; you are simply examining ideas. This process leads to a certain type of thinking which you will find helpful throughout the programme.

Student C

What does it suggest you do? How? What’s the outcome?

Evaluation of ideas, activities and learning

Managers (and people in general) seem to find it easier to focus on weaknesses and negative points when they are evaluating propositions, people and projects. However, 'evaluation' should cover strengths and positive points too. Thus to counteract this negative tendency, when evaluating, you should try to identify and explain the positives, negatives and interesting points relating to the topic. Although you may only spend a minute on each focus initially, this will help you to think of key ideas before you consider them in more depth. Interestingly, you might find that, in some cases, the same idea may be thought of as a plus, a minus or interesting depending on how you look at it. At this stage, that does not matter; you are simply examining ideas. This process leads to a certain type of thinking which you will find helpful throughout the programme.


Page 14: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 2

Since you are now studying at undergraduate level, we do expect you to already possess some of the skills and techniques associated with successful performance at university, as acquired during your previous educational experience.In particular we place a great deal of emphasis on your own independent studying and learning, within the framework of guidance given by module tutors and seminar leaders.However, the University’s Student Support and Development Service offers a range of guides and courses which will help you hone your study skills: http://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/ssds.Studying at university will introduce you to a variety of teaching and learning methods which you may not have encountered before.


Page 15: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 2

Study skills

Studying at university will introduce you to a variety of teaching and learning methods which you may not have encountered before. In particular we place a great deal of emphasis on your own independent studying and learning, within the framework of guidance given by module tutors and seminar leaders. Since you are now studying at undergraduate level, we do expect you to already possess some of the skills and techniques associated with successful performance at university, as acquired during your previous educational experience. However, the University’s Student Support and Development Service offers a range of guides and courses which will help you hone your study skills: http://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/ssds.


Managing your study time

We strongly advise that you actively 'manage' your study. As we have stated earlier in this handbook, we expect BAMS students to spend at least 5 hours per week studying each module outside lecture and seminar time in semesters 1 and 2.

You should clarify your aims, identify your strengths and weaknesses, consider the context in which you will be studying and generate a broad strategy for successfully covering the material and completing the programme. The PDP process can help you do this. If you take a broad overview of the requirements of any particular module; consider your situation and home responsibilities in the relevant study period; you will be able to develop specific and realistic plans for active study and writing.

You may also find it useful to make personal and specific objectives for yourself. These will help you to focus your study time, assess material and apply ideas. For example, in relation to the process of studying, you might want to set yourself targets for:

how much time you want to spend on completing a task;

how much work you aim to do in a particular week;

how much progress you want to make with assignments or examination revision.

You should plan and monitor what you do and, where necessary, try to improve the process, quantity and quality of your work. You should make decisions about the importance that you will attach to tasks, the time you choose to allocate to them and the sequence in which you do them.


Paragraph 2

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Paragraph 5


Page 16: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 2

People - like organizations - have different approaches to planning. The world, including the world of study, is not necessarily rational or logically ordered. Just as there are limitations to adopting a heavily planned approach to management, there are also limitations to planning the management of learning. Therefore, be flexible and build in contingency or ‘slack’ time to your plans! People also learn in different ways. Creativity, the unexpected and chance have an important role to play in education. Thus we do not expect that all students will approach the business of study in a way we prescribe, or indeed in an over-planned manner. We do, however, advise and expect you to develop study management skills and to be aware about how you personally study. This is both to make your learning effective and to use as another source of learning about management theory and practice.

©University of Leicester School of Management (2011) BAMS Programme Handbook 2014/15 Leicester: University of Leicester


Paragraph 6

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English Language Teaching Unit Study 3

Module DUG 2017 Study Listening

Materials Tapescript

Audio – adapted from Rignall, M. & Furneaux, C. (1997) Speaking. London: Prentice Hall on Blackboard Staff folder

Notes The core items here are

o Practising note taking from listening

o Primary word stress

Might be a good idea to make your own notes on the listening to show Ss – in this lesson there’s no discussion of different methods of organising notes eg linear v diagram

Module links Ss had to make notes in Orientate Listening but the text was very short and there was no focus on


Sentences from the tapescript are used in Study Language

Look at vocab for Study Writing (Weiss extracts). You may want to give this to ss to prepare before the lesson

Don’t forget… Hand back writing 1


Teacher 2

Teacher 1

Page 18: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 3

STUDY - ListeningTalk about techniques for note takingPractise listening and note takingDevelop understanding of word stress

Before listening

You are going to hear an interview with Catherine Andrews, a Course Supervisor at a British university, who talks about the course she is responsible for, and her experiences with international students.

1. Discuss these points with a partner. In what situations do university students have to listen during their courses? In what situations do university students have to speak during their courses?

2. Discuss with your partner Why do you take notes? What are the features of good notes? What’s the difference between taking notes and dictation? What tools do you need for note taking?

While listening

3. Listen and make notes on what Catherine Andrews says about the following (the interview is approx 8 mins) the problems international students have

the situations in which students need to use their speaking skills

the advice she gives to pre-sessional students

After listening

4. Compare your notes in groups. Are they clear? Are they brief? Do they have all the important info? Would you be able to understand them tomorrow? Next week?

In 2 months if you had an exam?

5. How easy/difficult did you find it to make notes? How could you improve your listening and notetaking?


rlw24, 17/06/13,
After Ss have compared both content and design of their notes you could get them to listen again and add to their notes if they wish. You could also get them to look at the tapescript and think about whehter they would have made the same notes if it had been a reading text
rlw24, 17/06/13,
•perhaps try to build a model set of notes on OHT or whiteboard Show Ss your own notes
rlw24, 17/06/13,
In plenary you might want to talk about one of the following both taken from Cambridge Study Listening Be selective – you need to understand what’s being said and decide what’s importantBe brief – key words, abbreviations, symbols (don’t go into detail - we’ll do this at a later date)Be clear – linear/table/flow diagram/ mind map/ headings – ways of showing links between ideas – so that you can understand it laterOr Step 1 -What’s being saidStep 2 – What does it meanStep 3 – Is it important/should I write it downStep 4 – how to write it down
rlw24, 17/06/13,
(A4 paper/coloured pens/highlighters
rlw24, 17/06/13,
dictation everything – notetaking key ideas and key words
rlw24, 17/06/13,
•accurate/contain only essential info/not too detailed/ not too brief/show overall organisation of ideas clearly/concise – using appropriate abbreviations and other techniques for shortening info/can be used later to write assignments and revise for exams – Study Tasks in English
rlw24, 17/06/13,
rlw24, 17/06/13,
Leading to short plenary and elicit from Ss that during lectures they will have to take notes
Page 19: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 3

Pronunciation – word stressWhen you’re pronouncing a word, the most important thing to get right is the stress – this will help ensure that you are understood, even if you don’t pronounce the sounds in the word 100% correctly.

Dictionaries show where to put the primary stress with this symbol: ˈ

Note that longer words (four syllables or more) usually have a secondary and a primary stress. The secondary stress is marked with this symbol: ˌ

Look at these three examples:

lecturer /ˈlekʧərə/

education /edjuːˈkeɪʃən/

experience /ɪksˈpɪərɪəns/

6. With a partner, look at the vocabulary below (it is all from the listening). Put the words into the correct column. You will find it helpful to try saying the words aloud.

understanding supervise tutorial undergrad

syllabus presentation pre-sessional extensively

contribution timetable seminar

O o o o o O o o O o o

lecturer education experience


gs222, 24/06/14,
see http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/pron/features/schwa/index.shtml
rlw24, 02/07/12,
Might be helpful to talk about /ə/
gs222, 24/06/14,
this might be a feature that is lacking in their electronic dictionaries. Encourage ss to use Macmillan app.
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English Language Teaching Unit Study 3


MR= Mark Reynolds, EAP tutor CA = Catherine Andrews, Course Supervisor

MR: Well, thanks for sparing the time to talk about your experience of working with international students, Catherine. Would you start by introducing yourself?

CA: Yes, of course. I'm Dr Catherine Andrews. I supervise the MSc in Tropical Agricultural Development, which is a one-year, full-time course.

MR: And how many international students do you have?

CA: Well, in the department as a whole, 40, of whom 10 are undergrads. On our MSc programmes about two-thirds of the students are from overseas.

MR: You evidently have a lot of experience of working with international students here. Do you find that they have serious language problems?

CA: On the whole, not. Most of our overseas students come from countries where they have a substantial part of their education in English. For the others there are occasionally some difficulties, but nothing insuperable.

MR: What are the most common language problems?

CA: The most common problem experienced by my overseas students is difficulty in following lectures. I think this is because some of the students, although they may have read extensively in their subject in English, have had much more limited practice specifically as listeners. As it tends to be the lectures that define the syllabus of the course, it is essential that students should be able to follow the majority of ideas that come across in lectures.

MR: So you would presumably advise them to get as much practice as possible before the course at listening to lectures and taking notes?

CA: Yes, definitely.

MR: What about speaking skills? What kind of speaking activities do they have to carry out during the course?

CA: Well, the way we teach in this department, students are invited to speak a good deal. Even in lectures it's no longer expected that lecturers will do all the talking and the students simply listen; lectures are now timetabled in two-hour blocks, which allows the lecturer to invite questions and comments from the students. So, it's very important that, if people don't understand what's being said, they should be able to state what their problem is, or to clearly state their point of view if they disagree with, you know, what’s being said, all of which is an important part of the educational process. And the second kind of activity I would mention is presentation. Students will be asked two or three times during their course to lead seminars, by giving a 20-minute presentation to a group of 10 or 15 students and one or two members of staff. And they're given several days' or weeks' notice of this and then they receive some guidance from their tutor on how to go about it; say, the use of notes rather than a script, for example, or the best use of handouts and visual aids, if appropriate.

MR: Right, you've mentioned two kinds of speaking task so far - responding to lectures and giving seminar presentations. What else do they have to do?

CA: Well, we have a tutorial system, too. Tutorials are occasions where there are normally only two or three students and one member of staff present. The normal format is that the students have been asked to write an essay for the tutorial, and each week one of the


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English Language Teaching Unit Study 3

students will be asked either to read out his essay, or her essay, or to speak from the notes that he or she has prepared on the subject. Quite often on these occasions, the students may also be asked to draw a diagram or chart on the board, and simultaneously explain its significance; that requires some precision in getting across ideas, of course, and it's a very valuable skill. And then another task that requires the students to be active and competent speakers is case study work, which we use from time to time. We get students into groups and ask them to prepare case studies on certain subjects. Each group will then organise itself, arranging to meet on a number of occasions to thrash out ideas and agree on the main features of the presentation that they would make. And in the end they may be chosen to make a presentation to the rest of the class. So, it's important that everyone feels able to contribute to those discussions, to express their opinions clearly to the rest of the group.

MR: Can you give a simple example of the topic or the nature of one of these case studies?

CA: Well, they may be based on the actual situation in a particular country, or they may be simulations in which each student is assigned a role to play. Our Green Revolution simulation is an example of this, in which some students are farmers, and others are investors, others are agricultural extension officers, and so on. There are many different forms. The other kind of speaking activity that I would mention is that most overseas students get an oral examination at the end of the course. It's particularly important on these occasions, which can be rather nerve-wracking, that the student should be able to concentrate on demonstrating an understanding of the course content and not be distracted by language difficulties.

MR: Finally, is there any advice you would give to pre-sessional students who were going to come onto your course or similar courses?

CA: Yes, I think the most important thing to understand at the beginning, perhaps, is that the style of the teaching, certainly in my department, and I would think in many others, is not a highly formal one. Students are invited to contribute throughout. Most lecturers will be happy to answer questions that arise during the course of lectures or to receive comments or points of view as they go along. You're not going to be in the role of sitting passively through hours and hours of people talking at you; participation by students really is an important part of the process. And clearly, language skills are going to be vital to enable you to make a full contribution. I also regard the general social activities within the department as an important part of the process of becoming comfortable with the language. We make every effort to meet our students informally, whether it's over coffee, or lunch, or occasionally outside in, say, sporting activities, for example - we've had cricket matches and other sports between Tropical Agriculture and other departments. So, yes, I would certainly encourage students to take advantage of opportunities for informal contact with all their colleagues. And thirdly, the worst possible thing that someone who has a language problem can do is to conceal it; for example, you know, to sit quietly and miserably in a lecture, understanding very little but reluctant to do anything about it. I know that all members of staff in this department would be sympathetic and would want to support a student in that situation. But, well, we can't help unless we are made aware of the problem, so don't be afraid to approach your tutor about this.

Some materials adapted from Rignall, M. & Furneaux, C. (1997) Speaking. London: Prentice Hall


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English Language Teaching Unit Study 3


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English Language Teaching Unit Study 4

Module DUG 2017 Study Language


Notes The core objective is for Ss to review their knowledge of modals and have some practise of using

them appropriately and accurately

Please feel free to select/adapt/replace particularly activities 7,8 and 9

May want to dig out some of your own activities for modals

More explanation/practice

o http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/quick-grammar

o http://www.ihbristol.com/free-english-exercises/test/esol-smc-modal-verbs/ submitted

o http://www.ihbristol.com/free-english-exercises/test/esol-smc-more-modal- verbs/submitted

( I had to register for IH Bristol the second time I tried to use it, but it was very simple)

Metalanguage sheet may be useful in this lesson

Module links Ss look at caution in much more detail in second half of module and in afternoon classes

Activity 1 is a summary of some of the ideas from Study Introduction, Reading and Listening, Ss will continue to gradual build summarising skills over the module with a more explicit introduction in Know

Modal sentences in activities 4, 5 and 6 are taken from texts in Study Introduction, Reading and Listening

Don’t forget…


Teacher 2

rlw24, 15/04/14,
Page 24: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 4

STUDYLanguageReview modal verbs – structure and use

1. Read this summary of some of the ideas in this Study unit.

This unit has included opinions of students, tutors and departments concerning different aspects of UK Higher Education culture. There are a number of themes which occur across the different sources. Firstly, the clips from Prepare for Success and the BAMS handbook extracts both focus on the importance of independent study which means you 1. _________ organise your time, your study and yourself. Secondly, you 2. _________ also find that there is greater importance placed on critical thinking than in your previous studies. The School of Management suggests you 3. _________ have a critical response to your reading meaning not that you ought to evaluate your sources negatively but that you need to analyse from different perspectives. Finally, there seems to an emphasis on discussion of ideas in all three sources. The handbook discusses ‘brainstorming’, students and teachers speak about the issues that some international students have with expressing their opinions orally in the video clips and Catherine Anderson mentions interactive lectures, presentations, tutorials and case studies as different instances when students 4. _________ have to speak in their academic life. The texts have raised a number of useful and interesting points, however, I 5. _________ suggest that it is important for students to realise that there are significant differences between universities and subjects in the UK and that they need to discover about their own subject and department.

2. What words are missing from the text? What type of words are they?


rlw24, 25/06/14,
rlw24, 25/06/14,
rlw24, 25/06/14,
you might want to point this out as a semi-modal
rlw24, 25/06/14,
rlw24, 25/06/14,
May - might or could also possible here
rlw24, 25/06/14,
Must - students may suggest ‘have to’ need to be ready to explain difference - I have only put ‘pure’ modals in
rlw24, 25/06/14,
You could show the first two sentences and ask Ss what themes they think are apparent in the three sources - this is a personalised summary of the ideas that I think are important . Or just ask Ss to read and say whether they would have chosen the same three things . Or ask them what is different about the final sentence
rlw24, 25/06/14,
You might want to keep this secret until after activity 2
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English Language Teaching Unit Study 4

3. In your small group, discuss what you know about modal verbs.

What structure follows them? How many are there? How do you form a question? How do you form a negative? How do you say them? What are they used for?

4. What do these four sentences have in common? a. They can’t do it all in one go.b. What can you say if the tutor is unwilling to let you have an extension?c. The PDP process can help you.d. We can’t help unless we are made aware of the problem.

In your group, try to make these sentences so they are talking about the past

5. What do these four sentences have in common?a. I have to take 10% off the mark that I give you.b. You should clarify your aims.c. You should not start at the beginning and finish at the end of a text.d. They should be able to state what their problem is.

What could you replace “have to” with in the first sentence?

6. What do these four sentences have in common?a. They may have read extensively in their subject in English.b. … which you may not have encountered before.c. You might want to set yourself targets.d. They may be simulations in which each student is assigned a role.

What’s the difference between “may” and “might”?

Which of the following two sentences is better for an academic essay? Why?

Students have read extensively in their subject in English.

Students may have read extensively in their subject in English.


rlw24, 25/06/14,
This one because of caution – Ss look at caution in much more detail in second half of course – also covered in afternoon classes
rlw24, 25/06/14,
rlw24, 25/06/14,
rlw24, 25/06/14,
Obligation of various degrees
rlw24, 25/06/14,
They couldn’t do it all in one go.What could you have said if the tutor had been unwilling to let you have an extension?The PDP process could help. Or perhaps The PDP process could have helped.We aren’t able to help unless we are made aware of the problem.
rlw24, 25/06/14,
All with “can” – all talking about ability - (could be argued that a & b could be possibility) – a
rlw24, 25/06/14,
you could talk about silent /l/ and contractions, Ss may also have problems with vowel sound in ‘must’
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English Language Teaching Unit Study 4

7. Editing. Correct the mistakes in the modals in this text.

I couldn’t decide what to do, I had a good job working in an office, but I really wanted to become an

archaeologist and I didn’t could do that without going to university. If I decided to do that, I knew

that I will have to quit my job, and as a student, I would have much less money. I discussed the

problem with one of my colleagues and she told me I don’t should give up such a good job and that I

should to think about getting a husband. I couldn’t decide what I ought do. But then I talked to my

aunt. She told me she should have go to university but her aunt had persuaded her not to and that

she had always regretted it. She thought that I should to give it a try. She said that I didn’t should

be afraid and that she may can help me pay for some things. That was the end of my dilemma.

Adapted from ©Yule, G. (2006) Oxford Practice Grammar Oxford:Oxford University Press

8. In your group, look at the picture your teacher gives you and write as many sentences as you can, speculating about what has happened.

9. Rewrite the sentences using the word in bold capitals.

ExamplePerhaps Luke has got lost. He has no sense of direction. MIGHTLuke might have got lost. He has not sense of direction.

a. I don’t think she’ll go to the party. She isn’t very sociable. MAY


b. They will probably have completed their homework by now. SHOULD


c. I’m sure I didn’t leave my USB in the computer. I remember taking it out. CAN’T


d. I’m sure he was in love with her otherwise why would he have married her. MUST



rlw24, 25/06/14,
(Kay, S (1999) Reward Intermediate Resource Pack Oxford:Macmillan – Activity 38 – do one or two pictures with students as a class to give them the idea – try to get them to be as creative as they can They must have just got back from holiday.They might have been burgled.The cat might have had a party.There might have been a freak tornado.Board some of the language and analyse
rlw24, 25/06/14,
Point out to Ss this is what they should do with their own work
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English Language Teaching Unit Study 4

Task 8 – pictures


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English Language Teaching Unit Study 4

Kay, S. (1995) Reward Int. Resource Pack. Oxford: MacmillanHeinemann


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English Language Teaching Unit Study 4


Page 30: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 5

Module DUG 2017 Study Writing

Materials Click here to enter text.

Notes The core objective are to

o Develop Ss awareness/knowledge of informal and formal language and its importance

o Give Ss an opportunity to practise writing a formal email – deadline Wednesday 19th 9am – Ss need to email tutor

It is likely that much of Ss communication with their dept will be by email

Module links Links with overall topic of unit – Ss needing perhaps to adapt their way of working to be effective in

UK uni

Homework task uses context from Study Introduction

Don’t forget… Make sure that Ss have your university email address

Today you set writing 3


Teacher 1

user, 02/07/12,
Suggest that feedback is also via email. Corrections of style and language
Page 31: Teacher 1 - University of Leicester · Web viewYou need to go and speak to your tutor about taking time off from your degree course. The reason for requesting absence is that your

English Language Teaching Unit Study 5

STUDY WritingDevelop understanding of the use of emails in UK academic culturePractise writing emails

1. Discuss the following questions with your partnerIn the interview with Catherine Anderson (1997), she said “most lecturers will be happy to answer questions that arise during the lecture”.

In which other ways could you communicate with your lecturer or department if you had a question?

What could you use email for?

2. What might be the benefits and the problems with emailing your tutor/professor?

The following quotes may help with ideas.

I would like for them not to ask questions that require long, thoughtful answers. I get hundreds of e-mails a day and am swamped with work. If they need that kind of answer they should talk to me after class or come to office hours (which almost no-one does anymore).

Because I am shy and don't like to speak on the phone, I prefer emails so I can really think out my message and construct what I want to say so I can avoid mis-communications or sending a garbled message on my part. So I typically use email as a communication mode more than office hours or anything.

I noticed my computer science professors are much more casual in their emails to me.(don't always use a lot of formality, sometimes don't use complete sentences, address me by my first name). I like this better than the more formal emails I have received from other professors because it makes it less intimidating for me to write back to them, and it makes me more comfortable with communicating with them via email.

When questioned about their views on whether student-faculty e-mail communication was formal or informal, the majority of faculty and students believe it can be either. Analysis of data, however, found a significant difference ... in the beliefs held by faculty and students in regard to the other being 'too friendly' in communicating via email. Fifty-three percent of faculty member believe that students are often or sometimes too friendly, while only 5 percent of students feel his way about faculty.

Weiss, M. and Hanson-Baldauf, D. (2008) “Email in Academia: Expectations, Use and Instructional Impact” Educause Quarterly (1) 42-50


Weiss, M. and Hanson-Baldauf, D. (2008) “Email in Academia: Expectations, Use and Instructional Impact” Educause Quarterly (1) 42-50


rlw24, 15/06/15,
You might also want to show the slide from the first lecture of a University of Leicester School of Management UG lecture – in tutors book and on Blackboard
Glynis Scaramuzza, 14/06/15,
Elicit answers before going through table 2.
Glynis Scaramuzza, 14/06/15,
Opportunity to tell ss that lecturers have specific times each week when they are available for consultation.
Glynis Scaramuzza, 14/06/15,
Clarify where this is – study listening?
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English Language Teaching Unit Study 5

2. Look at the following correspondence, and answer the questions:

a. Look at the emails below and put them in orderb. What is the purpose of Eman’s first email?

Change an arrangement Ask for information Make an arrangement

Did Eman and Dr Stone communicate successfully? What mistakes did Eman make? What advice would you give her?

Look at the emails and explain the meaning of the following phrases.



user, 02/07/12,
email 1 was too detailed – email 3 was much too informal perhaps she assumed form Dr Stone’s reply that she could be very informaladvice – better to err on the side of formality - and always be polite
user, 02/07/12,
sort of but ...
user, 02/07/12,
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English Language Teaching Unit Study 5

Are they formal, neutral, or informal?

a. concerning b. adverse c. this matter d. your early reply e. I’m free f. there’s no hurry g. sick as a dog h. forget sth

Look at the following email.

Choose the correct option for each space.

Discuss with your partner why the other options are not appropriate.

Dear Dr Stone,

1)__________ for your email regarding our appointment this afternoon. 2)__________for

rescheduling the tutorial. Tuesday at 4.00 is 3)___________.

4)__________ I should bring to the tutorial? Of course, I will have my reading notes and my

dissertation outline.

Once again, 5)__________ for cancelling so late. 6)__________ on Tuesday.


1) a)Ta b) I am exceedingly grateful c) Thank you

2) a) Thanks b) Cheers c) You are most gracious

3) a) Fine for me b) Cool c) Ace

4) a) Anything b) Is there anything c) Something

5) a) I’m very sorry b) Really sorry c)Dead sorry

6) a) CU b) See you c)It will be an honour to see you

7) a) (nothing) b) Student 569287 c) Eman


user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
user, 02/07/12,
gs222, 15/06/15,
You work on email language here as you see fit for your group.
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English Language Teaching Unit Study 5


Look at the slide above from the opening lectures of a University of Leicester UG module lecture and the advice about email structure. Read the email below.

a. What is wrong with the email?

b. Rewrite the email.


rlw24, 19/06/13,
According to Jo – the salutation, thx and smiley face But also the fact it’s sent from a private email not a university email, this will not be accepted by many tutors/depts. There is no subject line and the information is not specific enough – this tutor may teach a number of different modules so may not know who this student is or which assignment they are referring to and could be more polite
rlw24, 18/06/13,
This is another slide from the opening lecture of ULSM UG module
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English Language Teaching Unit Study 5

4. In your group, complete the following.

Email etiquette (when emailing your tutor/professor)

You should You shouldn’t

1. Homework. Before Wednesday’s class you need to send an email to your tutor.

Look back at the situation from Study Introduction. Instead of meeting your tutor to ask to be absent, you write an email.

Put an appropriate subject line

Use an appropriate salutation

Be clear, concise and polite

Use appropriate language

Sign off appropriately

Deadline – Send your email to your tutor by Wednesday 20th July 9am

Check your language.

Your teacher will be looking at

o Task – Is the language appropriate? Is the content clear?

o Organisation – Is the message well structured?

o Language – Is the language accurate with no spelling or punctuation errors?


rlw24, 19/06/13,
Encourage your students to ask you how you wish to be addressed in the email
rlw24, 18/06/13,
Point out use of modal
