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Teacher Vet Policeman Dentistaogultegin.com › storage › pdf › 4.7. Jobs - Pictionary...

Date post: 24-Jun-2020
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Postman Baker Florist Gardener Nurse Doctor Teacher Vet Waiter Farmer Chef Singer Fireman Pilot Policeman Dentist Dancer Tailor Teaching children Cooking Helping people Delivering letters Serving Cut Helping animals Flying planes Directing the traffic Planting vegetables Dancing Growing fruit Examine Post office Hospital Animal Shelter Restaurant Airport Police station Farm School Concert hall
Page 1: Teacher Vet Policeman Dentistaogultegin.com › storage › pdf › 4.7. Jobs - Pictionary (FCM).pdf · Postman Baker Florist Gardener Nurse Doctor Teacher Vet Waiter Farmer Chef

Pos tman Bake r F l o r i s t Ga rdener Nur se Doc t o r Teacher Ve t

Wa i t e r Fa rmer Che f S i nge r F i r eman P i l o t Po l i ceman Dent i s t

Dancer Ta i l o r Teach i ng ch i l d r en Cook i ng

He l p i n g peop l e

De l i v e r i n g l e t t e r s Serv i ng Cu t

He l p i n g a n ima l s

F l y i n g p l a nes

D i r ec t i n g t he t r a f f i c

P l a n t i n g vege t ab l e s Danc i ng

Grow i n g f r u i t Ex am i ne Pos t o f f i c e

Hosp i t a l An ima l She l t e r Res t au r an t A i r po r t

Po l i c e s t a t i o n Fa rm Schoo l Con ce r t h a l l
