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Teacher’s Notes and Answers...4 – Sergio es mi amigo y le encantan los realitys. 5 – Soy...

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Teacher’s Notes and Answers © Pearson Education Ltd. 2019. Copying is permitted by the purchasing institution for teaching purposes only. No other copying or reproduction permitted without express permission of Pearson Education. 12 Module 2 Listening Test A Listening A1 (1st Step; Total: 6 marks) This task tests understanding of types of music. Pupils tick the correct box. Each statement will be heard twice. Audioscript Track 10 Example: Escucho rock. 1– Escucho rap. 2– Escucho música pop. 3– Escucho música clásica. 4– Escucho R’n’B. 5– Escucho de todo. 6– Escucho música electronica. Answers 1 Escucho rap. 2 Escucho música pop. 3 Escucho música clásica. 4 Escucho R’n’B. 5 Escucho de todo. 6 Escucho música electrónica. Listening A2 (2nd Step; Total: 6 marks) This task tests understanding of familiar statements about using a mobile phone. Pupils complete the table with the correct letter. There is one distractor. Each statement will be heard twice. Audioscript Track 11 Example: Con mi móvil saco fotos. 1– Mando SMS todos los días. 2– Con mi móvil juego en línea. 3– Escucho música. 4– Con mi móvil descargo melodías. 5– Veo vídeos. 6– Con mi móvil chateo con mis amigos. Answers 1 A 2 D 3 F 4 E 5 B 6 C Listening A3 (2nd Step; Total: 6 marks) This task tests understanding of the type of TV programmes they like or prefer. Pupils write the correct statement next to the name. Each statement will be heard twice. Audioscript Track 12 Example: ¿Qué tipo de programa prefieres Mariona? Me encantan los documentales. 1– Hola, me llamo Andoni y me gustan mucho los concursos. 2– Mi hermana Victoria prefiere las series policíacas. 3– ¿Qué tipo de programa prefieres Ángela? Prefiero las telenovelas. 4– Sergio es mi amigo y le encantan los realitys. 5– Soy Lionel y no me gusta el telediario. 6– Me llamo Bárbara y en mi opinión los programas de deportes son aburridos. Answers 1 Andoni: really likes game shows 2 Victoria: prefers police series 3 Ángela: prefers soap operas 4 Sergio: loves reality shows 5 Lionel: doesn’t like the news 6 Bárbara: doesn’t like sports programmes Listening Test B Listening B1 (3rd Step; Total: 6 marks) This task tests opinions about different types of television programmes. Pupils write down the correct letter for the programme and tick the correct box for the opinion. There is one SAMPLE
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    Module 2

    Listening Test AListening A1 (1st Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests understanding of types ofmusic.Pupils tick the correct box.Each statement will be heard twice.Audioscript Track 10Example: Escucho rock.1 – Escucho rap.2 – Escucho música pop.3 – Escucho música clásica.4 – Escucho R’n’B.5 – Escucho de todo.6 – Escucho música electronica.

    Answers1 Escucho rap.2 Escucho música pop.3 Escucho música clásica.4 Escucho R’n’B.5 Escucho de todo.6 Escucho música electrónica.

    Listening A2 (2nd Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests understanding of familiarstatements about using a mobile phone.Pupils complete the table with the correctletter. There is one distractor. Each statementwill be heard twice.Audioscript Track 11Example: Con mi móvil saco fotos.1 – Mando SMS todos los días.2 – Con mi móvil juego en línea.3 – Escucho música.4 – Con mi móvil descargo melodías.5 – Veo vídeos.6 – Con mi móvil chateo con mis amigos.

    Answers1 A 2 D 3 F 4 E 5 B 6 C

    Listening A3 (2nd Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests understanding of the type ofTV programmes they like or prefer. Pupilswrite the correct statement next to the name.Each statement will be heard twice.Audioscript Track 12Example:– ¿Qué tipo de programa prefieres

    Mariona?– Me encantan los documentales.1 – Hola, me llamo Andoni y me gustan

    mucho los concursos.2 – Mi hermana Victoria prefiere las series

    policíacas.3 – ¿Qué tipo de programa prefieres

    Ángela?– Prefiero las telenovelas.4 – Sergio es mi amigo y le encantan los

    realitys.5 – Soy Lionel y no me gusta el telediario.6 – Me llamo Bárbara y en mi opinión los

    programas de deportes son aburridos.

    Answers1 Andoni: really likes game shows2 Victoria: prefers police series3 Ángela: prefers soap operas4 Sergio: loves reality shows5 Lionel: doesn’t like the news6 Bárbara: doesn’t like sports


    Listening Test BListening B1 (3rd Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests opinions about different typesof television programmes. Pupils write downthe correct letter for the programme and tickthe correct box for the opinion. There is one



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    distractor. Each statement will be heardtwice.Audioscript Track 13Example: No me gustan las comedias. Sontontas.1 – Me gustan los documentales porque

    son divertidos.2 – Me encantan los concursos. Son

    emocionantes.3 – No me gustan los programas de

    deportes. Son aburridos.4 – Me gustan las telenovelas. En mi

    opinión, son interesantes.5 – Me encantan las series policíacas. Son

    mis programas favoritos.

    Answers1 likes2 E3 doesn’t like4 G5 B, loves

    Listening B2 (4th Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests understanding of a shortpassage about music. Pupils answer themultiple-choice questions by putting a tick inthe correct box. Each statement will be heardtwice.Audioscript Track 14Example: Escucho música todos los días.1 – En mi opinión, la música electrónica es

    regular, pero me encanta el rap. Esguay.

    2 – Me gusta porque me encanta el ritmo.3 – Me encanta la música de Shakira. Es

    mi cantante favorita.4 – También me gusta la música clásica.

    En mi opinión, es interesante.5 – No me gusta nada la música de

    Juanes. En mi opinión, es aburrida.6 – Dos veces a la semana descargo

    música en mi móvil.

    Answers1 c 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 c

    Listening B3 (4th Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests understanding of main points,opinions and detail in a longer conversationabout television. Pupils write short answers inEnglish. The conversation is divided into twoparts. Each part of the conversation will beheard twice.Audioscript Track 15Part 1– David, ¿te gusta ver la tele?– Sí, mucho. Me gustan las películas.– ¿Ves la tele con tu familia o con tus

    amigos?– Normalmente veo la tele con mi familia. A

    veces veo la tele en mi cuarto.– ¿Qué tipo de películas te gustan?– Me gustan las comedias y las películas

    policíacas, pero prefiero las comediasporque son más divertidas que laspelículas policíacas.

    Part 2– Shahida, ¿qué tipo de programas de

    televisión te gustan?– A ver… Los concursos son geniales y me

    gustan los documentales, pero prefiero eltelediario. Me gusta porque n mi opiniones muy informativo.

    – ¿Ves el telediario todos los días?– Depende. Normalmente veo el telediario

    dos o tres veces a la semana.Answers

    1 With his family.2 In his room.3 He likes them, but they are not as much

    fun/not as funny as comedies (theremust be some notion of thecomparative to award the mark).

    4 The news.5 It is informative.6 Two or three times a week.



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    Listening Test CListening C1 (4th Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests understanding of whatactivities people do on their phones.Pupils answer the questions by writing inEnglish. Full sentences are not required.The passage will be heard twice.Audioscript Track 16Hola, me llamo Guillermo y con mi mόvilnormalmente escucho música.A veces, descargo melodías de música pop.También, dos veces a la semana descargoaplicaciones porque me gusta jugar en línea.Mi amiga Silvia saca fotos todos los días. Mihermano Jorge habla por Skype con su noviapor la tarde. De vez en cuando mi amigoDaniel comparte sus vídeos favoritos.

    Answers1 He downloads pop ringtones.2 He downloads apps twice a week.3 Because he likes to play online.4 Silvia takes photos.5 Jorge talks on Skype.6 Daniel shares them from time to time.

    Listening C2 (4th Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This is a crossover task that appears in bothTests B and C. See teacher's notes forListening Test B, Listening B3.

    Listening C3 (5th Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests understanding of activities inthe preterite tense in the context of a longerpassage of familiar and some unfamiliarlanguage.Pupils write whether each statement is true,false or not mentioned.The passage will be heard twice.Audioscript Track 18¡Ayer hice mucho y fue genial! Por la mañanasalí con mi amiga Sandra y fuimos al cine.Luego Sandra saliό con su hermana e

    hicieron gimnasia por la tarde, pero yo montéen bici. Me gustό mucho. Después, jugué enlínea con mi hermano, jugué dos horas y fueguay. No hablé por Skype con mi abuela¡Qué lastima! Luego Sandra y yo vimos unapelícula en línea. Un poco más tarde yo bailéen mi cuarto y no hice mis deberes. Fue undía estupendo.

    Answers1 T 2 NM 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 T

    Listening Test DListening D1 (5th Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests understanding of opinions,justifications and time frames to do withactivities.Pupils complete the sentences by ticking A, Bor C.The passage will be heard twice.Audioscript Track 19– ¿Te gusta la música?– ¡Sí! Me encanta escuchar rock.– ¿Qué haces por la mañana

    normalmente?– Bueno, normalmente mando y leo SMS y

    chateo con mis amigos. Nunca hago misdeberes por la mañana.

    – ¿Y luego, qué haces?– De vez en cuando descargo

    aplicaciones. Dos o tres veces a lasemana descargo melodías, pero no megusta la música pop; nunca descargo lasmelodías de pop.

    – ¿Te gusta la música clásica?– ¿La música clásica? ¡Qué aburrido! No

    me gusta nada la música clásica.Prefiero escuchar la música electronicaporque es más emocionante que lamúsica clásica.

    – ¿Prefieres los programas de deportes olos documentales?

    – Prefiero los documentales porque sonmás informativos que los programas de



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    deportes. En mi opinión, los programasde deportes no son interesantes.

    Answers1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 C

    Listening D2 (5th Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This is a crossover task that appears in bothTests C and D. See teacher's notes forListening Test C, Listening C3.

    Listening D3 (6th Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests pupils’ ability to differentiatebetween references to the past and to thepresent. Pupils write down the correct lettersfor each time frame. The task is divided intotwo parts and each part will be heard twice.There are three distractors.Audioscript Track 21Part 1– Antonio, ¿qué hiciste el sábado pasado?– Fue estupendo porque normalmente veo

    la televisión con mi familia o escuchomusica. ¡Qué rollo! Pero me encantό elsábado pasado porque salí con misamigos. Bailé en una discoteca y bebíuna limonada. Después fui a unrestaurante donde comí paella.

    Part 2– Conchita, ¿qué haces normalmente los

    sábados?– Normalmente por la mañana hago los

    deberes. Después, por la tarde juego enlinea y mando SMS a mis amigos. Elsábado pasado fue diferente porque hicegimnasia y luego vi la tele. Me gustan lossábados.

    AnswersPart 1: A, G, C (in any order)Part 2: B, F, E (in any order)

    Speaking Test ASpeaking A1 (1st Step; Total: 4 marks)

    This task tests the ability to say mobile phoneactivities.

    Answers1 Saco2 Descargo3 Mando4 Chateo

    Speaking A2 (2nd Step; Total: 4 marks)

    This task tests the ability to give basicinformation in response to simple questions,using short phrases or sentences.Indicative content is provided below to helpyou understand the application of the markscheme. The responses listed here are notexhaustive, and you should consider theextent to which the answer as a wholecommunicates a response. Responses witherrors that do not impede comprehensionmay still be awarded the mark.


    Indicativecontent(1 mark)

    Indicativecontent(0 marks)

    1 Yo escucharmúsica pop.


    2 No me gustamúsica rock.

    No me gusta.

    3 Mando SMStodos los díasa amigos.

    Sí, mandasSMS.

    4 Me gustan lastelenovelasmucho.

    Me gusta verla tele.

    Speaking Test BB1 Photo task (3rd–6th Steps; Total: 14marks)

    This task tests the ability to answer questionsbased on a photo.



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    Indicative content is provided below to helpyou understand the application of the markscheme. Errors have been deliberatelyincluded to show that 100% accuracy is notneeded to gain full marks and to showauthentic examples of pupil performance.N.B. If pupils produce several examples ofthe near future tense they could potentially beworking at 7th Step.

    The performance below is awarded 14 outof 14 marks (6th Step).



    1 En la foto hay seispersonas en laparque. A laderecha hay unachica con un móvil.Saca fotos de losamigos. Creo quehace buen tiempo.

    Responses to allquestions askedare clear and allanswers aredeveloped.Language isexcellent, withfrequentsuccessfulattempts to usecomplexstructures andvaried vocabulary.Errors areinfrequent and donot impedecomprehension.There are severalexamples ofsuccessful use ofa second timeframe.6 marks areawarded forContent, 6 marksare awarded forQuality oflanguage and2 marks areawarded for Useof more than onetime frame.

    2 Saco fotos con mimóvil todos los díasporque es muydivertido. También,de vez en cuandochateo con misamigos pero nuncadescargo melodíasporque creo que esdemasiadoaburrida.

    3 Me gustan mucholas telenovelas ylas comedias.Pero, prefiero losdocumentalesporque son másinformativos que eltelediario. A vecesveo películas conmis padres, peroprefieren losrealitys. ¡Quétonto!

    4 Ayer hice muchascosas. Por la

    mañana, hablé porSkype con misamigos, y luegohice karate. ¡Quédivertido! Por latarde hice losdeberes. Un pocomas tarde, misamigos y yohicimos gimnasia.¡Fue genial!

    The performance below is awarded 11 outof 14 marks (5th Step).



    1 En la foto hay seispersonas. Hay unachica y saca fotosde los amigos.Creo que hacebuen tiempo.

    Responses to allquestions askedare clear and mostanswers aredeveloped.Language isgenerally good.There are somesuccessfulattempts to usecomplex structuresand more variedvocabulary. Thereare errors but theydo not impedecomprehension.There are someexamples ofsuccessful use ofa second timeframe.5 marks areawarded forContent, 5 marksare awarded forQuality oflanguage and1 mark is awardedfor Use of morethan one timeframe.

    2 Saco fotos con mimóvil todos los díasporque mi gusta.También, de vezen cuando chateocon mis amigospero no descargoaplicacionesporque creo que esaburrida.

    3 Me gustan mucholos concursos.Pero, prefiero losdocumentalesporque son másinformativo. Aveces veopelículas con mispadres.

    4 Ayer por lamañana, hablé porSkype con misamigos, y luegohice karate.



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    The performance below is awarded 9 outof 14 marks (4th Step).



    1 En la foto hay seispersonas. La chicasaco fotos.

    Responses tonearly allquestions askedare clear andsome answers aredeveloped.Language isreasonable. Thereare some attemptsto use morecomplex structuresand vocabulary,but they are notalways successful.There are frequenterrors whichoccasionallyimpedecommunication.There are someexamples ofsuccessful use ofa second timeframe.4 marks areawarded forContent, 4 marksare awarded forQuality oflanguage and1 mark is awardedfor Use of morethan one timeframe

    2 Saco muchos fotosporque esfenomenal.También, chateocon amigos porquemuy guay.

    3 Me gustan mucholos concursos.Pero, prefierodocumentalesporque son másinformativo.

    4 Hablé con Skype,y hice gimnasia.

    The performance below is awarded 6 outof 14 marks (3rd Step).



    1 Hay la chica conamigos saco fotos.

    Responses tomost questionsasked areunderstandableand at least one

    2 Saco muchos fotosporque mi gusta.También, chateo

    con amigos porquemi encanta.

    answer isdeveloped.Language is basicand oftenrepetitive. Thereare frequent errorswhich sometimesimpedecommunication.Only one timeframe is usedsuccessfully.3 marks areawarded forContent, 3 marksare awarded forQuality oflanguage and0 marks areawarded for Use ofmore than onetime frame.

    3 Me gustan mucholas comedias.

    4 Hablar con Skype,y hacer gimnasia.

    B2 Role play (3rd–6th Steps; Total: 12marks)

    This task tests the ability to participate in arole play, by formulating responses toquestions using the Spanish prompts andasking a question. Pupils must also answeran ‘unexpected’ question (marked with ! onthe card).

    Teacher script1 Ask the pupil what he/she normally does

    with his/her mobile phone.¿Que haces normalmente con tumóvil?Allow the pupil to say what he/shenormally does with his/her mobile phone.

    2 Ask the pupil about his/her music tastes.Vale. Y, ¿qué tipo de música te gusta?Allow the pupil to talk about his/hermusic tastes.

    3 ! Muy bien. ¿Qué hiciste ayer por lamañana?Allow the pupil to say what he/she didyesterday morning.4 Vale.



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    Allow the pupil to ask you about the TVprogrammes you watch/like.Me encanta el telediario.

    Indicative content is provided below to helpyou understand the application of the markscheme. Errors have been deliberatelyincluded to show that 100% accuracy is notneeded to gain full marks and to showauthentic examples of pupil performance.

    The performance below is awarded 12 outof 12 marks (6th Step).



    1 Normalmentedescargoaplicaciones.

    The message isalways conveyedwithout ambiguity,and therefore2 marks areawarded for eachresponse.

    The responseshows very goodknowledge and useof language.

    8 marks areawarded forCommunicationand 4 marks areawarded forKnowledge anduse of language.

    2 Me gusta muchoescuchar rock, ya veces escuchomúsicaelectrónica.

    3 Ayer hice losdeberes.

    4 ¿Qué tipo deprogramas tegustan?

    The performance below is awarded 10 outof 12 marks (5th Step).



    1 Normalmente yodescargaraplicaciones.

    Responses to thefirst three questionsare conveyedwithout ambiguity,and therefore2 marks areawarded for eachresponse. The

    2 Me gusta muchoescuchar rock.También escuchomúsicaelectrónica.

    3 Hice gimnasia. response to prompt4, however, isslightly ambiguous,and thereforereceives 1 mark.

    Overall, theresponse showsgood knowledgeand use oflanguage.

    7 marks areawarded forCommunicationand 3 marks areawarded forKnowledge anduse of language.

    4 ¿Hay teleprogramas tegustan?

    Reading Test AReading A1 (1st Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests understanding of types oftelevision programmes. Pupils read a simpletelevision guide and complete the table withthe correct time of each programme. There isone distractor.

    Answers1 film: 22:302 documentary: 18:003 soap: 16:454 sport: 19:305 news: 21:006 game show: 17:15

    Reading A2 Translation into English (2ndStep; Total: 6 marks)

    This task requires pupils to translate shortsentences into English. Each sentence ismarked out of 2. The total is then divided by 2to give a mark out of 6.

    Answers1 From time to time I watch films.2 Sometimes I like to talk on Skype.



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    3 I take photos two or three times a week.4 I never download ringtones.5 I chat with my friends every day.6 I love to share my favourite videos.

    Examples of responses to question 2 areprovided below to help you understand theapplication of the mark scheme:

    Mark Exampleresponse


    2 Sometimes Ilike to talk onSkype.

    All of theinformation iscorrectlycommunicated.

    1 From time totime I like totalk on Skype

    The minor errorhere does notprevent the entiremessage beingconveyed.

    0 From time totime I talk onSkype.

    The errors herepreventcommunication ofthe message.

    Reading A3 (2nd Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests understanding of music andopinions.Pupils match the statements to the person bywriting the corresponding name.

    Answers1 Alejandro2 Miguel3 Xavier4 Soledad5 Ariadna6 Sara

    Reading Test BReading B1 (3rd Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests understanding of a short textabout television. Pupils complete sentencesin English by writing the letter of the correct

    television programme from a list. There is onedistractor.

    Answers1 G 2 D 3 A 4 H 5 F 6 B

    Reading B2 Translation into English(3rd–4th Steps; Total: 6 marks)

    This task requires pupils to translatesentences into English. Each sentence ismarked out of 3. The total is then divided by 2to give a mark out of 6.

    Answers1 Yesterday, I danced in my bedroom.2 Twice a week I watch films.3 Yesterday, in the afternoon I did myhomework.4 I also really like the rhythm because it iscool.

    Examples of responses to question 3 areprovided below to help you understand theapplication of the mark scheme:

    Mark Exampleresponse


    3 Yesterday, inthe afternoonI did myhomework.

    All of theinformation iscorrectlycommunicated.

    2 Yesterday, Idid myhomework.

    Most of theinformation iscorrectlycommunicated.

    1 Yesterday,he did hishomework.

    Some of theinformation iscommunicatedclearly

    0 In theafternoon Ido myhomework.

    The errors herepreventcommunication ofthe message.

    Reading B3 (4th Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests main points and details fromtwo texts about mobile phones. The textscontain some less familiar items of



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    vocabulary. Pupils decide which boy eachstatement applies to, or whether it applies tothem both.

    Answers1 C 2 C+D 3 D 4 C 5 C+D 6 D

    Reading Test CReading C1 (5th Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests understanding of main pointsand details in a text about the singer, MarcAnthony. The text contains some less familiarlanguage. Pupils answer questions by writingthe letter of the correct sentence. There isone distractor.

    Answers1 D 2 E 3 H 4 C 5 F 6 G

    Reading C2 Translation into English(5th–6th Steps; Total: 6 marks)

    This task requires pupils to translatesentences into English. Each sentence ismarked out of 3. The total is then divided by 2to give a mark out of 6.

    Answers1 Ernesto prefers comedies because theyare more exciting than game shows.2 Sometimes I share my photos online, butI never share my favourite videos.3 Normally I listen to everything, but I likeShakira’s music a lot because I like therhythm.4 Yesterday, I played online with my friendsfor three hours and then a bit later we wentto the cinema.

    Examples of responses to question 2 areprovided below to help you understand theapplication of the mark scheme:

    Mark Exampleresponse


    3 Sometimes Ishare myphotosonline, but I

    All of theinformation iscorrectlycommunicated.

    never sharemy favouritevideos.

    2 Sometimes Ishare photosonline, and Inever sharevideos.

    Most of theinformation iscorrectlycommunicated.

    1 Yesterday Ishared myphotosonline, but Inever sharedmy favouritevideos.

    Incorrect tenseused but some ofthe information iscorrectlycommunicated.

    0 I share myphotos and Ishare myvideos.

    The errors herepreventcommunication ofthe message.

    Reading C3 (6th Step; Total: 6 marks)

    This task tests pupils’ ability to differentiatebetween references to the past and present.Pupils read three short texts and answer thequestions with the name of the correctperson. Pupils should be advised to read thetexts carefully as some activities arementioned in more than one text, e.g. cyclingis referred to by all three writers, but only onesays she usually goes cycling on Sundays.

    Answers1 Shamila2 Daniela3 Carolina4 Shamila5 Carolina6 Daniela

    Writing Test AWriting A1 (1st Step; Total: 4 marks)

    This task tests the ability to copy single wordsin the context of activities with mobile phones.Although supported, pupils demonstrate thatthey understand the meaning of what theyare writing.



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    Answers1 fotos2 grupo3 deporte4 clásica

    Writing A2 (2nd Step; Total: 4 marks)

    This task tests the ability to complete keylanguage phrases from memory by writing inthe missing words. The context is sayingwhat you did yesterday.

    Answers1 Hice, deberes2 Jugué, línea3 Monté, bici4 Salí, amigos/as

    Writing Test B(3rd–6th Steps; Total: 14 marks)

    This task tests the ability to write to a Spanishfriend about activities related to TV, musicand technology, giving answers to specificquestions. Indicative content is providedbelow to help you understand the applicationof the mark scheme. Errors have beendeliberately included to show that 100%accuracy is not needed to gain full marks andto show authentic examples of pupilperformance.

    The performance below is awarded 14 outof 14 marks (6th Step).



    1 Me gusta muchala música pop, yde vez en cuandoescucho lamúsica deShakira. Micanción favoritaes Clandestinoporque meencanta la

    Responses to allquestions asked areclear and allanswers aredeveloped.Language isexcellent. There arefrequent successfulattempts to use

    melodía. No megusta nada lamúsica clásicaporque esaburrido.

    complex structuresand more variedvocabulary. Errorsare infrequent andthey do not impedecomprehension.There are severalexamples ofsuccessful use of asecond time frame.6 marks areawarded forContent; 6 marksare awarded forQuality of languageand 2 marks areawarded for Use ofmore than one timeframe.

    2 Leo mis SMS enmi móvil todoslos días. A vecesveo videos ypelículas peronunca descargoaplicaciones.También, miamigo y yosacamos fotos.Mis hermanosdescarganaplicaciones dosveces la semana.

    3 Me gustan lastelenovelasporque son muydivertidas peroprefiero losprogramas dedeporte porqueson emocionante.Mis amigosprefieren lascomedias porqueson másinteresantes queel telediario.

    4 Normalmente,nunca juego enlínea porque nome gusta. Sinembargo, ayer lamañana jugué enlínea con misamigos. ¡Fuegenial! Luegohablé por Skypecon mi hermanaporque ella viveen Australia. Porla tarde bailé enmi cuarta pero nohice mis deberes.¡Qué guay!



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    The performance below is awarded 11 outof 14 marks (5th Step).



    1 Me gusta lamúsica popmucho, y de veza cuandoescucho lamúsica de DaddyYankee. Micanción favoritaes Gasolinaporque meencanta la ritmo.No me gustanada el músicaclásica.

    Responses to allquestions set areclear and mostanswers aredeveloped.Language isgenerally good.There are somesuccessful attemptsto use complexstructures and morevaried vocabulary.There are errors butthey do not impedecomprehension.There are twoexamples ofsuccessful use of asecond time frame.5 marks areawarded forContent; 5 marksare awarded forQuality of languageand 1 mark isawarded for Use ofmore than one timeframe.

    2 Leo mis SMS enmi móvil todoslos días. A vecesveo videos ypelículas peronunca descargoaplicaciones. Mispadres descargaraplicaciones dostres veces a lasemana.

    3 Me gustan lastelenovelasporque son muydivertido peroprefiero losprogramas dedeporte porqueson emocionante.Mis amigosprefierenconcursosporque son másinteresantes queel telediario.

    4 Ayer jugué conmis amigos. ¡Fuegenial!

    The performance below is awarded 9 outof 14 marks (4th Step).



    1 Me gusta muchomúsica pop, perono mi gusta nadamúsica clásica.Es muy aburrido.

    Responses to allquestions asked areclear and someanswers aredeveloped.Language isreasonable. Thereare some attemptsto use morecomplex structuresand vocabulary, butthey are not alwayssuccessful. Thereare frequent errorswhich occasionallyimpedecomprehension.There is oneexample ofsuccessful use of asecond time frame.4 marks areawarded forContent; 4 marksare awarded forQuality of languageand 1 mark isawarded for Use ofmore than one timeframe.

    2 Leo mis SMS enmi móvil todoslos días. A vecesveo videos ypelículas pero nodescargoaplicaciones. Mispadres nomandar SMSnada.

    3 Me gustatelenovelasporque sondivertido peroprefieroprogramas dedeporte porqueson emocionante.Mis amigos verconcursosporque soninteresante.

    4 Ayer bailé conmis amigos.

    The performance below is awarded 6 outof 14 marks (3rd Step).



    1 Mi gusta popmúsica. No migusta clásicamúsica.

    Responses to mostquestions asked areunderstandable andat least one answeris developed.2 Leo SMS. A

    veces ver



  • Teacher’s Notes and Answers

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    películas porquees interesantes.

    Language is basicand often repetitive.There are frequenterrors whichsometimes impedecommunication.Only one time isused successfully.3 marks areawarded forContent; 3 marksare awarded forQuality of languageand 0 marks areawarded for Use ofmore than one timeframe.

    3 Me gustacomedias porquedivertido y meencanta realityporqueinteresante.

    4 Bailar conamigos.

    Translation into SpanishTest ATranslation into Spanish A1 (1st Step;Total: 4 marks)

    This task tests the ability to translateindividual words from English to Spanish. Forsupport, pupils are given the first letter ofeach word as a starting point. The number ofanswer lines indicates the number of letters ineach word.

    Answers1 una comedia2 un concurso3 una telenovela4 un documental

    Translation into Spanish A2 (2nd Step;Total: 8 marks)

    This task tests the ability to translate shortphrases and sentences into Spanish. Eachsentence is marked out of 2.

    Answers1 Me gusta la melodía.2 No me gusta la letra.3 Me encanta el ritmo.4 Escucho de todo.

    Examples of responses to question 1 areprovided below to help you understand theapplication of the mark scheme:

    Mark Exampleresponse


    2 Me gusta elmelodía.

    Despite the gendererror, the meaningof the sentence isfullycommunicated.

    1 Me gusta unritmo.

    The second part ofthe statement isincorrect, thereforecommunication ofthe message isimpeded.

    Translation into SpanishTest B(3rd–6th Steps; Total: 15 marks)

    This task tests the ability to translatesentences into Spanish. Each sentence ismarked out of 3.

    Answers1 Saco fotos todos los días.2 Escucho música electrónica dos veces ala semana.3 No me gusta nada la música pop porquees horrible.4 Las telenovelas son más divertidas quelos concursos.5 Ayer no hice mis deberes.

    Examples of various responses to question 3are provided below to help you understandthe application of the mark scheme:

    Mark Exampleresponse


    3 No me gustanada músicapop porquees horrible.

    Despite theabsence of thearticle, themeaning of the



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    sentence is fullycommunicated.

    2 No me gustonada lamúsica popporquehorrible.

    The error in theconjugation of theverb gustar, inaddition to absenceof the verb es herehinders clarity.

    1 No me gustamúsica nada.

    The absence ofsome keyvocabulary heremeans that theoverall meaning ofthe sentence is notcommunicated.

    Grammar TestGrammar 1 (Total: 4 marks)

    This task tests understanding ofcomparatives.Pupils select the correct translation.

    Answers1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C

    Grammar 2 (Total: 4 marks)

    This task tests understanding of regular –arverb conjugation in the present tense.Pupils write the correct form of the verb inbrackets.

    Answers1 mando2 chateamos3 bailan4 gusta

    Grammar 3 (Total: 4 marks)

    This task tests understanding of the presentand preterite tense when used together. Eachquestion is worth two marks; one for eachcorrectly circled verb.Pupils circle the correct verbs.

    Answers1 chateo / hablé2 hice / hago


