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Teachers' Training on Climate Change · Since then continuous efforts have been made by NCERT,...

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Teachers' Training on Climate Change October, 2017 Organized By State Knowledge Management Centre on Climate Change Environmental Planning and Coordination Organization Madhya Pradesh Clean Development Mechanism Agency Department of Environment, Government of Madhya Pradesh
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    Teachers' Training on Climate Change

    October, 2017

    Organized By

    State Knowledge Management Centre on Climate Change

    Environmental Planning and Coordination Organization

    Madhya Pradesh Clean Development Mechanism Agency

    Department of Environment, Government of Madhya Pradesh

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    Teachers’ Training on Climate Change

    Trainings on climate change were organized in the month of September and October, 2017 for school teachers serving in government schools in 51 districts of Madhya


    Enhance Awareness & technical knowledge on

    climate change (Science of climate change, Causes

    and Impacts of climate change and methods of

    climate change mitigation and adaptation) in


    Dissemination of Climate Change workbooks

    Department of Environment

    Environmental Planning and Coordination

    Organization (EPCO)

    Madhya Pradesh Clean Development

    Mechanism Agency (MPCDMA)

    Department of School Education &

    Department of Public Instructions

    Centre for Environment Education

    Target Train 20 teachers in all the districts of Madhya Pradesh

    Disseminate climate change workbook among 100000 school students across the state

    Institutions Involved Objectives



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    Although climate change issue today is at the forefront of all the environmental issues, the

    motivation to take action to mitigate climate change is missing at individual level. The reason for

    this non action at individual level is the wide gap between the complex climate change science

    and public understanding of the issue and therefore in order to motivate individual actions it is

    essential to make climate change information in plain language available for public

    understanding. There is a need for information about climate change facts, the interlinkages

    between climate change and different aspects of society and clarity about the possible

    mitigation and adaptation strategies that can be adopted at local level. Sustainable development

    goal 13 -target 13.3 encourages to improve climate change education, raising climate change

    awareness and enhancing human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation,

    adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.

    Education has been tested and realized as an effective tool for stimulating public awareness

    and motivating public to take action. It plays a vital role in providing a stimulus for change in

    lifestyles, attitudes and behavior and promotes the adoption of path of sustainable development

    to address the climate change issue.

    In 1991 the Honourable Supreme Court of India made environmental education compulsory at

    all levels of education. Since then continuous efforts have been made by NCERT, State

    Education departments to integrate environment education into school curricula. The curriculum

    or education resource material developed for teaching environment in schools has introduced

    basic concepts of environment, utilization of resources, sustainability and various environmental

    problem that includes pollution, greenhouse gases, unsustainable use of natural resources,

    environmental disasters and briefly new issues like global warming and climate change.

    However there is still requirement of climate change knowledge and teaching material for

    schools, teachers and students. The two main challenges in dealing with climate change

    education are unavailability of sufficient knowledge material and interesting pedagogical

    approaches to raise climate change awareness among students and motivate them to take

    action towards the issue.

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    State Knowledge Management Centre on Climate Change (SKMCCC) and Madhya Pradesh

    Clean Development Agency (MPCDMA) have been working in the field of environment and

    climate change. The organizations not only conduct exploratory and action based research

    programs but also engage in capacity building, information collation and dissemination and

    education programs on climate change and other environmental issues. The organizations in

    association with Centre for Environment Education developed a workbook titled “Climate

    Change- Learn, Measure and Act” for school teachers and students along with other knowledge

    products like brochure, standees, and posters on climate Change theme.

    EPCO and MPCDMA under Department of environment with support of Department of School

    Education (DSE) planned a training programme “Teachers Training on Climate Change” for

    school teachers serving in government schools in 51 districts of Madhya Pradesh. This program

    is an attempt to fill the existing information gap with respect to climate change in school

    communities and build confidence of teachers to facilitate climate change knowledge and

    awareness sessions and encourage action at individual level.


    Enhance Awareness & technical knowledge on climate change(Science of climate

    change, Causes and Impacts of climate change and methods of climate change

    mitigation and adaptation)in schools

    Equip School teachers with resource material (Workbook) and innovative teaching

    methods and the use of the workbook.

    Dissemination of climate change workbooks among students of government schools in

    51 districts of Madhya Pradesh.

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    Teacher’s Participation-Division Wise

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    About the Training

    Organizing Team

    Department of Environment

    State Knowledge Management Centre on Climate Change (SKMCCC), EPCO

    Madhya Pradesh Clean Development Agency (MPCDMA)

    Department of School Education

    Training Teams

    Programme staff of SKMCCC, MPCDMA working in the field of climate change leading

    and managing various climate change mitigation, adaptation research and action

    projects and also supporting related extension activities.

    Two Environment Education Experts based in working on different aspects of

    environment education like developing knowledge material and innovative engaging

    teaching methodologies for schools, teachers and students.


    20 science teachers serving in Government Schools from each of the 51 districts of Madhya

    Pradesh were nominated by the District Education Officers of the respective districts to take part

    in the training. However, of the total expected 1020 nominated teachers 854 i.e. 84% appeared

    for the training. More than 90% of the nominated teachers in Narmadapuram, Ujjain and

    Jabalpur division participated in two day training programs. The detailed list of the participants

    (teachers) is given in Annexure I

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    Training Venue

    The trainings were imparted to the teachers in virtual classrooms of excellence schools in 10

    divisions of MP. The training for Bhopal division was organized in EPCO auditorium in Bhopal.

    Number of trainings in each division

    22 two day long trainings were organized in 10 divisions of Madhya Pradesh. The number of

    trainings in each division was decided on the basis of number of districts in it. The timeline

    indicating dates of Teachers‟ Training on Climate Change in each division are given in

    Annexure II

    Training Methodology

    The training methodology focuses on the approach where content and methodologies that

    ensure active involvement of participants and focuses on experiential approaches. It comprises

    of combination of teaching methods like power point presentations, brainstorming exercises,

    discussions, group work, individual exercises, demonstrations etc that help in building deep

    learning and understanding on the issue of climate change. The training sessions introduce

    participants (teachers) to range of ideas, methods and techniques that are suitable for teaching

    climate change in school classroom.

    The workbook: “Ao Samjhe Jal Vayu Parivartan” designed for school teachers and students and

    documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore along with many interesting experiments

    explaining important aspects of Climate Change served as an efficient resource material for the


    Training Material

    Workbook: A workbook “Aao Samjhe Jalvaayu Parivartan” a resource material on climate

    change has been developed by EPCO in collaboration with Centre for Environment Education

    for schools, teachers and students on climate change. The publication is an important resource

    Division Number of Districts

    Number of trainings

    Bhopal 5 2

    Narmadapuram 3 1

    Sagar 5 2

    Ujjain 7 3

    Indore 8 4

    Jabalpur 7 3

    Shahdol 4 2

    Gwalior 5 2

    Chambal 3 1

    Rewa 4 2

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    material for students, teachers and school. It attempts to provide a better understanding on

    climate change by dealing with climate change science, busting widely held misconceptions

    about climate change, carbon busting and boosting activities etc. Apart from the information it

    includes activities for better comprehension of the subject, a note for carrying out audits,

    including a template for calculating air and water sustainability of the school community and

    many other small things that students, teachers and schools can do both at the individual and

    school level to make a difference. The workbook is organized into two sections. The first section

    is designed for students that give information on basic science of climate change through facts

    and activities and the second section is for teachers that provides more comprehensive

    background of climate change.

    Documentary: An Inconvenient Truth- “An Inconvenient Truth” is a film that presents illustrated

    talk on climate by Al Gore, aimed at alerting the public to an increasing "planetary emergency"

    due to global warming, and shows re-enacted incidents from his life story which influenced his

    concerns about environmental issues.

    Video: Climate Change Adaptation- It‟s time for decisions now



    Medium: Hindi and English language. Training Period: Two days


    The schedule and detailed description of all the sessions is explained in this section.

    Day 1


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    Session I- Introduction

    Objective: To set the participants at their ease, familiarize with climate change subject.

    Method: Group Activities

    About the session

    1. Activity-Climate Change Words: Find your pair Each participant was given a small paper cards with some climate change related term printed on it. All the participants were then asked to match up their cards and find their partner and introduce each other and share their expectations from this training.

    2. Group Activity-Learn new words that describe climate change. The participants were divided into 4-5 groups. Each groups had 6-7 member. Each group was given a climate change article. The group members were given a task to read the article and make a list of new climate change related words and discuss.

    Session II-Basics of Climate Change

    Objective: Develop understanding on climate change phenomena.

    Method: Audio-video visuals and Demonstrations

    1. Documentary: An Inconvenient Truth

    A documentary-An Inconvenient Truth was featured in this session. The documentary is based on slide show explaining climate change causes, impacts and dynamics. It draws attention towards the dangers the climate change poses on the society and stresses upon the need for

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    urgent actions through climate change extreme events occurring across the globe like Mumbai floods in 2005, 2014 Tsunami, Heat waves etc.

    2. Hot Hotter! - Understanding Global Warming

    Objective-Understand the phenomenon of Greenhouse effect

    Description- Using a glass jar and thermometer the greenhouse effect was explained to the participants. In this activity, the participants were made to note ambient temperature on the thermometer and then the thermometer was placed inside the bottle and kept in open sunny area. The participants were again asked to observe the temperature on the thermometer inside the bottle after some 15-20 minutes. The bottle in this demonstration was compared to a greenhouse. The temperature noted inside and outside the bottle reflected the radiative properties and effective insulating ability of the glass same as that of greenhouse gases in atmosphere. Thus a simple model of the Greenhouse effect analogous to the atmosphere‟s ability to trap heat was demonstrated.

    3. Melting Ice – Understanding Sea Level Rise

    Objective- To understand impact of melting of ice on water level

    Description- It is easy to understand that rising temperatures will cause ice to melt on earth. Ice on earth is found as icebergs in oceans, as mountain glaciers and ice sheets (covering Greenland and Antarctica) on land. The effects of melting ice are not same everywhere. It depends on where the ice is. Although the melting of both types of ice is due to Climate Change, only one is related to sea level rise. Land based ice like ice on mountain tops and islands like Greenland will contribute to rise in sea level. However, melting of icebergs floating in the ocean will not lead to sea level rise. The participants were shown following two demonstration set ups and asked to observe.

    Water based Ice: Icebergs Land based Ice: Mountain glaciers

    A glass tumbler was filled with ice cubes with one or two sticking out of the brim and then coloured water was added to it. The ice was allowed to melt and note if on melting of ice

    the water flows out of the glass.

    The water did not flow out of the glass

    A shallow tray was half filled with water and a brick with a big a chunk of ice over it was placed in the centre of the tray. The level of the water was marked in the tray. The tray was left outside and the level of

    water in the tray was observed after the ice chunk melted.

    The water level in the tray rose.

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    Session III- Climate Change and Lifestyle

    Objective: To understand the impact of human lifestyle on climate change.

    The session focused on the interlinkages between lifestyle and climate change and ways of low carbon lifestyle. The problem of climate change is largely an outcome of anthropogenic activities and thus shifts towards low carbon and sustainable lifestyle is the most efficient way of dealing with the issue. The simple, little changes in lifestyle approach are the cornerstone of the solutions for climate change just like majority of the other environmental problems. The participants were guided and made to revisit and reflect on their lifestyle choices and measure their ecological footprints through various activities.

    Method: Group activity, Individual exercise, Open Discussions

    1. Ecological Footprint

    Objective: Calculate ecological footprint

    Climate Change (CC) is closely linked with another C. That „C‟ is consumption. Consumption involves exhaustive use of materials and energy. Climate change is linked with our lifestyles: what we buy, how we use our resources, and how we live. Ecological footprint calculator helped the participants estimate how small or big footprint of their lifestyle is and its impact on environment. The ecological footprint was calculated by answering a set of 10 questions based on lifestyle habits and practices. Response to each question was given some value and all the values were added to get an estimate of ecological footprint.

    2. Carbon Booster and Busters

    Objective: To reflect and classify day-to-day activities as those that emit carbon dioxide and those that help to prevent/reduce CO2 emissions.

    There are many activities that are part of the routine on daily basis and that contribute to CO2 /GHG emissions. Activities that require fossil fuel use are some such activities. Coal, petroleum, diesel, airplane fuel, natural gas contributes in a big way to the release of CO2. GHGs cause global warming which is responsible for climate change. There are also activities that do not contribute to CO2 emissions and, in fact, absorb CO2.

    3. Electricity Trail

    Objective: To find if electricity is a clean energy source.

    Electricity is the most widely used form of energy in homes and day to day life. We use electricity for lighting, running fans and coolers, for running electrical appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, grinders, refrigerators and televisions. It is used on the roads for traffic signals. It is used in factories, shops and hospitals. Electricity seems like a clean energy source. There is no smoke and soot emitted at the point of use. An exercise “Electricity Trail” was done during the training. The participants were divided in groups of 5-6 people and each group was given a paper card with name of some electrical appliance (Refrigerator, Geyser, washing machine, Mixer grinder, oven etc) printed on it. Each group had to find outpoint of use of the appliance, the transmission company providing electricity, the power plant from which the transmission company is receiving electricity, the type of power plant (hydel, thermal, solar or wind energy power plant), the fuel (fossil fuel or renewable energy) on which the power plant runs and the points of GHG emissions.

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    From the discussion within the groups the participants were able to list out the types of electricity generated and whether the electricity generated is clean energy or not. In Madhya Pradesh electricity is generated from both clean hydroelectric power plants, wind mills and solar power plants and polluting sources like coal based thermal power plants. Apart from the emissions at the source point participants were also able to identify emissions during the transmission or pre-production stage in the process of electricity generation.

    Session IV-Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption

    Objective: To understand the strategies to address the problem of climate change. The climate change mitigation and adaptation concepts were introduced in this session using power point presentation and short videos. The ongoing mitigation and adaptation strategies were shared and discussed with the participants.

    Day 2

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    Session I-Climate Change Myths and Misconception

    Objective: Debunking myths and misconception on climate change and replace them with accurate information.

    There are many widely held misconceptions and misinterpretations about climate change and related concepts. This session dealt with these and provided accurate information to participants through power point presentation and open discussions.

    Session II-School Audit

    Objective: Method to conduct School Audit

    Assessing resource consumption has a direct link to understanding and estimating greenhouse gas emissions and impact on climate change. The school community spends 6-8 hours a day in the school premises. It uses water, electricity, and cooking and transportation fuel and therefore waste is also generated. Thus school provides an ideal setting for undertaking environmental audits. By conducting simple survey and audits, students can learn about resources consumed by the school community (students, teachers, and administrative staff) and for maintenance works like cleaning toilets and watering the gardens. Thus audits provide an opportunity to schools to increase their sustainability quotient and helps assessing how a particular school is doing in terms of using water, electricity and energy for transport and in generation of waste which is the first step to design solutions for sustainable use of resources. It helps in understanding and addressing the root causes of issues. It helps in designing interventions—technological, behavioural, and systems and procedure to address challenges associated with resource use. Based on the data gathered, a School level Climate Action Plan can then further be developed to reduce wastage and efficient use of resources and thus contribute in dealing with the issue of climate change.

    Session III- Air and Water sustainability

    Objective: Calculating air and water sustainability in schools

    Building or achieving the state of sustainability in every aspect of school life not only benefits our environment, it also helps schools reduce their costs and communities increase their quality of life. Small mathematical exercises were done with teachers to assess whether a particular school community is air and water sustainable and work out ways to increase and improve sustainability quotient.

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    Session IV-School Action Plan- Environment

    Objective: Assist and guide participants in designing School Action Plan

    The school action plan is the best possible way of fostering climate change and environment awareness and encouraging students to motivate them to take up actions that help in mitigation and adaptation. The school action plan should include the students, teachers and non-teaching staff. The school plan should aim to extend learning beyond the classroom and develop responsible attitudes and commitment, both at home and in the wider community.


    Overall, the response from participants was positive. Majority of all the participants during the

    training were observed to actively participate and engage in group and individual activities. After

    completion of sessions on both the days the participants were asked to assess the sessions on

    the basis of the relevance and usefulness of the resource material content, the activities

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    designed for students and teachers, training sessions (power point presentations and delivery of

    lectures) appropriateness of the training methods used (Group engagements, discussions and

    activities) and training time period (Two days). The methodology used for evaluation was

    questionnaire with a rating scale from 1 to 5. However space was provided in the feedback form

    for further comments and suggestions.

    The overall training and various activities conducted during the events were well received by the

    participants in all the divisions. The resource material (workbook, Climate Change related

    documentary and short videos), activities (Demonstration, group and individual exercises),

    power point presentations& delivery of lectures, training methods were rated The learning

    events were well received by participants and majority of them rated the experience as either

    excellent (1) or good (2) on a 5 point scale.

    The suggestions and comments written on the feedback form were mostly about the length of

    the training programme, trainings on climate change may be organized regularly throughout the

    year for teachers and schools and more activities may be included in the students section of the


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    Media Coverage

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    Annexure I-List of Participants

    Rewa Sidhi

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Rohit Kumar Vishwakarma 1 Sushil Kumar Tiwari

    2 Archana Singh 2 Prem Narayan Mishra

    3 Ram Jeet Yadav 3 Rakesh Ratan Pandey

    4 Manju Pandey 4 Shweta Tiwari

    5 Dhanendra Kumar Mishra 5 Anamika Shukla

    6 Shiv Bhushan Tripathi 6 Upendra Nath Shukla

    7 Nisha Singh 7 Baboo Lal Patel

    8 Rajesh Kumar Ojha 8 Rajkaran Dwivedi

    9 Kuldip Nigam 9 Arun Dhar Dwivedi

    10 Rajendra Prasad Kushwaha 10 Ashutosh Kumar Pandey

    11 Ranjana Tiwari 11 Rajneesh Pati Tripathi

    12 Abhaya Raj Pandey 12 Madhav Prasad Sharma

    13 Devendra Kumar Verma 13 Prakash Singh Chauhan

    14 Balveer Singh 14 Dharm Pal Singh

    15 Arti Pandey 15 Shailendra Kumar Pandey

    16 Ajit Singh 16 Kamala Pati Gautam

    17 Hriday Lal Sharma 17 Subhash Chandra Dwivedi

    18 Vikas Singh Parihar 18 Shyam Sundar Tiwari

    Singrauli Satna

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Shyama Panika 1 Dwarika Prasad Gupta

    2 Ankita Pandey 2 Mukesh Kumar Pandey

    3 Poonam Singh 3 Jeetendra Kumar Parauha

    4 Sarita Patel 4 Sukhdev Prajapati

    5 Aruna Shrivastava 5 Sudhir Kumar Gupta

    6 Rajkumar Panika 6 Omprakash Tiwari

    7 Heeralal Sahu 7 Ishwar Das Kawre

    8 Arunoday Kumar Patel 8 Dilip Soni

    9 Santosh Kumar Mishra 9 Bhupendra Verma

    10 Ramchandra Yadav 10 Ram Kaushal das

    11 Rama Kant Pandey 11 Smt. Sudha Nigam

    12 Mrs.Archana Kushwaha

    13 Smt. Poonam Dwevedi

    14 Mithilesh Kumari Manjhi

    15 Rekha Khare

    16 Rachna Singh

    17 Mrs.Neelam Kushwaha

    18 Manish Sharma

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    Tikamgarh Panna

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Vimal Chandra Jain 1 Devendra Kumar Singh

    2 Khangar Devendra 2 Ganesh Prasad Chaurasiya

    3 Balwant Singh Payak 3 Vijay Kumar Gajwani

    4 Bhagwan Das Ahirwar 4 Sumi Dwivedi

    5 Saurabh Khare 5 Jagbhan Bagri

    6 Ramakant Pathak 6 Vineet Kumar Dwivedi

    7 Harish Pathak 7 Hari Narayan Tripathi

    8 Kashi Ram Kushwaha 8 Mukesh Kumar Barholiya

    9 Moti Lal Kushwaha 9 Renu Tiwari

    10 Arvind Kumar Ahirwar 10 Santosh Kumar Pahar

    11 Rakesh Kumar Shrivastava 11 Santosh Kumar Gautam

    12 Raish Khan 12 Rajjak Ali

    13 Manish Kumar Shukla 13 Bhanu Pratap Bagri

    14 Vinod Kumar Gupta 14 Vinod Kumar Sethiya

    15 Vinod Kumar Gupta

    Chhatarpur Damoh

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Ruchi Mishra 1 Ramlal Kurmi

    2 Raj Kishor Ahirwar 2 Dhirendra Kumar Shukla

    3 Suresh Kumar Vishwakarma 3 Santosh Kumar Jain

    4 Devi Deen Sahu 4 Anuj Kumar Sen

    5 Sunil Kumar Rai 5 Mukesh Kumar Vishwakarma

    6 Prem Chandra Gupta 6 Sujeet Singh

    7 Kuber Pal Ahirwar 7 Sanjay Kumar Dubey

    8 Meena Soni 8 Umashankar Choubey

    9 Sentulal Ahirwar 9 Abhay Kumar Bhatt

    10 Bhupendra Upadhyay 10 Akhilesh Kumar Soni

    11 Kavita Yadav 11 Niranjan Singh

    12 Prahlad Ahirwar 12 Alok Khare

    13 Chandra Prakash Tiwari 13 Sharad Mishra

    14 Kalicharan Vishwakarma 14 Prashant Kumar Khare

    15 Bihari Lal Prajapati 15 Hirdesh Singh Parihar

    16 Kranti Chaurasia 16 Dilip Joshi

    17 Vimlesh Kumar Mishra 17 Nanhe Singh Thakur

    18 Brajendra Kumar Chaurasia 18 Aditya Chourasia

    19 Pramod Kumar Jatav 19 Jogendra Singh Ahirwal

    20 Shailendra Kumar Barholia

    21 Jagdish Prasad Kurmi

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    Sagar Betul

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Poornima Shrivastava 1 Dharmendra Kumar Deshmukh

    2 Savita Namdeo 2 Raju Sarnekar

    3 Mohd. Tanveer Sheikh 3 Raghvendra Sharma

    4 Davender Kumar Jain 4 Kamal Kishore Rathaur

    5 Naveen Rawat 5 Tikaram Dhote

    6 KK Namdeo 6 Panjabrao Ughade

    7 Parasmani Thakur 7 Gulab Rao Ghodki

    8 KK Jain 8 Rupesh Pohekar

    9 BN Dubey 9 Ashok Kumar Uikey

    10 KL Ahirwar 10 Nepal Singh Baraskar

    11 Shailendra Singh Rajpoot 11 Ajay Bisone

    12 RP Agnihotri 12 Harish Deshmukh

    13 Shyama Charan Kurmi 13 Laxman Piprole

    14 Poonam Sakwar 14 Rajesh Malviya

    Hoshangabad Harda

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Ghanshyam Singh Pawar 1 Pooja Binjukar

    2 Ramsingh Kirar 2 Virendra Kumar Solanki

    3 Mohammad Aziz Khan 3 Supriya Zende

    4 Anita Jain 4 Vidhya Jain

    5 Rajni Yadav 5 Anil Kumar Saini

    6 Gangadhar Koge 6 Kavita Raj Gangore

    7 Chandra Mohan Gour 7 Manish Sonkiya

    8 Sharad Kumar Sharma 8 Satish Chandra Verma

    9 Mamta Dubey 9 Anita Yadav

    10 Anchal Chaturvedi 10 Rachna Jain

    11 Tulsi Ram Yaduwanshi 11 Pavitra Chourasiya

    12 Priti Kurapa 12 Archana Patil

    13 Yagyesh Kumar Gour 13 Devlata Thakur

    14 Ashok Kumar Mishra 14 Pooja Soni

    15 Raman Goswami 15 Bharti Rajput

    16 Mahesh Kumar Vishwakarma 16 Usha Santose

    17 Devendra Kumar Chourey 17 Varsha Garg

    18 Vandana Mehra 18 Sunil Kumar Jharaniya

    19 Chhaya Rabooda 19 Nanda Baby Rathore

    20 Raghunath Singh Rajput

    21 Naresh Laharpure

    22 Krishnkant Tiwari

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    Neemuch Agar Malwa

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Babulal Dhakad 1 Ramgopal Dandi

    2 Pramod Kumar Chauhan 2 Nagulal Malviya

    3 Dev Narayan Khelwal 3 Radha Soni

    4 Jagdish Chandra Joshi 4 Nirmala Swarnkar

    5 Arvind Kumar Sharma 5 Kailash Chandra Malviya

    6 Mahesh Chandra Sharma 6 Ashok Singh Rathore

    7 Mukesh Kumar Joshi 7 Pratibha Kamaliya

    8 Ashutosh Jeriya 8 Dilip Kumar Jain

    9 Rajesh Ganeshlal Gehlot 9 Ranjeet Pahadiya

    10 Arun Kumar Solanki 10 Mukesh Kumar Rathore

    11 Satyanarayan Kachhavah 11 Tulsiram Malviya

    12 Paridhi Menariya 12 Santosh Jadme

    13 Udairam Nayak 13 Dharmendra Singh

    14 Pushpa Sisodiya 14 Sangita Purohit

    15 Jyoti Bala Rathore 15 Devi Singh Bohara

    16 Sushila Sharma 16 Radheshyam Kulmi

    17 Lalita Tarachand Moyal 17 Bharti Choubey

    18 Shard Kumar Gehlot

    Guna Datia

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Hari Charan Shakya 1 Mukesh Kumar Shrivastava

    2 Anoop Singh Bhadauria 2 Dilip Kumar Budholiya

    3 Bhagwat Prasad Ojha 3 Harish Chandra Gupta

    4 Pradeep Kumar Solanki 4 Kamlesh Kumar Shukla

    5 Lalit Kumar Vastri 5 Rajendra Kumar Sharma

    6 Ajay Singh Lodhi 6 Mohar Lal Rawat

    7 Pratibha Bhadoria 7 Arpan Kumar Gupta

    8 Pankaj Giri 8 Rakesh Singh Narwaria

    9 Pushpendra Singh Parihar 9 Ram Kripal Sen

    10 Zahoor Khan 10 Rakesh Kumar Soni

    11 Ashok Kumar Shivhare 11 Rakesh Ziganya

    12 Manoj Kumar Ojha 12 Surendra Kumar Dixit

    13 Varun Kumar Singh 13 Murlidhar Ahirwar

    14 Harish Kumar Sahu 14 Rajendra Kumar Soni

    15 Dilip Garg 15 Pawan Kumar Sen

    16 Neeraj Sharma 16 Kailash Babu Maheshwari

    17 Kamal Kishor Gupta

    18 Vivek Kumar Shrivastava

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    Ashoknagar Gwalior

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Atal Bihari Tiwari 1 Bhagirath Singh Rajpoot

    2 Abhishek Gaur 2 Madhuri Shakya

    3 Pradeep Kumar Dhanuk 3 Vivek Singh Chokotia

    4 Kamlesh Kumar Sahu 4 Pradeep Singh Bais

    5 Uma Shankar Shrivastava 5 Priti

    6 Sanjay Kumar Bijole 6 Archana Verma

    7 Himanshu Roy 7 Bhanu Saxena

    8 Bhagwan Singh Meena 8 Virendra Kumar Bitthariya

    9 Narendra Singh Raghuwanshi 9 Rana Kundan Kumar Singh

    10 Brajendra Singh Raghuwanshi 10 Payal Dubey

    11 Shyam Bihari Sharma 11 Anil Kumar Jain

    12 Pramod Kumar Chaturvedi 12 Preeti Mishra

    13 Pushpa Tiwari

    14 Baby Sikarwar

    15 Roobi Gupta

    16 Madhulika Shrivastava


    No. Participant's Name

    1 Pradeep Kumar Pathak

    2 Mamta Shrivastava

    3 Rakesh Chaturvedi

    4 Surabhi Rathore

    5 Jagrati Sadaiya

    6 Champalal Kushwaha

    7 Lakhan Lal Verma

    8 Ranjna Vyas

    9 Radheshyam Gupta

    10 Yamini Koli

    11 Sandeep Kumar Soni

    12 Radheshyam M S Yadav

    13 Phool Singh Rajpoot

    14 Seema Qureshi

    15 Mahendra Kumar Gupta

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    Morena Sheopur

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Keshav Prasad Shrivas 1 Shrilal Shrivas

    2 Krishnakant Shukla 2 Jagdish Yadav

    3 Shivdayal Bharti 3 Manglesh Kumar Sharma

    4 Girraj Singh Dhakar 4 Vinod Morya

    5 Balram Prajapati 5 Amar Lal Rathore

    6 Manoj Kumar Verma 6 Lekhraj Nagar

    7 Arvind Sharma 7 Khiladi Dhakar

    8 Suresh Kumar Rajput 8 Babu Lal Ramgopal Sharma

    9 Aditya Sharma 9 Ramnath Singh

    10 Jalendra Prasad Gour 10 Brajesh Kumar Tyagi

    11 Subhash Dutt Sharma 11 Mahendra Soni

    12 Anil Kumar Sharma 12 Ram Avtar Singh Dhakad

    13 Vikas Sharma 13 Suresh Chand Jatav

    14 Mahesh Pathak 14 Mukesh Kumar Bansal

    15 Antim Kumar Sharma 15 Barelal Mahor

    16 Manoj Sharma 16 Rajendra Prasad Bansal

    17 Mahavir Prasad Sharma

    18 Bhavani Shankar Verma

    19 Kamlesh Kumar Prajapati


    No. Participant's Name

    1 Ranveer Singh Kaneriya

  • 22 | P a g e

    Mandla Balaghat

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Girja Shankar Baghel 1 Ashok Kumar Chouragade

    2 Punnu Lal Tekam 2 Manoj Kumar Patle

    3 Jyoti Trivedi Jyotishi 3 Rajkumar Baghele

    4 Rakesh Kumar Hardaha 4 Delleran

    5 Naresh Kumar Saiyam 5 Hukumchand Chouhan

    6 Mukesh Kumar Patel 6 Chandrakishor Dhuware

    7 Ranu Tekam 7 Vivek Kumar Khotele

    8 Jeetendra Tekam 8 Amrit Lal Sharnagat

    9 Rakesh Kumar Lodhi 9 Shailendra Kumar Bopche

    10 Rajesh Kumar Vishwakarma 10 Sewanand Somankar

    11 Pramod Kumar Kurmi 11 Dilendra Singh Choudhary

    12 Sangeeta Srivastava 12 Jai Prakash Yadav

    13 Krishna Yadav 13 Rupesh Kumar Pardhi

    14 Sunil Kumar Jhariya 14 Chandra Mohan Chourey

    15 Shankar Lal Dhurwey 15 Manish Kumar Jain

    16 Ranu Bain

    17 Kalpana Singh

    18 Prem Kishore Tiwari

    19 Narayan Singh Keram

    20 Sunita Mishra

    Katni Jabalpur

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Vijay Kumar Patel 1 Anjana Saraf

    2 Pradeep Kumar Surje 2 Arfan Khan Rangrej

    3 Ashish Nigam 3 Arti Tiwari

    4 Om Prakash Soni 4 Samita Jaggi

    5 Jageshwar Namdeo 5 Shraddha Namdeo

    6 Archana Raikwar 6 Upendra Kumar Yadav

    7 Mahendra Prasad Tripathi 7 Neelam Upadhyay

    8 Kalpana Gupta 8 Jaya Bauriya

    9 Vinay Mohan Dubey 9 Nisha Sharma

    10 Pratibha Shukla 10 Sunita Sharma

    11 Purshottam Das Patel 11 Meena Mishra

    12 Arun Singh 12 Anuja Khatri

    13 Seema Verma 13 Nikki Shrivastava

    14 Tabassum Qureshi 14 Anima Lakhera

    15 Yogesh Kumar Tiwari 15 Snehalata Sonule

    16 Praveena Pal 16 Sadhana Shukla

    17 Brajesh Kumar Kshtri 17 Swapnil Dubey

    18 Neha Asati 18 Ram Kishan Soni

    19 Pramod Kumar Bunkar 19 Pratibha Dubey

  • 23 | P a g e

    Chhindwara Seoni

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Shivani Guin 1 Ashish Kumar Agarwar

    2 Chhaya Belwanshi 2 Rupesh Kumar Tembhre

    3 Naveen Kumar Verma 3 Neetesh Kumar Namdeo

    4 Rohit Ram Tekhre 4 Akshay Kumar Bapure

    5 Kamlesh Gadre 5 Hemkumar Kishanlal Invati

    6 Rajesh Singh Dhakar 6 Sunil Kumar Barkade

    7 Deepak Kumar Sahu 7 Ramendra Singh Chandel

    8 Bhanu Kumar Gumasta 8 Arvind Kumar Jhariya

    9 Santosh Kumar Mate 9 Santosh Kumar Tiwari

    10 Saorabh Kumar Bisen 10 Bhavani Prasad Turkar

    11 Sanjay Malviya 11 Mukesh Chourasia

    12 Mohd. Shaheed Ansari 12 Chandrabhan Singh Rai

    13 Basant Kumar Verma 13 Ritesh Adey

    14 Veena Meshram 14 Parasram Premlal Deshmukh

    15 Pramod Dodke 15 Dinesh Jaisingh Goutam

    16 Ramrao Choudhary 16 Sunil Kumar Chouhan

    17 Ritesh Kumar Raghuwanshi 17 Ramdatt Pandey

    18 Nirmala Dhurve 18 Dinesh Kumar Gautam

    Narsinghpur Anuppur

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Sangeeta Golhani 1 Sunil Kumar Beohar

    2 Babita Agrawal 2 Raghuvansh Prasad Nagesh

    3 Deepshikha Shukla 3 Anil Kumar Singh

    4 Shabina Khan 4 Deepak Tripathi

    5 Madhu Patel 5 Manoj Kumar Nat

    6 Madhuri Garg 6 Santosh Kumar Tiwari

    7 Sanchita Upmanyu 7 Ramanand Tripathi

    8 Neetu S. Thakur 8 Shiv Badan Saral

    9 Preeti Dixit 9 Mathura Prasad Panika

    10 Megha Mishra 10 Kamlesh Kewat

    11 Ragini Jaget 11 Manoj Kumar Tripathi

    12 Manish Kumar Kori 12 Sanjay Kumar Tiwari

    13 Rajesh Kumar Patel 13 Jamuna Prasad Soni

    14 Navin Kumar Jain 14 Prabhat Kumar Gawle

    15 Archana Gupta

    16 Renu Marskole

    17 Rajendra Kumar Sharma

    18 Govind Singh Mehdole

  • 24 | P a g e

    Umariya Shahdol

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Ravindra Kumar Nagdeve 1 Subhsh Chandra Nadeo

    2 Dhanendra Mani Rajak 2 Ramesh Pandey

    3 Abdul Samad Azad 3 Ved Prakash Urmaliya

    4 Upendra Singh 4 Arvind Kumar Gupta

    5 Amrit Lal Singh 5 Sanat Kumar Patel

    6 Anil Kumar Dwivedi 6 Ashok Kumar Tiwari

    7 Lavkesh Singh Shyam 7 Ramesh Kumar Garg

    8 Prabhu Dayal Tiwari 8 Manorama Gautam

    9 Suresh Singh Kanwar 9 Sashikant Singh

    10 Nirmal Puri Goswami 10 Shaista Zabin Siddiqui

    11 Bhim Singh Chaturvedi 11 Pradeep Kumar Vishwakarma

    12 Sri N. P. S. Rathore 12 Hanuman Patel

    13 Bhola Prasad Choudhary 13 Santoshkumar R. Mishra

    14 Birendra Pratap Singh 14 Rajeev Soni

    15 Sri Ramakant Mishra 15 Balram Prasad Prajapati

    16 Sukihendr Kumar Dwivedi 16 Pushpendra Singh Gaharwar

    17 Gore Singh Paraste 17 Onkar Prasad Sahu

    18 Udaybhan Singh Solanki 18 Hajari Lal Sahu

    19 Sanjeev Kumar Sharma

    20 Archna Pandey

    Dindori Indore

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Devendra Rewaram Patel 1 Pragya Mote

    2 Narottam Lal Sahu 2 Preeti Wakte

    3 Chandan Singh Maravi 3 Valsamma Abraham

    4 Ram Lochan Maravi 4 Vandana Mungre

    5 Purushottam Lal Sahu 5 Vijaya Dhamdhere

    6 Vishram Singh Paraste 6 Pratibha Sohanlal Kaushal

    7 Rakesh Kumar Gupta 7 Meena Rao

    8 Muneem Sahu 8 Vishnu Pradhan

    9 Pahal Singh 9 Nitin Kumar Sharma

    10 Foolchand Yadav 10 Jagdish Solanki

    11 Anupama Maravi 11 Kavita Bhole

    12 Jagdish Prasad Sahu 12 Sheela Bachheriya

    13 Ishwar Singh Watte 13 Arjun Singh Chouhan

    14 Raghuvir Singh Tekam 14 Tapan Jindal

    15 Rajendra Singh Thakur 15 Shubhada Borgaonkar

    16 Uday Bhan Dhuurve

    17 Madhu Shyam

    18 Sunil Kumar Walre

    19 Madan Kumar

  • 25 | P a g e

    Khargone Burhanpur

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Rupali Soni 1 Sabir Uddin

    2 Satish Solanki 2 Shri. Rajesh Goyal

    3 Nandkishor Kushwah 3 Shri. Pradeep Kumar Singh

    4 Vinod Jaiswal 4 Syed Mohammed Hafiuddin

    5 Ghanshyam Singh Kushwah 5 Shri. Avinash Gupta

    6 Ramesh More 6 Haneef Uddin Quaderi

    7 Jyoti Patidar 7 Sumit Janaklal Morey

    8 Totaram Kumrawat 8 Mehraj Ahmad

    9 Anuradha Gupta 9 Mukesh Subhash Patil

    10 Mahesh Kumar Chhajjlal Rathor 10 Manish Shrivastav

    11 Pyarelal Thakur 11 Vinay Shankar Singh

    12 Ajay Singh Chouhan

    13 Bhagirath Baan

    14 Sanjay Sonwane

    Khandwa Ratlam

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Vinay kumar Parashar 1 Ms. Sunayana Nagar

    2 Champalal Dode 2 Smt. Jyoti Silavat

    3 Tarannum Sheikh 3 Shri. Swapnil Sharma

    4 Prem Shankar Nagar 4 Shri. Dhanpal Singh Ranawat

    5 Shriram Patel 5 Shri. Satya Prakash Vedi

    6 Anish Kanade 6 Smt. Parveen Sultana

    7 Nilesh Ingle 7 Shri. Rakesh Kumar Mawar

    8 Deepak Kumar Oswal 8 Shri. Jagdish Chandra Rathore

    9 Sangeeta Yadav 9 Smt. Saroj Parihar

    10 Dinesh Chouhan 10 Shri. Narendra Singh Panwar

    11 Surendra Singh Rathore 11 Shri. Jayendra Singh Rathore

    12 Sharda Rathore 12 Shri. Ritesh Prem Shankar Trivedi

    13 Deepak Kumar Bhagdre 13 Shri. Ram Prasad Dangi

    14 Sachin Kumar Gangrade 14 Shri. Sanjay Sen

    15 Dinesh Nagle 15 Shri Sanjay Sharma

    16 Shri. Satish Kushwah

    17 Manoj Choursiya

    18 Vijay Prajapat

    19 Dadu Singh Kanel

  • 26 | P a g e

    Mandsaur Shajapur

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Manisha P K Bhatt 1 Smt. Priti Mishra

    2 Hemant Kumar Suthar 2 Smt. Kusum Chouhan

    3 Yashwant Kumar Dhakad 3 Shri Kailash Chouhan

    4 Banshi Lal Patidar 4 Shri. Virendra Singh Somvanshi

    5 Nirmal Kumar Suryvanshi 5 Smt. Neha Shrivastava

    6 Anil Jain 6 Shri Dhiraj Birthariya

    7 Basanti Patidar 7 Smt. Sangita Chandelkar

    8 Madhu Aaseri 8 Shri Kamal kishor Sharma

    9 Jyoti Patidar 9 Shri Parmanand Chouhan

    10 Prahlad Kumar Suryvanshee 10 Shri Jagdeesh Puri Goswami

    11 Balwant Bhandari 11 Shri Mukesh Kumar Lohar

    12 Babulal Joshi 12 Shri Mata Prasad Goud

    13 Satish Songara 13 Shri Nandlal Parmar

    14 Kailash Narayan Rathor 14 Shri Bheemsen Khurana

    15 Shri Vikram Singh Tomar

    16 Smt Tripti Pathak

    17 Shri Jagdish Prasad Panthi

    18 Shri.Rajesh Shrivastava

    19 Shri.Girdhari Chouhan

    20 Shri.Gokul Singh

    Ujjain Barwani

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Abha Shrivastava 1 Laxmi Solanki

    2 Ruchi Bhatnagar 2 Mehboob Khan

    3 Ritu Negi 3 Pawan Sindra

    4 Mrs. Pankaj Rajouria 4 Kailash Chandra Panchale

    5 Shweta Dubey 5 Arif Ahmed Khan

    6 Vidhyawati Chouhan 6 Meenal Pardeshi

    7 Purnima Sarkar 7 Javed Khan

    8 Kirti Gome 8 Premnarayan Gour

    9 Sonali D Bobde 9 Pramod Pachori

    10 Jyoti Nagar 10 Dinesh Bhargav

    11 Ratna Bhadoria 11 Sudhir Kumar Dubey

    14 Seepika Gupta 12 Santosh Kumar Yadav

    12 Krishna Parmar 13 Anil Khairnar

    13 Keerti Sharma 14 Vinod Khatarker

    15 Sofe Singh 15 Ramesh Kumar Arya

    16 Chhaya Solge 16 Omprakash Shivlal Arya

    17 Vaishali Upadhyay 17 Shailendra Santosh Joshi

    18 Gulnaz Tawar 18 Banshilal Nargawe

    19 Sarita Solanki 19 Prakash Goyal

    20 Tilokchandra Benal

  • 27 | P a g e

    Alirajpur Dhar

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Shri.Vishvajeet Singh Tawar 1 Mrs. Rekha Pratap Agasiya

    2 Shri.Manoj Soni 2 Mr. Naseem Ahmad Siddiqui

    3 Subhash Chandra 3 Mr. Noor Mohammad Ansari

    4 Versingh Sastiya 4 Mr. Santosh Bageshwar

    5 Dharmendra Katara 5 Mr. Satyanarayan Chaouhan

    6 Narpat Singh Baghel 6 Mr. Subhas Patel

    7 Krishna Kishore Joshi 7 Mr. Jitendra Singh Dawar

    8 Nansingh Bhura 8 Mr. Ishwar Lal Dhakad

    9 Mahendra Kumar Nagar 9 Mr. Deepak Maheshwari

    10 Shobharam Ningwal 10 Mr. Narayan Kag

    11 Subla Narganwa 11 Mr. Ramesh Chandra Rathore

    12 Kailash Rawat 12 Mr. Mohan Singh Panwar

    13 Mr. Bherusingh Jhamele

    14 Mr. Dhan Singh Chauhan

    15 Mr. Laxmansingh Jamod

    16 Mr. Bharat Dodiya

    17 Mrs. Mangala Mishra

    18 Mr. Gendalal Sirvi

    Rajgarh Vidisha

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Manju Nagar 1 Neelesh Jain

    2 Deepali Patil 2 Devendra Vishwakarma

    3 Rakhi Singh 3 Sandeep Kumar Saxena

    4 Mahesh Kumar Bairagi 4 Shashi Bhushan Sharma

    5 Radheshyam Rathore 5 Imran-Ur-Rehman

    6 Bharat Goyal 6 Shan Mohammad

    7 Jyoti 7 Suresh Chandra Dangi

    8 Ramakant Pandey 8 Neha Choukse

    9 Neetu Foujdar 9 Achala Jain

    10 Reshma Khan 10 Rekha Dubey

    11 Rekha Upadhyay 11 Fozia Naz

    12 Narpatpal Singh Khichi 12 Shabeena Khan

    13 Sharda Jatav 13 Dhanraj Tidke

    14 Santosh Kumar Nagar 14 Karan Singh Vishwakarma

    15 Anil Kumar Jadhav 15 Malam Singh Raghuwanshi

    16 Anita Thakur

    17 Sarita Rajpoot

    18 Prashant Shrivastava

    19 Brajendra Singh Raghuwanshi

    20 Balram Chaudhary

  • 28 | P a g e

    Raisen Sehore

    No. Participant's Name No. Participant's Name

    1 Preeti Soni 1 Dinesh Kumar Sharma

    2 Kamini Silawat 2 Manju Nagar

    3 Vinod Kumar Saini 3 Bitto Anjum

    4 Deepak Kumar Shrivastava 4 Arjun Singh Dayma

    5 Vivek Maheshwari 5 Harish Varia

    6 Neetu Parashar 6 Mana Soniya

    7 Ragini Thakur 7 Pramod Kumar Sharma

    8 Pawan Kumar Hankre 8 Virendra Singh

    9 Sumit Chourasia 9 Jagdish Prasad Mehra

    10 Krishan Kumar Rajoriya 10 Mahendra Singh

    11 Umesh Kumar Mehra 11 Shailendra Singh Thakur

    12 M.L. Ahirwar 12 Ashutosh Joshi

    13 Anupama Verma 13 Gajraj Singh Thakur

    14 Ratan Singh Ajneriya

    15 Sav Singh Parihar

    16 Makhan Singh Solanki

    17 Lakhan Lal Meena

    18 Smriti Mishra

    19 Gyan Ratna Sharma

    20 Sangeeta Shrivastava

    21 Vishnu Prasad Jayaswal

    22 Kedar Singh Parmar

    23 Manohar Lal Shrivastava

    24 Manohar Lal Vishwakarma


    No. Participant's Name

    1 Shri. Khuman Damor

    2 Shri. Sunil Kumar Shakya

    3 Shri. Nikesh Bhuriya

    4 Shri. Ajay Kumar Choyal

    5 Shri. Raman Singh Bamniya

    6 Shri. Dinesh Dhundh

    7 Shri. Mangilal Garwal

    8 Shri. Ramesh Parmar

  • 29 | P a g e

    Annexure II: Schedule

    Schedule of Teacher' s Training on Climate Change संभाग ज़िऱे प्रशिऺण की तिथि प्रशिऺण का स्िान संपकक अथिकारी


    भोपाऱ 6-7 सितम्बर

    पयाावरण नियोजि एव ं

    िमन्वय िंगठि (एप्को), पयाावरण पररिर, इ-5, अरेरा कॉऱोिी, भोपाऱ

    िुश्री रासि असभऱाषी-9165995494 श्री रवव िाह - 9926492256

    सिहोर रायिेि राजगढ़ 8-9 सितम्बर


    नमकदापरुम होिंगाबाि

    12-13 सितम्बर

    उत्कृष्ट ववद्याऱय, होिंगाबाि िुश्री रासि असभऱाषी-9165995494 हरिा



    िागर 19-20 सितम्बर

    उत्कृष्ट ववद्याऱय, िागर श्री प्रतीक बारापाते्र-9981292328 श्री रवव िाह - 9926492256

    िमोह पन्िा छतरपरु 21-22 सितम्बर



    उज्जिै 12-13 सितम्बर

    उत्कृष्ट ववद्याऱय, उज्जिै

    श्री रामरति सिमैया-9424466469 िुश्री रासि असभऱाषी-9165995494

    श्री रवव िाह– 9926492256

    िेवाि रतऱाम

    14-15 सितम्बर िाजापरु मंििौर िीमच

    10-11 अक्टूबर आगर-माऱवा


    इंिौर 19-20 सितम्बर

    उत्कृष्ट ववद्याऱय, इंिौर श्री रामरति सिमैया-9424466469

    श्री रवव िाह - 9926492256 िुश्री रासि असभऱाषी-9165995494

    खरगोि खंडवा 21-22 सितम्बर

    बरुहािपरु झाबआु

    10-11 अक्टूबर धार

    असऱराजपरु 12-13 अक्टूबर



    जबऱपरु 12-13 सितम्बर

    उत्कृष्ट ववद्याऱय, जबऱपरु

    श्री िारांि वाजपेयी-9425230187 िुश्री रासि असभऱाषी-9165995494

    श्री रवव िाह– 9926492256

    कटिी मंडऱा

    14-15 सितम्बर बाऱाघाट सिविी

    10-11 अक्टूबर नछंिवाड़ा िरसिहंपरु


    िहडोऱ 19-20 सितम्बर

    उत्कृष्ट ववद्याऱय, िहडोऱ

    श्री िारांि वाजपेयी -9425230187 श्री रवव िाह - 9926492256

    िुश्री रासि असभऱाषी-9165995494

    डडडंोरी अिपुपरु

    21-22 सितम्बर उमररया


    ग्वासऱयर 12-13 सितम्बर

    उत्कृष्ट ववद्याऱय, ग्वासऱयर

    श्री रवव िाह - 9926492256 िुश्री रासि असभऱाषी-9165995494

    सिवपरुी गुिा

    14-15 सितम्बर अिोकिगर िनतया

  • 30 | P a g e

    चबंऱ श्योपरु

    19-20 सितम्बर उत्कृष्ट ववद्याऱय, श्योपरु श्री रवव िाह - 9926492256 िुश्री रासि असभऱाषी-9165995494 मुरैिा सभडं


    रीवा 10-11 अक्टूबर

    उत्कृष्ट ववद्याऱय, रीवा श्री रवव िाह- 9926492256 िुश्री रासि असभऱाषी-9165995494 ितिा

    सिगंरौऱी 12-13अक्टूबर


  • 31 | P a g e

    Annexure III: Training Teams

    Team 1 Raashee Abhilashi + Prateek Barapatre + Rajesh Rai + Silind Gulsundare

    Team 2 Ram Ratan Simaiya + Jitesh Singh + Ayaaz Khan

    Team 3 Saransh Bajpai + Piyush Singh Bisht + Yogesh Gadhia

    Team 4 Ravi Shah + Rajneesh Sharma + Abhijit Sharma
