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Teaching kids to behave

Date post: 04-Aug-2015
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Teaching Kids to Behave An Inclusive Approach Mary Wilson

1. Mary Wilson 2. Develop students skills to work &liveproductively &respectfully withothers from a range of backgrounds, abili Accepts allties and culturesStudents areincluded in allchildrenaspects of schoolequallylife. Inclusive EducatioAddressesnBuildsand respondscommunitiesto the diverse that value, needs of all celebrate and Increasingrespond to learnersparticipation indiversitylearning andreducing exclusion withinand from education. 3. The United Nations Education,Scientific, and CulturalOrganisation (UNESCO)developed a framework as aglobal response to inclusiveeducation. 4. When a child doesnt know how to read, what do we do?WE TEACHWhen a child doesnt know how to swim, what do wedo?WE TEACHWhen a child doesnt know how to behave, what do wedo? 5. Inclusive School Integrated Whole High Expectations Climate andSchool System SWPBS Flexible Curriculum Collaborative Participation/ChoiceSupport Teams Safe and SupportiveEnvironmentGuiding Incentives forPositive TeacherPhilosophy/Mission ParticipationAttitude 6. Chitiyo, M., & Wheeler, J. J. (2008) Challenges Faced by School Teachers in Implementing PostiveBehaviour Support in Their School Systems. Remedial and Special Education. 30, 58-63. doi10.1177/0741932508315049 Education Queensland. (2005). Inclusive Education Statement 2005. Retrieved on 2nd January fromhttp://education.qld.gov.au/studentservices/learning/docs/inclusedstatement2005.pdf Losert, L. (2010). Best practices in inclusive education for children with disabilities: applications forprogram design in the europe & eurasia region. Retrieved 24th December, 2011 fromhttp://www.usaid.gov/locations/europe_eurasia/dem_gov/docs/best_practices_in_inclusive_ed_final_040110.pdf Northern Territory Government, Department of Education and Training. (2010). School Wide PositiveBehaviour Support. Retrieved 2nd January, 2012 from http://www.det.nt.gov.au/parents-community/students-learning/safety-wellbeing/behaviour/swpbs Sugai, G., & Horner, R. H. (2009). Responsiveness-to-Invention and School Wide Positive BehaviourSupports: Integration of Multi-Tiered System Approaches. Journal of Exceptionality. 17, 223-237. doi10.1080/09362830903235375 Childs, K. E., Kincaid, D., George, H. P. (2009). A Model for State-wide Evaluation of a Universal PositiveBehaviour Support Initiative. Journal of Positive Behaviour Interventions. 12, 198-210. doi10.1177/1098300709340699
