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Teaching Methodology (TM) - Alley Cat...

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1A Teaching Foundations Teaching Methodology (TM) 4.00 4.00 4.00 Dave Frenz Description Through carefully structured discussion, trainees will share their view of the qualities of a teacher. They will develop a working definition of a teacher in conjunction with the different ways that people learn. This will be connected by the thread of communication skills. Through gradual release, the lead teacher will model, work through role play with the group, place the trainees in pairs and, ultimately, observe the trainee individually. This is a topic that will appear often throughout the program Learning Objectives Establish and define qualities of a teacher Identify, define, and discuss different teaching styles in order to begin the development of finding the trainees' voice Identify, define, and discuss different learning styles in order to understand the needs of future students and the needs of trainees. This topic is over the course of the class, reviewed weekly after the initial goals are written down. 2X Communication Skills Teaching Methodology (TM) 5.00 5.00 5.00 Ashley Jonas Description Drawing from the trainees working definition of a teacher, this section Communication Skills Necessary to Compassionately Command a Room, will be a continually interactive experience. It is, however, necessary to stack the instruction and be sure that the following are understood: Communication, Compassion, and Command. Voice, Physicality, Facial Expressions, and Use of Space are key to understanding and developing this section. Through short lectures, paired questioning, full group discussion, reflective writing, reading articles, and recording of voice. Each trainee will have an opportunity to cultivate their inner teacher and develop a strong communication foundation. “Go-to communication techniques” such as- using metaphors and landmarks while instructing, combining verbal and physical instruction, and understanding how to use the voice will be modeled and practiced. Learning Objectives Communication skills that are necessary to compassionately command a room- Use voice appropriately and effectively. Demonstrate the ability to create a safe learning environment. Demonstrate sensitivity and vulnerability. Demonstrate command of language

1A Teaching Foundations Teaching Methodology

(TM) 4.00 4.00 4.00




Through carefully structured discussion, trainees will share their view of the qualities of a

teacher. They will develop a working definition of a teacher in conjunction with the different

ways that people learn. This will be connected by the thread of communication skills. Through

gradual release, the lead teacher will model, work through role play with the group, place the

trainees in pairs and, ultimately, observe the trainee individually. This is a topic that will appear

often throughout the program

Learning Objectives Establish and define qualities of a teacher Identify, define, and discuss different teaching styles

in order to begin the development of finding the trainees' voice Identify, define, and discuss

different learning styles in order to understand the needs of future students and the needs of

trainees. This topic is over the course of the class, reviewed weekly after the initial goals are

written down.

2X Communication Skills Teaching Methodology

(TM) 5.00 5.00 5.00



Description Drawing from the trainees working definition of a teacher, this section Communication Skills

Necessary to Compassionately Command a Room, will be a continually interactive experience. It

is, however, necessary to stack the instruction and be sure that the following are understood:

Communication, Compassion, and Command. Voice, Physicality, Facial Expressions, and Use of

Space are key to understanding and developing this section. Through short lectures, paired

questioning, full group discussion, reflective writing, reading articles, and recording of voice.

Each trainee will have an opportunity to cultivate their inner teacher and develop a strong

communication foundation. “Go-to communication techniques” such as- using metaphors and

landmarks while instructing, combining verbal and physical instruction, and understanding how

to use the voice will be modeled and practiced.

Learning Objectives

Communication skills that are necessary to compassionately command a room- Use voice

appropriately and effectively. Demonstrate the ability to create a safe learning environment.

Demonstrate sensitivity and vulnerability. Demonstrate command of language

3X Breath Setup / Warmups Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 10.00 10.00 10.00



Description In order to understand the breath, each trainee must first follow the steps and second be able to

feel it. After the foundation of the breath is established and understood, the faculty will use

gradual release to scaffold the trainees understanding of warm-ups and Sun Salutations. This

scaffolding is two fold: one, definitions and two, instruction. Warm-ups such as child's pose to

modified plank, tadasana to upward hand pose, cat to cow, forward fold to monkey, down-dog to

lunge, from belly to cobra, upward hand pose to chair or tai-chi based warm-ups to connect

breath to movement will be taught. After modeling, the trainees will go through a “talk-to-the-

body” activity where they will slowly, mindfully and safely lead a partner through warm-ups.

This “from the ground up” approach to the body, trainees will learn correct alignment to ensure a

safe practice for future practitioners.

Learning Objectives

Understand the elements of Tan-Tien breath. Define, breakdown, speak-to, and practice the

alignment and foundation of warm-ups (w/out breath, trainees participating in led exercises).

4B Sun Salutations Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 6.00 6.00 6.00



Description The Sun Salutation will be taught as the key element allowing the trainee to explore connecting

the breath to movement will be explored, demonstrated, and then trainee led. The Sun

Salutations A and B will be taught as well as variations on the two. Each aspect of body

placement, alignment, cueing, and customization will also be explained.

Learning Objectives

Speak to and practice the alignment and foundation of warm-ups and Sun Salutations (w/out

breath, trainees participating in led exercises)

5X Power Yoga Basics Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 11.00 11.00 11.00



Description The approach of Power Yoga in connecting breath to movement, releasing the ego, learning to

explore limits through the use of the breath will be taught. The main style presented will be the

American Power Yoga developed style.

Learning Objectives The approach of Power Yoga in connecting breath to movement, releasing the ego, learning to

explore limits through the use of the breath will be taught. The main style presented will be the

American Power Yoga developed style.

6X Other Power Yoga Styles Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 11.00 11.00 11.00




How a trainee can incorporate other Power Yoga styles, the differences, and their goals will be taught.

Among the other styles we will include Budokon, Baptiste, and Kest. The advantages of each and how to

use features of all four power yoga styles in a class.

Learning Objectives

Exploring the smiliarities and differences of various modern power yoga disciplines, including the

Astanga roots. This will enable the student to be able to blend other

7B Hip Opening / Philosophy and


Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 2.00 2.00 2.00



Description A foundational understanding is essential for this session. The alignment for standing poses

begins with Mountain- finding the alignment of mountain in every pose. After a carousel

approach to learning the elements of Mountain, trainees will work in partners to find and feel it.

Once this is felt, trainees will use their manual to identify key cueing needed to properly place in


Learning Objectives Define, breakdown, speak-to, and practice the alignment and foundation of standing poses

9B Twists / Philosophy and


Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 3.00 3.00 3.00




Once the foundational anatomical understanding is made, trainees will begin the integration of

breath to twists in seated twist, wide-legged twist, twisting chair, crescent lunge (with all

twisting variations), revolved triangle, revolved half-moon, etc. Ashley will model and guide

trainees through the cueing of breath to action.

Learning Objectives Trainees will be able to connect breath and movement in twists.

10B Balance Poses / Philosophy and


Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 3.00 3.00 3.00




The three essential elements of balance are alignment, strength, and attention. Through lecture

and question/answer, trainees will breakdown and speak-to the alignment and foundation of

balance poses: Tree, Dancer, Eagle, Warrior Three, Half-Moon, Revolved Half-Moon, Airplane,

Side Plank and Balancing Squat, along with variations will be explored. After participating in the

discussion and lecture, students will explore the learnings in their own bodies. Reflective

questions will be explored: How are you aligned? What strength are you calling on? And where

is your attention? Trainees will be asked to share their learnings in order to begin a process of

understanding one another's struggles with balance. In other words, why and how do we fall?

Learning Objectives Define, breakdown, speak-to, and practice the alignment and foundation of balance poses. Assess

why and how we fall.

11A Meditation Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 3.00 3.00 3.00




This is an introduction to meditation. Various guided meditations will be examined leading into

visualization and advanced meditation techniques.

Learning Objectives Trainees will understand the power of the language they choose. Explore and practice

visualization and meditation.

12B Arm Balances / Philosophy and


Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 3.00 3.00 3.00




The three essential elements of balance are alignment, strength, and attention. Through lecture

and question/answer, trainees will breakdown and speak-to, the alignment and foundation of arm

balance poses such as Crow, Side Crow, Flying Pigeon, Firefly, and Eight Limb Pose.

Learning Objectives

To learn the safe approaches to these poses. This section only occurs after all the anatomy

sections are completed.

13A One on One with Lead Trainer Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 2.00 2.00 2.00




Because feedback is essential to growth, the lead teacher will individually meet with the trainees

to compassionately share feedback. Through discussion, the trainee will have a clear growth

action item.

Learning Objectives

(Lead teacher objective) Assign each student a place to go with one-on-one meetings based on

previous assessment. Student Objectives- Based on feedback, trainees will develop a plan that

reflects the necessary changes to be made.

14A Teaching Multi Level Classes Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 5.00 5.00 5.00




This session begins with trainees reading the article, "Teaching a Multi-Level Class," preparing

for a Fishbowl Discussion and individually meeting with Dave to clarify any confusion. The

Fishbowl Discussion has three rounds: 1) Observation in Class, 2) Modifications and 3)

Intensifications. Each trainee will be expected to participate and use evidence from the article as

well as personal examples. After the discussion, trainees will be given "roles" such as new to

yoga, regular practitioner, and seasoned yogi. In taking on these roles, Dave will lead the group

and model how to teach a Multi-Level Class.

Learning Objectives

Trainees will understand, demonstrate, and lead a multi-level class through the use of

modifications and intensifications. Trainees are able to assess the class and know when to

demonstrate and what demonstration style to use (stop the class or work-the-room).

15B Music for Class Enhancement Teaching Methodology

(TM) 2.00 2.00 2.00




This session begins with a survey about music. Does it motivate? Does it distract? When should

there be silence? Should the music have words? Is music too emotional for class? Is music

necessary? How do you feel about music in class? Obtaining proper licenses or exploring public

domain music

Learning Objectives Evaluate the power of music. Analyze people's perspective on music. Trainees will understand

the importance of setting the right tone with music.

16B Specialized Yoga Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 3.00 3.00 3.00



Description Using both mutilmedia and in-person training, trainees all watch videos on sculpt, prenatal, yoga

for kids, restorative and teaching yoga in a gym. While watching the videos, trainees will fill out

a guided note sheet and, after each video, the trainees will write a reflection that "rates" their

level of interest and notes any questions. Following this, Ashley will field questions and end with

a brief lecture that captures any missing elements.

Learning Objectives Introduce trainees to the sculpt,prenatal, yoga for kids, restorative, and teaching yoga outside of a

studio setting.

17A Cueing for Healing Teaching Methodology

(TM) 2.00 2.00 2.00




Often times, the cueing in a yoga class can take the student away from a healing position and

into a risky one. At other times generic cueing can cause the student the opportunity to miss

taking their practice to a point where healing can occur. For example the simple cue "listen to

your body" can for many people instead mean, "listen to the old stories (in our head)." We want

direct tests that keep mind-body linked to provide the opportunity for circulation.

Learning Objectives

Provide tools to check that the mind and body stay connected throughout the practice.

18B Nutrition and Yoga Yoga Philosophy/LifeStyle

Ethics (YPLE) 2.50 2.50 2.50



Description Knowledge of foods/supplements that help digestion, & weight loss. A follow up question /

answer session will address each trainees needs as well as developing a foundation

understanding of Yogic nutrition for a healthy body & mind.

Learning Objectives

Examine nutritional needs. Explore Yogic Nutrition.

19X Energy Balancing and Flow Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 7.00 7.00 7.00



Description Explain and demonstrate the flow and capture of energy in poses, as well as explaining the seven

domes of lift, Qi reservoirs, and the breath as a conduit for energy.

Learning Objectives

Continuing development of feeling, sensing, and tools to balance the flow of Qi (prana) in the


20A Panel Discussion on Techniques Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 2.00 2.00 2.00



Description Trainees will participate in a panel discussion with yoga teachers from the community

Learning Objectives The objective is to hear alternative ways yoga teachers are aligning students, and developing

class sequences

21B Private Class Methods Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 2.00 2.00 2.00




An examination of how to assess and then use that assessment to teach private classes. A starting

sequence to help identify conditioning and physical limitations then build of modify from there.

Learning Objectives The student will be made aware of methods to assess a private lesson quickly and plan different

departure points from there for the remainder of the class

22A Final Presentation Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 5.00 5.00 5.00




Trainees will integrate all components of past units' objectives by presenting sequences developed with

message, music, assisting, demonstrations, and meditation from beginning to end providing necessary

critiquing for classmates.

Learning Objectives

Present, assess and reflect trainees' sequences developed with message, music, assisting, demonstrations,

and meditation.

23X Model Teaching Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 15.00 15.00 15.00



Description Description and rationale of modeling: The purpose of explicit teacher modeling is to provide

students with a clear, multi-sensory model of a skill or concept. In this case, the lead trainer and

carefully chosen faculty are the best equipped to provide such a model. Prior to modeling

students will be given clear instructions as to what they are looking for. This is an essential

element for this form of teaching. It isn’t just about the trainees watching; it’s about watching

with a purpose. For example, prior to modeling the instruction of Sun Salutation B, the trainees

will watch for the lead teacher’s movement around the room, their body language, their use of

voice, their physical cueing, their integration of message, their observations of students to adjust

alignment, other techniques, etc. Therefore, throughout the use of modeling, each student will be

carefully assigned what to look for. It is also vital to assess what the trainees know, therefore, the

trainers will facilitate discussions to evaluate each trainee's understanding.

Learning Objectives

Identify, define, question and understand the elements and traits of a yoga instructor.

24B Themes (Theme Weaver) Teaching Methodology

(TM) 3.00 3.00 3.00




Using the training worksheets of Michelle Marchlidon the students will start to narrow down on

key words that resonate with them. We will visit this process several times to see if changes

occur and what their significance might be. The keywords will be used again when making

themes for classes and finally we expect everything to wrap up in a personal BIO for the student.

Learning Objectives The trainees will develop their own branding statement, key word identifiers and a starting bio

25A Learning Styles Teaching Methodology

(TM) 3.00 3.00 3.00




Explore the role the senses play in our learning system. Also, discuss how our previous experiences bias

our intake of information.

Learning Objectives

The trainees will be assigned different learning types and then assess the results of certain presentations

26B Hip Opening / Cueing and


Teaching Methodology

(TM) 2.00 2.00 2.00



Description Using their growing knowledge of "talk to the body" language, trainees will work in partners

with Ashley's guidance. As the trainees use simplified language, they will also lead by breath

(explaining what occurs on the inhale/exhale). Additionally, the message of vulnerability will be

shared. We will discuss questions such as the following: How do I cue to keep the flow? How to

I assess my partner's ability to be in pose? Do I need to offer a modification?

Learning Objectives Trainees will understand, look for, cue, assist and lead class through the most optimal hip-

opening pose that matches their message. Assess practitioners ability to "perform" hip opener

and, if necessary, modify.

26T Hip Opener Practicum Practicum 0.25 0.25 0.25 Ashley


Description Through a workshop style, trainees will present hip-openers in order show understanding of

sequencing, anatomy & correct cueing.

Learning Objectives Powerfully present hip-openers to show an understanding of sequencing and emotional


27B Standing Poses / Philosophy and


Teaching Methodology

(TM) 2.00 2.00 2.00




After the foundational understandings of alignment and anatomy are set, trainees will begin to connect the

inhale and exhale to specific actions. Working in groups, trainees will brainstorm a list of words that best

express the inhale/exhale actions. Once groups have developed lists, trainees will lead one another to

reveal what word choices land well on the body. When necessary, the lead trainer will step in and model.

Learning Objectives

Understand and practice the connection between breath and movement during standing poses linked by a

vinyasa flow. Articulate the action with the breath.

27T Standing Pose Practicum Practicum 0.25 0.25 0.25 Ashley


Description Staying true to its definition- this practicum takes knowledge and theory to application.

Therefore, this formative assessment will allow the Lead Trainer to observe the trainees

progression with communication, alignment, their ability to safely modify for participants. In this

session, trainees will present (standing poses) sequences in order to gain further understanding of

sequencing, anatomy, and finding their voice

Learning Objectives Establish Mountain pose as a base for all standing poses. Learn to teach grounding

28B Twists / Philosophy and


Teaching Methodology

(TM) 2.00 2.00 2.00




Once the foundational anatomical understanding is made, trainees will begin the integration of

breath to twists in seated twist, wide-legged twist, twisting chair, crescent lunge (with all

twisting variations), revolved triangle, revolved half-moon, etc. Ashley will model and guide

trainees through the cueing of breath to action.

Learning Objectives Trainees will be able to connect breath and movement in twists.

28T Twist Practicum Practicum 0.25 0.25 0.25 Dave


Description This practicum takes knowledge and theory to application. The Lead Trainer will observe the

trainees progression with communication, alignment, their ability to safely modify for

participants. In this session

Learning Objectives Building on previous sessions, safely guide and modify a class through a variety of twists

29B Balance Poses / Philosophy and


Teaching Methodology

(TM) 2.00 2.00 2.00




Often times, the flow of a class is broken when leading into a balance series. In this session, the

lead teacher will model how to integrate balance, with correct inhale/exhale actions, into a flow-

and, at the same time, honor the value of stillness and drishti. As the lead teacher models,

students will follow. After practicing, the trainees will script out proper inhale/exhale actions.

Because the breath is so reflective of the state of mind, trainees will also partake in a trainer led

discussion on balancing the breath.

Learning Objectives Trainees will understand the connection between breath, action, and standing/balance poses.

29T Balance Pose Practicum Practicum 0.25 0.25 0.25 Dave


Description This practicum takes knowledge and theory to application. The Lead Trainer will observe the

trainees progression with communication, alignment, their ability to safely modify for

participants. In this session through a variety of balance poses

Learning Objectives

Building on previous sessions, safely guide and modify a class through a variety of balance

poses, using compassion and gaze.

30B Arm Balances / Philosophy and


Teaching Methodology

(TM) 2.00 2.00 2.00



Description Staying true to its definition- this practicum takes knowledge and theory to application. This

trainee led session gives the trainees an opportunity to share what they know & understand what

they must work on. Trainees will be expected to write a reflective journal entry and, after a full

group discussion of how to compassionately critique, trainees will encourage participants to give


Learning Objectives Each trainee will be expected to use studio space and/or another suitable location to lead a small

group in balance poses- taking knowledge to practice.

30T Arm Balance Practicum Practicum 0.50 0.50 0.50 Ashley



Building on previous sessions, safely guide and modify a class through a variety of arm balances,

with emphasis to previous hip openers as a precursor to their success

Learning Objectives The trainee will practice leading a small sequence up to a designated arm balance pose.

31A Certification, Insurance, Legal


Teaching Methodology

(TM) 1.00 1.00 1.00




The importance of professional certification and a base for a professional yoga teacher career

will be discussed. Also the need for liablilty insurance, and your rights as an employee.

Learning Objectives Learn legal, professional, and tax implications for yoga teachers.

32A Studio vs Employee vs

Independent Contractor

Teaching Methodology

(TM) 3.00 3.00 3.00




Discuss both sides of the employee and independent contractor arrangement, as well as

explaining the rules for the teacher and the studio.

Learning Objectives The trainees will learn their responsibilities to their employer based on the two roles.

33B Introduction to Anatomy Anatomy &

Physiology (AP) 2.00 2.00 4.00



Description Discuss basic yoga anatomy with emphasis on the key areas such as spine, neck, knees,

shoulders, and hips.

Learning Objectives

Trainees will learn the muscles and ligaments associated with the key body movement areas.

34X Energy Anatomy Anatomy & Physiology

(AP) 4.00 4.00 4.00



Description Explained and demonstrate energy channels, blockages, meridians and energy balancing.

Learning Objectives The trainees will start to develop a feel for the energy centers and learn to tap into that sense as a


35R How Yoga Works -Required


Anatomy & Physiology

(AP) 2.00 0.00 6.00




Discuss "How Yoga Works" by Geshe Michael Roach.

Learning Objectives

Two part discussion of this book starting at the studio and ending over a group meal.

36A Anatomy of Sun Salutations Anatomy & Physiology

(AP) 2.00 2.00 2.00



Description Through a teacher led lecture and use of Chrissy Carter's video on chaturanga breakdown,

students will experience an intense session on, essentially, the root of our yoga practice. As the

trainees watch and practice, Dave will help trainees understand the importance of safe and proper

alignment, gaze, breath, anatomy, and different variations for their practice and the practice of

their future students. This session covers the lengthening, strengthening, flexing and extending,

as well as the awakening of the body.

Learning Objectives

Connect the introduction of the Sun Salutation flow to the anatomical aspects.

37B Anatomy of twists Anatomy & Physiology

(AP) 1.50 1.50 1.50




Explore the anatomy of yoga twists involving the spine, as well as several major joints including the hips

and shoulders. We will focus on the neck, mid-back and lower spine along with the abdominals (obliques)

and hips.

Learning Objectives

Research, uncover and understand anatomical components of twists

38B Anatomy of hip openers Anatomy & Physiology

(AP) 1.50 1.50 1.50




Prior to this session, trainees will read about hip openers and focus on basic joint positions as

well as contraindications. As they read they will be expected to annotate with questions and

comments about these poses: Extended One-Legged Pigeon, Supine Pigeon, Happy Baby,

Firelog, Bound Angle, Extended Hand to Toe, Frog and Wide-Legged Forward Fold. Along with

the reading, trainees will be given the following quote: "Supple hips can ease back pain, give you

a more agile gait, and even improve circulation in your legs. But there's a more subtle benefit to

hip openers, too: We hold stress and negative emotions—such as fear, guilt, and sadness."

Learning Objectives

Understanding the anatomical elements of hip-openers. Inquire about the anatomical and

emotional elements of hip openers.

39B Anatomy of Balance Poses Anatomy & Physiology

(AP) 2.00 2.00 2.00




Through lecture, use of the Anatomy book, and physical exploration, trainees will recognize the

importance of both the hands and feet in balance. To demonstrate understanding, trainees will

then illustrate the structure of both standing and arm balances- beginning the illustration with

feet or hands and then (in linear fashion) sketching the anatomical alignment. Trainees will be

able to identify all body parts that play a vital role in the alignment of balance

Learning Objectives Understand the anatomical elements of Balance Poses Breakdown the necessary steps to safely

leading practitioners into a pose. Summarize the importance of feet and hands in balance.

40A Safe Asisting Anatomy & Physiology

(AP) 3.00 3.00 3.00



Description Beginning with a demonstration, trainees will observe Ashley as she assists a class that Dave is

teaching. After the demonstration, trainees will receive the following questionnaire: How did

Ashley honor the practitioner's wants? Did she get to everyone? Did you see body evidence of

the assist "landing"? How did she deal with sweat? How did she interact with the teacher? What

questions do you have? Following the demonstration and questionnaire, the trainees will practice

assisting each other.

Learning Objectives

Evaluate an assistant. Accurately and safely assist practitioners.

41R Yoga Ethics (Being of Power) Yoga Philosophy/LifeStyle

Ethics (YPLE) 4.00 4.00 8.00




Required reading: Baron Baptiste's "Being of Power". We will discuss and examine the nine

pillars to leading life as an authentic person. Journalling is key as this is a recurring place we will

return to and examine changes and revelations as the class progresses.

Learning Objectives

A cross check of the trainee's key words with the nine pillars to examine how aligned they

already are to these concepts.

42R The Way of the Peaceful

Warrior -Required Reading

Yoga Philosophy/LifeStyle

Ethics (YPLE) 2.00 2.00 6.00




Examine "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman to see how energy can be re-

established. The lessons of the Peaceful Warrior serve in a wide variety of themes within the

class structure and we will teach and explore Dan Millman's breath setup sequence.

Learning Objectives

Training on alternate breath to motion 'morning moves'. Also examination of energy types and

life purpose as aligned with the book.

43R The Tao Te Ching -Required


Yoga Philosophy/LifeStyle

Ethics (YPLE) 2.00 2.00 4.00



Description Look for key sonnets from Lao Tzu that resonate with the trainees.

Learning Objectives The trainee will weave one of the lessons into a class setting for practice in messaging.

44K Required Reading - A New


Yoga Philosophy/LifeStyle

Ethics (YPLE) 2.50 2.50 5.50




A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle is an expansive look at ego, happiness, and how expectations can

block our progress

Learning Objectives This book will be discussed at the 2nd book club. The lessons in the book are important for

personal development and provide interesting themes

45R Yimas & Niyamas - Required


Yoga Philosophy/LifeStyle

Ethics (YPLE) 5.00 5.00 9.00



Description Culminating in a full group presentation, where the trainees will display their ability to command

a room & share their voice. The study of yamas & niyamas will help trainees in their

understanding of yoga’s 10 ethical guidelines. As trainees respond to journal questions, they will

have the necessary time to comprehend the first two limbs of yoga’s eight fold path. Trainees

will also have time to discuss, and the lead trainer will introduce the Fishbowl Discussion

technique, a student-centered active method of discussion.

Learning Objectives

Introduce and explore the yamas and niyamas. Reflection on what kind of teacher the trainee

would like to be, acknowledging obstacles and strengths. Draw a connection between a quote

from the text and begin developing a class message. Study the assigned yama or niyama,

preparing a presentation for the class describing how to integrate the philosophy into a message

and physical practice. To show knowledge of yamas or niyamas and to demonstrate speaking

ability, trainees will present on previously assigned yama or niyama.

46A Yoga and the Community Yoga Philosophy/LifeStyle

Ethics (YPLE) 2.00 2.00 2.00



Description A discussion around the various needs for yoga that exist in the community and where to find the

specific knowledge to further develop the skills needed to address these needs.

Learning Objectives

The trainee will become aware of the forgotten groups of people that yoga sometimes misses.

48T Breath Setup Practicum Practicum 0.25 0.25 0.25 Dave



In previous foundational sessions, the breath and movement (along with alignment and a session

in anatomy) has been introduced, discussed and practiced. This session continues to draw a

connection. It is this connection that creates the mindful flow. Word choice and pacing are vital.

This session's activities engage the trainees in a "Yoga-Simon-Says." Trainees will script a

sequence with breath and movement. They will then follow as the lead teacher reads the script. It

is mandatory to do exactly what is said (phase one). After a reflection on the importance of word

choice (clarity), phase two in this lesson turns to pacing. Trainees will have a clear understanding

on the power of language, and connection between breath and movement. Notes, reflections,

questions and learnings will be captured in the trainee manual.

Learning Objectives

Understand and practice the connection between breath and movement during warm-ups.

49T Sun Salutations Practicum Practicum 0.50 0.50 0.50 Dave


Description Staying true to its definition- this practicum takes knowledge and theory to application.

Therefore, this formative assessment will allow the Lead Trainer to observe the trainees

progression with communication, alignment, and their ability to safely modify for participants.

This trainee led, trainer facilitated session gives the trainees an opportunity to share what they

know & understand what they must work on.

Learning Objectives

Demonstrate ability to lead a small group through warm-ups and Sun Salutations (without the

breath integration)

50T Assiting Practicum Practicum 1.25 1.25 1.25 Ashley



Zombie Games: A test to train the student eye to notice common aligment issues. A few students

are given secret instructions on what problem to present and during a simulated sequence the

trainee instructor needs to identify and correct the issues. In the last week of training the student

will be assigned to a studio class and a lead trainer will be present to observe and provide


Learning Objectives

Identify poor or dangerous alignment problems and correct them in a class setting. We will start

with the scan low to high method.

51T Power Transitions Practicum 0.50 0.50 0.50 Dave



Using Sun Salutations to move right side to left side or vice versa, trainees will guide the class

from one pose to another.

Learning Objectives The trainees will learn to cue changes using the "Sun Salutation Highway" as a flow base from

pose to pose.

52B Safe Sequence Development Practicum 0.50 0.50 0.50 Ashley



Using the knowledge from the anatomy sessions and flow of the poses from transitons, we will

discuss how to craft a sequence for a particular 'pinnacle pose' so the body muscles that need

attention have received that before going into the deeper poses.

Learning Objectives

The trainees will learn a method for the building of class structure to allow for safe progression

of poses. The sequencing strategy involves learning heating and afterwards safe stretching


53M Theme Weaver messaging


Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 3.00 3.00 3.00




The initial theme given a glimpse during warmup, golden nuggets during the class, quotes, and

summary message at Savasana (this unit will be presented by Michelle Marchildon otherwise it

will be done by Dave)

Learning Objectives

A sequenced approach to a continuous theme in classes

54T Theme Weaver - practicum Practicum 0.50 0.50 0.50 Dave


Description The trainees will follow the Theme Weaver steps in presenting a plan for a class and then

teaching a short class to test their plan (Michelle Marchildon will present, if she cannot be

present Dave will teach this portion)

Learning Objectives Practice weaving a distinct message through a yoga class

56O Develop Two Short Sequences Practicum 0.00 0.00 1.50


Taking knowledge to action- trainees will develop a sequence that incorporates music and theme.

It is expected that the sequence & theme will connect physically & emotionally. One sequence

will be developed for a morning class (build energy), one for an evening class (wind down)

Learning Objectives

Homework: Develop two short sequences incorporating music and a message (theme).

57TE Practice Teaching Early

Morning Practicum 0.50 0.50 0.50



Description There will be two groups and each group will alternate one student as lead teacher. This will

occur in the final week with Dave taking one group and Ashley taking the other. The student will

prepare an early class (build up energy) and take their turn presenting it

Learning Objectives Class time experience, using the short sequences they developed in lesson 56O

57B Early Morning Training


Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 5.00 5.00 5.00




While trainees take turns throughout the week teaching a 1/2 hour class, the other trainees will be

assigned to: take the class, observe the class, or assist the class.

Learning Objectives Evaluate, observe and discuss sequencing, teacher movement,cueing, alignment, presence, and

message. It will be important to relate the feelings the other trainees received from the class both

physically and mentally

58TL Practice Teaching Late Classes Practicum 0.50 0.50 0.50 Dave



There will be two groups and each group will alternate one student as lead teacher. This will

occur in the final week with Dave taking one group and Ashley taking the other. The student will

prepare an early class (build ease and relaxation) and take their turn presenting it

Learning Objectives

Class time experience, using the short sequences they developed in lesson 56O

58A Late Class Observations Techniques, Training

and Practice (TTP) 6.00 6.00 6.00




While trainees take turns throughout the week teaching a 1/2 hour class, the other trainees will be

assigned to: take the class, observe the class, or assist the class.

Learning Objectives Evaluate, observe and discuss sequencing, teacher movement, cueing, alignment, presence, and

message. It will be important to relate the feelings the other trainees received from the class both

physically and mentally

59O Develop a Final Presentation Practicum 0.00 0.00 2.00 Dave



Taking knowledge to action- trainees will develop a sequence that incorporates music and theme.

It is expected that the sequence & theme will connect physically & emotionally. The duration

should be one hour and special consideration given to the anatomy and warming before


Learning Objectives Homework: Develop a one hour sequence incorporating music, variety, purpose of asanas and a


60T Final Presentation Practicum 1.00 1.00 1.00 Dave


Description Combining all elements, sequence, music, message, cueing, the trainee will lead a one hour class

(only trainers will provide feedback)

Learning Objectives

Trainees will begin presentations of developed sequencing from 59O
