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Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)

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  • 8/18/2019 Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)



    Home / Articles / Teaching the Read and React Offense: The Basketballogy Method (part 5 of 5)

    Teaching the Read and React Offense: The Basketballogy Method (part 5 of 5)

    Posted Dec 3 2011 by Tom7 in Coaching

    , Instruction with 27 Comments

     Note: this is the 5th article in a 5-part series:

    Part 1: The RGB of the Read and React Offense  Part 2: Spacing and the Read and React OffensePart 3: Dribbling and the Read and React Offense Part 4: Passing and the Read and React Offense

    Looking over the Google Analytics reports for these articles, I’m impressed that so many thousands of you are reading these articles, and that you are staying so long onthese articles aren’t inane fanboy blather; you have to be pretty sharp and dedicated to actually want  to dive this deeply into such specialized and focused basketball topicreal testament to the popularity and genius of Rick Torbett‘s Read and React Offense as well.

    I star ted Basketballogy.com because I wanted a place on the web where people could have intelligent conversations about basketball without being overrun by dismissiv juvenile f anboys who attack you just because you lack the “intelligence” to worship the same players and teams as they do, or because you see things differently and can grade reading level.

    Consequently, it is gratifying that the RGB series of articles on half court offense is doing so well in analytics reports. It makes me feel like perhaps all this time spent wrcreating animations isn’t in vain. At any rate….

    This article, “Part 5,” starts with 4 caveats:

    1As I indicated at the outset, this series of articles was  targeted at coaches who already know the Read and React Offense and were looking for another way to teach it. Eunfamiliar with this offense, I probably lost you many times in these articles. If you don’t already have them, I recommend buying Rick Torbett’s DVDs from Better Basoffense in its entirety.

    2Just because I presented the offense this way to coaches, that doesn’t necessarily mean I would present it to my players this way. In fact, I wouldn’t  present the offense tParts 1 through 4 of the RGB series were about laying a foundation for coaches, and now in part 5, I’ll tell you how I’m teaching it to players .


  • 8/18/2019 Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)


    3In real life, how I would teach half court offense to players depends a great deal on the situation. For example, I would not use the same methods to teach a high schoolteach a youth team, even if the two groups were the same age. Teaching must consider many factors, including the amount of practice time you have to prepare your playyour team and your circumstances, it is impossible for me to tell you what to do. Instead, I’m trying to provide enough general guidance, melded with useful specifics,your own way.

    4I’ve held back information from these articles both to make them briefer, and to make sure that people who buy the book when it is out get a significant amount of addedcontent found here. Besides, Basketballogy’s Fundamentals of the Game: What every coach, player and parent should know about basketball  is a holistic approach to tegoes far beyond just teaching a half court offense.

    Okay, on to the Basketballogy Method for teaching the Read and React Offense. 

    The Basketballogy Method for Teaching the Read and React Offense

    The BackstoryA couple of years ago I had a group of players who couldn’t practice with the team at the beginning of the season because of their invoat the high school. Consequently, when they did join our practices, I had a group of guys who I’d been working with for weeks who knew some Read and React, and a gromy starting point guard) who I needed to quickly get up to speed. So out of necessity, I came up with a simplified, accelerated way of teaching the Read and React Offens

    However, as I taught the newcomers, I noticed that the guys who I’d been teaching as per the DVDs made quantum leaps in understanding and executing the offense as wdecided to try teaching the Read and React offense in a completely different way.

    I have now taught 4 teams using this “Basketballogy Method,” and all 4 have won their league championships, with 3 of the 4 going undefeated along the way. That’s mydiscovered an unexpected benefit to being able to teach the offense in less time:

    When teaching your half court offense doesn’t dominate all your practice time, you find you have more time to put into teaching your players to be good at other thoffense, defense and player development.

    Rather than teach the Read and React Offense in layers as outlined on the Better Basketball DVDs, I first teach an offense I call the “Elemental Offense,” which is base

    and features Read and React type movements, then use the Elemental Offense as a launching pad for the Read and React Offense.

    The Basketballogy Elemental Offense can be taught in one 90-minute practice, making your group instantly able to play solid basketball with Read and React – like subsequent practices I evolve their understanding of half court offense until they are playing a full blown Read and React Offense.

    This is great news if you have a youth, intramural or amateur league team that you need to get playing solid half court offense right away.


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    Of course an offense taught in 90 minutes is far  from perfect, but it is surprisingly effective and is much better than just sending your players onto the court with nothing plays. Best of all though, the Basketballogy Elemental Offense lays a foundation that greatly accelerates learning the more full version of the Read and React Offense.

    How to teach the Elemental OffenseNot all the kids show up to practices on time, so I start my practices with a useful yet non critical activity such as a shooting drill frocorners, or a Basketballogy scrimmage (more on that later). When I have everyone, I like to set their expectations (and their focus) by telling them what our goals are for tour goals are:

    1. DEFENSE: Rebounding.There’s no point in playing lock down D if you are going to let your opponent get the offensive rebound and score anyway off a layup. Today we are going to start lerebounding.

    2. OFFENSE: The Elemental Offense.

    Offense needs spacing, ball movement and player movement to be effective. Today we start to learn to use these 3 basic elements of offense to our advantage.

    3. PLAYER DEVELOPMENT: Shot selection. Not all shots are good shots. If your opponent knows that, then maybe there’s a reason you’re so open. Today, you start to learn what a bad shot costs your team.

    Here is how you teach the Elemental Offense:

    A. Introduce the 3 elemental “RGB” concepts of offense (spacing, ball movement and player movement) to your team.

    B. Teach your players the spots in the 5-out formation, calling them the “arc” or “perimeter” positions.

    C. Teach your players the spots inside the arc, including the short corners, calling them the “post” or “interior” positions.

    D. Have your players mark the perimeter and post spots on both ends of the floor with a 2-inch piece of tape. You want your players to do it so that they experiencthe spots exactly right. You want the spot markers small so as players move, they learn good spacing more by the painted lines on the floor, rather than from huge cothere come game time anyway.

    E. Do the end to end Formations Drills described in RGB part 2: Spacing and the Read and React Offense to help them quickly learn to form with proper spacing insince the point of this drill is to accelerate their learning to play from the spots, use a variety of formations. Example: “3-out, Sam and Javier in the high post. Go!” “mid post. Go!”

    F. Teach your players the 3 Rules of Elemental Offense:

    1Space Correctly. Space the floor only on the spots coach taught you, with at least 3 players outside the arc (3-out), and with the perimeter (arc) spots nearest the b

    Spacing in the Elemental Offense:


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    2Give Back . When you pass the ball, go help your team by cutting and either filling a spot in the formation, or setting a screen on or away from the ball.

    Passing in the Elemental Offense:

    NextReplayR es tart Previ ous

    Elemental Offense


    El t l Off

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    3Open Windows. When someone dribbles the ball, open a passing or driving window by: (a) moving right away with them (and with your hands ready) into a pass

    could potentially get a pass, or (b) sliding away from the dribbler to open driving lanes, or (c) setting a screen for a teammate so they can cut into an open passing w

    Dribbling in the Elemental Offense:



    Elemental Offense

    El t l Off

  • 8/18/2019 Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)


    If you have read through the first four parts in this series, you will instantly recognize those 3 rules, and the reasons behind them. It’s surprising how much Read and

    you can play with a basic understanding of formations and just those 3 elemental rules. In fact, at some levels, with some teams, just the Elementals may be sufficie

    G. 5-out Perimeter Passing drill – Before your players can play by the 3 elemental rules, they need to get used to moving properly on the perimeter, and the best waspacing and rotation is with a 5-out passing drill.

    Unlike the R&R DVDs, I do not emphasize “circle movement” along the arc. Instead I teach that the ball handler always needs safe passing options, so we try to keenearest the ball filled. To fill those spots, players need to circle along the arc.

    In other words, I teach circle movement is a by-product  of fundamental half court offense, not an objective of it.

    One of the reasons I like the read and react so much is that it can be played from many formations with the rules being the same in all of them. That allows players (of flexibility against defenses without a lot of extra learning and remembering.

    To simplify their 5-out pass and fill drill, teach your players to fill to the corner opposite the direction they passed. For example, if they pass to the right, have them to the left corner.



    Elemental Offense

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    H. Pop Quiz – While the players catch their breath, get water, etc.,quiz them on the 3 Rules of Elemental Offense.

    I. 4-out Passing Drill – This drill is the same as the 5-out Perimeter Passing Drill, except that now there is a post player to pass to as well. Have the players play 4- passing the ball wherever they would like to and doing the right player movements after. Make sure everyone, including the post player, plays from the spots.

    Here is another tip to teach your players for when a perimeter player is passing to a post player:

    If a perimeter player passes to a post   player, then the open corner will be on the weak side.

    (It doesn’t matter if the formation is 3-out, 4-out or 5-out, it always works out that way.) For example, in 3-out, if the right wing passes to the post, the other perthe arc to fill the spots nearest the ball, leaving the wing on the weak side vacant for the cutter to fill to. And if the top player passes to the post, again the perimthe arc to fill the spots near the ball so the vacant corner will be on the weak side.)

    “Wrong Corner” Remedies.

    If a player ever does fill to the “wrong corner,” there are two things to teach your team so that good basketball can still come of it.

    If they are playing 5-out or 4-out … have the cutter set a screen for the person in the corner, then fill the vacated corner as the new cutter cuts to the far side

    If they are playing 3-out , then when a player fills to the “wrong corner,” have all the perimeter players circle along the arc to fill the wing and top spots.

    Previous   NextReplayRestart

    1 passes to 4, cuts, fills vacant

    corner. * Generallly speaking, thevacant corner is opposite thedirection you passed the ball.

    2 & 5 "circle" the arc to fill spotsnear the ball.

    3 cuts to short corner then returns.

    Press "Next" to continue.

    5-out Perimeter Pass and Fill

    Ball Handler  - pass, cut to thebasket, then fill to a corner.

    Arc Players - rotate to keep thespots nearest the ball filled.

    Corner players - V-cut to the shortcorner, then back to the arc to fillpositions nearest the ball.

    When the wrong corner is the right corner

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    When the wrong corner is the right corner.

    I am reluctant to call “wrong corner” fills “wrong,” because good basketball can come come of them.

    For example, say you are playing 5-out and you have a big player, or a highly skilled player in one corner.

    In this case, you might WANT to cut and fill to the “wrong corner” and set a screen for the larger player. In so doing, the bigger player could either get a wide op be picked up on a switch by a s maller defender — both of which are ideal situations for your offense.

    J. Pop Quiz – Again quiz the players on the 3 Rules of Elemental Offense, then ask them if they are ready to scrimmage with them.

    K. Teach your players the Basketballogy Half Court Scrimmage (see below), and let them have fun while ingraining good spacing, player movement, ball movemindelibly into the natural texture of their play.

    L. Between Basketballogy scrimmages, re-teach and reinforce concepts and movement. This is the time to start sneaking in extra information, like:

    Read line cutsPost slidesPerimeter dribbles (“Dribble at”)Skip passesReverse dribble (pick and roll)

    Be careful not to teach too much at once; let them scrimmage and feel comfortable with what they know, then incrementally add to it in a natural, organic way from tin their play. In other words, don’t teach them according to your arbitrary, externally conceived schedule; move them according to what you see happening in scrimm

    In my experience, by the end of practice players as young as 12 years old will be very comfortable playing with the basic things you want from an elemental Read anspacing, good player movement, and good ball movement.

    Any good teacher will agree that “telling” and “teaching” are not synonyms. For these rules to become habits, players must immediately practice the concepts you ha scrimmage specially designed to make good habits.

    Obviously I believe in drills, but I also believe they are overused by many coaches. I’m also a musician, and in music we are taught that performances are far better when time as musical as possible. Likewise, in basketball I’ve observed a real disconnect between skills learned in drills and how a player folds those skills into actual playing

     believe that where ever possible, drills s hould be as game-like as possible; it increases the likelihood those skills will also be habits which make their way into actual gam

    Again, give players a few bites of instruction, then let them chew on them in the Basketballogy Half Court Scrimmage. Then rinse and repeat. The Basketballogy scrimspecifically to turn good teaching into good habits . 

    The Basketballogy Half Court Scrimmage

    Basketball is a game of habits. I’m reminded of this all the time as I watch players do bone headed things like step out of bounds or stay too long in the key.

    These players hurt themselves and their team not because they lack talent, but because they (and their coaches) are lax about insisting on good habits while practicing. As

    have to “put on” good habits for a game and “be careful” in order to stay out of trouble which obviously puts their team at a competitive disadvantage come game time


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    have to put on good habits for a game, and be careful in order to stay out of trouble, which obviously puts their team at a competitive disadvantage come game time.

    Bad habits are concocted and calcified in practice time, and coaches thoughtlessly cultivate bad habits in their players by doing things like scoring scrimmages by “1“2s and 3s.” Scoring by 1s and 2s literally encourages horrible shot selection, and punishes excellent rebounders for their good habits. If a coach doesn’t want horrible shorebounding from his players in a game, then he shouldn’t be encouraging it in practices.

    Think about it. Someone with a 25% 3-point percentage has no business shooting 3s, however if you’re keeping score by 1s and 2s, a pathetic 25% 3-point shooting perceequivalent of shooting 50% from inside the arc, which is actually a good percentage. Additionally, all those long shots make for lots of long rebounds which ultimately recrashing the boards or boxing out.

    Scoring by 1s and 2s simply encourages bad basketball, so unless you are coaching one of the teams in the leagues my teams play in, I’d encourage you to abandon that seimmediately if you are doing it.

    Good coaches always give careful thought to the habits they may be nurturing in their players in practice time , and that is the thinking behind the BasketbScrimmage.

    The Basketballogy half court scrimmage is a hybrid drill / scrimmage that encourages good teamwork, spacing, player movement, ball movement and rebounding practichabits in players using a realistic, game-like setting.

    The Basketballogy scrimmage is based on we call “the 3-2-1 rules.” What does the “3-2-1” stand for?

    3 = The three rules of Elemental Offense: (1) Space correctly, (2) Open windows, (3) Give back.2 = Two dribbles. Players are only allowed 2 dribbles (and a “control dribble” where applicable)1 = One point is awarded for every rebound

    I’ve personally seen players as young as 12 years old almost instantly adapt to playing the 3-2-1 rules of a Basketballogy scrimmage, and I imagine younger players can t

    1 Point per ReboundAwarding a point for a rebound, while scoring made shots in 3s and 2s, rewards the right behaviors in a manner that is immediately apparent todo players in a Basketballogy scrimmage box out and crash the boards better, but awarding points for rebounding actually affects shot selection .

    In a Basketballogy scrimmage, players tend to work for higher percentage shots — inside shots and open jumpers — so as to not give their opponent easy defensivecollecting any garbage tossed up.

    Isn’t this exactly how you want your players to play as a habit , without even thinking about it, coach?

    Then why not use the Basketballogy half court scrimmage to indelibly infuse rebounding and good shot selection into the natural texture of your team’s play?

    [EDIT: By the way, during the scrimmage we call out the score every time it changes. So after every made basket, free throw or rebound, at least one of the players will c

    everyone hears and knows, and so that the good deed is acknowledged.]

    2 Dribbles OnlyAs for for dribbling, on the third bounce I blow the whistle and it is a turn over. And if I  happen to miss that a player has dribbled 3+ times, the opposinsure don’t. Interestingly, in a Basketballogy scrimmage everyone is aware and jumps on any player who tries to dominate the ball. We don’t care if you are Steve Nash;for everyone.

    You would think that the 2 dribble rule would increase turn overs, but once players are used to the rule, the opposite is actually the case. When players know they can o

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    You would think that the 2 dribble rule would increase turn overs, but once players are used to the rule, the opposite is actually the case. W e p ye s ow ey c odon’t want to squander those two dribbles and they play smarter overall .

    When players can only dribble twice, they think about where they are going when they dribble, and how best to use those precious two dribbles, and they are thinking aboahead of typical play.

    Seriously, you’d be amazed at how that kind of thought and care with the ball cuts down on the turnovers.

    Plus, because in a Basketballogy scrimmage the ball handler can only dribble twice, teammates are forced to immediately move without the ball as soon as the ball hball handler passing options he wouldn’t ordinarily have in a regular scrimmage, otherwise the ball handler will quickly be in trouble and have no one to pass to.

     Now, after all that talk about only dribbling twice, I will confess that I have used 3 dribbles instead of 2 for younger players starting out with the Elemental Offense.

    3 Elemental RGB RulesFinally, as you can imagine, there is much more passing in a Basketballogy Scrimmage than a standard scrimmage. In a Basketballogy scrimmagcreates fantastic ball movement. In a standard scrimmage the coach has to keep getting after his players to make them pass. The Basketballogy scrimmage instils a habit omovement without the coach getting after a single player! What’s not to like about that?!

    And because the 3 Elemental RGB Rules require a passer to cut and “give back” to his team after he passes, all that passing creates fantastic player movement as well

    The 3-2-1 rules of the Basketballogy scrimmage makes for beautiful, spontaneous offense, and the more your players scrimmage, the more it becomes a habit.

    Think about it: the Basketballogy scrimmage makes really nice half court basketball ahabit , and it does it against defenses, and in a game like setting. What dr

    And is if all that wasn’t cool enough, my teams love the Basketballogy scrimmage much more than any drill we could do. In fact, they would Basketballogy scrimmagwould let them — and I’m often tempted to, given the great things that come from it.

    Moreover, when the players are used to playing in Basketballogy scrimmages, it just feels wrong in a real game not  to move the ball, move your feet, and

    That right there is the secret sauce that makes the Basketballogy scrimmage so appealing for coaches, but!

    But there’s the surprise ending for the Basketballogy scrimmage.

    As players Basketballogy scrimmage “Elemental Offense,” they naturally grow towards the “higher” components of the Read and React Offense. Seriously. Once playerElemental Offense, learning the Read and React Offense is a splendidly organic process.

    The players, for competitive reasons, just eat up any instruction you can give them during and between scrimmages on how to circle to stay in passing windows, or wherwhen the ball is being driven, or how to best “give back” in certain situations. They want you to teach them so they can win the next scrimmage.

    In short, not only does the Basketballogy scrimmage teach players to play beautiful Elemental Offense, but players genuinely want to the learn how to have the competiti player movement and ball movement, and want you to teach them Read and React Offense principles.

    The players literally  pull  offense from you, rather than you having to push it on them.

     Now coach, doesn’t that  sound nice?

    I do ask one favor of you though: as you use the scrimmage, please call it by its name: the  Basketballogy half court scrimmage. After all, I’ve given this insight away

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    y g y g , p y gy g , g g ywould appreciate credit being given where credit is due. Besides, it helps me build my brand. Cheers.

    Add Passing ElementsThroughout the first couple of scrimmages, you may need to remind players that if someone passes from the perimeter and cuts, they have vacatedHis teammates need to see that the positions nearest the ball always need to be filled , so they will need to circle rotate to fill them. The direction of the rotation is det

     players in spots near the ball.

    For the most part though, the thing you will be reminding their players is to play from their spots until a rule from the offense makes them move. I had one player who wspontaneously cut from a perimeter spot when he saw an interior spot he could fill that I thought his skin was going to peel off of his body and make the cut without himcuts and sometimes they would result in easy buckets, but usually he just confused the ball handler and knocked him off of what he was about to do.

    “Freelancing,” breaking from the offense and going rogue, can be a good thing in a game if it will obviously lead to a bucket or a trip to the free throw line. But in practi

    otherwise it slows down learning what can be done if your players play by the rules of the offense.

    At any rate, when players are comfortable playing the Basketballogy scrimmage with the elements you have given them, gradually add other Read and React concepts. B passes in a Basketballogy scrimmage, I like to start with passing.

    One of the first things you can teach them is to stay put on a skip pass. Also, teaching them where to cut when they pass to the post is something you will want your playthan later.

    When I teach Pass and Post, I have the players play 4-out so that there is only 1 post player to keep track of, and have the post player vacate his post position and fill to makes his cut to a post position.

    After scrimmages, don’t let the players go right into another scrimmage right away. Teach a quick concept, or reinforce teaching you’ve already given them. For exampleways to give back to your team after you pass the ball?”

    1Pass and Fill Pass, cut to the basket, then fill a corner position along the arc.

    2Pass and PostPass, cut, then take a post position around the key, or a short corner.  

    3Pass and Screen Pass, then cut to set a screen off the ball to free up a teammate.

    4Pass and Pick  Pass, cut, then return to the ball handler to execute a pick and roll.

    Add Dribbling ElementsI don’t think we need to worry too much at the outset that our players don’t know all the dribble reactions from the get-go. In fact, I must confesteams play most of a season without ever teaching dribble reactions other than post slides, dribble-at and pick and roll.

    For most of the season this team didn’t circle in the same direction, or do many of the things Read and React requires of them, but their own decisions and movements toclear driving and passing lanes resulted in sound, elemental, and winning basketball anyway.

    Usually though, I build on the elemental offense gradually teaching teams, “ When the ball handler dribbles, how can you “open a window”?

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    y g , g y g , y p

    1Move into a passing window Open a window by moving to a place on the floor where you could receive a pass.

    2Set a screen off the ballOpen a window for a teammate by screening away from the ball, so they can cut to the basket.  

    3Do a post slide Open a lane for the dribble drive by sliding to another spot such as a short corner or elbow

    4Pick and roll, pop, etc. Open a lane for a dribble drive by setting a pick then popping, rolling, etc.

    Of course, when they are ready to build upon the Elemental Offense with dribble reactions, the first thing players need to understand is that for the purposes of reading aoffense, there are 3 kinds of dribbling in a half court offense:

    1. Dribble penetration – meant to position the ball inside the arc.2. Perimeter dribbling – meant to position the ball along the outside of the arc.3. Reverse dribbling – meant to signal a pick and role

    Players need to be able to instantly recognize which is which in order to make quick and correct reads the moment the ball hits the floor.

    Likewise, players need to understand is that their reactions to the ball handler’s dribbling depend in large part on where they are positioned at the floor at the time dribblinthe players that the formations we’ve learned break down into 3 components:

    1. Post Positions2. Corner Positions3. Arc (Perimeter) Positions

    When players read which dribbling is taking place (penetration, perimeter or reverse), they must then react according to where they are on the floor, not according to wheguards, bigs, etc.

    These concepts can be taught in conjunction with perimeter dribbling. Perimeter dribbles, a.k.a. “dribble-at,” are simple and teach the circle movement along the arc, so tstart teaching dribble reactions.


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    For more on this topic, see Dribbling and the Read and React Offense – Part 3 of 5 .

    In ConclusionOne of the points I tried to make in part 1, the RGB of the Read and React Offense, is that people tend to more fully commit to something when they kn

    “After all,” I wrote, “It is one thing to tell a kid to climb a mountain, and another thing altogether to tell a kid to climb a mountain because a giant tsunami is coming.”



  • 8/18/2019 Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)


    Before teaching the Read and React Offense, I taught the three RGB elements of all offenses.

    Before teaching formations, I taught the importance of spacing.

    Before teaching player movement, I taught that championship basketball depends on what a player does with the 90% of the time he plays without the ball.

    Before teaching passing, I taught about the power of teamwork .

    Before teaching the Basketballogy scrimmage, I taught the importance of developing good habits.

    I’m sure you’ve noticed that pattern as well.

    But most obviously, before I gave the specifics of how I teach an Elemental Offense and grow it into the Read and React Offense, I wrote 4 articles to lay the foundation sthe “why” behind this methodology.

    Now that Part 5 is “in the wild,” I encourage you to start with part 5, and then use parts 1 through 4 to teach help your players as you grow them from the Elemfull blown Read and React Offense.

    The great philosopher, Anonymous, once said, “The biggest room in the world… is the room for improvement.”

    I couldn’t agree more, and knowing me, a year from now I’ll have this refined even more — and hopefully with your help. I’d love to hear from you, and I’m installing a basketballogy.com to assist with that. After all, none of this was handed to any of us on stone tablets.

    The great philosopher, Anonymous also said, “The book is always better than the movie.”

    I’d add that the book is always better than the blog as well. For example, the book includes a detailed practice plan of what to teach in each practice, so please keep an ey book: Basketballogy’s Fundamentals of the Game: What every coach, player and parent should know about basketball . Of course I’ll announce it on basketballogy.com in the wild as well, so check back often.

    Tags: Basketballogy, Basketballogy Scrimmage, Elemental Offense, Heinz Doofenschmirtz, Read and React Offense, RGB, Rick Torbett Categories: Coaching, Instruct

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  • 8/18/2019 Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)


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    28 Comments0 Trackback 

    1. Craig 12-05-2011

    Very well done, coach. Thank you.


    2. Craig 12-05-2011

    Coach – any chance you could put the series (1-5) in pdf format for download?



  • 8/18/2019 Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)


    3. Tom7 12-06-2011



    I’m open to a PDF, but I am working against a deadline on another project, then we’ve got holiday busy-ness (and when you have 7 kids, that’s a lot of busy-ness)after Christmas before I can get one done, if I decide to go ahead and do it.

    Of course PDF content would be static.

    Are the animations helping at all? Or was it not worth the trouble to do them?



     Rico Dunn02-26-2015

    Coach what program did you use to make the animations?


    Tom7 05-12-2015

    I am so sorry for the tardy response. I’ve taken a sabbatical of sorts to help a friend with his startup business.

    I created the animations in HTML5.


    4. Craig 12-06-2011

    Its all good; really.

    I just like having hard copies of things of value…and I think your perspective on the R&R is good. Offering a pdf would be a great way to collect email addresses market a future product….like a book, for example.


  • 8/18/2019 Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)


    market a future product….like a book, for example.

    Either way, I have enjoyed the series. (And for the record, I own the R&R DVD).


    5. Tom7 12-06-2011

    Craig, you are making a great case for PDF… you a clever man!

    For the next week at least though, I don’t think I can make the time — not unless something unexpected and very good happens.

    Thanks again for the kind words though. After taking all this trouble, it feel good to hear from someone.


    6. Shannon12-17-2011

    Tom – Your articles have been a great source for me to think about the R&R, specifically, and basketball, in general, from a different angle. I have enjoyed them anand effort you’ve put into them.

    I second the idea of a PDF when you have time.


    7. robin sallie12-31-2011

    When does the book come out?


    8.  jeff  01-09-2012

    does anyone know how i can get a cheaper copy of the read and react? $180 is a little bit more than i want to shell out for a maybe offense for my daughter’s youth



  • 8/18/2019 Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)


    9. Craig 01-12-2012

    Jeff – I know money can be an issue for folks….I can say that the DVD’s are a fantastic investment for anybody trying to become a better coach. It changed my whcoaching.

    And when the Basketology pdf / book become available, the value of your investment will definitely increase.


    10. Coach R01-15-2012

    I’m a high school coach and would love a PDF Format. Really good read, can tell a lot of work went into it!


    11.  jeff  01-21-2012

    will the pdf/book make the video partially unnecessary, ie would it give enough that i could run the offense w/o shelling out the big bucks?




    I purchased the 90 Minute Youth Practice Read and React Intro for about $30 in Video on Demand. It gave me a pretty good understanding of the system andyou. It wasn’t easy to find, and won’t explain all the layers, but I thought it well worth it for an inexperienced coach like me.

    Good luck!Barry


    12. Craig 01-23-2012

    The 5 postings on Basketballogy can fill you in on most of the R&R. A google search will reveal other people’s notes and powerpoints. You can definitely get the i paying Better Basketball if that is your goal.


  • 8/18/2019 Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)


    p y g y g

    I still wouldn’t recommend it, however.


    13.  Dennis04-17-2012

    Boy, I was hoping to find a PDF at the end, but to no avail. It would be great to have this series as a PDF. I have to admit the animations are clarifying things, so thstory. Nevertheless a PDF would be great cause the text contains so much information as well. Thanks so much for sharing.


    14.  Matty04-22-2012

    Very impressed with this article! Any chance that you can do animations for the Zone attack hook and look?


     Me too09-18-2012

    I would like to see zone attack animations as well.


    15. Gary04-25-2012

    Thanks Coach for taking the time to put this all together. I have the original R & R DVDs and yours is another excellent approach to teaching R &R basketball. I’vefor a year and this has re-energized me for next season. Three years ago I was hired (after 20+ as an assistant) as a girls varsity coach. The program I inherited wasyear 1 I tried to run set patterned offenses. They were easily scouted and defensed. In my second year I went R & R exclusively and saw some very cool things. I sfigure out what we were doing (including an eventual state champion.) Unfortunately, when you struggle to score, it doesn’t matter what offense you’re running. B

    stuff working against very good opponents, we just didn’t have anyone who could put the ball in the hoop! I often thought “Geez, this approach would be so cool w play.”

    I resigned after year 2 when I realized I like teaching basketball (at the lower levels) more than I like coaching varsity. I hope to secure a position for the 2012-13 to teaching basketball, including the R & R. Thank you again for taking the time to outline your R & R approach.



  • 8/18/2019 Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)


    16. Vashon06-03-2012

    I loved the way you take the itimidation factor out of the Rand R. I did not want to spend all my time teaching offense. I Also want to teach defense and skill deve players to help prepare some of them for varisty. I would like to know in the 4 out, do you have the post, go block to block or stay primarily on one side looking toside (side with empty corner or filled corner) I know it changes but just wanted to know your thoughts


    17. Teck Hua Sue06-30-2012

    Coach Tom, very thankful for the articles you postedIt really open out my thought on read and react cos I usually stress on read and react on how defender defend you. I have read about R & R DVD by Rick Torbett. after currency conversion.I will try to implement it on my team.


    18.  Richard Cassella08-04-2012


    On Monday night (August 6) at 8 pm Eastern time, the Tribe will have it’s first official Twitter chat.


    Hopefully this will be the first of many Twitter chats to come. This Monday’s topic will be pre-season prep with the Read & React Offense so get your questions, cready (as long as they’re under 140 characters) and join us.

    By the way, the #rrtribe hashtag is alive so go ahead and use it in any Read & React related tweets to help us get the word out. And, if you have any questions, tweleave a comment at the bottom of this post.

    What’s a Twitter chat? Read below and watch the short video to find out.

    Why #rrtibe?

    #rrtribe will be a real-time, 24/7 discussion available to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Read & React Offense. You may share resources, ask a

    simply connect with other interesting people that have a passion for the Read & React.

    Th b t t b t # t ib ? Wh th ll h th h h th ’ th R d & R t i th b i i ’ l ki t


  • 8/18/2019 Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)


    The best part about #rrtribe? Whether you are a college coach or a youth coach, whether you’ve run the Read & React since the beginning or you’re looking to puyou’ll have an outlet to connect, collaborate, and discuss ways to improve your knowledge of the Read & React anywhere, anytime.

    How can I participate?

    Participating is simple – all you need to do is use #rrtibe anywhere in your tweet. Whether you mention, reply, or have your own thoughts on a subject relating to Rneed to do is use #rrtribe and your tweet will show in our stream!

    How do I find #rrtribe?

    To view every tweet having to do with #rrtribe, all you have to do is search for #rrtribe. From there you may reply, retweet, or favorite anyone who has posted to th

    Thanks to @Cassella_ for the idea, for the video, and really for making this happen.


    19. coachlarryb10-22-2012

    Hilarious image w/ Doofenschmirtz for the “backstory”…laughed out loud :))


    20. SWB876503-23-2014


    Great article…I used the R&R for my 5th grade girls team this year, and prior to that I ran Bob Huggins 5 man open post for several years with my older son’s teavery similar…

    Your article gave me several great ideas, particularly using five out spots for a four one and you Basketballogy scrimmage…I actually ran something similar for my per successful pass and five points for a bucket…really improved our passing and cut down our turnovers…

    So where can I buy your book?





  • 8/18/2019 Teaching the Read and React Offense_ the Basketballogy Method (Part 5 of 5)


    21.  paul 09-29-2014

    Tomi liked your alteration on the corner movement for the dribble drive from the wing but had a question on what you do when there is a dribble penetration from the tyour players move if the person at the point penetrates?


    Tom7 05-12-2015

    I’m so sorry for the tardy response; I’ve taken a sabbatical of sorts to help a friend get his startup going. I have players watch which hand the ball handler is as he or she drives, and I have them circle in that direction. Sometimes it isn’t right, but it is still better than the confusions and slow reaction as players gawwondering which way to circle.


    22.  girls basketball 04-06-2015

    Thanks Coach for taking the time to put this all together. I have the original R & R DVDs and yours is another excellent approach to teaching R &R basketball.

    Any chance that you can do animations for the Zone attack hook and look?

    Coach Vaughnhttp://www.austinbasketballcamp.com


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