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Technical Approach for Tunnel Part

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  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    Technical Approach and Methodology

    4.1 Tunnel.........................................................................................................................

    4.5.1 Overview of Tunnel Work...........................................................................................2

    4.5.2 Ecavation.................................................................................................................3 !la"ting.......................................................................................................4 #caling.........................................................................................................8

    4.5.2.$ E%uip&ent...................................................................................................9 'i"po"al.....................................................................................................10

    4.5.$ Tunnel #upport........................................................................................................12

    4.5.$.1 (eneral......................................................................................................12

    4.5.$.2 Type" of Tunnel #upport"..........................................................................12

    4.5.$.$ )ock Anchor..............................................................................................17

    4.5.$.4 #teel )i* #upport......................................................................................184.5.$.5 #hotcrete...................................................................................................19

    4.5.$.+ ,oncrete -ining.........................................................................................23

    4.5.$. /ore 0olling...............................................................................................27

    4.5.4 entilation #y"te&...................................................................................................28

    4.5.5 'ewatering...............................................................................................................31

    4.5.+ Technical Approach on .$5k& #ingle )ail Track Tunnel 3o.6..............................33

    4.5.+.1 (eological ,ondition )eview....................................................................34

    4.5.+.2 #ervice Tunnel )eview...............................................................................35

    4.5.+.$ 7nclined Eit Tunnel...................................................................................40

    4.5.+.4 ,on"truction 0lan......................................................................................45

    4.5. 8uality ,ontrol in Eecution of Work".....................................................................47

    4.2 Signaling, Telecommunication and Electricity................................................................54

    4.+.1 Way"ide #ignal........................................................................................................55

    4.+.2 0oint Machine9 /rog and 'erailer.............................................................................57

    4.+.$ !lock #y"te& 3A!#6 and Electronic 7nterlocking #y"te& 3E7#6................................59

    4.+.4 0ower #upply )ack 7n"tallation Work......................................................................60

    4.+.5 #ignaling and power ca*le in"tallation work".........................................................61

    4.+.+ /i*er Optic ,a*le"...................................................................................................64

    4.7 Commissioning and Training.........................................................................................68

    4..1 ,o&&i""ioning........................................................................................................68

    4..2 Training....................................................................................................................70

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    4.1 Tunnel

    4.5.1 Overview of Tunnel Work

    Double-track Tunnels and Single-Track Tunnel from Zestafoni to Kashuri will follow the

    simplest approach of tunnel excavation as mentioned in the requirements and with further

    details herewith.

    nd for the long single track tunnel !"o.#$ in between Kharagauli % Kashuri line it will be

    given more emphasis on technical solution within this content.

    Table &ists of Tunnels

    Zestaphoni % Kharaghauli

    Kharaghauli % Kashuri














    Start ,inish




    //012#0 //12/0 #30 - 45n


    ///10 ///1#6 46 - 2)0 300

    / //21370 //#1370 000 - /)0 300

    Total length 776

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    8rior to commencing tunnel works) all the supporting facilities including but not limited to suppl9

    of power) water) compressed air) ventilation) and dewatering will be organi:ed to effect drilling

    and blasting activities as planned.

    ;n general) the "ew ustrian Tunnelling *ethod !"T*$ will be applied to all tunnels and

    tunnel excavation will be undertaken using

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    8rior to commencing main tunnelling work) test blasting will be carried out to confirm the

    planned cut and blasting method.

    ualified and experienced geologists will be assigned throughout the period of tunnelling

    works to assess and monitor the work done and recommend suggestions if an9.


  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    Jncharged holes are often of larger diameter than the charged holes and form :ones of

    weakness that assist the ad

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    20+ of loading capacit9 of the vehicle for safet9 reason.

    The transportation vehicle shall be affixed with clear signboard indicating that thevehicle is under transportation of explosives) and be escorted b9 the guard vehicle.

    Those explosives shall not be transported together with other materials. =speciall9

    detonators shall be boxed carefull9 and be separated from the explosives.

    / 8roposed t9pes of explosives are chosen considering safet9) efficienc9 in blasting

    activities and availabilit9 in Ceorgia) for example mmonite and 8avergil-*agneseum.

    3 The maga:ine or storage to store explosives shall be furnished following Ceorgian

    regulation. The boundar9 fence shall be completed with barbed wire and provided with

    warning signboard. Detonators shall be separatel9 stored from explosives. nd) the

    maga:ine or storage shall be located at least 6 meters apart from electric cable or an9

    other facilit9.

    6 The box containing explosives shall be opened minimum 0 meters apart from the

    explosive maga:ine or storage. The stock level shall be organi:ed in consideration of

    dail9 and weekl9 consumption. uantit9 balance check shall be strictl9 carried out and

    its result shall be reported in writing as required.


    Two t9pes of detonators such as so-called Felectric detonatorI and Fnon-electric detonatorI

    will be available.

    F=lectric detonatorI has disadvantages in wet face conditions and blasting efficienc9 due to

    high resistance while Fnon-electric detonatorI on the other hand is highl9 efficient even in

    wet face condition. ;n view of cost and time concerns) Fnon-electric detonatorI is much

    more expensive and requires longer time to install comparing to Felectric detonator.

    8rior to charging explosives) precautious investigation to drilled holes and existence of

    floating rock will be performed to ensure safet9 and proper charging into the drilled holes.

    Jsing air compressor) stone powders and particles existed in holes will be blown out.

    =lectricit9 leakage will be checked using leakage indicator.

    (harging &oad

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    ;n FG-(utI E pprox. 40+ of drilled length

    ;n F8arallel (utI E pprox. 26+ of drilled length

    Stopping rea E pprox. 70+ of drilled length

    >all and ?oof Aoles E pprox. 20+ of drilled length with low-densit9 explosives

    ,loor Aole E pprox. 20+ of drilled length with high densit9 explosives

    8recautions in pre-blasting and post-blasting

    n9 nature of fire ha:ards shall be prohibited around charging place.

    ,lammable gas shall be full9 ventilated.

    =lectric detonator shall be tested and electric current shall be below 0.0.

    (harging work shall be prohibited in case of electric leakage or thunderbolt status.

    *isfired explosives shall be adequatel9 treated.

    ?emained explosives shall be returned to the explosive maga:ine.


    $ *ain cable connection

    *ain cable will be as of standard cable.

    fter connection) main cable shall be tested for continuit9 and resistance.

    8rior to blasting) main cable shall be rechecked for hooking and continuit9 of all


    $ ;gniter

    The capacit9 of ;gniter shall be tested b9 condensor capacitor. ;gniter shall be kept in custod9 free from main cable.

    /$ Blasting

    Blasting shall be controlled and supervised b9 the qualified and experienced

    personnel. The person in charge shall give notice or warning using siren in connection

    with blasting activities such asE

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    !a$ fter connection main cable and alerting evacuation)

    !b$ 0 minutes later)

    !c$ 6 minutes later noticing completion of blasting.

    ;f required) flagmen will also be assigned for safet9 control. #caling

    8roper scaling is ver9 crucial to advance the next excavation in tunnel work to prevent

    from the possible and potential accident.

    &oosening in rock mass ma9 occur from blasting or forming free face during excavation

    for mucking or rock swelling due to ground water seepage.

    Therefore) experienced personnel shall be assigned to visuall9 check for the existence

    of enlarged cracks) fault and loosened rock debris. lso) sound check b9 hearing shall

    be made b9 knocking the rocks using steel pipe) etc.

    Special attentions) during the performance of scaling) shall be taken to the location of

    tunnel crown and front face and both sidewalls.

    nd where extraordinar9 ground water flows into tunnel) sudden cave-in might be likel9

    to occur. ;n such occasion) it shall be reported to the =ngineer and remedial work shall

    be undertaken as per the instruction of the =ngineer.

    Scaling will be accomplished using excavator equipped with the bucket si:e of 0.7 m/

    or 0.2 m/ depending on the face si:e of tunnel and its availabilit9.

    4.5.2.$ E%uip&ent

    Below images are samples of =quipment for Tunnel works

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    umbo Drill &oader for *ucking

    6ton Dump Truck for Transport

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part

    11/66 'i"po"al

    'u&ping Area"

    =xcavated materials will be disposed to designated approved area or as directed b9 the

    =ngineer for ever9 location of underground works.

    Since it is allowed to reuse the excavated materials) if suitable) the9 will be transported to

    the crushing plant to produce construction aggregates and or will be used for filling.

    Jnsuitable materials and surplus will be spoiled to designated dumping area.

    To assess the dumping capacities of each dumping area) the conversion factor in Fnatural

    rock volume vs. rock volume including swell factor is in .7 or as informed b9 the


    ;f in case that the quantities of excavated materials ma9 be more than those of the

    receiving capacit9 of disposal of overall dumping areas) therefore it is intended to

    maximi:e the re-use of excavated materials for construction-purpose.

    ;n addition to the above) new potential dumping areas ma9 be investigated and proposed

    to the =ngineer for his perusal.

    ;f in case that dumping area can be reached b9 crossing the river temporar9 bridge will be



    *ucking and disposing to the dumping area will be carried out in two stages.

    stStage E ust after blasting work) blasted rocks will be loaded b9 wheel loader and

    transported b9 dump truck to the temporar9 stock9ard to be located ver9 close

    to the portal as much as possible.

    ndStage E Temporaril9 stocked materials will be re-loaded b9 wheel loader) and

    transported b9 dump truck) and spoiled to the designated dumping area.

    Aowever) excavated materials ma9 be directl9 hauled and disposed to the dumping area

    from the tunnel face if feasible.

    fter blasting) excavated materials will be loaded using wheel loader equipped with front

    loading or side loading bucket depending on the si:e of tunnel face.

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    Aauling will be made using dump truck with the loading capacit9 of 6 tons. To haul the

    excavated materials efficientl9) turning ba9 or turn table will be built along the one side of

    tunnel drive. ;f excavated materials are found to be suitable for permanent works) the9 ma9

    be transported to crushing plant and crushed as required as long as it is being approved

    b9 the emplo9er. 5therwise) unsuitable materials shall be spoiled to the designated

    dumping area.

    :aulage )oad

    The haulage road inside tunnels shall be frequentl9 maintained to effect safe mucking and

    enhance the efficienc9 of mucking c9cle. =speciall9) inside the tunnels of *ain ccess

    Tunnel) invert surface will be finished with suitable hard-standing surface la9er using

    excavated rock debris or lean concrete pavement.

    Aauling the excavated material shall be managed using 6-ton dump trucks. But) if

    incase otherwise) loading will be done using small si:e excavator with the capacit9 of

    0./m/ and transported b9 farm tractor.

    #afety 0lan

    To ensure the safet9 operation of the work in dumping areas) following measures will be


    ,ull time assignment of flagmen.

    &ighting facilities will be provided for night dut9 work.

    (ommunication s9stem will be availed.

    Truck stoppers will be furnished.

    Sufficient space for turning dump truck will be provided.

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    4.5.$ Tunnel #upport

    4.5.$.1 (eneral

    ;n the scope of underground works) following rock supports are required to complete rock


    L ?ock nchor

    L Shotcrete with wire mesh

    L Steel ?ib supports

    L 8re-grouting) ,ore poling and 8ipe roofing etc.

    L (oncrete &ining

    ?ock stabili:ation and supporting measures will be provided as per the approved drawings

    or as directed b9 the =ngineer. ;n general) rock supports will be installed after the

    completion of excavation) followed b9 cleaning rock surface b9 water spra9ing and

    installing wire-mesh before shotcreting. Steel support ribs will be erected if is required

    after carr9ing out primar9 sealing with shotcrete to the excavated rock faces.

    4.5.$.2 Type" of Tunnel #upport"

    The design for the proper t9pes of tunnel support pattern) the methodolog9 and the

    equipment preferences for tunnelling was basicall9 rel9ing on the given geotechnical

    information. Since provided data is onl9 limited for geological information) the t9pes of

    tunnel supports will be developed after the required geotechnical surve9 is acquired.

    ccording to the provided geological data) mostl9 the rock consist of limestone) sandstone)

    and conglomerate) and ?cM60kg@cm%/00kg@cm. Based on ;T >orking Croup) "5.)

    000) the rock at pro

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    available the other remaining pattern will be applied if rock classifications fall under its

    categor9. nd also during this stage proposed pattern can be re-designed following the

    latest geotechnical information.

    Ta*le" for Tunnel #upport Type

    Depending on the rock classes) tunnel support pattern and applied sections are provided

    including pre-grouting. See ,igures T-6) T-7) T-4 below.

    ,igure T-3E TJ""=& SJ885?T 8TT=?" !for Double Track Tunnel$

    T9pe ;;- ;;- ;;-/

    Section Tunnel






    ?*? 2%00 7%20 3%70

    -S9stem N30 0%30 %0

    =xcavation ,ull ,ace ,ull ,ace ,ull ,ace


    >ire *esh1


    >ire *esh1


    >ire *esh1


    Steel ?ibSupport

    "@ "@ "@


    D3!&M3.0m$ D3!&M3.0m$ D3!&M3.0m$



    1 slab


    1 slab


    1 slab

    ppliedSection "@ "@ "@

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    ,igure T-6E TJ""=& SJ885?T 8TT=?" !for Double Track Tunnel$

    T9pe ;;-3 ;;-6 ;;-7







    ?*? %30 O 0 8ortal and ,ractured

    Zone-S9stem 0.% O 0.

    =xcavation Bench (ut Bench (ut Bench (ut


    >ire *esh




    >ire *esh




    >ire *esh




    Steel ?ibSupport

    "@ "@ A-beam!6$

    8re-grouting "@ "@Jmbrella rch


    ?ock nchor D3!&M3.0m$ D3!&M3.0m$ D3!&M3.0m$





    1 slab



    1 slab



    1 slab



    *ost of Double track


    "ext 8ortal and ,ault


    8ortal and ,ractured


  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    ,igure T-7. TJ""=& SJ885?T 8TT=?" !for Single Track Tunnel$

    T9pe ;- ;- ;-/







    ?*? 2%00 7%20 3%70

    -S9stem 30 0%30 %0

    =xcavation ,ull ,ace ,ull ,ace ,ull ,ace


    >ire *esh




    >ire *esh




    >ire *esh



    !tM6cm$Steel ?ib "@ "@ "@

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part



    ?ock anchor "@ "@ "@

    8re-grouting "@ "@ "@





    1 slab



    1 slab



    1 slab



    "@ "@ "@

    ,igure T-4. TJ""=& SJ885?T 8TT=?" !for Single Track Tunnel$

    T9pe ;-3 ;-6 ;-7





    P Q



    ?*? %30 O 0 8ortal and ,ractured

    Zone-Galue 0.% O 0.

    =xcavationBench (ut

    !?ingcut if required$

    Bench (ut

    !?ingcut if required$

    Bench (ut

    !?ingcut if required$


    >ire *esh




    >ire *esh




    >ire *esh




    Steel ?ibSupport

    A-beam!6$ A-beam!6$ A-beam!6$

    ?ockbolt "@ "@ D3!&M/.0m$

    8re-grouting ,orepoling ,orepoling Jmbrella rch grouting





    1 slab



    1 slab



    1 slab



    *ost of Single track


    "ext portal and ,ault


    8ortal and ,ractured


  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    4.5.$.$ )ock Anchor


    Drilling to install various t9pes of rock bolts and anchors will be completed using

    following equipment depending on the length of drilled hole.

    Drilled &ength Direction =quipment to be utili:ed

    Jp to 6 meters Aori:ontal R Gertical umbo Drill

    6 % 0 meters Aori:ontal R Gertical (ommando /00) umbo Drill

    6 % meters Aori:ontal ?anger 600

    Drilling to install fore poling will be completed using air percussion drill. nd drilling to

    install rock bolts) where ver9 narrow spaces are allowed) will be done using leg drills.

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    8ositioning the spots of rock supports shall be marked prior to drilling) and drilling

    direction shall be perpendicular to the designed excavation alignment.

    (leaning Drilled Aole

    8rior to installing rock supports) inside of drilled hole shall be cleaned and all foreign

    materials shall be removed.

    ;nstallation of ?ock Supports !?ock nchors$

    >hole Surface Bonding T9pe

    ?esin T9peE ;nsertion of resin capsule ;nsertion of ?ock Bolt ?otation of

    Bolt Aardening of resin

    (ement *ortar T9peE *ortar filling ?ock Bolt ;nsertion

    *ixed T9peE ;nsertion of rock bolt ,astening of "ut ;n

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    Stressing of ?ock Bolts and cceptance Tests

    Stressing and acceptance tests shall be detailed and proposed in due course) in qualit9

    control plan.

    4.5.$.4 #teel )i* #upport

    Steel ?ib Supports

    >here steel ribs are specified to provide) the sequence of installation will be as below.

    ;nstall them after primar9 sealing with shotcrete la9er.

    ,inish with covering la9er of shotcrete

    ,ollowing precautions shall be taken into account.

    The centerline of steel rib and tunnel centerline shall be the same.

    To avoid the settlement and relaxation of ground) steel rib shall be erected

    soon after excavation and primar9 sealing shotcrete being placed.

    ,or the construction of portal) steel rib supports will be provided considering

    the potential ground movement or collapse or cave-in in the premise of the

    portal area.

    4.5.$.5 #hotcrete


    Between two t9pes of shotcrete mixtures) as of FDr9 *ixI and F>et *ixI) F>et *ixI will be

    used to perform shotcreting in tunnelling work)

    Dr9 mix is known to be more workmanship-oriented) whilst wet mix is machine-orientedmethod. =ven though wet mix method is found to be environment-like and cost-

    effective and ensure qualit9 work) dr9 mix method will be applied for the following


    Jntil the production and deliver9 of wet mix becomes available.

    >here it is not eas9 to transport or deliver wet mix materials to the spots

    required for shotcrete finish.

    >here the machine to place shotcrete materials is not eas9 to access to the

    spots required for shotcrete finish.

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    Deliver9 time of wet mix is too long to complete the shotcrete within the setting

    time of wet mix.

    Shotcrete *aterials

    *ix design of shotcrete material shall be undertaken considering specified strength) low

    rebound and good adhesion to meet all aspects of qualit9 requirements of the pro5?K ,&5> D;C?*

    8lacement of Shotcrete

    8lacing shotcrete shall be executed to the perpendicular direction and distance

    from no::le to face shall be kept more or less .0 m.

    >here provision of wire mesh is specified) 60 mm thick la9er of


    sealingshotcrete will be placed after wire mesh being installed and rock surface being

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    cleaned. nd another 60mm thick of ndla9er shotcrete will be placed. ;n this

    occasion) wire mesh and supporting bolts shall be covered with shotcrete to

    the designed depth .

    8laced surface of shotcrete shall be virtuall9 flat as much as possible.

    To reduce rebounding

    Jsing river run sand and small particle si:e sand

    Jsing river run aggregate and particle si:e under 6mm.

    "o::le angle to spra9 surface E #0U

    Distance to spra9 surface E m

    ;n case the rebound quantit9 is more than designed b9 0+) mix design

    change shall be considered.

    The following figure is informative for rebounding vs. spra9 distance.

    !,igure 2$

    ,igure T-2E ?=B5J"D;"C vs. S8?V D;ST"(=

    ;n case of excessive water existence on the face) the following actions can be


    ;ncreasing cement content or accelerator quantities or

    Jsage of earl9 strength 8ortland cement

    ;mproving drainage devices

    ;nstallation of filtering membrane in case of serious ground water flowing

    Shotcrete to the Tunnel face

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    ;n case that weak formation such as un-hardened formation or expansive ground and

    tunnel excavation ma9 be interrupted for long period) shotcrete shall be applied onto the

    tunnel face to improve the stabilit9) sub

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    The diaphragm will act for waterproofing) and the felt la9er is necessar9 to protect the

    diaphragm itself from damage resulting from its contact with the shotcrete surface and

    also to avoid contact between the concrete and the shotcreted surfaces in case of

    shotcrete and secondar9 lining displacement. lso) the felt forms a draining la9er to

    direct groundwater into side longitudinal drain pipes and thus prevent increase of

    h9drostatic pressure on the tunnel lining.

    Shotcrete *ix

    Based on the bid documents and following assumptions) required quantities of

    shotcrete mix are estimated to assess the allocation of resources for construction.

    ?equired volumes of shotcrete materials are quantified with the thickness as


    ?emaining parts will be placed together with the lining concrete.

    =xtra 0 percent of shotcrete materials are allowed for wastage due to the


    >ire *esh

    >here the provision of wire mesh is specified to improve shear strength and tensile

    strength of shotcrete) it shall be placed between the rock surfaces and bearing platesand it shall be over the heads of rock reinforcement. 5verlap of wire mesh will be at

    least / times the mesh spacing with the clearance between parallel bars but not less

    than /00mm.

    4.5.$.+ ,oncrete -ining


    >et concreting method should be preferred and the concrete mix is factor9

    manufactured using fine aggregates and plastici:ing agents) which ensures its high

    qualit9 and stabilit9.

    (oncrete *aterials

    *ix design of concrete material shall be undertaken considering specified strength)

    workabilit9 to meet all aspects of qualit9 requirements of the pro

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    carried out in the site laborator9 using approved materials such as aggregates) cement)

    admixtures and water.

    ob mix will be formulated through trial mix taking accounts of the realities such as

    moisture contents of aggregates) pump-abilit9 of concrete) etc.

    (oncrete &ining 8rocedure

    ;n general) concrete lining work of each stretch of tunnel drive will be commenced after

    tunnel excavation of that is completed.

    The concrete shall be placed to keep same lifts in both sidewalls and finish at the


    Special care shall be given to prevent from segregation) hone9comb. ll the facilities

    for concrete work including production) transportation and pumping shall be sufficientl9

    enough to ensure continuous placing of concrete.

    (ompaction shall be done using electric driven form-vibrator together with electric

    driven poker vibrators.

    ?emoval of lining form shall be started if crown part of concrete is reached to self-

    sustainable compressive strength of /*8a !/0kgf@cm$.

    Drilling to undertake contact grouting or consolidation grouting will be commenced at

    least da9s after lining concrete being placed.

    8rovision of pressure relief holes will be commenced after completion of contact R

    consolidation grouting. Aowever) in case that considerable length of tunnel drive is

    completed with contact R consolidation grouting) drilling to produce pressure relief holes

    ma9 be carried out sub

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    Tolerance in height E 0mm

    Tolerance in center location E 0mm

    Bolt and nut shall be full9 fastened to protect from displacement.

    (are shall be taken during form sliding to prevent from damage

    The form surface shall be adequatel9 treated and coated..

    ;nspection will be carried out prior to placing concrete.

    The lining thickness shall be checked b9 inspection pin method or inspection

    hole !Dia. /mm$.

    &ining ,orm ?emoval H Ceneral

    ;mmediatel9 after removal of lining form) curing will be followed b9 means of spra9ing

    water for at least 3 da9s after placing the concrete in order to be kept moist. The

    curing water temperature shall not exceed 6U(.

    ( oncrete @ shotcrete requirements

    ctual requirements of concrete or shotcrete shall be set out prior to construction to

    assess the capacities and numbers of concrete production and transportation

    equipment for the pro

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    *ix design of Crout will be carried out in the site laborator9 and submitted to the =ngineer

    for approval. Crout pressure applied for contact grouting is 0.*8a !kgf@cm$ with the

    grout speed of 3littres@m@min.

    8rior to performing the grouting) the void around the packer shall be filled with hand mixed

    non-shrink mortar in case that the =ngineer directs. To fulfil the contact grouting) 6 t9pes of

    grout mixes will be arranged and grout quantit9 of each mix are as followsE

    ,;G= TV8=S 5, C?5JT *;W=S

    ;st &evel E /00 litters

    nd &evel E .6 /00 litters

    /rd &evel E #00 litters

    3th &evel E 0.2 )00 litters

    6th &evel E 0.7 )600 litters

    ;f first level of grout in

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    Crouting will be regarded as being satisfactor9 if the pressure can be maintained

    for at least 6 minutes without further grout take) or grout speed becomes less than

    0. min@m@min during /0 minutes.

    0re""ure )elief :ole

    8ressure relief holes !Drainage holes$ in concrete lined tunnels to drain water behind

    concrete lining will be drilled with diameter of 36mm in the length of 3 m.

    >here the face si:e of tunnel is so small to perform the consolidation grouting and the

    provision of pressure relief hole) the length of drilled hole will be limited to .0 m instead of

    6.0 m and 3.0 m) for consolidation grouting and pressure relief hole respectivel9.

    4.5.$. /ore 0olling

    ,ore polling method will be applied to stabili:e face of tunnel.

    (onceptual drawing of fore polling is shown. !,igure 7-$

    ;nstallation of fore polling shall be made to the angle onto face as shown on the drawings

    and its length shall not be less than / times of advance length in tunnel drive.

    ,igure T-0E ,5?= 85&;"C

    4.5.4 entilation #y"te&

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    Gentilation s9stem during construction stage will be done b9 the (ontractor both design

    and construction but during the operation of the tunnel the (ontractor will onl9 do the

    Design part for the permanent ventilation.

    Gentilation requirement volume shall be considered in case of drilling work) mucking work)

    shotcrete work) rock bolt work and concrete lining. s the result of the above

    considerations) ventilation fan with following capacit9 or model required b9 the =mplo9er

    shall be installed at the entrance of each tunnel.

    Gentilation tubes will hang along the center of the crown to minimi:e damage during the

    work process and on the other hand maximum working space is secured. ,or the first /00

    m there will not be need for a dust collecting s9stem.

    Therefore) Dust collectors will be installed to exhaust the dust from blasting and through

    the )00 mm diameter of duct collected dust will be exhausted to outside of tunnel.

    Sample Detail calculation for consideration of capacit9 of ventilation fan during

    construction stage is as below.


    ,or person E /.0m/@min.

    ,or diesel equipment E Shovel /.0 % 7.0m/@min.@A8

    Dump truck /.0 % 7.0m/@min.@A8

    ,or equipment

    =quipment Si:e 8.S ?emarks

    >heel &oader /.6m/ 03A8

    Dump truck 6ton /0A8

    =xcavator 0.2m/ 37A8

    (oncrete pump 60m/@hr /0A8

    *ixer truck 7m/ /6A8

    . (ase E ,resh air volume to be needed for mucking

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    =quipment combination during mucking !in case of headrace tunnel$

    *aximum tunnel length !(onstruction adit 1 Aeadrace tunnel$ E )4/4.0 m

    5peraing speed inside tunnel E 0km@hr -N 77.74m@min.

    &oading equipment E &oader !qM/./m/$

    q M /./m/


    /700 x q x h x f x


    h M 0.4

    (m f M .76

    M 73.3/m/@hr

    e M 0./6 !crushed rock$

    (m M m x l 1 t 1 t M 4/.3




    m M .2sec.@m) l M 2m

    t M 36sec) t M 3sec

    Dump truck !6ton$ E

    (argo deck si:e E 3.#0m x .0m x 0.#3m M 0./ m/

    &oading =fficienc9 E 2+ 0./m/ x 2+ M 2./m/

    &oading capacit9 per hour E 73.3/m/@hr 2./m/ M 4.46 times@hr

    &oading time needed for each truck E 70min. 4.46 times M 4.43min.@times

    4.43min. x 77.74m@min. M )#0.0/m

    Dump truck numbers needed E )4/4m x )#0.0/m 1

    M 6.6units 6 units

    / dump trucks are assumed near the blasted tunnel face during operation

    ir volume needed for equipmentE 227m/@min.

    / ,resh air volume needed for labor

    5perator E 6 ) &abor E 6

    ir volumeE 0 x /.0m/@min. M /0m/@min.

    3 Total fresh air volumeE 227m/ 1 /0m/ M #7 m/@min. -N )000m/@min.

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    . (ase E ,resh air volume to be needed for blasting

    ,resh air volume for gas b9 blasting


    x> x

    > E uantities of explosive material per round

    E "oxious air volume per kg of explosive


    ? E ,an factor

    ? x x t E llowable densit9 of noxious gas !00 x 07


    t E Time required to reduce densit9 of noxious gas to

    allowable densit9M 6min.

    M 0./72 x

    /0.0kg x .3 x 0-


    44.## m/@min.

    0.7 x 00 x 07x 6

    /. (apacit9 of fan

    $ (ase is adopted for the calculation of capacit9 of the ventilating fan

    M )000m/@min.

    $ ,resh air volume to be increased due to the leaks in the ducts

    &ength!max$ M )4/4m@ 1 0m M )/22.6 m

    , M @! - x&@00$ E leaks in the ducts

    Gin9l duct E M 0.06

    M )000m/ @ ! H 0.06 x )/22.6 @ 00$ M )7/ m/@min.

    $ ,an diameterE GM@ !GM0m@sec$


    0 m@sec M




    D M .62 m .7 m dia. !Sample computation$

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    4.5.5 'ewatering

    Ke9 factors to assess the dewatering facilities are sub

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    elaboration from the (ontractor below will explain on what method the (ontractor will

    adopt and explain its advantages aside from the recommended method.

    ;ey 0oint"

    There so man9 important points that should be considered in constructing the tunnel but

    out of all these) there are three main ke9 points which are being foreseen b9 the

    (ontractor to obtain the assurance in completing the tunnel pro

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    ,igure T-E Single Track Tunnel &ocation &a9out 8lan

    B9 Site Surve9) the following were observedE

    a river exist near the proposed >est R =ast 8ortal

    presence of water was noticed from the existing tunnel located /km "orth of the

    proposed tunnel

    existence of village near the =ast 8ortal

    ,igure T-E Ceological ?ock 8rofile

    B9 Ceological nal9sis)

    *ost rock consists of marl) limestone) sandstone) conglomerate) gravelite.

    Sediment and sedimentar9 rock is deposited and cemented b9 fine particles.

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    ?eferring to the Ceological ?ock profile in ,igureT-) / fault :ones were

    envisaged to exist along the tunnel location.

    Through geological anal9sis based on the provided information of the =mplo9er) the

    (ontractor assumes that the geological condition rock is poor to where the proposed

    tunnel is located. Therefore) pre-grouting method to stabili:e the tunnel face during

    excavation is needed. ?eferring to the ,igure T-E Ceological ?ock 8rofile[ four !3$ fault

    :one exist within tunnel (hainage /160 to (hainage /1700. ,or this reason) bench cut

    and treatment for seepage water during tunnelling must be expected.

    4.5.+.2 #ervice Tunnel )eview

    Ceological information was provided except for the Ceotechnical information such as the

    boring data therefore) it is not enough for the (ontractor to anal9se the geological structure

    and condition of the service tunnel location.

    Ta*le T>>6

    (lass Soil classification




    open t9pe closed t9pe












    shield TB*

    ? Ger9 strong rock 00

    ?aStrong rock


    ?b 070

    ?/a*oderatel9 strong rock


    ?/b 300

    ?3 &ow strength rock 07

    ?6a Ger9 low strength rock andconsolidated cohesive soil


    ?6b 0.6

    ?7 8lastic or slightl9consolidated soil


    The unconfined compressive strength of the rock for the service tunnel is said to be

    ?cM60%/00kgf@cm which is equivalent to 6%/0*pa. ?eferring from the above Table T-

    E =xcavation =quipment b9 soil strength[ the soil classification of the rock is between

    *oderatel9 strong rock and &ow strength rock. >ithin this soil classification) 5pen t9pe

    and (losed t9pe TB* machine with O[ mark is recommended and [ mark is less likel9


  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    0otential )i"k in T!M ecavation

    ;n 8oor Ceological ?ock *ass (ondition

    - fault and fractured :one causes ater in flows during 5peration

    - when TB* crosses a fractured and faulted area a high volume of water

    inflows mixed with rock debris will submerged the TB* and back-up


    *echanical condition

    - ;nsufficient driving force of TB* because of small equipment is used.

    - ;nsufficient reinforcement and support installation space.

    8otential problems when there is collapse of crown part and tunnel face) rock blockdevelopment.

    =asil9 damaged of TB* shield disk cutter

    Time Dela9


    )eview of the ,on"truction 0eriod *y T!M Method

    pproximate calculation in ;TB !nnexes to =mplo9erIs ?equirements$

    - Design) organi:ational issuesE 3months.

    - (onstruction of service tunnel using TB*sE 2/60m !x700m per month$M4

    months!the main tunnel will be constructed after the service tunnel and finished

    4 months later$.

    - ?igging of the single-track tunnelE 4.6 months.

    - &iquidation period E .6 month

    - Total time for construction E 34 months


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    ?eviewing the above method and period with a limited geological data) some of the

    technical problem were identified

    - ;t requires at least 2% months to start TB* operation considering geoph9sical

    surve9) design) manufacturing) deliver9) assembl9.

    - dvance rate of 700m per month seems too difficult to achieve considering TB*

    si:e) groundwater) and fractured rock condition.

    - 5pen t9pe TB* will encounter problem with the groundwater discharge

    especiall9 in downward operation but if we use shield t9pe TB*) its speed will be

    drop less than half the speed of the 5pen t9pe.

    - ;t requires longer time for lining of Service Tunnel because it is too narrow or not

    sufficient for simultaneous work for pour lining concrete and mucking.

    )eview of the Ecavation Ti&e 0eriod u"ing T!M

    7te&" 'uration )e&ark


    Surve9 R Design3 months

    8ortal 8rep.R TB* 2% months





    =quipment manufacture) conve9ance) assembling)

    launch preparation) dismantling 2% months

    /.# months!M2)/60m\/00m@month\set$

    *ain tunnel .4 months!M)66m\74m@month$ "T* 7set

    Total /7.7 months

    (oncrete lining#.6 months!including preparation$

    !M2)/60m\[email protected]\2da9@month\7set$


    dit month

    Temporar9 ,acilities

    removal in tunnel months

    8ortal month

    Total 7 months

    ?equired period 66 months

    ?esult,ail !longer than


  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    )eview of the Ecavation Ti&e 0eriod Applying !la"ting Method

    7te& 'uration3Month"6 )e&ark

    CeotechnicalSurve9 R Design

    3 months





    70 months !M2)/60m\40m@month\set$Service tunnel E


    *ain tunnel E "T*

    7 teams*ain

    tunnel0 months !M)260m\40m@month\set$


    2 months!main tunnel completion in excavation

    period of service tunnel$

    (oncrete lining*ain and service tunnel each months

    !M2)/60m\[email protected]\2da9@month\3set$

    ,ormwork 3 set

    (onnection tunnel month

    &ining preparation months

    8ortal month

    Total period #4 months

    >ork 66 months

    ?esult ,ail!longer than requirement$

    ;n conclusion) appl9ing the above method for the tunnel construction) there are negative

    impact which are being foreseenE a$the time completion of the pro

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    4.5.+.$ 7nclined Eit Tunnel

    comparison table below shows the advantage of the proposed tunnel from the anal9sis

    of economical approach and construction period between ;nclined =xit Tunnel and ServiceTunnel.

    ,o&pari"on Ta*le of #ervice Tunnel and 7nclined Eit Tunnel

    ;tem ;TB DaewooIs 8roposal

    (oncept *ain tunnel1 service tunnel !&M2)/60m$ *ain tunnel 1 inclined tunnel !&M)/00m$


    ](ompl9 with S";8 !/-03-#4 /.$

    ] dit tunnels of service tunnel connecting

    to main tunnel will be used as an

    emergenc9 exit.

    ] (ompl9 with S";8!/-03-#4 /.$

    ];nclined tunnel will be used as an

    emergenc9 exit.






    ] Service Tunnel E TB* method] *ain Tunnel E ?oadheader 1 Blasting

    ] 8eriodE 34 months!;TB$

    ] ;nclined Tunnel E Blasting *ethod] *ain Tunnel E Blasting *ethod

    ] 8eriod E 34 months


    ] *ain and service tunnel are connected

    with an adit tunnel for ever9 /00m


    ] ,ire doors at adit tunnels

    ] *ain tunnel is connected with inclined

    Tunnel !Slope E+$.

    ] Double fire door at inclined tunnel

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part




    ] DaewooIs proposal result from understanding the construction adequac9 of service

    tunnel with field condition.

    ] (onstruction period is secured b9 actual process considering long tunnel. ;t satisfies

    the required construction period.

    ,o&pari"on Ta*le ,on"idering /uture Tunnel

    ;tem ;TB DaewooIs 8roposal


    (urrent plan tunnel"ext plan tunnel

    Service tunnel(urrent plan tunnel

    inclined tunnel

    ground surface

    "ext plan tunnel


    8otentiall9 structural impact to

    constructed main tunnel

    ]&onger escape distance to surface.

    ]Service tunnel will be enlarged after

    demolishing lining concrete.

    ]&ong haulage plan in future tunnel.

    ],uture single tunnel can be connected to

    inclined exit tunnel without structural


    ];nclined exit tunnel can be utili:ed for

    future tunnel to shorten construction


    ]&ess emergenc9 exit distance to surface.

    ]&ess haulage distance in construction of

    future tunnel construction.

    ?esult]DaewooIs proposal is recommendable as it has several advantages in future

    construction of additional single track tunnel as below

    - &ess structural impact to existing tunnel

    - -&ess emergenc9 escape distance to ground surface

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part



    National Park


    National Park

    Boundary Line

    Inclined Exit Tunnel ortal

    - -&ess hauling-out distance of future tunnel

    - -Shorten construction period and saving construction cost of future tunnel

    7nclined Eit Tunnel 0lan

    Basis of selection for the adequate location for ;nclined Tunnel portal

    Through site visit and with the provided *ap of Bor

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    Basis of selection for the connection part for inclined tunnel

    *iddle of *ain Tunnel !Sta.4km360$

    &ength of ;nclined Tunnel is about)/00m !to be finali:ed in detail design period$

    &ongitudinal slope +

    Ecavation through ational 0ark 3long tunnel .$5k&6

    s per the standard requirements) S";8 /-03-#4 #.6) *easures and technical decisions

    intended to environmental protection and implemented in the process of construction must

    be agreed in the established procedure with local agencies of *inistr9 of "atural

    ?esources as well as with local branches of State (ommittee on Sanitar9 and

    =pidemiolog9 Surveillance. Basic Data) =W8&"T5?V ?=85?T #.. of nnexes to

    =mplo9erIs requirement) the design takes into account recommendations of anenvironmental "C5 !(aucasus "ature 8rotection$ to prevent potential adverse impacts of

    blasting on the area. But average vertical depth from tunnel to surface is 40m) and to

    complete long tunnel !&M2)/60m$ within required time duration !66months$) Daewoo

    basicall9 proposes blasting method for upper and lower bench


    ( ombined method

    - upper bench E using a roadheader- lower bench E using blasting

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    DaewooIs 8roposal

    * ain tunnel excavation- upper bench E using blasting- lower bench E using blasting

    4.5.+.4 ,on"truction 0lan

    ,igure T-/E (onstruction Sequence



    !access R

    8ortal area$

    ] ;nstalling Surve9 Bench *ark for construction.

    ] 8reparation of ccess to each heel loader and a dump truck combinations.]Bench cutting.]*inimi:e idle time of equipment utili:ing dail9 work plan.


    Support]st supportE A-beam) Shotcrete) ?ock bolt]nd support E concrete lining],ollowing design support spacing



    ] 8erforated drain pipe at both sides of the tunnel] >aterproof sheets and "onwovens are installed in archand sidewall] ir test at a

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    ,inishing work R(omplete tunnel

    ](onstruct astewater treatment and the sealing in between open

    tunnel and "T* tunnel]Demolition of Securit9 fence and Temporar9 Structure

    ccess ?oad and 8ortal

    *ethodolog9 for 8ortal Section ,ront Giew

    ]The portal section of the tunnel will beconstructed using Belgian method.

    ] *in. .6m backfilling on top of open tunnel.

    ] Backfilling shall be .m lower than theportal parapet




  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    4.5. 8uality ,ontrol in Eecution of Work"

    ualit9 control will be accomplished through our qualit9 control plan attached in >ork


    ualit9 (ontrol for some work items in execution of works as per the =mplo9erIs

    requirements is explained as below

    a$ *inimi:ing overbreak and damage to surrounding rock

    5n the basis of the information given in the tender document) the method of

    tunnelling to be emplo9ed will be the well-established Z"ew ustrian Tunnelling

    *ethod[ !"T*$. ;t consists of a full face method for stable rock excavation and ashort benching method for weathered rock excavation.

    To minimi:e overbreak and damages to surrounding rock) appropriate blasting

    pattern to suit concerned geolog9 shall be adopted) that is understood during initial

    stage of excavation.

    ,urthermore) smooth blasting technique will be emplo9ed to minimi:e blasting effect.

    nother important aspect in terms of qualit9 assurance is to have a tool box meeting

    before the commencement of dail9 work to reflect past blasting experiences to

    improve the performance.

    b$ (lean work environment

    *aintaining comfortable working environment is necessar9 not onl9 to achieve good

    performance but also to secure workers health conditions and safet9. The working

    conditions shall be checked b9 safet9 manager in accordance with the requirement

    written in the Technical Specification.

    c$ ?ock bolting

    Drilling for rock bolts will be carried out with a drilling

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    d$ Shotcrete

    >et shotcrete will be used in all areas of underground works.

    ?ead9 mixed materials will be delivered b9 truck mixer from the batching plant and

    applied b9 separate special spra9ing equipment consisting of a shotcrete pump) with

    accelerator tank and dosage pump) and a

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    ?ead9 mixed concrete will be delivered to the right position b9 a concrete pump or

    other equipment and avoid distributing b9 using vibrators. Gibrators will be applied

    sufficientl9 but minimum period for compaction) generall9 not exceeding 0 seconds

    to avoid segregation. (uring method b9 using sheet) watering and compound will be

    applied depending on the conditions to avoid the surface dr9. ?emoval of forms will

    be in accordance with the Technical specification and@or after the confirmation of

    enough strength.

    f$ Drilling and Crouting

    Drilling and grouting work is in accordance with the following flow chart.

    *obili:ing =quipment

    Set up ,acilities for >ater

    and =lectric Suppl9

    Set up Boring =quipment (onfirming position

    !vertical@ hori:ontal$

    Start Boring Jsing m single core tube

    !upper part$

    m Boring Drilling b9 non-air

    pressured drill

    _(ementation Jsing double core tube

    _?e-boring *easure inside of the Aole Jsing deviation measure

    !float t9pe$

    llowance ,or m

    (ompletion of Boring *easuring

    *easure inside of the Aole Jsing Deviation measure

    !float t9pe$

    (arr9 in ;nsertion 8ipes 8rocessing screw

    !insertion pipe


  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    ;nstall Slippage Stop

    Built up ;nsertion 8ipe

    *easure inside of the Aole Jsing deviation measure

    !float t9pe$

    8rimar9 ;n

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    - ,inal mix proportion map

    - &imit pressure map) limit pressure histogram

    !$ Drilling *anagement

    *easuring !(hecking Depth$

    >hen the drilling hole reaches at the designated depth) the depth shall be

    manuall9 confirmed.

    Boring ngle

    The boring angle should be controlled with the slant rule or the plumb.

    (oncrete &ength

    The concrete length should be checked b9 the bored core hole.

    ?ecovered (ores

    s collecting bored core hole) collected cores should be put in order in ever9 6m

    per wooden box. fter taking pictures of cores and boring logs) the cores are

    stored in a warehouse.

    !/$ Crouting *anagement

    (hecking the ;n

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    The lugeon value is automaticall9 calculated b9 the computer and shown on the


    ?ecord) (ollect) and 5utput of the ;n

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    4.2 #ignaling9 Teleco&&unication and Electricity

    The work methodolog9 statement process describes the unified operations and procedures for

    installation of signalling and telecommunication equipment and devices in accordance with

    product qualit9 satisf9 the ?ailwa9 ?egulation criteria for signalling equipment and devices.

    ,or all the equipment installation shall be applied the following articles relating to qualit9 control)

    personal safet9 and waste managementE

    ,or all the equipment installation shall be applied the following articles relating to qualit9 control)

    personal safet9 and waste managementE

    =ach operation that is controlled or tested according to ;nput) inter-operation and final inspection

    under operation arrangements is released for further process onl9 after book entr9 in the

    inspection and test operation arrangements or the manner specified in inspection and test

    operation arrangements. Book entr9 with a satisfactor9 result clearl9 implies consent toresumption with the assembl9 operation. ,or the implementation of tests and inspections is

    responsible the management staff under the inspection and test operation arrangements.

    *anagement staff is responsible for clear indication of what stage in the assembl9 process is

    currentl9 locatedE

    inspection has not started 9et

    inspection or measurement was successful - the sub

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    4.+.1 Way"ide #ignal

    Signal transformer cabinet shall be fitted with the corresponding number and t9pes of

    prescribed signal transformer) if necessar9) shell be directl9 mounted into boxes light

    signals !for dwarf signals$

    8reparator9 works - before beginning the actual installation of signal mast is recommended

    to perform mounting bracket marker labels in accordance with pro

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    (ompiled and assembled signal mast is read9 for custom installation to the desired

    position. ,or a concrete foundation the pit will be excavated with required dimensions up to

    a depth of 700 mm on the station section and 60 mm along the line.

    ualit9 of signal assembl9 is dependent on the accurac9 of soil settlement on a concrete

    foundation. ligning the mast in a vertical plane is performed b9 inserting washers

    between the concrete foundation and housing aspect.

    The concrete base will be saved so that the cable inlet holes are parallel to the axis of the

    track. (ord is saved) then is covered the pit with earth) which is compacted.

    Before the positioning is also necessar9 to close the bottom hole of the signal so that will

    be secured against rodents.

    The mast signal position is carried out manuall9 or b9 crane. Signal shall be placed on

    anchor cabins of the concrete base and shall be strengthened b9 the nuts and washers

    and ensured b9 other nuts. To signal transformer cabinets shall be supplied the signalling

    cable. (onductors of the signalling cable shall be attached to the terminal of the signal

    transformer cabinet. The signalling cable before connecting shall be ensured b9 an

    appropriate barrier to prevent possible withdrawal.

    Signal ad

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    e$ the position setting locking elements shall be fixed and the aspect and indicator units

    shall be closed. fter completion of all construction and installation works damaged

    coatings shall be repaired.

    4.+.2 0oint Machine9 /rog and 'erailer

    The electric point machine is used to control and secure points) frogs and derailers.

    8oint machine includes a cast iron box with the lockable metal cover) in which are located

    spool) retaining) switching and control mechanism. ttachment of the point machine to the

    point) frog or derailer is to be made b9 using the attachment kit) which allows control of the

    position of the attached equipment and their vertical movements. The point override is

    carried out through the throwing rod) for the point position control is carried out b9 the

    check rod attached directl9 to the switch rail. ;n the case of a power cut point shall be

    operated manuall9 !crank with weights$.

    8reparator9 works - before installing it is required to assess and ad

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    ;nstallation of point machines at the rail H point machine is

    mounted on mounting clamps !accessor9 for point machine$

    threaded on a belt attachment and settles to an approximate

    location on the foot plate. To fix the point machine shall be

    used 9okes or screws and washer and self-locking nuts. B9 longitudinal sliding of the

    located point machines can be set the distance between the axial hole of the locked

    throwing rod of the point machine and a terminal hole of the derailer.

    B9 lateral sliding of the point machine will be set up its longitudinal axis is in parallel to the

    sleepers and the distance of the axial hole of the locked

    throwing rod of the point machine and a terminal hole of the

    derailer holes from the nearest sleeper shall be identical. ;f

    necessar9) mount the derailer signal bod9. To the point

    machine cabinet shall be supplied the signalling cable.

    (onductors of the signalling cable shall be attached to the

    terminal of the signal transformer cabinet. The signalling cable before connecting shall be

    ensured b9 an appropriate barrier to prevent possible withdrawal.


  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    =;S is the signalling s9stem determined for securing of train routes in railwa9 stations and

    industrial railwa9s. The s9stem is able to cooperate with wa9side elements generall9 used

    in rela9 based interlocking technolog9 and the connected signal equipments .

    8reparator9 works - before installing of the BS or =;S is necessar9 to carr9 out

    measurement of metallic cable transmission path for the attainment of the necessar9

    parameters for proper operation of the inside equipment of BS or =;S. ?ela9 boxes or

    racks of BS are installed in rela9 rooms of buildings or technological containers.

    ;nstallation of individual boxes is specific to individual ob

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    8reparator9 works - assembl9 material is specified in the 8D and instructions for

    installation of manufacturers power suppl9 boxes or racks. Before installing of suppl9

    racks it is necessar9 to carr9 out measurement of metallic cable transmission path for the

    attainment of the necessar9 parameters for proper operation of the suppl9 instruments of

    inside equipment. 8ower suppl9 boxes or racks are installed in rela9 rooms of buildings or

    technological containers. ;nstallation of individual boxes is specific to individual ob

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    Detection of wire continuit9 - to their surve9 is required to use proper diagnostic device

    !ohmmeter) insulation meter or bu::er$ with its own power source. >orkflowE the wire ends

    at both sides of the cable should be stripped and isolated completel9 as from each other)

    so the conductive cable sheath !see ,ig.7$. t the far end the wire will be attached to the

    metal casing of the cable) which cannot be suspended between two ends. The continuit9

    will be measured between the cable sheath and graduall9 the ends of the cable wires

    using diagnostic device. ;f the tested wire will be found the circuit will be closed and

    continuit9 will be recorded b9 the indicator. &ikewise) the9 will be made progress all the

    wires. "umber at which the wire will not found continuit9 will be booked into the test record

    and the breakpoint will be addressed and corrected later.

    *easurement of insulation resistance H will be verified the same wa9 as continuit9) but

    with insulation tester) which is measured between each wire and conductive cable sheath.

    8reparator9 works - for the successful execution of works and implementation of the

    construction methods is essential to familiari:e workers with the pro

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    8avement ?emoval and cable trenches digging- at work we deal with paved or unpaved

    surfaces. ;n areas with loose surface after tracing the cable trench immediatel9 will be

    begin to kick. ;n areas with paved material it must be carefull9 removed from the surface.

    The paved surface will be destro9ed 6-0 cm from the edge of the excavation so that the

    pavement will not fall into the excavated pit and hurt persons or damage the laid cables.

    The removed paving material will be cleaned and dela9ed in least m from the edge of the

    trench. sphalt or similar surface onl9 will be destro9ed out the actual width of the trench.

    The digging of the cable trench will start after

    making preparations and removal of pavement.

    =xcavation preparator9 - before start digging) the

    site trade foreman must to inspect that all work

    will be done as a pro

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    ;nstallation of cable sets and carr9 out electrical tests - ver9 important work that

    significantl9 affects the qualit9 of connection is the cable set installation. ;t is the assembl9

    of cable connectors) cable terminals and cable seals where the maintenance of cleanliness

    in connecting technolog9 and the compliance with prescribed procedures have to be

    carried out


  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    necessar9 to carr9 out control measurements) which determine the possible damage of

    optical fibres during manufacture or transport. The measurement is performed b9 optical

    time-domain reflectometer !5TD?$ measuring apparatus. B9 measuring is determined the

    continuit9) length) total attenuation and attenuation coefficient of each fibre at wavelengths

    /0 and 660 nm. The measuring device is attached to optical fibre through a pigtail. The

    measurement is performed onl9 in one direction. The results of measurements are

    recorded in the measurement protocol and form part of the documentation in the work

    acceptation process. fter completing the measurements) the tip of the optical cable to

    shall be affixed adequate protection and the optical cable on the drum will be secured) so

    prevent it from retracted. The cable drum of fibre optic cable) before blowing or retraction

    will be installed on the cable reel trailer or on similar portable device) which allows free

    rotation of the drum and the unwinding of the optical cable. This equipment will be

    performed the optical cable assembl9.

    ;nstallation works - 8rinciple of the optical cable retraction - optical cables are retracted

    manuall9 or mechanicall9 into the AD8= pipes are laid in cable channel or retracted in

    cable ducts) etc. ?etractable rope is attached to the tensile element of optical cable with a

    retractable head which compensates twisting forces between the retractable rope and an

    optical cable. AD8= pipes shall be secured against shifting in the direction of retracting



  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    >hen is a retraction equipment applied) the contractile force is checked and registered)

    which is recommended to continuousl9 to measure. (ontractile force should not exceed

    the permissible value !approximatel9 600 - 400") depending on the parameters of the

    cable pulling$) or make suddenl9 changes. *anual retraction is used for the short

    distances) in cases where it is not possible to use mechanical retraction) but mainl9 for the

    repair of fibre optic cables) when inserting a new fibre optic cable into the route of the

    existing fibre optic cable. *anual

    retraction requires the cooperation

    of more emplo9ees) with the

    possibilit9 of mutual understanding.

    ;n places where a direction change

    of the optical cable is carried out) it

    is necessar9 a sufficient number

    cooperation of emplo9ees who will

    move fibre optic cable. During theretracting should be no sudden a

    force shock) retraction must be

    continuous. =ssentiall9 prohibits

    push the optical cable into the


    8rinciples of blowing an optical cable - for blowing the optical cable is necessar9 to use a

    compressor with sufficient capacit9 and operating pressure recommended b9 the

    manufacturer of blow-in equipment. nother condition) which must be ensured with a

    compressor is that the air blown through AD8= pipes must be free of moisture and the

    maximum temperature ma9 be up to 70 ( as well. Before blowing an optical cable is

    recommended to clean the optical tube with blowing foam ball into a AD8= pipe. The ball

    will remove an9 possible dirt from the AD8= pipe.

    The principle of blowing is in pushing a focused stream of air into the AD8= pipes with

    retraction equipment) which floats the optical cable. The pressure in the AD8= pipe is

    graduall9 increased depending on the desired speed of the blowing !blowing optimal speed

    is m@s$. The floating optical cable floats in the AD8= pipe and during the one blowing


  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    procedure is possible to install an optical cable piece up to 600 meters depending on the

    segmentation of the route of AD8= pipe.

    ;f necessar9) it is possible into the AD8= pipe blew in together with the fibre optic cable

    also a suitable lubricant as recommended b9 the manufacturer of the optical cable. ;t is

    important to carr9 out communication possibilit9 between emplo9ees at the end of AD8=

    pipe and staff of the blowing equipment to manage the blowing operation. >hen installing

    the optical cable can be used several blowing equipment and compressor so that the

    whole production length of the optical cable ma9 be blown in at the same time which

    ensures continuit9 of la9ing the optical cable see ,ig..

    ;nstallation of fibre optic cable using a

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    4. ,o&&i""ioning and Training

    4..1 ,o&&i""ioning

    T9pical commissioning activities will includeE

    5pen line equipment items

    $ Signals

    - Testing of the regular fail-safe dependences of light controls and locking rela9s of

    the block sections

    $ Track circuits

    - Testing of the regular fail-safe dependences of locking rela9s of the track sections

    for checking of the right train movement

    *odifications of the existing stations items

    $ =xit signals

    - Testing of the regular fail-safe dependences of the signal light

    $ &evel crossings

    - Testing of the regular fail-safe dependences between interlocking and level


    /$ d

  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    /$ Track circuits

    - Testing of the right connection to the interlocking s9stem

    3$ 8oints

    - Testing of the fail-safe dependences of points

    6$ &evel crossing!existing onl9) no additional levelling crossing to contractor$

    - Testing of the fail-safe dependences of the level crossing equipment

    Telecommunication items

    $ ;nstallation of equipment for data transmission

    - Testing of functionalit9 of all devices such as routers) media converters) personal

    computers) printers and telephones

    ll operating areas and s9stems will be declared as restricted operating areas[ and

    subork or ma9be

    decided ahead reckoning from the progress of >ork. The team will work closel9 and

    interface with (onstruction to ensure a smooth progress through to electrical) signalling

    and telecommunication completion and sign off b9 construction and into the

    (ommissioning phase.


  • 7/23/2019 Technical Approach for Tunnel Part


    4..2 Training

    (ontractor will provide a program for the training of operating people !Dispatchers$

    and a training of the signalling maintenance staff.

    ,or operating staff) the duration of training shall be 3 weeks. ,or signalling

    maintenance staff the duration of training shall 3 weeks.

    Training sessions must be realised b9 the (ontractor forE

    - The use of new the installations b9 the signalling operators !use of

    computerised interlocking) use of the Dispatch control s9stem$)

    - The maintenance of the new s9stems and equipments not 9et into service in

    Ceorgian ?ailwa9s.
