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Page 1: TECHNICAL BULLETIN STB 66-16 DECEMBER 1965 … · quence of related programed material, called a block of programed in-struction. This block of programed material included about 30%



Alexander A. LongoG. Douglas Mayo


N~ PR A r\riLO q

Page 2: TECHNICAL BULLETIN STB 66-16 DECEMBER 1965 … · quence of related programed material, called a block of programed in-struction. This block of programed material included about 30%




Alexander A. LongoG. Douglas Mayo

December 1965

PF017030401Technical Bulletin STB 66-16

Submitted by

G. D. Mayo, Ph.D., Director, Branch Office, Memphis, Tennessee

Approved by

E. I. Jones, Ph.D., Director, Navy Training Research LaboratoryE. E. Dudek, Ph.D., Technical Director

G. W. Watson, Commander, USNOfficer in Charge

Distribution of this document is unlimited

U. S. Navy Training Research LaboratoryU. S. Naval Personnel Research Activity

San Diego, California 92152

Page 3: TECHNICAL BULLETIN STB 66-16 DECEMBER 1965 … · quence of related programed material, called a block of programed in-struction. This block of programed material included about 30%


In all studies conducted in a typical training situation, researchpersonnel must receive substantial assistance from training personnelin order to carry out the design of the study. In the case of researchpertaining to programed instruction, this dependence upon otherpersonnel is even greater than ordinarily is true. This results, inpart, from the time and effort required to produce acceptable programedmaterial, a step which must be completed before a study of the typedescribed herein can be conducted.

Therefore, the contribution of the Avionics Programed InstructionTeam at the Naval Air Technical Training Center, Memphis, Tennesseeis gratefully acknowledged. A special word of appreciation also isdue to the instructional, testing, and supervisory personnel at theAvionics Fundamentals School, who contributed much time and effortto the implementation of the research design. Finally, the prompt andaccurate processing of the data by Data Processing Department personnelat the Naval Air Station, Memphis, Tennessee is appreciated.


Page 4: TECHNICAL BULLETIN STB 66-16 DECEMBER 1965 … · quence of related programed material, called a block of programed in-struction. This block of programed material included about 30%


The study reported herein is one of a series which, considered asa whole, is designed to provide a general statement concerning the in-crease in training efficiency that may be expected from programed in-struction technology within the Naval Air Technical Training Command..Individual studies, involving different course content and trainingconditions, must be conducted before a general statement of this typecan be made.

This report compares the relative performance of 200 traineestaking 26 hours of conventional instruction in electronics fundamen-tals with 200 trainees covering the same subject matter in 19 hours,using programed instruction,

The subject matter consisted of electrical calculations, directcurrent circuits and direct current meters. These areas were pro-gramed by an electronics programing team in the Naval Air TechnicalTraining Command. The programed material had a "built-in" time savingof 27% as compared with conventional instruction, The sample wasdivided into two groups equated on the basis of the students' perform-ance in an earlier training course. The measures of performance usedin the study consisted of two tests: a 50 item constructed responsetest and a 50 item multiple choice test.

The results of the study indicated that: (1) the basic electronicsstudents learned a relatively large block of programed material toabout the same degree but in substantially less time than was requiredby conventional instruction; (2) the constructed response examination,prepared for programed instruction purposes, exhibited satisfactoryreliability; (3) the conventional and programed instruction groupsdid not differ significantly with respect to variability in performance;(4) the 1"90/90 performance level" of programed material decreased asa function of the amount of programed material tested at a given time.

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Acknowledgements ................................. . iiiBrief .... ....................... vList of Tables ...... .. .................. viii

A. The Problem and Its Background . ...........

B. Development of Programed Materials o............2

C. Method ..... ........................ . . . . 31. Subjects . ... ..... .. . ... . .. . . . ... 32. Design .............. ........... ... . . 33. Administration of Programed Material .. ....... 44. Criteria .......... ............... ... . 4

D. Results and Interpretation ................ 4

E. Summary of Findings ................... 71. Reduction in Training Time ... ............ 72. Reliability of the Constructed Response Test . . 73. Variability of Performance .................. 84. Performance Level of Programed Material ..... 8

F. Implications ...................... .................. 8

References ............ ..................... o . .. 9

Appendix A - Specific.Behavioral Objectives and a SamplePage from Three Programs .. ......... .. 11

Appendix B - Master Schedule for Programed and Conven-tional Groups ............ ................ 19

Appendix C - Assignment of Class Sections to Programedand Conventional Instruction ........ .. 29

Appendix D - Resume of Instructions to Instructors . . .. 31


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1. Intercorrelations Within Programed and ConventionalInstruction Groups ......... ................... 5

2. Kuder-Richardson Reliability Coefficients for theProgramed Instruction Constructed Response Test andfor the Conventional Test .... ............... 5

3. Means and Standard Deviations for Conventional andProgramed Instruction Groups ........... ............ 6

4. Performance Level of Programed Material by Amountof Programed Instruction Tested at a Given Time. . . 7

vi H

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A. The Problem and Its Background

Reducing training time without reducing the quality of the trainingproduct has become one of the more attractive approaches in recentyears to improving training efficiency in the Naval Air TechnicalTraining Command. Historically, relatively small gains have beenmade in the research area of training methods, with respect to improve-ment of student performance (DuBois and Manning, 1960). Recent re-search, however, in the field of programed instruction appears to holdpromise of a "breakthrough" in training methods, with reduction intraining time as a valuable dividend.

The Naval Air Technical Training Command has established an in-house capability to program those areas of technical training whichappear best suited to this mode of instruction. A recent study onfive programed booklets supported the hypothesis that learning at aboutthe same level can be achieved by programed instruction in substantially,less time than is required by conventional instruction (Mayo and Longo,1966). In that study, 13 hours of conventional instruction on electri-cal physics were reduced to 9 hours of programed instruction with noloss in the quality of student performance. This represented a 31%time saving.

This is the second in a series of studies to provide informationconcerning the above hypothesis, as it applies to larger segments ofprogramed material. This investigation examines 26 hours of conven-tional instruction on electrical calculations, direct current circuits,and direct current meters programed to 19 hours, for a time saving of27%. The primary objective of the study is to provide information onthe following question: Can students learn a fairly large sequenceof programed material to about the same degree, but in a substantiallyshorter period of time, than is presently accomplished by conventionalmethods?

Other questions on which the investigation provides evidencefol low:

a. Does the constructed response type examination, used to evaluatethe programed material, have adequate reliability?

b. Is there a significant difference between the programed andconventional instruction groups in terms of variability on performancemeasures?

c. To what extent is the performance level, established in thedevelopment of a single program, maintained in a larger sequence ofprogramed material?

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B. Development of Programed Material

1. Programed Instruction Material

The programed instruction materials on electrical calculations,direct current circuits, and direct current meters were developed bya programing team in the Naval Air Technical Training Center, Memphis,Tennessee. The programing team consisted of three chief petty offi-cers and one civilian educational specialist, all technically compe-tent in the electronics area. All members of the team had receivedformal training, and experience in instructional programing.

a. The programed instruction set. The programed material per-tained to subject matter appearing in the second and third weeks ofthe Avionics Fundamentals School, Class A. It consisted of nine in-dividual programs, called sets, which were designed to replace 26hours of conventional instruction with 19 hours of programed instruc-tion. The titles of these sets were as follows:

(1) Mechanical Calculations (6) Ammeters(2) Electrical Calculations (7) Voltmeters(3) Series Circuits (8) Ohmmeters(4) Parallel Circuits (9) Multimeters(5) Meter Movements and Scales

The usual steps in instructional programing were followed in thepreparation of each programed set. This includes task analysis, state-ment of specific behavioral objectives or terminal behavior specifi-cations, construction of criterion test items to measure each objective,actual program writing, and successive revisions of the program withsamples of the target population until 90% of the students completingthe program had achieved 90% of the objectives. This is referred toas the "90/90 performance level" or "90/90 criterion" in programedinstruction. Several examples illustrating the behavioral objectivesand programed material are contained in Appendix A.

b. The programed instruction package. The investigation includedthe nine programed sets indicated above. The nine sets were dividedinto three groups of closely related programed material called pro-gramed packages: Electrical Calculations, Direct Cuirent Circuits andDirect Current Meters. These three packages were considered as a se-quence of related programed material, called a block of programed in-struction. This block of programed material included about 30% of theinstructional hours in the second and third weeks of the 19 weeksAvionics Fundamentals course. Other activities such as laboratorywork, reviews, and testing periods were not programed, but conductedin accordance with conventional procedures. Appendix B contains themaster schedule indicating the order of presentation of the programedand conventional material for the two school weeks in question. Theprogramed packages employed both linear and branching procedures, depending


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upon which was considered most appropriate by the programing team forthe material being presented.

C. Method

1. Subjects. The sample consisted of 400 students entering theAvionics Fundamentals School, Class A, at the Naval Air Technical Train-ing Center, Memphis, Tennessee, during the second week of July 1965through the first week of August 1965. Only non-rated Navy and MarineCorps students were included.

2. Design. The study utilized a matched group design. The matchingvariable was the Aviation Fundamentals (AFUN(P)) School final grade,which previous research had indicated to be rather well correlated withperformance in the Avionics Fundamentals School. This test correlatedbetween .39 and .50 with the performance measures obtained in the pre-sent study, as shown in Table 1. Nearly perfect matching, includingidentical means (79.61) and standard deviations (7.29), was achievedby assigning essentially unselected personnel to the two treatmentgroups, and delaying actual matching (pairing of individuals) untilafter the completion of the segment of the course in which the studywas conducted.

The two pools of students from which the matching was accomplishedconsisted of all members of the two treatment groups or pools, excepta small number who had to be eliminated for non-academic reasons. Inaddition, a small number from the two pools of students could not bematched and were eliminated from the sample. The matching, of course,was made completely on the basis of the matching variable and withoutknowledge of the students' performance in the segment of the AvionicsFundamentals School in which the experiment was conducted. It wasaccomplished manually by matching cards from the two groups, the cardscontaining only the score on the matching variable and the name andservice number of the student.

As noted previously, the students were divided into two groups priorto convening in the Avionics Fundamentals School: (a) the conventionalinstruction group (control), and (b) the programed instruction group(experimental). The students were assigned to these groups accordingto the class section to which they were assigned. Assignment to sectionswas accomplished alphabetically. Assignment of sections to the twotreatment groups (pools) was accomplished as follows: section "A" ofthe first class was assigned to the programed group, section "B" to the

conventional group, section "C" to the programed group, etc. Theassignment of the sections in the three remaining classes to the twomethods of instruction was also alternated with respect to the precedingclass in counterbalanced fashion. The assignment of class sections toprogramed and conventional instruction is shown in Appendix C.


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3. Administration of Programed Material. The programed material wasadministered by regular classroom instructors who previously had re-ceived instruction in presenting programed material. Written instruc-tions, pertaining to the implementation of the study, also were givento the instructors. A resume of these instructions is contained inAppendix D. No special instructions were given to the students, sincethey had used programed materials in earlier course work. A suggestedreading time, based upon the time required for approximately 90% ofthe students in the program validation sample to complete the program,was indicated on the first page of each programed booklet.

When considering the amount of programed material in terms of thesuggested reading time, only 132 hours of instruction are involved.However, the material had to be assigned to regular one hour classperiods which increased the administration time of the programedmaterial to 19 hours. When more of the course is programed it is like-ly that more of the potential time reduction will be realized throughadaptation of the classroom schedules to the materials. Students whocould not complete a set in the time allotted on a particular day wererequired to complete it on their own time prior to the next school day.Students completing the program in less than the time allotted werepermitted to use the extra time in a constructive manner, e.g., workon homestudy assignments.

4. Criteria. In order to provide a reasonably adequate criterionmeasure on which to base the comparison of the programed and conven-tional types of instruction two different tests were employed: a con-structed response test based on the programed material and a multiplechoice test based on the conventional material. Both tests were ad-ministered to both groups at the end of the experimental trainingperiod, the third week of Avionics Fundamentals School. The programedinstruction test contained a sample of 50 items directly related to thespecific behavioral objectives of the programed sets included in theinvestigation. The conventional instruction test also contained 50items, essentially all of the items used by the school to measure achieve-ment on the conventional material that subsequently was programed.

D. Results and Interpretation

The intercorrelations among the measures involved in the study areshown in Table 1. As indicated in the previous section, the correlationsbetween the matching variable, Aviation Fundamentals School final grade,and the other measures ranged between .39 and .50. The correlationbetween the two measures of performance was moderately high at .78 and.79 within the conventional and programed groups respectively.


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Intercorrelations Within Programed andConventional Instruction Groups

(N = 200 in Each Group)

Prog. Inst. Test Conv. Inst. Test

Prog. Group Cony. Group Prog. Group Cony. Group

AFUN(P) Grade .45 .48 .50 .39

Prog. Inst. Test - - .79 .78

Conv. Inst. Test .79 .78 -

Table 2 contains the reliability coefficients for both tests forboth groups. These were computed by means of the Kuder-RichardsonFormula 20. The correlations range from .84 to .90, which is inter-preted as satisfactory reliability for the purpose for which the testsare being used.


Kuder-Richardson Reliability Coefficients for the ProgramedInstruction Constructed Response Test and for the Conventional Test

Instructional Group Test KR-20

Programed Group Prog. Inst. Test 1 .85Conv. Inst. Test 2 .84

Conventional Group Prog. Inst. Test .90Conv. Inst. Test .84

]Constructed response items2Multiple choice items

A comparison of the programed group with the conventional group withrespect to the programed instruction constructed response test and theconventional instruction test is shown in Table 3. The scores indicatethe number of items answered correctly, out of 50, by the conventionalgroup on the programed instruction test was 37.22 as compared with 38.50answered correctly by the programed group. The mean number answeredcorrectly, out of 50, on the conventional instruction examination by


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the conventional group and programed instruction group was 40.40 and39.32 respectively. In neither instance was the difference between thetwo groups statistically significant at the .05 level, as indicated bythe t test of significance. These results should be considered, how-ever, in relation to the instructional time required for the two methods.The programed group had taken only 19 hours of programed instruction,as compared with 26 hours of conventional instruction received by theconventional group on the same subject matter. This represents a timereduction of 27%.


Means and Standard Deviations forConventional and Programed Instruction Groups

(N = 200 for both groups)

Test Means tI Standard Deviations t

Cony. Group Prog. Group Cony. Group Prog. Group

AFUN(P) 2 79.61 79.61 7.29 7.29

Prog. Inst. 37.22 38.50 1.95 7.55 7.05 1.01

Cony. Inst. 40.40 39.32 1.87 6.48 6.40 .17

It value of 1.97 is required for significance at .05 level2 Matching variable

Table 3 also indicates that the t tests for differences in vari-ability on the two tests were not significant. This statistic was computedprimarily to investigate the influence of programed instruction on thevariability of student performance. However, the finding also assistsin interpretation of the results on differences between the means whereinit is assumed that the groups are from a common population. It hasbeen speculated that programed instruction tends to restrict the vari-ability of group performance. The results do not support this specu-lation.

The fourth question investigated was concerned with the extent towhich the 90/90 criterion achieved on a programed set or small unit, iscurtailed in a larger unit of programed instruction. Table 4 containsdata relating to this question. It appears that the high criterionlevel of 90/90, achieved on the programed sets individually, decreasesas a function of the number of sets (or programed hours) testedat a given time. The score distribution on a given programed settends to have high negative skewness since each set is technicallydeveloped to provide almost perfect mastery. As expected, however,


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score distributions on several programed sets combined, exhibitgreater variability and are more nearly normal as compared to per-formance on the programed sets considered singly.


Performance Level of Programed Material by Amountof Programed Instruction Tested at a Given Time

Unit of Material Time Performance Level Achieved

Programed Set 2 hrs 90/901

Programed Package 9 hrs (5 sets) 64/902

Programed Block 19 hrs (9 sets) 22/903

IRead as follows: 90% of students achieved 90% of objectives, etc.2 Results obtained in previous investigation3 Results obtained in present investigation

E. Summary of Findings

The primary question considered in the study was whether studentscan learn a fairly large sequence of programed material to about thesame degree, but in a substantially shorter period of time, than ispresently accomplished by conventional methods. Three other questionsrelating to the nature of programed material also were investigated.Evidence pertaining to the four questions is as follows:

I. Reduction in Training Time. It was found that basic electronicsstudents can learn a fairly large block of material by means of pro-gramed instruction to about the same level, but in substantially lesstime than by conventional methods of instruction. The conventionaland programed instruction groups demonstrated essentially equivalentachievement on both the constructed response and conventional tests.By design, however, the programed instruction material included a 27%time reduction. These results agree with the findings of a previousstudy wherein 13.hours of conventional material (i.e. half as much asincluded in the .present study) was reduced to 9 hours of programedmaterial (a 31% time reduction) without loss in instructional quality.The results of the two studies suggest that the amount of programedmaterial does not adversely affect the statement that students usingprogramed instruction learn as well as those taught by conventionalinstruction, and in substantially less time. Further research, willbe required to fully verify this statement, however.

2. Reliability of the Constructed Response Test. The constructedresponse type examination, designed to measure the accomplishment of the


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objectives of the programed material, exhibited satisfactory reliability.The Kuder-Richardson 20 coefficients for this test, as given to theprogramed group and conventional group, were .85 and .90, respectively.This reliability coefficient, however, pertains to a fairly largesequence of programed material (i.e. 19 hours). The reliability ofshort constructed response tests such as those employed in the vali-dation of programed sets (i.e. 2 to 3 hours of programed material)remains to be investigated. Other research is being conducted alongthis line.

3. Variability of Performance. The results did not show any signifi-cant difference between the programed and conventional groups in termsof variability of performance. It has been speculated that programedinstruction will tend to make a group very homogeneous, since eachprogram is designed to meet a 90/90 criterion, or almost completemastery. In the previous study, which examined a sequence of fiveprograms, a significant reduction in variability in the case of theprogramed instruction material was observed which lent support to thisspeculation. It is possible that when a larger sequence of programedmaterial is examined, individual differences in learning and retentionbegin to be exhibited once again, resulting in greater group dispersion.Some of the statistical difficulties associated with the narrow rangeof scores obtained on a programed set may not be as serious with largersequences of programed material.

4. Performance Level of Programed Material. Performance of a programedset at the 90/90 level was found to decrease as a function of thenumber of programed hours (or sets) tested at a given time, as expected.A lowering of the 90/90 performance level may be a natural result ofindividual differences in retention when a large sequence of programedmaterial is involved.

F. Implications

1. The programed material examined in this study was demonstrated tobe effective in comparison with conventional modes of instruction. Theinstructional program used in the study currently is in use in theelectronics fundamentals curriculum. The extension of programed instruc-tion techniques to other appropriate electronics training areas, of asimilar type, appears to be indicated.

2. Before a general statement can be made concerning the extent of in-crease in training efficiency that may be expected from programed in-struction within the Naval Air Technical Training Command, other studiesinvolving different course content and training conditions must becompleted.


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DuBois, P. H. and Manning, W. H. Methods of Research in TechnicalTraining, St. Louis: Department of Psychology, Washington University,January 1960. Nonr. 816(02). (Technical Report No. 3, RevisedEdition)

Mayo, G. D. and Longo, A. A. Training Time and Programed Instruction,Journal of Applied Psychology, 1966 (in press).


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(In all cases, the sample page pertains to thefirst behavioral objective of each program)


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1. The student will define potential energy.

2. The student will define kinetic energy.

3. The student will state the formula for work.

4. Given values of force and distance, the student will solve for work.

5. The student will define mechanical power.

6. The student will define mechanical horsepower.

7. Given work and time, the student will solve for power in terms ofhorsepower.



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YOUR ANSWER: Potential energy.

Yes, this is true, but you missed half the picture. The pendulum

possesses potential energy only as long as you are holding it to one


We have defined potential energy as stored energy, or energy of

position. In the case of our pendulum, when you pull the pendulum bob

to one side, you are storing-potential energy by lifting the bob

against the pull of gravity. As the bob swings downward and forward,

the potential energy becomes kinetic. The kinetic energy released is

sufficient to carry the bob upward again on the opposite side, thus

storing up more potential energy.

Refer to figures 1 and 2 below.

Figure 1Potential Figure 2or storedenergy.

As the pendulum swings,thepotential energy becomeskinetic energy, but at point"A" the kinetic energy ischanged back to potentialenergy. As it swings backtoward point "B", thepotential energy again be-comes kinetic energy.

Return to page 6A and select the more correct answer.


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1. The student will write the definition of a voltmeter.

2. The student will write the definition of voltmeter sensitivity.

3. The student will write the formula used to solve for voltmetersensitivity.

4. Given a circuit and several voltmeters, the student will selectthe voltmeter that will have the least "loading effect" on thecircuit and write the reason for his selection.

5. The student will write the purpose of a "multiplier" used in avoltmeter.

6. Given a simple series circuit, containing a voltage source andthree resistors labeled Rl, R2 and R3 , the student will draw avoltmeter correctly connected to indicate the voltage dropacross any one of the three resistors.

7. Given a drawing of a voltmeter with specified values of Im andRm, the student will solve the ohms/volt rating of the voltmeter.

8. Given a schematic of a multirange voltmeter, and given specifiedvalues of Im and Rm, the student will solve for (1) the ohms/voltrating of the voltmeter, and (2) the value of the series resistors(Rs) required for each range.


14 -

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A voltmeter is a high-resistance device which is used to indicate

potential difference, in volts, across a circuit or circuit component.

We say indicate (rather than measure) because, as you may well

remember from your studies of meter movements and scales, all meters

measure current. The meter scale is calibrated to convert the current

reading directly to the unit we desire to read. In this lesson,we will be

concerned with the volt.

A voltmeter is connected in parallel with the circuit, or circuit

component, under test. See Figure 1.

(A) (B)

Figure L.

In Figue IA, the voltmeter indica~tes the entire circuit voltage. In

Figure IB~the voltmeter indicates only the voltage drop across R2.

Now,, complete this statement.

A voltmeter

measures current page 3A

measures voltage page 6A


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1. The student will write the definition of an ohmmeter.

2. The student will list the three major components of a basic ohmmeter.

3. The student will list the two types- of ohmmeters.

4. The student will write the purpose of the current-limiting resistor(RL) in an ohmmeter circuit.

5. The student will write the purpose of the "zero adjust" rheostat(RA) in an ohmmeter circuit.

6. Given an ohmmeter circuit with selected values of E, RM, IM, andRL, the student will solve for the value of RA.

7. Given an ohmmeter circuit with selected values of E, RM, IM, RL,and RA, the student will solve for the value of the unknownresistor, RX.

8. The student will list the four safety precautions to be observedwhen using an ohmmeter.



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1. An ohmmeter is an instrument designed to indicate

electrical resistance.

An instrument designed to indicate electrical

resistance is called an

ohmmeter 2. An olmmeter is an instrument designed to indicate

electrical ....... _ •

resistance 3. An ohmmeter is an instrument designed to indicate

electrical 4. An ohmmeter is an instrument designed to

resistance electrical resistance.

indicate 5. An ohmmeter is an instrument designed to

indicate 6. Write the definition of an ohmmeter.

electrical _ _.........._•_iiresistance

Continue on next page.


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ANSWE: An ohmneter is an instrument designed to indicate electricalresistance.

An ohmmeter consists of a d.c. meter :;ovement, which was discussed

in an earlier lesson, with a few added features. The added features are:

1. a d.c. source of potential (usually a 3-volt battery).

2. one or more resistors (one of which is variable).

A simple ohmmeter circuit is shown in Figure 1.






The ohmmeter pointer deflection is controlled by the amount of

battery current passing through the moving coil.

An ohmmeter consists of major components.

Three Page 6A

Two Page 4A


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MASTER SCHEDULESECOND WEEK (Programed Group) July 1965

Day Type Hour SubjectMonday

Lab 41 Installation of Coded Resistors42434445

Class 46 Conversion of Electrical Units4748

TuesdayClass 49 Conversion of Electrical Units (Drill)

50Lab 51 Safety Wiring

52Class 53 Moral Guidance

* (P-ll-2A) Class 54 Work, Power, and Energy (Mechanical)* (P-ll-2B) Class 5 Work, Power, and Energy (Electrical)* (P-11-2B) Class 56 Work, Power, and Energy

WednesdayClass 57 Conversion of Electrical Units (Drill)Class 58 Coaxial ConnectorsLab 59 Coaxial Connectors

60* (P-Ill-l) Class 61 Series Circuits* 62


Thursday* (P-1ll-2) Class 65 Parallel Circuits* 66

67Class 68 Batteries, Care and Safety

69 Organized Athletics70

Class 71 Avionics Rating Familiarization72

FridayClass 73 Series-Parallel Circuits


Class 76 Series-Parallel Circuits (Drill)Class 77 Progress TestClass 78 MagnetismClass 79 Electro Magnetism

80*Programed classes


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MASTER SCHEDULESECOND WEEK (Conventional Group) July 1965

Day Type Hour SubjectMonday

Lab 41 Installation of Coded Resistors42434445

Class 46 Conversion of Electrical Units4748

TuesdayClass 49 Conversion of Electrical Units (Drill)

50Lab 51 Safety Wiring

52Class 53 Moral Guidance

54 Conversion of Electrical Units (Drill)Class 55 Work, Power, and Energy


WednesdayClass 57 Work, Power, and Energy (Drill)Class 58 Coaxial ConnectorsLab 59 Coaxial Connectors

60Class 61 Series Circuits


ThursdayClass 65 Series Circuits (Drill)

66Class 67 Parallel Circuits

68Class 69 Parallel Circuits (Drill)

70Class 71 Batteries, Care and SafetyClass 72 Series-Parallel Circuits

FridayClass 73 Parallel Circuits (Drill)Class 74 Series-Parallel Circuits

75Class 76 Series-Parallel Circuits (Drill)Class 77 Progress TestClass 78 MagnetismClass 79

80 Electromagnetism


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MASTER SCHEDULETHIRD WEEK (Programed Group) July 1965

Day Type Hour SubjectMonday

Class 81 Organized Athletics82

Class 83 Combination Series-Parallel Circuits84

Class 85 Combination Series-Parallel Circuits (Drill)868788

TuesdayClass 89 Combination Series-Parallel Circuits (Drill)Class 90 Voltage Dividers

91Class 92 Voltage Dividers (Drill)

* (P-V-l) Class 93 Meter Movements and Scales94

* (P-V-2) Class 95 D.C. Ammeters96

WednesdayLab 97 Use of Ammeters

98* (P-V-3) Class 99 D.C. Voltmeters* 100

Lab 101 Use of Voltmeters102

Class 103 Organized Athletics* (P-V-4) Class 104 Ohmmeters

Thursday* (P-V-5) Class 105 Multimeters* 106

Lab 107 Use of Multimeters108109110

COMPARATIVE Class II Test - Crit. 50 Ques.STUDY 112

FridayClass 113 Review

114Class 115 Test, Record

116Lab 117 Performance Test

118COMPARATIVE Class 119 Test - 50 Prog. Mat. (Conv.Test)

STUDY 120*Programed classes


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MASTER SCHEDULETHIRD WEEK (Conventional Group) July 1965

Day Type Hour SubjectMonday

Class 81 Electrical Measurements82

Class 83 Combination Series Parallel84

Class 85 Combination Series Parallel (Drill)868788

TuesdayClass 89 Voltage Dividers

90Class 91 Voltage Dividers (Drill)Class 92 Meter Movements and Scales


Class 95 D.C. AmmetersClass 96 D.C. Ammeters (Drill)

WednesdayLab 97 Use of Ammeters

98Class 99 D.C. VoltmetersClass 100 D.C. Voltmeters (Drill)Lab 101 Use of Voltmeters and Ammeters

102Class 103 OhmmetersClass 104 Ohmmeters (Drill)

ThursdayClass 105 MultimetersClass 106 Multimeters (Drill)Lab 107 Use of Multimeters


COMPARATIVE Class Ill Test - Crit. 50 Ques.STUDY 112

FridayClass 113 Review

114Class 115 Test, Record

116Lab 117 Performance Test

118COMPARATIVE Class 119 Test - 50 Prog. Mat. (Conv. Test)

STUDY 120 Test


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*P - Programed Instruction*C - Conventional Instruction


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A comparative study will be performed on four classes beginning19 July 1965. These special instructions for these four classes areto control, as much as possible, the conditions existing, and theattitude of the students during this period so that the comparativestudy results will be as valid as possible.

1. The review material included in the programed booklet is to beignored for the purposes of this study.

2. The regular homework will be assigned.

3. For maximum learning, all of the suggested reading time listedin the programed package should be used on the programed material.

4. Adhere to the new Master Schedule for weeks 2 and 3. The timeindicated on the master schedule includes introduction and conclusiontime when needed.

5. Individual student questions on any material (including programedmaterial) are to be answered in the normal manner whenever they arise.

6. On scheduled reviews where a whole week or three weeks is re-viewed to prepare for a test, the programed material will also be re-viewed, but given its natural weight in the discussion.

7. Time set aside on the master schedule to review smaller unitsof material will not be used to review programed material.

8. Night school will be conducted in the normal manner with nochanges.

9. Make no mention to students of a comparative study. The im-plementation is to be done in a manner that implies to the student thathe is no different from the class before him or after him.

10. The general approach to these instructions is that all the timeallotted to a package by the master schedule must be used as efficientlyas possible, using the program as another training aid for the in-structor. Time allocated to study and review of other material must be

used for that purpose and not for programed material.


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Technical Bulletin (STB)

Navy Training Research Laboratory

Director of Manpower Require- Chief of Naval Air Technicalments and Utilization Training (Attn: Code 34)OASD(M) SS&R U. S. Naval Air Station

3D970 The Pentagon Memphis, Tennessee 38115Washington, D. C. 20350

Chief of Naval Air ReserveAir University Library TrainingMaxwell Air Force Base U. S. Naval Air StationAlabama 36112 Glenview, Illinois 60026

United States Army Personnel Chief, Bureau of ShipsResearch Office Navy Department (Attn: Code 364C)

Office, Chief Research and Washington, D. C. 20360Development

Department of the Army Chief of Naval Operations (OP-03T)Washington, D. C. 20315 Navy Department

Washington, D. C. 20350Chief, Bureau of Medicine and

Surgery Chief of Naval OperationsNavy Department (OP-07T16)(Attn: Code 513) Room 5E621Washington, D. C. 20390 Navy Department

Washington, D. C. 20350

Chief, Bureau of Medicine andSurgery Chief of Naval Air Training

Navy Department U. S. Naval Air Station(Attn: Code 33D) Pensacola, Florida 32508Washington, D. C. 20390

Chief Psychiatry and NeurologyChief, Bureau of Yards and OTSG-DA

Docks Room 1062, Main Navy BuildingNavy Department Washington, D. C. 20315(Attn: Code 50312)Washington, D. C. 20390 Commandant

U. S. Army War CollegeCareer Development Division (Attn: Library)

DCS/P Headquarters USAF Carlisle BarracksTempo Building 8 Pennsylvania 17013Washington, D. C. 20330

Commanding OfficerSuperintendent U. S. Fleet Sonar SchoolU.S. Naval Postgraduate School U. S. Naval BaseMonterey, California 93940 Key West, Florida 33040

Page 32: TECHNICAL BULLETIN STB 66-16 DECEMBER 1965 … · quence of related programed material, called a block of programed in-struction. This block of programed material included about 30%

Commanding Officer Director of ResearchU. S. Fleet Anti-Submarine HumRRO Division No. 5

Warfare School (Air Defense)San Diego, California 92147 P. 0. Box 6021

Fort Bliss, Texas 79916Commanding OfficerU. S. Naval Examining Center DirectorBuilding 2711 U. S. Naval Personnel ResearchU. S. Naval Training Center LaboratoryGreat Lakes, Illinois 60088 Washington Navy Yard

Washington, D. C. 20390Commanding Officer (3 copies)U. S. Naval Officer Candidate

School Directorate for Armed ForcesU. S. Naval Base Information and EducationNewport, Rhode Island 02844 Attn: Research and Evaluation

Building T-7, Room 210Commanding Officer Washington, D. C. 20301U. S. Naval School of Aviation

Medicine Educational AdvisorU. S. Naval Aviation Medical Building 300

Center Service School Command(Attn: Psychology Lab) U. S. Naval Training CenterPensacola, Florida 32512 Great Lakes, Illinois 60088

Commanding Officer U. S. Army Enlisted EvaluationU. S. Naval Submarine Medical Center

Center P. 0. Box 16499U. S. Naval Submarine Base Fort Benjamin Harrison

New London Indiana 46249Groton, Connecticut 06342

Headquarters Air Force SystemsCommanding Officer Command OfficeService School Command (Assistant for Bioastronautics -

(Attn: 38) SCGB)U. S. Naval Training Center Andrews Air Force BaseSan Diego, California 92133 Washington, D. C. 20311

Commanding Officer and Director Headquarters U. S. Air ForceU. S. Naval Training Device (AFPCPCA)

Center (Attn: Code 55) Room 4413, Munitions BuildingPort Washington, New York 11050 Washington, D. C. 20330

Director of Research Headquarters, U. S. Marine CorpsHumRRO No. 6 (Aviation) G-1 Division (Code AQIB)P. 0. Box 428 Washington, D. C. 20380Fort Rucker, Alabama 36362

HeadquartersSAC (OA)Offutt Air Force BaseNebraska 68113

Page 33: TECHNICAL BULLETIN STB 66-16 DECEMBER 1965 … · quence of related programed material, called a block of programed in-struction. This block of programed material included about 30%

Human Factors and Operations Superintendent (P)Research Division Office U. S. Coast Guard Academy

Chief of Research and New London, Connecticut 06320Development

Navy Department Technical Reference LibraryWashington, D. C. 20310 U. S. Naval Medical Research

InstituteHuman Factors Operations National Naval Medical Center

Research Laboratory Bethesda, Maryland 20014Air Force Systems CommandBolling Air Force Base LibraryWashington, D. C. 20332 6570th Personnel Psychology

Laboratory (AMD)Officer Personnel Research and Box 1557

Review Branch Lackland Air Force BaseP. 0. Station 2-16 Texas 78236U. S. Coast Guard HeadquartersWashington, D. C. 20226 Commanding Officer

Air Force Personnel LaboratoryDirector of Research ASD (AFSC)HumRRO Division #2 (Armor) Lackland Air Force BaseFort Knox, Kentucky 40121 San Antonio, Texas 78558

Director of Research CommanderHumRRO Division #4 (Infantry) Personnel Research LaboratoryP. 0. Box 2086 Aerospace Medical DivisionFort Benning, Georgia 31905 Air Force Systems Command

Lackland Air Force BaseOfficer in Charge Texas 78242U. S. Navy Medical Neuro-

psychiatric Research Unit Commanding Officer and DirectorSan Diego, California 92152 U. S. Navy Electronics Laboratory

San Diego, California 92152Chief of Naval ResearchNavy Department Chief of Naval Personnel (Pers-A3)Washington, D. C. 20360 Navy Department

Washington, D. C. 20370 (15 copies)Operations Evaluation GroupOffice of the Chief of Naval Defense Documentation Center

Operations (OP03EG) Cameron StationNavy Department Alexandria, Virginia 22314Washington, D. C. 20350 (20 copies)

Science Division Commandant, FIRST Naval DistrictDirectorate of Science and 495 Summer Street

Technology DCS/Research Boston, Massachusetts 02210and Development

Headquarters, U. S. Air Force Commandant, THIRD Naval DistrictWashington, D. C. 20330 90 Church Street

New York, New York 10007

Page 34: TECHNICAL BULLETIN STB 66-16 DECEMBER 1965 … · quence of related programed material, called a block of programed in-struction. This block of programed material included about 30%

Commandant, FOURTH Naval District HeadquartersPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania 19112 Air Force Systems Command

USAF Andrews Air Force BaseCommandant, FIFTH Naval District Washington, D. C. 20331Norfolk, Virginia 23511

CommandantCommandant, SIXTH Naval District Naval District Washington, D. C.U. S. Naval Base Washington Navy YardCharleston, South Carolina 29408 Washington, D. C. 20390

Commandant, EIGHTH Naval District Deputy Assistant Secretary of.New Orleans, Louisiana 70140 Defense

(Special Studies and Requirements)

Commandant, NINTH Naval District The Pentagon 3D970Building #1 Washington, D. C. 20350Great Lakes, Illinois 60088

District Inspector GeneralCommandant, TENTH Naval District Commandant ELEVENTH Naval DistrictFPO New York 09550 San Diego, California 92130

Commandant, ELEVENTH Naval Inspector GeneralDistrict Chief of Naval Personnel

San Diego, California 92130 Navy DepartmentWashington, D. C. 20340

Commandant, TWELFTH NavalDistrict Officer in Charge

Federal Office Building U. S. Naval Training Devices50 Fulton Street CenterSan Francisco, California 94102 Attn: Code 50F

Orlando, Florida 32800Commandant, THIRTEENTH Naval

District Chief, Training and ProcurementCode 51 DivisionSeattle, Washington 98115 Coast Guard Headquarters

Washington, D. C. 20226Commandant, FOURTEENTH Naval

District Mr. Mark ColburnBox 110 Office of Assistant SecretaryFPO San Francisco 96610 of Defense

(Special Studies & Requirements)Commandant, FIFTEENTH Naval The Pentagon - 3D970

District Washington, D. C. 20350FPO New York 09580

Scientific DirectorCommandant, SEVENTEENTH Naval Naval Submarine Medical Center

District Naval Submarine Base, New LondonFPO Seattle 98790 Groton, Connecticut 06342

CommanderFleet Training Group, Code 51Attn: Training OfficerFPO San Francisco 96610 36

Page 35: TECHNICAL BULLETIN STB 66-16 DECEMBER 1965 … · quence of related programed material, called a block of programed in-struction. This block of programed material included about 30%

Dunlap and Associates, Inc.Darien, Connecticut 06821

Science Research Associates, Inc.259 East Erie Street Division of Behavioral SciencesChicag6, Illinois 60611 National Academy of Sciences

2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W.Psychological Abstracts Washington, D. C. 200371333 - 16th Street, N.W.Washington,.D. C. 20036 Director

Behavioral Sciences DepartmentMr. Paul Brown Naval Medical Research InstituteOffice of the Chief of Naval Bethesda, Maryland 20014

(OP-OlBl) Room 4E487Navy Department Electronics Personnel ResearchWashington, D. C. 20350 Group

University of Southern CaliforniaDirector, HumRRO University Park300 North Washington Street Los Angeles, California 90007Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Defense Research MemberChief of Naval Personnel Canadian Joint Staff(Attn: Assistant Director Naval 2450 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.

Manning, Personnel Selections) Washington, D. C. 20008Naval HeadquartersOttawa, Ontario, Canada Chief of Personnel Research

StaffDirectorate of Personnel Office of Personnel

Research and Selection U. S. Department of AgricultureRoom 3003 "B" Building Washington, D. C. 20250Canadian Forces HeadquartersOttawa, Ontario, Canada Dr. S. Rains Wallace

Chief of Behavioral and SocialHuman Factors Research, Inc. Science Division1112 South Crenshaw Boulevard Office of the Assistant DirectorLos Angeles, California 90019 Department of Defense

Washington, D. C. 20301Human Factors Research, Inc.3040 State Street Applied Psychological ServicesSanta Barbara, California 93105 Science Center

404 East Lancaster AvenueHead, Personnel and Training Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087

BranchPsychological Sciences Division Applied Psychology Corp.Office of Naval Research 3717 North 27th StreetWashington, D. C. 20360 Arlington, Virginia 22207

Education Research Project Director of ResearchCenter for Documentation and HumRRO Division No. 3.Communication Research (Recruit Training)

Western Reserve University P. 0. Box 78710831 Magnolia Drive Presidio of Monterey

3? Cleveland, Ohio 44106 California 93940

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6570 AMRL (MRPT, Library)Wright-Patterson Air ForceOhio 45433

Dr. Robert GlaserAmerican Institute for ResearchDepartment of PsychologyUniversity of PittsburghPittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213

American Institute for ResearchProject Talent Office1808 Adams Mill Road, N.W.Washington, D. C. 20009

Director of ResearchHumRRO Division No. 5(Air Defense)P. 0. Box 6021Fort Bliss, Texas 79916

Acquisition SectionNational Library of MedicineBethesda, Maryland 20014

University of California atLos Angeles

Attn: Library405 HilgardLos Angeles, California 90024

Director for Long Range StudiesInstitute of Naval Studies545 Technology SquareCambridge, Massachusetts 02139

University LibraryUniversity of California,

San DiegoLa Jolla, California 92037

CIA Medical Staff/AES2430 E Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C. 20505

Chief of Naval Air Technical Training(Code 34)Naval Air StationMemphis, Tennessee 38115 (50 copies) 3

Page 37: TECHNICAL BULLETIN STB 66-16 DECEMBER 1965 … · quence of related programed material, called a block of programed in-struction. This block of programed material included about 30%

UNCLASSIFIEDSecurity Classification

DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA - R&D(Security clasailication of ittle, body of abstract and indexing annotation must be entered when. the overalI report is class.ilied)


U. S. Naval Personnel Research Activity INC.ASSIFTFDSan Diego, California 92152 2b GROUP



4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type of report and Inclusive date&)

S. AUTHOR(S) (Last nane, first name, initial)

Longo, Alexander A.Mayo, G. Douglas



Technical Bulletin STB 66-16b. PROJECT NO. PF017030401 .

C. 9b. OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any othernumbers that may be assignedthis report)



Distribution of this document is unlimited.


Chief of Naval Personnel (Pers-A3)Navy Department

_ _ _._._ ._._•_. Washington. D.C. 2037013. ABSTRACT

This study is one of a series of investigations involving a variety of coursecontent and training conditions where programed instruction will be .compared withconventional classroom instruction to provide information about the generalutility of programed instruction. . , t g

Here the performance of 200 trainees taking 26 hours of conventional instructionin electrical calculations, direct current circuits, and direct current meters iscompared with the performance of 200 trainees taking 19 hours of programed in-struction on the same content.

* Results indicate: (1) The basic electronics students learned a relatively largeblock of programed material' to about the same degree but in substantially lesstime than was required by conventional instruction; (2) the constructed responseexamination, prepared for programed instruction purposes, exhibited satisfactoryreliability; (3) the conventional and programed instruction groups did not differsignificantly with respect to variability in performance; (4) the ".90/90 perform-ance level" of programed material decreased as a function of the amount of pro-gramed material tested ata given time.

DD I 1473 0101807,-6806 UNCLASSIFIEDSecurity Classification

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