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SOUTHWESTERN RURAL PLANNING ORGANIZATION TECHNICAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE (TCC) MEETING January 10, 2018 at 1:00 PM NCDOT District 3 Office, 191 Robbinsville Rd, Andrews NC AGENDA Welcome and Housekeeping 1. Introductions and Quorum check (Paige Dowling, TCC Chair) 2. Ethics Reminder* (Dowling) 3. Agenda Approval/Modifications (Dowling) 4. Public Comment Action Items 5. TCC Chair and Vice-Chair Nominations and Election 6. Minutes from September 13, 2017 SWRPO TCC meeting (Rose Bauguess) 7. Minutes from November 15, 2017 SWRPO TCC meeting (Bauguess) Informational Items 8. Prioritization 5.0 Local Input Point Methodology Discussion (Bauguess) 9. SWRPO Staff Update (Bauguess) 10. NCDOT Division 14 Updates (Steve Williams) 11. NCDOT Transportation Planning Branch Update (Zack O’Keefe) Other Items 12. TCC Member Updates (All) 13. Adjournment (Dowling) *In accordance with the State Government Ethics Act, it is the duty of every TCC member to avoid conflicts of interest. If anyone has a conflict of interest with respect to any matters coming before the TCC today, please identify the conflict and refrain from any participation in the matter involved.



January 10, 2018 at 1:00 PM

NCDOT District 3 Office, 191 Robbinsville Rd, Andrews NC


Welcome and Housekeeping

1. Introductions and Quorum check (Paige Dowling, TCC Chair) 2. Ethics Reminder* (Dowling) 3. Agenda Approval/Modifications (Dowling) 4. Public Comment

Action Items

5. TCC Chair and Vice-Chair Nominations and Election 6. Minutes from September 13, 2017 SWRPO TCC meeting (Rose Bauguess) 7. Minutes from November 15, 2017 SWRPO TCC meeting (Bauguess)

Informational Items

8. Prioritization 5.0 Local Input Point Methodology Discussion (Bauguess) 9. SWRPO Staff Update (Bauguess) 10. NCDOT Division 14 Updates (Steve Williams) 11. NCDOT Transportation Planning Branch Update (Zack O’Keefe)

Other Items

12. TCC Member Updates (All) 13. Adjournment (Dowling)

*In accordance with the State Government Ethics Act, it is the duty of every TCC member to avoid conflicts of interest. If anyone has a conflict of interest with respect to any matters coming before the TCC today, please identify the conflict and refrain from any participation in the matter involved.


September 13, 2017 TCC Meeting Summary Page 1 of 3

Meeting Date: September 13, 2017 Location: SCC Groves Center, Franklin, NC Attendees:

Jurisdiction Representative Title Present

Cherokee County Randy Wiggins County Manager ☐

Andrews Bill Bailey Town Manager ☐

Murphy Anne Payne Town Manager ☐

Clay County Mark Pullium County Manager ☒

Graham County Becky Garland County Manager ☒

Fontana Dam Zelerie Rogers Town Administrator ☐

Lake Santeetlah Peggy Carver Administrator ☐

Jackson County Michael Poston Planning Director ☒

Dillsboro Debbie Coffey Town Clerk ☒

Sylva Paige R. Dowling, Chair Town Manager ☒

Macon County Jack Morgan Planning & Development Director ☒

Franklin Justin Setser Town Planner ☒

Highlands Josh Ward Town Manager ☐

Swain County Ken Mills Economic Development Director ☒

Bryson City Chad Simons Town Manager ☒

Transit Kim Angel Macon Co. Transit Director ☐

EBCI Manual Maples Cherokee DOT ☐

NCDOT Division 14 Steve Williams Division Planning Engineer ☒

NCDOT TPB Zack O’Keefe RPO Coordinator ☒


Representing Name Title Present

Southwestern RPO Rose Bauguess RPO Director ☒

NCDOT Div 14 Andy Russell District Engineer ☒

NCDOT Div 14 Mark Hill Asst. District Engineer ☒

Town of Franklin Nathanael Moore Town Engineer ☒


Text Box
Agenda Item 6.


September 13, 2017 TCC Meeting Summary Page 2 of 3

Welcome and Housekeeping:

1. Chair Paige Dowling called the meeting to order. Introductions were made. Dowling determined a quorum was present.

2. Dowling read the ethics reminder.

3. Dowling reviewed the agenda and asked if there were any proposed modifications to the agenda. Ken Mills motioned to approve the agenda as presented; Michael Poston seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

4. Dowling offered the opportunity for public comment; no members of the public were present.

Action Items:

5. Rose Bauguess asked for a review of the minutes from the May 10, 2017, SWRPO TCC Meeting. Poston motioned to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Jack Morgan; motion carried unanimously.

6. Bauguess presented a resolution for the Southwestern RPO to endorse the Jackson County CTP; the CTP has already been adopted by Jackson County and the four municipalities therein. Poston motioned to approve the Jackson County CTP endorsement, seconded by Justin Setser; motion carried unanimously.

7. Bauguess presented a resolution in support of Bryson City’s Bike-Pedestrian Planning Grant application. Ken Mills motioned to approve the resolution, seconded by Justin Setser; motion carried unanimously.

8. Bauguess explained that for Prioritization 5.0, NCDOT funding regions and divisions have been encouraged to collaborate and consider revising the default components of the quantitative SPOT score to better suit the needs of the geographic area. Division 13 and 14 make up funding Region G. Both Divisions and all the Planning Organizations within met on June 12 to discuss changing the weights or criteria used to calculate the SPOT score. All organizations must agree to the change. The group decided not to make any changes at the Regional Tier. Division 14, along with the Southwestern RPO, Land of Sky RPO, Isothermal RPO, and the French Broad MPO all agreed to alternate weights at the Division Tier. The recommended change was to reduce the Accessibility/Connectivity criteria from 5% to 0%, Freight from 5% to 0%, and increase Pavement Condition from 0% to 10%. This will enable projects with a poor pavement condition to score higher. Bauguess presented a memo to the SPOT office from the Southwestern RPO concurring with the use of alternate weights. Poston made a motion to approve the memo as presented; with a second by Morgan, the motion passed unanimously.

9. Bauguess presented the Draft list of Project Submittals for Prioritization 5.0. These projects will be added to the list of Carryover projects and Division 14 submittals to make up all the projects


September 13, 2017 TCC Meeting Summary Page 3 of 3

eligible for local input points in P5.0. Mills motioned to approve the list as presented, with a second by Chad Simons and the motion carried unanimously.

Informational Items:

10. Steve Williams provided updates from NCDOT Division 14 on major projects in the Southwestern RPO.

11. Zack O’Keefe provided the Transportation Planning Branch update:

• The Branch has just been renamed to the Transportation Planning Division.

• The Statewide Freight Plan will be adopted by the Board of Transportation in October.

• 25 Corridor Studies have been identified; they are in the process of being prioritized. They will develop master plans for each corridor.

• CMAQ applications are due in March.

• The draft CTP 2.0 document is ready for review.

Other Items:

12. TCC Members provided updates from their respective jurisdictions:

• Steve Williams mentioned an upcoming public meeting in Bryson City on the downtown intersection project – Thursday September 15 from 4-7 pm.

• Rose mentioned the upcoming Transit Community Workshops being held in Asheville October 13.

• Ken Mills reported on the new Swain County Greenways Committee.

• Justin Setser introduced Franklin’s new Town Engineer, Nathaneal Moore.

• Becky Garland said that Graham County’s board had recently voted to add a sidewal to the new bridge. There are also several meetings coming up on Corridor K.

13. The next TCC meeting is scheduled for November 15, 2017. Poston moved to adjourn, seconded by all.


November 15, 2017 TCC Meeting Summary Page 1 of 3

Meeting Date: November 15, 2017 Location: SCC Groves Center, Franklin, NC Attendees:

Jurisdiction Representative Title Present

Cherokee County Randy Wiggins County Manager ☐

Andrews vacant Town Manager ☐

Murphy Anne Payne Town Manager ☐

Clay County Mark Pullium County Manager ☐

Graham County Becky Garland County Manager ☐

Fontana Dam Zelerie Rogers Town Administrator ☐

Lake Santeetlah Peggy Carver Administrator ☐

Jackson County Michael Poston Planning Director ☐

Dillsboro Debbie Coffey Town Clerk ☐

Sylva Paige R. Dowling, Chair Town Manager ☒

Macon County Jack Morgan Planning & Development Director ☐

Franklin Justin Setser Town Planner ☒

Highlands Josh Ward Town Manager ☐

Swain County Ken Mills Economic Development Director ☐

Bryson City Chad Simons Town Manager ☐

Transit Kim Angel Macon Co. Transit Director ☒

EBCI Manuel Maples Cherokee DOT ☐

NCDOT Division 14 Steve Williams Division Planning Engineer ☐

NCDOT TPB Zack O’Keefe RPO Coordinator ☒


Representing Name Title Present

Southwestern RPO Rose Bauguess RPO Director ☒

Southwestern Commission Becca Scott Planner ☒

NCDOT Div 14 Andy Russell District 3 Engineer ☒

NCDOT Div 14 Jonathan Woodard District 2 Engineer ☒

NCDOT Div 14 Josh Deyton Bridge Unit Supervisor ☒

NCDOT Div 14 Alan Brown Asst. District 3 Engineer ☒


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Agenda Item 7.


November 15, 2017 TCC Meeting Summary Page 2 of 3

Welcome and Housekeeping:

1. Chair Paige Dowling called the meeting to order. Introductions were made. Dowling determined a quorum was not present. The meeting proceeded with coverage of the informational items, but no actions were taken.

2. Dowling read the ethics reminder.

3. Dowling requested a modification to the agenda, postponing the single action item of approving the September meeting minutes until the January meeting. Justin Setser motioned to approve the modified agenda; Kim Angel seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

4. Dowling offered the opportunity for public comment; no members of the public were present.

Action Items:

5. The only action item on the agenda was the approval of the meeting minutes from the September 13th meeting. This item was postponed due to lack of quorum.

Informational Items:

6. GUEST PRESENTATION: NCDOT Bridge Selection Process by Josh Deyton, Division 14 Bridge Unit Supervisor. Deyton presented an overview of Division 14 bridge program, including the process for inspecting and prioritizing bridges for replacement or rehabilitation.

7. Jonathan Woodard provided the NCDOT project updates for Swain and Jackson counties, and Andy Russell provided updates for Cherokee, Clay, Graham, and Macon counties.

8. Zack O’Keefe provided the Transportation Planning Branch update:

• The Jackson County CTP has been adopted by all parties. Pam Cook is finalizing the report.

• The Statewide Freight Plan has been adopted by the Board of Transportation is under review by FHWA.

• The first five (out of 25 total) Corridor Studies are being initiated. They are bundled by geography. The first bundle includes three corridors and will be performed by Kimley Horn. Bundle 2 includes two corridors and will be performed by Adkins. None of them are in the Southwestern RPO.

• CMAQ applications are due in March.

9. Bauguess provided an overview of the Prioritization 5.0 schedule. The next item for the TCC will be reviewing the Draft Local Input Point Methodology at the January meeting.

10. Bauguess gave an overview of the new Low Cost/High Impact Project Selection Process underway within the DOT Divisions. The purpose of the process is to identify small projects with a high impact that the divisions can implement in a timely fashion without going through


November 15, 2017 TCC Meeting Summary Page 3 of 3

Prioritization. Examples include turn lanes, signals, or small intersection improvements. Division 14 has developed a process for screening and scoring these projects. Members reviewed the scoring process. Justin Setser asked if Bike/Ped projects were eligible. Rose responded that they are.

11. Bauguess mentioned a Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) project that the Eastern Band had previously been awarded funding for is being rescinded. The funds are available for another project within our region if we can find one that fits. Projects require a 20% match and need to benefit the air quality within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Electric vehicle charging stations are one of the only projects that can be located outside of the park.

12. Bauguess reviewed the 2018 proposed meeting schedule. The group discussed meeting in different locations instead of always in Franklin. They agreed it would be more fair to rotate locations to share the travel time more equitably. Andy Russell offered the NCDOT District office conference room in Andrews as a meeting space, and it was agreed to hold the January meeting in Andrews.

Other Items:

13. TCC Members provided updates from their respective jurisdictions:

• Franklin is having a public meeting in November about angled and parallel parking on Main St.

• Kim Angel reported that the state has applied for a TIGER grant that includes funding for a new transit facility building in Macon County.

14. The next TCC meeting is scheduled for January 10, 2018 in Andrews. Poston moved to adjourn, seconded by all.


2018 Meeting Schedule

Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) 1:00 PM on the 2nd Wednesday 5:00 PM on the 4th Monday (unless otherwise noted) (unless otherwise noted)

Wednesday, January 10, 2018 Monday, January 22, 2018

NCDOT District office, Andrews Chestnut Tree Inn, Cherokee

Wednesday, March 14, 2018 Monday, March 26, 2018

SCC Groves Center, Franklin Chestnut Tree Inn, Cherokee

Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Wednesday, May 30, 2018

NCDOT District office, Andrews Chestnut Tree Inn, Cherokee

No July meeting No July meeting

Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Monday, September 24, 2018

SCC Groves Center, Franklin Chestnut Tree Inn, Cherokee

Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Monday, November 26, 2018

NCDOT District office, Andrews Chestnut Tree Inn, Cherokee

NCDOT District office: 191 Robbinsville Rd, Andrews, NC SCC Groves Center: 44 Siler Farm Rd, Franklin, NC

Chestnut Tree Inn: 37 Tsalagi Rd, Cherokee, NC
