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Technische Richtlinien E 2008 - Koelnmesse · Technical Guidelines Technical Guidelines 3 F e b r u...

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February 2019 Technical Guidelines 2 Traffic on the Fair Grounds, Escape Routes, Safety Equipment 3 Technical Data and Equipment in the Halls and Outdoor Areas 1 Preliminary Statements Technical Guidelines 1 1.1 House Regulations / Extract from the House Regulations 1.2. Opening Times 1.2.1 Construction and Dismantling Times 1.2.2 Duration of Event 2.1 Traffic Regulations 2.2 Escape Routes 2.2.1 Fire Department Operation Zones, Hydrants 2.2.2 Emergency Exits, Emergency Hatches, Hall Aisles 2.3 Safety Equipment 2.4 Stand Numeration 2.5 Security 2.6 Emergency evacuation 3.1 Hall Data 3.1.a Hall Overview 3.1.b Hall Height (Clear Span) 3.1.c Elevators 3.1.d Service Doors / Fireproof Door Shutters, Smoke Aprons 3.1.e Doors 3.1.f Technical Hall Information 3.1.1 General Lighting, Type of Power, Voltage 3.1.2 Compressed Air, Electrical and Water Supply 3.1.3 Communications Facilities 3.1.4 Sprinkler Systems 3.1.5 Heating, Ventilation 3.1.6 Faults 3.2 Outdoor Areas 4.1 Stand Construction Safety 4.2 Stand Construction Authorization 4.2.1 Inspection and Acceptance of Constructions which Require a Permit 4.2.2 Vehicles, Containers and Tents 4.2.3 Modifications to non-regulation Components 4.3 Overall Height 4.4 Fire and Safety Regulations 4.4.1 Fire Protection Stand Construction and Decoration Materials Display of Motor Vehicles Explosive Substances / munitions Pyrotechnics Use of Balloons and flying objects Fog Machines Smoking in the Halls Recycling Containers, Non-Recyclable Trash Containers Spray Guns, Solvent-based paints Abrasive Cutting and Grinding Work and all Work / Demonstrations / Displays with Open Flames, Fireplaces and Fire Loads Empty Containers Fire Extinguishers 4.4.2 Stand Covering 4.4.3 Glass and acrylic glass 4.4.4 Meeting places 4.5 Exits, escape routes, doors 4.5.1 Exits and escape routes 4.5.2 Doors 4.6 Platforms, Ladders, Steps, Catwalks and Ramps 4.7 Stand Design, Walls 4.7.1 Appearance 4.7.2 Checking the Rented Area 4.7.3 Changes to the Substance of the Building 4.7.4 Hall Flooring 4.7.5 Hanging Objects from the Hall Ceiling 4.7.6 Stand Partition Walls / System Stands 4.7.7 Advertising / Presentations / Outdoor Advertising 4.7.8 Barrier-free access 4.8 Outdoor Areas 4.9 Two-Story Construction 4.9.1 Construction Request 4.9.2 Conditions on Building Structures on the Stand Area, Clearance Distances, Height of Stand Interior 4.9.3 Load capacity / Design loads 4.9.4 Escape Routes / Stairs 4.9.5 Construction Material 4.9.6 Upper Floor 4 Stand Construction Regulations





Technical Guidelines

2 Traffic on the Fair Grounds, Escape Routes, Safety Equipment

3 Technical Data and Equipment in the Halls and Outdoor Areas

1 Preliminary Statements

Technical Guidelines 1

1.1 House Regulations / Extract from the House Regulations

1.2. Opening Times

1.2.1 Construction and Dismantling Times

1.2.2 Duration of Event

2.1 Traffic Regulations

2.2 Escape Routes

2.2.1 Fire Department Operation Zones, Hydrants

2.2.2 Emergency Exits, Emergency Hatches, Hall Aisles

2.3 Safety Equipment

2.4 Stand Numeration

2.5 Security

2.6 Emergency evacuation

3.1 Hall Data

3.1.a Hall Overview

3.1.b Hall Height (Clear Span)

3.1.c Elevators

3.1.d Service Doors / Fireproof Door Shutters, Smoke Aprons

3.1.e Doors

3.1.f Technical Hall Information

3.1.1 General Lighting, Type of Power, Voltage

3.1.2 Compressed Air, Electrical and Water Supply

3.1.3 Communications Facilities

3.1.4 Sprinkler Systems

3.1.5 Heating, Ventilation

3.1.6 Faults

3.2 Outdoor Areas

4.1 Stand Construction Safety

4.2 Stand Construction Authorization

4.2.1 Inspection and Acceptance of Constructions which Require a Permit

4.2.2 Vehicles, Containers and Tents

4.2.3 Modifications to non-regulation Components

4.3 Overall Height

4.4 Fire and Safety Regulations

4.4.1 Fire Protection Stand Construction and Decoration Materials Display of Motor Vehicles Explosive Substances / munitions Pyrotechnics Use of Balloons and flying objects Fog Machines Smoking in the Halls Recycling Containers, Non-Recyclable Trash Containers Spray Guns, Solvent-based paints Abrasive Cutting and Grinding Work and all Work /Demonstrations / Displays with Open Flames, Fireplacesand Fire Loads Empty Containers Fire Extinguishers

4.4.2 Stand Covering

4.4.3 Glass and acrylic glass

4.4.4 Meeting places

4.5 Exits, escape routes, doors

4.5.1 Exits and escape routes

4.5.2 Doors

4.6 Platforms, Ladders, Steps, Catwalks and Ramps

4.7 Stand Design, Walls

4.7.1 Appearance

4.7.2 Checking the Rented Area

4.7.3 Changes to the Substance of the Building

4.7.4 Hall Flooring

4.7.5 Hanging Objects from the Hall Ceiling

4.7.6 Stand Partition Walls / System Stands

4.7.7 Advertising / Presentations / Outdoor Advertising

4.7.8 Barrier-free access

4.8 Outdoor Areas

4.9 Two-Story Construction

4.9.1 Construction Request

4.9.2 Conditions on Building Structures on the Stand Area,Clearance Distances, Height of Stand Interior

4.9.3 Load capacity / Design loads

4.9.4 Escape Routes / Stairs

4.9.5 Construction Material

4.9.6 Upper Floor 4 Stand Construction Regulations

February 2019

5.1 General Regulations

5.1.1 Damages

5.2 Use of Tools

5.3 Electrical Installation

5.3.1 Connections

5.3.2 Stand Installation

5.3.3 Assembly and Operating Regulations

5.3.4 Safety Measures

5.3.5 Safety Lighting

5.4 Water and Waste Water Installation

5.5 Compressed air / gas installation

5.5.1 Compressed air

5.5.2 Gas

5.6 Machine, Pressure Vessel and Exhaust Gas Facilities

5.6.1 Machine Noise

5.6.2 Product safety law Safety Devices Test Procedures Operating Ban

5.6.3 Pressure Vessels Approval Confirmation Testing Rental Devices Monitoring

5.6.4 Exhaust Gases and Vapors

5.6.5 Exhaust Gas Facilities

5.7 Use of Compressed Gases, Liquid Gases and Combustible Fluids

5.7.1 Compressed Gas and Liquid Gas Facilities Approval Request for Compressed Gas Bottles Use of Liquid Gas Setup and Maintenance

5.7.2 Combustible Fluids Storage and Use Storage of Required Amounts Storage Containers Storage Location Conditions for Operating Filling with Liquids Empty containers

5.8 Asbestos and Other dangerous substances

5.9 Film, Photography, Television and other Types of Presentations

5.10 Radiation Protection

5.10.1 Radioactive Materials

5.10.2 X-Ray Facilities and Interference Radiators

5.10.3 Laser Facilities

5.11 High-frequency devices, radio systems,electromagnetic compatibility and harmonic oscillations

5.12 Cranes, Fork-lift Trucks, Empty Containers, Trade Fair Forwarding Agents, Customs

5.12.1 Customs Clearance

5.13 Musical Renditions

5.14 Drink Dispensing Machines

5.15 Food Monitoring

5.15.1 Import of Meat and Meat Products

6.1 Waste

6.1.1 Waste Disposal

6.1.2 Dangerous Waste

6.1.3 Waste Which Has Been Brought on Site

6.2 Water, Waste Water, Ground Protection

6.2.1 Oils, Fat Collectors

6.2.2 Cleaning / Cleaning Agents

6.3 Environmental Damage

7.1 “Infoscout” – the Cologne Visitor Information System

7.2 Insurance / Watchmen

7.2.1 Insurance

7.2.2 Watchmen

7.3 Exhibition Protection

7.4 Arranging Personnel

7.5 Hotel / travel services

7.6 Rental Furniture and Equipment

7.7 Catering

5 Operational Safety, Technical Safety Regulations,Technical Code, Technical Supply

6 Environmental Protection

7 Miscellaneous

8 List of key words, technical guidelines

Technical Guidelines

Technical Guidelines2

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1 Preliminary Statements

Koelnmesse has issued guidelines for the trade fairs and otherevents held. These guidelines are intended to provide all exhi-bitors / organizers with the optimal conditions for presentingtheir exhibits and appealing to their visitors and other interested parties.

These guidelines are binding for all exhibitors and organizers.

These guidelines also contain regulations in the interests of ourexhibitors and visitors which are designed to offer the highestdegree of safety possible in regard to technical and designequipment at the event.

The building ordinance, fire protection and other safety regula-tions have been established in agreement with the respon sibleauthorities of the city of Cologne. Third parties may not deriveany rights from the permits or approvals granted by Koelnmesse.

In addition, the statutory regulations should be always beobserved in their currently valid version.

The responsible agencies and facilities reserve the right toverify that statutory or administrative agency regulations arebeing upheld.

The opening of an exhibition stand can be entirely or partlybanned in the interest of all event participants if determinedsafety risks have not been eliminated by the time of the eventopening.

The right to make additional demands regarding safety andstand construction is reserved.

The order forms for additional services are usually sent withthe authorization. The orders must be completed and returnedon time, as Koelnmesse will not assume responsibility for per-forming the requested services in a proper or punctual mannerif the orders are received late.

Koelnmesse reserves the right to impose a surcharge for ordersthat are received late, in accordance with the details specifiedin the order media.

For information purposes, the exhibitors may be sent additionalcirculars with details regarding the preparation and organizationof the event.

Koelnmesse would like to draw the exhibitors’ attention to thefact that they must comply with all applicable labor and socialsecurity regulations. As far as the employment of foreign work-ers is concerned, only those people in possession of a permitthat allows them to work on an employed or self-employedbasis may work on the fair grounds.

The following trade fair companies:Deutsche Messe AG Hannover Koelnmesse GmbHLandesmesse Stuttgart GmbHLeipziger Messe GmbH Messe Berlin GmbH Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Messe Frankfurt GmbH Messe München GmbH Nürnberg Messe GmbHhave drawn up these Technical Guidelines in a commonclassification structure.Subject to further alteration. The German text is binding.

1.1 House Regulations

House and Ground Regulations of Koelnmesse for the Cologne Trade Fair Grounds

1. These house and grounds regulations apply to all areas of thetrade fair grounds in Cologne, i.e. all halls, outdoor areas and allbuildings and grounds which have been let to Koelnmesse ei-ther temporarily or permanently. They apply to all persons whoenter or spend time on the trade fair grounds in Cologne as de-fined above

2. The domestic authority is exercised within the trade fairgrounds in Cologne by the staff of Koelnmesse and/or the staffof the security companies employed by Koelnmesse.

3. Koelnmesse has the right to limit access to the trade fairgrounds – and in particular to the halls – to exhibitors, visitorsand other third parties, e.g. to allow access to trade visitorsonly and to monitor adherence to the admission conditions.The halls and other event areas may be entered only by thosepersons holding a valid admission ticket. This ticket must beshown on demand. Diverging access regulations – for exhibitorsand companies working within the Cologne trade fair groundsin particular – are not affected by this regulation.

4. Children and young people below the age of 16 may enterthe grounds during an event only when accompanied by anadult. Special notification will be given of diverging regulations.Adults and young people over the age of 16 enjoy unrestrictedadmission. Children below the age of six are admitted free ofcharge. An appropriate admission ticket must be purchased inall other cases. Event-related special regulations such as ‘fortrade visitors only’ are not affected by this regulation.

Children and young people below the age of 16 who are nottrainees of a company working on the trade fair grounds duringthe stand construction and stand dismantling periods are notpermitted to enter the grounds during these periods.

5. The staff of Koelnmesse or the staff of the security compa-nies employed by Koelnmesse who can identify themselves assuch are permitted to check tickets at the trade fair grounds.Those found on the grounds without a valid admission ticket orother access authorisation, or those who are found on thegrounds without permission, must leave the grounds immedi-ately.

6. As part of Koelnmesse’s security concept, video surveillanceis carried out at the exhibition centre.

7. Koelnmesse has the right to prohibit individuals from carry-ing bags and other containers with them inside the exhibitioncentre. For reasons of general security and the prevention oftheft, bags and other containers that individuals carry withthem are subject to spot checks or comprehensive checks atthe entrances and exits of the exhibition centre. By enteringthe exhibition centre, people who carry bags or other contain-ers with them give their consent to have these bags and con-tainers checked.

8. Persons enter/drive onto the trade fair grounds at their ownrisk.Within the scope of the law, Koelnmesse excludes any lia-bility. The provisions of the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO)apply. Unless traffic conditions make it necessary to drive at awalking pace, the speed limit is 30 km per hour. Koelnmessehas the right to impose pedestrian and vehicular access limits

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February 2019

on the trade fair grounds, to refuse access or control access inany other way it deems fit

9. Koelnmesse is liable only in cases of gross negligence andmalicious intent, regardless of the legal grounds. In cases ofsimple negligence, Koelnmesse is only liable:

n For damages that affect anyone’s life, health or physicalwell-being.

n For damages resulting from a breach of a basic contractualobligation (obligations that make the orderly implementationof the contract possible in the first place, and the observanceof which the parties to the contract regularly rely on and canexpect to rely on). In such a case, Koelnmesse’s liability is limit-ed to the compensation of the foreseeable, typically occurringdamage. Liability for untypical, indirect or consequential dam-ages is excluded.

10. All kinds of vehicles and other items may be parked or de-posited in those areas specifically set aside for loading and un-loading. Escape routes, fire brigade approach routes and firebrigade deployment areas must be kept free at all times. When depositing interchangeable open bodies or containers,measures must be taken to prevent them from sinking into thetarred surface. The owner/operator is liable for damage withoutproof of fault. Vehicles, containers etc. which have been de-posited illegally will be moved or towed away at the expense ofthe owner/keeper or perpetrator.

11. It is forbidden to act in any way which risks interrupting theregular progress of the event, the construction or the disman-tling, or to violate the interests of Koelnmesse in any way. Thisincludes the following in particular:

– every business activity not permitted on the trade fairgrounds, in particular the sale of objects and services of allkinds or their distribution free of charge;

– the unauthorised distribution or posting of flyers, advertis-ing material, posters, magazines etc. as well as the attach-ment of stickers of any kind; the same applies if the afore-mentioned material is distributed by Deutsche Post AG orcomparable companies and organisations as bulk mailingsor in similar fashion;

– the presence of animals;– the pollution of the hall or outdoor areas as well as any be-

haviour which could endanger or pollute the environment;– the unauthorised entry of vehicles onto the trade fair

grounds and the unauthorised use of vehicles on the tradefair grounds;

– the use of bicycles, scooters, kickboards, roller skates, inlineskates, skateboards and similar means of transport on theBoulevard and in the halls, buildings and connecting levels;exceptions will be announced separately;

– unauthorised assemblies and processions of all kinds;– the carrying of weapons and other objects which must be

registered, or of hazardous substances and the like;– the direct sale, purchase or exchange of exhibits and other

objects; exceptions will be announced separately;– being present at the trade fair grounds outside the specified

opening hours.

12. Photography, filming, video recording, drawing, painting etc.for commercial purposes requires the prior written authorisa-tion of Koelnmesse and – in those cases involving stands orproducts belonging to exhibitors or other third parties, or con-cerning persons – the prior written permission of the holder ofthe rights. Koelnmesse has the right to impose more stringentregulations in this regard.

13. Koelnmesse staff or companies or persons working on be-half of Koelnmesse who take photographs, film and/or recordvideos at the trade fair grounds in Cologne for the purpose ofcreating reports or advertising must not be disturbed or pre-vented from doing their work. All persons who enter the fairgrounds and spend time there are informed by the house andgrounds regulations of the fact that photos will be taken andfilms and videos recorded on the trade fair grounds in Cologne.By entering the grounds, those people who can be identified inthese photos or recordings consent to the use of this materialfor reports and for advertising purposes.

14. Surveys, statistical studies and other comparable activitiesare subject to prior written permission of Koelnmesse.

15. Koelnmesse has the right to limit the use of transmittingand receiving equipment on the trade fair grounds.

16. Exhibits, stand inventory or parts of display equipment andsimilar objects may be transported within the trade fair halls orout of the fairgrounds only if the right to do so has been deter-mined by the presentation of a written confirmation from theowner/keeper.

17. Objects found on the trade fair grounds must be brought tothe Lost and Found office located at Messewache (security of-fice) North or East. Lost objects can be collected from theseoffices.

Concluding regulations: Should any person act in breach of these house regulations orany other provisions laid down by Koelnmesse, the latter re-serves the right to evict that person from the trade fair groundsor bar that person from entering the grounds for a certain peri-od or permanently. Breaches of the Conditions of Participationmay result in exclusion from participation in the current eventor from participation in future events. The measures listed inthese house regulations do not exclude the possibility of crimi-nal prosecution.

As of February 2018

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1.2 Opening Times

The opening hours vary from event to event. Please refer to the appropriate section of the participation conditions formore details.

1.2.1 Construction and Dismantling Times

Refer to the appropriate section of the participation conditionsfor more details on construction and dismantling times.

Work may proceed in the halls and outdoor areas during thegeneral construction and dismantling times. Exhibitors will beinformed of special exceptions to these rules in good time.

1.2.2 Duration of Event

Throughout the duration of the event, the halls are accessiblefor exhibitors one hour prior to the start of the trade fair andup to one hour after the closure of the trade fair.

Exhibitors who need to work on their stands outside theseopening hours in justifiable individual cases must obtain specialwritten permission to do so from Koelnmesse.

2 Traffic on the Fair Grounds, Escape Routes, Safety Equipment

2.1 Traffic Regulations

In order to ensure a smooth flow of traffic during the construc-tion and dismantling period and for the duration of the event,it is important that various traffic control regulations are observed at all times.

The instructions of the Koelnmesse staff whose responsibility it is to control traffic must be followed and all correspondinginformation observed.

The provisions of the Road Traffic Regulations apply to theentire fair grounds and trade fair parking areas.

The maximum permissible speed on the fair grounds is 30 kmper hour.

Illegally parked vehicles, lean-tos, containers, receptacles andempty containers of all kinds will be removed at the expenseand risk of the owner.

Koelnmesse has commissioned a contracting company to manage the parking areas. Long-term parking permits for theuse of trade fair parking areas by cars with insurance coveragecan be ordered under “Parking permits” in the order media from Koelnmesse. The scope of this insurance coverage can be found in the printed conditions of the insurance companyused by the security company.

Trucks, advertising vehicles, caravans and campers may not beparked in the trade fair parking areas. Parking spaces for trucksand caravans will be allocated on request.

For reasons of safety, motor vehicles may not be left in areasnot specifically designated as parking spaces within the fairgrounds on the days of the event. Vehicles which influence orimpede the safety and smooth flow of traffic will be towedaway at the risk and expense of the operator of the vehicle.

All indoor areas, detours, and driveways directly adjacent to thehalls must be cleared by 10.00 p.m. on the last constructionday.

2.2 Escape Routes

2.2.1 Fire Department Operation Zones, Hydrants

The necessary fire department approach routes (fire brigadeaccess) and operation zones (deployment areas for the fire brigade) and those marked by no-stopping signs must be keptfree for the fire department at all times. Vehicles and objectswhich are parked or deposited on the escape routes and safetyareas will be removed at the cost and risk of the owner. Hydrants in the halls and in the outdoor areas may not be hidden, disguised or rendered inaccessible.

2.2.2 Emergency Exits, Emergency Hatches, Hall Aisles

The escape and rescue routes are to be kept clear at all times.It must be possible to open doors located along escape andrescue routes easily from the inside and they must open intheir full width. The escape and rescue routes, exit doors andemergency hatches in the floors of the halls and their labellingare not allowed to be obstructed, blocked, covered or defaced.

Technical Guidelines

February 2019

The escape and rescue routes in the halls are not to be restrictedat any time by protruding objects that have been placed in theaisle.

In the case of violations, the exhibition company is entitled tofind a remedy for the situation at the expense and risk of theperpetrator.

During the assembly and dismantling phase, it is permitted tobriefly deposit materials needed for the assembly of the standor exhibits delivered for immediate display at the exhibitionspace on the edge of the escape and rescue routes, as long asthe aisle widths required for safety reasons are maintained andthe logistic aspects are adequately taken into consideration.

These requirements are considered to be met, it the depositeditems take up a maximum of 0.9 m of space along the perimeterof the stand to the hall aisle.

Regardless of the width of the hall aisle and the deposited goods,a passage with a minimum width of 1.2 m is to be left clear.Areas in front of emergency exits and the intersections of hallaisles are an exception to this rule and in these cases the fullwidth must be kept clear at all times. It is not permitted to usethe hall aisles for the construction of assembly areas or to de-posit machines (i.e. woodworking machinery, workbenches, etc.).

At the request of the exhibition company, the immediate evacu-ation of all aisles can (also) be demanded for logistical reasons.

2.3 Safety Equipment

Sprinkler systems, fire alarms, fire extinguishing equipment,smoke alarms, locking attachments for the hall doors and othersafety equipment, the signs identifying them as such and greenexit signs must be accessible and visible at all times. They maynot be blocked or hidden in any way. Fire protection equipmentsuch as fireproof shutters may not be blocked at any time, normay the construction be supported.

2.4 Stand Numeration

Every stand is given a number by the organizers. These standnumbers must be attached to each stand and visible to all forthe duration of the event.

2.5 Security

Koelnmesse ensures a general watch on the trade fair halls andoutdoor areas for the duration of the trade fair and during theconstruction and dismantling periods.

Koelnmesse has the right to take measures necessary forcontrol and security. Where necessary, stand security must beorganized by the exhibitor. Stand security personnel may only be hired from the security companies commissioned byKoelnmesse.

2.6 Emergency evacuation

For safety reasons, the trade fair company can order rooms orbuildings to be evacuated and closed. All those who are presentmust comply with this instruction and gather outside.Exhibitors must inform their employees of this procedure, and,if necessary, organise and publicise their own evacuation procedures.

3 Technical Data and Equipment in the Halls and Outdoor Areas

3.1 Hall Data

Please read the instructions on the following pages.

3.1.a Hall Overview

3.1.b Hall Height (Clear Span)

3.1.c Elevators

3.1.d Service Doors / Fireproof Door Shutters / Smoke Aprons

3.1.e Doors

3.1.f Technical Hall Information

3.1.1 General Lighting, Type of Power, Voltage

The general lighting in the halls measured 1 m above the hallfloor is 300 lux.

Type of power and voltage on the fair grounds:

Electrical supply:1-phase alternating current, 230 Volt (tolerance value inaccordance with DIN EN 50160) / 50 Hz 3-phase alternating current (400 Volt, tolerance value inaccordance with DIN EN 50160) / 50 Hz

3.1.2 Compressed Air, Electrical and Water Supply

See section 3.1

3.1.3 Communications Facilities

Stands in all halls can be provided with telephone, fax, dataand antenna connections.

Guidelines for the operation of exhibitor Wi-Fi networks atKoelnmesse:

The operation of Wi-Fi networks by exhibitors is only permittedin trade fair halls (1 to 11). Operation outside of these hallsand on the outdoor area is prohibited.Only Wi-Fi networks in the 2.4 GHz range, based on the validstandards (802.11 b/g/n) with the channels 1, 5 or 9 may beoperated.The transmitting power of your Wi-Fi transmitter may not ex-ceed -80dBm at the border of the stand.The SSID, i.e. the name of your access point, must consist ofthe hall number, the stand number and the company name(e.g. "H6 B45 companyname") and must be visible.Channel bonding is not permitted. Only a channel width of 20MHz is permitted (max. 72 Mbit/s with 802.11n).Transmitters other than Wi-Fi transmitters are generally notpermitted, as they can cause massive interference with the de-sired signals. No Wi-Fi scanners or sniffers may be operated.

Technical Guidelines6

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3.1.a Hall Overview

S13 Train Station Köln Messe/Deutz











A3 / A4


scher R


A4, AachenA59, Airport Köln/Bonn





A57 / Zoobrücke

Messeallee N























Opladener Straße


Barmer Straße

Messeallee Süd


Autobahnkreuz Köln-OstA3 Frankfurt/ OberhausenA4 Olpe


Lenneper Straße












CC East








EGate E

BGate B

Gate FF

A Gate A

TGate T

Gate S S

Gate G G

DGate D

CGate C






Height limit

GatesA T

Entrance NorthCongress Centre North

Entrance EastCongress Centre East

Entrance South

Entrance West

Technical Guidelines

Technical Guidelines8

February 2019

Technical Guidelines

Technical Guidelines8

3.1.b Hall Height (Clear Span)Does not apply to stand superstructures

3.1.c Elevators

*under header duct, height 4.5 m

Load carrying


Hall Elevator capacity Width Depth Height

5.1 F 100 kN 2.30 m 4.20 m 2.90 m

11.1 F, J 50 kN 2.45 m 3.75 m 2.65 m

11.1 H 50 kN 2.35 m 3.35 m 2.65 m

11.1 A,D 75 kN 3.35 m 4.50 m 2.90 m

11.1 I 75 kN 5.50 m 3.17 m 2.65 m

Load carrying


Hall Elevator capacity Width Depth Height

1.1 A 50 kN 2.90 m 4.70 m 2.75 m

1.1 A 50 kN 2.90 m 5.10 m 2.75 m

1.1 B 100 kN 3.40 m 5.15 m 2.75 m

2.1 B,C 100 kN 2.30 m 5.40 m 2.85 m

3.1 B,D,F,H 30 kN 2.80 m 3.45 m 2.10 m

4.1 E 100 kN 2.60 m 5.10 m 2.85 m Subject to alterations


4.50 m




1.1 B

1.1 A

5.1 F

4.1 E

2.1 C2.1 B

3.1 B

3.1 D

3.1 F 3.1 H

11.1 H

11.1 I

11.1 F

11.1 J

11.1 D

11.1 A


5.1 – 5.85 m*5.2 – 5.85 m*





6.20 m

12.1 – 6.00 m

2.2 – 6.00 m


3.1 – 4.75 m3.2 – 6.45 m



11.1 – 5.00 m11.2 – 5.00 m

11.3 – 6.00 m


4.1 – 5.85 m*4.2 – 5.85 m*


10.1 – 5.80 m*10.2 – 5.85 m*


11.00 m


11.00 m


11.00 m


15.00 m









3,70 m

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Hall Door Width Height

1.2 C 3.50 m 4.00 m

2.1 G 3.30 m 4.15 m

2.2 O 3.20 m 4.15 m

3.1 5.10 m 4.20 m

3.1 E 3.40 m 2.75 m

4.1 A 4.10 m 4.20 m

4.1 H 4.70 m 3.90 m

4.1 L 4.30 m 4.00 m

4.2 O 4.00 m 4.00 m

5.1 J, K 4.10 m 4.10 m

5.2 Q, S 4.10 m 4.10 m

6 D 6.00 m 6.00 m

6 A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I 6.00 m 4.50 m

7 F 6.00 m 6.00 m

7 A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, J 6.00 m 4.50 m

8 D 6.00 m 6.00 m

8 A, B, C, E, F, G, H 6.00 m 4.50 m


Hall Door Width Height

9 H 6.00 m 6.00 m

9 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, J 6.00 m 4.50 m

10.1 B 4.20 m 4.10 m

10.1 E 4.40 m 4.10 m

10.1 F 4.40 m 4.10 m

10.1 I 4.40 m 4.40 m

10.2 N 4.30 m 4.35 m

10.2 P 4.35 m 4.30 m

10.2 Q 4.35 m 4.30 m

10.2 T 4.30 m 4.35 m

11.1 C 3.10 m 3.40 m

11.1 E 5.20 m 2.60 m

11.1 G 3.50 m 2.70 m

Subject to alterations

3.1.e Doors

3.1.d Service Doors / Fireproof Door Shutters Smoke Aprons

Service doors

Fireproof door shutters

Smoke aprons





































10.1I 10.2T



















5.2Q5.1J 5.2S











Technical Guidelines

Technical Guidelines10

February 2019

Technical Guidelines

Technical Guidelines10

Hall Permissible Supply Water Compressed Steam Exhaust Antenna Sprinkler Parking load points supply air supply supply gas connections system areas/ in kN per m2 points points points facilities parking area levels

1 .10* n n n n n

2.1 .20* n n n n n n

2.2 .20* n n n n n n 1

P. 2 – 3 0.5* n n n

3.1 .20* n n n n n n

3.2 .10* n n n n n n

P. 3 – 4 0.5* n n n

P. 3 –11 0.5* n n n n

4.1 .20* n n n n n n

4.2 .20* n n n n n n 2

P. 4 – 5 0.5* n n

P. 4 –10 0.5* n n n n

5.1 .20* n n n n n n

5.2 .20* n n n n n n 2

P. 5 –10 0.5* n n

6 50. n n n * ** n n

7 50. n n n * ** n n

8 50. n n n * ** n n

9 50. n n n * ** n n

10.1 .20* n n n n East n n n

10.2 .20* n n n n n n 1

11.1 .20* n n n n Middle n n n

11.2 .15* n n n n South n n n

11.3 .7,5* n n n n n n 1

Boulevard 0.5* n n n n ***

3.1.f Technical Hall Information

Subject to alterations***


Steam supply points on request Exhaust gas system on request Forklift trucks are strictly prohibited. Pallet jacks and other industrial trucks must befitted with light-coloured plastic wheels. Steel wheels and black rubber wheels arenot permitted. The floor must be protected against soiling by laying canvas, coverpanels or similar underneath the cargo. Soiling must be completely removed with-out delay. Soiling or damage must be reported immediately to the technical serviceteam or the facility manager.

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The general operation of Wi-Fi networks by exhibitors is onlypermitted in compliance with the above-mentioned guidelinesand when the Wi-Fi operation has been registered at least 4weeks before the start of the trade fair. You can find the format www.koelnmesse-service-portal.de.NetCologne does not guarantee the operation of Wi-Fi net-works for exhibitors. NetCologne does not carry out any configurations on the Wi-Finetwork of the exhibitor, the exhibitor is responsible for the or-derly operation.Networks which result in interference may not be operated.Koelnmesse and NetCologne retain the right to switch offthese networks. Measures required to locate and eradicate "disruptive transmit-ters" or networks which have been set up incorrectly will be in-voiced to the originator. The current invoicing rate is 60 EURfor each commenced half hour.

3.1.4 Sprinkler Systems

Halls 1 to 11 are fitted with sprinkler systems.

3.1.5 Heating, Ventilation

Heating and ventilation is provided in all halls.

3.1.6 Faults

Koelnmesse must be informed immediately in the event of anyfaults occuring in the technical supply. Koelnmesse is not liablefor loss or damage resulting from such faults unless at leastgrossly negligent behaviour on the part of a legal representativeor vicarious agent has occurred. In accordance with statutoryobligations, Koelnmesse shall be liable for damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence in the event of any damageclaims resulting from fatal injuries, bodily or health injuries.

3.2 Outdoor Areas

Depending on the concept behind the event, the outdoor areamay be used.

4 Stand Construction Regulations

4.1 Stand Construction Safety

Exhibition stands including equipment, exhibits and advertisingmaterial must be erected in such a stable manner as to avoidendangering life and limb, as well as safety and order.

The stand’s stability must be ensured during all phases of theevent (construction, the event itself, dismantling).

The exhibitor is responsible for the structural and transportsafety of the exhibition stand and may be asked to provideproof thereof. This applies to the construction and dismantlingtimes as well as to the event itself.

To ensure the stability of the stands, a horizontal equivalentdistributed load of 0.125 KN per m2 should be used to main-tain sufficient stability against sliding and overturning. Devia-tions are possible in justifiable individual cases, following con-sultation with Koelnmesse. If the case justifies it, Koelnmessereserves the right to have a structural engineer evaluate thestand’s stability on site for a fee. This also applies after a standconstruction authorisation has already been issued.

Vertical construction elements and/or special constructions(e.g. free-standing walls, high exhibits, high decorative ele-ments) which could fall over must be able to withstand a horizontally acting equivalent distributed load qh where:

qh1 = 0.125 kN/m² up to a height of 4 m above floor level

qh2 = 0.063 kN/m² for all areas above a height of 4 m abovefloor level.

The area to be considered for this purpose is the projection ofthe actual surface onto the vertical plane (elevation). The doc-umentation of these measurements must be available for in-spection upon request by the trade fair company.

DIN 4102 (behaviour in the case of fire of construction materi-als, components) or EN 13501 —1 must be observed and com-plied with.

4.2 Stand Construction Authorization

Assuming that the technical guidelines are observed when designing and erecting stands, there is no need to submit forapproval drawings for one-story stands in the halls.

All other stands, mobile stands, special constructions and superstructures must be approved.

4.2.1 Inspection and Acceptance of Constructions which Require a Permit

Dimensioned stand plans in the German language on a scale ofat least 1:100 with plans and elevations must be submitted forapproval to Koelnmesse in duplicate at least six weeks be forethe start of construction.

One copy of the stand plan is returned to the exhibitor/standconstructor with an ’approved’ endorsement once it has beenchecked. Construction of the stand may only commence afterthis ’approved’ endorsement has been granted.

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For the approval of:

n special constructions

n two-storied constructions

n cinema space or auditoriums

n outdoor constructions

n stage area

n temporary constructions

the following documentation (in duplicate) must be submittedin German at least six weeks before the start of construction:

a) tested structural (static) calculations in accordance withGerman standards;

b) a description of the construction and

c) stand constructional drawings on a scale of 1:100 (plans, elevations, sections), construction details on a larger scale.

d) Points a) and b) do not apply in cases where a type verifi -cation and tests/inspect and test log book can be provided.

The cost of the building permit procedure will be invoiced tothe exhibitor/stand constructor.

4.2.2 Vehicles, Containers and Tents

Permission has to be obtained for the parking or erection of ve-hicles, trailers, containers, refuse containers, tents, etc.For a fee, a reservation for a parking spot can be applied for inthe logistics zone outside the halls for vehicles, trailers, con-tainers, refuse containers, etc. using the order form T.20. Thiscan be found in the Koelnmesse Service Portal (KSP).

Depending on the usage, state and location, it may be neces-sary to have vehicles, containers and tents, etc. left inside andoutside the halls equipped with fire extinguishers and fire de-tectors (which are connected to the fire alarm system of Koel-nmesse and that of the Cologne fire department).

4.2.3 Modifications to non-regulation Components

Stand constructions which have not been approved and/or donot comply with the technical guidelines or legal provisionsmay have to be altered or removed.

If these changes are not completed within the time stipulatedby Koelnmesse, the latter has the right to make these changesitself at the expense of the exhibitor.

The partial or complete closure of a stand may also be orderedshould important grounds, especially serious safety deficits,exist.

4.3 Overall Height

Details on the official stand height for each event are con-tained in the registration forms. Approval must be sought fromKoelnmesse for constructions which exceed this limit.

Stand constructions on the boundary between adjacent standsmust be designed in a neutral manner above a height of 2.5 m.

4.4 Fire and Safety Regulations

4.4.1 Fire Protection Stand Construction and Decoration Materials

Generally no easily flammable, burning droplets or toxic gasesand materials with a strong smoke formation such as poly-styrene hard foam (Styrofoam) or any similar materials are al-lowed to be used. This applies equally for the stand construc-tion and for decoration materials.Furthermore, in individual cases special stipulations may applyfor the load-bearing structural elements (i.e. non-flammable)for reasons of safety.In addition to the above-mentioned characteristics, decorationmaterial has to be classed at least as flame retardant (Class B1)in accordance with DIN 4102 and have a low smoke generationor at least fall under Class C-s2,d0 in accordance with EN13501-1. A test certificate on the building material class of theimplemented material may be requested.In individual cases, normally flammable and/or decoration ma-terial with burning droplets are allowed to be used if– these are sufficiently protected against flammability due to

the corresponding installation, or– these are only implemented in low quantities or in positions

where no fire/safety risk exists.The testing and approval of the respective installation situationis exclusively carried out by the trade fair organization andupon prior written notification about the planned installationof these materials. The required documents (i.e. on the installa-tion situation or the fire protection classes) must be attached.

As a rule, bamboo, reed, hay, straw, bark mulch, peat or similarmaterials do not comply with the above-mentioned require-ments and in general have to be protected separately or thenecessary fire protection measures have to be carried out. Fo-liage and conifers are only allowed to be implemented if theirroots are moist.

The implementation of plastic cable straps to fasten staticallystressed parts is prohibited. Display of Motor Vehicles

Display in the exhibition halls: Vehicles with combustion en-gines may only have enough fuel in their tanks to drive intoand out of the facility (the fuel reserve warning light must beon in the display). The fuel tank must be locked.

If vehicles are presented in other building areas, additionalsafety measures may be required, including the inerting oftanks, the disconnection of batteries and/or the use of securityguards. Explosive Substances / munitions

Explosive substances are subject to the respective valid versionof the Explosives Act and may not be used or exhibited at tradefairs and exhibitions. This also applies to ammunition withinthe sense of the Weapons Act. Pyrotechnics

Regardless of and subject to the granting of an official permit(Office of Public Order of the City of Cologne, Tel.: +49 221

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221-0), the written consent of Koelnmesse has to be obtainedin advance for pyrotechnic presentations. Proof of the license holder and the certificate of competencehave to be presented. In order for the permit to be issued, de-tails on the place and time of the presentation, the number andtype of the pyrotechnic effects, the registration numbers of thefireworks (BAM/German Federal Institute for Materials Research& Testing), the duration of the pyrotechnic effects, the requiredsafety distance as well as a risk assessment have to be provided.The required documents have to be submitted in due time,however at least 14 days before the presentation. The trade fairexhibitor has no entitlement to be granted a permit. Use of Balloons and flying objects

The use of safety-gas-filled balloons and other flying objects inthe halls and outdoor areas must be approved by Koelnmesse. Fog Machines

The implementation of fog machines and/or hazers is subject toapproval, a written application for which has to be submitted toKoelnmesse prior to the official assembly period.

In line with the ordinance on hazardous materials and the ECguidelines, fog fluids are not allowed to contain any dangeroussubstances. It is not permitted to use fluids that contain oil.

A corresponding safety data sheet has to be presented.The range of the fog emitted should be limited down to thestand area.

Koelnmesse will determine the maximum height to which thefog is allowed to rise.

The safety signs as well as the escape routes and emergencyexits are not allowed to be restricted by the fog and have to re-main identifiable at all times. Smoking in the Halls

In order to avoid the risk of causing a fire, smoking shouldgenerally be avoided. In those cases where there is no specificban on smoking for a stand or part thereof, the exhi bitor mustensure the provision of sufficient ashtrays or ash containersmade of non-flammable material and must ensure that theyare emptied on a regular basis. Recycling Containers, Non-Recyclable Trash Containers

Recycling containers and non-recyclable trash containers madeof flammable material may not be used at the stands. Recycling containers and non-recyclable trash containers at thestands must be emptied regularly and at least every eveningonce the trade fair has ended for the day. Should larger amounts of inflammable refuse accumulate, these must be disposed of several times a day. Spray guns, solvent-based paints

The use of spray guns as well as the implementation of sol-vent-based paints is forbidden. Furthermore, it is not permittedto release solvent-based substances/liquids into the sewer orwastewater system of Koelnmesse (see also 6.2.1). Abrasive Cutting and Grinding Work and all Work /Demonstrations / Displays with Open Flames, Fire-places and Fire Loads

Welding, cutting, soldering, grinding and separating work aswell as other work with open flames or flying sparks is prohi b-ited in the exhibition area and on the company grounds of Koelnmesse.

In exceptional cases a permit for flame work with special safetyconditions (permit for work involving an increased risk of fire)can be issued by the Exhibition Technology Department uponwritten request.

The presentation of exhibits involving open flames as well asperformances involving open flames, fireplaces and fire loadshave to be registered with Koelnmesse at least six (6) weeksprior to the start of the event.

E-mail: [email protected]

The following are subject to registration:

a) The operation of all types of fireplaces, i.e. fires with chim-neys, torches, radiant heaters, candles (even inside a glass),grills (gas or coal-driven). Fireplaces that serve purely fordecoration purposes are not permitted in the exhibitionhalls.

b) The introduction of larger volumes of fire loads (i.e. fire-lighters, charcoal, bioethanol, etc.)

Attention: The operation of non-registered fireplaces is prohib-ited, this also applies for the introduction of high fire loads.

If the exhibition, presentation and operation of fireplaces or theintroduction of fire loads is permitted, Koelnmesse will laydown the necessary framework conditions and inform the re-spective party in writing. Empty Containers

It is forbidden to store empty containers of all kinds (e.g. packag-ing and package materials) at the stands and outside the standsin the hall. All empty containers must be removed immediately.

The contract carrier of Koelnmesse offers storage options. Fire Extinguishers

We suggest you keep suitable and tested fire extinguishers onhand at your stand. Please note that two-storey stands andstands with a high content of flammable materials must have afire extinguisher available.

Exlusively foam extinguishers are allowed to be used. Powder ex-tinguishers are necessary for presentations with flammable gases.

Fire extinguishers suitable for extinguishing burning fat must beavailable in kitchen areas. Please complete and return the ap-propriate form to hire fire extinguishers.

4.4.2 Stand Covering

To prevent the sprinkler system from being inhibited, exhibitionstands must be open at the top.

Ceilings are considered to be open if horizontally a maximumof 50 percent of the ceiling area as calculated for every individ-ual square metre of the ceiling area is closed (if ceilings are tilt-ed, this is calculated on the basis of the horizontally projectedarea covered by the ceiling).

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A valid certificate from an approved inspection office regardingfire resistance (B1 according to DIN 4102 or Class EN 13501-1,at least Class c-s2, d0) and sprinkler suitability must be sub-mitted. The opening of the material must measure at least 2x4mm or 3x3 mm (interior dimensions) in a non-stretched state.Alternatively, the system´s sprinkler suitability (heat and waterpermeability) can be demonstrated with a VdS certificate. Itmust be ensured that the span fabrics that are used are in-stalled horizontally and in one layer. The span fabrics can bestretched across individual fields measuring up to 30 squaremetres without requiring any additional measures. Fields thatexceed this size have to be supported by additional construc-tion measures.

4.4.3 Glass and acrylic glass

Only safety glass is permissible.

The edges of the glass panes must be worked or protected insuch a manner that there is no danger of injury. Componentsmade wholly of glass must be marked at eye level.

In the case of structures made of glass, the requirements listedin the “Glass in Stand Construction” information sheet (whichcan be ordered from the Event Engineers Department) must beadhered to.

4.4.4 Meeting places

All rooms that are enclosed on all sides (closed rooms) andhave no visual or acoustic connection with the hall must be fitted with a visual and acoustic warning system to ensure thatalarm signals may be received at the stand at all times. Exceptions are possible subject to approval.

4.5 Exits, escape routes, doors

4.5.1 Exits and escape routes

Stand areas that cover more than 100 m2 or do not have aclear layout must have at least two separate exits/escaperoutes that are located opposite one other (Special ConstructionRegulation Part 1: Assembly Areas §6 SBauVO).

The distance from any point of an exhibition space to a hall gang -way may not exceed 20 metres (in accordance with Special Construction Regulation Part 1: Assembly Areas §7 SBauVO).

The emergency exits and escape routes have to be marked assuch in accordance with DGUV V9.

4.5.2 Doors

It is not permissible to use swinging doors, revolving doors,code-operated doors or sliding doors at emergency exits or escape routes.

4.6 Platforms, Ladders, Steps, Catwalks and Ramps

Generally accessible areas that directly border areas that aremore than 0.20 metres lower are to be surrounded by railings.These have to be at least 1.10 m high and have a horizontalload resistance on the handrail of 1.0 kN per running metre.They have to be equipped with at least one upper chord, onemiddle chord and one lower chord.

A statics certificate has to be presented for the platform. De-pending on the use to which it is put, the floor must be able to

support at least 2.0 kN/m2 in accordance with DIN EN 1990-12,sheet 3, if used for an office or consulting space, and at least5.0 kN/m2 if used for an exhibition space. Platforms which areto be reachable by taking only one step may not be more than0.19 metres high.

It is not permissible to place steps in main or secondary gang-ways or necessary passageways. It is permissible to have threeor more stairs placed after each other if they have stair lightingas well as lighting from above, and if the stair lighting is con-nected to the security lighting.

The gradient of the ramps is not allowed to exceed 6%.

Ladders, steps and catwalks must be in accordance with acci-dent prevention regulations.

4.7 Stand Design, Walls

4.7.1 Appearance

The exhibitors are responsible for the design of their stands.

Closed walls that are adjacent to visitor corridors need to beapproved by Koelnmesse.

The backs of stands that are adjacent to other stands must bekept in a neutral color and design so that they do not interferewith the design of the neighboring stands.

4.7.2 Checking the Rented Area

The rented area is marked by Koelnmesse.

The local markings shown at the rented area are the only onesvalid for stand location, layout and dimensions as well as forany built-in units.

The stand boundaries must be adhered to.

4.7.3 Changes to the Substance of the Building

The various parts of the halls and the technical equipment maynot be damaged, soiled or changed in any other way (e.g.drilling, nailing, screwing). In addition, the building and its partsmay not be painted, decorated with wallpaper or glued.

The halls, their parts and the technical equipment may not beimpaired in any way by stand superstructures or exhibits.

It is permitted to enclose the columns and supports of the hallswithin the stand areas as long as the columns/supports are notdamaged and the height regulations are adhered to.

4.7.4 Hall Flooring

Rugs and other floor coverings may not project beyond standboundaries and must be laid out in such a way that accidentsdo not occur. Only adhesive tape that can be removed withoutleaving any residue may be used to affix objects.

All materials must be removed without leaving any residue.This also applies to substances such as oil, grease, paint etc.

The floor of the halls may neither be painted nor glued.

Anchorages or fastenings are not permitted.

4.7.5 Hanging Objects from the Hall Ceiling

Objects may only be hung from the hall ceiling at the fittingsintended for this purpose and may only be hung up by

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Koelnmesse.The mounting equipment provided for this purposemust be used and may not be removed. Ceilings, advertisingmaterials, banners, lighting elements and similar objects maybe hung vertically from the supporting structure of the hallceilings in compliance with the regulations concerning theoverall height and permissible loads on Form T.03. With regardto attaching the objects to be hung, the relevant safety regula-tions must be observed, especially DGUV V1 (General Regula-tions), DGUV V17 (Event and Production Facilities for Scenic Pre-sentations), DGUV V54 (Jacks, Lifting and Pulling Equipment)and the Special Construction Regulation Part 1: Assembly Areas(SBauVO).

Elements that are intended to stand on the floor must be manu -factured in a way that allows them to stand in a stable manner.Elements that require suspension devices for such stability are notpermitted. Projecting parts of constructions that stand in a stablemanner on the floor are permitted to be hung from the hall ceiling.

The materials (beam carriers etc.), cables, and fastening devicesused on their own responsibility by exhibitors or by companiescommissioned, by the exhibitors must comply with the validregulations and must be free of defects.

4.7.6 Stand Partition Walls / System Stands

Koelnmesse generally does not use walls to demarcate the arearented by the exhibitor.

Those exhibitors wishing to use partition walls for their standscan order them from Koelnmesse. These walls are 250 cm highand approximately 100 cm wide, with a white, scratch-resis-tant plastic surface. They may not be painted, glued, nailed, or otherwise damaged in any way. In the event of damage, a replacement fee of €300 per wall element will be invoiced tothe exhibitor. For a surcharge, the partition walls are availablewith coloured coatings. All graphics or similar items affixed bythe exhibitor must be fully removed after the event, withoutdamaging the walls or leaving any residue on the walls.

Shelves and other furnishings may not be attached to the partition walls.

System stands can be obtained from Koelnmesse. Detailed information can be found in the appropriate forms.

If ordered on time, the stand or stand partition walls can be accepted and occupied 24 hours prior to the start of the tradefair. Occupation at an earlier time requires written agreement.The structures erected by Koelnmesse may not be altered.

Koelnmesse does not guarantee the stability or safety of theframework structure if construction elements are damaged ordisassembled in any way.

The exhibitor is personally liable for arbitrary changes and re-sulting damages to stand structures carried out by themselvesor by third parties under commission.

Due to personal liability considerations, exhibitors are stronglyadvised to suitably insure the rented property.

The system stands and stand partition walls are dismantled immediately after the end of the event. All items belonging to exhibitors must therefore be taken away once the trade fair isover. If any items, particularly food, beverages, and tobacco, arefound after the trade fair is over, it will be assumed that the exhibitor or other person has relinquished ownership of these

items. Items that are especially marked in a manner clearly recognizable to third parties are not subject to this regulation.Koelnmesse is not liable within the limits imposed by law forloss or damage as long as intention or gross negligence cannotbe proven.

4.7.7 Advertising / Presentations / Advertising space

Stand and exhibit labels as well as company trademarks andbrand names may not exceed the prescribed height.

Acoustic and visual presentations must also be approved byKoelnmesse. The permit is issued under the condition that thesound volume will not exceed 70 decibels and the presenta tiondoes not interfere with work at the neighboring stands in any way.

If these regulations are repeatedly violated, the power supplyto the exhibitor’s stand can be interrupted regardless of the effect on the stand as a whole. The exhibitor is not entitled tocompensation for any damage suffered directly or indirectlydue to the interruption in the power supply. The burden ofproof of compliance with the regulations lies with the ex-hibitor.

Printed material and advertising may only be distributed in theexhibitor’s own stand area.

Advertising space within the exhibition grounds is let exclu sively by Koelnmesse.

Upon request, Koelnmesse will provide the necessary advertis-ing spaces for a rental fee and will take care of the professionaldesign of your advertising. Koelnmesse will mount the adver-tisements if commissioned to do so. The booking of advertisingspaces must be made at the latest six weeks before the eventcommences. Should exhibitors provide their own advertise-ment facilities, or such as have been specially made for them,then these must conform to fire, structural and safety requirements and must in their design be in keeping with thestandards as laid down for exhibition advertising by the Koelnmesse. The deadlines set by the Koelnmesse for the delivery and collection of such adver tisement facilities must be strictly observed.

For reasons of technical safety, punctual observance of timeschedules and fiability in case of damage, the Koelnmesse isexclusively responsible for the installation, assembly and dismantling of advertisement facilities.

After confirmation of your order you will receive an invoicefrom the Koelnmesse concerning its services (hire charge for-advertising space, allocation of advertisement facilities, costs ofthe assembly and dismantling work and the design and/or thecreation of the advertising message). This invoice is to be settledin full, without deductions of any kind, at the latest 10 weeks prior to the beginning of the event. After this date made out invoices become due immediately and payable in full withoutany decution. Objections of any kind in respect of the invoicemust be made within one week of receipt of the said invoiceComplaints received after this date cannot be con sidered.

4.7.8 Barrier-free access

The design of the stands should enable barrier-free access. Peo-ple with disabilities should be able to access and use the standsand their facilities without outside help.

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4.8 Outdoor Areas

Information on the technical conditions can be requested fromKoelnmesse.

4.9 Two-Story Construction

4.9.1 Construction Request

Two-story constructions can only be erected with the approvalof the responsible Koelnmesse project management.

Two-story constructions can be erected in halls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, depending on the exact location and thetrade fair concept.

4.9.2 Conditions on Building Structures on the Stand Area,Clearance Distances, Height of Stand Interior

The maximum stand height is to be agreed upon withKoelnmesse.

The interior clearance of two-story stands must be at least 2.30meters in the ground floor and 2.30 meters on the upper floor.

Two-story exhibition stands with a minimum area of 50 m2 anda maximum area of 100 m2 must be equipped with smokealarms mounted on the ceiling and connected to the Colognefire department via the Koelnmesse fire alarm system. In this regard, Koelnmesse must also be provided with correspondingplans and documentation.

Two-story exhibition stands covering a surface area of morethan 100 m2 must also be fitted with an additional sprinkler system on the ceiling. If the sprinkler is activated, the fire alarmwill be forwarded to the Cologne fire department by theKoelnmesse fire alarm system.

In Halls 1 to 5, 10 and 11, water is supplied to the sprinkler sys-tem by compressed air water containers with a total volume of5 m3, capable of covering up to 1,000 m2. In Halls 6 to 9, wateris supplied from the supply pipe. The sprink ler system must beinstalled in accordance with the valid VdS regulations by one ofKoelnmesse’s contracting companies (can be ordered by fillingout the corresponding forms). In this regard, Koelnmesse mustbe provided with corresponding plans and documen ta tion forthe exhibition stand. The exhibitor must provide the stand spaceneeded for com pressed air water container.

Stand constructions on the boundary between adjacent standsmust be designed in a neutral manner above a height of 2.50 m.

4.9.3 Load capacity / Design Loads

The load capacities of the separation floor of a two-storeytrade fair stand within a trade fair hall must be in accordancewith Eurocode EN 1991-1-1/NA, Tab. 6.1 DE. When used formeetings or customer support, i.e. furnished with tables andchairs arranged in no particular order or located in conferencebooths, the load capacity is 3.0 kN/m2. When used without re-striction as an exhibition and sales area, or as a meeting placewith or without a large number of chairs, the traffic load is 5.0 kN/ m2.

Railings and balustrades are subject to a traffic load of 1.0 kN per meter at the height of the rail. Stairs must alwaysbe designed for a traffic load of 5.0 kN/ m2.

It must be shown that the bearing pressure (load) of the supports does not exceed the permissible load-bearing capacityof the hall floors, see 3.1. (Hall Data).

4.9.4 Escape Routes / Stairs

The distance to a staircase from any accessible point in theupper floor of a two-storey exhibitor’s stand may not exceed20 metres’ walking distance. The stairs have to be arranged insuch a way that the escape routes to the outside are as shortas possible. The maximum walking distance from the upperfloor to the next emergency exit may not exceed 50 metres.(for the safety lighting, see section 5.3.5.) If the upper floorarea exceeds 100 sq. metres, at least two staircases are re-quired at a distance of not more than 20 metres from eachother. The staircases must be arranged opposite one another.

All staircases must be constructed in accordance with DIN18065. Staircases must have a clear width of at least 1.20meter (between the handrails). The incline of the stairs maynot exceed 0.19 meters; the tread width (depth) must be atleast 0.26 meters. Spiral or newel stairs may not be used.

If there are storage areas, rooms electrical facilities etc. under-neath necessary flights of stairs, then the stairs must be separat-ed from the ground floor by a closed bottom from the floor ofthe hall all the way to the separation floor. The bottom must atleast comply with the specifications for fire resistance class F30 (e.g.12.5 mm-thick fireproof gypsum plasterboard or the equivalent).

Hand rails at stairs and intermediate platforms must be workedon both sides and be firmly graspable. In addition, they have tobe present along the entire length of the stairs and not haveany open ends.

4.9.5 Construction Material

Building materials used to construct load-bearing components,the ceiling of the ground floor and the floor of the upper storeyof two-storey stands have to be at least fire retardant inaccordance with DIN 4102 min. B1 or min. Class C according to EN 13501-1, see

4.9.6 Upper Floor

All rooms of the stand must have line of sight to the hall. Exceptions are possible subject to approval.

Where the upper floor is fitted with railings, it must also be fur-nished with a rim at least 0.05 meters high.

Railings must be constructed in accordance with sections 4.6.and 4.9.3.

The upper floors of stands in halls with sprinkler systems mustalways be open at the top.

In addition to the fire extinguishers on the ground floor, a fireextinguisher must be located at each staircase. These must beclearly visible and always at hand.

5 Operational Safety, Technical Safety Regulations, Technical Code, Technical Supply

5.1 General Regulations

Construction and dismantling work may only be carried out if itis in compliance with valid labor and industrial law regula tions.

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5.1.1 Damages

Damage to the fair grounds, buildings or parts of the buildingscaused by exhibitors or their authorized representatives mustbe reported to the appropriate persons, i.e. Messewache (security office) North or East and hall inspector offices. The damages will be repaired by Koelnmesse after the end of theevent at the expense of the exhibitors involved.

5.2 Use of Tools

The use of explosive-actuated guns is prohibited.

The use of woodworking machines without dust extraction isnot permissible. The regulations contained in the currently validOperational Safety Ordinance (Betr.SichV) must be adhered to.

5.3 Electrical Installation

5.3.1 Connections

Those stands which require a supply of electric power will begiven one or more connections if these have been ordered. Theconnections will be supplied exclusively by the electrical com-panies associated with Koelnmesse.

The order must be sent without delay, and at the latest fourweeks prior to the start of the event. A sketched plan clearlyindicating the desired location of the connections must be enclosed with the order form for electrical installations.Koelnmesse will invoice the exhibitors for the costs of installingthe wiring system in accordance with the details in the bill ofdelivery and assembly. The timely completion of all connec-tions can only be assured if exact documentation such assketched circuit diagrams, connection values, location of theconnections etc. are submitted at least four weeks before thestart of the event. An expert will conduct an acceptance in-spection prior to the event. Complaints about deficiencies maybe made during the event only.

For safety reasons, the power supply on the last day of thetrade fair is generally cut one hour after the trade fair hasended. Should parts of the wires etc. be missing after dismant-ling, the exhibitors will be asked to pay the full price for theirreplacement.

It is prohibited to remove the fixed electrical connections orlighting systems in the exhibition halls. Fixed installation con-nections in the allocated stand area may, where necessary, alsobe put at the disposal of neighbouring stands. Prior to the allo-cation of an installation order, each exhibitor must contactKoelnmesse to obtain information on the possibility of beingconnected to the hall supply. In its capacity as central con-sumer, Koelnmesse will supply the exhibitors with the electricpower required for the connections they have registered. Thecosts (see Item 3 of the Conditions of Participation) will be invoiced together with the stand rent as a specific power-costflat rate per square metre. As part of a special regulation,Koelnmesse reserves the right to draw up individual invoices forlarge consumers by metering the amount of power they haveconsumed. Exhibitors who wish to have their power consump-tion measured and receive a separate invoice can apply to havea meter installed at their own expense. The stands are suppliedwith electricity via TN-C-S with a nominal voltage of 230 V +6 % – 10 % 50 Hz for alternating current and 400 V

+6 % – 10 % 50 Hz for three-phase current. Campers and cara-vans in the outdoor area are supplied with electricity via athree-pole 230 V/16A earthed socket in accordance with DIN49462 (concentric plug-and-socket). Each camper/caravan isconnected individually to the power supply via a socket with aseriesconnected earth leakage protection (breaking current 30 mA). To connect campers/caravans, the following are re-quired: a connecting line, a HO7 RN-F 3 G 1.5 rubber-insulatedflexible cable in accordance with VDE 0282, component 810with concentric plug-and-socket, degree of protection IP 44,length 20.00 m. It is not permitted to connect more than onecamper/caravan to the power supply via socket.

5.3.2 Stand Installation

All installations within the stand area must be in accordancewith the currently valid IEC and VDE stipulations (see item5.3.3). The TN-S network must be used at the stand. It must bepossible to isolate every stand from the hall power supply via amain switch or, if permissible, a plug-and-socket connection. Ifelectricity is needed without interruption for certain devices,e.g. refrigerators, computers etc., a separate circuit must be setup in front of the main switch. This circuit must remainpowered once the main switch has been switched off. Earthleakage protection is required as a protective measure. At thestands, electrical installations may be made either by the ex-hibitors’ own electricians or by specialist electrical companieswhich have been authorized in accordance with VDE and inter-nationally valid regulations and standards and which operateaccording to the state of the art. Before the stands are con-nected to the hall supply network, the electrical installationsmust be inspected by the expert commissioned by Koelnmesse.Should the valid regulations not be met, Koelnmesse is obligedto refuse connection to the supply network. The exhibitor isliable for the costs of correct installation and further inspec-tions. If stand installations need to be subsequently modified,the exhibitor assumes responsibility.

5.3.3 Assembly and Operating Regulations

All electrical Systems must be installed in compliance with thelatest VDE safety regulations, particularly DIN VDE 0100, 0128,0100-560, 0100-718, DIN EN 50172.

The share of high or low frequencies emitted into the mains asinterference, may not exceed the values given in VDE 0160 andVDE 0838 (EN 50 006).

Conductive components must be included in measures takento protect against indirect contact.

Only cables and wires that meet DIN VDE standards may beused. No flat cables of any kind are permitted. Plain (uninsulat-ed) cables terminals and conductive components that are notcontact-protected are forbidden. The same applies for low-volt-age systems. The secondary circuits must be protected againstshort circuiting and overload. After the end of each day of the fair, the exhibitors must cut off their stands from the hallsupply.

5.3.4 Safety Measures

As a means of special protection, all heat-generating and heat-developing electrical appliances (hot plates, projectors, transformers etc.) must be mounted on non-flammable, heat-

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resistant, asbestos-free bases. Depending on the heat generation in each case, sufficient clearance to inflammablematerials must be ensured. Lighting fixtures may not be at-tached to decorations or similar. UV-B and UV-C rays may beused only for the operation of certain devices.

5.3.5 Safety Lighting

Stands for which the existing general safety lighting is not effective as a result of the structure of the stand require additional safety lighting in compliance with DIN VDE 0100-560, 0100-718, DIN EN 50172. It must be laid out in such away that it ensures safe passage and guidance to the generalescape routes.

5.4 Water and Waste Water Installation

Those stands which require water / waste water services will begiven one or more connections if these have been ordered.

The order must be submitted without delay, and at the latestfour weeks prior to the start of the event. The costs of installa-tion will be invoiced by Koelnmesse to the exhibitors in accor-dance with the details in the bill of delivery and assembly. In its capacity as central consumer, Koelnmesse will supply theexhibit-ors with the water required for the connections they re gistered at a minimum pressure of 2 bars and a maximumpressure of 6 bars. A special request must be made to Koelnmesse if larger amounts are required.

The water pipes leading from the supply points in the halls to the exhibitors’ stands may only be laid by installation companies authorized to do so by Koelnmesse.

Fixed installation connections in the allocated stand area may,where necessary, also be put at the disposal of neighboringstands. Prior to the allocation of an installation order, each exhibitor must contact Koelnmesse to obtain information onthe possibility of being connected to the hall supply.

The pipe material will be provided by the installers for the duration of the event for a usage fee. Should parts of the wiresor armatures be missing after dismantling, the exhibitors willbe asked to pay the full price for their replacement. Theinstalla tion must comply with valid technology regulations.Complaints about deficiencies may only be made during theevent. A sketched plan clearly indicating the desired location of the connections must be enclosed with the orders.

For safety reasons, the water supply on the last day of thetrade fair is generally cut one hour after the trade fair hasended.

5.5 Compressed air installation / gas installation

5.5.1 Compressed air

For details of the supply of compressed air from the Koeln messe supply, see 3.1.f.

Compressed air connections can be ordered using the corresponding order media from Koelnmesse. The costs of installation will be invoiced by Koelnmesse to the exhibitors inaccordance with the details in the bill of delivery and assembly.The corresponding legal regulations and provisions must be adhered to in those cases where exhibitors wish to use theirown compressed air tanks.

The noise emitted by the compressed air tank may not exceed70 dB (A) at the stand boundary.

The installation must comply with valid technology regulations.

5.5.2 Gas

Gas cannot be provided from the Koelnmesse hall supply.

Instructions and guidelines for the use of gases are containedin 5.7.

5.6 Machine, Pressure Vessel and Exhaust Gas Facilities

5.6.1 Machine Noise

The use of loud machines and devices should be kept to a minimum out of consideration for the other exhibitors and thevisitors. The volume may not exceed 70 dB(A) at the edge ofthe stand. The relevant project director can notify you of thepermitted machine demonstration times on request.

5.6.2 Product safety law

In accordance with Article 3 of the Gesetz über technische Arbeitsmittel und Verbraucherprodukte ((Product Safety Law –ProdSG), products (technical tools and consumer products) mayonly be marketed if they comply with the requirements of theProdSG or regulations based on this law. Equal importance is at-tached to importing products into the European economic com-munity and placing new products on the market.

If the respective product requires a CE certification, the exhibi-tor must keep the following documents at the stand as proof:the EC declaration of conformity and/or the declaration of themanufacturer and the instruction manual.

The aforementioned regulations apply for medical products inaccordance with the Medizinprodukte-Gesetz MPG (MedicalProducts Law).

For further information, please contact Bezirksregierung KölnZeughausstraße 2-10, 50667 Köln, Germany.

Products according to the ProdSG or medical products in ac-cordance with the MPG may be set up and presented for adver-tising purposes, even if they do not meet the requirements of Article 3 of the ProdSG or Articles 6 and 10 of the MPG. A precondition here is that a visible sign is present and markedaccording to Article 3 Par. 5 of the ProdSG or Article 12 Par. 4of the MPG.

During presentations of products, the staff at the stand musttake the necessary measures for the protection of persons.They are also responsible for ensuring that devices are notswitched on by unauthorised persons. Safety Devices

Machine and appliance components may only be operated if all safety devices are activated.

The normal safety devices can be replaced by a safe coveringmade of organic glass or similar transparent materials.

If the machines are not in operation, the safety devices can be re-moved to allow visitors insight into the construction and designof the uncovered components. In this case, the safety deviceshave to be placed next to the machine and be clearly visible.

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019 Test Procedures

For each trade fair, the technical tools on display will beinspected by the responsible supervisory authority (StateAuthority for Industrial Safety) as to their compliance with safe-ty and accident prevention regulations. If necessary, this will beundertaken in conjunction with the responsible expert commit-tees from the employers’ liability insurance associa tions.The EC declaration of conformity must be kept at the trade fairstand to allow the authority to check the CE certification. Incases of doubt, the exhibitor should contact the responsibleauthority in good time before the start of the trade fair.

Information regarding the Equipment Safety Law is provided by the Staatliches Amt für Arbeitsschutz, Schanzenstr. 38, 51063 Köln, Germany, tel.: +49 221 962770. Exhibitors shouldalso seek consultation regarding the safety of their technicaldevices in good time before the trade fair begins, e.g. from thePrüfstelle für Gerätesicherheit des TÜV-Rheinland, Am GrauenStein / Konstantin-Wille-Straße 1, 51105 Köln (Poll), Germany. Operating Ban

In addition, Koelnmesse has the right to ban the use of machines, appliances and devices if it is of the opinion thattheir operation could endanger persons or objects.

If serious violations of safety regulations for technical devicesare found, the responsible authorities can, according to Article5 of the Product Safety Law, ban the machines, appliances ordevices in question from being exhibited.

Violating such a ban is a legal offense that can be punishedwith a fine.

5.6.3 Pressure Vessels Approval Confirmation

Pressure vessels may only be operated at the stand if they havebeen tested according to the currently valid version of theOperational Safety Ordinance (BetrSichV).

The corresponding proof of testing is to be kept at the exhibi-tion location next to the pressure vessels and presented to theresponsible authority upon request. Testing

The certification of design pressure and water pressure testingis not sufficient. This requirement also applies to foreign andborrowed containers. If the exhibitor registered at least fourweeks before the start of the trade fair, pressure vessels requir-ing testing may be checked for approval until the day beforethe opening of the fair by the responsible expert, provided thatthe design pressure and water test pressure certificates aresubmitted and a technician is on hand at the trade fair stand.

Questions should be addressed to Koelnmesse. Rental Devices

Since foreign pressure vessels cannot be checked during the relatively short stand construction period, preference should be given to using tested rental devices. Monitoring

The necessary approval certificates have to be kept ready for inspection by the Staatliches Amt für Arbeitsschutz

(State Agency for Industrial Safety) during the entire trade fair.

5.6.4 Exhaust Gases and Vapors

Hazardous, flammable, damaging, or generally intrusive vapoursor gases from exhibits and equipment may not be emitted inthe halls. They have to be channeled outside via pipes in accor-dance with the Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz (Federal Emissions Protection Law) in the currently valid ver sion.

5.6.5 Exhaust Gas Facilities

For exhibition halls equipped with exhaust gas facilities, see 3.1.

Depending on the location, flue gas extractors may be orderedunder “exhaust vent installations” in the order media of Koeln-messe. Koelnmesse charges the exhibitor for the cost of the installation according to the information given in the bill of delivery and assembly.

The connection to the installation provided by Koelnmessemust comply with the valid ordinances and technology regulations.

5.7 Use of Compressed Gases, Liquid Gases andCombustible Fluids

5.7.1 Compressed Gas and Liquid Gas Facilities

The storage and use of compressed and liquid gas within thehalls and on the fair grounds is prohibited without the expresswritten permission of Koelnmesse. Approval Request for Compressed Gas Bottles

If liquid gases or other combustible gases in compressed gasbottles are used to present exhibits, the request for permis sionmust be made in writing six (6) weeks prior to the start of theevent. The compressed gas bottles have to be protected againstimpacts, from falling over, from access by unauthorized personsand against heat etc. in accordance with the relevant accidentprevention regulations (see Item Use of Liquid Gas

The compressed gas bottles used may not have a capacity ofmore than 11 kg. The amount on hand may not exceed theneeds for one day (e.g.: 20 flames with an operating time of 4 hours per day equals 10,400 grams).

Open fires must be at least 1.50 meters distant from any essential escape routes. They are to be separated from the escape routes.

No combustible materials may be located within a radius ofone meter surrounding the presentation devices.

Liquid gas containers may not be deposited in staircases oremergency doors or in their immediate vicinity.

They must be protected against impact, falling over, access byunauthorised persons and heat in accordance with the regulations contained in the Operational Safety Ordinance (BetrSichV) in connection with the valid technical guidelines.

The distance between liquid gas containers and sources of radiant heat must be sufficient to ensure that the liquid gas inthe bottles is not heated above 40° C. The heat protectionscreen must be made of non-combustible building materials.

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It must be securely positioned between the heat source andthe bottles.

For drawing off liquid gas from the gas phase, the bottles mustbe connected in the upright position.

The consumption rate of the devices connected to a bottlemay not exceed a total of 1.5 kg of gas per hour. Setup and Maintenance

When setting up and maintaining the liquid gas facilities, theBetrSichV in connection with the valid technical guidelinesmust be adhered to (in particular the “Technische Regeln Flüs-siggas” TRF published by the Deutscher Verein des Gas- undWasserfaches e.V. [DVGW] and the Deutscher Verband Flüssig-gase e.V. [DVFG] as well as the “Richtlinien für die Verwendungvon Flüssiggas DGUV V79” [published by the Hauptverband dergewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften]).

5.7.2 Combustible Fluids Storage and Use

The storage or use of flammable liquids as defined by theHazardous Substance Ordinance (GefStoffV) within the hallsand on the fair grounds is prohibited without the expresswritten permission of Koelnmesse. Permission for the storageand use of such liquids can be granted for operating or present-ing exhibits. A corresponding request has to be sent to Koeln-messe along with a requisite safety data sheet. Insofar as thestorage or use of such liquids is permitted, the regulations contained in the existing technical guidelines and the currentlyvalid versions of the Operational Safety Ordinance and theHazardous Substance Ordinance must be adhered to. Storage of Required Amounts

Only as much combustible liquid as is needed for operationand presentation for one day may be stored at the stand. The amount required must be specified in the request. Storage Containers

The amount required for one day has to be stored in closed,fracture-proof containers arrayed in a clearly structured manner. They must be inaccessible to unauthorized persons. The storage containers have to be located in non-combustiblecollecting basins. Storage Location

Smoking is strictly prohibited at the storage location. The areamust be equipped with the appropriate signs. Suitable fire extinguishing equipment must be on hand. Conditions for Operating

Facilities that are operated or presented with combustible flu-ids must be fitted with non-combustible collection containersat the filler necks and any positions where fluids could es cape. Due to the danger of fire and explosion, combustiblefluids that have leaked into the collecting basins must be immediately removed and disposed of in a safe manner. Filling with Liquids

Since the process of filling the liquids into containers isespecially dangerous, it must be done with the utmost care andcaution. Spilt liquids or contamination caused by containerleakages must be removed and disposed of immediately. Therefore, it is essential that the appropriate precautions betaken and drip containers or absorbents be kept on the standat all times. Empty Containers

Empty containers that once held combustible liquids may notbe deposited or stored at the stand or in the halls.

5.8 Asbestos and other dangerous substances

The application or use of building materials containing asbestos or other asbestos-containing products or certainother hazardous substances is forbidden. This regulation isbased on the Chemisches Gesetz (Law for Protecting againstHarmful Substances), in the currently valid version as well ason the Chemikalien-Verbotsverordnung (Regulation on the Prohibition of Chemicals)(Chem Verbots V) and the Gefahren-stoffverordnung (Dangerous Materials Regulation)(GefStoff V)in the currently valid versions.

5.9 Film, Photography, Television and Other Types of Presentations

Auditoriums must have at least two direct exits to the hallgangways. These exits must be as far apart from each other as possible. Auditoria require a special permit if they can hold more than 200 spectators. (see 4.2.1.)

5.10 Radiation Protection

5.10.1 Radioactive Materials

A special permit is required to use radioactive materials. Thepermit has to be requested from the responsible authorities in accordance with the Radiation Protection Regulation (thecurrently valid version) and submitted to Koelnmesse at leastsix weeks prior to the start of the trade fair. If a permit has already been granted, it must be proved that the planned useof radioactive materials at the exhibition center is in accordance with all legal requirements.

5.10.2 X-Ray Facilities and Interference Radiators

The Regulation for the Protection from Damage through X-Rays(RöV, BGBl Part I, currently valid version) must be adhered to.

The operation of x-ray facilities and interference radiators is subject to approval/requires notification in accordance with articles 3, 4, 5, 8 of RöV. The requests or notifications must besubmitted to the authorities responsible at least four weeks priorto the start of the event and in three copies each. Koelnmessemust also be notified of any plans to operate such equipment.

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5.10.3 Laser Facilities

Koelnmesse must be notified of any plans to operate laser facilities six (6) weeks prior to the start of the event.

If certain laser facilities (Class 3B and 4) are to be used, the ac-cident insurer and the responsible authority have to be notifiedin accordance with Article 5 of the “Laserstrahlung” DGUV V11,V12, OStrV (berufsgenossenschaftliche Vorschrift) B2 regula-tion concerning laser radiation.

The notification must be accompanied by the written appoint-ment of a laser protection officer for the operation of the laserfacility. The authority responsible is the Bezirksregierung Köln, Derzernat 56 / 8 Betrieblicher Arbeitss-chutz, Postal address: 50606 Köln, GermanyTel.: +49 221 147-0Fax: +49 221 147-2469

5.11 High-frequency devices, radio systems, electro -magnetic compatibility and harmonic oscillations

High-frequency devices, radio systems and other transmittersfor communication purposes, radio paging systems, microportfacilities, intercoms and telecontrol installations may only beoperated with the permission of the Regulatory Authority forTelecommunications and Posts. Their use must be coordinatedwith Koelnmesse to ensure that frequencies are distributedevenly and the possibility of interference is excluded.

High-frequency devices and radio systems may only be operated if they are in accordance with the Gesetz über Fern-meldeanlagen (Radio System Law), BGBl, and the Gesetz über elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Geräten – EMVG (Lawon the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Devices) BGBl in thecurrently valid versions.

If exhibits or stand decorations that use electrical, magnetic orelectromagnetic fields are set up, the conditions contained inthe 26th Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Ambient Pollution Control Act must be adhered to.The electrical installations of these exhibits and stands must beinstalled in such a way that there are no impermissibly highphase effects in the trade fair supply network due to harmonicoscillations (see also Item 5.3.3).

5.12 Cranes, Fork-Lift Trucks, Lifts, Empty Containers, Trade Fair Forwarding Agents, Customs

Only contract partners of Koelnmesse are permitted to use cranes, self-propelled forklift trucks with driver seat, electric scissor lifts, telescoping lifts and similar hall vehiclesresp. workshop platforms, in the exhibition centre.

The charging of the accumulators of work platforms, etc. with-in the halls, in passages and entrances is not permitted.

It is not permitted to store empty containers in the exhibitionhalls. The contract carrier of Koelnmesse offers storage options.

5.12.1 Customs Clearance

The customs office H.Z.A. Koln-Deutz, office Koelnmesse, is situated in the fair grounds = Messe-Speditionshof. This office is competent for the clearance of exhibition goods,call number: +49 221 821-2858.

It is recommended that all customs formalities for the goodsdestined for the trade fair are processed by the contract carrierof Koelnmesse.

For shipments from abroad, the foreign representative of thecontract carrier takes care of the customs formalities to ensurethe efficient dispatch of the exhibition goods. The address canbe requested from the foreign representatives of Koelnmesseand from the contract carrier.

In Cologne, the contract carrier will also finally handle the exhi-bition goods for the temporary import and on special instruc-tion. The contract carrier will deposit the necessary guaranteeat the respective customs authority. The contract carrier sub-mits the customs duties for the definitive customs clearance.

For customs clearance three copies of proforma invoice in German are required.

In order to avoid customs penalties the contractual forwardingagents draw your attention to the following facts:

n All customs and transport documents for goods arriving fromabroad and destined to the Koelnmesse have to be presentedto the contractual forwarding agents for clearance before beingdelivered to the stand.

n All goods cleared for temporary importation which will beeither re-forwarded abroad or in the Federal Republic of Ger-many have to be presented to customs for examination andcleared by the respective contractual forwarding agent. Thecontractual forwarding agent will issue the necessary customstransit document on the office of destination.

This document will be handed to the exhibitor or carrier. Thereceiver of this document is obliged to present the documentsand the goods to the customs office of destination immediate-ly after arrival in order to arrange clearance.

In case of contravention the exhibitor has to pay the duties orto refund them to the contractual forwarding agent. Further-more the consignee must count upon a penal prosecution onbehalf of the German or foreign customs authorities.

5.13 Musical Renditions

Musical renditions of all kinds require the approval of the Ger-man Author’s Rights Society (GEMA) in accordance with Copy-right Law. If musical renditions have not been approved, GEMAcan file for damages according to Article 97 of the CopyrightLaw.

Address registrations and queries to: GEMA – Bezirksdirektion StuttgartKey Account Management MesseHerdweg 63, 70174 Stuttgart, Germanytel: +49 711 2252-794, fax: +49 711 2252-800E-Mail: [email protected], Web: www.gema.de/messen

Acoustic and visual presentations must also be approved byKoelnmesse. The permit is issued under the condition that thesound volume will not exceed 70 decibels and the presenta tiondoes not interfere with work at the neighboring stands in anyway.

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If these regulations are repeatedly violated, the power supplyto the exhibitor’s stand can be interrupted regardless of the effect on the stand as a whole. The exhibitor is not entitled tocompensation for any damage suffered directly or indirectlydue to the interruption in the power supply. The burden of proof of compliance with the regulations lieswith the exhibitor.

5.14 Drink Dispensing Machines

The currently valid version of the Workplace Safety Ordi-nance – BetrSichV – must be complied with during the setupand operation of beverage dispensing facilities at the stand. Itis not necessary to notify the City of Cologne.

5.15 Food Monitoring

When providing food samples that are to be consumed at theevent (whether for a fee or free of charge), you must complywith the applicable legal regulations that are valid in the Feder-al Republic of Germany, and, in particular, with Germany’s FoodHygiene Regulation (LMHV). The following labelling regulationsare particularly relevant and apply in their respective currentversions: Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 on the provision offood information to consumers and its implementing regula-tion, Germany’s Additives Approval Regulation (ZZulV), Regula-tion (EC) No 1333/2008 on food additives, Germany’s FruitJuice and Soft Drink Regulation (FrErfrischGetrV), and Regula-tions (EC) No 1829/2003 and 1830/2003 concerning thetraceability and labelling of genetically modified organisms andthe traceability of food and feed products produced from ge-netically modified organisms.

If you have any questions, please contact the City of Cologne:Stadt KölnUmwelt- und Verbraucherschutzamt Lebensmittelüberwachung und VeterinärdienstFriedrich-Ebert-Ufer 64 – 70, 51143 Köln, Deutschland

Telefon: +49 221 221-26934

e-mail: [email protected]

5.15.1 Import of Meat and Meat Products

Please note that health certificates and edibility certificateshave to be presented to the authorities of the importing country when importing meat or meat products. This is alsothe case when the goods are brought to Germany for an event.

These certificates must be presented as originals and in Ger-man, and must include the certified veterinary control number.

If the processing facility in your country is not authorized toexport meat to the Federal Republic of Germany, the responsi-ble authority can issue a special permit.

Please contact the responsible veterinary office in good timebefore importing meat or meat products into Germany or con-tact Koelnmesse’s contract transport agency.

6 Environmental Protection

Koelnmesse has accepted its responsibility to practice preventive environmental protection.

As contracting partners of Koelnmesse, the exhibitors are ob liged to ensure that all provisions and regulations relating to environmental protection are also have to be strictly ob-served by his contract partners (i.e. stand constructors)

6.1 Waste

All of the following provisions are based on the Kreislaufwirt-schaftsgesetz (KrWG) in the currently valid version, associatedimplementation provisions as well as state law and the munici-pal statutes.

Exhibitors and their subcontractors are obliged to effectivelycontribute to the avoidance of waste during every phase of anevent. This goal has to be pursued in coordination with all par-ticipants, starting in the planning phase. In general, reusableand environmentally compatible materials should be used forstand construction and operation.

6.1.1 Waste Disposal

The exhibitor is responsible for the orderly and environmental-ly-friendly disposal of waste that occurs during the assembly,dismantling and operation of his stand.

The exhibitor is the generator of this waste.

1. The exhibitor will manage the disposal of the waste outsideof the fair grounds himself and at his own expense.

2. A cleaning company that is authorised by the trade fair or-ganisation and assigned with the waste disposal can be com-missioned with this task under the rubric “Waste Disposal” inthe ordering media of Koelnmesse.

The exhibitors agree to ensure that their stand areas are cleanwhen they hand them over after the event has finished.

It is expressly forbidden to dispose of waste in foreign wastecontainers or other equipment of the fair grounds.

The assembly and dismantling of the trade fair operations mustnot be restricted. If no binding order has been received by theclosing deadline, the trade fair organisation assumes that theexhibitor will take care of the disposal of the waste at his owncost and risk.

The placement of containers for waste disposal requires autho-risation and is subject to a fee. In this connection, please seethe regulation under point 4.2.2 of these technical guidelines.

The trade fair company will assign a cleaning company to dis-pose of waste that has not been or that has not been com-pletely removed by the exhibitor at the cost of the respectiveexhibitor. Waste that remains in the exhibition halls will be estimated in m³ and calculated at the prices stated underwaste disposal in the ordering media. The obligation to disposeof all waste in an orderly manner is also to be enforced uponthe contract partners (i.e. stand builders) commissioned by the exhibitors.

The obligations regarding avoiding waste, disposing of wasteand the bearing of the costs listed here also apply for the standbuilders.

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6.1.2 Dangerous Waste

The exhibitors and their contract partners (i.e. stand builders)are obliged to dispose of all waste that arises in line with thevalid legal and other regulations. This particularly applies forwaste that is classified as being dangerous according to theWaste Catalogue Ordinance (AVV in its current version). Dan-gerous waste includes among others batteries, solvents, lubri-cants, varnish, paint, fluorescent bulbs, electric devices. Thisdangerous waste must not be mixed under the stand assemblywaste. Should the exhibitor wish for this waste to be disposedof, the cleaning service providers of Koelnmesse have to becommissioned with the task separately. Additional costs for thedisposal of unlawfully mixed waste will be invoiced to the per-petrator plus the coordination expenses. The exhibitor is re-sponsible for monitoring the orderly disposal of waste.

6.1.3 Waste Which Has Been Brought on Site

It is not permitted to bring materials and waste that do notarise during the event or during the assembly and dismantlingwork onto the grounds.

6.2 Water, Waste Water, Ground Protection

6.2.1 Oils, Fat Collectors

It is forbidden to release solvent-based substances (i.e. paints,varnishes) into the wastewater system. This particularly appliesfor the rinsing and cleaning of tools.

Discharges into the waste water system may not exceed thenormal pollutant limits for households. If the waste water to bedischarged contains oils and/or fats that exceed this limit,oil/fat collectors must be used. These have to comply with thegenerally accepted technical regulations.

If mobile catering services are used, it must be ensured thatfats and oils are collected and disposed of separately. The provisions of the Waste Water Ordinance of the City ofCologne (particularly discharge prohibitions and the thresholdvalues) must be adhered to for discharges into the waste watersystem.

Further Information: Stadtentwässerungsbetriebe (StEB) Köln, AöR Ostmerheimer Straße 55551109 Köln, GermanyTel: +49 221 221-26868

6.2.2 Cleaning / Cleaning Agents

Koelnmesse ’s contracting companies can be commissioned toclean the stands if the exhibitor fills out the correspondingorder media. During the event, cleaning work may only be car-ried out by Koelnmesse’s contracting companies.

6.3 Environmental Damage

Koelnmesse must be notified immediately if there is any dam-age to the environment, or pollution (e.g. due to gasoline, oil,solvents, paints).

Cleaning work must generally be carried out with biodegra d-able products.

Cleaning agents that contain solvents that are detrimental tohealth are to be used in compliance with the applicable regula-tions and only in exceptional cases.

7 Miscellaneous

7.1 “Infoscout” – the Cologne Visitor Information System

Staff at the information desks will provide visitors with information to help them conveniently make contact with exhibitors.

The details provided by the exhibitors in registration forms arethe basis of the information provided. Other performance features of the system can be found in the individual forms.

This information service is provided free of charge for exhibitors and visitors.

7.2 Insurance / Watchmen

7.2.1 Insurance

The organiser doesn’t take out any special insurance for thestand and the items on the stand. The organiser recommendsthat the exhibitor protects his participation risk against theusual insurable risks such as fire, burglary, theft, damage, waterdamage, etc., including the risks of transportation to and fromthe fairgrounds at his own expense and that he provides suffi-cient insurance cover for the duration of the trade fair as wellas during the assembly and dismantling time, including the period of transportation to and from the trade fair. The exhibitor can cover his own participation risk at his own expense via the insurer of the organiser. More informationabout [email protected].

7.2.2 Watchmen

Koelnmesse staff monitor the halls and outdoor area for theduration of the event. Security staff offer a limited supervisionservice during the construction of dismantling periods. Securitycompanies with uniformed security guards and control bodiesin civilian dress are commissioned to handle the general securi-ty in the halls and outdoor area, as well as controlling the en-trances. All those present in the trade fair halls or outdoor areamust be in the possession of a valid entrance ticket and be pre-pared to present this to security for inspection on demand.

The security and monitoring of individual exhibitors’ stands or areas of stands is not included in general security and is theresponsibility of the exhibitors themselves. Under “Stand security” in the order media of Koelnmesse, the exhibitor cancommission the services of stand security personnel.

7.3 Exhibition Protection

As a rule, exhibition protection is provided for all goods exhibited at Koelnmesse events. Temporary protection of patterns and brands is provided for these exhibitions.

For information and the issuing of priority certificates pleasecontact the patent lawyer service (see catalogue).

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February 2019

The patent lawyer service requests that you submit as exact as possible documentation – description and representation in duplicate – of the items in question. The office is openthrough out the event.

7.4 Arranging Personnel

Detailed information can be found in the order media of Koelnmesse, under “Hostesses/ service staff” and under “Construction/dismantling staff”.

7.5 Hotel/travel servicesKoelnmesse’s hotel service provides exhibiting companies withadvice and assistance concerning accommodation. This servicealso can be used for their customers’ accommodation needs.

Koelnmesse GmbHPostfach 21 07 60, 50532 Köln, GermanyTelephone: +49 221 821-3998, fax: +49 221 821-3999e-mail: [email protected] www.hotelzimmerbuchung.com

To learn about further travel services or book private accommodations, go to www.koelnmesse.de and click on“Hotel / Travel Services”.

7.6 Rental Furniture and Equipment

The contracting companies commissioned by Koelnmesse rentout furniture, kitchen equipment and refrigeration appliancesto exhibitors. Please refer to the appropriate order form formore detailed information.

7.7 Catering

On behalf of Koelnmesse, the following company will be pro-viding catering services for the exhibitors, visitors, stand con-struction personnel and other individuals at the Cologne exhi-bition centre:

Aramark Restaurations GmbHDeutz-Mülheimer Straße 10951063 KölnGermanyTelephone: +49 221 284-8584, fax: +49 221 284-8599e-mail: [email protected]

Koelnmesse operates all of the equipment for the hall cateringservice and the banqueting halls.

With the assistance of Aramark Restaurations GmbH, Koeln-messe also offers catering delivery service (see „Catering ser-vices“ in the Koelnmesse order media) and will provide individ-ual quotes upon request. Our partner, Aramark RestaurationsGmbH, provides you with the certainty that it fulfils all thelegal requirements for operating catering facilities.

However, if you commission other companies to provide cater-ing services at your stand or offer them yourself, then it is yourresponsibility to ensure that all legal requirements valid in theFederal Republic of Germany, and in particular those that per-tain to food hygiene, are complied with and that the requiredlicences have been granted. Among other things, you have tomake sure that the certificates of the public health authority(Gesundheitsamt) (§ 43 Par. 1 InfSG) and the current instruc-tion documents (§ 43 Par. 4 InfSG) are kept on hand at thecatering units. To maintain its high quality standards and goodreputation, Koelnmesse conducts spot checks to see the hy-giene requirements are met, even though it is not obligated todo so. Koelnmesse can order stand catering services to be ter-minated if hygiene requirements are seriously violated.

Technical Guidelines

Technical Guidelines 25Fe


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List of key words, technical guidelines

A Point

Abrasive cutting and grinding work 5.12Advertising material 4.7.7Advertising space 4.7.7Appliances when using gases confirmation of constructions that require a permit 4.2.1Approval request for compressed gas bottles personnel 7.4Asbestos 5.8Ash containers regulations (electrical installation) 5.3.3

B Point

Balloons access 4.7.8

C Point

Catering 7.7 Catwalks 4.6 Changes to the substance of the building 4.7.3 (stand design)Check (machine, pressure vessel and gas facilities)Checking of constructions that require a permit 4.2.1 Checking the rented area 4.7.2 Cleaning / cleaning agents 6.2.2 Clearance distances 4.9.2 Combustible fluids 5.7 / 5.7.2 Communications facilities 3.1.3 Compressed air 3.1.2 / 5.5.1 Compressed gas bottles gas units 5.7.1Compressed gases 5.7Conditions for building structures 4.9.2 on stand areasConditions for operating (compressed gases, liquid gases and combustible fluids)Connections (electrical) 5.3.1 Construction applications 4.9.1 Construction heights 4.3 Construction material (two-storey construction) 4.9.5Construction times 1.2.1Containers (stand construction authorisation) 4.2.2 Cranes 5.12 Customs 5.12 Customs clearance 5.12.1

D Point

Damages 5.1.1Dangerous Waste 6.1.2Decoration materials (fire protection and safety regulations)Dismantling times 1.2.1 Doors 4.5.2 Drink dispensing machines 5.14 Duration of event 1.2.2

E Point

Electrical appliances 7.6 (rental electrical appliances)Electrical installation 5.3 Electrical supply 3.1.2 Electromagnetic compatibility 5.11 Emergency evacuation 2.6 Emergency exits 2.2.2 Emergency hatches 2.2.2 Empties Empty containers (use of compressed gases, liquid gases and combustible fluids)

Environmental damage 6.3 Environmental protection 6 Equipment safety law 5.6.2 Escape routes 2.2 / 4.5 / 4.5.1 / 4.9.4 Exhaust gas facilities 5.6.5 Exhaust gases 5.6.4 Exhibition of motor vehicles Exits 4.5/4.5.1 Explosive materials / munitions

F Point

Faults 3.1.6 Filling with liquids (use of compressed gases, gases and combustible fluids)Fire department operation zones 2.2.1 Fire extinguishers Fire protection 4.4.1 Fire regulations 4.4 Fireproof door shutters 3.1.dFog Fluids machines Food monitoring 5.15 Fork-lift trucks 5.12 Forwarding agents 5.12

G Point

Gas / gas installations 5.5.2/5.5 Gates 3.1.e General lighting 3.1.1 General regulations 5.1 Glass and acrylic glass 4.4.3 Grease traps 6.2.1 Ground protection 6.2 Ground regulations 1.1

H Point

Hall aisles 2.2.2Hall data 3.1Hall fittings 3 Hall flooring 4.7.4 Hall height (clear span) 3.1.b Hanging objects from the hall ceiling 4.7.5 Harmonic oscillations 5.11 Hazardous substances 5.8 Hazers 3.1.5 Height of stand interiors 4.9.2 (two-storey construction)High-frequency systems 5.11 Hotel room reservations 7.5House regulations 1.1 Hydrants 2.2.1

I Point

Import of meat and meat products 5.16 Information system “Infoscout” 7.1 Insurance 7.2/7.2.1 Interference radiators 5.10.2

K Point

Kitchen equipment (rental kitchen equipment) 7.6

L Point

Ladders 4.6 Laser facilities 5.10.3 Lifts 3.1.c/5.12 Liquid gas facilities 5.7.1 Liquid gases 5.7 Load capacity 4.9.3

Technical Guidelines 25

Technical Guidelines26

February 2019

List of key words, technical guidelines

M Point

Machine noise 5.6.1 Machinery 5.6 Maintenance when using gases Meeting places 4.4.4 Modifications to non-regulation components 4.2.3 Monitoring (machine, pressure vessel and exhaust gas facilities)Musical renditions 5.13

N Point

Non-recyclable waste containers

O Point

Oils 6.2.1 Opening times 1.2 Operating ban Operating regulations 5.3.3 Operational safety 5 Outdoor area 3.2/4.8 Overview of the hall layout 3.1.a

P Point

Photographic presentations 5.9 Platforms 4.6 Preliminary notes 1 Presentation (stand design) 4.7.1 Presentations 4.7.7/ 5.9 Pressure vessels 5.6 / 5.6.3 Product safety law 5.6.2 Protecting exhibits 7.3 Pyrotechnics

R Point

Radiation protection 5.10 Radio systems 5.11 Radioactive substances 5.10.1 Recycling containers Refrigerators (rental refrigerators) 7.6 Rental devices (machine, pressure vessel exhaust gas facilities)Rental furniture 7.6

S Point

Safety devices Safety equipment 2.3 Safety lighting 5.3.5 Safety measures 5.3.4 Safety regulations 4.4 Screening of films 5.9 Security 2.5 / 7.2 / 7.2.2 Service doors 3.1.d Smoke alarm 4.9.2Solvent-based paints guns Sprinkler systems 3.1.4/4.9.2 Stairs 4.9.4 Stand area (Conditions on Building structures) 4.9.2Stand area (Height of Stand Interior) 4.9.2Stand construction authorisation 4.2 Stand construction materials Stand construction regulations 4 Stand covering 4.4.2 Stand design 4.7 Stand installation 5.3.2 Stand numbering 2.4 Stand partition walls 4.7.6 Stand safety 4.1 Steps 4.6

Storage containers (use of compressed gases, liquid gases and combustible fluids)Storage location (use of compressed gases, liquid gases and combustible fluids)Storage of gases and combustible fluids Storage of required materials (compressed gases, liquid gases and combustible fluids)System stands 4.7.6

T Point

Technical data 3 Technical hall information 3.1.f Technical regulations 5 Technical safety regulations 5 Technical supply 5 Television presentations 5.9 Tents 4.2.2Testing procedures (machine, pressure vessel and exhaust gas facilities)Trade fair forwarding agents 5.12 Traffic regulations 2.1 Transport 2 Two-storey constructions 4.9 Type of power / voltage 3.1.1

U Point

Upper floor 4.9.6 Use of balloons Use of combustible fluids Use of compressed and liquid gases Use of compressed gases 5.7 Use of flying objects Use of tools 5.2

V Point

Vapours (machine, pressure vessel and 5.6.4 exhaust gas facilities)Vehicles 4.2.2 Visitor information system “Infoscout” 7.1

W Point

Waste containers Waste disposal 6.1.1 Waste management 6.1 Waste water 6.2 Waste water installation 5.4 Waste which has been brought on site 6.1.3 Water 6.2 Water installation 5.4 Water supply 3.1.2 Wi-Fi exhibitor networks 3.1.3 Work with open flames

X Point

X-ray facilities 5.10.2
