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Technologies used question 4 redone

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Evaluation - Question 4 Technologies Used
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Evaluation - Question 4

Technologies Used

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RESEARCH…After spending many months researching into the “Pop” genre and my chosen artist and updating my website at the same time. I noticed that that YouTube and social media were the most important new technologies that played a part in my research stages. Social media sites such as, Facebook and Twitter at times provided me with more up to date and relevant information I needed for my research such as going into my music video and digipak designs. I used this to gain data and responses by audiences and music videos in the current market, rather then looking at sites such as Wikipedia which can easily be edited by anyone so it may not all be true. With the use of YouTube, this supplied me with lots of videos and reviews that were related to my genre, which would lead me to browse through music videos in which I could analysis on my portfolio to add relation to current market songs and their music videos.During my research, I conducted questionnaires for my audience research on pop genre songs and in this case thinking about looking at Ella Henderson music videos. So I asked my target audience and see what their thoughts were, this then helped me lead to gaining some ideas for when it comes to my planning stages. I used Google Forms online which allowed me to create my questionnaire, this resulted in me producing charts, which became very helpful when trying to collect information visually. Google was a main source altogether when conducting my research for my portfolio.

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PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTING…When planning and constructing my project and portfolio, I used more technical devices such as Photoshop CS6, Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, to edit my music video and a Canon Digital Camera, to film my music video and take my pictures.

Before I started my project I have never used Photoshop before, or have never really looked at it. So when it came to producing my ancillary products I knew I needed to learn this beforehand, so it would become easier for me to use for when the time would come. Most of the time this became a challenge, as I was also learning the different features at the same time and took much longer for me to get my head around then I thought. However, overall near the end I increased the level of skill in using this software to the best that I could. Therefore, I could use Photoshop CS6 for producing my products.

When using Premiere Pro CS6, to edit my music video I had a slight advantage as I used this program, which I used for my AS horror opening project. This software has an increased amount of features on it, as it wasn’t that difficult to know once you knew which ones were useful for my music video. However, just like Photoshop I researched online video guides such as having a cinematic view to be able to incorporate this into my own video, to give it a more professional feel. But the most difficult part for me was the lip syncing, which did become the most work. This meant stretching my videos and cutting down videos to get this right, as well as adding in different effects to solve this problem. The outcome to this was has made my video much better and is now in line and has become much more successful.

However, during my planning and construction stages, I have improved on my skills of WIX. Building a website on Wix has been a challenge, but once I figured it out it became a quick and easy way of building my portfolio up to the best of ability.

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EVALUATION…When it came to producing my evaluation, I have used technologies such as Emaze, Slideshare and PowerPoint/Outlook.Emaze allowed me to represent what I have learnt in a more creative and fun way. This was to show my evaluation throughout the idea of interaction and inspiration to many people who view them, it makes it much more enjoyable and active to watch/view them as an audience. I have also used Slideshare, this was to import my PowerPoint Presentations in which I have produced to add in more interaction yet again within my PowerPoints so they seem more inspiring and energetic to view.What I have also used was Microsoft PowerPoint and Outlook, as this was a useful way of gaining results/responses from my target audience by conducting audience feedback from my finished products. Which this helped me to look at my work from different perspectives.
