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Technology creates social isolation and neurosis social impact of technology

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Technology Creates Social Isolation and Neurosis. By: Raja Kalsi
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Technology Creates Social

Isolation and Neurosis.

By: Raja Kalsi

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What is social Isolation?

What is Neurosis?

Who is affected?

Types of technologies.

Social development effects of social isolation.

Addiction to technology.

Pros of social media and technology.

Cons of social media and technology.

Steps to consider to avoid social isolation.



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There is absolutely no doubt that the advancement of technology has

helped the human race in uncountable ways. Its advancements have been

a tremendous help in numerous fields of all sciences. Humans, for centuries

have been trying (for the most part) to help make its race’s day-to-day life a

much “better” overall experience. Supporting examples can be seen all

around the world for faster travel with the implementation of an aircraft as

opposed to boats or ships. In the recent decades, technology has flourished

into an ever-growing tree of gadgets, machinery, and weaponry just to

name a few. As the late Sir. Isaac Newton’s 3rd law of motion states that

every action has an equal and opposite reaction, likewise, with

technology’s motive of making things run better, faster, and cheaper, it

comes with vast, life-altering drawbacks. The following presentation will put

its spotlight on how technology has aided in an individual becoming socially


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What is Social Isolation?

Social isolation refers to having almost no contact with people or society. It is

when an individual zones themselves out from the society and lacks nearly

complete interaction with humans.

The individual relies strictly upon technological means to fulfil his or hers social

interaction needs through many, widely available (rather popular) social media

websites and/or smartphone applications such as Facebook, Instagram, and

Snapchat to name a few.

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What is Neurosis?

Neurosis is a functional disorder where an individual’s personality is

dominated (to a very high degree) by the following:

1. Anxiety.

2. Compulsive acts.

3. Obsessional thoughts.

4. Physical complaints without objective evidence of disease.

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Who is affected by Social Isolation?

Social isolation can target a wide variety of age groups.

However, the ones under the spotlight are children, teens, and young

adults as they are widely targeted by social media.

These individuals’ mindset becomes very focused on following the newest

trends that social media has to offer.

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Types of technologies and social


Cell phones.




Video game consoles.






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Social development effects of social


A recent study found that heavy Internet use may increase violent and aggressive behavior.

The study, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, documented the Internet use patterns of 9,405 Taiwanese teenagers. Researchers labeled 25 percent of males and 13 percent of females as Internet addicts. Among these, 37 percent reported aggressive behavior within the last year, compared to less than 23 percent for all teens.

A Washington Post article questioned the effects of cellphone text messaging on children’s social development. The article documented the “text life” of a 15-year-old American girl who “texts at home, at school, in the car, while her mother is driving…during homework, after pompom practice and as she walks the family dog.” The teen takes her cellphone to bed.

The researchers’ criteria for Internet addiction included “withdrawal” symptoms—irritability and moodiness when not online, being preoccupied with Internet activities and foregoing physical activities for more time online.

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Social development effects of social

isolation continued.

Internet use increases the chances of violent aggressive behavior and

addiction (Real Truth, 2009)

- 25 % in males

- 13% in females

Withdrawal symptoms such as irritability and moodiness (Real Truth, 2009)

Impairment of developmental skills in children below three years of age

(The Guardian, 2015)

Interference in the ability to develop empathy, problem solving skills, social

skills, sensori-motor and visual-motor skills (The Guardian, 2015)

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Addiction to technology.

The relationship between recent stressful life events, personality traits,

perceived family functioning and Internet addiction among college


Compared to non-addicted subjects, subjects with severe Internet

addiction (10% of the sample) had worse family functioning, lower

extraversion, higher neuroticism, and a history of more stressful life events.

Yan, 2014

In a Chinese study, the prevalence rate of internet addiction was 6.0%

among teen internet users. School, interpersonal, and anxiety problems

were associated with a higher risk for internet addiction.

Tang et al., 2014

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Pros of technology.

Enhanced way of life through discoveries with technology: computers have helped educational institutes, allowing students to access information on a global scale(Small Business, n.d.)

Work that was dependent on human labor is now benefiting from technology as it decreases cost and extensive labor(Small Business, n.d.)

The medical field has benefited from technology through research and inventions (Small Business, n.d.)

Technology has improved communication through many means such as emails, online conferences, social networking platforms, smartphones, fax machines, etc. (Use of Technology, 2013)

Technology has made traveling more convenient allowing us to travel greater distances in shorter time periods, which is increasingly beneficial in the business world(Use of Technology, 2013)

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Cons of technology.

Society has become dependent on technology, especially computers and

smartphones, making them less self-reliant(Small Business, n.d.)

Technology has devalued human work and abilities by taking over jobs and

duties that were once conducted by man (Small Business, n.d.)

Technology has made individuals less competent because of the reliance

on technology (Use of Technology, 2013)

Technology is increasingly the cause of isolation and loneliness which

further develops into psychological disorders as individuals spend an

increased amount of time on social networking websites and online

gaming while neglecting their surrounding reality (Use of Technology, 2013)

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Steps to consider to avoid social


Management – maintaining a positive and welcoming environment for

those suffering from social isolation, allowing them to come together as a

group and seeing group therapy (Patient, 2013)

Activities – occupying oneself with physical, socially interactive, and mental

activities aside from technology allows one to interact more with reality

than virtually (Patient, 2013)

Specialist groups – seeking counselling in local group therapies, telephone

advisory lines, literature and trained counsellors (Patient, 2013)

Create a bucket-program where all friends and family leave their cell

phones in the bucket for the night they are spending together.

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Although technology has helped with many aspects of a human’s daily life;

on the contrary, we also learned how detrimental its effects can be if it is


Nonetheless, there is hope for change, a better change. Individuals can

help themselves (and others) through many ways such as creating a

bucket-program where all friends and family leave their cell phones in the

bucket while together for the night.

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Technology: Creator or Savior of Social Isolation. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2015, from http://www.academia.edu/6879244/Technology_Creator_or_Savior_of_Social_Isolation

Olien, J. (n.d.). Loneliness Can Kill You. Don’t Let It. Retrieved April 13, 2015, from http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/medical_examiner/2013/08/dangers_of_loneliness_social_isolation_is_deadlier_than_obesity.html

How the Internet Affects Social Isolation - Article by ... (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from http://www.empowher.com/emotional-health/content/how-internet-affects-social-isolation

Cornwell, E., & WAITE, L. (n.d.). Social Disconnectedness, Perceived Isolation, and Health among Older Adults. Retrieved April 14, 2015, from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2756979/

The Effects of Isolation on a Child's Social Development. (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/effects-isolation-childs-social-development-5491.html

Report on the Social Isolation of Seniors. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2015, from http://www.seniorscouncil.gc.ca/eng/research_publications/social_isolation/page05.shtml

Social Isolation - How to Help Patients be Less Lonely | Patient.co.uk. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2015, from http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/social-isolation-how-to-help-patients-be-less-lonely

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