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Tecnovideo Catalogue

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  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue



  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    No reproduction, total nor partial, of this document is allowed. tisn!t permitted an" transmission, recordin# or cop" of thispu$lishin# without a written authorisation from Tecno%ideo.

    Technical specifications of each product ma" %ar" without warnin#.All tolerances accordin# &M'.


  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Table of contents

    A$out us...........................................................................................................('tainless steel camera housin#s...................................................)

    Li*uid cooled camera housin#s................................................+

    Air cooled camera housin#s.........................................................+-

    'tainless steel Pan Tilt units...................................................... +/

    0ashin# tan1s with pump.............................................................22

    ATE3 washer s"stem........................................................................... 2(

    Mountin# accessories........................................................................2-

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    About us4ounded in +555, Tecno%ideo is a leadin# desi#ner and manufacturer of specialstainless steel CCT6 camera housin#s and accessories for use in ad%erse conditionsand harsh en%ironments applications.

    Tecno%ideo is a leadin# worldwide supplier for the CCT6 mar1et due to the hi#hrelia$ilit" and hi#h *ualit" of its products.

    Tecno%ideo7s catalo#ue includes a wide ran#e of stainless steel camera housin#s

    8from small to %er" lar#e si9e:, enclosures for ; thermal ima#in# cameras widel" usedin thermo#raph" and ni#ht %ision application, li*uid cooled camera housin#s for%er" hot en%ironments, Pan Tilt motors and a complete set of installation $rac1ets,e%er"thin# manufactured with speciali9ed components and materials to pro%ideimpro%ed performance and protection in the most a##ressi%e en%ironments.

    Than1s to our fle>+?2>>/ certified:, we ha%e the resources and the e

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Stainless steel camera housings

    Stainless steel camera housins are the !est solution "hen hihrelia!ilit in harsh en$ironments is re%uired. &$er camera housin ismade in 'ISI31() stainless steel to ma*e it suita!le for a++licationssuch as marine, industrial, chemical, food industr, militar use, etc.&ach housin can !e !rouht "ith se$eral o+tional and

    +ersonaliation to suit e$er need.&$er model has a $ersion suita!le for thermal cameras, e%ui++ed"ith a ermanium front "indo" "ith '/)C coatin 'nti-eflection / iamond )i*e Coatin "hich +rotects the "indo"

    allo"in an increased transmittance.


  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Stainless steel camera housings


    he CO4'C 101SeriesStainless Steel Camera 6ousinhas !een desined to +rotect small and medium siecameras installed in hihl aressi$e en$ironments.

    A'+-L 'tainless 'teel constructionP-@ 0eatherproof standard

    ; #lass for thermal ima#in# cameras a%aila$leTwo different len#ths a%aila$le 8+2>, 2>>mm:0all or ceilin# mount %ersions a%aila$le

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Stainless steel camera housings


    he 129 Series4&I74 sie housin is desined to +rotectCC cameras in industrial, marine and hihl corrosi$een$ironments.

    A'+-L 'tainless 'teel construction'unshield, eater, 0ashB0iper and Air arrier as optionals

    P-@ 0eatherproof standard; #lass for thermal ima#in# cameras a%aila$le

    Two different len#ths a%aila$le 8->, (->mm:

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Stainless steel camera housings


    he 4&I74-)'& 168 Seriesis suited to fit medium sielenses and co$ers a "ide rane of cameras and othersimilar a++lications.

    A'+-L 'tainless 'teel construction'unshield, eater and 0ashB0iper as optionals

    P-@ 0eatherproof standard; #lass for thermal ima#in# cameras a%aila$leTwo different len#ths a%aila$le 8)>>, ->>mm:

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Stainless steel camera housings


    he 204 Series )'& camera housins ha$e !eende$elo+ed to +rotect all the +ossi!le com!inations of !ioom lenses and cameras.

    A'+-L 'tainless 'teel construction'unshield, eater and 0ashB0iper as optionals

    P-@ 0eatherproof standard; #lass for thermal ima#in# cameras a%aila$leTwo different len#ths a%aila$le 8)>>, ->>mm:

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Stainless steel camera housings


    he 254 Series com+rises &'-)'& camera housins.It has a 25;mm 10-inch diameter and its stainless steel!rac*et is desined to reduce $i!rations and to *ee+ the

    housin still in most "ind +laces.

    A'+-L 'tainless 'teel construction'unshield, eater and 0ashB0iper as optionals

    P-@ 0eatherproof standard; #lass for thermal ima#in# cameras a%aila$leTwo different len#ths a%aila$le 8->>, @>>mm:

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Stainless steel camera housings


    roduct codes

    101 Series+>+0 ousin# 8Len#thD+2>mm: wall $rac1et+>+0=L ousin# 82>>mm: wall $rac1et+>+C ousin# 8+2>mm: ceilin# $rac1et+>+C=L ousin# 82>>mm: ceilin# $rac1et

    129 Series+25 ousin# 8Len#thD->mm:

    +25=L ousin# 8(->mm:+25' ousin# 8->mm: 'unshield eater+25'=L ousin# 8(->mm: 'unshield eater+2500 ousin# 8->mm: 'unshield eater 0iper+2500=L ousin# 8(->mm: 'unshield eater 0iper+25A ousin# 8->mm: 4ront window air $arrier.

    'unshield eater optional+25A=L ousin# 8(->mm: 4ront window air $arrier.

    'unshield eater optional

    168 Series

    +-/ ousin# 8Len#thD)>>mm:+-/=L ousin# 8->>mm:+-/' ousin# 8)>>mm: 'unshield eater+-/'=L ousin# 8->>mm: 'unshield eater+-/00 ousin# 8)>>mm: 'unshield eater 0iper+-/00=L ousin# 8->>mm: 'unshield eater 0iper

    204 Series2>( ousin# 8)>>mm:. U0?+()2>(=L ousin# 8->>mm:. U0?+()2>(' ousin# 8)>>mm: 'unshield eater. U0?+()2>('=L ousin# 8->>mm: 'unshield eater. U0?+()2>(00+2> ousin# 8)>>mm: 'unshield eater 0iper.

    U0?+2>mm2>(00+2>=L ousin# 8->>mm: 'unshield eater 0iper.


    2>(00+(> ousin# 8)>>mm: 'unshield eater 0iper.U0?+(>mm

    2>(00+(>=L ousin# 8->>mm: 'unshield eater 0iper.U0?+(>mm

    7>mm:2)(=L ousin# 8@>>mm:2)(' ousin# 8->>mm: 'unshield eater

    2)('=L ousin# 8@>>mm: 'unshield eater2)(00 ousin# 8->>mm: 'unshield eater 0iper2)(00=L ousin# 8@>>mm: 'unshield eater 0iper

    Note: upon request custoistion is vi"b"e

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Stainless steel camera housings


    I thermal imain cameras

    101IR Series+>+0;)> ousin# 8Len#thD+2>mm: wall $rac1et+>+0;)>=L ousin# 82>>mm: wall $rac1et+>+C;)> ousin# 8+2>mm: ceilin# $rac1et+>+C;)>=L ousin# 82>>mm: ceilin# $rac1et+>+0;@> ousin# 8Len#thD+2>mm: wall $rac1et+>+0;@>=L ousin# 82>>mm: wall $rac1et+>+C;@> ousin# 8+2>mm: ceilin# $rac1et+>+C;@>=L ousin# 82>>mm: ceilin# $rac1et

    129IR Series+25;)> ousin# 8Len#thD->mm: U0?)>+25;)>=L ousin# 8(->mm: U0? )>+25';)> ousin# 8->mm: U0? )> 'unshield eater+25';)>=L ousin# 8(->mm: U0? )> 'unshield eater+2500;)> ousin# 8->mm: U0? )> 'unshield eater 0iper+2500;)>=L ousin# 8(->mm: U0? )> 'unshield eater 0iper+25;@> ousin# 8Len#thD->mm: U0?@>+25;@>=L ousin# 8(->mm: U0? @>+25';@> ousin# 8->mm: U0? @> 'unshield eater+25';@>=L ousin# 8(->mm: U0? @> 'unshield eater+2500;@> ousin# 8->mm: U0? @> 'unshield eater 0iper+2500;@>=L ousin# 8(->mm: U0? @> 'unshield eater 0iper+25A;@> ousin# 8->mm: U0? @> 4ront window ai r $arrier .

    'unshield eater optional+25;@>A=L ousin# 8(->mm: U0? @> 4ront window air $arrier.

    'unshield eater optional

    168IR Series+-/;@> ousin# 8Len#thD)>>mm: U0? @>+-/;@>=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0? @>+-/';@> ousin# 8)>>mm: U0? @> 'unshield eater+-/';@>=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0? @> 'unshield eater+-/00;@> ousin# 8)>>mm: U0? @> 'unshield eater 0iper+-/00;@>=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0? @> 'unshield eater 0iper+-/;++> ousin# 8Len#thD)>>mm: U0? ++>

    +-/;++>=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0? ++>+-/';++> ousin# 8)>>mm: U0? ++> 'unshield eater+-/';++>=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0? ++> 'unshield eater+-/00;++> ousin# 8)>>mm: U0? ++> 'unshield eater

    0iper+-/00;++>=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0? ++> 'unshield eater


    204IR Series2>(;@> ousin# 8Len#thD)>>mm: U0?@>. 'hutter optional

    2>(;@>=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0?@>. 'hutter optional2>(';@> ousin# 8)>>mm: U0?@> 'unshield eater2>(';@>=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0?@> 'unshield eater2>(00;@> ousin# 8)>>mm: U0?+2>mm 'unshield eater

    0iper2>(00;@>=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0?+2>mm 'unshield eater

    0iper2>(;++> ousin# 8Len#thD)>>mm: U0?++>2>(;++>=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0?++>2>(';++> ousin# 8)>>mm: U0?++> 'unshield eater2>(';++>=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0?++> 'unshield eater2>(00;++> ousin# 8)>>mm: U0?++> 'unshield eater2>(00;++>=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0?++> 'unshield eater2>(;+() ousin# 8)>>mm: U0?+()2>(;+()=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0?+()2>(';+() ousin# 8)>>mm: U0?+() 'unshield eater2>(';+()=L ousin# 8->>mm: U0?+() 'unshield eater

    254IR Series2)(;+)) ousin# 8Len#thD->>mm:2)(;+))=L ousin# 8@>>mm:2)(';+)) ousin# 8->>mm: 'unshield eater2)(';+))=L ousin# 8@>>mm: 'unshield eater2)(00;+)) ousin# 8->>mm: 'unshield eater 0iper2)(00;+))=L ousin# 8@>>mm: 'unshield eater 0iper


  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    i!ui" coole" camera housings

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    i!ui" coole" camera housings


    he #$ Series features 'ISI31() Stainless Steel camerahousins desined to +rotect CC cameras in industrialhih tem+erature a++lications and hihl corrosi$e


    Li*uid cooledA'+-L 'tainless 'teel construction

    Germanium or Finc 'elenide front %iewin# window a%aila$le4ront air $arrierP-@ 0eatherproof standard

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    i!ui" coole" camera housings


    roduct codes

    129$ Series+25LC ousin# 8Len#thD->mm: U0?@>

    168$ Series+-/LC@> ousin# 8Len#thD)>>mm: U0? @>

    +-/LC++> ousin# 8)>>mm: U0? ++>

    )i%uid cooled camera housin for $isi!le liht. >ront "indo" in ?orosilicatelass ?orofloat "ith hih thermical resistance and lo" thermal e=+ansion.hic*ness: 5mm.

    7 ousin# 8->mm: U0? @>+25LC;G@> ousin# 8->mm: U0? @>

    168$IR Series+-/LC;F@> ousin# 8)>>mm: U0? @>+-/LC;G@> ousin# 8)>>mm: U0? @>

    @ )i%uid cooled camera housin for thermal $ision. >ront"indo" in Ainc Selenide "ith '/' coatin. hic*ness:5mm.

    @@ )i%uid cooled camera housin for thermal $ision. >ront"indo" in ermanium "ith '/)C coatin. hic*ness:3mm. ecommended en$ironmental tem+erature nota!o$e 100B C.


  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Air coole" camera housings

    he inno$ati$e 129'C 'ir Cooled camera housin +erfectl fits thea+ !et"een $er hot installations "hich re%uire a li%uid cooledcamera housin and standard installations "hich dont need ancoolin sstem.he enclosure is entirel manufactured in 'ISI31() stainless steel,ma*in the 129'C the !est solution in hot and harsh en$ironments,"here standard aluminium/+lastic camera housins "ould !era+idl damaed ! heat and corrosi$e aents, es+eciall inindustrial indoor installations.


  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Air coole" camera housings


    he 129%$ Series is e%ui++ed "ith a orte= coolin tu!einstalled on the !ac*, three e=haustin chec* $al$es on thefront co$er and an air nole to cool do"n and, at thesame time, *ee+ clean the lass from dirt and dust.

    roduct codes129A$ Series+25AC ousin# 8Len#thD->mm:+25AC=L ousin# 8Len#thD(->mm:+25AC;@> ousin# 8Len#thD->mm:+25AC;@>=L ousin# 8Len#thD(->mm:

    % Usa$le front window diameter? @> mmHorosilicate window, thic1ness ) mm.

    %% Usa$le front window diameter? @> mmHGermanium window, thic1ness mm, A;BILCcoatin#.

    'ir nole is a$aila!le as an o+tional for all the models

    Note: upon request custoistion is vi"b"e

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Stainless steel &an ' Tilt units

    &S'T250 Series an D ilt units has !een de$elo+ed for use in theoffshore, marine and industrial installations and in eneral "herecorrosi$e aents can cause a ra+id deterioration of a standardaluminum-steel unit. &S'T250 Seriesan D ilt units are the +erfectcom+anion for 129 series and 1(8 series camera housins.


  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Stainless steel &an ' Tilt units


    >eaturin an inno$ati$e ear!o= sstem and rued hihtor%ue 2;C $oltae motors, the $aria!le s+eed &S'T250Series D unit offers smooth and +recise mo$ements.

    he &S'T250 Seriescom+rises a model "ith half ca!le

    +assae on the tilt shaft and a model "ith full internalca!lin and a Eunction !o=.

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Stainless steel &an ' Tilt units


    &$er model is !uilt in 'ISI31() stainless steel and is I(Frated. &ach $ersion can !e su++lied "ith an internaltelemetr recei$er.

    he &S'T250(T Series com+rises an D ilt units

    ha$in the same features of the S250 Seriesenclosed inside a -sha+ed !od.

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    Stainless steel &an ' Tilt units


    &S'T250) is a an D ilt unit "ith dual housin, fullinternal ca!lin, Eunction !o=, electronic limits ande%ui++ed "ith an internal telemetr recei$er.

    roduct codes(S&T250 Series

    6'PT2)> Pan Tilt unit, %aria$le speed6'PT2)> Pan Tilt unit, half ca$le passa#e on the tilt shaft,

    %aria$le speed6'PT2)>4 Pan Tilt unit, full internal ca$le passa#e and Junction

    $o=T Pan Tilt unit, half ca$le passa#e on the tilt shaft,

    %aria$le speed, T=shaped $od"6'PT2)>4=T Pan Tilt unit, full internal ca$le passa#e and Junction


  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    *ashing tan+s ,ith -um-

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    *ashing tan+s ,ith -um-


    he *' Series com+rises a "ide rane of "asher solutions.&$er =)m +> Litres tan1, ) metres deli%er" head

    0P+>=+>m +> Litres tan1, +> metres deli%er" head0P2)=)m 2) Litres tan1, ) metres deli%er" head0P2)=+>m 2) Litres tan1, +> metres deli%er" head0P2)=+)m 2) Litres tan1, +) metres deli%er" head

    *&)SS$ Series .stainless steel cabinet/0P)=)m=''C ) Li tres tan1, ) metres del i%er" head0P)=+>m=''C ) Litres tan1, +> metres deli%er" head0P+>=)m=''C +> Litres tan1, ) metres deli%er" head0P+>=+>m=''C +> Litres tan1, +> metres deli%er" head0P2)=)m=''C 2) Litres tan1, ) metres deli%er" head0P2)=+>m=''C 2) Litres tan1, +> metres deli%er" head0P2)=+)m=''C 2) Litres tan1, +) metres deli%er" head

    Note: upon request custoistion is vi"b"e

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    AT ,asher sstem

    he ecno$ideo *'10+

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    AT ,asher sstem


    he ecno$ideo *'10+ (L stainless steel reser%oir and ca$inet4or use in hi#hl" corrosi%e en%ironmentsEas" installation and maintenanceE

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    3ounting accessories

    ' "ide rane of mountin accessories for all our camera housins isa$aila!le.

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    3ounting accessories


    arious mountin !rac*ets and ountin- ccessoriesare a$aila!le to allo" our housins and an D ilt to !einstalled in an +osition.

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    3ounting accessories


    'll mountin accessories are entirel made in 'ISI31()stainless steel to uarantee solidit and corrosionresistance.

    roduct codes

    Note: upon request custoistion is vi"b"e

    *all mounting brac+ets''K+25 0all mountin# $rac1et for +25 'eries''K+25AC 0al l mountin# $rac1et for +25AC 'eries''K+25CLN Ceilin# mountin# $rac1et for +25 'eries

    ''K+25LC 0all mountin# $rac1et for +25LC 'eries''K+-/ 0all mountin# $rac1et for +-/ 'eries''K+-/LC 0all mountin# $rac1et for +-/LC 'eries''K2>( 0all mountin# $rac1et for 2>( 'eries''K2)( 0all mountin# $rac1et for 2)( 'eries''K2)> 0all mountin# $rac1et for 6'PT2)> 'eries''K)>> 0all mountin# $rac1et for 6'PT2)>I 'eries

    $orner mount a"a-ters''CM+>+ Corner mount adapter for +>+ 'eries''CM+25 Corner mount adapter for ''K+25''CM+25AC Corner mount adapter for ''K+25AC

    &ole mount a"a-ters''PM+>+ Pole mount adapter for +>+0 series''PM+25 Pole mount adapter for ''K+25''PM+25AC Pole mount adapter for ''K+25AC

    ''PM+25LC Pole mount adapter for ''K+25LC''PM+-/ Pole mount adapter for ''K+-/''PM+-/LC Pole mount adapter for ''K+-/LC''PM2>( Pole mount adapter for ''K2>(''PM2)( Pole mount adapter for ''K2)(''PM2)> Pole mount adapter for ''K2)>

    $3T)$ seriesCMT=LCI 'teel support for LCI monitorsCMT=LCI='' 'tainless 'teel support for LCI monitors

  • 8/10/2019 Tecnovideo Catalogue


    T$(I Srl= 6ia 'an L. Murialdo, / ->> 6illa%erla 86: TALTel. 5.>(().)>((( 4a< 5.>(().)@2)5 e=mail? infotecno%ideocct%.com www.tecno%ideocct%.com

