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Teen suicides multimedia

Date post: 25-Jun-2015
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  • 1. By Katlin Stuy

2. A person who intentionally takes his or her own life.(Dictionary, 2013) 3. Among Canadians aged 10 to 14 years, the percentage of deaths caused by suicide is 9.92% for males and 12.12% for females.(Statistics Canada, 2009)Among Canadians aged 15 to 19 years, the percentage of deaths caused by suicide is 24.01% for males and 20.07% for females. 4. Bullied Feeling isolated by family and or friends Pressure to Succeed Depression Have been physical, mental or sexual abused Divorce within the family Emotional Neglect(C-Health, 2013.) 5. There are multiple reasons why someone would want to end their lives. The reasons can be small to some, but huge to others! 6. (C-Health.,2013)Drug and/or Alcohol Abuse Violent acts Rebelling Running away Symptoms of clinical Depression Lack of Energy Obvious Changes in personality 7. Change of Eating Patterns Weight Loss or Gain Neglect of Physical Appearance ETC. Sometimes, there are no symptoms or behavior changes! (C-Health,2013.) 8. Knowing about it, can help you prevent it ! If you see the signs, let let someone know , or get them help! Catch it before it is too late! 9. How to Help or Solve Teen Suicide A Teen needs to know that there are people to talk to and people who care about them. Restrict access to firearms and ammunition Dont be afraid to ask the person if they are suicidal. It shows that you are concerned. If the person does not want to talk to you, suggest other people that they can talk to. (C-Health, 2013) 10. (Social Problems Ppt., slide 12)Symbolic Interactionism Teen suicides relate to symbolic interactionism because: Their behaviours and attitudes can depend on how others perceive them Focuses on the individual level Teens care a lot about how others think of them. The suicides I have personally heard of , have been mainly because of bullying. For example, Amanda Todd 11. My Thoughts on a Solutions: I personally believe that showing that you care 24/7 to the people you love can help with the suicides. If your teen is having bullying problems that you know of, be sure to confront the situation and plan out the best course of action. Watch for signs and symptoms and try to stop it before its to late! 12. Most people who attempt suicide actually want to live 4 out of 5 people who die by suicide, have attempted it at least once before Inuit suicide rate is 11 times the national average Only a small number of suicides happen without signs Suicidal Teens want their pain to end, not necessarily die(Suicide Prevention, n.d.) 13. Most people feel suicidal at one time in their life Communication is an essential step in assisting youth 14. 1-800-SUICIDE 1-800-273-TALK KIDS HELP PHONE 1-800-668-6868Teen NineLine Hotline 1-800-999-9999 15. YOUTUBE VIDEOhttp://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=3BByqa7bhto 16. Dictionary.(2013) Suicide. Retrieved from http://dictionary.reference.c om/browse/suicide Statistics Canada.(2009) Suicides as a Percentage of All Deaths, by Age Group and Sex. Government of Canada. Retrieved from http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/82 -624x/2012001/article/chart/1169602-chart5-eng.htm 17. C-Health. (2013.) Adolescent Suicuide. Family and Child. Retrieved from http://chealth.canoe.ca/channe l_condition_info_details.asp?dise ase_id=135&channel_id=40&relat ion_id=55627 Week 2, PowerPoint Lecture(2013.) Thinking about Social Problems. Contemporary Social Issues. Retrieved from Georgian College Blackboard. Suicide Prevention.(n.d.)About Suicide. Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention. Retrieved from http://www.suicideprevention.ca/abo ut-suicide/
