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Teenage Influences

Date post: 21-Dec-2014
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Page 2: Teenage Influences


The main idea for my Radio Factual is to discuss how Teenagers have changed over the years. It will be in the same structure as a BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour as there will be a discussion/debate over the topics. The other topics I will be discussing will be Baking as this is a usual topic for Woman’s Hour, also the topic about teenagers now related to drugs and alcohol and lastly, how celebrities can influence teenagers. This is now a presentation on my research I conducted and the findings I received.

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Firstly I conducted some primary research by designing questionnaires for individuals to answer in order to gain data. By conducting these questionnaires it helped me find out what radio stations individuals listen to and what is their influences to listen to it. Other people’s responses help me on my radio factual as I then know what the audience like so I can then tailor it to their taste.

From conducting questionnaires is provided me with quantitative and qualitative as I found out numerical and word based data. I discovered that BBC Radio 4 is not too popular amongst the people in which completed it but this could be due to their age as the majority of people were aged 16-25.

Also from my questionnaires I found out that people over the age range of 36-45 feel that teenagers roles and influences have changed over the years.

30% of people over the age of 36 feel that teenagers and their roles have changed.

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The second piece of primary research I conducted as a Poll on Poll Junkie and a Survey on Survey Monkey. My survey provided me with quantitative and qualitative data which gave me a wider insight into both numerical and word based data. I found out that the majority of people listen to their chosen radio stations due to the music played and the hosts, not necessarily the news and content itself which could then further help in my radio factual as I would then know what individuals prefer.

The questions I asked on my poll were all specific to the research I needed, my poll provided me with quantitative data as all the answers I received were numerical. My Poll showed that the majority of people who answered it didn’t listen to BBC Radio 4’s podcasts, this could be due to to their age and gender demographics.

Also from my primary research I found out that people above the age of 36 now feel that teenagers are less responsible for their actions and are more reliant on their parents.

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My secondary research consisted of data from RAJAR which displays the listening numbers from the different radio stations. The BBC Radio stations have over 50% of the listening figures within all of the radio stations, this could be due to their wide range of different radio stations. As BBC Radio 4 has a share of 11.80% in the TSA, this suggests how they have a high popular share within the radio stations. This could then benefit my radio factual as it would have the same structure.

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I collected secondary qualitative research by discovering articles from the Internet which give information about the topics in which I would be further discussing in my Radio Factual

From researching articles I discovered that teenagers within this day in age have a higher toll of drinking and being influenced into drugs than they were 10 years ago.

50% of teenagers are now introduced to alcohol and drugs due to them being constantly in the media linked to celebrities.

As the majority of young children, particularly girls are growing up with constantly seeing/hearing about celebrities, this encourages them to be more like them such as their attitudes towards certain things.

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I conducted some Primary Research by using Face to Face interviews in order to gain information freely. Semi structured interviews give people more of a chance to answer in their own way, in order to justify this, May.T (2002-pp123) Social Research states "Semi structured interviews are said to allow people to answer more on their own terms than the standardized interview permits" . This would then mean that the individual which is answering would answer more freely and not feel like they are being forced to answer something falsely. Qualitative research provides more detailed and in depth information which helps me understand my research more as there would be reasons available. To justify this McQueen and Knussen(2002-pp28) Research Methods states “Qualitative research approaches explore and describes, explain and predict”. This would then mean that qualitative research provides a more detailed response that’d lead to more detailed research.

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BBC News 2008. Toll of Teenage Drinking revealed(online) Available at:


Accessed: 13 November 2013

Global Post. The Effects of Celebrity Role Models on Kids and Teens(online) Available at:


Accessed: 13 November 2013

BBC News, 2013. Half of Teenagers are sleep deprived says Experts(Online) Available at:


Accessed: 13 November 2013



May.T (2002-pp123) Social Research. Open University Press, Buckingham.

McQueen and Knuessen(2002-pp28) Research Methods for social science, and introduction. Prentice Hall. London.

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In conclusion I found out that individuals over the age of 36 feel that teenagers roles and attitudes have changed over

the past 10 years due to things such as influences from celebrities ect. Young girls within this day in age are

growing up seeing/hearing about celebrities committing things which are seen as wrong. This would then influence the young people to be more like them which would change

their roles and attitudes. I also discovered that people within the age range of 16-25 don’t tend to listen to radio stations due to the information, its mainly for the music as

it suites their genre. These topics would then be further discussed in my radio factual.

