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TELL ACPS 2014 Survey School Improvement Guide

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• Insert your own welcome statement here

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Training Objectives

• Become familiar with your school’s data from the 2014 survey results and the website

• Understand the drill down process in order to

analyze the data • Be able to unpack, disseminate and discuss

teaching conditions data to create action items for school improvement

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Agenda• Connecting to the Data• Setting the Context• Drilling Down into the Data

• Understanding the Constructs• Examining Items• Analyzing and Discussing a specific Item

• Creating an Action Plan

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Norms for the Discussion

•Equity of Voice•Active Listening•Safety to Share Different Perspectives•Confidentiality•Other? ____________

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Day and Night Partners• Find a Day partner who has a very different job than

you. Write their name in your Day section and be sure they write your name in their Day section

• Move on and go to a new person who has a similar job or content area and write each others’ names in your Night sections

• Return to your seat

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Connector Directions

1. Read the rating system2. Reflect upon each Teaching Condition Construct and

rate them from 1 (low) – 4 (high)3. Reflect and write a few notes about each Teaching

Conditions Construct4. Find your Day partner and share out key points for 2

minutes each

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ConnectorCONSTRUCT #


Positive Aspects Challenging Aspects









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Setting the Context

CUSTOMIZE FOR YOUR PRESENTATION• Rationale for taking the survey• Information about the Survey

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What We Know about Teaching Conditions

•It matters for kids

•It matters for teacher retention

•Principals and teachers view teaching conditions differently

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Reform is a Long Term Process

According to new research by Linda Darling-

Hammond, it takes 30 – 100 hours of

professional development extended over a 6 –

12 month period to affect change in the


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Uses of the Data

•As a baseline for improvement

•As a metric (a way to measure) for improvement

•As a way to help us prioritize our needs to inform our school improvement plan

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“Using the Survey Results Effectively” Article

1. Read the article, taking notes on the Reflection work sheet

2. Respond to the prompts on the Reflection worksheet

3. Group Debrief

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Data Drill Down ProcessExamine the Construct Indicators

Determine a Construct of Focus

Examine Items Within the Construct

Determine an Item of Focus

Analyze Individual



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Basic TELL Vocabulary

• TELL – Teaching, Empowering , Leading and Learning• Teaching Conditions – the systems, relationships, resources,

environments and people in your school that affect your ability to teach (or learn) at a high level

• Construct – a grouping of several specific questions, all dealing with the same topic

• Time, Facilities and Resources, Community Support and Involvement, Managing Student Conduct, Teacher Leadership, School Leadership, Professional Development, and Instructional Practices and Support

• Item – a specific individual question

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Find your School

Example Screenshot

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What Do the Numbers Mean?

Example Screenshot

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Impact of % Completing the Survey

• Within schools in your district, there is a wide range of percentage of educators who completed the survey

• With an elbow partner, reflect upon what those varieties of percentages can mean for your school?

• Why are the percentages important to know?

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Access to the Detailed Results

Example Screenshot

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Detailed Results

Example Screenshot

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Access to the Summary Results

Example Screenshot

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Summary Results

Example Screenshot

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Place this wherever needed.

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Construct Indicator Worksheet

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Summary Report – Finding Your School Data

District Level School


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Construct Indicator WorksheetMarking Your School Data


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Summary Report – Finding Your School Level Data

District Level School


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Construct Indicator WorksheetMarking Your School Data

55.2 67.3

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Summary Report – Finding Your District Data

District Level School


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Construct Indicator WorksheetMarking Your District Data

55.2 67.3 66.9

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Compare Your School Data to the School Level Data

55.2 67.3 66.9


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Compare Your School Data to the District Data

55.2 67.3 66.9

-12.1 -11.7

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Prioritize the Constructs

• Prioritize the Constructs on your own• “1” = highest priority; “8” = lowest priority

• Compare your list with your table group• Together decide upon a common list• Record your greatest STRENGTH on a yellow post-it

note• Record your greatest NEED on a blue post-it note

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Prioritize the Constructs

55.2 59.0 66.935.819.4 -12.1 -11.7


6xx.x xx.x xx.xxx.xxx.x xx.xxx.x

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Construct a Consensogram

• Have 1 person at your table place your yellow STRENGTH post-it above the appropriate construct on the poster

• Place your blue NEED post-it above its construct as well • If there is already a post-it at the bottom of the chart,

place your post-it above that one to make a bar chart

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2.1A 2.1B 2.1C 2.1D 2.1E

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Consensogram Findings

• Examine the consensogram findings• Are there any patterns?• Which Constructs stand out?• Which Constructs are sparsely posted?• What does this tell us about how we perceive our

school’s teaching conditions?

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It’s How You See Things

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Range of % Agreement

District Level School


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Construct Item Work Sheet

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Choose an Item of interest

Narrow your focus even further by prioritizing your Items for this Construct

• Your item of focus does NOT have to be your lowest item score

• You and your faculty know the context of your school. Use that knowledge to choose an item of greatest impact to explore further

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Item Consensogram

•Have 1 person at your table place your yellow 1st choice post-it above the appropriate Item letter on the poster

•Place your blue 2nd choice post-it above its item letter as well

• If there is already a post-it at the bottom of the chart, place your post-it above that one to make a bar chart

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Item Consensogram Findings

• Examine the Consensogram findings• Are there any patterns?• Which Items are most populated?• Which Items can we rule out?• What does this tell us about our current needs?

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Detailed Report

•The Detailed Report gives more specific information about how strongly people feel about the teaching condition

•Notice the indicators range from Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree to Strongly Agree.

•N = number of people who responded•DK = People who answered, “Don’t Know”

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Detailed Report

District NameSchool LevelSchool Name


School Level




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Detailed Report Makes the data more Real

• In the example in item 2.1A, the equation would be: 41 (N) x .12 (strongly disagree) = 4.92. So about 5 of the 41 people strongly disagreed that they have time available to collaborate with their colleagues.

• Take 2 minutes now to review the Detailed Report data for our question

• What conclusions can your draw about our teaching conditions from this additional information?

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What about N ?

•Does N match the number of teachers at your school?

•What if N = 41, but there are 80 teachers at your school?

•What does that indicate?

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Two Methods for Examining Individual Items

•A linear process for Analyzing an Item

• Individual Item Prompts for guiding reflective conversations

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Process for Analyzing an Identified Item

What is working?

What is not working?

What would be ideal?

What are challenges to achieving the


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Fill in your own “What’s Working”

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What’s Working? What’s Not?

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Where are we Going?

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Ideal Example

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Brainstorm Ideal Situations

•Find your Night Partner•Pair up with another set of Night Partners•Brainstorm a list of Ideal situations regarding

our item

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Graffiti Wall Directions

• Stand by your assigned poster• Record 3 or 4 Challenges to the Ideal• Brainstorm as many ways to overcome those challenges

as possible (8 minutes)• Rotate to next station Ideal at the signal (4 minutes per

station)• Return to your original poster and reflect upon ideas

added by your colleagues

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Graffiti Wall Ideals___________________


Ways to Overcome Ways to Overcome Ways to Overcome

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Individual Item Prompts

• Are used to guide reflective, collaborative conversations about specific school conditions

• Are a series of reflective prompts for nearly every question in the survey and are available on-line

• Are not the only questions to ask, but provide a starting point for dialogue

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Sample Item Prompt

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2.1D: Reflections

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Item Prompt Discussion

•Assign a Facilitator, Recorder and Reporter•Reflect upon these questions, or discuss any

other questions that arise ON TOPIC•Record the group’s thoughts•Pay attention to collaborative norms•Be ready to share key points

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Creating an Action Plan

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•Specific•Measurable and Observable•Attainable•Realistic•Timely

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Creating Objectives

•Come to consensus about a single objective by combining dominant ideas.

•Place a Check by key nouns that are repeated - Time, Planning, Meeting

•Underline key verbs/adverbs that are repeated – Meet Efficiently, Listen carefully,

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Spell Out Success

•What does your Objective look like specifically?•Turn to an elbow partner behind you, someone

NOT at your table, and describe your image of success with this objective (4 minutes)

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2 + 2 = 4 Directions

•Write one step that is critical for meeting our objective in the first box.

•Share that idea with another person and write their idea in the second box.

•Go to another person, give her your 2 ideas and record her 2 ideas on your paper.

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3 Finger Voting

• Each person is allowed 3 votes.• You can use all 3 fingers to vote for one

answer you feel strongly about, or use 1 vote to count for 3 different choices.

• Or you can vote two fingers for choice #1, and one finger for choice #2, etc…

• Count scores at the end to determine which Steps to use.

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Finish the Action Plan

• Fill in the assigned section of the Action Plan with your table group

• What must be included?• How will we know we succeeded?• What resources are needed?• By Whom? / By When?

• Report out• Commit to the goal

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Congratulations !! We DID IT !

• This is only the beginning!! • We’ve worked and identified an area for growth• We’ve made an action plan for HOW we’ll improve• Now we have to DO it

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Questions and Evaluation Sheet
