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Tell me about you your sustainability projects

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© Hbr/MoT 06/09/2012 - 1 Tell me about you your sustainability projects press releases as a tool for education for sustainable development Ulrich Holzbaur CUT Bloemfontein Monika Theiss Aalen University SARIMA Port Elizabeth 2012-09-06

© Hbr/MoT 06/09/2012 - 1

Tell me about you your sustainability projects

press releases as a tool for education for sustainable development

Ulrich Holzbaur CUT Bloemfontein Monika Theiss Aalen University

SARIMA Port Elizabeth 2012-09-06

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sustainability – projects –press

imperative 7

from„7 imperatives for

Success in Research“




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Sustainable Development

World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

World Summit on Sustainable Development Rio de Janeiro 1992 Sustainable development

as a vision and mission Rio declaration =

= Agenda 21 = = Roadmap (Agenda) for the 21st century

World Summit on Sustainable DevelopmentJohannesburg, South Africa in 2002



Social System

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Main impact and main components

Direct ImpactOperations, Projects

Indirect ImpactEducation , Knowledge

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Projects Small projects: from 2 person-month to 1 person-year Subjects: science + project management + sustainable development Show to the public that students can manage projects and implement

sustainable development in the real world. Prepared projects method Projects as a method for teaching

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Press releases News from the ivory tower

Aims increase the impact and visibility access potential research partners and sponsors.

Target groups Scientific community Broad public Industry and economy Politics and administration Potential future students

Channels Print Web Web 2.0

PRTarget groupsstakeholders

Aim: impact + visibility

Channel: print+web

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Examples The following examples show publications in the local newspapers that

are based on university press releases. Every students´ project has to prepare a press release which is used as

a basis for the press release that is sent to local newspapers and radio stations.

Project characteristics Projects in industrial management Main sustainability aspects:

Green eel UNESCO projectsSocioeconomic developmentBarrier-free accessEnergy consumption

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„green eel“ is an environmental management system for schools Success factors for the news about students projects:

Local schools Politicians Children

Green eel 2006

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Recipes for PR Target Target groups and filters

the value creation chain Relevance

Contents Contribution News Scientific contents People Revevance

Headline and subtitles Text structure Style Testimonials

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Aims and Targets WHY? FOR WHAT? FOR WHOM?

YOUthe researcher, the team, the project

SOCIETYthe reader, the multiplier, the public, the decision makers

STAKEHOLDERSthe customersthe university

the facultythe project

the sponsorsthe students

PRESSthe faculty PR

the university PRthe writerthe editor

the chief editor

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Green eel 2012

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Target groups You have to keep in mind that a press release has several target groups:

The future reader of the paper. This is your most important audience.Form and contents, message and level A I D A structure Your peers will also critically read the final article.

The editor: your press release will never be published if the editor thinks that is does not match the policy of his paper and the interest of the target group.

Your own press officer: He/she is going to help you, but you must clearly show why the publication of this result at that time in these journals is beneficiary for your university.

contents Press release news

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The publication chain From a scientists point of view,

there is a chain of participating organisations and people The researcher and the research team as the origin of the knoledge The research group´s or department´s s P/R responsible The university P/R responsible and marketing department The journalist / writer of the newspaper The editor (in-chief) of the newspaper The reader of the newspaper

contents news

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The value creation chain The publication chain can be seen as a set of

Hurdles that have to be overcome to get the news to the public Filters that ensure the quality of the news Links in a chain that connects knowledge to news Members of a value creation chain that wants to create maximum

value for all stakeholder:The researcher, the research team and the universityThe newspaper, its readers and the community

contents news

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The value creation chain The value creation chain creates maximum value for all stakeholders:

The researcher and P/R responsible The journalist and editor of the newspaper The reader of the newspaper

It is based on professional work and quality cooperation and mutual trust

knowledge news

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Sustainability projects

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Press release structure A press release should be short and concise, with a size of 300 to 700

words, longer texts should only be provided upon request. As the text may be abbreviated, the structure varies strongly from a

scientific paper which develops a subject: Most important statements come first; then towards the end, some details and background information can be added.

Be aware, that you are (re-) presenting your working group as well as your university and your project partners.

The text may be an abbreviated version of your scientific paper omitting the lengthy phrases e.g. about the relevance of statistical data

You have to bridge the gap between grasping attention and being an exact and reliable scientist

General statements about sustainability (.. future generations, Rio agenda 21, .. ) shout be an additive element at the end of the paper

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About our projects

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People and affiliation The author (including the contact data) and affiliation (including the

contact data of the press office) as well as the date must be include Mention the relevant people and organizations

The university, faculty .. Researchers, team Leaders Partners, supporters

Get statements from the Partners Customers ….

Mention relation to SD Socioeconomic development Environment, Biodiversity, Resources, Climate,

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Paper and press release With the result as a central issue, the scientific paper tells the other

scientists why this is valid while the press release tells the reader why this is relevant for them. Hence, press releases to different newspapers will look different.

Scientific paperPress release



Background and methodLocal interestand people

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Special events have big impact on (education for) sustainable development high degree of public perception

Events analysis

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Headline The Headline must grasp attention. It can be formulated in a provocative

way but must reflect the statement of the paper. The headline and the statement must be correct. You have to make sure

that there is no misinterpretation of statistical data. (It is unethical to market a research results as “There is (no) impact of A on B”

Additional headlines can improve attention and can also help the editor to compile an adequate headline.

Example for this presentation: Getting sustainable development projects out of the ivory tower Aalen University and CUT Bloemfontein cooperate in research Prof. Holzbaur presents PR strategy for ESD at SARIMA conference How to save the world through press releases PR work of Monika Theiss positively evaluated as contribution to ESD

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Cooperation Cooperation with CUT and VUT also with respect to sustainable


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Intro The first sentences will inform the reader and the editor: WHO has

achieved WHAT and WHERE. WHY is this valid and important One message a time. If there are several results, you have to find an

adequate general motto. Make sure to mention all participants. Especially (local) project partners

will be important. You may also add personal statements or cite some of the participants.

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barrier free access

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Pictures talk Pictures (two or three) should be added as JPG. Every picture comes

with a title, and a description that also shows the relevance for the paper Photos should be relevant for the report and attractive for the press. Consider the criteria

Relevance, Information Attraction Reproduction

Photos of people should come with the full names of all persons. Diagrams can be used to visualize results. Pie charts are easily

understood, bar charts can explain more complex results. In all cases, keep in mind that the diagrams may be reproduced in one color. Make sure that diagrams do not lie – neither willingly nor unwillingly.

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Alcohol prevention

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Testimonials Statements or testimonials can make a text more vivid and authentic Possible sources:

Stakeholders of the project, customers, target group People involved in the project: team members, leader People well known to the public Experts (also explain who and from which organization) People in charge at the university or partner organisation The author ;-)

Testimonials should make statements about the Results: improvements achieved, knowledge gained, lessons learned Impact on the society – link to sustainable development Learning effect – for the team, general outcome of a special project The project itself – acknowledgements Possible consequences and follow-ups

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City market and events

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Preparation Before you send the document, make a break, read it again and have a

second person read it. Take care of lack of or implicit information, jargon, possible misunderstanding, and for formulations that may be interpreted as an accuse or attack by anybody..

Be available for questions from you PR officer and the editors. Depending on the timeline, make sure that you can respond immediately (within an hour), and rather give your (mobile) phone number in addition to an email address.

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City and region

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Don´t be discouraged Some information will „only“ make it to your university journal

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Web 2.0 Ceteris paribus this also applies to publication in the internet

On your university´s homepage On an edited page run by a newspaper or organization, On your own homepage In some social media.

The Web 2.0 is changing the world from a producer-oriented (the printer decides what will be published) to a consumer-oriented one (the readers decide what will be read and

followed and what will be ignored).

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Traditional internet

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+ -Present Strength

Direct impact Weakness:

Depending on the publication chain

Future Opportunity:Creating awareness

Public perception

Threat Raising expectation

potential disappointmet

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The most recent ones:

2012-08-30: council for sustainabilitycompliments our university

2012-09-04: Project grants

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Thank you
