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Volume 27 Number 5 November 2008 Letter from the President 2 Chamber Numbers 3 Member Spotlight 5 Ribbon Cuttings 5 Calendar 6 State of the City Address Recap 7 Upcoming Events 8 advocate advocat e the th e TEMPE CHAMBER ELECTION ENDORSEMENTS The November 4 general election brings with it the chance to make your voice heard and to vote for candidates and propositions that will guide the city, state and nation on its path. The Tempe Chamber encourages all of its members to vote and support its positions for local candidates and ballot issues. After much deliberation, the Tempe Chamber has chosen to endorse the following individuals: Legislative District 17: Incumbent State Representative Ed Ableser; Mark Thompson for State Representative and Jesse Hernandez for State Senate. Legislative District 20: Incumbent John McComish and Jeff Dial for State Representative and incumbent John Huppenthal for State Senate. The Tempe Chamber has recommended the following ballot proposition endorsements for their impact on the business community. PROPOSITION 100: An initiative to amend the Arizona Constitution to prohibit any new tax on transfers or sales of real estate. Oppose. While the Chamber may support the concept of real estate transfer tax prohibition, Constitutional protection is inappropriate public policy. PROPOSITION 101: An initiative to amend the Constitution to prohibit laws that would restrict the right to make choices on health care services and coverage. Oppose. The voter protection of vague initiative language that is subject to legal interpretation may result in unintended consequences PROPOSITION 102: A legislative referral to amend the Constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage. No Position. A constitutional definition of marriage is not a business issue. PROPOSITION 105: An initiative to amend the Constitution to require that any initiatives requiring spending or tax increases be approved by a majority of all registered voters, not just those casting ballots. Oppose. Although initiative reform is needed in Arizona, this ballot proposition actually may have the effect of encouraging non-participation in the election process. PROPOSITION 200: An initiative to change state law to remove the 2010 automatic expiration of the current law authorizing payday loans and to place new restrictions on those high-interest, short-term loans. Oppose. Reauthorization of any payday loan program should be addressed through the legislative process and not be voter-protected. PROPOSITION 201: An initiative to provide new warranty and other rights to property buyers, including buyers of new homes. Oppose. This consumer issue should be addressed in the legislative process where amendments could correct unintended consequences. Voter protection of this issue is inappropriate. PROPOSITION 202: An initiative to change a 2007 state law against hiring illegal immigrants by, among other things, tightening rules on making complaints and targeting those who pay workers under the table. Oppose. Arizona’s ground-breaking employer sanctions law must be properly adjusted through legislative means. Voter protection of this issue in the face of a changing economy is inappropriate. PROPOSITION 300: A referral by a state commission to raise the 90 state legislators’ annual salary to $30,000 from the current $24,000. Support. Higher pay may lead to more competitive elections. DISTRICT UNIFICATION: To unify Tempe Elementary,Kyrene Elementary,and Tempe Union High School districts into one district. Support. Unifying the three separate school districts into one district will help to streamline articulation from K-12th grade. TEMPE CITY ELECTION QUESTIONS: 1. Purpose: Water & Street Improvements $113,300,000 SUPPORT 2. Purpose: Street Improvements/Storm Drains $44,200,000 SUPPORT 3. Purpose: Public Safety $32,010,000 SUPPORT 4. Purpose: Park Improvements / Community Services $51,800,000 SUPPORT EXPLANATION: Passing these bonds which will address health and safety issues, provide for energy savings, perform preventative maintenance and replace equipment as needed. TEMPE UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT: 1. Capital Bond: $6,000,000 SUPPORT 2. M & O $6,300,000 SUPPORT 3. Class B Bond $30,000,000 SUPPORT EXPLANATION: Passing the TUHSD bonds will reinstate the Maintenance & Operations (M&O) and Capital Overrides that will provide critically-needed supplementation to the state’s minimal base funding allocation and will address campus health and safety issues to protect the public’s investment in its educational facilities. If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Mayorga, Vice President of Public Affairs at (480) 736-4282.
Page 1: TEMPE CHAMBER ELECTION ENDORSEMENTStempeaz.usachamber.com/virDirEditorAssets/TempeAZ/chamberAccess... · November 2008 : Business Advocate The Tempe Chamber is now accepting nominations

Volume 27 Number 5 November 2008

Letter from the President 2

Chamber Numbers 3

Member Spotlight 5

Ribbon Cuttings 5

Calendar 6

State of the City Address Recap 7

Upcoming Events 8

advoca teadvoca te


TEMPE CHAMBER ELECTION ENDORSEMENTSThe November 4 general election brings with it the chance to make your voice heard and to vote for candidates and propositions that will guide the city, state and nation on its path. The Tempe Chamber encourages all of its members to vote and support its positions for local candidates and ballot issues. After much deliberation, the Tempe Chamber has chosen to endorse the following individuals: Legislative District 17: Incumbent State Representative Ed Ableser; Mark Thompson for State Representative and Jesse Hernandez for State Senate.Legislative District 20: Incumbent John McComish and Jeff Dial for State Representative and incumbent John Huppenthal for State Senate.The Tempe Chamber has recommended the following ballot proposition endorsements for their impact on the business community. PROPOSITION 100: An initiative to amend the Arizona Constitution to prohibit any new tax on transfers or sales of real estate. Oppose. While the Chamber may support the concept of real estate transfer tax prohibition, Constitutional protection is inappropriate public policy.PROPOSITION 101: An initiative to amend the Constitution to prohibit laws that would restrict the right to make choices on health care services and coverage. Oppose. The voter protection of vague initiative language that is subject to legal interpretation may result in unintended consequencesPROPOSITION 102: A legislative referral to amend the Constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage. No Position.Aconstitutionaldefinitionofmarriageisnotabusinessissue.PROPOSITION 105: An initiative to amend the Constitution to require that any initiatives requiring spending or tax increases be approved by a majority of all registered voters, not just those casting ballots. Oppose. Although initiative reform is needed in Arizona, this ballot proposition actually may have the effect of encouraging non-participation in the election process.PROPOSITION 200: An initiative to change state law to remove the 2010 automatic expiration of the current law authorizing payday loans and to place new restrictions on those high-interest, short-term loans. Oppose. Reauthorization of any payday loan program should be addressed through the legislative process and not be voter-protected. PROPOSITION 201: An initiative to provide new warranty and other rights to property buyers, including buyers of new homes. Oppose. This consumer issue should be addressed in the legislative process where amendments could correct unintended consequences. Voter protection of this issue is inappropriate.PROPOSITION 202: An initiative to change a 2007 state law against hiring illegal immigrants by, among other things, tightening rules on making complaints and targeting those who pay workers under the table. Oppose. Arizona’s ground-breaking employer sanctions law must be properly adjusted through legislative means. Voter protection of this issue in the face of a changing economy is inappropriate.PROPOSITION 300: A referral by a state commission to raise the 90 state legislators’ annual salary to $30,000 from the current $24,000. Support. Higher pay may lead to more competitive elections. DISTRICT UNIFICATION:TounifyTempeElementary,KyreneElementary,andTempeUnionHighSchooldistrictsintoonedistrict.Support. UnifyingthethreeseparateschooldistrictsintoonedistrictwillhelptostreamlinearticulationfromK-12thgrade.TEMPE CITY ELECTION QUESTIONS: 1. Purpose: Water & Street Improvements $113,300,000 SUPPORT 2. Purpose: Street Improvements/Storm Drains $44,200,000 SUPPORT 3. Purpose: Public Safety $32,010,000 SUPPORT 4. Purpose: Park Improvements / Community Services $51,800,000 SUPPORT EXPLANATION: Passing these bonds which will address health and safety issues, provide for energy savings, perform preventative maintenance and replace equipment as needed. TEMPE UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT: 1. Capital Bond: $6,000,000 SUPPORT 2.M&O$6,300,000SUPPORT 3. Class B Bond $30,000,000 SUPPORT EXPLANATION:PassingtheTUHSDbondswillreinstatetheMaintenance&Operations(M&O)andCapitalOverridesthatwill provide critically-needed supplementation to the state’s minimal base funding allocation and will address campus health and safety issues to protect the public’s investment in its educational facilities. If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Mayorga, Vice President of Public Affairs at (480) 736-4282.

Page 2: TEMPE CHAMBER ELECTION ENDORSEMENTStempeaz.usachamber.com/virDirEditorAssets/TempeAZ/chamberAccess... · November 2008 : Business Advocate The Tempe Chamber is now accepting nominations

November 2008 : Business Advocate

It’s been quite a wild ride this past month. Multi-billion-dollar safety nets. A roller-coaster stock market. Vote yes on this proposition. Vote no on that one. This candidate will raise taxes more. No, the opponent will. It’s enough to make you want to stay in bed and pull the covers over your head.

Now it’s November, the time to take a few moments,reflectontheworld,andgivethanks.Soletmestartbythankingthe folks easiest to target with blame: politicians and their staffs.

I’ve met with a lot of candidates over the years, and whether I agreed with them or not – whether we supported them or not – I’m grateful that each and every one of them cared enough about their community to run for office.Thinkaboutit.Ifyoutiredofthecampaignsjustimaginewasliketorun one. Thank you for your faith in our system and your willingness to put yourself out there.

Let’smovetothenexteasytarget:lobbyists.Yes,ShellOilhasalobbyist,butso does the Sierra Club. From AARP to the Tempe Chamber, folks are doing their best to represent your interests and to let politicians know what their constituencies are thinking. They comb the minutiae of legislation so that you can spend your time living your life and growing your business. Thank you for your hard work on my behalf.

As for businesses, you’re a target if you’re big, but a darling if you’re not. The irony, of course, is that all businesses want to grow. We thank all businesses great and small for providing jobs, for developing products to make our lives comfortable, and for being creative and adept at survival and growth.

And to our members, a huge thank you. We exist for you and because of you. As a small business ourself, we understand the challenges you face under that best of circumstances, let alone through the uncertainty of the past few weeks. Let us know where we can help you, and if you ever think, “If only the Chamber did _____” please tell us.

And last, but never least, I want to thank my staff. These eight wonderful people -- whose names are just to the left of this column -- work hard to provide services to thousands of people every year. And they make me look good while doing it. You are very much appreciated.

Chairman of the Board Marilyn Joyce

Chair-ElectVicki Kringen

TreasurerScott Asher

Vice-ChairMike Gardner

Kim Webb

Immediate Past ChairMary Lou Bessette

DirectorsSteve Bauer

Lorraine BergmanTom BeswickSandy Catour

Angela CreedonMarcie Greenberg

Robert Normile, Sr.Clark Peterson

Directors (cont.) Jim ScusselCarl Streiff

Ex-Officios Eric EmmertStephanie NowackJim RundChris SalamoneJohn Miller

Committee ChairsMary Lou Bessette Monte BorgesonNeil Chitel Eric EmmertLt. Col. Pam Jackson Joan Jakel-SmithMarilyn JoyceJuly LivingstonKelly Lorenzen Jennifer Skinner Pat Thielen Malene VesselShauna Warner

HowtoReachUsPhone (480) 967-7891

Fax (480) 966-5365Email [email protected] www.tempechamber.org

The mission of the Tempe Chamber of Commerce is to build an environment that enhances the

economic vitality of our membership.

The Business Advocate is designed by grantdarrah.com (480)374-7460.PrintedandmailedbyOfficeMax(480)921-1581.

Articles are written by Chamber Staff.

Mary Ann MillerPresident/CEO(480) 736-4280

[email protected]

Sean DonovanCommunications Director

(480) [email protected]

Brian KrupskiMembership Development

(480) [email protected]

Renée Lopata, CAESenior Vice President

(480) [email protected]

Catherine MayorgaVice President Public Affairs

(480) [email protected]

Heidi SantosBookkeeper(480) [email protected]

Kari SlivaVP of Communications and Special Events(480) [email protected]

Magdalena WareckaDirectorofOperations(480) [email protected]

Kristin KnottsCustomer Service Representative(480) [email protected]


Giving Thanks Where Thanks is Due

Mary Ann MillerPresident/CEOTempe Chamber of Commerce

Page 3: TEMPE CHAMBER ELECTION ENDORSEMENTStempeaz.usachamber.com/virDirEditorAssets/TempeAZ/chamberAccess... · November 2008 : Business Advocate The Tempe Chamber is now accepting nominations

November 2008 : Business Advocate

The Tempe Chamber is now accepting nominations for the 2009 Business Excellence Awards. These awards promote the advancement of responsible business leadership in our community and publicly recognize local businesses demonstrating a passion for excellence.

The objective of the awards is to identify and recognize companies whose practices in business development, employee development, community involvement, and customer service exemplify excellence. Values the Tempe Chamber looks for include a demonstrated record of success and growth, community involvement and leadership, dedication to employees and commitment to customer service.

The awards will be presented at the Breakfast for Chamber Champions in February, 2009. All companies that are members of the Tempe Chamber are eligible for entry. Self-nominations are encouraged.

Those nominated should demonstrate a commitment to the community, staff development and entrepreneurship. The applicants will be reviewed by a panel of local business people and judged on their demonstration of these core values.

Last year’s recipients of the award were bluemedia and Caliente Construction. Nominations must be submitted to the Tempe Chamber of Commerce by Monday, November 10, 2008. Nominees will then receive an application form shortly thereafter. To submit a nomination, please fax the form below to (480) 966-5365 ormailittotheTempeChamberatPOBox28500,Tempe,AZ85285-8500.Nominationformsmayalsobeemailed to [email protected].

Nominate an Excellent Business

DoyouknowofabusinessinvolvedintheTempeChamberthatdeservestoberecognized?Ifso,pleasefillout this form and fax or mail it to us.

Models of excellence for this award include: Demonstrated record of business growth and success. Community involvement and leadership. Dedication to employees Commitment to customer service.

Business Name:________________________________________________________________

Contact Name:_________________________________________________________________

Your Name (optional):___________________________________________________________


PleasereturnthisformtotheTempeChamberat:POBox28500,Tempe,AZ85285-8500orviafaxat(480) 966-5365 by Monday, November 10, 2008. You may also email the form to [email protected].

Business Excellence 2009 Awards Nomination

Nominate that business now!

bluemedia Caliente Construction

The Tempe Chamber of Commerce provides FREE links to our members’ websites.If your business has a website and would like

to have a free link, please contactRenée Lopata at [email protected].

ON THE CHAMBER’S WEBSITEThe following is a list of ten of the mostfrequently displayed members from the

Membership Directory for the month of September.

MOST ACTIVE DATE:Wednesday, September 10, 2008 with 5,962 hits


Become A Tempe ChamberPreferred Member!

The Tempe Chamber offers a valuable opportunity for our existing members – a Preferred Membership that providesmorethan$500innewbenefitsforonlyanadditional$300annualinvestmentinyourChamber!

Take advantage of this offer and increase your Chambervisibilityandbenefits!Formoreinformation

about the Preferred Membership, please contact Renée Lopata at (480) 736-4284 or

[email protected].


Gainey Suites HotelAloha Limousine India Plaza/The Dhaba Pcroissant Bakery Arizona Exterminating Co. Impact Mobile Marketing Lucille’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Que Howard S. Wright Kool Energy Air Conditioning & Heating, IncCompassAtoZ.com













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November 2008 : Business Advocate4

CALLING ALL MEMBERS EVENT PROVIDES MORE BENEFITSDuring the Tempe Chamber’s “Calling All Members” Day last month we received wonderful comments and suggestions during our calls to our more than 1,000 members which will beimplementedtofurtherbenefitourmembership.We’dalsoliketothanktheboardmembersandvolunteersfortheirhelpandTelespherefordonatingtheuseofextraphonesandlines for the event.

If we were unable to reach your business please take a moment to call us at (480) 967-7891 or (480) 736-4281 to give us your input and ideas on resources we could offer that would be valuable to you. Through your input we are able to provide outstanding networking, committee involvement and strong and effective advocacy at the city, state and national levels.

Tempe Chamber Salutes Military Affairs CommitteeAs we near Veteran’s Day, the Tempe Chamber would like to offer special recognition to its Military Affairs Committee, formed 25 ago to facilitate a favorable and mutually rewarding relationship between the Tempe business community and military units in the Valley. The committee hosts a monthly luncheon where an outstanding member of the Guard or Reserve receives an award for his or her service.

The committee also tours military installations and this year will visit atomic testing sites and Creech AFB in Nevada. Prior trips included visits to the Edwards Air Force Base, Yuma Proving Grounds and the San Luis Border station.

MAC is chaired by Lt. Col. Pam Jackson of the Arizona Air National Guard. All Tempe Chamber members are eligible to join the committee. For further information please contact Magdalena Warecka at (480) 736-4281.




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Page 5: TEMPE CHAMBER ELECTION ENDORSEMENTStempeaz.usachamber.com/virDirEditorAssets/TempeAZ/chamberAccess... · November 2008 : Business Advocate The Tempe Chamber is now accepting nominations

November 2008 : Business Advocate 5

Fidelity National TitlecelebrateditsnewofficeatHaydenFerryLakesidewithstafffromtheTempeChamber,members of the Ambassadors Committee, Mayor Hugh Hallman, clients, and employees. Fidelity National Title, a Fortune 500 company, is a leading provider of title insurance, specialty insurance and claims managementservices.Theofficeislocatedat60E.RioSaladoParkway,11thFloorinTempe.Formoreinformation please visit www.fnf.com.

Lamson College celebrated its new campus with staff from the Tempe Chamber, members of the Ambassadors Committee, students and employees. Lamson College’s trademark is its short, convenient programs, small class sizes, and hands-on training. The campus is located at 875 W Elliot Rd., Suite 206, in Tempe. For more information please visit www.lamsoncollege.com.

Extreme Health Chiropractic celebrated its new ownership with staff from the Tempe Chamber, members of theAmbassadorsCommittee,themayor’sofficeChiefofStaffMikeCrusaandemployeesinaribboncuttingceremony.ThemissionatExtremeHealthChiropracticistoprovidesuperiorhealthandbalance.Theofficeislocated at 3200 S. Rural Rd., #3, in Tempe. For more information please visit www.extremehealthchiro.com.

Western Refining celebrated its new Tempe location with staff from the Tempe Chamber, employees and friends.MayorHughHallmanwelcomedJeffStevens,COOandMattYoderSeniorVPofWesternRefiningandtheirstafftoTempe.Thecompanyisoneofthenation’slargestindependentoilrefiners,processingapproximately 235,000 barrels each day. For more information please visit www.westernrefining.com.

Eric Crow co-founder and chairman emeritus of Insight Enterprises Inc. was inducted into the W. P. Carey School of Business Homecoming Hall of Fame. Tempe City Councilmember Ben Arredondo was inducted into the Associated Minority Contractors of America (AMCA) Hall of Fame in recognition of his longtime support of minorities and women in construction.Keane Creative has been named “one of the best places to work in Phoenix” by Phoenix Magazine.Tempe Town Lake and Robert Albin recently received the 2008 Natural Resources Award from the Arizona Parks and Recreation Association.Direct Office Solutionshaslaunchednotinthemarket.com,amoney-savingnewapproachtoofficeequipment designed to assist businesses in growing their bottom line. Aloha Limousine will be donating turkey dinners to families in need on Thanksgiving. Donors will be entered into a drawing for a free limo ride. Please contact (480) 642-5642 if your company is able to assist.Cafarelli Construction has been a member in good standing with the Tempe Chamber for 5 years. Due to a printing error the company was not included on the Special Recognition page of the Annual Directory.TheUnitedLatinoBusinessCoalition(ULBC)namedAndresChagollaandMCbizasthewinnerofthisyear’s Service Provider of the YearEuroMarket Partners is offering a custom market report from the Systems and Electronica trade shows. Please contact (480) 335 2911 for details.Four Points by Sheraton is offering Tempe Chamber members a 20% discount. Visit www.fptempespecial.com to book your reservations.Todd S. WernerwasbeenappointedChiefExecutiveOfficer(CEO)ofBannerDesertMedicalCenter.Pen Johnson has been selected as the 2008 Don Carlos Humanitarian of the Year.Caliente Construction and Lorraine Bergman were selected as one of Comerica’s Top 50 Arizona CompaniestoWatchandasAZWomanmagazine’s“HotGrowth”company.The Arizona Military Family Relief Fund is accepting donations for Arizona soldiers who are injured or killed in combat. For more information contact (602) 255-3373.

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November 2008 : Business Advocate

The Tempe Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors wants to thank the following members for renewing their Chamber Membership this past month. You are the backbone of Chamber Success!

25-29 YearsAG SpanosHegarty- Haynes InsuranceThe Flower Shoppe

20-24 YearsBasha’sBerning’s Fine JewelryJack’s Ticket AgencyThe Buttes, A Marriott Resort

15-19 YearsASU Karsten Golf CourseArredondo & Arredondo InsuranceHomCo Ace HardwareColton ConstructorsMaricopa Community Colleges

10-14 YearsChompies Restaurant & BakeryHampton Inn & SuitesNational Technical SystemsNewtown Community Development CorpRio Salado College

5-9 YearsClaire Bridge of TempeDomenic’s 2 WheelersFairytale Brownies Marketing & SalesFish Window CleaningRancho Las PalmasVerdict Systems LLC 1-4 YearsAlan Blau & AssociatesAlliance FlooringAmy Lamp DesignApache Gold CasinoBooth Udall PLCCEVA Freight ManagementCrowne Plaza HotelDavisEliot Management GroupHomewood Suites by HiltonKelly ServicesParadise Bakery & CaféPinnacle Education, Inc.RK Group WestSam’s Club

RK Group WestSam’s ClubSiteWire Marketspace SolutionsSWAT Towing DBA Auto Citi Towing LLCTempe PaintballTotal Office Interiors


Sleep Inn Phoenix Airport

November 2008

November 4Ambassadors Committee8:00 a.m.Heidi’s Events and Catering2095 W. 15th St.

November 6Business to Business Connection8:00 a.m.Tempe Chamber of Commerce909 E. Apache Blvd.

November 11Tempe Chamber Executive Committee7:30 a.m.Tempe Chamber of Commerce909 E. Apache Blvd.

November 11Tempe Links Committee12:00 p.m. Tempe Chamber of Commerce909 E. Apache Blvd.

November 12Joint Post-Election Meeting of Government Relations and Transportation Committees 7:30 a.m.Tempe Chamber of Commerce909 E. Apache Blvd.

November 19Military Affairs Committee11:30 a.m. Heidi’s Events and Catering2095 W. 15th St.

November 20Women in Business Conference and Trade Show Committee8:00 a.m.Tempe Chamber of Commerce909 E. Apache Blvd.

November 20Hot Topics and Lunch11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.Heidi’s Events and Catering2095 W. 15th St.

November 25Annual Joint Meeting of theBoards of Directors of the Tempe Chamber and Tempe Leadership7:30 a.m.Four Points by Sheraton conference room 911 E. Apache Blvd.

November 26Business After Hours Mixer5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.Game Works5000 Arizona Mills Circle

November 13Networking @ Noon11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.El Penasco Mexican Kitchen19 E. Broadway at Mill Ave.

November 14ASU FestDevil Homecoming Gala6:30 p.m.The Buttes, a Marriott Resort2000 Westcourt Way

November 18Business Before Hours Mixer7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.Sam’s Club700 N. 54th St., Chandler

November 19Business Owners Forum8:00 a.m.El Penasco Mexican Kitchen19 E. Broadway at Mill Ave.

November 19Business Resource Advantage Committee8:00 a.m. Tempe Chamber of Commerce909 E. Apache Blvd.

Page 7: TEMPE CHAMBER ELECTION ENDORSEMENTStempeaz.usachamber.com/virDirEditorAssets/TempeAZ/chamberAccess... · November 2008 : Business Advocate The Tempe Chamber is now accepting nominations

November 2008 : Business Advocate 7

2008 State of the City Address Highlights Successes, Strength of Tempe

Mayor Hugh Hallman presented his annual State of the City Address in late September to a crowd of more than 400 community leaders at the Buttes, a Marriott Resort in Tempe.

In addition to detailing his vision and plans for the future of the city, Mayor Hugh Hallman announced plans for a new 240-room Hyatt Regency to be constructed on the shore of Tempe Town Lake. To watch a video of the mayor’s speech visit www.tempe.gov/elected/2008soc/.

The Arizona Republic / Tempe Republic, gold-level media sponsor of the event, was on hand to cover the story and has in-depth reporting of the event on their website at www.azcentral.com

The State of the City Address was presented by Edward Jones and sponsored by Phoenix Sky Harbor InternationalAirport,AvenueCommunities,UniversitySquare, Insight, PMT Ambulance, State Farm, KPMG, Vestar,USAirways,Centerpoint,Alphagraphics,TheTempe Republic, Cox Communications, McCarthy Construction, MidFirst Bank, Motorola, Qwest, Southwest Gas, Waste Management, Wells Fargo, WesternRefiningandWeststoneCommunities.

Giving Thanks Where Thanks is Due

Page 8: TEMPE CHAMBER ELECTION ENDORSEMENTStempeaz.usachamber.com/virDirEditorAssets/TempeAZ/chamberAccess... · November 2008 : Business Advocate The Tempe Chamber is now accepting nominations

PO Box 28500Tempe, AZ 85285-8500 PRESORTED





Thursday, November 13, 2008Networking @ Noon11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.El Penasco Mexican Kitchen19 E. Broadway at Mill Ave.

Employing effective networking techniques can mean the difference between success and stagnation. It is the easiest, simplest, fastest and least expensive way to promote your business and to make the strong connections necessary to prosper and outperform your competition. Join the Tempe Chamber’s Business to Business Connection and Telesphere for this fast-paced unique networking event. Learn the art of relationship building, enjoy lunch and have fun promoting your business. Be sure to bring at least 50 business cards.

$25 members in advance, $30 members day of, $35 prospective members


January 29, 2009Tempe Chamber Evening Mixer and

Trade Show5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Sheraton Phoenix Airport Hotel Tempe1600 S. 52nd St.

February 26, 2009Tuscany in the Desert

6:00 p.m.The Waterfront

5350 S. Lakeshore Dr.

Sponsored by:

Sponsored by:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008Business Before Hours Mixer7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.Sam’s Club700 N. 54th St., Chandler

Join the Tempe Chamber for a morning of fabulous food and networking. Bring brochures and business cards and be ready to give a 30-second commercial about yourself or your business. This is a wonderful way to start the day and meet with your fellow business people. A light breakfast is provided.

Free for members, $7 for prospective members

18carpet systems


Sponsored by:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008Business Owners Forum8:00 a.m.El Penasco Mexican Kitchen19 E. Broadway at Mill Ave.

We are excited to announce a new opportunity for our Tempe Chamber Business owners. This breakfast is a forum for open exchange among peers, where business owners may freely discuss current issues. RSVP to (480) 967-7891 or [email protected].

The forum is free. Attendees are able to purchase breakfast. Attendance is strictly limited to business owners only.


Thursday, November 20, 2008Hot Topics and Lunch with Dave Sherman11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.Heidi’s Events and Catering2095 W. 15th St.

Staying Positive in a Negative World: How to Laugh in the Face of a Challenging Economy!

If you listen to the news and to most people, you would think that we were back in the Great Depression. Fortunately, we’re not. Yes, we are going through challenging times but we’ve been there before. So, what do you plan on doing about it? If you don’t have a good answer to this question, this workshop is for you.

Dave Sherman, professional speaker, trainer, and best-selling author, will provide you with the tips, tools, and techniques necessary to not only survive this current economy, but to actually thrive in it. Attendees will learn:

•SimpleIdeastoIncreaseYourSalesintheNext30Days! •ThreeSurefireWaystoDealwithThisEconomy! •HowtoMeetMorePeople,DoMoreBusiness,andMakeMoreMoney! •ANDSOMUCHMORE!!

All attendees will receive a free copy of Dave Sherman’s book Elevating Your Elevator Speech - A Powerful Way to Answer the Question, “What Do You Do?”

Attendance is limited. This event will sell out. RSVPs are required to (480) 967-7891 or through www.tempechamber.org.

$35 members, $45 all others


Wednesday, November 26, 2008Business After Hours Mixer5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.Game Works5000 Arizona Mills Circle

Join the Tempe Chamber for an evening of great food, fun and networking. This informal mixer provides a welcoming and casual atmosphere where you can meet and mingle with other members of the business community.

Free for members, $10 for prospective members


Friday, November 14, 2008ASU FestDevil Homecoming Gala6:30 p.m.The Buttes, a Marriott Resort2000 Westcourt Way

The2008FestDevilHomecomingGala,producedbyTheTempeChamberandASUAlumniAssociation,isacollaborationofASUandthebusinesscommunityandrecognizestheireffortsto build a better future. Presented by Edward Jones, the gala affair features dinner, dancing, a live band,silentauctionandmore.JuanRoqueoftheASUSunDevilAll-American1996Pacific-TenConferenceChampionswillserveasMasterofCeremoniesasASUPresidentandHonoraryChairDr. Michael Crow and leaders of the business, political and civic communities gather for the festivities. Live music will be provided by A Corporate Affair. A cocktail reception and silent auction begin at 6:30 p.m. and dining and dancing commence at 8:00 p.m. Black-tie is suggested. $200 per ticket or $2,000 for a table of ten

The 2008 FestDevil Homecoming Gala is presented by Edward Jones, The Tempe Chamber of CommerceandTheASUAlumniAssociation.SpecialthankstoGoldsponsors:APS,TheBusinessJournal, The Buttes a Marriott Resort, Concord Eastridge, Pollack-Corporate Affair, SRP, True Story FilmsandWesternRefining.

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